Till: lU'.lTM.ICAN. ri.r.AKi iri.K, I'.v. Thui.ri.r Morning. Dtrrmbrr 11, .tttrttllon, I'nlrout. TIiobo who ovo u tor ihreo mi moro yi'nm, Tor iilinoriptioii ami juli work, nhoiihl hoar in' mind that n printing mncliino cannot lo run on promises and Kind. Wo must piiy cnuli (or pnppr, typo and Istlior; and to nmko us even on the first of Janu ary next, wo must liavo f."uO. Wc liavo (our limes this sum in tho luinds cf dulinquonU, nnd wo hope they will not bo backward in handing us over at least 25 per cent, of what they owe us. We intend to spend somo time in sending out bills to defaulters, bo iwocn this and New Years, nnd we wnnt no renigging on this deul. Friends, preserve your honor, and secure your "nlvAlioti by paying tho printer. This is ct-rtuinly cheap. 2t No paper will be issuod from this office next week, as all bands, like other peoplo, design enjoying Christ- JJr. Read offers a furm for sale and Mr. McCullough sovenil town proper ties in this issuo. Read te advertise merits. Beast Butler & Co., the remnant of the great American Congress, have sgreed to adjourn over the holidays, from the 21st to tho 5th of January. In tho meanwhile the "beast" will at tempt to capture and bottlo General Grant if it costs a powder boat. Those of our subxeribers who fail to receive the Republican after the first of January next, will understand that ihuireubrt-riptions have expired; while quite a number of five-year-old cus tomers will be dropped, and their bills sent for collection. Theso latter wo have patronized as long as wo cun stand it. The Rump Congress is again in ses sion, and (till, ere it adjourns on the 4th of March next, rob the dear peo plo of millions of their hard earnings. Heart Butler will evidently boss tho the job. He has taken old Thud's scat, and will of course play ring mas tcr, as was tbo habit of tho dead Ste vens, and lush the luil animals into the traces when they begin to kick or bold back. AVe had intended to give a synopsis of President Johnson's Mcsaago in this issuo, but find our columns 60 crowded with local matters, that wo are com pelled to postpone it until somo fu turo number. Ho deals the Rump Congress some terrible blows, and they hurl so bad that the members refused to hear it read. Mr. Johnson baving been elected by tho Radicals, makes a first-class witness for the na tion, wbiln exposing tho rascalities of the herd who elevated him to power. In July last seven persons were ex ecuted by lynch law at Seymour, io tho state of Irdiana, and on Saturday last at New Albany, in the same state, a mob entered tho jail at night took threo prisoners from the cells and hung them in the yard. No body ar rested. Had these outrages occured in Vir ginia, or othor Southern slato, what indignation and howling for recon struction and "a republican form of government" would go tip from every loil throat, but as these things happen near the homo of the Vice President elect it passes current; no Kuklux Klunism in "loil" Indiana. Oh, no ! Fiee Wo regret that we are com pelled to chronicle the destruction, by fire, of ilie dwelling house of our Iriend A. V". Carpenter, E.q , of Ducutur township, on Thuidiiy hist. The fire was Communicated by adefoi tivo flue between tho ceiling of the second xto ry nnd attic flour, mid must have been burning from thu time fire was niude In the morning, as no fire was kept during the night When discovered, the attic floor was n mans of coals With the nsKwtiineo of his IcamMcrs, Mr. Carpenter succeeded in removing apart n( his bedding, some clothing and a few articles of liirniturd. All tho clothing of his children, (except what was on their backs.) a lurc quantity of bedding, blankets and quilts, ihe lubor of M- Carpuxiti r for J eurs,) und all his winter supply of provisions, &c, were consumed. The houss was built in 1807, u large and Well finished, and tho Ions it estimated at $1,010. No insurance. IIooFLAND's ftCHMAN Rittkrs. The Boston Traveler says: This Hitters is very generally used throughout the United States and Europe, and tho proprietor has received the most com plimentary testimonials from thons ands who have experienced its benefi cial efltels. H is on acknowledged preventive for Cholera, and highly' recommended for IVbilitv . 1Vnsli-ii,,h of the System, Disorders or tho igo. live Organs, Liver Compluints, and numerous otherdiseases. The Hitters is not a liquor preparation, contains tin intoxicating ingredients whatever, l-ivcs tono to the whole system, and is very carefully prepar.d' by ono of the most scientific chemist and phar maceutists in America, from roots und herbs gathered in Germany . Ilooflanil's Goimun Tonic combines all tho in;THiT of the Bitters with pure Sni.u Crut Rum, orange, anise, 4c. It is lor the same dincasos as the filters, in caw where some Alcoholic Stimulant ia ncoes-siiry. H n a pre paration o( rare valuo, and most agreeable to the pnlato. Principal Ojhce, C31 Arch Street, miadtlphia, SolJ everywhere linmillminlni I or-t rml' nrr. The following eorrespoi.diiiic lt tween the parties named, at the i lose of the lute term id 'Court at Hellilonte, will be fully appreciate I by the fi iends siid neighbor of Judtjo McLnally in (hi plneo : ttri i sr-iarr, Pt., I11 f Ufi. Ti ll.m. J.-srp!t II. M Knell? i l A R SiN ; lie ili'"Htlt ii-ln'ion which has ei iwtdl llwwn V"" Oir rrr...nt .Ill-It- "I Ilie Tttfiitv Sllh jnih-il ililiirt ami l'i tijrui tirrs ol fhs liar anl nftiri-ra it the Court nt t . Hire county, in rHimiI In l-rnilliate. It afl .r.ip us 'lia-ii'f' rml-ra.