(lEOIttiE Ii. Ijl'OliLANIil It, Kiiiliir. CLEARFIELD,' 1'a Tnrr.rPAT sior.xiNo. ilihicaiiy. isi Pcnntor Wnllnccnnil Roproncritatire lli Culloiifjh have our tliai.kn for valu able public doonnient". Bullock, the loil Governor of Geor gia, among ot hern fin ceoun table thing, has drawn ?33,000 moro money out of the bunk in I'iew York where the Stale funds were deposited, than he lias accounted for. Ho undoubtcdly oiinlaid it ! The loil members of the Kump U. S. Senate, held a caurus on the l!5lh ult., nnd resolved to confirm no more nppointmenls nudo Vy rresident JohneoD gery. This is fiibl-tlass scu'.nu ac On Trial. Ilunh Donnelly. Gcorirc Ccigcr, James Seager, Frank Fleming nnd Charles Wright, were last week I put on trial nt Franklin, Pa., for com mitting the great Bennehoof robbery. What the result is we have not learned. A Victory. Hon. John P. Stock ton, of New Jersey, who was turned out of the U. S. Senato two years ago fcr the Endiealp, in order to give them a two-third vote in that body, xat re elected by the Legieluturo of tlmt State on the 27th ult., for aiz years from tho 4th of March next. This is glorious rebuff to Radicalism. The roto stood, Stockton, 42; Frelinghuy sen (the present loil incumbent) 34. "Not GeiLrv." P. Gray Mock, Eiq., editor of the Eellcfgnto HVcA man, was placed on trial last week, nt Bellefonto, for libelling the Professors of the Williamspoil, Seminary. But, after a tedious trial of several days, he was found "not guilty.". This is certainly a gToat victory, and we con gratulate him, because no pardon shield would have been handed him by the hero of Snickeravillo, bad he been convicted. TlwlDnnwnitli; Cenrrminn of n. BrflpId Manly hWnclfd in faror of Hud. tlrorge K. Harri-tt, fur f nfrfiM J.iilTf. and Hun. William A. Wallacr, for V ortrnoT, both beinc rcJitttnti uf Uiat "ourw rv of fMit men." Brit Obntttr, Yes, "Whit," if you would come down horo and stay with us a few years, and become nn educated states man, we would either make a Gov ornor, Senator, or something else out of you ; becaueo our "nurecry" is run ning down in a numerical point of view, and there is just now a fine opening for some enterprising indi vidual. t State Temperance Convention. Tho Court IIouso in Harrisburg, nnd Tuesday, tho 23d day of February, has been agreed upon by the temperance organizations throughout the Suite to told a Stato Temperance Convention for tho purpose of adopting tome method or system by which to coun teract nnd suppress tho liquor traffic. A call to this effect hns been issued, signed by a lanro number of leading temperance advocstes. Arrangements will be mndo with railroads for half fare tickets. I?AMAdt9. An exchango says "Mr " J. D. Wallace, of Columbia county. claims 115,000 damages from the "Stato on account of tho removal of " tho Soldiers' Orphans' School from " Orangcvillo, in that county." lhcsa soldier schools muM bo very rrofllablc. if a man 1o.e .o ,,1, i.;. ' . . ., , , , " ' ",,v nai.u. aiuii mil lion nt dollars annurflly appropriated by the Legislature to educate 3,000 children, especially when there is a school house every two miles squaro iu the Stato, wo always thought was Father straining at gnats whilo we were swallowing camels, TnE Rascals We observe by the Auditor General's Report that the Slate Treasurer actually paid Henry Mitchell, Gov. Geary's lick spittle, thirty-five dollars for going to Fort J'claware in October, li7, and perpe trating tho notoiious election fraud. CommisMoti a villain to perpetrate election frauds is certainly outrage enough on tho part of tho Governor, but to turn around and pay him out of the Stato Treasury is a piece of Bcoundrelisni that no "Five Pointer-' bus over exceeded. It would bo well tr liishop Simpson to give theso two worthies u litllo attention. Let him luave the Washington lobby lor a whilo nnd repair at once tn Harrisbni-" - .... " urn inline a lew ol his "grand moral ideas' into the chiefs of that den of I'Ullic robbers. Atmntion, 1'f.mocrats. The Dem ocrat of it i C0Uhty n iJ r,oa(sc ,ir(ir in mind tho fact that the last County CoiiTcntinn unnn'niHinslv pr,,SCl elation ,v,ithon,.;g Ul0" fiminnnn of the County Committeo la order the next Primary Election to bo held on t!i8 second Saturday (12th) of Juno. This Is just ono month curlier than heretofore, and thoe desiring to bo loinc candidates for Assembly, Trens urcr, Cominiosiouer or Auditor must be in tho field so much earlier. The nnm nf nil the candidate! must be published not later thnn tho 27th of May. In accordance v. ill, the resolution referred to, the Return Judges -will meet on Monday of June Court, and declare Ihu names of the nominees, nd discharge such other duties as nny devolve upon tbetn. .ferrf frHttnlfy. It. n l'mtl't A Co, on Li( HiiltinlnV, r.l, I V 0 t -m 1 1 i i ! Mi, lie I - lowing iiiliimi.tit nuicinlinctit l lhi iViiMilitlimi I'f die Vnitctl state : I II, H r,.,.. f , tt,i..l. ! '""h 'r. iimihc 1 1 l.,i II. i I .llv.l..,- ailol. b. ( ,,p...-4 , (I'll, Irfa'.'.'ii ill lb- i. iul n j Bme.iliiient In ll-r I'l i: ill ml ( tbp lnll'l; MiH wh h. lm rendu! I" throe I..I.HL i4 I mill I ec,.tiire, lhall b. held Bl pail "r "' j I untniiiticin. I Kl'lmn I. The right nf .nyeililcnof tbrl'nited j c'ta'c. la inip .hall not be drwird nr abridge-! by j I mini Hate., or nr Stale, lt rraeon ill race. t't'I.l'K. or prc.ii.il. r.in.lition of it.verv id in) ..I r.l.irl.'