Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 03, 1868, Image 2

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Geokoe BGoodlanimr, Keillor.
Thursday Morning, Doc, 3. 1868.
A. Oakey Hull is ibo nominee of
tho Tammany and Mozitrt Hull Demo
cracy for Mayor of Now York, and
.Richard O'Gorman for Corporation
Counsel. Fred. A. Conklinu is rhe
Itudical candidate for Mayor of Jew
Tha last ocsoion of tlio liiiinp Con
press commonce9 on Monday next.
Tho liero wUo waj Uotlled up by tion.
Grant, and who did not capture Fort
Fiohcr, nor dig the Dutch Gup Canal,
will be assigned coinmauder of nil
pooo members.
H. Hives Pollard, Esq., editor of the
Southern Opinion newspaper, publish
ed at Richmond, Virginia, wfU shot
and killed in that city, on the 25th of
November, by a man named Grant,
for having published an articlo in bis
paper reflecting on the Grant family.
Elovon buckshot entered the body of
Pollard, one of which passed through
his heart. Grant was concealed in a
house when he fired. Coward :
A nice "loil" war is now raging in
Erio comity .among the newspapers
and politicians of tho part' controlled
by "grand moral ideas." Senator
Lowry is at least three lengths of a
jucknss ahead of all his competitors,
and if the editor of tbo Gazette and
his backers do not believe us, let some
otic of them lie down and measure the
distance. Go in, Union smash era, we
don't care which whips.
There seems to be a mutiny in Gun.
Geary's en in p. Fitzgerald's Philadel
phia City Item, always intensively
Radical, last week paid the following
tribute to Geary :
Pour Grary It traveling and btgtag day and
niga! to ticure a renomiuatioo. lie ooaxrs, im
plores, prouiisel, thrtaU'iit, wlilni-s, aud erica,
M'Vtr ha such a siici-tatia been wen in
this 6ttie. Mr. W. W. hetcbutji, and Ueneral
Harry White, of Indiana, are hit competitor
p-otu abler and better men, and neither of tfiein
Some fool, in a late number of For
ney's Press, asks : "Uavo we a gov
eminent?" Vfe answer, none such
its tho Constitution and tbo oaths of
ibe officers require. But the fact is,
John NY. Forney aud a lot of other
political harlots have been running a
"machino" for eight years which tho
"late lamented" called a government,
and thargod uneven thousand millions
vf dollart. This is more money than
all Europe has been charged for the
last century by its debauched crowned
beads, And yet this vagabond taunts
ut with asking, "Have we a govern
ment ?" If wo have not, why do you
charge your subjects so high for mere
ly breathing f
BlBANOl! FlNASCEEttlNa. The "loil"
Treasury thieves, just before the Pre
sidential election, informed tho ptfblic
that the huge national debt had for
the month of October been reduced
nearly ten millions of dollars, rutber
unexpectedly, they confessed, by the
heavy payments on account of custom
dues. 'ow, the same fellows inform
the gullible public that the increase
of tho debt during the month of No
vember will exceed eleven millions.
These Treasury rats seem to treat the
debt quostion with as much ease and
complacency as they would a foot
ball, and valuo tho intelligence of the
tax ridden citizen as not equal to that
uf natural born fools. They seem to
compute and handle ten millions' of
dollars as glibly as the tobacco stumps
which they get their willing calves to
An Octiiaoe We notice that the
York Democrat and the Day
jdk both pu hi lull the pronpectus of
JljrMTt Weekly. This is too bad.
The angel Gabriel might with the
fame propriety compromise, with the
JJevil, and alternately occupy lieeth
er's pulpit. Did either of those edi
tors ever know the New York Mcth
cdint or Observer to publish the pro
spectus of ihs Boston Investigator f
Yet, they could do this with far
greater propriety. 'YaVCoiiaiJurar
per's Weekly tho "wickedest" paper
out, but still Democratic editors Hwbt
in circulating tho infamous thing
They might as well send their readers
a package of poison as a weekly dose
from this Harper. Nice shepherds,
thoae, raising yuung wolves to devour
their flocks for an exchange, wt pre
ivnie. The Conorkssional Aitortiox
mint. Tho lato election for Con
Kvesemen again betrays the infamy of
the last apporlionmci t. Thus, the
First, .Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and
Tenth,!-, districts, polled but 1 l.l.fiuil
vote ; at.d tho Twenty-first, Twenty
second, Twenty-third and Twenty
fourth, fuur districts, polled lOti.dOO;
Wbilo the Eighteenth. Nineteenth,
(our own district.) and Twentieth,
three dislrvU. polled 00,0(10. In short,'
it takes M,0u0 moro votors in the
Northwestern part of the State to
elect a Congressman than it does in
Lancaster, Lebanon, Chester, Berks,
Schuylkill, Delaware and IM-iladel-I
hia, and r.,000 more than it takes to
r'""t ri- the Southwestern por
tion or the State. In Allegheny coun
ty ZO.OOO voters elect Congressman,
but in our district U uu,., 8.1,01)0, aid
in th. Crawford and Clariun district
S4,000. .
They Demand SuilYngo Mid Equality.
They the Perl that llt-mrl lratit
and :iri to t arrv M tiirlr Pint
la (be Ikrinm Three IMeda-oe are
n"raer and tonality Throws-boas' the
hole lowalry.
'Our colored brethren" are evident
ly getting in earnest. Tho tone of
tbo following resolutions, adopted at
llurrisburg, at thuir Into Stuto Con
vention, is not canity misunderstood.
The gentlemen from Africa want tho
whito "lotlists" to quit lying to them
especially that class who were too
cowardly to bear their breasts to
"rcbil bullits."
"Whito trash," read tho resolutions
and reflect whether you ever found
moro impttdonce in tho snmo measure :
Wbeukas, The rirht of tuffrMK0 it not liaseil
upon any eonsiileratioo of euiiipleiiuu or race, or
any other mere ditlereiieot of iitiyeiaal appearance,
aul it uot iuititutt-d fur the talU'tit of a Invori'tl
few, but it founded upon Hud's eternnl truth anil
luttice, at it Bods nttvrnnoo in the old adiigo :
"Rig-tit it of no eolor ; truth it of no tool ; tiwi It
the t atuer uf all who are lorn and rcarod upon
American toil, rrgariltess of whatever ruoo or kin
dred to which they may belong," and
WnuBEts, The Republican party have given tit
additiouul atauraueet fruia time to time of their
determination, when once they had tho power, to
carry out every line of tha lleclaratioB of Inde
pendence, and make good arery promise wade hy
the party in the complete elevation and rtilrati
cbisi ment of colored luen wherever they may relide
within the nationnl domain : therefore,
KetolreU, By the colored nan to-dny in Mats
convention assembled; That the unlading truth
"That all uiuu are created free and equal, aud are
endowed by the Creator with certain eual and
unalienable riirbts," it ona to intuitive and firuili
established iu thu eaurcd order of tbiot that it is
not within the power of the reasoning uf men to
raintav it.
Ketolved, That every condition of gratitude, of
juttioe, of liberty and equality, demauda that the
elective Iranctiiae thai! be at once extended and
secured upon an imperishable basis tu every native
born Anierican.whelurr white or black, who claims
a home under the protection uf the lUg of the I. si
ted ritatet.