-e the n.i-''in'lv l: ii' nrlri-'l In I e'll.v aj'pm-iahii ut tin alulitr, iutrc,rltv. urhanltr and mi part inl it y with wliii-h you lini r tli" hei ft-i-d t he luicll and responilhle ilutii-s which lio.e divol"pi-d upon vuu. m-p'rasist tmreeire the as.orauce ol our wainir.t ri'ttrilit fur v-,iir fiitun, wrllaro and liaitJUIll-.S, i-ry Ill'M'l'Ctllllly, V illiain Allison, Jr., .tolitt llo.trrinftn, Assix-lale lul(r : Janice Maeiiianue, H. N. MrSslliMt-r. Kam tirl l.inil, Jiunre H. rlnnsiii, K-liniind Llanrharil. Kvnn M. lll.Mflmr', Willum I'. Wilion. Thud. I'. Strjihvm, S. I. ilray, A. It. Hutchison, Adiiu) lii.v. Jnmei A- BVavrr, A. O. Itlrit, J. H. Orvt. W.'ll. Illmr, I. 0. Ilu.h. W. W. Hrowu, II. V. Klilii-r, J. II. Shujriirt, (irortr M. Yk-uiu, W. II. Lauritnorr, A. 11. Ileiidrrnin, C. T. Aleiaodcr, W. J. Kcalsh, John U. Loto. Norman Hoover, Charlra H. Itiil. KMi'ra.; Jauei II. Liplon, I'rolhonotnry ; .1. P. (Ir.ltrt, tlork of Orpboiu' lourl ; I). I, (.'line, HhrrtlT. Rr.l.l.sroTS, I!mlor 3, ISSS. Okxti.rhrn : Your letter uaf juat )u rtetvnd. At wy abort term of PrcRidcnt Juris; now turmin nlm, nothing eould have affordrd me creator grat ification than the kind and flattering terun in which you, the memhera of the IMIrfonle liar and btticera of the Court, have chotrn to nut ice the relation that baa eximed between ui. I shall eberiah thia evidence of your approval with pride and pleasure ; nnd the recollection of my aaaocia tion with you will he among the moit pleasant of iny lite. Thanking yon each fine for your uniform kind ness and ourleay, I trust and hope that prosperity may atteud you through lite and that your future inay he .ioyful and happy. With great respect, I remain, vonre trnlv. J. 13. MoE.NALLY. Vote of New York. Tho nfTiciiil count in New York makes thu follow- ing majorities, viz : For Governor Hoflman, Dim , For President Keymour, Jera. 10, UK For Congress Dcmoerslie mujoriry. le.OUb Tho total vote polled for Governor was 851,052 ; for President, 850,524, and for Congress, 840,042. This i the lurgent vot? ever polled by any Slato. TnB Holidays. Tho young folks will find everything necessary for the proper enjoyment of the holidays', at A. I. Slmw't Drug Slore. His stock of funcy candies, fancy toys, perfumer ies, diaries, Ac-, is large and will be sold cheap. Tho citizens of this borough will find tho snow ordinance in Brother column, which is worthy an attentive perusal. IIakd on GnANr. The Church Uniuu, ono of the most able Radical religious , newspapers in the country, comment on 'the coming man" in no very complimentary manner. Read what it says : Onvnrd. A great battle has been won. Let us not now rest upon our laurels. Grant has suid, "Let us have peace." This is well. Peace from war. Rut let us hi.vo no rest till everything is gained. What have we won in grant, and who is Grant? LaUdy a pro-shivery Democrat. Ho must bo watched and ureed onward. Ho has moved, sotnewi,. it ; but who made Grant f Did the prin ciples ho lit-Id when the war broke out mako him? lie has done one thing well put down the rebellion But he had a million of men to do bis work. Is be inspired ith tho great idea of tho future, freedom f He is tho sumo Grant thai he was while ambitious only to becomo mavor of Galena, nnd build that sidewalk in Galena, and a voter of the Democratic ticket. Ho hits not the prophetic sense. A man whoso eyes wcro not oponcd until tho thunders of Sampler aroused him, is not tho man to lend onward. We do not say this in do traction, nor to cant distruct; but we say Grant is not the man in these times to go ahead in the darkness and toll this nation what next to do. Extraordinary Conversion. The Meadvillu Republican, lor a long time ono of Mr. Lowry's most uncotnprom ising enemies, lias experienced as siid den a conversion as bu Paul's, and in its i-Buo of hist week puliliehed an editorial as uhjectly luudntory of him as il ha hitherto I i eti bitterly de nounciutory. We will not undertake to explain the reason of this vxlruur dinarv somcisault, hut tho reader may draw bis own conclusion. Tho editor of tho Republican is a candiihito fur the Meadvillo PoM Ofliou, .Senator Cameron will control the appointment, and Mr. Lowry is tho hitter's loon friend, ally and adviserin the Western part of theStiiet. "Put this und that together," and tho inference follows liko tho hind wheel of a wngon. an Sam. Slick ued tosny. Thu rapidity with which Lowry is drawing his old lime Republican lues over V) his sup prl, and attaining step by step to the abwilulu control of his party in thin section, in no less a proof of bis skill as a politician, than of tho weakness ot poor human nature. Erie Observer. Gettiso Siromikb. After the eleo lion of 1H04, the Democrats bad the Governor of but a single Stale in the lTni..n, 1 In llriunletto. o( Ken tucky, whs not then a Dciihk .rut, driv ing been elected by what was culled the"lnion" party. Afti-rthcelection ol l!u8, we have tho Governor of Connecticut. New York, New Jersey, Delaware, .Maryland, Kentucky, and California. We have also recovered iho State of Oregon, which cast its votu for Seymour, and (he States of Georgia and Ionisiana, by immense majorities. These threo States will have Democratic Governors in miotic cr year, which w ill ive us the control of tho executive power in ten Slates This show tho recuperative energy 01 mo Democracy. ct year we shall defeat (scary, which will brinif Pennsylvania once nioro into line We are grow h stronger. Courage. Democrats! 1 orward in tho guod cnue ! Now is the tunc fur effective work. Your ticiglibora' bends arc cool at present. Tulk with them. Jirt Trial Governor Wells, of Virginia, has recently pal doncd a pi is oner who whs convicted by flic jury under the plan of arriving at a verdict by drawing lots, lhillots were placed in a hat, and seven papers containing the word "guilty," having been drawn, tho defendant was convicted. The jury originally stood eight for ucijuit- ini, two lor conviction, una two lur a compromise verdict, and bad been do liberating for two days, w hen tho lot tery mcluod was adopted. Rev. John B. Meek, intimately known to many of onrciliaon died, a few days sinco, in Washington city, at an advanced age. 11 lurnierlv represented Centre and Clearfield counties in tho Legislature, a ud pos seeed many virtue. ."Mlssr-nll tflfCrtss seessf IVflHf. I 1 lie re i mm h mis) ooci p inn in the public mind in regard to Ihu cunnee j lion lietweell these two ptiM-osaes ' They do not net -esa-tnlv go together, as is generally silppos,-if A nn may be alioued to vote w lliout being nut nrnlired, nn I lie nnturalired, and iioi be allowed to vote Niitiiralir.nllon colliers citizenship, not ncci-Kril suffrage. The federal laws naturalize , theStati's regulate suffrngo. People ! do not vote simply hec.aise liny urej citizens. Women uro citizens S.' are children. So are idiots r-nl luna tics. It ti t they do not vole Lull. Stale controls this matter for itself. Putting this question upon its true! basis, und taking the correct view of ! it, the naturalization laws should bo rcp-arded simply as a provision for giving tho character and protection ot citizenship to