Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 11, 1869, Image 1

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    'lUmtunt oailou.
a 1-
;oW More anu .icw noun.
1 C. ClfOM M,
Ul;I.I T ST., t I.KAlt! IKl.K, I'A.
UiV IVll op-net "P Merchant Tallorinj
r.i .iili.lmi'-ii', "n Mirket ril, i
. ., d. no.- ol 1". Ilarlsnjii. I kimiI.I
'T. .!' '" ,if H"rni'J
' v llul I h:iv. lt 'wrinil lroiu the cat
Ciotln, Ca-Bimorw, Vcstings, &o.,
. , I,,.,. quality and '"'"I .t.vle, which I n
,,l in ike op on li'rt uuller, Ri'iirilmii
' I.lrft fii'hions, ami 1,1 warranted In W
rv. Till UIC once, so-i i
,1 ftlll lt1,,lK
K. C. L'HO.UM.
Coins It Alone. 18159.
Market Street, ( lcirllcld. Pa.,
UtVINll nnened hu.lnsee on my own hook.
,h old .land in shaw'e Knw. I therefore
j .ni-e to me fumi. ..... . -
8 ..all .elected and l'8" ortinonl of
ninths. Cassinieres, Vesting,
I ,,. and U kinds nf Goods fur men anil
., wear, ami " preparml to make up to
J . CLOTH I Nil, from single arllcl. u full
j ,i, in lb. lateat 'T'M on workmanlike
j .in'ntr. Rpnil attmtinn gtv.n to outturn
i ,,rk awl eullingout fur mn boys.
j -rct bargains lo mixnen, nd wa'rsei
i eati.faeii'ia. A lih.r.1 ahar. of publit
8 W 1 II J
txtrormirn loltctiea. miii n.. "
.i ... ..rriurU.1 II
KK un hand ft full ftum-minti gf 0nt
Furniitim; (iod, uoh Shirts. Linen
....I Vuln UodTchirt', ltwrn mni Sokg,
Vrtti ttM. lotot lUnUkfrehieft. Olovtf. Itti.
Uan1Uif A'., In C'o turiaty. or fioot
; bt kpi to
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"
SuMi Binrk DcKfkln of th ry bit mki;
FxBpy CtMimr, in frtt variety, Uo, I-'r"o:h
Ctiting. Barr, Pilot. Chinchilla, and Frtwilt
vrutinK. All of which will he told cheap for
Cub. and made up aeeording to lha la l Ml atjlai
ispsriinnad workman.
Al'u. Aftnt for ClaarnaM county for L M
sincr A Co': ealabratad 8awinf M
How.h 184-tf. U. BRIDUK.
DESIRES to inform hia old frlendi and eai
torn fin, that having enlarged fait hop and
iocrMved bit faeilitiea fur mcmctiirinir,. be li
to prrfiirtd Ui uiHka to irir r uch Furniture
B,fb deiirn-l, in gnud iiyla and it cheap ntee
fur CASH. lie Knera1ly baa on hin t, at bit
Furniture rnoui. a varied aiurtmoni of ready
aide fureituro, auionj which are
Virtmbeoand Jl'ioW-Cineiti Centre, fnfa, Parlnr,
Bmhrant and Dining Kxtiinn Tt'lei; rom
a -n. Frmrh p't, Ciiag. Jftinr-I.ind and other
lieailcrtJi j Sfna of ill kirr)ft Work ttantlt,
iUi-mct( Wtmh itandi t Hooking and Arm
Chair ; ritinr-ef, aae Uitioin, par'wr, com
anainiloihrrCtiaire; LMikinx'Ulapat of every
Jfwhotiun in hnd I and new rlaaa fr old
irmff, Hirh will ha put In on very rta'onaMt
ttrm nti phrtet nttea. Mi alio aeppi m haixl
it rumi'hei to order, Corn huik, Hair and Cut
toi top Mattremei.
Coffins or Evert Kind
V4t to order, and funerali attended with a
Ittiriewhrnavardreired. Al. lluie Painting
4ufl to i-rdiT. Ibe aunaflnhar ala manu'ae
terca. aid ha onitantly nn hand, ClemeM'e
P.icnt Waahing Maohine. the tei bov In in !
Tbi tmiMjr tliii marhine never reed he with
eei eleo rlhee! Me ao hte Klyer'e Patent
ChuTB, t pnperl'ir artirle. A family ming llii
Cbuti iver need be without butter 1
All the aliure and many other article! are fur
ftifherf mt-utimtrre rbenp Ut Caan or rschaojrrd
Ut atiuroved riiuntrT nrurfure. Cherry, Miil.
P'ipiitr, t.inwiio'l anl otier Lumber knitahle for
Cabinet ik. tuken in x-liango tor lumitu-e
Mrltcmrinber the ihnp la oh Mnrkd etrtet.
flrr-rftrld, I' a., end nnerly opTMteit lb OM tew
Mori." JUIIM
Noveinher M. lfiJ T
TIIRanderfKnril bg. to Inform hit frltndt,
nd Ih. of Ik, horonch of Clf.r
id ind .nrrotindtt. niirlilioTlM..d. th.t h, f.
nw raad u .t.cui. .11 nrdcri eilli.r in lion or
HORSE SIIOEINQ tot nnl rrrrl
i tr tut.
ED IN K work, logmrn'a tool., nthooki,iprctd,
tr,b. Aa.
H.ol tmili of all klndi mad, of Fnjliih
w Anertr.n aloel.
t.AII injr work la "arrant. d to (lr.
faeii'.n, ur Dwt cbarreii for.
TnKmtcrltrrrrpeetfuly inform hln friend
nd tb public in general, fl at he hn )pntl
Ud In ibe borough nf CLKA R FI KLD, to the
itine receatlr oreunied bv JaAo hlionkwetlrr,
here he li now ready to perforin all duier
t' vsr ie hitcu'toinem in a workmar lika winner.
fVdg. Sleight, Itiisglca and Wng-mt Ironed, and
U.-r borina ditie at reae nahle rate. II
rtrMciru'iratkaaihiranf work from rhepuhlie,
m b latenda to give bia wtv.te attention ta the
l i irnntiid ull I V
Mnre. 1M(IS.
Boggs Township Awake I
"PVFnVIlODY trying m gel there flt, for fear
j j il orinji rrowiirn i unw tni sum.
li totj went r'Mid h'ttng dna. go to Rrrn.
I' f a went ymt Slfe ironed rigt, go te hrana.
