She Republican. GEomir D.GoodlaM'KB, Eilitor. "Clearfield, pa. Thursday Morning, Oct. 22 1668. Democratio National Tickot. FOR PRESIDENT, Hok. nOllATIO SEYMOUR, (ir NSW TORK. POR VICE rRMIDINT, Gex. FRANCIS P. BLAIR, OF MISSOURI. ELIXTIIHKt William V. MoGralh. Iflrorge W. Call, p v. kn.rlT. M.D.Jeeee C. Awru. Cbaa. M. Leieeuriug. I'. Potter Witbingtoa. Pimon W, Arnold. iw.llieja R. t.oraal. Heorge R. Bemll. Harry R. Cogg.hall. I William P. Policll. ICyrui L. Perilling. Keobea Mauler. nraura .ii.uiii . i , t i. p.,"JX"-;ifrcTru 1K b. peA-arcr"'- ; Amor u. pioyee. Rernard J. N ulUB. IJamee V. viern.. William Shirk. Unmet H. Hopbine. A. O. Brodbeed, Jr. iBdward 8. Golden. John blmJiuf. lowuoel B. WilKin. Addrtit of the ItemotratU Slate Vommtllet. Dekociutic Stiti Comkittii Booni,l l'hlitdtlpliia, Ocl 16, IMS. J To the Democracy of Ptnnsytrania : Yon bare fought a good fight. You bave polled a larger voto than ever before ; bave reduood the liadical majority of 180C by nearly one-half, and Lave proven tho immortality of your principles and the vitality ot your organisation. , Radicalism has carried the State by means of the grossest outrages; by openly and corruptly buying tlioaandB of voters; by driving from the polls foreign-born citizen! regularly rata raliied many years since; by rejecting the voles of thousands who were leal ly made citizens in the Court of Nisi Prius; by violating and trampling upon tho seal of that Court a recog niied symbol of the law; by deterring legal voters from approaching the polls thronjjh thrcatend penalties for imaginary offences; and by the des potic and unscrupulous use of power bv election officers in Radical Districts Under the spedous charga of fraud upon your part, Radicalism has per petrated the vilest frauds. Thousands of voters bave been colonized, pan pers assessed and voted, repeaters hired and -voted five times in Radical precincts, returns of election altered and manipulated to suit their own pur poses, and Irauduletit naturalization papers issued by the ream. In the contest just closed you bave learned their capacity for violence strength of their organization and discovered the weak poiDta in your own. With the experience thus gained in the school of adversity, we will go forward to victory. The enemy are yet to be taught that outrage and fraud, violence and wrong cannot be perpetrated with impunity; they bave yet to learn that you are neither dismayed nor demor alized, and that in the pursuit of the right you know no such word as fail. Arouse the people once more for the conflict Bring to the polls every Democratic vote. For right and jus tice give back right and justice. For outrage and wrong return the full measure of swift retribution. The work to be done it no holiday sport. It Is the last battle for the sal vation of the Republic, the preserva tion of the Constitution and the suprr. macy or your race. Work and fight as men engaged in inch a cause should work and fight. By order of the Democratic State Committee, WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Chairman. GtoKGU Spaks. people on earth were ever so persistently and wickedly misrepresented as those of tbe bouth. Some of those who have taken an oath before God and man to keep inviolate the Ten Comiuand- meuu, (one of which declares "tbou iiuv war iaie witness against .tny neigiiuor,-; are often beard de- 5 &aiusi