jJlcl.t ft nil 2UM.iiiiiint. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Cut urn! II lo. Ilmi Hi lit rmti, I'a. rp IK 1st I'lord h.i La.-! I' I I ai , , ,, , , ii i i,i, ir .Hti.v i j tu,,,, L.ar I' 11 "'I aitoa.e in I central p,li..., ,,f ne )tn en.l t. fntiff 7 if riicd audi, hirtu.lirt B, f i I '"'I Hi' H" ! i riif . .i . t., niiko il ,B i '.j I, liMralii r, f.r the loo elmf pol.lij lo tyrn'i'if IV" 1. ry an ,! ,iiiim I ,u. b no-e ,''' 'f J ii iin J. Ri;w. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corn rr ni Hcmd at d NHtkrt Strict, ( I. i: iti h i. i), .At fptiH old J rommuili.M Mote, baa. during the pat jeer, been mlarjred to double it fiiiureitpriiy for the eniettaintneot of atran ffr migKMii. Thewivile buiMing baa been nfiirntirii, and the proprietor will rpare no pin to render bit gneit eotntortuhla while fiaiijgwilb ti.n. 1AVI1 JUIIN.MDN, n15 tf Proprietor. THrVVESTEROOTEi; clkaufikld, va. fPIIE iuifrlbor laving rraaed for a term of I ve-ir thi well-known Hotel, (kept t'r many fri kr Mr. Lrum-h.) and re-littod and refur u:thfi it throughout, la now prepared to enter- ti!a t.areleri and the public jtimemlly upun lermt it i hoped alike afrrerahle to both patrons eni fronriewir. Hi, TAULB and BAR will be lup lied wilb the boat the market nff..rd; nl a fiini "ill be apared on hie part to add to ifir convenience and eom'ort r bit sruunti JOHN UOUtJHKKTV, I'ropnetor. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, l!l TICl)OX, PA. fPHIS old eetahlLhroent having bt leaiel 1 bv J. HOIUll.SOX. formerly proprietor of tin "Uorruon House," bu been thoroughly ten oieled and refurmabed. and eupplied with all the modern iinproremetiu and convenience ne cr.iary to a lint clan Hotel. Tno dining room bi ln removed to tlia firat floor, and it now piciuuf ana eiry. I ha chamber, are well von lilalrd, "d tin proprietor will endeavor to make hi rue.l perleclly at lit me. J'-'j J- MOilRISOX, Proprietor. J. V.'. WALLACE Tlloa. H. RHAW. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Lutlicnburg, Clearfield Co.. Pa. fPHIS well known and lorij- esliibli.lied Hotel, formerly kept bj R. W. Moore, and latterly JOIIhlWlliM.i dmtlrmr-nt. FALL GOODS. HICKEY, SHARP & CO, N. mi I llralliul MlT.I, Mill AI'Kl.rillA. Hate Ilie moat itinmlrte anil Klrsaul Mock of lull (.'owls, tliey Lave erer nflrrrd. SCPKliH Silk nnd Wool rOI'LIXtf, SlTEKIl ALL WOOL DO. vi:i;y iticir tlaid do. SKIN.K.S imd BIAIIETTS. MOIIAira nml roi'LIXETTa. itla an cxlemive M.ortmont of Mourning Goods. RICKEY, SIIAKP & CO., Vil t'lieatuut (Street, !'. rJIILALPHIA. JT-y No. 35 South Third Street PHILADELPHIA. ENERAiTENTS, J ni'uwem, er nae lieen leaned for a term ni reerr. by the nderrirne1. to which the allrn tion ol the Irarelinr publie ia now called, and liberal ibara i.f public patronage in aolicited aprlii.'hit.ljr.pi MUW WALLAi'K. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CurHeusvllle, t.learUeld county, p. 'PHIS oU aud woll eitabliihed Uolel, beeuti X fully aituatid on tba bauka ot the Suaqua i.nr.a, in the boroich of Curwen .eili. I... k... Ira.ed for a term nf yrara bribe nnderrienej Il bat keen ei.l.lelv retttted. and ia now the public generally and the traeiliof cooimu i y in particular. No paim will be aparbd to teoder tueaia comfortable while tarrying at tbla , . nuiyia oiauiing rooji tor the accoojuio. in of tenaii. Charge! m d.rate o'JI 'f W.V. il. JUKFBIES. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST., PHILIl'SBCB'J. PA. 1VIE nnderiiitneil keepa eonafanlly on band . Ihe beat of l.luora. Iln table ia aiwaya tiv'.td alth the beat the rntiliet alTirda. Itie avelmg public will do well to r him a call. i'l,'oi. IUiUKUI LL0V1). PENNSYLVANIA ?y? OF THE ,CsSs UNITED STATES OFAMFRIHA Toe ranoXAi. lira fiTrArm Cor.T It a CASH CAPITAL, tl,OOOtOOO, rtTLL PAID. P"tT fit ourfifllrr. Lb "'"I" " J. ' f"f-e ar tialiii n. p. anri!..ly KLSS1-I., IMan.gcr. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, COXbXrOWN, DAUPHIN CO., Pi. THE nndenijned talrca tbii method of in 1 liu,ing Iba Watermen of Clrarneld county, iJlha hat rell'ied ard re-opencd the bote! tor irrl. krM by E. Sbreiner, at Coxpftnwn, where it "ill take (peeial palm to rendor eatiafaction ail whi far. ir him wiih their palronaga. He tu bhiwn all too rocka out of the river ar.d rant J icubbing po.ti for half a mile above hn H-. fehl9,'7 OKOllUK FALK. McGAUGHEY'S ELST 11 IS VM & KEFRESiniEXT UIOOJ, li Itivy'a Kcw Building, (formertv oocunied by Mr. Roie,) fr.OXD ST., C'LEAREiL'LD, PA. CIO.VTANTLY on hand a flneteleetion of C.. ;1IK. M'P, IIUAKK, TOIIAOrO, e. ', 1KKSII (iVSTEliS recoived daily, and it.-ifcil up to aait lite taatei of cualomcri. v. Ill LLI A 11 D fl t l.'M) on areon.l .tory H LAV10 McUAl (illhY. 628 HOOP SKIRTS, 628 And COHSETS, CORSETS. VVrVLTrHOPKINS, l"o. til .Irrh Strut, i'hifa. HAarracTt'RER or tbi Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Skirts TOR LADIKS, .MHSK3 AND CUIMiKKX. The largrat aarorlment, and beat quality and lylea in Ihe Alueiican Market, teery lady iliuuld try lbeui,a tbey recommend tlimtelvea uy wearing longer, retaining their ahapa mucb better, being lighter and mora elallio than olb eri wnrranted in every reipact, aud aold at verv n rriret. Aik for Uotkin'a "CUAM. HON" r-KIUT Superior Hand aada Whale Dona Corrrtl In fifteen different giadea. including the "Imperi al" and lhompa .n 4 Langlon't "OLOVIS HI TIM)" COK.