Wfirlunt Jailors. SOMETHING NtW IN SHAW'S ROW. HtANK A StoUGHTON', MERCHANT TAILORS Waikrl Hired, t"lrarllM. Ia., HIVINfl opened their new et.bllehnent in Sliaw'r lUw, on. done east of the poet office, nil ea.lng Jn.l returned from the oaitera eiltee ,lti large aisortiaeal of Cloths, Cnssimoros, Vesting., norm,. and ill hlndi of tiooji fur u.en end ,.,,,' weir, ere now prepared to milk up In ,.,,1-c CLt.TIIINU.froai single article lot full nil. In the latest ,,,,r" snd uaost workmanlike aniir. Special atlealioa given to euitnru eerk and cutting-out for men Ma hoys. We oiler It'"' 'arari na ta customers, nnd wa'raal rati' satisfaction. A liberal ehare of public ealronage fa solicited. Calt and see our roods. M. A. FRANK. oftlT.lfIISJK. K. li- WTOlTOfTTOy. H. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (rflor one door rait of Cli.rfMd ...him,) Mm kot fttrctt, ( learlleld. Pa. , I f " FKP.H on amid 4 full ftsortraenti of (lant j Furnitbing Unudi, uab HhirU, Linen ,HiU Wouloti Umlcmbirt, In and tHncIti, Necktie, rookot lUodkrohili, U!ovt, Hsu, I uibrcllM. to.( in (real vu-ietjr. Of iue tjuwli he keejn tho BVst Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," irh ft i Black Duoikin of tb vtrj twit nakt i-incy, in cra&t varirtf . tUo, Fraoob inaiing. Kavr, I'Uot, Lbtnehill. snci rrieott verouaLing. All ol which will be told ehtap for tub, aod tnada up to tbt latoil it-lM r pftperioneM workmon. Aln, Afttnt fur Clem-fleM county for I, M, inrar t Co'i. celebrated Bowinjr Mnehinaa, .W. 1, l.Srij-tf. 11. 11 HI DO K. d .i " n , Vhil.Klrlilii,i ttrrriirmrnt. FALL GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP 4 CO., o, ijj Chestnut at reel, PIIII-AbELI'IIIA. lla Ihe miil eoniplete and Klofjnnt Slock of Fall Goods, lUry hava avar offered. SUPERB Silk and Wool POrLlXS. SUPERB ALL WOOL DO. VERY RICH PLAID DO. SERGES nml WARETTS. MOHAIRS ami POPLINETTS. With an exleniire assortment of Mourning Goods. v, ciaham A on- c iiltiniii a I l,n r u t i omnia ita.a iiok J. N. GRAHAM & SONS, MARKET 8TRKF.T, CLEARFIELD, Pa. ''pill subscribers havlag mured Into partner (hip for (ha purpose of carrying on Ibe business of Morehaudlsing, low afar .furuiturf. CLEAR F I ELD FURNITURE ROOMS. Alarkot Htrert. of Fourth. OH TROIJTM4N, Proprietor. rllK auhacribar kri laara to fill tha allm tloa of lha ailium of ClaarOald and tar- ft unJinf country to tba faot that ha ia Bow (pared to Turwtth, ob short notica, ICabinetwafeof all Styles & Patterns lruilfd for Hlber Parlor. Dlaina ar Bad ar ma iiiiki artieia, or ia aata to aull par ebaaara ; llamot, Pofaa, Lonnjrra, Hat racki, Tablei, Ktaodt, Ao., As. J alao manufaoturo HAIRS A SETTEK8 UK LOW CITV PRICES, CaniiltinKof Parlor, DinlnK-ronai, Caua, Hockinf and other Chain, Of hioh I propoaa to warrant and aell ehaanai ia cat k purehued elfwhra. Jo.t try ma. Cleartald, Fab. ST, 1807 tf RICKEY, SIIARr & Vtl Hlreet, "!' PIIILALPIIIA. CO., il-y CHEAP FURNITURE. JOHN GULICH fTkf SIRES to inform bii old friendi and ... 17 tomara, that barin)t anlarncd hia abnp and lrraied hil faeilltiri for manulaelurinit. ha ii n prrjiared to waaka to order ocb Furnituraaa i t; be draired, in food itjla andatebeap rater I r CASH." lis genarally baa on hand, at hia punmore roome, a rariad araortaant of ready. uo lui.tiH,., .H.n, .bidi am c BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. rJrokeiand Book-Caaee: Centra. Sofa. Parlor. $-eikfael and Dinlnf Eitaaelon Tabloa; Cora ta e. French. port, Collanejeony-Lind and otbar l-d lai Sofaa of all binda. Work atanda, Ji.i ricm, naan-auaaa: Koektng one) Arm niiri; aprinc-aaat. raaa boUoea. narlor. aon l i and other Chaire ( Looking-Ulaaaea of ererr jd rrription on band ; and near fflaaees for eld fame), wftlea will be put tn on very reaaonable rni on rnorteet noiioa. lie alao karpa on hand ' furoirhei to order, Corn huek, 11 air and Cot- n-lop aiattreaaea. Coffins or E-Rr Ki.nd ade to order, and fnnerala atland. !.h llrene wbeherer deeired. Aleo, llouae Faiotin; iv nrurr. i urn enoaorioer alee nanurae Inrei, and baa eonitenlly on hand, Clenent'a iient H aabinK Maeblna, tba neat soar la aae ! ai''ie anna trjia narbina nerer need be with. eel clean elothel 1 lie alio baa Flyer'a Patent a nu.-n, a rnpenor arurle. A ramily ailrif toil a.urii aerer aeea oe wiinout outtar I 1 All Ihe abore and nana olk.r artUU. m r. t iihrd to euitomeraebeap for Cian or eichanirrd I r i.proTed country produra. Cherry. Maple, I ' plar, Lin wood and older Lumber luilable for t.Moet wotk, taken la .zebange for furnitur I Remember the ihon la on Market afreet. C -arteld. Pa, and aoarly opposite the "Old Jew t "" JOUH UL'LIOU. X'.rember !, I 'd? y - glarlijmithing. MW BLACKSMITH SHOP FECUND fT, CI.KARFIELD, Pa. fPllR nnderiljtned bega lo Inform his frirnds, II and tha of the boronib nf Clear- b 1 and eurroundipjt neis: bborhood. that bs Ia p a ready to eiaeute all orders silber in iron or el. H"RSE 8HOE1NI1 on tho moat approTed IT Mvle. AM! KINDS OF PAW-MILL IRONS and HNB work, logmen's tools, canthoeka,ipreads, g-hi, Ac. ."leel tools or all kinds made of bait Eofliib Amerlran steal. ta-AU my work Is warranted lo glrs lilil- ' ' i " rt . or but charged for. AMOS KKKNARD. fiEW BLACKSMITH SHOP j THIRD 6TREET, CI.EARFIKI.I). n'UKsabaoriberreapoclfully laform. hie friend. 