buu misrepresenting ui jTotrie. lo contradict these alaodcrers and hypocrites, we lay be fore our readers this week, the add,. of the Democratic State Committee of leorg.a, for hich we bespeak gen eral perusal. In this address, Mr. Cabaniss distinctly sets forth the plat form of the Democratic party of his State, and in fact of the whole South, which we bono will close the mouths of cowards, slanderers, backbiters and knaves. Democrats t,f Clearfield, examine the c-leeiu.n ret arm in this paper by bornoithi and township,, a cal ltion, and ac, bow many more votes yoa can pr,n on the Sd of Xo vembsr next than you did on the 13th. We predict that the tuirtv ditiricU in county tan poll wn , from ten to twelve more Democratic wt each. Look aronnd and see bow many of your nehbor. remain ed aw.y frcm ,he pot ou t, y -d make . proper effort to got them ot- -Whyatand ye idle," while the nerny j, hatlering dowo of liberty f Rathe ., I-.. HU t. V ""-"" lor rrident and 1 he "firroct who are Ted by the then howl peace. It 1, a jllte Radical Freedmen s liurcau at ihsex k. a harlot .topping to lU door of P- ,7 of h. In tb. .JLi , 1 'Mr the .treet to be virteou Tht I rrl It IHvr, Vf rt lrc to mltvil IliM rretilt on 0i ?l Tura.tnT of V.lrr rt"t hot Impel il Wc'tiU If ! tut ... . . - a ....... I r nol Uif icon ai'i'ioirBRi'i. "" IWiliff rtM fr Union ol thirtv-Mvrn fiM. Iiul.-winl.-nl nJ Iinnt.v Ktni.'n. cuntrolU'il ry Wf men, mill fi'r wliito men Rinl their tiost.-rity forever. Our rKliinats lor (he county wan Ihiih'J njion A vote fullowi : ltmorrnt, 8,1H0; RiiJintl I.MOj IVmocmlio majority, 1,2."0. Tho voto in IVccaria, RruJy, lsurn side.CloaifK-ld, Decatur, Knox, Morris aud Now Washington, is a fiaclion over our estimate, especially in Deca tur; while tho other district did not come up to our expectations. Tho aggregate vote polled in the county is 620 greater than ever befors, and on Congressman was 4,150 for ltrown 8,000, for Scofield 1,800 making the majority for Mr. Brown 1,170. Tho list of voters shows the rcmarkahlo fact that over one hundred and fifty voters lulled to cast their ballots fur the State ticket, three-fourths of whom we doubt not were Democrats. Wo are informed that in Lnwrence town ship ton failed to voto the State ticket, eight of whom were Democrats. It .... -I . .i z,ira wam. t the polls, yet but 4,950 (the highest) ballots are counted out of the boxes. Democrats of Clearfield : you done nobly, but you can go three hundred and fifty better on the 1st Tuesday of November! You literally overcame the world, the flesh and the devil, on the 13th instant. The Radicals were determined to reduco our majority to 1,000, and to this cud had employed bonds, "greenbacks," National and State patronage, and every other cor rupt influence, to seduce and cujolo the innocent volor; yet, withal, wo bave increased our majority 40 votes over the exciting contest for Govern or in 1800. Go to work. Let no one become discouraged in doing right. Voter, go to the election yourself, and see that your neighbor goes too, and that he votes the Democratic ticket. Wo see nothing to discourage us at the present time. The battle wc fought in October, 1804, was as hotly contes ted as the presont one, yet when No vember came, Gen. McClcllan's voto was increased 294, while Lincoln's was but 155 greater making the to tal increase from the October to the