Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 31, 1868, Image 2

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liKOIKIB ll.(uni.ANi)i:H, Id
Thurednr Mornliiir. Itrrrinlirr .11, I"MIM.
JrHiyfrfiNn's Share of the
No pcoplo on onrlli nrn bo systcm
ntknlly and gijriinticiiMy ruljbed ly
their agents as tho whito sluves of the
United Status. J'rosiJpnt Johnson,
in his Into moBsnjjfl to Kpn. JiutlcrA
Co., (usually styled Coiigrc.8,) truth
fully says:
"An army of t&A-gatnerera imtijvcriih the
To piovo Ihat, lilio Actean, wo are
ijuiug devoured by our own dogs, we
publish the tublo found bolow, which
;iveB a birds-oyo view of what tlu
"loil" Assessors cost tbo poople each
year in this Stalq,
II will be noticed that Mr. Livings
ton and lata eon (XlXth district) an
nually pocket tho very snug (urn of
11,000 42, whilo bis assistants gobble
up f 12,192 72, making altogether
$10,199 11. VTliut tho assessments
yield tho TrenBury we know not, but
nt five per cent, tho listrict should
pay 3:20,000. But to tho tabic :
lHstrict. Atae.rort. ' Clerkl. At.i.tantt.
S4.4K.1 02 Sli.fW M .M.Mi 27
s.tmn on
32.47ft N
40.7S5 OS
2,2.'H S6
2l.0.:il 17
1...4I1 111
I'J.-'IOi 1.1
. 4.S4I (17
, 4.420 66
, S,riS 14
. .'i.iim m
, 2,7:i(IM
. 2.HI7 24
4.SKK tH
2.412 29
. 3.1171 Oil
,. 1,21V 117
, 1.71.1 62
2.4.IU AS
2.72 4S
2.212 hit
1 ,kK3 30
2.176 21
.V70 42
3. On 4K
2,4:13 dO
3,274 64
. 1 ,-! ti
4,:tK.-; S3
.H.0IS 61
3,470 00
soo 00
l.Killl 00
1.4liS 64
1.6H0 IW
1. 2011 no
l,4lil 62
SM.'l fi
1.1 OH V.i
1.600 00
l,lll6 t
3:17 00
sim 00
036 00
1,400 00
on ta
JI.SrHI 02
1,500 00
600 00
Hi.f.23 20
1.V77 3:'
li.lf 63
17,476 7S
13.M7 22
12,626 00
20.3(16 13
2I.4H7 4.'.
V.rl'.l2 00
17'7MI HO
12,102 72
1 S,33S 06
2o,; 10 10
lh.420 30
I4.S3S 41
ls.oos 01
Tout $72,442 76 (47,668 71 $010,110 SO
The total cost of assessing the In
fernal Revenue in this Slate is ftioO,
2G1.27, or nearly one dollar for each
voter. The vote polled in November
was GG5,CC2. This is what tho As
sessors cost us, but it is impossible
for any ono to say what the Collectors
charge for gathering up this plunder.
It is no doubt much larger.
The reader will bear in mind tho
fact that previous to tbo advent of
Radicalism, no such officers wcro
known to the people; and bad they
not been foolish enough, in 1800, to
aell thoir birthrights for a mess of
potlage, they w ould bo of no use now.
Had tho Democratic parly remained
in possession of tho government, tbo
tax payers of this 19th Congressional
District would not bavo been callod
upon to pay f 10,000 for on inquisition
over their business, and as much
moro for delivering up ihoir earnings
to tho Collector.
"Loyalty," to-day, compels tho fur
ment, mochanics and laborers in this
Slato, to pay milliom of dollars annu
ally to keep up a herd of first-class
loafers, men -who nro devouring the
fat of tbo land, and areas unnecessarj'
to tho happiness and prosperity of
the pooplo as any othor species of
A Good Witntsh. President John
aon says: "Ono hundred millions of
dollars are annually expended for the
military lorco, a largo portion of
which is employed in the execution of ;
laws MA unnecessary an d vnconstitu- j in this issuo. It will stand upon the
twnal." This is a sad confession for page of history, as a monument tow
tho Chief Magistrate of the nation to cring far above every act Mr. Johnson
make "Elected by tho loil pooplo,"
he now tells rebels and all that
millions of tbo people's money is
spent in executing unnecessary and
unconstitutional Uiirs. Ai Mr. John
son taw fit to bed with those political
uariois during the wur, bo knows no
doubt whereof be snrnks. II i.
awaro that his associates during that
period wcro public robbers, and at
the eleventh hour warns tho people.
IIo also says that "ull our domestic
troubles are directly traccablo to tho
violations ot the organic law (Consti
tution) and- execssivo legislation."
Thus we havo it plainly that tho
robels and the loyalists are the whole
cause of our troubles. Were some
"copperhead" to givo vent to theso
truthful sayings, they would be de
nounced as false by the "trooly loil ;"
but coming from the man nominated
and elected by theso men, who aro
not as other men aro, &e., they must
pass lor gospel.
rLl.NliER. Tho Govern ment agents
the pRt year collcclod from tha neo-
,;le tU,tj2,;52 02-nearly fifteen mil-
ons ot dollar in stamps. This
f about three dollan and fifty
fonts for every taxable. A pretty
Icavyuxl Our grandfathers raised
a rebellion alout stamp fax that did
. not bear ball as hrnvr on the i.ronlr
w this one. And more: Where doo
tho mnnry go r That is tho tjuestion.
The Dcmocralic. party administered
the government for fifty jrnrs and
never issued a stamp.
The London Times, tho b.val Brit
ih Tory organ of tho English nristoo
racy, liko the TriUme, m,J h ,)c I. 1 .
" J 1,1 I'aprrs in tins country,
abuse, the President and praisrt the
Rump Congrrss.
This proves that the offspring of
those who, with the aid of iho Indi
ns, in 1770, ..!,. j our gra.j.inuht.i-s
liecaaae thry refused to l y .,,,,
nd thr loyalists who, with the niperrs
soil stann.s (o.tJay fr a living, nrc the
Fmo Kiimrvu, and only rcmniu her
for the purpose of pluudor. t
t'rt ! ht Ottr ,!
rt-nor f
Tbi iticalitni norma to t ri ml -to
many cf cur iViiwriatiti rxilini g'
Wrtp the liomiiuitinn toiiii'ltii to ita
r woultl sotm m ttlc it. To Ciir mind,
no in a n In the wrflrrn pint of the
Stato cniiiinatula nunc report and in
(luctico, or pnMcawa mom rxoi-ntivc
ability, than U,m. tirorgo W.I.'um, ul
1'iltsburg. lie piism uses every iliar
aeteriativ iii'tcaetiiy to mnko n gmul
(iovernor, and behaved liiiiiMt'll lunch
better luring tho war than some of
thoho now f-puki'li of. llo tltwrvcM
thcsiippui't of nil true 1 enmei atH. In
a letter addressed to tbo lloinoeruts
of Washington county, in 103, be
said :
"I have emnr In tn"k tilth itltnn.f n. niiicli
oilmlft upon the n.'liou nf I hv ieiu..eratic parly in
Ms primary niceting. an Inr thr reeiilt ol our unn
tlicl in at ink ; lir Hie ri uf'li (hut II ia now elcal
tlmt the perpetuity nl unr prccnl lonn tit p-ivcrn
ment reMt tiiun the pathi'linn, iiitelliireiicn, Inr
nearnnne, ami r'nni."t.'iLl. cmir.1. ul arumi nl the
lieumoratic party. The .lin-olini!! hihI Hmhen
who an-tin k-ii'tiinr K.ilil nf tin- xililn'ii! nrt
in ifiwcr frfm ijtiilfl inti-iit i.n ili'drnvlnK cur
i il rtifiiU m in wiiiiiiir llio rrbriii into (.ul'jij
ti'ili, il ! our liut v lu inriot on lli rc.-i:rvnllon
ililnot of t l,n lorui of r"V(Tinii.'lit :tllisln-l in
l7H',iir"l (lint lU l.-rriloriiil IiiimIp of llirnNlion
imii ntri'r I ii in i in ii.-.i. 'jo aiimii linn iml.
