I K s ami Cf "" " " "" V More niwl cw (.noils. T. C. I'UOM M, MERCHANT TAILOR, MUiKir CT., ll.F.AHUKt.P, TA. 11 AIV' ,,p"tll "T Merchant Ttltor.nf .t)thtiMnr, i Market itrw). lliin( ft, i life ol It. Ilartawiek, 1 w.tii reaper ! , ;,.. in lit ritunu f ric!U.r(ii and tUI I hve ri'CfurJ Iroiu the nil- n.e a loll ftMitinrut ol C.otb, Cas-siinerea, Vestings, &c, if ihe I" I 1 ritmlitT tnil latest sivle, Ui. h I ..,..,. i lo tn.l,e u:i un hf irt v?iril i ri L ihr Ue.i h'hin, enl at price i rented u, be . ,.uvMrv. 'l ip wo oik'-, an. I 1 am .tirc you C- COMM. i , l Jan. 51, If 1850. Coin? it Alone. 1800. . R L. STOUGIITOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pi., nAYISil opened buainepi on my own hook, ,t the old itand in Shaw', How, I therefore Mt..u.ce 1" tha publio that I hare now on band , well lelectcd and large aeiortmont of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, t!em, and a'l kinde of Ooodi for man and iota' wear, and am now prepared to tneke ap to ordar CLOTH INU. 'rom "null article to a full jii. In tha lateit atylea and moil workmanlike manner, cpaolal atwntion- gieen to euatoin work and euiuof-out for man nod hoy. I alter greet beraaina to ouetomor,, nod warart tii, latiifacnon. A liberal ahara of public niironage i, aolicited. Call and peo mo. jenl-lf K. K. L. STOUGHTOX. H. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door eait of Clearfield Ilouac,) Market Street, Cleirflrld, Fa. EEPS on hand l full asaortmenta of Gent.' Purniebing uooda, auon la Mtirte, utnen Woolen lindereblrt.,, Drawera and Bocka, h'eektlea, Pocket Handkarrhi.fi, Ulorei, HaU, Imhrallaa, Ac, In grant variety. Of Pioea Ouudi ha kaepi tha Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," ruck ai Black Doeekin of tha rery beat make; Fincy Ce.eimere, to great earlety , alio, Freu:b dialing. Bearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frleott c.ereoeting. All of which will be aold aheap for Caib, and made op according to the laleat atylea by eipeheneed workmen. Alio, Agent for Clearoeld eonnty for I. U. finger 4 Co'a. celebrated Bowing Machlnoe. Nof.l, 186i tf. 11. BRIL.QI. .furniture CHEAP FURNITURE. JOHN GULICn DCS1RES to inform hi old friend and cut tamers, that having en Urged hii shop and increased bit faci li ties for manuiactoring. fa It now prepared t to order curb Furniture as nay h desired, la (rood Kyle and at eheap rate for C A a ll. He generally has on hind, at Lit urn it are rooms, a varied atiortment of ready -Diue furitture, amotijf which are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOA HDS, WarJrnbef and Book-Caaea; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breai'al and Dining Kxteasion T.'lee: C'rn. on. Frf ncb itoft.Cottape.Jtjnnf -LiDd and oilier Bedrteada ; S fat of all kipdf. Work ttandt, Uiit-racki, Wanh-atanda , hooking and Ar (tain; tprini?-eat, can bottom, r!jr, roai tnon and other Cbaira ; Looking J lajte oferer? dfirriptton on band ; and new glanea for old frnmea, which will be put in on very reasonable termi on ibortcat nntie. He alao keepi en hand or furnish et to order. Cora butk, Hair and Cut to lp aM&ttrenea. Coffins op Evert Kind Xitlt to order, and funerli attended with a Hfirit whenever de tired. AIko, Hnuae Paiittinj done to order. The rubier. ber aUo tnanufao lun, ard hat rnioantl no hand, Cletnent'e PkUnl Vfaeliitiff Machine, the bet now in ue ! Iboi otinf thit m-u riiae never need be with out tifan clotbet I He alio hat Pljrer'a Patent (.ban, a tuf.erior artir.e. A futnilv vting lint Chun never need ha without butler ! AH the ahore and many other article are fur ni-hed to eotomera cheap for Cah or exchanged for approved rountry produce, Cherry. Mple, P'-r-tr, Linwood and otter Lumber tuttable for Cabinet woik, Ukeo ia tichang for furnitv-o A-wHetnemher the thp U on Martref ttreet, Clearlield, Pa., and no arty oppoti'e the "did Jew Htort." JOilN Ut'LICIJ. 'oreailer 2, 12 J glarksmithiuj. fKCOND ST.. CLKA HFILLD, Ti. IHB nnd-rfifrned hga Jo Inform hit friend, and the itthabilania ol the borough of Clear eld and turrnnndine; neighhirhnrd, that b ll riw ready to execute all order either in Itoa or t)el. Unpeg SHOEING on tha no oil appro? ed e ty ttfle, ALL KIND3 OF RAW. MILL IHOXS and Eli IN K work, logmen' loci, canthooka,ipreadt graba, ate. Steel tool of all kind male of beat Englib or American tteel. ,A1I my work la warranted to glr latii favetin, or not charged for. ootZD AMOS KKNKARD. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP THIRD PTREET, CLF.ARriKLD. TRKfoKarriber respect fully Inform! hitfriendi and tbt public in general, thai h ha Local M ia ih borough of ( LKARFIKLD, In the t'p recently oerupied by Jacob Bhonkweiler, ter h I bow reiy to per for in all dui twarlt bit cuttomert in a workmanlike manner. f pda, Meirhi, Pnggie and Wagin ironed, and Horte -ahot-ing done at reaacnabla rate. He rta(ctfui.T ak a there of work from tha pohhe, a ti intend to girt hi whole attention te the tuMr... THOMAS HILKV. M4rci 1 .. IHftS. Boggs Township Awake I GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEUS'SIl IVKRVnODT trying to get there frrtt, for fear j of being crowded - into the mid. Il yo want gf-od Shoring dne. go to Paeai. If ya want your Sicr1 ironed right, go to Br en. I' too want good .Mill Ir..n. go to lie a as. it yum want your wrgon iruned in the beat (trie and workmanship, go to Httraa. faun makea the heat Ftomp Machine in the f 'ate, and doe all kinda of 111 At' h .M I r M 1 ii at rbeip at cao be done in tse county for t'aob My i'oit Office addre la PlearAcId Hndre. THOMAS UEKHS, n-T-rt Tp., Dae. IV, .MMf. SCHOOL S0G COOK. 1'E would rcipcrlfollr call Ihe allenlion of tl l.