persons ot tho white race immigrating to this country for permanent residence, so as to secure tlnso who nro thus adopted into our American family againsiany cltti m ol ulleginnee on the pnrt of their nalivo sovereign. They should have this character and protection extended to thorn the moment they land upon our shores with the intention ot perma nently abiding with us and sharing our fortunes. Wo are decidedly of tho opinion thnt the naturalization laws should be amended in oceordanco with this idea. This five years'' residence, tho declar ation of intention two years before admission, and calling in witnesses to prove this and I hut, are ull flummery. Let's have an end to all this noise about naturalization frauds. Lei the certificate ot citizenship be granted to every white man who resides here and wants it, nnd leavo the Suite con stitutions to prescribe the qtialifica lions for suffrage, and the Slulo laws to guard against illegal voting ibis will simplify mutters), und get rid of a deal of corruption in politics. The first naturalization law adopted by the Federal Government required only two y eras' resilience in the coun try, und one in the Slate. Thi was passed in 17U0. In 1705 il was amend ed so as to require five years' residence in the country, and a declaration ol intention to become a citizen three year beforo admission. In 17UK, during the Presidency tif old John Aduuis. the prejudice and bigotry of New Knglond prevailed, and the law was amended so as to require fourteen years' residenco and five yeura' decla ration of intention. This was imiim diately following tho aiipprcssiun of the popular rising in Ireland, when a l.irge influx of Irish exiles, fleeing from Ireusion prosecutions, was antici pated. '1 he Puritan insiinct ol' New England, which then controlled the Government, not only lead to the adop tion ol this measure for excluding these exiles from citizenship, but also carried its hostility so far as U gel a law passed empowering the 1 resident, by his arbitrary older, to expel ull aliens Irom the country. Tho Demo cratic party elected Mr. Jefferseti in 1 si io, nnd in 1SU2 it got a majority in f'on;;rcss, when this intolerant New I'.ngland legislation was wiped out Residence waft reduced to five years, as it stands now. i)u :lm condition, aswehavo before stated, an-erio good end, and should at o- -o be te moved. When tho matter shall he put upon this basis, nil white men resident in the oountrv vt ill ettitij upon a common footing. Jlost of tho States now re quire that, to bo qualified to vte, the citizen shall have been a resident of tho Stute for one year, whether he bo a nalivo or foreign-bnrn. Leave this whole matter lo the States, where, constitutionally, and in sound policy, it belongs, anil let each for itself de termine ihe period of residence, but make, it applicable to native and foreign-born alike. This will clear away many difficulties, and gel rid of a deal of traud und corruption. .Vcir 1'ori Democrat. Secretary McCulloch estimates that tho Federal Government can be run on $':'0,UMJ,O(l0, which bo proposes as tho standard for the next year Last year the expenditures, including '.he interest on tho public debt, were aliout $.')tiJ,000 in legal tender The inter est -dono on the public debt, is $10. v00,00ll in legal tenders. Add to ibis $lNil,(i(Jil,ut.iU the sum of f -!5M''iii,uoti, and the aggregate is 8 lUJ.tu'ti.tKlii, which will, in (act, be wanted by the Secretary lor the coining year. We have not a doubl thai the full National expenditure will be 85 Ml.UOO. (MM tor 1 Stilt, which is a greater sum than is required by eilhi r of tbo great monarchies of France and Ureal I lit L ain, which equal us in population, and have double our amount of property. Hen II. W. Slocum, n gallant soldier under Grunt, und a sterling Democrat, was elected to Congress ul tho lulu election by the Democracy of the Third New York District, by a triuin pliant majority. General Grant has just written a letter to him, suy the Heading Daily hnqit. congratulating luni on his election, ami "inlimaiiiig that there will not probably be any thing in the next administration which a moderate Democrat may not sup port." There is considerable excite men' mnasfl!ailit-als in coiiseoueiiee of this letter, and Grunt is pronounced u decidedly lur citnd unruly elephant There is a negro Congressman from Louisiana wailing to be admitted to a seal in tho tire lit Congress. Win- do the Radicals hesitate ? Am they about to break faith with their sable allies? Iluvo they played .Morgan" long enough T While Kelley and his blue k und tan crew arc shouting fiir negin suffrage at the N irlh, they leave the first fruits of that mcasuic in the South to be nipped by the frosi on thu wrong side of the door leading into the notintial House of 1,'epr, , n tulives. Such is Radical honesty evi t, to mo negroes ! Iltvid Over, Ksq., edit- r of tlie Illair County li -gifter, t nthusiastjcnlty supports the renoin nntion of Gov. Geary. They belonged to the same regiment in the Mexican war. Kx change. Yes. and David Over, the aforesaid editor, was iho first person to attack (ien. Geary, on Ihe return of the regi ment to Pennsylvania, and denounced him as a coward through the columns of the Bedford Inquirer, which paper he then edited. See tiles of said paper of the winter of 1S50. Indiana lh tim er at. Tho cooet jHoce of "plieoU1 we have witni-aaod for a long tint in tlio claim hy the Polroit pout thnt otit racot ul tlio South hnva diioJ on hc count of ihe election of Grant Wl.rn it in notriotifi, that ircvitu)i to the election, cvory outnK vran mantil'iitr turt-tl by thct-Hrpot bnirom. to cnon tlor hnto nntl tVr in thn Iio-oiiih cif northern cowards and vneaki Nw WiMskV Tt Thnsa hn know ssy the 't'.luclion of the tsl on wblky s tnsde St the request ol 'lh ring " Thi V t snled to Iny in big supply at a low rate, and relied upon their influence over '"i hkiv to secure an sdvame a soon II they hail a large i lot k on hand. 1 1 i sunt to be cei lain that a rhange will he made at the next session of Congress as stum as the member of "tho ring" aro lully p' pared for il. "The ring" bus an tiii'iicnso quantity ul whisky on hand already, and will increase il stores up lo the day when the tcx h raised. The Whisky Ring bus the Itadical majority o the present C'ongie-s com pletely under