1 ,?c.rrt Trfir4i. "tiir. i. M n mi; ".a. T h tird 1 -1 . . . n 1 i O'er tin- 't-'W '""' ' V t ti M.n l ( a! in iatid t" ' ..ntH fetid t"T 1 ,'1 ll.t The lun Wr-'ti'l ti'' -a! Whr flu-1-1 Will ' And ihe wi-Hul IimtI I" ' ucr Hi" malt an I ll i..P(t' to fly tt thi-e, ( ultu land W.'U.d I lu- Sea ! Tii 1m ii 1 bevti 1 the Sra ! S .inn HDP litfhn'-t wnil near It grow up.-n Ihe rvf and rur. And tli full nnin-i'w- t-. a thiiall.ke mere ; r ?.- HI lisiir way t" thee, Calm lulri bevor.d tin; N-a ! The hmd bi-V"Hil the Sea! KirnHitiH' hit(. tli' Mfaif, Like a fiiHwf.ri.lrt to n rustic pnlc, The lUaiitiiig auiibtam" li ""J ' lo wa'1 J .. tl It' I" (.'aim iainl L-f i t he Sea ! The IniJ bt-vmid the S'-a ! Uii, how i'"' j"'"1 ,u',ir 'Sliil our not iinuliiimMvt' tuir Ilavt borne, ii"W tun ply. now in fleets, the biers (II llli'Sf- HI' loVC, I" (111'', Culm limit beyond the Sea! The liimt bi-y.ii.l the Sea! How tlork uur pn-Miit home I pT the dull h, arh mid -uHfii luniii How wearily, bow drearily we mum, iili arms outttnt. tit-ii to thee, Calm land beyond the bva ! The land beyond ihc St. ! V tacu will our I'ul be dyne t Slow-footed years . inure wiiilv run IlltO til gold Ul IllHl Ullio-Ulisg mo ! lUiUiesick wHre tor lliee, Culm laud beyond the ! THE THfiEEBEAVE MEN. Protty Barbara J'orros would lint marry. Her mollier was in constw Iiiition. " W hy arc y on so st u t born , Ba i ba ra ?" 1io 4ed, "you have iilcniy of lovers. I know." "Hut tlioy do not sail me," said Bar bara, coolly, tying back bcr turls before the mirror. "Why not?" "I want, when I marry, a man who is brave, equal to any emergency. 11 I give up niy liberty I want ootnebody to Inko cure o( it." "Silk child ! What in the matter with lig I!arno3-, tho blaeksmith 1" "lie in big, but 1 never learned that he was brave." "Ami you never heard that lie was not. What k the matter with Earnest, the giii.einith V ''ilo'as plaeid ns goat's milk." "Thai's tiOhignthat ho is a coward. There is littlo jrilz, tho tanner ; he is quarrelsome enough for you mrely. ' "Ho is no bigger than a bantam chicken. It is liltle ho could do if the house was set upon by robber." "It is not always tho Mrengtli that wins a fight my girl. It tukes brains as well an brawn. Come now, Barbara, givo thcsa young men a fair trial." Barbara turned her faco beoro the mirror, letting down one raven tress and looping up another. "I will, mother," said she, at Inst. That evening, Earnest, tho gun smith, knocked early at the door. "You sect for rue, Barbara," ho said, f;oirig to the girl, who stood upon the learth eoipietishly warming ono foot and then the other. "Yes, Earnest," she replied, "I've been thinking of what you said tho otlirr night when you were hero." "Wull, Barbara." Earnest spoko quietly, but bis dark bluo eyes flushed, and bo looked at hor intently. "I want to test you." "How?" "I want to see if you dare do a very disagreeable thing. "What is it?" "There is an old coffin up stairs. It smells of mould. They say Bed niond, murderer, was buried in it; but the devil came for his body and left the ei'flin empty nt tho end ofa week; nnd it wns finally taken from tho tomb. Il is up stairs in the room my graucUire died in, and they say grandsire does not rest cay in his grave for some reason, that I know nothing about. " )aro you mako that coffin your bed to-nigbl?" "Is that all ''. 1 will do that, ami sleep soundly. Why, pretty one, did you think I had weak nerves?" "Your nerves will have good proof if you undertako it. Ileniember, no one sleeps in that wing of tho house." "I shall sleep the sounder." "(Jood night, then. 1 will send a lad lo show you the chamber. If you will stay until morning," said imperi ous Miss Barbara, w ith a nod of her pretty hcaif, "1 will marry you." "You vow it ?" I do." Earnest turned straightway and followed tho lad in wailing, through dim rooms and passages, up echoing stairs, along narrow, damp ways, where rats scattered before them," to a low chiitnher. Tho boy looked pale and seared, and evidently wanted to hurry away ; but Earnest ma Jo him Wait until he took a survey of tho room by tho aid of his lamp. The room was very largo and full of reccs-.es, with high windows in them which were barred across, llo lcmoinbered thai old Ijrandsiro I'enos had been insano for several years la-fore his death, so that this precaution had been necessary for t ho safety of himself and others. In tho centre of tho room stood a colIiu ; beside it wns placed a (Chair. Tho room was otherwise per fectly empty. EurneM stretched himself in the -nfli n. "Be kind enough to tell Mi-s Bar bara that it is a Very good lit," said ' ho. The boy went nut nod shut, tho door, 'aung lli,; l ouilg uuhsuiiill taJuiio ill I the dark. -Meanwhile Harbara was lal'uiiiL' with the blacksmith in tho keeping room. "Barney." Paid she. i.ullin.r her 1 i .i i i l i Ii awav from hi ('rami wl'ieti he would have l;is. , her, -I've a tet to put yi.u to H f ,ro I give you noyau- i lo re is a cornso Iv nt' in Ihc r wti'te my graiul-crn tlicl, in the untenantcl wing of ihe house If you tlure ii with' j( t Ist ro nil ni-ht, and h-t notl.it.g uYive you from your post, yon Vi VA not a-k n.o to marry ftgfiin in vr,in." "You will give me a light, a bottle of wine, and a book to lead." ".Willing." "Aro Ihesn iill tho conditions you fun offer me. Barbara ?" "All. And if you g,( frightened you need never look me in tho lute again." "I'll take them, then." o lliruev co.Kiticl,,! to his po-t hy the lad whS bad l,een itislrtie ted in the he rot, il w10,0 ir.volun- ..s c, .,., ui i.arnesls i lH,i,l (i.0 U iav in the com , r l'.iim. - lllll-l nrciCU I nniuri.i awo o lie took I ; seat, ami ihc boy led him alone with the darkness, Hie rats and the colIiu. iSooa after Frit, the tanner, arrived, fli.llrrrd Rful Immh'TiiI, fYnin lh fift llirit Rirl'Mft ltvl onl "ir liim. H nvo yon t liitv;'"i J our in i ml, 1Ur barn ? " In r K ' 1 1 No ; ;ni I I li till n- I ntil.l I Unv ll.M mmi i -n do a tvnllv lititc iliirr " "V li'il t-ltiil it Ih' r I M iir to i-at UtV Von, H:u)';0':l " 1 hiivo a iipiiuisal to niako to yni (oirai.'v" "Tcil mo !" 