ShriUintMicAnJ :'.T vn HvV-' - CiEor.i.K IMiwwiMii, I'.ii.lur. ci u r.v. rharnlay Morning. Janaan H, ''a- Tbe Ka is ilcvU J f-j.ii.Uws of the Sonatoand Hou-f, lul t lie nomination of Scott f r Senator anJ the dcdat t ;.n !r:n f.,r Tn -afu rcr, slow j cr.- t-Ju!.vi'!v that Simcn C'araoron l.a do nated Cuii.ii, lVrn.y, MtClurc and Mann. The La"i oriuE Klociv. Tho ou!y sarvivorof tho Curlin dynisty, (Ivti. AV. V. Irwin, Slate Treasartr, a tomahawked ly the Winnebago Chiet and hi? on iou. Hie idaco wai giv cu to l V,uV" Mac-key, a young Winnc tago. Cameron rule all. The loili-l have defeated Cien. Ir win, reei:t Plate Troastier. fT re election, and ca;::iuteJ in his stead Il-jbirl W. Mai key, a banker frum rittfbtrli. This i- son-.ithir. un locked fjr by IhjI!i parlies, and tdiows that, intema'.'.v, there l; radically wror g in that party. Gov. Geary, in Lis late message to the Leji-'.a'.cre. makes a great f,i" r.vereh cilon fraud : Sit-1 "tl io creat- er fraud vras ever perpetrated than the L ir'ature in 1-02; but falling into vue he got off at iort I'elatcarc two lho 1'ai"Js of y'r,")n Cameron soon years are., U-mJcs Li pard-.n procla- j b' "t to Hamburg, be coo uiation Wjw that be has pardoned ; to abandon those who fostered scores cf elec tion, ho Were j him, an d cast his lot with that ee!o Icgally cor.vkud of perpetrating 1 brated Winnebago Chief. Mr. Scott's r,r m.n h l t.';t.t I ii The ' friends claim that he is an honest m i tinues t ) couns-cl and labor with Cam- Tbe f ju'icrt ihh-s that La wcurrtd he will be the first man that lately, is the re elec tion of thai drunk- j CTtT in tliat political cess pool n debauchee, Zac Chandler, to the !acj remained an honest man. United States Senate, by the Mlchi j The combined wisdom of the State ganders. This fellow i unable two- j therefore gathered together at the thirds cf his time to get from hi ;j.ate Capital , in the capacity of Sena boarding bouse to the Capitol on ac-! lor4 jjerulern of the Assembly, Lob count cf bis inumj -e-ra-.e ballts. The j Myites, Borers and Pasters and Po!d of the Meihc-dltt church j It willl well for the peoplo to tboald give him Some altentioa. Per- ke0p an rve Dpon t!je ,.o;p. mjjo,.; Laps Ihey wiil "cvngratclate" him. Jwi0 , lavt,,r J:jn tie l,ar,j Tn PinLAi-iuuuVA.Ei-.r.-Th: iarni,,e cf tbe l"r.ver. These is the title of a rew IVmxratlc week-i ly, j-tilllshei ly M. K. Pierce. , at 71 5"aoa street, Phili Jelj hia . ll is just such a tewspspcr a the , times and the iv.ple demand, and re j shall be very csach mistaken if it doe ! tot prove a grur.d success Tbe tdi torUl department is BLderthe coi.trol j of Chirl.s X. Pine, Pj-j , w ell and fa-, rorsl ly know n to the politicians and rc aie-wof this State. Those wi-hing Hi c the r.:rl ', w ill receive a c j y get their names before the public, ly return mail 1 y s uding their name j they, soon after the election, addressed xnd adire- to the j-uinisher. .a letter to General Grant. Whether ' jthey wish to t made Urtiyn minis- TheGovrr:;,rl or lo Li, CaWoet - The whole iurU-r of aj-piioation. , know Bolf tt h Iooks lQ ns M -for pardons d,r;rg the year las Lou.h lUy Mrposej iey OWBvd "Uaitn hundred ar.d twei.ty-, Ut.nera, Ur,ntfCr , fc, C0B) ,ed -three. The camber ol V.u . 0 f.!:ow tUfir j:cutioD- Such snob- jrrautcj ia that has been enr : i.; , ,v . l.rr.WI ml ;r V,t.l, l- '.. . . - - " over Citc-en per cer.t Oftlosepar- ej i-e-i i.c i 1 1 r ee ue bsi c l-teli brought bcf.r t'. courts In 17 coLse-pjetice of their return lo the c, mra..on o: cr-.,..e. It w,,I I observe J tlt Cis is over Cre cases . , . lor every wort. rg day lo lb year. It sach are the pleasures of a Govern- i7 i.. Mjm jusi l.,r-,llll we iri!: rrTirtmii tl,t rit.; ! I 'ran The ev:zU.:ti T'.U ell. i t: ! Is r.-ld r.. jnper,, ta That the f.Tlh jear e.1 hU c- J -l.tiMlr- r t near Cui- ic 1 that Su:e i:i Ctrgtvss fr -m 1 -:'.'. to lMai.J agulo f.-.:a 1-47 t ?ir. He wa the t e-: ;r:-s-:. w ho j:r.ii at of his bed a., i nn 1 1 tit Ca; it, 1 in Lis t':!.l ! u to . ' ;01 j rf t T!:r. cr rile iu t:.e av.vr.jt.- t; .n learnii.g tLit rr.-.j,it Tiler aebeict Vtton g the l ir-al Ager.ev tie then pet measure .f t-,e Wh:psrtv. I'orinf tU war Mr. P f.s wis alte'r-i tatc'v rt-b;! a:d l-vSM. ac.rdlng to 1 the MLtiiLer.t cf the ir.-nv that bap- Tiic-I to I tD ir,;s 1 i.eir lim. j utscKiL c iss A corre-p.'i l ieit in our puper cf ii.-t e.k ate 1 that this pcMVmsa s '-r t t' e c- n.-ng ttaii," ar.l iMirr.ate-1 that be w,s not ' "a mar, or tumnd5ai;:itr. ejpe rience in piblie aj r,- or 'vf great , , j ..,;, , HOT "lU'lT : arid fuvt n y kr,?wn thr -!.-irt the 5;:e " An ar;i.l? 1 in ar.-.tLer ix.r.e pb-: " tiSn fr-;a a n;agix iisVd a: Pl;!-rrr. erticeJ t at 1 "taien l r n B-?'i ,i . fV e 1 ave ro ci ..-It giv.-s a tn:e sut rtet.t cf tie cas The wrier b '( w t 1 -"r t-ateriilly with oar t--c:-f u wi. m tr-.;. r tie livyi-f rin i ' :: " !. The ar-.iel a-'.Jt ! io :..l'r r : -y r-r-j-ah ! Gi. L,ill II l; tv:J PS-act ar.l a! 6,mJ xerx i lut wtp. k. at ew Or 1 ar. ' 1 C, n Han M in l-e o .T.i,, , f t.Se I :. strict 4 1e;..,: , , J 1x. ar J d.ed at l. :.t V t. -TT, f'.n 1. ivtk la Utrrrjrri ia civil lie . of f:,o lrv,-y ,.. lh Lf'd , Jityci ca o--"-ivt. II- I. Tit 11: ; s : t a'trate-l r.itcrsa. tle.-.,z. (.. reader lit I "r K"s- 'o. 5, in hi lato diet, to iM i rci, o k-;a k. ,Le -0I,.;'(S follow. : T ar ho , p , . I H r-lar-a. Clear..!, errata., MtmJlil ...,. -w-,.- l 4ol,. fr I. . X low, Bl-t.t J tinnneil "4 ""' -! tw tha W et-ra IVnumtiar.. OS I '. if ,. . r . ' ' -r-a- -J." r R.a-te-r ll Iir-'r-rl At. ,- ,- .- r m.