Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 14, 1869, Image 1

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    ' ?.iiloii.
II. it li i in, r.,
Mat art fcltrvt, dill field,
( kT n hnl t full ''rmin't of Jnnt'
iMffiifhiff (t.xMl. mm h ft MnrU, Lima
W,m-.b I i.-r-hirl, I'rKtfru at .) K-.W.
-,t, I-1" Wrt 11 urulktMi'hi.'', li'.ivo. IKu,
,. ', . 'H Rii wl .(inMy. 0 1 K it
, ' I - tW'' li.o
Bt Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"
l;1 h ir'h I'i'-k(n of the tenr .! naAf;
jnl .,. rno,rc. in irrcr.t rimetf , ai, I'mn.-h
(. rir. lM-it, t'li im-li t!ta. atd Kn ('!(
) ,.h, nr J pis lo up according to the 1 tut n$ Ii
, m'iw rtfii.'cl workmen.
ii.i A"iit 1'T t'ltjitrftcltl rotintr fur I. M
sp jcr A ('-'. elirat ctl Sewinir, Mm-litnoB.
' y v. 1, Urti-tf. H. HIUlMiB.
V L K A U 1' I K L 1)
MLct F'.rrtt, ci-t of r-urtli.
JOHN TIlOl'TMW, Troprletor.
rpiIK utiTrihsr beca lfve to evil the atten
(it'i) f the eitiirn of C lrticl(l and tur-r-.unJiti'
cuntry to the fact that bo ii now
tpi'srri to funtirh, on short notice,
Cabiuetware of all Styles & Patterns
uiied for either Purler. Iininz or BH ronni,
ly the litu'lr article, or tn aeui to suit rar
chafer: liurrnun, Kofn, Louapti, Hat
rucki, Tiihles, Hand. Ac, Ac.
I alio inanuiuriure
( hah:? sltti;ks below city rnicLS,
CnnsWHnj of Parlor, Pinintr-room, Cane,
Hoiking and other Chain,
Which T propnpe. to warrant and nell cheaper
(ban can be purchaied elewh)r. Jtit try me.
Clcarfitll, Feb. 27, ISfi; u
.T01IX Gl'Liril
D?1RE9 to inform hi old friends and cun
tomerB, that hnviti enlarjrod his ihup and
inrreaped bi fiicilitiee tor tnnuiaeturin. he it
iipw rcvT('d to make to oriit-r fuh Furniture ae
mav be deired, in a'ntd ;yU and at ebea mte
t'irCABU. lie generally bu on hand, at h:
Fomituro rooms, a roried asortment of ready
made iureituro, among which ara
Wnrdri'bppand Book-Caffoi; Centre, Pofa, Parlor,
in-akfrt and lining Extwu'iun Tabled; Oom
lij.'n. Vrt-nch p'iPt.Cottapo.Jpnny-Lind and othor
Hodfteadf ; hofua of all kino's, Work Man da,
Hitt-raoka, Waah-ftaiida : ltocking and Aran
Chatra ; iprinp-noat, cane bottom, par1 or, com
mon abd other L'uairj ; Lnokinr,-U laaast of erery
derrriptitin on hnnd ; and nrw plancea for old
frnmea, whiob will ho ut Irt no Tory reasonable
tertnl on shorten! notice. Ifn aleo knuim on band
or furni'hea tn order, Coni-huek, Hair and Cot
too t p .Ma'treeeea.
C'offinh or EvEftr Kind
t;ule to order, and funeral attended with a
Il-urne whenever rit'iired. Aluo, Hoiig Painting
done to ordr. The eul.foriber alpo rtaoutao
turef, and haa mD"anily on band, Clemeot'f
I'litent Wanhinf Machine, the bent now in u !
Ttiime oninj thi marhiue nerer nned be with
out clean cloth! lie also haa Flyer' Patent
Churn, a puperior article. A family uaing thit
Churn never need be without butter !
Ail the above amd many other articlei are fur to cuKtumerp rbein ftir Cawh or exehanped
f..r ii iroved rountry produce, Cbt'iry, Mapit,
Y i''.tir. Lin wood and otler Lumber anitahle for
' . ui.inet W"rk, tttken in nrhar e for furniture
,W Bpmcniber the hnp It on Marker ptreet,
r;jariii?U, J'a., Miid ntiarlj opposite the "'Md .1,-w
biore." JullN ILICU.
Nvpiuber 2ft, y
rpUE onderoifrned hep" to inform hi friend a
X and the inhhitanu o1 the borough of Clear
.t and surrounding npif.'hhrhood, that b i
amr ready to execute all orden either in iron or
H'-llPB SIIOFING on tht moat approred
ev ?rv!e.
Li ! K work, ! fmen a tools, cauthooka.iijireadti,
frain, An.
Merl tool of all kinda maJe of beat English
or American ateel.
&UAU my work Is warranted to girt aiitif-
fntin, or not ehargt-d lor."
THE ubFpribcTreapM'tfully inform hlr friftndp
and the public in general, tbnt he ha orl
trd in the boron ph of t'LF.M.FILLD. in the
lhrji recontly onupid by Jacob Shunkweilcr,
wiicre bo t Dow ready to perform ail duief
tf wardp bin cupiomerp in a manner.
Mfda, Sl'ipha, Ilueftiep and Wapun ironed, and
H"re-ahoin(C done at rea nahle ratea. lit
rvnectfiiMy anka a nhare of work from thr pt'hhc,
p he intend to gira hia "whole attention t the
March li.lSf.S.
Boggs Township Awake 1
1VFT!TI10IY tryinir In rt tiTeflrft, for fear
j ut being rnwtled nut into the fold,
li you wttnt (fnitd Shoinir pt, to Hitr
It T'B want y.iur inmed right, fn to ltarnn.
I you want gd Mill Ir-,n. en to Iirkmr
II V"U want your wegn Inmoti in tbabtet
tyle ami workmatifhip, g' to Itrrna.
hr.r.rtn mnken itn brut Htnrrn Ta,Vin in rbf
Ftnte, anddone all kind "f 1H ATK JVI ITH I NtJ
as rlieifi at rnn be done in tte eoantr fr 'ah
bVt I'mi (tflicc aildrert If Ctrh'l(i lnlfo,
norim Tp.f Den. li), lfti.7-if.
m:w school sob wkik.
''T'E wniild reppett'nlly rail the attention of
If Prmnpnla of hrhonU, hemintnea. ana
T-sichern of binging ts aur Kew School fotig
Hj c. g. ALl.LN.
Tkie Itnok ennui-
Firt A vrr earetullv rrrpared aariei or Pri
aiaT H'ing Ijrermi.
haond.T A large number of new and beauti
ful hfhol Honr.