November election 449 votes. In passing over the county, we met scores of voters who maniftnted great carelcssuesK about the October elec tion, but would pledge their honor that they would turn out on tho 3d of No vembcr. Let every Democrat look around him, learn who remained at borne on the 13th, and invito bis neighbor to go with him in November. Election in i'hiladtlphla Our capital city, which has been so long in the hands of the political Goths and Vandals, has declared the second time lor en uuumueJ tnion. llu true, the majority for Boylo, for Aud itor General, is only 175, but for Mayor, Fox bas 1,838, and for Dietrii t At torney, Sheppard has 1,275. The Democrats carried every officer, but the Radical Return Judges kept throw iDg out tbe votes of Democratic pre cincts until they elected one of the Judges of the District Court by 25 votes, and reduced all our candidates' majority to about as above stated. The election of a Democratic- Mayor will throw eleven hundred Radical po licemen out of office, who will be uperseded by "Union Savers," unless tbe Legislature, as we expect it will, when it meets, takes tbe appointment of policemen from the Mayor. Tbe election of a Democratic Mayor, District Attorney, Receiver of Taxes, City Comptroller, City Solicitor, City Commissioner, Prothonotary, or e Dis trict Judge, and a gain of two Con- gressmen,in Philadelphia, at tbistimo, is a glorious success. Last year the Democrat elected tho Sheriff, Com missioner, Register, Recorder, and Clerk of the Quarter Sessions. The old Slate House is therefore cleaned out. Not Ala Lost. Although we IobI the State ticket on tho 13th, we have the consolation to know that the city of Philadelphia is now in tho bands of Union men. Besides we have gained three Congressmen, Moffet, in Phila delphia ; Reading, in Bucks;and Foster, in Westmoreland, who bos shelved the great "Alligator," and for this alone we are compelled to exclaim, in the clasaio language of "Honest John" j himself, "Glory to God," Covode "are"' defeated. This it not all: We bave also gained two State Sena tort Duncan, in the Adumt and Franklin District, and Turner, in the Luzerne District. Three Congressmen and two Scnutors, enough to save the State from ruin for one year, at least. RrrcastD. Our readers mill no doubt recolloct that General George W. Morgan was, two years ago, elect ed to Congress from tho Llth Ohio district ly JliO majority, hut was turn ed out of his seat, and that miserable "loil" ecailuwair, Delano, pnt in his place. Gen. Morgan was reelected on the 13th, by l,t;..K majority. Daniel W. Voorhoca, of Indiana, who was also turned out of his seat. bas been returned, while George W. Julian, tho celcbratod Indiana Aboli tionist, who Las held a seat in Con grtas ever since 143, hat been de feated. The great impeachcr, Ashley, of Ohio, has also been elected to stay at borne. Thus one Disunion harlot af ter another it dropped. where tbov exist, "th. colored bal. of liberty.' Odorvut Ubss, tbcee. lb ftratttf rt Ihe Mr. Tl llfll. Ul IVltltHH Kill bllOt tUl (lie lVnn"Tt Imvc Hitl I'' Iran limn ton llintieaml roll, l'vcrt nl... tln hir.Jilv mil anrvlv rotlllrr v - - v jOio rent lln.liml mrtj.iritio f 1 CI nJ Jrcviou jomih. 1 a1 ll.rr It no uni wnni an 111. n" .