Resolved, That tilt recent overwhelming triumph
of the Republican party, in the eU-otion uf Grant
aud Coltax, di.pelt much of our gloom, and make
at rejoice in ttiu lioiiu mat toon we win ne wholly
made free and enfranchised ; thnt the only eon.
eeivable diflcrenoe between the X'euioeratio party
and tha ilroublican nartv. to far at black men are
concerned, are that the llemocratic party it one of
tlavery and the Republican party one of freedom
that while the JJemoeratio party hat ahown a
deaperate determination to continue ourentlate
meut. disfranchisement aud dcgrwlttion, the ltc-
tuililican rjertr have acroUMiHpht-d our etuancina
tion and pave protniaed ut enfranohiaement and
elevationthat Ihit they arc bound to do in con
sonance with their plighted faith, and if, for no
higher motive, crrtaiuly in consideration of the
inpport given them by the loyal colored element
ui toe ttouth and North.
Resolved, That the blcttings of liberty are ever
the tame, and that itt lawa are alike binding ukjb
the North and fitouth ; that the enme consideration
which demands enfranchiaement for the black man
in one portion of the country demands it for him
in the other; that while it is uo wore than justice,
at well at expediency, to exteud the right of luf
frage to the black man eUiuth, it it not only incon
sistent with the principles of benevolence and
Christianity and coutrary to the doctrinet of the
Republican party, at i cnoed and re-echoed on
every bill-top and valley in the land, but a with
ering ingratitude to a people for valuable tervieet
cheerlully rendered in time or need and totally
disrrj-ardful of r. patriotic liberty-loving eleuicut
in the North, a majority of whose Bona and brolh-
ert and fatbert more than onca bared their botous
to the drfiant raire of Southern tyranny an J rebel,
lion, and the terrible storro of rebel tbot and shell
in defence of the eountrv a flag.
Ketolved, That it is the'sworn obligation of the
Republican party and of the nation to erect the
ttunttaru 01 popular linerty upon the tnre and
letting foundation of LuirertaJ Suffrage, and
tbould Republicans falter here and again buw the
knee to the insolent demands of prejudice and
proscription, deeline to discharge the binding
obligation to at once make auompiuteenfranohised
ettitun of the colored man eomplrte in all the
Stateeso that all may alike experience the beaehts
aud enjoy the blessings of eiiual tibertiet and
rights, with freeaenoat to the ballot-box, to schools,
oullegrs and other placet of learning and business
thru do they prove treacherous to tbemM-lvet,
show ingratitude to an indulgent Providence and
bring down upon their party the fate of all the
faitblcte parties that have died outright as toon as
they espoused any portioa of the unjust cause of
proscription and disfranchisement .tnen It the
pany ucai neaa aean.
Resolved, That there it no measure of hscoiisit.
teucv so glaring at that in a Government which
withhold! the elective franchise from itt native
born sons merely because their skin Is of a darker
hue than other men, who are intelligent and sus
tain the character of Christian gentlemen, and in
the face ot such exclusion to award it to the green
foreigner, who is perhaps without Intelligence, can
ncitbwr read nor wnte, with neither talent nor
morality, and without, in many instances. oven the
shadow of knowledge uf the geuius ot our llcpub
1 can Government.
Sambo distinctly tells his wbitu
faccd ally that treachery, falsehood,
and open fraud, must cense. "The
loyal colored element" demand "free
access to tho ballot-box, schools,
churches and colleges," and that "the
green foreigner, without intelligence,
talent nor morality," must not be
placed ahead of tho "wards of tbe
Should these Pennsylvania niggers
live for a thousand years, they could
not treasure up more impudence and
falsehood than is to be found in this
their first epistle to Lincoln.
White men, awake; the lion is at
your doorl Negro suffrage is now
demanded, and the next contest in
this State will bo fought upoD that
Destruction or Newspapers. The
Radicals publish an account of thedo-
struetion ofanowspapereHtablishmeut
at Homer, Louisiana. As the paper,
Hunter's Iliad, is still published, there
is probably some exaggeration in the
report ot the occurrence. We will be
as ready as any to condemn an out
rage of this character, but when did
tho Jiadical press awake to so deep a
sense of its iniquity f Not only are
the people of tho South to suffer new
rigors, but ercn tbo President of the
L'liilctl States is to bo tnado responsi
ble, by impeachment, for tho iniurv
dune to tho littlo paper with the big
name. Nothing less will content the
I'refS of this city. It was not so
prompt in tho denunciation of these
outrages when thev were perpetrated
all over tho country by lUdicals. In'
rennsyivama, tbt JtJtcrsoMan had to
go into the courts for damages inflict
ed by high Jiudical officials. When
Judge Gricr, in tho United Slates
Court, condemned their lawless out
rages, committed, as they alleged, by
tho l'renidcnl's authority, there was a
chance lor an "impeachment." When
a littlo deputy provost marshal, fur
rintti no aecmeii an allront to himself,
could Bcizo the Bi'llefimte Wiitrhman,
and consign its editor to a noisome
guard house in Uarrisburg, wo do not
remember that the Press fpoko out
for the outraged dignity of the pro
lestion. Tor ourselves, we condemn assaults
upon the freedom of the press by
whomever perpetrated, though the
sudden and extreme r-enl ol the Radi
cals seems rather forced ou this occa
sion. Age.
Fast Hi nmnii I'. I) r
- , V.
New York, and J. W. Cassad, of Iowa,
ran a tool rscn on Mitnluv hvim P,.-i.
ion Courso, L. I., forlhe championship
in America ana noun, i lie race wks
won by .'usa In 1 1 i seconds : dis
tance 12ft vards. A Hiur an
2:40 was liist horse time; but the win
ner in this race ran aL t lm t-ni ,,t
tnilo in two minutes and fbrtv-two
T mt t fsVnnnl.
On the fi'trrtfi ff Maivh nent (ien
eral tirsnt will resign the office ol
(ietieral of tint Armv. That will be a
most excellent time for the party In
power to show their, for the
tax payers ns well as to prove tho
sincerity of their profession of econo
my, by abolishing the olllco. Why
this should not be tl tno we rannot
understand, save it should bo to re
ward" some political favorite. We
cannot perceive the utility of an olli
eer of that grade in time of peaco, 11
a Oencnil in Chief is needed at ull
for tbe army It Is In time of war but
6ven tlien, it lias been proven unneces
sary We have passed honorably ami
triumphantly through two foreign
wars and one rebellion, without the
aid of such an officer and now, when
we are ul peaoe with nil thu world,
we cannot think that cither the dis
cipline or efficiency of tho army can
be promoted by the conlinuauco of
such a high ollleer ut an expense of
moro than 8100,000 per annum in-
docd, the past three years huve proven
that tbo existence of tbe otllce of Oen
oral hat not improved, in any respect,
the etlieiency and morale of either
rank or file of our soltliury. Tho sta
bility of our Government depends on
our ability to pay the national debt
without enforcing upon the people ex
orbitant taxation, ilero is u raro
opportunity to suve, at leatt, 1100,000
per annum, (the expenses of tho (ien
ural sottice, including salaries, rations,
Aic, Ate, , of tho utlachees will certainly
reach that amount) and this, too,
without detractine from the etlieiency
of the army. We hope President
lirant, in bis first message, will recom
mend such action, and that Congress
will promptly and favorably act upon
that rouomuiendauou. Huntingdon
Louisville is said to bo the largest
inlund tobacco market in the country.
The stemming and re-drying eslab
lishments alone employ over 61, 000,-
000 of capital, which is being vastly
increased. Tbe largest tobacco man
ufacturer in tbe toiled Status, and
perhups in tho world, is now putting
up a mammoth establishment there.