If toa want gHd Mill fnn. go ta Until a
It tib want tour wegon ironed in tbebtit
l rie and rkian-hip, g to Dnicaa.
bnmt makea the bent Stump Machine in th
fitite, anddoee all kind of ULACKSM 1 fll I N(J
u friep m ran be drte In the county for Cb
Hj runt Oflice addrea in niirnhi iirifijre.
Drc Tp., Pea. 1U, lfi7 tf.
wnuM reipeclfully call lha allentloti of
IT rnnnpali of (H-hool. HfBilnt rtee, ana
Trnert of tfingiog lo eur New Kcuoul 6ong
00.. i
Ur C a. ALLEN.
Tkii Hk e .italna
lint 1 rr rarofiillj prr par.d l.rlal of Prl
M K -m Lra-on..
6"''nl , 4 Ur. autabtr of n.w.nd brai
1.1 rh.!.,) .0.
Thit.lrA ,nort Cantaln Tb. Rrhool Fra
tital.df.irn.d fr ir.. at ?ehovl
'"iiti.iti. r..nerl. and E ih iblf
Tn. t'abli.ti.r., In prra.iitlng thla work to
r'ri.,li mrt4 W'.uld r.ll fprrial
'.tinn 10 il. aunrrfor meritaa. . hchiml l
Th aiilhiT haa barn frry rarrfitl In lb
H'..'tion Qr hi. nu'ifl. whir k I. nlni'i.t rntiralj
and in .dai'tinff to II annrulirial. wurd
tl'b ,nhjroiinnabl. a.ntim.nia. whirh will
anrnd it. aduplioa in .11 our School, and
Ih. 8 g rn.rr liaa hran ,d"pt'd ny Ika
"rd nf, aa ih. Itll hook forth.
r' Me Hrh.n.1. ,. ih. oilr .f Nf w York
"". mi, trnia aaoh. To 8cbuol, Ae ,
.r tl..i.n.
'rl. ropi.a t at bj mail (poal paid,) on
' pi .11 Bit r.nta.
f,"r b . I To..k .nd Mo.l. lHorra,
fab ik. I h. Ml I.I.I AM IMI.I. AHON,
itim il Uio.dn.r. M.
Ht. loinlM"0. Ilut.h.11'. Ilrtk.
1 i . fl.n..n iin.ttif.'a and
J'Vl.iatrd llitura I alio r. Liooort, of .11
i.r m.di.iul nur.o... for a.i. or
I rw, ,,, ,,aomtlil aoppoilra of arrrj
.r " I.U-Bl liaproramfnla. rr ata a
- "nf Storajof J1AKIBWICK t JAWUI,
!J L A: feiW IH P Kii AN.
GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Proprietor.
rjj floods, firorrrirs, tftr.
Oeoro T.. Beed...
Jobo F. Mnvtr..
William Powell,
William W.U.U..
Two doon north of the Court Home,
XTAVIXQ returned to nur old buiineM utand.
we hmrhy notify the cltiarne of Clearfield
and the public generally, that we have entered
opon, end intend to proietMitc, a vijtoroaN cam
paign agamit bifjh prii and inferior g'HMle, and
have now on hanU a lull mpplv or all ainafl oi
goodi uaed in tbia market. In the line of
Dry CiJood,
We claim to have a full aatortinent, eontlsHng la
part of Miittlint, bleached and unbleached j
Triutf of all gratici and atylu; and
Fall and Winter Dress Goods,
Such aa Alpaca of all ehadte; Pa tainec, Mo-
nnoi and r lanneu : Deei.iet, a iuh
meat of gentlemeu t wear, eonmtiug
in part of
Cloths, Cassimeres,
BttinelU ud full uMrtment of
Motions, Hosiery, Trimmings,
B 0 S K E T T S, k C,
Hata and Caps, Boots and Shoes.
We have a full eupply of Coffee, Tea, Fugar, ltii-e,
M"laei, ioiiacco, nn. nuit, uiimvu.
coil and flub. Oil,
gujar-tur.-d llama, Mr Pork and ft full
eupply of rrovUiuns.
Ianlwarc mid Queensware,
Wooden K H'illoie Ware.
All the foreffoing articles will he exchanged for
CAMI, laUMUKIl, or CUliMKY nwuriR.
and at prices to whirh there cen be no exception.
Tboee in need of (iooiti iu our line, will pleaea
ClrarSfld. Brpt. 17, ISH8 tf.
gelling, at half aiual price,
HOYS' do do
to., Ac.
Down 1 Down 1 1
A Proclamation against High Prices!
TE are now opening np a M of lb. brat and
i.t aenxinalilo Mooils anu n area over
onvrrd In tbi. winrkfl. .nd at pnere trial rrraino
one of Ihr good old dn.r. of rhp thing". ThoM
who lark faun upon tin. point, or Uocia our ain
gntion. aiipfiiltiuua, ntvd but
r.ff.t .it orn rtoiie,
Comer Front ai.d Markfl atrorts,
n'hfra lbf ran err. feel, bear and know fur thrm-
lrfa. lo full, uudf i rmiid wbl srcnlirap good..
thia mn.t lie doiif. We do not dfrm II iicofaanrT
lo enurnerale and ilemiM .ur stock. Ji is eooujo
fur u, to state that
We have Everything that is Needed
and fonmmfd In tbia market, and at prirfs that
a.toni.h both old and vnun.
Cor. Second ft. and Hill Iload.
IT AS iu.t rf iird ."d opened, at the aWe
1 named plae., an rutlre new am. 01 rin
Ml. It lloil.-!,bieh h. will a. II VKItY CHEAP
Full CAMI. Ilia .lock of
Hry ooI, liJroccrl?!,
Bool, and Fhiie.. Hal" .nd C up., ft'. It Mad.
Clothing, etc. II. ale. k.epaellOM.
mid Dried
P-r.niit de.lrnnt nf piireliaainf tnn.ll al f-'lf
rat .r. re.peotfnllr r qne.ted to give bins a call.
f4r- Approvid country producnill betaken,
at I . hirtieat price., in eiehaug. tor goods,
l.aiMd.lulf It.letH-U
JniflB and Udiriius.
It K3f OVAL.
Market hlrrrt, Clearfield, Pa.
VXTE brg Irav, to inform our old .nd new
en'tomerr. tbnt w. hnrr retnorrd our ...
rebll.hnieni ,o Ih. hnatrioll. new hiildin. foal
errrtrd on Marked atreel, nenrlv .d.ntnina Ih.
Alan.ion lluu.. on lb. weft, Mre.ra.