- Wc gave the enemv a good fight In Oi tuber, and wo will overthrow them In November, if we rally our voters lo the polls. Their eolonir.ed voteit must return home, in order to save their own Htutes, and cannot return. Their money, which they so lavimiy spent, cannot Lo replaced. Their rejection of thousands of our naturalized citizens at the polls, dure not bo repeated. It was our misfortune in the late contest to have unpopular candidates upon our local tickets in a number of counties, in consequents of which a largo number of our voters remained away from tho polls, while others vo ted against them. This state of facts prevailed lurgely in Lycoming, Nor thumberland and other Democratic counties. Hence we were weakened in thoso counties; nnd in the Radical counties, patronage nnd power in the bunds of local cundidaten, gave us no ..U..u .t,.iMAM . rr-K; lhinn is now changed. All local candidates ate out of tho way. The Radical Congressional candidates and foreign stumpers are out of the 'rfay, too. ThesctwoclemoulM, with thoir"grocti backs," are what we had to fight in October. All theso have, to a great extent, withdrawn from the contest, because they had but little else to gain. Not to with Democrats. They are not laboring for oflice. Their ener gies and aims are prompted by higher motives. They uic laboring for the restoration and sulvation of this Union. Therefore, let! us, in this hour of our adversity and defeat, show to the world tho patriotic quality of our par ty, and to the enemies of l!:o Union that wo have cnorgy, recuperative power, and faith enough in our prin ciples to yet overcome all our toes, of every race, color, sex, or persuasion. Democrats, go to work. Next to your soul, labor to save your country. Make vigorous effort to bring our voters Jo the polls. Let every Demo crat constitute himself into a commit tee of ouo, and work in his neighbor hood from now until the election, and Pennsylvania will cast her voto for Seymour and Blair on tho 3d ol No vember. We havo only been cheated, not defeated ; and our friends will see that we are not cheated again. Tho three thousand naturalized voters who were cheated out of their voles in Philadelphia, are. sure of getting their ballot into the box next Novem ber; while tho two thousand "loil' colonists from New Jersey, must go home to save their own ticket in that Slate, as well as those along tho Now York border. Let thcro bo no such won as mi,, ana victory nui crown our efforts. The t fitly of I.'rrry ttrmoerat The election which bas just past docs not decide the Presidential ques tion. Tho battle as to that it to be fought over again on the third of November. Tho majority in this Stuto for the Republicans is a very small one. Tho vote polled in this SlHte is considerably over six hun dred thousand, while the Republican majority is less than nine, thousand. Then al the next clecti jn it only re quires us to change Iwo Republican votes in nvru hundred, to make a dif ference of twelve thousand in tho result, and give Seymour tho State by three thousand majority. In the Stale of Indiuna the majority fur tho Re publicans is only about one thousand; a change there of one vote in two hundred will give that State to Sey mour. It is a very rcmarkahlo fact that the election of a President of the Lnited Sletes depends upon less than six thovMnd voters, in Pennsylvania ana Indiana. Jn tins State, wc bave only to pick up courago, and wo can carry the State, and" sure tho country irom nccro