Tin: KKPimucAX. "25V s" ti.KAiiriri v, r.. Thnred'av burning. January tl EDUCATION. Eltrecle fr"" l" (""'"' M.eange.J COMMON hl'iliiol.ii. Tlio nnnu;il li poll of tlio Supfrin tpiidont f Common School exlnliils the condition of that department in a highly satisfactory manner. Within the htata i u.cro .re i.-.m- u,-, j miil e(,ieation and the mo tricU: 1 l.fit8 school director.: 7-1 ! , , , , ,:. county, city and borough eiiperintcn- H,.i,l ! 111771 teaehcrs : and MHI.,)la pupils. The cost of tuition for tlio year wan ia,'Ji3,Ui! W i of liiiildin, rurehanilR and renting sidiool houseo, 91,11111,15 .r5 ; of contintroncios, ti, 253 21. These three ileum, with ex penditures, for all other purposes con nectcd therewith, amount to .the ag gregate sum of fii.20tl,,r);;7 Uti. These facts aro exhihitcd with great MtiaTurtion, as they show the average annual cost for tho tuition of each pu pil to bo about seven Collars and buv-enty-four and a half cents. Tho av erage amount paid to each teacher is about SI 'J j 1 7 i per annum. This, in my opinion, is too small a salary to secure tho services of competent teach ers; and I am fully justiiiod in urging the necessity of increased compensa tion. It is but just, and it will have an olevatinrr tendency not only upon the teachers but the manner in which their duties are performed. Your attention is culled to the fuel that, notwithstanding the amplo pro vision now made by Taw for tho edu cation of all persons between the Bros of six and twenty-ono years, large numbers of children, principally in our cities, do not attend any kind of school. Over twenty thousand of this class are found in Philadelphia, and the number in the Stale is estimated to be not less than seventy-five thous and. These children grow up in ig norance, frequently without employ ment, and many of them contract habits of vice, which eventually cause them to be committed to bouses of refuge, county prisons or peniletitia ries! Humanity and sound public policy demi nd that something be done to remedy this growing evil, and also that of the neglected condition of con siderable numbers of children in' the alms and poor houses in many of the counties. Fonr Normal Schools are now roo ognized as Slate institutions. The number of students attending them during the past rear was 2,115, of whom eighty graduated. Two addi tional Normal Schools will probubly go into operation during this year, one located at Bloomsblirg, Columbiu couoty, and the other at California, Washington county. Tho value "ol these institutions to ihecommou school system cannot bo estimated. Our Schools are comparatively worthless without qualified touchers, and such teachers can most easily be obtained from the normal institutes, where, the art of teaching is made a speciality. A meeting ot the presidents and olher authorities of a number of our principal colleges was held in Harris burg last winter, the object of which was to bring about a closer union (f all our educational institutions, and connect by a bond of sympathy, it not oi organic structure, mo common schools, high schools, academies and colleges. The establishment of such an educational department seems to be desirablo. There is no subject moro worthy tlie deliberations ot tho Legislatiiro than the promotion of the welfuro of our common schools. They immedi atcly underlie tho characteristic fea tures of our social system j they aro iountmiis ol that wide spread intelli gence, which, like a pcrrennial vitali ty, porvados the nation, and aro nur sories of that inquiring spirit to which we aro indebted for tho purity and preservation of our free institutions. in a republican government education is a sure basis of power and public prosperity, vy it tlio pooplo aro taught to discern and estimate the value of their own rights; to distin guish between oppression and tho ex erciso of lawful authorily ; todiscrim inato between liberty and licentious ness; to preserve an inviolable ro spect for the laws, and exercise "eter nal vigilance, against any encroach ments upon them, ltisadmitted that a thoroughly educated pcoplo alono "an be permanently frte. iiy educa tional culture patriotism is expanded and tho principles, manners and senti ment ol tho whole, pcoplo aro assimi lated. M any of the sources of joalousy and prejudice tiro diminished, social harmony largely increased, and the structure of our free and happy sys tem oi government cemcrited,slronglli ened and adorned. SOLDIERS' ORI'IIANs' SCHOOL. In his report tho Superintendent nf poiuiers urphans !clioois exhibits the total expenditure for their support irom jioeemiier l, lxiiT, to -May ill i "'.if, (o no r. (i . toll( num. her of pupils in the reboots, S,4ul averago cud per pupil, (Hi J fr six months, and tho average weekly ex penses per pupil, tZ .;;,. Tho fisral year of these schools, like thai of tho common schools, terminates by law nn the Inst day of Jlay of each year. The present report of tho Superin tendent, therefore, embraces only six months, and reports will bo mado nn to the aist day of Jlay, annually, hereafter. The special appropriation of February 25, lG-, made in accord ance with an estimate of I ho Superin tendent, presented in my last annual message, exceeded tho actual expenses Notwithstanding every possiblo ef fort has been, and will continue to bo inade, to economise in tho expenses of the present yi ar, and to keep them as tar as possiblo within tho nnnrfitiT-ifi. tion made by the last I,cgi,utuie, it w. readily ,0 0orvoj ,,ml t10re will be a deficit for tho year ending Mar 31, JSC:., tl,8 a,n,nft of w)li( will be carefully avertained and pre sented to the Legislature prior to the close of the present session. The schools are all in pood condi tion and improving, and their useful nose is daily becoming more manifest. Jhey aro among the most philan tnrop.c institutions of the age, and rrfloct high honor on the patriotism ol tho Legislature, by which they Have been so liberally endowed, and upon our people, by w hom they are sustained. Tho children who are the recipients of Uioir benefits are the on.prmg f brav. , who ,,,lunLri y endangered their live, in tho cause of their country in th0 most trying hour of its existence, and who, ,W. ing with patriotic ardor, fmght M bravely and as heroically as the noblest men in the world's hiatorv 't k.. sands of them who lt-a their koines in J !tli Mo.