Third ty A fhort Cantata Tli firhnol Fee
tiTal designed expremlv f-r une mt School
Ilorofittnni, Cnnrerte and Kihiliitmni.
Thn l'nhliber. in nreeentinc ttii Work to
Principals and leaf hem, would rail pprial
Menti'in to It mneriir merit a hrho"! Mng
ll'i"k. The author ha heen very careful in the
"it'tion of bt munc. whirb i alintMt entire!
n-w, and in adapting to it apT'ropna'e rd
i'h uniil'ifp toinabie eanttmpiiti, whirh will
rnntmeiid it ad-iptloQ in all our Srhonli and
'J lie (vii CinitrT hap been ad'ptd by the
J,"rd of Kduc'innm, a the teit book for the
IV. in Hrh'inla in the rity of New nrk.
I'riff, mxry rfnt each. To bcbnvla. Ac, ail
s-iinrs pBr oVut-n.
f"mi le r-ipien tfint by mail (pat paid.) on
trp M' of flft v e-nte.
fKiir nle by aM l'f -k and Mti-ir Htnrwi.
I'n'ihfJ by II.L1A V h ALL A hN,
!.-! i. im 3 Itioadwny. K. V
McKiGm & Jm'OT, !
n?nn mid SIrkh takers.'
ilmmetliatel; in rrar of JManinn Mill,) j
'PMK nbrrirf would eeetfit?lT infnmt tbe
1 ciimenntf riearfietd.ami the (.tiblir in r "feral
tlif are f re j tared to do a'l kiod-ol work on
'AOtiNS. C A E K I A G ES, S L E I H Tl H, Ac,
"n bnr ti.,r Bnl oa reasonable lerant. anii
ia a w.,rkrrnlifce minxir. A tl w f-ature in
("Jr linn tl tD ,. Wf, trttn mr rwn wk.
orJera promrtW atterd-H t
HM. M-LMttMl.
i.'fH. rilAULO JANMi.
!HITH MVM I" -1 re
i' liereb ctfn. that letter ol Arlnnniftra
bh -r the tin of 1. 1 'i til i V. li MI Al.. def 4,
at lUa-ttonl trtwnPhin. CleaMicH -nnntf . I'a.,
irij been duly jrranted t Iha nd'-r-tcced. tnti. hted tr eaid Iwte will r ae
ke luineiiiiu fisTBienL, at 4 tlntt havji p
"'mi or demand will preient thr riperij
ttunuoated lor aeitlemenl wlthmit diT.
,l(i H N
GEO. B. GOODLANDEK, rrcpriclor.
?rii (Ooorts, Arorrt1r$t tftr.
(Icorpe L. Kex d....
Jutm F. Weaver...
..William Powell,
,. William W .Jietta.
Two doon north of the Court Houte,
c i.i:aiu ii:i i, pa.
nAVTNQ returned to our old bnine tanu,
we hereliy notify the citian of Clrarfii-M
and the public pencrslly. that we Imre rnler-d
upon, and intend to pruswuie, a tfttrou ram
pripn azainpt hieh price and inttrior fK-d. and
have now on hand a full eufplv of all kind of
puodi uacd in tbit market, lu the lineuf
Ilry aooK,
We claim to tin re a full aeortment, consietiti ia
part of Muslin, blcachtrd and unbtfat-tied ;
Print ol all gradea and ityica; and
Tall and Winter Dress Goods,
Such as Alpacni of all lhadei; Ie I.ainea,
nuo and Flannela; Waidea, ft full ftaeort
ment of gentlemen 'a wear, eonaitung
in part uf
Cloths, Cassimeres,
BatinMU mud full Mionment uf
otions Hosiery, Trimmin?!s
M 0 N N E T T S, A C,
HatB and Caps, Boots aad SLoes.
We Jime a full mppT of T-a. PrT, Rinr.
M'ila, lot.acnn, Fit-h. r-alt, hn(fd,
pottl and facb thla,
fHtpar-eured Ilmt, Ma Pork and a full
apply of J'nivttion.
Hardware and Qupnswarc,
tfoodrm tf Willow ll'nrr.
All t!ie fwrft'nc wrtipie will W nrhanrw f"T
CASH, l.X Wi'.KK, or ('Ol NTKY VKuMTE,
and al ririw to which tbew oan be'no tmni'pt4a.
1 bur in need of OuoJi in our Lnc, will laaao
a f.o. l. kixd 1 co.
n.arfihl. Sept. IT, lSi'.s-il.
siossor IS NOW
SelHug, at half their nual pri
noop snn:Ts,
Ac.. e Ae-
Down ! Down ! 1
AMI OF ("Ot RFE THE riir.Al T.sT!
A Proclamation apinst High Prices! j
.''- ar. rn i'if Of b lm a' Ik' ll nii
miMt MwnhS ..S. ass Wars. TO
iifl.rr iti Oil. ira-ksl. asll a. isi tlial rsmmd
nn. of .1,. fis-l "il lfcV of rh.Bf ttii.ip- 1
win. lark l.itli Bens lhi jotibu or Bwb a:i
Cstiiin. nuprrflBuo., osd liul
r.fff.i. .r or n sroRt,
Comer Fnmt and Market atrwela,
Whw th'T mti e fl b"r aTif! kiw Ut tlwna- ;
w-tr. fu" iii"t'"r', bat a-r r'nt- r"
Mn mul lf Hi.-ir e At, .tt ei-i it
in ennrnf-rotr ani itemiae oar aiora. li w rnoapb
tor u to stale ttiat
TTe Lave EveTjtLiiip ttat is Kt p3f.3
, in tl.i w.-li-t. B.iJ Bl J.rifs tiial l.!h bill anri .mi'?
Market Ctearlleta. 'al lh IWfie
'1MIK BsS""i.d Sr BSBnr" .
1 tha rui.sB. af Clarl BBS T.nait. . dial
I., haa tnt.B f B wa bbB" ba mm rmrras ,
IniBl h.SIIl'k B I.T(r BWIBBI f Slltlf
tn.l.BT. rfiB-i.ti.if iti .n of
lilies and Uirrcllaarcms Iixls,
I'lank. AssabbI BBit faa. Kt". .if rrmy
iipiea. ; l.rT aad Frm F-sBi-b Bi.rassi
nd, Lib: I'.ni .id I'.arn.: I0,. Irf-fal
1 I'a.iBr.. Itwda. aWlcacn. ; JnflralL tiaw
Una ana I"r..iiii.r B"i : lank:
m.Bl ll'i.I. b-rai ( r.HsfO r am N.l .