-fcTS. ranging in pricea from HI eenta to i 0 together with Jo.eph Veckal'a celehraied FKK.VCII W OVEN Cull.SKTal.aupe rior rhapra and qoality.tan diflerrnt grader, (mm f I 10 to ti on. Jhry ara the fineat and belt goodi lor lba pricea, ever imported. The Trail eupplied ni Ueop bkirta and Cureele at tba loweat ratea. Iboaa eiailing the city ehould not fall t eall and examine our gooda and price., na wa dele all competition. (Sept. 17, inns Shuhntrf, finn-nrr, Cif. MKUKKLI. UKJLKK. r..i.KM m A It I v a It 12, Aim, Mantiferiiirertiif Tin and Shcel Iron Ware. a n ri r. 1. 1, i'a. i.OT OKSAl))LKJ!i;iDLKS, Uarneia, Collara, etc., far aala by MEHRKI. t, BIOt.KK. p A LMEU S" l'ATKX T"UX LOAD" Ing nay Forka, for aale by MKHREI.I, ft I.ICI.EII, ()1L, I'A I XT, l'UTTY, lLASS, Naili, etc., for aula kj MERRELL 4 IUGLER, J JAKXKSS T1UM.M1XGS & SHOE ' Finding!, for aala by UERRELL l HIOLEH. QUXS, TISTOLS, SWORD CAKES For aala by MEKREIX t B1GLER. TOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Eiaea, for aala by MERREI.t, ft niOLElt. RO.Xl IKON I IiTonTIRON-! For aala by MtKHELL ft BIGLER. JJORSE SHOES 4 HORSE SHOE KAILS, for aale by MERRF.I.L ft r.IGLER. fPrH Gondii, Crorrilri, (Tlf. HKAI) CAREFULLY!! S pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And beat Uanufacture, for aala by MERRELL ft lilGLER r'HIMBLE SKEINS AND PII'E BOXES, for a.le by MERRELL ft BIGLER. Your Best Interests De mand It 1 1 o o a 'A H SO K M o n !ri CA Ol ri T3 0 pi O JODDER CUTTERS for Balo by MERRELL ft BIGLER, SAVSI SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I i nmui.vTio.y t.r s.ttrsi EMERSON'S PATENT PKEFOBARATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL OLMMISa AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreadiog, Sharpening, and tihnpinf tba Ttetb of all Splitting Sawa. fc.Pendfora Deacriptiee Circular and Prlea Mat. MEIIHKLL A BIQLUR, Jn If General Agrnta Cleartald, Pa O o a V. H 53 a w o o n s. PASSMORE 8l BOWMAN'S Ciroctry and Saloon, need Hrert, mar the Itaiiroad Depot,) I ILLAr.ITELD, PA. I TV """' reapeetfully inform the public that III wc aia now prepared to aril 1'ollea. Snrir. Tobaco. i ,,h. Ac aa well aa Oeatera. .Vol.. UiJi.l. and in aiiort cvervtlilnr uiliallv found in I 'i.joiii and groceriei. A ihare of public pa'ron- f a loli-ued. til;,., c. HviWuKE. Ladies' Fancy Furs. AT JOHN FAREIEAS' Old Eiubliehed Fur Manufactary, No. 7M Arcb atreel, above 'h, Philadelphia, 1-3 4x31 6S-tf DAMKL DVMA.N. Hoots and Shorn. DAXIEL CONNELLY. Soot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS jnat received a line lot ot French fALF KINS. and i. now prepared lo mauntae. .'. everything In hla Hi,, at lie loweat figure., "ill warrant hi. work lo be aa rrpratanlea t tMp.elfully eolii-ita a call, at hi. .hon f-l nrfet,aer(ird di or mm of the po-toffi, - u 1H U1B p..wir to rccaer aatu i' n. Soma lea Outer ni. on hand. .': y DAMhL t'OXNELLT. FEAfE rBOfLAIMED. IE WAR OVER IN CLEARFIELD KXOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. 'ttr'y all Ihe Contrabands going l id ' their old miitc.r ; but 'nn 'ry onr fin.'; to obi Massachusetts, where 'Afy tcrre lived so long and so will. - t - ! .',.i.ri., r, e ri'iiv t , 1 lb. old f-hoT r-bia Shon." would an. to hia numeroaa patron., and the people -uufirid eountr l large, that ha ha. now a Mte lot, if good analaeial, jn,t received from 'kft.and ia prepared en .nort notice to make : ava l B iota and Kho.a. at hi. new .h p in fa row. He la aati.fied thai he can pleaae '1-aa it mielil be.oroe inten.ely lo.at atav "l patriot..) He i prepared to aril In fl,r " t'ountry Produce. Don't forget Ilia -nt d.Hir to fihower. t ttrah.m'a (tore, I'tk.t etrert, Clearfield, Pa., and kept by a ' Mnmonly called "SIIflRTV. W COOT AM) SHOE SHOP. EDVARD MACK. "HillKI T A 2d Sta., CLEARFIELD, Pa. V"TrinT hai entered inta the ROOT jrtnnf rot to bp outJone either in qna). fi-"e f.r work, hpf-rial atr-nliih " PJ". fa mmuU' rut injr S-w-d Wnrk. , 0!11 I ir.l l,.t ,.f lr..,rn L.n ... I'l (ti lartt r,..l ...,.)... Ik :.: --'-ril.ifl nri f.vib I . Jf' tiiai trial. tf ItkVA linw in itnr nt tnv r'r own Imirortatlon and Man- ufftcture, one nt tl.t IwrffrM mod mom beautiful arle-tiont of FANC Y FI HS, for Ls iici'aiid ( hil-ircii'i wear, in the city. Al io, a bi,a aiortunnt of liniU' 1'iir tilotea and Collar. I B-n eualiltd to dii)i'ja of my ffuodi at vny rcaionable prirrn, and J would lb err fore ao- licit a eall Irum ray rrien l of tkftrlHild cnitntjr and Ticinitj. Kemembt-r the Nuur, Number and Street. JOII FARI.IHA, Ko. TIS Arvb it, alore 7fb. uth tiile, Tbilad'a. have no Pm-tnr, nor connect ton with an; othfr etore id Pbilalrljihia. net) 4m. J The Lightning Tamer. rpHE nndrr.ign.d ara the . le A-i.t. in tb ia X eonntv for the "North American Ualvaniacd LlUUTNIKeJ H'iDS." T i.ee ara lba only aafe rod. now in aaa. and ara eodoraed b all tba aclenttfie men in the eanntry. We hereby nntlfr tb. oili.ena f lha county that we will put than, up a better rod. and for leva money, than ia charged by the foreign agent, wbo annnaJly travara. the eounty and earry on our tittle ce.li, never lo return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR- Tbo.a wiablng Lightning Rod. erected on their building, need but addreaa na by latter, or call in perron. W. will put then up anywh.r. in theeounly, and warrant them, iba Rod. and rilturea can be aeen at any lime by calling at ouraiore. Hr.KHr.bb 4 VlULbK. Clearfield, Jnna II, l'e V G. S. FLEGAL DEALER IK JOHN M. MELLOY, VAXtracTugan or riab, Japanned Is. Stamped Tinware aid nanta ii llouae Puniihlilha? Gooda, Tin nooQnp and ( oiidurtor ripen. No. 1t3 Market Elreet, angdly rillLAPnLPIIIA. DREXEL & CO., . Xo. 34 outh Third Utrret, IhllalcIpo And Dealers in Government Securities. ApfilinaMon by mini tttl nwire prompt atli-n tinr, and all iiifortnt)ou cboerfuli luninlifd. Oritri sohciUti. aprlj-tt REIZENSTEIN BROS., Mannlaclarera of and Wholesale I'ralert In MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHINti, 421 Market A 4I Mrrrhant Htrect, augl'7l PHILADELPHIA, Pa. 18G8"winter7 TSGS JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Noa. S35, T':. J.'