Uraliam A Hone' ,lor. wh.r. w. respectfully
iorit. Ih. publie t) eoao. .nd buy
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines,
Our atoek of tlrnca and Medlf inra oonalala of
vfrrthinr, .elected with lb.
cat., and
We alio keep a full etack of Dye, Perfumeriee,
Toilet articlet. baiNi. Tomb Brufhea, Hair
Druehee, Whitewash bruabai, and ever r other
kind Drunbee. We buve a large lot of
FlaiaMd Oil, Pninta. and In fact .rerrlbior
i and lb the pointing buaineaa, wbieb w, .tier at
Clt prices to eaab bayara.
Confectknery, Fptrea, and the largeat .took of
v.rietiea ever offered in tbia i lore, and warrant
ed to be of tb. beet the Market .ffurda
Not. It. Il. JOHN V. IKWIN.
f. . All.fir, VRl'GG 1ST,
(Second street, opposite the Court Ilouse,)
c l i. a u i' 1 1: r o, Pou't.
r1 n E ruhacrlbere rcictfullf announers to lha
X itlteni of Clearfield and Tlelnity, that he
baa now rn band a full -upnl of
Dj btufT, Tobaeo, Cigarr, Confectiontriee
Htntinnery Ac.
Will find hWrtJck of Drugs FUl.t and COM
CLKTE, anJ at a er aligliiadvaoceon tat tern
Tench eri and othera will be furnUhed with
elaeflcal and miscellatieobs buoki by express, at
snart nuitcc.
Con.l.tlng nf Cjp. Plat Cap, Pool. rap, Letter and
Perfumed Note Paprre , nl.o, a rer ne.t aloe k
of Mourning Norn Paper and kOTelopeaoahand,
Peas, Pencil.. Ink. Ar.
Will 6nd a full atoek of Pl'HK KIMCKS, FODA
SOPA AS Oonernln.ted I.YR. f.AP. .
Are requested loexemlne bit eici-k of Perfumery,
Hair Oili Una Tuilot tioapt, brushes. Combs,
Toilet ett. ic . Ac,
aSMOKKI.S and oh ewers I
Will Ini a full nipplj of prime Chewing and;
Smoking TOHACftj, Imported and tie
CIUAR3, finulT, Fine-Cut. A . 4o.
Of the bet hnnrl. si " on hand.
Th. beat quality of Liquore alwnrs on band, for
Dl.dif.l nnrpnaoa.
f4rPhaleiana' Prescriptions promptly and
earefullf rornpoandrd.
Aprl f. ISS. A. I. FIIAW.
c il r. liTZ's
Celebrated Bilter Cordial.
TIITfl medical preparstloa If imw offend lo
the poh He as a n-liable substitute fr the
man worthies! romp'tund which now flood Ibe
market. It Is purely vegetable, composed ol
rartoui herbs, gNikered frm the treat store
inua of nature, sod selected wiih the utmost
care. It is mil recnroinenuci as a Uchh-Ai,i,.
but bv Hi direct and salutary influence upon
the Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, hiomarl. and ana both as a preventive and cure
fitt many of the diseases to whii h ihie orgHus
are subject It Is a reliable Family Medicine,
and can be laken by either infsnt or adult with
the same beneficial remits. Jt ia a certain,
prompt and speed rrtuedy for iJisrrho a, Drs
entary, f owel aomplaint, Iypepia, Lowness
nf Spirits, tainting, hickheaderfae. At. 'ir
Chills and fevorsof all kinds, it is far better and
infer tban any quinine, without any rf its per
nicious effect a. it ereates an appetite, pmvri a
powerful digester, sd will counteract the efTcets
ol Hunor In a few minutes. Prepared by J A CO.)
SCIIKKTZ, Hole Pnprietor, IS. H. cr. Fifth
and Race streets,, Fbllidel hla, Pa. Sold by
sll Druggists. novll-iy
Attenlion, Afflicted I
rpiIR subscriber gives notice thai be bits
X resumed the praotlea of aledicine In Loth
eisbarg. where be intends to rferoie his atten
ilea to the treatment of CHK;MC DJ-KAtS
la general He will keep ia hard a elu'lce se
leeiiosi of DUlMiHand MbUKMNKS adupted lo
the treatment ol ebronie diseaees. end may be
eunsulted at his oce at sny hour of tl.e d :iy.
N. II. A word to thtis aniirlcd with rbionie
diseases may be to tnaia advnntaga. Maot
ar got be aware Ihat coi it;ir I'ln Mrlsns nhn
do a aiuiao practlre have r-t nua te aitend lo
tbe treatment of i nn.iio dtsea-es, and eoe
quentlv kinni.i-.CT tbe in i hriiie lliis cluts of dlt
eases require kxili'ivb anrniinn.
(.K'llttlK U IL0N, M. D.
i.t,fVrnr. rh ' r, '
out i; in it im: rp rev is. is is
tn five milire. Pint nn the Itti itar ot Junn.
sir, A. V. isfi'j, a wattsnl in ianionitrr wa la
,i,r.r,m.l I lie Iv.l.leuf I II 1! I SI I A N .I.KII'IH-'
ol town. dip. tn ill. iunly ut Clrarlielil,
anil Htata of I'rnn-vlvanin, who line beern al-
jniled a Itank-iipt. nn hiaonn t Iti.tlli.
povnieiil ol anv Hint ami ileitveivtii anyprfiperiy
iielrinvl.f. "irn iniiatuti 10 nun ur Mir ni. HM-,
ami lite lean. for f anv nrnprrir lie liiin, ar. lur-
biUe. Iiv laivt lli.t a nieelinf nf the emlitiira i,f
ntid bankrurit. tn pit.,. Ilieir ilelit .ml tn ehiMi.e
nne or mora a"ir,nrr nf hi. e'ltlt , will be lie'tl
at a Cnnri nf lla.LrUteT, In Im linlilen at lie
nffire of S. K. WiM lriirT. in rhUii-kiir(, Pa., Iie
for. H. K. WofMlmlf, K'., Ilex 'ler, un llie Will
dsr of March, A. It. IS'9. at In net a. A. M.