its control, noil ihem is no doubt that thecorriipt combination will have things its own way. In the meantime the Tenure of Office Law protects all tho whisky thieves in the country, and enables them to continue their plundering without let or hind runco. There is no doubt that Itutli eal Congressmen nro bought and sold, like slice) in tho shambles, by the whisky ring and other gigantic twin ied monopolies. The present Congress is as corrupt ns any Radical Legisla tnro of Pennsylvania ever wu's. How corrupt they have been, all men know. Lancaster . nteUiijmeer. Gen. GntNt's Korti n . The Wash, ington correspondent of the Si Liu is Democrat says: "Gen. Grant is rich already, and by cuutioiiH investments he is destined to be wry rich one slue, ranking with the most opulent. He owns thirty eight acres ot land within the corporate limits of Washington, worth 2, (HH an acre. His house is held at 800,000. A farm near St. Louis and houses in Galena and Phil ndclphiit should add $100,000 to the former items. Threo hundred thou sand dollars will probiiblr not bo in excess for the President elect's pos sessions. Yes, and when he went into tho army he was so poor that his neighbors hud to buy his) his uniform. und horse. Sudukn Dkath. F. M. Rishel, late of Shamokin Dam, who moved to U il liumsport about a bull' year ago, died very suddenly al that place last Sat urday night. Ho heard a sudden cry of firo, and supposing it to be bis ow n limine, he ran lo thu window and put his head out to hear or see where the lire was and upon withdraw ing from the window he fell over snd expired It is believed that his heart ruptured from a sudden rush of blood caused by fright and excitement. His remain's welt brought to Shamokin Dam and interred there yesterday Ho leaves a w ife nnd several children. Ho was -10 years. 10 loom list and $ day of ago. Srlinsgrovc Tunes. AcQfiTTMi. Tho Irialof'Gcn G. W. Cole, charged with the murder ol Mr L. H. lliseock. wa concluded nt Al bany, New York, last week by tho acquittal of the piisoner. The motive to the commission ol tho murder was tho alleged seduction of the wife of Cole by lliseock. Insanitty was the plea olfercd in defence. The jury sta ted that they found the prisoner sane 'ne moment la-fore killing, and the tiioiuent alter, but were in doubt a lo his sunity at the inslnnt of tho homi cide, and the Court instrui led them that they trust give the benetit of the doubt to the prisoner which they did. Simon Cameron pledges thnt neither his son nor Ins son in law shall he as pirants for the vacancy in the V. S ! Semite. So far as the family is con cerned the pledge is important and necessary, but so fur as the public are concerned, it was entirely unnecesui v. Either ono of them stands a better chance lo he at ruck by lightning than to bo called by the public to till an official position. Simon silolhirs, how sver, ns Si ill ' n know, have a potent effect on the Ra licul pnrtv I-rflhT MoNlT ON Kl.l.CTloS. The Radical in New York nominated Griswol.i. as their trieuds in New Jer sey nominated Illair, for Governor, because they wanted a rich man to bleed. Giiswold il is sum I has spunl "vcr $J5d,IMiU mid lilnir over 83. O.iHiu in the race for gubernatorial honors, nnd all to no purr use. Both the mo ney nnd men were handsomely beaten by the Democracy. .Statesman. The darkies are coining. Oho! Oho; In Louisiana enough votes have been "thrown out" to secure (ho election o negro to Congress, and on the 4th of March next, ho will open undis. may ed tho doors of the Marble Hall. In South Carolina an Llector ha re signed on account of disqualification, and a negro ha been chosen in Ins place, a rfo white man could be found who was not disqualified. Genera1 Butler hits been awarded tho seat occupied by the lain Thud ilrus Stevens in the national llojse of Representative. Thai was a wise movement. If it hail lint been given, il would have been ri'nritnrintrtl Tim General is famous In the latter move ment. The Mongrel papers arc showing how ninny Irishmen hold office n New York. But i these offices were held by negroes, how happy the M injjul. would bo It is to be hoped that when General Grant commences cabinet making he ill ship off the Freedmen' Bureau to the old lumber room. On the fVh of Iloeemlier, 1SC, tiy F. Hot.li.rs ttr, E.g.. Mr. It I C 1 1 A It I M. lMItOHI'F. and Mi.s KI.I7.AIIFTII LAIKII'.M:, all of fnion u.wnship. Clearfield eontilr. Pa. 31 rir adrfrtij5f:ncnU. IOM P.A I I,-Four valuabte town properties, in the Ivirn gh of Cleat held, Lih tliont d lalile and buiMi nfre nw. Apjitr to H M. M. M. t I l.l.fH'OH. dc-lT Attorney at l.aw, Clear fid u. Pa. 1TR A V fame to th premiae of the snlt 4 wnt.er, reidtrig in CMving'nn "wnhip, atmid die in id tile of N.itrinl'er. a It l)l IH't.l., itiimaei) to be three years tdd nest Hprtng. with white Mripes otpt the phonlders and while hind fee4. The owner is rrijuceted to dime forward, prttrr property. py charge and take the animal awav. or il will le dealt with aceirdihg lo lew. dec!7 at pd JOHN J. d'lCKAHD. Valuable Farm nt Privalo Sale. flH . nn'leriro'd nw oi'ers at Private Sule hi 1 farm, aituaie in Ltmtt tim' ''WTthi. t'lHr-'rlil county, I'a.. tonh'd o 'he n.n-h iiu- Philip burg A Kie Ttirnpik' . snd -n 'he went hy the tu(jnrhanna river, CO.NTAININtI FKJliiY M-i l HE, Between fiftv and niM- of alucn a t eh-ared nA iiixler eu'i va-Mtrt. nti-t hm.rg lhre,rt a l.'-'i IIOCSK HANK IMIIN, and all the r,.M,rT nufliuildinge. an orchard, ad a fprii.g of g"vd water nt the dtor. Tbcrr ar HlltFE VEINS or COAL on Ibis farm. One two lie it vein, now open ; one fortv ineh vrtn. of as good enal a rtati be found In the onunty also itpa. and one Ave foot vein, unopened. re For Terms and other partieoiB-e, pdv on il.. p emiaea, to )oHIMN J.KAll. Uwrooco tp.. Iw. H, 1W loj-pd. nr dwltirmrtiti, tvtl I Itlll ttf tMHTM SMIlr. ! I f All StsrS-'SS are tiers!, anS-l trial Ihs es .tlnr,.l,r 9 itHsa; IsHaessi Ihe as.rsrnMl la -the M.-trViaiO Imil-'Htie; rvtns. In 1 l.arSslil, , ant dissolved t-r rssiasl eonsrat on lbs HI si das 1 of Oel.'lH-r, A. P. sa. The hooks anil rwNtit I aill he rollt-ieit hs M. A. Fratiti anil Ihe huslness lt )m rarrted ea at the same i.ts. hy K. H. L. Sl-.nshton. M A. Kit ASK. de, IT 41 K. It. L. STOI tlllTOIf. Tlt'l ASl". Milll'l-.ts. -The follit,( i,er J sons have flleil In Ihe offiee ot IheCWe of Ihe C .nit of Onarter Spssinna of DeerSt M eonntr, thrir i.rtilion snil Ihmi'Is for Liernse, at Ihe Jan- nsry sesmDS nest, airrerahly to the ai-t of Assent blr. entitled -'An Act to regulate the sale of Inlos leatins; l.upiors," Ae t norr-L LicrssR. F. A. Thompson Woodward. Samuel Holes Reei-aria. I). II. I'anlhamus Il eoaria. Louis Plooell Morris. 