.U A 211 X. Thiid Sl, PlULADELl'HIA. Ve arc r.w p-rpisred with our unl eatrn.ive and wei-a.erlM .tock to off"r ellra in luei-menl. to Ca!-H h I KS. aprll.tf trt., re.pectfully No anarge for eali. W IIIKIT A Mr SHOE SHOP. ( I H I.etr-Vll.l.l:. l! luliTriber having lately atarted a new and boe eh p in ( urwen.iil'e. on . oM.t, J,,( b H. Itwtn'a Drng j "'P-'lluilj ann..on-e. m tba public that 'I iM t, ai-lureall at i lea of Hoot. and r.vtotng in hta line, on .hurt ei.o aie.t. on hand a rood a.aort (!,''" '- work, whih h.will tell ,."" r cuntry prollce. sjj' I 1.1) I.KWI ?. R0S.4. ItiKSIOHT & JASNOT, and Kifit. i. i.,tf.rs t I-EA RriELD, Ti. STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (Hucrrniri to JVler T. W riRbt A Co., iwpciRTirm arr vr rttt DRUGS AND .MEDICINES, Al Ao. Brandies Sl Vines for Medical purposes, jol.if.7J No. f" H Matket Ft., I'lnlad a. BENSON, CAMPBELL &. Co., No. I" .V. Fifth Ft. and 114 Commerce, l illLADiarillA, Ia, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Aud CominiFsion Merchants, ton tb aati or W'-nl, Oinnenr. F'ir FMti. Feaiberf. Leather, Ha i 8td. Ilrird Frutta, Cloeer tS-ed, I(o)U, Dear Mina. ftutier, lief tut ai, bheep fttn, Krc, An., e , 4o. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Wetklj Trie rarroTtt forwarded on reqaeU June STOVES AD HOLLOW -AVABE, AND MAlll-PACTl-RER OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Pitllipeliari, t'entr ro,. PaM fTlIIE nnder.lgned reapeetfully announeea to 1 tba pnblle that ha ha. on band a ear. luiiy a elected and well a.aorled atock of Btovaa Ui. raricty eoo.tata of 7IIE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES. Which fcaee never failed to give perfect aatiifao tion to tba moat famdiou. of lu purcba.era, Conlineptal, Lehigb, Farmer, Daylight. Speara' Anti-Du.t, Niagara, t'hariu, lietaid. e., with every variety of the beat Ptttauurf Manufectura. fce-Tbe Tin and Fheet Iron wara given with tba Movea la made of lha neev'eet and beat material, and warranted t give perfect aatia. faetion. ilia atock ol TARLOR AND HEATING STOVES I. larger. btter and cheaper than aver before exhibited to lha public. He defi. oompetition either ia variety, quality or prion. lie la alaa prepared to furni.h a aompleU ...ortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, 71 f w Jt a pi a P! S, H O t- H H l A ? M ft f) to O O o a f o o r f o M A PI H PI f a P3 0) H O o o o H a m t i I , I i o CO H O H i i a; o o H O lr" H ft t?: E H t V. tJ o ft w t rs rn Ul H o o c t to - s, o r w w tr o O PC o w s. H w o c H ft H C to B o G l-i a a w H H td r H H W Z CO M S3 O M ta n o ?m .eorts, C.iornlM, Ctr. lino VAL! ItKttOVAId! C. KUATZEH & SONS, Tu tin Urge and elegant room, on SECOND STREET, n'ljf.iniiig Mtrrell A Uilcr'i hardware lore; where tlijr will bo (iltued to aeo mil their old and new euitomert. Citii.ru of the oouul riaiUng CLEARFIELD, aud wiihing to make purcbetei. will find it to Uuir adraiiUge to oxamioo their atock. Oooda at CASH TRICKS oxchaogod fur all kinda of COUNTRY FHOUt'CK. ia: Till: HKPUMMC.VN. CLEAR I II I.D, I'A. Ilittrailay Mortilnic. Jatiuarv St, le-tm. AT COST! AT COST!! I HI pumu 1 1 6 8981AI 01 1 1 KKYsnmi sroitr. f ECOND br , CLEARFIELD, Pa. NEW GOODS! Shawls I Shawlsl Shawls I BLANKETS! BLAN KETS 1 Hoods I Nubias I Breakfast Shlwlsl LADIES' FURS! CA RFETS AND OIL CLOTHS I Ladies' CoatsI LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES! fff Wool itrput FREVrn AND ESOLIfH MORINOSI Silk Finl.h VKLVET for auiu I Aletander POPLINS ! All Wool PLAIDSI Kaaneliee Ripellantl Cbarneleon Poplin t Teppa Cloth for Wrappara! I.adl.i' Clocking. I Water-Proof black and brown I Caaiimarea for atan and boya I Bonn.! Velvet, Ribbona Flowera, Faalbaral Ladi.'a and Children'. Bala I Wool and Cotton Da Lainea I Uu.llna, Flannela, Print. I Zephra, wonted and wool Tarn. 1 Dree. Trimming., Vnder Clothing, Ilata, Cape, Bo.iery, Ulova., and a aoanplel aaaortmenl of all kinda of NOTIONS, at vary moderate prieee. NIVLIXG A SHOWERS. Clearfield, OcLli, 16Ci.tr (g-JT NIVL1NG & SHOWERS Propo.e to aell their antir. atoek of WINTER Dreaa Qooda. Draw Trimming, fibawla, Hoodi, Nubiaa, Breakfaat Bbawla, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, Flannela, B.ankata, UnderahirU and Drawera, Caeaiuera 6hirla, Balmoral and Hoop Skirt., Olovea, Ho.lery, Ladiea' Coata, LADIES' AND CHILDRESS' HATS, Hat and Cap, Bonnet Te'veta, Frame, Ribon, Faathara, Flower, Ac, at KEI COST, to reduce their atock for Spring. jau7 1 Hal. nee t th. of ftoek at greatlv reduced pricea. KhYMONK KIOKE. , 1 IT A X'fKII. Country produoa In aaohanga V lor eneap gooaa, at m. KKV'TOE SI0EE. DELAINES CALICO WL'SLI.NS At lb. JHe. 10(0,121 10 and upwarda. KtVTO.N'K STOKE. Sill I ;. frark Invelce of Olova Calf Hot toned Uoota, Mar Pol Lb Balmoral, of 0 , Ae , at price to auil the time., at the fcr.YsTONE STORE. (hi;at mk;ai as Xcw Store In Mulsonlurg! In the room formerly oecupicd by V. T. Ilcgarty. I. New Store in Madera. MESSTiS.J. FOHUEST i& SOS "Ir0T'L! rr'M ri"y Inform the pnhl5 tbat If Xhry have Jnat epcnd, in MAPF the? have Cliarfleld oount? Jnrt epfnd, in MAP Kit A re., an on lira now iioek of T- a 'iak!j In rear of Planing JiilU KMr, BI.IVDVKSS i CATARRH trrtM with tb wtintml eii-efa ,y Dr J. A4' 'J. M. I., and I'mft-aaur nf liaiie ef th tre ard Er in the MMwal i!