The airureirate amount of tobacco sold
from the four receiving warehouses
durinir the year which has just closed
was 1205,508 hogsheads, representing
an aggregate value ol 8.i,0po,oo. ror
1807 the amount was ;i'J,.'i4J Hogs
heads, to the value of $1.42'J,7;')K, and
for 1K0S the amount wus '61, 'ASA bogs
heads, to tbo valuo of $l,379,Ho2.
The new crop of tobacco promise to
be a large one, and tho aules the com
ing year, it is estimated, will reach
from 60,000 to JO.000 hogsheads, the
largost of any previous year. The
vulue ol these immense sales will be
fully 0,000,000.
An nxi'hnnire snvs : The pious Gen
eral Howard, for that is the character
in which be loves to flourish in tho
newspapers, encountered tho other
day an angry parson in tho streets of
anhiugum. ftuya lue pious uenerai,
"Dr. Hoynton, you are a liar." Says
the bellitrereut parson, "If you had
two arm, I would lick you." "Try
it," cries the General, who, though
the hero of several hasty retreats, is
not atraid of a parson. Here, we pro
sumo, the civil or the military power
inlprlernil. in time to slot) un actual
encounter. This h, no doubt, the
ChriKtian, gentlemanly style cl dtspu-
tutioii and onirlittri lie crencrallv matte
' Ft O J
L-iiriwn for tlin lirinroveniellt of tlie
rising generation. How superior to
the style of unbnptized ruffians, who
dent in course, nrotiinu luinruaire. lfow
much moro edifvinp; is this examplo of
proicstng iwimniians.
r ril. .
In accordance with the will of the
late Edwin A. Stevens, the Stevens
Battery is to be completed at a
cost not exceeding 81,000,000. Gen
eral George B. MeClel'an has been
retained to superintend the work, at
a salary of ten thousand dollars per
year. 1 his engagement was enected
in Paris by the late Mr Stevens short
ly before his death, General MeClellan
and he having been negotiating with
several of the European government
tor the construction of a battery sum
lar to the one projected by Mr. Ste
vens. According to the will, this
battery, when completed, shall be
presented to tbe Slate of New Jersey,
and in case it is not accepted, it shall
be sold and tho proceods added to the
A Strange Omission. In all tho
suggestions made by Ifadkal orans
for Grant's cabinet, we fail to find tho
name of Joe llrown. hy is this:
Brown's services at Andersonvillo
should not be forgotten, besides which
he should have A cabinet appointment
to console him for the loss of his friend
Wiiz, who managed Audursonvilletor
him. Joe was a "lion" at Chicago,
and It would be a shame to pass him
by, especially il Stanton, who would
not tuke "skeletons" from Joe's star
vation factory, and give in exchange
strong men for them, is to be reward
ed by a place in tho new cabinet.
The Radical papers all went for Joe's
election to tho Senate. That attempt
was a failure, now give him a hoist
for tbo cabinet. Johnstown Democrat.
A "RBOONSTBiifTKn" Jcptig. Bo
fore a carpet bag judge, a negro was
lately tried in Randolph county,
Georgia, for arson. The jury found
him guilty, and was discharged. When
the judge found that tho punishment
of arson was death, under tho laws of
Georgia, he prcmltted tho jury to be
called together and. tho caso agnin
submitted to thorn. This time the
negro was acquitted. This is tho
way tho law is administered in tho
South by the adventurous acroundrnis
who go down there to prey upon a
down trodden people. "Let us have
- St. SJS
The Rev. Dr. Dedford, writings
leltor to the Nashville Arivorate, says:
' I have olien asked tho question,
aoc mo M. h. Church, North, fully
understand the true position of its
brethren in East Tennesseo! Do
they know that the Itntmtrni
enco holds, to day, $75,000 worth of
I'. ... , ,,,, n im ii iuvy never pntu
ono dollar 7" That, in plain words,
accuses the Methodist Church, North,
of stouling $7ft,0O0 from their South
em brethren. Ifaaintsdosiieh things,
what may wo not expect of sinners!
Tbo Rev. Dr. Howard and General
Ttm-ntnn is la f:..n I 1, i
and tlus Rev. Dr. Boynton, aro en
in a squanmo about church
matters in Washington. These wor
thies will not tlo much to advance
Christianity, having always used il,
or the affectation of it to ndvnnce
themselves. Boynton prays political
speeches, and Howard grows very
rich, in Itm fli;... ..., .l
... m,ii,vi,Vh-ij auiiiniiBirn-
tion of tbe Freelirju' Bureau.
AtWrl lllKWlf fssft ffttsettrtf
Ktery voter who cast his ballot in
favor of another four J iafa trial ol
the Mongrel party of Ibis nmntry,
not rnly sold himself Into sla
very, but psid a preiiiltiin fur the
privilege of wearing the shackles, He
not .only contracted In lmHiverih
himself, but he Sir reed to pny, ditvctly
or Indirectly, the interest on the sum
of ono thousand tfolhirs pel" yesr, li.r
tha honor of tie R iltff Wood and Bra sr
I n if -.tatcr for an administration, tbe
main clement of which Is fife fiero
Ism, to tho level of which, he is to be
socially and politically degraded. Ev
ery while voter in tho country is
taxi?d. at least, ei -hty dollars per year
to support tbe parly bo has placed in J
power, nupposing mo vio i mt
country to foot up about live millions,
which is also about tbe number ol
wealth-producers, and the cost of the
udministralion in round numbers four
hundred millions of dollars per year,
it will be seen that each voter pays
a sum equal to tho interest upon a
mortgage of over ono thousand dol
lars ; in fact, this relation is a mort
gage, and this mortgage is to bo made
perpetual. It is u burden thai the
voter and producer must carry during
his life, and must then transmit to his
children, and if the blindness and fa
naticism of tho presont period continue
into tho future, this mortgage of the
souls aud bodies of tho present voter's
children and grandchildren, will end
in debasing them to the level of the
ignorant and patipetized sorfs of Eu
rojie. This is Iho price which the
voters are now paying tor the renswal
of tho present administration or the
Government. Day Hook.
Geneual James Shields We are
pleased to announce the election of
Gen. Shields to Congress, from Van
Horn's district, in Missouri, by 688
majority. Gen. Shields has ulrcady
represented two States, Illinois uud
Minuet tho Unitod States Senate,
and is now elected to the Houso of
Representatives from tho third State
of which he hits been a citizen.
Gen. Shields had the distinction of
duleitting Stonewall Jack son during
the late war, nt Winchester, and for
his skill and bravery was nominated
by President Lincoln, to tho Senate,
as a Major General. That Radicul
body promptly rejected him, alleging
that he was iusane. It was more,
however, on account of bis Irish birth
and Democratic polities, than for the
reason ussie-ncil. I lie only evidence
of General Shields' insanity was his
whipping Stonewall Jackson, and it
was notorious that bo had moro intel
lect and more patriotism than tho
corrupt partisans who attempted to
disgraco him. r.xchange.
Au effort is being made to get a true
statement of the number ol white men
disfranchised by the Radical party, in
order tbat it may control the elections.
The Anseiger drs Widens, places the
number in Missouri at 70,000, while
the Memphis Bulletin, (Radical), "ays:
"There are not more than 12J,0G8
disfranchised voters in the State ol
Tennessee." Is it not absolutely
astounding that in two States, L'00,-
000 while men are disfranchised for
opinion's sake, while the bahot is
placed in the hands of several hundred
thousand negroes fresh from tlatory 7
How long will this great wrong be
premitted to continue f A party
tbat will perpetrate such an outrage,
and then defend it, aro ready to es
tablish a King, or commit any other
political crime lueir necessities miry
Greeley says thnt the revenue sys
tem and its officers swindle the gov
crnment out of $100 (ni0,0il0, and boat
ness mon of $JO(I,000,000, annually
No doubt this is true, for tho revenue
system was mado by the Radicals, and
the Senate would only confirm men of
its own particular kidney. What
kind these are we may jndgo from
Callicott and others who arc now pity
ing tho penalty of their crimes In the
Penitentiary. Why didn't Greeley
denounce and exposo thoBO villainies
during tho campaign !