IhII to llimi. w t-inuitt li.-l.l itic cx.Tiitn p hfri-ntc
of Ilia jrorrriniH-nl t.i thoir ilutv, nnlil w nui. h.r
mean of (tin ballot-hoK. put in their lload IhoM'
who will ailiuinlrlf-r' ttiu govvruuii-nt ai it war
fonm-il by our aiiocrtorii."
Thtso gospel truths wcro uttered
when it was dangeroun to toll the
truth, llencc, if wc find a man bold
enough to stand up and defend the
Democratic land markB in "war times,"
he will certainly uphold them iu lime
of peace.
Lot tho next Democratic State
Convention nominate Gen. Cass, and
the question w ill soon bo settled as to
who will be the next (iovernor. Elect
him, and there will bo something in
the Gubernatorial chair Hint has not
been found for eleven years brains
and energy.
.1 Hurry.
The Tresidoiit, in his message, in
forms tbo gullible, public that .Beast
liutler Co. have increased the gi
gantic Kalional Debt just forty six
millions of dollars in tho past thirteen
SuppoBo John Doo .was doing a
heavy business, and owned a farm
worth (2,5(10, and that he bad so con
ducted bis attain tho past eight years
that be was compelled to mortgage
his farm last January to tbo full value
thereof in order to prosecute his busi
nesc and keep his creditors quiet
during the past year, and on the first
day of January, 11109, make an exhibit
to bis creditors, showing that during
those twclvo months ho had increased
his indebtedness $100 00 ! Reader,
how long do you suppose John's cred
itors would allow him to continue
business, w hen by his own statements
he shows that his debt is increasing
every year, and that bo is on the
highway to bankruptcy ? Would they
not come to the conclusion that cither
John did not know bow to do busi
ness, or that bis clerks wore robbing
him f Would this not bo the natural
conclusion you aouUI arrive at? Now,
if this rule holds good against John
1)0, or any other individual, why is
it not so against tho (.Sorcrninont ?
Wo havo henrd loiliets bonsta great
deal about reducing tho National
Debt, but tho President distinctly de
clares that it has been increased.
And inoro than this: Ben Butler A
Co. never w ill decrease it. They will
rob and impoverish any pooplo who
aro foolish enough to employ them,
and unless they are turned out of
power the creditors of the Government
will becomo as restless as those of
John Doo.
Tin Amkstv. The Proclamation
lb President will be found clscw here
has committed. Il was a Christmas . of the late Win. Rice ; (1,200 of the
gift to misguided mon, second only to f,,ml of 1,18 cioly lor the education
that celebrated by all Christians "J" co!,url;, ,M: ",,J. rto,
, ,, ,, . , . . amounts for different individuals. It
through the world. And for'j. ...ia tll0 .....,,,,,, wii. ,nrM .,,
tins universal pardon, llio 'govern
menl'is assailed only by bigots, knaves
and Inlidcls a combination of itrnor-
anccscoundrelistn and vanity predom
inating largoly among tho loyalists of
Wake Up. Wo aro very much iu
nerd of the good times promised ns,
by tho especial friends ot Gen. Grant,
before I ho election, but il looks now as
though loyalty uud ull wero under
protest. Gentlemen, no itouging.
Make both your notes nnd words good
tottio prop,, you nave
robbed and deceived for tho past eight
years, or tbey will turn upon and de
vour you
WoNliEIU LL Discovr.R y Tho loyal
journals inform tho public that Gen-
Grant is in "entire accord with the Re
publican leaders " This is truly won
derful 1 The President elect in har
mony with the party that elect d him !
If ho sticks to that it is more than
their Presidents usually do.
TheecconlricGeorgo Francis Train,
w ho has been locked up in nn Enijlish
jail for sonic .ld debts, for the past six
months has been released, and nrrived
in New 1 ork on Christmas, whore ho
w ill no doubt administer tho British
Lion somo heavy blows.
Ji'st Like Thkm. The loil sneaks
who wore too cowardly to try Jeffer
son Davis, John C. llrrckenrblgo, or !
any other 'il. ailiiifr ruhul," now howl
truniMnltmsly ut l'roni.Jerit Jolinaon
for jwrdoning tticm. Womlorful l
roisiri !
Tlie (;rcnt htiot nui ahoo m.intifiio.
tiirinn t iiy ol J.inn, Mnsa., jih vihilfti
ly B vry iltxlructive firoon tlie L'Oih.
A million ofj.lollurs will not cover I'. e
Hon. Alexander II. KU'lifns hns
v..v.. ... vuv .tii.itiiivai i rules-
sorship in thu Georgia University.
A rroiUnmtion by the rWitVnt.
nv mt iMfuniNT nr tun mm1
KT4TI t'F AVrtlll A.
WltlSIA, 'I'll I'lTmilent vt the
l'nitrd flntra btia InTet-itinv art li'itli
I m voml pmc hiMinlioiiK.i'lVi'iO'l ntiinnatj
anil pnniiiii In pritnts who linil not ii
nr w ere c rmiwrin il in I In- Inle n l lliim
n i ir-t tho lawful aiilborily "f tin'
(iovermnent nl the I nitid States,
whii h prcx luiniitinnn were ncvrral'y
i-sued en the Mil day nl lleceinher.
1m;:!; nn thr J'illnlny of March, 1'1;
mi the I'l'th day nf Mav. Ili.'i : on vhe
7th day if Soploinhcr, lM'iT, ami on
the lili day ul July, in the present
year; and whereas, tho authority of
llio l etk riil (.oveniinenl having tieen
re nstalilihlied in ull tho Slatea and
Territnries within tho jurisdiction of
the I'niled Slates, it is bulieved that
such Presidential resorvnliona uud
exceptions us at tho dales of said
several proclamations were, deemed
necessary anil proper, may now he
windy it nd justly rylimiuinhcil, and
that n universal uuiiicsty and pardon
for participation in said rebellion
extended to all who have borno any
part therein will tond to secure pcr-
iii u tie 1 1 L icaco, order and prosperity
lllI.( rllout lUu ur)j nj to r0JW
i . r., J. , ...
anu limy rusvoru eouiiueiieu unu ini
trrnal fooling among tho whole pooplo.
and tho respect for mid ntlachmetit
to the National Government, dusigned
by its patriotic founders for tho geu-
oral good ;
Now, thereforo, bo il known that
I, Andiikw Johnson, President of the
United Stales, by virtue ol the power
and authority 111 1110 vestod liy ttio
Constitution, and in the name of the
sovereign pooplo of the I'niled Statbs,
do hereby proclaim and deelaro uncon
ditionally uud without reservation to
all and to even iiorsou, who directly
or indirectly participated in tho late
insurrection or robullion, a lull pardon
and amnesty for theolfunso of treason
nguinst the United States, or of adher
ing to their enemies during the late
civil war, with restoration of all rights,
privileyes and immunities under the
Constitution and the laws which huve
been made in pursuance thereof.
In testimony whereof, I have signed
theso presents with my hand and have
caused the seal of tho United States
to bo hereunto aillxcd.