-ff of l'enncTl- 3tnL ., I Tuiiia, 12 tear a eRpertpnco, (f.trnifrlv of lriirn. n'Tr r' Wfn,1l T,f,,,"u,1T inform the li'.iund.) No. Wi Arrh HtrfH-t. I'hil n. lcti '"r ,rfll itdthpublieinpiner I'm on ml can be aexn at hie offieo. The mr.liral p Ppared te deall kind of work on j facultv i mritd aHtmpar tl.efr pat-'ntn. '1 CAkiM ki re fL-riib a he Ibao no aerft in hn prulrailuo. Arttbctai t..,rH ,Tli ra.abl toral. and j aanoaiioq, U-l ly. manner. A nr atnrt In i p r own work. proiopiiv atiended to WM. MrK MlillT. rnltLF. JASNOT. BI.A Mil 1 -MLA N k KTS.-A larg. Mock of fine white Woolen lilabketa, Army Man. keia, Artillery Blanketa, Oom Bl.nkete. Here. Blanketa, at . F. KRAIiiH 8. Wholeaal. nr retail, manufactured neatly and I SOJI leTII I lCi AK1V! viiae ( rwi. tv arv Itl, IIUH UJ UWWl BIB" orial la the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINT. A COPPER, BRASS A.ND IKON KETTLES, Of over? deteriptloa eonitantly on band, UGH I NI NQ nOD.Sp Superior f olnt, p nt ap on bnrt notina. The Poiut ho oPtr to tha puMir ia tba iurt 11 le now ad hy Uio PetnijrlTaoia Railroad Co un tbeir tiaildiDga. OHl'KKS FUR SrOL'TJNO, HOOFING And othr work welritijrtnf to b buafneat will bo prtinpllj filled bj experienced and ibilllul workmen. PRASS, COrPER AND OLD METTLE Takes In exchange for fnoda. MtITo enpeH!1j tneitee the attntinn of Mrrrhante wishing; M purrbaeo at wboloaale, aa thy will And it t thtr adrantaira lo examine tU aUjfk before p orphaning eleewhtve. ti, 6. I-LEO A I,. Pbilippharff. Aog. I, HfH. jt?ItrT Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. rpHlS ander.igned. having e.labll.hed a Sur al, aery on lha 'Pike, about half way between Cleeiroeld and Curwen. vllle, i prepared lo fur aieb all kind, ef PHI IT 1 HKKM, tetaudard and dwarf.) Evergreen., Shrubbery, Gran. Vine., tteo.eberrire, lwten Blackberry, ritrawherry. and Haakarr, Vlaaa. A I. a. Siberia. Drab Treee. guinea, and early aeiriet hbubarn, Aa. Order, promptly attend. d ta, Addreaa, d. D. timnt teptl M y Cnrwee.vill., fa FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they are prepared to aell ae cheap aa the ehraperl. Their atoek oonaiat In part of Dry Ghv1h of tlio Rest Quality, Park aa Alpaccae, Delanea, Print., Mutlint, Caatlinarea, Satiaeta, and Flannela, llcatly - Mink Clothing, Of the be.l qnalit7, aucb aa Coata, Panta, Vaatj, Overeat., Overall, Sbirta, Collara, Ac, lootf, SIhh'h nml Gnitfrs, Alva ol lb very boat Quality. A coniih'k flock of Groceries. In abort averjlhlng naually kept ln a eon n try alora. Consumers, Look to Your Interests I Call and alanine u.-tok and priori ktfua parcbaaing alaewhera. IXMRER AND GRAIN Of all kinda tak.n In .ichang. for good.. -Remember lb place, Madera, Clearleld eounty, Tan a. J. roHREST A HON. Ottoler II. IiT If . L. M. COUTRIET 'HAKES tliia method of informing the eitit-ni JL ot Cutinfffoa, Karl ha a, Uirttrd ettd the tar- rourdinir ooun'rv. thai b baa juat opened a Urte atouk ol tl MMKK O't-Uis, wbt-h he in ddtr miuod to aell it.N PER tfcNT CHKAFEK than the imof quality of tiourit can be purthee-d for in anr other atoro in the ntiehboibooU, Ilia atock eonaiata of Dry Goods of all kinds, Such a Satinett, Caimrt, Mtuliiia, Delainet, men, uniinir, Haliooea, iriuimiogi, Kibboiii, Lace, READV-M ATE CL -THING. BOOTS I MiofcaS, ijats i cats, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Illca, Molaieea, Fiab, Salt, Liuaeed Uil, riab Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Caatiug., Plow, and Plow Ca.tinga. Nail, Fpik vuin uiiii aiora, i iner I rcaaca, ajjll all ktadi of Aiea. ta.Ky Plow, ara of the Curwrnavilla and I Centre eounty make, and are warrauUd to be of good oualit7. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumer?, Painta, Varnifh. Olaa, and a f oeral woniurui oi piauonerr, GOOD FLOUR, Of different branda, alwar. on band, and will be aold at tb. loweat po.aibl hguree. Liqions, Such aa ERASPV, WISE, OIS A WIUKY nt(i. pound of Wool wanted for which the bigbeat pnoe will be paid. c i.ovhh ni;i.r. On hand end for aale at the loueit mark.t prion. ejt-Call and aeefor yonreelve.. Ton will Bnd .vert thing aaually kept In a retail etnre. I.. M. I Ol TRIET. Franrbville P. 0., Jan. T, 1 Hlio. VEW BTORE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW &: SON Hav. j ii at opened a Ktw Stoki, on ilain St., C'LAritLB, Ft., lalclr occupleJ by Win. F. IRWIN. Their atork conaiat. of Gaoriit'ka of tin beat quality, Qur.ENbWAnc, Hoots and Shoes, and frrrr rlicl oecraiarr for nne't comfort. Call And .xamine our atork be for. pur cliaaing flrawber.. May 9. Itf 6 If. wa. Tta am a. a. vnoiiraov TEN EYCK & THOMPSON tl RWEN.