. i.f t !ic I'mli-il'siati-a. ei'in n. hi"iiil. Tlin ('. i.froa atill liarr J noor In fn fiirtf. Iiv ai.r..lMAla Irgi'latnio, thr .nvm.ini ul till! Bilii-lt. This puts Siiinho upon un cijiihI looting Willi llio "wluto truth pro vided three fourths of the State Legis latures nre as depraved and ungodly as the Washington Rump. No legis lation is Icing dono at Washington benefieial to nny one except negroes and the members themaulven. Where arc the white, decent Re publicans, who, two years ago, de clared upon honor thnt tbey would leave their party whenever it favored negro sufiVage openly, or attempted to forco it upon the States by Con gressional usurpation f Wo nre plcaed that this net fully devclopes the pcnuiidrelisra of the lend ers of the opposition party. Fourteen years ago this sanio party attempted to disfranchise one half the. white 1 1100!''0 thia count ry especially the 'damned Irish and Dutch" but now turn around and enfranchise Kegroes, Chinamen, Indians, and all. The Devil himself never more adroitly deceived nnd miblcd bis deluded fol lowers. Wo wonder when the "loil" pups will get their eyes open ! Auditor Gcntrut'$ Ilrpoi tISUH, This is one of the most important documents issued ly tbo State uutnor ities, and we aro sure if the people woutu only examine its contents, they would become so disgusted with tho party in power as to hurl them neck and heels from the places they now disgrnee. We propose to give them in a few articles, some stubborn fact. The plundering, stealing nnd mal administration uro continually grow ing worse. For iinduiiee : Eipcniefl of f oTBrniarnf, ISM $S,9rfl " " JT Su2.s;s 48 " " IMS 844,i;. Sll Incm? liure the eloif of tut war...-$ITS.u30 ?6 and thnt too, in tho teeth of a fact as serted by tho late Stato Treasurer, in his report lor the year endinir thcolHh of November, ISO", that "by proper attention the expenditures could be reduced :!00,0t)0 below what they were in 1S07, and oil ncccttary expen ten to to provided lor " Now, a largo uinount of tho aggro- gato "expenses of Government'' are pure plunder. For instance, in the above sum is tho item of postage i.oou at ine ii g n res : Postage, iiibif, lr.6 $ j.jsg go 1KJI.. SiS Oi mt ui:i 7i Making for tho year 1 St!?, a postal expenditure for each Senator of 1:'j7- D. Enough to pay tho postage on 13,258 Utters, and which, it all expen ded fur letter postage or for Radical electioneering documents at three conts a piece, would scatter over tho State 437,il l of them. Pi)ljo, Hoow, I'M IU.J12 Jl ' " " l7 IH.Ift.l 4(1 18(18 i93jo oa 1 Making for tho year l8fiS, n Lcgis- lativo expenditure, for the item of postage alone, of thirty-two thousand, tour hundred and seventy-five dollars ana seventy-seven cents. Jo man believe that sum to havo boon honest ly expended for thnt purpose. IM Standard. A RrstntiECTED Xekpi.e. Mrs. Catharine Hoover, of Allegheny Fur nace, has suffered for tho past six years with a very severe pain in her foot. Of Into the pain had almost entirely left tho foot and ascended into her limb. Friday morning last, upon awakening, sho felt a sharp slinking pain in her thigh. Upon making an examination, what was hrr surpiii-e to discover a very long cam bric needle. Sho had tho needle ex traded nnd sinco that time of course the mysterious pain has disappeared. Where tho needle camo from nriirin. "" - V - :1l,s ,'oovvr 1,llt0 Bt R '"" . ii ,t . . explain. Attoona indicator. A Tf.nnf.nsik Wemnu. Parson Brownlow's dominions seem to be uncomfortably nronstrurttd. A young" man at Connersvilie, In Giles county, Tennessee, on TIiuvkiIhv ei-nnim. while stauding on tho floor in iho'nct ot being man led, was shot down by the brother of Ins bride Ho fell in Ihc arms of tho devoted girl, who as sisted by friends, conveyed him to a bed, when, at her iiMpicd, tho mnr riago ceremony was finished; she exclaiming that hho had raiher mourn a dead husband than a dead lover In a few minutes tho newly mndo hus band oxpircd. 'The murderer escaped. A Hid Sr. a Ton. Hon. Daniel I) Piatt, Senator olect from Indiana, stands six feet fivo inchcg iu his stock ing feet, ami weighs MH pounds, lie was c'eclcd lo (ho next Houso of Representatives at llio election held last October Irom tho Eighth Con gressional District of Indiann, by a majority of 2JS7. Ilo is tho largest mun elected in the United Slates Sen- ale since tho days of Dixon II. Lewis, of Ala., who used to say that "a tur- Ke was a very inconvenient bird, being a liitle (oo much for ono man to ' eut nt a meal and not quite enough 10 "at's'y two. "Mack," of (ho Cincinnati Enquirer, is trying to figure out how a Radical I'oiii'ressman can be elected poor, and in less than six years, with an unniiul salary of t.'i.dlit), and Lot engaged in nny odinr business, can save over a million of dollars. Ilo instances the cao ol Mr. Hai Ian, whose ineoino a few years ago was 2,000, whilo at tho present time it reaches one hun dred Ihoiiviiid dollars. Alack thinks thnt tho air line rond lo gentility and fortuno i throiinh a seal in Congress. al .aw. 1 On Saturday, during the absence of the Ri'prcsantiilivssof Cook county, a hill wns introduced in Iho lower house of Ihu Illinois Legislature, and passed by a vote of 78 to 0, separating the city of Chicngo from the Stato of Illi nois, and ceninrr it to Indian. ' Toads are sold In Pari at the rate of fitly conl a dor.cn. This animal ia used for the protection of vineyards ud gardens from tho ravages ol in sects that escape the pin-unit of the birds. ,f i , llwictfH .,!. for ft Tii rii i,i. ii( iui i in ('..re i in- f.-n lite in M.imlnv, n j't'tti.iti if Mi. Llmiiln, iilm dl i It t Ittln I'rpiiili-iit, H"kiP(( In!' a jrmly pennon i ho pe lilmn i written i'ti itnlc nri , mul rrn.lt m fnlluwK : To the UiiiniiiMt Vice l'ri'iii ii( nf the. I'liiled Slatt a: Mil ; herewith nin-t reniipctlllllv lli i'llt In (lip Imll ninl'ln SilialP (il t'ie lliili'J NlntP nil I; i'. - I ll ilirillii.il li'r n liriiPit.il. I inn II Willow III' Ik IVi'ailllMll III' t II 0 I'llill' I SllllO". wlinan lite wn Bllfli llicH in lli country service. 1 hat sad calamity lias greatly impaired my health, nnd by the ailvico ol my physicians. 