-,rni'nle f r?tuioI;, ,keu,,nt r,e., ana j.erli.r, of Singing to eur iew tsBbool hong THE SONG CAM NET, By C. O. ALLEX. Tb i. Rvk .'ntaitt, lir.l a rery rarcfuTy prepared lerlel of Prl tt.n S. rif Lcr.na. bf na.j A large number of tew and beautl- I.I eU ont. It. r l j A ,hnrt Cantata Th. School Fee ' ' d.ipnad , apref.ly f r oa at School hrej.'!"rt., t'i'nccrte end Katiiliitit-n,. Tie I'uoiiilirra. in preeentinr Ihil work to f"nri,,, T,d lea-here, would cll ,pcial "rr.iion to it. tupcrinr icci-itr a. bol Son " h. 1 ne aulbor ha. h.cn rcry carclul in the . tion ot hie tnu.ic. wliKh i, almott erlircly . "i d in aliening to it eppn.prie'e won!, lib unl teclioh.l.l. aent'meoie. whteb will e'm,,.j jta ,,,lti0B in nil oar Srhoole and I"'-' r,a-i-,. S o Csir baa hcen ad, pld by Ibe f C.lucai.,n. i, the icatbiok for the I ' ie S. ho..i, in 'he city "f Sew York. Pure, ,,,,, ecnta e ai b. To School,, Ac, aix tl'.ar, , ,,,.. baa'e rin erat by aaail ipo,l paid,) on '"ii i ol Mi, ct,: -,..r ,i,l, ly a I Ttn-h and Mini' Str.. 1 '1 l,rd L. U II.L1AM II A Lb A SUN, .Ml Broadway, N. . MVuut I k-rd ta end iiirloinlMal u;'pottr, of ercry rt cf ihe Inte.t itn r roce in cnle. f -r ! It U, bnt f nAKTSlfK A IftW'IK. 1 t llonniiiro. Ilul bcil'a, I'r.ke'a. J t H ,ltr.r aliunde (icrm.n.lloflrtter'faad Oreeoa', "r.oaied bnter, ; ,lo por. Liqn.ra, of nil ' ' lor KaJtCaHal purpoaea, fir aal hv HAHTeWICai A lflWI. SARP iij GEO. B. GOODLANDIR, Propriotor. VOL 1I-WIIOLENO.2I03. Jtry ttooli, (Ororrrirs, tftr. THE CLEARFIELD STORE RECONSTRUCTED. Ocorr I,. Reed William Towell. John F. Wearer William W. Bella. GEO. L. REED & CO, Two dcora north of tha Court Ilouie, CLEARFIELD, PA. IF AVIXO returned to our old bulnett ttand, we hereby notify the eitiiena of Clearfield aud the publio generally, that w have entered upon, and intend to prosecute, a vigoroua earn mgri Dpavimi niK" prior 1.111 interior gouua, ana ave now on hand a full aupplv of all kind, of good ued in this market. In the line of Dry Uooda, We claim to hare a full aasortmeat, contittiog U part of Mualma, bleached and ttnltleaehed ; Print of all grade and style; and Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Euch a Alpaca of all shade t Dt Laiaet, Mo- riooa ana r lannett I oetiaea, a iuu iwno luent of gentlemen' wear, oonttsting in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Eatinetta and l full laaortment of READY - MADE CLOTHING. Xotlons, Hosiery, Trimmings, BONNETTS, AC, Eata and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. We have a full eupply of Coffee, Tra, Fuccr, Rice, iivUsaet, 7ul'-wt'o, ri-h, Salt, linteed, ooal and fish Uilj, FLOUR, BACON, DRIED FRUIT, Sugar-cured Hainc, Mesa Pork, and a full tupply of l'roriaiona. Hardware and Queensware, Voodm & lrillow llVrc. All the f irce-iing article, will He ehan?c1 for CASH, Ll'MBEH, or t'OI'NTKY PllOMCIi. and at pricca to whk-h there ean be no exception. Ihoee in need of Uooda in our liue, will pleaae txg-CALL AND SEE US .'"tot GEO. REED & CO. Clearfield, Pcpt. 17, llf.8-lf. JICHARD ilOSSOP IS KOW Selling, at half their nual prioa, rm&ss goods, CI.OAK5 AND SHAWLS. BROWN SH EETIN03, FLANNELS AND BLASKE1S, WOOLEN GOODS, IIOSIEHT, MEN'S CLOTH ISO, GENTLEMEN'S FfRNISUINO 0ohU I. A D I ES' B( WTS AND SII0 ES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SIIOES, BOV , do do HOOP SKIBTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, KAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND FORK, FLOUR AND FEED, Ac, etc.. Ac. Down I Down II THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COIRSB THE CHEArE.-TI A Proclamation against High Prices I "lrE are now cpcnlng rrp a lot af the hot and If mo,t ecaennalile to,Ml, ana " arre c"-r offered in t r nurkct. and al pricea that remind one ,,f the rood old dava of cheap thing.. T noee who lark faith upon thin point, or deein our nJle glliune eiip'-rtluou,, need hut V.ihh IT out STOtlV, Comer Frr:t tnJ .Vaikct strttii, Where t3i"T ran iwe, fori, har and know for them arlvea. To fully un. fratntl what arecb-,p gnfide, tint mut ! dune. We do not deem it neereaary to rnutnerate afil itemite our stock. It ti enough for u to tiatc that 7e have Everything that is Needed end enn.mned In Ihi" market, and at price, tint atonih bo'h old and T.mr. Uc.v.mi JiiSKt'll SHAW A FfiN. X J J IV NTO it K. Cor. Frcond St. And Hill Road. 11. MITCHELL HAS Jurt receive I and opened, at the abnre named place, an entire new t(r.-k ,.f SI M M i it t.oitj.h, whlrh he vill erll Vr H Hi LAP iuK CAII, Hi stock eturiU fcf Irj iJool, Cro'eriM, JI A KP W A Ii E, EK1V.S W 4 RE, limit and Pboea. and Cp, Realy-Made Lluthioff. ele. lie alto kr?pch.Mc v. o rn, cony mea i , feed, (hop, It neon, and ItrtrA Iruils. Pcr.onl deeiroti, of purclia.ing goe-la nt fair rate are reepeellully requeeted to gi.e htea a call. aT-Anno. xl eeerlif etrtMlnee will he taken. at hifneet price., in eiehang. fur gcd- CleariWd. Jan. IS, Mh-tf S! 1 Jiiufla and UnUrinrs. J3 M Y A li . HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Jltirkct Street, Vlearflild, Pa. WE beg leare to Inform our old and new enatomere, that we bar. removed our ea tabliihment to the apaoloua new building juat erected on Marked atreet, nearly adjoining tba Manalon Houaeon tha weat, nndoppoalt. Meiira. (iraham k Bene' atora; where we r.tp.otfullr inrite tha publio to oome and buj their