-in i.f With anl will) Vrnlil'"t lii1!'" nl'mnrilionj tir nlnrp "!ln cl.'ritli, leaving tlirir iilnw Mini ' little) onr to (tic rum i( lhi miwtvv in lineo norvii-e Utoy (i II, nnl tiirii ! jifomiwl tln'in ilo )iriloi i win. Tlii'ir jrliil liTii nro lie khpIi nf tliia Rnnl Comm. inivrtil tli ; nnl too much triiic . . it.- i . r . L rantrit I'll Itwitriii'.i iir iipupie iur mi. niuiiiliiTiit aiid tender uiHiiiicrin v liieh Ihev lutve tliun fur, tlirouejh llicirreprc nontativcH, diiW'liurjoJ lliO Mrrcd and delicnto Iruat. aori'i i.ti rai. coi.t.nig. Before tliu (iencral (iovcrnipent ftp propriiitod tmbliu lundH to tlio ovcrl StHtei lor tlio purpoho of nricultinal chnnic arts, and prior to tho tnno when Pennsylvania endowed the Ag ricultural C'oIIcl'O with her shnro of those lands, it was dependent wholly upon individual influence, without any olher means lor its support than its own earnings. History proves that seminaries of learning cannot bo sulli ciontly sustained by their own inter nal resources. Tho education of youth in tho higher branches of knowledgo seems to require tho aid of philan thropic contributions. This institu tion had not theso benefits to any adequate extent, and though tho board of trustees bestowed upon it tho most anxious cure, their real and labor, combined with thoso of its friends, wero not equal to a contest with the want of means. Hence the school did not command tho confidence of larm- ers who wero ublo to educate their sons, and w ho could not forget that tho chaructcr of tho college attached to tho character of its gruduatcs : and that its fuiluro would outer into tho estimalo which the world would pluee upon the education it bestowed. J Ins leuture has now been removed. The people, through their Legislature, have endowed this institution with tho in terest upon a fund of 9318,500 00 (in vested in United States and Pennsyl vania Slute six per cent, bonds,) pay able to it semi annually. Last year this interest amounted to f5,(i42 7N. Tho residuo of tho fund, 913,880 50, has been appropriated, under the law, by the board ol trustees, to the pur chase of three model and experimental farms : one at tho college in Centre county, for 9,000 00, one in Chester county for 91 ( ,50 00 and ono in lndi ana county f'or918,lJ0 50. Tho board has also recently rooiganiEcd the faculty and remodeled the course of studies, so as to adapt them to tlio wants ot the agricultural community. This new order of things goes into oporation at the commencement of tho next session, and it is earnestly hoped will bo a success. There is no profession, trado or calling in lifo, where tho value of knowledge and the lights ol scienco, and the practical ap plication of both, are so potent for proniaoie results as in their adaptation to agricultural pursuits. And in this truly practical age it is well worthy of the consideration of parents, wheth er they should not avail thomsolvcs of tho benefits of this institution, now so gonorously endowed by tho State. Tub New Have Enoch Akdih Cask Decidkd. The New Haven "Lnoeh Arden case," so called, was determined before the Superior Court in that city on Thursday Tho facts aro theso: John A. Wilcox wont to tho war, leaving a young and pretty wifent home, "i ears passed, and hear ing nothing from linn sho believed kirn dead, und, having vainly sought to learn that he still lived, and mourned for him in widow's apparel for two years, she married a retpoclable me chanic named Benjamin Uotchkiss. Sho lived happily with her second lovo until a few months ago, when tho first busbond appeared and brought a suit against his wife for bigamy, and against ber socond husband for adul tery. As soon as those suits were brougbt, which was the first intimation the woman had of her first husband's exis tence sho separalod herself from her second husbund, to await the result of the trial, and, like a good woman, conducted herself blame Wssly through out. Sho also presonted a petition for a divorce from Wilcox. The court on Thursday acquitted both honorably of tho chargo of bigamy and adultery, grunted the petition for a divorce, changed tho namo ot tlio.pclitioner to mat oi jiiary I,. Martin, her maiden name, and gave Mary tho custody of a cnild try her first husband. Th conclusion of tho .story will bo tho legal marriage of Miss Mary L Marlin to Air. Jieninmin Hotchkins. Hartford Lvuram, Jan. i. Transfusion or Blood. A few weeks since thero was received at the r,.i ,r . , luicrmo (iiaiyj Hospital a young man won n van nninor on Ins leg, wnicu in mo end rendered amputa tion necessary, the patient beinir vcrv much emaciated, and laboring under lever, i no operation reduced him to aworsostatclhan ever, and it became apparent that he was fast sinking, the pulso being impcrceiiliblo, tho eyes dull, and tho body cold. In this emer gency ir. Albanso had recourse to the transfusion of blood as tho onlv reme dy thut had not yet been tried. Two assistants of tho hospital offered to have their voins opened for tho pur pose, and thus, at two different inter vals, juii grammes of blood were intro duced into tho patient's system. Af ter tho first time he recovered th faculty of speech, and stated that. before, he could neither see nor hear, but felt as if he was flying in the air. Ho is now in a fuir stato of recovery. Personal Apitarancr A flinrriilitr brilliancy may bo iriven