Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 28, 1869, Image 2

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    '..r.--;-k'.'-' '.-
Georhi IV fidiii'LAM'En, F.Jit'ir.
Tht Gnat Siriitdlr.
Tbe grcntest robbery now being
perpetrated upon tho A merionn peo
ple under tlio guise of a publio bene
fit, it the rnilrend jobbing undertaken
by Congress. By the iciicmes set up
by that body, the people will not only
be robbed of millioru of dollar in
money, but of all the publio lands;
that which should be bold in reserve
'for tho payment of tho interest on
our huge publio dcot, is being frit
tered away by our Representatives as
.of no account whatever. Tho mem
bers are not satisfied with being made
wealthy through tho construction of
the Pacific railroad, but seem to be
looking around for an opportunity to
swindle and rob overy railroad com
pany chartered by the Stales.
We are pleased to notice that our
member, Mr. AluCullough, flt Ilarris
burir. has taken the ' bull by the
horns" by introducing a joint rcsolu
tion in the House, calling upon Con
cressmen to dcsiBt from and abandon
their railroad (schemes. Congress has
no more right to grant railroad char
ters in tho States than a citizen has
to steal horses; and the members are
driven into this attempt to black-mail
railroad companies from the very
same motives. The horse thief vio
lates public morals and law, and takes
private property forprivate use ; while
Congress not only violates all the
morals and law that the former
can, but their act is fur more odious
in its effect, as it takes public proper
ty for private use the agent robbing
his employer.
Tho necessity of the construction of
the great line of railway to California,
we freely admit; but that in its con
struction a great fraud is being prac
ticed upon the people, there can bo no
doubt, and it will not be long before
we all realize it. The fact that town
ships of land six miles square were
offered to members for their vote to
consummate the swindlo, shows that
powerful agencies wero brought to
bear upon tho case, other than the
mere construction of tho road for
commercial pnrposes. Gen. Carey,
Congressman from Cincinnati, lust
fall declared in a public speech at
Pittsburg, that a member holding a
thousand dollars' icorth of stock in the
Pacific railroad, for which he never
paid a cent, while he himself was of
fered a whole township of public land
for his voto.
IIow is it possible that men can of
fer theso bribes to Congressmen, if
they do not design to cheat the pub-
'lief Xe predict now, that future
investigations will prove that tho pro
jectors (nearly nil Congressmen or
their relations) of the Pacific railroad
have defrauded tho public Treasury
out of hundreds of millions of dollars,
and that the greater portion of the
road will have to be "re constructed"
by the government and millions more
invested, or it will liavo to be aban
doned and handed over to some private
corporation. This great iniquity,
however, will end in some lasting
good : The doctrine ol Slato rights
pronounced a ''heresy," by political
mountebanks and fools is just now a
handbomo shield for J. Edgar Thomp
son, Et-q., and other railroad Presi
dents and take shelter
Under while tho storm of corruption is
raging in the Pump.
Tho "heresy," if we mistake not,
will be claimed by other Presidents
and stock holders before long. We
refer lo National Hanks. The purent
who gavo birth to theso inslitulions
in a low years moro will bo as illy
able to take caro of them as the rail
road, and their officers too will be loud
in calling lor Stuto lights to protect
them when their money is endangered.
Those men who refuse lo subscribe to
a great principle until their cash in
railroad and bank stock is placed in
jeopardy, by denying its uso and po
tency, we apprehend will not bo cred
ited with much patriotism Dr sound
morals by subscribing to these princi
ples at the hour.
TRirurii,. The editor of the New
York Lay Book, in answering a "si ft
hcll" Democrat, who interrogated
him on the "nigger" question, snys :
The i,lea of eWr, i, fi.j o7 ln lhe
J 1 hniimilom anaa'nral, and doner. lent !
I.' parsinl f.,rr. and it II .in.plv hi.tnnr tan
thai .lave, nere, Biulli,l,,d or in.-n'.rd. ..ri. hT
7 ineroa.. d e,.n(,u.. 1 1. ao.c.llid
'"'" ar at IhllMomonl kept Ihll. eelrl.
n i . . ,nd ""T "I""'
two, ,",v"",,""", h """
1 lie Vrnyr. .,,,,, , .,,
en, or ,h. ,r, ,,, J V"
Ihis ts hl-lorkally truo. KaV(,rr
ereverni,olisl,e,l,i9 ,,erlv altvaC-s
dono by art armv 1 r ," r.... .
"P "ld i..
rongenial lnlili.d.,UMl8lurjll )e
products of the soil, nn.l tl,
multiply in accordance will, iu ,.,.
r -ntungiuy. Tl.cAboli-
lien reformers might as well try to
make owl, hatch doves. to rr, in
their erazy effort, to turn a negro'into
a h,te man. It tann,H Ik) ,,,
Tbcy may succeed in dextroving the
geuuiito negro and the nuine white
man, on this continent, a pro,llf.c ,
mongrcl-a mule species ; bnl to pro.
du a superior race by mixing the
two, will prove a total Utlure.
ni.'ihil Af ii.. ii.' .
ttfiitt fN Mrs rvtifftj tVtrnefa,
ninn In the enmity knnna Ii I
mil William I'ullrn UnaM.llic
pi-el, and tiliUir atul publilior ef Ihe
New York Pott, the kind rf innlotlnl
nut if wltiih bis parly is made lit a
Into article in that journal, In w lib It
he assails his "Ini!'' friends for their
wholesale robberies of the people. h
says t
When t political part lilt ft great prrd.-mln
ance. II II "Wfy aw" to ''" lo lit.' lAe ...pert,
lat enteral'"'"... Old lae trlf mknt in it. em..
aiua.r,. Thai ! tit d.up.r ol ii'-h an an'cndim
ey. A paitv may bin me thr of corrupt mtn,
beeauae tli leaden are rarcleae and iirrr-coiindinl
of their Hniiglh.ent lte.'atie t lie ni:nepnnd alf
tcelier, are attitdod to it flulll diatre to me it
ta their inrtruinrnt.
Il'aea a parti, eecowe ntrrvpt. tit proptr, Hko
endurt for a ttktlt teitk ikat patttmrt wAtr-a a.ort
ttykted p'lliliritiHt art fl rare lo Wltttndrrttnmd,
prrtrMlly Irart II tiad tttkf up A olaer p'lrly, even
it tliey run the riik of luring but little better by
the change.
It eeeui. to man thoughtful friend, of the Re
publican party that it ia running juel now a (-noil
ileal of rii-k of auch a,popiilar detection. It haa
ainoncet ill leader, wie, iruti'iit and good men,
but tlieielre, in many, oeer-riilie. by yhb
totamed dtmnonoHrt, bjf M.rr"ttnir(0UI tptrolnturt,
and by Men lea ionnrant for thttt lie..., tt.icA dr
atamd, at Unit, a dtctnl knottUdut of political tci
fxe in tht iraitlator.
Tho writer very well knows that
all "tho rogues, tho unscrupulous,"
"short-sighted, glib tongued doma
gogtics" havo left tho Democratic
parly and joined his: licnce bo warns
them to beware of these "unscrupu
lous speculators."
