ii" ll.KA KF1 KI.I, Ia. TnVRsnAT MORMMl Kov. I. tM TKI.L MU, H WIt;Kl "vIM. Tell me, y winged Thai roead my pmlfcwmy root, Do yoa act kaow ipol K bm mortell weep M Mora I Point tJIT ' " " Where, fn from toil and pain, The wearr eoul may rut f Tbt loud wind eoflened 10 wbirper low, And tighed for pity ae II eaiwered "No I" Toll me, thoa mighty deep, Whooe billow) round mr pl7, Kuow'tt thoa totol favored tpot. Bubo Ulead far away, Wbera weary naa ma; tnd The blial for which be tight? Where aorrow nam live, And friee'tbip never dice f Tba laud waroa rolled In perpetual low, Slop pad for awbila and aniwered "Jio I" And thou, aeronaut moon, That witb loch holy faoa Doit eleep in night etabraeo Tell ma in all thy roand Bait thoa not aean noma rpol Whirl mlaarabla man May tnd a happier kiif Behind a etoad tba moon withdrew in woe, And a tweet vole, bat and, responded "No !" Tell me, my leerel eoul, 0 ! tell ma Bopa and Faith la there no retting pleoe From borrow, aia and death 1 la there no happy apot Whore mortall may he bleat? Where grief may find a calm, And weeriaeu a reat T Palth, Hope and Lore, beat boona to mortal given, Waved their bright ertnga, and whiapered "Tea, la in A DILEMMA. A young parson of tbe Universalis! faith, somo years since, started west ward to attend a convention of his brotbren in the failb. Be took tbe precaution to carry a vial of Cayenne in his pocket to sprinklo his food witb as a preventive to fever and ague Tho convention mot, and at dinner a tall hosier observed the parson as he seasoned his meat, and addressed hjra tbns : "Stranger, I'll thank you for a lee tle of that 'ere rod salt, for I am kind ' curious to try it." "Certainly," replied theparson,"bnt yon will find it very powerful; be careful how you use it." Tho hoosier took the profTored vial, and feeling himself proof against tbe quality of raw whisky, thought that he could stand tbe "red salt" with impunity, and accordingly sprinkled junk of beef rather bountifully with it, and forthwith introduced it into his capacious mouth. It soon began to take hold. lie shut his eyes, and his features began to writho, denoting a very nnharmonious condition physi cally. Finally ho could stand it no longer. lie opened his mouth and screamed ore. "Take a drink of cold water from the jug," said tbe parson. "Will that put it out P asked the martyr, suiting the action to the word In short time the anfortunate man began to recover, and turning to the parson, his eyes swimming in water, exclaimed : "Stranger, yon call your- eit a arselist, I believo T" "1 do," mildly answered tba parson "Wal, I want to know if you think it is consistent with yonr belief to go about with hell fire in your breechos pocket 7" Mothers. Each mother Is a histo rian. Sh writes not the history of empires or or Nations, npon paper, tut writes her own history npon the imperishable mind of hor child. That history each mother shall meet Benin and read again with eternal joy, or onutterablo grief, in the coming agos oi ewrnny. xhis thought should weigh upon the mind of every moth- r, and render her deeply circumspect, ana prayertul.and faithful, in her sol. emn work of training up her children for Heaven and Immortality. The minds of childron are very susceptible and easily impressed. A word, a look, a irown, may engrave an impression on the mind of a child, which no lapse oi urao can efface or wash out You walk along the sea shore when th tide is out, and yon form characters, or write words, or names, in the white, mooth sand, which is spread out so clear and beautiful at your feet ac cording as your fancy may dictate, um iue returning tido shall, in a few hours, wash out and efface all yon have written. Rot so, the lines and characters of truth or error, which your conduct imprinU on the mind of your child. There you write imnrea. eions, tbe everlasting good or ill of your child, which noither floods, nor the storms of earth can wash out, nor Death's cold fingers erase, nor the wow, moving ages of Eternity oblite rate. IIow careful, thon, should each mother be in tbe treatment of her child 1 How prayerful, and how sen one, and how earnest, to write tbe Eternal Truth of God on his mind those troths which shall be bis puide nd teacher when her voice shall be silent in death. A moustache spoon is said to be one of the latest Yankee inventions, the object being to provide a spoon by means of which soup, medicine, etc., way be carried to the mouth without liability of being spilled or of oiling the moustache. Theinvention connate in a movable cover so com- oinea wita the bowl of the spoon that J inny iTgrrr ana aMaiA. . I T WS rreater nnrfinn it also consists in the combination of a lever and spring with the spoon and the cover, so that the latter may be readily tlcd or opened. This is a merciful invention for slovenly dan- A wag, in describing the effect of a certain would-be-tradian's stylo, on particnlar occasion, said : "It caused the hair to stand on .very bald liead U the rast assembly." A PCTECTIT1VS