Vlfllll.inf ?aihui. y VtTHING NEW IN SHAW'S ROW. 1 i:NK A STOltillTON, MERCHANT TAILORS f Market Mlrer-l, CliirBi M. !., nAYINO epea.d Ikekr Sew eetehlLhmenl U K,,a', Rew, aai doe Mil of the pn.l nOVe , tJM kaiiec J"1 retwroed from the eaitera dure ,fik letge enrlei.el of Clotbs, CiiF3imoroR, Vestinps, fe,,,rr,.aod ell hind, of llnod. for man and v,,,' erer, ere sow prepared to make up to .J.. ri.oTIIINH. from alncle artlc'e in a hill ,, the l;l.i and moat workmanlike ewrr.rr. rp-ei.. .. to enrtnni nd cnuitif ottt fir tnvt. tod bnri. W prrt barjriini to raitntncr, and waranf mtU' trtiun, A )ihrl fhare of puSIS e ir(iTiif i (ulioiled. Lull tuirl pco our roodi. ! M. A. FRANK. vir.ifjj!3 ? J1, L; sTorr.nTOX, """"" II. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Stor on door fftl of riorflld lltHiic,) ) HUrtet tetreet, Clearfield, p. - K KKP3 n bind a fall siortmM of flan.' furoWiinir Onodi, nrb Shirt. Linen UoolfB tiDdprshtri, lrwrs und Rot'lti. ,tk titi, Peolwt H(ikrobiolf Glorf. Hiti, Vvkrvilii, An., In groat Yarietjr. Of Pioc t,ord be k'P .hi ........ test Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," as Black Dooikin of tat very bait tnakat fKB?y CiMimtrs, in great variety, also, Kraacb CWUiDit- ilMvr. .'.tot, Chinchilla, and Frieott ornreunitaff. All of which will be aold oheap fur Cb, and mad up aeaording to tha latest atjr.ea fci aspritnrd workman. . . Uo, Airtnt fur Clearfield toanty for I, H. t ';-jer A L'o'i. lbratd Sewing Mnchines. .vtr. 1, MtJi-lT. U. iJKIDGS. ' jfurniturf. CLE AKFIELD FURNITURE ROOMS. ! Market Street, Wat of Fourth. JOHN THOfTMAX, Proprietor. THE nibacrlber net-a leare to eell the atten tiuo of the oititona of Clarfi)d and aur r .'Ji! J country to lb. hot that ha ia now Ttwri-J to faral.h, on abort notiea, G Mnetware of all Styles & Patterns Fojad for aithar Parlor, Diainf or Bed roomi. kjilli. tingla articla, or la oata to aait oar- tbiiirri ; Huraaua, Fofai, Loonf ea, JJat tt racka, Tablaa, btanda, .. Ao. I alao nanufaouira k fETIKKS DELOW CITT TRICES, faiiatinr of Parlor, Dinlnaroom, Cana, Kucking and othar Cbaira, fh'aik I propnia to warrant and aU ehaapar cMttan ba purchaaed alapwbira. Joat try oaa. f JOHN TnoiTMAN. Onrdtld, Fab. IT, 186T if CHEAP FURNITURE f JOIIX GULICH DtlRK3 to iofor hla old friendi an! oai tuner, tTiat baring enlarged bit ibop and nrraittd liii failiUt fwr manuiacturing, ba if t. : tTcymrti to make to order aurh Furniture aa ijjk' di'iirrd, in food ityle and at cheap rate eA-II. He Keaerallj baa on hand, at bif Kriiiure rooms, a varied aMortment of ready. .Evj furaituM, among wtkk era Bl'liEAUS ASD SIDE-BOARDS, Tf;iir. be-iand Book Cane Centre, Bnfa, Parlor, H--.,'t ard Dining Kitentioa Tablet; Com- rncb pott.Cottagn, Jenny-Lind and other t Utf.li; P.fM of all kind. Work -Manda, H vrH'i'i, WuFh-atandi t Rocking and Arm- f dr : nrriii(r-eat, eane bottom, paHor, com naf.i 1 "iherChain ; Lonking-tilataei of every fflri'ifB on bend ; and new glaeret for old "(sav whlrb will be pat In on very reasonable we "ft fbortfit not ff. He alao keepa on hand or ttrii'hfi to order, Corn -husk, Hair and Cot-!.rT- .Mi'trMPei. ( CocriNfl or Evrnr Kind v to order. nd funerala tteaded with a i'eMw)iBvr d eeired. Aleo, llonao Fainting d utoorilcr. The eulucriber alo maQulao- bu ennetantly on hand, ClemeDt'a .'i' Machine, tbe best Bow in on l f niing Hi it machine never need be witb fi an ckihee I He aJo baa Flyer'a PattHit a MpoTioT artlrle. A family vaing thi npr acrer need be without batter I h abore and many other artielea are far-r-W. to cuFtumera cheap for Cah oreichanfred i -Of : roTrd eoantry prodnro. Cherry. Maple, ia-, Linvaod and etber Lumber aultabie fnr itfc-t work, taken in n change for furnitwa aY' Henifiuber the abnp te on Market etreet, "dH--ld, Pa., and nearly oppneite the Old Jew JOHN OULICU. ?weal)ir2. m y yiafligittithiug. BLACKSMITH SHOP stCuKD FT., CLEARFIELD, Pa, ry. nndra!gnd bega to Inform die frfende, f-nri the inhabitaau of tbe boreagh of Clear 4 md anrrounding neighborhood, that bo if it 'ady to eiecuta all ordera either in Iron or , s 1 USB BHOKINQ on tbe naost approved 'trie. il'', KINDS OF SAW-MILL IKONS and 4. ) work, log men' a tool a, aantbeoka.ipreade, Ac "! tnoli of all kindi made of bait KogHab "-riritn iteel. aVAIl my work li warranted to give aatU- n, or not charged for. - AMOS KKNNARD. i'iV BLACKSMITH SHOP THIRD 8TREKT, CLEARFIELD. i'. fnliarriTreappct fully Informa bia frlanda M the ptiblie in general, thai be bai loral n ilie bnrnua;b of f LRARFIELD, tn tbe rffntW oerupied by Jacob Bbunkweiler, :w-' he ia wow ready to fterfona all duiea ' hit enatomera in a worknaalika manner. .Sldchi, ftuajgiea and Wagona ironed, and 'Vi'iting done at reAaonebla re tea, He tfVW aka a there of work from tbe public, :ntenda to give bia whole attentlnti t the , TUOMAS BILEV. r-k II, IBM. - 'oggs Township Awake I ? UKE AT EXCITEMENT AT JIIOMAS KEERSSJ! T nj)OIT tryint to j.t tbaratrat, for fear 4 "r "'lH(t ero.ord out Into tha aoli. ru int rood Shoeing dona, ao to Banna. Hi int yuur Flrria ironed righL, go to Daaaa. .ui fm.i Mill lrona, go te Uaaaa. i- itil ,fur w.an trnnrd in tba beat ana workman. hio. eo to Baraa. r'makf tlir beat btump Machine in the . anui.e, all kindaof BLACKSMITH 1NU "P i ran ha rfnne In the enanle fnr Ceb 'ul UBre addreea le Cleortold Bridie. J THOMAS BEERS. Tp., Dm. 1, lP7-lf. ip-)H TIOI OF PART?