Poor Nellie Wnde is to be pitied in
havinir 'ureatnoss" thrust uiion her.
in the shape of that putT-bsll Schuyler
Celfax. His mate should have been
one of the sable female "wards of the
nation" Miss C. G. Nation.
On rJalurilay evening, November 2, lsfls, by
D. pRfstt.KS, Eso,., at the resilience of the briile'i
father, Mr. WM. II. 11EI.L, of t'nlon township,
tfonncrly of Penobscot county, Maine,) anil Miss
MARY ANN KIRK, of Brady township, OarBehi
oounly, Pa.
At the resilience of Mr. Wtu. Uradley, OS Ilia
!dth of November, 1M1S, hy J. W. Fscoxsr, Esq...
Mr. WM. CAR Nil anil Mist MARTHA JANE
BltAPI.tV, both of this borough
At the resilience of Mr. Win. Braille, on lbs
Sflth of November, IW, hy J. W. HumiaT, Esq.,
RET M. AMMKHMAN.bolh of Lawrence town
ship, ClearfieM county, Pa.
In Phi1iRWfr. on 'ndT, the 27 1 b of Novws-
ber, inn, '1UO.MA8 HANCOCK, iffi 79 ymu-a.
Mr. llauieock whi hum to Derbyshire, EngUnJ,
NorrmWr 21, 17-fV, ai Mrvd to Araorio in
1818, writing ul lbili'iturg the Mine jtrt nn-l
hw rciidcl in that vIIUro mui vicinity fur flf'jr
out yttrt.
5tlfj .tlvrrtiiSf rarcls. .
Lap Hhfe(, Foot
Hug i, at
IM H-(iermi FUrh MtU, French h4airrel
(U, AmerloaD Squirrel petti. Hlii Vio-
trinri, Silr Mart in etu. Mink 'pe and
mufi, tietitf for ewllan, (Beater and Mink at
1 th k rornt of common pm:a
of Clrarfleld oounfT. Pa.
Iuomai J. Vvi.Ar, ) N. 271. Bfptrmber term,
l. V lhf.7.
Maht Aa Drttr. I fuliixcm stir divorrt.
The onHcrfipnpd Oomtnippinner, (pninttd hr
the Court ti take trPtimnrj in the alore caw,
herrlijr ivm notice that ha will it tend tn tlM
Jut ic of hia aitpfiintinviit, at bi oflirjr in Imr
flHii, on fatiirla.v, ih Vth day of Januarr, lf "f.
whrn inJ whor all puraoni ittirtttf my attend.
A. n . vi AM MtC,
dwS-St (NiuiinUvuinpr.
I STATIC OK PI'f I H NMiruTllrr'tfT-
i CO.MXIriSKJ.NliR S NttTh K. In the mat
ter of tha pflitiuo nf Jnfoti W. Campbell, (imrdl
an af Juimthan M. Hmith, jr., minur child nf
Jonathan II. htnlth, dcwuwd, fur ipec.fie pr
funnanfa of wmtract with the beirp u( Pi-trr
Smith, tale of Hum-mln township, Ckarftcld in..
Pa., dffi-nnd, tha anrif r!(nrd Comnaiintmirr, ap
pipintiHl hy ihoOrpbana' Cmiri f Clfarftcld onunij
tu tako testimnny in prtMf uf eon tract, pnjiurnt,
Af., hprrti gtrp nntlf. that he ill itlcnd to tb
dtitici of hia appointment, at the affire of J. II
MnKtialtv, Kdq., in Clrarnld, nn taturlay, Janu
ary V, IM.)', at ten o'rlunk, A, M., when aiid a here
all person i in tntvrnt mar att-nd.
I) AN. W. MeCfRItT,
dr-ri 3t Commirptoner.
f H E AM E RTC A N H 0 U S !j
t urntnsvllle, Cleiarfleld rouuty, a.
fptia anil.rslt;ne4 hat leaseilthli old a4 lent
X est.bllshea hotel, (f irmerlf by Major
l.-at Hioera.) tltuate la a cantr. I portion el the
town anil h.s entirely re-ttted mart furnlshe-i
it. e. a m...iik. . .
. . : : " so mtae 11
an eSJeei, btreafler, far the traveling pahlle te
r. WTg. aaw ecBaoaiiiet boom
,'Mf Miii . JHAJ i
Jlrtt illfftilf Willi.
11 B 4 i ri !sM " lh. rs
j r-t tSs, res. .tine la Of-arWM tt
e ih, PS er tw.u lt ol So.en.hrf, a It I P
AM, Vt lit Th Pt'l.l. el- ! In .ran M, The
i.wner, or, Sr heM by ren.M IS cowie
forwent, prove frot.erty, pmf cl.asr-s Ssrl lake
I.... .... m. h Will be dil.M-it ef s. the hs fti
" leatnrli. Pi.
Vi.f'IAoe Is ttit Court llona f-lee ly
flaelnit rstjnevee) te AnermtilK Ps.,afert kit
tiroleasionai service, id m, wt--,.. . ..-. v
i, ,1 ibe tiirrouning eountry. All etllt promptly
ettrniteil to. f IVe. 1 em pil
TNOMPIl Brosssl...iiperlnfralr,s.Venstl.ns
'i all eel stair, twilled hemp plain hteip
lelt drut6t,oor oilcll-lbs I, I). I mil yards s, r, antitane
VND tboia eoniantf-latinc mitrlatnr, vnuld
a fa mnrnty by huyinpr their buapf bold trnoda
rut b at bucket!, tutu, brmiaip, itaikrt. enurai,
butter bnlf. ladlfp, rnhben, atevei. brurhea,
lor he ninp, elotbo linee, bed eordi rolling pint,
ktii.e b'aaa. fagar besn. -Uir-p, kruiea, vaen
builen. bake bna. aoal bueketa. ahovale, itair
rod, eoflea mtlla, window abadai, lira pi. lamp
ahedea. lantarna, aanulaitirka. poreelaiD kettle.
tea eaninteri, flt Ironi. eloeki, looking fiaiiaa.
weal itandi, Ubla ail elotbr. te , at
dee I Ira JP. KRATJ1ER
Ja now puUiibiug a new aerial story, to run
through m large part uf tha next volume, entitled
All new lubieribcri will ret tbe itory com deta.
Weaend tlmver k Bekr'i$i ttewiug Machine
for 1H new iulfcntcra.
In order to iutnxi aee the Oaiinria to now
rea'len and new rirrlep of influence, we make tbe
following liberal oflvri for
We will tend tba Uiiaaraa for one year to
aubaeriberi, ona or both being new, for ft 00
I , ' two or all " for $ri Ot
4 three or all " for flu t0
Or, to any perion irnding m fire or more new
ubachtiera, we will allow ono doar ootminiutoo
ua each.
rKeod hy ehrrk, draft, or PoitofRca order.
Sample eoptep and Ciirulan lent free.
Torui, $& tii a Tear, in advanoa.
bllO-tY K MflKSE, Jr., t Co,
dee i 3t 37 Park Ruw. New York
I pHii.aDii.cKta. Marrfa 10. 1ft8.