1 led the nubile in reneral, that be has local ia tho boroaib ar CLKAHFIKI.D, in the p reeently oocupied by Jacob Shunkweiler, be ii now ready to perform all du'ier bis ruiiomeri in a workmanlike manner. 'U, Sleighs, !lorre and Wagoni ironed, and '"e ihoeing done at reaaonable ralei. He 'FnfaMy aeki a ihare of work from the peblie, n iolendf ta fire his whole attention la the '""i. I1IOMAS PILEY. ieb U ISfiJ. Boggs Township Awake I GREAT EXCITEMENT AT 'THOMAS BEERS'SM f'BRVRODT trying to get there (rit, for fear J at being arowded out into tha sold. t ' want good fhoeiof dona, go to Baaaa. Jwant yoor 8leii ironed right, go ta Rasas. J J i want good Mill Irons, go to liaaaa naant your wagon ironed in the best "'Is and workmamhip, go to Ratal, niakes tha ben Htump Marblne in the and doea all kinds of IIL ACk.-M I Til IMi aieh.,p aa eaa be dune in the eoanty for Caeh Poit OSes address is Clearneld Priori. , . THOMAS llKa-US. 'f Tp., DM. i, iM7.,f. V bankers; No. 35 South Third Street rnlLALJtLPHIA. NERAfENT3, gSS. PENNSYLVANIA or the (5v UNITED STATES nFAMFRlPA CASH CAPITAL, 1,000,000, rTJLL PAID A. X, .mk Third SL Application for Cuntral and Weatcrn IVnnpl- eauiisB iu uv HlaVIV IV B. B. KUSHELL, Manager, nugJ9.i!y Ilarriiburg, Pa. A Cslood And rara opportunity to tho eilliensof Clear, neld and adjoining vounties to luy store goodi atwholeialt or retail prises, that will aatonlih the unlnitrneted. Their ;gooda will be partleo ' t to loll thli market. Erery lady will, therefore, eall tho attention of her 628 HOOP SKIRTS, 628 And CORSETS, CORSETS. WmTt. HOPKINS, ,o. G'iS ,lrth Strtrt, I'hilUt. aati pacTi ma or tna Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Skirts FOB LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. The largeet aiiortment, and best quality and ityljs In the American Market. Krary lady should try they recommend ttemselrei hy wearing longer, retaining tbeir abape moeh be tor, being lighter and mora elastic than eth erswarranted ia erory reipert, aad eold at eery low trices. Aik for Hopkins "C1IAM. I'lON-KKIRT Superior Hand-made Whale. Bone Corsets In fifteen different grades, including the "Imperi al" and Tbompaon 4 Langdon's "OLOVK FIT- TIJiti CORSETS, ranging in prices from 81 eenta lo $1 40 . together with Joseph Ueckal'a celebrated FKK.M II WOVEN COK.-ETiiip.-rior shapes and quality, tea different grades, from $1 10 to 15 Ml. They are the finest and best goods for the prleea, erar imported. The Trade anpplied with Hoop Skirts and Corssts at the lowest rates. Those slatting tha elty should aol fall to call and alanine our goods and prices, as wo def oil competition. dept. 17, 1K6S IIiiNbniifl To this fact, because this branch of onr boiinen will reeelre special "attention, and everything needed in a well regulated household will at all times be found inour store. Our stock of I)H Y r.tH)lS ahull not bo aurpassed, either In qual ity or price, and will embrace, in part, P rlnli of every style. Qinghams and Lawns "of every qualily, Muslins of ovsry grade, De Lalnes adapted to tb e tastes of ths old and young ; and every article of any kind of goods tbay sell ii Cslun ran teed To bo as repreiented. and warranted to give set (faction. As to DREW CIHIDM-we bare a splended assortment of Alpacas, black, while, and In colors; Armurea, Silka, and In abort all the newest styles In the marksi. Wo desire Ibis fact lo bseouis known .flrif O'toods (r.iorfilr,, tfMr. ! ! ! 1 0 1 7.i m,S.! ! ! ! HEAD CAREFULLY!! Your Best Interests De mand It X I tin: To Every 3 rj 'A -I so K ta) b- 3 CO c T) r m o 8 n -i E3 tf S3 o o r; C n v. PI tw 50 o c f o f o w y. pi H PI r-1 n ss S) w CD H tn o K I o CO O i i sr H H H H Hi K W PS Ui H o o e-t M W CO H O C KKPl'liUrAN. "olfjffif S'tw CLE A I; I II.I.H, Pa. Till RIHY MnllMNu" ,, v. HI, u Terms f Subscription. If paid no . or uiilnn ll.rcr! n If paid after three and l for,-in nrnnih' 5 ,mp II paid after tlic eipiraliou of ,i niuull.r... a on Mr. T. II. WiLaun, our foreman, ii aulhoiae,! to receipt lor miiiii'v ti.iti ioi.,.1 m... of aiiharriptioa, a.i"rtiiing. job work. Ac. In our eueouce. UKO. :t. l.uulpl. A 1,1-n K'lilfir and Proprietor UD t-H Person inaa, woman, eblld, pbyalciaa, me ehanle, farmer, lawyer, barber, womaa's-rlghts manlsorany other maa ta tho eounty Or old, rica or poor, high or low, who will favor ns with a eall. With our saw and eitenilve alock any gentlemen can please the most fas tidious 2tm rax! A Ladies1 Fancy Furs. AT JOHNFAEEIEAS Old EfUMiihed Fur Manufactory, ' Xo. 7 1 A A rob itrwt, above 7tkg rhiladelpbia. Ilarc now in itora of my own IinMrtalionand Mn- ufacturc, one of ihe larffM and raoHt beautiful aelartiona of FANCY Kl US, lor and Cbiluren wear, m the city. Al Una affortroent of (Jrnti rnr Uloveii and Collara. I ara enabled to dipma of wiy foii at rery reannahie prieen, and 1 would liiorerore m licit s eall from mv frirndtt of Clearfleld eoonty and rieinity. Iteinember the Name, Number and Street. IOIIW FAR!, IRA, no, T 1 9 Arch it., abort 7tb. auuth M Pbilad'a. f:&l liava no Partner, nor eonntytinn with any other more in l'niiadriphia. octl 4m. JOHN M. MELLOY, MsnrrACTt-saa or Plain, Japanned & Stamped Tinware ann niALaa tv llouae Fiimlahlns; Goods, Tin Roofing; and Coudurtor I'lpea. No. Vi3 Market Ftrwt, augHy PHILADE1.PIIM. j H. F. NAUGLE, (t()(K AD WATCH MAKER, fiiratai A.aj, Aaaar am tar JT ttFICEpti&adVLKAHriELD rllK rahwriber rerpoeUully Inforwia hia old ftron. and the public generally, that he J"" 'end. (and it oomuntly receiving new Mni thereto.) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. . f I keep Jewelry ia all Its forms and of "ii values, ailher by the piece or oeL Tt nES A full a-eortnent of eilber Oold nude by the beat Awericaa and for ""lacinrera, including a lM of gold '"tar hunting caie, lull jeweled, Patent fr-'-CKS-Of alldeilgna. consisting of eight I '''' ik'rlv hoar, of either weight, spring or " and b; II, e,,,, aBa ,.ri. ( ' I'AlhlNt -All kinds of Wntchss and ?" h'Plred, and warranted. , J "i'on to wtial I have enumetaled, I keep rtme nt of M'E':J('I.ES. colored and , Alio. HOLD KS-i,nH PKNCII.S. , '. FultK-i, Ill TTEIl KMVKS, and in r.l""f'''"" le Jewelry line. If I fail to , k"d )al what a elniet winy need, I 1'!," 'rat eiprrai, wilhoutrttra charge. 5 '"''are of public patromgr la loliHled. IM.y 11. I. BAKU. DREXEL & CO., Ko. 31 Koulh Third Street, rhila.lclpa And Dealers in Government Securities. Aipliration by mail will receire prompt atlrn tion, and all information cbeerrully furmhrd. Or lrm ioticited, aprll-tf REIZENSTEIN BROS., MaDuffiCtorara of aod Wholaaala Uealtri in MEX AND DOTS' CLOTUI.NG, H Market i 10 Mrrrhaiit Hired, aagr7) PHILADELPHIA, P. -IKI'.HK- T ' in at': uy a. a .rritl'-e oa city prises f-w.,0 Mhtt, wl Ameriran KIP and CALF SKIN'S, r ' p-r. rp.nmh air,.. M , 1 Pirodii ipe, Mor-oooos. ainga, Ae., of J. P. KKATZER. 18C8 winter. 18G8 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Nos. 2.1i, i:ir. A St I N. Third St., rillLADEI.I'iliA. Wc are now prepared with oar neual eateniire and wrll-n.erlH etoi-k to oner estra indncfmonta to CASH HI VERS. aprll-tf STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (HueeepiMtr. t I'rter T. Wripbt A Co.. iwroRTKn or inn rMi rn DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Ai.en. Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. No. dim Market St., Pbilad a. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., 'o. IT K. Fifib El and ii Commarra, nill.APBLPniA, P, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, row. rai tati or ftntt, Oin.ftip. Fnr FMnt, Feathen, tseather. Flat Need. hHtd Frutta, Clover Heed, Hootit Derr Hkina. Hatter, I.ea.wai, (Sbeep hlun, Kcrt, Ar., , Ae. CONSKiXM K.NTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price current forwarded on request. June U. ler, U. By just dropping la and getting a aloe dress pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by doing tbst which Is better i giro her well-filled purse, and she will and good and jay inj Investments ia embroideries, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any atber hoaeshold aecesslties. And la addilioa lo what wo bar alroaly enumera ted, w. keep all kinds of Gr.NTI.I-'.MK VK WEAR inch ss Cloths, Caiilraerei, Satlnetts, DaU, Boots and Shoos, As beiides, A Nice Aiiorlnenl of Made-up C'l.OTIII N(; for Men and Boys, manufactured ant of tho Tory boat material, which we will sell for cash or sachangs for country produce at prices which will astonish both husband and WIfo Wa ar now largely engaged In buying and selling MU' ARK TIMBER aad manafae tared Ll'MIIER, aad will giro this branch of buiiness speiial attention, and make it an object 3 2. P! V5 H i o pi y, o ti -s I ' to s o SO P9 H WW o H n o o a H C Lr1 mi puwui imnjauvo avaa 1 1 6 8981ZI--01 1 1 KEYNTOXE IHTOItE (EC0ND Br, CLEARFIELD, Pa. To Every TESS A pvr.AKM'.m. BI.lNli. If trealrd with the utmoet auoee.s by CATARRH J. ISAACS, M. D., and Pn.fraenr ef DiM. of the Ere and Ear in tha Modiral College of IVnniyl vania. II years experience, (funnel, of Leyden, Holland.) No, Slij Arrb Strct. Phil a. fritl moniala ana to eon. at bis fibre. 1'lte mHioal farulty are Invited to accompany their palienta, as be has no eeoreta In bis prtf-seion. Artileiai eyeo inserted without pain. Ho charge for ex -aminatien. Jel'-ly Ti Ti F.i ( t)wTAni !. fei-n. We have printed a large Bomber of the new IE! RILL, and will on the rn-eipt of twenty- Iraouts, mail a OT7 any addron, . air2 j One who has Lumber to sell to deal wilh as. Wo shall also keep eonetaatly on hand general aieorttaenl of ; Hot I.H 1 1 : and II A ROW A RE, which we will sell nt exceed ingly low prleea. Wa also keep a full assort ment of il'KRKWAIIR. Thli department will be kept full aad eompleto, and every Young 71 nn Or maiden who contemplates boasekeeplng. will find it adranlageoui to eotno and trade with aa Ws are so situated, and, from long eaperlenoe in tbe bailneis, so well acquainted with tho wants and necessities of this enmmunity, thsl we fesl satisfied if every maa and womaa In Clearfield County makes II a point to buy their goods frAm ae, we eaa pics is thiol both aa to quality and price. Therefore, come along aad bay your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Qurmsnnre, Hard arc, ROOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, Beady -Made Clothing, Aad everything yoa aoed lo riader yourselves aad families comfortable, from JAS. K. GRAHAM & S0XS., ang if' CLEARFIELD, Ta. ""sTOTU K. The formation of the partnrrahip X of James B. l.mham A r-one dnea not prevent the settlement of (lie notes and book awitntl of tbe lalo firm of r-'howcre A tlraham or R. W. U ra il Am. 