(l-:ltIIIP. r.rtrifr"tiiii hcretofnre eitinr hetwren I, m. W,. H ). A. i"0, nndrr Ihr " .f WISH t Co., el New Million " 'r I t.v iDutaal Ofneent on the I't dor of I he hrtoha are h-ft with Mm. and n. for (,l.,-tioa, and tbe bnainrea will ' W ra.riH on lie them, John Foi hnrinr P ."n rmio Ihr Arm. John ll, i WM.WISF. 1. A. lK. "P'rt. 0t. -4t. fuse and Lois For Sale. w nit IffMrif-l nflrp in e-H at priiate etr et. l f iaKK lt'J s F t nte in the iAg f f T ha j tS'Tf'n eriM-Ird a lartTf II- f H..OIK OIK.aild a Wrll of rin Hrnl 1 -in i:,t nwary impTiviinnte. The I ' i' d"itehr one, in fMd repair, and "H on raar t rtn. For ftill purl irtiUra 1 "illlr.-! MICHAEL Mf llF.liT, J '"U. ClwaHlfM, Pa. Vi 1 I M 1 1 A Tt ) ir n TU N ot iee hnh K,vrn Mil Mter of adminietration r "' i 1IENHV D. Till Kit. dewaaed, I'.i'ut.l I.... a- l ClJ i.. I. ik. riulr granted to tlif nnlerigied, all Ui i.-l.t.ii hi aid enisle will nlweae mike -- idw nTing i ' at thrn prnprrlv an hAltAli A nd thoee having eleime or d-vnnd anihmtictv! for aei iv Ti km: ii. ' T" Adminilratrii. I Tt.H- MITIC -K-.Nolicai.hei.. HHtrr.v.vVo.r.riif 'aii.ru-ij . V . . n '"'entea c Mi .tat. .re reoueateo to " ""d ate parmeat. aad thoae karltir "'"I tha Mm, will prcaent thena duly lor-ltlemenl. JUKT ANN KF.KD, KiaoaUil. Mll.P.a) e,FA, B1K.,i,t, T-lOrt.aj-)! VhUnilf!ihU Artrrriitrmrnii. FALL GOOD8. niCKEY, SHARP & fcn. lit t rir.lnut Mirr-id, rtlll.ADKI.PHIA, Here llie nin.l rnni,lrtc anj CO., i:icj?anl Stock of rail Goods, tUr Iiv0 vtr 4)frl. ISFTERB Pilk and Wool POTLlNg. surKiin all wool VEKV KICK l'LAIU DO. DO. si:i:i;i:s and ihaijktts. MO II A IHS ami rOl'LIXKTTS. Vn'iih an exlvniiiro afnortmpnt of Mourning Goods. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 121 I'lieatuut mreet, .....101 T) II T T T . V bankers; No. 35 South Third Street PHILADELPHIA. "'General" Agents, V FOR PENNSYLVANIA iZj OF THE UNITED STATES' OF AMERICA. Tbe NinnWaVL I.tra lmrrnAiroa CvfaWT le a CASH CAPITAL, ei.OOO.OOO, FULL PAID. IKHaltfrmanir.-ri fl ro Ap-tiu and Bollcliora. vbo aT.u,',1' V !,".c.' L 1 - !'! uu oppikaMoa l oar oDIoa, lir' licon-. Pamvhlola. follr o-n rii'L.i Ilia ailTaaiait. ol.ro .j . h l m,,...v .ra.y ,,, hrf 1 i. W. (LIHk L .. - - H. HMUk Jktrd ML Applieationa for Central and Weatern Ponnryl. vauia to ba made to S. B. RUSSELL, Managor, aug59-laly . .. Uarriatiar(, Pa. 628 HOOP SKIRTS, -628 And . C0K8KTS, CORSKTS. wm7t7"h"opkins( ; io. &2H trrh Htrti9 i'ltiVa. . MAarfACTrneii op th Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Skirts rOH LA.U1LS. WlbbLJi AND ClilLUULM. The largeat aaaortmant, and beat quality and ttjlea In the American Market Every lady hould try tbfin.aa they rerommend thetnaelt-ea hy wearing longer- retaining their ibnie nnrb be ter, being Huhter ami mure elastio tbitn olh ra warranted in every raapert. and eold at verv low rrteea. Aik for liepkia'a "CliAM PION" bKIHT (Superior ilaad-anade Whale Bona Coraeta in fifteen different grade , inelndiog the "lesperi al" and Thfimpmn k Langdoo'e "UlOVK r lT TIN(i" COHSETS, ranging In prirea from 81 eenta to $b ifl together with Joeeph Beckel'a eelebreted FHENCti WOVEN COUSRTS, inpe rior ebapet and quality, twu different gradea, from f I 10 to 13 Mi. They are tbe fineat and beet good i for the prieei, ever imported. The Trade eupplied with lleop fikirta and Coraeta at the loweet mioa.' ' ' .' Thoaa viaiting tbe city ibould not fail to eall and oiaaiine our gooda and arlece, at wa defy OBpOtlUOB. i 1 8 -pt. 17. Ladies' Fancy Furs. AT JOHNFAEEIRA.S' Old EataMiahed Fur .Manufactory, Xo. T1S Arch alreet, almre 7th, Pfailadrlphia, Tf eve now In atore of mv I?owti Imrortatlnrt and Mn- uferture.nnr of the lereeat and moat beantirul aeloetiuna of FANCV Fl ltS, for Ladiea' and ChiMren'i wear, In the city. Al ao, a fiiic aeaortincnt of GrnLe' Fur Utovca and Collara. I am enabled to dio3 of my goda at very reasonable priwa, and 1 would therefore -licit a call from my frimde of Clrarfidd euunty and vicinity, llrtncmber Oio Nnme, Number and Street, JtHI r A It l.i K A, bo. 718 Arch at., above 7ib, eouth lide, Tbilad a. bavo no Partner, aor oonneetlon with any other etore id Philadelphia. oetl 4m.) JOHN M. MELLOY, Hiai'rictnaaa or lain, Japaunci & Stamped Tinware and naat.aa ia llouae Fumlaliliiff Uoode, Tin Rooflug and t ondurtor Plira. Ko. VIS Market Sirecl, " : ' ' '', .n,., PHILADELPHIA. DREXEL & CO., So. 3 1 tannth Third Hti-ret, Phlla.lrlpa And Dealers in Government Securities. Application be mail will receive prmit alien- tion, and all Inronnaliaq fainony lurninca. Orlcra ei.linird. aprll lf REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manafaclnrera of and Wboleanle Kealera ia MEN AND HOYS' CLOT1UNU, 491 Market aV 4I Merchant Hlreet, antra; PIIII.AIir.I.PIIIA, Pa. 1808 winter. 18G8 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Kna. Mi, J '7. A Sll N. Third Rt, l lllL.Mir.i.i iiia. We are bow prepared wilh onr npoal etlcnaice and wcll-a.rtcl .lock to offer ealra tn'luccincnta to CASH 111 VKItS. aprll-tf STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (Sarwnpfri. t.tl'i -trr T. YVrijrl.l k Co., imm.iiti-r or ab nr.Ai Kll iv DKUGS AND MKDICIXFS, AI.o. Brandies 4 Wines for Medical purposes, jcl.l TIT I No. (I0U Markrt M., rnilaa a. BENSON, CAMPBELL &. Co., No. 17 N, Fifih St. and 454 Coaomorra, PHILADELPHIA, Tk, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And CommiRsion Merchants, Wool, flineenr. For Pkini, Fealbera, Leather, Flat Seed. Dried Froite, Clorer Seed. HooU, Deer Hkini. Pnuer. Hee.waa. hheep Fklna, Kr. Ac, ae., Ac. CONSItiNMKNTS SOUCITEP. Weeklr Priea enrrcnt forwarded oa reoeel. Jone II. eb-U. rii:tii-.i. Bi.iMisrss A t ATAiiliil I I rril with the utmoal anoor.a l-T Dr. J IcAAI'S, M. !.. and l'r..f'r of of the Krc and Kar in the Medical Collcae of Pcnnerl- " "rr'jJt'.r. 