1 have cnnij over to Germany to try the mineral waters, and during tho winter to goto Italy ; but my financial means do lint permit me to take advantage of flip urgent advico given mo, nor can I live in a stylo becoming the widow of tho Chief -Magistrate of a great nation, although I live as econo mically ns I can. In consideration of the great services my deeply lamented hui-luind bus rendered to tho United Suites, nnd of tho fearful loss I have sustained by his untimely death his martyrdom, I may say I respectfully submit to your hoi.orablo body this petition, hoping Unit an early pension may bo granted me, so that I may havo less pecuniury euro. I rciuuiu most respectfully, Airs. A. Lincoln, Frankfort, Germany. It was rufcrrod to the Committee on Pensions. What a great pity that this dear, darling widow, wife of ''tho late la mented," can't live in Kuropo in a becoming stylo. What in the world has sho done with all the big boxes she shipped from the White House ' Ye, "loil millions," pleaso tiiiet this disconsolate widow, and place her beyond want, as becomes tho dignity "of a great nation." How They Get Two Tiiiki.s The Radical mode of securing nnd perpetu ating tlicir two thirds majority in the U. S. Senato is in perfect keeiiini; with their other disregards of the spirit as well as letter of tho Constitution. Ne vada, a Sute created by a Radical Congress, polls only a few hundred votes more than Blair county ; yet il is represented by two United States Senators as many ns represent New York or Pennsylvania. Nebraska is another Stato which, although its voto is larger than Nevada, lulls far short of tho number that should enti tle it to tho position of a State. Such States aro made to keep up Radical dominance in the Senate. While thcHo States aro admitted, Colorado and Montana w hich aro equally enti tled to become Stales, are kept out. lest they should send Democratic representatives. Tho bold usurpations practiced oy our Kauicnl ruler have ..- , . I no parallel in nny pretended free gov- eminent on earth, and vie in their disregard of right with the most despotic. litlltdiiysburg Standard. 1 a The IIuiiiland Suspension Rridof.. Work on this bridgo, which is to span (ho Hudson at a point 43 miles nbovo (his city, will soon bo begun. Tho bridge will bo at Anthony ,g Nose, between tho counties of Westchester und Putnam on tho en.it, nnd For. Clinton on llio west of tho Hudson, where nn iron cablo was slret bed across the river during the revolution ary war to obstrust tho passage of tho vessels of the enemy. Tho shoro on tho Fort Clinton side is ol solid granito nnd rises perpendicularly from K0 to 1 f.t P. -. a, fPl. ..1 o1J 'vet,, mo eievanon anno -ose is mU( " g,""t,,r.' ""d. a sharP Pro'- on , "X', , t'k'.v"l",". t"o bridge ill bo 155 feet above IiMi water and about on a level with the western bank. A Gfart Pakiion. John Wester, Manager of the Diincunnon Iron Com pany, was indicted in Perry county, for having nt tho October election attempted to intimidate Daniel lilain, ono of his employees and a Democratic voter, by threats of dischmges, ic, if he should rcfuso lo Voto jbr tho Radical condidate for Congross. The trial tamo oft on tho Ot h iiist. After a portion of tho evidence had been heard Wislcr'a counsel produced a pardon from Gov. Gear-, and that ended fur ther proceedings! Thu the ends of justico were thwarted: and why? Hero is tho answer Mr. Wisterisa rich man, nn iron master, and a Radi cal : Mr. Wain is a noor man and a H Tln.,.,.,.,,t v, ..j l l ,. 4Vll BJIII'IUII, It . Tho llnrlford Courant stntcs that letters huvc been received from Florida which bring tho unwelcome informa tion that tho orango crop in that Slato was entirely destroyed by a severo frost which swept over the Mntoon Christmas night, though the trees aro reported uninjured. Ono letter comes from Jacksonville, and tho other from Key West. Such se vere weather was never before known in that quarter. The St. John's River was frozen over for a distanco of sev enty feet from tho shore, his being tho first time that ice hn been seen in tho river. Thodnninge, estimated by dollars, by the loss of tho orango crop, can hardly be computed. Tho newly elected Senator from Delaware, Thomas Rayard, is tho fourth of his namo who has held this responsible position in the United Stales Senate. Sixty years ago it was occupied by his grandfather,! James A. liayard ; subsequently by his i uncie, jiicnani jl. jjavaM ; nnd then by bis father, James A. liavard, whom tbo son will succeed in March. On (ho expiration of the term of Iho lat ter, llicso four Bayards mve r,,p. resented the State of Delaware in the Senate for thirty five years. The elder Rnynrd was a Federalist, Rich ard a Whig, nnd .lames, (ho younger, and Thoinau, nre Democrats. A Miskh im .Vikk.iiv. Snmo limo n miilillc nftl nui ti applied for ad niisHinn into (lie cminty poor linino nl Alton, ill. All lie at-pttu'i lo poa "on nf (hi wtirld's frninln w n fi'W olil in;;" whirh t-overrtl liia niikivlnt-Ba, ltd (lirsc wrro ulive wiih rcrmin. Ilo -n funiir-hud u illi propor food and tlnllii'ti. A lew dnyn no Mr. Joliiidiin, (lie krrppr, found nccroiod under (lio hod of tliin iinponmr, a cer lific.itlo ol ill .ptwil on m Su l.oiiin Imiilt iiLf iiiNtidiiinii for f THO, nnd o moi l gngo upon cnnsidcritblo prnpertv. liYNriiniH Dr.rEATKD An Rllcmpt (o lynili Millur, (ho murderer, in I'niirio du Cliion, III., lust Thnrd;iv, Imppily lailed. A mob of over (im) tliruiitcned (lie SlierifT, who wan ai ted liy upetiul eoiiHlnlilea. Hundreda of country poople aaaemldod (o wit neas Iho expected hmitiije. At inid lii(iht, the Shot iff had llio irinoiier eonrevod in achiKo eitrriapo to a point outside .ho town, whero ho wan pill aboard a froihiirain for Milwaukee. N'ftnl II IV't fO . Hfhl'on Tl.r people n( (lii, the X X 1-1 Hi n Hi, mill I'i-IiuI, i tin were B infa i Mimi'ly mul iiiilini'nii'lv lTnti"l l v (ln .MiiiilmvI Si nnli' InM w inter, w liirli 'ili hit j a ciit in Hint l"lv Ik tlirir le ! pilly i li'rii il irt'af'(i1nti p, ninl pnv il tn innn mIki hinl liprn ii:noniimni i ly iMi'.i cil nt t tic pull, w ill tint llimk ' ntiiiii.'e tluit, llmt iuli c (ipnn llirm . "inmifo nun. nun i....ii .... in mul tlicir Snnlnr hIiiiuM rnut tlu ( s " fAi.n.7 on. hinrtu rnAf rf.i(,ir nnd n iv unit niii f..i rioin ine auiii tnr's Report, just published, wo find that the nbnve is tho sum the tax payer nf the Stato were compelled to pay to put I'allemon'a man I riday in the suit to Mhich .Mr. S. T. Shugert, of Hcllc finite, had been honorably and fairly elected. Tho items run us fob lo-vs : Witnraara fur Rnliifi.n Wilnntpt'i fur SltiiKiirt 0. Lancluii, Cliainnuii of Committe... J. V. FiMbpr, Alrm lwr f Commit!.... II. J. I.in.lorilian, Meinl.rriif C ininilli.e arrrn l'iolt-. ,ii'tiilifr of t'umiilillcii.. A. W. 'J uyliir, Mi'inl.rr of Cuuniitltit'... M. K. A. lama, firm V. A. Ilnprrl, rHTK-rant-at-Arnip, tub a.iiitui(( oiltirNit JS.ISK III a.l'l'.'i uC SUII Oil .tun on suo cm Hull no V ,' !. 8, .Hil K Hu.u'.is 7 The Radical tax payers of this dia trict can put this in their pipes and smoke it o while. They can reflect over these figures and calculate when (ho (ax gatherer comes round how well it pays them to volo with a parly, wined when lairty oca ten, taxes lliem to the amount of thousands upon thousands of dollars to pay corrupt committed, perjured witnesnes, uud political rats to defeat the w ill of the people. Utile fund Watchman. A "FatTakk" iieorgo Bergner, of the Harrisburg Daily und Weekly Telegraph, papers having a mere local circulation has a "fat take," and farms il to perfection! In lsu" ho received from tho Stale, for tho Record, Advertising, Stationery ie. t?2i.l IM (17. a very handsome income. But in lfijS, (.ieorgo seen that and went at least "820 UIIO boiler." The items foot up lor 1HGS, f4o.S10.lj: not taking into account the sums re ceived under tho head of "sundries" furnished the Departments. Wo would say that the Hessian has rather a "good thing" of it, and if he don't get rich it will not bo llio fault of the Radical ofllce-holders nt llurrisburg 1 The administration of Governor (jeury appears to be run in the exclusive in terest of a few men liko Gcorgo Berg ner regardless of tho iuteriisls of the people! The people must nnd will have a change. A Sami lk of Radical Ivoonomt. Last week tho Congressional Com mittee on Expenditures and Accounts had a fit of retrenchment. Tlu'y cut off all the supply of iitationery to tho ri,lllll(i.u' riltli.l-a- n .n.l.i nt in it I.. I.... I h""i.J l.WUHt,HJVV hundred dollars iierycur, but approved nn account allna in.r tr.nt.- ft.' l.. an account allowing twenty fivo hun dred dollars for penknives lo members. Twilchell, Ihc I'hilanelphiii murder er, was refilled a now trial, and sen tence of death pronounced. In Ohio, tho Slate Senate has passed a bill legalizing contracts calling for ten per cent, interest. On Hie 21.1 of January. If,9, at Iho rriidrnet of William Mm itaei b, of KartlianB towmbip, by Iter. CilAni.c P. llAWtlKB, Mr. JAMKrt H. HTARV, of Lock Ilarrn, Clinton eunnty, lo Min .M.tlttlAKKT J. I'll ICE. of Kartham tooniliip. CIcBrfli-ld county. At Itia reiidencp of Ilia bride, Vy rier. 0 annua Mi klM.rv, aileil l.y Itev. (1. W. Itll.tr. Mr. W. W. STEVENSON In Mrf. M. C. TAYLOR: all of rbainpaifn f ily, Ill noli. tnt' 3i1i'frtiSfmri3t5. CHIN!-!! nATKI.Th. hirbeat i y markit prlca will bl paid for No. 1 I. UNO fiii.ui..s, oy J. r. K II AT.r.K, fekl-lm oppoaita tht Jail iimax rr.A-. Shaker Corn, If ininy, B.ani, Foraalcby J. p. ERATZER. TWV Till'. pati-.t noAHTr.I) FEK. pnt Hp In nil pound papen, rtquiroi BO rgf or olber lubtaboa to let-la iL I'll Uuvernment Jara Coffe. Prima Rio ruflVt. Pura Ground CoffeB. For aala by J. P. KRAT.KIt. XTorit r An v iimns rt. t.ui.iir i.1 are berel.y uotif.ed tliat I lave tbe eii-lii'.Te r.".1! mni n"' "n man i 1'Btent OA K r"r '"' " i 'rBt field county and tlial any penun nr pcr4uiii making nr le'.'iuji tbe iame in laid county, oillwut aulliority from inc. irK.' I.. A I, :.l. . - i " " wim m ine law UlreriB. M. T. (TTLER. I'nrwenn illo, Fi ll. 4, I'l.'J ,ll:pd. EMVAUl) PERKS & C O., Flour HniiiifatHiirrr, And Pelcri in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, piiiLiPsnt'no, pa. FI LL BCPPI.Y of FI.OI Il. WHEAT. UltX and I'lloP o.,n.tantly on hand, and lor ral. at rate, remarkably low. fi-b4.tf DR. S. J. HAYES, SUR0KON firf2L DENTIST. --ujrjr Off.ee on Main Ht., Curwen. title, I'a, ' j ILL make profeaiiunal llta, for Hi. eon I Teni.ne. of tb. publia. .oaBmennln. in AY n'iii, in'ia. aa ioitwi. Til : LutherihnrgFir.t Friday of ...ry month. Antnnville Flr.l M',-,day of nery nonlh. Lumber Cily Firit Thnnd.y nf ai.rr month. F,end.n(; two dart in ailh.r pla... Ail order. ' for work ihould b bnient.d oa th. da of hia arrieat at ..eh place. Teath .ilraeted hy th. applientloa of loeal anw.theaia ccwiparatirely without pain. All kind! of Dental work guaranteed. h. II Th. pnl lii) wilt pl.ai. aotic. that Dr. II., whn not encaged in th. aliov. eiiit, may b found in till olliea, la rutwentrl lla, p.. Curw.mrille, Feb. 4, ItifVK. ((.45 CLE ARFI ELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principal. riMIB Till till SKSSION nr th.pr.nl eho .1. la.ltc year of thil I nil ii ill I on will enniniene, on MONDAY, lb. din d.yof Feiiroarr, info. Fnplli e.n enter at anytime. They will t.a charged Willi tuition front tba tint, they enter to lhneli.ee of the flai.ion. J h. eoueae of in.trnetlcn embrace .vary thing Included la a thnroniih, practical and accom pli. had education for both irr., Th. Principal, baring had ths advantage of much experience in hi profetiinn, a.ur. pa rent and guardian that hi entire ability and anergic will h. d.vnted to th. moral Bnd men tal Iraiuing nf the youth placed ndr hit charge. I n-..r hi,.,. Orlhngraphy, Reidinc, Writing, and Primary ! Arllhmetin, per Hee.ion (II week) . ti do I Grammar, Urography, Arilhmelie, and I '""ory IU Ot Algehr. Oeomelry, Trigonometry, Men. vnraUon, hurra) iHg, rtiiloiphy, Phyal logy, Chemiatry, Uook keeping, Botany and Pby.ical IJmgrBphy - . 