'loose knowing themwlvel indebted to either are requested to eome furward al unco and close their Seconals. JAMES R. GRAHAM A SONS. CIcarteM, September 1 0 If. f1At'Tltajl1 parannaarehenehyanutloned aratnsl pnrekaaing or tn nny war meddling with TWO HORSES, (one of Inem black aod the ether aorrel.) now ia the poeaeeeio. of James It. Bloom, nf knot township, ns they both belong to ate, and are left with kim oa waa oulv. sabieei to my order. JdllN FOX. Vsw Millport, Oct. I1, HoA. (acrUt NEW GOODS! Shawls I Shawlsl Shawls I BLANKETS! BLANKETS! Hoods I Nubias I Breakfast Shawlsl LADIES' 7UK8! CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS! Ladles' Coatsl LADIES' AND ClIILWiKX'S SU0F.S! .111 Wool Itrptt FRENIII AND ENGLISH MOUfNOS! Silk Flaiik VELVET for aalu ! Alexander POPLINS ! All W00IPLAID8! Keaaabes Repellent ! Chameleon Poplla ! Tappa Cloth for Wrappers ! Lediei' Cloiklagi I Water-Proof black and brown I Ceesirnerei for men and boys I Bonnet Velvet, Ribbons Flowers, Feathers I Ladie'a and Children's Hals I Wool aad Cottoa Da Lalnes t Maillns, Flannels, Prints I Eephrs, worsted and wool Term! Dress Trimmings, Under-Clnthlng, Hals, Cspi, Hosiery, Ulovei, and a complete assortment of nil kinds of NOTION'S, nt very moderate prices. NIVLINO k SHOWERS. Clearfield, Oct. 15, IMS tf (J 37 To CORRKSPONIIENTS. TIlO COIIlltlU incnlion iiirnotl "Rciiiililicun" ia t-ood. una win io publinlictl jirovidfU tl.o author givos Lis real name. Tho propositions of "a linopy wife are acceptuMo and licr poolry oxccl- 10111. i-rinitirs are allowed to do al most anytliing, but dare not publish eoinniur.itiatioiis v itliout tho nnmo of the aiitlior. "Incog" niUHt also comply with tho lorcgoing demanda. I'uoplB who have good sense enough to writo an article for a newspuper, houldknow enough to furnihh publinhcrs with their names. Mr. Nuthaniul Rishcl in now ready to supply coal to all who call upon him. Jlr. Jloorehoad, watchmaker and jeweler, will bo found at Lulhoinburg lor an indefinite time, ready to (ill till orders or muko repuirs in bin lino. Al! work or material warranted. Cl'LTfitE JlitUes the diflerenco bo tween the gentleman and tho boor, tho lady and her drudge. A pupil in the IIollidiiynljurg Seminary bus a pleasant homo and excellent instruc tion. -His lionon Judge .Mayer will open his first Court in this county, on tbe Heron d Monday of January next, and we fear be will not bo lavorably im pressed with tho bnsiness, as two murder cases stand at the head of the trial lint. I"l I'll Al I, . - In H I'tlll o w lib pri'vin't it mi m; 1 .n.-n I -. t ,ty n .'! 11 p:ti t l-.r Hi-' il- li, Mi'.ti (, UiV l.i'ililtc f,,nni 1, 1 ,,. npiK-jiiua ,.w M V. ('linn Ii in tl.isa pbi, ... The day wna liin nn. I b.velr, ntnl i r i i-a-l nil ttilb lliti liihilenl hiipea nt nii. i ru. A fpirit of Cliiiii.-in fnrbearuiiro ntn h us in cld'uii wilneriHi'il m -1 11 11 1 1 nil ilo rxi 1 11 inn . The soverul panlorn cIummI their places of worship, and aM ri'iaired to tho new building. Rev. Mr. Harden, Pastor of Eastern Avenuo M. E. Church, Ualtlmore, Md., I wns tho clergyman choson to conduct tho services. He preached from .St Matthew, Dith chajitcr and, and bis theme wns, "tho Church (iod founded upon tbe oonfenion of Peter." It was ono of tbe fincnt discourses we ever heard; logical, imaginative nnd adorned with appropriate illustra tions; and was listened to with eager attention by the largo congregation. At tho closo of tho sermon, tho speaker slated that the building was encumbered with a debt of 3,000, which must bo removod before it could bo dedicated. Ho then sent bis mis sionaries through tho congregation, and in tho period of half an hour nearly ?3,!W0 were subscribed. Tho room wns dedicated in the usuul formula of the M. E. Church, in tho evening. The clergymen present and officiating on tho occasion, wore Revs. Harden, Spottswood, O'liyer and Dill. Wc cannot close this article without milking mention of tho excellence of tbe singing. Wo have rarely heard more appropriate selections of sacred tunes, and more harmonious blending I of voices. We think this sorviee marks a now era in this congregation We are under obligations to T J. McCullough, Ksi)., for a copy of the new edition of tho election laws of this Commonwealth, and an official list of senators and members elect to the Legislature, together with their postolfice address. Persons wishing to economize in clothing their children, will do well to try rootal-tijipcd shoes. Children in variably wear out their shoes nt tho too first. Metal tips never wearout at tho too, and a pair of tipped shoes at inn additional" cost of a few cents, will more than outwear three pair of the samo quality without them. Journal. Mcrdf.r A fatal afl'ray occurred at Mr. Georgo Hoover's vendue, in Becearia township, on Thursday last. Two men, Job Snealli and David llall, got into a qnnrrel, resulting in the death of tho formor. Sneath was a of Cambria county, and RhII resided about two miles above Cilcn Hope Each has a wifo and threo or four small children, and both are cx soldicrs. Hall was arrested and is now in