EXTERlENCr.. "It ws just ror the war," Mid the detective, "that a queer triik was played me by a young fellow accsuisl of forgery." "How was it r It me hear the story." "Tho chief called me Into tho office one morning, and told me that a check for one thousand dollars bad been drawn by the confidential clerk of a well-known commercial house, and had boon cashed at the bank whore their funds wore deposited. It was a forgory, and the clork had left as soon as tho money was obtained. Hie name was Henry Harding; his pa rents lived in one of the interior par ishes, and it was supposed be had gone there before sotting out else where. I could only loam that he was young and of effeminate nppenr ance. I was soon on my way. I had found out whero the family of young Harding lived, and I hoped to reach tbe houBe before night, but in this I was dixappolntod. Long before dark, clouds began to form along the verge of the horizon, and climb rapid ly to the cenith. Tbe thunder and lightning came at intervals, and I was soon assured that one of those semi tropic storms, which are so frequent in tho summer, would, ere long, burst npon me in its fury. "I bad proceeded but a little dis tance when I saw before me a wood man's hut I got into this as soon as possible. I had hardly got comfort bly sheltered before a gentleman and lady dashed np to the door and dis mounted. Like myself, thoy were seeking shelter from tho storm. The man was middlo aged, and exhibited in his person the strong athletic frame, the opon brow, and genial face of the Southern planter ; but there was in his countenauce now a touch of sad ness, a seemingly equisite sense of sorrow. His companion was a young girl of exquisite beauty, with dark, soulful eyes, and hair black as night She looked, iodood, a daughter of the tropica, and the tall, splendid form was regal in its majesty. She was such a woman as a man could wish to live for, and if need be, to die for. They wore both in traveling costume, and from their conversation I judged they wero fathor and daughter, just Betting out on a journey, and ondoav oring to reach the river in time for an np going steamor. Shortly after their arrival a negro boy drove np witb a cait containing trunks. On one of those was the name of "Mrs. Harding, La." My resolution was taken on tbe instant I would follow these people. I took passage on the same steamer. 1 would not lose sight of tbe girl. I was satisfied she was going to her brothor. I insinuated myself into her presence, and at last got into conver sation. I was one-half in lovo with her already; before we reached St. Louis, I was wholly so. I learned that she was going to New York for some object she did not reveal. I im agined I knew what the object was; but it bad become of secondary im portance now, for I was deeply in love. "At last we reached New York. I could contain myself no longor. I sought an opportunity and told her of my love told my namo, occupation and present object ; I revealed every thing ; I only asked to share her affec tions. Sbe seemed greatly agitated and asked that I would leave bcr an til the noxt day. This was in tho forenoon, and the next day 1 called lor my answer. The servant who answered my summons informed me that the young lady had loft the eve ning previous on a steamer lor the West Indies; but she bad left a nolo. I tore open the letter cagorly. It contained these words : a. CI V. - aia ror your proierence I am much obliged, but the laws forbid gen tlomon marrying each other. By tbe time this reaches you, I will be on board the West India stoamer. Good bye. Henry Habdinq." JCew Orleans Picayune. Marriage asd Hxaiii. Why Is it fiat the marriage announcements are immediately followed by obituary no li cos in our own papers 1 Hoes dealh follow so close on the foolstons of marriage J ig griof the page that carries tho train of happineMf Does the tomb open wide its dark and pon dorous jaws beside the nuptial couch T Tie tbe plan of life. The gleeful songs of light and merry hearts to day, to-morrow will turn to funeral chants, and sobbing and lamentation be heard instead of glad, pealing laughter. We read today of our friend's marriage, and wish them joy; to-morrow we see tooir deaths record ed, and say "poace to their ashes." Our rocrriost songs are timed by foot falls of death, and the "bilver chord" is as fragile as a spidors thread, and the "golden bowl" is more brittle than glass. "Who's there V said Jenkins, one oold winter night, disturbed in his repose by some one knocking at the stroet door. "A friend," was tho an swer. "What do you want'" "I want to stay here all night." "Queer taste, un t It T But stay there by all moans," was tbe benevolont reply. J'Oronw low, the noted itinerant rrc,L'or. 0nc9 '1 of a grasping, BTari(!1i avaricious farmer that if he had tbe wholo world enclosed in a single field ho would not bo content without a patch of ground outside for potatoes. tow is dead, but tho farmer" still lives. "avoncious Dean Swift, bearing of a carpenter falling through the