-iiunt; '-a-.--, m al-r-,u,rs. H. K.'.4n- h. -a r t:.: r .-!.Srv-n ,.t ... ' tJ"- v. a. j. r..jc. It tie ' ! ' " "r- ' u, ...m . ' r i- . TWr. 1I -rajt.aaet a terra. ...... r eij-r. . H l-tlt., r tl.l:.:-,-v;i-r , i i wataot e-we-eti, : IKe rrwiet k.H r.-H anil Irlr.r-rlvH- . - --. at wwaa e-1 ui tae .ua4 rew l-r-H . in UUTIXC f a, t , l3 ,i J( j aur-at.wa u IM .... : taetaiaa .rl lrlr. e?aerwe : a, ataai'tt twrr-,rt. aa4 jutttce iid ' - waaaaaa la -f-wa rauia-tut. t i t . I ln rmikrl (i'IMiir.1 l liar ' . 1 nf I .1 . ! .' lilt lli'l.v.t. - ,1 . 1 1' t t i l.t V;i,rv rV..Hli ' fwn tl.cSt-L- j llio S. i m an '! ' n r, '' I I ,i tl t lu:. l-l:i'l .ir Kali .-! I (,1 . It r .1 f t.. wl.o l'-l ly SW-V II, lYnrvi-o .V IV 11' w iil i.Xihv llu i tka I.I...I the Si.Mo to .lui..l.. the pe, !e illi a pirn 'laoe in I '.' as they did in II ii pol.l.ial j;im oie thif-e ,f Luey Stciie an I : t!iat wlebraled gniss iduwt-r anJ Mava, !iu-ttta nicrahft, Charles Suin ! nor. The It ininrutic nominee wa Hon. Curltt-n Vuruett, of Monroe !v,m,ty. A. W. Wallers, rUj , of th'n. ieoui tv, vi a one of the nominee for IAUtai.t CUik. The t'pmKrr tf tho Mouse, Mr .Clark, a Philalelphian, tut not as much of Inooiucrite as the Speaker of the Senate, and is said to be, bar ring bis politics, a man tit for the t'Oi-ilion. The llemocratic nominee was Mr. Samuel Josephs. alw of Phil adelphia, who bus been a member of the Houo for the past teu or twelve j years. Jle succeeded in securing the caucus nomination over our fellow- i, Mr. McCulIough, by but! i one vote. Hon. John Sc ott, of Huntingdon, is 1 the Iladical noannee for United States j Senator, to succeed Mr. liuekalew I after the -tth of Mareli next. Mr. j Scott, like Camerou, Geary, Forney ! i Co., i a renegade Ileinocrat. He ' was the IVmocratic uominee for State ; Senator in I-1'''', and defeated, and by ! them nominated and elected to the .mu. 1 1 ut) reuitu fulii. .1111 uu- -..e-o, rvu,llw . grave offence. I!ei-ousibIe parties, and loil men, too, offered to do the "pasting and folding fjr ?T,0o' fr which the Uij; er wrro charged last year be charged 07,IHA aud w ill pcrh; more this rear. Clerical Suobblnr. The Bishops of the M. 11. Church cem lo be as fond of notoriety as som? of their employees. Ia order to rUIl-APILrBlt. Nut. 19 I., FDH.ASEt.r'BU. oT. . ir- r ibiv.,io-T.son.n "'--"" .'- laiiw. ..., u : uO'eM- l ,B Itm tk &u u rail io ! r f co-t. ts,. suu-'a j ; ,Mi,; w lh, (.',.. j ,.. '- " tw r. ,i:.. tr.i w.i I rt thr g M (!ri til rru our tout- ... L n' '"'"' ''! ""- r mrm tir.ntl mtt rroil it tbr nw,iH i ir.iif pr.Ir r-lIi,. hutinrM la its r ... . , . (0 all . t-T.4 r--!ir,iii.. I.lK , k -p T o I6i-tr fhf,f rnicrti. IB BiJ br Karkn c-Brti or :b t. - 'S' i.1 ,f f..l bj. u-4 "r't cf f. rm, t ar B'a.rft. bar i..i. anrf ult,,nn "V"' ,""r i", "M. j hy relays of teams, similar to stage '.-''."tt;' tl.buf1ding np a largo carry, --t. ..v. an'rt . i. , i"g trade between the East and the . I. r I ma. a the trar f mr maanrt- I re jt ( ..: ttro' Ihe Uli.l -,nr h -at lat.'mr iral i,r0'tf m jutrr. lrrr: :t. a. at I that tL- a-..,a .!! rftTjT BLt T t j I cl r. n I !. r. tt i ;.n:ia cit-n- -. -,ur wl-r.i;,nt fc rTant. T A V ,it:. K S J, l orj, M. S,ar,ia, I. K. Am. p. I. ( taaa. r I fir. . Ki,.-l tl. n l!l-"--l-t F, , , I b.-rli. r The Bratl Spraket A 1 mm be TV nr. It is not o very long since r,enja- min F. rutler stood up in one of Mas sachusetts' ha!!, and spoke as follorrs : -A- -'-re la ISa ttaO'ti fnmi.Sr . II.. L'fi.'a'ara. aa a r-t- .rt ol thnr ,'n i OCII 4.l,rr-out U, ...-.d a . . Jl. ba ; aiaa.s .au, ihaa it a:d t sai s-4 tt- rh.rr.nft,,. Ma-1 r-a-a. I .ttrrf tai. tratraaeat ttrikr. awta r w alai,t wua dre.1. ly aee rr,,ai. Ttiete at a Urr-r , t.rtiya al the r.-x m.Bt whi. li - tortioa el Ibr r.i .tit .huh I 1 lo ana. k al tK. I. -Or f Slf.r,oo camt aat a-e'.'iT.'J, I atra ut ai; r fp, ai thr .efr . ;.-w of .-e ba-t-.a. a i -w to nr. ts. f B-r. II w.ia the aeerare nawttwr .i . ... . - . .....,,., rt: I t I-.I .!. 1. M, ,i.l,, , y. a 3 wi-i. aoi ... bi,,a u. it. i ticr . I .;4 -I a ri.-r it. rii i. Tare ha.- 4"t mr-l I rr. I, a r..t,r the are f S.a rara. 4r . ,a tr -e .r-l B.i lu ae w t'a a-ue.- .-. lie .1. p -I .1. I -t ta r.f lit t.rve ,..t e.Lt. rt rl,::.lra --rr-rt ti-ee at l-e t.we tmt wi t ! Thn-e mit ol a tar 14' M t;.-e 'hr arte a., a go tc a Had (ion. Butler Stated that llieao tUra oct urr--J in Sotitii Carolina, or in nine Western State, what a ,sr:':rr,l,!C fcowl would have pme up ajainet t'uii "t tatncl hous!" but laroincin(7.ri4iia Mxaeliusott., in the vicinity of Plymouth Hock where their fathers hung Quaker it fixw for charit v ! Gcv l.eary has adopted the novel idea i-f !ub'..hii, his reasons forcrant M.r-t. ,.iM....,rt i tacked (,y t,e railrt.aj in,or0l)t t,r.'i '0uor- Tll cvcnue nro dceroaa- Z.l'ZlJ7:ri.?J!?!X. I Cleveland and Bufl'ulo werc ,n6- hUo ' cxpentliturc. arc,'.r. ! p i koo-rj an ) t,.tt I abuut obtaining Ofession of the road , trenniiit''. Uankruptey will overtake Cr.NTKAL GLOME W. CASS. M J. T KIVI. ( I IIT1MII mi. tiiirtnl (tij.-i V. llii IVfei- vK it t i'l llu ron-....liUrl tlm'ii i f rnil nav flt -lintf In'iu lii t ,1 v In t 'l,i kiuwn llio ' li I tl-ut e, I'm I h!i an I I'liimMi Kaiiwnv," n in M u.iii::nm (utility, in tin -i .!., ,,i I ii.;,, ivlii i.l ..v I'.ivlniid j. ..,,,. ,.,( to Wolorn ir-ima, near Park, ixbuig. -in K'.'i, land the other to Marietta, Ohio, in j Ivl : fiimHy locating on a farm, on ' the 1 u -U in m ii m river north of iines j ville. where I tie subject of this sketch j veiis born, and lived in his youth, i On in;; to tho schools in that then now re-ion, being of tho most elementary j cnaracier, ne was ijcni 10 ieiiuii, m 1S'J4, for the purpose of being educa ted at the lietroit Academy, a most exce eiil unuur iiiecnai se.ioo, uien naur voe l a.e, -Ashtiel Wells. 'Hiring his, . . . . . , J ' in Detroit ( l J4-6-i-7) 1P l''-''7'lf .V tbat of this Slate, and ol Kev residenco in Jletroit ( 1 J4-6-i-7) was a member of the family of Gen. Luwin Cuss, at the timo Governor of the Territory of Michigan. Having obtained an Appointment from bis native State as a Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, ho cntured that institution ut a period when it had attained, under Col. S. Thayer and Major Vi. J. Worth, tho highest state of discipline and elllciency known in its history. Prom this institution be graduated in June, lSliJ, at tho bend of his class in the principal studies, and among the distinguished live, in general Academio studies. Ho was invited to return to the Military Acad emy at the commencement of the fall Academic Session of that year, as one of the professors of mathematics, but declined, preferring tho duties of a more active life. Instead of receiving tho two months leave of absence on graduating, he was at once ordered to report for duty to-General Scjtt, who was then in Mew York organizing un army to pro ceed against the Indians, who were collected in largo number in the northwest, under the colchratod Chief, 'Black Hawk." Although not yet coniinis'sioned in tho Arm)-, (having only the rank of Cadet,) he was placed in command of a company of infantry assigned to that portion of the Army under General Twiggs. On the way to tbe frontier the rnmimml of (Jen Twi.'L-s was so much reduced in num. hers by the Asiatio Cholera, (the first year t lint that seourge made its ap earance on tins continent,) that a number of companies were broken op for the purpose of filling others to the proper complement, and thus the num ber of oflicers was in excess of the demand of the service, and Mr. Cass was transferred to the Jlepnrtmcnt of Topographical Engineer. In this de partment he served six months, and was then transferred to the Depart ment of Military Engineers, in which he remained until October, lboti, when, resigning bis position, bo re ceive j irom uenerai jacicson, then President, an appointment as Civil Engineer on tho National Itoad, in which capacity he continued until the completion of that road, in tbe Stn'es or .Maryland, Pennsylvania and ir ginia, and "its reception by tho Gov ernors of those States, respectively. During this sen-ice he erected tho first Iron Bridge (Cast) ever built iu the I'nited Slates, over Dunlap's creek, a tributary ot tho Monongahela river. Ho was an early and persistent ad vocate of the improvement of the Monongahela river by Locks and Dams, and by correspondence, essays, Dewspaper communications and other active effort, contributed to the pro curing of tbe charter and organization of a company. As Engineer lor its improvement be made the survey, and located and superintended the con struction of Locks Xos. 3 and 4. Af ter the susension of the work by tho inaoiiiiy oi me Mate ol renosylvania to pay its appropriation and the sale of the State stock to private parlies, no was a member ol the board of man agers, and was actively instrumental in organizing a company of ample means from the new shareholders and the framing of a contract which insured tho completion of a work, in 1H44, which has been of tho highest imoort- lf , ance to the manufacturing interest of I'ltlKlmpiT On the completion of the Mononfra- hela improvement to Brownsville lie organized the first steam boat line on that river, and also tho first fust trnns portation lines across the mountains, cst riii the Monongahela river and 1 Htstmrg. In lsRl be cxtuhlished tho Adnma i Express across tho mountains from liallimore ; elTectcd the consolidation of ill the Adams Express lines between Poston and Si. Louis and south to Pichmond in Iv4, and the year fob lowing was elected President of the consolidated company. In Janunry, ls.'iil, he was elected President of the Ohio and Pennsylva nia I Uilroad company, then completed lo Crestline and earning about one million dcllars a year. At the time there Wem IhroA pnrnnrolir.i.a Kxil.l ti, ..! f .1 1 " '"rls 1,1 lu0 llhC between I ittsburgand Chicago. The 1 wo corptirat ions w est of Crestline bad exhausted all of their resources and uuniiio W IUIOIH assistance to COmtdete tllO work llli'V l.n.l n, ccnred' ni wcre -kini aid in dir-1 lercni oiiariers to that end. X lie men oi eiiiernnse ana wouii ii L I loe-i.ion.i i. rcctiine to iiiicaco. which if " v""-e. " iefl'" ,e''' hv cut VtT t lie OUiO j nd IViuisylvaiiia Kailroad from Clii- fn.rn an, I ..I. .....I .1.. . t.l l'uulii.r,. .,! ll.n..rtl..- I tho control of Cleveland and liufliilo, capital. To that dale the only rail-j n;id conanliilalion which been ! ,.r,i.u iimiik rouniry wa thai ol .- .1 . . ....... . . n .-iitiai, in wnirn in-1 eiuiKD nil 1110 liliK" we recoiin.lelod.l in aucocssful working onler. and with ! an etitiro harmony of interest. Not o here; no similar movement had yet b-fii made, and a larre nuinberof the Utno and l'eniisylvania stotkholders were very decidedly opposed to ai,y such movement; su much so that iu the time the company was in the createst ncc-d, lanre sum of tnonrv had to be paid out in the purchnse of me recusam stock holders. olwilli standinit tho opposition in tho board, amonr; the stockholders, and with a portion of tbo public, the noeessary lecialation was obtained and the arti cles of consolidation signed in less than three months after the plan was conceived, (.lut of this consolidation, so quickly conceived', so promptly ex ecuted, and so persistently persevered Mr the r-f,l.ii ,n. of the War P. aitm, nl. the n.ate. af the r ire ta aarh elat are pnntrj ,n in, Arn-t hejitter at a ataik ol iittmviiiji. in lliluucli (In- ii'ntl ff iliHI.'iillir l.nn M"wi i'in' el tl nnt innnifl cent i n,ii t'lcl ii-niM i In in tlnn rmin tiy.Mi.l lUndi in il.' Vmn11,i(, Kl:ilr I '..nviilinli. ! one ol llir i:rtal ami ronlrnlliiii ., , ., . .. , , , - . ,. , ' Hie rvn'lia lito iit i n ill llio lullo ititf wotl'l I'll" iiiiihI l-oviilm nt lint ' letter: woiiM have Urn tli nnt iiiifortnnntc ! lit amnu, tVcdnlior MiS, poMlion of Pittsburg if the ronsolhhi tun hud failed, and Ch'Vi luinl and liufViilo bad obtained control of the roads hot worn Cresllino and Chicngo. j hold front you and others who have l or tho past thii tci u years Geneiiil ' addressed moon tho subject, my dclcr Ciiss has been the President and ruling j initiation not to be a candidate lor the genius of this consolidated company ' nomination to bo niudo by tho next (.now tho Pittbburg, Port Wnvno and Chicago) w ith the exception of a short interval, when ho voluntarily with drew. Ihiring this interval ho was appointed, in 1 .")'.(, ft member of tho board of visitors to West Point. General Cuss' whole life has been one of public usefulness. His entire timeimd energies have boen employed un ins uiiueriitK nigs uuve oeen iiiitrituu with success. Ho is strictly a business man, practical in conception, and in dustrious and prompt in execution. In manner ho is courteous, with pleasing address and impressive presence. As a railroad mnnuger ho has few com peers, tho Pittsburg, Port Wayne and Chicago being acknowledged ono of, jf not tha best systemuti.ed road in tho I'nited States. 1 believe it lias thus far, fortunately, been freer from accidents than any other road of the same, length in the world. How much this has depended upon tho minuliie of system and tho quality and order of the machinery is hard to determine but certain it is that executive ability in tlio management of railroads bus much to do in protecting tlio public from tlio wholesale butchery of passen gers with which wo are so ofton shocked. Tho General's undivided attention is given to tlio interests of tho road. He resides on its line some eleven miles below the city, where he hasone of the moBl tastefully arranged places, about tho city w hoso grounds and adornments would themselves form a subject for an interesting do- sciiptivo sketch, but would be out of plnce hero nnd comes to tho city at nine in the morning, returning home four ia tbe afternoon having very iiiiu: inrowAnm . , i K r. ex cept on business; not however from i any want of inclination, but from lack I of timc- 'ron tho time he reaches ! hl" of,k' Hnlil 1)6 leaves it, it is be- sieged with all classes of people, ou all manner of busincs. Ho is what would usually be called a popular man j nev er making an enemy unless in the lino of duty is generous in the distribu tion of his means (of which he has ample) to charitable purposes, and commands now, and ever has, tho re spect and confidence of a discriniina ting public, to a degree accorded to lew men in tins community. t:iUUirTlTri-iM p ft a? u n a, . Tl aro confined in the l'i,ilHlni... n..n try prison the following named ron victs, under sentences of death, for, whoso execution wan-ents have not i boen issued : Enwatd Ford, sentenced Mnn 1 I I . I 1 1. 11 tik lsi.3; 1'atrick Finnofrnh, Kobuury i, Newton Chumnion. Do 1, 1SGG, and Alfred Alexander nnd Hester Vaughn, July a, IfilS. Succes sive Governors, for satisfactory rea sons, have declined to order tho execu tion of these persons. Tho law re quires that they shall be executed iu accordance willi the sentence, tincon ditionnl'y pardoned, or held in close confinement in the county jail during life. The latterpiinishmanl, with tho additional emhittermont constantly preying upon the mind that a death warrant may at any moment be issued , , . . is, pcrhops, the severest that could bo inflicted. It would bo both just and merciful to givo tho Governor author ity to commute tlio sentence of death in the uhovo named cases to imprison ment, at labor, in tlio penitentiary, for such a term of years as tho amel iorating circumstances may seem to justify and demand. Ono of the con victs named has been imprisoned abonl eighteen years, and although it might not be advisable to set him at liberty, humanity and tho ends of justice re quire the commutation of his sentence in the manner suggested. Governor's M '.. a t Pini.APri.niiA, lb. 10, 1118. Dkab Sib : This is to certify thot 1 have been intimately acquainted with Schcclz's celebrated BiTrsa Cordial for llio lust four years, and have seen its effects in Dyspepsia, Norvous Dis eases, Kheuinntism, and all tho vari ous forms of General Debility tending lo decline, ami from my knowledge or said Ililters, I havo no hesitation in pronouncing them tho best general r-,l I . . . remedy lor tbo above diseases that is now known. Ytiu may uso this in anj you desire. VM. t'LAKK, M. I)., o pio .Market Street, ami '. K. Cor. Oth .nd Cnllowliill. It-fiend ScliccU's (.Innding advor- lisement in uiiolher cnhiinn. Jisr I.l KK 1 IH M. 1'or tlireo weeks past it lmd been riven out in loil cir cle! that tlio ceeniber report-of tlio .Milionul Ielt would a,ow a liirT, ro- diution : but, liko everv urci-eeilintr report, Hie nionnlcr in mill expnmlii.c IU0 ". Iieavier ilm Vnt;,....,i ,!.:.. :. " o - o us, niilena those in power cliango their inotlo of doing businens. Movi.Mi. The Uuiiipt'otigreKg liave coniniciifed repealinje somo (,f their mi.irniblo ennctinenla. Un Monday last tlio Tenure, of Oiliee act was re- pealed in llio House, by vote of Ufi o 47 lvren- ll,,m,irenl ..n. m.i e..- ... , " V. " . . "" 1 " ' """ lur,-v "yen li,utk Iipl,,lu" liciuis voted npninst it. The .Supremo Court of tho United States lias decided that the courtu oftbc I'istrict of Columbia erred in striking Mr. Itrntlley, 8i, Irom the list of prac- lining Buornoys, ana ordered a man tiitmut to ihsue, restoring him to bis place. Justico Millor dissented. Kansas rejected fetnalo sulfrairo at tbo Into election, and adopted negro suAnie. That is tho truo liadical idea, accordiiiif lo Senator Wilson settling tho "more important" question U I SI. Kx (iov. W. 1'. .lohnston anH fm;i.. have returned to Kitlatiniiiff ami ii,.."r. tip their permanent rosidonoe thej-c alter an absence of manv viar. ' t" Huh, lliitiir 11 '. llmi. llr'Mcr ( IvmiT nVflipca l. itjj a rninliiliitii ("T Itovcl nr 1 1 I'.wn I lio Hon. William lloi'KiMi Mil Vttir ,e,r.Yoiir letter of tlm 2ltli int ' renuiics that 1 should no longer with- Democratic Stulo Convention for tho ollico of Governor. Thero nro private reasons influen cing mo to this decision which 1 deem imperative. Jt these did not exist, l should not hesitate, if culled on, to as sume tho care, hibor and responsibility attaching to tbo leadership of the Democratic party in tho coming con lost. I am not unmindful of, or insen- Hi ti lo to, the high honor it. confers. 1 mve held it once, nnd from my own county nnd from ninny others, a united and cordial support is tendered should I again bo willing to accept it. This continued and generous confidence renders il lessdiflicult to do that which I sincerely trust may be for tho wel fare of our organization. Say, then, to my friends in Wash ington county that I am not n candi date. Tell them of my thankfulness for their support in the past, nnd as Buro them tlicy can do mo no greater kindness, nnd their party and Statu no better service, thun by laboring to secure tho nomination of some one who is of tried integrity, high personal honor and of unflinching courage. Ho must bo devoted to constitutional Democratic principle, and hnvo illus trilled it by bis conduct. If he has a record made iu tho public servico, il should be unsoiicdandahovo suspicion The party should not palliate or defend official corruntion or dolinouencv. Our canvass should bo aggressive. If, hitherto, ho has rendered no public olliciul service, his filness and capacity should bo attested by qualities which buve secured for him the confidenco and trust of tho great body of the people. I have endeavored briefly to indi oto qualities 1 deem essential in a CaudiaWi I Irnnw tttoy poaaoaaad by many distinguished Democrats in the Mute. I ho convention is not likely to err in iU choice, which, when made, shall receive my active and cordiul support. I cannot closo this Idler without thanking you for your continued friendship, pcrsonul and political. Il datos from my entrance, upon public 1 i to. 1 have always cherished it us no slight evidence of official and political integrity. That I may bo worthy of its continuance is my earnest wish. Truly your friend, IIh.-tkr Cltmkr. 1Ion- "n'd Agncv, of the Supremo I -ourt, was seriously injured by a fall, w ""T" 1g' . rcHI,,1('nt- '" Jia.Vcr'l b,tl1 'l'Pnt li.m lrom ' "g 8eat on l,ie Bl'nch for some ,. "illnrrifit. On the 7th of January, 159. tr Rnr. W'. j Bi aestiiij), Mr. F. H. JiEVMNU, of Kurth Waphingtoo, Wettniorrlanil eo., Ta., an4 Mitt NANCY C. TIt0XEL,f Deocaria tp., CliarSeld enuaty, I'a. Al the Ilaptint Parionagr, In PunxtutHwneT.on Ibe lib of January, 1S(I, by Her. J. J. Shout sim, Mr. It. m'MI'll and Mre. MAKTIIA J. POWUXd ; all of runitulaanee, Pa. tnr di-friljfmrtits. rORTAGLE STEAM VOULL ron sale. EAlil.V NEtV, in Rood runnitif; onler, with 1 1 nerettary 6ilure. (bulwark, inrludtd ) ll it one of the fanioue lllandr milii, 2U horae potter, hituate one mile ett of I.uiheMhnrr J. A. t 3. II Ml. MAN, J1-St Luthenhurf P. 0. Vick's Floral Guide for 1800. rpttEnrtl edition of one hundred thomand of J. Viek'a Illuttrated Cel.lorne of rleeii and Uuide in lha Flower (iardrn it now puMitbed. Il makaa a work of IdO lia(tee. heauliluMy illuilrated with about I. SO Fine W,,d Kn-ratin;i of Flowert and Veireublet and an Ele(,aie Colored Plate, A nOQUET OF FLOWEIW. It if tbe motl beautiful, u well at the moll in etrnetire Floral ), P p,,!,!-,!,,,!, rivi, p,. and lhmii.h ,l,re,'i ,11. lr tl,- ft LTI III; ok FI.OWKRS AND VKllEI Atll.l S. The Floral Uni.le It pnhli'bed for tl,e benrlit of my riiit,n. or, lo whom il it eent free aphlieation bnt will I,, forwarded t ,, wk .,..' ... far TKN ti:.MS, whirl, i. not halt tlio e,t Addreaa JA.MKS VICK, J"lU 1,0 Ko.lie.Mer, N. V. "VXTK-K IM llsKkHI PTC Y.Thli I. 11 lo ciee nsilor, tint on tha !th dny of heeemher, A. D. IS, a Warrant in linkr,it,iry wt ion-d aenin.t lha Koatc of THOMAS HI MPHKKY.of Pitta towntliin. in the eimnte Af l,l...A.U ti...- .1. T r-vare 01 I'enntyiranla, who been adjudged a Uaakrunt o bit own prliMonj that Ilia payment of any debtt and ianlean. . Z ',n to .neh ll.nkrupt.,ob,tB.or f,irhi.u...and me Irantler that a m.etmg ( the Crtihfir. of Hie Il.nk. rnpl, ta pro., their IM,tt, ani lo ehoote one or I mor, Attirneet ot hit Xitata, will hi held tl a Court of llankniple., ta he liald.n at Philip,. nur befora H. K. Woodniir. K"q , llrn.i.r, on the 9th day of March, A ll IsfiS. at 10 oVI,.ek, a T1I0S. A. HOW LL'Y, 17. 8. Wetacnf.r. Hy O. V. IUri.. Dept. It, g. Martli.l. January 14. Lsdll at. rosdTa l "is" llloocl I'lirlfirr, SCBOFl'LA IN ITSVABIOl'S FOItMS, Cnn'omntinw In ita raHirr t.aM r.i , .. ..,,,n, annrni . , .,,. oi me ii i.n.l., Joini,, inw hidnera, I lernt, ( Immie llheiin tnipUon. of the ekin. Chrome Sore K.Tft, Ae, Alto, in am. its form.". DISEASES OF WO.VEX, t.n.t of Appetite, Ki..fc Ile,t.rhe. rem pltlnt, Ftin In the W,ek, Impntdene In Life Heneral Had lleailh. and all o the Illuod. I.iver, hidnev. and llla.l.l.-r, it It perloot Kent. Tator. 1 IWSAIlAI.l.H eradieate. every kind of humor and I ad taint, and rettore. the entire intra to a healthy eon'titi'in. It I. perreetly h.nnle.., nerer f rodoelnf the llightett in.inr.T. It ll not a aeoret Qnaek eetnrdr. The arllelet ef whiib It la made art rnhllthed around each Imtlle, Itacommer.ded by tha Medleal raeully and many thuutandi of oar batt eiiiieni. ,MrFnr lettimonialt of retnarkalda enrea, Me "llotadalia Almanao" for thii year. Prepared naly by l. i. J. I.AWHKNCE A CO., 144 BaJlimora St., Hallimora, Md. Tot tale by Pnif iitl atertwhera. janl.-lj 51 nr .MvniWrt'nK .m:iT iin.iiN Jew More til MiilsoiiluirgJ In tin t'S'in f.,iiii'tl ei-i"' "'I I P- T. Hidaiir. 1,. M. COUTKl KT ' riHKt'S Him w.0,"-l ,.f inf,,rmiii !! rltlt'M I e.f ('" h,, '!,!, ori.l a ml ll," ar ' ri-uliilinc r,,nii1iv.tlil In- Sip jii'l i,,"-nJ a I o-k nl 1 M M I l oooli-. l,l-l, Ii- I" ,1,-o-r- nnn,,l lo tall 1 I.N PhK ( I N t I IH.sPl.ll Ilia Itir Mine minli'v ( ll,M"l run !e un-hartd lor III anr itlrr aiura ia Ilia urigli oi hood. III! Hoik littt uf Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sucb an Batirietti. Caimer-t, Murlint, DelalnM, Liueu, Hiill nii", I alieoit, 1 riiumitigt, Jlibbont, l.ace, RHADY-M AUK CI.OTIIINO, B(JOT3 BI1UKS, HATS 4 CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffe, Tea, Rujrsr, Itier, M'lBri, Fiili, JiiDnoctl Oil, Fiali Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tiuware. t'Mtinp, l'lowi and Dow Ctin(r, Ni)', Ppikci, Corn Cultivaiurp. Oulrr i'rat:i, atia nil kmJi uf Aiei. "IftMy Ptfwii r of th (.'urwen ville and Crnire county mukf, ud are wurrmittj (o bo ul good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, I'ainta, Varnish, flltup, aoJ a general ammr. incut hlnlionery, OOOD FLOUR, Of different branl, alwara on hand, and will Lc aold at tl. lowett iotille Cttm. Such as BRANDY, WINK, (JIN I WHISKY 000 pounda of Wol wanted for which the hi ('bent price will b paid, ci.ovi:rvhi-:i:ii Ou hani and fur talc at the lowest markei trice. It-ill -CaJ) and pee for Toaraelrei. Yon will find everythtug nfuallr kept in a rr'ail it ore. , U. M. COL'TKIET. Frnehrill P. 0., Jan. 7, Valuable Farm al Trh ate Sale. r ma onflermenrd now offert at Private Pule hii X faxni,aitui.te in Ijawmicr tuwnhip, ('Irnrru ld cuuntv, I'a., honnilrd on the north by thr I'bihiia- burj A Erie Turnpike, aud ou the west by lli- ouf(UMiatjna river, CONTAINING EIGHTY F0I R ACRKS, nIwen fifty aud lis? of which are elearrd and uniirr rulti ntiun. and having tliercon a 1-0' IIOI SK, ItANti liAl'.S", and aU the ni-oeaii.ry outbuild iiich, an on-hard, d a ryxiwt of good water at the door. There are TUHFE TKTNf of COAL n thin farm. Oue two-loot Tein, now open : oue fortv iucb vein, of a p-tod eoal m oan le found in thr county, alfvo optru, and one (Ire-toot vein, unopened. O-For Tenni and other partieiilam, app'y on inc prcmiHM, to .mikjia.n kkaI'. Lawrt'nne tp., Deo. 17, Dn-2iB-pd. I f 'AT HAHf; AINH-Jn f loll;?. Tweedi. M Canmere, h-atinetta, Phirtinjr Flnnnclt, Veivat Cfrdt. at J. J'. KH ATZKK'S. Ijir'HS. Ladlw. Oentt and Childrena' rnrt lialanr of Hock at greatly redueed pricei' at the AlATI'-l). Conntry produce In aichange 1 V ior oneap g ooaa, at tne KEVbTONK STORE. DEI.MNES.. CALICO MUHMNS.. At the Je. 10(l2i .....10 and apwarda KEYSTONE hlohK. SHOIX.A frarh InTete of Qtova Calf But ton ad Hoota, 8iar Polirh Dalmorala. Ao , at pricta to anit tht tioe, at the KfcVsiTONE 6T0RR. Fordoinf; faniilv watlnna in the belt and ebcan eat manner. Iluaranteed e,iial to any in tiie world. Hat all (lie atn'tifftn of old t,,ap. with the mild and lathering qualitiet of frenuiiie r.MiIe. Trv thit eplrndid enap. hold lit the Al.IlK.V rill:.MlCAI. H'uliKS, 48 Norlli Kronl IriK-l, 1'hila.lelphia. (novlj It R. lUUilSOX A CO., PORK P ACKERS, . S.V. Liberty St., I'ltlnburgh, llara on band a large itock ol Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAIN AND Sl'liAR-Cl RKD HAMS, Meai Pork, Pried Beef, and Leaf Lard, all of onr own Taeking, Curing and flnokinff. Lard Oil, Flour, Cheese, Dried Apples ana readies, With a general B'tortucnt of Uioeerlrt, at the lowett niiirkrt prirtt. June lS.'GS ly ft nl.KF.T!aIlLNKHTSA larr. tterk f line while t'aolen lllanliela, Army Man. an., Artillery lllanknti, (join lllankett. H,rt J. l. KHATZKH'8. w llomli drnu'i soil, I rotti.i (.uiiiiH Al (iM.rAfi., thit date all Wuolen Un, ,1. inehiri.n. II1.01I.. Ntinlai, llreakfait f hawlt. H-nl.e.. rhil. drau'a Capet, bearlt, ap., o., will he told at . J. P. KKA'IZKR S. Wlf AI. .(Mlltw.Vielin. Plnte.. A." eortlenst, Klfee, llnliHli lltrin rt. Clarinnet lleeiia, lluitar String., .Mu.i,- P.ner. In.lrnetion llnukt, fur tale l,y J, p. K II AT. KH, jan7-lni Ajrent tar I'innm and Orj;ana. -J ITHAY Ml 1 .1 :r.-C..n, trrtpntting nn J J the prtmi... r the tul,.,-,il,e,-, it. live head f ,MII.KI'-Inr will, left ear er and oue l, one, rilil ear off. The owner it nqilettt-d to enlne f,,iaai,l, ,,rve pmperlv. yny rliarK.. an, take them awa.v, or IheJ will ne deail With aeetinling In law. j"7 -tt JAIIK? M.C1,INi'I:Y. l loutlM llllllll-a MITKTS'nin A a. u hereby e-neti I lint li-tt,-rt of, "ii Hie eelate ut h.MAM I L l.-LK, dee..ed, laleol lra li,rd t... I'learh. 1,1 eoii.,1. h.v. inj lieii duly grained lo the uiidertimicl, all per- ' '-oit-i ii, .am e.iare will ,le.e make pat. mi. -in, ami uin.e nnving elaitn. or dem.nd. will imtent thrtn pmprrlr amlientiralld fortetUrniiut and allowane, without dehe. JONATHAN WISKIl, Adinlni.lrator. .AMa N'OTIl l-:. The aiiiiunl eleelion Tor ) aeren Hireetnrt ..( the Couul v N.tiounl llank l t-'lrarfi, 1,1, will Ih held al the b.tnk.on AVedtie.. ilny. January 1.1th. I Mill, between the houn of one aud .1 o'eloek, p. ni. dec.ll-Jt JAS. T. I.LUXAIII), rroe'U I n in rt.t i.l-. 1 our vnlunlile town lipineiti,.. ' In .1.. I I. r, . tOK HA Mi in the 1,'iro M ',iai i .ieniin-1,1. J.ui-:uiwut ,e- iiat, le and hull. I i't new. lo W M. XI. Vlci I I .l.niv.H. drrl? Atl.irniy at Law, Clearfield, I'a. Clearfield Nursery. KNCOlKA.IC IIOMK IM1 STKY. 1 1 " ntlrinKi. hatinf cutahliohcl a Jfur 1 aery on tli 'l'ik. ah.nt half way hHwrn ClfarAaM ant) furwonfivilla. In prepared tn fur n.Ph all V-mli. of Flit IT THICKS. iMl.r,l mnA dwarf,) Frfrrvrna, fthruhh.ry, (Jrapa Vinut, Utfl0..rr,fa l.awton Hlachherrv, firaherr. "no ear.y re.iei ItnunarD. 0. Urdara nromnllt allend.J lo. A, I.l,... proniplly attended lo, Addraaa, J. It. WRIHHT. CWwenteill,, Ta tepSn.nS.y IlaiTH 4Y Came Ire. ,,..ine on the premitet 4 ol the iiir,eriler. re-idinx in ktorrit lwn- elnp, l learneld eounty, !'., nlioiit the 1.1th of fepleniher l.'t.a hit, k and while .polled 111 LL. tui,poel to he ahotil f mentlit old. The owner it herehy nolifle.1 to eome frwanl, prove proper ly. pay ehart. nnd lake him away, or he will be di.ped ol ai Ihe taw direoli. dwai-t I'FTKK M0N. HT. (in Frldar. Ileeenilxr luth. between lit lha reaidene of W. . Kelly and Cnrwent. lie, a patent lerer, huntia oaae, ailear W ateh. The Ander will he liberally rewarded by returoin tbe .ante to tha aaderiiffned at Lnnilr City. eol St JOHN T. IIAOKHTV. It'OTICKW OWVTAIII.W tV;'.H. W. baea printed a larre atiniher of tha new KRB 111 LI., and will, on tha reeaiiit of tweotv. -aeent., mail a eopy to any addft"t. tn. ?r Jawi.j'.ajl.iL:j--!li iRiin. i: i: l. Moi liiiToN, MEHCHANT TAILOH, Mm ti l Klrn l, ( I' alllel.l. I'a.. II rll iclf-tci and Urgr mrtti.i'nl i-I Clollis, CasnimrreB. Vohtinps, tleaerri, and all kin-It of tloo li r ,r I: en an J boil' wear, and am now prepare! lo mate np to 1 " trie aHlt-te to a full 1 I mil. In UtM piiIm umm .rktnaiihi. i t nannir. Ppefinl atl-im-n yivei. to ruUmn I i wurk and euittnt; out lr men and boya. 1, ' offer (tret barmija to fuilmerF. and i'rn1 , ' a aati(aeii 'H. A liberal hare of j I rirnnif ia ao'iL-iltd. Call and le a. r. aovnios.. . a. rot i BOYNTON &. YOUNG, lianufacturtrr of STKAI ENGINES MACHINISTS, turner tjf I'mrlli and Pine Htretc. ( IDAItl II I l, IVA. nAVINti cn?p-d In the manufacture of fi rt clai MACHINERY, wc reiprctfully inform tha public that we ar now prepared to fill all order a chuaply and a promptly ai can be done in any of the eitica. We aaanulacturt and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, IlVad Blocka, Water Whe!i, Fbftin)f Pullcyp, Oifford'i Injector. 8teim Gaujrrg, f'team Whittlev, uneri, i allow t upi, un i. upi, tiauge uorka, Air j Cofki, (ilole Valvea, f'herk Valve, wrcuht iron Pi pei, Steam Ponipi, Boiler Feed ruin pa, Anti Frietion Metrea, Poap Htune r-wkuif, Oum Tack injr. and all kinds of MILL WORK ; t' other with n-wi, plod Sidei. COOK Ay D TA FILOR STO VES, and other CA.-'TINiiS of all kinda. TwOrd-Tf inlioitrd and filled at city prices. lettcrt of inquiry with reference to machinery of onr inanufaeture promptly aniwired, ly ad Jrr inf uf at ClearSrlJ, I'a. dei-10-tf BOYNTON i YOr.vl., J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MARKET PT., Cl.F.AUFIKI.It, PA. 1)rr,.50XS df tiring fiOOD I'IfTfBl:,,.of any tttlo and prioe, with ajtlhe tnotltrn improv, tnentt of tlieart, can Iw aecntnmotaled hr ealline at niT mumi Id Clearfield. Negatives made in Cbudy as well as in Clear Weather, . CIIII.UltrN S 1'ICTt -RK. tuken a.Turaulv. ia a frw aeconila. The TlXK and FINISH of mj riiotorra,i, Xuarantred to equal that of at T oimle in rinla delphia or Kew Voik. Cmttanllr on hand a large tapplv of Frames, Albums and Stereoscopes, Of all liirt, il.v lei tiyl pricet, and of the bell fimih. Alto, STEREOSCOPIC VI E W S, of the mott tnterrlllnc AMI.ltH AN A. 1(1IH I. Ml, fr tale at r-aaonal,le ratet. Fit AM r. OF ALL P I Z F.F, From an.T llUe of in,.iiUu:g, m.,le lo or,lrr on ! abort notire. J. K. IWTTOKF. rieaideld, Ile. 1(1, lSiIS-tf McGAUGHEY'S RLSTAl RAM tS. KEFRESIIIIEAT K .llll O , In 1,,-bi i'i New Iliiil.line. (furnicilr occupied t'V Mr. K,ile, Sl fCMi ST., CLLAItriEI.Il, FA. IdN' r ANTLV on bnn.l n fme telreti.m of CAN V I IHHS. M is, I liiAHS, lulUCCll, An. Al.", Klll-Sll (iVSTl.lls rreetved rtnilv. and tervrd tip ( tint llu- la. let ,if rn.tonirrl. Vfc. Ill I.I.I Alt!) a ,l.(t() on te.-r.nd .MIT te- lii II iA ill MrjiAl iillK.' PASSMORE &. BOWMAN'S tiroccry tout Saloon, ((tn Herd Street, near Hie Ilnilroad IVj,nt,l I I.L.AKI IKl.I), I'A. AV r K would retpeelfultv inform the pul.tir thai we are nw iirenared to tell funee. PiLtr. lea. lotinee'i,, ,, a. well at (It.tert, Nut. tuloon. and fro,. v i,,e.. niid in Boon rverviiiiiiir u.u.iit liminl in " " 'i ron I aire It BnhriW-d. t. Kit. C. rA"SMiil:F.. de.H ss.if IIAMIII, HiiWMAN. LlTIIERSRl R(. T0TTER1ES l.tithrrahurn;, (TeaiTlrld Co.. Ta. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN "Look H ere! , rIIK wii ler.i(rned i. pr I -a. with the Wtt STliM )nred r furnuh vmi in thin muni rv. Ili his never vet ruileil I-iUrm-the ninpt fn-ti lw.U't . to qimlitr t (luraliilitt. Hi warr Fon.itj ia part of cream vers or ALL sizex: Mil K t HO( k An rA. llul V.IUI MUI vol lull Ik: I IUU,' OilltUV . ' V i lubes, AnJ In ibort KVKI1YTIIINU nm.lly made and kept In an etlaldithment of thii kind. MEHCHANTH Can har, their war .latlearad by at ANT TIME and to ANV PLACE deal red. 0nler fur war mllflte.1, and promptly tiled. Vli'.rtll.tnfPin. (.IlIlK II !lMU ii i malai waaaiawaai Bill ! fV-Tor general Bttnrtment. tee Catalogu, and Prio Lilt, nailed free to apptieanti. f-A liberal diteoant will b giren 0 the wholetalc trad. Lulber.b,,,. ra., Dee. J, lAH if h Pmi Cretin, f'tPirtin, ftr C,iu:at i:xciti;mi:t Ml S i I F I, I II NEW GOODS AT LOW I r.lCES. P'lV, nt, I 'fit'n'"l fI frt'V .f 11 I hi p. I run nl 'Bt rcui. J AT VICKY I.dW I'KICK Thair t(' k comiiti ;n tt of Dry Gool8 of the Ee. t Qua!;-- Sorh at Prinl., lie lalnet, A!ire,., t.H Oll-hatnf.Mii.lii.i.'lil.a.hid .r.d ut t . Hi.) lrl. isn ',,;,, r, . '. wol Kiafin, !.. Satin. tu,('.i.,re, ' ("ttoria'te., Ln,li.t' M,,a, ' Nuliiat A Hi.,.,1... Ilnln,,,,,! and llcnp hkirtt, 4c. Altn, a fira a.rortrnent t,f Mtn't ltr.aer, Mum, ilaU A t'tpt,'i A Mi,,,. all ol Wllirb HOLD LOW F0!t win. rx iiM Hardware, Queenswarc, GIaETrart, Groceries and Spices, :.V SHOUT A G UK A I. ASX'liTl'.K.S7 eeertlhing otoallt keft in a retail CULAV "OK CAU or aptrettd cuuLt.-j p,. duoo. A. K. WKICIIT SONS. ClearOeld, Not. 7 , IS67. tV FALL & WHTLIt (ilKIESI AVilliaui llvvtl & l ear rot.toflire, lailci Street. C'LKAI.FI KI-t, T.K. Ill AVINti jiift njirned a lnrr ai. ! r- t(K'k from New 1 ork and I'r i! i )-! cau ofler eitra indo-f uieiiti to CA.- ii la We ha a apliudid alection of I-h-m SiAi, bilktf. hhttwle, Ooakirpi1. rUnrif i, hit. iuitkIi, HlHiikfin, lint i hk.itw, C'orMts, Tli"n.j."L'i tiiint-litttiig, Trimmii.(r of every deNr-ripiii.ii, p!:vr, V . r, Yarn, and one al tl.t mutt totij.iete a 'iiiiir:'i st Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, I n-l.-r wfiir, Hi..frv, f.Ji'VH of all kiu 'i A andei'i Kid and 11 Arri' eel-lin.t-d N-au,, k (the best ever madi-.l ira, I lot trrflie. Collar ft Cnfia, llandkerfliieta, lia , t.ilz:nt. Km'fTiHirru, arc: aliin, k la-re annni'.ui I IIS, with 1.U.AI rATtXT Ml l, iiic thine eitant tucftlipr with a hill liue o! Uf-! I gKdi. All of wti'ch w off'-r at the VERY LOWK r cash ikice: ( all and aec nt. Ku lruull u thuw g,t. , uieinbvr Ilia plaee er Poaltiftire, Market fitierl, m-'.S t', 1-A. A KEOLITIOX I EISHESS at triin t:ivii.i.c BY IIAI.TSOC'K & GOODWIN. rHR nntaiTnIpneJ having frtfrfd intn cn run- I n erf hi in ih nicrcnittile bariniii. nl llti method of notifi it: j (, fuiuir ffitn, rn in riMrrn ol i urm-mnli and 1 u iliij ii priifiiir, itai merrunrti. of ll k tf old by nt at cheap the tame o-iahft fit nir Id lh rountr. V t bare ft full iuu of DRY GOODS: r.,nn:itirif; In psrt of Irfm 0odt. Mut I'riDU ol avii itiat.eaaod afvlei ; t- geiiicr aiU. full apuortmrnt of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS t CAPS, Hoiita, Slier a. Hardware, tluteii.Hare. At will at Tirwj-e. Ce.l.rware. Willrrwirt. hnetett an,f Urnnnii. : togelhtr with a le-ce no,.. of (Irocenei ; and alwa.v. a lull k ol FLOl'i;, FISH, SALT, Ac In phrrt, w Vcrp fnll injr'j f Ter th:ct unea in idii mirkt-t. " tini an put old rtirttTnen and a buet new onea a.a can oalte tt convr nient, to iri i a cau eeiurt pure: aeinj eJeber. 1MMFL TUKTSOi'K. tLV IN (4MOI.,. IN. CarwennTlll. Fahma,. t U, ltM. Tl C A L C It IN FOREIGN 3s DOMESTIC GOOrS. Ursl.TNS I'KI.AINFS O 'I'L litis at tat at Serjaiitii-in .I'tl.Tl inn Srnsntinn ALPACAS at Krnalinrt Inort Juet rrcrivotl at MOS.s('ii': tilMillAMS hi SrnaRtinn rnivi CHINTZ HINTS (il.dVKS CU A VATS SHAWLS UtiNNKiS Ctil.ttli Kill l at t M it nt SfiiaHlinn NrriRBtinn Son.Rlion Setitfilinrt jtic pi ;ee fri. prii-e Sercatinri rrirn N-nFfttion t'r.c t St-nntion J i let UUSLl.NS All tn he h, nl MOSSOIV. ll.TNKN nt Stii.nlii.n 'CKAH M Senentinn I'niN1- I-riri-- Ti,V CIHTAIN.S t Sontiilion TAI I F. CUtTIIS nt Sensution Kl;l.Nt.iE m ticirsiition 1 riiY- I'tifi at wusscrs'.. Sontalion prir, LACK IMSIKKY HinH'iNS Tli 1 M M 1 NliS nl nil kinila & at at at .Nontntton I'nc- .'V'lianllnn pure at KenantioD jinivi in anv 0111111 ly Alw.iva ort liHliJ at M ISSOrs". r-. i M i. i SA III N K IS .H ANJ VKSTINCiS SIllKTl.Nl.S CLOTH I NO ,urh' M Conta, rnnla, 'rta, I nilpr.siiirl. at pnmtiiti Hiiniii'l Shirlt,, Itnola, Sliooa, Data antl Cnpa. Notv tor aal at Mi II A II I' W A II V.) lu ll aft Saw-'VlruU I . Fork.. Knit-.-a, Hl """ SSv 'I'S' rif, 4 jukos, ii iiii, at XI Of pti, LltjCtiTIS, n, h V tno, Hrnn ly, H i n, W h iakny, rlr., rtc, FKC1TS, tiii h nt I'ninoa. liiii-int, at acni.-ilum at aontHtinii ,,ri, 4 Kia, Filhci U, Ac. ai MOSsOJ'f r Pilfl-IM ri! ' l.t.H. 1. U I I ,.S, any Flour, llama, Shoiililra, Siii'tir, Miilaaao,, ("hHpo, Tna, (.'Tarkeri,"a. CatiiHe. al eii!ion 'W Oil, .lc, etc. A'.wnvt al M'LvOl' TRACKING HtH'F.s POWliER 1HOT I, FAD CAPS al inn I" 4 at aentalton p1 at aon.atH'O 1" at aen.auon pr 1 at entalino P' 1 at enaaion p' At tha .lore of RICHARD XfiVSOl'. MOSSOP Alernrl kaeri on hand aaiorlmont of all klnrli ofpooild rar'ti' (or lb orommiidalioo of Ilia ptiblii). Jalyl. 1l t Svu'Ht'nn j-r (v hi Sfnsniion r:r- 1 nt Stri.i: :on j'Jn fat SWIM.!'".. ('tit- at X'u.VSw7;s. I V f r r 4 1 , i Ttimr.tiup eb. T B(a, a J. f. SRATibM