-VILI.K, I'A. T T AVIV1 jnat rceieed from New Tork eno of 1 1 the larg"et and bent aeler'ed elorkl of UtH.it. wa a-e ant ready ! offrr the an me to or old ru'to-nete, (to whom wo return thanke for ret faTora.j and ttie citiaeci t-f the county grn eratl, at Prices that will Render Satisfaction. (lire aa a rail before porrbains elerwbere. and tberebr aare from k to rti pnr rent on your godi Our atoek oonaiataofa great variety, eneh aa I) UY GOODS, NOTIONS?, CLOTHINti, tilll.t I.R1E!, HAIIDWARK, Terms of Subscription, If paid In advaiioc.or a it Inn tbree inoiitli. On If paid after three and h.'loiv .11 nionlba I M If paid alter the ext.iiatii.n of aix month,., S H Mr. T. II. Wttaov our foreman, il authoriied lo receipt for money paid into tbei fl'.'ieon account of aubaciiptiou, a.lv,rliaiog. job work. ., in our ulreenoe. tiLU. 11 tlUtllll.A MiKIt, Editor and Proprietor' lll:l K.ltll'M NOTIt I t). HI. franri.' C hurrlu Ma.a at lilt o'clock A. M., on the aoeond and fourth Sunday of each month. Exhibition. Mchhih. Slookwell, SbikU i Co. will liuld forth with a "Great .Tul.loaux," nt Lcnvy's Hull, on ilondtiy and Tuesday evenings noxt. See advertisement. Attention ! Will not Rome of the "loil" bondholders who doubled their money in four years, take pity on the widow of the "late lamented" and send hor some old clothes, no as to keep her from becoming a charge upon the Ne gro Bureau and the poorly paid Con gressmen f Butler, especially . The spring term (of twenty-two weeks) of Hiss Swan's School for Young Ladies, will open ou Jlonduy. rcbruary fcth. Parents uud guar diuna who desire to pntronizo a good school cannot do any butter elsewhere. Jliss Swan is ono of ihenioBt buocenH- fui teachers in the State, and deserves the patronage of this community. Tho Grand Jury of Orange county, North Carolina, havo found a bill of indictment BfraiuKt the Judges of that Court fur taking open and active part in the late election! in that State That is right; every Judge who so far forgets himself, ought not onlv to re indicted, but convicted, for trailing the judicial robes through the gutters of tho political cess-pool. We are pleased to notice that nearly all the respectable ncwapapeis of the loil persuasion, in this State, prop erly and without hesitation denounce tho "pasting and folding" swindle forced upon the people by the mem bers of the Legislature, by which they propose to rob tho Stato Treasury of $30,000. Will their warnings be heeded by the corrtiptiunists ? Sf.tti.kd. Tho Sctiutnml contest io this Stato was settled on the 10th, as we predicted, by tho election of Hon. John Scott, of Huntingdon, by tho Radicals. The Democrats cast their votes for Mr. Wallace, who had received the caucus nomination the day previous, by the hatidsomo vote of 31 to IS cast for Mr. liuckalew, the present incumbent. An ariicleon our first psgo, taken from the riiiladel jihia Sunday Litpatch, gives an inside view of the question. Read it, - Jm .Urtnortam. REV. JAMES OLASOOW ARCHLtl. " At the instance of tho Methodist ministers, the following committee of two from each denomination was ap pointed to make arrangements for a meeting of all denominations to unite in the funeral ceremonies, to wit: G W. Rhcem nnd Win. M. McCullough on the part of the Method ista; Thoimis Robins and Marlin Nichols, Baptists; S. J. Row and J. B. lleisey, Lutheran; anu A. ,11. Hula ana J . f. Weaver, Presbyterians. The meeting was held in the Court House, on Sunday morning lust, when Ir. Hills, on behalf of said committee, read tho following memoir and reso lutions, which were adopted tub silrntium : (t'l.n.n uni -Ale I Thr TYnrAfiV I,HIhu f r. arenai .....'(., . Ihlllnmi' .'f.l'frr if Hilmit. Of all ti i.nruoa en human klo I, 1 be Wo. I I Hint a boh per., rotea tb. mil, I let o I ut Wt-i,h al what t ft. n.'e we aula,,, "J ii but beceuee we eaimol think all. - I'rrtiia. Sumo men's mintl- are most drniger oils htboruloi ii'S. The greatest them, istt cannot more easily luseand change the natures of different metals, anu produce new combinations, then can those cri'Htio people color, disfigure or destroy the plainest and most 'sacred principles, or the best known truths of history. Like the Florentine foun dor who brnko his liorso-mould, because ho could not produco tho cast of a man Irom it, (he forgot to change the mould.) So with prejudiced men : you cannot change them, until you chance tho mould in which their minds wero cast. You must make them .unlearn nearly all they have learned. No easy task, indeed, for habit is second nature Thus wo see intolerance and persecution arc inbred in Rev. Mr. Williums. His darling hobby he hates to resign. HiB tioi tcn. ded (light is moro disgraceful than Mr. unpin without hat or witf. Air. W. leaves his Biblu and religion as captives. These two stormy letters contain contradictions. His last complains (1) that 1 did not state the question fairly. (2.) That ho is unwilling to turn the dibcussion into controversy about creeds, (d.) 1 ho objections wore not correctly answered. These grievan ces I will now cusily show are imagiu orv. 1. My protest did mention the Bi ble and common schools, (seciuurnti, Nov. l!f, G$.) For instance, pray ing at Institutes is called nn "iinhihli cal practice ;" nnd oirain, tho first res olution would be very proper, if there was '-no praying or Bible reading;" "our Lord forced no one;" "many teachers in common schools and insti tutes do the very reverse, and ima gine they are pious, when, in fact, they are disobey ing the Constitution nnd a plain command of their own Bible;" "Besides, common school in stitutes should be governed by the euinu iirincipies as tne 'I'eopies Col leges.'" The assertion, then, is not true: "Not a wcrd is said about the Bible or common