supremacy and lnoitnrv despotism in tho South, and from bankruptcy in the North. Gen. Grant's own paper, tho New York JleralJ, says the public debt has been increased in the last year 142,000,000, a debt of itself greater than the whole State debt of Pennsylvania ever amounted lo; and this in tnno of peace, with enormons taxation on incomes, and on articles ot food. Wo can easily carry Pennsylvania at the Presidential election ; lur now the Democratic par ty in the city of Philadelphia have been so elated by Iheir late victory that th-y can treble their majority, and then when Perry, Northumber land, Lycoming and other counties we can name, double their majorities, as they tan easily do, the State enn be carried for tho Democracy beyond a doubt. It only requires every man 10 sianu up tiravcly lor Ins country and do bis duty. JIarrUburg Vairivt. A 1500 Ban mr. We observe that the Democratic Stato Committee offer to the county giving in Novomberlhe largest percentage of inrrraso over its Democratic voto in October, a banner, with appropriate devices, costing not lest than fire hundred dollars. Hero is a good chance to win a magnificent banner, and Lelp save tho Union at the same time. Bot so Ovtn. A largo number of tho Radical Judges and Insjicclors in Philadelphia have been arrested and bound over to appear at Court and answer for maliciously rejecting tho ballota of Pemocrats. They will of course be found guilty, and must bear the penalty for violating tho law. Hero will lie a rare chance for "loil" philanthropists lo put their views in practical thapo by assisting thooO they got into trouble. Tho present lVmm-ratio electoral ticket in Alabama has withdrawn, and one substituted composed of men wbo can take the Vnited States oath. There Is a fiiclic proverb : "If tho best man's faults were wiitten on bis forehead, it would make him pull bis bat otct hit eyea." IliOV.lOOO. AU(1 won, omiuni. vwn'v uk Election Districts. ! M C 5 ' 5 M 5 f c ' : : : j p 5 U i 5? ? I IWrui Ip'lllllTTlflTu 11 131 JIT Zn 1L9 61' 111'.1 M 130 60' 130 ,J 181 61 130 IK W W- , ,,' ":.: 34 li 3.-,! 21. 35 9' 85 80 83 29 85 80 85 f Hcrcnrin . . . Bell . . . . (Mini . . . ltogu'S . . . lliinliiird . . . Brady . . . . Burnsiilo. . . Cheat . . Covington, , . Cleartield, . . Curwcnsvillo, . Decatur . . . Ferguson, . . (iirurd . . . Goshen . . , Graham . . . Gulich . - Huston . . . Jordan . . . Karlhaus, . , Knox . . . , Lawrence-, , . LumberCity, Motrin . Washington OscooTa . . I'eun . . . . Pike . . . Union . . , Woodward, . , Total . . , Majority . , Mlepreentatlve--onUiaI. The following is tho vote polled in the several counties of thit Represen tative Dstrict, viz : Mi-Culloufh, Adsmi, Ocuntlrg. Clearfield, Klk, . Forest, n4. 1,904 603 S42 Total, . . 4,429 Majority for McCullough, . 2,749 1,080 FoiiTif-FiKfcT Conuress. The Penn sylvania delegation in the next Con gross will bo constituted ne follows : 1. Ramiiul J. Randall, Dtm. 2. Charles O'Neill, Rad. 8. John Moffet, Dem. oain. 4. William D. Kclley, Rud. 5. John it. Reading, Dem. oai.i. 6. John I). Stiles, Dem. 7. Washington Townsend, Rad 8. J. Lawrence Getz, Dem. 9. O J. Dickey, Rad. 10. llenry L. Cako, Rad. 11. M. Van Aukon, Dem. 12. Georgo W. Woodward, Dem. 13. H'lysses Mercur, Rad. 14. John B Pucker, Rad. 15. R. J. Ualdeman, Dem. 10." John Cessna, Rad. 17. Daniel J. Morrell, Rad. 18. W. II. Armstrong, Rail. 19. W. S.niield, Rnd. 20. G. W. Gilf.lan, Rad. 21. Henry D. Foster, Dem. gaim. 22. James S. Negley, Rad. 23. Darwin Phelps, Rad. 24. James B, Denley, Rad. Mfrntwrl of llit pm nt Cotirrw. llettoorala, S ; IUiulilicaiii, 1. 