Br o. p. r..v,, "Til: '
NCII li M IHNkttt TIC -a Thie" ie
to s-ve nntire. ilmt on the 4 f h (1st f Junn
air, A. l', CV. a Wutrnl in liftnk ruit-T im i
n'nl axA"' lha fcime of JfXfN ilS AN, ol
Burnpifle tnwnshiji, in the edvuiy of C'frai lie Id,
anrl State of Pennsylvania, wim h -a Wen tvljmljrrtl
a Uanknipt, an Ins own peiinoat tliat lUepae
aient l any flehm anil delivery -f anv irnfierif
brlninK lo aurh lUnknift, to hiin or lr Im iot.
nd tlie imnistrr of nny tienjieny lo htm ar i.r t'-d-a
bv ) 1 'h t uieettnn of the Credit. ('
the twit! lJankri-pl. to pre the r Dei,tnl to
phmte one or more Ait;nes ol his F -1 a e. will
he held at a Court of Itnnkiuptry lo be liodlen at
rbihpsliat its before K. Woodruff. Kw., Ileiier,
on the IMli day of lf .eh, A. I. ISi,a.i Onloek,
A. 11. THMMAf A. Hon lsl;V,
t". M. Mnislinl, as Me-een-er,
IIt (I. T. If ia. l'rit. V. J. Al. J.niSJ-4t
VrilllCK tS ItANkltt Pit t.-Tlii. i
XN In Xii. noliee, lhal nn Ih. I-I ilur of J.nua-
rv, Isilll. a Warrant In Itankenplev ., i..oed
n'.ln.t lh r.lal. of RTAI V W. II0.M I'SoN, of
Cleat Held llriilge. in the eounl (it Clearnelil, anil
.I.... ..f II.H...-I. aim I... I.., .,ll.lfre.l . I
kinkrnpt n. hi. nwn pel ilion : that the palinenl
of .ur ilelit. act 'frlii ri T of aii.V pi-rl y iH-loliff-ing
to atieb hnnkti'pt, to him or lor bi ue, aiul
th. tran.ler of any properly bv blin. are ftirlmlilen
b la thai a lartting of ill. ercilllors .f the
said bankropt, lo prov. their debt., and lo ebooae
on. or mo,. A. .inner, of hia e.lal, will h. held
at a Court of Uanhruptcv to be bnldea at theollioe
of Ih. Iteciiirr, on lha tub daj of Jlsreh, A. .
laoti, at II . clook, A. It.
t . 8. Manual, ae Messenger.
Bj Q. F. Dint, HepU U. t. AtastaL janJS-At
- . . . ..- . .... - . ,
Jiiy floods, fltorcrifs, (?tr.
Propoa. to aril their .ntli. Hock of WINTEIt
l)r.aa Qooda, Dier. Trimming', Bhawla,
Iloodr, Kubiaa, Dreakfaat
B.anketa, Undarahlrta and
Drawers, Caa.ini.r. BUIrls, Ualinoral
and Uoop Bkii la, Uloras, Uoal.ry, Ladiet' CAltr,
Halt .nd Caps, Bonnet Ve', Frame., Tlibona,
Featbere, Flow era, Ac, at N hi C0T, (o reduce
lbe:r stock for Spring. Jan7
-UTUH. Ladle.', Oeols and Children.' Fur. a .,r .in k mi ... all reduced nncea.
at Ih,
Country produo. in .atbange
for ebeap goods, at the
at the
At the
li'f.t, 131
10 .nd .Fwnrda.
SIIOI .K. A frerh Inrelce of O love Calf Bat
lon.d ltoote. Mar r..lit b Ualmorals, d-o , Ac ,
at prices to suit tb. time., .1 lb.
cw Store in MulsonbHi!
In the room formerly occupied by V. T. II'grly.
fpAKKS this method nf Inhiuflm ibecitiwun
I of fuviiiftoii. Kaiilimto. (iir rU stul ibe iu-
ruunding cfntidrv, he li t jnt ope nc a Urge
iu.k of 81 MMKR l!(MMS ultb-b be dil-i-
01 i iud to -ri i r i: m p i. h t i: s t c 1 1 1: a i i : U i b ;i n
tbe kMime qitttlity of tloods run be purcb;-M lor in
eny uilirr store in (lie iici'ibo.liood. Jli:ocl.
Coilai'fB of
Dry Goods or nil Kinds,
Such a Halln. It-, CaMlinorc, Mnlins. THnlnes,
Linen, Drilling-, Cnhcites, 'I riinming",
l.tbllOMS, LlHT,
fcllOES, II ATS & C A PS,
Coffer. Ti-n, Kunr. Mulai-we, Tili, Knit,
Li... ed Oil, 1 Oil, Carbon Oil.
Hardwai'Oi QuceuBware, Tiiiwarcs
Caninys. Plown and t'biw Cntnn. Xil, PiiVc,
turn Ci,lih'sti-"t Citb r Pr-4, and
all ki.-1'ls of A e-.
My Plow aro of lb l'mw:ni illJ n
Ccitite conn j initial, and nic nmiuiitid to be of
good qua! ty.
Drugs and Medicines,
, Psliit-, Variil-h. Ha. end I
Miiiiiiuut ol SmtioiH i,
Of different brand", alevs on hm.1, en 1 w ill be
aold st b'wcsl puMiMe lL""'
.OOO pnitnils of Wool wanted for wlurb tbe
highest price will be paid.
( M) i:it HI. I'D,
On hand and for sitle at tbe loert market price.
Call and scefr Turst lv . Yon will find
everything u'unlly ktpl in a Mnil Ptitv.
I,. 11. I IH 1 li I !' I
Krencbville P. O., Jan. T, !(!.
JEW btoue and new goods
line, juit opened a
New fTog, on slain St., Cmm ilid, Ta.,
lately occupieJ hj Vita. F. IK WIN.
Their slock consists of
Otwira of th, b.t quality,
Queenswakf., Dools nnil .SllUC.t,
nti errrj nrlicle neceaearv fur
one', comrort.
Call ind examine our alock before pur elwhere. . tr 0. IBMS-lf.
wa. van ivra h Tnavrina
HA VIM 1 ln.lrvrsl.ed from Xew Vorlt nne ef
th. Iiira-e.t end beat aeleeted alneka nf
0..,t, w. ... an. rr.dy t. ofl.r lb. arm. lo our
old ru.lo-n.ra. no nlibin w. rturn thank, fur
n.,t liivur.,) and 111. eitla.n. of tli. cuutr gen
.r.lljr, at
Prices that will Rondcr Satisfaction.
Olv. ae a rail before purrhaeint; elp.where, end ear. front to 0 per cent oa j our good..
Oar stork eon.l.ll of a f real variety, .nrti aa
(,!dr y o o o d s, n o t i o n s,
DUt I HI IT Ol' Al l. Kll)-, Rail, I.eala.r, Shae Fin.llnia, and
sllOl (eii.tere snl b"in. n,nle) in sreat
riele. end at rriltlerd flgur. j Ti.NWAKK,
FhOl rt, A.., As.
Ila'-ini; r. ...nriiitrd II. 11. Thninpina villh
. in lli. .li.v., 1 de.irs sll rer.,i a In
Hebled to me, bj Note or Hook account, t. call
and aelll. th. saia, aiihont iteUr.
Curtre.atille, V.j, T, I Sis if.