As tho devil occasionally tells the
truth, why should not a leading Radi
cal be allowed to depart from tho faith
of his purty and commit an overt act
of this kind f Why did not Sf r. Bry
ant dagucreotype his party, for public
use, before the late elections., in order
to allow the people to judge correctly?
Having elected a host of "glib-tongued
demagogues" to CongresB and the
State Legislatures, we will now see
whether the consciencious and "grand
moral idea'' wing of his parly can
control "tho rogues." Wo suspect
that the pout has tho heaviest job on
hands just now he ever undertook;
and wo shall watch him closely to see
how he succeeds in his now field. His
preaching is excellent; now let us
have tho result of tho practical part.
We hope Mr. Bryant will give the
"rogues" a little poetry, with some
scientific embellishments for tho "ig
norant" members of his household of
faith. The picturo drawn by the
Post, of its own party, is a sad reflec
tion upon men who under oath assume
to discharge publio duties; but it is
as true as tho needle to the pole, and
every honest Radical will tell yon so
whon "cornered."
A Comparison. Wo Americans are
known as great boasters, and consider
ourselves great "ob business." We
call tho attention of our readers to
but two items in our commercial
transactions tho pnst year, nt which
they will no dentbt bo as much sur
prised as wo woro. Wo copy from
tho official document, (the report of
tho Director of the Bureau of Slatis
tics,) upon which wo must all rely
T1!. - . ,t t .... i i. .
ing tho thousands of acres of wheat
grown in this country, wo have hurd
ly exported as much of this great sta
ple as paid our colTce bill tho past
year. We imported twenty-one mil
lion dollars worth oi coffee, and ex
ported about twenty-two million dollars
worth of wheat and flour. Tho fact
is wo do not raiso and export grain
and flour enough to pay our coffco
and tea bills. Besides, w have real
ized one million dollars moro the past
year from the tobacco crop than from
tho wheal, and were it not fur the
cotton crop, from which wo have real
ized nearly two hundred millions of
dollars, we would bo hopelessly bank
rupt. In short, wo Inst year exported
J'L',(lOO,Ono wonh of flour and wheat,
and imported $33,000,000 worth of tea
and coffee; balance against us, fll,
000,000, on "suction" a!otie.
Sympathetic That philanthropic
grass widower, Charles Sumner, is in
favor of giving Mrs. Lincoln a pension
of $5,000 a year, becauso her husband
was Commander-in-Chief of tho Army,
and killed during tho rebellion, and,
therefore, she is as much entitled to a
pension as the widow ol any other
otliccr who full during tho progress of
the "irrepressible conflict." What
big hearted fellows these "toil" phi-
lanthropUts are occasionally, when it
costs them nothing. Senator Sumner
should know lhat no officer's widow
gets anything like this sum ; none of
thoir husbands wero killed in a thea
tre on Good Friday ; and none of
those soldiers' widows ever robbed
the government mansion of liO.OOU's
w orth of goods, nor auctioned off thoir
presents in order to lead a gay and
festive life. We aro surprised that
Charles don't strike up a match with J
tho widow of "tho lalo latnontcd."
Ho has got his house and furniture,
and ho might as woll have a house
keeper, too
Onb or Thkm. -Car! Solium, (to
muke a General of whom Lincoln
killed ten thousand soldiers during
tho war, but failed. 1 has been r-lectod
by tho Black Republican party U. S
.Senator from Missouri, for six years
from tho -illi or March next. Ho is
an avowed and outspoken infidel.
Among other public utterances, he
said, "Gd is only an imaginary gen
tleman who dictlls heymd the clouds."
"The Ilitile is a luvk only jit to ainuir
children " "The- isibbttth i. a relic of
barbarism." Such is tho man whom
"lhe party of great moral ideas"
chooses to represent it in tho United
States Senato
Tho choice is cinin-
cntly irojcr Dci Cttinjr. lint where
tiro thoo jiolitienl hiurnrdu, wlm, a
few ycari ago, weiit about bellowing
"l)!ape none hut Amerienna on gunrtl,"
and "nons hut Ameriinn to rule
America V V aKain say, wbt-ru are
the knaves f
Forney heads nentimental orliclo
"What is Life Woll, sir, your life
is a Ik, -which nobody will deny.
Irffft f ririH. .. tlVillnrr.
Sri t'luaara. I
II iftaiaat fl1, I'a , lan ?M. ItSt J
J, I'll a WITS, l.q ,
. . 1 r Kins ( V iVm. ( 'fit r ft. ,( ('ii :
Dl AlSlit I learn thai HI the inrel
iiiR held nt ( 'lent field, I'll the rveniim
of the Uih inslanl. to provide lor the
cleilit'tt of delegates tn the Prim)
emtio Ut ile Convention, a preference
wns repressed by thit preftent lor
myself its the ilenmeriitic t iindidnlo ti r
linveinor In the coining elei'lion. At
llie lime thai meeting was held 1 was
intitined lo my room by illness, or 1
would linve been present and declined
the honor that my fellow citizens thus
seek to confer. 1 write you now, to
say that 1 am not a candidate. Whilst
I am gratified by this mark of couth
donee, 1 am convinced that my nomi
nation is not tho best that can bo
made. I rcogniso tho vital importance
of the selection of the strongest run
didalo that can bo found, tomukolbis
contest. 1 am one of thoso who be
lieve that everything but principle
should be subordinated to success, and
that prel'crnces tor individuals and the
desire to rewnrd party services should
bo mado to yield to the imperious ne
cessity to win. It seems to bo tho
universal desiro of the press of the
State that tho convention shall be held
nt a Iut6 day, and if the best men of
tho parly be selected as delegates, and
authorised to carry out tho will of lhe
party as shown by thu light that shall
thon surround them, thoolection of
the strongest eandidato will follow and
our success will be astired.
I desiro through you tooxpross to
my constituents who have invariably
given mo a cordial support, my earn
est thanks for this renewed mark of
their confidence.
Very respectfully yours,
William A. "Wallace.
JtsT Like Them. Tho he women
and she men Lucretia Mott, Dr.
Gray, etc. who assembled at Wash
ington lust week, looking after nigger
and women suffrage, denounced Presi
dent Johnson a fully for his pardon
proclamation, and other sins that
their refined eyes beheld. What a
pity that the Almighty did not make
hermaphrodites out of this tribe of
lunatics, so that they uced not have
so much trouble in reconstructing
themselves. Before adjourning they
Itefolvcd, That in dcmandiuir the ballot for the
difranrhied vln'eee we do not OM-rlook (lie logi
cal fact of the riprlit to be votod for, and we know
no reaaon why Iho oolurvd men aliould ue excluded
from a mat in Corik-reti, or any woman eithcuwho
poMeMe the auitable capabilitlee, and haa been
amy eieeien.
Keaolrrd, That w demand of the ffovertitnent
and the ptltilie alao that women and eolored people
hall choote their own orenpaliona and be paid
alwaya equally with men for equal work.
Kcaolred, that we demand aa Iba only aau-
ranee of national perpetuity and peace, aa well aa
a measure of junliee and rifcht, thai in lhe reeon-
struelion of the government, aunrareahall be baaed
on loyalty and intelligence, aud nowhere bo limited
by odioua diitinciiuua on account of eolor, people
or sex.