schools," Ac. 2. "lam unwilling that he should run the discussion into church doc trines." Very modest and truthful ! He conveniently forgets bo w he vilified my church in"his first letter: "Uio system of Christianity hood-winks the unsuspecting holds in ignorance the iirnorautj" "ho would hold the consti. tutions and the whole Protestant pop ulation Amenable to him and Lis church," and "Protestantism dono ev erything, Catholicity nothing, for the great American nation ;" and in the very same letter, he says he does not 'wish to join issue with anv one dif. fering with him in religion;" "a jewel of consistency," surely. S. I will again anawer your objec tions : 1. "Thero is prayer in Congress no parity no compaiison" f"nuri- ty, ' a misprint, and you added tho Thr .fmnfaff I't ni 'n mki flora. I'll IAI. UsAl rnt.x II k inrsinsNT. To thi Xn ite rf thr Ch't'l Mates : The rcolution adopted on the lth i'lsiHtit, requetiiig the President to transmit lo the Senate a copy ol any prot tarnation ofanincnty mudo by him since tho last adjournment of Congress, and also to communicate to the Sunalo by What authority ol law the same was made, has been received. 1 ac cordinpty transmit herewith a copy of a proclamation dated tho 5lh day of December last. The authority ol law by which it was mado is set forth in tho procla mation itself, which expressly affirms Unit it was issued by virtue of the power and authority in mo vested by the Constitution, and in the name of tho sovereign peoplo of the United Slates, and proclaims and declares, unconditionally and without reserva tion to all and to every person wbo directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rubollion, a full pardon and amnesty for the of fence of treason ngainst tho United States, or of adhering to tboireneinies during tho late civil war, with the resloiution of nil their rights, privile ges and immunities under the Consti tution and the laws which have bem mado in pursuance thereof. The Federal Constitution is under stood to bo, and is rogarded by the Executive as the supreme law of the land. Tho second section of Article 2nd of that instrument provides that the President shall have power to grant reprieves and pardon for offen ces against the United Slates, except in cases of impeachment. The proclamation of the 25lh ulti mo is in strict accordance with the judicial expositions of the authority thus conferred upon the Executive, aud, as w ill be seen by reference to the accompanying papers, is in con formity with tho precedent estab lished by Washington in 1795, and followed by President Adams in DiUO, Madison, in lbla.and Lincoln in 1SG3, and by the present txeeutive in 1SU&, ls07 and lbOS. Ani.rlw Johnson. Washington, Jan. 18, 1S09. The copies accompanying the Pres ident's answer to the Senate are as follows : First The proclamation of General Washington, dated July 10, 1735, granting to citizens who had been engHgod in insurrection and in resist ing the otdlcction of revenue on dis tilled spirits and stills, in the western counties of Pennsylvania, excepting certain classes described in the proc lamation, a general pardon of all trea son and other indictable offences. Second The proclamation of John Adams, dated on the 21st of May, 1 dun, granting s full pardon to all and every person, including some persons excepted in Washington's proclama tion, engaged in said insurrection, whereby remedying and releasing un to all such persons all pains and pen alties incurred, or supposed to be incurred, for or on aceouut of thesa premises. 1 hird 1 he proclamation of James Madison, dated February 10, 1415, concerning certuin foreigners flying word "but," "all are free to hprifrom tbe JanK'r f thc'ir & homes, tho prayer, or not, as they think fit. Teachers are not on the same fooling." False statements will do you no good. Rev. sir. You "stoop to conquer," and that pretty low, too. 2. "Christ "fi,nndr.rl the "'.t 1: church; men made yours." Well, is i l,rade- The government of thUnitod and certain citizens of Now Orleans, forgetful of their duty, hud co-opera-tod in forming nn establishment on the island of Buratariu, near the mouth of the river Mississippi, for the purpose of a clandestine and lawless not the answer correct ! I blame no man if ho says my creed is man-made, and his divine, if he only believes it. 3. "Catholics do not force their creed," Ac., and be could easily by a "bit of his mind" show the contrary. Why did you not irive tl:s "rrfafj; " (olsoltte, Webster cays,) if you could f j Slates caused the establishment to be broken up, and proceeded to prosecute the offenders by indictment, Ao. For reasons set forth in the proclamation, President Madison granted to the of fenders a full pardon of all offences committed against the laws or touch ing the intercourse or commerce of 4. "All relioio.i. trnnlii; ;.. i...i th0 L nited Males with foreign na- Would vou sanction Catholic devotion it'0nf' "d U' rrcslde"t dirctt9 " at tho Institute J No answer j suits, indictments and prosecutions 5. "We sre milling to accord free r fi"e'' Pcnttll'l(, forfeitures, is., to exercise ol religion." Ii so, why must I QCKEXSWARI-:, PAIWS, 07A.S'. IKI ., I RI IT (IK Al l, kIMiH, Fi.V -alt, Leather, Shoe Finding, ROOTS and SHOES (eaelern and home made) in great va rietv. and at reduced Sgurel ; TINW ARE, Fl.ol R, Ae., Ao. TEN ETTK at THOMPSON. Hatng re a.eoelated II. It. Tborjipron with aia tn the abev. trade, I