'Well, in this lioithtt iHAinan wutdi in by n corjio. llo linn nworu not to Uavo bin post until morning, ll inn nun nui It n him tlo it. 1 cbnll br A- .. i.i. , iin.l ul ! SHimiu-ii uui. ? '"- ""'"' ",-"i.Cybi,lio.d.Diiturecf any kind" oravo n i rotjuirc a uuMiami m umiv to be " "Why, nothing is so easy," exclaim ed b'litz, "1 can euro him away. Furnish nie w ith a sheet, show mo into tho room, and go to your rest, Barba ra. You shall find mu at the post in tho morning." Barbara did a required, and saw the tanner step blithely away in bis task. It was then nearly twelve o'clock, nnd she sought her own cham ber quickly. Barney was sitting at his vigil, and so far, all hud been well. Tho night seemed very long, for ho bad no means of counting tho time. At limes a thrill went through him, for it seemed as if ho could hear low, suppressed breathing not faraway; but tie pursuaded himself that it was tho wind blowing through tho crevi ces of tho old bouse. Still, it was very lonely, und not at all cheerful. Tho face in the coflin gleamed whi ter through tho darkness. Tho rats squeaked us if a famino were upon them and they smelled dead flesh. Tho thought made him shudder. He got up and walked ubout, and some thing made a slight noise as if some body was behind him, and he put bis chair agninst the wall, and sat down again. Ho bad been bard at work all day, and at last, inspile of everything, he grew sleepy finally nodded and snored. Suddenly it seemed as if somebody had touched him. lie awoke with a start, and saw nobody near, though in tho cuntro of tho room stood a white figure. "Curso you, get out of this 1" he exclaimed in a fright, using tho first word that came to his tonguo. The figuro held up its right arm nnd slowly approached him. Ho started to his feet. Tho spectre came nearer, nearly pressing bun into tho corner. "The d I take you I" crcd Barney, in his extremity. Involuntarily he stepped back, still tho figure advanced, coming nearer and nearer, and extending both arms, as if to take him in a ghastly embrace. Tho hair started upon Barney's head ; ho grew desperate, nnd just ns the gleaming anna would have touched him, ho fell upon tho ghost liko a whirlwind, tearing off tho sheet, -thumping, pounding, beating and kicking, moro and moro enraged at tho resistance ho met, whiuh told hi tn tho truth. As tho reader knows, ho wns big, and Fritz was liltle, and while he was pommeling tho littlo tanner un mercilully. and Fritz was trying in vain to get a lunge nt Barney's stom ach, to take tho wind put of him, both plunging und kicking liko horses, they were petrified by hearing a voice cry : "Tnko ono of )'Our sizo, Big Har ney 1" Looking nround, they saw tho corpso sitting up in bis coflin. This was too much. Tluy released each other and sprang for the door. They never knew how they got out ; but they ran homo in hot haste pant ing liko slags. It was Barbara herself who came and opened tho door upon Earnest the next morning. "It's very early; ono moro liltle nap," said be tuiuing over in the Collin. So eho married him ; and though she sent Fritz and Barney invitations to tho wedding, they did not appear. If Ibey discovered tho trick, they kept tho knowledgo to themselves, and never willingly faced Barbara's laughing eyes again. A Hercules. James Gibson, of East Bradford tp., Chesles county, went into tho West Chester Hccurd ollleo tho other day and wrote his name against tho wall while a fifty-six pound weight was banging on his liule finger. Gibson is a carpenter, and is past bis Ibrco seoro years, lie made tho following statement t' the editor of Iho Hccurd: In 18l!j could I ill the forge hammer at Ilibernia, with great easo, and could shoulder three bushels of wheat stnnd ingt wilh both feet in the half bushel. In 128 could tako a barrel of cider from the wagon, carry it several steps and placo it on tho porch, in ls.ili could tako a fill lb. weight on each litllc finger nnd striko them together abovo his head, nnd would strap two oti ll. weights together and tako them in his teeth and carry them; could stand a barrel of flour on its end, and place bis finger ends tinder the end hoops and lift it at arm's length. In lMis Iifled seven fill's wilh one hand, lied together, and lifted n pair of rail road car wheels and axle at l'arkes burg shops. When building a barn somo men were trying to lilt a largo oak sill ; he placed two men on it, one weighing lOn, and Iho other over "00 lbs., and lilted sill nnd men no of tho nun is li ing yet. and can be pro duced. In 11,7 bo lilted V'l!i lbs. on the fuir ground. As the witnesses have nearly all pa-ed awav, tho strong- est evidence that can bo given, ho will c i go out against I he young men on a big day's work the harvest field liot excepted. Ho never used tobacco nor .... ... . indtilgetl in intoxicating drinks, und is strong in tho belief thnt many young men not only lay a I uinduliou lor a weak cons'.itution, but H penna 1 "B e-,i,,- u " l"' I'.iecij and otliT inleinperato habits. A Balesvillo boy, fno years of age, having stolen a can nf milk, his mot her tool; Is i ii to lask with moral suasion, and wound up her diseourso by ex claiming : "W bat in tho world was you going lo do with the milk ?" "I was going lo ol nil a liltle dog to drink il," was the crushing reply, A while girl from Massachusetts is a bhrlendcr in a