Dono at tho city of Washington, the
2nth duy of December, in the year
of our Lord lxiih, and of the inde
pendence of the United States of
America the ninety-third.
AsnrtKw Johnson.
By the President :
F. W. Skwauh, Acting Soc'y of Stato.
A Radical exchange says the full
pardon and amnesty proclamation just
is'suod by President Johnson includes
Jefferson Davis, Ureckiniidgc, Jacob
Thompson, Mason, Slidell, and others
who were directly or indirectly en
gaged In the lute insurrection or rebel
lion. The parties above named are
now in foreign countries.
Tho report of the board appointed
to cxnmino into the report upnn cer
tain contracts made by tho Patent
Oflirc for stationary and printing will
soon bo ready for tho Secretary of tho
Interior, and will show some astoun
ding frauds. For instance, a certain
firm agreed to furnish largo manilla
envelopes in which to encloso patents
for muiling, at forty dollars per thou
sand. His ascertained Hint the oilier
could not 110 over thirteen thousand
ot these envelopes in one year, and
yet tho contractors were paid during
the Inst year for ono hundred and
forty thousand, or filly-six thausund
dollars for envelopes, when five thou
sand two hundred dollars was full
compensation for all that could have
been used. Other facts, equally start
ling will be presented. This we have
another exemplification of tho "trooly
loil" robbrrs who are running tho
macnin o.
The Latk Dkfai.cavion. ThoDd-
awaro (Imette. says thai so far as il
can hear, the liabilities of Joseph W.
Day, Jute cashier of the National Union
llaiik ol ilmington are upwnrds of
?4.i,nuu. Jle enjojel the implicit
confidence cf the entire community,
and holil coiiHitieralile sums ot money
in trust for various individals or insti
tutions. Ho- held over f 1000 of the
fund of tho new Presbyterian church,
of which bo was nn elder; 4,o0() of
tho funds for tho benefit of the widow
of Gen. Smyth : $12,000 for the hein
caso into Bankruptcy in which case
tho judgments given will not stand.
His assets are said to amount to 810,-
Cai'T. L. M. Hamilton. Captain
Louis McLnno Hamilton, who was
killed in tho buttle of Washita, fought
lietwoen I nilcd Slates Cavalry, under
Genera! Custcr,And tho Indian's, under
big Kctllo, on the 27th ol November,
was the youngest ollieer of his rank in
tho regular service. Uo was born in
tho city of New York, on the 21t of
July. lie was the eldest son of
III 'il 1 I t . -
u'" '1 il'm,,,."5 '
man, Alexander Hamilton. His mat
ernal grandfather was Louis McLano,
lormoriy oi mis county, who was
twico Minister to England, and was
member of President Jackson't Cabi
net, as Secretary of the Treasury,
aiso as isecreiary ol Mate, nnrt J'resi
dentoftho Halt imora and Ohio Rail
road. CtviV (.fd.) I'emoerat.
Pmtk ! A loil exchange says :
"Tho Northern Methodist ministers
w ho go down South, complain of vio
lent and murderous opposition to (heir
lubors. Somo of them havo already
been enrolled in the armv of mnrtvrs
for their beroio inculcation of chris
tian truths and morality."
What a Btniiriidotis effort it must
nc lor northern christians to go down
South to Btcal Meeting houses and
Parsoraires from their
Montlerful vim k and
courage this!
Iho (Jea.i Marlvn cf tho iast ncvor
fatod "uoh tjnncrfl.
William Curtis, R. W.t(Iraml Soo-
rotnry ol tlio (irtiiirl Ido tf JVnn
yivnin nnJ (triunl Bi ritio of the
ttntmj j jtii'ttuipiiit'iiL i.n. oi w. r.,
iliiil sudrnly ni dn liomci in JMiiliidfl
jiliia on tho L'Ttli. JIo sclfil na hoito
litry nftlio j'lint coniniittcp of iirriinp
incuts for tliPNctiii-contutiniul tTlobr.-i-lion
fin Saturday rvtMiinp. JIo stv
lx aird lo l.o In his nsiml henlth. lie
lias I'ccn nn nctivo and jironiint'iit
nitmihtr of tho ordor for thirty-live
Wemlfll l' thoiifi..SViirtTi
(ititi(iirl, (ipimacs the
rjcnl of llio Icnm-cof-otBto bill.
."?). Yt'AHf nail ,r . (Mi t.
It 1 Mid thai the lln lirsla, rr at
Irnat Soinr nl 'the l'i"st . intent of thr
pal I v. r vn v an io that He fin tin f
aiti.iii I e tnkrti in thr isar t'f Mr
l'nvia until (lie imnmim; aiiniiniMr.
lion U innitiMiiiited 1 'hoy any that
tabrii Mr. Dmia
ho nrilot-t'd a Court Martial to try
dipt. C S Grant for aottio tiival mil
itary otfciioo, and tbey think that
when Gon. Grunt is Inducted t,o
llio Presidential ( hair he will take
ploaaiirr in retaliating by tinb'i ing
the trial t' take place, uud ill enforcing
its judgment.
thu Kditoi of the .Mobile Jtegift.-r,
who is naiislly well and cnrrwlly
posted, says: "Tho story is rather
tho other w ay. When Jefferson Davis
was Secretary of War, ('apt. U.S
Grant wns tried and sentenced to be
cashiered from the army by a court,
martial lor "conduct unbecoming an
olticer and a gentleman" that is tc
say, for getting drunk "all over," and
being in and mound loose in gutter!
and other places whero "otlb urs anu
gentlemen" "hadn't" ought lo go.
Il ruinaincd only for the Executive
signature, to confirm tho scntonc.
In this critical condition of ufl'airs for
('apt. Grunt, that olliccr went to the
Secretary of War and appealed for
mercy. .Mr. Davis, a West Pointer
himself, and moved by a strong army
..,....' .A.... " t..O..,l I I.n U,...l..,w,.l
ll't I, lit. IVf.C, VlUlli;!! bill. KIIWII11l1tf.u.,, ...
, ' . . , l; IaiKl. ( amo u-nrpaannr on the iiirinlaea
of tho court 111 a pigeon hole, iuuj , ,. t,, Unt t mrrS, ,.
aih'isod lIlO Cflptaill to resign, Wlji-ll rlnp, ClaS.IJ aoaalv, Ha., l-out Ilia l.sth
.1 . . ........ 11 . .1- 1 r..Xj . 1 SiDInlr lail. a bUiik h4 hln. iiiaiW IICl.L.
Liin f'.i iiuti 11 tr ni ioiiiiiv fun. una in-nui
privilege of which il is now said he
wishes to inako un acknowledgment
iu kind to Jefferson Duvis. That is
tho story as it is told to us." Auijusta
(la.) Chrunide.
A Sister's Kkveniik. It is said that
a sister of tho Renos visited the dead
bodies at thu jail, where, after giving
vent to her grief for a time, she dried
her tours, and placed her handkerchief
over tho face of her brother Hilliutu,
who, to the last, declared bis inno
cence; then she kneeled beside the
dead man, and laid her left hand over
bis heart, and, raising her right hand
toward heaven, she fxik this terrible
oath: ''Oh, my poor, murdered broth
er! may God curse, your sister if ahc
avenge not your death terribly and
fully. This will I do, so help me
God ."' Saich a .Sister is worth having.
There is at present an Elihu Wash
burne, an Elias Washburne, an Elijah
Washliurne, an Elisha Washburne,
with Abijabs, Nehemiahs, Uecekiuht
and Ubadiabs too numerous to name.