SsasU lluir li Ulliat l iaBfi. 1 lai m IB
r in.t.lilW nti hard. An. Km.l.a T Btattnai-TT
rl..irsa" Dial I Biat Bsi bar n Land. i.. s w
oM.tsH (inn tl, -rat. and auld Bl asnll
orM.iil. aait roplnB-sra. I Biitl alra kaf
a.rindnal lli.rara, Brk a atafa.iBaa
ri.-., a.
r. a..
Al UK. May 7, lfrs a
pruns and Ifdirinrs.
11 IJ 31 O V A Ii
Jiarktt Slr4lf Ucarfltid Pa,
VXE be leara to Inform oar old and
1 T ciauiaaerf, that w have removed oar
tabltrhmeot to the apfiov new bund id a; at
erected on Marked tet, aearly adjoiaiaf the
Manaioa Hvdhod the weau and opposite Mrttn.
ropi, 4 r at ore ; wbar we r pec a why
iLTiie tb i'UL-!:c U Midi ud buy their
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines,
Oor fck of Imp and Medicine eoariata of
verythirg oird, aolerted with the great ett
care, and
We al keep a full atoek of Iy-, Pvrfaaitriea.
Toilet artirloa, aua;. Tooth ii;nae. Hair,
Unifhet, w nitewaah Lrnaboa, aad overy other!
kind bniibea. U have a large lot (
Fiatieed Oil, Painu, aad ia fart vvorrtLing
teed ib the painting fcmtmoac, t&ita we eer at
City price to eaab bay era.
ConfeticBerv, pie-, the largert 'rtwek af
rahetio ever oferva ia thia plj-. and warrmat
d to bo of taa bofii u Jdarat aflott
J. . h k rw jck
Haw. S, 16R8. JOBS F. 1KVIS.
... j. sff.fpr. puree im t ,
(FC4iti4 artTeet. eppacita the Ceart BpaM,)
THE raharr'W rt-frtfaTW aeaawarv to ib
ntiien of Clrartnd aad rmait, tkal kt
haa bow ra faavid a fall aapply of
Xy"fr tafia, Tobarca, C.gara, CoaiorUoaaoo
Manoaerc. At.
Will fnl kie nxk of Irwr f I LL aad COM
PLE1E, and atarcry ai.ttadiaavoi lartara
Tear here aad tuber ail W fruV.c aitk
claitrical at4 miaoeiaaeoai Itfoka by exraaa,ai
abort a flirt.
Coaaiattnr ofCp. Flat Cap, Fiap. Letter aad
Per'amed X"te Pa-er ; aueo. a rry a-t atork
i f Mournitp Note f'aierajud Etvelio oa haa a.
feLft, l'enct'. Ira. mr.
irm t hi f.4! nark .( it r r f-nct. f oi-i.
FOl'A I'll rwwi i tf. .p.
Arerrquefte-d treaateine hie elwh of Perfcavery.
Hair 'il I ma Tiiot opa, iintfiWa. C-oaaaa.
Toilet Sett. 1. 1.
Will fal a fall awpp'y f i-naao Chew rag aad
Snmsinr IoliOf'o. l.r.B bb4 Wbbw
ClbAAS, CBMB. rm.'.Bl. . SB,
Of ts. hrt Srr4.. .'T, Uti
TbVw q-.u.t .t l,,.b .r. im' rrNrnftiHi Bitiy bbb
eBrslallr f oWtMBliBs.
Aj.n t. isfs. A. L f B AW.
r ii i r.Ti'
Celebrated BiUer CordiaL i
j J. tht tib ii m rr; !t.f evWutai U tW j
, BisiT acrii rrm fjtd rw fl-! tare '
market. It if joTfl 'clJJe, Mr4 94 .
1 varione bf-Tb. giherfd !- U frrt atorw-
bnne of . and taelewned wit ibe iwmsM .
I eT. It trt rfB!fTW a a Cr 4tu
but hr tim dirert aid aw-lotary u.ftaar o
tb lioat. Lis-er. itir lang-ft. itad ud
Bowola. it : a p-nrtni and rwrr
1 fur vtany tf the tj ! t at-rb taw Taa
are eat; pot ll t a relianl Faaay HedlMr.
ad tma a etbr iafaat r a l
ts bb BsBbriBl nmi1'... Il MB rriB.
promiil asS fa'. im lwrrm.
TITBTT. I .Bfl fw.BiIBIM, I".'rBJB. Vm
of Si.iril. SirMi.m( f
Cloi Blii frr.r. i.l .ii in n
mvT tkim BJ uminB. .Uitil Br.
; BiririB p-r;.. 1: prf... BB Bj-r--w. B (
P ' ' "1 'T'? r" '
BBS KS RKMB, B.IB.illlB, I'B. If
all IrBtr'B. "II l;
Altenlion, AfHicted! 1
j A re'ewte-4 tfce firmer tro 4 Medirin an Lta
I frt''g. where be iM I ie ma
I tiia Ik the trsitit!- .f tHK MC MI A?LS
lort.onof Mti'Had x t mci u
the traiwt-Bt f1 TtTvr t nd ay aw
twttenltr d avt bit rwre mi b'r f nt 4y.
It -nr airra won tvm
dlMHl.M BBBT W tB tlllt fc. I ..".f. AB? '
,T BUT h BBS tB.1 C'CBTBT IllwrBB. B. '
Sf B RIMH JitbsIiS. bl'. wt Tl.l B at! B.
Iha ts.Blis.sf ttt'tir m tm. mri n B-'
Bosii irtirr. tls.: Be tt .4 tiui af Ai
aain wuirr rinri, bost-.b.
-Ki.t ILf X. P. Tsb. It. s. tf
1)1 w- fkc iNsaamrw. Hiet! lre
hm.ftei Cra,4inntr'e a4 6twm
t'' penai" !! t-T. a fare f avli
Clearfield County Bank.
rr H F OwlWli Cwatatjr iaoa a aa trwi w-
1. ie4 ififT!Tanfe bi f-atve awl eat W )
tfte orrreff uf fra-n-. t Miv 11 Ifr4s.
All it olrvra i wir 'W it- rrr tsr-is, fc
w til enn; .nwe tVa luitj tti-eM m; rt mbw
flare, at Triv:e he eera. t.aer TY - aawat"
nl trif "Cim i'T i IcltTf ilfr
nnii)f im if aYv tta I.ak. !;!
iu tN i aemui iae I?-f.ts
n"eit and mere4 i aid tra ai'V fft
ilea tuna. I t- w-i w r wi j
a per iar frsnt.j rei.r 'tt a ,
f.le-l(rr-4 iftr U lMi-mtf rwrw--a 4 "
trT n. A f. rmt f i st-ni .m 1
rnnar ,v n" WW,T? '
v"-i;al'T walin-- a l Ca.- rr mxt '
i,fi,reT. law C-ti fcaa-l. e
recsire a'v 4 laaaA e a f-a.e
;.s 7 llMt. lT'"ltT FW.
v m i -i. : 1 1; ? r. ihAM,
a k. w kiv.t:T 6. u Tta.
w X A. m U K
Tk. V.t'niMB ! I'.at k il w n 4-1 V.
inbt W Wi- t- CMf". w.Br.4
) j j i, w ..
fSaiii.iai1. w F T. KHa A Ca..