negro grog-shop in Montgomery, Aia. Mio is, nodouM, a tender creature. An English grocer bus left f 1 5,000 . . M I . . Tv- I. . - ,- . -,i i i" v "l " " i rovi,,i" 110 ICS, 1 ,rl rn, r,,m ',,.b. ... to the grocer's family onto yearly until ho dies. In Macon, Georgia, it costs 875 year to licenso a two-horse dray. Hoodanrti Hffltflnfi. UUOII.Wnsi.KKMlMilTTMtS lloollimd's (.n inaii Tonic; Thi (lri H'trf lin fur all !'" of Ik hirrr, Hoirurd, nr IMfffMivt llotillitinl'H (!fiiu;in liillcr.s la f.irapn.. of Oil fr Juli-fl (or. llnjr t nuiiiciimlly tTiiil, . hirt'U) f muli, liirln, at. barki. I I prrpnrfttlnn bi'lily corrnitn ti a o J entirfly I & - Aiitirt hr "lra Iroiu lonllaiiil'H (lo mi an Tonic I (v,ml''oll,,n or all Ilia lnfr,lif nil of lha IIUUt. wish lha lHirt.it quality of Santa Crui Hum, Oraime, A? . maklnif on of th roort pli-a-nan! and airrecattla remaUiei avf r oflcrej lo tu puMio. 'iliora nrelorring a raeUit-iu fro frum alculuiho ailtulxturs, mil uo lloiillaiul's (icnuaii Bitters. Thoe who have no objection to the combina tion. of Ilia llltlora a tat,'J, will uia lloolland'ii Gorman Tonic. Thry r Vioih equally (rooJ. J contain Hit am madicinnl f irtutta, tlia choira b.'twitan tha iwubeinga mora raaltorvf talto, tlia Tunic being lha uioat jialatabla. Tha atoinach, from rarlcty of eauiol, uch as lnilir"tion, Dyspcpii-, Norvoua bilnlity, ate, ta verv apt to hava itl functloua arrang ed. Tho Lifer, tyra 1 I puthiaina; aa cloiely ai it dMa with lha Bloianch, then b- oome affeetrd, tbe reiult of which la that the patient vuliura from aevoral or mure of tba fol lowing diseases : Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Vullness of Ulood io the Head, Acidity of the Slom arh, Nausea. Heart Uurn. Ulnuil for Food, Fullness or Weight in lb rjtomach. Sour Eruptionl, Sink ing or Fluttering at tbe pit oflbe Stomach, Swim ming of the Head, 11 urri d or Difficult breathing, fluttering of the Uoart,Cbbking or Suf. fucating aensaliooa when tn a l.viog posture, llitnness of vision, dotsur webs before the eyes, dull pain in the hcad,de6oieney of per spiration, yellownesa of tbe akin and yel. Pain In the side, back, c best, limbs, ate., sudden flushes of heat, burning flesh, constant imaginings of vil and groat depression of spirits. The mfTerer from these difeases should sier itlia the creates! caution in tbe saleoclion of a remedy for his case, ,A purchasing only that which b is assured 1 1 Irnm his snvestlga llons and inquiries possesses true merit, is skillfnlly oouipouoded, is free from iijurloua ingredients, and has established for Itself a reputation for the eureof these diseases. In this connection we would submit those well known remedies lloofland's German Bitters, Hoofland's German Tonic, Prepared by Dr. 0. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pi, TwentT-lwa veurs sine they were first Intro duced into this country from Oertniiny. during which time they bare atKloohieiiiy periormetl more cares, and bcuetited suDering humanity lo a greater c stent, than any other remedies known to the public. Three remedies will effectually cor tlr.r Complaint, Jaundice, T1 Pvspepsla. Chronic or hcrrous Debility, li C h r o n i e Diarrhoea, Diseases of the Kid ners, and all diseases asising from ft Disordered Liver, Stomach, or Interlines. Debility, Resulting from any cans whatereri Prostration of tbe system inluecd by sever I.abur, Hardships, Kipisure, Ferers, lo.t io. There la no medicine extant equal to these temediea in such eases. A tone and rigor is imparled to the whole system, the appetite is strengthened, focd is enjoyed, the stomach di gests promptly, the blood Is purified, the com plexion becomes sound and healthy, tbe yellow tinge la eradicated from tho eyea, bloom is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nerlous inraltd becomes strong and healthy bsing. Persons Advanced in Life, and feeling the hand of time weighing heavily u on them, wilb all Its attendant ills, will find llie ate of these Hitters nr the Tonic, bd elixir that will inilil new Ills' into iheir veme, leslore tn a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forma, and give health and bappineee to their remaining years. Notice. It la well established fact that fully on, hilfof the female po rtlon of our popul lion are seldom io the 1 . enjoyment of good health, or.to use thier J own expression, they "never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all euerpv, extremely nervous, and have eo ap petite. Tu tbls elate of peraons the Bitters, or lb Tonic, ia especially recommanded. Weak and Delicate Children are made itrong by the use of either of thes remedies. They will cure every cassof auraraius without fail. Thousands of certificates hav acrutnulsted In the bands of lha proprietor, but space will allow of the publication ol but a few. Those, it will lis observed, are men of note, and of luch standiog tnat they must be believed. Testimonials. Hon. (leorga W. Woodward, Chief Juitlce of th Fupreme Court of Pennsylranio, writes t Philadelphia, Pa., March lo. I8S. "1 find Hoort.ssn'a , lUawaa BtrTaaa Is a good tonio, useful in A diseasesof the digest ive organs, and of great benefit in eases of debility and want of nervous action in Iho system. Yours, truly, Gao. W . Woodward." Hon. James Thompson, Judg of the Huprernc Court of Peunsjlvunia, writes. "Philadelphia, April !. lsr.ft. "I eonldrr llootbind's Uennan Hitters a valu able medicine in case of Indigestion or Dyspep sia. I ran certify this from experience. "Voura, wilh respect, Jahxs lBanraos." From Iter. Joi-ph T. Kennard. D. P., Pastor of tbe Tenth Baptist Church, Philsdelphiai Dr. Jackson Dear Sir : 1 hare been frequent ly requested to connect my name with recoro men.Utions of diflerrnt kinds of medicines, but regarding the prae - ltcas out of my ap. tiroprieto sphsre. I j hav in all cases de- I -i: I. wlik ' e ear iirnnf In various l n,tice. and pirlirularlv in my own family, of the oefuln-sof lr. llooflanda Herman Hittera, j 1 i'ttrnmVTJlZlu i nmn to foil eorivir-ti.