91 Ot Latin, (Irtek Bnd Fr.aea, with any of th. ahov. llranehM .... . no pm-Ko dedueiloa will a. mada for ah.ae.. JO&fot furlherpartienlar Inqolr. of Rer. P. L. IIBHHISON. A. M , Feb. 4. U If. (: Principal. liM'W WATl;l.Th nnderrtgn w,l 1" par tha higherd r.fn Pit IfF lor all k ind. of rl'ltS.nd I'f PR PKlNrt. Hire me a call flar-ld, sh. II. I. L PEIZn.Nf THS, : "l,ir t'Hlr Hlimil.l rn.l tlioil f '.,.rnC r T. run daily (n-.'i i Si ntn I tii mlir lilllrt Bum nf hi ., n nlfli ai lit I m-rn Tmm Bml l.n a II al t. ami ; Sfir fillsnnrittf, rislMV IIII1U!U. OpninR of tlin Tyrdiio A ClivvColJ lJiaiirb to Clrnrfidd. N (( , iftir M Kt, ,, , . . .. nitr l'rti;.-r Traill bl'IOWO Truiiii bm! l't" li lAlluni : I.earc Siuulb Hi al Inn.. J.l.f. IV till, ruuin- ii I'liili.l.nrr.. ! (im.ula Tru I.M, P. Il.l, li'.O', V.I'll, ONM t TIOM. rawriiprrr tin, iiiff CliaifiaM at Jo'.'t'uk. (i.ifl.. t'Uil pfl.ur at 3 i tn.. tiKili at 4.14 p- U).. arrive at Tyrone al i.-.H p. in., making punurcliun oilb I'inriuiiali Kiri-il fkaft at A. 1 7 i. nt.. Olid with Mail Writ at M I p. in . on Main Linrt aim oith llald Kairlr Kltiri-iu, IravinK Tyrnnr at 7."" i Mbtcu at II' .10 ii. in , n.niiicln.ir oilli Krir I...P, u ... - .. 1 1 . L1 1 l. tu.,Brrivitir al W I liri m ir rt nt I'.MUB. In. itrtiirinnp, pi"-u.iirrra Iravirnr Wilrlainp.irl Bl S.I4 b. in.. iu hna Mail let. arrive at Lock lla Trn at S:tl a. in., ronnrcttu Willi llald Lalr Kxiiri'ii U.ivinc L.R-k Ilavrn Bt lll.!MI B. lu., ar riving at llidlclonte al 11.44 B. m., Hnow boc Citv al 4. ."14 p. ni., and Tyrone at 1.2(1 t. m. I.IIWAIIH II. WII.L1AMH. linrral Suprriiilcndrlit. OEOIHil: C. WILKIN", fcul riii.riitilondrnt. . House & Lot fur Sale or Kent. nn.lri(tnr(l now often fur alr, or rtnt, 1 ll'M K i.il.l.'tl, fc.t.iuiuniff thr TiUnt? f Lulhrrrliure 1 he houre lanew and ovll fini-li'd .prin. o( o.l. r. 'I l.ia ii an rit-c-llenl IbcbIiod fur a taimerv, l,larhnii;li. eul.iiiH-makiT r oarpen- tor.hup.' Tlie .rurtr will l fold eliaup and on aiy tirma. Fur Inrtlivr iarliralart, ciammr Uic pnuiitur or BdUriti the liCKVil'ir. r. h. AII.VULO. I.ullier1.nr(, Jan. Si. lsl', D n VDMIM-TKATOIfM KOTK I Noliee il brral.v K.i m llmt Irtleri. uf adminirtratiun on llio eiuie'of KM AM KL W ISLll, deceaaed, lata of llrndford tp 1'li'arSrld eunnty, I'a., Lav ing been duly granled to tbe un.li'rrip.iRd, all per aom in.lel.trd lo nd citatr will ptenie make puy. mrnt, and thure hnrini; claim, or di'lliandi will prewnt tliero pruperly Biitbenticatrd for aettlvtuulit and Btlownncu witbout d.-lav. JONATHAN WISl-R, jan7-St Aduiniilratnr. Valuable Farm at Private Sale. fpHH uDtlflraitfnrfl now otTeri at I'rivtf 8lc bit X frm, tttp in I.awrrncr tuwnnhip, Clfrtirri cotnitv, bdiiniUcI on the htirtli Ii thr l'bilia iurg A Kri? Turnnkr, and on the wct by the l-ui")i(thnnt r'wtr, CONTAIMNU Kir.MTV-FOril A( IlF.-5, IJ Iwwn fifty ni tiitT of whUh rt ckarrd anl ati-h'r ni 1 1 i va'itin. m ha in it tin n-iii a, I.Oti llnl'SK, If A.N K II AH N, nni all thr nort'Mri' niittiuil'liiiK, an orchard, aNd a 'J'ring of fvod wntrr al the diH.r. 7)t arr Till. KK VKIVfi nf COAL on thu farm, tti.r two-f'mi vrtn, now ojiub ; oiif forty inch rein, of (W frH(l ioJ KP ran b found in .Im; cuuiiIt, aIr'tOcn,and oiir five ftn-t vein, uiuij-ene l. 4iY 'or Term and other partirulairp, t. It ou thr l-rtbiiM-., U Jt(JA IttAb. l.wr nN ip., Iirw. 17, Ir.i-?m-"i. II. IIOISISOX & CO., PORK PACKERS, .VJM i.ibrrly SI., 1'itttburfh, Ilute on banJ a larjr itmk ul Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, I'LAI.V AND fcl'tj AU-tl" IlIID IIAM. Mtii Vork, Iril hit-t, an4 I,raf TrJ, all of our own IVkiiijj, Curing and looktDg. Lard Oil, Flour, Cheese, Dried Apples and reaches, With a general auortment of Oronri, at thf lowert market prfcra, June IS.'US y pd. "VOTICi: l ItlKKHIPTr Thin ii X to F,V( that on the 4th day of Jaiin- ary, A. V. Itt'J. a Warrant in Bimkriiptr? wk ii nrdagainnt thr l.fateoft Hlll.-l I AN J. Sll' 'I I-', of Wnlward nwn)up. in the cunly of t'icnrfit'1 1, and H(at of rrnniy Irama, U hna bi-rrn ad jujRrJ a lUiiknipt, on bi own prtition ; that tbe Iioytiiriii oi any a nt ana arhrtry of any prnprrty rrlonf;iif to urh hankrupt In hi in or for in oo, and t tm trno-ter of any iiniherlT hi bitn. are fr- I i'tl-n )y i that a iitPtiitiir of the creiliinrs .f a ni hankrupt, to prcve thi tr d'lU, and to rhop one or mora apaigiir of Iiip latr, will be held at a ConH of liatikmptij, to b huliirn at tlie ofiin of H. K. Wothlrafi. in l'liilippbui(t I'a.. hr ftr H. K. Woodruff, K-q., Hogitrr, on thr Wih dny of &Iarob, A. IV lV. at lo oVIm k. A. M. TIH 'MAM A. IniWI.EV, I". Mrtrh:il, ai MfMrnrr. By O. P. tUvia. I. pt- I . 1. ii- janall 4t VOIK I. l llNKIM PT( V. Hi in ia f Jan li 1.1 to pit? nottre, that no (he 4ih day ar v, A. U., iMiV, a v. arm I in lianKruptry km i. urd aatnit the E-taf of JollV RYAN, nf llurninlo townabip, in the eounly of Clearfield, and State of I'cnim Ivania, who haa li-wn ailjinlavd a Bankrupt, on hn own peiiiton; lhat the pay -intnt of any d-'ht and dflurnr of any property behinifinK to "iicb ltnkruil. to hi in nrir bifl ua, and ttie tiatilcr of any property to him arrforbi.) lira by law j tha meeting of the Creditor nf thr hi t ItankrupU 1 prove thir I'fMf, and to rboore ona or more Aipner of hip KU(e, will rx hrl'l at a trt of llimkmptry to bo billen at rhilipuhnrn, leef-.reS, H. Woo Jruff. Kq., lirxisttT. on the VI h da ol M-n-h. A.I'. lM-J,ai In o clock, A. hi. rUM.H A. hnw I.KY. I. H. Mur-lml, m MrMin(tT, Py 0. P. Iuvn, I'rj.t V. . M. jan21- 4t TOTICI-: IUK1U PTt V. This in lo Kirs not ire, thnt on the 2Hih dny of iJueetubrr, A. I- I1'. Warrant in Uankmi ter wan i-ued aesinrt th KMate of TliUM -.S II I M I'll KKY. of Hike towpuhin. In the count of Clearfield, and Ktata of Per If ania, who hie been aJj'uled I'ankrupt oa his own prtl'inn; that ike payment of any debts and delivery of any tu'ierty belonging to aurb ltnktupt, to him. or N r his nee, and tba transfer of an; properly y tiim are furbiiMen by Law, thai a Riveting ot the Creditor o the aaidi liank nipt, to prove their Iebta, and to rboe one or mure Aesifrneos ol bit Kttate, will be held at a Oort uf HankniptfT, to be lioldtn at I'hitipa bor before S. K. Woodruff. Krq. , llepi trr, on the Plk day uf March, A D Ih6s,at 10 oock, a.m. TIIOS. A. HtH LEY, j tJ. 8. MemhaK Meencnfrr. vy u. i'. UArip, ifepu u. a. manual. January 14, l6 4L TllTKi: IN' rlANkHI I'Tt V.