to tho rves bv allowing a aniall quantity of ponp uii8 in uiurr inoeornn while wuhu inp the inve. Tho Imir should be cut ilh ciHHors, and not cnrvt.fl will, n knifo ami fork, or mntilatwi with a mw. (rold hair in more valuable than Bilver; tho latt.or novor nrown above the crown. Baldnnu may be jirvrvnuMi uy pinning ido hairsocurclv atthorooU, or dying at tho ago of winicon. j ne ii u man eihow is a boaulifully eonMnir-ted fabric, but it should novor bo viaiblv obtruded through a hole in tho coat. Tho knoo pn, alpo or patella though equally curious in formation, should roinain a mystery for the public. rntFKCTi.Y Awfkam.r. The land lord of a httol said to a boardor: "Look o' hore 1 I ant you to pay your board lull, and you must. I'vo asked you for it often enough ; and I toll you now that you don't loavo this bouo until you have puid it." "(iood 1" said the lodger, "I'll stay with you as long as 1 live." A wido- who had lot her husband, was weeping bittorlr for the dar de parted. A friend tried to console hor. "Oh, no," said the fair mourner, 'Mot .mo imve mv cry out, ana atlor that I shan't think any more about it' Tlocfl.ind'i Vlfrtirlnn. IKKH MMIS I.KIIM l 1UTTI IIS llooflnmrs li rmaii Tonic; Th Urrftt Bmttiii for U Dlfawi ef tb Urgttiit Hoollamrs (lonnan liittrr Ii fomfourd of th par JiiIom for, they rt mf.licimllf trrint'l, - KfttrarU) tf rnM, herbs, and htrki, I I prtpBratinn highly forjrtftntrnud a d d J iiiiretj "fro Irom leohulio idmlimn of any kind" lltxillund'H Gornum Tonic t ti combination of ll tho IngredifQti of th 14 ittert. with tli puroit quality of Hanta Crui Hum, Ornj(, An , making on of tb mntt plea sant and ajroalil rmtlie f er offered to th puli lie. Tlio preferring a nedioio fro from aloobolie admixture, will uo Hoofland's German Bittern, Thou who hiiT no objection to th combina tion of th Bitten M iUtd, will IIoofland'8 German Tonic. They re both equally good, and eonUin th am medicinal virtuei, th ehoto between th two beinir a mere matter of taste, th Ton io being th moil paUuble. Th itomaoh, from a, Tarlety of eaonei, tuch aa Indigestion, I yipepiia, Nervuu Dibility, te., ii very apt to bar It funotioai derang bar its funotioai derang- , iym I I patbiting as closely i th Mtomacb, then be- ed. Tn Lirer, a it dne with comes affttatod, th reeult of which Ii that th patient suffer from arorml or mor of th fol lowing di : Constipation, Flatalene. Inward Piles Fullneif of Blood to th Head, Aeidity of th Stom ach, Nausea, Heart Burn, Disgust for food, Fullness or Weight in th btomaeh, fiuur Eropliuna.Htnk ing or Fluttering at th pit of tho btomaeh, Swim ming of th Head, U urri d or Difficult breathing, fluttering of lb H fart, Choking or Buf fonating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, dots r webs before th eyes, dull pain in tb head, deficiency of per piration, yellowness of th akin and ye. Pain in th side, bak, chest, limbs, etc., sudden Hut bee of beat, burning flesh, oonstant imaginings of tU and great depression of spirit, Th sufferer from then difeaaei should xr elsa the rreateit caution in the seleection ol a remedy fur bis cas, yv purobasing only that which be is assured I I Irom his Investiga tions and inquirlei possesses tru merit, is skillfnlly oompouoded, Is frae from i jurinus ingredients, and has establiihed for itoelf a reputation for the cure of these diseases, la thi oonncrtion w would lubmit tbos well known remedici- Hoofland0 German Bitters, AM 9 Hoofland'a German Tonic, Prepared by Dr. 0. M. JACKS05, Philadelphia, Tft. Twenty-tw yan fine tbej were first Intro duced into this country from Germany, during which ttm they hav iindoobtcdly performed mor ceres, and benefited suffering humanity to a greater extant, than any other re me die known to th nablie. These remedlei wilt effectually enr Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Drapepsta. Chroale or Kerr ou a Debility, i C hr oni Diarrhota, Dlieasc of th Kid neve, and all disease wising from s Disorder! Lirer, Stomach, or Inteatinei. Debility, Resulting n-em any cause whatever j Prostration of the system iodueea by aevere Laborf llardshipi, Exposure, Fevers, Ao., Ae. Them Ii no medicine extant equal to tbeae emedie in such eases. A tune and vigor la Imparted to the whole aystem, th appelit I strengthened, food i enjoyed, tb stomach di gests promptly, th blood is purified, tb com plexion becomes sound and healthy, the yellow tinge i eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the eheeks, and the weak aod nervous invalid becomes a strong and health being. Persona Advanced in Life, and feeling the hand of time weighing heavily uion them, with all It attendant ills, will And the use of these Hitter or tb Tonic, an elixir that will instil new life into their veins, rstor In a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build np their shrunken forme. and give health and happiness to their remaining year. Notice. tt it a well established fact that fully one- half of the female po -w- rtion of our popula Hon are seldom tn the I . enjoyment of good health, or.to use thier own expression, they nfr feel well. They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, and have no ap petite, to this flat of persons th Bitters, or th Tonic, is spoiallj recommended. Weak and Delicate Children are made itrong by th one of ettber of these remedies. They will cure every oassof maratmut without fail. Thousands of certificates have accumulated in th hands ef tb proprietor, but epac will allow of th publication ol but a few. Those, it will be observed, are men of note, and of such standing toat they must be believed. Tetimoniala. lion. George W. Woodward, Chief Juitloe of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, writes t Philadelphia. Pa., March I A, 1868. "Iflnd noori.AHo'i Garni nirvana la a good tonic; eful in diaeaceoof the digest- jve organs, and of great benefit in cases of debility and want or nervous action in the system, lours, truly, tiao. V. Woonwann. Hon- .Tames Thompson, Judge of the Fupreme Court ol V enniyivama, writes. l'biladch.hta, April M, lflftft. 