Several women who spoko said that
after they became voters they would
not broil over a stovo and wear them
selves out in kitchens, und they were
going to sit in Congress.
A committee was appointed to pro-
pare an address to Congress and one
lo the people of the United Slates.
Anotiiek One Uvekuoabu. The
Washington Bumpers, last week,
turnou out another Democratic Con
gressman (Gen. Switzler, of Missouri,
a bravo officer,) and guvo his scat to
a wido-a-wako carpel-bagger, named
Anderson. This is an index of what
may bo looked for after the new Con
gress assembles. Democrats enough
will be turned out should Gen. Grant
manifest tho loast stubbornness so as
to keep up a two thirds voto in tho
Rump. It would seem as though it
wero licccssury for tho Democrats to
accompany their members to Wash
ington after they are elected, and pin
them to their seats hy bayonets.
This method secured seals to members
of tho Legislature during the buck
shot war, and it may become neces
sary to repeat tho drama at Washing
ton. Im the Last Ditch During the
war "Col. John W. Forney" desired
to dio in tho last ditch, but never hav
ing crossed the Potomac during tho
"irrcpressiblo conflict," ho still lives,
and has finally found the ditch lor
which his "loil" soul has patriotically
mourned for eight long, weary years
a naiionui convention oi negroes as
sembled in Washington last week, for
the purposo of "reconstructing" the
Union and to learn. tho "white trash"
somo manners. Theso "intelligent
contrabands," immediately after or
ganizing, elected tho valiant Colonel
an honorary member of that highly
flavored and intellectual bodv. lie
soon after appeared among the sages
of Africa, and made them a speech,
congratulating them in their attempt
to ignore tho decrees of God and firing
about tho debauchery of both races.
This is Forncyitm all over. Tho
downward tendency of this political
harlot has been rather slow, hut still
sure; and he now lands in tho lait
ditch, among a cabal of negroes, to
the disgrace of his kindred and race.
He Won't Dance Tho God-and-morality
party in Congress havo for
two weeks past been wrangling over
an inauguration ball, to bo given in
the rotunda of the capitol. Tho cler
gymen in tho Rump, tho chaplains
and tho bishops of tlio "loil" M. K.
Church, all oppose it. Gen. Grunt,
seeing that there is likely to be a split
between the godly and ungodly mem
hers of his flock, writes the committee
a letter, informing them that ho will
not dance, and desires them to aban
don tho ball.
Goori;o Frnnoip Tntin, l.ucy Slnne,
Ann Iiiekinon,Lii;)!y Stunton, Lloyd
Garrinon, ami a lot of other ntrom?-
niindtd women and weiik niinilpd men,
have been on a regular train for the
past week. If thoro linpcns to
ppring up a few more fools of this
class, tto liahopi of tho M. E. Church
will hs-fo to take them in hand.
Tho Tonuro-of Oltico bill, which
passed the llouso with a rush a few
weeks ago, is likely to be killed in the
Senate, beeauso that irtqou body
mistrust fisn. Grant.
Thr Hrr. nfH.
An nrlisngp sn) "Si tisior H sir In n
" lint I'fli ti il, a an aim itdnifiil to our
" t'otisuiiitinn, an additional clsuse
" rrrogiiiriiig God as Iho kitsI Sover
" rign and author ol all good " Tins
movement, on llie pari nf Iho l!ev
Senator arises probably Irom tho fai t,
that, w hile Set rotary of tho Interior,
under Lincoln, he nnd a few of his
riuie nitcmptcd lo cheat the Indi
ans out of HiltUiOll acres of land. The
fiaud was exposed by Mr. Drowning,
the present head of tho Department.
This man Harlan perjured hi in sell
oneo by taking an oath to preach the
gotpcl ; and if ho wero to succeed in
gelling "God ' incorporated in tho
C onstitution, ho could never cover up
his moral perjury, and his attempt lo
cheat tho Indians by such a freak.
Thcro is no finer specimen of a first
class hypocrilo in this country than
this Rev. Senator James Harlan, of
SuouNuiikLlK.M. Thepcoplo of Phil
adelphia, last full, elected a City Re
ceiver of Taxes, as they wero by law
ordered to do; but, being a Demo
crat, ho does not suit tho Radicals in
tho Legislature ; herico they intro
duced a bill to legislate him out of
otlico and put one of their peu in.
Tho latest news from llarrisburg,
however, leads us to believe thut the
nefarious scheme has been defeated,
by the Democrats leaving tho Senate
and thus preventing a quorum in that
body on the final passage of tho bill.
Votes Coiinteu. In accordance
with law, tho vote polled in October
last for Auditor General and Surveyor
General, w ero counted in the Legishv
turo on the l!Uh, as follows : Hart-
ranft, Radical, 231,410; Boyle, Dcm
ocrat, 221,037; Campbell, Radical,
331,12(1; Ent, Democrat, 321,987
Tho official count therefore r duces
Ilartranfl's majority 178 while Camp
bell's is increased ID votes over the
majority published at tho timo ; ma
king the official majority for the lormcr
9,4'jy, and 0,1 9 for the latter.
V om k.kul ! The United States
Grand Jury, lately silting in North
Carolina, (a majority of whom were
"loil," too,) havo indicted the Rump
Congress "for crimes against civil lib
crty and the Constitution." There it
not the slightest doubt that these
grave charges, attested to by sworn
witnesses beforo the jury, are legally
indictable ; and, at present, the bill is
ono of tho chapters of tho present
criminal history of the United Slates
Am Outraue. To our surprise,
six men elected to a tho Lcgisla
ture by the Democrats, last week
voted with tho Radicals to em
ploy twenty-seven additional "pasters
and folders," and just rob the Slate
Treasury of that many thousand dol
lars, too uaiiu-a 01 llicsa inisorki
scalawags aro Beans of Bucks ; Breen,
of Schuylkill; Josephs, of Philadel
phia ; Kase, of .Northumberland, and
McMiller, of Montgomery. May God
have mercy on their corrupt souls.
"Loilly" came lo grief in tho State
of Indiana last week, in the election
of U. S. Senator. Lieut. Governor
Ctimback was tho Radical nominee
for that office, hut enough Rails bolted
to compel tho straightoulcrs to finally
throw him overboard, and in his stead
elected I). D. Tratt, of Fort Wayne,
ono of the Congressmcnt elect. O,
Comeback, stay at homo !
Tho special morality parly of Mich
igan have just ro elected that "drunk
en beast," Zac Chandler, to the United
States Senate for six years. Wo sup
pose I his is brought about by the fact
that General Grant horse-whipped
him about twenty years ago, and the
Congressional temperance society ex
pect to cither kill or cure him during
this timo.
No CANliirATE As intimated by
us last week, Senator Wallace declines
being a eandidato for Governor. His
letter elsewhere settles that question.
On the Silh of January, IWJ, hy Iter. K.
OBnma, Mr. Mlt'IlAHL M.I1F.1IMITT, of
Clearfield, to Miaa CATHARINE KLHNS, of
la ClearBeld, o Saturday. January J.l, 1 SOS. of
CoUMimptlim, Ml' (Ml NUWSON j aged 53 yeara.