-n that for gcncrnl dtoility , ;,f FVf.r,, .-,,,d especially for I.iver Com. I plaint, it is a safe and mluahle preparation. In j "" " 11 m-T ' u"";'7'. 1 1'"lk"",i' Ml aill t,a vnrv l,ntinfi, 1 lo thasO VTho SIlfTr from the above cause. Yours, very respectfully, J. IV KKRNAftP, Eighth, below Coales Streets. Prom P.ct. K. D. Pcndull, EJit.T of Cli rlatinn "Chronicle," Philadelphia : I bore derived decided benefit from the use of HoofUnd'a Herman I'itters, and (eel it my pr'vl leire to recommend thsra as a rnot va'unMc tonic to sll who are S'.ff rir g from general drl.i ity or frr.m diseases arising ftom dcrat'ccmcnl of the liver. Yours, truly, D. PstPAIL, Caution. llooflan l's German Bitters are eounterf!ted. (' that th signs ... lure of C. M. JAI'K SO.N is on Ihe wrap I I per nf each botlle. All others are conn terfclr. Principal Ofitee ard Manufactory, at Iho lrmn M'-dical ftore, No. 6.11 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. (.114111.11 SI. I V A VI, Pmprlrtars ( Formerly CM. Jackson t Co.) Tiice. floofland a German Bitten, par hnllle f-l no " " per ball dnien. k 00 llooflanda German Tosjle, put up in c,nart bottlea, psr hnttle 1 In Or half dusen for 1 to TrDs not rorgel lo fjaamln well th article you buy, ia order te get the genuine. r-ST-Kor sale ty all drgnjUls and dealers In dlctBol. )yll ly Clearfield Counly Dank. fpHR rii-atROd C- uMy Hank an li-coro-m lt mmivW nf 49 rlmrtPT, n My Ij, hf S. All lit- (" ti rn. by (lit ub. hUrn, who will rout. nu lha HmAmx buift a( it pl re, at rivftif Iteiikrr m, tMil r 1h tu m nimt til tf. 'H'lfsarNtlrJ ( "Wiif lnk.M W are te l(.n(ibf ti-r th dfbo ol lt. an j Will iM ita rt"t- en drmaiifl at tb rniOfr. liHt..it recrOttl lid H lTfiil iid whrn ni'tiicj ii li lt ir a fitrd ilmo. I'after durountml ti la r int aa hrrctolui a. Our I'erinnal re otujbilitjr i rili'iliri-d fr all !- cni r,,lr,d nnil bti-mo tram rlrd. A ri'iitimmiita of the I limn I ml runi! ef ba Imtmen inn .f lha rnuni) i re .e ttullT n.lici'tjd. A i'rcudfiil, Civbier and o irrrjuf ll-a Ul C'li-arllniiJ Cuunt jr Ui.k, we require tha nuiei ul taid Hank to ba riieDtd for reHwiipoon. JAS. T. 1.KONARD, ItlCllAltD SHAW, WM. roHTKK. J AS. Ii. O H Alt AM, A. K. WltKlHT. O. L. KKKD, WM. A. WALLAi'K. The hnneuR nf the lUtik will be ef.nrlurte! by John M. AilaiiH., Km)., ('!. ier. ju,i3V'A J. M tiirl.. l;,lar,t I'nl,. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks Fiieof rnm to Fuller, Vcrku, A (i., 1liillifbui-f;, C entre Coouuly, 11. AY Till: UK all I he buinenf of a Hanltinj HooKe be imii!a'tm iruni Lly aud ui-m the tii out favorable terma. Diar7 -tf County National Bank. CI.K AHKIl.I.U, PA. flllllS Bank fa now open and ready for busl X ness. OOiee on Hecond street. In the build iog formerly oocupied by Liaard, Kinney A Co. ihkkctohs ASD orrirKSia. JAS. B. GRAHAM, B1IMIA HD SHAW, WM. A. WAM.ACK, WM. POKTKH, A. K. WRIUIIT, OKO. L. KKKD. D.W.MOORE, JAS. T. LPONAHT), ju2S.'Sn Cashier. President Clothing. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. TM1B timet art bard; you'd like to know How you may eave your dollari) Tbe way to do it I will ihow, If you will read wbat fullowt. A man who lived not far from hart, Who worked bard at Ml trade, Bat had a huneebotd to tup port That iquaodered all he mad. I net him one. Bayi he, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough I're tried to get tuyielf a mil. But can't lava up enough." fiayi I, my friend, how aanch hare yoo t I'll tell yog where to go To get a eiiit thal'a emind and cheap i To KK1ZENSTK1N it Co. lie took what liltle ha had eaved, And weut to Keiienileln A Broth ere', And there be gt a bend Rome eoit, For half he paid to o there. Now he It home, he IooVi go well, And tbeir eflect ii lurb. That when they take their dally meal, Tbey don't ant half aa much. And now he flndi on fiatnrdey night, Wilb all tbeir wante lupplied. That he haa money left to ipend, And iome to lay a tide. , Hii good eneeen, with theerful mile, He gladly telle to all. If you'd tare money, go and buy Your clothee at ItbUhASSTKIN'S CLOTHINQ IIAI.L. Where the rhrapeit, flnent and beit Cloth in c and good Furniahing Uootti can be bid to uit every taite and in every etyle aprll, 67 "iHisrrllanrous. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MARKET BT., Cl.EAHFlI.l.D. PA. 1)KHSOXS deniring OOOI rOTl'IU...f ant ilylo and price, wilh all the modrrn itnprova menta of tbe art, run be iccrjuinotlatrd by citliog at my rooms in CtrerfltM. Negatives mfiHo in Cltudy as well as in Clear Wcathor. CHllsURF.N S PICT f RES Uken accurately, in a frw lerunilf. The TONE and I-1 N I S 1 1 of my rhotnr. pha giirtrnnterd to r-iinl that of any nude in I'lula-d'-tphia or New Vi-rk. Cumlantly on hand a larr nupply of FrameB, Albums and Stereoscopes, Of all tiiri, ilvlcp and priccf, bnuh. Aloo, and of the bent STEltEOSCOPIC VIEWS, of tho moat interfiling AMI'.KICAW A rOHI.HJN lali:M;RY, for iala at reaaonable ratri. FRAMES OF ALL SU Kg, From any etyle of moulding, made to order on ihort notice. J. K. MOTTORF. Clrarfipid, Dee. Ift, IP IK If LITIIERSIHRG FOTTKItlES I.olhcrshiirp;, t'lrarfleld Co., P. FARMERS, MECHANICSfi DAIRYMEN Look Herel rilHK andrrnigned 1 preired lo furni'h yon 1 with tbe Imit HTii.NKVV AitK manutacturMl in this country. He haa never yet failed toplrae the mtift fetstiitioue, ai to quality or durability. Hii ware concilia in part of CHEAM TOTS OF ALL SIZES! Mil k t'HOC'kM