4 Troubles, liko babies, get larger by nursing. jniarrlfd. Al th Prr.l.jliTiMi ruirioiiNce In 4 li S iHimt-itli. o Tlmri lnj urn, re Oc'ob. r 1 4th. 1 .-6S. fcy In. J. O. Asrnrs, Nr. WILLIAM W. F1'EMT to Mi.. CAItKlR L. IIARTMANj both of fUfp tnwn.liin, rirftrfirl.l evnnty, On OrtoWr lMh, isss, W Joins Evii, !.., Mr.rillltSTIAN l.ASI( il lo UiH AMANDA Mtl.I.ERi fcoth of TlVt towmblp. t IrarSf Itl eountr, Pa. Ou Ortobw I.MS, ISf.S.fcf J. R. t ALl.wru, F..Q., Mr. JAMK8 II. FKRIitSOX lo Miu LICV OWt'.VS; bulb of Ftrgoion lo..liif, CtrortrM ooaaly, I s. Oo OrU.bfr iSlh. ISlil. Ijr J. C. Il.n.irr, Iiq., Mr. JACOB IIEUKUI.IMJ uil Mr.. ELIZA BET II ULSTER, both of End; town.hlp, (V fiulJ OOUbtj., To. OO OtlnhrT Slh. ISM, hf J. C. BaRSETT. I)., Mr. LAFAYETTE M.-CLl'RRond Miu JENNIE URAft'KKIl, both of I'ikt tu.biT, Clrsrtltld ooonty, r. In thii borouch, oo Ortolior lTik, Hf-S, V.tllT dooitUter of iltsi Kmi uil A. F. UursTti,rrI f j cow, 4 monlbi nod 27 dsyi. In W,wKlwrd li.wo.hip, i.l Oclolr ISlh. 1S0S. HICIIAHO ROWERS, .grd .l.ut r ytn. gra flvrrtisnamts. 1H mi.H-.F0l R IIOIIK.s. 0o htrj (.ii, tuiubto for linl.Hnr. S-lf U. It, BARRETT. ("1 AI-TI03.M.AM rrarMim Are fH.liT oautmnfd J orain.l hrhrii.( or Iiu-Iitk mj n.n HA V III, . I mm dtrmintl l no inro drdtf nt hi. foiilrorlin j An-I I will r.,Tt hil waaxa off thoaa who rmpl..v bioi bv due pn,rno of Ihw lr not rul unlaiily Ai, uri-r In nir. 1IK.NRV K.VAER. Lotht-r.l.otK. OtIoImt 22 .11. 1) lOl.tTIOV Ol' I'AKI m:iimii. J lie firm of Irwin A Monlrliai. niriri.d in nit oriii; nannen , t'.rwen.tille, aS , t),r ..-in wi ,ri,.iM-r, air.olioil br iduIuaJ cnDAriit Ihr l.iiAineAO .,11 bo curriH on AA fcenf foro ht J It I FBI. I tl (llll-lk. . Fl Allli Ml'iNTKLIlR, Curwenitille, O.-l-.Ur 2J, I nlif.du VIIMIMMTH ATOH K fcOTU K.-Nolir, ii borrbr nrn llil lctler of ndminlatrotioa ..ii Om. a.ia'a .f ItlrlUHII HOW I.K, drru-eil, lAleof VK,.,r,i nwi,,l I I, Afl.1,1 i l Sonne b" dnlr rMM lo tho mdrraignod. ill pfTAum iodfl.led to iaiJ o.lAlf aill prM mate parnirnt, and tliuao bai inn rlaiina or drniandi ill i.rrnt t)irn pn-.H-rlr atilhrmli-nlrd f..r H tloinent. llAR.MA.N ItoU I.KH, Klolm II Si p.L Adminialralor, Mc K N IGHT , "j A N N OT." WAGON AND SLEIQH-MAKEES, CLKA fiFI Et.rt, P. (tnaiediatel In mar of Macblnt Shop,) a'HR would r..frtrult Inform tho rilll.o. tt Cloarlirld. and tho ublir la r.a ral,lhatthe an propartd lo do all klod.ofwork OB WAGONS. CAKKIAGUS, SLEIdflS Ac. os abnrt nolle and on rea.r.nabl. I.rtnl, and la n workmaoliif mann.r. A new foaturt in onr lint la iht no loa oar own work. All order, pronpllr atiended to. -im . M'MiiHT. O.I. M.'SS, CHARLES JANNOTT ORPHAN'S' COURT SALE OF YAM ABLE REAL ESTATE. UT VIRTI f aa order of the Orphan.' Coort of rirarnrl.l poonlr, there will U eipnord to foldit Calo, at llrord.ld, on Tl'Kl)AV, KOVI.nilir.R KMh, laxm, The f.-li.-oint deacrild Real E.l.l., rtlnate in Woodward ..wnhin, ClrarSeld eonntr. P t., the e.l.le of Jaaii-a Alriaader, doreaeed. boanded aa f..ll..wa: On Ibe north and out be land. nr v. 1 . hb..fl. on tbe eonlh he land, nt Aaron P and Una. Aleiandrr, and on the watt bj land, of n.wMirA nreaanoer, Containing loo Arret, aioet of which I. ander tood enltlealion. and har in aroatod tberaoa a food fraae hoaae aad barn tela, and the halancw tn our var tk..... a.