5hc$qmMifiUi. Ms -a - - - - " - Gkoboi li. Gooni.ANBr.il, KJitor. CLEARFIELD, PA. Thursday Morning, Nov, 19- 1868. A man in Coventry, Vermont, rc conlly presented a bill of f tO ngninst a echool diutrict for water Unit llio scholars had drank from lii well. That Stato gave 30,000 majority for Gen. Grant. The children must bo as great drinkers at Thcodoro Tilton re ported tho General to bo. Tliad. P. Stephens, Esq., last week assumed control of tho editorial de partment of tho 13ollefonto National, dc. II is ideas seem to bo as dark as those of the dead Stevens, but they may become whitor by use and expe rience. 11 o is a clever goutlcman but be is engaged in a bad cause. "The Bute of Alabama la now eoneeded toGrant by 3,600 majority. In many of tho white oonntiee that aiually pulled l,it0 o S.Otltl votes, not more than but! to fltlll were east. In Marion eouoty no election Wat bold." Loyal Exckanft. M'hat a commentary on "free gov ernment!" A party boasting of their success because two-tbirds of their own race aro disfranchised, while tho black barbarian is enfranchised ! A New Joviinal. A literary news paper, entitled The Heath and Hume, is announcod by Messrs. rcttcngill, Bates & Co., New York, to appear on or before the first of January next. The paper will be under the editorial management of Donald G. Mitchell, ("Ik. Marvel,") whoso name is a guar anty that tho literary work of the paper will be admirably performed. Fboubess Backwards. For i christian and highly civilized commit nity like Massachusetts to elect a Beast to Congress. Tbo wholesale robber and seducer of females is to take full command. John Morrisscy, or even the "wickedest man in New York," is a saint when compared with old Ben. Butler. "Hell upon earth" means Brownlow in tho Senate, and Butler in tho llouso. An exchange savs the nconle in Now Hampshire- have voted in favor of a convention to frame a now Stato Constitution. Thoy propose to roduco tho unwieldy ilouso of KcDrescnla tives, three hundred and forty odd in number, increase tho Sonato, which is now a little family circlo of twelve and abolish all rolieiouB tests for office It is about time Democracy, common honesty and a "republican form of government were adopted by thisTu ritan Commonwealth. 'Hon. David A. Weill, Commissioner of Inter nal Keveone. it li saiH. ( th.t .. lrom StMtiimi StlH internal , , ample, lb par the expenses of the Uovernmrnl, uu .uc ,,,- ,lrlll nu lo pay a oonsidera Ha portion of the debt annaally in addition." Loil Eickanoe. This syren song has boen sting lor the past four rears, but the deht greater than ever, and wo will bo very much mistaken (if Gen. Grant keens tbe present ''loil" tribo in office) if the samo result is not arrived at four years Jicnco. Turn out the present collect ors ana assessors, and there mav bo reduction ; but the present prodigal crew do not Itnow how to economize Tu Test Tho re-election of Beast Butler to Coneress by a larger mnior ity than before, is a great joke on "loilty and morality. This most un scrupulous villain of the ago will no doubt be the leader of tho "grand moral idea party in the next Con groRS. Tho Indira had better keep a o.inrp eye upon una immoral monster. The greatest enemy Gen. Grant has is to ue the leader in the next Bump. Ho is tho proper succossor of tho do lauchod Stevens, and leader of moral ideas founded upon a Puritan basis. United. The proprietors of tho "UU,SVIIII) suiter and tho Journal, acting upon their Stato motto, "Uni ted we stand, divided we fall," have united these two first-class journals, and they will herWW hi. i.i;.i..t under the title of the Louisville Cour ier-Journal. Tho talent nnd enter prise of both being merged into one will make it tho best nnwannnnr n.,e,. lished in the United States. Those of our readers who wish to bo posted on Southwestern news can do no bettor than subscribe for this excellent news paper. Addre-s, f. X. Haldeman, Louisville, Kentucky. Terms duilv, 112; weekly, 2 or twonty copies and one to the getter-op of tho club lor 30. Contrast An.M.w.-Thc Abolition traitors in times past spont a great leal ol time depicting tho etirso of slavery ; and to make a sharp point in thoir argument-a real stunner would compare Kentucky with Ohio. ow, let them once more, by ny of variety, make a contrast between a ''rcbil" and a "loil" State. Contrast Kentucky with Tennessee The for mer gives 00,000 Democratic mnjorily; the latter give, a liadical negro ma jority of ahout half that number ! Kentucky i, al pMc.0 . h Ssl0 bon(U are as good as greenbacks j it rests in tl.o.un.hine of uncalled rperity. Tennessee is a negro hull, and hardly day passes without a record of some bloody atrocity committed inside of its borders a rnpe, a robbery, a riot, or some gross violation of peace and order. Which condition ispreferabler f VrhfH-mnafi. Tim ralntH-t-ttialti'ta ars Inst nnw I .. i i... . -i ' t,syrilinrt-P 7",'"'",llI,,riee.y..riisn l,;ninMl)en..MTal- . II,. .. I. .f I m Tub . I. .. J ... . i . i ...... mum. s iiu i ..r-.-j-n. , , vne Itiriilnhca the follow ing wati-riiil : llenrral Frh .M. e eWrrl.ry Klei.t.n. " .hiiaan, tl.-ei . Furttds ao l i Th-an.., err. .rl..pe.enoellveailsWel'i f - - r""" fWar. Mi U. M..H.-r f'harliH. I ranrls ale-op, HI. Tminbull, il Ina. Xr. H.1.-P.H i Mr. moii.T. i are eoi..i I tlie namre iniril" rrr,.,, ... j Clot". Th "" np.-U""i " ... , the Treasni-v n.lnrell.l ncif'" '"e rnimr. ft Urn- .. ..' L' II. .v lt.illl Bml Sriiaton M.