'iS' - .T.r. --i:fnr.,1r5 aa he haa ao eoc rcta in hir 1'r.ile.ftnn. Antneiai ere. Inaertrd wilhont fain. No charre for H arainatioa. IjeiT. .... TITIC. A C.OSSTAnl.1."' FETJ. H bare printed a large namlier of the new rl E niLl., and will, on ilia recciit of twenty Irereiita, Hall eoyy to any ajlreae, , . . mj J n V. H. V. fraham om' v"n1nmtt )a change!.: t. Matt, nartr. IK (iltAHAM&SONS, MAIIKKT HTIIKKT, c l k a nr i KL i), pa. rpiIR lubeerlbera having ontared Into partner ablp for tba jurpoaa of carrying on tha bnalneai of Merchandlaing, now offer A Catood And raro opportunity to tbo eltlteni of Clear fluid and adjoining eountloa to buy atoro gooda atwboleaalc or retail prioea, that will aatoniah the uninatructod. Their "gooda will be partieu- iMM.t to ault thii market. K vary lady will, therefore, oall the attention of her IFusbaml To tbli faet.beoauae thia brunch of our buaineaa will receive epeeial attentiea, and everything needed in a well regulated houaoliold will at all tlinea be found in our atoro. Oar atoek of DHY (;(N1H ahall not be lurpemed, either In qual ity or price, and will ombraoe, In part, Print! of every etyle, Gingbauii and Lawn a of ovary quality JUualini tof every grade, Do Lainaa adapted to U 0 taatea of the old nd yonng; and every article of any kind of gooda tbey sell ia Cjiiinraiilced To be ai represented, and warranted to give aai. iafaoUon. Ai to JR1S ;N)lH-we have a eplcnded aeaortmcnt of Alpaeu, black, white, and fn colore, rniaroa, ft ilka, and in ihort all tbe neweat My let ia tbe market- Wedcatretbti foot to become known To Every Peraon man, woman, child, phyaician, no ehaaio, farmer, lawyer, barber, woman'e-rigbta maa,orauy other man In the ooanty Young Or old, rlca or poor, high or low, who will favor ua with a eall. With oar now and ttteuaive atock any gentlemen oaa pleaao the moat fej- tidioni .-.;. By jaat dropping In and getting a nice dreaa pattern, lara aott, kid glovea or by doing that which ia better i giro bar well-filled pane, and abe will find good and paying Inveitmeote In embroideriea, edging, ribbons, glovea, boiiery, or any other honeebold oearHlUea. ts And In addillea ta what wa Bare alrealj anamera. ted, wo keep aU kinJa of Cl:NTLl:.MI.N' WEAK-aoeh Clatlia, Caniraaiwi, Patiaelta, 11 aU, Booti and Jhoi-a, Ac, beiidef, - A Aire Aaiorlmenl of Made up CXOTIIISU for Mrs and Boya, nnanafaetared oot of tha Ter. beat material, whleh wa will aell for eaab or Mohan,, for eowntr produce at prtoea which will aatonlrb buth kaaband and . ; i Wlfo ... ' ! A .. I I v. ,-,,,.,,.,,, . ff a ara 111 lar'oljr ernarrd la ko;ln( ad aellina; MlU.tHK TI1HIIH and ai.nofae tared LTSHltKR, and will flea thia branch of baaineaainetial attention, and mate it aa object To Every One wkokae I.nnber ta aell to deal with aa. Wa thai! alao keep con.taallj en hand a aeneral aeeortmenl of UHIICI.KII.M and IIAKIV ARIi, whiok wa will aell at exceed Inilr low prlcca. Wa alao keep a full aiaorl- ment of (H RF.H AHI'- Ttla department will ba kept full aad oompleta, aad e'er. J ? 1'OHIIK Mil II Or maiden wko aoatemptataa beueekeeplnf. will nd il advanugeona to coma aad trade witk aa Wa ara aa altnated, and, from long eaperirnoe la tba baetnoM, aa well aeqaalnted witk tha want. and neceaalllaa of thia community, thai wa feel atiraed l( aeerj tnaa and womaa In C'lonrfiold County maker It a point ta bay their food, from , we eaa pleaaa them both aa te quality and price Therefore, com a along and bay yoar DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Qiiernstturr, Hardware, HOOTS k SItOF.S, HATS k CAPS Keady-Made Clothing, Aad aeerytblng yoa need to rwder yourreleaa and familiaa comfortable, from , J AS. 1. C.KAHAM k SONS angutf clkahfikld, Va. VnTH F. -The formalion of Ihr ).arlnerlii 1 of Jamea B. llieh.ni 1 f"rt rt not t,f tT.c aelllement of tbe note, and Imoe- acnint. o! the lale tlrm of Shower. A llmhaia or K. W. Ura him. Thoae anoeinf, thetnM-I.ea irdebled to either are roqnoftcd to 0"inc forward at "ffl'-e and clfMie their eocoonl.. JAMKS R. ARA1IAM A SONS. Oleardeld, CcptemlHT 10 If. CAVTION-MI peraona tare hereby caadom-d aatttat hartoriti( or Irnatina my eon i'A II'. aa I am determined to ay na mora del.ta of Alt coeitracllnti : and I will collect hia wajrea oil tlio who rO!'l"J him ht due piece" of law if not tol anlarilr paid over to IITNRV KNARR. ttbertrj, Oatohe . Pry e'.ooiU, o'.rofnifs, tr. (II I 1 7 1 ! ! J ! HEAD CAUEFUIXYI! Your Best Interests De mand Itl I n H W K , w o a a V, H ' iu P) ts Co O a t ' K O a f o I i o r-1 ta 13 O H c w 'A . . g 'S, pi H tE PJ t-1 w a ft ' a 8 o rj W ! ) a o o n n n Pi H O H H. I I o H i i 1 ,6 a w o o s M I on f K m A . ' H p; 'A H H C ts PJ r; o a IS. t H 5J "i o a n O PI A Liniuaava avail 1 1 68981 101 1 1 KEYfSTOXE NTOKi: SECOND Sr., CLEARFIELD, Pa. NEW GOODS! Shawls I Shawlsl Shawls! BLANKETS! BUSKETS1 Hoods 1 Nubias I Breakfast Shawlsl LADIES'FTJESI CARrKTS AND OIL CLOTUS ! Ladies' CoatsI LADIES' AND C'HlI.l'HK.VS SHOES! Haal Mlrpul FRENCH AND ENGLISH M0R150S! Eilk Finiak VSLVET-fr aaiu I Alexander POPLINS . , AH Wool PLAIDS ! Keanehoa Itrpellast! fhaaialeoa Peplia! Tappa Cloth for Wrappara! Ladiea' Cloaking. 1 Water Proof black and brown I Caeelmere. for oaen aad boy. 1 Bona.l V.leet, Ribboai Flowara, Feathera I Lailia'a and Childrea'a Hata I Wool and Cotton Ia Lainaa I , ktuaUaa, Flannala, Priata t r ' tepkra, woreted aad wool Taraa! Dreaa Trimmltift, Undar Clotliing, Hata, T.pa, Hoalary, Ulaeaa, and a ooaaplota aawrtiaeaa of all kinda of NOTIONS, at eery moderate price. i.MVLIKO SHOWERS.- Cloarlald, Ocl.li, H If ( J7 somi:tiiij xkwi New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST A SOS -orl.t) raapactfully Inform the pnM'tc lhat M tbey baa. Jn-t opened, la MAUKIlA. Clearlleld oonote, i a., aa aalira aaw atoek of FALL AM WISTEU GOO US, Wkick Ikay ara araparad to aell aa ekea, aa lb a cheapeeL . TheVr atoek ewael.ta la part ef Dry Goods of the Bost Quality, Hack aa Alpaccaa, t.1ance, Prlnta, Motllna, Caaaimerea, Baliaeta, and Flannala, Rowly - Made Clothing, or the beat tjoality, eack aa Coata, Tanta, VaaU. Or.reoaU, Oreralli, Rblrla, Collara, Ac, 'oots, ISIhx-s nnd Haitors, Aim al th. eery bert Quality. A coiniili te stotk of GrtKt ricr!. Ia abort ararjlhing aaaally kept la. a aoaatry atoro. .Consumers, Look to Your Intorests I Call and riaaaina oar flock and prlrea baf.ire parckaaiac alaewkara. JXMBER ANI GRA1X Of all kiwda baa. a la arbaaire for rexda. Remember Ike plaoe. Ifadara, Clearlleld aoaaty, Peal a. - - i. JORRBST k BOS. ottaW oi, uer-u. ...... oTl(l; I'ewa'l .1 .1. a W. . Pell. ii i ,1. Y. Weaver, HOOP, ; WEAVER & CO. CLEAR KIEL I) PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! r'lI.R iirnprMor ra'ertfullv inform (lie fittfcnn of ('Ira. r (Mil founty, tint tl.fy have entm-l rtfatl liii estnlliklnii.mlnilb tlicJati Kt iuiprmv.l wnDil-frnrkinK machinery, aotl are tmw iri'mruti to eT-eitte all mitrs in their line of biinea. Tlif.T will give eypecial at ten) ion l ttie Diannfiu1- turn pf maleriiil fr huuae luil ling, aui-h at FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOOnS, ULIKDS, II It HUTS if MOVt.iH.YtiS, ( OF ALL R T Y I, E H, IVo alwnys liavu on haml a Iutro aUtvk of IlHV TL'M JIKll, an.1 nlll paycaeh for all clear Lumber. Ouo-4ind-a-half iuob panel alulT prefurroU. Lumber Manufactured to Order, - Or oxchanfrcd, to auit eupromere. ..Ordera aoliciu-d, and laimlier furniehed on abort notice and on rcunon&lilc tenna. Iinil', WEAVER A CO. ClcarCeJJ, Ko' 7, 1S67. tfrtucatioiuil. MISS H. 8. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ITLEAlll'llaM), VA. rpiIK Kirt Ttriu, of twenty-two weeks will X coiuuiciivv uu MuD'U.v, Aufiuat .11, 1 SOS. - TKRMfl fiF Tt !T!ON. UraAinj. OrlViograj.hy, Writing, Ol ject Iiea- a'ltiAarriuiarjr AriUiinutic mud I'ruuurv (liH)rnphy, jmr 1ml f lonn, (of eleven twki.) ; 15 00 Uitory, Local an J tlrscrtfilive Oeofruj-liy , wU1j aViiir lraw.ii;, tlraLuuiar, Wiutal . and Written ArithnKtic. 0 tit Alrebra and the Scientxa... M 9 UO Ff ftill parHrnlrt aenri frr Cfrrwlar. Cl.arntM. Auurt fl, TfiS 3ui. Clearfield Academy. Rev. P. I. HAERIS05, A Principal rMIB FIIU-'T SK5KION f tha neit aebo I tnitie veer of thia Inatitntina will eommenee on MONDAY, tbe 7Ui day of SteinSer, ia. I'uua oaii enter at any tine. 1 bey will be rliargrd with tuition froa tba time they enter to ttoe eloae ol tae n oaa ion. 1 be enwrae of iaetnintlotj eaatiraeea every thing lneluded in a boron 4b, wrartiral aael aeooB piinhad edaeauoa for both aexea. 1 be Principal, baring bad the ad r tin tare of murh exj'erienee in hia prnfeacion, aeaurta pa rente and guardian that hia entire ability and energiee will be d eve led lo the nigral and men tal training of the youth pin red in dor hie charge. 1 I KM OK it'l l IO. Ortbograrthy, heading, Writing, aai Frimary aaruhmetie, per beuign (H e'ka) . fit vo Oramtnar. Ueographjr. Arithanetie, and Hittnry . - - - 6 00 Algebra, flennietry, Trigonovetrj, Men- auration, barreyiag. 1'hiloauriny, rhvat olgy. rhpwiitxy, Hook Keeping, Dottvny and Fhyaical (lengraphy . - - t9 00 Latin, (J reek and French, with any of tha above Jiraaoaee ... yii do jMr-Ko dedaetion will We made for &bact.ee. Mk'ot further parlieulara inquire ef Iter. K L. II AKIUbON. A. M., Clearleld, iTek II, ISA if. PrineipaL Vlarfcrti Clearfield Markets. Reported weekly for the fi.RanrirLD KarriticAa by 1. P. KniTtaa, Dealer la Dry (.ooda, Uro oerlea, rmrirlona, Ac, Market at., t'leufiald. Ctrnriri.n, r., Xo. 1, 1o. Apple., preen tt 0" II , d:iv.l.... 12 llrted. : Hidia, fzreva t ..lrl.ullcr.,f'i:l, I I'll llama 23(, iH Hotter. 4"t,o 01' Mi,iiildcr....l7li0 Mcaoa 1 .' v3 S Of ! rM.lc. 1 0(.a ! Uackoheat.. 1 , Lard . Si Du. k.hc.t tloar H, k Miaa pink.) 0U...3H l0 Harf, dried. "U "i Meet, fre.h.... k. 10 dnioua ., J 00 boarda, At li Cu(;0 on I'otatm r.- J . (.4. 1 0 Corn, Bliellod 1 IVarhaa, dm .1, Hi- t Corn, ear O1H41 7.. ' I'laalar, y hU 4 m Corn meal.-pax k, 2 nil Kro. 1 iC ( hop. y rwl3 . a !. t' " t'lonrarad ...u " : 'n't. V " 5" rhetae 1 " M. "" Cherrim, It. 21'oa ' flilin lea. !(l in 14 w I hickewa, dred, lb, fuaotl f ml A y.t, Ii Tallow ia Hutneed ,IMI. Wheat. M fnnr 12 t0'',l w,wl .c' M.r Itan.tWIiw Wood, y corn. 1. Pittsburg Produce and General Market. (Prom tba Tittaliurg t'onimerelal, Not. 3. Iiartnr the pa.t week trade kea not beta eery actiec and price. bre chanced bat little. Floor declined rtirlj- in tba an k. ami at the elorc price aeemod weak and for a dtill lower range. Klour ia from MfM harre! lowor tka at the eorre- aiondlng tlmi laat Tear, and the tendency ef other leading articlee of aul .i.tcncc ia ti-wartl a lower range. We qoote la follow., which are the cur rent wb-ileatilc atorc ptit te : Al'l'LlwcS Tbe ni.rkct ia wrll aopplird, arid price, range (rem i V barrel, aa to quality. Ill T'l hi'. t hoiee labia ia aoarce and aauUtl at KSrat, 4teo, if lb. Clioii-e pw keil oolituianda 30 (it-Vic. l.ew grn.le. are ( Note nnl noniinnl. HACil.V, I.AKIl. Kt-. There la ace. little ol, I aWk In tnarkel. and there if Imt MMIeiioinaad tor it. TaeViog will not eoinmenee here aet im aooie lime. H e qote abooliler. at VtKn. IMe. : eioi. I"ij(ii,lflc. : anrar enee haroa, Jtie. lord, IWf V lb, and leo p .rk at HI bed. t MfcHKHKIK- We quole .Tcraey cultifated at l per 11. CIIKKK Are in pood demenil, and we quote the market firwi for lihio ll.h'H at lc.! New Vork Ho.hen Joe. ; t actorT 17 J, o le, : ilamharg f'm. 17c. ; Ohio Pweilrer, -tie t l.iiel.arg ,0c and ealern Reaerre. Nt I in, IIK Ik. 1MII KH Kill 1 I f Paliiaol new pmehe. halvea. ot 17c and qnart-ra al I .'tha. I.e. Y a. . anoee rttieo apple, at "(.enie. t- ro. I KA1 IIKlif riakaa of eh'itoe geoea fealkera at nod us T Ik Mil. I' t'r The mill price, are for eeroen in, 1 I eh p alall. l and wild llinga il 20. I'OTAIOKS Iri.h p,.taloea arc in go'.d de manil. with rale, of common qualifier at f'if l 0e. ul l.nke Shore t'eai lililow.al V..(i .41. llaltitnon .Nweeta we qnoie nl ft 'tn ft 7j to f'1, and Jcteeva are very fi ;n al j.- . 0' .'i T.i. OXIuXS- .ttl. ef choice nt tt;i t: V 1-n.k a 1,T llnll ; aale. ol Alii ?1' tie rtMir branlr at tl 75 lit the cur load, ami 10"' t 7 in ature. SI.!.!' I'las.iMil 1. ir .tee It di man, I and firm al t'2 .'irt. TimotliT aoe.1 ia dnll an I In ff"i 1 rttp pie. qnote.1 at S..,i 1 '.0. Nothing doing in clover eeerf, and no eetAl'lt bed prioea. V e qta.te it niioiioally at ft per laialieL KUil H Maikci dull and irrejnlar. flaleaae. ntoatlr omilne.1 to atoall lota for enoplling the local Irnde. We quota from .lore ebon .prior wheat Boar trl aatn., 7i : gi-od epnng wliciU Hoai e"td 2J ; and winter alinal flour, in aa-!..,.' .'0 fit I 7.V and In hnrtel- rO fS'.i 10 per hid. rt. l.enia brand. 1! l.Sf.tH 7.V V ,,w- r", Mill prtcea lor Iheir traa,l. made ol the licat wheal, are a. Inline. : I'.ura family fl-'ttr ill btila. at fU uo and in aa ki .'It an 1.1 1.: double . itn famile in 1.1.1a.. J10 4. and in eark-$IH III. The t'llr Will, qnrite linoee n. lollowa: Kite, faanilr le harrela f l"0 and in aa k" I II per bid. I double etra family in barrel, 10 .".Il and tn .acka fit er haml. lilt A 1 N- The market ia quid end price, to ome eitent nominal. 1 he receipt, ere fair and . deeline i. I.e.keti lr. Ifataido of the milla tlirre ta Tori Utile lining 111 wheat- I'ricee ol .pong lil are not niiotal.le, at bare n" aalr. r. pnrted. lltd aitilrr ia dull at 1 f.-lll I'H. with an oc-i nil ,aleol c.it. al a .limle bu-h-r. T'l-re if no white wheat cflir.eg. Sa of lore" ear, of a. a eat corn al a.V. per lowlf l. td ear an I alt. lied 1. n 'tin nalli cl lOindep el Oaf are doll at SSf-tSle., from flrat hand,, lire ia di II at el p. r loiah., from r hand.. Harler o d.ll and nominal al $ ll'faJ II Tor apting.ard for fall 2 21' p1 h"k. TOBAt !'. Cneendiah, XarT, Fpnn Roil, Fine Cat, Klnnndcr, lngrea, Stnokiag, oogara and onud, at ,,.! 1. P. KRAT7.ER 8. r.rr, Ill CORN, Rl CKIt MKAT A OATS. Wanted, for whkk theh.gbeet marh't price w ill beraid.tr J. r. KB . If.r It, 1 aeeMra : Market 6t, nj-pcit. Ua Jail.) ti. r vt TIIK lUflMIlUflCAN. n.r.Ai;ni;!.i, r.t riM'R.ntT MUHMNH.. ,.NtiV. li, lHH Terms of Subscription. IrpaM Inadiauee.oi iilnnlln i...,'h. ...? IT If pawl after three and bet' re eta wtonl In ..... 1 be ll pmd altvl Itic expuitlo 11 of an tnoli:!.,. .. li (in Mr. T. II. Wit.aoa, uitr foreman. 1. aulhoriaed to rc'oilil lor loon 1 V poid into 1 b" of 11 a. ' "out of .iiln,-tiilion, alverti,in, ..h eork. ae , in not abaciieo. U Mf. II. t.lHllll.A M'l U, l.diior Hint rr",ri"l',r Tnr. Ki.KfTioN. We nro cnnipollcd lo go to profi". on Wodnonliiy nioniing. mill nro tlicrtiforo without any returnp from tlic county or Stato upon wliicli to Ijftso a rtisult. In thin Luroiigh ivc linvo lout ton votes, while wo guinotl hut ono in Lnwrfiico townsliip. Splendid stock of Ladit'b'undorwcfir. juct rpcoiveil nt Wm. ltt;cd t Co'n All tliolulctt muazincH nnd ncvu pnjirrs, bohidon boiiku, paper nnd t-n vclopcH, for siilo nt tho pontoflioc. . Wo notico thut Jl.r. Jiuod's Grist Mill, bituulcd iu tlii hormifrli, which has been ttmJerjroing ri'pnirs fur some time prist, is ntun in f'icrat ion. JNotick. All perfionu having books belonging to tb H. il Sunday Suhpol, will confer a favor by returning them ai onco to tho undcmiirned. t ,. Gko. W. JIiitLM, Suji't. llHcwhcro in this iomic will be found an article, tnl.cn fan tho l)oj Tn,"h. untitled "What id Negro Freedom ?" Ad tho eubject ruin lea to tho interests and destiny ol tho two ruccs, wo hope our reader) will jgivo tho matter some reflection, A Present. Wo -understand that the Teachers present at the Institute held at furwetiavillo last week, before separating, presented Ir. Geo. W. Snyder, County Superintendent, with a splendid rtilver hunting caso watch, as ft token of respect fiir his zeal In the interest of Common Schools. It is none of our busincM, wo con fess, but wo hoMj tho proprietors of tho Iiadical newspaper published nt Bellt'fonte will slop lengthening the titlo of thoir journal. They pilher have It Lie; 0fiico,or they must go into the street to turn their head. We have not got italics enongb to give the nnme in full, and will, therefore, bo debarred from quoting from its "lo'd"' columns. Psor.SiioKMAKF.R. It wasour plea-siii-o to Lo in the Court lloti.so on Thursday evoning last, to liotcn to the readings of this gentlemen. Those readings are highly essential, nnd go far to elevate ktx-'ety, hut they are entirely ne-w tathreo-fourtltsof a back woods nudiolica. Mr. Shoemaker ae. quitted himself wall, and we hope he will embrace the first opportunity to repeat his rending' in this place. NoTiru. The Leclnro Uoom of the hew M. K. Church in thii jilaeo will l dodieatetl to tho worship of Al mighty God on Snnday, Nov. 1.5th. The l.V v. Wm. Harden, of Paltimore rit', will preach tho dedicatory ser mon, nt 11 o'clock, A. JI. Other ministers of distinction are expected be present. The pnblie aro invited. iX A. W. Gi'rr.n, Pastor. Firks. We learo that the burn ol Mr. M. XI. Foot, of Uoccuria town ship, was, on Wednesday night, con sumed by fire. Tito loss of Mr. Foot will reach t,000. Williams' School House, Xo. 4, in the same township, was burned on Thursday night. The Larn was hurtled through the carelessness of a teamster, w ho left a candlo burn in thcstablo and failed to put it cut when ho left, Tho destruc tion of the school Louse tvus evidently tho work ol an incondiury. llonoi tin lwrnovr.VF.NTs. Wo are pleased to chronicle the fact that the borough authorities seem to appreci ate the wants ami necessities ol our municipal corpuraliou. Tbey have now done w hat shonld have been done long ago employed pom) lent engin eers t properly locate the streets and establish their grade, preparatory 1o their general improvement. Let the Burgess and Town Council continue hi the cood work now commenced. and not cease until all our streets are properly graded nnd MeAdaiuir.cd, or laid wilh Nicholson pavement, (w hub ever, upon luo investigation, sunn prove to be tho cheapest.) Market and Second streets should be '.bus im proved during the next summer, nnd as many more as tbe wisdom of the proper otTicers would suggest. In orJer to accomplish this, let them borrow twenty thousand dollars, (or so much as mny be necessary,) for ten or twenty years, and only nssess tax enough to pay the interest. We have for years been paying more money than this, and the streets aro now in as bud a condition as the; were five years ago. Half the money expended in improving the streets during tbe past ten years, has been literally thrown away because the improvements made wrro not of a durable churactrr. Ten thousand dollars, propel ly applied, will go far towards impioving our street; yet the interest on this sum w ould be only six hundred dollars, less than two dollars for every voter; and if yur borough continues to increase in matt rial wealth and population for the next Cve years ts it baa done in the past two, the tax will not be fifty cents per voter, and tho streets iin- .. I .l:i, .... l i inl i : j HV. w til. il uuiii t v fcv m'liiuiau I ficalioO tO Our dollizCUS. Wc ill refer ... to UllS matter again, , . . Ml. Af'-ii.M. Il ia wilh inn, ulc. I (crlitira rC a.itinw Rite) pnin llial we Bin ttilli il npnli lo n eci J the ni,bli 11 nil'! klllllhlllg ib'Slll til our till;. I, bur ami fi u lld, Ki.bi'tt llnni'S. Into Mn-nfl nl ('li"t n ci'iiiilf On Monday morn itirr. in roinpat.y willi M.er fT Smith ami mhers, In- . It b'ti homo in itimil bi-nllli and cfi lcnl itit f, t rn in tbe exciting a .npl id htuiling deer, on tlm bills fniri-oninliiig uceti's Hun Wetlneadny tnorntng be sinrtcl lotbe wiioils w illi bia dog up,) gun, untl about 4 o'clock, p in., was found by his coio puiiiolis cold III the embrace of dt'ltlh, fvnleiitly having act i-b-itlall V snot himself. Of the full purtlt-ufarH we ktioty fiotltince. Kvervltoily appears t10 Had, a Iwding of genoral doprtwuion sits liearily upon tho hearts ui till w ho knew him. Uobert llanna was well and gi-i er ally known in this community. !e scrvetl ns Sbcrifl' of tho county for three years, nnd mudo a most excel lent and obliging ollieer. As a citi zen ho- was beloved and respected. Kind nntl genial in bis disposition he h:id mnny warm friends and few ene mies. To his hoart-brokon wifo nnd inter esting little children, wo extend our condolence, in this, their hour of sore atlliction. May kind friends console ami sympathize with his family, at this time, when their hearts are bleed ing from wouudi made, by news so terrible ui tho sad, sad death of their husband and lather. I'tnr Shurifl llanna' flint un Jhmocrat. Mr. llanna was well known to many eiti.ens of this county. Jouvin's Goiitiii.u K.id Gloves, jut received at .Win. lieod & Go's. ., ExRflTi.n. Titos. McCarthy, con yieted ot tho August term of the Venango county court of tho murder of liavid Hairy, was hung on Friday last,tn Ihojail yard at Franklin. The Spectator says : "Since his conviction, np to the eve of hit execution, the condemned man exhibited tho most wonderful indif fcrenco and even rccklvssncas. lie beard bis death-warrant read, the least concerned himself of all that were present. He manifested but lit tle, if any, idea of a futuru btute, and perniolud iu asserting hia innocence of tbe murder. As timo wore away, however, he expressed n willingness to sec a spiritual adviser nnd for a few days wns visited by Hov. i. II. Tacg, ol tho M. E. Church, of this city. Sutw scqitcnUy, and within a fuw days of his execution, ho desired the services of a Priest, nnd IVv, Fathers Coady, Madigrm and Docker attended him. Thcso faithful Priest remained with him day and night, up to tbe last mo ment Fathcri iJock'-r and Madigau attending him upon tho sralTold ami administering the last rites to tho soul o soon to be ushered into the presence of its Maker. The morning of the execution, and not until then, M'Ciirly acknowledged bis guilt ami the justice ol his sen tence. If in demeanor from that do- ment seemed lo change, and lie appear ed quietly reconciled to his fate. 'In aecrdoui- w,th the act of I"' Itfuar.i .1.1Sf!, aUmtfofi ieer-orled fmm foreiiriT ooorrtrl". froro and nl.er Ino tirl pcoauno wilt be ca'Hpt from import dule." Istyal creioeoe. This is another new feature irt fiad ical protection. This "tro'dv loil party bus for several years Veen col lecting a tax of two cents per pound on cotton raised in this country, and in accordance with tho above act for eign cotton is admitted duty free. Snppoo these scalliwngs would im pose a tax npon wheat, corn, or any other Northern product, and then ad mit tho foreign nrticlo free! What howl would go up from every "loil" throat for "protec tion." But because cotton is a Southern product no otic seems to notice the outrage. List of I.f.ttkrh, Tho following letters remained unclaimed in tho Tost Ollico nt Clearfield, l'n., on tho 1st day of November, 18(i8 : Ilra'ly, Mra. Mary A. link. Melchior, Hnnilaurh. Mr. M. llrown, V ilham It. llloom. Martha R. t'rtdor. i'ra. iletier Cotlc, .lobn A. f rider, II"? Co'. licn.cn. M.aa Sarah, lu wtt, J- 2 K ,iter, Martha il. heva, Fhea !.ai ton. Paria D. I. other, C. ti. Miller, Mi A. Murphy. J'at 1 1 .-iftrc.v. Hndger Mcklnrnnn, Mia. Roaa -Norden, N. limn, Z. A Peel. .1 ba Jiotc, F.. k. Seoll, Martin V. B. Temple. John P. 3 Vanormcr. Uotn-rt f biter. Ka-i-ii.l William... Mra. Menora, W. .h. T. M. Wit die, tie., ere W. 1'. A. U.At UN, r.M. Rrana, Pent. Farley, , Flemit, j;, Jniia Hall, ma. Matthew' II. inc.. S. J. lng.reoll, A. B. I lobaenn. Miaa Khoe, I'. I. Knar, Jacob Krial, Miaa R. A. A fresh stock of Ladies' Hoods, just received nl Win. Reel k Cos. Onr friends in Peeatnr contradict the statement in the Journal, to the effect that a "nigger" Voted tho IV-m-ocralie tiukct in that townsliip at the October election. One says: "It is a straight up nnd down lio. There is LOthine; in this township that looks niggcri-h bnt votes the Radical ticket N,a P.l-rn. "H. .re In re.-eipt of the flrel another f a near peper pnt-li-hea at Pliilip-lceg, t enlie enmity, t,r J. I'. I'uteliir and a. I. II. Ulla wnrlh. called "1 he Pl.ippal uig Jnun.al." Il i' nenlral in polrti,. Wewieh it iwe.ef, hot Wnold .1. iae it, pro r.' I ira fcr take one aide or the oilier if they wih In aurrivc." Fv-eaa HrmUi. "Oi rca.e ia not a deno-ria ae. r. aYeeofrf. and liung in a cinbnd cn'uiuuiiiiy ne tlnnh there will be no doubt at-oitt onr otrvo nig P.at whieb ride do yeu mean, the tack aide or tbe fO'ltt milt ' ' Jiwf.nl, Henioerntic '-s)i!e,'' of course. Tl.c Ihrahl man speaks from experience. He knows the mistake he made. Stfam FU'i niMi Mux. Tho exten sive stoum flouring mill in this vil lage, erocted by Mr. E. Perks, is now in lull operation. It is iust what line been needed in this vicinity j and w ill be of treat benefit to tbe lumbermen and farmers of this sed-lvm. Connect ed w it l the mill is a splendid stationa ry fleam l ire l.ncine, w hit h would elVeetuailv extinguish an outbreak ot fire in eitber bis mill or re-i'lt-iue, it nl-o supplies the reservoir ot the Tenna. It. R Co. with water It Ihcro wer filly feet added to the 2.VI feet which be already has il would be the means of Kivinjj tlio buildings on ami near the corner ol I- ront and I m streets in Caso of fire I hihft urj .iitrarTf. ' . Gcn.Cassius Fairt hild, I'nited States Marshal hr Wisconsin, aatl a brother of Gov. Fairt hild, died nt Milwaukee, Saturday morning, from a wound re ceived at tho battlo of Sliibih. 11 was married on his death bed to a young lady of that city. The three shortest post offiee names in the I - nil.nl Slates aw f Jt, (Md Ali (.Ohio), and Po, find ) . Maf t'fkfir frM ffrjntrtMf on I'm fay. 'lf theet had Wen ne h . , -l-n-.n P. '!..!. vet. .:,! to d. ea.l It- l al.ta .l.a l ie on l O . II, ,,' ,,. - - s, ni 1 1 a t oi r. . Hud thorn bern no liepnb'iean Par ty, tire hundred thottaanil lrtie.iiart.il, igoroita Amcrioan eiliioiis would not now be sleeping in tb"ir eternal sleep. Had there Ireen no Ifopnbliran Par ty, one third of our ainvereign States would not to day be laid watei, its masters "laves, it's slaves masters, and future full or crushing disaster. Jlnd there Veen no llepiibliean Tar ty, ten millions of American people would never have been arrayed against tho en n n try that gave them birth, and llio Constitution under width they had lived and prospered. Hud lliero It-en no Itepuhlican Par ty, "tho baletul shadow of slavery" would ero now, hare given way to tho light of freedom, brought ubout by peaceful nieina. Had there been no Republican Par ly, a once happy ami prosperous peo ple would not now be burdened to tho earth with taxation nnd tho heaviest national debt of tho world. Had thero been no republican Tar ty, hundreds of thousands of American citizens would not to day bo at tbe point of bctrgary, distrcssud for tho present nnd alarmed for the future. Had thcro been no Republican Par ty, ten millions of people, bono of our bone, and blood ol our blood, having tho sanio ancestry, would not bo es tranged from the Government, nor be the subjects of a hate and tyranni cal oppression unknown in tho aonals of the civilized world. Had thcro been no Republican Tar ty, we Bhould not seo the Constitution overridden and openly set at defiance ; tho coordinate uranches of our Gov ernment acting in deadly hostility, and men, whom ' the -neoplo bavo honored with high position rioting on the fruits of public plunder, dis gracing the positions thoy hold, by conduct that would damn tho public mon ol any seim-civilized nation on the face of tbo earth. Had thero been no Republican Tar ty, the groveling, brutish African would not be clothed with rights and privileges he knows not how to exer cise, or be arraysd with feelings of fiendish unimosly aod hatred against thoso who raised him out of a state of barbarism to a civilization unknown to his race elsewhere on tho face of tho globD. : . ' i Had there been no Jucpub-ican Tar ty, wo should not sea our whole people demoralized, our Democratio institutions overthrown, or sadly changed, and a once happy country tottering to itu final overthrow and ruin. . Had wo never known a Republican Party, the United States would to d.-.y bo the happiest, tho grandest, nnd the most enlightened nation on the faeo of the earth, instead of the distracted, demoralized, degenerated, and cor rupted peoplo that we aro. Iladical ism has cursed America. Exchange. One Small tie Taken ano Tint Othir I. fit. Two persons, ono a discharged Federal soldier and tha other a negro, were ro:ently tried and convicted in a Virginia court for a most outrageous crime, and sentenced to bo hung on Friday last. On tho dnv of the execution, tho military ,', J Governor of tbe Btate, one Welles, an iiiteiibe lutilieal, sent a commutation ol the sentence in the case of the negro to imprisonment in the Stato Peniten tiary for life. The white rnnn wnt hung. Both ' wero equally guilty. There were no extenuating circum stance in ono case which did not ap ply to the other. Yet tho nryro's lit'o is Mrcf the arAifc Cni'in lotilitr'S life is tncrififrd. This is a fair sample of Radical justice and fair dealing. When tho drop fell which ushered tho poor white man into the presenco of his Maker, a negro convict who was in a cell near by .was heard to ex claim : "Thcro 's nnotherd n Yankee gone." Welles, the so-called Govern or of Virginia, ta nn oflleer in tha Uiiilcd States army and a Xorthern man. II o selects as tho fittest sub ject oi ins clemency the negro in prcl- erencc to the I nion soldier. !snppoo A Hemocratic Governor had been in oil', eo and bad selected the tf Aid; in stead of the black man for Executive clemency, what a roar tho Radicals would have put upagainstthcpartial ity of such an act. Yet, we find not a word of rotnoostrance or condemna tion against Governor Welles' negro partiality. TJl'SRAND rolUONERS. Within twtj TVeeks, the eotliitry has been slartleJ v two rases of roisonnur. ' Mrs; .iartha Rowland and a voting mkn named Harry Weaver, residing at llagerslown, Maryland, were lodged in jail nt that place, on Thursday last, charred with the murder of Andrew Rowland, (husband of the former,) with poison. llio other caso occurred at Sutler.- in this Male, where, on 1-riday, .Mrs. Plnvbo Shugart aud Joseph Martin were commuted to jail, Mrs. Slmrait being charged, npon ihe finding ol the Coroner's Inquest, wilh the murder of her husband, Jacob Shngart, by poison, and the innti Martin wilh be ing accessory before tho fact. Tho fulca of these four parties is easily lorcioia. F.STRAOnMXARY SAL OF MrLRS.- We learn that through the ngeucy of E. L. HiiiTinnn l'.sii , two pair ol draft mules, suitable to work in harm-he were sold to Mr. Charles Seidler. tss, representative of P. Lorihard, ol New I oi k, lor the sum ol fl,.',uti cash- one pair sold for t0ti, nnd tho other pair lor f 700 tortheueof Mr. lxiril lard in New York in receiving nnj forwarding the prodoeta of his snnff nu totifccco maniilactory. Wc also learn (hat Mr. Seidler has olTored (1 out1 for another pair of mules similar or equal to nno exhibited to him yes- terday. Tm-.-e are the highest prices ever obtained for mules, even in Ken tucky, which takes tbe lend of nil other Stales for fine stock. JxwiswUt fvvricr. An Aokd Voir. Gcorco l.nbar. in Monroe county, now lot, years of nee, voted the Democratic ticket solid the 13th, as nsual. Mr. I.abar is hearty and in tolerable pood health yet. has the use of his mind and limbs as though he was going to live many years yet. I.iko an old forest tree ho has w ulistoo'l the blasts of over ono hundred winters, ami amidst the tut. moil of factions, stood like a solitary invincible seiilinol faithful to the creed of onr lathers, of whom ho is the only ene remuiniug. uo voiea at the tirst Presidential election, and tho Ienio eratic ticket at every ono since. Young men, here is a lesson for you ; f illow the example of ripo years, a century of persoual fxpenenee and a sound judgment, . .