At Lock llaren. on the I ol b of January, I C9,
JOHN I.KONA It D, of (loahen lownahln, Cliar-
I county: agedai yeara, (I uionlha and 2? Java.
Hc flrrrlisnnrnts.
term, Iff'? :
6nAn rnnaa.
neeearta 8 Il.llindtnan;tinahea Oat), g. Morrl-
Andrew r-hnff, Juabua
t omatoek.
Ilutn W illiam Ilort.
toga. Hilae Turner,
rira,! II. UrHHllander.
Jonlan John MeNeal.
Lawrence Milton I .aw
( ho. I II, ill, liallaihcr.
J. W. I.amhnrn.
nia i, ro. j. liwin,
L. h. M.-Cullouch.
Clearlleld Thoa l.iddel,
Ilecalnr Thoi. W aritig,
C. M. I'adwallader.
Feriruann John 8. Wil her City I' M Mile
Morria .latpce Iltllon.
I'enn Sam'l M'ldetniro.
I'lke John I. Ijloom,
linen Mullen.
Woodward J.M Chaat.
Graham A. C. Hale.
raa vrn.t ti aona.
IWcaria I' red k rholl.
Hell .lame. iouchcrtr.
Ilirard II. Mcllorern,
I., .aicrorkle.
(ioihen II. II. Morrow,
hntnpaon l.injrle.
Ilrahain Levi Hiihler.
llulirh l-eac HaRcrly,
John 8. M' kicrnan.
Ilualon Klijah Hurna.
kailhaua John tiilli-
Iawrence Trf-ri Rowlea.
II. C. fihaSncr. H m V.
Head, Jamoa Mitchell.
Morria .loacf.h hullmer
Itloom II. W. 'h,l.on.
ll'ifftf. tlco HeM.Hiuion
1 nomp.on.
nin'lliir'l - h.llia rearce.
Wely r-hirey, Jacob
rearer, Win. Altn-rt,
V. B. Holt
DraHr n.V..:packman.
Mi l.inea. And. Knarr,
Aleianderriliea, Itoh'i
railon, Adam Ueurg
Iturnxi'li, Faml Brick.
le?, Tllna. '. Kitchen.
John king, jr.
rheal William Hunter.
Curinetcn l,ewi Hnua-
acT, John W. Wider.
ClnarflHd Kira AU, R.
A Hitler, A. J.Sonlh
ard, .I'inathnn iioTn-
ton, W. M . Helta.
Cnrweu.villt llcuj. S.
Feriruaon J. V. Ilort,
Drier Bell, A.J. Jam I
I'avia i.ray, rranklio
(Ima, A hid Johnaon,
tteorjre Heea.
S. V a.hint;toa- Joaeiih
II. Hreth.
Ofcenla John Rhulf, U.
A. NUincroad.
Penn Nathan Miwrt.
John Hnaaell.
Pike Inhn llunlap, W.
il. Freeman,
t'mun I'b. Hlanchard.
llarid lreelee.
Wondwanl . Ja. Alee.
Wder, Darid llena.1.
WA1 ll A SALKfMAN.Ina Whol,
ItoaierT, Notion aod Whit. HooAt llnnK
in Hhlladrlnhla. Una arho aailrnued, th. kn.i
nett and tu Inflotooa Irad Addreat
JaeJl -1aiTi 1 Krlh Fearth Si , Th lad'a
3Htr flrnH-ntunli.
tin and rAinnnioNi
n III-: AT Kt'ltofUM I AMI M'MN
Is Coming I
TILL axhilnl at I.KAVV l NKW HALL, on
Second etruel, I'liaiticld, l a.,
On Monday and Tuesday Evenings,
Will tn n at (M ItWKS'-'VII.I.K on Krl ln
vnd HftturiUjr vtiiiiiRH, January 2 and 30.
ff-9Yor particular', ire drcritiv l.ilU and
p rug ra in men, j m ii 1 1
n1IlTK ATOM'S WOTIf'tf. Nutire
ia I
lien bv riven Mint letirt of atniiniilratiop
on thr rMa.A if JOHN .,K;NAll.l, dec.-.,,
lata ol (ioln-n towiwliip, I loHrfltld founty, I'm.,
havinjr bn duly (rraiifcd to tlio undt'mtitcil, all
pcrfniif indrbli'd lo aiJ ettat will Ocmr mak?
iu?mrit, and ihoia having 11 im or demaudi
will p if scot them j.rofn'rly nutipnli-ut'd tor let
tltMiifint. MAItY K. LKoNAltll, Ailm'x.
JanHH-6t HKSIIV I. WhAhK, Adra'r.
i.1 (" IClve notiui, that on thr lit dtty of J tin ua
rv, lfiV. a Warrant in hmikntnl.-y wm i mi tied
aVftinut thMiate ol KTACV W. TIl'o.M I'SON. of
Clearfieid llriiltfe, in the eounty of t'lrarlirld, and
H ttc of l't'iitip". Ivama, who ha hv'ti Jjuat cti a
hnkniit on hit own -fietitioD ; UiAt the iavini-ttt
of any ilebtf aud d finery ot any property bvlnt(
itif to auch bankrupt, to him or for nil uh, aud
th trannferot any property by him, arc forhiMUpti
by law ; that S n)oslinj( of tho creditors of the
aid bankrupt, to prove their drl-U, and to ohooie
one or more AMijriiff of hm ruiatf, will be bM
at a Court of Bankruptcy to b holdi n at the othre
of the llcpfiilor, ou the VI b duj ut March, A. I),
lb(y, at IU o clock, A. l.
1'. 8. Miirhnl. aa Mcurnfeer,
By Q. P. Davis, l'cpt. t. H. Marshal. )mu26 it
ow M iuc and Liquor Slore.
HM.mi.i in
VfcFtilt atoek of Wine, H randy, Oiu, Whilty
and Aleohnl.'atwayi on band. Hperia) attentton
paid to eecuriflir a pura ariiil for Bacramental
and nediral purpurea. jan.l-tf
House & Lot for Sale or Kent
K and-rii(;ned nw offer for anle, or rent.
J. IltM hK and LOT, adjoining the tillage of
i.utiierhurir- J he houae ianew aod well fimtued,
10 by 32, with kil. hrn 12 by 14, and stable, to
(ft-1 her with litre and a-balf mere of ground and
prinjf of water. Thu it an exovllcnt location for
a tannery, black tmiib, oabinet-maker or oariten
ter nop. The property will be eold ehaap and
on eaiy term. J-'ur further particular, exam in
lb prcmiee or addrcii the aubtcnWr.
Lathenhurff, Jan. SI, M9 3m.
I The partniTliip herelotoee exiplinc beti
JAMK.S A HKMIV l'KNNl.NUTON hating been
r1inored by mutual content on the 2d day of
a-Horeniber, IHf d, 1 hereby gi notice that 1 will
at m rrponiriie tor any debt of the firm eon
traded alter that aate.