Drugs, Chomicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our atoek of Drugi and Medielnee eonaiiti of .Terathiog mod, aeleotad with tha greateat ear., and WATiBANTED BTEICTIY PTJEE ! W e alio keep i full atook of r.a, Perfumerica, Toilet nrtirlea, boapa. Tooth broihea, Hair Bruihee, Wbitewaih Brnahaa, and e'er- other kind Bruahea. We bar. I large lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaneed Oil, Palnta, and In fact ererrthlng laed in the painting buaineaa, which w. eflor nt City price to eaeh burera. TOBACCO AND SEQAUS, Confeetlcnerr, plcea, and the largent atoek of rarieliaa over ottered In tbia place, and warrant ed 10 bt of the beat th. Market aftorda. J. 0. HAKTSWICK, Nor. M, m. JOHN F. IHWIN. NEW ARRANGEMENT. . Hii.ttr. tuti aaiST, (Second ttreet, oppoeit. tha Oourl Bouia,) CLI1ARF1ELD, Penn'a. TFIR ffobterlbtra rcepectfullr rnnonncci to the eitiaena of Clearfield and vlcinitj, that he baa now en hand n full aupply of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Dje Stuff,, Tobacco, Clgara, Confectioneries tft.tioncrv. Ac. rilVSJCIANS Will find hit atoek of Drug, FULL and COM PLETE, and all Terr alight adraoe. on Kastarn pricea. !tJHUl)l; DUUhS. Teachere and olhera will ha furnlehei with elaieicaland miacellaneoni hooka by fzpreaa,at abort notice. STATIONERY, Con ting of Cp, Flat Cap, Foolaeap, Letter and Perfumed Koto Papon alao, a very neat tock of Mourning Note Paper and Envelope on band. fen, renciia. mi, c. J I O L tS 1C Jv E K P K u 3 Will find a full atoek of Pl'KR tSPICES, ROD A, SODA ASM. Concentrate! EYK. KG A P. ff. LAU1E.S AND GENTLKMEX Are reqneated toeiamlne hit stock of Perfumery, Hair Oilr, Fin Toilet oapi, Drutbet, Combt, Toilet Hettt. 4e. SMOKEK3 AND CIIEWEBS Will find a full fur-ply of prim Chewing and 6moking TORAO-'Q, Imported and Doatettic CIUAKb. fcnuff. Fine Cut. Ac . io. CAJtBUN on., Of tbt best brand, always on hand. LhJl'OiiS. Tha heat quality of Liquor always on hand, fur meriifal purpoaea. CV-Phvicitnif Preicriptions promptly and carefully compounded. Apr. 9. 1869. A. I. EH AW. ROSADALISV Til SIIAT lllood Piirlfier, crii SCROFULA IN ITS VAIUOCS FORMS, Consumption In Its earlier stag, Knlargement and I Ice mi iuu ol the (Jlandt, Joint. Hone, Kidney, I'tern. Chrome Kheumatieaa, Kruptiont of th tkin, Cbronie 6ora Fyes, Ac Alro, SYPHILIS IX ALL HS FORMS. DISEASES OF WOMEX, Lota of Appetite, 8irk Headache, Llrer Com plaint, Pain In tha Itack, Imprudence in Life, (letter I Fad Health, and all diaeaaeaof the Blood, Liver, Kid ner t and I) ladder, it is a perfect Rem vatir. ROMAPALI9 eradicate every kind of humor and 1 ad taint, and restore th eotire tyttem to a healthy condition. Jt it perfectly harmles. never producing Ih sTightnt injury. It ia not a tccret Quaak remedy. Th article of which it Is ta al e are puMiabed around each hot tin. Rero an mended by th Medical Faculty and many thousands ol oar beet ciiiiens. JT4rFor teatimonial of remarkable euret, e "ILosealali Almanaa for thii year. Prepared only by Un. J. J. LAWREXCK A CO 144 Raltimore tSt., Da.ll. more, M For sal by lruggiat everywhere. ( janUly NATURE'S CHEAT RESTORER a c ii i. i:ti' Celebrated Bjlter Cordial. rrHTR medical preparation It not offered to I the pnhii a a reliable euhatitute for th many worthless com peon da which now tad the market. Il is purely vegetable, fumpoied o various herbt, gath-red frora th great ttore- hout of natare, and selecied with th ntmoet car. It ia not recommended a a Ct aa All, hut by ita direct and salutary influence upon tb Heart, Liver, Kidney, Lungs, Stomach and Rowf ls.it an both a a preienti and cure fvt many of ttie diaeatet to which llwfe organs are fuljcit It Is a reiiahle Family Medicine, and ean be takan by either infant or ainlt with the tame beneficial reanlta. It It a rertain, pmmpt and spetdy remedy for Iiarrttra, ly entry. I owe I ritr-p'nirt, I'v epeia, townee of .Spirits, Fainting. Sirkh-adarhe, A e, Ftr Chttla and fever f all kinJs, it Is far belter and eater than any quinine, w.thcat any ef itapr niciona effectt. It ereaiet an appetite, prove a powerful di grater, a-d will counteract the effeel of lt)iior In a few minute. Prepared by JACOB aCUKKlK, Hoi PiHiprietor, N. W. r. HiOh and Race ttreels I'hiladelphia, Pa. Pt.ld by all Druggists. Bo?lJ-ly Allenlion, Afflicledl 1 HK tuberril er give notice trat he ha returned the practice of Medicine ta Luih- eiahnrg, wiiera he lnt".t to tlevat hia alien- tun tn the trratment of CHKC TC IIFAhS In general, He will ke-pon hard a ehnice lerncti ot IRri and W a. I'i C I K adapted to tb treatment nf chronic diaeaaes, and may ha Cf n'tiVed at bis oce at any hour of th day. K. R. A word to thoae aCiicied with chronic dtieaaet may ba to Tama advantage. Mr war pot be aware that ceiavar Pht eiclan who do a ami no praetic bav nt tiki lo attend to tb treatment of nitosir dieae, and eon a, queolly ttam act them ; beoca tbt elaa of di a tea require aici.aira attention. GKOROR WILS01V. M. D. Latr.ertharg, Feb. 17, lst-U I "1 1 I I 1) FKALO IOBr.lllar P. "be., root .ngf.nl J. r tHATIII'ft. ) PRINCIPLE3 j CLKA K FIELD, VAU TJIUItSDAY, FEB. i, I860. Jlrjj (Oootls, r.rorrrifjs, (Sir. AT COST I AT COST ! ! N1VLING k SHOWERS Propoia to aell their entire atoek of WINTER Droaa Oooda, Dr.aa Trimming,, Shawla, Hood,, Nubia,, Breekfatt Bbawla, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, Flannele, Biankata, Underahlrta and Dnwera, Caettmere Slilrta, Balmoral and Uoop Skirt,, Oloraa, Ilualery, Ladle,' Coati, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S' HATS, Hate and Cap,, Bonnet Ve'reU, Frame, Riboni, Featbera, Floware, Ac, nt NET COST, lo reduce their atoek for Spring. Jan? I7WH8. Ladlaa', OenU and Children' Fur, Balanoa of atoek nt groally reduced pricea. at till KEYSTONE 6TOHS. , w A KTIil Country produea In exchange tor cneap good,, at tne KEY8T0NE STORE. DELAINES.... CALICO MUSLINS'.. At th. Me. 10(0)121 10 and upwarda. KEYSTONE MORE. SIIOKH.