1aiait tlloi.n) Lum'ier Cilr. Milo Hoyt Oseeola. Ii.'iijnimn liloou t'urwrnsrille. Ihnry lloss Oseeols. t'sst.er !ifollt Clearfield. W. It. Thompson Chest. Iiihn Foutr !loirs. Sstnui-I C Ib-phurn I'enn. John Molson t'oTinittou. tleorire Knarr Ilrady. A S lloldn Illootn. M.'tliew C. (laroble Unlirh. .Inlia Ann Feney. Cleartield. I'liilati'ler Kinitt New Wasbinglon. Isaac Kicltels Ueooana. aat.onM LK'RSIK. Daniel Ttowman Clearfield. It niani'n SwaitKsrt Oseeola. Jas-i'l MelUoishey Clearfield. Catlinrttie timtl C'urwensville. W. Kndres Clearfield. MRneaarlLK. I. L. Riisrnstein t Co Clearfield. Augustus LeL-oute tlirard. doe 1 7. at A. C. TATb., Clerk Borough Ordinance. 1 Ti nwilnir uf the Town Council, held De- iV ccuitwr ?tli, ISfttt, It wm ordered lb at the lu, lowing Urtlincnoc be rf pubitfhrd, and potto be givco turn in pruvuioni mil be tricily enforced : fit it TCrW and rdaintd by the Burmese and Town Cbuuoil of the borough uf Clearfield, and It ii bcreiiy enamed and ordained br the autbnritT of the tame, that berrafter it ehall be the dot; of Hcu-icri uf lute and owner of anoooupied lot alone wliupe ureuiieee eidewalke ar now or tnT hrn'afler be laid under Ordinance now io foroe or which tnay herrfier he naeaed, to oauee the ide walki a Ion j Mitir rfe(-cliTe preraian to be elered of enow when and aa often m the eame aaay (all ihrrron, within twelre honre after the aain shall eeaee fallinir ; and od drfeult of eucb oeeupier or ownere baring euoh eiaewalka clean, aaaloresaid. be, the wr thejr ehall be lined in the iuo of Ave d'lllare, l be collected a debt of Itke amount ar now by law recoverable ! and it la hereby made lb duty of tbe burgee to aee that luit ar brought against ail who may offend againat Uiii Urd'uantw. Jn teetimony that the foregoing Ordinance was pa nerd the otb day of leotnber, A. V. I ba bvreunto act kit band. MM. KADEBACH, Barge, Atteet : L. J. Cmajh, Ikcretarj. Kotick U herehy given, that tbe provision of i ue auov orainauoe wtll be en torrid. W. W. 11ETTS. Purresi. Atlrvt, 0. L. Mono am, Knc'y. Dm. 1,., It SherilTs Sale. TT virtue of writ of TV. IVurf. Ex. issued 1) out bf the Court of Common I'kas of Centre vuuiitv, and to me directed, there will be exposed to puWic? ml, t the Court llouee, in the boruagh ol Cli-ertifM.on Monday, tbe I Ith dav of January, IKtiv, Cnrt wwlt.) at on o'clock. P. M., the fol- lowing nropertr, vis: A nam iut uf land in the village of Cbester ville, (1'enatur townhip.) 4'lea.rfield county, Pa., hounded a ft!lnws: Frut CO feet on Main street, uth by lot of J anes Cole, west by lot of Muneon I1ms, and e& tending back to an alky about 2oii ft t, with a saiall frame bonse erected therein. Srji-d. fatten in eieenttn, aud to be sold as tbe iiroirtv of Jotb While. 0-ltidder mil t&k notice that fifteen per cent, of the purchase money must be paid worn the pnifierty te kuooked down, or ft will be pat up CYHESITH HOWE, Pberiff. FhcrilT's O.Tice, Cleartield, Pa.. fl, lM. SherilT's Sale. 1)Y virtu of a wr t f .n foene. Is ) u"1 out of th C on ati nrnn f Cieaifin d eounty and tn me i.itwird, ihre will h eifxiMod im PI 111 I' pi A I.K el tbf "..(. 1 Huoee la in horiUKb d t lenrflvid uh M-mi ihe I Ith day of Janunrr. ltflj t u'cl.tck. P M., tbe following pr"trty, m wm : All that ertatn pi t ,,r j ar ! of land, sitae. in Covington townnhip, t ;; H rymjv, 1b beginning at a whitf pmr pn, i.. i, ;,7 (i ,trchi-s eat of a whtte oak grut, tb nurih eofnt-r ol war mot No. IWi, and ting a perl ol said warrant No. tht-uve eat pt-r- htt, tn white ak corner; thenr south 1 24 i 11) pcrrhra, to a white fiineoomeri lh nertMi Id nrrrhre, to povt oornr : tbenc aotub 21 i-10 prrt-ht s. to a pout oornnr; thnioe wint 10 pfii-h-. to uk oh i tier i thenoe .nun i o-l" pi-n-v fj u i corner; thenoe writ Opfreh,tp r vn- r; 'h nn.irih ITHperche to p W ot l"'j niiMj, c tta,niiig nlly two acre anil twenty-d.t.t i.rr i,. . nurr or lce. and bring jrt of warrant S . I W, nj recorded in Ied ilwli R, pagr 4j. etiRd. teken in fiffntion, nnd to s as tlie i.r(tprlv of Jown W. Rider. f-e-l.t it..-re will uk s-iice that li pev eenu "f th vnrr-ba m H.ey mueil be paid when lh lelrtv ! knocked 4wn. or ft wtM b pat np an ""vnaif i i nan it a nuw n f-nnmrr's Omrn, ( theriff, i.arfl id. p. lrc 16 tnrn SherilT's Sales. HY virtue of sundry writs of peatftriMui era-saws t pawed out of the Court of Common Plea of Ms-arfleld count?, aird to m directed, there wil! b e loosed to public eal. nt to Court House. in lb bomugb of Cleartield, on Mui day, tb utn nay of January, l"f,y, at I o'clock, p m., the following desetihed Kal Rnat. to wit : A certain tract of land situate In Penn town ship, Clearfield county. Pa.. ouimM a follows, tn : Pegmning at a small acmlork on the north eru line of what Is known ks the Ctendaniel tract and southern line af tract Ko. 611?, thence north :.f perchea to stone etirner, tbtnc south 76J de ems weet l id perches to a pint, thence wain Us perehes to p'.et nn Clendamel line, thence along said line north f ftj degree east l.tft perches to the plae of beginning, containing 100 acre and allowance. AIo, one utber trar situate in Hell townhir, in the onunty atitresaid, beginning at an old hetnlfvek. there north 174 degrees west 119 porches to white oak. tbenc nth lt-0 perehes to a pnt, thence by Und of Lewis eiruith aouth S7 degrees east J perches to a post, thenoe 64 and 9-10 perches tea hemlock, thence- nrth 31 derree oast SV perches to the old hemlock and pi sew of neKinnins:, coniuning acre aol in per3he mure or less, r-ened, taken in eiecutinn and to t sold as the properly of James and Job Curry-. Also, a certain tract of Und situate in tiultcb toanrlup, ( leer field eonnty. Pa., beginning at a birrh corner of land of Jame Morgan, thenoe Hilb 4fl drgree west If perehee to a poet, tbenco north 41 degreo weet 13 perehee to wbit oak, thence north 4tt degrees east IVV prche to hem lock, (hence south 41 degrees Mel AH perches to a hemlock, I hence south 4V degree eaet III perehee to stone, thence