AM) PAN, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And In short F.VF.RYT1IIMI usually made and kept in an cstahlisbment of Ibis kind. MERCHANTS Can have Iheir war delivered by me, at ANY 11MK and to ANY Pl.AI K disired. Orders for ware aolb-ited, and promptly filled. .f. C-Fr general assortment, see Catalogue and Price List, mailed free to applicants. ffsy K liberal discount will be given io Ihe wholesale trade. !:. C. KIRK. I.ulhrrrlurg, Pa., Dec. ,1, ltiiH-tf DOBBINS' i:r.i:i'Titic It O O T ! O Ia I S II Itkl.S A l.TIN(i MUM-'.. fllliosi! who black Ihrlr boots on ftiurdny I riigbt with ordinary blacking, don't have much shine on Sunday, as tbe polish fade, off , but the shin of DO BUIN S' JlLACKlXfi Lat ts StittirJtTj and (ill day Sunday I 11 Ileal, any oilier marling; 'Uriel Uannfa-lured only by J. II. tlnl.bins, .1 hi, lm menis Sep and lilaekiog Works, Sinn street and tleimantown avemres, Phils, lelpltis. Pa Kr sale br 3 P. hUAIZKK and IIM1TS. Hia A IRII IN.CIeuruelH, pa. pc.Jn tin TI .TltiW A 4 dlMl tHM KKI'ja, We have printed a large nurelier of the new KKK Itll.l,, and will on the receipt of twrntr nreoents, mail a copy to any addreaa. . roj(t (WMM'Pltm, Kennsdvi M.d cd O Hiseovery, Helmhold's Ruchn, tl.ker'e Co Liver Oil, Jane's and Aver's medicines nf every kind, for sol. by B A T9tt U'K law IN. TroffS.lcB.it $MMtt A. W. WALTC R8, ATTOI1N KY AT I AW, ( Ii ai fl' lrl, r. iil cffi.e In Its Court llous.. pleoJ ly ISRAEL TEST, ATT OH N I" Y A T I, A W, t Irailleld, l'. -Off,ce In the Court House. (Jyll.'fT JOHN H. FULFORD, ATfiUlNKY AT1.AW, I lent field, I'u. Offic with J. B. Mi-rnallv, KVi ,over First Na tional llur.k. law-Prompt altenlion given to the securing cf ttounlr. Claims. Ac, and to all legal business. March JS, IS67 ly. WALTER BARRET T, ATTOHN KY AT l,AV. Office on SeconJ St., Cloarnold, Pa. (nevJt.Ki Win. A. Wallace. Win. I. Iliglor J. Illake Waltrra. Frank Fielding WALLACE, EIGLER & FIELDING A 111 in X KYS AT LAW, I li arlii Id, I'n. fr Legal business of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to. irayl.'i y THOS. j! mccULlough", ATTUKN K V AT J.AW. Office adjoining tha lienk, formerly oeeupled by J. li. Mubnally, beuond at., Clearheld. ff--Will attend promptly to eolleelloni, eale of landi, ao. deol7,fl2 JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Heal Kelale AkcuI. Clearfield, l' Office on Market street, opposite th jail. JUr Hespectfully oflers bis services io selling and buying lands in Clearfield and adjoining eountioa j and with an experience ol over twenty years as a eurveyor, Hatters himself that he can render ealisfaction. fol2S.'03 tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTOHN KY AT LAW, Clcnrlicld. Pa. Offio on Itarket street one door east of the Clear- Held County Bank. mays, '61 John II. Orvia. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS 8c ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LA H7, Ilcllclonte, fa. aeplVC&.y DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, f HYSICIAN AND SUHGEON, Second Ft reel, Clearfield. Pa, -Ileving permanently locited, he now olTen hia prolcftiiotiai eervioee to tbe cititena of Clearfield and ficinitr, and tbe public generally. All eaili promptly Uendt-d to. ocllV y F. B. REED, M, D.( rilY.SICIAN AND SURGEON1, filiating remored to tVitliamagrora, Pa. offera his pretention! tervicai to the people of tbe aurrounding eountry. Jy I i, 07 DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Late Burgeon of the 83d Keg men t, Penntylrania Volunteers, having returned from tbe Army, olTen hia profeaaional services to tbe eititena of tleerfteld eeunty. f-prurefaional calls promptly attended to. Office on Second street, formerly occupied by Iir. Woods. aprVfift-tf DR. J. F. p n Y S I C I A N WOODS, 4 SUHOKON. Having removed to Ansonville, Pa.,oirer bis professional et-rvicos to the peoplo of that plac and the surrouning country. All calls promptly attended lo. Die. 3 0m pd. DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. Tn, Dr. A. M. HILLS, nlT?f Ha'tres to Inform his patrona, and the pumic generally. at he bnataocikted wilh hia in tbe practice of IcnLttry, S. P. SHAW, D. D. 8., W'hiis ft graduate of the PhltedMphla Denial C'llejr, ai.d therefore bsa the hiphetU attesia tiuna of profiifiotil skill. All work dona in the pfi.ee 1 will bold myself personally rreponfl ble for being dne in the moat siiUrvfltirv man ner and highest order of the profeinion. An eaubliahed praetiee of twenty-two years tn this pUce enables me to speak lo my patients with eorifltlenre. - itngagi-ments from a diflanra should be made by letter a few rloyi before the putlmt draigns coming. (June 4, l.HtlH-ly. S. J. HAYS, SUHOKON I'ENTIST. Tliompaoii (rctl, t iiriveiiMlllc, Ia. PTeeth extracted with Ihe application cf local anvslhesia comparatively without pain. All kindi of Ilonlal work don. nay l if. MOSHAN N ON LA NO &. LU V1DERC0.", USCLOI.A STEAM MILLS, HAS'. I'ACTt'RKI LUMBEIJ, LATH, AND PICKETS. II. II. KlIU.LINUI'ORIi, President, OCi.S) Karest 1'liice. No. 12.1 8. 4th St., Phil'a. Jl 'II N LAWHIIK, Unpiriiilcndent. JcO'fi? Osceola Mills, Clcarlicld counly, Pa. REUBEN H AC K mXn House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Ii-arllclil, rniti'a. i-sjt-Will evecule Jobs in bis line promptly and In a workmanlike manr-rr. afr4,r"7 C7 M. CADWALLADER7 CONVEYANCER i JI STK E OF THE PEACE Tor Decatur Tp., ( Irardrld Co. V?U.ColtirtUna prompt ly made and lcpul inatru mrntt exrentnl on shortct notice. 