- or . "vffinizipSS: 1 Ii;, ui,i llOi tl JOO Ol nui W uo vt' ii . . 150 61.0 153 153 3!l 153 OS 14rt 07 164 62 153 2 2h:i 75i' 3 '0 00 820 00 323 M 818 101 822 671 823 Ho 09 155 l,V luVi, 95 Kid' tHll 107! 04 170 00 107( 00 10. 03 7l 0s: 00: W 90 071 07! 04' 07r 07 07! 07 Or 01 19 04' 20 04 20 051 25' 03) 20 05 25 05 2o 117 74' 155 100, lft.V 105; 1541 100' 13ol 131; 159, lol 130 1!H ' " 2S 74i 25, K.i! 2 84' 27 8.V 25 89 29 S3 Ti ' $1- ClJ 147' 83! 14 83! 14 82! 1 IS 8l 14 82, 147 83 02 44! 04! 45! Of! 451 71j 401 (50 41 Of 43 07 43 00 2i O"1 30' 0 80' C7 30: 60 881 67 80: 67 80 40 20 60 831 m 83' 6s 32, 57 82' 67 83, 68 32 110 20 111! 7 ml n! m ir 105 21 113 14 111 L 30 01 25j 03! 25 0.!1 24 031 23 W 24 03 24 03 . 30 54 OU 79' 61 79: 0(1! 8lj 01 83 liO 81 00 81 00 30 89- 60 89 flu 891 49 87 61 8K 49 89 49 6) 20; 0l! 20' 61 20 01 27: 69 27: 61 27, 61 20, . . 100 29,! HO1 231 llo! 23 llll 2C' 110 22 111 23 111 23 . .. 255 01), 251 j 09! 25l 00' 257 100' 241 110 250 09' 255 loll . . . 82 21 80 23 80 231 30 21 32 27 80 24 85 24 . . . 156 02 1741 62 174 62! 174 52! 173 63, 174 52' 174 62 30 11 'i -43 fj 43 ? 41 C' 43 V. 44 7 44 . . . bo o2' a Ci 82 A." hi 00 r. os! f n 01 oo, , . . 80 53!' 74; 68 74 63 75' 63 72 5( 74 53 j 75 63 . . . 100 01: 114 108 114 108 115 100, 110 108 114 100, 115 109. . . . 63 444 44; 4K 44 481 44 48 45 45! 44l 48 41 4" , . . 80 41 00j 641 OGj 54 J 05 65 Ooj 55 05 6fli 05 65 . . . 27HO 105(i 3l)37l895 304o'l892 3000i189o!29541904 3009!lS83! 3042 1904 . . . 1130 - ;1112 - 1118j - 1170, - I 090) - 1180 - jl!38j - J gov guJi-rrliermrnls. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. "I T V I R T V E of an order of tht Otyhavni' Court Jj of Cirtipld twunty, then will U t. i'ublic bait, ftt ClMr&elti, on Tl KHDAV, NOVEMBER loth, IWW, Tb followinr deftt'iiWd two tracU or p ooet of tfctirl, iiuato la Uradford towmbip. Clcarfit-ld eountT, Fa., Uu tb eiLmto of Tbumai Holt, dec't) One tnwt boundrd tnd drfHWd at fullowi BrjfioDiin at comrr of Uod of John llitehinffft, tbecoeesut 124 pertbea, th&o eouth luTi, thuet writ 121 jcrcbcif tbenoe north Ib'.t ptrchet to the bff miiinj, Containing 115 icre$9 aijdallowaar,Bioetof which ii eleared Uod bo dor mtmi cuitiratiun, btwt tbe boiof,td of taid doc d Jid beTiDf tbfrpoo arreted a good botttc, baru and otber oat-butJdiiiiji. aleo a food orohard on tbe premiice. The other tract adjoining tbe abora being ti Ur and wot.d land ; brgtuuing at a putt, tbnoe itaat 124 perchra, tbenoe euuth l?l pf rrh. tbeno wt-at 124 percnea, tbrnoo aorui i.e percoee w oe gmoiug. eontaioing 96 aerea and 16 percbf. iTTEHMS--ODe-tbird eaia on eonfiroiat.ob of too eal. and tbe Laiaoce id two equal anouu pajmmu tberrafter. to be eecured by bvad and mortgage on me prewiare. JOIIN TTOLT, VINCENT B. HOLT. Oetobrr SS, Adiainnlratora. ! ! ! lO 171868 9 ! ! ! READ CAREFULLY!! Your Best Interests' De mand It I! 3 rj 'A H W -! K M r ts H Ui 50 r; o M W ts o a o t o v. e w H n K H e pi f w o n d o -5 H H in H O i. 1 H H o dft ft T S to . o o S 8 ' r h O w f c o r W X n c a s. H 4 s H C fcJ K r; O a v. t O a w o o w a o a n CO K m A m j, H tl S3 U. r ' g I to t 3 SO H a n a o H PI y, D II II lninu iiATOiiauvo a van 1 1 G898I ZI--01 1 1 "IXKI'I'TtWIf .niC E-Solle. J i y irea that Letiera Teetamenlarr, bare iwen granted to ihe .uheeriWra, on Ihehatateof Ir. A. II. RKKIl, dwiwd, lale of Wm.dwaH town.hlp, Plwflrid eonnle, Pennaelnnia. All eweaooa ia.loe.ted to aaid Eatala are' reo,aratod to Blke immediate patawat, aad thoaa hoeing ring r.....,e aramai tae eauia will prvernt then dnlr antbmt cainl fo. i.. r MART ANN RRKD, Kaooalria. h Annrmcr.! Inrlrft. iiiirltltVO iMfl'Mll I'D . e . 