-A frerh inr.lc. of Olore Calf But toned Boole, (Star Poliah Balmorait, e.f Ae , at prtooe to auit th. tlmee, at tb KEYSTONE STORE. GllILiT HAItUAlXN Sew Store In Mulsonburg! In tb room formerly otoupied by P. T. Ilcgarty. L. M. C0UTRIET FpAKES this method of Informing the eitisen 1 of Covinstoo. tarthau Oirard and, the sur rounding eountrr, that he hat juat opened a large stock of hi WMKU (KOI-, which be I deter miucd to tell TEN PbK CENT CHEAPER than th same quality of tiouda ean be purchased for in any o( tier atore in the neighborhood. U is stock cvumt of Dry Goods of all Kinds Such a Satinctti, Caatlmerrt, Mualini, Delaiuea, Linen, Drillinga, Caltcoea, Trimmingf, Ribbons, Lace. READY-MADE CLOTH ISO. BOOTS 611UES, HATS A CATS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Pucrar, Rice, Molataet, Fiah, Salt, i-lnsect. Vti, Msb Oil, Carbon Uil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Caatinga, Plows and Plow Catlings, Kails, Friikea, Com Pnl,vBtr.pei fiAmr l'rta.i gtnrl all kinds of Axes. Plows are f the Curwentvill and Centre county make, and are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Feinte, Varni.h, t)la, and feperej aaaoriment oi stationery, 00 OD FLOUR, Of different brand, always on hand, and will be ulj at toe low eat pot ti tile Ogurej. nqrons, Poch a BRANPT, WINE, GIN A WHISKY 5000 pound of Wool wanted for which th highett phe will be paid. ItOVF.R.SF.l.H, 0d hsnd and for aal at th lowest market price. VfLCall and tee for you reel res. Tot will And verj. thing usually kept ia a retail store. u, m. vu tinmii French vill P. 0., Jan. 7, 169. JEW BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW b SO, Hare juat opened A Nitr Store, on Main St., CLinriiLp, Utelr occupied hy Wra. F. IRWIN. Their atoek contiati ot LDLRT CO CD CO UU 3, Oiwmn or Ih beat quality, Queensware, Boots nnd Shoes, tnd erery article necraurr for onc'i oomfort. Call iri'l eiamine our atoek before por cliwing elaanbere. May 0, l?CG-tf. ww. ran irri 1. 1. rnenraoa TEN EYCK & THOMPSON CI KM KNaSVILLK, PA. H A VINO juat received from New York an of th largest and beat selected slocks of uimnif, w are now ready to oner th m to oar old eoatotners, (to whom wa return thank for part favors,) and th eitnens of tb countj gen rally, at Prices that will Render Satisfaction. diva os a call before purchasing eUe where, and thereby save fma a to iW per centoa your goods. Our stock consists of a great variety, such as DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, rl-OTHINtl, onorKMEi", llAIlDWAItE, QVFEXSWARK, FAIXTS, OILS, Dia (., mn r kp Al l, kii. Fieri. Salt, 1 e.lber, r'hea Finding.. BOOTS and HiOKd (cajlern and home made) in great Ta rlrly, and at reduced Cgures T1NM ARK, FI.UL H, Ac, Ac. 1FX EYCK THOMPSON-. Ta-lrg i. aaiocinted 11. It. Tbnmptoa with m. in tb, abara tratia, I dcire all perron, in dehted lo ma, by Note or Book account, ta fall and eelll, tba aatna without deley. M. TEH EYCK. Curwenerllle, May, f, Hi If. rnr doing a fnwily wa!'tng in ihe t-.i and chesn eft manner. Ituairantced enual to any in the world. Has all the strcrKth of rid rfi soap. wilhtherrt'H and la'bering qnalities of genuine i Ca.tile. TrT tbia ei lend.d .,. Sold l,r th. Al.liKX lil.MlCAL WoliKt-, IS J,.rth Tront irect, l'hil.dtiba. (nori! ly (1 nr.AT BABfTu-lo Tloti.a. tidl, T re.eirc.ere, Fetiaetta, Fbining Fiacnelt, eiitord. nt J. I KRATZKirS. fool.. good a,t ( tmT.-sner! thie dal. all Woolen Oooda. Inetadinf 2-In" tT"".:':'!: J" " --J " " " . f. KaATglr BV NOT MEN. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAREJ ELD, Ta. THURSDAY MOIlNINtj, FEURPAUY4, lsr.O. MONGREL MISRULE. The Boauties of Reconstruction. PHERKN'TMENT OF CONCIItKHS AND TIIF, TJNITED STATED UV A NORTH CARO LINA CJRAND JURY. Tlie Kuleitrli Sentinel publishes llio following prcitnntmcnt inude by the grand jury of Orungo county, in fTortb Carol mi : Bran or North Caioliva, T Orai.uk CotiKrr, Si raaioa Court or Law. Fall Tina, 1868. ) To the lion. A. W. Tourrjec, Judge Presiding ; Tito grand jury for tlio county of Orange, called frora the body of the poojile, as custodittnB and coiiHervntors of the public peace and security, are grutitieu to be able to report that good ordorand security provuil throughout the county. Tboy congratulate the Court and the country that the unconstitutional and opprebsive military tribunals un der which the country has so long suffered, and the rights of the people so long languished, have boon removed, and the people are ot lust remitted to thoir guaranteed rights under the Con stitution, prominent among which oro freedom of speech, freedom of tha press, the right to bear arms, the great writ of civil liberty, the habeas corpus, and the right to be heard in open court, to prosecute or defend, before a sworn jury of their peers and under the instruction oi judges who should be learned in the law, sworn to do right, and rcsponniblo for any mal feasance in olfico ; all of which have been denied them for three yoars. liut while lliero is much to cull for congratulation, thero is much which, in the judgment of this