-Tln. i giie n..tire, that on the let dav of Jantia- I'.lo, a Warrant In llni.krni.tcT wa. i..nrd nttinrtlbe c.ll. of KTAt Y . 1 HllM I'MIS , of t'tiatfleld Hndcc, in the ennty of t'lrarr.cl.l, and ft.ite of Peiin.yUani., who ha be. a adjudged a bankrupt on hi own petition 1 that the pmincnt of any debt, and deliicry of any properly bckoig. ing In inch bankrupt, to him or for hie nee. and the lrn.t,T ,.f Buy pr..pcrty hv him. are forbidden by law: that a meeting of the creditor of the laid hankrupt, to prme their debt. , and to rh'M.ie on. or more AMifncc of hi. .elate, will be held at a Court of Haiiknii.tci- to Im1 hold, n at the office of the llcgi.ler, on III. lh ilnT of March, A. D. leo, al 1(1 o'clock. A V. TlloM f A. niiW'I.F.V, 1.8. Mur-hnl. a Mreeengcr. By 0. P. Iuvib, Dept. I . S. tyarehal. Janl 41 READING FOlTALLn BOOKS f- STATIOXEKY; 11rkrt Hi . Irarilrld, fnt thr Pnat Ofllrr.) flilK nnderrigned hec Irata in annnunre to the ritji-ene of Cleerfield and eicinity, thnt he bss fitter) up a room and baa JhM returned from the riii will, a Urge amount of reading matter, onf.ing in i.art uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Plank, Aoronnt and Paa Rooke of ererr de arriptinn paper and Knrrlpea, French preened and plaint Pen and Prnoiln j Blank, Legal Papen, lefrii, Morlpepoej Jndftment, Kifmp tinn and Promir.ry nntee t White and I 'arrh; anenl Ilrief. U jral Cup. Ilerord t ap. and Bill l ap , 8heet, Mitele tor either Piann, Flute or Violin ennitantly on hand. Any hoi k or Mntlonery dciirea mat 1 may not har. on hand, will b. ar. ordered by nl eipre.l, and ,.ld at whnlcesl. or retail ti .oil euitomer. I will alio keep periodical llwratura, inch a Magaiin... New papen, an. P. A. UAl'LlN. l l-arlleld May 7, ISf. t( VI)MIMTH ATllll'N NOTK r-N.,licc i. hert hy giren Iht letter nf a.limui.lratioa ,,a llio ..tale cf JOHN I.K jS A llll, rlceeoecd, lale of Mn.hen lown.hip, (Moarfleld eounly, having bun dnly granted lo the ttiideriigiii(, .11 perron, indebted lo .aid e.lal. will pleaie lunke pnytnent. and lhne having elnlni or dciiinil mil preeetit Ihem prpcrlv niilhentlcati'd f"r eel. llimcnt. MAI1Y K.'l.KlS A H ll, Adoi'... . j.l5 l IIKMtY I. MKAliK, A.lw r, ri 111 K DFMOt'R ATIO ALM AN AC foe T(li 1 17 and lt! for aalt at tb. Peat flMe. I'tlc : fruit. M'lUd lo any addtce. jest !( 7-bankers; No.35 South Third Street PHILAULLPHIA. "Y" -""A kumi Agents, rcn PENNSYLVANIA -n.Y nun or THE ,fWJ W j JTatio rrC OF THE HLO UMI tUOIMI i uiiTPf r.T.Tr Th Krinib T.iri ijrtritATiCTl PnnrT It f-riiori o i ciif'r.-.i bt p'Ctai Att ol iu,.grM,.( prvtru Juljr i. lntt. Villi ft CA3H CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. tib"ftl frrrnw.ffVr.f. 10 Asrnli bd Ikilbiton, wb Witnr.cl t . (.jnl v at dun (!icr. rulp-MIC-ilnCt .1-1. '1 '.ii fiHf It MITfltTlf), i.ra'rol i thf ifO'ii'tl'irT ifi'.r IV. nunc II itr. ,.-rr I Kriiuri i,d I'sir ph rts, lul UMifl ti 111 4VJ1UiB(t4.artO'i liVHn'l 'Miil.t' T .HI-T It l4Ml. I . w. i I.4ICK A ro li. W. ltt'fmr.1,, Maiia(;rr. 628 HOOP SKIRTS, And CORSETS, CORSRT.S. 628 WM. T. HOPKINS, .lo. VIS .frrl Slrrtt, i'hlfn. HANt-racTt bbr or Till i Celebrated "Champiou" Hoop Skirts I ,., LAIm IKSK8 AND Cilll.IiREN. j j Tha largrit BMOrtwent, and bait quality and (! in Americao ilorket. Kvery lady ! lliould try lliem.Bl lliay neontaend tl swaalvBa by w car in f( loiter retain in g their abap naeb he'ter, bemjf lijhtor aou more alaitio luan oib eia warranted id everj reaper t, aad ald at Trrv lw Trirea. Aik fur liopkio'i "CHAM I'lti.N" r-KIHT huperir Hand -made Whale Bone Curie ti in flfteen iliQvrent gradea, inclmJinf tf.a"Imperi al" and 1 homrmun 4 Lri; iin'a "(II.OVK KIT 1 INii" rttKhf S. raiijtutc in frirea from Kt eenta Ut ti toarotr.or with Joarnh Ucrkel'i celebrated i- JlKISt H H 0kS COlETi, aupa rtor ahapea and quality, ten di&Vreat t;radei, fro a $ 10 to f i io. Tbey art tbe fineil end bett giMide for the pricea, arer Imported. Tbe Trade auf.plied with lleop ISkirta aad Corieta at the loweat raiei. Thote fieitina: the eity ahould not fail to rail and oiamin our gooda and prirva. aa we defy all eoropetition. Kept. 17, 1Ab JOHN M. MELLOY, tfABt-riCTCBBR Of rioin, Japanned & Stamped Tinware BHD DBBl.tR II IIoubc FurnUhinc; CioodB. Tin Roofing and Cuudurtur ripca. Nn. 113 Market Ftrc.l, Bnely I'llILAHKLPIIIA. DREXEL & CO., o. SI MoutU Third Strrrt, Plillti Iclpn And Dealers in Government Securities. Appiiratif.n by mail will rnre prompt aiten tiou, and all iiiforumtioQ rh-rrfully furmhrd. Orirri aoiicited. apr) 1 If REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manufacturer! of and Wboleiale Dealeri in MK AND HOYS' ILOT1IING, ill Market A 4 in Mi-rrhant ftrccl, aujl'd;; rilll.ADCLriilA, I'a. 1868 winVer7 iS(3S JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbcoj of Dry Goods, ul. 7.1 7(1 Ibird I IIILAIiKLI'llIA. We are now nnpBrel with onr n.nal eiten.lve and well B'.url. d m.ick In oiler extra indueenienla L,rA,-ll IH Vlili.S. aiirll-tr STRETCH, BENNETT & Co", lSticrrnr to Prtrr T. Wright at Co., i v roRTK Ha or ajn nrvi.Kn is Dlil'GS AND MKDICINES, Al.an. Brandies 4 Wines for Medical purposes. Jel:l rj Nn. COH Market ft., I'hilad a. BENSON, CAMFBELL & Co., Xo. t; X. Fifth BL and Hi Cotnn.rc., PIlILAPELPlltA, Ti, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, ro thi ali or Wont, flinretic, Fur Fkin, Featherg, Leather, Flax Heed. Urid Fruits, CioTer tSefd. Itooti, leef Skins. Hutter, lleeewax, hherp tkim, Vf$t Ac, a?., Ae. COXsrGNM EXTS SOLICITED. Weekly Pric. currant ("rwarded on requrat. JunB U nLII'MX, BI.IMiXP.SS A CATAKItll 1 