Tin: ui-rrm.iax. i ii'l.n, i'A.' TlinrlT Mm nine, January 1. I"ti!s. A SERIOUS JOKE. Tnr. liAMiiut or mixivi miinkh on riNCIXNATI MT.A MMIM. A day or two ninco an I'lilrvly pnn- lllMllllll tlHlk tllO CillCillllllli ln'ilt Bt tliia point, in coiii:iny willi ft miuli younger gciillomnw, iluhii'iiini; to dhhh a day or two in necludcd (.'intiiiiiiili Mid then return to tlio hum nnd hnr.. of noiHy Louisville, xv hero hotli live, nnd xvheve they will both read ttiiri brief nllusion, at tho f-nmo time, per haps, Ihnnkins their stars that their names nro withhold. (jetting out of fcitflit of their native city, nnd nobody else troni there ucinj? aboard, they resolved on inakinj: the most of their time; so, oUinj,' glori ously drunk, they reveled until loo tipsy to tako caro of themselves, when they wore necessarily put to bed. For nn hour or two both slept undisturbed, but at length tho delicious oblivion broko ns to tho elder, and ho awoke to find himself in a very dark place, with n noiso that teemed equal to ten thousand threshing machines jinking in his cars. In n lew minutes he re covered suflicicntly to romember that bo was on n steamer, nnd with the recollection of tho water ho nil ntonco felt a burning thirst parching his throat nnd almost consuming him. ilaking his way out into tho cabin as quietly ns possible, so ns not to dis turb his Bleeping friend, ho relieved himself at tho xvaler-coolor, nnd as he xvns returning to his stale room ho bo xv somo of tuo passengers playing a game of cards, llo stopped, hecume somewhat interested in the game, nnd forgot all about going back to bed. Whilo tho elderly gentleman was out in tho cabin, tho younger gentle man axvoke. 2s"ot quito so boozy us his companion, bo remembered having retired to tho state room, and ho com menced feeling nronnd in tho dark lor his room mato. To his horror, the older gentleman was gone, but his watch and pocket book were beneath tho pillow, and the young man sallied out of the stato room in search of his missing companion, lie was nudo of everything but a ghostly night suit, but ns ho stepped into tho cabin he was not observed, everybody having retired except tho small party who wero playing cards lbrxvnrd. As he looked, ho espied his friend stooped over and intently watching tho pro gress of tho gmuo, and nil at oneo a brilliant idea ktruck him. llo would jilny a practical joke on tho elderly individual, llo would go and take the watch and poc ket book nnd hido them, and then witness bis friends discotn fituro at missing them, for ho knew tho elderly gentleman always dreamed of robbers nnd pickpockets when on a journey. 2vo sooner did tho thought strike liim than ho started to execute it. Hastily getting out of tho cabin, he firoeeeded to tho berth supposed to iave been occupied by his friend, nnd commenced moving his hand nbout, , but was suddenly startled by a short, quick grunt, nnd then a heavy body rullcd out of tho berth, ami then a series of hideous yells and shrieks fol lowed tho contact of tho body With the floor. "Mein Got! Moin Got! Murder! Murder-r! Mein Got! Murder-r-r! Hoppers ! Tievcs ! Ob, mein Got ! Bolischo! liolischo!" "Oh, for hoax-en's Bako, dry up, you d old Dutch fool ! You'll bave me arrested, you will ! llush !" cried tho young man. 'Oh, mein Got! Help! IJoppers ! iiolischo: ycllej ttio JMitsclier. Then tho stato room door was burst open, and in poured the excited pass engers, who, hearing tho terrible cries of iho affrighted Gorman, had at once jumped to tho conclusion that a party of ilradeuburg pirates had hoarded tho boat, and were c utting tho throats of the sleeping travelers. Tho young man, in attempting to arry out his practical juke, had by mistake stepped from tho cabin into a stale room next tho one he and his friend occupied, and in his search for tho watch and pocket book ho had aroused a corpulent gentleman from ovcrtho llhino, nearly frightening him inUi fits. Tho supposed robber was immedi ately seized by tho passengers, and tho frightened Gorman was witli dilli culty pacified. In tho moantitno the friend of the unforlanato young man tame up nr.d attempted to explain the situntion, but with littlo success, and it was only by cettinc on tho irood sido of tho German gentleman that tho two friends succeeded in cdearing themselves. Thcynrrired in Cincin nati in the morning, and, having ron solod the injured parly, were allowed togo their way without being arrested. raETTV Poi,!Tr.vrs. Next in imor tJinco to children's health are their manners, nnd thongh tho burden of keoiiing tbo littlo deijrs in conditions may be shnrcd by tho doctor, with fathers nnd mothers alono rests the reonsibili(y that they come not to offend in matters of ct'ionette, either now or in tho futuro. Iho enforce ment of tho proprieties is. a duly thrv owe, not only to their children, hu't to society at large, who cunriot ha ex ported to tolerate tho nntnanliness of other ppnplc'i ollpring npon tho ground of peculiar temperament, etc, too often t'io weak excuses of weak er parents for their misgovern nient. Let Iiortnes. rn l.'iica mi. I m,,r-... iini'iisilivenoss thrn ho put under cor t ion, nnd tho infantile wor'd espe cially advised to more liberal use, in tonvcrsation with their ciders, or the tt handles l,.,,.y (i,0- l,rc 'oinc to dr.. j, as if hot. ' A pAnMuT. Hliiloliihoreri were demoh.birg ,,j (:M i,,,;!,,, jn twcnty-sev.ntl, F(r0(ti ew Wk. Oi'T discovers ; , ,, nost n ro "t bills amounting i fj.:K About eifht years n--i o tf tltf oecin.ani ol tho house Inst tllC mc,ry. At ,lifi timo a yomirs mnn r,m'cd Uillinm Unnmiiii-s.a I. rk in a tea store, was Iso.'ir.linrr at this honso. As he was the Inst one seen in the room prior to the loss, ho was suspected of tho ,v,b l'cry, and upon ,jr,r, nrrested was convicted nftbrj crime, mined in char acter anj B,.t to prison; liectniii" lisipa4 bo evidently died on Mack" wells Island. T.f "rU of ''""'"ton have de cided the recent election of a Kadical tnnyor.n that cUy illegal, and a new election is to t:,ko plnec. Th l!adi rals do, once in a while, curry elections in a way that their own courts cannot appruvc. i nr. i m -itonxoii it i n tin. Y a. klkm ( N m i a r hat. In nlt.-n .1 "I I t ti l a ri.-L'' il .M t . tlnl t..nrt Ml tti' I'Sr.. i l il I ftt'li s.fars,' Xv !r.'i,i tlf .!.! en. I II I' 'I ae.l " I a snug limn knit; I ' up I' l I'"" stairs. T" 1!Mm! t" tlii' T, rt'n' I- a t. ll. (" 11,11 ihr n r- Ihr re is lnlil and llio air ratlin mre; And llir mi w I In It'il'l t'tt a siin.liinT ilitv II- ;.-iaiul, llir.mli llif chnui.-) I'l'l tir I lie war. Tlii Mini lil'l" rlminVr Is iMiiinini il In nil iiKi ku XX Mil K.Mllll.V "III kllll klKi Slid silll il. l.ii.iks. Ami 1....I i - Il "III i.IU mid l""hli "'il vii 1. : ('lii' lvi'il ti n trimis In.ui lip.lnrs, cheap kii'l'S.iWr rniin tniad. ON! n nn-ir. print.. pi, !iiris,pip-s.i'liiii,'iill',re(iKp,) ol rit-k.'l r lal-hs. anil ehaire lirnltrn harked j A two pennv treasure, wnndruns tii , What mutter? 'lis plcaant tu jou, Iriend, and me. Vi l.ettrr ilivnn need Ihr sultan require Than the en-akinx nld aula that habits Uy the Are; A rnl 'lis W"!i Irllul, Min ly, wlml Illume "tl gil I r.'Ui Iho rii ki-ty, rainshui'kh', whi-i-ry nui-t. Tlitit priiyiiii; rti! enme from n Turciimnn'i on.i ; I'v 'I iln-r "ill" tMinkltil that braii.ii "hi tiiiii A MHim liikr ni-nf ynti.hT .jfrir.-r lian ilrawn; "fii a muriicruua kmlu U Ufl uiulhua Uuu. Lori)?, lin;r Itirmtgh tha t.oum, and tho night, and tho clmni'K, llvre we tiilk of old hotik, and old friend, and old times ; A we sit in a fog made of rirh Latakle, This chamber if Jileaiant tv you, friend, and me. Iliitnf nil ttif cheap treasures that (rarnish my ntt, 1'here's one that 1 iove and ehensh tlio bet t Fur Iho finest uf cnui-hos that's fiadili'd with hair, 1 never Would change thee, uiy eane.boltotued chair. 'Tis a tiaiidy-leged, high shouldered, worm eaten eat. Willi a creaking old hack, and twisted old feet ! Hut slime the titir morning when Fanny sut there, 1 bless thee and love thee, old caue-botli'lned chair. If chairs have tiut ft-clinir.iu holding such charms, A thrill must have passed through your withering old arms ; I looked and J longi'd. I wished in despair I 1 wished myself turned to a oune-bottomed chuir. It was but a motnrnt she sal in this place; She'd a scurf on her neck, and a smile on her face A smile on her luce, and a rose in her hair, And she sut there ami bloomed in my cnue-boltoincd chair. Ant! so I have valued mv chair ever since, Like the shrine of a saint, or the shrine of a prince ; Munt ruunv. mv nulrouess sweet, 1 declare The iiieeu of my heart and my cane bottomed chair. When the candles hum low, and the company's gone, in the silence ol ni:lit as 1 sit here alone 1 sit here ali'lic, hut we yet are a pair My F'anuy I see in my cane-bottomed chair. She pomes from the past and revisits my room She looks, as she thru did, nil beauty and bloom; So sinning an,l tender, so fresh and so lair; And yonder she sits in my cuue-hottomed chair, lllli DEATH OK Till; OI.I VDAIt. BT JOHS B. W ITHERS. Farewell ! Farewell, 01,1 Year! Thy requiem we must smg : Thy dnys and nights have flitted by, On time's relentless wing. Joys and prirfs thou brought, Alike to Serf and King, Fultilled thy destiny and now lJcigu'tit not to time to cling. Many in thy brief reign Have echoed first th'dr voice; And in thy catalogue of drath, Jlast thou or not been cboioc? Pome who improved thv time, lied victors in the strife; They died ! oh, no ! they just began To enter into life. Others, alas! Ah, Well! 'Tis not for us to say, He knows Ills chosen ones, W ho rules the ''Shining way Is not a lesson taujht. In thy sad death, Oid Year? )la man naught else but earth to love? .Naught rl-, but death to bar,' After thy death wou!dt thou Come back to us again ? Nn, a new name is git en you, , And in that name Uiou'lt reign, So If thou hast fulfilled, On man ! tl.y destiny reborn, In a new name prefer to n ign. When this Old Year is gmie. A floMANCE of LirE. The Fairfield oxvn, Leilqrr, contains a romance which we condense: Years ago a Pennsylvania limner loved a charming X'ottng girl from his oxvn village. rimcpasKcdon. Farmer occasionally got tight, or in other words, started a brick yard in his hat. Wife objected ; fanner becamo angry, stabbed his wile with a butcher knife. Wife fell swooning to the floor. Farmer leaves precipitately for tho West. Wile re covers. After fivo years, marries again. Husband dies in a year. She leaves for thoVcst. Arrives at Fair- view. Mops at a bonrdingliouso j meets her former husband j years have passed; sho does not recognize him, nnd ho knows her not. Jlo loves her, proposes. Sho accepts, they marry. Mot twenty-four hours after the cere mony wile disrobes ; an ngly scar is visible; hiishiitid soes this senr is utterly, amazed. Truth dawns uiion them it is tho long lost husband. once an assassin, now a sober, wealthy merchant ol rnirview. hvcrylbing is lovely, and "all's well that ends well." How Mrni IIahm. A clerk in a Iry pood store retired one nipht, liavini; fur his bed fellow an acquain tance dating hack to school days. Our informant slept in the next room adjoining, thetioornf which waspartly open. Jn tbo mmdlo of tho night he says ho was awnkened from Bleep by hearing tho clerk in a loud tone of voice exclaim, "how many j-ards did yon say yon wanted, mann ! Three yards ononirh " and tho next thing hoard a tearing noisa, and tho bed lellow of the clerk shouted out, "what arc j-on doing yon have torn my shirt from top to bottom !" The poor urcnnuT imagined inniseii in Ins store waiting on a lady customer, who wanted three yards of calico. Tho should cf merrimen w hich the event created ran well bo imagined. An Oi.n I)isfAsk In a New York Institution for charitable relief, a woman who applied for medical aid stated her disenso to bo "jVrMfmn nt the heart." Tlio doctor, with a twin kle of tho eye, said, "il is not an un common complaint with your sex, and cav to cure if the proper remedy is used. ' She was also, suffering w ilii a "fhrouiJt of tho hack," ns she said. A millor nv liig ttfitrM-or arroloil under the r hiinro of t'lir.y whoiit frmn mill. Iut licin nnahlo to siilwtiiTitinto tlto f linriro y j.ro'if, (In court ndjudirc'l that tlio miller tshoul I mnkp nn ninlfiy io tlio nocusivl. Wtn,' MiiJ ho, "I hnvo had ynu nr rosh'.J fur fitmlin mrhofit I can't prove it nn.l nm wry for it.' "Vo'jn man, wouM yoa mipposo that tlio Lord's juayor could he en graved in a -iaoc no hiriror than the area of anicklo cent V "Yc, father; if a cent is a tvr in prervhotJy' eyes ns in your, tlx mv would ht no'difiieul ty in jititim; it on nhout four timos." Kvery person should I n U:i!ed in fell ncti(itiR hya dottiro to hciiefit limn kind. We ishoiild notliveforouTtIv nlono. Tho worM claims our ais lunro. and ive incur tho wrath of God ii it ia not given. Tho Mongrels of Chiilieolho, Ohio, hnve a pleasant sensation a dozwj dcBcrted his wife to lopo with a whit girl. It is considered a sign of negro equality. inmii.wiis uKim i;mu;s II on (la n d (.Yrin mi Tonic; Tht Orriit H-trr-Iift fntf nil tf I bp Lifer, P.in. h, or iHfeMnt 1 1 tl1:l tltlH (mtiiiiui 1'itUTH In.r.imrr.Ml of th rtirc Jiilc (yr, nn thiy r inHirinaPr Icrnn'i., hilri l) f rot, liflrti. ark. II rrrati.n biftily conrf ntratttil o d - niirrly "(rut truiu tcutiolie t.huiiiure of ny kind" IkHilluiul'ti Gorman Tunic In a combinatloo of Iba ItifFredirnti of iht Hitlf rf, with the purniit qutii of Hnt Crus Hum, Orange, Ac DitikinK one of thf mti plr Mnt bVOiI KrB)lo remelii tpt oflerei lu Iht puI. Ho. Thofl proferritifr medicine free frutu loobolio ttltniiture, will u IIoothmJ'B Gormiin Bitters. Thone whn hare no objection to the eombin lion of the Jtittere at itird, will use IIoollanJH Gorman Tonic. They ere both equally good, end contain the tut me medicinal virtue, the choice bet wood the two bein mere matter of tuete, the Tonio being the oioit palatable. The stomach, from a mrlety of raiiiri, inch ai Indention, CyBpepnia, Nrvouf lability, etc., ii ttv apt to have itf funo4i'.ue derang ed. Hie Lircr eyra I 1 pathirin)? a cloiely at it dim with the htniaarli, then be- oomee aflivTti l, the reault of which In that the patient fuflori from icvoral or more of the fol lowing diooaies : Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Ptlen, Pullnerr uf Iliood to the Hi ad, Acidity of the Ftom acb, Nautea, Heart Dura, Lisgui fur food, FullncM or Weight in the buiinarh. Sour Kruptione, Smit ing or Hutterinpat the pit ofthe Stomach, Swim minR of the Head. 11 u rr i e d or Difli cult breathing, fluttering of the Ileart.Chokioj or Huf fucating icnwationi when In a lii)f punture, Dimneee of viaion, dots or webe before the eyei, dall pain In the head, deficiency of per. epiration, yellowoeftp of the ekin and eyee, Pain in the aide, back, cheat, limba, etc., sudden flubbee of beat burn id jr. flcub, ccnutaot imajciniiicja of evil and great depreaitTiin of apirita. The aulTerer frtm thee dixeacea aboult) exer ciae the preatcat caution In Ibc aeieectiun ol a remedy for hia eaef porcbaalni; only that which be il aeured I I from bia in.eitifra tiona and inquiries poafeasea true merit, ii ihitlfnlly eumpounded, la free from if jurloai Ingredient i, and bai eptabliahvd for itaelf a rfputatiou fur the cure of tbeae diaeaaea. In tbii eonnrrtiun we would lubmit thoee well known remedui IloollanJ'a Gorman Bittors, IltKjflamrs Gorman Tonic, Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACK-ON, rhiladel hia, Ta. Twenty twe yeari linci thry were flrat Intra duced into tbii country fmm Germany, during whirh time they hare undoubtedly performrd more curea, and Vcuulitvd eutTritig humanity to a jrrcater exteut, than any other remcdiea known to the publio. Three remediei will effectually eore LWcr Complaint, Jaundice, - Li.wpepnia. Chronic or Ntrroua Pebility, Chroni r IHarrbra, Liineaica of the Kid neja. and all difeaaee aria'mg from ft DuurJered Lirer, fetomach, or Interlinei. Rasulting from any cause whatever ; Prostration of the system iociuofd bj aever. Labur, iiarilaLipa, Exposure, Fev.re, . e Ther. ia no medicine extant equal to these lemedies in eucb eases. A tune anil viffnr is imparted to the whole system, lb. appetil.il tri nf tbened, foi ie enjoyed, the stumach di-fc-esls promptly, the hl.od is purifiel. the com plexion becomes enund and haoltby. the yeilov titifre is eraJuated from the erea, a l.loom is (tiren to the -cheeks, and the weak and nerrous invalid beeonses. iL'onf and bealthj beinf. Persons AJvanceJ in Life, and feeliof the band of tim. wsl(rhin( beaelly ur-oo tliem, with all ite attendant ills, will find the use of these Hitters or the Tonic-, an elixir that will instil new lile into their veiaa, restore in a measure th. energy and ardor of more yootblu! days, build up their shrunken forms. and eTive bualth and bappinese to their remaining Tsars. Notice. It Is a well established fact that fully one. half of the female po rlion of our popnla- lionare ecliiom in tho I enjoym"nt of good health, or.to use thier own expression, they "nerer feel well." Tl.ey are lancuid, devoid of all enerjry, extremsly nervous, and he?e no ap atite, to this class of persons the liittert, or the Tonic, ia especially recommended. Weak mul Delicate Children are made stronf by the use of either of these remedies. They will cure every eaeoof istarasMs without (ail, Th'.u'acde of certificates bave accumulated In the bands of the proprietor, but space will allow of the publication ol hut a few, Tboee, it will be ohscrrr.l, are men of note, and uf tuck standing ti.at they must he believed. Tcsliiinuii.'ilH. ITnn. fleorc W. Woodward, Cbief JuhUm cf the Pnpreme Court of Fnnp?lrBnia, writhe : rhilRiiclphis Pa.', March 1ft. lt. "I find HcK.ri.ATtn'a . lorTaat i pnoj tonic, useful in Aitmmtoh difrnt it nreann, and of RTal benrflt in ?a?ep of ifbiiiiT and want of nerrou acliow in the pjileu. ioura, trulj, tiai. . Wooiiwauu." TIoii. JanM Tbnwpunn. Judge of tb Fupremc Court of Tenony.'""'' writee. I'hilndflphia, April JS, lSf. "I rorifidrr Iloofland'n (tertnan It ,ttprn a q- aV.a mriiicine-in cf of Indigrptinn or ljpp. tta. 1 can certify hit frota epr.inr, Yourt, witb rcrpcrt, J a nr. TBSMraoa.' From ReT. Jncph T. Kernard. D. I. Tailor of the Tenih i)aptiit Churrb, riiiladeiphii : lr. Jri.im It par Sir : I hare been ft equcftt ly rentiffted to connect mv nam with recnm men taitotie nf dificrent kind of medicine, bat regarding tha prae T tireae oat of mj ap propnaln sphere, 1 jv bare in allflmetde dined : tut with ft clear pronf in variolic inpUncee, and pnrtirnlarl in mj own family, of tbe anelu.neef of I'r, iiooflantj Merman Itinera. 1 deptrt for once frnra my a.ual poun, to ri prext mj full eniclion thai for gpneral debility of tbe nTsttem, and expecialtr for Liver Com plaint, it if a oafe and valuable preparation. In eotoe caeff it may fail, bat apually, I donlil not. it wili ba vrrv heofliria, to U, ore bo eufter from the above taupe. Youri, very rctpertfullv, - J. 1' KM.n, Eighth, below Coalwi iSireeu. Tmm TlT F . Ffn-UH, KJit:r of Chriiliafc "Ciif'.liicle," I'htladrri'bia : I have dt-mrd deridt tl benefit from the ne of Ilo -flaiid 'p li-rman Hit lera, and feel it Bit pr vi- Irpp tr rerf.iniF'T:d t ti m hi motf ralDnh'c t-nir Iv ail who are euftertng Iron gmeral debility or from di"cape ftneit.g from d'rar cmenl of th liver, aourt, Uaiy, fc V. Feshalu Caution. Ho. f an !'i Qrrman Hittera are enunterM'ed.. Fee that th ei;ii lure of C. M. JAt h- S' ia on the tap I 1 per of eab bottle. AM other" era fmi ' terfeit. Prife-pal Odiee and lanufecturr. at toe Herman M'-dionl Store, Hit. C-ii Arch atreet, rbiladlbia, Pa, C IIRI.Kt M. l;V, Pmrrletor (FortuftrTy C. M. Jack ion A Co.) l'rico, IIck fland't German Hitter, per hMtla fl ns fwT half wnaen. Booftanda German Tonie, put ap in ;nart botllei, pM-b'.ttlt w.. 1 Or a half doien for rf-Do not forret eiamine well tie article yon buy, in order la jet tha genu in a, IMrFoT ftala by all drpigiita and dealer Is n.tiioi,eft, jjIa ij urn nnd VHrrtifinf;, ii i: ti o v ii. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, it ii r ; ; I s t fl , .VmlLrf Slrrtl, nrflfrf, Vn. H ktsr Ut lo inform i.ur rM h4 nr rfh-nirr, that hmv fmnfi onr ? pr.-lr. on .Mfttki tl Hri I, hMiily itin.ttin. lli V.rs. ,1, II - i.-f on tli wrL nd t,l i v-if M ,,. UmliNin k h'ltn' iturt; lnr mv ryw Uuilr tnrtie tti pnl'lic It r..tne ud buy tlirir Drugs, Chemicals. Tatcnt Mediciues, OILS, PAINTS AND VAHNISllKS. Our urk of Pruri nd Mdicfnt con tit I of Turyfbing nied, Kcltcled w ilb tb grtcii cr, ml WARRANTED BTRICTtY PURE! W 1 keep full ttork of Dy , rrrftimrrirt, Toilet ftrtirlfi, KuapH, Tnolb Itruitiit llftir lrnBh, W bilewn-h llronbei, anti rry olbr kirn llrutnei. n bar ft large lot tti WHITE IiKAI), TUIiPKNTINK, FIiteeJ Oil. PaiDtx, and in fact ererTthinic tned in the pointing buiineei, vbicu we Qer al fit j price to cab boyeri. TUIJACCO AND 6E0AH3, Confectionery, Fiilrep, and tho largest 'itock of rmnotioi ever o He red In thu place, mnJ warrant d to be of tbe but tb Market ttlur.ii J. U. IlAHTSWrCK, Vow. 2fl, I88. JOUN V. IK WIN. NEW ARRANGEMENT. I. . SMilir. i it IW i STt (Second itreet, opposite the Court Home.) c i, I . A H I 1 1; r n, Pe d a s. TflUK pubecriben rrepectfully announce to the X eitueni of Clear!, old and vicinity, thai be baa now en hand a full upply of HIIUCS, PATENT MEDICI XKS Dy tiluff, Tobacco, Cifam, Contectioncriee Mtionerv. 4o. rJIVSK'IAN.S Will find hiiatock of Drutri Ft LL and COM FLETE, and at a very slight advance on Katrn price. SCHOOL I500KS; Tearheri and other will be fumUbed with claepiealand miicellaneooi bouki by eipreu,at hurt notice. STATIOXKIIY, ConeiPtinf of Cap, Flat Cap. Foolieap, Letter and Perfumed XoteFapert; alfo, a very neat itork tif Mourn in it, Note Taper aud Lurelopet on hand. rent, rent hp. ink, ce. j i o r s i-: k k rr f. n.s Will And a full stock of PUSH Sl'ICKS, POI, SOUA ASH. CuDCentriled I.VK. SOP, e. LADIES AM) GENTLEMEN' Are refueted to ei amine bia ttork of Perfumery, Hair Oil Fin Toilet Soapi, li rat bee, CotnU, Toilet 8ett, Ac. .SMuKKli.S AM) CHEWEKS Will find a full ftupply of prime Cbewina; and Rraokinr TOliAC'U. Imported and Isosteiue CIUAHS. nuiT. Fine-Cut. Ac, Ac. CAKIIUN OIL, Of the heil hmndp. mmny$ on hand. LlolOKS. The belt (jnaHtr of Luinor alwayi on hand, for medical purpneee. wr rbyeinaoi Prescription! promptly d carefully ronpoanded. Apri 9, 1M.II, A. L FHAW. NATURE'S GliEAT JIESTUIIKU C II i: LTI'H Celebrated Biller Cordial. f'lHIS mediral prfparatin It now nft-rri to 1 tbe public as a rrlia.'te ubiitut for tbe many wortt.lfit compuunda nbi-h dow fl'Kd ifae mark ft. It ia purely Tellable, eompoped of vartoua herba, fmbered from the great atorw houpe of mture, ai.d aclected wiib the atraoet car. It ii not recommend' d aiaCi ait All. bat by ita direct and aalutary irfloence npon the Heart, Liver, Kidnryi, Luti, Htomati and Howele, It aril both aa a ireteniio and cure for many of tbe diral to wbirb tbnee orgnttt are luliject It ita reluMe Family Me'hnna, and can tt taken ty titber inlant or aiult witb tbe earn beneficial remlti. It if a certain, prompt and rpeedy remedy for Iiarrhd'a, lye entarr. Towel rnmplaint, Ityppeptia, Lowneu of f-pinti, FaintfntTP, hirkhcedarhe, A r. F r Chill and fevan of ell kind, it ia far tetter and aafer than any quinine, witboot any cf ita per nicioui effi'Cte. It ereatet an arpetite, prorea a powerful dijeiter, ed will eoanteract tbe effect of liquor in a few mlnutee. Prepared by J A CUB IlkKTZ, Sol fropneior, N. W. Mr. Pifth and'Kaca itreeU., Philadt hia. Pa. Hold by all I'rufriiU. (n6vl2-ly Attention, Afflicted I FII II K ftubicriber pirei notice ttat he haa L reiumed tbe practice of Mrdicine In Luth etburiT, wbere be intendi to demte hip attrn ti.n to tiie treatmenl of CHRONIC Mi-KAShS infrneral. He will kep on hard a choice ee lection ol 1HI UHaad WKlUl INKS adapted to tbe treatment of chronic diieate, and may be consulted at hia oSea at afly hour of the day. N. II. A word to thoee afflicted witb chronic dipeaei may b to tbbi ed ran tape. Wait mit rot be aware that corn tar Phi mriant who do a KtniKQ practice hare not Tin' to attend lo tha treatment of rnnomc ducaeee, and eone qurntly hkglkct them ; brnra tbii clan of dia eaies requirn icu'-piv eitrhtHin. lihoKUK UlLhON, M. D. Lutfcenhorjt, Feb, JT, inr.S-tf 1l lt. IK.inii.cn, lluhbeire. hrmke'a. HtMsfland'a German, Hattatter'i and Urene'i tuyjreneted Kitten ; alo pura Liquera. of all kind for tedicinai rorpnpfP, for iaie bv HARTSWI'-K A IRWTV, Clearfield County Bank. tpHB Clearfield Cownty Hank aa an Incorfora. 1. te-d imtilution baa font oat of vxiptenct b? the aurrenderof iu charier, on May 12, Ifrfti. All ita itock ia owned by the anhaenhers bo will continue tha Hankinc buftnea ai tie lame place, ai private Bankeri, under the firm name of the "Clearfield County Hank." We are re pponaible for the debte of the liank, ar. j will pay ita notei on demand at tba counter. I'cp mu rer-eired and interept paid when bonrj ia left for a fixed lima. J'apar diaeounied al an pr cent aa beretnfora. (tur penonal rcponMbility i pledged for all Iopnita received and bunne tranaictcd. A continuanc of tls a liheral pat ron are of the huainaee men of tha county ia re. e.efttuUv eoliei'ed. Aa Prepident, (.achier and officerj of tha late Clearfield County Hank, we require ihe notei of aaid Bank to ba praeented i"r reoempTion. JAS. T. I.F'iNASD, r.lrnARD FHAW, M. roHTKIl. JAS. B. CIRAUAH, A. K. KI'illT. (I. L H FED. . A. WALLACE. The lastnes of the Rank vill h, eoni1oetrd hy Joha M. Ailaens., Ksi., as Caeaier. fjonIH,'(l 3. I". M llirk. FdwaH Terks. bakking 4 collection house mcgirk &. perks eSocecaaora t FoPtcr, Perka, A Co riillipohurct I'fiitre Cmmnty, Pa, "Xl"" HFI.K all the bti-inew of a l.arkinp Ilo0- T f will I lranartfd pnnnjitly and hj n t lie Bio-t favorahle ty-maa. win r 7 If County National Bank. ri.rAiinnit. pa. TniS PanV Ii wow open and ready for hol nepa. t'ffie on Second itreet, in the build ing formerly ocrupted by Leonard. Fmaej A Co. J4. B. flit AM AM, RirilARO FHAW. w M. A. 'AI,l.ACKt A. K. WHIUHI, I. W. MOOKR, V M. FOHTK1, oko. L. a y.h.i). JAS. T. LKjVArrt, Prcrarat ja2K,'fij taphier. Valuable Town Property FOK SALK1 SrTTTE en the ...n'h wert cTff nf Chrrry and Tnfd H recta, fttc'rf lU-lnil ptrcei.t to wttr A 1.1 ' T, wMh a fond l Hor,- tr. tA bu:ld iiiiT th' ren, br If f -1. one n-f tti nn ra- h tV-or, tt"n'.le for ft itt-re, r o'hef hnir.e. Al"". the aii .ttrrc 1-1 T. w:'h a two .t..r, d-,l ng hi tin rcn, and aerenl ohf-r 7 ' W .mi s, Al-o.a lot of we'i l.r,t pp.lfK. mui a r-d ncaK.rtn ent f-f KT'iMiW Af:h, nvk mn irfka. Jra. Pmil I'nnp. etc., at rr t r, , T - J -m. For farther tri formation, in.inin B , Muni war Pottery or J'. Ll.lTf t; i K, ,!.VH CUarOld, Pa. Truaara anal hdonliral fupportrt of erery kind Ofthe lateil Impmremenu, fr ale at aa Inif Store of UAHTWICk A IRW1.V. 11TUI.f eV rcSTAIU.r.I FKi: We bce printed a larre nutntteraf the imw t k.h. PlUIa, and Will on the reee.t.i f i.aMt. ihvwcoia,awft.jleanyadire. lrii.il 5Htn'l'.rmfits, ShcrilT's Salos. UT,v:: ta , t. -- ifl nt t t mn" I l,.e Cs'TtM, ). 0,r Ii i 'Minn . t'. . ml! el the I '.ir! Imm 1 trt tli hv.r"f-h ( ' I a ificl.l. i. Mt rl T, III t III) Ut " t .lmni' , tfc ' Ml 1 f i 1. rV. r. m. A .r:.(r (tw1 n - itlnistf ifl lt l 'n I. .f,. lit' li I . , . .!.. .1 ( M-.-tn: I'i i.iii' t - 'intll I in llf !o'Hli rill 111'- "t ti tl it know n i t l.i- i in I lit'' ! t.Mitln mi hue Ii 1 . . i m.. m-c p-'tih ( !-i j.. r . i ! nl.-m- r.irin-r, tli-n, pouin j -i ,i I i.r li.-t to r y t n i'i iiJ..i.n I iv . tti nr-- mU-un 1 T(h mI luir ir rth J"J drir.-' .(il !: lu n Ii the ple f cinmi c. .ikfamf hf l u --r-r d ti ! nlhiimiico. A'po, onr oih r traot pitnite in ltrll tcmi'tnii. in I lie riiHtlv I, hoc mtiin at an oli hi ditoi-W, thi-nfc north Hi .. pr-, i went 1 1 .trt'lop to wtiite oak, lh-n'e uth 1'H pen lici to a itt, ttirnce )v land ot lrti rimtti eou'h.1,1 dfirnvi eap( SV prrfbf-i In a p"H, tbiti' i and tf l it ptrrlicp lo a nrnIN k, tbi nee n-.it Ii 21 d (tn east bV t-errliri to the u i h. lnl k and I iwrmniriff. conliiifiiiis; V) irn-i and 70 pcr h'P uiore or Icpp. hciM-l, tnki-n in exn-ution and to t e 'old ai the proixrlv of Jumen md Joh (.'urrv. Alio, a certain tract of lurid ntuite in Itulich towni-lup, Cli-articl'l conntv, I'a., )i;inti ttiar at Lirch mrncr of Uiid of Jitnei Mutfnn, lliroce totith 4V diireri -l IL6 pi-rc hci lo a popt, thence north 41 drirreea wept I'M p- n ht-a to white oak, tlienrft north 4V iU?rv- fOfl IV'J ptn-hi'i to bem lM'k, tlifiien Poulh 41 ili jfr ait til porrhei to a huuilona, tlienco auth 4V lf-fcre-i eait 1.4 percb to itoncs, Ihciice eouth 14 di rt-ea eait fiV pcrchfi lo birch or vlvi of bt-iciniiintr, eoiitaiiiinic I -o acrca and allowance, aliout lit arei ciearei, with larjre frame buu-e and barn thereon aroclcd. elK(-d. taken in eieruiioii and to be K'l-1 aa the tiroi-crty of llcfirire lieifcrir. Aiot a certain trai t of land eituate In Morrif township, Clcartielii county, I'a., bournl-l nnd de- rrtlfcd aa followp : On the north hy H in. iro mer man, ou the emt Iit II in ry Mi Ihr, loutb by landp of llrenner A Illanchard, and on the weel by landp of John Krerhart, contaiiiitiff Tii acrra, with It icn rlrart'd and imvinj; a ljr houpe and barn ertrttd thereon. Heinil, tiikro in eie-?ution and lo tr k Id af the prt'lerlv ol Jacob W acner. Alif, a wrtaiti trai-t of land iiluatc in Pike townaliip, Clenrfii-Id county, Pa., hcundfd ftJ fol low', vn : Brjf iniuiig at a post on line between middle and wi-ptern divipiom of trart No. 677tf, thenre cant II 1 ten-hri to a popt, thence north 240 perehef to a popt, thence we.nl 111 pcrclice to a pout, th n fouth 246 pen-he to a poet and place of bt-jrinniiiif, eoiitainiut; IjU arn-a more or leu. Si iied, tak'-n in eicciition and to be aold aa the property of Valentiue iSailey A I co, aeertnin tract of land lituate In Ilurniide townphip, t'U-nrtn Id p4,utitv, J'., hiand-d fol lowp, ix: on the eait x land of Khjah Itakcr, on the eouth y Un ip of Jon j.h WrnHt, on the we-t ti land of K ruder Kinp'i elnle, on the north by landp of J(din Kuuneln, i'ontaitiinf alrout two hun dred mrra. ecventy acrei uf whn li are clrared and under cultivation, haxitij crtrted thereon a Inrfrr two-itory houif. barn, and ne--eary outhuildinjfp, together with a U-aruif; orehard. HeirJ, tik-n execution, and to be iold aa the properly of Petor Kutb. AIpo, a pertain Inct if Innd iluate in Lawn-n townpliip. ( U-arhtM county. Pa., bounded M fd lowe: liu the weel by landp of William Purtcr : on tbeeavt by 1 Mav-uiultrr and othori: on the north y H. W-mmsi,) o.niaitiii.a: one buudrtl and forty acre, with about filttfn aeree cleared, and a "mall plank boune erocti-d lliernm. fctueI, taken iir execution, and to be aold aa the properly of Jitpeph Wood. Alco, ft certain tract of Und aituate in Coving too tuwnthip. Clear h-Id county, I'a., hounded aa f.dlowp : On the cant by Ii. Miulii, on the weet by Mn. lLeee, ou the eotnb by John Piekard, nn the north by ; cntftinit.f; twenty thrw acre, all eleared, with email lot; h.u and ftaolr rnvted thereto, rn-iaed, takeu in execution, and to be old a the pronerlv of Charlei Weaver. r Itiddera will taka aotir that IS per oenL of tba purrba Koney mupt be paid when tha property ia knocked down, or it will h pot apaCain furaale. C.hE.lld IIOH E. haERirr'a Orrita, I bhenlf. Clearfield, Pa , Ier. 11, lSftt. SherilT's Sale. IV vlriua of a writ of fieri ftin'm, i. eued out of the Court of Common Plena of l'irarfie:d county, and tt ma directed, there will be expoerd to PI IM.1C PA1.K. at the Court Ilotii ia tha boroueh of Clearfield, on Moniar tha I tlh day of January, lJntt( at 1 a 'clock, 1'. U., the followmir property, to wit : AH that ccrtnin pieee or p-roel of land, ait:itc in t'oviiiffhsn lowiiflnp, ("liaifo-ld county. Pa.. iK jinntnf al a uhite pine cornrr. .1 4 10 perrhea eit of a uhite oak (rruh. the north corneT of war rant No. 1 and being a part of paid warrant No. lv.o1; th ! rapt jO pen ben, to white oak eorner; theuoe ninth I'Ji & lit pcndica, to a while piiiec.nier : IhencrcaM I o orn lit p, to poft corner ; thenea p.uth SI & III perctiep, to a piat corner; thence wet 1ft perrhe, to oak corner ; thenee P"Ulh ?4 pen-hep. to . corner: tiniu-o wept .'-o p-rehe-.t" p-t c-riier ; Ibvneennrih 171'j-crehee to plaee of Im-jj inninir. contaimiii; f. t ty -l wo acre and twenty fi ur jxn tie, tnore or I p, and ln'injf part of wnfTant . I-.f), and rcc irded in Ieid It-n-k R. pace 4.' ; ha inn thereon erected a fiame dwellinje h nipe, I-bam, ffo(,d orchard, end near ly ftll cleared. iS-nred, l.tken in -t"ratnnt nrd to I ,M a ftie jin.T.Tty f .l-.wn W. 1ti.-r. ffKiddera ill Ukt notice that li percent of tbe purchaae tootey muit be paid when tbo property ia knocked down, or it will ba put p again for ante. CYllEMIS HoWB, FnaRirr'i Orrir, I fihariff. Clearfield, Pa, I'ec. M. lft. ( SherifTs Sale. 1V 1 -i ri line of a writ of Tetf. IVnrf. Kt. iued out of the Court of Cortimou I'lerm t-f Centre ciruntr. and to tne directed, there will he rxpnecd to pill-he enle. at the Court fouc, iu tbe .Piufh of riearfi- ld.ou M-aday. Ihe I Ith dav of Januarv. iHf.u. Cunrt woek.l at one o'clock, P. W., the fol low llif pmpei ly, u : A ceriain lot .f land in the Tillujre f Chrftrr ville. iler?attir townhip.i Clearrield cutity, Ia.. bounded a folinwa : r.nt f feet on Ma n Plreel, nth by lot of J me '..(, wrt by lot of Mnn-.-n 4 Ho-. i, ami cxlendinf k to an aiiev about 2"" fert. with a Pinal! frajne bouee erccU-j t hereon. Seiied. taken in eie- tiUun, and to i-e aold ai the property .f Joncj-h W hitc, fVr-Hiidera will take notice that fifteen per cent, of Ihe purehaee money mut He paid a hen the prperti if knut-ked dwn, oj il will le .ut up afain for pule. cvitnNirs iinwK. Pi.erifr. PherifT'a 0T.ie, Ch arti. Id, Pa., lec. 1. Borough Ordinance. VT a meeting of ihe Town Council, held Ic cemher 7th, 1-". it wa ord- rt-1 tht the lo.l.'Winf Ordinance ne repntdinhed. and noiiee t. given that ill provipium will be etrietly rnfurrcdl lit if ewnefeff amd oerfometi by Uie Hurcai and 1 own touneil of Ibe borooirh of Cletvriieid. and it ip hereby enacicd and ordained fv the authriiT of the name, that hereafter il lhall be tbe dutv of ecu pic re of .H and ownera of unoccupied loU alouf wlione prenii-oi udewnlki are now or may h'-reHftcr be laid under Old-nance now in force o'r whieh may ben-after I pacd, to cauae the aide. waika aioiig thir rcpertite premipex to he eh art d or mow wiien and a ottcn aa Ihe aanie may fall themm, within Iwel.e hour after the aaoie phall fni'inf ; and nu default of mrh oernpiera or ownen ha tx.g aueh amewaiki cleared afureaaid, he, be or they Phall W fined in the mm of lite doitara,'lo he collected ai dehta of like nmonnt arc now l.y law rewvernble : and it ia hcrehv ,t tbe duty of the Ilurc pi to ee that in ita are hrnneht aganni ail who nay often d ajrainit thu wr'iiuiince. " "'-'irnonT i.iai me i-re(:.tnf ftnlinanec wal pae.f the th Hay of Pccrmhcr, A. I. Ifi, I naie nerouuio eel nir nana. W M. KAI'TPACII, Ilureeaa. Attert : L. J. Caiia, Secretary. XoTtrn r herc'iy piven. ibnt the provision! of mt; imur omiuanre w i ti e-e erior.. W. W. JiLTTi, Tiufreei. I a llMMl i MUM l . Notice ipberebv A i ;'fn, thai tbe f. Ih.amg a-cnuTi!p haiettccrj eAtuninrd and p.,d l.y lee, and remain KM of recom )D tlitff -tJi.-e f..f the inspection of heira. b Sitecv credit' rp.atd all ibrr- in any wv inter t-tetl, and ,; , r tiled I" Ihe tt it tin hrn ' "urt f Clem-fieM eo-jntv. to be h. Id at the Court ..e-e. in .i.e , irarnehi, rvinioicndiic I :nal ar-NMint of 1 fit t inn Koth, ndiriniptnttor ot i harte 1. iMtox. fate of Jfra-ly town-hip, Clear ft all c-'unt.v. Pa., d'een-d. I -nut aeortmt of tie-.ri Fltirr-T. adrmmtrtr ol l.rt-ai i.,1.' I'rr, lateel Urad townahiti. Clear- ii i I r-ojtr , , f o. re-.' .1. I'mal wruiit of Jolin flloom and .Nmea A. Ilim, rtfqt.n of Ihe Ut will and teinment of i-iac jitooin. late of Pike t'Wiil.i, CU-nrfit ld e-'omy, fa ueceaeti. I. . IHTHiPn, la'e HeC .tef. RecMer a ft-e. C.-a-ft, l I, Pa.. lec. In, -r.i, 1 I I H J llll( l N.st.ecphfrehv i Riven that tht following ftccnoTila have been i nnnned and pn'.eMl hy me, and remain f !ed of recorii in tin ott.. r.-r tha m-pe-li..n of hein, iert.i, creditor, and all othcra in any oi her war mlnted, and will be fn wnted to tht--.t m-' j ptiaiai e.Brt tl Ci.rtidennir,frt he held at Ihe ( ourt lloj.e, m Ihe h Touch i.l I 'Irarlield, cm merging on theaecird M .n 1 ty of Jannarr. 1 St.H The arr..t f Javid Iirep.hr. rirlir,n n Vandrew Kietrai. P.'oa Kb -. l.iicn l iepst. Alice Kh'fal, Jf.hq W. Klecl and Jame I i. minoT bnr cf J-i-rep ri-r-il. late cf fl ?ten town-hiy, I- rh. id fw.tiy. l' , d-eent-J. The pirtllj irmietlt ot 1 h- "1 II . I nYeT, ftd- leinifr'tor of the ette of M-uth-w A. lorcey, Iaie of P.radford town hip, Ch Jirliv.J eouotr. PaJ de-aied. The final aeeAntit nf J hn Witl-rrw, etecnto? ofthe latt will and teptamcnt of Her.ry lleprty. hikh ii.wniD.p, learncid ctjlitv, J. deeeaecd. ' Kmal account of John Itua-ell, eTecutc Af the will and tetani'-nt of June C.-ehrana, late of Pawn tnwnfthii.. Cleat field ci.nty, Pa., decened. rlEinTr'a tirrtf r. 'i A. W. I.F.K, ClearBeld, ptv, Iec. lo, bfMl. J RcRiiUr. it ft ! .. It . A i ll A (J i:t J.RGHAIIAM&SOXS, 1 AH KIT M HI. IT, CLKAIIK1KM), Ta. rpnit anbacrlhara hiving ftnfered Into partner L abip for the purpose of carrying on the bmineaf of Merchandieing, now offer And rar opportunity to the citliena of Clear field and adjoin (njr countlea to toy atom good a at wholesale or retail prlcea, that will aatontah tha unlnatracted. Their goodi will ho particu larly aeiected to mit thia market. Every lady will, i here for eall th attention of her Husband To thii fnct,baauaft thia branch of our buiineit will reeei ra apecial attantivn, and ororythinr needed lo a well regulated houaehold will at all timet he found inoar itore. Our Hock of IK Y ;MIH shall not ba anrpaated, either in qual it w or price, and will embrace, in part, P rinti of every ityle, (iioghami and Lawni of tvery quality, Jduilioa of orarj grade, Io Lainea adapted to the taalea of th old and young ; and every article of any kind of goodi they aell ia Guaranteed To he a repreecnted, and warranted to give aat- iifaction. Ai to IK VMH .K )! we bare a ip I ended aaaorlment of Alpacai, black, white, nnd in colon; Ann urea, Bilk a, and in abort all tbft neweat atylea in the market We dcaire thia fact to become known To livery PeraoB man. woman, ehild, phyile'tan, m chaaie, faJTner, lawyer, barber, woman'i-righta man, or any nth er man is the eouaty Young Or old, riea or poor, high or low, who will favor ua with a tall. With oar Dew and eitenaive lock any gentlemen can Itaie the moat fa tidiou Ind.v, D jost Jror.;n la and gelline; a nice) dress patient, laee aelt, kid floee, or bj iolnf that whirh ia better I (ie, aer a erell-fllled purse, and sbewill 6nd ,rod and pacing ioTestmenu ia nbroiderlei, e.lfinfs. ribbons, loes, busier, off an otber buosehold Beoeeeitiea. And In ad.liflea to what we bare alrea Ij eonmera ted, w, keep all kin Is of C; KKTI.EM tX- W K R surb at Clothe, raasimerea, Ealmells, liaU, Boot, and sbooa, icH besidee, X Xice Aseorlment of Made. up C'f.OTH I NG for Men and Bijt, manafactared oat of tbe very beat material, wbirh wo will sell fur cash or excbanjre for rouotrj prndore al prices wbicb will astonish WoUi basband and Wile Wo are aew larirel.T enmtv-d la bo jinn ! aellinK f(U Hl: TIMIII'.R and manof.e. tared Ll klllKR, and will (ir, tbii branrh of basinees spetial attention, and make it aa object To Kvery One who haa Lumber to aell to deal with ua. Wft iball alio keep enmtaatl on hand a rcneral BPorlment of C.IIOC I '.III VM and II IRim AHI which we will aell at eieeed inply low price. We alio keep a full aonoM menlof tl K.Ki AKU TLit department will be kept full and complete, and every Young 51 nn Or maiden who eo&templatee bouiekcepinr. will lad It adrantaffeona to eome and trade with ua. W are o aitualed, and, from long experience iu the barineea, to well acquainted with the want and neeeieitiea of thia community, that we feel aaticfied if every man and woman In Clearfield Count v makei it a point te buy their goode from i. we can pleaae then both aa to quality and price. Therefore, eome along and buy your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Queciiswarc, Hardware, BOOTS & S1IOKS, HATS & CAVS, Ready -MaJo Clothing, A1 etrrjllilnn joa aeei le r )Jer soarselrea and families eosnTortable, frvra JAS. o. GRAHAM k SONS,, aaglllf CI.KAIIKIK.I.D, rA. "VOTK Tiie f.trmfttii n of the pai-incifMp 1 1 of Jnmca If. trahjin A hi.na doc nut t. remit (he edtlcmeul of Ihe otc and Umk af.ani- of ihe late film of Sh-wcri U rah mm fir K. W. ii, hxin. 1'boea fcnowint thcm-Ui-e imlhi, l l.i iihrr arc n .ttir-tH (t eme forward at or. . j,l cloae thrir attoun't. JAMl'SB GRAHAM 4 BOSS, riraraeld, rVpteml-er ID. if. 1 llKMOrlHTIC AI.MAVAO iaa 117 and 1-r.e. f. i. . Ih. r n nra !5 emu. Mailesl lo an j a I Jress. Je JJ tf 1I KFAI.O ROBF.-Ur Sol,,.. Feat J)Ra(s,at 1. P, kftAIZEft'8. ,iiifrti..-il. as ah ArrtUFKr. T' re ! r reedlrino . niirh Itl tu' t ' h Vep w Ii - ae n,Mi'Mi ft nb ti-rU ft-ti.-n a P -I . ili.r-d Pill lbe t. f W-nnrit aM nnltf Ir I Ii... r o.eahin. fend are pmay 1 1 foln U : can he Ink i a by rhiidren at n tii a li ti , tij them, SLEEPLrSS NIGHTS. A a r rhfly lo aothe ell nervnu ekrlicment, and in ita truent aeiipe, a norrine, there in, pT hnpi, no Oie'licine enianl hn h ti recived With ao mu b lavi r aa Hoiiael a M'ma h PilK ra ; a tne rUpa full on p lin? lo u it all that ia re quired to produce tuatid and eulthlul aleep. ERYSIPELAS, Or, Pt. Anthonv'a Fire, can be mopt effectually eradicated by the une of llobaek'a blood Purifier in conjunction with Kota-ja JJIood Pilli. OFTHALMIA, Or, InflainadoQ of Ibe Kyei, not unfrcinently aniea Iroui a dipordered male t the atoioaeb a few dope-t ,f hobaek'i If loud Pilli will, in moat eaaea, ettect a care by removing the eauie. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PUBE. There are no remediea, now before tbe public, ao well calculated to purity the blood and recon atruct fio to apeak ) the whole ayatem ai hoback Illood Purifier, Itiood Pillaand Stomach Bittera. IEUC0EEE0EA, Or, Whitet, whirh follow local debility and eon atitutional weaknei,can be effectually cured by the uie of Hobaek'i fumach Uittera. Uo not let the dniRjriit aell yon any otber remedy, aa tneae Jmtorc aie prepared with eapeoial refer enre to thu coin plaint, and are warranted to cure. BAD TASTE In the mouth in the moraine U one of the eymp torn of a billioua condition or disordered atate of tbe liver, and ehould nut, for a tingle day, be neglected, ai it ia but tne premonitory eyraptom ot a train or evite and the very aeeda ot dueaee. rroeure at once It o back a iilood Pilla. aduiinia ter them according to the direction! accompany ing each boi, and tha difficulty and danger of aiaeaae win at once t removed. KOT A BEVERAGE. Cnlike moat of tbe bitten of the preaent day, ir. Hoback a are not intended ae a pleaeanf itimulating whiiky beverage, but era perfectly mramnai, containing only aumrient pure bour bon whiaky to hold in aolution the medicinal extractive matter from which thry are compoaed. A KISEBABLE LIFE U Itiat of (de dT.pel.tie. Whr safer when Ro hark a blood I'uriber and Blood Till, srill surelT care irar inej can be obuiood Irgm an. amggisi. A5 01T1ICE OF PBXVE5TITE U worta a pnaad of eore. Ferer and Afrne ran be prevented ia all climate, and ia all ennetita. tion. by tbe oonsunt ae of Koback s Ftomaeh Hitters, and online, the very worst ease, bare beea rared be their timely nee. l'ereous lirin. id saaianone mimcu .aeulfl aeTer b, without then. FOTOD That after repeated trial, of other remedies, hark e Momerh Ililtera. Iilood Purifier and Blood Pilla ara tha best roedirinea extant to care the disease, fur which the ar, recom Blended. I5DIGESTI05 Is but another name for tTsi.rrsia. and the nt. !M of nan; ills, debark a Mmarh lrtlere lakes in wine alass full dose a. dirwtl mttr each meal, will aurely effect a permanent cure. lm noi taae our word tur it, bat try them. WHO SELLS THEM! The Areata for the Bale of luhark'e blond rills, Ptomerh Hitlers and Blood Purifier are UAKri-VWCIi A IRWIN, Clearfield, Pa. ocUj DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH ITT 12 UN. VMII.D anil ajreeal.le T0'IC FTIMVLAXT, Stomacluc and CAKMINAIlVti EITTEK.S, Flrelc4 rnlirele from 11 nil PS and H'CliIj barrfiriaj in iuns. OY.si'KrsiA, genkkal Dr.mi.iTy, A XI) Loss OF A IT ET ITE; 1 an exeillinl CdllKKlTI VK f..r .er..iu lufTering fmm Hixinkrs of the Jtuwal Flalulenee, Ao, fxilil Ever whore. e " Depot Xn. J1S Market Plre.1, riila.1, Inliia. I'a. K. TAYLOR CO. orirtl 5m Beale's Embrocation. (uti r nn ill's.i ' For all disease, loeldent to He,,,,, c.ul., .o4 . . .,., ,r.uirini m. ase at aa "leraal aprliratioa. Thie Fmlirorariea ae aitensir.lr a.ed W the ttoTerameat .iurin, th, w,r ' 7 JL.V"ll,t,',U?'""'k Ir""' VUMfUiiiifrin. H ' I II S IMII;. ,u " STUMP nxm Actor. IFn I"" HI A II V ,1 ll . f... ! I' ,11 rr., nsrior. wi-n II i nt.-re ' I I ,i , sierrsi I lliK mvl 'M' I-. A' it n.eetrd - t '- Hn fl r t irg f.n.Slii' '.I ' r. !'" .li-s. It ill r s li ' I lite lor. 1 1' 1 ' u. I i r d II tt" iii.'l trt k -, ita k in lle hole l A will nil il,, . i tin n'"n can dtf Oct dtil tfm il, e ttrnrlt 'I. ll a ill i a '1 t f 1 1 1. .- . iitti I fr in ! rl? to one litti. In 4 . , t mil either nrn litem onr. tr i.rT j v be .rt..d nt'. as desired, its p, .... '1. Il u build Ibe 1 Hiarlor, df luer ll. sr.. I i,,, , (ar.-n ol Ihe ittirrbsser j and if it tloee r..t eonil'lele salilarl It n, an do Jnl si rerLian, ed, llier aill I'ike It awsv ar.l rltsr, ei.n for their trouble. Price of Machine, , ;,,. Wl ' Towosbip and count) ri. bis tor ssi,. a; hat, no trarelmr acenls. A'Hrr., llOU II Jk KI'MIIAHliF.li, Jfffrrson Lire P. 0 , t'leaitelj Co., h ( I H1IKK All;. We, the nudiTiifned, bavini llnri4 o, trial of T. J. li.mlh s Iniprored Mun.t Ktir,,, on the farm of K. II. Moore, n' ar Lu l.rr.r on Saturday and Mondaj, the 7lh arj vih of Noreinber, wke pleasure ia earir.r to the t..j. lie, that we beliere It to be the br.t restl,,,, now in ase for Cllractinir slumps, It js s ,t eonttrurtion, easily msnscrti, pot li,bl, ont of ordor, and eery durable. Four n,,, Uie martiine irora m whjeuu, wuen ei. tirely part, put it tne;ether, and palld a Is ' tin slum, in less than one nour, e saw leo Ir. pull a larre siuiup wii.t juer nitDor,( but bo does his work in taking out tits IsrreH stumps, without a hard pull, Mr. llooih, tba Patentee, fully understands pelting ap tti handling the machine. We would a-lii,, tj1JH in want of jtunipeltractors to see thisonsteit before purchaeioz elsewhere, which they ear, 4 free of chars;, by callin on the Proprietors. J. C. barrett, J. W. Kirk.rd, R V. r-,aekaB John Noldor, John Kirk, J. W. lisbttsj,' K. 11. Moore, J. W. Wallve, W.L.Aieiss,,,' (leo. Klllnfcr, Wm D. Beck, Andrew Bum,' S.J. Horn, Wm. K. Irtin, K.J Kirk, ' Jams. Moore. L. U. Cariile, Ueo.W 'ilna,, , Later Flegal, ired k bmiley, otitis 1, Y ALIA CLE MILL rCOPEBTl i FOK SALE! Situated iu Dcratur Touiioliiji, ClcarOrlu County, l'a rtlJin iubacriber, being deriroaa of qnitM)? ft. I buainca, oflcri lor aale one r f."L hii MILL, with two run of bora. The mil! it tret; and in rood order, with from twenty U tht i trt I of land and aeomlorUble r HAM tk l'nti,Ll.i Ilol r-E ; the f.r'pcriy ling two uniei tit t I l'hilitifl'Ure, Centre eouoty, ana wit Lin a i ri of turnfiike road. The Tyrone k Clearfir.d h,I i road niDi throuyn tne lanaa, wnnin a tea mtttr the mill. 1 here ia ataoa oonanlcraMe lot of Jim lock and White Pine titnWr on tbe land. It: aleo a very desirable location for a Wouieti far lonr, (and one ia much needed in toit acctiet t the county.) For lurther tiarticulara inquirr ( the tubfccriher, livint; on the i.rr.i.erTT. A-lam- CliAHi-Kt M. lAIIH ALLADhlt, octl 3m J'bih'rburg, d'etre codit, Y. JIOXEY N.iVi:i). "1TTE are conatantly forchainf; fr h ia i If New York and ftoatun alarkctr, ah kiLdt Dry and Fancy flood a, Pilka, Cotton i, B-xitm cbyca, atctia, rawing w!ninf, .a Icry, I'wa liofj!, Inirtic (rodf, Ac, tc. Which we are actaaTr P Ilinr st en nreri'f ti of ONE HOI.LAK rR EACH Al'.Tlt LL. - a 1m being atnclW for car h, and our trailf largrr than that of ar.y other aimilar c n-rTi.o. blca oa to rive better bar ruin i than can he oiUl- cd of any other houre. THE LADIKS Are erj'oeiaHy invited to pi"e ui a trial. Fnd, a Circular and tmhange i.ut. Car club tYrtrm of mllinff i ae fdhum : Fit we prnd 2" jrtrnt prn fountatna arid rr't acril.mr 20 d;f!- rrnt artiflra to he i"M lr ti earb; 4tif,-rM; 00for?6; H'O for I n, it. V by mail. Cimmiinna larger than t !,' uf by any other firtn. accirliar to aiir nf cltih. f: ale fountain and check. 10 oen'a. Male ti.-Jfru aernta wanted. f-r.xi muet t Fti ciitrriirr li rrna. tv-nd mr a trial clulr. and Ton w;il arKr I odce that yon cannot afford to buy gixi; of c I otner bouao thereafter. KAHTMAX at K KM1 ALL, aus13 fim 6j Hanover S:.. iK-rfon, I'liiliulclpliia & Erie RaIlro.i(!j SUMMERTIME TAULE. Thronch and direct ronte between Phi'ailr'ft J Kaltimore. Uirmbnrg, uliamfport, and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania, j ELEGANT SLEEPING CA.I On all Kigbt Traioa. and after MONDAY, NOV. isd. IfaS I traina on the Pbiladrltihia A Erie 1 J Koad will run at follow ; M rat ward. Mail Train Uarei I'biladelf hia. K'i' P ' De do...bt. Mary a- ' o arrire at Erie 9 U f 1 Brie Express lcavea !biladel hia j Do do M. Mary a s.t l Do.. ...arrire at Krie. ....It MA Iaat nurd Mail Train learea Erie ...1wA Po, do...Pu Marye.., Dc arrive at rhiladlth ... A.M' t I .ll W I 1 .. Js P I Erie Exjireu leave Erie Io .do St Mary a- MM I 4 3C P I I to arrive at Philadelphia... Mail and Liittm concert ni!b (il i'rrck Allegheny lUvcr Kail K '!. lUpi-rr through ALFKED L. TUEh, Ueneral bnpentttt H. F. N AUGLE, (LOCK AD WATfll Mtk! orrofiri thi rOST OFFICE i T' 1IR auhacriher re.rectluilv informi fc patron a and the public genera I It. U I haa no band, (and la etmatantly ret-miBf I addiliena thereto,) a large etock of j Clocks, Watches and JewelrJ rI keen Jewelrt In all ite fcntP diflcrent vamea, either by the piece or m WATCHES A full amortnent of fitk'-1 or Stiver, made by (he heat Aneri.-at ai eign manufacturera. including a fine lot and ailver hunting cae, full jrwe ti, 1 Lev era. CLOCKS Of aUdeaien. connintingof i day and thirty hour, of either wrigtu, ij1 levera, and both etrike and alarm- BEPAIRINO. All kind of Watffcf Clucka Kepaired, and warranted. In additinn to what I have ennroeratM foil aaaorttaent of M'KrTA'M.KS, eel' nlain claaa. Alan, aoi.fi pKN-an-i ' fiplKiNS, FOhK, 111 TTKH KMVK, - fact erervthinr tn the Jewelrt line. I have on hand ioat what a enMaifr ait r 1 will order per flrat eprea. withont ertra A liberal ahare of public patrt rBi.'f Mil 7. 1 il. r Democratic Almanaof r '"MlIS invaluaMe puhlia('-n i-f"f poatoffire. It should lc in lb- h'' Itemncrat. ll enntain full el" d"" 'v' 1 every enunty in ttie I'nitcd intr-; ! numlser for ififl coutainr a c ii l ,p : namcanl all the nm apnjrra ftipfT ' durine l.inci'ln'a adiuii.itm'i..t, '''' conlania the naruea of all th-r cm i ;hh ' impriaontd Hnnnff thr aanic prt"l- liitta, for future rHerrrfe, an- "'' " the irire f the pulic-ati"n. Thr r,,f' ia al full of valuable tal i.-lioa. Ai:V,r; Ml crnta to tho Puet Mash-r. w.li m ' i" mail a rjy for each Vi-nr, ficc ti ( 'f' Town Property for S rpHK roi.i rty occiijiird 1 T. 1' '' 1 ot 1, .1 hi,.! fur;h etrrl. I"''"' I't'iicim w.fi ot a )T m l. aul'-laii"1 I' I - lint Ihe 1,1'T, i about thirr li iirll ' " The aiiiMtt.tii i cl"e to the r. '"' ' ia nn exccllriit loration for bu.rt'" (":" hor ti rtii. a;p)j! on thr pn n, t. LIVERY STABLE. T TI-. i.u l. rvpmi! I.,-its l.aft- :l '" ' he that In I" II till .' I'" '" " . sll In ll..- ui ..I turlu-liii'- 11 ' ' ii...les m.-l ll.iri.. s. ll..- "n rra..iii:ii.lr t'-rnis. Kr.i ti'l'.' "ll lietsivrn Jim J and Fiiii' ll!'.". V. nrardelil, April 11, li 7. SBO. ALIIttl.r RF.1RT A 1 B, RT W. ALEERT &. BR4 WapiiCai'turcrsl eileasii-e t'esl Sawed Lumber, Square Timb W OOIM.A N 1', r EN X J-OnlerS Si'lirilr.1. Hills filed st and reasonal'le Irrms. Addraaa Woodlaad r 0., Plea 21-It W. Al.Hl HT