They are all in Congress just now,
except a few that are in foreign mis
sions ; but Congress is, after all, not a
place iu itirive in, o inn', we exe&ei,
to seo five or six of them in the cabinet
in a short timo, and tho rest in the
next best place. X Y. JJerulil.
Governor Welles, of Virginia, re
spited Peter Phillips, who was to bav?
boon bung for wifo murder until Feb
uary 15, at winch timo the habeas
corpus issued by Judge Uudcrwood, of
tbo United .States District Court, Id
bis case, is returnable The gallowt
wai being erected, the Sheriff having
determined to disregard tho halieat
corpus and hang tho prisoner, unlos
respited by the Governor.
The C'AiiiNrT. The following gen
tlemen are posted fol General Grant's
( 'nbinot Sorrrtury of fUnto. Kdwio
M. Stanton j Attorney General. Matt
H. Carpenter ; Secretrry of the Treas
ury, Senator Morgan; Postmaster
General, lion. Horace Greeley ; Sec
retary of tho Interior, Andrew G. Cur
tin, of Pa ; Secretary of tho Navy, Ad
miral Porter; Secretary ofa War, Gen
eral Scbofidd.
Somo benevolent perrons in Phila
delphia are try ing tocstablish a Young
Men's Home, where J-oung men com
ing from Iho country for employment
in tho city ran be provided with cheap
board and lodging, baths, books, and
amusement, and be thus guarded from
many of tho temptations with which
they might otherwise bo assailed.
Tho Brooklyn fa ion, publishes a
Washington rumor that thoro is some
feeling over a Statement that Gen.
(irant mado to Messrs. Washburne
and Schcnck, declaring that tho pres
ent Congress should repeal tho Civil
l enure uili, nnd ir it did not ho would
call the next Congress to do it.
Tho labilities of Trunbnll, Slndo 4
Co, dry goods dealers of New York,
who have failed, are 11,000,000. Their
books, however, show a surplus of
$250,000, and it is thought thry may
be able to make a settlement and go
on with their Dusinoss.
ThcSonnteof Alabama hasexpcllcd
its page, a buck darker, for stealing
a pair of shoes. This is a clear viola
tion of tho civil rights bill. Many of
the Senators have stolon more valua
ble things than a pair of shoes, and
still thry aro permitted to bold office.
Thomas II. Burrowes, Esq., the
new President of the Acrioultural
College of Pennsylvania, located near
Itollolbnlo, has just issued an address
explanatory of the system of cducat ion
to be pursued in this institution here
after. Gov. (ionry mudo moro futu about
tlie itbustT! of tbo pardoning power
tlinn any otber governor wo know of.
and bus reprieved more murdorora and
aeoutidreU for tbo timo be baa bcon in
ollico than any of bis prcdooeMor.
Nitbolas Held, of Iloncsdulo. fell
dead tho other day. having on the of
ui ueaui. aeiea as palMicarer at the
funorul of Chritstian IIou-crt who was
killed by tbo caving in ol a bank.
Tbo Macron Telegraph learns that h
fhriy of fitXy PennHvlvnnia farmers
aro about to hetllo iu Morgan Counlv.
(ieorgia, JeJ tbero ly obt-ervalione
niado during tbo war.
"AliramoI.inculn'cGiovuiiiii liootli"
i the titlo of n iday now notinrr nt a
Naples thontro. Thesonaational soono
la tlio loan of nslavo eii'l irom a Ihrco-
story window.
Tho (iovernor of Iowa, by procln
instloii, doc lnros that tho word " while"
has been slrickon from tho constitu
tion of that Stnto. Bully for Sambo.
Cieoro Wnalilngton has been sent
lo tho Ijouiaiana ponitontiary for six
months fur larceny. Ooorgo bus cvi
deiitly dogciiei-Ato'd.
Tho powder mill ofM. Vf. rurkcum
st WoMfichl, Mnns, was dostnivcd
I linrsil.iv liluht bv cxnlosion and llrn
Loa. l'ft,0in
(Ilevoland claims noiuilalinn nf
M,2H, with property valued ats1..
I'll. lot Ihr bra 1 nfHvrlrt l'oi bol
Fn t'ntiVM tod." Ihr papora nrr lop
rrrnlrnlina Una (emalr H. im hrr aa
tryinp to innlir amrinla fur thr innii
mornl'lfl bra of hrr 1'neln Totn a Calun
Non-rnar ; rhr iaaa InrapaMo d repon
lanrr or ahamr aa an Indian is of
, . i , .. i
I furirivonrva S ho la a trim Her; hrr.
' ' j
arn ineroi'irr miss in every nony nui
... .
A plantation in Misisippi, which
lately fir .Such is ihr dillorent
vn Inn ol reul rstato under while suwe
macy and negro rqnnlity.
The w heat crop of iMiS is said to be
larger than has been known for sev
eral vcara.
23 w
IIIHH WiTl:l. Tha lin.lerri,-n,. will
' liar Ilia lnrhfwf CASH I'll i 'K lor all
ol Ft It.-' ami M:i;K SKINS. Ilira ins a fall.
ClaarftiM, tiff. 31. I. I.. ItKlZKXiiTKI.V
1)Aik Ml'lltH-Tlw annual alrtlion fur
J revi'n Ihroi'loia of llio Comily National Hank
ol 1 l.- irfn I I. will l.i' hfl.l at Ihr bank, tin Wi ilnin.
tlur, January 1 .IT h, IrOO, ht-twren the hour of unr
Blot 3 o'l'lock, p. in.
tlti31-2l J As. T. l.KliNAKIl, I'rir'l.
I4M4T. On Friilay, llivomlier lKih, Iwlwren
J the rfaiuVnce of V. . Krlly and Curwena.
tiilo, a patent lover, huiiting caae, ailver Hafeh.
1 lie liniler will he liberally rawaniril by returuing
tha aatne lo the uailerliam d at Lumlo-r t 'it r.
(locJl-ot JOHN T. 1IAUKHTY.
ufl'oaeil to be aimut Is nionlli ol.l. 1 he owner
il uereliy notinH lo eoinf forward, prore proper
It, fay r liaratNt anil take him away, or he will 1
llirpiaed uf ai the law directl.
itei1.3t ' l'KTKll MONl?.
VMHTOH'M NUTICICe The nnder.i(nei
appointed by tha Court ta diatribut the mo
ney iu the hamla nf Andrew Addleman, a.huiuis
tralor of William Addleman, Sr.. deeeaacd, ainonf
Uioaa rititled thereto, will attend lo the aatne at
III! otiir, in Clearfield, nn Satufday, the 0th of
January, 1S69, where aJI permitm iutererted can
alUnd. 1,-UAEL TK.-T,
tlool2:ltipl Auditor.
Urorrry finrf Saloon,
(On Rr4 Street, near Ike Itailro.d 1)-h,i,)
"11 Tib would reapeetfulty Inform the pultlif that
J we are now prepared, to aell ('0614, uear,
Tea., Tuhaeeo, Kmh, 4c, aa welt aa Oratera, Nula,
Caadif a, and in fliort ererythinK saually fuuad in
aaloona and aroeenna. A ahare of puhlie palrnn
age ii K.lirilt.l. OK" I. ('. I'AsS.MOItK. IMMJL 1IOWMAN.
TO lotiiMi withh.r IinK."S tiOfiPS, F1IAWLS,
tr, are offer I be following RKAI, BAIIOAI.t,
lo eloar out our Winter fttoik !
ett t .t
i"11418! W0ITI1
$10 00 at $8 00
8 00 at 6 00
Shawls, worth
Coburg, worth
Fr'ch Merino, worth
Fr'ch Merino, worth
Empress Cloth, worth
Poplin Reps, worth
Silk, worth
Silk, worth
65 at
100 at
125 at
100 at
165 at
3 00 at
250 at
Ajait cither gooJn M grratls reduced f fitm.