1'oat (-(rice atidreaa, rhtlipburg. I'a, marlD.'tVS "j." BL A K E W A LT E RS, SCKIVKNKU AND CON VEYANCKIl. Agent for th Parch., and stale of Lands. ( liarlicld, I'a. sProtnpt atleation given to all business connected with Ihe county offices. Office with Hon. Wm. A. Wallace. IJ.nl, 'Of.. if LEVI F. IRWIN, JUSTICE OF Til E PEACE For Lawrence townohin, Irsrfirld P.O. t Icartlrld Co., Pst. pr Coll actions and remltunces promptly made. (Jei'0,'07. SURVEYOR. flHK nnderigned oflvra his airvicea a a iSur- vvyor, end may l-e found al hia irmdcnre, in Lswrriii-e lownliip. Lrtters will rtftA-h him di rwled In Clearfield, Pa. may 7 tf. J AMI'S MITCHELL. DAViDOUNG, STOXE-CUTTEIl AND MASOX, P. (I. lint lift, ( Irarlinid, Pa. 'SjMH'ial attention pni, tn Ir"ing Plone and hiipvrinlt-nding Joba. All kind a of JMaeonry done, in the moat worknmnlifte manner. rt''ra aoliciicl, end otintracta taken in any prt nf the county. jv2tf, JAS. C. BARRETT, JU STICK OK T II K PEACE And Licensed Coovryanocr. I ulhrrxluirff. ClrsrHrld ro.. Pa. lLf"nolleftons an rnmitlanres promptly ma.U.and all kinds of legal inatrumenta executed on short notiee. ImnyH.'nfl.U DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSES, f-KroNn STiti i;t, c 1. 1', a n i I r: l. n, p a. I" THOMAS H, FORCEE, DKitra tn GENERAL MERCHANP1PK, c;it in iT(i, pit. Aln. f-Ttcrnire nifinnfnctiirer an i dentrr In Square Timber and tAwed Lumber of all kinda. jr-fTOrdrrs aullcltrd end all 6U.MI. hills prrtmptly iJyln-ly FRANCIS COUTRIET. MERCHANT, l'rrnrlilllr, tlrarfiild tount,Pa. KiM-pa eonalantly nn hand a full eniortmetit of Irr Ifirod. Hartlwnre, .ro.-rlr, and avrtvtbirg waually kept tn a retail slire, which will He to 11, for ran b, aa crimp a flwwhfre in lha county. FrvtirhitHe, June IT. H(17 ly. 1M H. Oeruan Fitch Mttt, French tqulrral setta, American Pqnlrrel ftla, fiU Vm urtnes, RHeer Mania (ita Uink espet and mo Is, Gents far eel I art. (Beaver and Mfnfcl at J. P. KRATSER S. V. Cralmm cma' iTntnmn. j ia .. . aa.ai. t. a. .in A V H A mj i:. J.U. GRAHAM &S0aS, MAKKKT PTUKr.T. CLEA KK1 ELD, Pa. T' '1HR suticritera having entered Into partner ship for tha purpose of carrying on tbe bufioeii of Mrchand.tfing, now offer A Hood And rare opportunity to tha oitiieni of Clear field and adjoining eonnties to tuy store goodi at wbolesnli or retail prices, thit will aslonith tha uninstructed. Tbeir goods will be partlcu larly seieeted to suit this market. Every lady will, therefore, eall tba attention of her Slusband To this fact.bsoausa this branch of our business will receive spaolal attention, and everything needed In a well regulated household will at all timet be found loour store. Our stoek of IK Y GOODS shall not be surpassed, either in qual ity or price, and will embrace, in part, Prints of very style. Ginghams and Lawns of every quality, llualinl of every grade, Da Laines adapted to tbe tastes of the old and young; and very article of any kind of goods they sell is (jSuuruiilked To be as represented, and warranted to give eat- Isfaetlon. Al to DBliHtJ GOODS we have ft splended assortment of Alpacas, black, white, Bund in colors t Armures, Silks, and in short all tha newest styles In tha market. We dcilra tbls fact to beeome known To Every Personman, woman, ahild, physician, ma ebaale, farmer, lawyer, barber, woman's rights man, or any otb ar man Id tha county Young Or old, rico or poor, high or low, who will favor us with a, sail. Wilh our new and oxtenstve stock any gentlemen ean pleaae lha moat fas tidious By jail dropping In and getting alee dresc pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by doing that which is better t give her a well-Ailed puree, and she will And guoJ and paying inveitmenU in ecslrtyiderici, edgirjrs, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any other household noaessitiss. And Tn addition to wbat we bare alrealy enumera ted, we keep all kinds of t.KVILKUi: VM 1:aH auch as Cloths, Casslmsres, Satinetts, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ac,, besides, A Xlee Assortment of Made-up CXOTHING for Men and Boys, manufactured out of tba very belt material, which we will sell for caah or exchange for country produce at prices which wilt astoniab both huibatid and Wife W. ar. now largely engaged In buying and filing nCU'AKB Hllll;H and mannfac. lured LUMBER, and will giro this branch i buslnesi spatial attention, and make ll as object To Every One who has Lumber to sell to deal with us. W shall also keep oonatawtly on hsnd a general assortment of CROCF-IUKS and 11 AHDYV ARK., which we will sell at exceed ingly low prices. We also keep a full asort mentof QIJCEXSW ARK. This department will bs kept full aad complete, and every Young Jin n Or maiden who eon tern plates housekeeping, will 6nd it advantageous to coma and trade with wi. We are so situated, and, from long experience iu lha business, so well acquainted with tha wants and neeessliios of this community, that ws feel satisfied tf every man and woman In C'lrarficld County makes it a point ta buy their goods from is, wa ean please them both as to quality and price. Therefore, coma along and buy your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Qiicrnswarr, Hardware, BOOTS k PllOF.S, HATS A CATS, Roivty-Mado Clotbing, And everything you D, d tn r tnder yonrselrea and families comfortable, Sb JAS. It. GRAHAM k SONS, augutf CLEARFIKLD, Pa. "OTICP The formation of the parlnerahip of Jnniei ft. (Iraliam A Hon doe not prevent tiie erltlcment nf tbe n..1 and bunk acn.Minta of tbe late Hrtn of iShowrrs t Ureliam ar K. W. lira bam. Tho knowing thnrtei'lvr-a indehlrd ti either are rrtjucrd to Ci'luc fi'rwstd St onre and close their accounts. JAMhS B OHAHAM A P0N9. Clearfield, Feptemlwr 10 if. rpHK I)K OC RATIO ALMANAC tor 1 t 1 Itn7 and for sale at tba Poet Off re. Price . fita. MniUd t arv add-eaa. firi-tf IOR SAMCFOVR HORSEI, team, nnibl for lumhring. On heavy cus a fl. R, BARRETT. M AtRIFD I .a !. .he.d,ilr e.rtaln f .H'.di. era s n-- h IrouUed "lib t '..lueeess nr I ..nslij sli'-n, ean bod cells, n relief in ll-.l.s, k'. lll,...r! r,.l'. wl,-eh ean b. ia.cn duilr g all stags' ol pregnancy wilb perfect solely. SCROFULA And all diaeaaea of the hlovd, and all eruptive diaeaira of the akin, Old) Soroa, I uraors and I l eers, ariaing from whatever ceue, ran Leper mancntly eured by the uae of lit. JUbaak I Ulood PuriAer and Ulood Pills. USrEINCIPLED Deaden often rerommend other bltlers because tbey huve not Hoack's. We dei-ire to eantiop tha afflicted anut por-haing any of them : buy KoI'Mi-k Mfiutach Uitieis aud lion other, if you wcu.d eoubat disease aucoeaifully. WANTED. All periooa troubled with Costiveness and Ccn ftip,itiin of the hotels iu buy Hoback's Blood Pilis ; thry contain no mercury, are purely veg etable and work like a charm ; ean ba taken with safely by persons of all ages, and in all conditions ol iile. LADIES Of aedmtary habits wl o require a gentle purga tive will And Ro bark's Ulood Pills jaat the med icine tbey want ; thry are perfectly ssfe and can ba taken at all times f they contain no mercury or mineral poison, but are purely vegetable. LIVEE COJffFLAIKTS, Jaundice and all affections of the Liver are soon removed by tba use of Robaek'j Stoma' h Bitters and Blood Pills, tbey arc ovmposed of vegetal la medicinal extracts with oapecial reference to tbeir direct action on tho liver and digestive apparatus. SICK HEADACHE Arises from a disordered iteto of tbe stomach and bowels, and a billious derangement of tba Hver, and ean re permnenlly cured hy the use of K"baek'a Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. Full directions accompany each bottle and box. DYSPEPSIA. Thouisnda of the wont sufferers from this ter rible gnawing dittoes have been cured by the use ol lUbauk's Slumarb fill 1 1, as the testimo nials now fo our hands fully prove. CONVALESCENTS Should uae RobatVi Stomacr; Bitten to strength en the prostration which always follows acuta diseases; it will be found far superior as a sum ulating tonic to auy of tba wine and bark prepa rations of the present d;r. 2CEUBALGIA Can he effectually ru-ed bv taking r. Rohack'i Klrwd Puriher an J Itluod Pill, and bathing tbe a Reeled parts with Tincture of Aconite or Cblo rotorm. FILES. There Is no medicine In use so efficacious as Dr. Uoback's Blood Purifier and Plood Pills for the permacent cure of Plind or Bleeding Piloa ; they atrika at tho root of disease, thereby remo ving the oauaa. NIGHT MARE Is ens of lha many diseases of which Pyspepaia is the parent. To affect ft cure persoos should avoid hearty food at night, and take a wine glass full of Roback's Stomach Bitters on retiring to bed. WHO SELLS THEM! Tb. Agents for the tal. of Roback's Blood Pills. Rtnmach Hitters and II lend Purifier ar. HARTSYYICK A 1KVTIN, Clearfield, Pa. J.r.2l DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE DRAXC1I UITTEKS. VWII.P and agreeable TnN'K STlSlrLAXT, ttcmachio and CARMINATIVE IUTTEIIS. Kxtracted .ntircly from Highly beneficial in HERBS and ROOTS. M'srKPMA, 0 F N K H A I. rKniUTY, AND LOSS OF ATrETlTE; And an ncellcnt rORRKCTIVB fur penen, eufTcring from Iliior Icrs of the Bwcls, Flatulence, Ac, Sold IsU'P,' uliCTO. pepot-So. tlS Market f treet, Philadelphia, P. E. TAYLOR A- CO. net?0 Sm Beale's Embrocation, (L A T K I'U K I. I, s,, For all diseases li.ci.lmt lo Homos, L'atlle, and iluman Flesh, reriuiring the as ol an external application. Tb.it Kmbrocati'.n was .xtenstTcty used by the flirernment rlnrlng the war. For sal. by ll.rls.irk A Irwlr, Clearfield Joseph K. Irwin, Curwv&svlil,, llebiel Uuod. l.uder. l.utliersburtf ' if Grape Vines for Sale. ALL the leadlnrj hardy varletle, of it qual ity. roNrfvM, CT TTIM).. I 0(1 -er hundred. CONCORD VISES anlr 1(1 ceoV. be. d.rs solicltad tt soca as on..niei. and filled in rwauo., ry A. N. HILLS. CUotteld, sV, AnfuaS AAsU. "JU-.rrH.nirnti I'iMiTII S I VI'i..iY STUMP r.XTJUCTOU. I'm) r V r M t' Inn t nr.- n.r, wln H dinwi' hm,.,, wurrt-t t ll r !i i"V tT .i d- ;mi , ,, inrtiiii d -i-i' i h if 0 . r t i n, r . ; fimiif fnMMir't (,n ti ; : y.tt. I' "ill e Un-t tt.a lar .. t , pt l.-l U nhuxr jrf.iur.d - -rii-ii1 i ; ba'-k in lha h ..!- ut-l unl j u,i !',) u-n men ran d e li e dirt f;t. t n r, . . '-h a, I'M 'IWa, tt fly eslrnrtfd. It will t.uil M.ti ii , t, tl ? i ,f " mimpai fn m ftrtv tn i n hui.tirni ,t.r w -.11 ahLar Utrtl ill Pits f i.t ..... . . j ', ' be rrni'i - 'l p. aa a on red. u 1 but Id the r xtrartor, dt.'iver it. ai -1 ted ,i isiw, farm ol the piirctai.r ; ar I II it u- L, , !" o.im pletessti'lanlon. aniido ju.ins r.n, ed.tliey.iil tak It away 01 d fr th.ir trouble Pri.a , M,u . s.,, :" , I, 'I .c. Township and county ri hi hsT. B J travelicg agents. A t, 'l lull I II t HI M., Ml ;.; JcfTertoii Lire I. 0 , t....ri;e.w Co u, ( I ItTII-M ATI:, We, the undersigned, bavin, witii.sssd tk trial of T J. Iluotb'a Improved Mtuu-p I .. on the farm of It. 11. toor.. n.sr l.o'Uri,ltf on hsturdsy and sionilay, the Tih i,t ,tk Jj November, take ples.ur. ia 'uy.i.g to lb, lie, that we believe It to be th, nowin nse foretlracllfg stumps. I' ieof eia'tle eonrtruetion, easily mansge.i, nt.t l,.Lis to out of order, and very durable, p, u, mtn Ihe macliin. from II, e wai;n, when n;,n, apart, put it torother, sad pu:iM a ii-, f,' stump In Icrs than ou. hour, ti ... ,. pull a large slump wilb ease. Tuey u eaersj but be do.s his work in Inking ut i:., jk,H stumps, without a bard pull. Mr. llocta, ttt Paientee, fully understands puttie, lp ( handling th. machine. W . would adiiH u,,,, in want of stump eitrtct(,r to see lhi.