Client tp.( Jan. 21, isfla 4i pd
Valuable Town Properly
l.1 aft I) at r ii
r j it. nAJiLi
SITCATK on th Fouth-wert corner of Chen-y
and Third Htreeti, (being Railroad utreet,) to
wit: A LOT, with a good two-ftorv plank build
iog thereon, 36 by lit feet, on room on each floor
toitahlo for a ttore, or other buviueaa. Also, the
adjoining LOT, with a two-etory dwelling bouae
mereon. ana eeverai other inn . 1,01 .
Alao, a lot of well burnt P-KIt K, nd
...... -.fiu oi huiflrwAtih, imh a Cro-
Jofa, Jart, Frnit t'lna. etc., at reduced pri-ea
for further tn form at ion, inquire at the Hon
war Pottery of r. LfclTZINiiliK,
mTl4Hin Clearfield, I'
Not ice
V i hereby gn en thai letter of
on llie eetai ot X.MA.M Kl, WI8K11. deceased,
laieoi jtrmiiord ip.( tleart. Id eoonly, IV, bar
ing been duly granted to th undermgued, all per
mui indebted to laid ent at will tilwe tDak nav
ment, and thoa baring eliiui or demands will
preaent then properly authenticated for art Moment
aod allowance without d-lar.
jn7-0t Admiuistrator,
Valuable Farm at Private Sale,
TUB anileriii-iivd now offere at Private Sale hi.
farm, uluale in Lawrenoe loarnaliin. Clearlleld
ei.unly, I'a., bounded on llie north l.y lhe fhihpa-Hur-
Krle Turn.ike, and on the weat bj tbe
Ilrleea fifty and aiilr of wlii,h ar. eleareH
nniicr euiliranon, and liavint; Ihreeon a l.llli
1101 SK. BANK UAliN. and .11 II,.
ootl,uild,i,(r. an nrrliard, asd a ai,riii( of fovd
Iter at III. Uxor.
There art IIIItKE VKIXS i,f CnAt. e.. il.l.
farm. One Iwo-lonl eein, now i,en on. fortr-inc-h
vein, nf aa iod eal aa can (e found ia lii.
eonr.iy, aieo onen, and one lire foot rein, unopened.
fiYot Terna and other r,rli, nlara, aj ply on
l-wrene. I,., line. 17, lUnd.Jm pd.
X TAULT NEW, In (jood running- order, with
i every neeetaary tilure, (bulwark, included )
It it one of lhe famnut Utandr millt. 5n horar
power, eiluale ont mile weat nf f.aiherahnrf.
J. A. i J. II hi LM AN.
Jn" 3' I.ulheraliurn P. 0.
Vo3M l.lbnty Sl,t i'ilttburfh,
liar, on hand s large alork ol
Bacon, Sides, Shoulders,
Meat Pork. Pried Beef, and Leaf I.ird, all of oar
own Packing, Curing and (Smoking.
Lard Oil, Flour. Cheese, Dried Apples
and Teaches,
Wilh a general a.aortment of llroerrlea. at the
lowett market price. Jun, c, ,T fi
Daring Jntl reeeiTed all Ihennrelllea or the teaanu
lo the Millinery lint, reqneM lhe ladiet
lo tall and examine them.
Clearfield, Ta.. Nor f
larkel m., Clearrlrld, (at the Poat Offire ) I,... I .'
I ih. .in.... ... m " 7 , .. .. I
k: ... iiT".:; ; zrzii
rrom the eliy with large amount of reeding
mailer, eoaiiating In pari of
Bibles and Miscellaneous BookH,
Rlank, Aeroont and Paat Rooki of erery d.
atrlplton P.p., and, Frenek prelitd
and plain, ).., p,oi, , Blank, Legal
Paper,, Uted., Morlgageti Judeia.ftl. Bieean
tlo. and 1'romltaorj nolta klle and Hareh Bn.r, Legal Cap. Reeord rep, and Rill Cap ,
Kheel, Muale h.r eilber Piano, I'lut. or Violin
eonetanlly en hand. Aar hook, r ettllontrj
deaieed that I may not hart on hand, will he m
ordered hy Irtt ttpreit. and told at wholaealt
or retail to tail cutmmiri. ! will alao keen
periodical llierfttare, took aa Magatlnte. Newt,
papera, de. p. A. OAl'Ll. I
CLarttld Mty T, IMI tl
t r
'1'IIK neti 1
HK 1" f tnttmtti'in Wit f"m
on M'iMi A V, tlf Ifett ( I I I Hl A
1ii,l"i. and cmitipue VI wrli : Iii ImfI to
rpMfl lha "- i; t-n the 1 huilay pnTtclirtj
,r hi-t Ut vt Hi Irrni
t'rlul UMttt.i,n, I'l
l..-tre, Ftaminatiou
iid Tia'-lice, wH rufn t't Afinnltiir' nt all
ila ranei. and In the Mr' liiM' Ad and In
dnliml I'iiihiii. Ih" liU-nil Ah, H.-ii ihm and
l.itfralure U'linllv itii'lit d in t "lt- K" h
lii'-lu d-d. 'I he tiliji -t bfifijt to nmkr Koutid eii
ertl fti'ilnr. while imparlinit llie I'tneh'-e, uid a
ltniwltil(e of the I'riiM'iidre tiponwhi' h I'rartire
drpendt, of the piirtir-ulnT eiti phiTmeot n in view.
lhe nitdr and eirn-icep.l ea.-h Ptmlenf itiall
be prcnll dir'-lin, a the pnrent wny 1 It-rmino.
I. lo l'ratUel and h-ienttlie Anncullttnt and
llurliriilliite ; 1. 'Ik Civil eiipimn rtiijr, Arrhilee
ture and Alining: ft. Tn the principle of the Me
chame. Aril and f Ma-hiiu-ry j or 4. To the prin
ciple." and irH('tir-i of Coinim-rue and Mmiufac
tiirtm : lhe whole to be fcv-ompa: id by the uludy
of Jliktory and (jovernracnt. Menial and Moral
Philosophy, the eiart anl Nalural Heieticei and
the other branchc of a higher rdnration, and alio
L-y luch of the Ancient or Mudmn l.anrunp(i i at
nmy be veUctod ; ai.d, on the part of all Iba iSiu
den In, by practl'1 on lit Fano, in tho Uarden,
l.ahoratory and F eld.
At the proper time a detailed account of ths
co u rue of aludy and other particular! will be puh-
Jiy tlie liberality of tho National (nrcrnmcnt
and tlir Hlnle i.t'L'i!j.litrr, llie Trimtri'ii bsve Into
fliiatOtMl to Hir"jnii"e with Ilm charo fnr Tail ion
b-rrolre fiiti ft ymr; nd lix tlir iriv ot
lioanling, 4c, at (lie luweitt rate tluil will ni't
ippriiic. vir . fliiU fur tli hiriD(f Tvria of 24
wr.k, miiJ :Q lor tlio Fall 1i-iiu of 10 w,rki;
in all $170 a year lur tvcrvHiui, eK-ojit Xaxt
booltD, li'lit, mn U a imiill rburKu lur tlit uk of
room fuiiniure. when tlic t doui nut provitle
tii own, wliit h lie litti tin (iiuiuii to do.