I and tee.
William i:i:i;d i to.,
Market ttel, Clearfield, Ta.
drr.1l -4 1
Jsry Term, 1 ( :
Mat l. Ooweo.. ..Bret-ana Jodiah Weatnvrr...Chrfl
IUd lUirJ IMI t nnnHly "
SiiiniH Lambert. .11. tfy V, ltarin"f t'y. tup-ton
U. A. Hloom lll.n,.loai. Hi i.r.... -
Dun I Kmiib II. t'lrar&tdd
(Jeo lati'hin...ltarnaidt- W m. lUdrtiai-h "
nilmn King... JJcf 14m Ietati
H. A-h Talt "
J. U Ned
Win Irwin M
PitoTon Tier. -...Cheat
H. M'Crarki'o, Korruann
John Ft raw Jordan
Mt nj. RoU-rt Knot
S r. MMreM.,.Lawrenee
Andew Addlrnaa
itirier Bell lnn
Ientel root....Becaria
.a.uit. Ilncertt-
I Mlti. kfrm'an
Knkrit Mrt.afvv llrll
Aana lla.r o. an... UutK
Johi Miller, Jr.... "
I riih I. Hi
W, Jf, Andrraon-.BIoou
K.lnond i.alev.lJradturd
Irt I, FuTkprii..luiVb
Thomfia llrwil...lliiton
H. F. Mewit
W. 1. Woodward
Kd. iHarveT,Katf ham
John M.chtwia, "
. It. Weir-n.- Lawrrneo
Millon NtrhoU "
.lainea Korea!..,
IK H.Fullertuo
W.T.Now LomlHTfitT
Tboi hetnney..,Mnrria
Jaa. Tbonipmin,..
S. Ilendtmbnt.... "
Jiaeph I''tter...
I. , ti. Lirrle Oartda
Win, GU-l-t.ine M
AVilliflin SbrllT
(iMtrnr IVrrt
M. Uil.n... "
I'awd Hoama Brady
L. I.Tariile.
.In bo arlir "
.lnh'i lStrickeTTdumaidc
F. Ititton
I'aileJ (lorinan
Wta, WM.arty....Cheat
Au.tin furry "
W in. riutrll.('ovfne;ton
h Hd -
John H. lUflcriy...renn
M. W itlierite...Fermmn I J. H. ltrndv...
Milton l.eoQaid...(irmrd ! Jainea U. Clark...
r.nm Hosii (iraliam 1 K. W. M. Nmil.
And, f atrickt...
j Jamri KlotU.W tMlward
i!KKKA8, lion. C. A. MAV KR.
1 1 ident JmAftt of tht Oowrt of Co mm nn Fleaa
f iho twenty til ib JodiMal liiftriet. eonpoaed of
tht oonntiet of Clearfield, Centro and Clinton
nl Hon. 6AMI BL CLYIB and Hon. JACOB
WILHKLM, AMoeiato Jodpei of Clearfield eoH
have iaaned thoir preoept to no directed, for tho
biding of Court of Common j'leaa, Orp han't
Cmrt, Court of Quarter rMnii.p;, Court of U;er
ard Terminer, and Conrt of General Jail iMirery, and fnr the
oounty of Clearhela. oommenrin: on the arrond
Munlar, 1Kb dav nt Jauuaiv, Iftil), and
to continue ON B HKKK.
N0T1CK l.A, thereforo. hereby jtlren, to tho
Wtaer, Jotieet of tht Pe4o. and Coaa table,
in aod IVr aaid oounty of Clearfteid. to a pear in
ineir pniper pereooa, wnn tneir nulla. Hemrda,
Inqniattinna, Fiammatiom, and other Hemeoj
braneei, U do thoot thlngi whiefa lo the If ofticoa,
aod ii their behalf, pertain to bo dono.
UlVkN tinder tny hand at Clearfield, thie Hi
day of I'teember, m tht year of our Lord out
UoiHtid oight hnndrd and ftttr eieht
CVKKM18 HOWB, sS'Aeri.
IOK S1A1.IU Font valoahla Iowa propartioa,
In lha Kon.nffk of ClaarnVliL Locationt tlo
titalilt and bull.lina-a now. A,..l; lo
W M. W. Met Tl.l.fH t;n,
oV!7 Altornr-T al Law, Clmrllrlil, pa.
lywXOl.l TIOJH Ol' PAKTkr.llMHI.
I All pormtit ar nwhr antiftatl that ttta po.
.artnar.hip ait.lina hotworn Iho undrrrlnH in
tha Mnrrhant Tailoring hnainraa. In I'loarSrld,
ara. (Il.wilvotl hT mutual oonaolil oa t lie 31 .1 ilav
of A. 11. lt. Thr Look, anil aoioitnl'.
Ill hr aollr. lo.1 lT M. A. Frank. and thr l.n.inr..
will be earned on al tho name tlaoe br K. It. L
rtoiiglilon. .M. A. FKA.VK.
.Irei:-4I K. K L. rTdftJIlTON-.
aiTRAa. t'awe tti Ilia prrmiana of lha aoh.
Hi.- ml'UHr ni (irrmher, a HhP IMM,, atippnited
In be litre veara uM next rpriiif, with white
triifaover tuo thouUi'l-a ami while hind fee-t.
7 lie iiwurr ia miiinafeu to pome fnrwartl, irve
projierl. I'.it (hiu(fif and take the aniiual a war.
or it will ho I")! with aewHina: U Inw.
derli-ilt JlIL J. I'M KAIU.
rhaiitiiird and fwt.d ht me. and rotnam tiled of
r-otu in i ti i a utiM-a fur the iti.eeli..n of heir.
I. c'eea. ere.litf.rj, t,, . othrrr in any wav mier'
artiwl. and Will le pretitrtl lo the nett (Ithant
t'oarl ol 'ltrlieltl oouut.v. lo ha held at lha Court
II. nie, in tlie h.iroucli ol I'leaitit l.l, ei.mraani'iit(
on the teeond MntidaT of .lanuart next :
Final aeeountol I hrittian Korli, admiaittrator
nf Cliarlat XillH.jt, lata of Dradv township, Clear
6el'l eonnl.v, 1'a., deeeaaatl.
Final aeei.ot of (leorra Klllar-r. adtniaiateatoT
of Hathata l.linirr. lata or llradj town.bip. Clear
field oaunl', I'a., deceaaed.
Final account of Jelin Tllnnm and Jfitnaa A.
rtliKint, eaoentora of the lnt will and leatnment of
Uaao Uloora. lata of i'.ka towaahro. Cbin.u
uounlj, Fa., deeeaeed.
1. BAIlC.IiU. lit. lWi-ler. ,
tlrgWIar't Office, Clraised, Fa., l'ec 10, lrnjU.
Tor Anintlsniuhl,
III! ItTo I.ik a I AHM alil.a Ian
y oi H.r.
l if ( IraiMM. A l t'."
Or IS M 1 TO i t I2S. t liar. III. t'a
I N Mini Tii.i..irn
I I i "i't h.r nl.'.l In I lir otllr. of III, I If t k ill til,
I ' : . .
, i ,.,it tl ijitr!' rpr..n nl I lenrlii ll ..lirny
i j ,i i i...n.i
1 nan nr. tt. aar,..
I- r I .tr.'f. at Ilii- .laa
.1.1 Iv I., the mrt ol ..rm
rrfnlnif Ihr ralr of
I I. . hum. I - An 1
leant f l.ttjio.rr,"
ioiti I. 1 11 aurr.