'I consider Hoofland's German Di Iters a vala- able medicine in oao of Indigestion or Dyspep- aia. I eaa eeriny mis irom experience. "Youra, with rtRpeot, jAMRsTnMraon. From Rev. Joph D. Kennard. D. P., Pastor of the Tenth Uaptist f hatch. Philadelphia! Dr. J Are: sol Dear hir : I have been frequent ly requested to connect my name with recom mendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the prae lice as oat of mv ap propriate sphere, I V have in all eases de clined: but with a ' clear proof in various InsUnces, and particularly In my own family, of the usefulness of ur, iioonand a tierman Haters, I depart for once from my usual course, to ei- prs my full conviction that fr general debility oi the system, ana especially lor Liver Com plaint, It is a efe and valuaMe preparation. In some oases It may fail, but usually, I rfmibt not, It will be very beneficial to those who suffnr Irom lb above cause. Voure, very respectfully, J. 1). KlIMARn, Eighth, below Coatei Street. From Rev. K. T. Fendall, Editor of Christian "Chronicle " Pblladelt hia : I have derivrd derided benefit from the us of lloofland s German Hitlers, and feel It my pr v( lege to reeommeridtheu as a mmt raluahie tonic to all who are suffering from general debility or from diseases arising from derangement of the liver, lonra, tnl, K. J. Fbscall, Caution. llnnfl.n J'i O.rm.a bill.n ar. eonnt.rMt.d. Km that th. llrna -. tor. of C. M. JACK. SUN I. .n lb. r., I ,,r or aoh kotll.. All oth.r. ar. eoun i.rfrii. Principal ('' aid Monf..lrT. at ih. U.rman M.dioal Slo? No. ll Arch U..t, l'hilad(l tiia, Fa. CIIAHLIM M. l:VAN, Proprietor. (Form.rl; C. M. Jackioi A Co.) Price. lioofla fland'a Oarman BitUra, per bottle tl 00 Hoollanda German Tonia, put ap In qort kot'lM, per koiu.. i 4n Or a half dot.a for , -Do tot f.rr.t to aiamin. well tbe artiol yoa bay, la order t get the genaiae. "For ule by all drgngtata and dealer, la medicmea. ,! Clearfield County Bank. t PllR rUatfteld Toniity Itanh as n IncArpora trd Itiimuitnn has gnn out nf eitstwece bf Itie etirvender ef Itt charter, en May It, M. Ml lis ttnek tf ene4 by lle eubiirriWrB, who ill continue the flensing belneai at the same place, es ( ilratr lUnkers, umler the Arm name ol th M'learfleld County itanfc." We are re sponilM fnr the dfhis of the liana., and "ill pay its notes on 4emsn.1 at the counter. I !( its rerelrrd end interett paid when money Is left Iur a fined time. Paper uncounted at sis percent as hi-retof.tre. Our personal reponiliility ts pledged f'-r all liosits received and buiiness trans icted. A Continuance of tli liberal pat ronage of the buiincss men of lb county i re sperUully solicited. As President, Cahisr and o dicers of the late Clearfield County Hank, we recitilre the notes of laid Hank to be presented for redemption. J AS. T. 1-KoNARD, nrCHARI) B11AW, WM. PORT Kit, J A 8. B. GRAUAM, A. K. WH1UHT, 0. L. HKKU, WM. A. WAMACK. The business of the Bank will be conducted by John M. Adauii., Kti., as Cashier. jun3H,'&6 J. I. M'Girk. Kdward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGIRK & PERKS SueocMors to Foster, Perks, A Co., Phlllpeburff, Centre Coouiity. Pa. ri,KnR " th bu"ln(,ai of Rking Honae will tie transacted promptly and upon the most favorable terms. luarT-lf County. National Bank. CI.F.ARFIKI.I), PA. riniS Bank fi now open and rwidy for boil X. n.ta. Ofiio. on Heoond itre.u in the build iug formorl oocupi.d by Loon.rd. FiDney 4 Co. ninimiR, aid oppirnnii. JAR. B. GRAHAM, KfCIIAKD RHAW, WM. A. WALLACE, A. K. WKIUUT, D. W. MOORE, ju28,'C6 Cubi.r. WM. POHTKH, OKU. 1.. HKKU. JA8. T. LEONARD, Preid.nt Clothiug. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. TDF. times are bard; you'd like to know How yon may save your dollars j The way to do it I will show, If yon will read what follows. A man who lived not far from her, Who worked bard at bis trade, But had a household to support That squandered all he made. I met him once. Bays he, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough j I're tried to get myself a suit, But can't save np enough." Eaya I, my friend, how maeh hart yon f I'll tell yon where to go To get a suit that's sound and eneapi To KEIZENSTEIN Co. De took what little he had saved, And went to Reiieosteia A brothers', And there hs got a handsom suit, For half he paid to others. Now b Is born, he looks so wall, And their eflect is such, That when they tak their dailj meal, They don't eat half as much And new he finds on Saturday night, With all their wants supplied. That he ha money left to spend, And sums to lay aside. Bis good success, with eheerfu! suit, II gladly tells to all. If you'd sav money, go and bnj Your clothes at REIZKNSTKIN'S CLOTHING BALL. Where the cheapest, finest and best Clothing and good Furnishing Goods ean bo had to suit every taste and in every style aprll67 jlttisrrUanfou. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MARKET BT., CLEARFIELD, PA. TERS0N8 desiring GOOD PICTURES, of any , x style and price, with all the modern improve ments of the art, can be eoouu modeled by calling at my rooms in Clearfield. Negatives made in Cloudy as well as in Hear Weather. CIHLDREN'S PICTURES taken aecnratelv, In a few secon'ls. The TONE and FINISH of nj Photograph guaranteed to equal thai of any mad in Phila delphia or New York. Constantly on band a Urge supply of Frames, Albums and Stereoscopes, Of all si res, styles and prices, and of tb best finish. Also, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, of tb. moat Intertttlng AMI'.RICAN PORKIGN fcCUNERY, for ule .t rcuon.bl, rti. TB A II K 8 OF ALL BIZ KB, From in; (Ijl. of moulding, mad, to ord.r on ihort notion J. K. BOTTORF, ClnrSeld, 1M. 10, lfldMf LL'TIIERSBl'RG TOTTERIES Luthenburg, Clearfield Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look H erel THK andenlgncd Ii prrriaird lo furnlih jm with th. bnt SIONEWAHK mannrvtand in thii oointrj. II. hai n.T.r yt InM to plcam th. moat faatidioaa, .1 to quality or durability. Hi, war. oonaiiu in rt of CREAM rOTS OF ALL SIZES! MII.K CUOCkM AD PA, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And In abort EVKItTTIII.VU anally mad. and kept In aa aatauliahmrnt of thia kind. HEBCUANTa fan hr their war. drllraml hy m, at ANT TIME and to ANY PLACE doairal. Ordcra fur ware ollcil.d, and promptly lllrd. 