-iiriin, rm-ntmu. . ao.l .Mr. a.hl otne. 1 lie rrinii.ni ai-iiii-i i iltiimerall up a "rr of namre. and uiv.l,rrh". afli.nl au opporluiiur lor rraarniiiK a.ljulor. ..r lirant In lhr(real wora 01 luppn'tMug the rt-Mtion." A sentimcntiil WaNhinglon corro- spondent has prepnred tho following: Secretary of ftate J. Ilhrop Motliy, ol Ma- aai huretli. Kretiiry of War John M. Schofiolit, t . I. A. Keoretarjrof the Nave Kavid II. Porter. I'.H. N. rVenlarr of the Treaeurr David A. Wi-llr, of New York. . . Secretary of the Interior li. II. arnnnrne, 01 lllinoii. roeuuakler tleneral Kl-tioremor Deuniaou.of Ohio. Attorner lirneral Senator frelmgnn.vren, 01 New Jerier. Hero is another guess what the Cabinet is going to be : I'h&rln Sumner. Beereler? of Plate : tloneral tii'hoticld, fieerelary of War; Admiral FarraRtU, Hecretarv of lh Navy ; Treaaurer 8piniier, ror. tary of the Treaaury ; tM-nator Coniiere, Secretary of 'the Interior; Heprewiilative Waelil-unie, ol lllinoii, Postroaeter tteneral, and Kepreeeutatm Vt llaou, of Iowa, Attorney Uoncral. For all of which thoro is not pro bably any foundation excopt in tho wishes and in the imagination ol the guessers. lien, lirant ilau Sladt a Spree K. A number of bis Iiepublican friends, headed by tho "loil" Mayor, culled on him in Washington, on Tuesday, and offered to get up a "demonstration" for him. Gen. Grant responded as follows : "I am glad to meet you all and to receive jour congratulations, but 1 hope you will spare me any further demonstration. I live in this city, and like to avoid demonstrations hero as elsewhere, and with my consent there cannot bo any. I am always rcudy to meet such gentlemen as may cull at my office or house at any "time without public display or domorstra- ticn. litis would be much more agrecnblo to me, and I hope it will be agreeublo to you. "I um not unmindful of the feeling intended to be displayed by a public demonstration, and you must take all this for 'granted' " Aft-or the General had concluded, somo persons upoke privntly with him, said how much they wcro disnp. pointed, and asked him ngnin if he would not let thorn have a procession and serenade him. Ho answered them substantially that ho could not, ol course, prevent them from having a procession whenever they pleased, but lie prutoiTcd mm tncy siiotiiu nut make any display at bis residence 1 his settled the mattor, and the dele L'ution retired n good deal crestfallen. Tho conclusion ot this business is very generally gratifying to all exepet the knot of ollico seekers who were chiefly concorned in trying to get up tho demonstration. Shool Director's Duties. Tho last number of tho Pennsylvania .School Journal lias tho lollowmir sen sihle article on the importance of school directors visitinir schools : "Tho duty of visiting schools is considered one of tho most important duties that directors have to dischuruo in tho ad ministration of tho system. The la a tniikcs tho duty imperative, and no person should accept tho ofllco of school diroctor unless ho is willing to perlonn it. Y here well done, its ef fect is always to make tho schools more efficient. It encourages cood touchers, and exposes bad ones. It stimulates pupils in their studio. It enables directors to ascertain the ex act condition of the schools, school- houses and a;hool-frroui(H On the whole, so high vuluo docs tho Depart ment set upon tho locul supervision of tho schools, Hint It always expects to nnd tho schools ol tho districts which are regularly and systematically vis ited by boards of directors, according to the provisions of tho law, other things being equal, fifty per cent, bol ter than thoso of districts in which tho schools aro entirely noglccted in this respect, and this estimate is made from poi annul observation in hundreds ol districts. Gold vs. Free Govkrnmknt. A cotcmporary truthfully remnrks that we have heen Dcntcn hy the bond holders. This country is precisely in the condition of Kitglund. A heavy debt held by tho subjects of tho Crown holds them in subservinuce to tho Crown and tho aristocracy there ; a heavy debt held by tho citizens of this country holds them in suhscrvinnce to congress, .which lor tho last three yenrs has occn tho Government. .Money tho extreme thirst for wealth which our people feel making every other interest bow to this dumituiling interest is tho curse ol tho country. A Hi-publican Government to endnro, must exist in simplicity. Persian and Macedonian gold destroyed the liber ties of (ireeee : ant' as mankind has never changed since the creation, the probability is that the interest bold in the national debt by tho people ol this country will cvonltiully effect tho same purpose. Tho "God nnd Molality" party lay not their treasures up in llcavor-, but on earth ; and liberty and constitutional government must suc cumb to tho alinigliiy dollar "Let Us Have PtArE. "A leading .vow 1 oi k journal that hus supported General Grant lor tbo Presidency, re ferred recently to this motto, and says: "We look now to see those words converted into acts to see the olivo brunch substituted lor the sword in the Southern SluU-s, negro suprem acy quietly superseded, and such measures adopted as will create har mony out of discord in that genial nnd fruitful portion of our country comprised in tho Slates now suffering from a mistaken and vindictive policy. Wo look also, and hopefully, to this, that after tho 4th of March noxt there will be a check put upon tho monstrous corruption, which prevail in nil tho department of tho government, Unit economy sbull supercede cx'.ruvagance in tho disbursement of the public lunds, that tho public debt shall be reduced a rapidly as possiblo, and that tho tuxes wiiich press upon tho people shall be m ado more easy to bear." Among the men wlio have boon dis charged from the United States A r mory, at Springfield, Mass., recently, lor want of work, is William Hliss, who has boon in the employ of the government since ISJ0. As was tho custom years ago, he paid f 120 for bis cbame in the Armory. The Hesefertil tr r is-. I lie p.'titft't v and appntenl ain- cent v w Mill vtliuti tun ilium m-i - while nignr-d thenwlvca In the per petration ol the niol ouintitic nulla geson the rilil ol ulliS)t" frrf 3''1 committed among a free people, pre sent the strangest rimlradit tioti w lib h human naltiru nnit ever ye I exliit'iiru. II. w-ns a iirofound observation ot a philosopher, that tho must abandoned of mankind aro ready to condemn in otbers the very vices to w hich they nru themselves most prone, nnd find some difference In situation, condition or circumstances to justify the partial distinction. 1 1 is not necessary to go nmotiL' those w hom tho world consid ers wit ked to find exemplification of this slrtmi'O contradiction. 