W ..-. i.r.1.
lto...i nt.
, l.nmWr Ctty.
' 'I'iH.U.
...New Yi ulitnjrtim.
tW .
C T tlUVlll' a
j S. 11
I'. 11 1
H'Timnrn li."..m
Ili-nn ...
' n...,r
W. IJ. Ttvnu Kin
Hinii'l V. ii jh urn
J'llm .MiiUoii
trurftr knurr ,
A.H. HoM.ii
.Mnitlh w i in U-
.lull Anu i-fciny
I'iiilari-lfr Simlb
Nao Itii-tu-is
.loll. i O lt. ll
..bert Itovd
firorjt;" V ('(ilt'uni
Icrhc Hliirtiinol , J. Ui'hJ
i ti.Mi.w i n rnr..
I taut it I Ifowtimn ,
ltriijBtiiin HtTniturt
lltivid Mi'ltnuclii-y
Cm tti .trine Uravll
(pre aim.
W. KuUres
. L. k C flrnrfipi.l.
Atiruvtn l.rcite (itrstrd.
UwlT.Jt A. C. TATK. Ulirlt.
Borough Ordinance.
VT ft mtiiiir of tin Town Council, hfl.l r.
eetuiHT 7 Hi, rtft it wat orOcrrJ tiit the
lnltuwiiiK Ortliiiiic Imj rrpuhluhad.BiiJ Dutice
jiren that its jiruvifiuni will tt Unci.) enfurcfd :
lit il tmacfoi and orduimd hy th DnrfM ttid
Town C 'i unci I of the borotijrh of ClcarlittlU, Mid it
bwh? rntm4pt4Nl nd r.iuiiiHl by the aulii'iriiv
of tuf uine, thai lierrattcr it ball be the duty uf
occiiii4rt of lot Mid owuen of ttnoeeuid tuU
alun whuM! pretniFfi aidewalkl ftr B'w ur unv
hTMiftrr br latd ondrr Ordinance now in force or
which may bermltrr lie ttamnd, to czubk the fide
walka aluiijf thiirrrtpectire rirvuiiee to be elearrd
vf ennw whrn and ai uftrti aa the tame may fJ
therein, within twrlve houri alter the taaa ball
eeaae falling ; and on default f tnrh ooeapien or
ti hat utg luuh aid'-walki clear! aa afureaaid,
be. ihe or lliry nhall be fintd In the auto of bte
dollnrf. to be iMillittnl aa d'-hta of like antftunt are
now I.? law reaorerablc : and it if hert-tir made
tha dutr ol the hnrfu to aae that auita are
tiroujrU ai;ainft aU who muy offend agmuit thia
In (liraotiT thai the furefoina; Ordinance waa
pand tbo 6th day of Ieniur, A. 1. lHH,
bate bereuiito set mr band.
VM. ltAlH-HACH, Bargt-M.
Attet : I,. J. Co. we, Hrcrrtarr.
Notk i it ltervty given, that the protiaiou of
the aUive ordiuaucc will le rnfor-!.
W. IV. ItKTTS. IIiirffrFf.
Atteat, li. L MuHCAX, (Sec'y. lee. 17., S t.
SherifTs Sale.
rirtneor a writ of 7"ef. Vtmd. Sr. leaned
f owt of the Court of Common Plea uf (Vntre
euunty, aud lo me directed, there will be expoaed
to puhlie sale, at thr Court lloiiae, iu thr buruuph
of Cleartifld.oa Monday, the I Ith darof January,
iKoll, (Court week.) at u o'clock, P. M., tlte fol
lowing pperty, vn :
A oer-teiti uf land In tlte Tlllajre taf Cheater
ville, (Itoeatur township.) ClearfirJd county. Pa.,
bounded bj fullowa: J- font 60 feet on Main Btreet,
ernitli by hd ot Jataea Cvlr, went by lut of Mnnaua
A lloopa, and eitrn-lin(r bark to an alley atmt
JiMI fert, with a a mall frame honae erwtd thercayi.
Sfiie'l. taken in cxtTttiion, and to be Bold a nit
pnptrty uf JtJpb M'bile.
jt-O-lliddert will take nutice that fifteen per
cent, of the purcbaw money muni ho paid whrn
the property ib knocked dwwu, or il will bo pul np
aga-a tur Bale.
rvitrvirs howe. Fi.entr.
Fheriff'a OfRee, Clearfield, Pa., lcc. Ifi, lf..
SherilT's Sale.
) irtoo of a writ of Fxtri Ftit, U.
j f ued out of tbo Court of Com
Clearfield eountr. and to aua di
on ritat of
dirooted, there
will bt et poped to PCUMO tSALK. at the Court
Houao in tbo boroush of Clearfield, on Mondav
the 1 1 Lb day of January, iHdtf, at 1 o'oloch, P,
M., the following property, to wit :
AH that pcrram pir-re or i mwl of Uml, jit-iMr
in Covuiffton Utwrialiip, Clcarodd oontilT, la.,
t. (iiirnnit at a white pineeorner. 27 S-ln prcht
ejit of a white oak grub, the north eurnrr or war
mnt Nn. innii. and beinjc a part of eaid warrant
No. l!Vt; theneo eaat it) percbea, to white oak
tvirsiir; thcime aouth 1 'U i-1 0 percuci, to a whitr
piliroorn-! ; tin n c ra-t IP pei ihra, t p'.il enrurr :
thfn a'uth I'l 4-10 perchca, to a purtonrncr:
tbrni wi-at M perohea, to oait writer; tlienie
aooth 24 o-l p ere ilea, to pot corner: thence went
V1 pen hr. In pmt wniT ; thrnoe north Knperrhr
to I'ls-f nf ht 'inninf. ootituuiiiis; filiy-twti m-rr
and twcrtly-four perrliee, more or leM, and lrinr
part of warrant So. 1 "vni, and recorded in Ied
MiH'k K, pare ii ; liaving thm-on rrertid a Ira ma
dwrllinj honM. I..(t barn, good orchard, and near
ly all rl-aml. iSi ittil, taken in eieention, and to
be Bold a the property of Jown Y. llider.
JB"Ilidden will Uke notice that IS per cent
of ibt money tnuit bt paid when tht
propertT ! knocked down, or It will he put up
Bga.n for salt. CYKKSICS 1IOWB.
hnanipr't Omen, I thenff
Clffcrfleld. )a, Itrc. 16, 18fiR. J
SherilT's Sales.
11V Tirlo.of rondrx wriltof rraa'iiioai r.-.
I timed oat f laa Conrt of Cnataioa 1-laaa of
Claardeld rnontT. and lo ma dirarlxl. tk... ,n
ba aipoaad la public aal., al lb. Court lloate,
in ma coroupD oi viaarnain, ta Mordar, lha
1 1 III day of Jannara. !. at 1 a'rlorh i.
th. fullowliif daacrioad Kaal K.Iata. to Kit :
A certain Hart of land ailuala in I'ann lown
rnlp. rirarnlil oonntr, 1'a., tt'iunitrtl at ftilluwt,
rit: Prjitinuij al a .mall brmlo. li on ll.a north'
am lina of vhat la known a. Iho I'lrnilanial Iraol
ami Miilhrrn l,nr of tratl No. jwJa, in. r n.nb
I--8 nrrfht lo al.ina oornrr, ibrnir tonih Tf.l dp.