Jiroa PiiiRTz, Km- My iJear Hir: Some eight
moat hi ago, when iuffenng from great narvoui
proatration, tba reiolt of eiopnre and ovoruuked
enargiea, I waa induoad by yoa (an old friend) to
take at ft tome your celebrated Hitter Cordial
aad lo agreeably lurpriitog hate been ita be Dell
eiai efleota, tbat I onunot refrain from thai bear
mg teitiuiuny in ita favor. A a bereraxe, it ii at
pi ratan t and delightful at a glam of dark brown
harry ; a an appetiser before meali, perfectly
magical t ami ai a aigrmeroi kmki, tbe moat pu.
tent oum pound 1 aver knew, Altogi-tber, I con
ider it one of tbe haitjieat eomitiatione of medi'
einal berhaorerofferad to the publie a a curative.
1 uoit ehearfully and oonfidenllyrooounirnd it to
evevy luflorer fiuin Lfcbility, lyip-piia, ud
Itheuuiatifem. Ai a luhnituie for the viliainoua
alchobolie and vinoui eoneoetione iu hi tied at too
many of the pablte ban of tha pnicnt day. it
Bit) ii alio prove a bieieicg.
Very truly rwtr,
alkxa.mjer w. DLArKBrry.
Piro Maribal.
,-fnead SlU:i:TZ'S lUndiug ad.erUivmau
in amxher column. 1 1
K. B. ParroN .Jonir Pirro
h. A. Urn ...J, H. Ikwi.
Ilirirg flttrd up a flrit-tlin
Are prepare! lo furnish all kinds of
Manufactured Lumber,
inch at
Flooring. Siding, 8urfac-Ereued turn
- ber, Saab, Poort, Blinda.
And every deacriptioa ef
T" Dealers will (nil it te their aaranUew le
ooomlt ear priee, before pwrehatinf eltewhwe.
Address. I. B. FATTON A CO, .
- Curwrntville,
Pee. J, lMltf Clear held oouDtv. Pa
"We propose (a fight It out oa ttilt llu."
Ladiee and Uentlemea in every town and city in
tbe toiled Slates, to act ai Agents for
Austin & Co. 'a Great One Dollar Sale
ol rich and valuable gooda, eomprising nothing
but oaelul articles wanit-d iu family. Each
and every article will be mid for One Dollar.
To any pen n getting np either of the Clabs
below, wa will prcaetit ft Vt atch, lreit Pattern,
Piece of hec!iDg, rewitg Machine, Wool Carpet,
Ac, Ac, free of eitra cost. Our Inducements to
Agents bar always been nearly double thoae of
any other bones iu Iba iravda, and oar largely in.
creasing buimrpa warriDti us in ooDliuumg lbs
Any person sending at a Club of Ten. with
$1, will be entitled to reoeira for tha same any
ona of the Ire hundred articles oa onr Kichaage
Mm. ! circular .)
For Hub ul Thirty, with t tha penon
will be entitled lo one of the follow tic articles.
riu Meorscbaum pipe. 20 yards bleached or
brown sheet tng, clegaut silTcr-plsted Ave. buttle
reroiring raaiur, iany ore a pattern, I doten
extra quality cotton bora, fanoy colored bed apread,
I large site danifsk table oover, 1 aioroooo album
toy piotures, all-wool cast t mere tar pauis and
veat. 1 pair ladirs Hcrge Conrrein boots best
qnality, I doten fine linen towels, 1 largo tiae
worsted ehawl, lad tea' long gold plated chain,
pi et,ij.d ladiea' morooeo ahuppmg bag with let-k
aad key, set ef jewelry with eleeve buttons to
match, 1 ttotin and Iki, I oVien shirt buaoro. 1
white Maraeilles quilt, I elegant black walnut
worbboa or writing deak.
Tor ft Club of rilt), with $5.-1 pair all-wool
blankets, $t yanis flae eaasiiucre for pants and
veat, I Muck or onl'.ied alpara dreas patlera,
solid gold scarf pin, 1 pair grata' eall bttvta, SO
yard blra hed or t-ruwn sheeting, yards double
width c)Hh for ladies' cloak a, 1 tur ii'iuff or roller,
SO yards print faat cdors, 1 sqaare Thibet shawl,
1 plain poplm drees pattern, 1 elegant sli bottle
bea.y pls(ed caatur, I pair gents' wbita shirta,
genuine Mrerrchaum pit.e In caa. 1 set of lace
For a Club of One Hundred, with I0 1
heavy silver plaU-d engrarcd ice pitcher, bO yards
ih. aui (i or brown siiertinir. 1 neb Merino or
Thibet rfrru pattr-rn, I art o ivory handled knivea
and forks, I iiair aunerif r while wool blankets. Ti
yards all-wool faney oaaafmert for suit, elegaut
llerage drrsa pattrrn, 1 lediri' or trit' silver
hunting caee watrb, 1 Daron's sii-harrvlnl revol.
ror, silver plated enararf-d lit-bottle reTolvinx
castor with cut glass bottles, fine wool olut h lor
ladies' cl'.ak, Jj yards hemp carpeting. I pair Una
aamaia tanieeiotns nn pinna to matrli, z heavy
faoneytyomb quilla, 1 Bart let band portable sewiug
machine, 1 wool long shawl, niea fur iaa(f and
oapc 1 pair gnta Krenoh onlf boots.
V'ora Club of (r ite llnmirrd, with 1FA.
ti a tra woolen earpenug. 1 elgant hunt
ing-ease watch v aUtiam, war ran ted una year,) 1
figaia cl.amUr st iack aaluut ttioitnings, 1
linKfl'ith apni'd aofn.
For ft Cluhot One Thotuftiid.wlth $1M.
30 yanlt UrufieU carpt. 1 parlor set tiiplcte.
I ladiea or gents' bunting cae gold waicb ftud
fhnin. I ptmplete at of ri"h Shp furt.
For larger or amaller Clubs we will giro a pres
ent of proportionate value
Agents or customers may at any time make ft
ttlection oi gKlK from the Kit-hanne LiM , and
by funding One Dollar for aank article, have the
goda forwarded to Ibens, without trst ordering
cheeks; but iu such rases do premiums will be
lemj lsr sums f money by Prsft ntj Kew
York or I top ton, or by Kipreas. Wa will pay
E i change un all soma uf or more. HmsVaV
sums should be sent hy rrgi-rrd letter or by
potat mmcy ord r. It will bt hnpoaaihle to lose
money sent tn either of (be abura ways'. We will
not b ropponaible tur money lost, uiiless sent as
bfivedirrvH-d. ee ttuit your letters are ptoperiy
diroeted ftnd atawiptvl. as no letters are forwarded
unlWs prepaid, w rite your addrvea in full, Town,
Oounty aftd fclata.
Agrnts Wftnte4 In erory Towft aud VlIUgY.
Ko IM Stumer fjrtt, IKsrtna, Naetwhaaett.
rts. ie Sll II. V) i
ym1 r(rr.fiifn?i.
nnrKmrn. Allen
Hon I
Vf)rt(l mak B in.w..-ti
. ...... il.. ..... k. was tMtre
w .aw:
.h.p. ee
h. , C.tT At-.iirillr.ili, ei,W.MR H'Wii
r H 1 1 1 A V, ibe tMh et lieeeml-ti
it. 1 in
unit It.
lun 4 l
rl..-s will he s.iin, t ull, a Peel wt if
.iMlrfl iMek.., Tmh.ys, At. 1l..
srert r Ili""l I" ' III!"
w sat'lees.iel IH aailerS'jtw-J, t
l it r. v-
lire, t-Vfi
1 Olhrrshurc. C learfleltl Co., Pa.
Look Herel
THE nodersiped is prepared to farnlah you
'with the best BTONEWARK manfaAjturad
ia this eountry. He basnersr yet Called toplrase
tha moat fastidious, a lo quality or durability
His ware oonsists ift part of
Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety
And in short EVERYTHING usually made and
kept in an establishment of this kind. ,
Can have their want delivered by me, at ANY
TIME ftnd to ANY PLACE desired
Orders for ware eoliciud, and promptly llcd.