jail awaiting his trial. Joseph Bear has also bocn arrested and placed in jail, for furnishing tho knile wilh which Hall stabbed Sneath. SOMKI MIAIrl NEW! New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST & SOX "11TOHI.D respectfully inform Ihe pnt.lie that they bava Jnet opened, In MA 111. II A. Cieerteld oounlr, Pa., an entire new stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, CURWKNSVll.LK, Nov. It), 18C8. Mr. GooJlanJtrDcAT Sir: Having soon a proof sheet of this week's issue, and detecting some glaring errors in reference lo tho report of tho Com mittee on Resolutions at the County Institute, I writo to correct them. I wns chairman of that Cotnmittco, nnd never reported tho resolutions as fur nished by your reporter, cither in form or substance. Tho sixlh resolution is a slur, as I don't usually rejMtrt reso lutions thanking mj-sclf. I writo Ibis in justico to myself and tome other members of the Committee. Very truly, J. S. SMITH. Tin Shower of Stabs. Tho mete oric shower, as witnessed last Friday night by thoso who wcio so fortunate as to bo out at tho timo it occurred, was exceedingly grand. It commened about 1 o'clock, a. m., and continued until daylight. lis greatest brilliancy was alter four o'clock. At five it is estimated that Irom twenty to thirty meteors wero visible, nnd nt various other times tho euino number could be seen- Their courso seemed to bo almost tlireetly west, but few moving in any other direction. Many of them led JSehintl them a luminous track, remaining in somo instances for two or threo minutes. Which they are prepared lo sell as cheap as tbs ones pest. Their stork comlits tn part of Dry GimmIh of the lk-st Quality, Sacb as Alpaecas, Dalaaea, Prima, Muslins, Casilmeree, Satinets, and Flannels, Ilc'iuly - Made Clothing, Of the best quality, such as Coata, Fauta. Vests, Overcoats, Overalls, Shirts, Collara, Ac Boots, Shot's and Gailcrs, Also ol the very boat Quality. A comiiUMe stock of Groceries. Ia abort everything usually kept ia a country Consumers, look to Your Interests 1 Call and examine oar slock aad prieei before perrhaaiag elsewhere. LUMBER AND GRAIN Of all kinds taken la aieheage foe goads. P-Rsmember tba place, Madera, Clearfield ooualy, Fena'a. J. FORREST A BON. Oe'obst II, 17 (f. Advice that should br Hkfdki). Wc desire to call the a lie til ion of tho afflicted to tho merits of lloback's Illood Pills, Bpurolj vegetable cnlhar J tic, free from mercury and ill mineral poisons, and undoubtedly tho k-.'t remedy extant for the radical cure of nervous and sick heiidiuhe, bilious disorderg and all atTeclinus of the Liver and blood. They aro, as their name indicates, a Jtlood Ml; they search tbe blood for disease and strike at tho very root, thoreby cflueting not temporary but permanent cures. As a purgative, they nrp all that can be desired, being mild and salo in their operation nnd unquestionably ono of our most satisfactory Cnthartic Pills, and should bo kept in every house hold, and, when taken in conjunction with Robnck'l Blood Purifier, aro uncqnaled for curing Scrofula, Skiu Disease, Old Sores, Salt Rheum, Dys pepsia, Erysipelas, Tumors, Eruptions and all diseases arising from a disor dered slato of the blood or a disorga nised state of the system. Try theso medicines and you will never rgrct it Ask thoso who have used them, and they will tell you they are the bestof mediciuos. Forsaleby Hnrta wtok A Irwin, Wo refer wilh pleasure to the adver tisement of Messrs. Booth Si Rumbar- ger, in this issue. Theso gentlemen are residents of Brady township, nnd ore the inventors, patentees and mun ufacturers of tho best stump extractor extant. Their neighbors, and all oth ers who have seen tho muchino in ojieralion, bear ample testimony to this fact. We are in roceipt of a first-class lit erary newspaper, cntil led The South ern Home Journal, published at L'Do Bultimoro St., Baltimore, Marylund, byj. i. Slater; tcims, 83 per annum Those of cur readers who wish to pa tronize and lostcr correct litcruturo in their midst, should subscribo for this publication. Specimen copies sent (reo to any address. Itin. Ilntlrr at a I'rophrl, Tho Venango fyertntor says : Ben. But Iter, whatever may bo his partiality for other pcoplo's spoons and valuables generally, is a man of good judgment. Long ago be saw, or thought he saw, that Grant, if elected by his party, would bo as unmanageable as the ele phant which tho Englishman won in a ralllu. It is certain that tliero is a good time coming between Grunt and tho .Skiiiipoles of tho Rump. The blunt soldier has been flattered so long nnd so much by Radical toadies that bo may want to manipulate things at Wachington without consulting Sum ner or Ben. Butler, or any of their class When he takes tlint stand, tho fun w ill begin. Il would be in keep, ing with the history which the Radi cals have been making for tho Inst few years, if tho summer of lsti'.l should witness General Grant under tho lire of Butler and bis brethren as a traitor to tho parly which raised him to tho Presidency. But, what wo had in view was to reproduce what Butler said about Grant a little over one year ago, nnd here il is : Bat View, kbab Laicsvili i, Uiii.,1 Atigu.t 2 Im.7. j Mv DrAS Sin: I have read your letter to Mr. Smith, upon the propoioil nomination of l.rant, with mai-h intcrr.u lie erittriems on Orant'a ca-n-cr arc jurt. tint what will you do T You can not g-t il, or anHhing el.e rou crntiig (Irani that is not ln(.