Iho Itiiittliiifii will comturUhtj acixunniodate,
and the Farm of 4(111 nrrr pi-mnuut at id usclull
(U)luy four fnndrci Student. Of thiM earti
county ami the citv of Plnlntli'l'liia will ba rnti
tlrii tu une wil bout rtfunl to populalum ; and tbe
rental n diT will ba divitlad aiuonit Uiaoountie
and I be city in pniurtiun to population ; all free
of ebarjff lur Tnitnm.
To entttia lo aUmiiion, the applicant moit be
tbe non ol an inbabiinnt of tbe (Mate, nut len Lb on
lo Tear of airp.of jtimh! moral character Bn'' bfaltb,
and well verned in (.rthograpliT, Keadnif;, Wri
linjr. Arilbuitjuc, Knjrltah (tratntnar, Oeograpbv,
and tbe Jlntory of tbe I' lilted htateH.
Fint appliuunu from tbe rcupectiva countiei,
eouiing ap to tbe above requireinente, will have
tbe p rule rv no for a'liniiion ; but it m nut desira
ble tbat more tban lotl hm admiiu-d in lSfttf and
tbe aaiue number annually tbereafttrr, in order
tbat tbe College may nil onlj m tbe Student iball
advance in tbeir elMRet.
The ondri(fncd ii authoritJ tn pled ire the
ftuard of Truflict'i and a full 1- acuity of Inn ruc
tion, to which be would add hi own pmmiie. tbat
etery rflort shall (e made to render tbe I nut .lo
tion a b.D:nt to tbe youth who may report to iu
bulli, a much needed aid totbt- vanuui indualna.
Furfuiti, and an honor to tbe feiata.
fifbot further information aMrei
Preaidrnt Agricultural College,
Agricultural College 1W Odioe, Contra Co., Fa.
Jan. 21 Jt
United SUxXvh Mails.
Waihinuto. Jan. I, 1C69. (
1)K0PO.SAL8 for carryinliba mailt of the
I'm ted fit Met from July lat, 1 b6V, to Jnn
tu, 1h;2, on tbe fulli,wii))( routes TH 1'etinirrlrt.nia,
will be rceeired at the Contract Ofiioe. Foat Oflioa
Department, until S p. m , of March 21 neit, to
be dfM-idr by April 20 fulb.winK :
2ii2. From Clearfield to Feondeld, IS rnilei, and
tack, twin a week. Lea re C(tarfield Tuefday
and Saturday, at S a. tn. j arrive at Feufield by
1 p. m. L.ra 1'cnUeld Monday and Friday,
at III. n-i arrire at Clearfield by 2 p. m.
2jtl0. From Fuiitb i ililli to Madera, 5 milt i, and
back, twice a week. Lea re bmilli Mi 111 Xuea
day and Friday, nt 1 p. m. ; arrire at Mndnra
by 3 p. m. i.cavt' Aladcra Tu-fUy and Friday,
ai 9 a. m. , arrive at Hntiih'a Miili by 11 a. tu.
Si6l. From Rock ton, hy iluiton, (new office,) to
l'ennfteld, 18 nnie. and back, once a week.
Lear liorkton hiturdy, at 7 a,m. : arrive at
PennGcld ty 2 p. m. leavo Fcnhtleld hatur
day, at 1 p. in ; arrive at liorkton by 6 p. m.
I'rupoi-al to begin at Luther burj. four milci
additional diataace an una hour additional t.tut,
262. From Fallt-n TinifTtr, bj Oill'i Millt,o.5.)
ana uun tonneii, (n. o.,) to Carroutoo, 17
tic and back, onec a wnk. Leave Carroll ton
Friday, at 7 ft. ra. i arnva at Fallen Timber at
in i .'.n.i'iii- i .
ui. irmif r ninn i luiucr r nuay. ai 1 p.
Mine a Larroinon Dv p. in.
2iAX From Carrollton, by Ulatr'a. (n. o .) El-
aer miitf, (n. o.,) and bt, Lawrenoe, (n. o.,t to
Wu Picaant( (n. o.,, 22 milte, and back, onee
. a weok. Leave (.trroliton I riday, at a. m
arrire at Ml. Pleannt bt S r. m. Leave Mt
Plcaiant Saturday, at 8 a. m ; arrive at Carroll
ton by t p. m.
2b4. From Ilrooltvlllc to Knoxdale, I milet, and
back, onee a wcrk. Leave lirookville 8nturdar,
ftt I p. m.; arrive at K no i dale by 4 p. in
Leave Knoidale SatunUy, at u a, ro.; arrive at
llnmkville by 12 m.
J,'b5. From Frock way ville, by Rockdele Mill,
to Reynol laville, 10 mile and back, twice a
wea. Mi Jirorkwayville Tuedav and Sat i a. m. ; arrive at Keynoldaville bv
12 m. Loave heynoldaville Tuea iar and Sit
urdy, at I f ui.; arrive at Ii rock way Title by
Kparet prot.oaala are fnvided Utwecn Brock
wayviue and tlcH'idale Milla. 7 milea, 2 htran
running time eacb way.
For form of pror-oK etc . end other Inf .rma.
uon, are edvertiaemrnt or ("ceoiHT 31, lSt-7, and
thia date, in pmphlet form, at the princiial
otTimsi A t L V A V lit It i- i v t i i '
li Purtmajrter (Jcneral,
11 in tne nonce, that on the 4th dat nf J..
air, A. ll. I Mill, a Warrant In llankrupler ra. ia
ue.lacamal the Eelateof CIIKIS1 I AS J Kllnvi-
of Wooiiwardtownahip.lntheeounlTof Clearnel.l,
and Matt of I'ennaylrania. who 'haa beeen ..'
judted a Hank nipt, on hion petition i that Hit
".Tiuriii aor ami aau aenverr or anr propertT
ooiootin. t. auok baiikrnpt lo him or for hie an,
and llie tranaler of ant nmvertr h him. are f..r.
biddi n l,e laai that a meeting of the eredilora of
aaio nantrupl. lo pnre llielr debla, and lo rhwee
ont or mart ai-irnee, of hit will he b.l.t
at a. Court of liankmnter. lo l. lir,l,i,.n .1 tl,.
oftiee nl i. K. Hoodruri, in l'lnlipsbarg, I'a., Iw
fort H. E. Woodruff. K.q., Htgiaier, en the 9th
day of March, A..D. If., al ID o'elo, k. A. M.
T. ri. Mar.linl. Mn..
O. P. IHYlt. ept. V. 8. M. Jai.2l'.4l
Thi, la
i.1 lo
girt nonce, that on the tiK rf.. IJ...
art, A. 1., lr.o, , Warrnt in llankrapier w, I,,
aued agalnat Ih. ,l.i. of JOHN RVAN, or
Uurnaid. townahip. lb. eounlr of Clearlleld.
and Htate of Penii.vlvania. who him he..i . li., ...
ft Uankrupl, on hie own pellllon : Ilia! the r.e
tneMt nf . d.k.. .... J.i r '
.... ... . aP,l(rrj ol nnr rroperlt
brli ngint to tticl, Itankriinl. to him . t .. i.;. ..
and the Iranaler of anr prnpertr to him are forlud-
oen ny aw ; inai a rneeling or th Creditora of
.n. ..mi uanaiupi,!) pn.r. their Debla, and lo ont or nor. AanCneet of hit will
be held al a Conrt of Rankruptrr to h. hold.n at
I'hilipibnrr. hefnreS. R. Woo.lrutT I- .n ll.
nn ,k. Ilil. J.. .1 ll L. . .. ..... . . '
.... i a.m. i.. .1 III o clock.
THi'MAS A. KtlWl.KV.
I. K M.r.h.1 l ...
".I O. P. Hvt, Kept. U. S. M. j.iVjl'tt
XTOTH-K I nlkRI PTt -V Thla I.
A to girt nolle., thai oft Ike 3Slh d.T .r
"""", . K- Inn, a warrant In Hankmole.
waa ie.ned agalnat tht Kalato nl TIIUMAS
H I' M I'll RKY, of plka townrhip. in ,ht eoonte
of Clearh.ld. and Hult of I'eon.Tleanit, who
haa keen adjded ft Eankrupt on hit owa
pftl'lon) Ikat tkt pattaent ol anr debit and
delietry ol ant property belonging lo turh
Bankrupt, lo him. or Ii r hit oa. and ibt tranaler
of ant properly hy him art forbidden by Law,
thai a n.enng ol lhe Craditora of the aaid lttnkl
nipt, to prort their Dehtt, and lo rhooat ont or
ftiort Aaaigntea 01 hit Ktutt, will bt htld al a
C.arl uf llankruptcr, to he hoid.n at I'hihpa.
hr before S. K. W oedralT. t.f, , Regitler, on
" ia.aj oi Aiarcn.A ii ios. al to o elivk, A. a
C. 9. Mar.hal, aa kle.ftnger.
Py O. P. liana, HepL ll. S. Marahnl.
January 14. lnn 41.
Vhk's Floral (iuido for 1860.
'piIE dial rlilrainl one hundred thoiia.nd of
JL Virk'a lllualratrd I at.l,.ue of Keeda and
t.uule in llir I li.wer li.i.l.n i, now publialiM. ll
a wora oi toil parr.. iMwutwullv iljnatralod
Ith l:.o Fine iWd Eiieratm... f t ....
tod Vegei.blea and an tlegiu,' Colored Plate,
It la the trotl beautiful, ta well at th. ain.l In.
eirueiiT. noral t.ui le p,il,.h.,l. givinf ,,.
-rv-.r? -.uim ,.k
rt.on KH.s AND 1 L. L-. .
Guide la pulilinhed for tin henehl of tne ru.lom
era, lo whom It ia aent free without application
mil win ne liirwardeo: lo all who ha wail
fur TKN CENTS, which I, n-l half lhe coat.
Addeeae JAJHI'S VH'K.
JnM lB Jtoche.ter, N. V,
MrnrAi. OI1llr.Xv7rrle7TtI
eordeort, Fifet, Italiaa Hlringe. Clarionet
Heed., Guilar firing,, Muale Paper. Inatraelloa
Rooki, for aalt by J. p. KHATZKK,
jan7 la, Agent fo Pitaot end Organa.
Itm HAI I Four ralnahle town properliet,
in the borough f Clearlleld. LoeMioui 4e
airable and building, new. Applr to
N. u. tied Li.oron,
elT Attorney al law, Claarnrld, Pe
C durational.
mi ii. ::. ravAKo
( I.) M,t II M, I
1 will r, m.
r.'i u yt I h uutj H, I "
, Hra line Onhnr-r-,, h , W,ttir eJ
I'titiihiv A rH I: (in i te and I'i
(ii -i(rr:iphr, pi r hull li rrn, (.f
wit ki )
i OH
IliMnry, l.oeril and df-eriptiva OfoflrnphT
with Miip lrnwn jr, tliaintintr, Mmtul
and IVriUi n Arithun ti: H f
Algehra and the i. h-nee,
Fur full partienlara lend fur Citcular.
( Itarlii Id, Nut. IJ, ISO" 3m. - au"!T,
Eev. P. L. HAEEISON. A ST.. Principal
1IIK rIKCOSD FEKMON of tht t rraent arho-
on AlONlJAV.the 2 .id day ut .November, IM1H.
Pupila can fbtar nt anytime. They will be
ebarifed with tuition from the tiutt the; en lor to
the cluie of the erniun.
Tbe eonne of mmrurtlon cmbrmeea everything
Included in a ttioroutv'h, prnvtical aud aocuiu-
phthed educalioo for both .-
The Principal, having bad the advantage of
much experience in bii profeaaion, aaaurm pa
rent! end !itirdana that bia entire ability and
en-irRiea will be devoted to the moral and men
tal training of tbe yoitth placed under hie charge,
1 lAtMn Ol' K lilON.
Orthnjrraphy, llca-lipic. Writing, and Primnry
Arithmetic, per tSeniun (II weeki) - i 00
Orampiar, Ueugrapby, Aritbroetir, end
Hi'torj $0 00
Alfrebre, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men
auration, r'urveyine, Philotopby, Phval
oloiry. Chemtitry, book Keeping, tioiany
and Pbyaicil Ueoraphy . . - $9 00
Latin, Greek and rreneh, with any of the
above llrRtlchea .... $12 qo
jMtNo deduction will be made fur abaence.
9-Pcr fortberpartirulara inquire of
lie v. p. L. MARKiaON. A. M.,
Clearfield, rob. 6, 1 8rt3 tf. Principal.
jfounflrif and larliinr tfhop.
...OKO. f. TOCHQ
Manufacturer! of
Corner of Fourth and Pine Etroetl,
TTAVINO engaged in tlit mtnofocturt of flrit
A A clail MACHINERY, wtreipcctfutly inform
tht iuhlit that wt trt now prtpaitd to CM all
order, at cheaply and at promptly at tan ht dont
in any of tht citiea. Wt manufacturt aud deal in
Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills,
Head Blooka, Water Wheelt, Shafting Poller,
Oifford', Injector, Btetra Gauget. Steam Whiille,.
Oilen, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupa, Gauge Cock,, Air
Locke, Globe talvea. Check Vtlvet, wrought iron
ripei. Meant Pomp,, Boiler Fetd Tumpa, Anti
Friction Wetrea, 6otplont Ticking, Gum Park
ing, and all kindt of MILL WORKj together
witk I'lowt, Eled bole,
and other CASTINGS of e!l kindt.
rtr-uraert aolloitt d and filled at city price.
All letter, of inquiry with referenot to machinery
oi our manufacture promptly ajuwored, ly tddrel
ing nt at Cleariti.l, Pa.
declO-tf B0YNTOX A VOfNU.
iUaning UiUs.
j: w,r. NOTICE. lvz:l
. Ia. iti:i:i v to.
'PHK proprietor, rMpeetfully Inform thtritiien,
of CletrSeld county, that ther have nil.i.
refilled thi, ettabli.hment with the latrit improved
wood-working machinery, and art, now prepared
.i, .men in tneir lint of burineit.
tnoy will girt t.pecial altention to the manutao.
turt of malarial for hooet hailJing, tuch at
sash, doors, blinds,
nn.tch.ETs it .not Lnt.yas,
We a'way, hare on htnd a large ttock nf PRT
L I'M PER, and will pay caah for all clear Lumber.
One and a hair Inch panel ttuff preferred.
Lumber Manufactured to Order,
Or exchanged, lo tuit eualomtra.
t.Ordert loliciled, and Lumber furniabMl o.
ahort notice and on rcaeoniM. termt.
0. L. REED A CO.
Clearfield, Nor, J,
E. H. Ptrro
B. A. larrji
.'on P.rroj,
'. R. Inn is.
llaring Cited up a 6rll-clal
Are prepared to furnith all kind, of
Manufactured Lumber,
tuch aa
Honrui. Sidinfj. Bnrfo-trened Lnm
ber, Bash, Jinon, Blindi,
And every deacription of
Dealera will rind 11 tn their advantage o
eon.iill our prleet ber .re pairlia.ine eleewher. .
Addreta, E. B. PATTuS A Cll.,
. Corwena'illo,
Dee. J. 1 tf Clearfield eonnly. Pa.
W'"" " AT roT.-Art
ull 't,1' i-lea Oood., Including
Hot. Rrkf..t 6h.wl.. Homage, Ck,.
Iran t, Htf., Cp,, , h.Vld at
J. r KRAirm .
j Pi)l oc (Ii, 0',tttri lr',, fj(f
:(.iu:at r.Kcirr.Mr.rT
NEW G00D3 AT LOW rrj:C
I'lllK nn.ler.lfiieil
1 t' if ll. a
ra.p.etfati, B,,t
aplen-lid a.',rlinent nf laercbatidlia ,i .
are uw talln,( ' ,,'ti
' r- ' errr a.
Tlialr tloek conalil, a pan af
Dry Goods cf tho Post Quality,
Sueh a, Prlnlt. T lain.a li.. ..
UilirhBinrMu.lil,.,(l,!.a-,.1l ,rt ... mt
eJ.) Uriiim-., liek,,,, flannel,. ."aim. ti,,('a.M,,r
C' tlonailep, Laiiiei1 SIi.hI, '
Nuliiae A lluoda, llalmural '
and Hoop Hiru, c,
Alio, a nna aifortment or Mon't lir,,,..
Sbirtt, II. t, a C..., Looi, t bil ut
til ol winch
Hardware, Queensware, GlMnir9
urocenes aua ijpices,
it eerttninx nroally kej t in a relr il ,ior, it
CUKAr OKCAKH or approved eoualr p,"
Clearlleld, Nov.7 , 1607.
WW Fill Jt WIVTI'P rnnnti
William Jtevd A Co,
Near Pvaluflice, Market street.
nAVINQ Juet opened a large and eoicLi,
etock Iruin Kuw Vork and Phiia-ltluina .
cau ufltr extra iuduceuieuU tu C Atli lil'VLiit
We have a apleudid tf lection of Prn Gotrdi.
t- lla, I7lltlirr, VlUktaVlI pi, t llalintll, JJi.
to or all, Bliuikr'a. Hoop bkirU,
Coraeie, Thonipauu'e
Trimmingi of every deuripiiun, Zr.l?r, orr.M
Yarn, and one ot tbe muit complete a-ortnnDUjf
Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods,
t'nder-wcar, llcalerv. Gluvei of all k,m!i. A'..
ander'i Kid and Harrii' celebrated Krauilen kid,
ia ever mint,)
Xecktiea, Umterfli"!.- CiaiUri,
Cnffi, HandkercbiefB, Lacei. LJeitr,
Embroiderief, ic: alo, a larra eirlmDt af
l- L'KH, with URAY'f PATEN 1 W I IP, tbt leu
tbinr exfnnt bother with a full Im of lUr
Call and tee nt. Xo trouble lo ihow g ooda. It.
meuioer lot piaec
Sear Poatoflice, Market Siieet,
fpiIE nndiraigned baring entered Into ro pail.
X n.rabl in tht mere. unit bunneii,
thia mtlhiMl of aotifyiug Ibt publit getertuy,
and lhe citiaeni of Curwenaiillt and rirmiiy it
particular, that eitrchandiae of all kind, wil
be aold by na aa cheap aa ibe lame qualm ein.
where in the county. We here lull aupjiye
l mt'itmg in part of Droit Good,. HiuIIm,
Print, of all abide, and ,tyl.t ; together wi'Jt t
lull aaeortmtnt of
Utioti, Hhoi, Hardware, Q.uccutwarf.
Al wrll i Tinwirf, Ctdarwir. Villr.wn
boitt ana Broom ; tnfrtfer ub Jirgt itocl
vi ururrrifi ( ana ajwTI tail tlOCU of
Tn ihort, wt keep a full tupilj of ertrrtkitt
uted in thit mark. I.
We want all our old rt.tcmcri and t, tin
new one, aa can make it eonrenient, to girt ai
a call before pureiaaiog elaewbert.
Curwemriile. F.hrua,? IS, le.
MUSLINS at Renaalion priwi
I'KI.AINES at Sfntation oricet
COBUKliS al Sen mi i ion uricet
ALPACAS nl Senaation luicet
Jutt rccivxl tt ilufiSOi'S'.
GIN'fl IT A11S
t Aiossurs
SenaIioD pnrwi
SentfttioD pncfi
6Dticn price!
All to U !id al 1I0S.S0S.
F.KlNii K tt
Sonant inn
Senaai ion
price i
nl UOSSOfS'.
ol all kimla t V at
in any quan'ty
senaation price
cenaation price
cremation fr;ce
Senaation p-rice
Aitrnvion band at MOSSOrS.
pr cti
pr ce
renaanon pric
aa Cmu, TanU,
i Oder Mnrta, at enaalian pr cct
rinnnpi rtiirift,
Buoie, Shctea,
Hail and (apt
Now for tal at MOSSOT'
U A It D " A K K
auch aa Snwt.niiile
Fork a, Knivet,
pikot, Hingnt,
al eenaation prc
at MOSSOr'S.
0 i n, V h Ukcy,
al aroiation
t oi'iiac, etc., etc.,
KHt'lTS, rtich at
Prunea, Kaiaint,
Figt, Fill'ortt, Ac,
a I ten a I inn pries
at MOSSOf'.'.
t lour, 11 a m t,
Itoultiera, Sugar,
Mnlatana, Ct.ileei,
1 ea, C r a c k e rt,
Siire, Candle,
Coal Oil, tie., io.
al tfuaation
Alwavt at M0SS0I"S.
ULACKINO at rn.atioo pricr
UiiTES at tena.iHin price'
POWDER at aeneadon irice
HOT at aenamion price
LFAD ut aenaalion iricc
CAPS al aenantion tiricr
At the) Mora of RICH AKD MOSSor.
Alway, keepa on hand a ft'l
aatotlment of all kmdt of gooile re junel
lor the aocommodalioo ol tlio puMic.
Jult I,
vr h rFworBATic alvaxao rw
etnts. lbTf-tr 9n thoald hr n tf