south 14 degree, east ft pen-be to bireh or place of Irrgmning, containing 1 aertM vv4 avIUwaeesa, ari elaared, with Inrtre fi-am house and barn fheeeon creeled Srised, taken in eieeutlon and to bo tidd a tbe property of Oeorge llegerty. Al", a certain tract of iand situate in Morris township. leurftebi county. Pa., bounded and de srnhed as follows: On tbe north by Wm. Z im mor ula rt, nn tbe east by Henry M .ller," south by lands ol Rrenner A PUnchard. and on the west hy lands of John Kvethart. ctmiaining S?B aare. with If) acres cleared and having a log hone and warn erected thereon. Heiied, taken in etecution and to be i Id as the property of Jacob W agner. Also, n oertain tract or land situate in Fifc township. Clearfield eonnty, pa., bounded as fol lows, vis : Beginning at a post on line between minnie ana wesicrn amnions nt tract jVi. 6779. thence wast 111 torches to a post, thence north lib perches to a poet, 1 hence west III perches to a pott, I hemic south Its perches to a poal and plaoe of beginning, oontaimt'g 1.-9 nires ntore or less. Heited, lako in eteetttinn and ! be sold as the property of Valentine Hatv. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Dnrnside towrifhip, Cm arfield cotititv, p kiindd as lol lows, tii : nn Ihe east t-y bind id LlijeU Paker. on the etratb by lands of Jteipb Wall, on the weat h land of eadr King s iFia'e. on the north by land of John Hunnels, con'sinmg alKiut two hun dred acres, seventy acres ( winch are cleared and under cultivation, having erected thereon a large two-story house, barn, and neecaarv outbuildings, together with a hearing orchard. Seised, taken e i rent ion, and to be euld as the pmpertv of Peter Hmh. A l so, a cert in tract of land situate in Lawrro townnhip, Clearfield comity, la.. boutild as fol low ; On tlie weat hv lend ul William Porter, on the east bv little. Maeawitter and others: on Ihe north by H. JH i : corainn.g one hundred and forty B'-r-s. m:b -i' ! i' -n o-n cleared. and a flluill plank h im" ' I there,.,!. Bviird, taken in eneHfu.p m d to de ti)J tbo property of Joseph V ooi. Aim. a r-.t-in t(i " oj Ian, situate in Covin g t..n t-.wi,' ... t. -r:.i-id countT. Pa., bounded as f. llow: im tn ai hv ti Shulr. ta the weet by Mr, ft.. as. u toe euutb by John Pickard. on tbo north hy , cHin'aibing twenty -threo acre, nil cleared, with small log koupe and SUble erected thereon. Visd, uken in eiccwtie. and o bo sold as tho p-x)reny ot Charte Weaver. r-lli.ldrr vill uk none that II pet cent of the pnreha aev snut b paid whet, the pmrreaiv ts ka.-ofced d..wn r It wOl b m np again faal. CYKk.lL'a UOWB, SHRstrr t Orrtcn. I fiksnf. Cler.W, Pa.rSc It, lW. J l itfftr (JrrrtlrmrBli. 11 Tll.-AII peisofil ar Itereby sjfiwed not t purebaMi or nts"ttt f'r a certain Note given bv m in favor rd Philaeda Andrn, of Noi wieh, Chenango et.anty New Vmh. dated Oetsiher Ifitk, lA calling f.rr th payment of $i'fl, in three months frota date. A Iuo. another certain Neianf the same date, ellirtg for Ihe pay meat nt H'0, in lit months lnm ditei as I wilf not psv tbem unles eowipelled by law. not having received ) tberrlor. 1. H. U'MiD. Osceola, ( learfield co., Pa., IC. in, 1MB u a. p. ornro.. .. .cko. i. Torn BOYNTON L YOUNG, Manufacturer of STEAM ENGINES MACHINISTS, Corner of Fourth and Ptne Btrooti, CLEARPIl.l.n. PA. TT AVI50 engaged In th manafaetnr of fint- J-X elaas MAClilNEIiY.werefpccifully inform th public that we art now prepared to 811 all order as cheaply and as promptly as ean b done in any of tbe cities. W manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mille, Head Blocks, Water Wheels. B haft ing Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam Ganges, Steam Whistles, Oiler. Tallow Cops, Oil Cups, Gatige Cocke, Air Cooks. Globe Valves, Check Valve, wrought iron Pipes, Steam Pumpt, Boiler Feed Pumps. Anti Friction Metres, Bosp B'one Packing. Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of WILL WORK; tojetber with Plows, filed Sole. COOK Ay D PA RL071 STO VES, nnd other CASTINGS of all kind. at" Order solicited and filled nt eity price. All letters of inquiry with refercne to bachicery of oar menu fact ore promptly answered, by addrca ing ns nt ClearAeiii, Pa. decl If BOYNTON 4 VOUSO. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. I)F.R30NS desiring OO0D PICTl'BES.af any style aod price, a ith alt tba voder improse oaeats af the art, ean be aocosamodated bj ealltaf at my moms in Clearfield. Negatives made in Cbudy as well as in Clear Weather. . CHILDREN S PICTI RHS Uken amarately, ia a fssr aeeoada. The TONE and FINISH ot my rhottraphs (uaraatee-d U tt)al thai of any Bad la Phila dvl.hir or Kesr York. Cunstantl an band a large suppt of Frames, Albums and Stereoscopes, Of all aisee, st-ll and prioes, and of the beat finish. Also, STEKEOSCOPIC VIEWS, ot tbe most InterraEinf AMLBICAN aV KOKKIGN C KM'KV, for aato at reaaaaaltle rates. FRAMES or ALL SIZE8, Front any stjle of aoooljior, made la order on short notiee. J. K. B0TT0RF. Clrsrneld. Dee. 10. 168-1 McGAUGHEY'S KESTAl R 1T & UEFRLSIIMEM SALOON, In Letre'i Kesr Duil.linK. (ronnerlyscaopiFd br Mr. Role,) TSLCOXD ST., CLEAftEIELD, PA. CONSTANT! T on hand aline aeleetlon of CAN DIKS, KCTS, ClilAKS, TOBACCO, As. Also, FKES1I OYSTERS rareired daily, and serred up to sait the tastes of customers. .niLLIAItD Ml.lltlK seoond story det-lg it DAY11) MetiAllllls.Y. LITHERSBIRG POTTERIES Lultie rshurj, C Irarflcltt Co., e. FARMERS, MECHANICS! DAIRYMEN Look H erel TM1E andersirned Is prrriarod to famish ton J- with the best STONEWARE manufactured in this oounlry. lie has never yet failed toplraae tba saost lastiJious, as to sjuahty or durability His wire consists i part of CUE A M rCTS OF ALL SIZES! MII.K CROC K AMI PAN", Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And ia short EVERYTUlNut ususlly niada and kept la a establishment of this kind. MERCHANTS Can bar their wars drlleered by me. at ANT TI MR and to ANY PLACE desired. Orders for wire solicited, and promptly tIM. "For general assortment, sea Catalogue and Priot List, nailed fros ta applicants. ;)t?A liberal discount will be giro to th wholeeala trade. GEO. C. EIRE. Lalhersharg, Pa, e. , lsr.8 tr EV STOCK! M STYLES ! ! FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN REED'S, MARKET PT, CLURFIELD, FA. Barinl tod reaeieed all Ibeaoeelties of Ihe la lh Milliner? Una, request th Iodic la call and uamiac tkcas. WoaeW, Pa,. Haw, A, J"- 1 ir :-t:-:; ; i ' -in. . ,. an in'" flip tm&i, C.iPffiifi, Ctr. GREAT EX C1TEMENT On PiiooNn ThiT, ri.Arm.n. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. rpttS and.rilfrsd raspectfully laslta lbs al 1 frmtlun of the pulille generally to their s,lendid assortment of merchandise, whleh they ar low aelliag AT VERY tOW PRICRfl. Their stock canslsts I part af Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Sack as Prints, Da Lslnes, Alpsceas, Msrinos Ulngbams,Muslins,(bleaohed aad aablaaeh od.) Drillings, Tlrklngs, cotton and wool Flannels, 6atfatu,Cassimcrcit Cottonades, Ladies' tthawls, Nubias A Hoods, Balmoral and Hoop Skins, Ac, Also, a Una assortmsnl of Men's Drawer and Shirts, Uau A Caps, Boot A Bhoes. II of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. !N SIJOKT A GENEIIAL AH60UTMENT Of eeerythin usually kept in retail slore. all CHEAP FOKCA-'li or appruscd country pro duoa. A. K. WR1I3IJT 4 yONS. Clsarosld, Nor 7 , 17. mr FALL & WNTFR GOODS! WHlium Jlevd & Co., Near PtwtoA.ce. Market Nueet. CLEAHFIi I,!' I A. nAVINO joit fijiirtrt a jj.t( t, i ruu j, t lock troia New York i i' u j: .n, eu ulti r vxtra tLduct'titQitit j i. A. U , lll.J.r W hart a Pi.'ru-lifJ r-l-rtfr.fi t( I" f.-u-l. t?jlk. 8iiawl-n, Coakirf" F mi". fc-i-li.or.lt. LtUnkr. JI.h p r-t.it', Corfrt, Tlioniixju'i Olore-fiitiitf , Trioiainf of trrry 4rfnpuh, Zyhjrf TTorrtid Yarn, aud oaf il tbe mvtt iui)it a ortmrDt t Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Under-wpsr, HmHerT. Glurea of all k.Ddr. A'ri aodvr't Kid and llarr..' c?lrljrat-d rrainlt'iil kid, (tba bt trrr nadrj Nerktiea, Bntltrflirn. ro!lar, Cufft HiiJkrrliirla, Ltf-on, Edn, Etnhroidpriei, tc: aln. a arTin-nt of FUK8, with OH AY'S PATENT M IF', th twrt tbinf iunt tofetber with a full liut of auplr fooda. All of ab cb offer at lb VERY LOWEST PRICE j Call and aaa a. Jio trouble to thw (ooda. Ra member ibe (.Imw Kear Puatciffire, Market Ptieet ootl CLEAHFIELD, PA. A KEYOLITIOJ U BIS1AESS AT 11 KH tM!1 1 K, BT IIARTSOCK & GOODWIN. rIHB andewifned haviof aoUrrd into ee-pari aerabf ia tba ntrraatila botiaau, adopt tbia aibdj of aotifyinf tba public gaaaraJiy, aad ihe eititeni of Carwaaavilfa and vicinity ia particular, that nerebaodiM rf all ktnda will ha euld bj aa cheap a tba ana analit- alaa abera ta tba eoaatj. We have a fall eapplj ( DRY GOODSt Conrnirtr la part of Dreaa Ooodi, Mutllna, Print of all het and ityUi ; tofttbar witb a full aaaortaieDt of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS 4 CAPS, IVwta, bara, Hardware, Quraswarr. Aa well as Tinware, Cedarwars, Willowware, buoScu ana Brooms lo(ctkcr wltk large (took of Ureteric and alwajs fnll stock af FLOUB, FISH, SALT, to. I short, we keep fall supply of tearylkiaf used la tkis market. V'c want all our aid customers and as man sw onss as can make it coaeoaieal, to fire as a call before pur asing elsewhere. IMX1KL HARTSOCK. EDVVI OOUDVTIN. Cu'wensslllc. Fshrucl 1), 181. mi'ii iui iovsr, DI1LII IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS. MUM.INK at HKI.AINKS ' al rollfltUS l Al.rACAS i Sensation Ssriaatina S-nli"n St-nsaimn inoc price ncs pnee Just rwirsd at Ml 'KNOTS', IIIXOIIAXIS t Snlinn irir i'II I XTZ I'll I N TS lil.nVKS 'KAVA Tf at t I t itnaril inn SpnAii-n jr. co .rit s-n-i'lon r-r -HAWI.S l IS NK I si ol.nltKP I MfSI.INJii ai I at All ' I,. TS j iit'f I.INX at I'lUSIl at ffltTAlXS ut rAiti.r" run us Hi r'UlNt.K at St-1 ?!' LACK HuslKRY KIHUuNS 1 HlMMlNiiS 1 at at S'H1 lMi NnMII MMi Snnaiioi n all kind- k nt Srniaiiori I'iir in mi quwn'if A 1 n on hanil at Mi ism !.'. CAiVMHtKS at SAITINKTS at TWEKltS at -IF AN? m VKST.N.S at SUKTKN8 M --ii.n i i.iii Stialuii Srii.Hll"li Seri.muiii Ssniirni pn,-,-Iirir.-pric-prior- pMC- ns-tiMstioii iirir al M'tSStjJ'y. CLOT1I1NU aurhl a vxtal. lanlv Vhu, I'nnrr Miirt. ai aciisatioo prim Mannrl Miirta. Moot, Slincs, Hi and Caiit, Now for sale at MOSSOrS' HARDWARE such as.Hawt.nalls Fork, Knivca, at aansatioo pric at MOSSSMlp SpiltM, H infra. LIQUOKS, ach as Win, Brandy, Oin, Wbkkpy, Coin, etc-, etc. at nsation prior K KIM IS, auch as frunm. Raisin, t acDtatioB priros Figa, FillxrU, A,) at Massors. Ai MDaation prioas ORlXTF.RtF-S, say Flour, li m , Shnuldnn, Nur'r, atolaaanc, t.ill, Toa, Crack an. Siiirwa. Canille, f'oal Oil, to.. cto. Ala-ay at VOSSOrs. it neation rricr BIACRIXG HuFF-S Pt)W lF.R nsaiion prioea nsatioo prioc cnsaixin prioas aenaanon prions nenttnn nrins SHOT LKA I) CAPS at Al th t or of RICHARD MOKSOP. MUSKOP AlwT kswp on haa.t a lull assmlmrnl of all kirirls offood raquircxl for lha mpinwvlalinn ol Ilia puhlio. juij i, ir. CFPAl.O KlIBI s. t.ep Rnt.es. Foal f. KRATIIKt. f (I f r AMI l T.. i.. oi litr.t- H.- r .-f ( I Hi d rl y POP-, IX t ft, , (lOAI. Hll M IK. ,. I... j in. r f ". " "! I T i ? tfkftlllT I't ( OA L Hi I" -I iii 1, , ,M , al rvtti'lv ' " " Order t'-tit vi, ai-! f p, i N OlMMI ( hM(II l.atmnft tp , Nn t9 Im. J ax.iiiM fM tiAPiKi r ia iv m, t,M,u'fH tfitb our 0"W, ii cok itnv, (,, ,.,,l(i(J( I bdvidiuK. lint Uultii, ui.e ( t,n. ut ,.kli ona ahik, ouo'ln--k, Hf? tuirn.r, ktnj ut Ui ,j. lurnilurv, in tin- p'.nn-n.ii oi hrady K'tit)'i, a liio ut btlonf iu m . ara llt wiib Inui ott U-io oniv, ui ,(f.i i tlj, ,', drrl .M JOS, I'li I TW y'' p i Ills 1 Ol M I OK KlHv.OS J La Kat r.!i litiTi.R ) K i-iffidl rr Ttjrm, 1 ttT. Wl VP'I1 " " ' .No. 2.0. oaa !ur LirtitH To Aona Hrilfr, ltcinndtut : Yon are b rly nolifir.J and requir-. Ui W appear ia your ou priT pfrtuo at out tuurt Of ('(tlllHOll I'ifai, tu hol ll'D ml n-.rt.iri on Mondiit. tlie I Ith iuy ut Jaiiuurv, ln, our vaid Jn'ltff. to aii'wt-r aucb ttiinn M thrn ami llieits rharcd p)ut you m (t plaint of aid hlMflmnt, in the (rc-n,Lp. (C'DdiDtf, and lo ftisjinil to lucti oru-r ut itlm tf llif uori war innkc: ar-i nrtt i-,it p., dHt-it ' t iiy.SH JI"U i; Ki:(.l-.l I H'H ltiOTICK.N(.nrr. giktu ti.il the iulliiiK acut'uni. titt axaiutnvd and aatJ by .tie. ao I rcmKiU iM raeord io ibn utile for ibo nnjtotiou bl bt r. legaUtf, crrdrtorn, aul all ulLoro m un jUtr w,,' intimirdt and mil W tirrn-nud tu tlie ii-n (Jf' pban't 'uurt ol Clc. fi i.l oounlj, u tt Ml it u,, Court HuUAr, in the boruaab ol t:u-rti l., tltU menrttig on tlie M-cund Muniitiy ut J iiiturt , iw( The account ol laviti lr. -Mir.-, 'itvru ti c1 Wandrru Kliaiil. 