(rna wat 1.10 .rrrhiMi lo a, thatioo auutb :H
porfbat to a po.l oa I'lrndanlal ItBf. Ihonoa
aaid lina norlb IU) doprrct raal I.Ht pcrrhrt to
mr .i.rr ni imc i n n 1 1! g, ruiitaitilns lut m mil
allowan.. Aim. ona othr IraM tituala in Itll
lown.bip, in tha ootwtr atorraid, horinninit at
an old hrniliirk, Ihrnoa north JM d. riwi woat ll
prrrbrt lo whiti. oak, tbrnpf aoiith llifl parrhat lo
a port, t honor It laad of lwit Fmith ai.nlh .ITJ
doitroa. aaal 1 ." narrhot to a noal. Ibrnar il and
111 lUlrhr. loa liiailork.lbrnra am III II dornm
aaat 49 prrchrt In I lie old hrmluik and pla.-a or
bfinninn. rontalnitir rrri M, ;0 pPr,),
nora or lot. .l,rd. l.kon in aiaonl.on and to,prop,rlrofW.dJol.Crr,.
Alao, a oeriain Intel of land ailnate in tlulieh
town. hip, Clearfield eountr. Fa., Ieinninc at a
btreh eorner of land of jantea Murfran, thenoa
aoulh 4 drKreetwetl 1S perehea lo a pott, thrnoe
notlh 41 depree we.t 1.1a errhe to while oak,
thenr. north 4 decree, aaul l'.l jieixhi I to hem
look, llienea tonla 41 drcreee aaat (IU erehat to a
hem Una, thence aoath 4V dejtree. aaal 1.1 porobea
to ttonoa, Ihenea aoulh 14 di itreat earl (19 perchoc
to MmI. a. pWa or ht(ii.nnj, containing ..a
aorea and alli aanoo, Knt r j a. era oleared, with
lara framo houaa and barn thereon araelod.
heited, uken in exeeiitinn and lo ba auld at tha
projierty of tjeotre HeortT.
Alto, a eerlaln Intel of iani tltaale In Worrit
lown.hip. I'learfield ananlr, l'a wonndinl and do
torild at follow, i On lha north ht Win. X.itnmer
man, on Iheaa.t br llenrt Miller.' a.iil. I,v I....1.
of Hrenner A lllanrhard, and on tha waat bv landt
of John Ererhart, eonlamlni JJ aoraa. with IS
arm el eared and havin a In, bonte and barn
ereeted Ihereun. Friied, tnk'li ia eteeuUun aod
In ha h Id aa the propertr of Jaroh Warner,
AIki. a earuin Iraet of laad tilnaie, ia Flao
lown.hip, Clearfield aounir, l'a bonnded at ful.
Iowa, tli: ller.i,iiin, al a po,l on line between
middle and wettern of traet N'n A?ro
thmoe aaat 1 1 1 torehet lo a pnal, Ihenee nortlr Hi.
perehe. t.. a po.t, theneo weal Ul perrhee to a
po.l, thrn.e ninth 4i perehe. to a putt and plaea
of h.Tinninir. aonlainmc 1, aoret mora or la...
c-rne.i. taaeu in eieeun..ii and lo ha M,ld a. the
property of Valentine llatley.
Al.o, a eeHam tract o land .ilnate in Hnrniidc
lown.hip. Cleaifl, 1,1 eountr. Fa., I.onmlcd at f...
li.wa, tin nn the earl hv land of Kliiah linker. on
the touth l.y lamlt ..f J,, ph W .11., on tlie woat
In land, ol Header King', e.lale, on the north h
landt of John llunnelt, rontainin al.niil twohun
drl aerea. aeventy aerea of whii h are elearrd and
nnder eulln atiiin, haviiifr rreeted thereon a larjre
two .tnry h-.i-.e, ham. and ni'orary outhuildinirK,
loffelher with a hearini tm'li.rd. Heir.rd, taken
eeeutinn, and lo lie aold aa the property of Feler
A No. o-rtain tra-dofland "ituate in l.awretiee
t.iwu.h.p. I'learfield e.iinitv, !'.., l.,.i,il,.J (.
lowrt On the w.l by Un,. ,, pnor; on '
th t . by h ile, alaornwiher and oilier, i in the 1
mirth hy K. M.n....p rnntit.niug one hundred and
tony tvret. wnn annul hfteen acre, eli .rtd, and a
mail plank ltone ereetod thereon, hriicd. I. ken
rn raaenlion. and to be aold at lha property of
Al.o. I ecrtnin Irnel nf I mid rltltatr n Corinr.
Ion t'.wii.l.ip, Clearfield rotinte. F. l,,,nnih. a.
f. llnw.i On the oal l. U. Khiilia. on the Woat h
Mr.. Heota, on Hie aotith ha John l'tokanl, on the
north by . ; containing twenlv three aerea, all
oleared. with email l" h.inae and ttahle rreeted
thereon. Halted, taken In nxeoatlon, and lo be
aold m the property of Charle. Weaver.
M-niddart Will lk. aotleo thai U par
aent. of tha pnrehata n-onar atari ha paid arben
tha pmparty It bact-krd down, or t will ha nut
i again for aala. OHESIl SUoWk.
haaairr'a Orrtrt, I Shtltf.
Cltarotld, Ta, Hoe. 10, 189. ) )i
141 11(14.-All fw i n-t'lt. 't
' H"t t pwrrha-e or ni:' "t t"t a eeiiatn gifn 1? tin n fat it oi 'i,ftTiAt
f t.fw.h, ( hehanfre ec-an'?. I'W "ik, tinted
IH'.M Cnh, I", ruHinf t the ptMt t.f
l.'t'M. In fh-re tfit.i tha f r w ttatr A ". an -' h-T
M'ttaitt N' te ( tin eat., date i-al'ii.f tot thr ) at
ti-nt of frh 't, in in en-int . iwin t : an I oill
n..t t . : lit-tfi ur'ta e nipt II. -.1 .y law. n -t tiat ing
neivt d ralue tT. f r. i. H ;mii(.
t la, rbarH'-ld m., pa , u-. , hi'. it.
Manufarturar. of
Corner of Fourth and Pine Ftreet.,
nA VIXtJ enpajred in the manufacture of firat
rlau MACHINERY, we revpeotfully inform
tht public that we art now preparrd to fill ail
order Bt cheaply and a promptly bi can be dune
in any of the cities. V'c maiiufactarc and deal in
Mulay and Circular Saw-MilLs,
Head II luck i, Water Wherli. Pli.iftina; Pulleya,
(tiffurd't Iujoctor, Htoatn Uanjeef. Kteam Whiatlea,
Oiltrt, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupi. Gauge Coekfl, Air
Cork Globe Valvee, Cheek Valves, wroujrht Iron
Pipea, Fteam Putnpt, Boiler Pctd Pumpa, Antl
Friction Metrea, 8oap 8 tone Parkint;, Gum Pack
inar. aod all kinda of MILL V'OHK;
with Plow. Pled Solrf,
and other CA.cTI(i.S of til kiodi.
'Bt'Ordrrt tolUiU'd aud filled at city prieet.
All Ittterr of Inquiry with rrferenre to aoacbinery
of our manufacture promptly anrwrred, byaddret
ig ua Bt Clrarfirl 1, Pa.
deelO tf B0YXTOX A YOI'Sl..
1)niI.-OXf! deairing (iOOI) PH'TrRKS.of any
Btyln and rtrire, with all the modern improTt
mjtita of the ait, can b accoioniotAteU by calling
at my rwtwaa io Clearfteld.
Negatives made in Cbudyas well as in
Clear Weather.
CHILltRE.VS PICT t Erf Uktn aocurately,
in b few arconita.
Tht TNE and FINTSII of my Photorraph
1 Tarmn f that of any made in Phila-
delphia or Kewi Yoik.