Valuable Town Proofirlv
,, . , ,. , I J
I U It "Ah JV .
Otft' ITK .n tli. ti-mlh-w .1 eon.vrof t'hinv
Q ami 'I hint tUiug K.ilrcwd Min i. I )'.
' u: I.OI. will, a eMol ttn-.totr plank Suilil-
ing then on, Kr IS -t, one room uii cei-h lloor.
suilahl. lor a .lore, or other !u'lr... At.o. 111.
aliutniiig l.ttr, with a ttvu .torr d,.elllng bus
Ihereon and r,rri!l oilier TOAVN Lol.-t.
Al.o.t. lot of veil hurnt IllllCK, and a good
a.aoilmrnt of HI ON KIT A UK, sum aa Crock.,
Juga, Jar., Kruil ( ana. rle., at mlucd prices.
F-r luriitur iuluiuistion, iiifnire at th. si.n.
war. Potterj of f. 1.EI f.INllErl.
aayll tu Cle.rfi.ld. Pa.
. 1SST and IMS for aal. at th. Fal Oltle.
Fism U taatt. Hsiled I ta addraat. IJUt-tf
Our PublioJPrinting Bill.
TllO JiOlKIll Ot tllO .'''l i('llllUlu J)U-
ronu iitr 1807, it 11 ttinglo volume ol
03- liiriro octuvu pact's. liandoinely
onibcllihlifd with numerous cni;iiiv-
iiitrs on . wootl ; Tl 1,1)00 enpiv ore
orilurcd lo liu pfinloil, fur dinlt ibulititi
ly SennUirs, iU'prcnoiitiiliveH it ml the
Comiiiii(itier ui', Ap'iculturo. This
kixik, limn cxpeiiKivcly and nunicr-
ottttly issued, will eobt tho tttutilry a
deal of niiiiioy, und ouhl lo Iio it vul-
uullo one to liic nitLTcstB ol llio coun
try j but, wo doubt whether it will
imparl iiit'ormiilion and incur bundim
coiuincnounito with ita great cott. "It
in hiin ly poiwihlo, myti the Ahsociu
ted l'resii telegram from Witnhiiiifion,
"tliul il will lo rutttly for distribution
before tho close of the present t.'on
ifress," that in, the 4th of .Mun h. IsOW !
Tho Koport i lor tho year lNOT.nnd
when il reaches tho public it will not
be quite two yonm old !
The Patent Oflice Itcport. ttllhouh
wo aro told that "every meant, hut
been exhausted lo brin it within the
smallest practical limits," will, Cor tho
vein- lfcfii, consist of 'three Uinje v-il-
times nf nine huwlreri pay fch.
Twenty thousund five hundred and
tiHy copies (il,fi.)U volumes have
been ordered by Congress for distri
bution, when tho lieport shall bo is
sued, which will not bo bel'oro the
expiration of tho present Congress.
It would be if ratifying 1'1U poople
if I'olijrreti would condescend lo in
liirtn them what will bo tho cost to
iho publie of till these ponderou vol
umes of theso Patent Ollieo and Agri
cultural reports for the year befure fast.
Hy way of encoiitagenient for the
future, wo aro informed by tho snme
telegram that tho Pulent Ollieo lie
port liir 1 st',S, last year, (which will,
piobahly, Iio issued somo timo during
tho coining year of grace, 1S7D,) "will
mnkef'iur largo volumes."
A nnlhcr cheering item of informa
tion vouchsafed tho public in this
connection, is, that "since the Super
intendent's last annual report, the
voliimo entitled 'Expressions of Con-
d tlenco ami yiumihy on the Assas
sination of President Lincoln,' has
been completed. Il is a handsomely
primed quarto volume, of ( 0(U
nation, nf which 3,iUiltoploi liavo been
printed. As exaggerated ttatemctits
ol the cost of I his volume liavo been
made In tho papers, I will stulu," says
the Vt aslnn!rttn itgont ol too Asso
ciated Press, "that tho actual cost of
printing and binding was $1S,170 .11."
Well, ibis it moderate, wo confess,
bat wo tluii't tiudc rsl:nid "printm
antl binding" to include paper, wliicl
at present, is a Miniowluit vxputisive
article, eK'(ially paper heavy and
fine enough lor ' Expressions of Cun-
I dolenco and Svnn athy
I -Tho public printer reports that the
actual dislitirsemenls ol in nmce. lor
Iho year 1MW, nmoaiiled ofjl.ilUS.OUO.
A fitiing closo lo this artielo is tho
fuel Hint the fmtlin,mii,g rtntftiicnt of
the public ilibt trill toie an incrrtwe nf
S:ili.t:(i0.0iiO during the past yuf
mbiiblj.hia r.itnot.
Singu'or Cano,
Carrie Fiester, a 1 i tlio daughter of
Mr. l.'eiiben Fiesler, of this borough,
when but 7 months old swallowed a
i: v ., ...... i u-l.,.11
she s vuilowe.l it, but the fact that the
pin was missing and tho child wab
seined with clinking spells unit lor
Iwelvo hours remained in a critical
condition, left, no doubt on tho minds
of tho family its lo what had become
of the pin. She, howe ver, partially
recovered tl the timo, Tuil from that
lime until the present her health has
been dclicalo. Al intervals nho has
been quite sick, coughing ami throw
ing up considerable quantities ol cor
ruption. During Iho past summer il
wits thought Iho child had gotio into
consumption, and was so ill that her
recovery was regarded us next to im-
possllilO. no lU.oeii S.m , , '
and although tar lrm well was utile
bo about. On Snnilay, liecetnher
JTth.nlio was tciid with n violent fit
of coughing, which lusted Ii r some
lime. 'Finally alio suddenly put her
fingers into her mouth and drew lorlh
the missing pin. Tho pin is nlxiul
two inches in length, w ith a bead live
sixteenths of an inch long and live-
eights ol nn inch in cireiunleretico. It
is black with rust, and when coughed
tip was covered with corruption. Car
rie is now nearly nino years old, so
that this pin has been embedded In
hor lungs (as It in believed) uhoul S
years ami 4 months, nil this lime ub
soossen forming atnl breaking, nnd
rendering her life miserable. Wo are
glad to add that sinco its removal her
health has been materially improved.