Ire.lcl with llio aim. ml an-ccl by llr. J lAAl'J. -M. I.. and fWrMr-r ft bieenee of the I Kve ami Kar in the Misliml Coi of IVmjl. tenia, il rmtn eittneni'r, (li)rtnt'ih f lirn. ! Ht.linmi.) Nn. 8U. Arrh r-trwt, 1'tnl a. fri. ; monml cm he mid at Ins i-flic. The mr-liml I farnltT arc imitrd lo a'TontpanT their paiicnt", as he has n trft iu his protfufmn. Artifitial I 'ey'S inserted without pain. No charge for tx- I I aintnation. jrl S-l v. J lTl)l' JIKOIIS DI1AWN FOR MA In II errn, 1 -0V : r.n tp Jt n.ira. Bwaria ri.H.Hintnmn An-lrrw Hhiff, .If-hna I'nmiiti-flt. K'-fTIT" Stla Turn- r. f.rw ij- 1. (ii.f.,ilu (rr. rhtnt II tijrh (lallat;lirr. J. W. I.eniliiirn. Cloarfiel.l 1 h-tn l.id-h l, lHtiir Ttn. WW n. ('. Al. t a-lwalimh-r. tldflien t.I.. S. Morri n. llutiti Villiam Ifnjt. .Ionian Jchrt .MrNt-al. I.awrfnc Mllfi-n Ijiw- head, WiD, T. Ira in. 1.. K. Mtt'iillonzh. I-nnjlH-rfltT I.U .llili Monie .Innir lMiDn. Penn am I Widrmire, FrrnHi.on.l"hn fi. W i ipikf J..hn I. tiftin. llnjth Mullf-u. tirehsm A. T. Dale. j Vuo.la ard J.M t'haer. m riisR jrnnna. Bifoaria Fnsl'k Mi"fl. llrll Jmr l-'niKlirrt.V. i,n it. . i'htienn. t'r(r tien IlfM.Siimm T nmnpenn. Brfidlord Kllle Pfarce. Wenle Khin v, Jeroh Prarre, Win, AI'TTt, V. B. Il'-ft. Ttrik.tr-- H " . ? i e i mrtn. f'h i,mvp, A nil. Knarr, Alrtaiitlt-r Mipn, K-t, t Puttun, Atiiitu t'fri;( WVm rr. ntim-i.1f-Sr.mn Prh-k Irr. Th'.i. X. Kllt'hrn. J- I n KiPL. Ji. ChoM-Willinm Hunter, t'oi iiiliin l.t w if H'iu wi. .f tin W. Itidrr. Clrortidft I n Mr, K. A. Itieler, A. J.S.nlh j ard, .'inintlmn I'ivn I tn, . W. f'itt. " ruiwcn-ullr llcnj. f-.j Broom. Ki'renatin .?. P. If.i-t, (Inrr llrll, A. J.Jnuii e-m. 4iirnrt B. Mrtiorern X. la. Mi oikle. (Jnhrn II. II. Mnrrow, f'ampHon Kinple, t.mhain Levi Huhlrr. i.uli'h I-enf llnprrtr, J..hn S. M Kifinan. lln-:-in Khjh Bnrr.. Kaithaue John (tt)li leni. t.nert'niT 1.m i P- wtr", II. i Minfiiirr, ttm,. B--nd,.lnmc Mit.-ht II. ,M iirTi ,ii(cjin riillmrr li id 1'rnnkltn 'r.r, Ainl .l'hii.tn, t;.-..rp Urn. N. lVeMiiiij;it.n .Ti'ri.h II. IWv'h. OeeM.laJ hn Sh-!T. I(. A. StcriritHid, Prim Vitlmn W'tfire. .K.ltn Itiif.ll. I'tke-.IhiJ l.nnlen, W. II. i'Mfinnn. I nx-n Th, Blaifbard. ltm iri ln -ir. Wm.tw-iH Jep. AVt- an'tcr, h llrnr. Vh-k's 1 lornl Guide for 1801). riVIIF. flrttt edillnn nf nne hundred thouKnnd of J Virk'e iHit-trntrd t'atali)rue of rWde and (i tilde in the F1"wcr tjirdrn it nnn pnbhh-d. Il mnkre a work It'f- pKpe, iHantifullj illutrtrd 1 with a, mul I Finr WtMi 1 Kncrntiinc i'f Floweret ami Vrgrlnl'he and an Klrati' Colored i'late, A COQUET OF FLOWL1.S. It le the mot VauMfnl, a iiil aa the mete) In Ptm.Mlie Flornl tliiiitf i nl)tt,e I, fivhic j'lain and thopi.nh rtlrtvtlnni Ihe rri.TP 14 K tip 1I.OMFM-' AMI VKllKTAIll.l . Tfc. twi lluiile i. nnbll'hed tor th. benefit nf nir ei.tr.n.. I it., to whom II I enl rree without applicaOrti, but will he fW.ardcl lo all who Blply hr mail! for TKN CliNTS, which I nt half the coil. A.l.lrc.. JAMl: VlfK. Janl Im P.i.-he.ter, K. T. "VH BtAI.I'U F'inr valuable town prnpertiee, in th. bor'Mgh of Cl.arhcld. LihwAion de airabla aaet batldinr new. Apple lo VVM. M. Nci'VI.LOl'on, 4e.1T , Atlerae al Lw, cUarleld, P. fdiif.itipu.il. MI". H. F. SWAN'S SCHOOL roil GIIILS III Mil II l.l, IS I VK FI'UU 1 I CM f to. II rn.nia' m " un M i f dr., i 1 khl 1. 1' 1 I I II. .V. IUa lii.f Otlliurrii k v. W j xrihr ...) r.tiiiB. n! j.-, ! inrltr and I'rur.a-t trim, (uf tltvin li (Id lli.fi.ry. l.-v-nl and .1. .i i . r (If. oilll Magi llrao.i.ir. Ilfamniar, Bud Wntli Ariibojtif. r ,bi 1. r Mrtilal Al,-W and Oif K. l'o-t Fr foil -nrtiular rnl fir ftnuUi. Clntr4-M( No. I?, 1S? n.n. t 00 aiift'fiS .foumlni and UarUinf hop. A. r. n via.... BOYNTON & YOUNG, FOtTNDKRS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer of PORTABLE & STATIONAEY STEA3I lLGIXi:S Corner of Fourth and Pine Ptrtvta, ri:Aia!i;i.ii, pa. .:.rIrTTy.- HAVl.Nll naed in tit bunnfaetura ef firlt elail MA I' II I N KI'.V, we rrri-ctfull iufurui 111 ,ublie tliat we art Dow prepared to fill all order, aa clicaj.tr and ai proni)ill.T aa can be done in but uf the cities. We ununifa.-turt and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Ileal Block., Water Wli'-cta, Chining Tnlley., Gifford'a Injector, Fleam Gaajrr,, Ftcata Whiillei, Oilera, Tallow fniii, Oil Cup, Gauge Cocki, Air Cocki, (iloliB Valvea, Check Vain a, wrouglit iron Pipea. Steam Pump,, Boiler Feel I'nmpa, Anti Prietion Metre. Soap StotM Packinf, Gnra Pack ing. and all kn.li of MILL WORK: tojrthrr with I'toBf, r-'Io i S' le., COOK AXD r.iRLOn ST0 I'LS, and other CASTING? of all kin la. -Orden aot.ritrd and filled at eity piicea. Alt lettcit of ii.'ui-j with reference lo tuiicliitierj of our Biamifaemre prompllj auiworcl, by addres itig u. at Clearfield, Pa. declO-tf D0YXT0X A YorSU. planing Wills. 1. L. Ktd. ,) notice. ; r.woii. . lictU J. F. Weaver, a. i.. iti:i:i v co. GLEAKFIKLD PLAXIXG MILL ALL RIGHT! IIK fro rielonreeiectfutlr inform tkeeitiieni of Clearteld aoiinlr, that Uiey hare entirely refitted tliil eitalili.hiucnt Willi the late.t improvil wooil working narhinerr, and are now prepared lo ei-ut all or lcra in Iheir line of l.o.,r.ei.. They will jrie. e.pcclal attcnti.,B to tha mfinulac tur of nalrnal for home building, anch a. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, sash, doors, blinds, niLtcuvTs .Tfoi Liu.ras, OF ALL STYLE 8, IV. a'wayt hate oo lun.l a larire twk of PKY Ll'.MI! EH. and will pay M.h f.w alt clenr Lumber. One and-a-half inch panel elun" pn-ferrcd. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to u;t customer. U..Order ...In ilcl. and Lumber furni-hrl ihort nMice and on rea.,nAl.le tcnna. . 1.. P.Ll'.l) A rn, c:, rfu.,i, Xor. r. 1m;;. " ' K. It. rTToa, E. A. In, ix. ..... J""t TatT'. ..J. It. Ikbih. E. B. PATTON & CO., Having fnvt up a 6; it clau PLAXIX(i MILL - Ait prfparrl tn fomi'h nil hlndc cf Manufactured Lumber, j Flooring. Sidiny, Porfaca- tretitfd Lum ber, Saih, Poors, Blindi. And rti-ry drcription of rLAlN AND FANCY MOULDING. e4-prairie (nd it In their a-U !