scaffolding of a house which he was engaged in re pairing, drily remarked, that be liked to see a mechanio go through bis work promptly. THE LOVE OF THE BEAUTlFuL. rise a yonii(C girl under the rare of kind hcsrU'd, graceful woman, and r.he unoonsclnnaly to hemelf grows In to a graceful laity. Hr.ee a buy In the OHtaliliahmeiit of a thorough-going, straight-forward business man, and the boy becomes a so'.f-rcliant, practical business man. Children are susceptible creaturos, and circumstan ces, scenes and actions always impross them. As you influence tliom, not by arbitrary rules, not by stern example alono, but in tho thousand other ways thai spoak through beautiful forms, through bright scenes, soft utterances and pretty pictures, so thoy will grow Toaeh your childron then to lovo the boautiftil. (live them a corner in the garden flowers; encourage them to put in shape tho bringing baskets, al low them to have thoir favorito trees, load them to wander in the prettiest woodlets, show them where thoy can best view tho sunsets, rouse tbom in the morning, not with the stern "time to go to work," but with tho enthusi astic "see the beautiful sunrise ;" buy for them pretty pictures and encour age thorn to decorate thoir rooms each in his or her childish way. lho in stinct is in them. Allow them tbe the privilege and they will make your home beautiful. Tkn Guineas Worth or Apvici. The following anecdote is told of the celebrated Henry Fielding : Ihe son of one Boai do Paba, a celebrated Jow, was on tho point of marrying a Christian lady. His futhcr made no objection to the intended wifo's rcli gion, but was greatly dissatisfied with the match on account of her small fortune ; in consequence of which he rufuBod his consent. Tbe son, who was desperately in love, threatened ho would marry her wilhout bis con sent, and the father, in his turn, tbreatcued that ho would not give him a shilling. The young Jew answered that he would force him to do it; and that if he refused dividing his lub- stanco with him, he would get himself baptised to enjoy the benefit of the English law, which (thon) assigned to a Jew child becoming a Christian, the half of the father's property. Uoaa, confounded at this answer, went to consult Fielding, to know if such a law really existed. Fielding told bun that it did exist, and was in full force; but added, if be would give him ten guineas he would put him in a way of frustrating his son's hopes, so that be should not be able to got a farth ing. Boas instantly put down ten guineas. Fielding, having pocketed the money, told him that his only remody twas to "turn Christian him self." A Live Country. Tho Chinamen, who walk over bridges built two thou sand years ago, who cultivated the cotton plant centuries before this country was heard of, and who fed silk worms before King Solomon built his throne, have 50,000 square miles around Shanghao, which are called the Garden of China, and which bave been tilled by counlloss generations. Tbe area is as large as New York and Pennsylvania combined, and is all meadow land raised, but a few feet above tho river lakes, rivers, canals, a complolo net-work of water com munication ; tho land under the high est tilth ; three crops a year harvested; population so donso that, wherever you look, you sco men and women in blue pants and blouse so numerous that you fancy that a fair or muster is coming off and all hands have turned out for a holiday. When four woodlartis are allowed to do all tho singing in the forest, and four soraphs all the singing of heaven, theocsn our churches afford to depend for singing upon four persons who stand in the loft, with thoir throats yet sore from singing at tbe opera: "We'll ealrh the Sm We'll oatoh the Sot We'll ealoh the See-ting hoar." "Pity oar K1 Pity ear H Pity ear pol-lated eoale." "Ile'U take the pU He'll take tbe pil He'll take the pil-grlm home." "With reference let the aalnta appear. And bow o ow before tbe Lord." "0i or Tin Boys." A youngster came home after having a glorious time in the puddles, his face all aglow, and his rubber boots full of water. Tbe punishment of staying in the bouse for th remainder of tho day did not seem vory hard at first; but as bis little heart warmed op with the recollection of tho triumphs of tho morning when he had waded deepor than any of his playmates dared to, ho could bear the restraint no longer, and wont to his mothor. savinir: "i'leaso, mother, whip me, and lot me go out again V A cockney inquired nt the postoffic tho other day for a letter for "Enery Uogdon." Ho was told there was none. "Look ere," ho replied, a little angrily, "you've hoxnniincd hodd cttcr for my name. It don't com monco with a haith 1 It bcirins with hoi Look bin the 'olo that's cot me bo si 'ibo roht-mBstor found tho lottor. Women havo a much nicer sonso of tho beautiful than mon. Tbev are, by lar, tbe safer umpires in tho matters of proprioty and grace. A more school-girl will bo thinking and wri ting about the beauty of birds and flowors.whilo her brother Is robbing the nosts and destroying the flowers. A lady in Baltimore has sent the Secrotary of the Treasury two cents, telling him the compound interest on t In a thousand years will pay the national debt, and save tbe country from the crim of repudiation. lioorL uirs ccrmax bihees e llooflrtnd's CfTinnn Tonlr, Th Orael RadlH for all THeretoa f th Liter, Sionarb, er l'ljutna Oiiaaa, IJooilund'B Ot-rninu Hitters It tompnttd of the pore Jalret (or, as thty art medicinally termed, - w- Ritrarte) of mole, berbe. and barki. II preparatioa kibly concentrated a d entirely "free from alrokollt admlltare ef any kind" Ilooilnnd's German. Tonic It a eombinatioa of all Iba Ingredlenti af tbt llittera. wilb the purest qaalily of banta Oral Hum, Orenie, Ae , mailing one of the moot alee east and agreeable reaediee ever offered lo Ihe public Thoee preferring a medieiae fraa from aleoholie admixture, will ute Ilooilnnd's German Bitters. Thoee who have no ab)eetloa to the eomblav lion of tba llittera at Haled, will aia Jloofiand's German Tonic. They are both equally good, and eon tain the tame medicinal virtaet, tbe eboiee between tae two beint; a mere matter of tatte, the Toniebjmg tba moit palatable. Tbe ttomeeb, from a variety of eeuiet, audi ai Indigeetion, Dyipeptia, Nerroua Ilibility, aia, la vrv apt to baee -v lla fuaetlone derang ed, tbe Liter, tym I 1 pathiaing at aloeely at it doaa with the Stomach, thaa be oomea eSectcd, the ratnlt of which it that Iba patient tnBtra from aereral or more of the fol lowing dieeaeaa : Conetipatloa, Flatulence, Inward PI let, PallatM f illood to tbe Head, Aeidity of the Stom aob, Naaeea, Heart Barn, Ditgutt for food, Vullneeo or Weight in th btomeob, boar fcreptione,8iok lag or Fluttering at the pit af the blomaoh, Swim ming of the Head, 11 a rr lad or IhlBealt braathlag, tailoring af the Heart, Choking er 8af foeating aenaatioat whea la a lying poetaro, Dlmneea of ettiaa, dolt or webe before the eyet, dall pain la the bead.deteieaoy of per tpiratioa, yellewneae of tbe akin aad eyee. Pain la tbe aide, back, cheat, llmba, etc., aaddea flatbee of beat, burning fleeb, oeattaat imagining! of evil and great depreaeioa of tplrita. The rufferer from theae diieaaea thould tier- elee the greateit eaalioa IB tbe eeleoetloa el a remody for fait aata, , pareheoing only tbat which he ia ajtnred I I from fait iafeatiga- tloaa and tnquirlee poereeeee trae merit, le akillfolly aomponadod, te tree from Injarioa ingrediente, and baa ecubliabed for llaelf repuutioefor tbeeureof Ibeeedieeaeea. Ia Ifaie eonaeetioa wo would aabmit thoee well kaowa remediee Iloofland's German Bitters, Iloofland's German Tonic, Prepared by Dr. O. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Ti Twenty-two yeart tlnet they were irtt Intro duced Inl tale eouatry from Uermany, durln which time tbey haee andonbtedly performed mora earea, and beneated auflering hamaaity te a greater client, loan any otbar remeuiea known lo tba pablie. Thete retaediea will effeeteally eare Liter Complaint, J aundloa, -y Iiytpepela. Chroaie or h'ertoat Dtbillty, i Ck r aai e Dierrhosa, DUeaeee of the Kid aere.aadallditeeaee aeiaiag from a DiaorderaA Liter, Stomach, or lateeunea. Debility, Retailing from any came whaUrer I Prottratlon of the tyitem Induced by latere Labor, Ilardthipa, Eipoaara, Fetera, Ac, Aa. There la aa medicine extant equal te thoee lemediee la each eaaea. A toaa aad tiror la imparted to tbe whole tyitem, tbe appetite la atreogtbened, food la enjoyed, tbe itomacb dl getta promptly, tbe aleoa te pariDed, tbe aoi piealoa beoomea aoand aad healthy, the yellow tinge ia eradicated from tho eyea, a bloom U git ea to the ebeeka, aad the weak and aerroui tatalia aenomea a atmng and healthy beiag. Persona Advanced in Life, and feeling the band of lima weighing heavily apoa them, with ell ile attendant ilia, will Slid tbe ate or tbete mttere or tbe Toole, an elili that will Intlil new life into their toiaa, rettore ia a moatura the energy and ardor of more youthful dayt, build up thtir abrunkea fori aad give health aad bappioaei lo their remaining yeere. Notice. It la a well ettabliihtd fact that felly ene half of tbe female po rtioa of our popula tion are cctriom In the I enjoyment ef good health, or.to nee tbier --d own einrcMloa, they "neeer feel well." They are languid, drM ef all energy, extremely nerroaa, and bate ao ap petite. To tbla elate of pertoni the Bitten, or the ionic, ta erpeeiatly recommended. Weak and Delicate Children are made ttroag by the ate of either of thete remediee. Tbey wiileareeTeryaaaeofaMratmae without fell. Thouaaada of eortifleatea hate aeeamolaled in the baadt of the proprietor, bat tpeoe will allow of Ihe publication of bat a few. thoee, it will be ohtrrred, are mea of aote, aad af each Heading tool taey meat be believed. Testimonials. Ho. George W. Woodward, Chief Juttlee of the supreme Coart of Poeaaylteaia, writei t Philadelphia, Pa., Maroh IS, IMS "Itad Boon.nan'i . tlaaaal Bittbbb U a good Ionia, aeefal la dieeeeeeef tbe digeet ite argaaa, aad of great benett la eaeoo ef debility and wael af aerroui aetioa ia tbe lyileax. loan, truly, tiao. w. Wooowinn." Bon. Jamaa Thompaoa, Jadgeof the Supremr uourt 01 renncyirnma, wruee. -rbiladelt bia, April IS, 1SS8. I eoneidrr Ilooflaad't Utrmao Biuereatala able medieine In eaee of Iadigeitioa or Dyrpoa. MYoura, with retpeet, Jaau TaoMrtea.1' From Ret. Jotrpb P. Konoard. D. D Pattor of the Tenth lianllit Chnroh, I'hlladalnhiai Dr. Jacatoa Iear Sin I bate been frequent, ly requeeted to ooaaeet ar aame with reoom. endatlona of dinerent kmdl of medicibel. but regarding Iba prae tiooaa aal of my ap. aropriate tpntre, l rj bate la all earn do clinedi hut with a ' clear nroe f in tarioaa iattancoe, aad partiealarly la my owa family, of me atelaineee ol Dr. Hoofland a Uermaa Kitten. I depart for eace from mr ataal aoorae, to ex- preei my full eoatlctioa that for general debility oi uie eyviem, ana eepocially lur Liter Com plaint, it la a aafe and valuable nreoaratlea. In oome eaooe it may fail, but aiuallv. I doubt aot. ii win do very oeaeneiui to tatte who inner Irom tba above aaata. ieara, very retpeclully, J. 1). KaaiuaD. Eighth, below Coatai Street. Prom Rev. B. D. Pendall, Editor of Chriitlee "Chronicle," Philadelphia: I have derived decided benefit from tbt ne of IIiMiftand a Herman Itinera, and fctl It mv nr'vl lege to recommend them aa a moit valuable toaie lo nil who are euflrring from genera) debility ar from diieaeea ariilng from derangement of the uver. loan, traiy, a. u. ritbiu. Caution. Hoollend'i Gormen Bitten art eonnUrfeited See that the eigna lure of C. M. JACK SON ii on tbe wrap I I per of each bottle. All othera are ooun forfeit. Principal Oflce and Maaafaclnry, al the llerraea Hrdioal Store, bo. Sit Arab otreel, Philadelphia, Pa. CHAR IKS M. EVANS, Proprietor. (Formerly C. hi. J action A Ca.) Price. HooSaad'a Germaa Bittert, per bottle. tl OS " "nor dotea 1 OA Hootlande German Tonto, put ap ia quart vwmee, pvr BOIlie ,,, an Or a half doaea for f el xMr-fe aot forget la axamiae well the article yoa boy, ia order te get Ihe genalna. ray-For aala by all drgugliti and deolen la medirinee i.t j. LIVERY STABLE. TH R andcrtlgnod brrt leave to Inform the pob lie that be it now fully prepared to aonontiw. date all ia Uie wev of furni.hmg Horace, llutiica, Seddlee and iiarneea, on the aborleel nii,. and on raaeoliehlo tenne. Keeidunoeoa Looutt ttroet. between Third and Fourth. . . . "K"' ' "aRIIART. 7leareld, April 11, 17. QLQTIIIXG l-CI.OTUIXa.Tou ea get a Ff LI SUIT af Clelhei, (Coal, Taatt aa ViU.) far MO, at w. t. MArrrRf, Ijirdtrirf, llntrarf, fit. G. S. FIjEGAL, PEAIIR IN STOVES AD HOLLOW -MARE, and hiANi'fACTisrn or Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Phlllpebarg. Csntre caw, Pa., rpitK aaderilgnee) retpectfolly' aaaeuaoes to L the pablie Ibat he hae ea head a eare-fully-eelecied and wall aeeorted Hock of Staves. Hit variety eonitiU of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have sever failed to give perfect eatiifae lion lo the moit faetldioue af ila parcbeeoro, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Bpaari' Aati-Daat, Niagara, Charm, lleiald. ate., with every variety af tba belt Pltubarg Maaufaetar. fc.Tke Tla tad Sheet I roe ware glvaa with the ritovoa la made of the hearten aad beat material, and warranted to gita perfect aatie faotioo. Ill lock af PARLOR AND HE ATI NO 8T0VE3 la larger, better and cheaper thaa aver before exhibited ta the pablie. lie delta aempotitioa either la variety, a,ealuy er price. Be Ii alaa prepared ta faraiah a eemplele aaaortnwat of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, Wholeeale or retail, mabafaetured n tally aad with the eole view la aerviee, from the beat ma larial ia the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS. A COPPER, BRASS iun naxiLIS, 0f (very deeerlptloa eootUntly at haai. LIOUTNINO RODS, Baaerior point, put ap aa ihort aotlee. Tbe Poial he ofera ta the nubile it Iba tame aa la bow weed by the Peaoiylrenia Railroad Ce, aa ueir ouuaiaga. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, .ROOKING aaa oiner work belonging le kit haalaeaa will ha promptly Hied by eiperieaeed aad ikUllal woramea. BRASS, COrPEB AND OLD METTLE Takes la exchange for gooda. He eepeciaily Invito th attention af iuercueaie witning t parcbaae at wboleaale, at tbey will Ind it to their advantage lo examiae aie aieca otiore pareoaaiog elite bare.' U, S. FLBOAL. raiiipinarg, Aug. s, 18(1. JyllUT MERRELL & BIGLER, DIaVUIM is II AItl W AltE, Alto, Manufacturer! af Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEAirilLD, PA. LOT OK SADDLES, BRIDLES, Derate a, Collar, ate., for aal by MERRELL A BIGLER. pALMKU'8 1'ATOT UNLOAD. lag Bay Fork, for sal by MERRELL I BIGLER. QIL, 1'AIMT, PUTTY, GLASS, Raili, tto, for aal by MERRELL A BIGLER. jp KSIiSS TBIMHIXG3 4 SUOE Fladiega, for lale by MERRELL A BIGLER. QUS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For aala by MERRELL A fiiULEK. gTOVES, OF.4LL SORTS AND Eiiti, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. JROM IRON I IRON 1 IRON! For tali by MERRELL A BIGLER. JJORSB SHOES A IIORSB SHOE MAILS, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES 'And belt Manufacture, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER- 'pilIMBLE SKEINS ANiTplTE BOXES, for aala by MERRELL A BIGLER. RODDER CUTTERS for salo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS I SAWS! ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I 7 REfOLi'TlO.V F. A'A-n-isr EMERSON'S PATENT PKllFORARATID Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL OUMNINO AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swaee, For Spreading. Sbam.nlnr. aad Rh.ni.. jeeta el ail Splitting Saw. . ; 1 a VaVSend for a Deocriptlve Circular and PrtM uk MKkRKLL A Hint i n JanH-tf Central Agent Clearteld, Pa CLEARFIELD BAKERY. Market Street, Clearteld, Pa, resh Brrnd, Takes, RoUs &t DAILY. ALSO, FULL STOCK OF CANDIES, And all kladi of Confectloneriea. ?" " 3- A. STADLKR. The Liqhlnina Tamer. rpilR endertltned an iba tola Ageala la thli Ll,nTr"ir,lLffru""."Ii,rtk " Oatvaalitd UiJHTMhil Rolls." ThMlh...lf, roaa now ia aia. and .r. .a.a i.. -,1 flentite mea la lb country. bat we will ei . T in7 1 f "i" eoenty il put (hem ap a better rod. aad for leei rnoniT, ney, thaa ia charred be Lb. r... egeau who annually trav.ree the bounty aad earry off . ,M ' I'.N COURAGE HOME LABOR. Thaa wiahina Llbil bj. their bulldinat need bul aTTl.TT. T" S7' them ap';.rk'.r. In the county, and warraat them, Tbe hode aad ....... .aa ae lea a at any time by celling at oarelore. MEIlRlil.L Llni.aS CltKjila, Jiajt U, JMI tf jPrji tnotirJi, tr.roffrto, ftf. Xcw Store In Malsonburg! la the roam formerly eacaptrd by P. T. Hegarty. L. M. COUTRIET rpAKFfl thlt oifthnd nf .'f-rmln(t Ittr MUmii X of rutin )( Kftrihui, Uirmrd nd lb tur iMurifiinf eomttr.T, that bf . jut opn4 ffp dark of ei'MMKK UOOPH, Mth bf It Jtrr to tfll TKN PKK CKNT ( 1IKAPKR lhn th mow tuftlitjr of Uoodt en b pmreht-4 fnr in mny ulhr itor it lb Btbborboi. llii tlock eoniiiU of Dry Goods of all kinds, riucb aa Batinetta, Catiimerei, Mailina, Dtlaiaet, Linen, Irillingi, Calieoea, Trimming!, lliboeui, Laoe, READY-MADE CLOTniNO, BOOTS A B11UE3, 11 ATS A CATS, GEOCEELES OF ALL ZINDS. Coffee, Tea, Hngar, Rice, Molanici, Fiih, Salt, Lineeed Oil, Fieh Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Caetiogi, Plowi and Plow Caatingt, Kaili, apikel, uorn uuiiivatora, cider rretiee, and all klnda of Axee. Valy Plowi are of the Carwentvllle aad Centre euunty eaake, aad are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, PwrrfVMvry, Paints. Ynilih, Olftu, nd feMral GOOD FLOUR, Of different braadl, alwayi on haod, and will be old u tao rewwal poaeible bgaro. unions, Bach a BRANDY, WINS, Ol.f A WHISKY Mint poundl of Wool wanted for which the bigbeet pnoe will be paid. V-Ce!l aad tee for yoaraelvea. Toa will Sad everything ureal ly kept ia a retail iter. L. M. COUTRIET. Prenehville P. 0., Jan 1H, 18t)-m :pd. GREAT FENIAN RAID Philadelphia in an Uproar. TIIA D. STETENS f RIGIITENED Smith Found Alive I XTOTCaptJi.be Smith, a or P tilth the Bx i.1 plorer, batW. KM 1 f H BAN KhY, wbe baa juei return eo tram rhiledelpbla witb a aew and well eeleeted etoek of SPRING aad HUMMER a part of which ar Dry Goods I Dress Goods MEN AND ROTS' READY-MADE CLOTHING nOOTS AM) BllOlJt, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, Ac, 4c ALIO Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molaases, Salt, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Spices, Crackers and Vinegar, At hii Here I mile tail ef Kartheua.fClaarSald aoaaty, Pa.,)all of which he it celling al reduced rv no aiao aeepe eonelantly oa bead I good enpply of LIQUORS Old Rye, Brandy Uia aad Wine and all af th hail braada. Hlgbeet merket price paid for all kind af mviiai rnuuuLK. Th public ar tollelted U glv him a ealL no oaarge auaa lor tbowlag goodt. t W. SMITH BANKET. Earth ant Tp., Jaat II, lStlldm-pd w. vue arc... ..a. a. vaoarao TEN EYCK & THOMPSON t. L liiVENb VILLK, PA. n AVISO Jmt received from New Tork one of th largeet aad boat aeleeud itocka of uouoi, wt are aow ready at oger the lame to oar old eaitamera. (la whom wa retara tbanki for P" lavora,, aad in eitiuni of thi maty oca arally, at Prices that will Render Satisfaction Give at a oaJI be fere parehaeiag elre.h.re, ead ma e u iv per ecol oa year goodt Oar Hock aoaiiili eta great variety, nek aa DRYGOODS, NOTIONS CLOTHING, GROCBRIKg, HARDWARE, QUEEXSH'ARE, PAINTS, OILS, arnublt, tKUIT OK ALL kIKIrM, Plih, Rati, Leather, Pbee Pladlngi, BOOTS and onuao teawiera aa noma made) ia groat va- wV.fi'.o ? teoaoea agaraa TIAWARB, vva, ov ao. TEN KTCK i THOMPSON. Baing re aaaoclated H. B. Thompaoa with me ia tbe abate trade. I deaira all i. debted to me, by Note or Book account, to call aad will th aam without delay. Curweaivillt, May, t, UM-tf. NEW NT Oil 11 Car. Second 61 and Hill Road. R. mitciTell HAS Jaat received aad opened, at Ibo abov named place, an entire new tloek of M'M- nr.iv UV"UO, wnica nt will tell VERY CHEAP VACU. un iiocx oottlllt Of Dry fiioods Orooerlcrs HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Boat and Phoee, Hati and Cape, Reedy-Medt v ww. nc aj, aeeipa oboioa FLO UR, i'ORS MEAL, FEED, Chop, Baron. Finh, and lrifd Ptreoni dcilrcui nf purchaiing gnodi al fail rate are reepectfully requeued to give him a call. .App'vTwi conntf- prodaco w ftt Ihe hijrlif-l priwd, in nrhur for Clt-rtld, Juno 18, iRflS-tf i will be taken, tor goodt. JEW STOKE AND NEW GOOD S JOS. SHAW & SON U juat openH a Niw Sriha, onldain8t..CnriiLD, Ti., lately occupied by Wro. P IRWIN. Their itoclt eonaitt of corner c3acDciDrE)23 1 Gkocitiu of th boat quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, nd ry article necwaary for on' comfort. Call and examine our Hoc It before jiur- cliMiD el ei where. May 9, 1800-lf. Clearfield Nurserv. ENCOUBAGE HOME INDUSTRY. rpilB aadtrtigned, having eatahliehed . w. rf VS" Ihi'rik' !' hetwecb Clearteld aad Carwenivllla. ia ... aiib all kl.0. ,f PRIIIT TRKrA, (.Ta.d.rd and warf.) Brergreeaa, Bhrabbery, Grape Viaea """"le-. tawto. Blackberry, Strawberry, bd Raaberry Viae. Alto, Biberiaa Crab Treea, yulnee, and early acarlel Rhubarb, Aa. Oideri promptly tteadd to. Addreee, d. I. WRIOnT. p le y CrwaeviU, Pa Crape Vines for Sale. A r.l!"1 "Helle. 6f (rlt q.J- -''' R0 PrTTIXOS. tl H per Fndt C0.1CORD VJSt only 1 cent.. K dere eollnltad ae aooa aa eonvenlwl. and tiled la rotatloB. hy . yj. HILi i cirjid, f.f AuarM ,, AS AX Af KBIXltT. Thee Ii a medMna ae much I favor Mh Ihcee be are aeoaalaied altb their artlca ae ttr.eb'e Blood Pllll i tbey are eafe. pieoteat en mil le their operation, aad are purely vegetable t can be lakea by eblldrea aa well a adalu try lb em. SLEEPLESS SIGHTS. Al remedy t loelht ell aervoal excltemeat. aad ia lla Irueel eeme, a nervine, there la, per- heni. aa medieiae Client which il received w lib to much favor ae Robert (Itomacb Bitter a wine flat! full aa going lo bed il ill that la re quired at prodao toaad aad health lul aleep. EEY8IPEIA8, Or, St. Aatboay' Fire, ana b moit effectually eradicated by the ate of Roback'a blood Parillar ia eenjeneUoa with Rotack'i Blood PUla. OFTEAXKIA. Or. Indamatloa af the Eyei, aot aafrequently ariaet from a dleardered etat f lb itomaoh ; a few doeee af Koback'i Blood Pilli will, ia moat aaeei, etlect a euro hy removing the aaaaa. KEEP TOUR BLOOD FUSE. Tbtrf r rmdtM, bow be fort tk -.mtllc to wtll Mlcnlfttetl lo parlfj th blod sn4 reoa Iraet fM to ipMh) tb wbol jitt m Kobsck't BlMd Psriltr, BImhI PUliaod Htouoh UitUr. LEtJCOKEHOEA, Or, WbiUi, wbieh follow loal dtbiHty nd ooti titatiottkl ekoM,et.B bo offotaU- etire4 by tbo m of hubwvek'i EiomMb Bit (on. Uo not lot tbt 4ni(t)(irt toll yom ny otbor roiaetljf, m lb oh Bittero mo proporod witb Ofpoeial rotor two to tbii ooapUintyu4ra warranud to euro. SAD TASTE la tbt mouth a th morning It an of tbt tymp toml of a billioai eonditioa or dieordered atat of the liver, and ahould aot, for a aingle day, be aeglected, ae it la hat tba premoaitorr ivmetom of a trala of ovila and the very edi of diaeaa. rroear at aac Koback Blood filli, admini. tar them aooordiag to tb direction! aecomnanr ing each box, aad the diBealiy aad danger al aiaeaea will at eaee ba removed. HOT A BEVEEAGE. Cnllke awl of th bitten of the proeoal day, Dr. Reback' are aot intended at a aleeeaal Umulatiag whitky beverage, bat are perfectly medicinal, eoaleiaing only eaBoient para hoar baa whiaky ta hold ia aelutioa the medicinal extractive matter from wbieh they are eompoecd A MISERABLE UTS Il that ef tbt dvirxeatia. Wbv m. bach'l Blood Partner aad Blood Pill, will eerely ... 7our irey oaa a btaiad from any AH OUHCK OP PEEVEHTITH Ii worth a poaod of cure. Fever aad Ague oaa ba protected la all elimatea and la all eeaotita tiona by tbe eooitant are of Robacb'i Kio..k Bittere, and ofttimea tbe vary wartt eaaea bar beta cured by their timely ate. Pertoni living i"M wietriow anoaia aever a wltaoat inem. POUHD I bal aner repeated triili af other remlu Roback't Btomach Bittara, Blood Partner aad Illood Pilli are the heel medieiae eitaal to "teaiee lor wbtoh they ar recom IHCIGE8TI0H Ii hut aaother aame for Dy.pep.ia, aad lb p. rvnt of many ill.. Roback'a btomaek B'.IUra take la wine alaa full doaea. dimiiv " -v.i, win aureiy elect a permanent ear. are aoi tax ear wor lor it, bal try them. WHO SELLS THEXt The Aetata for the aala or Unkkeh. mj Pilli, Stomach Bittere end Blood Punter ar nABi.-nit,. A tun IN, Clearteld, Pa. Hll DR. TAYLOR'S " OUVB IIRASCn niXTEItf,. A MILD and agreeable TON Ir STIMl'LAST. Sl.'Oierhie aad CARM1NAI1VB BITTERS, Extraclad wUrety fr,, HERBS and ROOTS. Highly bcuflcial ia DYSrErsiA, GEKERAL DEBILITY, AND LOSS OF ATrETITE; Aad aa excellent CORRECTIVE for peranna luniring rrwm Dleorden of the Bowel,, Platulenre, Ae. Sold Kvcrwhcro. r-epot-So. IIS MukH Street, Phil.d.lpkl,, Pa. Beale's EmbrocAtion, (LATE fOWUl5,,1) " far all dlaeatci iacldeal to H-ra CalU. aad Ilumaa Pleeh, repairing the ,m al aa nil mbraeatioa waa eileaaivele v. the 0.ve...ai during , Jtm.nh'V' lvi,l"J:l,,, Uw,t Clerleld. VtcffrSlJiinl & Vnnrif j,. I8RAEL TEST ATTflRNKY AT tlaarflHd. p.. r-0 la the Court It,, JOHN H. FULFORn ATTORNEY AT Law ' I leal held, p Onto with 1. B. Mrhnally, Kaa , w , lioaal beat. ' mar-Prow nt aiteatioa gitta ta i,, ef Bounty. Clelmt Ac, and le all ltt.i March , Ixtr iy. WALTER, BARRETT ATTtJHNKY AT l.w ODIe ea Btooad Bk, Clearteld, Pv i '.. A. W.I laoe. 1. Ulaka Walura. -t' WALUCE, BIOLEE & Tmi- ATTOKXKYS AT LAW ClMrBcIA, Pa. ' Legal baitaaii ef all kiadi ar,, aearlly aUeaded to. THOS. J. McCULLOUg ATTORNEY AT LAW. OSee adjoining th Bank, formtrli ata. J. U. AlcKaally, Beeead tu, C,rtT Will attend promptly to oiIIhiu, ef laadi, Ao, JOHN L. CUTTLE ATrORNEY AT LAW ' Aad Real Katale Ageut, Cleara.ii Ofiee aa Market It reel, eppctiie te, . aT-Hoepectfully olera kit tervieaik. -n .i eaoati.- aoaotieai ead withaaaxaneneeefih yeare aa a rarveyor, latter himHlf tkn rea.vt nmanuu. WM. M. McCULLOUG ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Oftoe ea Market atraet one door eajtcfit, r held County Bank. John II. Orvi. C. I. iiJ ORVIS &, ALEXANDE ATTORNEYS AT LA W BcllefaBte, Pa. ),;; DR. T. JEFFERSON B0Y PHYSICIAN AND SCIIGRjK Boeoiut Strait. Clearfield. P. 'fcutk-HaYTlnff porMioDtl; rooaud, W m bl fbroifiiiouAj Mrrieot to tuo eitiMtnofC Ma Timoitf, wna uo pubiio gattlj, i pruuepii" tvUMOed to, F. B. REED, M. D,, PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEjS ntBavIng removed to Williaitimti oner hil profetiioaai aerrieei la tat am we eamuaoiiag owuatry. DR. J. P. BURCHFIEL Late Burgeoa ef tbe Ud Reglmeat, Pilii. Volanteere, having returned frea U ffere hit profttaional aarvicei te tbioJ or Clearfield county. JeaTProfetiieaai oalll promptly attni. OBce aa Second etreet, formerly etci DENTAL PARTNERS!- Dr. A. 31. IIILLS, Deeirea to Inform fail palroM.u fin one generally. tr.at be ha aatocialti i a th practice ef leatiitry, s. r. SHAW, D. n. s, WboU a gradnaU of tb Philadelphia 1 College, and therefore baa lha bituwi menu oi proieetlenal IXUI. All w.,i tbt offlce I will bold myaalf periceaM bla lor being done ia the moat aaculnui. ear and bighoat order ef tbe arofoenoa. Aa eaubliahed practice of Iwenty-teii,. tbia place taabiaa me to apeak u aj k wiiu connaenoo. Engaaemcnla from a dittaaee abeeli b by letur a few dayt befer the pattnt t turning. iJune 4, 1 Hi S. J. HAYS SORGEOK DEXII Thompaoa Htrcet, Carwentvllle, r, Tttth extracted with tbe appliru local aamttbeii parauvaly wiuta All kiadi af UoataJ work don. vat li C. M. CADWALLADE CONVEYANCER A JUSTICE OF Tile I Ror Decatur Tp., Clearfield C VaVColleotiont promptly made aad left menu executed oa a hurt eat aetioa. Put addreee, I'bilipaburg, Pa. i J. BLAKE WALTERS aCKtVENER AND CONVEYiN Agent for the Paichatt and Salt ef Let :learrield. Pa. -Prompt aueatioa riven le al Vt connected with the teualv oBeel. Ott Hon. a. A. VV'aliaoa. ju LEVI F. IRWIN, JUSTICE OF THE PIA For Lawrence town ah in. Clearfield P. o., l leartield Ca, Ti Jtar-CollMtioa aad romiiiabtrt tr aad. SURVEYOR. fTlUE andertigned ofen hit errrieee e. ' X veyor, and may be loond at bit mien Lawrence townthi. LeUen will track l rooted to llearncld, Pa. may I II. JAMKS MITCH! DAVID YOUNG. STOXE-CUTTEIl AXD AIA P.O. Box 111, Clearfield, Pa. oT-Spariel altentiea naid to Dreteitc and buperinteailing Jo be. All kiadi ef V4 oone, in the moat workmanlike meaner, oliciied, and aoatracU taken in an) par ronnty. JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OK THE PEA Aad L-ioeaeed Cvyaaecr. Lathcnhurtr, Clearfield ea.. P eyColleellont and nsiii.uu a- made, aad all kind! of leeal i,ir...,i,.j vo eaort aoile. Ii DANIEL M. DOUGHER BARB EE & HAIR DRESS3 BICOND STREET, Jyi3 ClKASPIKMl, pi THOMAS H. FORC biitta in GENERAL MEIiCUANDIf ) CMAHAMTObJ, Pa. AIo, eitenrlee manufacturer and deelrr lr Timber aad Sawed Lamherof ell kin Aear-Orden eolioll.d and all bill, r tiled. j, aio. ai.ttnv wrvtv i,tT.. w. 4 W. ALBERT &. BROS Manufacturer! a eiten.ive lealrn t Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, nuUDLAMi, PE N A A- A0rdera eolielted. Bill, tiled ea tk" and reaeoaabla tenna. Ad drert Woodland P. O.. rirteld Ce Je'i lv w. AI.HHIT A I FRANCIS COUTRIET. MERCHANT. Frotravtlle, Clearfield Coaiit. Eeepa ontiantly oa hand a full '' I'ry Dooda, Hardware. Uroreriea. and ev aenallv kent In a relul it.in. wbirh a. II for oeth, aa cheap aa eltcwhere ia the oei rroneni ilia, Jane If, IMlMy. MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBEF OSCEOLA STEAM hi ILIA aaxrrtrrtnt LUMBER, LATH, AND TICK! H. II. BIlII.I.IXtirOBP. Pro 4 Offlc IWet Placa, No. i;j S. dth j JOHN LAWFII F, Kiiprrintet Jed'tJ Oacoola Alilll, CleartleUeo. REUBEN HACKMArt House and Sien Painter and r, Hanger, Clearfield, Pcna'a. VjravW ill etocute lob. ia bit line preal la a workmaatike manner. 1 C, KHATZER SO M S R CHANTS, itiLiu in Dry Goods, Cloth inc. HanM CalleTy, Qaeeaiwar. Grocerlci, rovliitrl Mimglee, Clearlled, PaaaWi. At Ihe eld td Piamt rlrtel A4a3v. (d. 3 "if??"'- MUK b "KM