She is a bright and interesting little
girl, tttul il is to ho hojiid thai after
so much suffering sho may soon ' e
fully restored to health Muncy Lti-
CoJutiAl. Ah-mtiov. romanlic
story ol conjugal affection and suicide
cninos front Si. Louis. Mr atnl Mad
ame el bono were in that city playing
an engagement tit one ol tho theatres,
when Iho birmer died about four
weeks ugo. His w idow, deeply grieved
at bis hiss, resolved to join him iu
death. She used tho liroccods of a
bcin lit at Iho llieutro in pun busing Quitter, Illinois, has somo very nn
t'lnbtloiies for ber-elf and husband, j oernpiilnu rogues. A farmer fifin
and in procuring grave-cloths, leaving M is.ouri drove Into town Iho ol hor
eiioiorh to carrv out written dircctnms
as lo her funeral. She then sent pho.
Ingwiihs of her htisliaud to friends,
mpl, on llio anniversary ol her betroth
al, look prussie tic id llitd died.
M r. Harrison Fiviblcy.of Pntlsvillc.
swallowed, on tie 17th of January ,
while sleeping, a silver denial plalo
Willi two loclh attached to il. Tho
plate stuck in his throat, causing
groat suffering, until January lUlli,
when bodied.
Aa Indignant "Booster."
The member of "tho ring," w hich
has been established in tho lower
Il'itiBO of our Statu Legislature, are
becoming decidedly sensitive. Hav
ing voluntarily sacrificed their reputa
tion lor honesty they seoin to desire
to do something lo retrieve theirchar
actors. They have been very properly
assailed by all honest journals of both
political parlies. Ileing thus left lin
ked to the scorn of tho people, nnd
entirely defenceless, tho disreputable
scamps are looking around for tome
plaeu of refugo from llio stinging
attacks of their assailants. So we
1 1 it.l them appealing to tho Courts for
protection. It is passing slrango that
any of tlietii should resort lo such n
remedy, a Court of Juntice -being the
hint place ouo woaid suppose they
would think of entering on such a
mission. Hut they aro no doubt en
couraged lo hope they may succeed
in concealing tho truth through the
unfairness of our law relating to libels.
Not only liavo we been prosecuted for
libel, but on Saturday morning Elisha
W. llavis, tho person who Was niBdo
Speaker of the House last, year after
u very warm contest, rose in. his seat
and look occasion to respond to an
attack made upon him by that l.adi
cal sheet, the Pittsburg Viapntch, and
two other papers in the State.
It seems, from tho remarks of Mr.
Ilavis, that tho Vitpalch charged him
with being at the head of the extrava
gance of tho past session, and with
aiding in securing tho appointment ol
useless omciuis annul the House. Yt c
think this sensitiveness of Mr. Davis
is exhibited at a very Into dalo. If be
will search through tlio filet of tome
of the Republican pa pert of this county
he will find It charged, that lie liatl at
least it guilty knowledge of tho little
arrangement liy which ono lily us, of
Ml. Jv, drew over fcoven hundred I
dollars from tho Slato Treasury. It
wns charged that Illyut was not pres
ent at tho Capitol during tho session,
nod tint no work, but that ho never
theless drew full pay under tho ordct
nf Speuker Ihtvis. Wo can direct Mr.
Iavis to tho party who inado these
accusations, and would suggest to hint
that Imperatively they demand or.
explanation from him.
In his speech Mr. Davis said ho in
tended to niako tho Ilitpatch and the
other papers alluded to "acknowledge
tho law or their ignorance of it." Let
him include Iboltadital papers of this
ti unity lo bieh we refer. And, when
he has tlono that, let him extend his
operations toall tho newspapers of too
Siato w hich huvo assailed him. If ho
does to ho will liavo to prosecute
almost every editor ol any prominence
in tho Coininoiiweallli. WJ ndvlro
him to go in fonrlcsslv, if ho thinks
tho prof.ts of oil speculations nntl leg
is'aling will entiMle hinilosland tho
o.-:poiiBi!. T.ancanti-r Intelligencer.
A Motto for Eoys.
Thai's right, my b.-y slick lo thai
-make that "I'll try" your lifu-moilo,
ind von'll got on in llio world. Don't
sny "1 cunt. meres laniiro nnu
shame and infinite sorrow in that. It
is llio badge of all tho cowards and
lar.r.aroni of tho earth. Nobody who
starts lilo and goes through il with
thai whining plant ever docs much of
anything for himself or for others,
Keciything great and good has been
achieved by ibe brave fellows who fan-
achieved by Hie l
j cy thai llicy ci
y thai llicy can uo nny iniuinniy
. . .
..isuihlc- thimr. ntul who never nivo tin
until they have dono all that cun be
Sonic tasks, to bo sure, nro beyond
our powers,
hut we don't know what
m.r powers aro until we have pal j
lait ly 10 llio lesi. n is neiicr i m i
tenint even moio than w e think we
can do, than, f.ntn weak distrust, lo
hold bat k our hand. The effort, even
if il fail of its end, is a w holesome ex
ercise of resolution and faculties. Il
i. by just such trials that wo are de
veloped into high and vigorous man
hood. Defeat and disappointment, lo
it truly courageous soul, are a means
of growth, and tho strongest of nn are
madestrongi tj y thal'plueky endeavor
which is always striving heroically
with difficulties and reverses.
.More than nine-tenths ot all genuine
success lit lilo Pes in our l
tit ill our-
I . ..!.. .t;,. . ,.IU.
i ",",' """ ;v i
any reasonaiilo worn linn wo iinoer -
take and il is amassing how much
..-a , 1 l,i Elii.iile v.., , tn iio
il. Wo often astonish ourselves liy
ireltiiitr through with lahoisj we
thought too great for our si l ength,
and a vast doitl much more lliuu wo
itnnL'inc of the difference between
great nnd small, at mug and weak
men, lies really in a difference of wih uno ball' of all the emigrant w ho ar
simply. What we attribute to genius, L-jvid at New York are natives of the
to lin k, lo cl ce, lo superior natural I (j jpinau .Slate Kngland stands third
gilts, and iho like, is ow ing rather to I on the lil. What have iho admirers
a brave, manly purpose ol soul, a of'Mcrrio Hinglaiul " to sny to this!
hardy daring spirit of sell reliance, J()iiny Crapeaii scemsbetlcrntitisfied
nnu an unconqiieraoio ciuiunuiiiaun i
lo cut a path to lortuno unit Honora
ble fame through all impediments.
This is better In begin a career
w ilh tbii I mines of g)ld. Tho in-ces-siiy
that lulls a youth to the hardest
kexerc so o Ills sinews unit niiiscies
1 and brains, il is llio
. , l
host blessing he
could bo born with if hit has the ivqui
silo moral grit .nhini. and with some
exccntio.i in lavor of the halt and Iho
1 J. be t'ckly and imbecile, cveiy
boy should bo early cast upon Lis ow n
A... a. uii.,j&al 111 lil.t lllal 1 1 ta
1 "ur" "' 7, '. J" : ., 1
tho Indian is said to Ihr iw bis t bild
into tho river on Iho principle that if
bo can't swim, he ought lo drown,
Mcrcui y.
da V with a load of hcg ; htlo wa li
in;, fur his Hint to unload
bo went
into a tavern near bv
for a drink, and
on returning soon afterwards lint ml
that some one had sold out bis team,
hogs and all, pocketed the proceeds
and disappeared.