grand jury, calls for severe animadversion. Int. Wo present Lieut. Crocket, of the United Slates army, who, stand ing among us as a Bureau ofliccr, was guilty of high crimes and misdemean ors, as w;ll as acts of despotism, which Congress itself could nut justi fy. Among his acts of despotism was his arrest ol Chief J uslieo Ru Ilia n, an old servant of the pcoplo and the State, ono who, lor halt a century, has ren dered valuable services to both. This vcrcrablo pulriarch and jurist (whoso judicial opinions have been quoted and rolied upon in every Slate lit the L'nion and even England,) was, in the eighty second iear oflus age, summoned lo appear before the government of the United Slates, in the pemon of Lieut, l.rockett, ot tlio i wenty-nintu Ohio regiment. lnao RulEun. a freedman, complain ed that the Chief Justico had not paid him for services rendered. A writ or summons is placed in the hands of the frccdmun, commanding tho Chief Jus tice, living in '.he county of Almauco, to appear in tho county of Orungo, to answer the compluint. 1 lie writ, in stead of being served by the Sheriff or Murxhul, was served ty the IrecUmnn entering tho parlor of tho judge with a pistol in his bosom and executing theprocess. 1 tic L litel Justice attend cd ond non suited tho freodman, oven before Crockett, by showing that ho had been fully paid. Nor was this all. Chief Justice Human whs aguin summoned by another Rurcau officer, to appear in the town of lirocnsboro, to answer a liko complaint made- at that temple of justice Ho attended and non suited tho complainant, but recovered no costs in cither suit. The huieau threatened to tio tip the com nlainnnt hv tho thumbs for his fultte claims, and there ended the matter with the Chief Justice. Rut it just began with William Faucelt, ono of ourneighhors. Lieut. Crockett order ed him to give up to Antony Faucctt, a freedman, a threshing machine and two cows; and threatened to arrest and send him to Raleigh unless tho order was obeyed and all before ho had heard but one side of the question. William Woods, another neighbor, was ordered by said Crockett, of tho Huieau, to give up his son, a boy of ten vears pf ago, to Mis. Retsy llrown. Tiiese things bcingdonoin ihcnatno of Congress and tho United States, the grand jury do present Crockett. Cn grets and the Vmtrd States with t wse crimes against civil liberty and the Con stitution. 2d. We present, as dnngerotu to lib erty, ns secret political orgnnizatioriR, wncincr Known as i.oyai ieaguo, ,u Klux Klans, lied Strings, Heroes of America, or by whatever name they may bo known, or for whatever pur pose they wero organised. Hd. The grand jury tlo furlher pre sent an editorial article in tho Ihnlt Standard, of the 1 1 t li of Septoinher lift, entitled " Work," and a cerluin printed addrcis signed by eighty-eight members of the Legislature, including tho Lieulfiiunt Governor and the Speaker of tho llnttso of R-preaent-aiives, nnd extensively circulated among tho people of the State, and saitl to have been written by Juilgo Hcmle, of tho Supreme Couit, as intu inotis productions, calculated lo incite to rape, rapine, plunder, murder nnd arson, nn such a stale ns tho mind recoils from with horror inexpressible And tho grand jury bavo to deplore that already, in a neighboring county, as they have been informed, and as a direct eonsetiteneo of tho sugrjestions contained in those and similar docu ments, aels of violence, even to the barbarous cutting off of men's cars, hnve been perpetrated in retaliation npon Iho ignorant nnd deluded blacks who have but carried those luggos- '"" ""O Cited. The grand jut jf deprecate and s'.crn My denounce till such ads of violence, i but, while they do so, they reel a pro found sympathy for tho betrayed and , !norant nniTt rers. In that Ihev have been ntsde and will bo left to suffer, wbiln tKct mtilffi- .nitwit-, anil ciirriila- : tors of thuao infamous teaching, will .v. :.l . T . L - cwunpw tue iunt uumuuiruv ui men B J. NEW crimes and occupy high places of honor and trimt In tho government of. the State. The grand jury saw with grave con cern tlio introduction of ft bill in tho last Legislature culled tho "armed police," (tho titlo of which, but not tho substance ol'the bill, was changed,) and tho act now stands upon the statute-book, by which a body of volun teer militia, indctinito in numbers, and not required to bo of tho citizens of tho State, nor to bo officered by citi zens, and a detailed militia, can bo scloctcd by tho Governor from tho masses of the people, lo tho peril of their liberties and tho Brest increaso of their taxes. Tho pussago of such acts by tho Uritish I'urliumcnt would bring overy man to his tuct, gun in hand. Such acts have been condemn ed by tho English pcoplo and Ihe Uritish judiciary long ago. In the reign of William III, a mili tary commander called on Chief Jus tico Holt to send a constable, with his soldiers, to prevent a mob from tearing down a house. "What will you uo, said tho Chiet Justice, "il the people will not obey your order, but tear down tho house ?" "Wo will fire into them !" wus tho reply. ''If you do, said the juugo, "una any man is killed, 1 will see that your sol diers aro hangod. The laws of this kingdom are not to bo executed by the sword. These matters belong to the civil power, and you bavo nothing to do with them." In the opinion of tho Grand Jury such sentiments should animate our Governor, our judges and our Legisla tures. The civil urm is sufficient for tho execution