-iihr.v, publiettcl. and u liy I Hoemire both nice aro couiting linn f-.r the I'rteifl'-nny, ami ao the tiutti nturl not Ik t"ll. We art. 1 lnr, to try the etperiini-nt again ttiat wc ,L1 v.i:h .l(.lineo,i, L e., nominate a man for eu.poenl nvNilnl.iliiv. without knowing hia prin-ilf-e or time,,. election will l,e a mieiortuii-:, i,-auec it will pjt in a man without a h-nl or a hiart. intliflen-iit to human entteriug. and impotent to govrm. I an yours, truly, IIKNJ. V. Ill TLKIl. W. JuiKS, Nccliah, Wiet-oliriu. TiiANKsmriNn Dat. Governor Geary designate Thursday, tho 2tith day of November, as nday of thanks giving, neing tiio time appointed by mo I resilient ol tho I niled Mates, a fact to which Geary does not advert, in his proclamation. This is, perhaps, some remnant of tho doctrine of Slate Rights, not yet eradicated from his mind. Ho recites amone the reasons for thankfulness "onr progress in mor ality and virtue." We hope this is true of us nil, and especially of Geary. 1 he contested election cases ol last jenr exposed his complicity in infamous Port Delaware fraud. We wait to seo whether there will be any like development in tbe investigation nt tho coming term of our courts If he is not implicated in tho Radical Irnuds of this year, it may imp y that ho has mndo some progress in "mor ality." He excludes tbe Jews, by tho terms of his proclamation, which arc unusual; but this is, probably, in courticr-liko deference to (.rant's prej udices. We trust, however, Hint the f'lYeief.itr f.s-na,, There a a gt-ent rli nl rM' sprftilnlinn si Ihe present time In relet en re id tr policy likely tube puimied l-t l,-p,.rnl t.r.inl npn hia nt aj (,,, , v And it is nl coi,f.,, , ,(, Democrats, but is indu!g .1 in to a still gr. tiler extent by the Radical ,r. s, sti'J po!iiu iati. I he Geiteriil himself, even o i tie t hi arrival nt ashiii( (on. is its reticent ns ever, and everv effort I ) commit him to any distinctive line of policy has thus far proved abortive. JNor is he willing thai nny public do ministration shall be ma. In in bis favor, lie seems to keep tbe leading politi cians ol his parly at arms bmgih, nnd as to tho office hunters he appears to be utterly callous to their claims So far he keep his own counsel, and this, 01 ilsell, causes disquietude und alarm nmong hia followers. Wo urc not much given to specula tion, and aro therofuro willing to wuit, Micawber like, lor somethiiiL' to turn up. At least we shall not pretend lo lurosiiuuow mo policy ot tho new ad ministration until wo seo the materials from which the Cabinet w ill be formed Then, and not till then, can nnvaensi. bio or safe opinion be indulged in as to mo course things will take for the next lour years. President Grant cannot iiieaso Doth tactions of his part v Con servative nnd Judical. lie must take ono or tho other to his confidence. and I ., : . ; .. ' . uo "runitu in ins actions accordingly. If he takes Conservative irronntl. ho di-plcusea the Radical extremists and, nice versa. Which of the two courses he will adopt remains to be seen, and tho composition of the Cab inel will, to some extent, solve the mystery thnt now ttcems to cloud the public mind. In too meantime tho countrv is stnggering nloirg.os best it can, under a mountain load of debt, created by tho party that baa elevated General Grant to power, wilh scarcely a prob ability that tho leaders have the finan cial skill, much less the stern integrity necessary 10 grapple m a stalcsman- Iiko manner with the gigantic ques tions men musi De met boldly and fearlessly, or the Government will be precipitated into hopeless bankruptcy before tbe next Presidential term is halt round. e hope for the best but, in reality, the prospect for tho future is gloomy in the extreme Tho 1 resident elect may be ulilo to stem the torrent that is rushing the country to destruction with fearful raniditv : but, so far, scarcely a gleam of hope shoots athwart the political aky. The peoplo willed it so, however, nnd wc must De content to take thinits as thev oomo, wilh tho pleasant consciousness Hint mo responsibility for tho extricn tion of the country from tho impend nig eviis, aoes not rcsl upon ns. Lan enstrr mxeuigenerr. A firo occurred on Saturday even ing in the saw mill ol Roscoe. Clark Co., in tho north-west part of Phil, adelpbia. It was entirely destroyed Lou estimated at f 35,Oiio ; small insu rance llio adjoining building, used fur wintering Fort'paugh's Menagerie, wns partly destroyed. .Several valua ble nn imals were consumed, nnd others escaped into the street, causing great alarm, but did no damage. A Targe African lion was caught in tho street by throwing over him box used for mixing mortar. A leopard rushed in to a house, w here thcro were several women and children, link tho beast was as much frightened ns tho humans. and took reluge in the cellar without biting any one. Tbe representatives of the press in Washington called on the President elect. Ho fought shy and took refuge in his intreiicliinciils by turning to his nesK, taking therctrom a cigar and lighting it, a proceeding w hich has usually been constructed to indicate ihst he is on the defensive. It having oeen mentioned that ho enjoyed a reputation for cautiously avoiding politics, tho General replied tbst it was truo h did not like to talk about politics, bceauso that which may be regarded right and proper in politics to-duy may be all wrong six months heecu, and ho thought that polities is a subject about which the (cast said tho better. NEW3 JTEMS, Geo. Iliseornna, In fompant w.lh Gipetsl l.oiiglcect,Tilert lor MrToert "li Tin" lay. G. in ral M'-Cielinn is about ti take up bis resilience permanently al lb). bolren. N. J. In 1 ". 4 Lincoln had 2H electoral votes nnd MeClcllan only '.'I. In 1SG8 Grant bad l!i and Seymour 1'JJ. John Savage, President of ths Fo niiin Brotherhood, hna bad an inter view wilh Grant lie ynv lo Europe on Saturday. Tho ( 'oltimbia, Pa., li -rMI, Guncri,!' Kiel. an! Coulter, of Wsf mnreland County, the t.exl -Demo cralic candidate lor Governor. . Tho Now York Mail knows of n furnished house on Fitih nven io which rents for two thousanl dollars a month ! The oecupti ils ai Cilunn. Albert A. Whitehead. ".... t"nr. has been sentence ' (oi u V(r State Prison for I b v- v.-:i' for mar. ryutg two young 1 to have two oilier Hi' '! Tho Bunker Hill (Illinois) Gatette stales, in substance, that irr a barn attached to a place w here a tavern has been kept for years, near that town, the remains of threo human be ings have been found buried beneath the barn floor, and that tho skeletons of fivo other men, supposed to have been murdered, have been discovered in the neighborhood of tbe same prem ises. The inn keeper bus been suspec ted of having been engaged in robbery and murder for many yenrs. The (liKefte says ho has been arrested and is now imprisoned, nwniting trial, bail having been refused. The idea so prevalent that the soil of South Carolina is worn out by til lage or rxhanscd with injudicious planting does not seem to be borne out by the statistics. Tho State eon. tains 19.niMI,Hm acres of laud. Only ono foiirlh of this is under cultivation. Tho rest, some H.iOO.OOO, is nnstly in tmtivc forest. Half ol the 4,.riOO,OuO undei cultivation is now for sale. Tho '. I extremes of the ruling prices are Hv tno : . m . ci -. , i en ..a ri n.ei re' per nurv. xiiiiruveil farm lands range from f I to 8 Jn. Ex cellent farm lands have been bought during tho last year for (1 60, (2 and S3 per acre. s -al'.' In r si. o of Roger Snniis A t aid '. at il jn!i;or ton, Long Island, w. l.l.inn --n hy burglars und H7,V) m I'o t- 1 Stale bonds carried off. No ci;. to tho burglars. If Benjamin Ireianl. a prieais in Co. G, 1st regiment J'.-i.ii-ytvania Rifles, will ae:.d bis ad'it to too ofiico of tho Wcllsboro lmt:i o he will hearcf something to his advan tage. Admiral Farragut's private Secre tary, it is said, has prepared an exten sive report of tbe cruise of tbe flagship Franklin, which is lo be sent into Congress wit h the report of the Secre tary of tho Navy. Brigham Voimeitl issuing currency7 in L'tuh, generh!ly rtserflbling th8 National greenback. J here is said to be a good deal of it in circulation, and tho Mormon President finds his banking operation very profitable. Nathan Cope, residing two milos from Fairfielq. Columbians county, Ohio, has an orchard of eighty acres, from which be has obtained four thou sand barrels of apples this season. He has sold one thousand barrels at three dollars per barrel. They have been taking another cen sus of Chicago, and this time the pop ulation is2,'),0.ri4, a gain of 10,000 in six months when tho last previous' census wns taken an increase of 51, G30 in ts:o years, or a little over twenty-fivo percent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany have in course of construction an iron bridge on tbe piers and abut ments occupied by the old bridge across the Coneraaugh rive at Johns town. When completed, the Company will have a donbio track- from Pitta burg to Philadelphia. Some BiFfALO. Genorul Sheridan says lliat he saw, two weeks ago, in Kansas, a herd of liuflulo ninety-five miles long and twenty-five miles wide, which ho estimated contained about three hundred thousand buffaloes. It is further said that herds of these ani mals dispute the passage of trains oa the Kansas Pacific Railroad. At the request of several trustees of Anlietam Cemetery, who ore trustees also- ef Gettysburg Cemetery, the President, Mr" Jay, ha called a meet ing of the board at the Ehbett Hotel, Washington, on the eveninu of the 9th of December, when it is expected the disposal of the remains of Confederate dead will be finally determined. The PRrsfDENT's Pat One sma!! item of tho cost of the ''pence" to which the Radical triumph i- M e rrr. inao. is likely to be sn titer of If,- I resident s salary 1 In partv.-r -.r -s East and West, are hrvil. in;.' lt'v 1 fora modest addition of . , ." t .; vr :.r to the emoluments of i ;;. !'! ..- '.. as Gen. Grant shall t- i: . . i- ' i at, 1 Davis sot to h '( -.., ,. 1 iie N..- York Sun savs : The i'f i ; ;r. , f u.o United States Circuit iVnr: in O o- mond opens on tho four: 'i V. :i i..v i f November. There, if in y v. ferson Davis will be trie.; i in".-iie is indic ted, nnd has been lor a ,g lime past indicted for treason against the United States. But JefT. Davis will not be tried. There is not enough in tbe caso to pay for trying it. The Democtats of the Fnnrth New Jersey District have applied for ft wni oi quo warranto to declare tho election in Boontor township yoid. nllcging that one of the Judges carried tho ballot box homo, and that it wns afterwards in tho possession of the lie publican countv clerk, and that he stuil'od it with split tickets. The stuf fing of this bollot box elected Hill, maeit jeeptiDiicsn, to Congress, while a fair Vote elects Rn tferty, lKmocrat. jUarl!ft$. u.:y may bo observed by all, nnd that from the w'hole American people there i, -....f . e - i uuvci nor consri ract will go up a umte.i sn p 'lic.ttion for ' , . . ,.' . ; t-..-. . a ... L j 1 1 lovernmeiit. Both the ( iiiiou incri j no. viyt.. NrtiRO SrrrRAoK. Tho New York Tribune says : "Onenf'lho first meas ures that will bo introduced into Con gress on its naseinl, lime in Ileeemhcr. i will bo a constitutional amendment carpet baggers. providing for the regulation of suf frage throughout the United Slates. A bill will go through without a doubt, und the Legislature of two-thirds A CARrr.r bai Fracas. Governor Reed, of Florida, refuses to recognize his impeachment bv tho Legislature of that Slate, and declares il an ille gal body. Lieut. Governor Gleason having attempted to obtain possession of tho Executive olllco has, with tbe Secretary of Slato, been sued by the Governor for conspiracy against the lovernnr and Lieutenant Governor have issued proc lamations, the first asserting his posi tion, and the latter declaring himself acting Governor. Tho Legislature has adjourned until January. Go in, Womasto nr. Hcno. KaleO'Brien, who murdered Bridget McDermon in Buffalo, was on Saturday sentenced lo of the Slates being Republican, tho i executed on the IMh ot Hecemher amendment will be ratified, and the! next. She made an incoherent appeal question of suffrage settled forever. 1 the Court, saying the deed had been A prominent member of Congress who i done under the influence of liquor, ami attended these-sion to-day basalt-cady , asking compassion for her two rhil prepared such an amendment in the shape of a bill, which he will Introdueo on tho first day of the session." Heroic men ! The Radicals of Iowa have voted to strike ths word white out of their Stale Constitution ; and Ihe Tribune thanks (iod tor their valor. Tho 7Vilunf thanks God on small pro vocation. In an aggregate population of 071.911, lowa.'by the last census eontainnil .vitrllit fill.! ool . iwi.l tt.elA contained exucUy 6Hfl colored Americans of African descent. Iren's sake. Her remarks wero bro ken by passionate spells ofcry ing, nnd when the dread words w ere pronoun ced by thejurtge, she gavo way loiter emotions and sunk upon the court floor in a helpless condition. Large Yirt.D. From a seven acre field ol Hon. Jas. II. Marshall's farm, near Fairfield, 1,100 bushels ofosrsof corn have just been husked, tan York or Lancaster, or any other cotin. ty, best it! (iettijflvrg Compiler, Clearfield Markots. Reported weekly forth Citimiu RrrratirA by J. P. Kmirr-R, Dealer in Dry Goods, Ore ccries, rro.isinni, Ac, Market St., ricarteld. Ci rAnrm.n, Ta., Ko. 19, ISM-. ATle. gn.' fl SO H .ge, drcfeed..... 1J Uriel, Tp lb i?i liiilta, grts-n . 7 Apple butler. V gal, 1 Oflj Hams ....2ic4 Jh Pinter- ti'i-i 6j Sls.uhtcra Ui. Is "an ji'u nn pioa. lui,, ie UnokwheM..... I 00 ' Lard . Ji llni-kwlenet Sour lb, k Mess pork. V bbi".IS Orl Href, dried SO, Oats. ...m , TJ Hccf. fro eh .... Sf.fl 10, Onions S SO B.rds. M IS 00( !H Olll Potatoes.. 7i(,il 00 Corn, shelled.. 1 60' Peaehea. dried, a,.. M Corn, oar "(, til Plnrter, V bbl t OS Corn meal, y ea, k. S On . Rye. 1 kQ Chop, ft cwiJ !!.(,, 4 fl Rig., uj "n'"..i... J Clorerseed. 00 00 Salt, sack I 0 I hceee. ti , Shingles, IS in, M, A OA Cherries, lb. J"(o Si , Sbirgles. JS in U 00 Chii-kens, dml, m, f it Tltnnthr seed t 00 rarre Si I Tallow.'. 15 Hex.eeil S 00 ' Wheat J ,so Hour U l'0( l,;. On ' Wool ,j Hay li0td?OPO Wood, Vor.l....r 4 OS Pittsburg Producejmd General Market. Corrected weekly, from latest Tittsburg pspers. rrorn. Clioiee spring wheat, i barrel. rtood spring wheat. , W irtrr wltrat, in sacks.....,.,,.. Do in barrels... , t Louis brHiiill, t barrel Rve FlonV. V barrel ktuckwhoat flour, bundred , euAis. lied winter wboat Ni w com Old corn- Oats V l..oils fi! Kgg..d.s,.... l.i.tlT.rn ce s.(-t 40 leathers Common. SStA i t'h. grcK-.. f'1,.4 CHl.a 4 l(l Common. - (a B '" Honey S' Hami.... OSr.l 00 1,,, Si.lea 00(, 0 l.,rd oil. .. I i SbouMrrsn ltj Mill Foe.l - .S oOfilfS 7S , 7 AOl.4 S 00 ,. (into; t 75 . t Tito. I OS .11 S.ifa lS 7i 7 i04 a no 4 ' 4 Js 1 S0ft$l SO . :o, 74 , I o.ta i ia S I lot s Ktji :.i fti 1 o 1 . 0.1 Mrs-pork 00 (.a) Lard.ienf, IttttU Crantsrrie, I'.'S OOfSJMSO et.-rn,IS St'(sl7 0 I hceee O-hrn... lkfo) Faetotw 1711, SwelteerN Jof-n 1. tnl-erg.. loin, W.Bno've 1SI(, Dried Fruit I'eaobsl . Mo) Do.... l:ti,, Apple..,, (a Screen, e -ii IV , 1 it SSip.,wi .. 1 1 So MstdK. . 4 1: ,,. J i Onuae Yetlow.'ai a 0 , ,-. 5i5 Beta 1 , ) if, I(;PoUtoe lj Cm' ;s-Jt rf. o rkoAe l s 0,.. 4 S . . 5 !.l IS'Salt. ..I , ' i 1 Ml Seeds Flateeed. .," ,i ? Timotbr. . J vne . ,1 ClevereetdS SOfT It