4fTor grnrral annrtmorit, Calalogli. and Prira Lirt, mailed fror to applioarta. lihral ditconnt will ba fiven to tb. wholrral. trida, . , flUO. C. SIRK. I,ullirpl..r(. Tn., Dm. 8, 1 HAM. if - McGAUGHEY'S RESTAIRWT& REFRESIMIEM M1.0UK, In Leary'a New BuM.ling. (formerly occupied by 8EC0ND ST., CI.KAREIELD, PA. (OWPT A NTIT on b.nd One at lection of CAN. V MI. I HI A IIS, THHAncn, Ac Alec, HIKSM orSTKItri received rf.il.. .-j aerved np t anil the taetc of cortotnera. W HI I.I.I A HI) ,f, declO lf 1IAV1U XlcdAl IIIIRV. PASSMORE A. BOWMAN'S Urorrry nnA Saloon, (Oa Reed Rtrcei, near the Railroad Depo) CLEARFIELD, PA. VIT B waald rcei.ecifollr Inform the pnblle that ' rred to aell fogee, g. Tefc Tob, Fi.h, Ac. well (lt Candiw, arid in ebort everytbing va.ually fod i ealoona and growls A ahare nf puMIc r.,n eg. ia eolteited. fiKll. C. PASSMOKK dJl s.tf 1A.MEL BOltMAS.' I Vrcfrsntcant A VuMnm Cntrt. A . W, WALTER 8, ATTOllSF.Y AT LA W, Cleat -Arid, Pa. yLOW la th. I'o.rt Doom. Id.al ly ISRAEL TE8T, ATTOIl N'RY AT LAW, Ctrailleld. Pa. Hr-OnV. la th. t'n.rt lloa.fc IJyll.'CT JOHN H. FULFORD, " ATI'HINEY AT LAW, t Ir.rrlrlrt, Pa. Offlc. wltb J. B. MrKnally, V.ti , otm Flrrt Ka tional Il.nk. jV-proirpt atl.ntioa given an th. irnrlrg f Hnunly, Cl.ima. Ac, and to all legal buaiaaa Marrh , IHIir-ly. "W A L T E fTaRET fT ATTIIUNKY AT LAW. Office an Second Ht., Cloarlleld, Pa. ootJ1, Wm. A. Wallace. Win. I). Hil.r J. lllak. WalKra. frank fleldilig WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDINQ A TIUK.N KYS AT I. AW, Clearllvld, Pa. -Lgal boainaaa of all kindi promptly aod aeourately attended to. loaeyl6-y THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office adjoining tb. Hank, form.rly oeonpled by 4. a. JHoanally, second al,, viearneld. r-WIII attend promptly to eollcctlom, eala oflanda, Ac deol7,62 JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Real IOatate. Affeut, Clearfield, Pa. OIHca on Market etr..L oppcelt. th. Jail. pit- Respectfully ollcra hia eervica in eelling and buying landa In Clearneld and adjoining aonntiea j and with aa .ip.rieno. of or.r tw.nty y.ara aa a orr.yor, naturi himatlf that he aan render aaliafactioa. fcb28,'t tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Office on Market etreet one door .atof the Cleai aid County Bank. may,'a John 11. Orvia. C. T. Aleiander. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. llellelonte, Pa. eepliyM-j DR. T.JEFFERSON BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Socond Street, Clearfield, Pa. MariDg permanently locatd, ha now ofTera bi. profceeiotial eorricce tothecititcnaofi'lrarntld and vicinity, and th. public generally. All calla promptly attended to. oct2V-y F. B. REED, M. D., ril YS1CIAN AND SURGEON, nfHaving removed to Ifilllamrrrova. Pa., offer hia prtfoaeional aervle.f io the people of hi eurroun.ing oooniry. UX1'. 0' DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD. Late Burgeon of tbe 83d Reg'ment, Penniylvania voiuoieera, oaving reuiro.d iron tn. Army, offera bia prof.eaionai aarrioaa to tbt eltiaana of Clearfield e.unty. .4rPrvfevaional eallf promptly atUnied to. Offio. on Second atreot, formerly oeeopled by Dr. Wooda. prt,' U DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Having removed tn Anaonville, Pa., offer, bia proleeeiuual arrvice. to tbe people of that place and the aurronning oonntry. All ealla promptly attended to. lice. J 0n pi. DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. Da. A. JI. HILLS, D!r.a to Inform bil patrona, and tbe puono generally, icat n. aaeanoetatod with bi la the practice of DenUatry, S. T. SHAW, D. D. S., Whole a gradual, of the Philadelphia Dental College, atd tbarafor baa tb. high..! atueta tloae of pruf.eeional ekill. All work dun. in in. omo l will bold myaelf p.raonally reeponai ble for bring done in the moat eatiafectory man nar and hijhe.t order of the nro'eeiioa. An .aubliahed nractio. of twentv.two veara in Ihia place .neblea ma to apeak to my palienU with eonfideno. EngagrmeaU from a diaiane. ahnuld b. mad. by 1.1 ur a few dayi b.for. tb. patient dreigaa umiDg. i June t, isos-ly. S. J. HAYS, 255SUR0 EON DENTIST. Tbompeoa Hlreet, Carwenavllle, Pa. .wioein etlrected with the applicalloa of inrei ans-em.eia comparaUrely without pain. wi u.uuu wore oona. may 14 tf. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA FTEAM MILLS, a.rrirri ata LUMBER, LATH, AKD TICKETS- II. H. BHILLINGFORD, Preaident, Offioa P.ret Plac. Nn. 15J R. 4th , PhU'a. JOU.1 LAW8IIK. Far-rinlendent. Jcd'or J Oawola .Mill., ClurScId counly, Pa. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penn'a. will eiecote J.l,a ia hia line promptly and In a workmanlike manner. arr4,c7 C. M. CADWALL A DER.7" CONVETAXCER A Jl'STICE OF THE PEACE I'or Deralur Tp Clearfield Co. Vft.Collectione promplly ma.le and legal inatra menie eiecuted on ahorlcat notion, l'oat ollice a.iciree, -hiliiaburg, ra. marl,-6H 17b lak e walte r sT SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER. Agent for the Pairhve and Sale of Landa. Clearfield. Pa. Jt-W-Prompt atl.ntion liven to all bualn.aa eonn.cted with Ih. eoanly offloea. Offlc. wiib uon. v, m. a. nallac. fianl.'OO.l LEVI F. IRWIN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Por Lawrence town.Mp, Clearfield P. O., Clearfield C o.. Pa. jev-t'olleoiloni and remltuacea promptly made IJeJO, f.7. SURVEYOR. UK anderaigned offera bia acrvicca aa a Pur veyor, and mar be lound al hi. n-.iii.ne. l. uwrence luwn.lnn. Lcttcra will reach him di. rerleil Io I leerheld, 1'a. J JAMKfl MITCHELL. DAVID YOUNG, STOAE-CUTTEu AND MASON. I-. tl. IK.i lie), Clearfield, Pa. Pnecial allention naid to Dmaln. Rin. .nu coiierinicnilina ooi. A l km,la nf Mwne. done, in the nail workmanlike manner. Ordcra aoliciled, and eontracta taken In any part of tba JTJ-tr. JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF THK PEACE And Licenced Conveyancer. I.alherwhur, Clearfield eo., Pa. e-tolleetlone and remltlaacea promplly ade.andall klnda of leral oa tbort notito. naT9.'M.tf DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY BAEBER & HAIR DRESSER, frniNO STREET, HHABI IELI), PA. THOMAS H. FORCEE naaLan m GENERAL MERCHANDISE, -ltAHAMTt, Pa. Aim. ettenalr. manuraclurer and dealer In Fnuar. limlw and riawed Luinlteul all kiiide. -Crdera aoliciled and all billa promplly Mrd- . U.vl" ly FRANCIS COUTRIET, M KUCHA NT, Preaehvllla, Clearfield Cnatity, Pa. Keep, rnnalanlly on hand a fall aeeortmant of tirv Uo,d llaidwara. Uroewriea. and evervthlng n.ually kepi In a retail eler which will h. tali for carh. aa cheap aa eleewhera ia tba oounty. Frencbrille, June 17, 1HH7-I.V. Il'lltWOermaa Filch eetu. Preach ftonlrrel aetta, American fo.iilrr.1 eelle, fable Via. torlnea. Silver Martin tettt. Mink eepea and muft, Gcata (af aellara, I Beaver and Minki at J. P. KRAIZER S, j a aat ... t. . naan.a ... . aaaaan A 4' II A xu :. J. K. GRAHAM &S01S, MARKET BTItRl.T, CLKA KF1ELD, Ta. 11I1S inba.rib.rt having .nlered Into partaer . ahip for tbe parpoeaof earrylng.oa tb. bualn.aa of Merchandising, now offer A i.OOl And ru opporUBlty U tht tilittni of Cw- Bold ni adjoining ovntlu to bmy itore good fttwbolMmlc or miaU prioof, that will aitonUh tho uoinftrneUd. Thoir goodi will bo partion- lurty ooioetod to inlt thii aarkot. Krtry lad will, tharofuro. oall thoUoatlom of .bar If usbantl To thii faet.btoauo thii branch of onr bnilnoof will roeolro fpoelal attootfon, and ororj thing noodod In a woll rogulatod bomehold will at all timet bo found In oar otoro. Oar itoek of DRY GOOIWI ohall not bo iurpudg oithor In qual ity or prieo, and will om brace, In part, P rinta of ott7 ityU, GlDghani aod Lawni of ovorj quality, lluilioi of orory grade, Do Lainei adapted to the tattoo of tho old and young; and every artiolo of any kind of good, they tell ii Guaranteed To bo ai represented, and warranted to giro oat. iifution. At to URfcSK GOOD we baro a iplendod aeaortment of Alpecai, black, white, and In colon; .rxnuret, fitlko. and la ebortall tho aeweit itylea la the market. Wo dciirt thU (aot to become known To IJvory Peraoa tnaa, woman, ahild, phyalclaa, mi ohaaio, farmer, lawyer, barbar, woman't-rlgbu man, or any oik ar aaaa la the eounty Or old, rim or poor, blgb or low, who will favor u with a aall. With onr new and attentive atsek any gentlemen aaa pleaae tbe But faa- tldloni By jut dropping (a and gelling a aloe dr.aa pattern, Uoa a.tt, kid glovee or by doing that wbiek la beturt give ber a well nlled pun., and ah. will ftnd good and paying invaetmenta la ambrolderiea, edginga, ribbona, gloraa, hoai.ry, er any olb.r hooaeaold aaeeaaitlei. And la adlillea te what wa bare already enumera ted, we keep all klnda of CENTLEMEVB H EAR each aa Clothe, Caeelmerea, SatlnatU, Bate, Boole and Eboee, Aa,, bealdaa, A Xioe Aiaorlm.ntaf Made-up CLOTHING for Men and Boya, mannfaatared out of tba very beat material, which wa will aell for eaak or aiebange for eoantry prod.ee at prloe. wblck will ailonleb both boaband and Wife Wa ar new largely engaged la buying and aelllng Mil! ARK TIMni'.R and manafao. tared Ll'MllER, and will gir. thia branch of bualn.aa apodal attention, and make It an object To Krrry One who baa Lumbar to aell to deal with aa. Wa aball alaa keepaonataatly oa kaad a general aaaortmenl of GKOCKKII'.a, and II ARDVV ARB, which wa will aall at oed- ingly low pric.a. We alio keep a full tiaorl- ent of aCEESSW ARE. Ttil department wills, kept full and aomplet., and ar.ry Young M nn Or maiden wbo contemplate! boueekeeplng. will dad it adrantageone to eoma and trade with aa. Wa are oo iltnatad, and, from long eiportenre In tba buaineaa, en well acquainted with tb. wanta and aaeeaalttaa of thii eommunity, Ibatw. feel aatiafled If every man and woman In Clonrfirld County makei It a point to bay their goodi from ne, wt eaa ple.ae them both aa to quality and priea. Therefore, Mm. along and bay your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Quccnswarf, Hardware, BOOTS k SHOES, HATS i CArS, Ready -Made Clothing, Aid arerytbtnc yoa aeei to r dr yea reel re and families eomfortable, from JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS., ..gu tf CLEARFIKLP, Ta. "OTICE. The formation oflbe parlnerablp i. 1 of Jamea B. Ileaham t Clone doe. ant prevent llie eeltlemcnl of the ante, end bock account, of the late nrm or hhowera A Drabam or K. W. u re ham. Thon knowing tbeniMilvc. indebted tn either are reqneted to come forward at once and eli. thoir account.. JAMES B. ORABAM A SONS. Clearfield, rVptember 10-tf. rrilll II DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC f. l.aa 8(17 and I'M for aale at the Poet Office. Price 21 eenta. mauea to any addreaa. Jr2a.tr "l-'DH BAMJ FOI R HORSES. One heavy X team, tall ealtable (or lanoerlng. aetJl tf u. R, lA&AETT. CAiif alien. MISS H. S. BWAN'3 SCHOOL FOR GIRLS rMUM I F I l, TA. t i n m s vr Trni'tx. I'timiiT Ari.l.mM.e enl rrmtury llrvr.trl.hT( r ht)( tatB, ,( eUtfD wroke.)...; HmlfT, Wei ei-l lfn.iie (ienrl-hy Wiiti Mni PrewirK, '-remmir, M-ntl nd W ntiii AritlimMic ...H... 6 10 Al(tl.rm end the Felrorw M f it full peiileulert ien4 for Circular. Clee.rficl.1, Not. II, .H6S 3m. ug6't)l Clearfield Academy. Eer. P. L. HARBISON, A J4., Principal rplll RKCOVD RR88I0N of tba preaontaeho X la. lie vearof tbia Inatitntioa wilieemmeaee on MONlAY,tho 13d dayof November, 1 Foplla ean enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from tba time they enter to tba eloea af tba Seeeion. Tba eoarae of inatruetion embrace, every thing included In a thorough, practical and accom pli. had adeoaUon for both aai.a. Tba Principal, having bad the advantage of much aiperience la bia profeaeion, aaaureo pa rente and guardiaaa that hia .ntir. ability and anergiea will be devoted to the moral aod men. tal training of tb. youth placed under bia charge. Tl;HMS OK TUITION. Ortbographr. Reading, Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per Hceeion (II weeka) Ik 0 Grammar, tieojrraphy. Arithmetic, and Hi.tory - - - - t 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mea auration, Surveying, Philoeopby, 1'br.l oloav. Ch.mlatry, book Keeping, CoUnr and Pbyaieal (ieography - . $9 Oo Latin, Greek and Preach, with any of the above Braneb.ee .... $ 00 gavKo deduction will be made for abeenee. sKcr further particulare inquire of K.v. P. L. IIARK1SON. A. M., ClearBeld. Peb. . I8H8 tf. Principal. O. L. Reed, JNOTICECM Powell. 1. I. Weaver, BetU. a. l. iti:i;i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! TH E proprietor, retpertfully inform th. eilltena of ClearBeld county, that they have entirely refilled thii etabliehment wilh the laUet improved wood-working machinery, aod an now prepared to execute all ordcra tn their line of tueioeaa. They will give eepecial attention to the manufac ture of material for aouao building, avch aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nn.n ki:ts tv .worxi.-cs, OP ALL 8TTLB8, Wo alwaya have nn band a large atock of IiRY Ll'MliER, and will paycaah for all clear Lumber. One-aud a-half inch panel atnff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or earhaagrd, to auit eaetomera. ItJuOrdere aolicited, and Lumber furniabed on abort notice and oa reaeonabl. term a. O. L. RLFD A CO. Clearfield, Nor. T, 167. R. B. Pattoh -Jon Pamtow, ..J. K. IRWIJC. K. A. Irtk E.'B. PATTON & CO., Having 6tled op a Iret-elaaa PLANING MILL Are prepare! to fumiili all kinda of Manuractured Lumber, auch aa Flooring;, Sidinp, 8nrfac-rrenerl Lum ber, Bath, Doori, Bliodi, And every description of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. -Deeler will find it to their adranta. to eoneult oar price, befnre parcbuing eleewhera. Addraae, B. B. TATTON A CO, Carwenrrille, Deo. 3, IPItS tr Clearfield county, Ta. DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH It ITT 1. UK. VMILD and a,maMe TONTC FTIMfLAXT, Plomaehie and CAKM1.NATIVK BITTERS, Eitracted entirely from HERBS and ROOTS Highly beneficial ia DYSfEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, AXDLOSS OF AITETITE; una an excellent luim ki j t h for paraona aulfering from Mrordrre of tbe Bcwela, Flalulenee, Ao. Sold Everywhere. Depot No. 411 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. J. K. TAYLOR it CO. oclf -Jib Beale's Embrocation, (LATE PO V m.L', ) For all dieeaaet Incident to Hnraot, Cattle, and Human Pleeh, requiring tba uae ef an external application. Thii Embrocation waa eilenalvely aaed by tbe Onvarnmenl during tba war. For aale by Hartawirk A Irwin, Clearfield. Joeepk R. Irwin, Carwenavllle. Denial Uood. leader, Luiberabnrv Mcknight & janbot, Wagon and Sleigh Makrrs, (Immediately hi rear of Planing Mill,) CLEARFIELD, Ta. rpiIR aabecrihera would reepeelfully Inform tbe X eiliaene of Clearlleld.and tbe public ia general thai they are prepared te do all klnda of work oa WAGONS. CAKRIAQES. SLEIGHS, 4c. ea ahort aotlee and ea reasonable teraia, and ia a workmanlike manner. A aew feature ia ear line le that we iron our own work. ty-AU order, prompllv attended to -vea: WM. NcKNIIinT. Rot t, 'at, CUARLIb JANNOI. Crape Vines Tor Sale. A LL tbe leading hardv varlrtlr. of firat nual J . CON,7,Ri) clTTINiig, 1 l fuudrf CONCORD VINES only 10 m. fir dare eolie ted aa aooa aa convenient, and filled ia ""A"0! 1 , . . M- Haw. Clearfield, Pa Aue tear liuiiiitu iMriiuvrn " STUMP EXTRACTOR. XIP'rl. hUOTII A RI'MCHnpa ,l r,lelro al the 1,,,,,, l..c..r, Wl.h II ditlie.liy ,. d .r .i. . ,(,,, ' warrant thia rce'Wilnelc do J.i.i . i, 1 en.nded eaee! ig ih amivp .e'i.ML , ......... - , .... .. II.,., I ,lw ple. Va m ill enu.'l Ih. I.....I :,h,( J I..c. n . ",. , i i f , , .. ia the helc end will il.a , U, tea ea eaa d( the dirt In It. rti. eltr.rl.d. II will null leait.g u. il,, " tiini.l fr m forty to one hm,.!,,. per d,,, I) will etiner -ui. ....m v. .u,4 at. be pn.pped up. ea oe.irea. J ha pf build lb. Kilractor, deliver It.er.d ti ,, l"e!eei f Hi. purclia.ar ; and If It d. ,, , ,n7 cleealiifaclliin, anj do ju.tai reo,,,,.. n tv, farm o! coml ed, Ihey will take II away at I ebarrt iMlll, for their Iro rouble, rne. i naenice, tut H " Towoabip anil eoonty rl. lita for rale. , bare ao traveling arenla. Ad-lr.M HOOTII A RI JH IIAKliRH, Jcficraoa Lite P. 0., Clearfield C, f, CKWTII'ICATIi We, tbe nnderaigned, having alteeaaei U trial of T. 1. Hoolh'e Improved Mop r.tUww oa tbe farm of R. H. Moore. Bear Uthet.b,.. on Baturday and Monday, iha Ilh and h, November, Wke pleaaure la a.jmr to th, tllk, lie, that wa believe It to be the b.,t aowin uae for .ilractlng atnmp., Jr is g wiamM eonttruciion, ..ally managed, nd li.u. u out of order, and very durable. por mtt the machine from tb. wagon, ,U eaur,', apart, put It together, and pulled a la,,, t, atamp in laaa than one hour. We aew lwB pull a large alump with aaaa. They aaa ikon, bat be doea bia work in taking out the i atom p., wiibout a bard pull. Mr. booth, u, Patent.., fully and.ratand. patting 0) ll4 handling tba anaohine. W e wuujd adtiM ikwa in want of atutnp exlractora to ace tLieon. Uiu4 before parcbaaing eleewhera, which they ou u free of charge by calling on the Proprietor!. J. C. Barrett,' J. W. R:ckard, R V. .-!,, John Noldcr, John Kirk. J. W. (.4k.ru. R. II. Moore, J. W. Wallace, W.B.Ai.i.D, Oeo. Ellinger, Wm D. beck, Andrew Wum' S. J. Horn, W m. K. Irvin, K. J. Kirk. Jamea Moore. L. H. Carlile, Qeo.Hii.oa a I Lever I legal, Pred'k bmiicy, noilt I, MONEY HAVEIlT WE ere ooaitently jmrclieinff fur th ) tk iew York BBtlBuetoi. Jdtrkfti.kll di&d ef Pry end fmny Good. Wks, Cot t writ, B'mJ fcboei, Hetcht, bwto2 Mkrbieei, Cev Uoodi, tie. Ac. WhirJi we are eHanJlr ell in r l en urtttgt trm of ONE IMiLLAK FOB EACH AKTICU. 0 fain beinr ftnctij lor cub, end our tredt bi lerjer tbtn that ol any other eimiler concern. en- bin oa to (Tire iciur bargaini tuau cau be obtate. ed or enr otner noue. THE LADIES Are epetalljr tnrited to gire ni a trial, faui fa a L areolar aod hacbanje Lint. Our club tystero of eelling In ai l lliw. Forfj we Mtid zu trDt pen fountaiua and ebcki e v ribing 20 diftrirnt aiiirlee to beiold for a e&lUr each; 40 fur U; 6for(6; 100 tw$t, 4c. bat by mail. t'omauiMioni larger than tbuer offer- ty any other firm, accord i-g to meof cluh. Eu. gt fountain and check. 10 eentt. Male aiid fenuit agents wanted, br.in moxtr ia KeatRTiitrtLn. rrai. Hrnd ui a triaJ olab, and you will ackmii odire that yoa cannot afford to buy good, of uj oiuer noute merfteiier. E AM MAN 4 EF.NDAI.U auglS 6n 0j Hanover St., itoetob, liai Pliilndolphia & Erie Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Xbroogh and direct roateketweea Philadtaia, vaiumore, uarnanurg, wuuam.po and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania, ELEGANT SLEETING CARS On all Kight Train.. Alt and after MONDAY, NOV. SJd, 1861, lb. V 7 traina oa the Philadelphia A Erie Kail ttoaa will raa ai foiiowe i Meetward. Mail Train leave Pbiladelphia...lH.4S I I Do do St Mary a 1.4 M, Do arrive at Erie 41 P. M Erie Eipreaa leave! Philadelphia-... II H a Do -do Rt. Mary'a v Do -arrive at Erie .... I.aatvr.rd. .. l.l A k ..1I.0A.M. Mail Train leavaa Krie ..16 55 AM Do do... St. Mary' t.M P.M. Do arrive at rhiladel hia ... Ill t A.M. Erie Eipreaa leavei Erie ( Jj P. U Do do Ku Mary'a 1.1' A. M Do arrive at Philadelphia e.ivP.al Mail aud Kxprcaa eonneot with Oil Creek an. Allegheny River Rail Knad. llagfrre ebeckee through ALFRED L. IVLR, General rjuperiateBd.a' H. F. NAUGLE, (LOCK AD MATCH S.IEEB. orpoatra raa iiiicL POST OPFICE CLEAEFIELI fTlHB cnbacriber rerpeettully Inforna kit ell 1 patron, and th. public generally, uat b. hae oa hand, (aod ia eonetantly receiving a.vj auaitiene merelt.,) a large atock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. p9- keep Jewelry ta all Ita forma and diOer.nl valu.a, either by tbe piece or eel WATCHES A full a.eorta.ent of ellher 0 or Silver, made bv tba beet Afferiree aod fo elgn manufaciurere, inoludinga fine let of go i and Hirer .hunting eeee, full Jeweled, Pattm bevera. CLOCKS Of all dealgni, eonalaling of eirl day and tbirtv hour, of either weight, aprinf levera, and both etrike and alarm. REPAIRING. A II kinda ef Watebel a-'. Cloeke Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated. Ikrrf a full aeaortment of hPKCTAI LKS, rnlcred a plain glaaa. Ale, GOLD PENS and PENCIL. SPOONS, FOKKX, Bl'TTER KNIVES, and fact everything la the Jewelrv Ime. Ill fail have en hand juat what a euilcmer may need, win eraer per flret expreee, without extra char A nneral ehara of public palroneg. ia enliri May T, Ib6s-y 11. I. NALOLt: Democratic Almanac. rillilS inraluehle puhliretion ii for tele t J. ro( other. It nhuuld Iw in tht hnU uf e lrmorrat. Ii Nntairi full elirtioa mnrni i every eounty tn the I nitrd taten j bnitl. onmher for W4 contain! a eunijtlfte lit of naiarpni aii irif nwij.n.trefUirMi anrt mm dunnt Litirtilti t iminiftrai.un ; and that fur 1 pontaim the namn of all Ihoef eivihanf ho imtriinntd dmiag tht unit rwnod. Tbrte ti lifts, for future rrfnrnp, are worth wore f hi in fine ot th? p.hhcatmn. The numtver for 1 inatno full of valuablr UtiMico. Anronf ern GO orntj to the Tout MaMrr, will rwii b,T r mail acp jfr arb T'er, frte of pontajre. ''). Town Properly for Sale rpilK proi-rrty ocrui-ifd bv T. Lid-V!!. ford X f Iieed and Fourth etreet, f IrerfieM 4 isvatfUng of a g-od, euhftanttil 1'I.AN k lltl una me LUi. (About thToe-rourthi of an eri The iitoKtion it clime to the Railroad dtrot, nl :p in fKi'eiit'ni ligation for bumntirui rurpOrM For tcrmt, ej'ply on tbe prvuifre. dotI LIVERY STABLE. TI1K anderaigned beg. leave Io inform tbe re! lie that be ia now lutlr prepari! to acn tal dale all ia the way of farnielnng Horace, Bur. d Saddica and llarrteaa, on the aborteat notice ef on rceeonnMe tcrma. Rceidcnceon Loeuat at-' between Third and Foarth. IIKO. W. OKAHIIART earficlj, April II, liif,;. ao. ii.arar acr ai.aiar.- w. t' W. ALBERT &, BROS., Manofneturera A cxtcn.lrc Dealer. in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4: HO U L A K D , PEN N A. er-Orlcra eoliritcd. Billa 611cd on ahcrt ae and reaminaide terma. Addreaa Woodland P. O.. Clearfield Cc. Ta. JeSJ-ly A1.HH1T A PRi'- C. KRATZER &. SONS MERCHANTS, PVAtana in' Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Catler. Oneen tr. nrnrjL ltiviiioBI ej ' ,:.. - t-Uiriflcp, I Cirarflee!, Penn'a. I Ir new itore room, en Fewad rtp"3 l Bifler'i Hardware itare, .'-nJ itey-At their near Mcrrell 1ITIH'M KIITK 'Kr-The andereite ap rnointcd bv Ibe Court to di.lrtr.ute IC' "A ney in llic nanue or Andrew Adlleman. aura" trator of William Addlimaa. Or., dcecaaed, arc thoae entitled therete. will eltcnd to the aaia' hie omce. in Clearfield, ea calnrdav, the avife January, 109 where all reracne inlerert el attend. ISRAEL TE.T. dec2:t:pd Aaditcr J"llR vv ANTED The ne1ereioed aJ Py ibe bihe.t CASH PRICE lor all kin4 Ft Rad DtFR 8KIN(. Aire me a cell. I C'-v-M r.- ti j Li pEiZENeTTlN.