To Catcii TOI R 0W! Rtunow. To
do this Irick you must drink two pints
of whiskey on a moonlight night, and
then atari for homo, observing your
shadow at full length bofore you.
TERMS-$2 per annum, iu Advance.
SKRIES - Y0I, 0, NO. 29.
Fanliioiiable Religion.
Funny Fern makes tho following
sharp i hi list at lashionublo religion
Our Catholic brethren have set us
at least ono good example; their
churches are not silent as llio tomb on
week days. Their worshipper do
not do up all tl eir religion on Sunday
It tnuy lo only for a lew moments
they step in through that open church
door, on a vrjck day, to kneel and lay
d ivtu burdens Ito leity e so to be
bunu'. 1 like the custom. I should
rather say tho reminder, and tho op
portunity thus aflordod them ; and I
heartily wish that our Protestant
churches could thus bo opened. If
ich Christ tans olitect 10 tho promis
cuous use of lliei.' velvet cushions and
gilded prayer-books, at least let the
aisles and tho ultnr bo IVoo to tho.o
who need Ciod on tho woek-dtiy for
tho poor, the tried, the tempted lor
thoso who sin ink, in their shabby
hubilimcnts, from tho Sunday exhibi
tion of lino toilets, and superfine Chris-
tiiinilv. Wcro I u minister, and
oblinod to preach to paniers and dia
monds and t ttins, on Sunday, 1 think
1 should bavo to ca-o mv heart in
somo such way as this to make my
pastoral life endurable, else my oflice
would seem lo me tho most hollow ol
all mockeries. ' The rich and the poor
meet together, and tho Lord is the
Maker of llieni all," should be inscribed
outsido my church door, had I one
I could not preach to those paniers
and their owners.' My tongue would
o tiaralvzcd til tho sighl of those
kneeling distortions of womanhood,
bearing such a resemblance lo organ
grinders' monkeys. 1 am not sure 1
should not grow hysterical over it, und
laugh and cry al the tamo breath,
instead of preaching. I can never
tell what vent my disgust would take.
but 1 am suro il must liuvesomoescape
valve. You may say that such wor
shippers (Heaven save tho mark!)
neud preuehing to. 1 tell you that
women given over lo "ibe dovil and
his works" aro past praying for
"having eyes, they see not ; having
ears, ihey hear not." ihey are ossi
fied impervious ; luey ore ueua sou
apples, full of uslies.
What isFusil Oil?'
The New York dailies, sinootho ro
port of analytical chemists of the
board of excise has been made, ure
asking Iho question, "What ie lusil
oil V S. me liavo also made a feeb'v
attempt to answer iho question which
is thus propounded. Tho quere hits
arisen since the report abovu alluded
to stales that out nl thirty two sum
pies of bourbon and brandy oblaiuod
I'l iun tho liciuor dealers of this city, ull
but four coiilaiuid lusil oil. One
daily gives vent to its feelings iu the
follow ing :
"Is it, after all, such a frightful
thing? llunglison describes it us an
acrid, volatile oil, formed in tho pro
duction of potato brandy, and w hich
is not easily separable from it; and,
another authority says it accompanies
! ordinary iilcohol in its pioduction
Iioin potatoes and grain. Diinglison
also says that its chemical composi
tion is analogous to that of alcohol,
mid tiutt, in small doses, it is highly
stimulating acting liko narcotics in
general; while in large doses it de
siroys tho mucous membrane of the
stomach. Tho same authority ulso
designates il at ''Ktalo oil," 'grtrtn
, ., . -i ti.. , i. . I
on, cornspirnun, -uui) lie uiwum,
und "hydra ted oxidool ainylo homo
medical men havo considered that in
iho use of w hiskey by consumptives,
fusil oil was the effective element
having tho tendency lo retard the
iioecsscs of decay in Iho tissues ol the
s. llttl there- is no question of
, tno ruinous cuecis oi mo iusoi on
litjU irt sold in New York.'
tho year 1 StiS, 2H!,0Stl emigrants ar
rived at the port of New York alono.
The record ol Iho emigrant depot, at
Castle Garden, shows that the nation
alities embraced in tho above figures
aro divided us follows :
IrrliM d
lilt 6nnu.ia.
4J.MI IS.iuth Araerioa..
2n.Su.S.ova Scotia
H iJi'M lima
2.SM jAu.'rnha.
lwiueili.l.d .
I.! lurker.
, rma,,
' Virwnj
I 1'si.v
1.0- -t'tt.tral Ameiiea.
l.m s' I'lMtun1,
fu;;ii; rwi..
f -li'Alriea.
Jlislsieilr ,
llllt.i.t lu-iiea..
1 Iu' Sardinia
p i.
We.t lnlira...
C antata! ?lS.ns
Frnm Ibis table wo learn that nenrlv
wll, illlt oimicstic and national aiian-s
than John Dull, or clso there it no
truth In figures.
A Com Smoke IIot'sF. Tho IIVf
er:i Vtirtil savs : "We lately observed
- ll V. , 11 IHMIllll I nilM'BW IIIM.-W .Ml .tiv
I . 1 ,. ...,i.. i
o ..i K t t.A i UA I.n
IT11I l!im 1,1 11 '"FU lllllllll, .'I i Ji
i , , tet description. Jl was annul six
fwl , ', ,0B.l.r ,,!,,,
, Vun.lshcd with tin iron-lined
(, M in f sh ,()ll!lt um,
, ,,o Tiffl
.1 ......' 1
1 about four feel high, besides then-cent
; , . , .l ,
1 of tho roof, wits ma le of wood. Itw.ts
separated front lint lower part ly
: tilling joists, u .pace ol two or three
inches between llicin, through which
stitoliti Mill nir could freely pass, bill
sallit leiil to catch any bum that might
accidentally (all, ami thus save it fn m
the fire. Tho l.pprr pail as Weil as
the lower, wa tiitered by n door from
ihcoutsilo: this upper tloor tna; be
kept locked, rxce; I when Admitting
or withdrawing bams; imt the lower
niay ho unlocked, lo ulloi.d to the firo.
without nny dongor ol tho contents
being stolen, at tho thief cannot pass
through tho opening bolwccn the
The joist should be to far above
lha floor ol the lowor part at to pre
vent the possibility of Ibeir taking
Drt during the promts toi smoking'.
wnitmnta n uium i in iiiMPU
k WjmlrffJUa Drinkers.