P&'Vqt general assortment, see Catalogue and
Pnoo List, mailed free to applieanta.
liberal discount will be given to the
wholesale trade.
LuOiersburg, Pa Deo. J, 18t8-tf
1 AI'TIONtAII persona ara hereby oautioned
J uf fti oat parehaains: or in any way meddling
with TWO tiKAY iloKSKS, now iu ihe tMisaas
aion of John hbimmel, of Graham township, as
thev both belong lo ma, and are subject to my onler.
a.:l II- J v. . k If iVtlAUf
ciuwiiise, nui. a vi run "
CAI7TOKAll pereous art hereby cautioned
against harboring or trailing ou aiy acwxunt
my wife MA HTM A, as iba has left my bed and
hoard without any j oat eaoaa or prorooatbjn, and
I au determined to pay no debt of ber ood tract
ing wnlesi aompfdlau by doe proeeaa of law.
Graham tp., Nor. 11 -3t pd "
1 A rTlt)w All nersons are berer y oaut iowed
J against purchasing ut in any way meddling
i to oue vijm:! mare, one nay mare, two sieaa,
harness, spruada, singletrees, bn-aat-chaina, log
chain and one pair of grab, ftow in possoeskvu ol
Prederick Campiaan, of Kogs;s township, as the
same belwiff tQ rus, ftnd aro subject to bit order.
oovfl t:pd L. Ii. BAIKAL.
ACTIO All persona are hereby eantloned
J againat purchasing or in any way meddling
with two borees, two spreads, aae sot double har-
aesj, bniavat chains, tonguo chains, singletrees,
ooa log eLain, grabs, and two baiters, now ia the
possession of n 1 1 soa K. W illiaiDS, uf Hoggs town
bip, as tba aama belong to mo, aad are eubject to
my order. luu, i;pdj r.. it. pvinALi.
T1KT.4TK itVH f-AmiiK HlWN. Itf ("1:
Vj APIHTUHB NUTICK.-The undersiroed
Auditor, appointed by tbe Orphans Court of
Clearfield eounty to distribute tbe monevs remain
ing In tbe handaof l. K. Mokel, Administrator of
ti force noes, deceased, lata of Pike township.
Clearfield eonoty, Pa., hereby givea notice tbat bt
will attend tu the duties of his appointment, at
his office in Ciearficld, on Tuesday, I'eccraber IS,
IMS, at two o'clock, p, m., when and where all
persona in intareet cau atiend.
n-Tl 3t A. VT. WALT ERR, Aaditor.
Valuable Saw - Mill Properly.
T)Y virtue of an order 1 1 sued out of the Or-
1) phans' Court vf Clearfield count r, thert will
im exposed lo public tale, ud the premises, on
Saturday, December 19, 1868,
At two o'clock, P. M., thv following described
property, lau tbe eiUtt of UhUKUlt U. rMtAL,
deoeaatxi, nti
f Certain Tract of tindy
Fituauia Bradford townabiu. Clear 4 aid aountv.
Pa., boandetl on tbe north aad went by lands of
ttrabam A " allaca. on the south ty lands of
r.iijan ptucat, and on toe east by lands or Jeuo
With aliout ten avrea cleared, and having thereon
a god two story PLANE IIOOE, Zi by S3
frrt.) a good FRAME BARN, (!U ty 40 fceU)
and a amall OJifllARD. There Is on tbe premi
ses a PA WM ILL, in good running order, capable
of rutting S.Pt'w fet (board mcaaurc) of timtver in
one day. There is also about SoO.lHMJ feet of
WHITE PINE TI.MUER on the land.
TERMS Oae half eaah, aad the baUnce in
ono year, with interest, to bo secured by bond
and mortgage ou (ne premises,
novjo-ti ni.UAH ivwbai Admrs.
The Southern Keticw.
fTMlE Southern Review ws estahllihed in Jan-
J. nary, IHr7, with the view of providing a fit
ting organ nr ids thinking men oi I lie eountry,
and in tue desire to furnish for the 8outh a literary
periodical ot the higher elass t both of which the
editors eonorfved to M needed at the time.
Our surecs! thus far convinces nt that we hare
met a real want and affords the additional a rati
flcatlnn of believing that we tare met it in a sat
isfactory manner. But we desire, if possible, tn
reach a larger circle of readers, and especially the
conservative portion of the North ; believing that
while the Ifterarv and critical matter ot the Review
Is well worthy their attention, the broad and phi.
loftophical eonverratlfim uf our political articles
win bare tbetr cordial eppmnahon ; and wa tbink
that the only fV.nerratlre Uuarterlv to (be eoun
try has tome title to 'the support of thoae who ace,
WHO ns, tbat tbelawleas and destructive Kadi cut
ttn of the preaent day threatens tha liberty of the
aionn no tcsa than that ot tne ninth.
The ftnuthern Herlew is published quarterly on
the first dnvs of January, April, Julv and October.
nach nam ber emitatos l large octavo pages,
handsomely printed on heavy paper. Tbo sub
sen ii (ion nrice Is Pive Dollars m-r annum.
Contribution arc invited from all part of the
Country, Al.HBKT TAil.UK BI.KU.UK,
Editors and Prsiprirtora,
BovSn tf 6 St. Paul ISt., Balttmnre.
It OOT l'OLIS 11
nPHOHR wh. bl.rk aoeta oa Fature1.?
I ttiahl with aralaarj blacatntr, dea t ha,.
snaett ahiae on rjundaji at the puiiea tadea otT ;
but Ike skint ef
Lants Saturday and nil day Sunday !
11 Beat! any oilier Illarkltia; Mad I
ManalaLtared only by 3. B. Dobkint. ai alt Im
mense "ap aa4 IHaoki m Workt, Siitb ttrett
anil (lerinanlnwa aeeouet. Phltailelphia, Pa.
for aale oj J. r. kKAHKR ana UA11TS.
WICK IKW 'IN.CleaiarM, I'a. ni.rlH lr
CKIAI. I'll II KAI.IV Ihs ondrrtirnrct It
nw firetian-il tu tupilv anr naanlilf of tbe
beet aHaliiy ol COAL uiiued ia tbit liiealilT, aad
al reatunable ratea.
Ordera toliclled, aad fimmptlT filled.
Lawreaee tp., Nmr. la. Ira.
Valuable Town Properly
SITCATf on tbe Smith-neat roraet of Cherry
and Third Atrrete, (helnt; lttllmad street.) to
wit: A LOT, wllh a (nod two-store plank build
in. thereon, at br la feet, tsne mom on earh floor,
to i lab, tor a tore, or olher husineaa. Alan, the
ailjuininit LOT, with a iwo stort dwellim boast
thernin, and serrrtl other TOWS LOTS.
Alto, a lot of w.ll-burnt HRICK, and a (ood
assortment of gTOKKWAHK, such at Crocks,
Jntw, J art, Frnlt Tana, ate., al redwood nrtoee.
Fur fnnher Infomation. Inquire at the rttoat-
ware Poller, of T. LKITZIXtiKR,
mM bib t. learn. Id, l a.