of Uio laws and preser vation of the peaco in North Carolina To checkmate this military and dangerous mode ot executing the laws in Orange, with the sword, an organi zation was formed at Cedar Grove, composed of the most orderly citizens in the county, who pledged themselves to aid in the execution of the civil law whenever it was resisted in tho county of Orange; and at the same time, to forbid the Governor's armed i police or militia putting their hands or swords upon a citizen, at tho risk of having their guns taken from them by unarmed men. Wo are glad to say the armed police or militia for execu ting the law has not been formed ,in Orungo, nor bus the unarmod compa ny been called for. Tho Grand Jury do further present only to repel with tho indignation it deserves, tho charges tnado by the Governor to ono Nelson A. Jliles,that tho whito men in North Curolina are secretly accumulating arms, for the purposes of insurrection and rebellion. No evidence has been offered to estub lish the charge, and this Grand Jury, drawn from the body of tho people, and cominir from all portions of the emu.f. knowiti.r it to bo fnlso as to , this county, believo it to be false as to I The peoplo of Kansas, while indigna nt! ; and that it has sprung only from ting over thin oulragr, -ill bo ablo to malevolence and for political effect in appreciate the tribulations of .Mary tho late elections. ' lunders, who used to doubt a little 4th. Tho Grand Jury do present! more or less than the government Judgo Pearson's letter as falsifying standard, and will perhaps bo ablo to the truth of history, treacherous anil hypocritical in its designs, and ultc get her unworthy a judge. If tho judgo really believed thore was dan ger of a "civil war, ns bo pretcnos, then ho should have bad tho pnrlies preparing to make war arrested and bound to keep the peaco; and, finally, 6lli -Tliis Grand Jury do present, and truthfully rcpresont to your Hon or, a stranger to them, and to the county, as well as to tho judicial his tory of North Curolina, lhat the pco plo of North Carolina, especially of the county of Orange, havoevcr cher ished and maintained an habitual re gard and reverence for tho judiciary of the Slato. Tho pcoplo of Orange have had for neighbors, perpetual friends and associates, such judges as Murphy, Norwood. Cameron, Nash, Mangum, Ruflin, Manly, Rattle and liuily. As men and neighbors they art) remembered by tho peoplo of Or ange with tho fondest affection. We Itavo namod those judges because they wero our companions, neighbors and friends. Tho pcoplo of the State did not al low the pcoplo of Ornngo to go before them in love, admiration anil respect for the whole Judiciary the whole and every member of it. The high character of tho judiciary of North Carolina, as exemplified in theliveiof Moore, Haywood, Henderson, laylor, Gaston, Caldwell, Daniel, Badger, Saunders, Keawo'l, Settle, Strange, Barton, Toomcr, Person, Oshotno, Donnell, Barnes, Warren, Ellis, Fow- . , . , l lr til li.m Mrrtiiinn. Dick. MS well ' 7 . , ' i ; as li.e iiiusirious names ueioro men - tioncd, wns well calculated lo till and inspire the people with confidence and love for tho judge, and high respect for tho ollieo. Ths Grand Jury regret to see the pi emt judiciary so utterly unmindful of the example of their illustrious pre decessors, and especially, in theso days of political chaos and social upheav ing, to see tho bench descending tq tho hustings, bandying vituperation nnd personal abuse with the bar and with pothouse politician.- ri.h the assailant and in turn assailed ; the bench charging the bar with larceny, forgery and tntilo ptealir.g ; tho bar rctoriin that tho bench lid been eti sard by a negro upon a del t justly due, and forced, by this hursh process ol llio law, lo pay out tho money, nfler being cnlicd out and lorleilmg his bail 1 Tho bar also charging that tho bench wa a jail bird and a convict from the Penitentiary of Ohio I All this very nntttrally ending in n fight belwcen tho bench and a member of Iho bar, as tho former journeyed on hi wnv lo Court 1 This breach of the enco occurring on tho train in tho ladies car, and so mucn io ,neir terror and alarm, lhat tho conductor threatened to pul the bench and bar off the train, notwithstanding the bar loudly proclaimed himself a diieclor of the road ! These things are well calcnlntcd to bring both the bench and the bar into disrepute nnd degradehe ra In the esti mation of the people. The bar should be the seat of all that is knightly, chivalrous and true; the bench the shod of jostioe, dignity, integrity and CAN, TERMS-$2 por annum, in Advanco. SEHIES - VOL. 9, NO. 28. culm deliberation j both should be above suspicion. Let tho fountains of iitlice be poi soned, am tho waters that flow there- from will be bitter us tho waters of Mura to nil who drink of tho poisoned stream. Tho Grand Jury do prerient each and every ono of the judges w'io have tuken open and active part on the hus tings, to wit: Chief Justice l'earson, and his associates, Justices Kendo, lin k, Settle and Rodman ; and tho Circuit Court Judges, to wit: Judges Cloud, Jones, Walts, Henry, Russell, l'ool, Thomas, Logan, Cunnon, and yuor Honor, as guilty oi conduct un becoming thejudiciary always saving and excepting Judge Mitchell; and, Instead of presenting, thoy do thank and commend him for his political si lence and noble bearing as a just and upright judge. And tho Grand Jury do unanimous ly and respectfully ask of your Honor, that, as a part of