Jinks lntnk t'l mnilt. M kit I.U
Irh-mlt krisw, lint bke mnny unolher
good fi-IUMT who drink, it hard
to convince Jink that htonglil to te
up on it. He boarded at one of I'm
hotel., and night lur night lit would
rent it in until past midnight at th
anlooti lisr, "histing" It In, rendering
it nere.sarv morning after morning lo
liavo a cocktail bifL'ht up from ill
saloon beloro bo tfMild net out of bed,
and then another to brace him t.p lor
Filially tho bar attendant who
brought up the ift inks, rvawinslmte
with him, telling him that if bu con
tinued his course much longer bo.
would liavo llio "Jim Jir.s."
"The what?" asked Jinks, not 03t
actlv comprehending.
"Tlio man uilli tho poker get.
snakes after you too things huve
tho tremens."
"Oh, nonsense," said Jinks, "you.
cannot sea to mo.' 1 have drank just
so for fiflt on yea a. It never hurt mo.
A cocktail or two in tlio morning und,
Pin nil right, always."
The man had more sympathy for &
man oil tho downward road of intem
perance than most bur men have, and
ho determined to give Jinks a fright.
Accordingly, the nvxl morning, when,
iho well known ring from Jink s room
was hoard, tho bartender prepared a
very onticing gin cocktail, and placing
it on a waiter, surrounded il with
sundry toads, liEtirds, small snakes, 4c.
this he conveyed to Jinks room, that
individual, who had loaded himself
with "beiiziuo" the night before rather
more heavily Ihnu usual, nervously
awaited it.
"Morning," said Jinks, stretching
out a bund that trembled tome, "glad
to seo you dovilish dry this morning
v Unt i themf (stalling back ia
"Why, what do yoo moan?" said
llio man in innocent wonder.
"Why thctonds, tiuikes, and thing!
a in und" tho tumbler I" said Jinks,
shrinking to the buck of the bed und
viewing the loathsome reptiles with
aversion and dismay,
"Why, Jinks, my man, there il
nothing around the tumbler nothing
on the waiter except the cocktail."
"1 tell you there aro. 1 ace snakes,
toads and lizards there,"
"Ah, Jinks, (with a sigii) I waa
afraid how it would bo. 1 told you
yesterday morning, don't you remem
ber. You aro teeing things when
there ain't thugs to tee. Vou'vo got
'cm, turo."
Jinks raised np in bed. "Do yon
moan to toll mo," said ho, "that thoro
uin't no snakes and things there ?"
'Most assuredly I do."
Jinks considered a moment, and
then lying down, said in a sorrowful
mice and with a mild, topelloiit wava
'if tho hand, "lake uway vour cock
tail !"
Tho story got out. Jinks found
that bo was sold, bl.t ho quit drinking,
for every time lie put his noso into a
saloon, w hero ho used to "infest," soma
ono would sing out "takeaway your
cocktail !" Cincinnati Times.
A Eeautiful Picture,
The man who stands upon hit own
soil, who feels that by tho law of lha
land in which ho lives by tho luwnof
civilized nations ho is tho rightful
and rxclusiro owner of the land ho
tills, is, by tho constitution ot ntn,
under u wholesomo influence not east
!y imbibed from nny other source.
Ho feels, other things being equal,
more strongly llii'.n another l):o char
acter of a man as the lord of an ani
mated world. Of thia grout and
wonderful sphere which, fashioned by
tho hand of God, and upheld by Ilia
power, is rolling through tho heavens,
a part is his .us Isom tho ccntro lo
tho sky. Il is the space on which
the generation before moved its round
of duties and he feels himself connect
ed by a link w ith those w ho follow, and
to w hotn b is to transmit a home.
Dei baps his farm has inmo down to
him from his fathers. They havo gona
to their last home ; tut fie can trace
their ttopt over iho teenct of his dai
ly labor. The roof which thtl:era
him was reared by those to whom ho
owes his being. Borne interesting
domestic tradition is connected with
every cnclt suro. The favorito fruit
was planted by his father's hand. Uo
sported in boyhood be-Ida the brook
which winds through tho meadow.
There lies the path to the vitiligo of
earlier days. Ho still heart from th
window I iio voice of the Sabbath bell
which called his father to lha house
ol Cod ; and near tl hand is the spot
where his parents laid down to rest
and where, when his timo has come,
he shall bo laid by bin children. These
aro tho feelings of tho owner of the
soil. Words cannot paint them ; they
flow out of tho deepest fountain of the
heart; they aro iho life spring ol a
fresh, healthy und genorous nutional
character. ate Jidoe. A learned
and compassionate Jtidgo in Texas,
on passing aenlouco on John Jones,
w ho had U-.-u convicted of murder,
concluded his remarks as follows :
"The fuel is, Jones, that tlio Court
did not intend to order you to be exe-
uled befure ncr.l spring, but the
weather is very cold j our jail, unfor
tunately, is in a very bad condition j
much of tho glass in the vindows it
broken; tho chimneys ure In suih a
dilapidated slato that no tire ctn be
mado to render your apartment eom
furlablo; beside s owing to the great
iiiimoer ol pi im), n ti. not more than
one blanket tan be allowed to each;
to sloop sound and comturtuMc, there
fore, is out of the question. In oontid-
tlioit ot these circumstances, and
wishing to lessen your suffering as
much as possible, tho Couit, in tho
x ere iso ol lis liumnno compassion.
hereby orders you lo bo executed to.
morrow morning, ns soon after break. as may bo convenient lo lha
Slid iff and agreeable to you." ,
A Fitay Cnoss The tower of St.
Paul's Catliednil, Pittsburg, hat a
novelty in the shape of a large cross
gbted at night by eight hundred jets
f gas. Tho (.iitzettc says tlio cross it
supplied w ith rows of jots outsido the
edges and all tho way nroitnd, placed
two incites np.irl, and also with, mid-
lie jets running up tlio middlo of lha
upright und along i lc arm of tho cross.
I he heal generated by so many hghll
is intense, but to gtiaid against the
cross bets minie too hot, incurring lha
danger or splitting the rock in which
it is set, tho jets commence a consid
erable distance from tho base. . The
effects of ibe light is t.ild to be grand
in tho extretno. The Otnblatonsd
cross, petiotntting the clouds, can ba
seen and distinguished from almost
every point within four or five milot
of tho city. The cross wilt bo lighted
by electricity oa special oocasiom of