IOTHAV CAl.l'. t'asae to the reaidenoe of
J ihe subeeriber, retlding in Morris township,
aoont tbe dr. I i f Jolt last, a red and white entit
led 1 KKR CAI.F.about una rear old rati. Tbe
owner it recjHered to oosoa (orwanl, prove prop
ebarjee to J ttke It ewej, at il WUI be
ditpoeed ol aonordlag to lw.
lrt f.ocd, tnidffilf, Ctf.
O KnJiiiiD TstrrT, Ci.r.Aitilai.1).
ritnil aaileatleattl rasnoetnille ln.ll. Ike at
1 fellia of the pablie grerrallr to
t,lin4ld awortnent of aerrkeadlie, wblrk tt.j
are bow telling
Tnttr ttoek aoasltu la part of
Dry Gooda of the Beet Quality,
Nark at Prlala, fit I slnrl. Alptcaat, Merlaot
uins;naBis,niasiitas.l nieaeoeo sso sbdi.k
ed,l ltrtlltng., Tlekinge. eotloa and
wool tt..Ca.slroerei,
Cotlonades, Ladies' Kbawltt
Nubiat A Hoods, HalinoraJ
aad iloop Pkirta, Ae
Alto, a lae of Men's Drawer! aad
smrtt, Usu a taps, uoou oooei.
11 ol whick
Hardware, ' QueenBware, Glafisware,
' Groceries and Spices.
OftTtrettlng ososllr ktpl la a retail tlore, til
UUKAr JTUtt CANU tu apprueed aoaiatrp p
Clterfield, Noe.T , lo7.
WW aaaacaaaa xatra wa saav wv
Near Poalofice, Market Mtreet.
n A VINO just opened a large and complete
stock from New York and Philadelphia, s
can vfler aatra iiiduoamtuU t CAS 11 BtVKHH
We bava a splendid aelection of Dress Goods,
fctlks, ebawlea.C'loakirge, Flannels, Bal
naorala, Blankets, Hoop tkirt
Corseta TkoBpsoo'n
Trimninra of every description, Zephyr. Worsted
Yarn, and one of the asoct complete arsortments of
Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods,
Coder-wear, Hosiery, Glare of all kinds, Ales,
adder's Kid and Harris' oeiebrntad Seamlesa Kid,
(tbe beet ever made.)
Neckties, Butterflies, Collars,
Caffs. Handkerchiefs, Lace. Edging,
Embroideries, Ac.: also. targe eaffirtBieot of
riKS, with tiKAY 8 PATET MLrr, tba bast
tbine; ciunt together nitb ft foil line of stapla
goods. All ol ubiob we tier nt tba
Call and see us. Ko trouble to show goods. Re
ne m ber toe place
Keajr Foatoffice, Market Strent,
. BT
rfMlH nnderaigne-l hataing 'nUred intoeo part-
X nerabi in the mercantile business, adopt
mis moinoa oi noiiiying tn puoiM generally,
nod tbo eitisens ef CarweuevUle and vicinht ia
particular, thai merchandise of a II kind will
be eold by us ns cheap as tba saaj quality else,
where la the oonoty. Wo have a full supply of
Consisting In part of Dross Geo da, Mu.lina,
Prints of all abadsn and. sty) ( ; tugethat with a
lull asMtrtueat or
Boola, Phots, Hardware, dueentware.
At w.ll at Tinware, Cedarware. Willowwara.
baeteta aad Brootns ; together wtaa, a large itack
w uroeene, i aaa always a lull ttocl of
a ikort, wa k.ta a fall topalj of ersrytking
atetl la Urn atarkst.
Wt waal all oar al1 eattotaera aael at ataaj
atw ones as caa make It eons.oi.ot, ta giro as
a oau oeiore pure, attng ,itewliera.
CarwtntTllIt. fthnsa. U, 18(9.
Just receieftd at MOSSOFS'
GINI5H AMS at Keoaalioai rirlret
Seoaalion prices
Kenaatioa prices
Sentitioo prices
All lo be had al UOSSOrS'.
('HASH at
LACK at Senaalioo
HtiSI F.RY at Kenaailoa
KIIUIONH at Sensation
of all kiodaAlat
Senaalioo prices
inane auan If I
Aiwavton Hand at atUSSlire
at Mossorv,
a Coals, raolt,
Under Shirta,
Flannel Shirta,
Boots, Shoes,
at teuaalion prioes
Hail. and Caps,;
Now fur sale at M0S80PS'
sucb aa Sa"a, nails
at sensation prices
at aansalion pricee
al sensation prices
Fork a, Knives,
Spikes, lliugaa.
as Wine, Hran.iy.
Gin, Wh Ulcer,
Cognao, etc, eta..
FRUITS, such aa
I'ruDea, Harems,
Figs, Filberts, ia.
Flour, Umi,
Shoulders, Sticr,
Molaasea, titlee.
at aeusalisn
tea, L r a r k e ra.
Spioea, tanalee,
Coal Oil, etc., elo.
Alwajrt at MOSSOPS'.
row per
At the store of RICH ARD MOSSOP.
Always keens on hand a full
assortment of all kinds ofnoda required
for the aoeoojrrjodalloo ol ihe public.
Jul l. mr.
1:11 m KAi Hrorn noRsts. On, kaar,
t.aia, suitable for htaihrrlnt .
llOOl ll ,1 IMI'I .) (
P rrl,t-rt .1 tte l.aeo.,, tto '
tr.rlor. wlsk It oislifl.'tW stidsrsur,4 it
wsrrent tMs sra'hM In J,i juet aUi u u
mrnrd-ei'.liinit o'b.r s'enr,J3
Iwief ei .Bslietlrd en tine f.hil'.e-.f.t.ioo.i J" 1
pies 11 win ei"ai in. isrerst tintsi.n. J
ieoe It alios, gniood Berssillir. lis . J
beet I" In. Bule en win pall u,a u r,
lea eii-n ean if ihe din frora lit nK.u
eitierted 11 wliliioll ' owir. totbe eis.
stamps) fn al fort, to one kun4re e., 4
will ellher nra, or sp,t,
bs propped wp, si drrlrtd. Tkt t-rm?
knlld tbe kilraelor, delieer It. and tail of tba aad if It 4ots .
eostpletr aaliifaetlow, aa.) do joslti 1
ed. Ihe IH lake It awa. and L "r1
for tlielr trosois. fries ot Maebl, ilit 1
Towatbia sad eoualj rl kit lo, u J
Dirt ss usirii.i s.'.. nuoress
BOOIU A HlMlUliore
J.f.rtuo Lies P. 0., CIsvltMCt,,
Wt. tba wadereirned, karlne witai .
trial of T. J. Boetk't Impros.d blaai,
oa tbt faeat of R. II. Moore, Bear Ulktrss,.
oa esuiraaj sou muHw.j, ioe m ,A1
rioeeseuer, saav M7inlStkSh
he, that we belle.e it to be tbt kt.t ....
aowia wis for sitraetiDI ttnaipi, Iti,,j.
SOBltroetlnn. rasllT Bianated. net Habit M,
VUI.I wsor, sit! t
the aaacbine frotn the wagoo. wtita
apart, pat It toretber, aad palled t larri ,J
wsi in i. vm -' . -. atw i.. 1
psntitrjssitwp.iissB.. msras.,,,.
but be does bis work la ukior out is. 1.,..
tiumpa, wlihoot a bard pull. Mr. boot, .