"Wri! I I .! 11
C raira amn. e.
j - BJ- J aid in.-
Ccunly Nalional Baink.
(uuniui, r-
TBT lWk iw tri a.r raaS. f-. Wat
awaa. H,i a sSnal rs.
u.f kTMrl. asnd k U art IXbt A C.
bitbi ".a. aw .
I A l i iS.
a. I. wij.til.
WW fs..TV
tl .. l k-kia.
JA&.X.LI' t.
1' ,'g .
IVit FErf.XD Trr.M, of eleeea w-l. w.I
wtoriif ua Moiidy, Noiemti IA, ic'9.
KcJuit. Onbrfaiby. WMinr.'l'jw-t Le.
eon, Pnnuy Ar;ibwrtic and Primary
Ueofraf by, pr faaif (nn, (.f tlru
wotaa.) i
IlirtoTT. Ival and driptiv Cerphy
witr; Mp rainjr. iiraaaaur, M.ial
and vt rittra A:uLanit
ft if
9 0'
Aljrbra aad Um Seieavrea
Fr fall partUr aend for Circalar.
Cieartll, Not. II, 1 2m. atp'T
Clearfield Academy.
Eer. P. L. HAEEIS05. A H., Principal
THE f KCOXD 8E.-vi.)5 .fU. pramlMkt.
U.iit tnf tSi iuutotiaa ilKnnis Jm 4,j .W.uhrr,
P il. nm st Ihry k.
) lmrt4 uti taiuoa inm iht ttmt Utj tslcrU'
j u. cum f lit bmin.
1 tir of iniink-m nbnm trtrj thing
! ina4 ! tbenwt. vwrtKsl ul utw
ii.k4 4eim (r him,
mmth .H-.n.r. im k. profcuioB. MnrM p
r oi frd aci ihn t. istira iiijr
I mTfit will k itmri u lb. mirml tui mr.
lu miBinf f th jmt, pmrr4 ntrr ti ekaxr.
IIHI ttf Tl I1IOK., .,f. rnii. u trimtrj
Ai tir. jp. f 1 1 k. j . f ,
6nMf, Htvgnyif, Arilhmrtu, u,
jlar, - - - - . (
Airrbrj, Skwiit, Jrirmvmrtrj, Y.rm.
MrmiM. frrv;ic. I'bu9ubj, Pi.
- j-rM..a., nj
Pyni o.jrf tj . - - tt
Lbi b. timft mz.m lreeft. itk bej t ikt
lWf Itrax-CM - . - . 15
ftX .ftiB vitl W b4b fnr Bbtnr
f f I fBnfcrBjtLrUn it 7. -r. f
E.t. K L. II AhtI;u.. A.
ClrBrt.U. f'.W- . tf. hn.f,,.L
riacing Uitls.
i. ui:i:i a to.
A ml rniM m't. Hat IBn B
s:4 a -.i;.BrBi bub Uw imttwi iatpr.W
' -."-Buwry, bbb sn b. sm
m mwti imer 11BB m MI1WU.
' tvt w-a f . ni umtut u ik. bul'k
! !.- U mutibI Ut W U idin, n:B BB
B H.f f K TS k O I L M id Sf
Jr'.V'', - . Z
U Vri LuJ. J MiMik Itfl.lM. Ublirr.
" -u ! "k ' c,f !",TT-
l Mi-u!acturei to Crder,
Or rs.acdL la mJ ssttmra.
"jiw C'rart a-eitrl. s4 IaaW fn.:V4 oa
ttrt a4 pt-a Itrmi
i: i r I Fh A riv
i . ,
j CW'f;t- 1 7
; "
, E. E. rni . J-n rTi
, a A. -. . , ...J. E. lavcu.
i . .
i t O HA I I U r A III
fi.inf f -:r4 B Ar-ABi
A- f f i to friBb a." k.-a f
Manufactured Lumber,
bcr, SaiX IDoor, Bli&dA.
Aa4 mry dewT-yf m4
rdf lvm-v T It i it t tlw'r aJaa aie to
. t-aa.iD r.
Adima. t TATT'-N A 0,
I.. l.f CB.1 1 J, Ts
THE tjfaa as. Vsrd: Jva d la ka. a
. M b. yar B . -" ;
T. vaf I 4a il I Bi.1 S.
V j-m ul r4 bbbi feUB
A ajiaa k t.a4 s far ffBB kra,
W fe. Brkad Bard a. k . tndai,
Vat bd B kWsB.-d tB BBBBrl
Tkal aaaB4.rd :i ka bb4b.
I bsbi k-ai aB. S.T. K "V. frad,
I r.-k tkd kf ad raaik ;
I t. T'-i a r-t .a.lf a aa l,
Kb, ail ay ta-fk."
1, t frtw4. fc m;S kava ya?
t"l " k l . fa
J. e- B '.v b-bi" d Bad ckaaf :
I. urnrNsTiis a c
B. aikal t -t' ka kvl bbvbI.
As was. la ..-'B A B-rkasa',
A r. t. rsi kaaaaa ra t.
I m kaf B. . w aBar.
5 k. a. k kt bb w.n,
Aad .W as Sj -i .
Xr ,. . 'k dai'y caat,
ltj aS-Bt a4 ktif bb mw-m.
A, I k fid. m4.T B'fkt,
p:k all U..i.. Baat. ayt-ia
T: k kaa art., f-f" I. f-a4,
Aad B k5 am aa.
V. , d ra" . w-'k tki ii fat rail.
R c d Bri a. aU.
It .-MB d BBa BJ 'B -T , f Bad VlJ
laa .' . . a.
HtllNst r.:VS riOTBrjH HI L.
tk r. .k-.-.-. ls M.c
. aa-4 f . u.a. aaa ka kd B a '
us a.-. IB rrrj : i a -. I.
Crape Vines for Sale.
Hi i I lUV.i, Jl SI f
tl t I I - .i- . l i a--,...
...-. ... a aa ai.-.t. an I - i--d ia
sv.-m. - A. M. nlLL-
IwS-s -ft 1":-
T'rw-arB a ad sM-aisal tsatij af t.j
1 l,l.'ikiiapa..i.r...'.ii
iMt-vfSWaaf Eillsi' S t"lN
H STU rs
nvrBi nrw.
r-l a kasra aa..W B.