tho history of the times, and that posterity and the judges may know what this Grand Jury think of political judges, this pa per writing bo spread in lull upon the records of the Court. llr.NRY Wuitted, Foreman. A Relic. II is hard lo unlearn wbat has boon erroneously taught. An epauletted individual yclept Col. Nelson, and in command at Fort lluye, Kaiifi.s, re cently sent agiiurd ot soldiers to Hayes City with orders to arrest Hl persons found out of bed alter i.ino o'clock. The guard entered a bull room and arrested fifty-one persons, and kept them in tho guard house all night. This procedure savors stro.nglv of the dark days in Maryland, when bayonets were substitutes lor ballots, and black smith shoiw converted into basjlilcs when clorgjmen wore dragged from their horses while riding quitlly along at noonday, and eminent citizens were cruaruen toniny prisons and detained till tha election wus over. Itmuy seem very hard to the people oi Kansas, and it is no wonder thai indignation meet. ings are held ; but as "Col. Nelson" seems fully imbued with the spirit of several "Colonels" who formerly flour ished in the East and as his squad ap pear equally loyal with some of the MeMu ivl, ii4r.fi In five nrmind in theso parls demanding oaths of gtanco and wielding a free lance against all obnoxious malcontents, they may feci themselves fortunate in being spared a blow fiom a whifflo treo, or an "order to bo sent across the lines forthwith." Dark und. inexcusable as is tho deed, it may serve a useful pur pose in lcepinrj fresh in memory the deeds dotieiti the name of loyally, and illustrating by forco of contrast with Oeucr limes, mo ways nnu means hi w Inch our liberties were preserve U. rocognie in vain runu inu irnn iu- tures of that dircpt despotitin which is born of the monstrous copulation of "loyalty" und liberty. Cecil1 Dem. A Good Si k. Several years ago, there resided in Earatogu county a luwyor pf considerable ability and rep utation, but of no great culture, who had nn uncommon fine taste in paint ings, and engravings tho only evt d.enc.0 of refinement ho ever exhibited A clergyman of the vilbgo in which bo lived, knowing his fondness lor such thin;', introduced to him an agent of a publishing houso in the city who wero issuing a Pictorial Biblo in num bers. Tho specimen of the stylo of wprk exhibited to tho lawyer was. a very beautiful one, and ho readily put down his name for a copy. ISqt In the progress. 0t tho publication the charac ter of tho pngravings rapidly deterio rated, much to tho disgust of tho .enlightened but critical subscriber. A picture ol Joseph, very inoittorcniiy done, provoked nun oeyona enuuranee, and seizing sevcrul of Iho numbers, ho sallied lorth fp reproach the parson for loading him into such a bad burgain. "Look al theso wretched scratches," said he. turning the pniresover. "and see how I hsve been imposed upon! Here is a portruit of Joseph, whorn his brethren sold lo the Egyptians lor twcijly pioccs of silver f and let mo tell you, parson, if Joseph looked like that, it wus a mighty goon saie; Not often dq loving hearts or ready m a.-,l m.A li.l.alilill ohltOflet' 1 UUIIB lllWHtT.IOI,lS U,.n,l,U, WUH.Hi I i . 1 ,, i , l notice than the loiiowing which an 1 ppftrs in k lo "al paper in Connecticut : ,,,. u:' in..nr,v rr .rnal j . hj ' rorB Crown which fudcth nol away at the W tnchoster Poor House, Nov. 5th, James C.Smith, aged 67. The pall boarers.wcre lew on this sido not so many, perhaps, as waited on tho "Shining Shore, 'und went up with tho old man to his Es ther's Houso." A Tariff Nrr to Crack. The number of pounds of sugar imported into the United Slates during the year ISGS, as stated in tho report of Com missioner Welles, was l.r.P3,500.l'00, valued at t ID ,010,827. The average amount of duly charged under the present tariff was four cents per pound, and aggregated the sum ol $07,740,001), being more than tho original cosi oi tho sugar. Will somebody inform us bow many American manufLctttrcrs or producers were benefitted by this "protective tariff!" I In Pocahontas county, West Vir ginia, the members pf the Grand and Petit Juries, all of course IVyiil men none others being allowed to sit on Juries curry their rations, blankets and horse leed with them toiouri, and, dining all the time of ihesofsinn of the Court, eat and sleep at night in the Court houso. Fatly in the morn ings'they moy be seen issuing from tho Court-hovjse like martins from a box. A "leva!" collector cf Internal reve nue in Virginia has mislaid $25,000 of tha public fund where ba oaooot find it What a Pity. Tba Pogt"try Hill. Tlii" hew rciiiy I ill lntnduel la lbs ,M.nio by Mr Taylor, Is a rare) ciirioaitv. The) more II is i-gamltiwd. the Ii gotiuily and beauty of Ha mntri. vanes laenma tlio mors msnlll. It is as full of iholves and traps to d al oe ivo the holiest riig"n as a conjuror's box. On its face it is a g'innt-al act, but it is so framed that it may bo. mids lo apply ti any county, or to any dis trict in a county. Jt is general and absolute for 1'hiludelphin, and special ami conditional lor the rest of the Slate. Il .how whu Rudiculs can do to cvado the Constitution and op. press tho citizen. 