Hatontee, rails aooursiands paillee. ,
Banauog is. wscnius. w wuuts aerissti
la waat or ttaupeitraeiori to teetbisontui
before porcbeeiog sltewbere. wkirk tbe. rt
tree of eharge br esllinr on tbt Propristun
1. C. Barr.u, J. W. hlrkard, K V. hp.,,,,
Joha Noldcr, Joho Kirk. i. W. u.l,,.
11. II. Moors, J W. Wsllaes, W.B.Atsi...,
Oeo. Kllmftr, Km V. Been, Andre. Wis
a. J. Horn, l 01. K. Jrera, a. j. ,,,
lamts Moore, L D. Car Ills, ueo.H ilssu
l-erer Flegal, rred a doiiltj, ,,
Bltatc4 la aOerstar Towuablp, tlauff
tuuuty, ra.
fTlIH aobaoribar. betng denraai of ainum,
X buaiuau, afleri lor aaia u iLuUi.
MlltU with to run of but. Ihe ml, it
au4 ui fwad ortir, wiib Irttta nt-oty tu tbimtv
of land a J a ooutUrubie ftiAJib L'niviaLl
llut&kw; tb protty .jit. tay iuihm a
Pbilibabura, Centre ewuuty.aud wuliit a tea
f lurupik. roai. Tba I yrvut k Cttarfifi. I,
road ruua ttruugh tUe luili, witbm a l rvii
Um milL i bera n alav a ootuiueravint lot ui ii
luck aud White Fioa tiiubar co ta Iaol
alo a varr desirable location fur a Wtu,ra
tory, (di ooa ii much noeded ia Uit Kim
tbaoountj.) Far lurtlicr uarticttlaui utuiin
tba iub.vcribdr, lit injr on tba pnijHrty. Auar
actl -St .Pbilipibtuf , Oatrc oountj, h
It barabj given, that letter of Aaninetis
tiua ob ut aetata ai e.'iri(jfi u.PflMuar
lata af Bradford t-nwortip, Claaffiflld touotj
havlag kata dolj uranled to tfaa amltm
all paraimt todebUd to laid mite will u
vaka 1 aaa.) diet tiafBt, aod lho 111
a. alma or tJaaataadf will prraeot tbtia fnf?
atbaBiiaataa for UlaDt without deliy.
ot9 It A'lBiiDiitr
Kor doioff a faaaily wahirif tv tlwbert aa4fiwi
eat Maaaer. Uaaranttsod eqaal to aa? u
world. Has all tha atrriiftb of aid nm
with tbo mild and lathering qualitiM of ftn
Cast i la. TrT thu eplendid eap. r-nt in
Urrt, Philadelphia. hmi
ia hereby givca tbit letter of adnibiitn'
oa tb tato of KK'UAKl) ROWLEY, itm
late of Woodward township, Clearfield count;
bavinr been daly fronted to tba attdemnM
persona indebted to Saul ejLata will pleait a.
payment, and those baring elaiui or -
will preaonl tbam properly autnenufatM w
tlamrnU . il ARM A.N kUWUfc.
October 22.Dt:pd. AJmiaiKi'
Xk hereby gh en tbat letterr of adoneirtn
on tbe estate ot WM. 11AR I Ltltuub, i
lata of Ball tuwnahip, Clearfield county, P
ing boon daly (ranted to the ondcriifoed, sf
son i indebted to said estate will pirate mti
ment, and tboaa bar in i; claims or dewtsna?
present tbeaa proerly autbenticaU'd forsfttk:
and ailowAoca without delay.
Ostend, Octobt-r 2V, lhftH-6t.
Town Properly for Sale
TUB property occupied hy T. Liddell, d
of lleed and Fourth ttroets, Cieararlil
oooaistinc of a aood, sobttADttal PLANK U'1
and tho LOT, t about ihioe-fourths of aa '
Tba situation is duea to tbe Railroad depot,
it an e xr 1 lent location for business pnrKie
ror lerus, aj-ply ub tbe premises.
npilE andnrslt-ned bert leare te inlnna Its
X lie that he it bow full? prepared to aru.
oat. all ia the nurses, nsr
raildles snd Uariirss, ob tbe shortest Butin
OB laatoBahle terms. Reeideare 0a Locasl I
betweea Third and Fnurlh.
tiKO. W.'
DeaHleld, April 11, ISM.
Democratic Almanac.
rTMlIS Inralnable pnbllrattmi U ff r k
X post office It shuald bein thehandrof H
l'aioerat. It contains full election refers I
every county in tba United State; Wert J
n a lb bar for 1X6(1 tontamg a ajaTipltle tin f
names ol ail the newrpaperit tuppratcd aJ n
during Li o coin's administration ; and tbat f' '
aonuius the tjamca of all those civilian wlv
imprisoned during: te aame period. IV"
lists, for futara ralVreuce, are worth mon
the price of the publioattuo. Tbe miaiberf r
is also tall of TaluaMe atatistiee. Any out
60 eoU to the Pott Master, will reruve
ail a copy fur each yer, free uf postage. ,
TB are conntanlly pnri'haiiinf for caJ.
iaw l ura ai4 itto MarkHn, an
Dry aad Fancy Oooda, 8ilhm Cottons, B
bboca, Watrhta, Sewing Machines, IV
lery, lrens tjoods, XuuieUc
Oooda. te., to.
Whioh we aro artnallf aeltms at an averar
ales being strtrtly fur oh, and, our tradt
larger thaaj thai ot any oUior similar confer
bice as to giro botf r oarKeuns than oan its
od of ay aUiar botMo. - - ,
Art etpecialtr ioiitcd to (Ire ill t trial- p'
a Circular and LsrbsoKe List.
Our sltth trsteat of tolling it at Minos: Fi
we sena o watsat pea Uiiqlaina aail rnhe
teriliing ! diffrrriil artirlrs lo he sold forsll
earh: dOfnrM; llllfnrllli I0 for ild. if.
by Btail. ConiiaisaioBS larger thas Urnes 1
bv anr other firuj, aceordi.a to tiseof clak.
gle fountain and ebeok. 11 ceula. alarrtDii'
afroBll wanted. Sksb woaav is IUdistkbI'
rt.aa. sirod us s trisl club, and tou aiU aci
etlge that yes oanaot atord lo bur guedt
other boate ther'orter.
aaglS (si tb lienor.. Si., Bo on. H
'ruea anal abdainlaal tspportrt el if
X kind of tbe latrst lr.proreoi.nlt, frr -if
the Krwg Utore of HAHT8WI0K a 1
rbllsidelphla & Eric Rnllm
TkroBgh aad direet fhilttY
Baltiators, Htrrltbarit, Williamsperl,
and lbs
Great Oil Rctrion of Pennsylvan
Oa all Sight Trains.
OH and after MONDAY, FEPT. it I"
traiat ob tht Phlladtlpbis a
Koad will ma ss follows i
aa mu-.mI.
Mall Trela leaett l-hlladtlrhla. I'-' L
Ho..., do Bt. Mart s. '
o........arrlTe at Brie
rls Rmreet leeeet Philtdslrhia... "
Uo de St. alaty s-...
bo arrirs al Kris
Mall Traia leaess Krip ,
l0 do "t. Msry't M
... 4 " '
Da arri.t at Philadelphia.
Krte Bspreea leaess Rrie
.. f JS I
Pe di ft Mary.
lie tolvs al Pbilul.lnhla .
. t ee i
Veil and Kirre.s eonnset wilk Oil Crer'
Sliirrneny River nail noe.i. "fS"irr-,
a L.FRK IS U t I
Plewtral sT',",,t