As the Fortieth C'onrcns drnwti
near to itM linal (Jiiwilution, it bccomcst
more til l mure apparent Unit no con
elusion will bu reached by it in r.Mulion
to the question of BufUae. (uitv a
number of bills have been introduced
in both HoutK! Biiieo the opening of
the present ko.ssion, providing for uni
lorm tuttrairo in all the .Siutcs, and
more than a wore of amendioeiitit to
the Coii?iiiiution have been proposed
in relation to the tame subject. 'I huse
dilferent t hemes developu an untai-0IO-.IU
of views even anions the ex
treme lUdicull wliic h leads us to the
conelusicn that no legislation on this
subjeet can be consummated by the
pr."er.t (Jwiifjre.
The direusnions in and out of Con
press mhieii Lave been elicited by
these various projects show that there
is not only mdiriJual diiTcrcntcs of
opinion cxiftin in thellaJical ranks,
but, what is of fur preater moment,
that there are tf'.vm:U disafireements
which cannot be harmonized or over
come. The Eastern States demand that the
Federal liovcrnment shall guarant.
w ritiretis of the several .-Hates
the r.u'hl ol i;ny jTij( suttrae, wLilc
the Went demands that it bo made
uxictrt'il. These are often used as
convertible terms, Lot njon investiga
tion it will be fjunJ that they are lar
from being synonymous, liy imyiir
tail suffrage is meant that system
which, while it admits yuut.tlatfHt
fur suffrage, rj uire that suili iial
iCialions, when imx,.'l, shall be
applied to all classes alike that no
restrictions shall be imposed upon one or one class of uieu Lich are not
alike applicable to ail. On the other
hand, universal suffrage, is what ils
name fairly implies, the ri'ht to vote
iliven t every adult without limit or
ua!;ikaiion excjt as to ac and sex.
As we have said, the Lantern Slates
favor impartial or qualified suffrage.
The West wants unlimited or univer
sal suffrage. There is quile an ani
mated di-cussion ot the merits of the
i,,,.,;.,,, .,( ii,e .i-inersofl
, s ... 1 . , v.. . 1
these respective sections. The
would have in some States an intelli
gence qualification, in others a qualifi
cation based upon property, w hile in
others still they W ould fcX Um SUt
IrM both pro,rty.nJ I inleiugeuc I f,.,Bion ,.auJe bo ;.UM rot take
q.iatKtWn. A .; of their most , le v&h M lireJ ly our L.ilslmuro.
aUraortfansandlcadiiigfanaticS would Uut v haJltM ,,e .ank ht.avilv ,d
require ,.,Ml qul,ticl,ons-sueh, w c wn b ((J niml lli8 vru,vriy.
presume, as temperance going to s,ix ycs passed awnv, and he died,
church on the Lord s day .KniMincing , f , wiJow wilil ooechnd wilh.
-llj. ..n ..I slavery snd the like out . J,nr. The-noble woman im
The rt, this demand ot the m, ,n((k in ,wi,r t t.lirll ,,,.
t-st I .r imoariiai sunrae i v ciiarir i
I ?l 1 I-n .ucmpi io nvi nn , i v f BPh 1 1 Bhli- I Bl ill.
ill thus
I clothed with jsiwer to oppress and
tunher degrade their already dejiend
ent and powerless working clashes.
The ilat, they say, would set up their
money lurds and shoddy prinees as the
j true ruling class in Hie country, and
would soon den, snd sneh a cliango in
the character of the tiovernmenl as
would recognize snd protect them in
their pretensions a snsto. ralic rultTf.
Tho l.ast retorts by charging the
We-t wiib a desire to get control of
.heliovemmenis throu-h the suffrage
of va-t horde- of Kumpean
i , . .- . . ..
liith lhe Fjistern aristocrats de
i 'are are ti ignorant ti understand
tt.e use or the value of the ballot.
l h.'e -ignorant foreigners, say ihcy,
w ill in a lew year more give the West
entire supremat y in the liencml tiov
ertimrr.t and rnabie that section to
throw off the shai kh's now imposed
uptm them ly the xjst in the onloree
ni. nt of high protective tarn's, navi
eati'm laws, and the odious financial
hit h concentrates capital in
liastern cities to the srreat injury ot
tbe several lilies ot the West.
These are the main points ot diiTer-en-e
between the Kat and West upon
this important qucii m. It is some
whit s.n'ilar that the Kttern idea
that the ballot, placed in the hands of'
. . ' i.i
the ignorant masse, would endanger
the t.ovctnnnnt, never occurred to
thero when lcntme for the South.
Puritan New Knland l.viks w ith fear
West, u.n tlos sutTrae question,
1 and trim iiinir. li not will, actual re never tin. ik ol sue l mutters every-;
. i it . i . i ii . ii i . 1 1 ', i i robes to il more tiL'ht v around vou ease was only rallying lor us nna ai-
t.uirnaiiee, to ai efforts maile in bel.iill 1 1 on-, is a riu't cod supper cold ,, . , . . , :. . , . ,. " , . .
'. i .T . . i n . " , ., , 11 c ., your I ins ey. in the very intensity of ; tick. J ho old frame began to quiver.
ot sutTrac white room crying children ""perfectly 1 - ' . X . , ..,, , i . . . r ....
people, and embraces, with cordial , comfortable" ' , your sel.ish.iess, raise your proud bead A shiv er " an aeoss ll. la, of the
del,,U ,.11 pr.,p:ti,.n; for conferring He goo. home, his wile has been (a-, -d K-avo tho poor earth The fa rc oft old year
this "privilege ".n ignorant black. I k;s care of the sick ones, and worked , ' V T ' " ! " . ?Z I , wr Jl J l r 2
The Jinigudo lH twn the East and , lCr life almost out. '"Hon t see w,y ; 8"I J'-u a woman ! Oh, do set your wreck, and a. d the wreck and rum
..- . . ., .. ., .... I . . .... ' datii'liters a better -xamrle: leach of storms, and mauilcd with snow as
promises to Income more and more ! there neverwussuch crosschildrcn bo
uitensa snd bitter. We are glad to'fnre." No apologies, except away
see thic.ntrovery. We are opposed ! fr..m home.
to unv action of l ongrrs on the ques-1 Why not he polite athomeT Why
tion of suffrage. lovaiie we deny Unit. ! not use freely the golden coin of eour
ur ier the I onMituti'm, it has anyitesyf How" sweet they sound, those
light to interfere ith the internal lit tie wonls, "thank yon," or "you arc
- - I I . 1 ... II .
p.ii;ry oi ti e Severn, r.acn
S'ate sh.iuld be ix-rmiltid to regulate
Ki.uld be pcrmilt. d to regulate
their election laws ss will Test suit I amilea mnke the eye sparkle
their own people. We shall not, like ' clear light of affection,
the fox who h-it his bruh, a Ivccate I Jte polite toyonr children.
te exlen.i'in ly t'ongri-ss over the'exm" ! them to be mindful
Northern State of the power whii h
ti er l ave alivs ly ext r. i..' 1 over the
the Snuih to regulate the franchise
It Mas-ai bust ll and Uhio We be
hove their interli riTu e wiih the laws
of l.onrt,-ia upon this sutject was un
constitutional, revolutionary and void,
! sn J heni-e we must opHe any exlen
' sum of kueh wrorga. even if the pro
r-'l ulj.Tt ot the oniemplatoil
wrongs be one of oor bitterest enemies
, cine w hich voted to place our people
! cnler the bind ol the inwer which
row threatens t.
jl les tn
them t'.i.
We know thnt there is a growing
sentiment in the Sooth in tavor oi
qca.ilied or impartial suffrage, but
even the advocates ot tins charge
claim that it can be made orly by the
rentde of the Slats
W are tint pre-
. ... , , ,l
pared to say whether or not. in
..r-.rt condition of the South,
; would be wie In make such a change
- : .,, K.aa. I',ot we do sav
done by the Stales. We, therefore,
trust that our Southern Itepresenla
tives in Congress not the carpcl
bafrsers, w o have nothing to do or say
to them will oppoce nny and all uc
tion by that body which proposes to
interfere w illi tho mflrac question in
any way, cither by ('oiifrressionul
enact ment or propositions to amend
the Constitution of tho United Stutes.
Auyufla ('i.) Clirono lc ( firntuul.
Eomantio Histor7 of One of Senator
Benton's Daughters. Franciiioo Cirrs.imilrnc! riiirnpo Triltom.
Let mo tell you something about
one of the school teachers of San Fran
cisco, by way of illustrating tho man
lier in which fortune frolics with hu
man nature and makes shuttlecocks
of poor Immunity. Among tho teach
ers is an eldery ladv tho mother uf
live interesting children. She was
horn in one of tho Western .States,
and was tho first-born of 0110 of the
most distinguished Senutors who ever
sat in tho legislative balls of tho Uni
States. n her young days she was
tho belle of Washington City, tarry
ing away the palm from tho durk-eyed
daughters of the South, and the rosy
cheeked damsels of tho .North. She
gave her love to a young gentleman
then a clerk in one of the olliccs of
Washington. Her father knew the
youth and recognized his great abili
ties, and when ho solicited the daugh
ter's hand it was cheerfully given.
The wedding was a brilliant one,
Uli.ll Jl iUO I V, 1, ill l ii ul .,tb - - j
Iteing present to wish them joy and
cheer them at tho commencement of
their domestic voyage. The young
husband was shortly afterwarus ad
mitted to the bar of the I'nited States
Supreme Court, and was soon recog
nized as one of its most promising
members- ror many ycais he prac
lieed bis profession w ith great success,
and was on tho highroad to wealth
and fame. Then caino tho discovery
ol gold in California, and the conse
quent rush of emigrants to the new
F.l Dorado. Among those who deter
mined upon going to California was
the husband, lie consulted with his
wife, and sho, like a true woman, do-
cam! her u.lcntion of accomfui.)
11 1 111.
Together they came to California,
where tho husband soon took a lead-
in- Msiuoii m niu i'ui, i..r-,vu .
alorluno. The people he associated j
-Ilk , ' 1. HA .1.1, .,..lll ttl.ll lilO
. . . ., ;
.,..,.. ot,L.r9 l,o began to drink to ex-1
cess. W hen the rebellion broke out ,
lie cftst ltttitym)utliiod wiib tliu South.
lirother-in-luw went with tho
North, and became a ilajor-lifiierul.
11 liurl ( lAx't ttr lliA nt-fictioA nf Lib
, . . . , ..... 1.1 ...
ke0p and tntUov ly that
" . J . n .
means. Some friei ds of her father
and husband offered to aid and assist j
ner, ruisno wouni receive noiinii-so
long as she could help herself, hhe, I
however, would be ihanklul for assis-(
lam e n. ncr a position as a
t.iui'linr in uni. ,il lit., on lil i e sen ools.
Y ...... .. -
Application was made, and some of
ll.e.sehoi i directors opposed her np-1
poiutment because her dead husband
was a soeess, 1 hey knew her
husband in Ins ble time, and bad fel
! " , .V .a .V .7L,. i l .i.i"
! '", " , ,, , .V .... .ril
Iheir etlorts, however, were unavail -
cflorts, however, were unavail -
in''. Mie was appointed, and is now
I . if I I I i
encaged in the public school depart-
j ment ol this ciiy, teaching a primury
j class. A ssa ciunge 111 ine 101 iui.u s
Ul eilu n im siui ir. ... .no n..i. dui u
I brilliant jirospecls.
Home Folitenes3.
Should nn acquaintance tread on
vour dress, your best, your very best.
!0J (,y accident tear it, bow profuse
you aro w ith your "never minus
ilon't think of it 1 don't think of it
I don't care at all." If a bu-band
does it he gets a frown, if a child he
is chastised
Ah! these are little thin say you
They tell mightily on the heart, let
- f '
us assure you, little as they bio.
A irentleman slops at a friends
house, and finds it in confusion. "Hi
i Jon't see anything to apologize for
(hiiiirs can't be kept in better order
i very Kino. I'ouiiiy.yes i reoiy sweei
I from the bps wo love, when
from the bps wo love, w h
with the
lo you
of your I
,, to crow cls'l at your
sp I
..much to bound awnv to vour ideas
!., ..... .,..r .. J, I. .in a..i,L..n
in .-.... . j ..... . i -
Then. will, all vour dimity andau
thoriiy mingle p(-lilenes. tiivo it a
ni. l.eln vourho.ehold temple. Only
' -
then wsll you
have the true secret nl
sending out into tho world really fin
ished gentlemen and ladies.
Again we any nnto nil be polite.
Paring the recent election in Krc
lund a voter in Wiltshire was applied
to several tinirs for bis vote. This,
however, be resolutely refused tor;ive
"Kor." snid be, 'dir.'etly'afler I voted
the b.t time, ihe price of bread rose,
and I msne np
my mind from that!
. time tost 1 u never vow. any n.ore.
An Indisnian, who has haJ the ex-
ths'pcnenee of eight wives, expresses
! nerience nf eicl.t wives
if i himself in favor ot divorce rati. er man
a funeral, so far as economy is eon-
. rerned. as a means of dl.IM.sing of a
TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advance.
UritKu ir tlit I li'.iluM IU,ui.iunii.J
To All WlioinitMay Concern.
"(toil pi'v thf poor. 1hi pour,
Ont in lit. pi.ilr.. atnvin "
Ciin't you, dear reader, pity the
poor, and pilying ciiro lor and help
them? Hasn't God crowned your
days with tender care and loving
kindness, practically demonstrated by
homo and homo comforts and luxu
ries, it may be the pleasure, of u
pleasant homo circle, and iillbctioiiate
friends the crowning act if his tem
poral euro and love 't
Don't say, oh, Tvo nothing to spare ;
thero are so many things I'd like to
have; (don't spy meil, God won't be
mocked il man can be deceived ;) be
sides, I don't belong to any benevolent
society. Whose fault is it. nrav. vou
j don't belong to a Howard society 1
i.eniemuer wnose steward you are
before you let such words escape your
Vou, with tho golden-headed enne
and gohleii tliispeil spectacles, furs and
great coat, li, d a-rubber shoes and
warm flannels, don't puss by that lit
tle ragged urchin, with cold, bare feet.
j and appealing looks, w ithout running
uur iiunu uown into mo oeptlis ol
your full pocket and giving bountifully
of your abundance, (how noble 'twould
be to empty tho w ho'e contents, yes,
purso and ull, right into his cold little
bunds that's ilonevolencc. Charity's
bright eyed sister, whose influence we
deny, disown and vet w hom we'd like
w v4i ciu(iuu,j iiius answering, iu
tho best way his appealing looks
don't forget, in my long parenthesis,
that I'm talking about the little boy
yet then make bis bright eyes spar
kle, and, better Btill, his poor baro led
warm, by taking him into your own,
or some oilier person'i stove, likely tc
be quite as warm as your own : then
a kind "God bless you," and you have
ie Samaritan's praise.
And Hop, young man ; I don t mean
to insult you by passing v-ou by. Oh.
no ! I nieau you w ith tho w armly
lined gloves and handsome boots, fan
cy tie of latest style and "no bogus"
,lcwe ry ; nave you nothing to give;Rayi ..' ,is j )r. Hoy n ton's church,
it'.i Liiu iMiui . i iim ini'E n r ki qrtintr
r I diiln't hoar you k.v no, did i
I r aiit yet my ears suMuin dereivo mo. I
a'mjii , a vn ;;iaa ttiuu lilt
street tliis morning, in on elegant
sicign, enveloped in cointortntle rolies,
drawn by a fancy horse Take rare,
. . .1 . ....
iniuo are not mo only ears tliat Hear
ior!r(.t not that lln who sli.mlie.-s nm'
hears if vou rcfuso to do for II Is crea
tures. If you haven't tho luxuries
you huvo tho necessaries of life, and
out of these (iivs. Ituther than let
selfishness stain your soul, sell thai
ring on your finger, that pin in your
c ravat, and take ofl'thoso w arm gloves,
and put them on the first glovelcss,
perhaps houseless, man (or woman
cither.) you meet, adding a hearty
benediction beside and tho ring, the
pin and tho gloves, will ull come back
to you ten fold, probably not assuming
tneir mem ical lorm, but certainly in
SOUIC rich b essine tm meil mum ll
j-ou , ,n. (tut don't h t your thoughts
control your actions,) you can't .art
diusc personal ornaments, (poor
l,nu,u.9 ar0 they w hile there is one crealure in your town or in j
. i i " l n i n i...... . . I
i , i.uim,; j o ceu juu wnat you can cvt.r made converts by his monument.
. Uo or you uro 110 ,min( w wi,. ..Cjenor.ll 11()ward ,,uit himsclf
01lt ie BPIllIo pr, fixeJ UI)J nul the a .,,,1, dwelling norlh of Wa-liington
hb,dc of courage in your composition t il ' ,-, re of ground give., to
, aI,J if I were a young lady wouldn't : ,,in? ou't 0f tho ono bun.ln-d licres be
im.0g,,ir.o you as sueh-you can do!,,ging to tho Howard University.
I , , 1 "l l"s 01 l"'"uJ' "ow
1 l"al,""lk ,"U"l,0'l man,)
, r .ltt. j, . r I Lno
, r ,ial j,, of ovs,c..sf.)I. T
I vou i,a,i . ;.. tt..,r, ,tlr : , ,,:,.
warm (ii,k,.r(1manJ ..jve lltnt to
, ti.c trHl ,aiWS) .,w,.s.( jlte follow
yPU ..1(,0, . now, don't lorgct.
And you, dear old, benevolenl look.
ing lany, in i aisiey snawi anil line
mull, g:iy tiotmet and dainty gaiters,
I suspect jou begun to feel afraid I'd
pass you ly without s word; but here
it comes. Hidn't you meet anybody,
when you were out calling this after
noon, whom you thought needed your
assistance ; and did you stop, and give
even a shilling, with which to buv a
little roll to appease the cravings of
hunger, which are so importunate.
I . . . .... . . i i . i
I:"00!' '.V uown ami lenuery kiss
; " ' T n "I''" ""'"?"-v K,f",,'f-
(think of that nnhodr tn kiss vou )
Iu ., . "ll". V ' '
interest, and, nuiy be, drop a tear,
fresh Inun tho fount of feeling; ordid : been sweet but for the aroma of do
you gather up your elegantly trimmed j cay that was borne upon it. But die-
xa ml
them to live unselfishly by giving to
the poor.
And, now, dear girls, I como tn yon.
I appeal to you, ye flowers in dod's
garden, as my best hope, tio iut and
!nk tho Poor, riii.t them, feed and
clothe them from vour lull board and
wardrobe. You know how noble lor -
I011" wa''' Rr"' 'hut. long as the woild
stands, w e'll hear of her, and applaud
her benevolence; but don't you know,
Porcas wouldn't have been lloreas.
and probably we'd never hsvo heard
tell of her, but lor her alms-deeds, her
- 1 K-nenmuy-ner Kin.incs, , no ...or .
, "So- now, don
In v down the .Vnii'.n-iiii
- l""" '?' "" I"1 "I "
bless the did I'orcas, and nuikr
i )""'""' n "pur man you are, no
niiilliii luiur .uni.. llint .a I
, , 11.' - . ,
1 you Know man, However seuisn ne
may be, abhors a selfish, nnkind wo
man. and loves the generous -hearted ?
snd 1 know, by instinct, (if you'll allow
ine to say so.) that yon are not insen
sible to man's admiration. M in some
noble man's lovo by your lovo for the
To one and all of you, who dwell in
oeilcd houses, walk
on s ll carpets.
sit in easy chairs by warm fires, snd
liaten to sweet mu-ic; wnncal irom
groaning tables, boast of sparkling
wine closets and sleeoon dowry beds.
1 say, give to tho poor; and tints n.f
your gratitude for the comforts
has riL-a v howorou on you.
Pr, Pen i'ln mM ("lei-riil Ho'W'nrti,
I 'i'. V' n1 0I1 in h:ip! .in id I ho
ol ).' 1 1 - 1.1 1. 1 1 i , Im Ii i-. pl ool po.
11 n 1 luct In iss i'i'uiI l.'.nlii-iil in pr 11 pt
nml pim lii v tn in rnl Jlon nrd is li t
I 'oiniiii -sioiirr ol tho 1 p edniHn'n !lu
rcim, whi-h is siifliciciil ev ideuvo thit
he is of the snmo rstiasiun. They
Hie boih C risiiHiis 11I1 a dark stnpo
down tl'nj ai ks, Bnd consequently
love the HTiT. as a man and a brother,
as long as there ia anything to bt
made of him pecuniarily or' politically.
They lire, professedly, follower of tho
man of sorrows, who preached peace
on earth mid good will to men, and
soiiio may regard it at inconsistent
with their profession thst they should
feel host ilily to the people of the South,
and express all their regard for the
black man. lint liadicnlism is demor
alizing, and undermines christian prin
ciples as it docs the honesty of those
who profit by ofliccs under it. Dr.
lioyiitoii and Gen. Howard are both
denial aliacd. 'l imy lovo tho darifc,
but they have come to listo each otL
er with a malice which finds no ubato
menl. Christian charily is lost sight
of in personal vindictiveness. and they
huvo been "pitching into" each other
in the most savao maimer imagina
ble, in the church and 011 tho street,
to their ow n satisfaction, but to the
scandal of thoso who have been wont
to pray with them. The fact is, their
quarrel illustrates tho old adage that
two of a trade can never ngreo. Dr.
Uoynton runs a "nigger" hnrch, and
Gen. Howard controls a '"nigger" liu-
rcau. And so they fell out ; and there
is no hopes of their making up and
loving euch other as they did before
the shadow of blackness fell upon their
daily walksund conversation. It seems
that Gen.Uowurd wants to command
in the church as he does in the Bu
reau, and bunco the difliculty. In this
connection the correspondent of the
Chicago Times, a good liadical in per,
is rather hard on the Freedmau's Bu
reau. He says :
'General Howard has been at fault
in this matter from tho beginning.
The renown of his name is widespread,
He entered tho war a poor man, com
paratively, and, being a temperance
man, a church member, a 1'reedmau's
Bureau man, an anti-slavery man, and
finally a wounded man, bo got the
suppdn. v. .. S . j
Wurd lieecher, raised money, started,
a grand Congregational Church hero,
and also a negro university accessory
to it
'Dr, Boynton was called tho Church
a Cincinnati clergyman born in Mas
sachusetts, in poor health jind fond of
historical writing. General Howard
soon found this fellow countryman of
his to be as decided in opinion as him
self. Tho General, meantime, had
become rich, and bis arrogance in
creased with his temporalities. Ho
wanted a docile preacher, so that peo
ple passing the new temple should not
..... n'i' , ., ii i.i r
Fi'v fl llinion ooenrmd. fi.n,ral
Uyward was a negrophobiht, bolicving
in the absolute social equality of w hilo
and black. Boynton also was an in
tense Itadicul, but he advised the col
ored peoplo of his church, w ho were
growing numerous, to organize them
selves into a separate society, believ
ing that they could do more good in
this way. Then fierce quarrels began.
General Howard "going lor" Jlr. Boyn
ton once, even at the communion table.
Mutual scandal begau. The General
refused to advance money to the church
unless Uoynton ate his words or re
signed. Tho congregation bucked np
Boynton. At hist a grand council of
clergymen has been called to judge
between Boy ii ton und Ilownrd, and
the papers are full of crimination and
recrnuinulion. It is singular to me
that a man cannot build a temple
without wanting to play tho organ ia
it. A lurgo pcreentago of Churches
in tho United Slates were raised by
the personal energy of some ono lay
man, who lost his crown of lionor at
last for a personal tiunv, and mado
nioro imiJels by his example than he
-" . 1
This house is visible from Capitol 11.11,
t,vo or three miles distant. He is a
.; i. .
1 1 1 V I Mill IIIUIIb n Ull 1IIUI1 uivinia.
( nit lilt ill (i i " ti s.t-1 1411 il uuiKiiinin, It'll
i .,,.,. in life, ill-balaneed. and his i.ictv
iii the present instance is liascd upon
that of the middle aires, w hen nriiices
fnnJ-l roliiriouB eeiulilishments. and
then w ished to expound the gospel for
Ili.AVTir.i l.. Tho following is from
the pen of Watson, tho poet-editor of
the Atlanta Era and is very pretty :
"The old year has slid noiselessly
out at tho back door of time. How
ke that of nn old man was its end.
! It had ils second childhood, lis face
' gre't sunny, and thero was a pleasant
. I. .. i .. 1 , I ..
, ... osw ..m
' ' ,'. """ ""'" . j
f rollick over priinrose beds and violet,
i,,, J ,. ,,.,, , .
i bis breath was w arm, and w ould have
w ith a shroud, ho dropped into the
fast. Tet him lie. We have had his
encfil9 and rebuffs. We have
had bis sorrows and pleasures. Ho
has given us tears, but ho bns dried
them with Biniles. So let him rest,
, and us we turned to him with hopeful
! anticipations, so do wo now turn to
A geological student being asked
win re arsenic w as Imiiid, replied thnt
j it was very often fuund in the stom
achs oi ucau women.
An Indiana duiry woman stamp her
butter with a set of hilse teeth. This
is unique, but tho lutter doesu't sell
Shiioling liull'nloes from ear win
dows is a lavorite sport on tho Uuion
lloslnn Coibett, who shot J. Wilkes
l!oot h, is now preaching regu'arly at
New l.ond n.
' us liave peace," as tho fellow
said when lie Im ked up his wife in the
Six miles a day is ttie rate of track
laying on the l'ucif.c l!ailroad.
A desirable domestic, bird a dock
1 rM , . s 1 ,.tl Ri
1 I htraim : in mi to have ereotoa o
Mn. fir W tha wr, the arrad for fw(
Wkt are at 1b r4u eH, wM rt"rwi
n w. wcfiii.
i'JX't-tZ.lrjrjZZ 'T. ! th if mad. it c only U tHj 1 partner.
miUe of building this year.
T tfce i-r(mTir aviak c
3 erata. liverr rrt fh"i hm 9W- t: