Tin; in;rrnu(N. i.kaui ii.i.i', r TIIIKMMV M"liM''. imV'IIH !' 1'rintlliif .fflH. '..thir,i; nl rvn.l iinr atr.iii!i!v aitiiiflu llio nlioiil inn nl tin' bi h'iiIiIk Wtihl, limn Oi qiii'Hn llif origin of man and tlio llo of ln Brat n pi'ivranoo upon our (ilmu'l. It in ono of Hi enrluil protilcnm Unit intcron ted ntiuiiy, Mi'l il litt Un took llioelmriictrr of fable. Auloclithonen irnnt; from tlio ground, pO'N dincon tied lVuiii Olympus and mingled with won, atone lurnod to human loin);. A graduul proirewi was traced, not from low rr to a higher walo of tm iiig, but from a stalo of purity and innocenco, through gucooitaivo taj,'ei Of deterioration, down to llio hurd race among which wo livo. Modern rrnoarrb upon this question takes two diruetions philology and thoology. The careful study of lan guugo has rovoaled somo important truths. Tracing the ailiuitie of ilia bets, it doted relations among na tions and tribes long anterior to the dawnofovon traditional history. Thus tbe inquiries of modem etymologists havo led to the conclusion that the nations of modern, as well as of his torical ancient Europe, have sprung Ironi one common slock, tlio Aryan waoa, euLioL o.l,iUy .labieool .he cold mountains of tJeutrul Asia. 'J ho Greeks, itomans, Celts, (ioths, aro all oIl'sliooW from this original mother item. The languages of all these peo t)lo are tracoublo to one com mou ori gin, not only through their roots, but alHo in tbe inlieroni cimr&oier 01 me languages thoinsolves. They aro all inllected tongues, that is, the deriv ative words aro modilications of tlio primary, which are usually monosyl lables. Scattered upon tlio outxkirts of the Conquering races, we find other pco plo who speak a tongue in no wiso traceable to Aryan roots. The Busques, tlio Finns, the Turks, the Maygars or liuiiirnriuim, the Lapps, the Bulgari ans, speak in tongues which are evi dently amliated, and tlicir physical traits differ from those of the Aryan race. Their languages are styled by Mux Muller, agglutinating, by which be would express the fact, that though . . , , , , luey nave !u.ii,. u.,u " J ": roots composing inoni retu.u a ueru.i. a.suncmess, so u.ey seem .o oe as ,i were merely cemented together. I Outside of .Europe we tiud the Sem itic races, represented by tho Eastern Asiulios, as the Hebrews, tbe Chalde ans. Ac, and the Cusbites, tho cbiel nations of which wero the ancient As syrians and Egyptians. They are al lied to thu i!ehers of Xorth Africa and to tho Copts. Thus fur the study of lungunge bears us. We detect the af finities of racos and can trace them to . i...: I.:.... I It.. l.. 1 ? 1 . . no races disappeared lie lore those Asi-1 , . , . , , alic mvadors, as the red men are even .... , . . , now lading away boloro tho white . it-,. '.i r.i u incur hat was tbo ace of the world .., -i.i;. j u-i . lieu iiiu ii i bi. Liiiiii ni'itnruu ( itiiuti. . . . ., , .,., I,; i .o. , ., . a .i hours has gone, and that the new bat were his brute cotemporaries and what manner of man was be ! These are questions which philology cannot an swer, and the anxious inquirer sum mons geology to bis aid, to pene trate a little 1 art her iuto the uhadowy past. At once wo find ourselves in tbe midst of hypotheses and speculations. Prominent among these is the theory of distinct googrnphicul ceilres ol origin. Tho holders of this opinion point to the condition of Europe and its neighboring continents during the quaternary age. Sahara was a greut sea, whilo tho continent vhich occu pied tho present position of the Atlan tic had sunken, and tho Archipelago of the Canaries represent its last sur viving mountain summits. The whole basis of the Aral and Caspian, the Asiatic stoppers, and tbo Desert of Cobi, wero ono great sea. Upon the scattered lands separated by the wide sheets of wutor, the primitive races sprung up, and their differences of form and langiingc necessarily rosultod from the peculiarities of climate and other extraneous circumstances. Jo Communication could tuko ' I' uce ; ninfinff IliitUA nmrnrlina nnm Chinese, Taurauians, Aryans, Semites . . . . ... J ' and Cusbites bad full opportunity to developo their separate characteris tics unmixed with one auother. To the Tuuratiinns alone was access to Europe possible, and the-could reach it only by the way of tho north. From Asia it was separated ry an immonse Ingnon, and indeed water was the dominant clement of the period. It swept along in gigantic floods, or friiii'ed tho shores with flaciers Hushing in torrents down the sides of the slopes, as the lund slowly rose through these huge seas, it guve riso to the tradition of the delude, so prev alent among the Asiutic trihes. J'ho reiiiiiunts of this period, con sisting of boulders, enalio blocks, rollod gravel and drift, lio scattered nil over Europe. During this time tbe continent of Europe wns oscilla ting, sometimes rising and sometimes sinking. Englund, North Germany, Poland, liussia as far as Moscow, sniik under tho waves, which stood l,0(Mi feel above the present principality of Wules. Over all this submerged coun try wont sailing the gigantic icebergs, dropping ,ruat blocks as they melted, the silent chronicles of those ancient voyages. Then these countries rose ngain from the whelming wave. Sir 1 ,.o i i . . . iu ..iureu upon a calculation 1 ol U,e time required lor those changes, and has bit upon the moderate period of tw o huuJred thousand vcurs I ho recovered continent was a wild and savago country. Hugo forests darkend its surface, "great rivers rush cdjhrough tho seades, and lowering skies begUioined it with clouds and drenched it with iiirt,..ii,l ui. Tim , - i - i n...."t.n. rt inoeerni 1 ' i n""""'"t1'. the IT ! :.V'C '-"rri'otamus roamed occupied !, ' tigers and hyenas horses rnton i ' ' " "" I now ev. limir,.!,. . i ' , m ' rS,?"r' l,Tcd n", fur w"e i,"bg; zcyt Amonrr tl.o r, n,rX- tnres thos ' of h8 tXUtMr T ful and iinecri,,;,, ti . i j.osuion. Moue seems t have been thecloefniHterialol wch their har der .ton sils were made, llono. and norng were alo used At a later j.eriod these traces of i Tintnnpfm. i 1 HI 1.- I I" ijujjmiva o, ii,e,koleton are found. Th iuipleroonts, bowever, ar a;. r iiuim'k iii nil inn .1 ; -j i ,i rosod to l,,ve made for th l Z Z( n ''"'''l'. dm'0"n0('u,1 trnm "'V"1' petiinir m iho nmri-n. i 1 7 1,10 wor'd. can prepare in s.lence of aif bveo.rrbr:(w r, ::,! ! " m tn,r sbiimUiit hn 1hi l'im lh'n have bfn lis'""' thi"ni;b llir tati,iiie (fi'ol 'U'chI rvrlre known M lite sire i' lh i v Lear, the u ol llio r. in.lecr.-rlc liii'le dims m id Itiiips. M'pii stMituiK tlie exlitu t am niaU. bo ben (muni aiumur lb oilier debris of the lot tismed period The skull which linve len tli-rovcr. d bav a barbaons nullin. Afl.il for head, deep sot rye, a Inrg mouth and a reeeding chin such wero the trail of tbep autm bthoni'S of l'.urti In Ihcsc skulls aulbmpulogists proles t trace a bistorv of migrations long before the dawn of history. They see Asiatic types gradually supplanting tho native IVirius, and trace su.ces sively tho Tauranian and tho Aryan invasions. Certain remains of bones. broken and roasted, have led to tho conclusion thai somo at leant of theso primitive races wero cannibals, though this is a question still under discussion. Calculating upon tho basis of the90 geological evidences, tho period of the lirst appearance of man upon earth is carried back to very remote times. Tho endless chronologies of Kgypt and China are more rivalled in these modern speculations. It must be borne in mind that all such inquiries aro en vironed with great difficulties. One of the most apparent ot theso is tho laot that man is a burying animal, lie in ters his dead sometimes in cavos, some times below the surfuce of the earth. The presence of human remains, there fore, in company with thoso of extinct animals, is no evidence ol tlio contem poraneous existoneo of man. Nor are stone implements and dolmens neces sarily indications of extreme antiquity. Our own Indians made stone arrows and hatchots just before tbe arrival of the white man, and reoent travellers toll us of an East Indian tribe that at this day are erecting dolmens. The seienco of anthropogy is very young, and modosty becomes youth. Jiutti more Leader. Tht Jpostlcf flock n Prarme. While in the markot-place we will wait for the hour, forbore is a curious old clock that ticked four centuries ago when the Swedes were thunder ing at tbe gates of l'rague, and when Bohemia was a great and powerful kingdom just as it is ticking now. Twenty-four hours tbe day and night are marked upon the dial, instead of twelve, lor the clock follows the i sun. hen night comes, the luce ot ?, uuii 1111:11b iviiim. imp y,, dia! become, black, just as the . . nJ t,,e rf - , roBch. . (nrnH h, .,.., while- fll ,e out t0 I meet the light. You can tell from it what time tlio sun rises and ut what hour be will set. Hanuscb, tbe clever fellow who made it, was some thing of an astronomer; but men knew little about the stars in those days. liut tbe hour lias arrived it is ten o'clock. Watch closely, for tho deli cate mechanism is now at work. Out of a small door above tbo dial comes HL-nhtnn iriiHRt.Irnnn irnm. Around ., , ,B . ,, f. w its bony neck o d l ather Time has I, ,- , ., n., ihunc bis remomeless scythe. Ihc . , , , cauut figure produces an hour lrluss, ; , ' -i . I and turns it to indicate that another gone, and that the new lias commenced. It then pulls violently a bell rope, precisely as the old sexton in a New England yillaga church would do on a Habbalh morning. At each pull tbe bell strikes, and tbe skeleton bows its head in approval. Then out of the mysterious tower comes a misur with a bug of gold, lie clenches it light, for it is evident his time has come, and be hates to leave bis worldly goods behind. lie walks about and beats tbe ground with his stick. There is avarice in his heart and eyo a sort of cold re lentless grasping after dollars, that no one can mistake. This figure is the master-piece of tbe clock. When the skeleton has rung the hour, both it and tbe miser retire iuto the tower. Then a great bronte door opens, and the twelvo apostles pass before tho Saviour and. bow down to him. Far up on tbo tower their faces look life like, and the scene is impressive. An Okeooji CoraTsuir. A charac ter in a well-known play says never respect a man half so much as . o ... l i. .. .... r.. li. ti is poo J deal of human nature iu the : f.0mtt,'k- A" -T"1' autn. .Him mimn lirmrnitln nfrnrrprl lntj.lir in Oregon. A country schoolmaster near Corvallis undertook to chas'.iso one of his pupils, a large girl, endowed with good health and plenty of muscle. A long and spirited contest ensued, the result of which was awaited with breathless interest by the entire school. The tuacbor finally reduced the spunky girl to subjection, but only after a gal lant struggle on her part. The conflict, however, inspired them with snch a mutual respect for each other, that a few davs after they wore married. Wc don't admiro the Oregon sw lo of courtship but there may be something in it. One of our eldest and most respec table cilir.cns culled into the establish ment of a joking druggist recently, and overcome by the sultry weather, sut down in a chair and was soon en joying a Bound slumber. Observing that the sleeper bad on a fine new bat tho druggist gently removed it, sub stituting in its place on old one, with a sadly dilapidated and rusty crown. Tho drowsy citizen at lust awoke, and after a few "h hmns," felt the bat, which was rather a tight fit. Kcniov ing it from his bead and taking! steady gaze at tbo buttered relic, bo turned 10 lll0 druggist, and inquired : "Did 1 Hwp , tinu, r J.,ye ,it,d llie ker,"avcry long time." 'Well." coniinuod tho first, '! should judge I bad, for when 1 came into your store this d d old bat wub brand new !" Oui Aor. Alas! lor bira who grows old without growing wise, and to whom tho future world docs not (io wnom mo ruiuro world docs no! ' Bet open her gates, when she is exclu ; ded by tbo present. Tho I-ord deal. Knieinus with ns in the decline of Uiv ll"lt il a ',ttmB lo tur" 1110 r.vc t'ceomos dim, tho tongue (a - u'n-tl,c r"rt fT 10 do ijrir,ofli,Ti' "nd fr,m r side resounds tbe call, "set t bine house in f"r term of ,,y pilgrim- youm, me leiiow-iatmrnrs ol manhood We are to have two lull rnoout dur ing tbe month of October, one on tbe 1st and the other on the Klrt. a pood I time for lunatics. The nroniierv r. gistered bv Jenkins, that thor vnn 1H e more marriages this October than any other month since the close of the war, was probnbly based npon know ledge of tbe above fact. 1 K' t fc.-sn. 1 .hi Vl., t liit, I,.. ' 'llr n,, At (I I" iM I I'Ml Is ,1,..1,, il,rnt iim.hiM hir. AiM titip i S.t (f'.i Tli". i"l .'.i-'iin- in ll' l!'l( I. ,,. hit L..I...J .T. 1 It,- w nli-B ,1" it l.rl .i.l Slir im Ii tli, li.n-l m-RH, Attl .'r in r.ninni.K M ,rr I -h ,11 , 1 1 I .I' th 'm. rrilmi II il.ft.l. 'I Dnli r S-.nii. sni'i.'iii rlniiH n lRin, And lli...r 1,0 linilir l iiuinifl lie i Htui-t can ulliu. I'll htt mr Ihf-r l mnrruw, T.' it v On' i"ti l.i, An.l il until ilif n.imtll, AuU m' mint plir mil iln. Yoimir t-il rtm'lttl llir- lurrl M lnltt jti !liu plr wrr briglit; II nt Ilr ba-1 fIip litil'li u Utiru XUrtr rtinff in ijrlit. Fhc li-lilly pri.wrtl llir itrraiiilct Aoi iiuiniI llntl lb livl W li rr r.i'k mul twtiiui! hranc)6 Hftd rtiriiiril s ffuit.1 ujrol : ViifmitM-l'itiii ot olifTi f rt, site knrll in mM-knoM llim, Anil lottknii; up 14 heaven. Ureal hed lorlh s fervent prayer. Tlitn riititif; up in e,laliioM, She weililcil fnnh hymn. And hituM wenl Itent ber fiMittei While el the light WB ilim. Torlll eame the ftultcnnl Kile, Sur trird the etreainlt't'e art; Hhe Ihontht nut of her Inatiire, ilut ut her erriox heart. ion't flay H'ilh ItabUt. Especially with those whoso moth ors are"nervous creatures," and whose fathers are wldo-u-vako, go-abeadutivc, steam engmeish men. Young America has too many nerves already, and too high strung at that; too ready to vibrato at a touch. . Do not play upon him. Let hi in be quiet. For tho first thrco or four months of bis mortal lile let him be handled and carod for, as fur as practicable, by ono quiet person, and, alter that, lul him not bo caught up and Visaed up and tickled and cackled at by every ono who comes along. Keep him quiet. If grandma, or aunty, or "hubby" want to enjoy tho baby, let him approach him carefully, rever ently, snug him up gently, talk to In in soothingly and sensibly, and have a good time gcneiully with him with out gulling him all on springs and making a fool of him. After bu is able to talk do not say smart things to him and teach him to make pert replies, and when old enough lo be sensitive to remarks, do not say of him ic bis presence, as though he bad no sensibility, "What a little man!" 'lie looks liko bis mother." "llow bo has grown tull !" Leave him to bis simplicity and unconsciousness, lie w ill wake up out of them soon enough without. If the futility to which be belongs is busy and bustling, keep him out of the way of it as much as possible Lead biin to the "green pastures" and by the ''still waters " Ten chances to one the sensntivo.nervous system iu him greatly predominates over the organic. His bead bis front bead purlieu lurly is loo Urge, Ins stomach too stniill, his fingers too sharp. Study to change this condition, aud work away at him till the predomi nance is tlio other way, until there is developed in bimagieuter capacity for living a long lite than dying au early death. To this end let bun be fed regularly, and at physiologically intervals, with plenty of simple, nutri cious lood, avoiding all stimulants even flesh meals iu his earlier jrrowing years in both lood and drink. Get him to sleep in the day time and to bed curly nights, und let him sleep as long as lie w ill. In short, let him live a good dual at the liUlepigs and calves do. Do not put line clothe on hinil Let him touch the ground, play on tho lap of the earth, and keep him from intellectual and social excitement. (These remarks apply to girls at well as to boys ) If you do not look out Old America will become so smart and keen aud quick that it will "flash in tbe pan," or so attenuated thut it will vanish into thin air, and there will be nothing left of it. liochestn X, Y.) Express. Joh II ill In f Matures Hit 1.1ft. I kum to the conclusion lately thut lifo wus so uusurlin that the only wa for me to stand a fair chance with other folks wus to get my life insured, and so I called on the agent of the Garden Angel Lifo Insurance Co., and answered tho following qnestions which was put to me over the top ov a pair ov goold specks, by a slick, lit tle, fat, old feller, with a little, round, gray bead, and ax pretty a little belly az enny man ever owned. Qt rsTioss : 1. Are you male or female ? If so stato bow long you have been so. 2. Are you subject tu fits, and if to. do you have more than one at, a time !1. What is your jtrecise liteing weight T 4. Did you ever have cntiy ances tors, and if so, bow much f 5. What ix yure legal opinion ov the constitutionality of the lo command ments li Do ya ever have enny nitcmare? 7. Are jou married and livo single, or are yu a bachelor? N. Duyu beleave in a futcr state! If yu du, state it. 0. What arc yurc private sentiments nlxiut a rush ov rats tu the bead can it bo did successfully f 1". Hare yuevercommittedsuicide and if so, bow dus it seem to affect yu : 11. Did yu ever bav the met tles, if so, how inuny T After otiswering the uhovc questions liko a man, on the confirmative, tbe slik, little fat old feller, w ith goold specks on, e.cd 1 war. insured for life. and probably w ould remain so for a term ov years. 1 Ihiinkod bim and smiled one of my most pensive smiles Apvick to Yoiko Mrs. Ijet tbe business of every one alone, and attend to your own. "Don't buy what you don't need. l"se every hour to ad vantage, and study to make a leisure hour useful. Think twice before yon spend a dollar, remember you will have another to make lor it. Look over your books regularly, and if you find an error trace il out. Should a stroke of misfortune come ujion yon in your busi nous, retrench, work hard er, but in rer fly the track. Confront difficulties with unflinching persove- .. . . - . 1 . t ! 1 . 1 . . . lam-it, auiu tniT w hi ny at last ; tnen you will be honored, but shrink, and you will be despised. We are just entering upon the finest weather oi all the seasons. The north Wind is beiinniriiir In civ thu air a. healthy and bracing tone. Thutsaith me "poci oi the scusons : 1 "d not or la Ortam, W to. , ,.-1,0, Si for tal.n. Wfcor. rhe atavv aim w attla Mt .Atnl candidate are traalia' ; hen aarudr aieal S , hrj lO , btoaorv aut ia lawk, 0 1 a wimI ttnuk ef dTi" J Or tin film mk ' YfofUnu I "Uffiu Inr. I lloodanrt s Herman Tonic; lHi(ianr (irrman lottos Il fon-ruPfd of Ihf lHr j.ro (r. tl3T m.tu-ii..! ? Irrtnrii, - - fcx1.srtt f fft brhp, and II trPrM" kU'Mj Pnnrilru4 n 4 nt irolf " Iron, iloobohf duiixtar f ny kiad" I ItMillutnlV fuTinnn Tonic la mo.litftlio of kit th .Tifrt-iieuU f tht Itittrm. with the purt't quality of bint Crvi Kun, Oratifrei, Af , kii)( o of tb biom . ant And grecAbU rpm"iie cr uffrtj to tbe pUUI If. 1 HUN ir3l PI Hsorwtvau iivus leobolif nlmiiUiT, nil m lIooHand's German BitU'ra. Tbot who bTt bo ol'jectina to lh oonbinv Uoo of th Bitter m uud, will ait , IliKjfliindH Gorman Touic. Thy r both qully good, fcftd enUtn tb m rodicinl Tirtu, tb eboic ht tb two boinir a men natter of taifte, tb Ton ic being tb Biot )AlatAt. Th toa?b, frutw a Trle(y of aoti, neb aa Indigestion, L;ippia,Nerroa IMbiiity. eu., II Tfr.V (l W BUB --v lSHuut.t .rH. ed. Tb Lir, ya I I MihiAing cloly ai It doe with tb Htwoiarti, tbeo be- euinea a Owe ted, tb roault of wbirb li that tb paiisnt u flora from aereral or ore ef tb ful lowing J i : ContirAtion( Flatulence, Inward Pile. Fallneaa of Wood to the itnad, Aritfttj or tb 6 ton ten, Nauaoa. liaart Hum, Hiaguat for Ir'uod, Fnllneaa or Weight in tb btomaeh. Kuwr l.rwptiuoa,Hink. log or rlaltermg at tb pit itf tb tomaeh,8win. ningof lb Head. Jiarridor lithcolt br atb in g, fluttring of the IIeart,Chca.ing or bof foeatiog eenaatioo wbeo In a lying poatare, L ibid etc of vlaioa, dot or weba before tb eyta, dull paio in tb bead, deficiency ef per pirmtiun, yellowneaaof tbe ibtn and eye. Pain ia tb aide, buck, cheat, limba, ., auddea fluabea of beat, barning fleab, eonaiant imAgtnitigi of eril and great depreaalon of apiriu. The Aufferer from tbea dtfeaaea ibonld eier eia tbe greateat eaation In tbe ecleertioa ef a remedy fur hi amae, , pwrcbaaing only that wbicb b ia aaaured I 1 from bia inTeatiga iiooa and inquiries pueeee tree aaerit, ia akillfnlly eooipoaaded, i jree from ij.jarioa ingredient, and baa eitabliafaed for itelf a reputation for tb ear of tbee dierasea. In thi eonnMtioa we woald fabait tbo well knowo retnrdic IIooHaudH German BitU'rp, Hoofland'H German Tmic, Prepared by hi. C. M. JACtfON, Phiiadelpbia, fa. Tweoty-twe Tear aloe tb-y wer firtt intre dared into tbi otry from Germany, darter wbtnh time tbry bav atidovl'ledly prHomed nor ears., and benefited aufftTing baaatiity te a greater extent, tbaa aoy other routed. knowa In th allie. Tbea renedie will tffertaally ear Li err Cu&plaint, J aundtc, -.- lwpepia. ChruLt or Kcrfuua lebi li tr, 1-4 C b r o a i e Diarrba-a, l'ineaee of tbe Kid A nrya. arid all difcaee Bfijucg from a Liaurderel Lirer. fiumath, er Iuleatme. iKOiilitr, Eeaulting fren any eaue wbatever ; Pructratio vi the ryutem induot-d by aear Labor, llardcbips, KipMun aVeeers, Ae Ac There la bo medicine rttant eqaal te tbeee lenedtes ia snch eaeea. A towe aad Ttfoe ia imparted to tbe whole syatrm, lb entente ia alrt-nf tbened, fotd ia n;'red, lbe ttemarh di- yr'Jiuyu), lur uiihu iw fmriuca. U3 cn piexioa becDmea Soend and bealtby, the yellow ting Is eradicated Iron tbe ere a, a bla it given to tbe cbeeka, and ihe week and a err ova in Tali d become a atiung aad healthy being. Pcrisons AdvanceJ in Lifo, and feeling tbe hand of tine weipfc-ng hraily uf-oa titan, wub all iu attendant ilia, will and ati aa of tbeee Bitter or tb Tome, aa eltur that will in a til aew lite into tiieir voiea, restore ia a neanur tbe energy and ardor ef nore youthful daa, build op their brunkea ferna, and gir heel ib and happiness to tbvir renaiamg years. Xotioe. It Is a well eetabliehed fact that fully oe- , nail at tb tenaie e rtioa of ear popul linaare sci'tin in tbe I enjnyneot of good ! health, or to use tfaier ews espresaioa, tbey j nor feel well." They art languid, devoid of an energy, eatreneiy aereoua, an bare ae ap petite. Tu this elaea of peraons tbe Litters, or the Tonic, lo eppacially reeenn ended. Weak and iX licate Children are ma tie strong by tbe ae of either of those re Died tea. Tbey will our every oaee of aunaw without fail. Thousand of eerwfr-ate have aeraanlated in tbe band of lb proprietor, hat en ace will a. low of tbe publicatma of hut a few. 1 hoe, it will b obeereed, are nea of aote, aad of aerh standing tnat tbey nast be believed. TehtiriKniaU. Una. George W. Woodward. Chief iaatiec of tb buprene Court of PennrrtraniSa, wnte : Philadelphia, Pa., laorck It. IMS. "I find EooruAei' . ttaaaaa ItirraasUa good tonie, oaefal ia A dia-saaoeof tbedigeeV io orgut, and of groot boarfit ia oain ef debility and want of nerroae action ia the systeav Years, truly, Oau. M oopvakb." Boa. J am Tbonnsoa, Jndge of th Bupreaar Lourt u ronoayiennia, write. -Philadelj.bia, April 7, 1(M. I ena aider tlooflard (ermaa Bitter a eala ablt wiedicin in ease of Indtgertttn or 1'yrpep ata. 1 oaa certify tbii froa expeneaoa. Toarat with reaper t, Jabb lacmrsoa.' Frnn Bee. Josoph I. VTimnard. P. Pastor of ttio Tenth H apt tat Ourrh. rbitadrhia : Ih. J ai Aftua Iear Mr : 1 hare bee feeaeBt ly renueated to ronnect try nans with reoon neoiiauwB f diBerrut kinds oi Btediriae, but regarding the prac T ticeaa eel of ny ap propnu ephere, 1 ,V hare ia ail oaaes o-: clined; but wit a clear proof ia eanoue ! inetonrea, and particalarlr ia ny own teuu'r, of the aeefuineet a lr. tiooflaad Urrnaa ItiUrra, 1 dr)iart l"r on re rron nr araaJ enoree, te a nreM ny lull eonvirttea that fiw goneral debility of tb eyaten, and eepec.ahy r Liver Con plaint, U i a aofe and r.uat.ie p-parattoB, In lime caee tt nay Uil. hat aea,iiy. 1 doubt aii, ti will bowery eenefiriaJ tr tbeee w be rutnr Iron tb above tear. 1 ours, eery refprrtioilr. S. V. kev .. tig bib, below Ceato troeta. Pron Her. t. T. Teadal!, Kditar of Christian 4t'hronicl," Pbiladrlphia : I have derirtd derued benft fron tb at of Iloofiand German fitter, and led it my pr vi le pe to rePnuintrrtd then a a wnst vaoabtr tooir te all obe are suHerirg frma gfT-ral drbi ny wr frnn dieac aneii g froa dranretrcrtt of tb lirer. loan, traly, . l. Jehtaiu Caiitiim. HonflajiJ' Oar Stan Bitter ara roanterfpitad. pee uial the .irt.a tar af C. M JAlk ftiN i. ea tbe ara, I I per ef eerk bi.uia All otbar era eoua Urf.it. Friar.pat (tfiir. at-d Maaofartnry, al int ttaraiaa Uraicai Store, No :1 Arrb tirtM, Fbiledelpbia, Fa. (HtMLU PC i.a,, Br.rrtar. iFurmarlr C. M Jarl.,.a 1 CV) Price. Ilof'fland' Oeraiaa Bitarra, per bnttl $1 Ba per a le Bonlland 9'Trbb Tuata, pat ap ia c,aart botilaa, per battle. r Or a ball do. fur , I at JI0 Bot forget la eKaaua w.U tba arttrW yoa buy. ia err te f at u ranaiae, ptrTnT aale ty all dry aiaia aai dealer ia atadi.-iaaa y.ts ly LIVERY STABLE. TF! L BBtiereipood Uwrnrr t istirno tbe aW Iir tUat be ip ar f hIIt pn-fea-! lr OrfariilB( . dMe all ia tbe war t lurntrtin( Hmmr. HurrT, Stwt'llfe an ijaiwea, oa too etmrti ut natic mod oa reoMrniihte tvraHL keaiaoe oa Laooawt airee betweea Tnird aud f oanb. tKO. V. (.EAkflAKT. "rtiTTVeid. Arril 11. ,wft7. QLOTUIXG ! CLOT11JXG. To. aaa (at a FULL fVTt ef ClaLkaa, ( Oaat, Pasta aai Teeta,) far JU. at 1. f. XJUIiii i. Jijiflitaif, 5 inn sir, ( u. ru.is in MOM.S AM) HOLLOW-M ARE. sr MAMiicntii or Tin, Copper & Sheel Iron Ware, hlllpkburg, Ontre res , THE wnderilgaed rerpertfolly' annevwcea to th pobhe that be bae oa head a eare-Nlly-e1eted and well acaorted stock of 6ut Uia variety eoaatat ef SHE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Whtrb bare arer failed lo giro perfert eatlafae tioa te tb no at faiidiea ef ita parcbaerra, Coatiaental, Lehigh, Pernor, DaTlirht. Ppear' Anti-Iaat. hiagara, Cbarta, lletaid. ttc, with erery variety of tb beat Pitubwrg ManafactaT. i.Tb Tin and 8beet Iron ware gieea with th rtttve 4 nad ef tbe beee'tat aad beet material, and warranted to giro perfect aaua raetion. liu stack of PARLOR AND II EATING STOVES la larger, better and cheaper tfcas aver Vtfore erbibtted to tbe public, lie debea eoBipeuuvo either la variety, quality er price. II I aleo prepared to fur tab a eonplete aaeortmtnt or Tin, Copper, Sheet-IronfrWooden and Willow Ware, WholeaaJ or retail, au a a factored neatly aaj with tbe aole Tie te erriee, Iron the beet n tertai ia tbe narket. PLOWS, PLOW POIKTB. a COPPEB, ERA?S AAV lttUA LKIILZS, 10f trery dieriplios eonstafilly ea kud. LIGHTNING RODS, Superior point, pat ap en short aetiee. Tbo Poiat he efltr te Ue path is the son ae ia aow aaed by th Pecajylraaia lUiiraod CoT ueir Duiiamgi. ORDERS FOB SPOUTING, ROOFING And other work kelongtag to hi basin will be prompt fiUed by expeneaced aad skill? el WUrA.3tCA. BRASS, OOrrEB A'D OLD METTLE Takes U axchaxp forvo4a. T Ht .rpfriaTl iariu. U,a aUMtiua l alrrraacu wtfh-tg t. f-arraaaa a4 aaia. a. Upj Cd4 it t. tiir a.j.aatAr I. ".,nt lij uek W,.n piuxtMtbf iM.i.r. U, g, ILtQiL. TltUfthmTf, Aa( , lifts. Jjlll; MERKELL & BIGLER, rttuRi iv II A K I W Alt E, Abo, Vuafkrtarereef Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLItlntlli, FA. LOT OK SADDLES, LKIPLKS, Baraaaa, CoHan, ate. far aaJa Vj MEKKEI.L A EIGLER. pALMLUa I'ATtNT INLOAl- ia( Bay Farka. far aaia f Vf FRRFI I. 1 T'.:t to HLL, PAINT, PUTTY. JLS J ' ' Xalla, ate. far ami V liKRRELL t EIGLnR. II rutdin, f lU. f ...,, , ,, , QUXS, PISTOLS, SWOKD CAES For Bale Vj MEhl.LLL A BIGLER. CTOVES, OF ALL SOIiTS XSD J Fiaaa, for aaJ bj VERBELL A BIulER. 1K0X! IKOX! lKUX 1 IKOX! For aaia hj MESRELL A EIOLES. 1 1 OIi.?E SHOES k HOUSE SHOE JAiLs.wr-.b, MERKELL A PITLER. pULLKY CLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad aaat Manfaetafa, far aale k MEERELL A BIGLER- pilMBLE bKEKNS A Mi nrE'Irv (iwHl FOXES, tmr aaia bj MEERELL BIOLEJl. 1fiTiliTT rrrrpits r . v , UI'lt.l. CLTTEI for M!e by MEHEELL A tIGLER. SAWS I SAWS! SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMEEEMEX! t ' r r., .-. fa. t levari t. f ntai ae-atl. t 7-At pivttad evatrr rrv4a?. aiU to takea. . KtfnLfTIO.r I.V S.l HH.'.titK r-.t p . . it, .fi.aaiafM fo-u. EMERSON'S fatekt febfobakatid Cross-Cut, CLtalir aad Long Saws, ! (ALL ci MkilNa avoU'IP.) Alo, Emerson't " Patent Adjustable S2f e, I For fjtreadiitj. Fbarprairu, ant Fbapiaf u i Ten ol aU F4iuiaf Sew. j tVS'alforar'r.r.;,;:.. C.rre'ar.rd Trie. Liat. KKllTM A Bl ;IF, j jat tf Graerai Jrer.! C eart.jd. Fa ! $0.003 MOOO r1:..- ti a Tti . ! Five Thparjj DoI3an Innirarc, 1 O n ' m tea B- k a V. a b a 1-.AB wr j unwiid). ta aroee . total ioa- r- m 3 ..-t. 1p)Ca ftnd examine ocr Block Wfor no meoti tum.nat oa rs r.adt nuiiumi inumce. ! - ..tiCHANGE OF BASE! tt ot otlirotpr. wti j Airttr m. fmt7 n. -fr-tfj Iararaao Ar-at. OeojeJ. fa Clearfield Nurserv. EN"coiTa..E home ixii stky. TBI attdarend. Warie ertatVed a Kae. ' art wm .... a ... , l. , t ' I -erfetd aad Car.i!ia. a p.ra.ree to far- I al.t.aa. -fUI T II li .audvd aad ' Idaartl Feeee-neae. SbfcWry. 6a Tte. I ' ";"ea. Lavetaa kiaeakarry. traaWrTy. I V"- ae-.y arwnai Baaaaaa, ww. Oraeea rweaBpUf anil a Bid at. aaaraaa. T'f IT tbe l' M.K BATiC ALHAJAC n-, 111 J.J an .t. .erj riej uWaa"Wa. B j flip e.rrfln. C.rnnWt, fl( tjitr. it iiiitt.MiN rn More In MuNonliurg! la il.. rioi f..rm'tl' wt Ij ?'. T M"farty I.. M. CDl'TI'iIKT ( t .umirl'ta. tM'tiutt. (.ireti ai.1 tl"- Hr p.t.mt Tr c-i"tr. tl.et b- h A Uifr tk ol H VVI K t."'!". " a l -ir , .mr-l to at-ll 1 1 N I'l R t I M liKAPl.K ll.a ar-n, onalitv ol ran br t "bfi-d tT e .t oilier irtore ia tb atgbtiLHi. lit tt-rk IM.HH'11 of Dry Goods of all kinds cUf h ft f atinetta. r.MinrrrA, Moehtta, Dekainea, Linen, lnHihr. t''e, Irmmngr. UihUma, L-ao. READY-MADE CLOTHING. IUTS k SIIULS, UATS k CAPS, GEOCEEIES OF ALL EIXDS. C.fff Tea, Pofir, Rie. No!iw. Fib, faJl, Liniwrd Uil, Fuh Oil. Carbua Oil. Hardwarei Quecnffware, Tinware. Caetinr. Plowe and PI'-w retinr. Nail. Ppikr. L'-oni Caltiralnr. Cider I'reeata, and aJI kiadi ef Asa. VftH Plow are of the Carermvrille and Craire manty neke, and are wirraatcd to he of gwod quality. Drugs and Medicines, Pcrfenery. Painta. Varnish, filae. Bad a geaeral Mevrtiwent ef htotieetery, GOOD FLOUR, Of differmt 1-rmn l. alwaya on ban l. and will be BMd ai the Wweel poeeible figwrea. LiqiORS, Bach aa EKlKLu, WISE, GIX k WniSKY i( cxtuade of Wwm) wasted for which the htgiet price will he paid. u-CalI aad wfrr TouravlTre. Tub will ftrnl errrj tniag arwoJIy kept ia a rrtait store. L. il. i OITRIET. FrewbrilleP 0., ion I, l-n-pd. GREAT FENIAN RAID Philadelphia in an Uproar. Til AD. STETENS FITIGUTEXED Smith Found Alive I N OT Capt. Jcaa Fial'a. or twiila tb El ptmr, hat W. hHl CU g tNE LT.vk kaa jart rtr4 fraai Philad.tbia vt'.a a aw ana ..II KtauJ atarkaf tfhLSiJ uJelliliiiK 0'.'0l-,a part r ahiek ara Dry Goods I Dress Goods 1 MES A5D HOTS' READY-MADE CLOTHING ! HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, 4c, 4c; Cofee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Flour, Eicon, Fuh, Sf ices, Crackers asd Vinegar, At kb ator 1 aiil aaat of Cartbaaa fCTrarttld. eaaatr. fa-,)ajaf akKk b i ariiiaf at radaatd pnraa. Ha alaa tfi ri-tt.j M baad a r WTl!af LIB ORs I'id Bja. triodt, uia azd i aad all af a Wat braada. H-tv- aiark.i rriTil ht all kiaJ af COIMIY FltCiblCK. Tba p.bli ar aoliaiM ta ritl bia a cal S caurga aaad far kwirf rood. W. hVITII FAXKET. Eartkaa, T, , Jaaa II, H' (at pd wa. bb it , a a Ttaaapaov TEN EYCK & THOMPSON Cl li t.NfMLLK, f A. TT AVIS' jartrciTdfraBXw T.rk oa ! II '"'" " .itad uk. . j -aa. a ara .w raar aa (w tba ansa u aai id rml...r. it. wh.a wa r.cata tbaaka for paat farm.) aad lb eiutraj af tbe raaat r aratjr. at iTV;.oa v. -ni j- c.r.r. l " aw a eali kf.ra parrkaaiaf ltwban. aad I U"k i aat a. jaar go.. 0 wa-k miin af a pnt TariatT, aark aa : u i. , x u u u u .uil V CLOTHING, filiiX-I.KIES. HARDWARE, QUEE.X.SirAKE, rAl.XTS, OILS. IHl C.Jt, FKI IT K AI L kIMN, r f ' F.ai;n. Boors aad I MK'K Iruwn aad brai siadl la rt Ta- rVt. aad at raaed traraa : TINW1RK I rUlB,eAe. TEN ETCE af TUOJIPStiX. aaaadal H. B. Tb-pa wi.k ta tb. abora trace, I daeir all kiru ia. ' a., kj X.tt ar Bo.k aeeoaal, ta call aad BMtie tba mum witbaat d.lar. . I" ITCK. 7- - STOU IL l.arwBTuia, M .7, 7, I Ml u. Car. ?wal St. aad H .B Road. IL MITCHELL nA. j. nwtial aad opord. at tb. .-. aa ratirr ara .trk t fl M- ' I'.-, a kick b. aill aril XtUX CI1HF l"K CA.-U. Ot, rtotk eoaxtu af II ARl WARE, QUEENS WARE, 1" ' FK n'' " ad.T.Ma t4r.aa. iUabw kpacaaw. FLOUR, CORX MEAL, FEED, C Aojn, ttatots. iaA, aMaf ItritH Feraaaa &n'.r-wi c-f paTba. tf r-e-1 at fair 0,er.)l. i l, tw tf EWroKE AXD XEW GOODS JUS. SHAW tk SON Hire ju.l cproH a X Srokt, en Ua!aSL,Cuuiniiii, r., late!? occeritj iy Wm. F. irwix. ' Their llotk ccniiaU of I T) T T CE 33 CD LTD 3"? Glt: of the btt QoalilT. i ' QrELstTABE, Iloots and Shocis j tod rrcTy article crcraaarT for eoe'i romfort. .,.;, c:-be,. K9.iv4f. 1,000,000 feet of Boards Wanted. :?,ox siiixgles vvaxted. rTlnH a4. r re wka tbte a.tb4 af A i-f f r. I rtu a, ... -r-w a l rea w ad kiada af Mra..4.w. al a'fr. tore ear Ifl I "Jll-l'Jllt a tbe Ita. af lae T Wr " a KALLACETOX STATJCX, Ttl aai A CVareXd rilead. tam b. m wmtwrmt i k m.i All Kinds of Goods Tee f t'll. ar e.ekaarr tbea It Maaafaarad I. II. 1 KlaHT. 1 a-t Ha.aliaiwaaMt at aae Baikal el aay Caiaaaaiiaa. Fa i ! e aareaaa. af a.aj fr - , elrtb-a? '".1111' JACOB 8. COLE, fwt nit il Mko Mflur;KliHTr, t l 1 .v I Ml I I., t riHV NU :tl.l I ' 'I ' f' r1 I ,t,, f.. ..I I i-ai at.. h p,,! '1.. s't t.lt . il. .t I r' lit ii tft nt.'t,,.. !,....' Hfi.l .1,... at th. tI4 .lm.4 f !"' Itta-"1 M '' I. h.n i tt it" t , . . . . fi t im Ir- ral M tat- t.tt I p." I tiathl .l ai4 al al ltMl rr't l' I... r..karp ..-,,t.l t.natit l'-l-r. All !.. al h-a' H.l, aaa .htn'a laa4. I t.r.l'r, an all ' 'fc aar ,,). J.Mtill K. lltl.fc. tarmi-aniillf. J"'. -e- ' I'EVIE riUKLUMtll. THE WAR OVErTh CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. AV.irfy nil ContrnlkinJ gig bad to iUrir old mit'tirs; but 'nary one going to oil Mairhu1ts, vrhne thry uere lovtd so long and to veil. IS eeui.qa.nr. of tb aboT. ftU. F. SHORT, of th. ul4 "bboct tibo btartp." woald aa aMiar in hi wmn9 patroaa, and tha people af Claart.14 aoaola al larft. taat bt fcai bow a first rat lotnf food aaat.rial. jat r..i.i from tb Kaat. aad i pr.parwl anrnurt Botic lo maka and airoa buou anj bhff. at an Ba Ihop ID Oraban'l row. Da if aatiil.d tbat ba MB plBH Bll.lanl... il nirbl be a.a int.na.ly lojal ttaj- at bona patriou.) Hal. prapftr.d to aall low for fab r Caaatrv rrviac. irtst iorrt ta Kbop salt 4oor Fbowari i; Ormbaia' atora, oa Markat tr.t, Cl.arl.U, Pa4 and b.pt br a fallow onaiacil aaiiatt j,J,7j "SHOBTT.' DANIEL CONNELLY, Root and Shoe Manufacturer TT. jt racairad a Id. lot of Franck CALF 1 L 6 K I N S, ax a ia Bow prpar4 to aiaBBtaa. uir. avtbifig ia hit line at tba lowaat tffara. II will warrant bu work 1. b. a. rvprataotea. H raapaelfoilj aotirlU B aall, at bia afaoa aa Markat ilmt. aaeoad door weatof tAWpaitoffiea. wbr b will ao all ia bit powr to raadar aatia raetioa Bom ba Uaitrr topa an band. jHer-j liAMKL CO.V.NiLLY. EDWARD MACK. Cob. VtABKET t la tin, CLEAUFIELl), Pi. rllE propriator baa Btrl ialo tb BOOT X BIIOK kaaiaaaa at tb abora aland, and iaaatataiiaaa sot te aatdoaa itber ia qaal. ilj r pria for bia work. FpMiaJ altcalioa will to paid to auaaiaenriafC rwa4 work. 11 ha oa baad a larir lot of raeh Kip aad talf hkirf, of tb rf bast qsaittj. Th fill ib f CiaarAatd Bad Ticiaitr ara reipectiallj in itd to gir kin a trial, I o abarg for aall, botK,1 (if XEW LOOT A.D SUOE SUOP, IS (IRHEKfaVILLE. rrHR eaberriher baring lately storied mi 1 boot aa4 Paoe rhop ia Carwearti! ji. cu Mata vtreet, eppoaite Jeeefk E. Irene' Dmf tore, reeer.ulijr aaooooee to tbo poblic tiat b I prepared to eiaiia'aartare all atvlefof Boot as 4 Sboea. aa4 tvorjtfaiaf ia bi tin, en bort a el ire. He aleo keep en baa4 a food aort eat of r 4 -. work, whieh ne will 11 cbeap for cab or eeutrj proioee. octlT tf U) LBWIrl ?. RO-S. THE WESTERN HOTEL. CLEARFIELD FA. rl'UE aabarriW kavinj laaaad for a trrai af 1 jaar tbii wll kaoaa Bold, (kpt for asaat ).r b) Mt. Lai'u, aad ra-Slttd aad rlur Bitted it UtroBfhctil, U Bow prepared te atr taia trar.l.n aad tba pct.lt earall opaa Una it u b'pd Hk arreab!e to both patr.a aad pnrieior. Hn 1ABLK aad BAH will t p;. imI aitb tb Wit tba atarkat afford. ; aad aa paiaa aill a. ir4 aa bi part la add la tb eenreaieaee aad eoea'ort of bi. raaat. JOU.N UOl'UIIEitTV. etIJ Propiiator. EXCHANGE HOTEL" IU!tllM.IH), PA. THIS eia eetahlfibsent b.Tin; Wa leaeed br J. M(RaiiON. ferenert- proprietor of tbe "Momeoa Uoate," ba bee a thoroughly rea. oeatori aai refaraube4. at. 4 uppl.e4 witb all tbe aOedera iaiproTtaeou aad eoareaieoeee a eM-y V A U.tL Tab ia,l.( msm ba beoa rtooee4 te tb A ret floor, and i aow rfono asd airy. Tbo ebataber aro well tea uUtcd. ed tbe priprietor wi,l eadeaeor to atake bu roeeu perfect j at h'me. i3i J- WORRIfJOS. Proprietor. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, (Forarly b'pt kj Ja. II. Galar.) F'real Htrrrt, Pblllp.burf. Fui'a. X T - will Impaark Bar aa aba earl a fail If ,! dtrart and pensaal atwetioa to an eeMara. ar fail ta r.a.a t!a lo rrjoiet rrar a w l raraifbed labia, witb elaaa rooau aad a. a to.ii, wbara ail atar f..l at boat aad tb weary to at rwt. Nra taKlinr attarhed. Jl'IIN M-Ltl wHLUT CO., Fniliptbarg, Jana II, lM. I'ropnetor. J. W. MAI.I.AfK . . THO. n. RHAW AMERICAN HOUSE, 1 albenbarc. t IrarHeM C a.. Pa. PHIS w.l! banwa and loej tab!iihrd Ho'.id, 1 farwwrly kt by R. W. Mor. aad lattatly by Wm. r?ek. ar. ku ton Iraa.d for a taraj at yar by tk andtrfirnej. te wbirk Iba attra tioa al the traraliar pablie ia aow eallad, aad a liberal (bare af peali patroaar I eolieilad. aprl,4 ly.pd f-HAW A WALLACB. s usquehanna" ho use? t'aracBirllle, Irarfield roaaty. Pa. ryot aid aad will .tblihed Botel. toaatl. X 'ally attaatid aa tbe tonka ef tbe feaqae. baaaa, ia tba torojrb of Carweairille. bat toea le.d f, . ,.rm ,i ,,, k7 th, .nierai,,, It bai to. a aanr.ly rattled, and ia aew opea te tb pabli raaraiiy aad Ike trar.lliof bobibb. aitr ia r. ih. v. :i . . - ' - r - - '. ww wymna IB rmirt tmni, eomf..tt.M ablle tarryinf at tbi ".ai tor id. aceOBiaie- Mioa ef Uaau. Cbarf a aiod.rata crll-tf pru. U. JKFFRIKS. RAILROAD HOUSE. uti FTRrrT, rnii.tPKBtRo. fa. TU. aoderairoed kp eon.untly oa band the tonef Lutaora. Ilia table ie alway farplie wlta tbe to.t tbe atarket alf.rdB. The trar.ltnr pablie aij de wall to c b Ira a ulL SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. COXISTOWW, PAI PHIS CO., FA. 'T'lIF aalenined takal tbi atelkod of ia , "atrmr. . ir.ra. IB COBBtr. tbat be baa reAtted aid re-ep.B.4 tba kotel fur. ajerly kept by B. k.-iBr, at Cnieateaa, a her. k aill take rperial pale t. radr aatufartita to ail wbe faror ktai at.k their perronar. He bae m a all tba reek eat ef tbe ri.ar aad planted aaaeb BC poet, far kalf a at. I. ato.e kit fieea. f.bl4,! tIEOHUB FALR. (TlotUtQg. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. TDK Haie an bard : yoa'd like ta knew H'W yea Btay .ere yoar dollar, Tba way te de it I will .btw. If yea will read abet fallow. A e wbe II. ed at far free here. be airbed bird al ki trad. Bat kad a keaeebold te aupport Tkat faaBdered all k atade. I kia '.. (tr. ba, "Xtr friead, 1 Kf.k tkread bear aad reuxa t I t. tried ta r- atyielf a rait. Bat eaa't aar ap eaoe.h." Sara I. vy frieal knw Back bar, yoa f I II tell ta a tier is a T ret a .ait tf.t'i aand aad rarer i Te REUbN-iTEl A Co. U to- k wbat llttl k. kad aa.ad, Aad aeat te Rriieaateia A Bmthera', Aad tbre kr got a kaaJaooae aaii. Far kail ka ajjd te nWa. Hew be la k.a, br "tek aa well, Aad tbeir effeet la ra"b, Tkxl wbea tby lake tkeir dally aieal, Tkey d.a I eat kalf aa aiaek. Aad aew ke dad. ea Batarday ai(bt, Wiib all tbeir aaat .aDnlied. Tbat b ba aioBy left te tpead, Aad aoai te lay aatde. Bit ftel taeeeea, witb ebeerfa! nil; Fla f'adly tall te all. If yea d ear aaeeey, (a aad bay V rt.r .Utile, at kEIIiTI!TS CLOTRIXO BALL. WVera tbe rhMMM i.mi . - j t... . ... aad f F.rat.tiui, . mmi eeery auea aad ia eaare etiie aarll. a? Doly's Clothes Washer VSD Oale Copper 'rff FFKU Cl'TTBR, f eeJeby U. 11. ISl.lLKR A CU., JJ'. tf Fblltr-bare, Fa ri'H .f w.M Knc "AI.JI4NAC M X -! aaie a tbe Feet lieu. ri.ee J. tit. JUiled to taj tdierr. lleja;! I8RAEL Tf.ST, A TTt i: M V . T v tV f IratnVIn, a fr In tb t'.al H I JOHN H, FULFORD ATldhKKV A I t Ir.iltrl.l. I' a. PIM aitb J. II. Ntltt.1,1, r.a , ... i ,, icral H.. - rroatpi a't'i'a (ir.a tk . af lat. t'lalat and la all u, v, Wairb . ir It. W A L T E R B A R R E T T ATIUHNKY AT l.AW. 1 OHr aa nVaoad ft., Claartald, fa. fanlij, V m. A. w alluv. Ubi. l,. j, J. Illaka H all.ra. Itut),, n. V . 1 MM n.n. . ... - la luttat Iff AT1"H K YH AT l.AW, Irarlk Id. Pa. F-I.f al bviia.i. at all kludt prta, I, aaearatalj Bttad4 to. (fttrl THOS. J. McCULLOUGH ATTOKNKY AT LAW. 1 OXo adjoining th Bank, fta-owlr oocniitJU J. MoKaalljr, bawad au, Claarbiid, IMT-Will attand proaipily ta ellin, ,' afjaad. j , (datllQ JOHN L. CUTTLE. ATTORNEY AT l.AW Anal Ret Katalc Atcut. Clearfield, Ft. OAra oa Market atrat, oppoalta tb jail. ptr Haapxtfall off.ri hi wrrion ia Mp.,. aad b7inf land In Claarflald aad adiiii.i.. aoaatiea; Bad witbaa atnarlM4cafoTorta.it. joart a a twiiior, Aattart klanelf that k.taj raadar aatiafaattoB. ia2l,U tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH. ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Clcarflcld, Pa. Oflio om kUrkt etreet oo door east of tl City. ield toon 17 bank. mji.ti Jobo II. On if. C. T. aiieiuerr ORVIS &. ALEXANDER ATC'OHSEYS AT LiM ' Bellefaale, Pa. aH ii., F. B. REED, M. D., THYSICIAN AND HL'RUEOS, -lIainr nnarad to Tt iHiaaurrnta, rv. off.ra bia prt lioaat acrriae to tb pvKl 4 tba sarroflBdiee; eaoalry. (jfll.1T DR. J. P. BURCHFIeTdV Laatc Sarfeoa of tbe 83d Keg meat, FeDniyitim Volunteer, baring returned froej tbe A. effer bit prfeuibaal rrieei to tti tiuuu of Clearfield eeontj. i"Prvireiiiotial ealU proaiptl attenlH u Oft re on 6ood itreet, furmerl erof,tf t, Dr. Wood, (r..i DENTAL PARTNERSriip, TR. A. M. niLL, Deri re to Inform hit l;t n r-' -t. fot.ic KenerlJj.l at be bnafM- .icd !. ia tbe prattiaeof Peatfetry, .S. P. SUAW, D. b. , Whulia gradeaU ef tb FhiUd-1-.' College, aLd therefore ba tb b g en 11 of prfeioaal akiiL All f . t tb office I will bold b Mlf pere.ah bl for being dun ta tb atut atieUri,i . ar td bigbeet order ef tb pre'eMien. Aa etabliabed practice of twotj-i jt, tbl plae Dble n to tpeab to bt ui aitb eocfidenee. EnrBtrmeDts from a diitanee ibonld H mm. hy letter a few dat before tb patieat trf,t wming. JOB , ieos S. J. HAYS, SUROEOS DEXTIsT. TTiompaon flreet, turneu.tlllc, Pv Mr-Te.ii enraeted wiib tbe apulioail,a a) loeal BB.wetbeaia eoaiparatively witnoat pm All kiadi af Dniil work doc a. nay U if. "C. M. CADWALLAD E r7 COXVETAXCER I JI STICE Or THE Tti . For Deratur Tp Clearfield Co. 4faVCeUeetioaa promptly atade and Lpe) taetra. bibu aaeeated ea eborteat not ire. Foa: tdm addraaa. PMipabare;. Pa. marlv.'ii J. BLAKE WALTERS ocittviiNfaie aiih uuni 1 1 At.tt AfBt for tb Pmehae and Aale of La oil. f learBeld, Pa. eT-Pronnt atteatiei ira ta all buiaw eoaaaneel aitb tbe eoaaly afleei. OSr. ut lloa. Wm. A. Wallace. jani- LEVI F. IRWIN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE F.ir I-a.renoe town.bin. Clrarflrld P. O.. 1 IrarMeU Co- Pa. -CoUioBi aid reatlttaaau proa.tlj aiaaaj- je.t.H. SURVEYOR. flHS uadrrricned ofTir bi arrtrioee a. a 8ar- a. rarer, sad naay be lonad st bu re i dent, i Lewrraoe luaa.biii. Letter! will raacb biai i reeled t Clearbeid, Pa. vay T-lf. JAMES MITrliriU DAVID YOUNG, STONE-CUTTER AXD MASO.N P.O. Do 118, Clearflrld. Pa. Bl It tfcwi.l li..i i ... . J . T : c. aad Sep.natadiBc Job. All kind ef bjaanrr deae. ta tbe aioet workmaalike aiaaaer. taw aeuciuu, aaa eeatracu bakea ia Bay part al county. JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF TliK PEACK Aad Lieeaead Cooeeyaaeer. I.Btbenbarg, ClearBeld re., Pa. drColleetloaa and reaiiuaaeei preatpllr ade. aad all kiada of l(al in.traaifnt. aeeietl ea abort aotiee. (o. M f DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, SECOND STREET, OJ.11 CI.R A H FI Kl D. P A. ' THOMAS H. FORCEE ei.Lia ia GENERAL MERCHANM.SE, r.RAHAMTIIX, p.. Also, ettenilr nt.no fa, tureir and du .i in f j, Timber and r-aaed Lauberol it k;:. i. WOrJin aulicited aud all I ... t -U4. .' aro. iiaaat imit iiii , - W. ALBERT L (JRCS Meanfartarrrt A nt- - I i , Sawed Lumber, Sonar, Ti'r , WOOltLAND, IM JVaT'Ortltr kdirited. B.'l : , arid rei.oat'i t i Al ire Woodland P O,, t . W. Al ' FRANCIS COUTK Mtiu Av r. Frrnchtllls, lleatficld Cuu t Keep, eon.tantly oa hn I a li II Pr .li. Hardware. Hmerle.. attl ,nt . . nanaitr b.pt la a retail atnr, , ahia a ,11 le tou fur e.h. a. eh,.ap a alaratt, re in tlx oea'.ty. IranrbTill Jan. l;, jNi; v- MOSHANNON LAND & LUM3ER CO,, OSCEOLA STEAM JI11.I.S, aiavi ricri ri LUMBER, LATIi, AXD TICKETS H. H. MIU.I.INtiFflRIi. Preatdeel. Oee Farea) Pl.re. V... 1?S ft. drtl It.. Fkll'a. J"IIN LAW SHE. titir.rriiitrt.drnl. ! J tlereola Mill,, ClearfteU roanly. f' R E U B eITtHTc K M A nT House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, ( Irartteld, Peaa'a. wji.lTill rrevnte J.. la bit line proeiftlr ia a aorkmanltka wtaen. arri.T it. ico it i so?; a t o. PORK PACKERS, . l iberty SI., ruisbmrtK Hare. a band a bur .look of Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAIN AND aAB CV BED BAMS, Mom Pork, nrted Bf, and Leaf Urtl. all of U eaa Parking, Carittc aad nsukiag. Lard Oil, Flour, Cheese, Dried App and Feacbes, VTHk a aenara a.aonaMat af (Ireeeriaa, at tat lewwrt tuikat pKea, Jan ll.'tJ ',?