Constantly on hand a larj-c capply ot
Frames, Albums and Stereoscopes,
Of all ahea, at v let and price, and of the bct
finish. Alao.
of tht mi tntenotinic
Aii:iih a dk Itmi u. i( i;i;RV,
fur talc at reasonable ratea.
From any ttylt of moulding, made to order on
short notice.
Clcarfirld. Ie. 1ft, ISf.-tf
In Loavy't Now ltuil.lint;, (forraarlT ocrupiod hy
Air. llolr,)
C'1NSTAXT1.Y on ban.) a fmr aclrrli.m of r V.
J I'IBS, KITS, IKIAHS, lilllAOt'l), An.
Alo, Hil;sl HVSTKIIS roooivad daily, and
aorrod ap In toil tlio latloa of rttftornart.
"4. III! I IAHII Hl.llOon rtorr
di-cln tf DAVUI McliAl lillKV.'
I.ulhrrsburg, C Irarflrld C o., Pa.
Look Herel
rpilK un.U.,rird It nrrparaj 1. furBUli ,o
I .fc ,fc. . ' ' " '
ui an nTa.: lured
in Ihll ronntrr. Mr baa Bat ar vet failed lopleaar
the moat faatidioaa, aa tottalitjoe tjurahilitr.
Hit war oonrittt ia part of
Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety
And in abort KYEKYTHIXU o.ually made aad
kepi ia aa a.laUi.hment of thit kind.
l aa hate li.r war delirarrd by ate, at AST
TIMK and to AXY PLACE dctiroil.
Ordera for ware aolleitad, and promptly ClletL
jtar- Tor f enarat awortmenl, tea ralahif u and
Trie l.irt, mailed fr to applicanti.
lilvral ditc'itint will ba siren lo the
nhole.aJa trada.
fiF.n. c. KH'.K.
LittherrVarf, Fa., Dit. 3, SCS-lf
MARKET KT., CI.f ARI Ifcl.r, FA.
Hat ing Jo.l all thrnorrlllet of tha ana ton
ia loa H.IJiaery line, eeooert tbo ladiet
lo call and axamina tucm.
ClcartUd, Ta.. o.A .
T ig I. . i iiaiiBBii i ib i n
dut tv.ociW, f.i etc tin, fi,
0i Si it'll, sim t, l'i ,
ri'llF onJrrifn.J ta.rl',!( fc
I t.., vl tha r,;,nu"-
I.n lid ...rlini ot of iatrr.aa.iM
art oo Mllinj ' '".
Ihtlr ik.-Ii foail,!, p,,, cf
Dry Goods' of the Best QuajltJ.
Surhaj Prinn, Da t.lorr, A!i.rr k,(l laarb.d Mfci;
ad,) Drillio,., Tickin,., .. ?
col HaiiDcl.Salinttu.CiiiBrw
L'ultonaJea, Laiiitu' htaa-1, '
Nubia. A Iloodr. llalmoral '
ana Hoop bairla, 4c,
Alto, a Una aaiorlment of Mtn't Draa,,
Sbirll, Uau tap., llooit a taon.' "
all of which
n-ll I IIP t.l.T It r . ...
vtl.jj I.n. rti,l( I.VJtt. HjR
Hardware, Queengware, GlasHWitf
OrobtsiicH ami JSDlces.
:n suokt a general assuutmln
Of CTerytbinK nattally kapt In a ratal atwa. run iaii r approvad oaau; p.
A. K. WRIGHT i Sim
Cl.artald, Not.T , 1S67.
William lUiil A (
Wear Poatoflice, Market Wlrcei
HAVIXQ juat opened a laree aitj timf
Btwk from New ork and I'h tl tlt-lphia
can uffer txtra iuduceuit&ta to CAtil hi itk.-
We have a rplendid trltction of Drera Goei
bukt, bhawlea, tlwikirpa, t ianncli, Bat.
uoralBf liltaiketa, Iloop r-kirU,
Coratta, Thmpaon'i
Trimming" of trery detcriptiun, Zej.hyr. Vurn.
laro, and oue ol tut moit coupittt Bvvr:mij
Ladies and Gents Furnishing Gwdi
tnder-wear, Hotlery, (iloret of all klmls. Ali
attdar kid and llama celebrated Pramim fc
I the beat ever made,)
Keektiet. Pntteifliea, Collar.
Cufft, Hatidken-hiefa, Lax-e,
Kuibroideriefl. dtr.: alto, a larfe aanr!aiB r
F11.S, with liHAV'8 PAT KM MlFF.tba
thiiifr extant tor other wiib a full hae at ttar.
good. Ail of which wo ufl-r at the
Call aud lt ut. Nu trouble to ihow gvudf
mfDiW the place
Krar PoktofFire, Market Street,
fllHE nndtrairoed baior entored intomtwrv
J nerabi in tht mercantilt bonoeti. atof, I
inn BDeim.u oi BnTiryirit; tut tubiie reirn ?.
and I he citizeni of Cur w eon i lit and TicmitT a
parUrulr, that Bstretiaadiat of all krrdi wi
bo aoid by ui at cheap at the tone oaaiitrelM
wbor in tht county. H't hart a foil mr1?. I
ron.:ltiBC hi axl of trH Gnul. Muliat
I'riou of all ikad. and tlvlrt ; t g-tkar :tk I
lull attortmrnt of
lloota, Shora, Hardware, Qurtntart.
na . u at iira. l rdanrarr. i.lowain I
linplati and Grooma ; tonthar ith a larraautl
oi urocrnrt ; tan alwayt a full ttock of
Ia short, e keep a full aurpTr of arenA: I
uaea in in it market.
Wt want all our old cuitomert and ai mtsi
now ooea at can makt it con?enicnt. to jiti at I
a cau Deiort pure aaing eitcwbere.
CurweniTille. ftt'tna j U, lto.
II t A I. K R IN
prii j
.lutl rfcird st JUlSSOrS'.
uni.iuM.') ai tM-nnaiion prioat
prion j
prieat I
si aiosstir.s
enaatinn print j
Scnution rricw I
at Prnaalion
priw i
All to be had st MOSSOrS'.
l.I X F.N at
CliASll st
FHlNtiE at
LACK st Sfosation
HOSIERY st Kcnwtlion
lillUlnNS at fcenaation
of all kinda A
at Snalion prion
many qnnn It I
Alwavton hand at MliSSOJT .
at MOSSOr&
ss Coata, rnu,
rntler Shirts, al taiisaiion prion
r lannrl Miiru,
Boots, Slioea,
Ilata and Caiitt,
Now fur sale st MOSSliri
ii a n n w ark
.noli aa Sawt.nnil.
Forks, Knirra.
at lenaatioD pricra
al MOSSS'.or
st actuation prim
at tenaalion prittK
at MOSSOrS'.
ipikoa, illllgoa,
an Wino,,
Oin, W h kko..
Coonao, rlc., etc.,
FKl i rS.auch at
I'runra. Itaitlni,
Figa, Fillxtrta, Ac.
Flour, llama,
Sliouldrra, Stipitr,
Molaaana, Cotlpa,
Ta, Crtekert,
Spioaa, Caailiea,
at arnaalino
coal Oil, alo.. no.
Altraya at MOSSOrM'.
ae naauon
at ii aa I ion
At tlie alors of KICIIAKll ill isstiP,
Alwaya ktvpa on haml a lull
aaaoitmonl of all kill'li ofpnoda roquiretl
lor Hi acrom modal inn ol tbo pulilic.
Jul 1, In:.
I KI All!
I Hags al
HUltl Lap R -he. Foot