(ttlua before purchasing elsewhere, which .v ra. free of charge by calling on the Proprietor,. J. C. Kaerett, J W. Kckard, K V. coiesou John holder, John Kirk. J. W. trabsn, R. II. Moor., J- VV. Waii.ee, W.B.Alei.n,B' Ueo. Kllinger, Win D. Rock, Andrew WiIk,' 8. J. Horn, M m. K. Irvin, K. J. Kirk, ' James Moor., L. 11. C'erlile. U.o.H Uioo , Lever Flegal, Fred k Bmiicy, Uovls i, JIOEY SAVED. "tlTE are constantly parchsaing for etih is ta ) f ew York and liuatuu JilarktiUL.i kindia! Dry and Fancy Uuods, Silks, Cot turn, Boots asi thocs, V'atckiis, Bowing Jdachituei, Cat Icry, L'rt-ea liootia, Lomcatio Oooda, Ac, Whii h we are actuallv selling at an arm.; piM ol u.M. uiL.ijAn run tAiu AiiiiLin.. 0b: aaJea being strictly for cash, ai.d uur t;kde an larger than that of any other ain-ilar cortseni, tea hies us to give better bargains than caii he ottaa ed of any other bouse THE LADIES Arc especially invited to give us a trial. 6ffid fa a Circular and Lxcbange LuL Our club system of selling is ai f.llowi: Ttt3 we send 20 pntent pen fouuiaina and cbefkifl. scribing 20 diflorent articles to be told ursttliu each; 40 for $4; 60 for 6; ll'O fori0, ic. btti by mail. Commifsions larger thu ti cfrrt-l by any other Arm. accordia to me of club. gle four. Lain and check, 1(1 tv-nts. ale and Ua.ti agents wanted. Scjip uojftT in Kconrrarr Lir Tcna. Send us a trial club, and wit! a knoI edge that you cannot etord to Luj gcn. it of uj other house thereafter. EASTMAN A KFVPALL, upl3 Cm tb Ilam-ver St., li-.-tn, Man. Philadelphia & Erie Railroad SUMMER TIME TABLE. Through and direct route between Puii&it'rAia, Lultimor., llsrrisburg, Willi su.sprt, and tb. Great Oil Hcion cf Pcrrc'vr'a. ELEGANT SLETriXii CARS On all Kigbt Trains. 0 V and after MONDAY. N"V. 1 t'C!, tl- Road will run ss f, llw VI c.lllald. Mull Trsin leaves Pliiiad.lt hia. K t. ho do tl. Miry s 2 4 P K Do arrive at tine t ii, P. k Sri. biprisf 1..VCS 1 luisite l hia-... 1 iC a. I lo .-...do St. Marj'a ..'t' A. R Ifo arrive at Erie It si A M Last Hum. Mall Train leaves l.ne If 5.', A. It I)o do.... fit. Mary's S it P. It I'n arrive at Pbiieile! hia.... 10 i'l' A V Erie Kipress leaves l'rle P- M llo i-y 8t Mary's 11' A 11 Ii arriv e at Philadelphia... . . ?f P. M Mail and txpn-ss coiin.-ct with I'. I Creek sn. AiLiibenv River Ililil Head. P.irTvre c-eisr. through ALFKKI) L. 1WM. General r-upenctecdet H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK .!9 WATCH KAIiEi orroiiTB tub v ataVRKi-.T rr; tr POST OFFICE vCLEARFIEL TIllIE subscriber reppeettully i"nrma lis o' I patrons and the lutilie generai.v, tbst t bus on hand, (and is cuoatantly receivirj a' additiena uiereto,) a large stock of Clock?, Watches and Jtwolry, keep Jewelry In all !is forrL sal o' dilicront values, either by tTvc if re or let WATCliFS-A full a-iw-rtuent of either del or Silver, made by tbe brat Ancri'ar snd sign manufiwtureri, including a fine Id vf and silver hunting case, full jiwtivd, Paid Levers. CLOCKS Of all denrna. crnfii"i' nf cy-' day and thirtv hour, of either weight, fpntj t levera, and both strike and alarm. REPAIR. NO. All kinds ef Wetrbci as: Clocks Repaired, and warranted. Tn addition to what T have ennmeratcd. I kef a full assortment of SPECTACLES. oWii sr. plain glass. lAlan, HOLD PENS and PKNCIl4 SPOONS, FORKS HUTKK KNIVES, and : fact evervthinr in the Jcwelrv line. Il 1 fail t have on band just what a cnatrmer may need. I will order per IJrat etprea. without extra chief' A libernl ahars of public fstn-nspi i arhctie. Mi) T, lbtw-y II. F. NAlHUK. Democratic Almanac. fJMIIS invaluable publiralion if tor sale at i 1 pout oflico. It dhould W in the hartdf of e- IkmitcraU It contain full election returns fr eery county in tbe totted Sutra; t.ei-la. : at number br .(' II coniains a eohipbte iifI ol ' namreof all I he new apaprra nupi'iefft-d and mot r - during Litietiln a adtnintFtmtion ; and th-t for l'l contains tbe name of all thuec ci liiana : imnrieoned during the same period. Ttnec lifts, for future rcferenrw. are worth more tJ the price of the publication. 1 he number for I ia aleo Tull of valuable slel.Mii'S. Any one en. fiO cnta lo the Poat Maattr, will receive bv ret mail a copy for each Tear, free of pottage. y Town Properly for Sale. fIHE property nrrupied by T. Lid.l.ll. rerr 1 of litrd a mi I'ourih stifrta, t'leartieid b rouninthtgr of a good, suV-ftant lal t'L .N K lfll and the LOT, tabuut (titer 1'oMrtha f an ae The en nation ia cl.'ia to Ihe Rai!naii drpet. is an cxcftlont lo.'atum for biif-menf pu.; . Fur terms apply (n the pmuiavs. vl- LIVERY STABLE. TIIE undiT'-iKiicd beg trave to inl'-rm the i lie that he ia now luih pn pan d to aec.-li.-Ule all in 1 t-c wavof turnf-hiug Hor'-. P 'C- ' Saild'ea and Hbiinra, on the short r-at noii-f on rt.i ; i 'e t-emi. Hiti.lei.oe un 1 ti'.': Uiwi-vii T'.in I aiid l 't:-h. t. I t. V.'. (jl-Atiji-'--' "aVitiTn'l I, April 11, Imji. Gin. ALHI1AT Hi BV Al KFI'T. B. A" ' 1 W. ALEERT &. BROS., Man ii fact urn a A t.tfiin , r .a Sawed Lumber, Stiu.ire Tim''tr, 4' on l 1. A Nil, P I V N A ,'eT-Onl 'ts r,.; iicl. Hit:. I, b ,1 on sh 't r: ard r a.,-.i.-,--ic t-i u,-. Ad-lres, IVoo,l;in,l P. il,, Cl.s tl.'l C . f- ir: iv . Ai.bn r a I A C. KR ATZER. & SONS. M K K i: il A X' T f i rrL"s i. Dry Gondii, Cloilibp. II.itcw.v Callcry, Queeniware, (Ir ,c.rni, rovi.icnl "j rLieglcs, ( learlinl, rrnn'a. .....v.i .. ..lr- near Mcrrell A Hicier's Hardware si t. .J "1J i nrioii-w, Mi'iri-'.-Tbc t " 3 uv 1'po' ,oir,tl"l l-v tl,r C.M,rl rl--:t I-it," 1 '' ! il .l,., l.r A,.,1r is A,t ilcrr-.e. s 1 trjlnr 'iMiem A-t 11, 'uoi. .. d-ci'e lli.-se enti'lr.l iberrro. n.ll 'tee, te thc bis office, in I'lrarflild .m riatn-.lav, tcs ' Jsruaiv, iM'i, bcr gU pet --. lutr-'I'd attend.' I..iiL J t deeSS.ttrpd ": -.-as-tisi Wiairil Tt.e e-iers'ined P pav lb ktghast CASH PRICE l" l, t f t ; a i tin ti'if! n.a a 'i Clwfid. Vo. l. I. I. REUESpI1" wwjr-