'J'ho first loction provides that it shall bo applied to any county en tho recommendation of ono hundred citizens, and to any election dintrict on petition of tho grand jury, or the petition of twenty-live ciiiaon. Those counties and districts which do not apply through tho grand jury, or through a hutidlul of citizens, are to bo deprived of the benefits and bles sings of tho registry Iuw which tho Radicals propose to bestow on I'bil udelphia. Tho ohjoct of this cunning contri vance, so worthy of the Radical mind, is very pluin. Thoy have mado the bill as irksome, as odious and oppres sive as their tyrannical natures could deviso. Toey intend to apply it in exorably io Philadelphia, and in tome of tho larger Democratic counties. But in other counties wb,cre they fear; its effect would bo damaging to tha party, thej propose that it shall not bo applied, imagining that it will be so utterly detested by every Demo crat, and every liberal man who is not a Democrat, that no ono will petition for it. They propose to get up Radi cal petitions tor the introduction of their law when they wish to annoy or oppress and take it for granted that no Democrats will ask for Us applica tion. In this thoy will nnd them selves grievously mistaken. Il is not difficult to find one hundred men ia every county of the Commonwealth, to petition for the application of tba very worst law that was ever put on the statute book. If it shall pass, tha Democrats, who arc friends of general legislation, and are opposed to special privileges, will labor lo make it uni versal throughout the State. If tba Radicals apply it in Luzerne or North ampton, it shall be inexorably applied (if indeed it be capable of application) to Bradford, and Lebanon. This act will compel the attendance of the citi zen at the place oi eloction two days in each year. It is contrived by aris tocrats to make the exercise of tba suffrage expensive and irksome to tha poor, who belong in the main (or shou Id if they don 't) to tho Democratic party. They expect that it can be mado to work in heavy Democratic Counties without exciting the hostility of their owu partisans. It shall ba be mado equally irksome in Radical counties. Il tho Radicals seek through this bill to annoy the plain fanners of Pennsylvania in tho bright days of the Full, by compelling thorn to leava their plow or their uuckwiioat, and alio-(look up ft registration omccr, tney shall feel the effects of it. Let thorn try on thii experiment, and it will ba their last. Tho Democrats will all register. Indignation at this outrage will bring out the last man. The Rad ical masses will register and then votd tho Democratic, ticket. If wa sought a partisan triumph, we should urge mom lorwuru io mis gross viola tion of the Constitution and the right of the citizen. Harrisburg Patriot. Tbe Bondholder Sit3 in His lasj , Chair. General Butler is after the Bond holders, and proves they have not paid their income tax. The Cincinnati Enquirer slates : General Butler lias shown that tba bondholders havo not paid one-tenth Qf tho tax which, under the FedertJ assessment, they were required to pay upon the interest of their bonds. Considering the extraordinary patriot- a rt ol the bondholders we wero strong ly inclined. to doubt the accuracy of tho aoovo statement,. The charge is made by General But ler, a gentleman whoso loyalty cannot be impugned aid ""th whom, in com parison, tho loyalty of E. D. M , of the Cincinnati Gasttte, is thrown far into the background. lie proves by facts and figures that the bondholders huve not paid one-tenlh of tho income tax to whichthcy are under the law suhjeoted. Who would suppose that these pa triotic gentlemen who in the hour of the government s distress were willing to lend it money at twenty per cent., with exemption from taxation in addi tion would endeavor to deprive tha Government of the small consideration by way of taxation to which it waa entitled f Inasmuch astlioQovornment knows the exact amount cf bond) out, it can tell with accuracy what it ought to receive from tho income Uix upon them. That il has not received one tenth of this sum ta most unfortunate. It shows lhat the bond holder, ufter all, is not tli at paraxon of virtue and hoq osty lhat we hud supposed. AVa are, therefore, considerably distressed, inasmuch us wo had believed that tha bondholders cared nothing for any such little consideration as monetary valuo to himself, but only looked tq tho gonoral welfare of ths whole com munity. It i, therefore, tho flaw in the diamond which hsd hitherto not been perceived. What "loyalist" could have thought that this pink of perfection would endeavor to defraud that Government of its 'duos from which lie had derived all his profit! I General Butler proposes to reach our distinguished fellov citizens whq havo been avoiding the tax, and tha only tax imposed upon them ly tha Federal Government, in this manner: lie would impose a tax ol ten per ceut. upon the coupon or interest of every bond: and empower and direct the officers ol tho Tresgary, wherever lo cated, who pay said bonds, to deduct from such payment, in advanco, tba amount of tho t.tx thus charged upon them. This would give to ihe Gov. eminent a revenue of ten ortwelva millions of dollars per annum, instead of the two or three hundred thousand dollars which they aro now receiving. Black Pimlaxtiiropiit. "JI. Jt. Tnpper, missionary," writes to tha .Hif.rminiry JitcorJ, Irotn italeigh, North Carolina : "On Jlonday morn ing the Bureau gavo iiie $-iH) to ton plcte my rooms for colored theological students." That is the way the peo ple's money goes, to teach negroes theology. There aro I undreds of thousands of poor white men whocan not eJucuto, or cvon properly feed and clothe thoir own children, becausa they are so horribly taxed to teaob oegroea theology.