deeire all pereuit In debted to ana, by Note or Rook aceoant, t, oall aad aaltl the aaoae without detar. WM.eo.ES EYCK. Carwen.vlll., May, T, Isss.tf. For doing a I tin i It washing in the beat aad eheap oot wi aimer Unaranted niual to one ia the orld. Ilea all the atrrrttb etrrrgll i of old rnm ep. Ca-tile. Tre thie ftplendid ee-ap. hoM I.t the AU'K rHKMlrAL WORK, 48 Nntifc Pmnt frwH. Pbilad.lpbia. norlS-l; Pra'b Lai Wa Id onr tnidit, and a good nan haa fallen. Our oiurh beloved brothrr an1 frirod, Janif-a O. Archer, ii no more. Jic wu killed l.jr a railr.rod act idtnt, near Pit'il urg. on the morning of the 12th in at ant, and hia rtmaiLjf have been enmgned to their final reMing plane, at the home ol bit lather, in lUrltird rontilv, M i. ; and we have emblrd onrelTe together, un thi tvenax n. irre apevtire o( hrttrtian d- now in at inn, to give e preeion to an appreciation of hi htr and cb a me ter, and tonnngieour rtgretf and teara, wuhtfanoe ol oltieia.over hia mI end, and aluo lo apeak j praV aitj tend eoine Wordl at eotllkilatiun In hi l.tv.,t Vkiif- I ' . hut above all. to breee h onr llenvmlT Katberthat he ma? aanctifv thi atRiriing (ttetntiun oi bit Prt'vidcDoe tu the ealvaiitn of manr aou. Mr. Archer waa ortUinnl a MmiPter ol the floa pel, and initalltM aa pntnr of ihe I're-l vtrnnn tt.ngngatn.n at t'lraihfid, in Jijtie, Ifftj. He eaine amngtt tit at the rarli atfe r 23 yeara, aud a'tnoHt direr! from the aene ol hia pdnratinn at Ihrktneon Colirct' and the Thr,,..cnl Siimiarv at Pttmt'ton at lutthof whieh itivtiltil he had fadtiated with ditint tinn. and whera he atood onitingt the toremo! fr harninc atn pirtv. There te aa anrirtit manum tliat fnil.t.! Speak ing ill of Ihe dt-md : but it ean have nn apphrntmn in ibia eatie. for ill ctm'd rnl be aiiku. Ho fur from th if. when our miml reonr to what we have witneraed in thin eiimmnnit v. nnd ot herwiae learned of Mr. Archer einoe hi death, we fi aure that the bnfhUM lucture that routd 1 drown would do no aior than jiie'ic to hia r hit carter, Wr haTe l-een att. niched to diwpr the wonderful holit be had gained upon the tv-nttilrnr1 aud aflto iint ol Ihe pwpte f all t'lirttian denom irattnnn, and at Ihe eilfnt of the irflnenr tor fin-ii which be o often wirM.-d. H.w ohvi.-n it i thai he wan the em-ant of the Lord, and that all Ihia gtmd proeeedrd from Ilie MeHiag o lioduf.n his!ahtra. Ard fh. if one ao Toung. ao pore, acd ao lull ol heaMh et-nld te railed away ao aud ienlv. With a Ii at eignaj frre (lod'a watning roice, "'be re alo rra ty. etimea to each and all of a ! and oh, ihot we not brpe that Ibii Providrnr ia yet to befrmr a mi Mif ol drawing manv aonls to the Lord ! Put, w haterer the pnrpien of the rroTtdenre nur have Keen, our htarte tell na tlmt in Ibe dr-reard We have lot a piona and learned expounder of the won! of tJod ; a rcatnna advocate ol the reltcmn of Jcena 1'briM, in ita broa'lri and mot crari'tua nrm: a mlicnt and lovirg pa-tor; a riilnva'ed and guihdeM e.-mpsnnn. an hr wa, ato, an afire- i donate huiatd artd laiher. Il t w-rtl of re. ' mark, al, tl t the giiet of hip florb etx) friend 1 er h I" ip a) t.e more pnncnl, Kfeanee of the -pet'iaJ vipor and forre that natke hi reernt dic-Hirent in the pntpit. and ihe hflv real tlm' ;-crtnr:t linten to yoo and otlicrs r rar ing or reading tho Kibie in bcIjouIi or illrlllUUo I wo are denied tho free cxer ciso of our religion, tin n, as a christian man, we shall defend tho faith' Yes. and your Biblo and creed captives at my mercy now. Vou could not ven ture to say anything in their defence. I don't strike a fallen foe; tuko them away; I can dispense wilb them. 7. "I said nothing about the Bible," io. Vou forget the splendid "School Scene" that "Comedy oi Errors." "Prof. .Shoemaker, l!ev. Mosarn. Buck ley, Hays, (iuycr and everybody mav pray and read the Bible, when nnd where they please." This is ontlorsed also by "tlio little girls. 5 years old'' iiioui.ii tno law says tliey should be "ovortix" a fiction of law, I suppose. 8. "Ho pleads neutrality for the law." Vou should plead neutrality lor your nonsense. 9. "'Free will is God's Great Char tor.' That's true." Very well, sir; how do you dare to deprive Catholics of freo will in compelling them to lis ten to your praying or reading a Bible in rmuihon schools or institutes t The constitutions nnd laws cannot run counter to God law. If the legal olliciiils were Catholics, would you say the law allowed the "Hull, Mary," to bo said, tho Saints lo be invocated. Mass lo be celebrated, or the Catholic Bible to be read in schools rr insti tutes? I asked these questions before, but you could not answer. My charge against the Institute remains intnet ; it is this be discontinued nnd released. f ourth. The proclamation of Pres ident Lincoln, dated the 8th day of December, lisW, familiar to the pub lic, granting to all persons, certain classos excepted, who had part cipated in the rebellion, fitll pardon and resto ration of all rights of property, except as to slaves and in properly cases w here the rights of third parties shall have intervei ed. In this proclama tion Mr. Lincoln Logins by tiling the provision in the Constitution empow ering tho President to grantreprieves and pardons The laws of Congress declaring forfeitures, io., and authori zing the President to issue proclama tions of pardon and amnesty, wiih such exceptions as tho Executive ntsy deem proper, are then cited. Mr. Lincoln, referring to this act adds; "Whereas, tlio Congressional declara tion for limited and conditional par don accords with tho well established judicial exposition of the pardoning power, Ihcrefure," As. Ftfth The proclamation of Presi dent Lincoln, dated 20th of March, 1SG4, defining cases in which persons are entitled by benefits of his procla mation. &'t.rM--The proclamation of res ident Johnson, dated the 28 th of May, 1SC5, similar lo the Lincoln proclama tion of December 8, 1SC3, granting pardon and amnesty except lor cases therein named. aS'itcsA The Proclamation of Pres. dent Johnson, dated September 7, 107, extending full pardon to certain persons who wero engaged in the re bellion. This proclamation extends ho You violated the Constitutions -r; r:rJ"n to Ihe classes mentioned w Ihe United Slates nnd Pennsylvania. Wcre. no T fre-wtug the School laws, and a nlain command i rr"maiior,s. . r . v, , i of your own Biblo K. OT.RAN.OAN, R. C. T. .eenicl lo annve their rtehverv. In.lc.-I. hi. Ii ing dnnn, the late wrek el prever, helorv brarrr. ol all Prot.lanl dcnomioalion.. wa. nialtcr ef general nte al IhMime. Hreeemed lo Ii-oimi in undcr aomc .pwial itiplmlion : rnainfc.tirc in a t he ee d and do) an unu.ual vigor, lo.wr Hint real : and Ihi. wae raot apparent to bta ee letKtrera in Ibe pulpit. Oh. bow Ire.b ia Ibe mind, of eornr of aa are Ibe tooehing lerma in which he pre- aented In. nnd preeeed upon each, the dotv and Fentom. We Ci'i'.it!it:ite the whis key thieves, the rot ton lobby scoun drels, tho rascally levcnuo rings, the villinns ( all sorts, who desiro to operalo from now on, in and around Washington, that they have a brave Senator who will be 's facile as they could w ish, as far as Senatorial infill, cure in their fuvor in concerned, pro vided tho proper quit yro quo is rendrrcd. New York Stuto was dis graced by Fenton as Govornor. It is the gl ry of "entire prrronaj coneccralioa to dolllilvHisirriioe.l hv i.nl.,i, ay (.n..i.,r ... , v - J ......... 111. di-eoorae on thr pal.Salh precrilinr hi. die' h the leal loit one and ha it g ita teat in the 1 ilb hat.ler of John. ?.M rer.e. ewaVencl dm-l, arnaa- tion and vmirh rlo'iclit Btn"iic"t In, hcareri : ao winch an. that tbe oV.ire te har it repceird, afler nte renirn irom ct i.-ni., n, tiern expeaaed U hire before he left on hi. la.t trip. nui, ion a. our ncana ate. we moat roroear tn aav more. Let it lie nor eolece. that nor ha. t. bia rain; for "btawaed ara the dead wbo di. ia the Lord." In virw of thr fnrecrog. let It be rea.ilred That we have beard with deer eomiw of the death of our winch beloved brother and fnrnd. Jams. tlla-g,.w Arci.cr. and ra humility bow onr His partv was warned by the Com meirial Aavertiscr that tins ltnion was a charlatan, politically anil mor ally, lie wrs well paintej and sbtiwn lip by Thurlow Weed the other day. but it appears that us the Mongrel party cannot uso honest men, scoun drels are at a premium, and always marketable with litem. Doy Book" Eighth The proclamation of Pres ident Johnson of July 4, ISO?, grant ing a general pardon nnd amnesty to persons engaged in the late rebellion, with certain exceptions und reservations. Senator Loweiy and the two Lan caster Senators, we notice. r fused to support Mackey, tho republican can didate for Sute Treasurer,, when the vole was taken. taiirts. Some of the paper ihat worshin Mammon are lit 'kini? about Asa Packer I Ronnie. M it Pah!" s. Ftatri. heerl. to the will of the Lord ae doplaicd IB tLl f,,r forcnor V,.,i !,1 ,.'t i. l.A I M Corn, rhrll i 1 f-S Fiat her, .(e,.., .... i...j.,. i ' "' ' ' "vi , , . ,, ,i fi.,,., v. in to hold him in reserve to receive the t ,,'me.i'. ., k. tie. R,, vote of Pennsylvania in succcedinir ' ' h .p. w nil ;;i 4 ft Rag., m ni ... "I FF.4T BAR(.AIa In (lotba. Tweeda, leeaiaera, Satinets Velvet Cord a, at birttng Flannel,, r. KRATZtn'p. aff t-ting Pn-vidence; That we hen-l'T epre. to Ibe bereft wife, and ether relativ-a. ot thr decea,ei d. our .vutpB'bv and condolence with them in the wit alP.ction that hw, ena, np.n them and that we al.o beeeech Almighlv Ond to upb"ld them in their di.treea, and .anetify Ihi. aSlictmn teth-ir eternal welfare; That wo ahall aeenant the pnldieatinn of the foregoing aienoir ta tbepaneraof thieeoanty, aad in the religion, jc.arnnl.of tbeeeaatry, a hiadnaa, to ibe afflicted congregation, Clearfield Markets. Reported weekly for the CLr At nn ti RreraitriH by J. P. KnAT-aa, I.ealer in Dry Unmla, liro eenea, Provieiona, de Market at'., t leaibeld. Ci.rAriri.n, Pa.. Jan. SS, 10S. Apple,, giein il on H-a-s dree eed .T7 Ti Plied. VI Si lt Hide., green.. T Apple bullet, f.-nl, 1 0" llan,a O.v ftfl Rultrr 4'I;S 4S Shoulder,. ..P'K-o Pfl Rean, 2 i"jji I si : Stde odyi t) Ro.kwneal I li Lard J Rarke Ilea. Sour ft, Meae pork.V S8 p' Reel, dried Se nan as Reel, fre-h... V4 II Oniona to f,a 1 S Plat her, dried, lb.. Jft s r 1 69 I Il Worked SO lo.er.--J 0 W Salt. ck 1 I.. 11- l..i : . -v- : nre. urautiiunj ium U.J ill UO OW I Ora t ( PrnsiriiMit n rliMttuna .. ......... w.- mrgicp, i -.n., ,.-. ft. K (H.i a .r I .a Convention, thut th dulrgMM vho - Ch-.oftanl.drvl.lfc, 1) 1 iniotby ed.. oririnatedthatbrilliaDtstrokeofiHilioy ,: - -- U, Tallow.". .ill 1,. -ill;.- . 1 F.aiaeeaL. It!" Wheat. .w w,. -,.. B lomrwiinj ,W IS eiloill S. WaeJ , poay ene. Ha,.. M, r IJ PS t el It dt :t tH 'ia OS ovd, y aold..-.. I N -- ,majl inlliir MBaaaaBeaBBawaaaaeeaaBaMaMaBBaeaBMaaBBwaaaeaaBBaaBwaewaaaaiewlw