1 ho "un en. coillv", Kiidiculs. who havo not a word ol condemnation oi a ginni oui raL'0 bv which the people of Florida wcro defrauded of their suffrage, bold up their pious hands in horror at some perverted tale of it-uiiduleut voting in Now York. The Itndicals can steal a whole, State, put down its electoral voto triumphantly lor their candidate, and turn about and denounce with virtuous wrnth the wicked Alderman M'Mullin. Mr. Greeley can muko l.ioso charges of fraud columns, long going away back to Plncnnemines and tho candlo boxes ol Jvunsas, but bis pure mind pnrceives no iniquity in tho measures by which the people of three States wcro doprivod oflhoir suffrages, and the Democratic party of twenlv-tliroo votes. When the Itadicals would cover up the enormous party proscriptions by which ono hun dred Ihonsand voters in jonncsseo, and ninety thousand more in Missouri were strippod of thoir rights, a great hullabaloo is raised about a mun being arrcstod with a fraudulent naturaliza tion paper, in Mackorelvillo or Bung town. O, Badiculism 1 thou art a religion, nnd I'ct ksnin is thy prophet! When party necessities requires a two-thirds majority in Congress to obstruct the, wise action of President Johnson, the Itudicul committee on elections, of which our own Sc-ofiold is a shining monibcr, readily invent pre texts to throw out tho requisite num ber of Democrats. To accomplish the pnrnoso, where thoro has beon somo slight irregularity in avotiiigprecinct, tho whole poll is thrown out, if it will benefit the Itudicul contestant. If two or tbreo illegal votes be proved, that is sufficient to count out ull tbo legal voters at that polling place, if it will aid a ltudi. al to get his seat. The archives of tho Itudicat committee of Congress, aro full of the most flagrant instances ot injustice dono to constitu encies in depriving them of thoir lo- gully elected mombcrs. But if a poor Irishman bo found with a fraudulent paper in his pocket, probably put thero by a Itadical, what virtuous dia tribes nro poured forth ngainst the Democratic party, accompanied by hints to tako away tho fiunchiso alto gether lrom tho loroignor lor twenty one yenrs ! To come down to a familiar instance or two: General Morgan, of Ohio, was ousted from tho FortictliCongrcss for the sake of a favorite Radical, named Delano. Morgan ws elected by a handsome majority, but a whole d strict was counted out hero and another thero, lor some alleged trivial irregularity, and Delano cyphered in. ticnernl Morgan denounced the lraud in bis place in Congress. Ho exposed tho cunning lies b w inch the claim ot Jiclnno was supported. Jlo dial lenged his opponent to meet him this year before tho pcoplo ol tho district but his challcngo was prudently dc dined. General Morgan returns to the forty first Congress with a majori ty that a Itadical committeo with Sco- fiield for a member, cannot overcome Take the caso of M'Koo, who was defeated by over thousand majority by Young. His opponent was thrown out, nnd his scut given lo M'Kco, on the ground thai Young was elected by rebels and copperheads. The Had icnls thus cunningly provided them selves with u precedent to eject every Democrat who limy bo choson lrom tho States of tho South for yonrs to come, to put in their partisans, and entrench themselves in power. Everybody understands this. No Democrat ever contests a seat in Con gress. If a Democrat should under take to contest tho seat of a ltudical. his friends would deem him fitter for a home in on asylum for tho feeble minded, than lor a placo in Congress. Covodo, who is notoriously tho most cxlcnsivo colonizer in Pennsylvania, knows all about it. Beaten in sp:to of bis frauds, overborne hy tho weight of his own unpopularity, he gets up a cock and bull story about iraud in Dunbar township, Fayette counly, nnd finds a pliant tool in tho return judgo from Indiana county, who re fuses tho certificate to General Foster, who n elected by A mnionly of forty. one votes. He thon rushes to Harris- burg, and urges the Governor to drop the name of General Foster from his proclamation of mo rubers of Congress ulect. Tho game of Covode, in dffer cnt shapes, is to bo repeated by me twenty or thirty other defeated Bndi cals, and enough Democrat will, doubtless, be elected tosecuro a Itadi cal majority of two thirds, which may be required to checkmato any conser vative movement that Grant might contemplate. And wbilo all this will be going on, Greeley will prato about fraud in .New York, nnd Forney will never be dono talking about that wick ed Hilly M'Mullin. Jlarri.iiurg Patri ot. F.aoi.k Dfap Tho celebrated bald cngle, so well known in nnd around Germnntown, and for twenty one venrs ono of thn nttrnt-tlnna nf ilm 'istar estate, died recently. This fine specimen ol the royal bird became tho property or the elder Wistar in 1810, in which year bo traveled all over tho Plato on the roof of a log cabin, and became a celebrated char acter. Ho lived in tho trees in front of tho mansion, and though ho occas ionally winged it nwny a lew miles, wonld invariably return. His head and tail, originally black, became white as snow as ho grew oldor. A convention of white lend manu factures was hold in Si. Louis on Wedi.osdny. Tho object of the con vention was to effect a concort of action in matters ivluling to the trade, with tho further object of promoting the interests of the western while lead manufacturers, exclusively, of redu cing the price of white lead, and rid ding tho market of adulterated mnle- nul. Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cleveland nnd St. Louis companies wore represented in tho Convention. The remains of Mr. F. J. Tronbat, who died recently in Taris, have ar rived in Philadelphia. He was a prominent lawyer and writer upon Iga Oi a I tort. rfMay irnMta Irrttnnnmitnl mi ". We lv below Ihe full official vote of every county In the Stale. In Philadelphia, the It.tdital board ofro turn jildr.-s threw out nearly 4.000 votes cast by naturalised t-lliaons for fleymour! At li. (IKN'L, l'llKMllKNT. t-OfSTIEH.j S 1 9 a ? r ft Adams - - Allr-iilieny 3.171 3.4V.I 2.07 V 3.0IH 13 021 3,l:t 2r: 3,us; 3.5411! 2.02-;.! .7.413! 3.H4I- 3.170! 14.071 3.4121 2.02-1! 2 8-.I8! 13,973! 3.0.4)1 3.538! 7.0U 3.250! 3.558 394 2.745 3 041V 6.4!Ml 2.928) 3,o-.i: 2,582' 4.022! 5.455 j 4 591 4,397 2.610 1.119) 4 555; 4. MX 294i 4,17lj 1.107 3.301 2.179 2,223 2,06s 2917 25,4,-7 4,08 3 648 2,087 7,917 3,980 7.708 7.0H5 3,803 2 935 61 '8 2,188 3.429 Armstrong! Heaer - -Uedlord lleika Blair llradford -Hurka - Huller -Cambria - 3,w;.ij 7.H3 7.012 fl.'JM 3.2. 3,5X7 441 2.77J 3.72.1 2,84v 637 Cameron - Carbon - - - 2.12'.' 3.3Ss (Voire Cheater 3,7o-': 6,C5 8,h5o 9,178 1.998 1974 2.056 2143 Clarion - - Cirarlittld -Clinton - Columbia -Crawford Cutuberl'd llaupliin Delaware Klk Krie 1.90S 3 037 2.7ti5 4.0'i 5.3'JOj 4, 4:1:1 : 4.53H 2,704 1.054! 4.5311 4,77:ti 341i 4.278, 1.11 tj 3.3741 2,4'.is! 2.301 2,mi4 1. 03 8.570 1.710 2. H5s O.305I 13,420; 6.0)1 His.)! 4.177i I.o2h 2.7 Kl 8.905 1.0-3 7,701 l.KW 1 y.'v 2,077 7,1121 7.322 4,171 6.507 3,wii 6. 190' 4,01t; 4.106 508 6H 7.701 3,74.' 8(817 Fayette - A 3,792 roreal Krsuklio Kulton (ireeine- - Hunting'n Indiana -.letlerton Juniata Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon - Lehigh . Luierne Lycoming- 34J 4,321 355 4,451 7S2 802 1.72d! 1,809 3.473 3.41 4.842 2.1 7ti 4,81 K) 2.147 1,407 1,753! 1,473 15.313' 8.513 15.792 1,0471 3,789 3,091 4,207 2.858; 6.321! 14 303! 4 839' 730! 4,078 1,807 2.915 8,80:i 1.0971 4.345 5 004 10.723 4.713 1,028 4979 4 733! 9 99 4.0HO 9KI 4.703 HcKnn - -i M 8-cer Mittlio - Uonroe - 1,858 735 7.94s 1,194 1.840 802 Montgnroy 8,03 Montour 1.209 4,791 3.825 2.604 60,985 370 1.703 8.707 1.925 3.201 473 4.8S2 6.549 2,081 4.759 3,020 5.051 2,9(8.1 5 285 1.023 6,449 Northam'n 4.452! 3,094 2.5701 7.76: Nnrtbutn'd 4.1401 2.520 4.24o! I'arrjr -Philadol'a Pike Poller - Schuylkill, Snyder - - Someraot 2,410 60,808: 60,633 55,173; 1,313 693 9.42s! 1.318 ,09! 33s, 811! 9.5:i8j 1.343! l.HISJi 840 1.604! 8,192! 1.805; 3,195 401 1.778 Sullivan - 851 Suiqurba a 3,377 2,051 4.082 3.3'J2 I mga Union 6.4KH 1 951 12-7 1.340 2,054 Venango -j 3,701 4.4.11 3.774 arreo - -Wnahingti Wnvne 1,8.-2 4.91s- 3.397! 0 509 1,705 9,WCj 2 99(1 1,75; 4.867: 3.5391 4.94C 2.69-1 5.33.'. 1.54.11 0,053! Wsatruor'd 6 5i'si 1.706: Wyoming York - 9,0941 Total !321.391 'S31 00H 313.382 .142.2-0 28,898 Mujnrityj- '9.S77 A DkadMan Hkvives. Mr.Guorge Warren, lormcrly of this city, was ta ken sick at Meadvillo, and on Saturday last, was supposed to have "breathed his lust," in the presence of his sislor and other friends. Word was sent to tho rolutivcs bore that his body would bo sent on for burial, and preparations made by them forconducling tho "last, sad rites." Tho remains were expec ted on Monday and a hcarso and car riages wcro 111 waiting at tho depot, but on receiving notice thut the funer al party hud missed tho truin, their services were postponed until the noxt duy. On Tuesduy tho heurso was again on bund, but instead of the corpse a dispatch was received stating that tho boily showed signs of lifo. At a Inter hour another telegram arrived saying that Mr. Warren had bid good bye to bis colli h, and wus sitting up in bed, hnppy in tbo thought of having made a narrow escape from being buried alivo. His case is a warning which should not go unheeded. Krie Observer. A truly loyal Tetinosseeun, named Howies, thus addresses llruwnlow's Legislature: "1 am talking to your honest heart, Mr. Speaker, which I know you've got one. You give the rebels tho power, and you'll be took ottlen thut seat in no timo. I)o gen tlemen say that wov'vo got no right lo bring troops bore, when tho blos som of Hell's Delight bungs high on a sour apple tree ? Tho rebellion in Tonnesseo is now up higher than it was six months ago. Now, Mr. speak er, I want to call upon your honest hoart, which 1 know you'vo got one, to say whether if we don't puss laws, tho rebels won't take tho power and put us under hell's kitchen. The gen tleman from Wilson said wcv'e no right to call for militia. Don't you know that tho rebels are gaining on us every day, and want to put us down and will do it." In justification of Mr. Howies it ought to be staled that he is by odds the most grammat ical speaker on tho "loil" side of the Ilouso. Rrn.K Training. George Francis Train has issued a red hot manifesto, in which he says lie is about lo break up Ins residenco in tho Knglish jail where ho hns boon living, and come to America henceforth to live forrcvengo. Hear him: "With my fingers on tho jugular vein ol Kcnglnnd, so help me God, I will never let go until America becomes American, and Ireland has an Irish flag, over an Irish iJepublic, free from tho daninablo injnstieo of ages. Hcvcngois wild justice Irelnnd shall bo revenged. Tho payment of me Aiaiiama claims nnd tho release, ol tho American citixens has already been balanced by the nnlinnnl insult to the Chineso Ambnssador, bei-nnso he happons to bean American. Timo will show who has the most power the American Minister dining with tho Dritish noblo, or tho American citizen dining with tho Irish peasant. How it Wonits. Tho Supcrinten dent of ono of tho most important Government works in New England, writes to Washington in regard to tho working of tho eight hour law, that, in so far as it was designed to seenro belter intellectual culture of mechan ics, by giving them opportunity for 11, is a numiing. romo of Ins men work outside at over hours, and thus make from, $2 to $.1 per day. beside what the Government pays them. Only two or three do nnytlung moro thnn before in the way ol studying or reading, whilo the mnjorily spend their extra lime in useless loafing, In. variably acquiring habits that make 'them less steady and reliable as work men. J. II. Horritk, brlclil bov of eighty, recently married genllomai- iltiti, nitmca cimtllrltl.ol the unmo age. Thoir purcnts inudo no olijot-tion' i Their resilience ii it X-odi, Conn, ---rtwnlc WrTlf. Al Ibe rli-rtion i-n Tuesday, In New- Bi.M S , Mrt Lory ft"" Mlsckwell and hermolher-ln law, Mrs. Hlack well. iireselilcd lbnisclvrs at the polls and '. . . .-j. ti..i...i...i.i. ai tempt ru 10 ri-ie. 1 in- . in 1. 11 ed that tinder the old mnlilution of the Slste women had the right to vote and bnd frequently exercised it, ami that the present constitution Is Illegal, beeauso women Were not allowed to voie upon its adoption or for tbo con- venti.iu that framed It. mil, even 11 it is constltutionnl, It still admits the right of women to vote, becanso It docs not expressly limit the suffrage to males. Tho judgol would not be convinced, however, and the Tote were refused. In another part of New Jersey, tho village of Vineland, ono hundred and eighty-throe women nutrchod to tho poll and offered their sacrificial ballots likewise upon tho shrino of tbo futuro. With that charming indiscretion which charac terises the sex, they had contidod thoir intention each woman to some favored man, and tho males took a truly hideous advantitgo of their con fidence. For they provided separate receptacles for tho votes of the fair, and into theso those votes wero put, the deluded depositors fondly dream ing thut they had borne effectual part in tho election. Tho wretches who thus paltered with thorn in a double box and kept the word ot promise to tho evo but. broke it to the liopo, ruth lessly rent tho boggarly account of vise empty boxes lull trauvhl wan the future of femininity, and scattered their consecrated contents to the wiuds. These budding aspirations so cruelly crushed must give us pause. As Mr. John T. Schumaker, Con gressman elect from the Second Dis trict of Now York, alighted from a Hroadway stage, at the corner of Am ity street, bo was set upon by three mun. One of them stole a diamond pin, valued at one thousand dollurs from Mr. Scbumnker's shirt bosom, and pussed it to a confeduiate, who made his escapo. Two of the robbers, giving their names as Wm. I). Kulh and John K. Townaoud, were arrested on the spot. The Feniun Brotherhood will begin general Congress in Philadelphia, on the ilia inst., at which over one thousand delegates will be present lrom Ibis country, Canada, England, lreland,Scotland, Australia and South America. CO A I. FOR HA I. Iw Tba nnderiigned la now prrpan-d to eupply any quantity of the beet quality of COAL mined in tbta locality, and at reaotiauia ratoi. Ordere eolicited, and promptly filled. .NAUUMtL KIS1IKI,. Lawrence tp., Nov. 111. lso8-lm. "I AL'TI03AII peraontara berol-y caationed anain.t purebaeuig or io any way meddling with one black mare, one bay mare, two aleda,' barnraa, iprcadr, eingletreee, breaethaina, log chain and one pair ol grata, now in poeeeiaiua ot r.lijNb 11. meal, nf itogga townahip, aa the aame ncloiig to tne, and are auloct lo my nrdrr. aorimipd FRKIIKHICK CAM I'M AN. I MTRAY CALKCame to the raaideooe of Xj the aubaenber, reelding la Horria townahip, aiiuut tha Irat of July last, a red and white cpot. led b l hKU CALF, about ono year old put. The owner la reqaeatrd to oomo furward, prore prop erty, pay rhargea and tike It away, ur it will be aiapuet-a oi acaorumg ao law. noviv It DAVID DALE. "I AI.'TIONAII peraonaare hereby cautioned J againat purchasing or in any way meddling wim iwa uorece, two eprnada, one eel double bar nee, breast chains, tougue chains, elngletre-a, one log el.aln, grabs, and two bsltrra, now in the poisassion of khjah II. rlmeal.of ll igga township, aa the aame belonga lo me, and are subject to my ord.r. WILSON 11. WILLIAMS, aovlfl Strpd 1NTHA II U.'lRCan)C trrefiasaingon J tba premiere of the eubet-ribcr, rosiding in I"IIi;b township, about the 1st of Muy last, a 11K1KKK, about two and a bslf years old. oulor brindla, with while hind feet. The owner la here by notified to come forward, prore property, pay charg-a and take her away, or ahe will bo dis posed of aa the law directe. oelllM WILSOS HOOVER. I ) M I I ni RA Tl PH OTlf KNoli ee . - J - oi nomininrw liuaoniha estala of tiKullli K U. KM KAL, dec d, ibis oi iiraaiorn lownsnip, Clearfield eonnty, l'a.t baring been dnly granted to tha nndersigned, all persona Indebted to aaid estate will tilease wake immediate payment, and those having ... .minui win present tnem properly authenticated for ieltlemenl without delay. JOHN HOLT, ELIJAH rialKAL, l-t Admlnlalratora. booth's mrnovED STUMP EXTRACTOR. MIPSRH. BOOTH A RrMBAHlKR, tha Proprlelora af tha Improved Stamp -tractor, wish II dielinetly nnderctooa that they warrant lh la machine In do Jual what il Is recom mended eirelling other atomp miehluee by being constructed on three phlloeonhleal princi plea. It will extract tha largest pine etamp, sus pend It above ground permitting tha soil lo fall back la the bole and will pull them aa feat aa ten men can dig tha dirt from the roots after eitrectrd. It will nail (owing to tha alia of the alomps) from forty lo ono hundred per day. It will either (urn them nver, or suspend them lo ba propped np, aa desired. The Proprietors build tha fc'itracior, deliver It, and teal il on the farm of the purchaser and if it doaa not reader oompleta satisfaction, and do jual aa recommend, ed, they will take It away and charge nothing for their trouble. Prloa of Machine, SIM oa. Township and counly rights for sale. We have no travellne; agents. Address BOOTH A Rt ldllARamt, Jeooreoe. Lilt P. O., Clearfield C.., pa. f FHTIUCATR. Wa, tha inderalgned, having wltneaaed tha irlal of T. J. Booth o Imprnveel Stamp Kitractor, on the farm of R. II. Moore, near Lutherrburg. oil t-.lurday and Monday, the 7th and tllh of November, lake pleasure la saying te tha pub lic, thai wa believe il ta h tha best machine owin ase for attracting etnaipa. It Is ef simple conilructioa, eaeily managed, not liable te get out of order, and very durable. Kou, men look tha machine from the wagon, when entirely upert, pat it log,,),.,, aod palled a l.rg, piB, pu I a large etump with .as.. They an . horse, hut be does his work in taking out tha largest stumps, without a hard pull. Mr. Booth, ih. ,, aaaersianue patting an md handling the machine. W. would adrise Ihoea In went of stump directors to see this one tsited before purchasing alaewhera, which they can da free of charge hy .ailing an the Proprietor.. J. C. llerrell, J. VV. Kichard, R.V. Spackmaa. J.iba Noldcr, John Kirk, J. W. tl.hagaa rv. ji. eioore, Ueo. Kitinger. 8. J. Horn, Jamee Moore, Lever Flegal, 1. W. Wallace. W.B.AIi .n,l., Wm D. Heck, Andrew Wilaon, Wm. K. Irvw. K.J. Kirk. L. li. Carlile, Geo. Wll.oo.u It. Fred k Smiley, (novll ly XEW STOCK! SEW STYLES!.' FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, ' At Miss SUSAN HEED'S, MARKET $T., CLEARFIELD, PA. Haring just rewalved all ihenovelllea of tha II th. Millinery linn, request the ladies lo aall and .lamina them. 0leereld, Pa.. Nov. I, efl. VDMIM-slHATtlH-H rslsiu jrvlNotnm la hereby glren that letters of administration oa Uieeslale tf HhNltY D. TI'RNKR, deeeaeed, lale of llra.llord towirshlp, Chwrleld nounty, Pa. haring been duly granted la iba andareign'od, ali persona indebted to said eetala will please make payment, and thoee having elaiuia or demands will preecal them properlv anthrntirated for eet tlement. fAKAbl ANN IIHNER, ";' T4 Admlnlitrnun, ((Iiit'niional. MISS II. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS li,KARFII-:l.l, I'A. IMt PKI OKf THRM. f H-Tari . will anaiMH M-mdayi M-br l, I'M- TKRMs OF Tl'ITION. R.a.lnf , 0rlhorrai.liv. Writing. Ol.J.i-l l.. anna, Primary ArilhtnHie ami Primatjr llwiarai.nr, for half Irrtn, ("f flrrro .ark..)...;..... lllilntv, bival and dracriptlra OWrat.lir with M.p Draomir. llrammar, Hmlal and Wnltra Ambia.dc it Al,rbr and tin Mtacri t 00 For full particular! aand fur Circular. Claarffild, NaT. li, lSSS-lm. (aagS'SS Clearfield Academy. Rev. P. L. HARBIS0S, A K., Principal THE SKC0ND FE8K10N of tha prttant (oho. laatle jrarnf tala Inrtitnllna will toimn on MONDAY, Ilia S.1d dajr of JS'oTemhar, ISS8. PidIIi an ontar at any lima. Tha? lll br hargad with initios from tba lima tbaj anlor to tba eloaa of tha Heuloo. lh ooriaof Infraction amnraeal "7 Inlst lacladad in thorough, practical and aoa nli.baii adulation for both aeiei. Tha Principal, harlnx had tha adranUK of aeh aipariaaea In bia profcaiion, axor.i pa ranti and (uardlani that bia antira ability and anarft-iea will ba devoted to tba moral and nen. Ul training of tho youth placod under oil charge. T Kit MM Of TUITION. OrthorranhT. Kaadina-. Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per Sre.lon (II weeln) - fa 00 Drtmnir. tiaorranhv. ArlthneUl. and Hi.tory $ 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men. auralion, Snrreylag, rnilooopny, rnyoi-oloa-r. Chemietrr, Book Keeyinf , botany and Pbyiieal Ueograpby - - - Id 00 Latin. Greek and French, with any of the bore Branobea .... IJ 00 r-No drdaeUon will ba made for abeenca JEST For further partirolare Inquire of H.t. K L. IIARKIbON, A. M., ClearO. Id, Feb. t, ISS if. Principal. ?; v. w;J NOTICE. w!"wpl" Powell. 111. U. Lu REED A CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! TUB proprietor! irtpoctraUy Inform th eitUeni of Cleftrflfld oBotjr. ttmt Uiej bar tntlrcl; rv fitted this MUkllahatf nt with tba Utrit improved wood -working machinery, and ara now prrpaird lo cxeoat all ordrn tn their tin of baiineni. They will gira atpaeial attentioa to Iba manafac- lurt of mattrial for houae building, tach at FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING SARII, DOORS, BLINDS, UHCHKTS eV .W OI LOI.VUS, OF ALL STTLE8, We alwaya have on hand a large aloch of IlRT Ll'MMER, and will peyeaah for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-helf inch panel atuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or etcbenged, to auit ouatomcra. Orders tolieitod, and Lumber farnlehed on abort notice and on reasonable terms. 0. L. HEED A CO- Clearfield, Nov. 1, 1667. $rat tfstatf for alr. Town Properly for Sale. rilllK properly occupied hy T. iJddrll, rurnar X ' "i ana rourth itrvfti. I lrirf)M twirn , CtMniitinnof ignoit, iulitntil 1M.ANK llul SK nd tha LOT, (about lhtip fourttn of an acra.) Tha ntuattnn if ctn0 lo the Rnilmi.4 depot, and if au rioeitrtit loot loo Inr tioinei puniotn, For trrui, applj un the prmici, oorlj-tf YALIABLE MILL PIUU'ERTY FOR SALE! Wtualed In llfratur Tonuslilp, ( IcarOrld Counly, ra. fTHK suhacribrr, being desirous -f quitting the X ousincaa, onrrs lor aala one rLiltlllMi mll.L, with two ran of bore. The mill is strona and in good order, with from twenty to thirty acres oi ianq ana a eoiutortanie i-ltA.MK mtfeLLIMJ IIOl'HK; Ilia tirooerty liing two milee west of rhilipshurg. Centre county, and within a few rods of turnpike road. '1 ba Tyrone A Clearfield Kail road runs through the lande, within a few rods of tne mill. 1 here il also a considerable lot of licm lock and White Piua timber on the land. It is also a vary deeiralile location for a Woolen far- lory, lead one Is much needed in Inia section ol the county.) For further particulars inquire of me suukcnoer, nring oa ma property. Address illAltl.as .. lAUH AI.LAIIKK, actl-Sm l'bilipeburf, Centre eounlj, 1'a. Farm and Shop for Sale. fPIIE undesigned offers for sale his FA It M, sit J. nata about midway belwce Clearfield and Containing Eighty-Five Acres, Finy-flve being Imprarrd and In a go d atate ot cultivation, with a good dwelling bouse and hern thereon, together with till choice bearing fruit treee ana over leu frapu Tinea, nearly all Con nr,i. aiso. The Two-Stflrv f!arnflntnr RVinn " a Vvwvm. wuvr On Third HlrtWt. nau- lh ralln.! Hnrnl .w. I'l... t-iu xtraKn. inini moarraie and rflMrimii nil M Kit Kl Has. I .111 l in ne rmt ana. m r .tens a Clearfield, Pa, UEOltiJK IllOlt.N. learMd, July ICtf Valuable Town Property FOll SALKI SITrATE on the Roulh-west corner of Cherry and ThiH Htreeta, (being Itailroad atreet.) lo wit: a l.ur, wilh a good two-story plank hnild ing thcreoa, St by II feel, one room on each Door. einlaMe for a store, or elhi-r husinees. Also, the adjoining LOT, with n two story dwelling hones iprrrt.o, ana eeverei oiner li-vi I l.uitt. Also, a lot of well burnt I1HICK, and a good assortment of RTONEWAItK. suck as Cracks, Jags, Jars, Fruit t ans, etc., at reduced priori. Foe further information, inquire at the Hess. ware Pottery or F. LMT.l.NllKH. myld-lm Clearfield, Pi IK. KO III SOX A VIK PORK PACKERS, . a.V1 Liberty St., rutbrgh, Have on hand a larg. stock of Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAIN AXDM OAR CTREI HAM?, liMi Pork, Hrled Deef, and Ul Lard, all of oar own racking, Curing and Hmoking. Lvrd Oil, Hour, Cheese, Dried Apples and reaches, ita a general apaortment nf llmeerlea, at the leweat market prices. Juno l.f lr-fd Mcknight & jannot, Mason and Slrljrh ILikers, (lamadlalely la rear of Planing Mill,) CLEARFIELD. Ta. fpni rabserlhera would reepeetfullv Inform the elllsensof Clearfield, and the pahllcin geaeral thai they are prepared la dead kiadsof wark on WAGONS, CARRIAGES. SLEIOUS. c, abort noilea and oa reaaoaahla terms, and In a workmanlike manner. A new feature la onr lin. Is thai w. trea our awa work. JewT-AU ardors promptly attended t.-9. W.M. McKNIUHT. Not t, 'II, CHARLES JAKNOT. CIRAI" WAITEH. WHEAT, RTE, I CORN, BtCKW MEAT A OATS, W anted, for whioh th. higheet ennrkel nriaa will ha paid, by J. P. KRATZEH, O'lmnK C-tcrrtirs, (Tlf. GREAT EXCITEMENT OM fantun sTRatT, Ct.FAHnRI r. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. milK nnderelgned raspeetfully lavlie the al Irnllofi nf the habile generally lo their splendid assortment of merchandise, which Ihry are bow aelllog AT VERY LOW TRICES. Th.lr stack eoaslsta la put af Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such at Prima, Pa Lelnea, Alpaacae, Merlnoa Ulogbams.Maeltna.inieacnnu ana anuiw" ad, Hrlllings, Tlcklnga, notion and wool Flannele.Satineua.Caaaimerae, Cottnnades, Ladies' fcbawle, Nubiae A Hoods, Balmoral and Hoop Bklru, Ac, Alao. a Una assortment of Men'r Drawers, and Shirts, Hate A Cape, Boote A Shoes. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything usually kept In a retail store, all CUKAP FORCAKU or approved country pro dnea. A. K.. WRIGHT i SONS. Clearfield, Nov.T , 1867. EW FALL & M'1TER GOODS! William llwd A Co., Near Poatoflice, Market Street. CLEARFIELD, TA. HAVING joit opnrd a hrf and complete tock fnm New York and PblMrhihia, we eau offer ax Ira ioducenianu lo tAMl III lfcKtt Wa btra a uplrntlid aeloctioa of Dre Goodr, tilkt. ih-wlei,C lo.k)rpi, Mnnt-!i, li al morata, lilank, lluop fkirt, Corsetj, ThfDi(ma (jlova-fittiiiir. Trimming of every drtoripiiun, Zvhyrt Worsted Yarn, and odd of tha aioit complete aurtmenti ot Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Uoddsr-wear, Honicrr, (Jlnrrt of all kind1. Alri aoder'i Kid and Ilom'i eeM.niivd 8eaiuleii Kid " (lha beet arpr mad?,) Nrktiee, Bnltertlifii, Collar, CnfTi, Hindkerrhiefi, Lao, Kdeinc. Km broideries, dt.i alio, a Ursra aifortimnt of with (IKA Y'H i'ATKM' MI FF, (he be tbinf eitant In jet her with a full line of staple goodf. ah ot wincD wa onor ai toe VERY LOWEST CASii TRICE 1 Call and aa ni. No trouble to ihow good, member tha place Near rout office. Market Plreet, oct8 CLEARFIELD. PA. Re A REYOLITIM IX Bl'SKESS AT trKWKFniI.I.E, BT IIARTSOCK & COODWIN. rrilJE nndenlpned bT.ag en tared Into eo-part- I aerhi, ta tba Mereaatila botineii, adopt jhn met boa or Botifytaf tne pablte generally, and iba cilitem of Curweoerilla and vieioity in partimUr, thai marehaodiia of all kioda will be told by ai as ebeap as tbs asaa auality alia wbtre ia tba eaonty. Wa bava a full sapply of DRY GOODSi Conalstlna la tiart of Dree, Goods. Muslins PriDU of all shade, and stvlee tofethar with a fall aasortsaeat of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS Si CAPS, Itoota, Choes, Hardware, Quretisvrare. As well as Tinware, Cedarware, Willowwara. baeleu and II rooms ; together with a large stock of Uroeeriel ; aod alwava a lull stock of FLOUR, FISH, SALT, Ac. Ia abort, wa keep a fall ear-ply of evervthieg ased to this eaarket. Wa want all ear aid eostoeaers aoj .,. aew ones as csa rnske it cooreoient, to five as DANIEL IIARTSOCK. EDWIM OOODWI.N. Curwenirille. Fehrao,; 1J, 1H68. KICMIAKU JIOSSOI, DEALER IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS. Ml'SMNS it Sensation price HM.AIMA at .-vnsiil inn rtoe w'bimn at ,Tnli(in prim ALPACAS at St-nsatinn prioe-t .luat recfiTotl ul MOSSOI S . (.INGIIAMS at Sensation prire prices CI1ISTZ I' HINTS CLOVES fUAVATS at at al at it al at Senshtion Sensation Sensalien pi ice prices price Snsalion l MOSSOP S Srnsaiion pricet Scnaittioa prices HOSSKTS COLOKKOI MU6LISS J 8tinae.lioo prices All to I !m.l al UOSSOr.S'. LIN K at Sensation pricei Kenmlinn price SensstioQ price Sensation pricet Sersation prices CRASH at CTKTAINS at TAHLK CLOTHS at KKINOK at at Mtissoj-S'. LACK at HOSIERY at KIUIUIV-4 el Sensation Sensalion Scnsntion price prices pricet THIM M lC.? 1 Ol all kimla A I at Sonaalion price i n in nmn I 1 ... -.v ...... -j i Aitravaon nana at MOS-SOI'S' CASS1M KlltS at Senaniion pricet KATT1NETS at TWEKOS al .IFANS at Senantion Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation price prices pricet prices NESTINGS at SHIRTINGS at price at itossors CLOTH I VO anoh' aa Coats, Tantt, Veeta, Vnder Sliirla, Flannel Shirt, Boot. Slioea. al tenialioo prioe (lata anrl Cmn Kiier ftie aal el riiucMj ; - " - ....... - , i o , II A K 11 W A it r. anch aa Sas,naiU r or k a. Knivea al aentalion pricet al MOSSS'.OP at aentalion prioe at tentalioa prioos at MOSSOPS. Spikea, 11 ingot, LlOPOnS enok at Wine. Rran.lv Oin, NVbfiker. Cop;nAc, etc., etc., ritUHS, suoh a. Prunes. Kaisint, Eig, Eilliorts, &o. OnOCEniES, aay Fiona. Heme Slioultlert, Sugar, MOiaaeoa, Uillea, Tea. Cuekara. at aentalion prio Spices, nrllo, Coal Oil, elo., els. 1 j Alay at MOSSOrs'. BLACKING at envattoQ aeniation pricra litil'K.S ai POWDER al SHOT at f-pnration prtrta animation anation Mtiaatioi. LEA D ut CATS at pnex At inn iIam nf CMitl i b li lif- .n MOSSOP Alvrayt teett on hand a lull IU..Im.l .f .11 L . .1 t . . . ... .n,,.. u, .ii ninue iriartioua requireil for tba aocorjiniodalioo ol tba public Jaly I, lttr. I.-IOR AI.KFOfR HOR8KR. . leaes, taillble f, la-heno. On heavy VI irrU;inr p,ii. Public Vendue. B Win eTiwr m w nn i.r., bii i' Mtftir) ta lawrefl owaihip, On Saturdivy, NovoinWr 21?t, 12C8, th. fellowiOK perftiat fr. .n:i, tn: TWO IIOllSF.S. TWO '' V '. I! fil.r) COLTS, .T. i I'.A lil.l Ni; COLT, Til l.l'.K COWS, A lot Of yoiin( Cattle. Jfl Sli.v ji. nr. ir Kf dearborn It sfoei eoe rlnvirv. ooe 1 itti'.r-il aue oslr hob elr lr, a lot ol .-bs.in, einitlelrees, Ih.nl.letrers, h,r.al ehaine, 1 oniroe-hain, I'lowt, Harrows, linrs-rski-,11 ind. Biill, tnrn-sH-ll.-r, two rtlei'lis A Harncffl, One eel Horae fears, two Peddles, Hridl,.. oe, larue Coprier Kelile. two Sl,,v , 'I aide and , u one set esw-mill Ir--n. a I-d ( CHii,i,r j,, and a irreat variety of oilier articles, noa.ro to mention. Kale to eommeiioe al tr n nVl.w-k A. M. of nil day, when the terma will lie made kn'-en. Nov. l2-2t J'JII v J. hK All. TOI1ACCO. t:avemlih, )vy, h., J(j Fine Cot, Hound' r, t onrena, lylor, ricfrara and r-iiull, nt aovt lm J- P- KRATZER'S. Cl um f;O0i. Horn OveriK'ats, Hum Boots and Hhoet, Uam Dlaiiketa, at J. P. KHATZEK-5. nATJ Atll AI. A full assortment of 'the LATKHT HV1.E 11A1S A Ml t'AI'P. Juel reoeired at 1. P. K liA I ZKH 6. TetTBAV M i:i:il Came tie.,a..lr.. j the riremiaea of the eut.t.rrilier, rindn,r ia Lawrence tn., abrott the irst week in June last, a IKI bTEEK, with white eti'it on forehead, anil about 18 months old. The owner il herel,v noli, ed t eome forward, prove properly, f,ay rintrrn and take him awov, or be will i- ii. I i the law direots, JAMKrt IX 'L till t KTY. Lawrenoe tp., Xov. b :lt:pd I7XI-:t'i:TIH"l KOTK'I'.. KotieeithsrX j by sireo that Lettare 'Jestouienturr, hsri ln irriiiited to the sultscribera, ou w L'tntrnf Dr. A. II. I'.KIMl, deeeased, lale of Hde.rJ to nship, t'learfiel'J eounty, Pennylrsi,ia, All perswns indebted lo said Estate arc reriii, nu-d le aha immediate payment, aad those hsrinf eleima against the aaoi. will prtaout thru doiy aatlivlilicated fir er-ttlement. MAHY ANN RKKIl, EaeeouiL MiLKS KLAD, Kieeutor. Woodward lp., Ool. li-i-t Fur doing a family wattiiug in the U-si r.r. it cheap, eft ftiti.ncr. (iunrauLn-d niuttl to tuir in lu world. Um all (lie Ptreng.li of old rvma Ktp, with tha mild and labrin quilitiri oi (ft-n unit Cat tilf. Trv tit it pfilendid noip. puld hy AMKN ( HKM1CAL WOUKi. 4$ North Froet ilrrrl, Pbiladrlphia. norlMj VIMIMri1HATtKH N4)TI( U-N,!,- it hereby given thai Icttem of alminitraii oa ibe eftata of KK'liAUU KuWLKS, rit latevf Woodward ttwuhipt Clrirfiold enuntr. Pa. baring been duly granted to th nnderfifned. til pernoiii ind-btrd lo Ril estate will JiU-hst makj uaynient, and thoaa having; rlaiiua or Uetaatidi will pretent tbia pm.n1y nuilirDtirtt (.rMt t letiu-n t. JlAliM A -S K U W L f : S . Octoher 22 6t:tdt Adminitrat A 1HMM HATOH'jpI tmt I'-. Notw, it herel-y gi' rn fhal leltrrnof n'lininintrBljoi on tha Mile of WM. H AltTI.i:H"bK, M late of Hrll townehiBt, I- ruriis lri c-r-nnty, JV. bir- ing been aaiy grantta to the .ir'ttTiincl. alt frr-K-nii indrhtt-d lo mid rflale will pl-c mkr fiT-' meat, and thone havitif rlnimt or drinnp 1p mil prTM-nt them jiroterlT aiitheiitiratt-J for iwttlrirt aod alluwinre wirlMmt d Ihr. I.fVINA nAUTLKRODE, Aini'i, A!AM BUKT1I, Adm'r. OtroJ. Oct. bor I'J, tV6H-(.t. Important. T!IR follonlng aind pfrwn. lat fiffirt l rennylvi:ta B-tgimntf, (or thrir nc&rttt rviatiriw or kal rt-frowniJiti ve,) will Irani SOMETIUNa Ti Tiintn ADVANCE. Bt eallii.g vynn or a'l'trcint; J. 11. Kt' IEE, Attnrner at l aw, Ni. Slmrkct ftreet. Hamir harg, Pa. Thone wrltin,;. will plraf gire their nil. aiMrrri Dietr, John W. T,Aririe, J. O. Mliiwd, AIM. Vrrrii. Jfhn H. Ro, John H'W, AlTilK WAir Cti.rUti IT Chaoe, .?-Sn M. Hewitt. William lUrffhorn, W. K. In in. Kl. A. Irrin, J- hi Irwin. .John F. kratrrr. J. K. UVeet, Jainrf V. fnavll 7-t Democratic Almanac. rillUS inv!ufttt!e puMi-ntion i f..r fntf at (be X pout iiffi'T. Jt fl.ouM b in (tie In ml of rtn lau.Oiirt. It coiitnin full eleriioti rt tarr fra every ctsjotr in tb I'inu 1 tiatri ; Wndtn. the namWr for lf'fi contnim ct-ainitMr h-t o( th aatnraof all the ic Pj.n'.-rni.jire!' d an. I mol't-l during I. nt ool ii p twtmiiiftratioii ; ami ttiat lor it eon tain the name- tf all thiwc civ iliai' tho wer litipriauiird daring the rau.e peiiinL Tore two liti, for ftitora rafornwe, are worth more thw the price of the p'jllt(.(.on. The numlnr fi r 1 f- 1 alro fall of v.iUiiiJilc Mftfirtiea. Any enf K-niiinf 60 ceta to tlie tt Mtwttr. will rec'-ive I'l rtan nail a capj for each yntr, Ire of .o-ttjge. jt -:tf sioxkv fs.vvi:i. K are eonitntlT rnr"hfintr frr easl in 11 ew York ami iK-toB Marketv.ail ktBd'tf Dry and Fancy tl.o-ia. hUlti. f.-tton a, BooU aad bh. Watchta, tSowmg Mm-timw. Cut lery, IT loiaiiitie ilooda, tc, Ac. Which we are ietuallT arltinc at an erace ffif of n k DUU.AK KIR i: K'll AliTU vxa Mlc Iheing atrirtly far ca-h, and owr tra-le Blurt larper than that el any other aiinilarrotivin.. ena hla na to gira better bargains than can he ohtaii rd of any other houe. Tin-: L.nn:s Are rrpre'aHr ini itcd to give an a trial. Send f' a l .TTufar and l.xctianc Lict. Our chili rrtci of arllirg i an follow : Trt we eend "0 patent m-h (ouutain and check d' Bering i0 dia. renl arlirka tn t o.dt tor a d Mr earh; 40forH: ni)forifi; InO forilH, tto. S" by mail. Ctinnu.Mit.na larger Lban thoee t rr hy any other firm, a.Tnrdin.1 to anc of ciut. Si" g!c fi.unlAin arj clirt-k, 10 c, nt. MhI. ntxt .Vr.. air nte wnnN .1. hi n iom i in Kt.t;irt itr.i I.r.i TMia. Hi i.d u a trial eiuh, and you will atr.i.i. ed(t- that you raisnot afl'trd to bay g'-od of ai. other hiao tUfrt-ati.r. EASTMAN w KKNT'Al.I. anplS 6m 6 Hanover (jt., Honton, Xlai. NAT uTjK'SG it E A T "lftTOliKB 8 C II i: U TI'S Celebrated BUler Cordial. flniS medical preparation la now wffered te 1 the pahfit aa a reliable, ml -titute fr tfar many worthteas eomponndi which now flood the market. Il It purely Te citable, ooicpori ' tarinai herb, gathered from the great Mere home of nature, and clectt d with tha attaosi car. It ia not recommen.h'J aa a C en it All hut hy it direct and aaluiar Influenre nfoi the Heart, Lirrr, kidneys. Luiig. btoma-b mi Bowela.it acta both aa a prerentii e and core for man of the dineaief to wMh thoe rn' are rul-jrct It ia a reliable Family Med; ire. and eaa ba taken by cither infant or a full with tha ram benrtielal reaultt. It ii a ceriii. prompt and rperdy remedy for Uiarrhn-a, l'y entary, Poael complaint, IyKpt-prii. Lownrw of hpirita, Paintings Sickhcadache, d-c fct Chill and f.verroi all kinda.lt it far beta rand afer than any quicoa, without any cf itn pfr aiciour efloeta. Il createa aa a petite, pree powerful digeater.ad will eunteract the efle of lionet In a few minntee. Preare.l br J ,,,ltl .HCHKFTZ, Mola rrt-nrietor. N. W. wr. fift and Kara atrceU I'hiladdphia, l'a. an I'mgciata. inoTU-" l'hiladriiihla& Eric Itailroad. M' MM Kit TIME TABI.K. Tkrourk aad ilirert eonl kelweew rhiladetplia. Ualliaaora, Harrlshare;, llllsnir.ort, an.) Ui Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. KliEGAXT SLEKTIXG CAKS 0a all Xiglit Trains, ON aril after WPSlvtY. Fi"TT M. IfM. i traine on the Thilailrlphia A Erie keafl will ra ta M'nwe t eslM-arel. Mall Trai I. area Phllede hia 1- s1' f- I'o do... .PI. Marj'e I.tJ r -' Ho arrive at Krie t P. Erie Riprees leaves l'hilerlol hia.....l I :,0eore. no ... do sst. nlerj e J .v A 1 arrlr. .1 Krie .5A.- r.a.tw.rel. Mall Trai leaves Krie l b Ia slo..,K. Marv's 4 P. P arrive al l-hiladeli-ai.... TMA l- Irl Bipre learet Krie I P- I da 81 Marv's....... 1 " Ilo arrive al 1'ailadelr.ai-.... ' " " Mail and Ki-ress eooneel with nil Crert and Allertirny Kiver Bail HoeH R(rre ehrrked Ihroajt. ALKKKt) 1.. TVI.BH. Qaneral rtareriateassVi ' l" Pi-, rrnita ika Jail. 4