--e t; em.'ult Miii inieei nelore porfhnii p tlieKhrie. Ad.lreM. K. D. PUTN A OV. CnrwrLKi 1t Clrarfirld pnuitiT, 4irr. S, INCfUf M ST(K!EM STVLKS!! FALL AND VriNTF.lt MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN REKIVS, MARKET FT., ( I.F.ARFIK1.D. PA. Having Intt reefreMl all thenoeehire of the eraeo in the Mil'inTT line, rrt,uri the ladirt tn rail and examine Ihi-m. Clearfield, Pa.. Xi. .V Valuable Town Properiy kou salk: 4 wal " -V- 7". ewa-we.i eorwrr wl A kern and Third Slreel. (being l!airuaJ ilrcel.l In it: A LOT, wilh a gMd two iloiv Mack build ing thereon, 3(1 by It fevt. one nn.m on ea. h fliir, tiitialih for a aloro. ur otho, buinrs. Alao. Ih. adjoining LOT. with a two-.torv dwrlllng boura thereon, and een-ral other TOWN LttTl. AImi. a lot of will bnrnt PHIrK, and a rod Miortmenl of hloNKWAIIK. iieh a froS-ka, Jiic. Jar.. I'nill I an. ... Bt re.lu.ed price.. For fnrlhev Inforrnatlnn. tnomre .t ike fltone. war. P.ll.ry of . F. 1.1:11 7.1 NitrK. l ncara.ld, Pa. 1 . ygi Tiji f.dodi. fiidrriin, c it (,iu:at kxcVtf..Vl!Ji (! Sr.iNfl Btnli,, ( lAr.,,If NEW GOODS AT LOW Ip.l, """ji-iti,k, f -rt.i ... .." I vthi..b ar me pu1. l ten did aoorliaent nf aierrhar II.. . , '" are bow i i.j '1 ar a.w i.llitig AT VHItY l.iV rnirr1 Their I took comliti la p,rt f Dry Goods of tho Etst Qaalh Sub ai Trint i, II. I niar.. All. , Oinr"B'.Mu.lin.,,M.aclied and .,'n l''- td.i Drilliac., lukinir.. e..i,.,. wool HannelLcjutin'ti. C.n,,.,,, Cottftnader, Ladie.' Mn., ' Xulia A Hood., Ualmorai ' and (loop ftkiru, Ac., Alio, atn. B.rortinent of Men', Ii.. . hirt, il.u A c.,.., li tJ" 1 all ( wbiib SOLD IX) W Koii WILL HE Hardware, Queensware, Glassw Groceries and Spices. !N SHOUT A OEXEIiAL ASS0KTMENT f." .T"'.1",il) n.nallT kept in a retail nM, ,i, CUEAP F0U CASH or approved country prv dueo. A. K. W'RIGIIT i Claarbetd, Kor.7 , 18H7. EV FILL & UI.MER (,'OODS! William Heed & Co., car Po toff ice. Market street. CLEA KF1EI.D, TA. HAVING jut 0 ned a larc- and ectnpieti lock from New York aud Philwli !.h:a. t cu o2t eilra inducciueuLa to CAr II tn'lKj We have a Ftilenlid f)e-tirn of Prt?i Gwii, tilki, (lmwle", Clakirtr. FlanDfii, Bii morai. Iitankcif, li.oji hkirt, Corfctt, Thotniimn'i tiUMc-ttrni, Trimminjji of every defterinitun, Zt-lirr. Trua Varu, ani one ol the mott compete a'lortjsecLit. Ladies and Gents Furnishing Good. Under war. Hi iierv, filorea of all kmdi, A'n auder'i Kid and IiacrU' reltbi-iittd 4.an.ifft t.i, ihe -Wait ever uiaJr.i XerMirn, lintterflic. C'oi'.arn, Cuff, liandherchtfla, Licet, td'Df,, Kmhroideri,e. Ar.: alio, a larte anrtmect af FtflH, with OKAY'S PATENT H iP.tMbeit thinjr eatant t.fothT with m foil line of lUfj god . Ail of wh ?h we offer at the VEhY J-UWEST CASH PRICE 1 Call and ?ee up. No ttoubte to ibnw P. lavuht r the jjlit-e Ntar Poktollire, Market Ptrt, Ot't8 CLEAKFIfcLP. TA. I REYOLITIO IX KtSIKSS at c inwtxsvii.i c 11T IIARTSOCK & G00DAYLY rpiIE nbdirtined bainr entered into to ptrt J nerhi in the ncrcantile birics. adofi this netbid of notifVibf tha pntiie i;er.era 'j, and iba eititeni of C'urwcnsville and fieiai'j ia particular, that nerchandiso of U k id ill e,;i be sold by us as cheap as tba sine r)ualitt slit' wbara in the county. W bave a full sFp!rcf DRY GOODS: tns;etins: In part of Drete Goods, PimU of ail shades and ttyldS ; together wttb a full assortment of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS 4 CAPS, noota, tthora, llardwarr, Uureniware. Ai well a Tinware. Cedarware. Willnwwan, bnrleu and Broom, t logeth.r witk a larf Itotl of UrorerUi ; and atwayi a lull nock of FLOLU, FISH, SALT, io Tb ahort, w. keep a full Bupr!y ,f TerytfcIt uied in thil market. W. want ail onr old euiUtuera and ki tniay new one ai eaa ttiak. it eoDrenient, to gin Bl a call before pure' aaing elMwhera. DANIEL HARTSnrlt . tlirtlN GOOOHIN. Cniw.ni.illa. Fibrua. y It, IMS. ItE( II tftl ?IOSSOI DEALER IX FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS. MTSLIXS DELAINES COHL'lU.S al at at Sen.ntion Sensation Sensation price iri"i I rip ALPACAS t Senwition Juil rpire?.l at MtJ-SSOl' G1r,IlAM,S Srneation Sensation Senation Sonnaiien Sonaation prir pricOB piirBf prifai prifo CHINTZ P KIN IS (JI.OVM CRAVA1S ai AiOSSOl'.S MIA IV l,H Hi IN M I S Oil.dHKn ! MUSLINS J at al at Snaaiion priMt priCew prica, -ors'. prion price price price. rVosalioo 5TIBliOIl All to he bad at MO: LINEN at CKA.Ml at ITHTAINS at TAULK CLOTHS at KKINt.E at Senaation Snm(ion Senalirn Setifation Serration price al MuSSOfS'. LACK at . Sensation price price price HOSIERY at Senantion UlUIMiNS at Senaation TRIM MINUS ol all kimla t in any qun'ly at Sensation price) Alwavaon haml at M'SSOPS' CASIMKKKS at S ATTI N KTS at TWEKI'S al J1ANS at VKSTlNliS at VHlRTlNljS at Senaiitinn S?tiation Senealion Senaation S-nalion Senaation pr cm pr cat price price, price price at M'jSSO CLOTH 1X0 tuchl M Coma. I anl. I el. I ndrr Slurta, at aeiiflatioo price r tunnel Miirte, LiHita, Slioea, lint and C.-irn. Now for aala al MOSSOr': HARP W A K E uch aa SBwa.nnil Fork, Knirea, spike, Hitigna, LlgCOlt". nch aa W me, Ilrati.lv, Oin, Whiakey, CogtMC, etc., etc., KKl'l IS, uch at TruneB. hauim, Kif, Killrta, Ac, at tenation price. at MOSSOP'S. at eeti.ati m pricei at nenaalioa price at Mossnr. OIMCEKIES, tayV r tour, iiimi, Kliniiklor,, Stipnr, Mnlaaana, Ci.llee, Tea, Cracker, Spicea, Candle, Coal Oil, ate, etc. at tenaation price Aiwavt at MOSSOT'.. BLACKING imi'ES row HER illOT LEAI CATS al at at at ul at tetivalioo Bengal ion lenantmn tenant ion tennHtion BetiBBlinn price.. pri..j prni' price. pr:r. price. Altha tlora of KICUAKD MOSStir, MOisSOi' Alwavt keep on hand a fu a.tnilmerit of all kin. I of pooda reqtiii. 'or the accommodation ol the puMic July.J. li'T. the DrMOCRATtC ALMAXAf. Old' ewat. i-rrv rotw ikoald bar. n I.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers