m 5hc$cniMican. e . . . """VJ ... MSI a.-.. ..-a... .- : Georue Jl.(i.)M.ASiiiR, Kditer. " Cl.KAIiFlEI.P, Ta THriil)AT MliRMMI. JANt'AltY T, ItcmocraHe .VrrHnf. Tlio Democracy of CloarfieM county are requested to assemble, in tho Court Koom, ou Tuesday evening, January 12, 1SGS, for the purpose of selecting three Conferees to nioet like Conferees from Clarion, Cameron, Elk and For est, whose duty it shall bo to select a Senatorial dolegnto to tho approach ing Slate Convention ; and also to ulectKepresontative Conferees to meet those of Elk and Forest, for the pur poso of selecting a Representative dolegato to the samo Convention ; and to transact such other business as shall be necessary. J. BLAKE WALTKKS, Ch'ra. Co. Committee. TIm J,-r.Vs'ssse. This body assembled at Ilarrisbnrg on Tuesday last. The Radicul cau cuses met on Monday evening, and nominated Dr. Wilmer Warthington, of Chestee county, for Speaker of the Sonato, and one John Clark, of I'hla- delphia, for Speaker of tho House of Representatives. As we are compell ed to go to press on Wednesday morn ing, we are unablo to give any definite information with reference to what transpired at its organization. This much wo do know, however, that a larger and more hungry pack of wolves never assembled at the capilol since tho days of Ritner and Stevens; and, although responsible parties have Agreed to do the "pasting and folding" of bjth houses for five thousand dol lars, we shall be very much mistaken if it does not eost the tax payers fifty thousand dollars. Such vile political harlots as the Forneys and their camp followers must be kept constantly in offlce, and paid largo sums of money, or they would soon discard "loilty" und Ben. Butler. Then, down would go tho Black Republican party, for nothing but these corrupt villains prop it up and infuse life into the cor rupt, rotten carcass of Radicalism. The Rump. Congress re assembled on Tuesday last, for tho purpose of completing reconstruction and elevating Sambo to a position in society never design ed by thc Creator. Thrso Utopiun and unnecessary propositions seem to receive tho whole attention of tho loil Beast, Sumner and their ullics. Tho nation is traveling toward bankruptcy in great haste. The pcoplo seo it, but our Congressmen aro plodding oftcr the interests of the nigger as icalous ly as though there were no other inhabitants on the continent. The interests and demands of tho. white people rcccivo no attention whatever How long this state of things will last, the future will reveal. The people, if wo mistake not, have paid doaoly for exchanging their Democratic whistle for the "loil" one, which tho draft commissioners, national assessors and tax-gatherers liavo been tooting in their ears tho past seven years. "Equally on All." Tho loil froc- bootors boast much of the equality of everything with which they becomo concerned. The Philadelphia Press, in a late number, thus refers to tho enormous tax on matches : "Lucifer matches yielded the Oorarnmcnt laet year, uin.Uftu tnr revenue Department, a million and hlf or dollars. Th trilling tsi on each bol It, perhaps, one of the best and m! euocese ful of all oar imfn.u. Nobody fcela it en.. ugh In complain, and it ie levied equally on all." The tax on mutches is one dollar and forty-four conts per gross; five times more than tho original cost. .Nothing in the world is so outrageous ly taxed as the taper that illuminnlos tho sick chamber, the parlor and the hall. Think of it: Tho Government charging five times more for tho priv ilege or manufacturing than it costs to produce them. What equality '. The Patriot. Those of our citi rens who wish to post themselves in Legislative affairs, and the new of 1, J .... ... ... uj,van net-lire no nouer medium than by subscribing for tho daily Morning Patriot or the Weekly Pa triot, published at llarritiburg, . This journal can bo had as far west as Curwonsvillo the snme day of its pub lication, it is tho central organ of me Lietnocracy, and doservos tho pa tronage of the party at this timo, because gentlemon of ability, capital nd enterprise have taken hold of it, nl, if sustained, will aoon make it the best and most useful Democratic journal in the Stato. The subscription price Tor the doily ' 7 pe r annum ; tho weekly, tj 2 and to club, at reJmed rates. Addiess b r. Jloyers & Co., nan-it. burg, Tu f.rH. l.iftMl I Vh I In el. ffiMrt. The Fliiln b l In. .L,v urn : Chut si li'rnnl aprtids Ntvv Ytnl'a day wild in, and thi-iT arc aix iatiiins with this, I tie "i it V of bi iUbri ly l.ive," that may angel salutary reflections, on the day in wlmli even the btiml lost of ns main's bi gciml rvoxlvr" fur the fin ii re. This city mid ('I'lnmonwenlth wero fmiinli'd by n man nindo great "by deeds cf peace;" and if it is in General Grant's power to add to his reputation, it must be by such deeds. War can hardly do any more for him. Ho has reached ns liigli a pitch of rank and fumo as can bo ochieved in the career of arms. Among tho mili tary qualities which he possesses, that ono was not wanting which an acute English observer says is indispensable to all tho rest. Sir William Temple, penkiug of tho requisites of a great commander, puts foremost "good for tune" It is no derogation to say of General Grant thut his "star," like that of Kapolcon, has eclipsed those of all his rivals and adversaries. Not to talk, however, tho languago of su perstition, wo will say that we recog nize in Grant's military carcor a cer tain unselfish devotion to duty, which is tho surest human reliance, and host assurance of success in every path of difficulty and danger. Let him bring to bis now sphere of action an unscl flii,aupartlsan desire to do right ; not according to arbitrary personal no- tious of tiis own, but according to the fixed standard of justice in its true sense, which is the prescribed rule of me mw oi ins country. Tliere is a niche near that of Washington open to Grant in the tcmplo of fame, if he have but a tithe, of the civic virtuo of him who was first not only in war, but in peace and the hearts of his comitrymon. Grant Boomed to real lie his high function in the future when ho said, "Let us have peace. He can givo peace solid peace to his country. Ho can re-establish the tottering foundations of civil lioerty, and bind the Union fast with the great cords of common interost and attach ment. The hope is sometimes expressed that General Grant will change his politics. We do not expect, nor want any change in them that bis hotfest political supporters could complain of as a frustration of his reasonable hopes. Let Grant, as President, but realizo his duty to bis whole country, as bis great predecessors did, then ho is welcome to cast tho sops ar.d bones of his patronage to the hungry polili cul pack that follow at bis heels. But let this content them. Tho Radicals havo elected a President of tho United States, not, we hopo, a slave or a tool of their low and selfish purposes. If Goncral Grant has not wholly forgotten bis political breeding, ho will remombor with roveronco the name of Jefferson. That illustrious pian, succeeding to power uiion a great political revolution, after a con test, perhaps, moro bittor than the political contest through which we have just passed, uttered, as he enter ed upon his high office, tho mcniora ble words, "We are all Republicans we aro all Federalists." But we can not better supply, to all, fit topics for profitablo thought to-day thun by quo ting a few passages from the first in augural address of President Thomas Jefferson. Theso utter the principles by which, for sevonty years, the peo plo of thoso Unitod States lived pros- perors, peaceful and happy, in the "model Republic," which was the prido and tho hope of tho lovors of liberty throughout the world : I.t up, fellow ciliscna, unite with onr heart and One Blind. 11 at restore to enrlal Intercom. that harmony and sfTcotion, without winch liberty and even In an hut dreary thin. And l.-t I II.. II. at-licaa. j ,f hrtl tf tfttfaHAtt .fnnrrif rt. Tht .-rn-nm-htp. An r.lil'.r alii lnMiir-1j m-Kn : "What Ms I'l'iiutt i Your paper nf lnt shall we tin, abmiM t 'imri-eas be able week run I aim .1 an editorial in whieh j t, bnl.p or IVIhlen, or by any means ymi tske occasion to express your In. induce a suflU ietit number of'tlie pres. dividual lrelereiiee for (Jen. lieo, W. ctit Male Legislature to so amend I'nsa, o 1 ntaburg, ns the Demot i nl ie I the ('(institution a l bn-ee negro vol ciiiuiiiliito lor Governor lit tlio next ing and negro equality all over the clodnm. Without presuming toque Iriniutryf" Wo answer resist, by all lion your ruhl to express your luef I the means which the (tod of Nature ert ine, 1 re.cctl'iil!y nsk to bo beard . has put into (ho people's hands, "lint on me snme sunjeci. Hint would lo insurrection and rebel In my opinion, the question for the j lion." No, it would be resisting an hcmociacy of Pennsylvania now to j insurrection and rebellion of Congress consider, is, upon which of the leading j as a political party against the rights and liberty of the iieoiile. It is not men they can eoncentrato their full voto und bring to their aid tho largest percentage of tho nine thousand tlioy were beaten in October. Evidently, he should ho n man of commanding ability ; experienced in public atlairs ; of great personal popularity; widely and favorably known throughout tho Slate ; and, above all, ono who has always manfully und vigorously ad vocated and defended their principles. Judging from this stand-point, (ion. Cnss is not "tho coming man." Wherein has ho, by voice or pen, evinced his ability to manage the af fairs of a great Slate T Where is his public record to be found f Can he point to any evidence of his personal popularity? When and whero, during tlio contest just ended, do wo find him conspicuous in battling for or defend ing tho great doctrines of our party ? 1 greatly fear that to all, or nearly all, ol theso quostions, neithor you or 1 could give an answer thut would bo satisfactory to our follow-Domocrats. 1 cheerfully concede that among our public men be is known as a Dem ocrat in good stuuding, but ho is known to our people only as tho Pres ident of a Railroad Company as tho executive otlicer of a mammoth corporation and from that position, and that alone, ho has become known to the people of the State. I he Democracy ot Pennsylvania cannot afford to nominate one of the leading men of the great monopoly that now overshadows the State and has extended one of its Briarian arms over our county. Wo all know that wo ore a minori ty iu this Stato. We also know that to win in tho coming election we must win votes from the Opposition, and that we must solcct.for our candidate I one who can win many. If Gen. I Cas cannot do this, why shall we act aside the claims ol tho genial and gal lant Clymer, who boldly and defiantly maintained our principles when to do so rat a porsonat peril t Or why over look tho merits of the young and chiv alrio MeCandlcss, the representative of the fighting Democracy; or the blameless life and long service of hon est Wm. Hopkins; or the admitted popularity, the sound judgment of Asa Packer; or (although bo declines a candidacy) the burninir r.cul. tint nn. rewarded labors und devotion of Wul- lacc without a parallel in the annals of tho party f Jet us unite upon acandidato whoso hold npon tho confidence of tho wholo peoplo is strong cnnuirh to render do- feat impossible. Failing in that, let us select as our standard-bearer a rep resentative man eo into the contest for primeitile and, accepting the re sult, caimiy await the day of delayed rcoeinon to resist usurpation ana op pression, in Uisn the "nobility, gentry and commonwealth" of Eng land issued a "declaration to tlio King, setting forth their determination to rosist every act of oppression, in which occurs tho following passago : "And we herein hope that all good subjects will with their Hires and for tunes bo assistant to us, and not be bugbcared with tho opprobiou term of rebels, by which they would fright us to become perfect slaves to tyranni cal insolence and usurpation. Wo own it rebellion to resist a king that governs by just law, but ho was ul ways accounted a tyrant that mndo his will his law; and to resist such a ono wo justly esteom no rebellion, but a necessary defence." Such was always the language of every oravo and virtuous people. And such will bo our languuge, unless the negro war has demoralized us to a degree that rendors us boncatb tho contempt of the world. Better a thou sand times submit to huvo every cent of our iiropcrlv tuken from us. and the very name of liberty wiped out of uur Btuiiites, tuan to be tlias mongrel inod and emasculated at tho very fountain of our civilization. JV. '. Dny Book. but certain triumph. Clearfiklii. jan. 1st, lb!l. Our worthy correspondent has hod his say, and so have wo ; consequent ly both should be satisfied. We named whom wo favored for Governor, and our reasons aro numerous did we deem it necessary to give them. "Clear field wants somebody nominated, too. thinir. This whole Federal miicliinnrr Din sees lit to conceal his name from "'r collecting mo revenue is an orga ns and our rcadors. Probably ho will A Round Chkcd. Tho Rational Intslligenccr says: "We believe the American Union to be intact. We beliove that tho samo Stato rights be long to South Carolina that belong to Masachusctts. We believe, therefore. thut the control of suffrago within ber borders is as absolutely the right of South Carolina ns it is the right of Massachusetts. We affirm the inde pendence of the Executive, the inde pendence of the Judiciary, and the inaeponcienco oi congress as mutual check and balances, the one upon the other." The Expense of the Elkctobal! College. The Electoral Collcgo of Pennsylvania cost tho State S23. Among tho items of tho bill we find for three clerks, 5U each. The highest amount paid any of the Elec tors was '', so it was more profitable to oo .-secretary ot tlio College than an Elector. Fifty dollars for one day's urK uocs not squint toward economy, Tho latter part of lust week, near 1'resdon, Vt eakly county, Tenn , a negro woman dug a holo near her cabin, placed her two children in it, men lighted a tire and actually burned them up. Slio was subsequently or rested, and when asked why sbe did the'horrililo deed, said her children would not obey her, and so sho con cluded to kill them. JitV! lAdMtUntKnH. Orii ni hi rtm ik c-.-.i r'tll. V ol I Ira.fleld.nn (fcp .rn. lug of Itit Sttl Ni.d nl .Unuarf, hMi aaxorai'M. boaaa at4 MiAtnitiii fllnjat M liver dratu ,m t'.S, ).ndl dM,lt(.d ith Trvaanrar of l;. S , tn tr.'lira rtrriilalloa Fomitara and nituri ....... Carrant atpenr.w and Ula Loral Tender, llank iuU-a, Caea Item!, Af., Put from olher Itankaand llinkert... i uan itikt- Capltal ftork paid in tMHi.OOS 00 1'irrulalioa outstanding... 6V2A bat depoeitori 44,4.(11 HI Purplut fund and prolHt, lil,40S 49 J.CC't fit 1I 111 J,o,',J J GREAT INDUCEMENTS I ViUrtUanrmn. rnVIRT TROCLAMATinS. III I I s, II n. 1 A MAI m YY I i.m ln.lt. ,.( 0 e C (!(.( . 'in-' "I i.l iLe laroly r-ili Jh I- ibI 1' i.ti I, r I Trjl P'.poiK O'.t centra rtf CHEAT r.XClTEMEN: Cm Nic i. no m km r, I ii a. i Arwt (. Ikt Ml..ii, ILK A 1. HAIKIAINS to rloae out our W inter lt."'k : iuii 4jShawfs, worth Total !!.1,3oU to .2:1,111, to I hartbj eerllfj Dial tht abara ttatemenl It a trut eopj of Ibt orlilnal lent to (ht C'o(ii.tmlltr or nil l arrtnej tun bit day or January, Infill. I). W. MOilKK, t'aibicr. Q: Natiohai. UARKor Ci.iAartiLD.Pa.. for tbt guartar aodiog January 1, Ibotf i asaouncaa. Loani and Dltoounu $100, StO 43 Over draft. U. a Bondt depoiiud witb V. 8. Traaturer to toeurt circulating Kntaa , Put from National Uanka but from other Banki A llanktra..., Kurnltura and ftaturti i Caab...(inoludiug uuupe) LMaiMTIBB. Capital ttock paid in $10(1,000 00 Surplua fund- 7,000 Of lliridtnde unpaid 4,000 00 Prodi and Lou 1.IU4 il Notai in oirculation (0,4711 Oil Individual dopotila.. 33,V7. 97 Una lo National llanka... 1,003 It but toolbar llaaui and Banktrt J70 00 1,700 SS 100,000 00 1(1, iJl S7 1,011 40 1.1H7 IS I3,3 04 ToUl J;i5,.182 SO J.'IS,38J SO I otrtifr that the abort It a true abttrae I from tlit Quarwrl rtport made to tba Comptrollti of tae mrrencv lur tbt quarter endina Jan. 2, IStlU A. C. FlNNISi, Caabitr. It E M OVAL! KEJIOYAL! C. KHATZER & SONS, To the large and tlrgant room, on FBCO.NI) FTHKKT, adjoining Mcrrell t Bigler't hardware lloreg wbere tbejr will bt pleamd to tea all their old and now eutlomeri. ritiieni of the oounlj rieiting CLEAItFIELD, and wiibing to make purrhaaoe, will And it to their advantage to examine tbeir Block. Ooodi at CASH TRICES eirhangcd fur all kin.lt of COIWTBY I'KUUUCK. Jan? The expenses of assessing and col lecting tho Internal lievenuo for tho lust year was 8S,541,400. If We could go back to the old letnoerotic system oflolliirr Slntca rnlloft tl.o ro'vanuo by their own officials, it would not cost tho people comparatively any- 1 nization of thieves. toll us in his next epistle. reflectthat having liamrhed from our land that re liKioiiK inl..leraiee under ahich nan to Inm l,ll and (uflerrd. we have vet gained In tie. ir we coun tenance a political intolerance aa riMi.(.i.e . eked, and capable nf at hitter and lilis.clv t.er. teeutione. a a nyrry diSeranee of opinion ia not a dinerenee of principle. M e hate .ul I.. rtilTerenl nnmea hrethrra of tho mat pnneit.lo. "ear. all llepol.lieant we are all Federalima. II there a- ant aiunng ui who would wih to die. ."Ire thin 1 ion, or to rhange Ha Bepuhliean form, let them etand nndiMnrl aa monument, of the ealetv with which error of opinion mav he tolerated when reaann l leO free to ooml.al it'. 1 know indeed that tome hanrat men fear that a re publican government cannot he etrong : that Ihn government cannol M ttrong; that tliia govern nient ia not etrong enough, a a a a j iw. ' Mere thie, on the contrary, the etrongeat govern ment on earth. I believe It ia the onlv one where every man, al the call of the lawa. would flv to the atlar.l of the law, and would meet Ir.vaaiona o( .... pnnnc order aa hia own pereonal encern. Sometime. It if eaid that a man cannot he truated witn i lie government of bimeclf. r,n he then he tru.ted wnh the government of otheraf Or have " louno angei. ,n the form of kmga to govern him7 I-l lli.tory anawer thie nnealion. a a All. to. will hear in mind Ihia eacred prmcll.le that though the will of the majonlv in all eaac,' muat prevail, that will, to he righllul. mnat be rcaaonahle i that the minority pnaaeaa their equal nghlt which equal lawa moat protect, and to vio laie which would he oppreeaion. a a What more la nacary to make aa a happy and prne perona penpl, t Still one thing more.' fellow oili lena a wiae and frugal government, which ahall reatram aarn Irom injuring one another, which ahall leave them free In regulate their own pur anita of indnatry and improvement, and ahall not take from the moulh ol labor tha bread it hae earned. Thia ie the aura of good government, and thia it neoraeary lo cloae thctircle of our felicities From llarrthbnrg. IlAHnisnran, Jan. 4. Tho Senato Republican caucus this afternoon nominated for Speaker, I)r. Wilmer Worthington, of Chester co. ; Chief Clerk, Goo. W. Jlamcrsly, of riiila. : Assistant Clerks, Lucius Ro gers, ol JlcKean, and F. II. Brnggins, ol Mercer; Sergeant at-Arms, VVm.A. uiipert, of Crawford ; Transcribing Tho Vniversulist clergy seem to think thut the phruso universal suf frugo is a compliment to their denom inational name, and they havo gone in for it with a period looseness. They even consent to eternal hell torments for all who do not go for it. ISTH A Y Cauie Iretpaating on the premites A uf tba suhtorilHir, maiding in Morrit town abip, Cloarteld county, J'a.. alwut Ilea l:.lh of Septemlwr laal.a black and while apotted llt'l.L, tuppoted to he about IS months old. The owner il bereliy notified to come forward, prove proper ty, pay charges and lake him away, or be wiU be diai.oaed of at tho law directs. , decJI-ai PETER MOXP. al 1'i.tM. t, crei ..a-4 , I tbe cwnlx a ot i I. a. t,.! i , ( Ve tre aid (I TO those aidilng li:SS llOllbll, rlUtt ..t, ! tod ..,. MMI M, I'll bh itt Ho JAilIi, have iaaurd tbeir prervpl, o ,i,e llileit'd t'.r lie . NEW GOODS AT LOW n j hiding l a ( ourt , f t.,m.nr.n I'leta, orphan t I ' j Court. Conrt of Vrisrter he i,a. t ,.,irl i,( lli.rj I and Terminer. Slid C'-nrt nf lleiieral Jail beille'V, 1 si (be t'ourt H.xiae at 1 learheld, in and for tbe I e,in I v (l I 'lee, Held, eo oi ni enr in g on tbe ar fond I Motilel. Ilili slat til alauuai), IHIitt, and to eon. loos (INK W KKK. j Nid'Il'K IS, therrfoie. ktreby given, to tba Coroner, Juatievt of tht I'eaet, and Constablet, in and ft.r said county of Clearfield, In appear in I thtir proper perrons, wllb their ttolli, Heourds, 75 Inquisitions, Eismtnettut.B, and other Hrman- i branres, to do tlioaa tilings w hieb to their oflicet, and In their behalf, pertain to be dont. UIVEN under my band at Clearfield, Ibis iid dsy of Ileeember. In tha year of our Lord one utouaand eight hundred and Slat v eight. CYHKML'tl HOWK, Sktrtf. Shawls, worth Coburg, worth Fr'ch Merino, worth Fr'ch Meriuo, worth Empress Cloth, worth Poplin Reps, worth Silk, worth Silk, worth 50 $10 00 at $8 00 8 00 at 600 65 at 100 at 125 at 100 at 165 at 3 00 at 2 50 at jr-pilR ar.deraignrd re.pctfu, ,lt( I t.rti.a of the l.ul.iic ,.t',,.i-. . " tpleadid aasnrtmrat of aerrbaadias , j are aow selling I "" blel i,, AT VKUY IHV I' KICKS 100 75 135 2 62 212 And all other guodi at greatly reduocd figurr!. Call and mo. WILLIAM ItEKD 4 CO., Market Htroet, Cloarfitld, I'a. ricr.1l-4t ;hi:at imicc; ais As r. BorxToa., ....aro. i. rot'Ho BOYNTON &, YOUNG, Manufacturar of AT COST ! AT COST ! ! Old Hen. Wade is willing, according to a Washington letter, to "sacrifice himself upon the alter of his country." It would have been well lor hiscoun- Clerlts, Kbenezer Williams, of Pitts-! try. ii nc ,,Bd bpo sacrificed upon one Ta- T 'V, a. ia.. ii,,- are young Demo- crats .n every tr,w,,s,ipBnd town who could occupy their spare timo this winter in no better way than to can vass their localities fr their local party paper. lluw nilly of will act as agents for the r..T,l,lic,,n . nd in that way ht-lp to strengthen "nrpatronaijeat the samo time that they promote Iho Pe.nocratie cau-c' Impend upon It, friend,, tlint our .,,.. y will never .tuir, to powcrilIlU1 you make more effort to spread Hern ocratio doctrine among Qn people. Judge Barker of Buffalo, has deci ded that a man's wire cannot b, his rrtner ia business. IlrcoNSTRticTm Morals A scalla wag from boston, keeping a store at Nashville, sold a nogro ten pounds of sugar thrco cents cheaper than tho others sell, but it turned out that the ten pound package was six pounds short. The darkie, however, declared he was even with the Hoaion ehn f . t ""-r ! .'llllll"IMIl,l ll IIJH for he stolo two pair of shoos whilo he I berslmrg to unset (i .. mt-inu oKgnr. oikii are the friendly relations of the carpet baggers and negroes. burg, II. C. Bosler, of Montgomery, Chas. Williams, of 1'hila., and J. An derson, of Beaver. No othor nomina nations wcro made, as there was a difliculty in caucus, and they wero postponed. The House Republican caucus this evoning nominated tho following gen tlemen : Speaker John Clark, of Philadelphia ; Chief Clerk General James Sclfridgo, of Northampton ; Resident Clerk, John A. Small, oi Ilarritthurc; ; Assistant Clerk, K. (j. Lee, of Philadelphia; Transcribing Clerks, F. A. Jlagee, of J'ittsburg; P. Iliirritt, W. It. iivin, J. D. Miller, It. Iternhard, Chas. N'iblm, George K. liakeoven ; Sergeant-at-Arms, James M. Cornell, of l'hiladclphiu j Postmas ter, A. G. Henry, of Armstrong; As sistant, A. W. Kimmel, of Indiana; Messenger, James McCalley, of l'liila dohihia: Doorkoeper of the Rotunda. James Mcllcrmott, of Washington; t inci oi mining lk'partmcnt, Win. McLaughlin; Astistnnt, John Darrah. K. B. Rouch and T. 11. Cochran, of Lancaster, had submitted a proposi tion lo do tho pbsting of tho Senate at $J,.r)0(l and the llouso at $$,0(10, both at t7,0U0, which was rejectod by both caucuses. They state that the present expenses of pasting and fold ing in the llouse alone is f.i",00U. Governor Geary ia greatly incensed at the bad faith of papers lust year to whom he sent his message in advance. He now refuses to givo it to reporters, but will send it to-night to all papers, with inclosed slip requiring faithful uso. J ho messago will not bo read, probably, till Wednesday. All afternoon thero was a bitter fiht among the Republicans of the llouso over the Chief Clcrkslii of i'.s halters thirty years ugo. X1VLLXG k SHOWERS Propose to aall tbeir entire (look of WINTKIt Dreae Uoodt, Ireis Trim mines, Phswlt, Hoods, Kuhiaa, Breakfast 6 bawls, CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, SATIXETTS, Flannels, Bianketa, laderahir!a and Drawers. Caaaimara 6birui, Hal at oral and Hoop fckiru, Ulovet, Hosiery, Ladies' Coats, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S' II ATS, lists and Caps, Bonnet Vs veta, Frames, Itibone, Feathers, Flowers, c, at KET COST, to radnea their stock for,rtoj j,7 IT. On Friday, lleoeraher lSlh. between J the residence of W. W. kellv and Ciirwce... vi lie, a patent lever, hunllna; oaer. ailrer Vt ateb. The Under will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to the uadcrsis;ned at Lumber City. l-l-l JOII.N T. JIAtiLHTV. ISOtt. Coin? It Alone. Ifi(il). fi. Jt L. STOUGIITON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Htrert, ( Irarlii Id, Pa, om Store in Mulsonbur! Iu tbe room formerly ocoujiietl by V, T. llegrty. L. M.COUTItIET riAKKS tliii mcthiMl of informing thr eitiicni X. of CiivinKtoD, Km-IIibuh. f.irarii I4jI tha anr rwundinjr eonntrv.lbtu hr bu jmt opeue! a Urge look oi 81 MMKll ..uolis, hirh he i- rtcir minrd lo idl TKN l'KH I'KNT CliKAPKIt than the midc qutvJitj uf iiitod emn be puirbtwM for in any utbr Blurt id lite ocigbborliuotl. Jin ituck ciD..i..U of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Kuoh m PitinftU, rmitnf.rfi, Muslim, lMiDef, Linen, lrillin j;n, talmuci, Triiiiiiiiugt, KibbuiiB. lttepe. READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS k KHOE8. Ii ATS k CATS. GEOCEEES OF ALL EUfDS. ColIe, Tea, Fucar. Kice. Molassea, Fiah, Salt, Ltusoed Oil, Fisb Oil, Carbon OiL Hardware, Queennware, Tinware. Castinra. I'li.wa and Plow Caetinca, Kails, spikes. lorn tulticatora, Cidor I'rcsscs, and all kinds uf Aies. i-aiy Flows are of tile rnrwenav.il. and Centra county aiake, and 'are warranu-d to ba of g(HHl quality. Drugs and Medicines, Ptrfumm, Paint. Vaniih. and t frirr w-iimmt of htAtiuniTV, good noun, Of different branda. always on hand, and will tie snld at the lowest pusail.le tigures. i.Hfians, Puch at I1RASHV, WINE, CIX A Wills KY MB0 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. V-Call and see for yonreelvet. You will find rvervtbiii' uaually kept in a retail atnra. L. M. (Ol TRIBT. Freneliville V. O., June In, l(.S Urn pd. Valuable Farm at I'riutr Sale. v vHK audcreipned now offers at Private Rale his X luia.auaala- ia laairnnt town-hip. Clearfield oi.unlv. Pa., bounded on the north by tbe I'hilips burt Lne Turnpike, and on the west by the huauurbanna river, CONTAIXINll KI(illTV-F(H B ACRFA llctwcon fifty and aim of which are cleared and under culm an. n, and Itavina; thereon a Lilt! llofhK. I1ANK IIAHX. and all the neoeaearv oufl.uililiiiirt, .n orchard, axd a sprint- of rood water at the door. There are TIII1EK VEINS of COAL on thia ana. cne two l.Mit vein, now open: one lortv- inch vein, of as pud coal as can be Youod ia the ouanty. alaoi.pen, and one five tool veia, unopened. T-For Terms and other particulars, apply on the premise., to JollUAN llr.AII. Lawrence tp., J,w )-f s !m pd. STILV3I ILXGINES MACHINISTS, Corner of Fourth nd Pint Htrfwti. t u:ak'Ii:m, pa. l? Their stock roa.l.ta la art 0f Dry Goods of the Best Quality Such as Prints, Da Lsinrs. Alr.ec, , Uinftbams.Murlins. 'bleached Li .;, "" ri-i:--. "an- Alto, Cutlonades, Ladies' '' hub. a. A ilooda, balantral ' ana jioop frkiru, Ac, a tna assartasnt of Mea's Drawer, ihirts, Hats A Caps, Boots 4 taoa all of which WILL BE HOLD LOW FOR CAtt are HAVING eo faired ia the manufacture offirst class M ACIIIKEH V, we respectfully inform tba public that we arw aow prepared to fill all orders aa cheaply and as promptly as ean ba done in any of the eitiea. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills , Head Illookt, Water Wheels, Fbafting Pulleys, fl, Herd's Injector, Siram Gaugca. Steam Wbistlet, Oiltrs, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups. (Jauar Cocks, Air Cocks, liloU Valves, Check Valves, wrourlit iron Pijess. Steam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, 8oap Ptone Packins;, Gum Park ins;, and all kinds of MILL WORK j. tore t her with Plows, Pled Bolea, COOKAXD PA RLOK STO rES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. .--fti-dcrc solicit, J and filled at city pricea. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promplly aaawered, by addrca inj as at CirarfiviJ, Pa. Iss-H-tf IlOVNToN A YOCNU, Hardware, Queeasware, GWir; Groceries and SpiceE. INSHOKTA CEXEKAL A.S.SUKTKEN: Of everythinr wsuslly ken ia a rei.ll . CUKAP F0KCA-U ot aparov.d eoattry pi, dues. A. K. WTiIGUT i S0S Clearfield, Not. 7 , 18(17. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MAIlkET fT., CLEAKFinLIl, PA. TERiiO.c deainnj GOOP riCTl RES.of any A aivle and price, with all the modern improve meats of the art, ran he accoiamadated by caltiar , al my rooms in Clearfield. i Neptives rrmde in Cloudy as well as in Clear Weather. MW FALL & M I HER tOODs; 1VI Ilia 111 Herd A c,,. eax PoatoHice, Market Hreet CLEARFIELD, PA. n AVISO jast oiwned a larer and eoa stock from New Vork and l'kns..li e,. eau offer extra tnduccmant. to CASH lit Ifci We have a rplcadid aele.-t.oa of Dress Gwat Uilks, tihawlea, nuakirea, I .anneli, EaU murals, lllaukca, Hoop t-kirts, Corsets, Tbim.otls (ilove-6ttint Triurhimira of every description, Zcpkvr, lam, and one el tbe most ouni lete anuntasLU at Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, rnder wear, Flrsiery, GloTea of all k.nde. 1,. ander's K id and li arris" oalrbraled Nima krf, (the beet ever maxte.) Neck lies, liatterfiiea. Colis-a. Cuffs, tiamdkerrhieta, Lacca. Ldrtt.f. r n,,o-oiueriet, ajc: also, a larce amrtaveat af Ft h.S, with l.kJV PATENT Ml If. to. tec thins: eitant toeMJerr with a fuM lines, staea ffoud.. 411 of which we offer at tba VERY LOWEST CASU TILICZ: Call and aaa ns. No trouble to show roodi. J, mcmbor tiis f i.c e-M- Pot..ftre, Markrt ttrrt, ci8 CLEAI.FIELIl, PA. Parrlrd. In Lawrence towtiahlp, on December Slat, ldfi", by P. A. Howns. Esq., Mr. M0SKr CO Ml All to Misa TAUITItA M'KKK. On Thurs.lay, llccoml.cr Jllh, 1R(1I, by J. II. Csi.nurt.i., Kaq., Mr. I.EMCEI. C. lll.OOM to Miss FANNIK HE A I' MAN ; h.ith or Knox tp. On Thursday, Itecemner .Hal, lt.61, al Hie reai denoe of the bride's brother in-law, G. L. Wat, by Iter. 8 J. lUvm, Mr. JAMES It. TIIIIONK. of Wayne. Clinton county, Pa., to Misa CATHA RINE A R A ItK I.l. A MC K. or Curw.nsv ille, Clear, field county. Pa. $m- utrrrtisrairaJs. -JRI-.AT IIAKf.AIMls.ln c,othli Tww,dli J ('Maimers, rialtnetta, fihirtitif Flannels, . ttrat torda, at J. p. nAVINO opened bualneas on niy own hook, at tbe old stand in Shsw'. How. I tharefors aunounee to tba public that I have now on hand a well seltettd and large assortment of Cloths, CassimereB, Vestinirs. Reavers, and all kinds of Goods for men and boys' wesr, and am now prepared in make wp to order CLOTH I Nil, from a tinalt articlt la a full suit. In tht latcat styles aad most workmanlike mannsr. Ppeei.l attention (Ivan to raatom work atid cutlinr out for man and hoys. I ofisr ureal bar,, ma to customers, and wa-reet antitt satisfaction. A liberal share f publie p.trnn.rt i aolicittd. Call and see ma. ian7.tf K. R. L. STOUGIITON, KOTK'l:M.The fnllowlnv Her. 1 of the .KAliKH. b. Jlt'RaiLadias', Oents and Childrana' Furs llalanoa of stock at rreatlv eeriucad v,ri...' tt' I.KfoKK KI0KK. , WASiTKII.-Counlry produce In ciehann for cheap (nods, at tba KEVKTOM FIOKE. DKI.AINKU CALICO MCKLIN8 At tha Ine. infm 1 1, I and upwards. KEVKTONB KTohK. SHI ! .( A frerh Invoice of (Hove Calf Rut toned Roots, Ktar Polish Halmorals, aVe , to at price, la suit tha times, at the '' KEYSTONE STORE. I-I.AKF.Ts.riLANKKT8.-A ,,, 1 1 of fine while Woolen Illanketa, Army Klan. Jets, Artillery Rlankata, Uum lll.nkets, II eras Illanketa, al J. P. KHATZEIC8. I" en. .sii llri(iL'o. ami in thin lie is iiid lo Imve liccti iiulnrscd ly Sctintor ( nincron. 1'tir a timo it wan Riijiponod tlint SfH'ri(l;o would bo ociontod, nut townriis cvfintig ho imp. tl. .,i ,., , . uficstirii, i. in tuwarus cvt'it I lio loyal carjecH.nir Mnyor of wdod in rallvinir around I ",'urgiit, rwoniiy poi arunk nt rocoivod a iun;;od eye irom a railroad mini who could not ntnnd tho bntiiL'iiiK of the drunken Mayor, who B .. ; .( 1 i.i .... , . . ' . iiuauuiu -wniinnva d sunt horn man." Whore ia il,e VriAMnr T Loy. nlly haa pr,t n 1,1,,, pr.0 jn (; ( Lot all Iho lnyul howl. Thirty thoitHitiid en.iipa of eulofjifB of old Thnd. hr the Monprol mcmlwra of tho JJumji, hare beon ortlt-red prin tod at Iho cxKiiiwcf the people nr the I nited Sutea. Tbua old Thad. dead continues oppretwing tho pooplo. ' A Now York paper hints that an immense amount of eating and drink- .icoi-wBtiry 10 carry on tho AT,?f,'a:i ",M,,m T WT.Af.ar .. dw " Oooi,, Inelndina Hoods, Nubias, llreakfaat Khaal, ((..... .(..! dreu'e Capes, (Scarfs, Caps, o., will be sold at 0o"( l J. P. KltATZKK'H. XIC'AI. ;iKiim.Violina. Flut... a.. eordeuns. Fifee. Italian Rielt,. n..i . Ree.ia, Ouitar Utrlnga, Muaio Paper, Insiraetioa a........ ,or sate uy J P. KKAT.KK, Jiui7-la A pen I tat Pianos and Organs. T i( i:i J 4 sons have filed iu the office of the Clerk 1 url of Ouertcr Kessn.ns of Cleaencld their pelitmna and bonds for License, at the Jan' usry eoeeiona nest, arTceal.ly to thr act of Aaecm l.lv. entitled "An Act to rciulate thr sale uf Intolt. iostinK Liquors," ae: orri. l.iPBvaa. ing was neoettsary to new t.-onprcsionai investigation v.vnuu uauus iu mat city. inn iiii'iiiih who arc supposed to sym pathir.o with the Cameron ininreat and whon the eaueus met he i-epeivud 33 votes to Sliiinhatij'h'd 'T. Many pontlcmen crowded around him, and congratulated him. I.dward G. I-eo, tho old assistant clerk, whs rciiomina. ted by a volo of SI to li!) lor K. II Gordon, a niemher of tho last House from Indiana. John A. Smull was renominated for llesidotit'lork tinani-mouslj-. llaurh and ("ochran's propo sition, offered by Jlr. Goutchull, of aJtneaster, was laid on the table Cor. Commereial. Gen. McCltillan has declined the Presidency of the University of Cali. r,.ei. I. .L... a. . 1 , , I ,v ,0 wi(. itiHt, ne now iioiiis of positions which cive hitn from $15,(in(i Jto15,nP07ear. lnrRAV KHI PPCsine trcasamj on m a "e peemiaes ot ine eonscriiicr, rcsnliiir in i.,.,,.,,,!,. .....ni ine m.tntn ot ri.qitcmt.cr Inat live head of HilLLT four with 1.0 ear .e.,..i I Til SOI110 Of ,,l' k " " ear off. The owner is rcfioreien to e.tne l.tiward, prove property, pay charjee and take Ihem away, or they will be dealt win. ara-oruinx; 10 law. JanT.Jl JAMES McCl.lXCEY. I)MIM I I(A1IIH'N Mil l( iN, It hereby fnen tl.nl Irttrra of admiaislration on the ealsle of KMANl'KL V ISl.lt, deceaaed latenf Mradford tp., Clcrbcld count.. Pa., hav. tn heen duly grained lo the undernamed, al! per. son. indented to said estate will please make pav. menl, and those bavins; claims or demand, a, II prea.nl them properly aulhentioatrd fol settlemenl aad allowance without d.lv. . . JONATHAN WISER, Admlni.lratnr. 1Afc'K HttTIt R.The annual elccln.n for 1 I seven Hireetnra of the County National Hank ot Clearfield, will o b.1.1 al Ik. L u day. January 1.1th. tff.V, betwaan tbebaaea w) one D(J 3 oVliMik, p. n. JAB. T. LEONARD, prei'l. IJUR AI. li-Kowr valuable toaa propenie. In the horowrh of Cetartcld. 1.'... .. ' tirable aad bnildmira new. Apple to wm. M. McCi Ll.ornH daclt Aliota.y .i Law, ClearJ,ld, it. K. A. ThntntiRoti,. Hnmunl Jlnlnn I, li. lQliitniHi l-nnii I'IhiiII ( l"nh MliMiin Mil" 1Iot( HcniRmiit ltl(Mim. MrurT ttl.iM r-iir l4if)n)ftt. W. il. Thuioijn Jnhn Kmiti Hnmufl ('. H-phum .lthn Miilflon rfWirft KriKir A. IS. Ili.ldrn Maflhnr C. Unmt.fl ..." Julia Ann Fr-nry 1 lulfttnlnr Hinitb I"c Hifkfli Jnhn triHi Ilniwrl Itoril ""' Uwirp. N. ( olhnrn I -Mr Hhimtnol It'hn J. HfM.,1 Arnuli. Kfhtiftirii lVUr imicr Anilirw Hhofl J. Iltniiriiun .Incob Mm '.'.!..!"." a i, twin unsmr.. I'Hitifl llnwrnnn li-iiinmin f wnirnrl .!!.'!.!!. nthnrin .irnff...". W. Ktidrt , Alury K. Mnnfff.smrrT I. L. Itrlirn-tHn A Co A n c i l 1 iPt .n t p .,.'.'... iirmttf K. HoWi-ker '."."."" A. c. Wood wrrf. KwMiaxia. Iwarift, MnrriB. iitinitr-T CitT. 4)Mtw.la. rarwrnnville. Tint rf, rid rtiMU Irn. IVtin fnvtnfffnn. ltmHT lll'Him (.ultch ritvarflcld. ,.Nrw WRs-hinrtim. ltt (nana, Mnrrm Horriii. Clrarficlfl. Mnffc. rrwctivilf-. vinpfin. ('OTinitinn. (.U.lH'h. 'i-.ta. it -Id II ill.. rimrflrlil. lr-;la. Ckarfl. I.l. . CitrwnvtHf. .('Iinrftrid. ....Hha illc. n-arflfl.l. (iirard II ii too. TATK, Vnk. -EW BTOlvE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Have just opened a Ntsr Sto, od Main St., CLtArm.n, Ta., lalely occupied bjr Wm. F. IK WIN. Their stock consult of Gkoctaiu of the heat quality, QtlF.ENS.VARE, BoOtU 81.(1 ShoCS, and every article oeneaaarr for one's comfort. Call and axamine our stock before pur chasing elsstrhore. May fl, lKt'.fi-if. lX STOCK! M STILLS.'! I ALL ANP WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, A T Miss SUSAN KEEP'S. MARKRT FT., C!.r.ARriFI.T, PA. llavias Just received all Ihenaveltiea of the arasoa la tha Milltaary Una, rtooest tht lad i as to rail and eiatnine Ihem. Cleartskt, fa,, Hn, , fS . v area . a. Taoarsoa TEN EYCK & THOMPSON Cl 'KW ENS VILLI-:, PA. nAVINO Just received from Kew Tort one of tha laraeat aad bast selected storks of t...ds, wt art aow ready to offer tht aami te our old euatoaart, (to whom wa retura thanks for past levers,) and tht eitttsna of the eeunty reset-ally, at Frioes that will Render Satisfaction. (lire us a pall before purchasinfc elsewhere, and """"J save irom a to ju per cent on your goods. Par stock eon.l.ls of a treat variety, such aa IRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTUINfl, ontHEp.irs, IIAHHWAIIE, QVEEXSirASE, PAIXTS, OILS, Hilt (;, 1'HflT A I.l. kl.lw, Fi.h. Salt, Leather, 8haa Findlnra, HOOTS and bllOKS leaalaru and home made) ia rreat a. rietv. aad al reduced fi lures : TINWAkli FLOl'R, Ac, Ac. TEN KVCK a" THOMPSON. Ilavlni ra associated H. B. Tbomnson with ma ia tha above trade. I desire all naraooa in debted to ma, by Note or Iionk account, to tail auu seme tut aama wtttiout delay. WM. TEN EYCK. CnrwensTllls, May, T, I sua if. Vk iv KTOltir Cor. Becond St. and Hill Road. II. MITCHELL HAK Ju.t received and n;tied. at Ihe aKove named i.lsce. an entire new at.wk nf SI M . Ml li lllll'll.vwhieh he will cell V KK V I'll I; 1 1 Foil CASH. His stock eonsiau of Irv C woods (.ro'rioK. II ARDWAIi E, (jrEKNPWARE, Boots and r!boe list, and Cap.. Rea.ly.Made . i..iniii, etc Be also keeps ehmca FLorn, cony MEAL, PEEP, Chop, Katon. Finh, ana itrird frullt. Persons desirous of purchasing frooda at fait rate, are rrspecirully mpieeted to cive him a call T-f Approved country produce will betaken! al the hislieet prieea, in eiehana fcer foods ('learheld, June IS, lo-tf CHILItREN'S PICTl'H.E tasun aocaratelv in a few aecowda. Tha TONE aad TIMSII of my Photorrapht sruaranteed to equal that of any made ia Phila delphia or Kew Vork. Constantly an hand a larre supply of Frames, Albums and Stereoscopes, Of all sisea, styles and prices, and of the best finish. Also, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, of tha mutt tDlerettine, AMI KIC AS dk l-URa.K.N ( KM;RV, for sale at reaa.ntal.le rales. FRAMES OF ALL FIF.EK, From any style of moulding, made to ardor on short antiee. 1. K. B0TT0RF. Clearfield, Ilac. 10, lsf, r McGAUGHEY'S j RtSTil IHTt RErRESHMEYT; H A I. O O K , j In Leavj's New Hiiil.liac. ffonrfcrly ocenpied by ojr. iinic, FECfiNH FT., CLEARFIELD. PA. CICVSTANTl Yoti hands fine srle-linn of CAN. 7 MKS. NI TS. ( KiAHS, TollACt'tl, Ac Alan, PR ICS H OYSTERS received d.ilr, and serv ed ap to snit the taatrs of customers. Illl I lKllsAMH ,,o story dc lntf l'AMI NctiAl (iHEY. PASSMOR.E L BOWMAN'S t.rtK-rry und Saloon. (On Reed Street, Bear tbe Railroad tl , I CLEARFIELD, PA. a revolitiot i mwm AT f I RVVKUM l l BT HARTSOCK & GUsODWIX. THE undmirned asviaf aatared lata aa aatt, narebt,. ia tba mercantile burtae. aaeat Una method af aotiryinf tbt publie am -. and tht aititeai of Curweneviile and viciattv a particular, that merchandise af all kinds will ba aold by as as aheap as tha same enaiitv else where ia tht county. Wa ktvt a full aapplv af DRY GOODS: Coeietinr ia rart af Iirau r.o.J. Vl.-., Prism af all shades aad styles : tofettsr witk a inn aasonmeat ar NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS L CAPS, Boots, tibara. Hardware. Qarvnsw are. As Well as Tinware. Cedarwara. Willcwwars. buckets aad Brooms : lorwtbs with a lavjrt st. k af Orocenes; aad always a rail atock a( TWVR, FISH, SALT, Ac. Ia short, w. keep a foil anprty of averathuti used ia this market, Wa want all car all ewstomsra aad at maty aaw anas aa asm aaaae II aoaveniaat, to i n e. a call before purat aarns; alaewhara. DANIFL BARTffK. KDWIN OooI'VTIN. Carwsnsvills. Paaramir 14. 1KS. RICH iltlk ?10HSOPw MiLKI IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS. WrSI.ISS u Se-nsaticro rrmta 1'EIAINF-S at Sonsauon pnea Ct'I'.l'KRS at Sensation ' prices ALPACAS at Srnaatinsj rnres .'uit rewiveeU at Mv-tSSOrS". GIVOnAWS CHINTZ r HINTS GLOVES CKAVATS SHAWL". OiLtiKKD ) MUSLINS at at at at at at at at Srnaalion Sensation Kftnaatioa rNomatien Sensation pricai pnroi ptireJ prirss veeicea at AlOSScrs (naaiioo prices Sensation :ric"e Senaation prirss ltrr - - , .. . . a wvu.u rcstiecituiiy inform the publi " prepared to sell ! ,,... , .'a looanco, rian, to, ul.lie that rnnir. as Well a. (W. V.... sn'.n erervttnnr ii'usllv found in sal.n. and (rroeerlca. A share ol pnhiir palron sjre IS eohcttcii. (if.l r. I A-'VhKK de,3...tf DANIEL llliW MAN LlTHERSRl KG POTTERIES I.allirrsl.urc. I'lrarOeld C o., Pa. LINEN at CRASH at CIRTA1VS al TAKLE CIA3T1IS at FK1NGG al All to bad at Mi SSOIV. Seinaalion pruiea Senaation pnraa Seosalioo prtrea Soaa(ion irirM Sersation prirea at MoSSMrs'. Sensation prtoea Senaalioo prices SQaaliOD f-nras LACK at HOSIFRT at RIBltoSS at TlilWMISGS) of all kinds I at in anj quan'lr I Alwavaon hand at MiS--or? Senaalioo pr.rea FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look H ere! 'l-'IIE andcr.inied , prepared to famiah vou -i- With Ihe best FTONTW AKE msnafactu'red in this country. Hcha.never yet failed to plcw Ihe mol faslldiiaji, as lo quality or durat.ility His ware eonaists ia part of CEEAM POTS OF ALL SIZES: MH.K tIKK'Kw AND r.., Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, CA.1MKKES at KATT1NKTS at TWFKHS al .'FANS at VF.ST1XGS at SIUKT1.NGS at Senaaiiiin pnwa Srnsat ,.n prioaa Senaalioo pnoaa Sensation pncea Snatton pnnea Sentation rr;,ei at kS'jSS 'iy. frift CLOTU1NQ aurh", aa vffltta, ranlv Vjwia, I Oder Slnrta, at aetisation Flannel Shirts, Boota, Slioea, Ilau and Cam. Now d.r aale al SlOSi'r? H A K L W A K E at aenau,iB pr.rea at MOSSSMT "lI RsWOsnnsn Fitch aeiu. Praaeh -quirrel eetta, Amtrleaa S-ialrvol aetu. Kahi. vt. torinea, cilvar Martla sella. Miak aapae and ueuie .ar eeiiart, in.avar aad Mink I at t. 1". KIiATaLh S. And In short KVLllVTSUNll usually i kept in an eatal.liahment of Ibis kind. .de and MEllCMtNTS Can hav their ware delivered l.v i TIMK and to ANT PLACE desiml. Orders for ware solicited, and promptly aired. sic, at ANY at aensatinn prices at sensotioa pri.'' al Mi.SSrs'. at sensation pr fen era I assortment, sea Catalofae aad Pnca Lttt, mailed free la applicants. liberaJ diseoaalaill whofeaale trade. I a... . - C , l.f W iawa to il klKR. auch aa Sawa.nailt Fork a, Knivoa, Spikpa, Hinges, LlCrOKS. anch a Wine, Uran.iv, O i O. W h mkey. CofnAO. rir., etc., Fl.l'll'S turn as Prunes, liaistna. Figs, Iaiie.ru, Ac, GnocEinr.s, ar i mill, il a ra a. Shoulder, Surer, Molaawna, C.itlea, Te. C r a r k e r, Spioea, tandiee, ('oal oil, ale, etc. Alwravt at V. issor". ri.ACKlNQ at aen-alinn p-rea Uiil'F. at aentaattoo vnef n'vir.K at aensattoa pricea ""'"T al aenaaitrm pnrea LKAO ut aenaation prsrea CATS al aenaation prca Althw atoraof RICHARPM.Ksdr. MOSSOP Always kwepa ,vn bsaJ a lull awotlnjeinl of all kinds offtwvls reaioired lor tha aorom modal ion ol tbe pul-lift. July t . 1 "' BIT th. l'EM'rr.ATir At VANr ie . ta. Lvwry . aaei showed have ass). "