1'ivclnu 1 '.rg-U Lur ?.,CI Abe Hcnai, J-bii W. Fl--it ai.il JmtMi F,,k, orioor krim ol .Iruioi L. rlt-fiil, Intf of it.iitr town lb' p, ClenrhrM txmniy. H., crw, 1 be nartial account ut J Iiuiimi- II. ..re-T. i UinnlrRtur "I Ilia rtatr af ktttOt w A. t,rM, lata of Uradfurd tuwnbi), Citarbtltt tinlj, ik droraard. Tbe bnal account of John M nlir..a, rttew, of tbe unit will and twiiitm-tit ot ll. nn lltri lata oi (Ju'i"! tuwufhip, C.tarlitid Hbtii.K dfea-id. Final account uf Jt.u llu-- (.rem.., .,f lt Wl!l bi.u .-'Ninti: i ( J..:. i MMiraiH-, Mis ft'Oa toinbli.j. Cleat Ut Id dm, . I'm.. .---pU A. W. U. !'?.-.:.'!.! - Ori'n , IK Clcarfi -) ! - . c. i- . ... 3- j It I'-tMi, l;a! lb lo .v W.t.. i.iwif;ct( , .1 ai.d idr d i, Uh-, ar il n im (i.-; n-.ni'l .u tl t utiioi lor tb- hi"a--r w. ... t. !' Aftf ,crd!t'ri. ai.d all otWrr ui an i: -; t and Wkli o j-n v" uTi U la ibe n v iit : ' j -; -it t.'lcartieki Kuuulv. to b? b-M a: i b t , i!- , in the liriUc;a uf Clt-aHiii W. cfiti nn-i-i.-.L. it, 'he i-ccDil MiiM'iatv ol January not- Fn.al acMiorrt af Cbnufmn Kurb. atiiT.,itt-iff. ut t'tiartt itilli-k, laie of bradj towutL (i, tU-t hi Id ruuiiry, Pa., dxmnd. Fin at at"nnt uf ii'jrf E 'lir, r. a 'iniai-r-m-' ut Harttaia BiHfFp r. ratouf liraily tua!. tlrat field euttotv ra amMi. Filial aerotm' of Juhn BI'kmo and Jtmr A B'imhii, fatx-oorf of tbe lat mil and teiunii Jaaa3 BIihiu, Uta ol 4ske toaut.i lirtrttn cuuDlJ, 1'a.t dwriw., 1. i BARl Til, !a e R trvr R'giftcr'i ftflioe. iraibcM, i a., W. Ii-, l-i- Notice to Creditors. T N the Or tilt a ua' O-art of ' Uatnn-ii K.a't, f, I Jo tb Utaltvrol tbe lmtt of Kn bar J h.in. lavi of Woirdward twnfh'p. dcaa-l. Tat ar, praiMnctit of real at ate aw out t erati K--a... the widow uf taxi 4rcaicd d 12 a.p. m-.tt. Ii-m, a d valued at one hundred and ttU 4 lara, waa on lb. Ifth dar of K-irt uibvr, A V eunbnned ai at. ty tbe Court, and ortltft4 tu puMicatpin be male in at katt one a ;.., pablnbed in C It-aHtrlti ootity, iafinatu an r aona interralrd tUat tbe aaaae will U ixat a aleolullj' aiiUa) nufti-n nl oe(tMii a H-n, or bclura tbe a-rtiii M -a lay of Jatiuan. A 1 lbfttt. liy tbe Cuurt. A. tt LH. la. ! 4t. t'terk af O ptian i.,nr DOBBINS' ELK'ThlC BOOT I O I I S II M tkl.H A LAKTIMi MIIM, rilllO-K vko Mark tfa.tr hoots on ."als-Si X nitfltl wirh or.liiierr riasioa-. C-n I L.i morn .hinc an Monday, as tbs pwlisk Ui.. 4 but the sliioe of DOBBINS' BLACKING Lasts Saturday and all day SunJ.ij It Ileal a anr oilier niacklug Msdr! Manota tared only by 3 . 8. Dubbins, si bis is urDN 8-iap and blarki ft H'orss, -iiin urn and tterman'owu aretiues, Pliilsdelphia. Pa For sale or J. P. KrUIZhn ai.d HAKT W K K A IhW IN I Ir.itrM, Ca s-.:'- HO I FOE AUSTIN & CO GREAT OMs lioLLUs SUE "t propoac to fight It out on this Mae AGENTS ! AGENTS: WAXTEI Ladica and (Irntti mea In every loan and n't the I i;iUd a, u act a At:, nt lur Austin & Co.'s Great Oue Do'.!ar Sa' of nrb and vlut-le piMnU, e.uiriit.A; ifi-i" but useful article; aratiud in evtij f ui.it. t and every artirle will be pull lur One l'.-lar. To anv pera a ffi'ttma up either uf llir C!l hlow, ara will p repent a W atch. IrM I'mtt: Pieoe ol hheeln. iSrwiiir Mai bine, W o' Carp 4c, Ac, free ol rxtra c.iu I'ur iiflueriiirttf Afinta bare alwaya been nearly -li'iit.!, tin ? anj otbt-r hue ia ihe trade, auti ear (,' ? creaan1; Initio warrant va in coQtici.irj. atne. i i:iim to Ar.r vJ. Ant per. aei . a a t'lab ajI 1m.. Jl, w. 1 r rtKiesJ iu ( -it r the tur one ot ilir tt e liend.rti ati.tclea f our i Lit. - ee i inu.l ie. ) Fur. t lull ci I tilrtj, wiib i . Will U ' i... i i uLr -t 'he to, i 1 : V it- An.m pipe, a y.tn I i . m n : . -t - in jf, eh ho . Biirer-j ,(t(t a- t-ft.r:r iMfiur, I lanev dretn pat tent, ' C'kUfi uanl cuitun bw, laucy ou .,c- t te.l 1 k a- iiauiak taole euvtr, 1 lutnn li'i t.ic;uri a, all-wivl eaiuir tt i vi, 1 p.i.r Utiica' tvrtfsj Cui.iira . f.'in, I uvui boa 1 1 ueu t ... " ;ftd Htuat, iatl'ea' lun( (ha pifl4 J- t.aid la Hit' Uiuruco4 b"( j-iiifX a. i M. t K T.I-l of jt-Wllrv Vltu il-V; lu N ..a ii. 1 luiin mqU ifm, iii-tiii ftim h 'l..t M.irsH'.lk qui)!. I tli griM t -"iln isr "ntinr 'Pk. I ur a 1 iub ol I- inj, mfh $ I .t. a Liai.ki'ra. .'4 jar-la tnv (mm re t-.t i n: !, 1 bhw-fc or ot'lort-l alpaca tin -f mmiu f 'Ui aran pin, 1 ia.t i.t r-l Turda bla'be(i or tnau elieii'a. i y v-i atultii cloth tor laate clt'Ki, I .u, i. - i: .i tu yartla irint lat color, I a-j r.- 1 1. I v 1 pain p- pirn tlrti pn, ii.. i i t i bta ptttit-si rMaitii, I .,r t m fCt-iiuine MitrautiaaUi ( .j i .a i. i l curia-a. Fur a Club of Cue lltt.iait-ti, a.;b . heaiT ai u r p u-i iikrauti ee j.;i. Ut -, t ' bleacbed or broau ane:iiiif. I neb Itittnl dni p-tiic-in I mt ot iimii tu.i"!"' -i and lui ka. I ttr au ri r wluit aKi biann1 arde ail ml Uih-t e-p-inn-ra lr au t." berate dnaa p4litni, I laJ.ta vr aC' ' buniinft caee ub, I Iimib i m i-a z-ri t rcr, a;lrr piaitnt mnnitl n -inHiie r"' cator Willi rut ftae atxtb a, bi li ladiff clunk; . X.t aril h it.p i-i thri 1 p'' damaek l vtlti-iMffia iipt.iia tu a ai-b. i boaevctttt quili . I trtnkl baatl n maobiire, I ut hug abawl. tuv lur aiut ape. 1 p r tj-uf: FrrlH-h call K-.t. For a ( ,Mh ofHic ltk.aH.rtJ ' - Hi mm wat h W a lhniu, a iai.tei n J eligHt.l rhamlxT ai t b'acb i uul triau. baix-totb Aiirn .!.. Kor a ( inb nt One Thon-and. wi'h ' ' 50 tar.ia lit uei eai t-i I pa raw ! s",t I la lief or (reiita bunt it. k re fulJ aaic ebaia. 1 ctj,iclc iwt i'l ru b ."axle hir- Knr lau.-i or aniMller ( lu t.a a eili i " 1 eat ol prmiortiunate la'ue. Ap nt or eualoim ra mar at ai tiro arltn'tutn u flint it Irota tbe h lianjt- t1' by eendui ite Iiollar (r ea- h aili 'e. i" ruotta foraantett lo them, wnbi.ut ' check i but ia auch rmv no preniiama il glvtn. IUHI.C 1IONH. 8end la'f en ma of mooct l lrt V'rt-k or ltoton. or by tM-n-f. w1'1 Kiehatife ta all auwia f :.' or anre. lima ahuatd he aeni by rrilird kt"" ' poaial aaoneT onlt r. It wilt be tiptait'l ' attmi'T aeni in i ihrr of the a'e ai''- ' not br re-ponaibie for naonrT toat, uBle atortilirrtel. JS.-e llitl .ttir li-i i r a I ' dirwted and tlantued. aa no Miera are anlea prvpa.d. rile Tour al Jnaa iu ' Counlv aad flatn. Agenta wanted lurvrrj Town bud VI-'H Addn-ae A I'KTIV i- I il(llV V sn . i n v w . i . So I0 rum to it Vim I. ItoMon, M'h" ae I m I V the liKMut RATIO AIMASAC ' cents. ter? ro sliaal "