1 . . II - ProthonV R.iRif I vi r ?R Y r W r- 5 j : j l 118 125 123 117 110 130 66 l-'O 65; 127 85 80 85 80, 86 109 60 llo 50 107 153 63 153 631 163 823 00' 823 901 323 00 1671 00 107 01 07 07 07 07; 07 05 25 rJ 25: 05 153 1041 153 104 117 "0 80', 20 80- 25 147 83 147 M; 110 09 43 09 43 67 67 80 67 30 65 68 32 68 32' 67i 112 15 112 15; 109 24 931 24 03 24 60 81 60 81 0'1 89 4 8S 4 88; 01 20 61 20 61 111 23! 1121 2l! 108 2."H 00r 252 101 : 210 30 24i 80 25! 35 171 52 171 62 174 44 7 45 01 40 6 06; O-J 05, 81 75 63, 74 63, 73 114 110 113 111,1 105 44 48, 44 48. 44 051 65 04 64 92 30G1 1891 !3059'1883:298U 1912 30591891: 30501885 1170 - 1170 - IjlOGsj - ll08j - (1171 - cui dmt.srmtnts. AS A5 APEEIENT. There la so medicine io ma eh tn faror with tboae who are afejuatntod with their action aa Kobork'a Hod Ptllf t thy are aafe, ploaeant end mild Id tbeir operation, nod are perelj table i oon be ladien by cbitdren at well as adulia f try then. BLJrLi:LB AIUaTo- 1 j a, ttn.n rwaiiajAjy aw mvtiV9 Kit ajaji rur in tuioui and tB ita trunat . a nartinf. tbara ia. Dar- bapa, no medieleeexunt which reeeived with ao mum raver aa no i tea a bimdmb itinera ; win aiaaa mil on Kiitw 10 pvu ii aa in ia i w aulred to t rod ace aoand and healthful fleeD. STSirLA3. Or, RL Aaihony'. Flro, aaa ba moat ffaotnatt; ' oradiratrd bj lha nr. of Robafk'i blcod Purtfiar I in cooJuneUua with Rolack'a Blood Pillt. 0FTEALMIA. Or, Inllaiaatloa of tho tree, not anrroo,aentlr ariaaa trvm a dtaoidared auto ol Iba atcioaeh f tew o.iee. oi notaek a 11 rood Pi I la will, la Boat oai aa, a eura hj ramoriog iba eanta. ivtur mutt Ajeuuii runs. Tbera are no ramediea. Bow beforo Iba pablle. so wall nltatalrd lo oarife tho blood and racua a' met (eo to eiek) tbe wbola tuoj a. Robaek'a uiooa rartear, mood Pillaaad Etooiach Biuara. LEDC0EEH0HA. Or, Wlllea, wblek follow local debility and eon. titutloaal wrakn.ii, ran bo affoetaalle cored b tbooaoof Robaob'a Ptonaeh Biltera. ! no, let lha dnifgiil aell ooa any other, aa Ibeaa flittera a. a prepared wilh tepaeial refer, an. a to lb n rem plaint, and ars warranted lo ears. BAD TASTE In tht month lo the mornin( la one nf the ijinp. tome of a biitinna oondition or difnrdfred fate ol ibe liver, and ahonld i.t, for a sinj-l dT. be nra;lild, jf it ia but ib pretnunitor MntD ef a train ef avila and ibe verv irod of diacaae. Procure at enoe Kobarh i )tUd 1MI-, admknia tr theea aecording to the direction aceompany. toff aaoh boi. and tbe difficulty and dec jot of '' wit. at once ot removed. K0T A BEVERAGE. Cnllka aioat of tho bitten or tht praeeat day, Tr. Kobaek'a are ant intended ao a aleaoAnt atimalallDK wbi.lj beeoraso, but are nerleclle nedieinal, toatainin( anl; aulheieal para boor boa to hold ia eolation lha aiedioiaal nitractlre matter froawhiob thejaracoatpoaed. A MISERABLE LIFE It that of tht drarapila. Why mfrr wbtn Ro. bark't Blood Patiier tad Blo..d Pillt will an re It ora tool Tit eaa ba obuinad Iroaj sot dragfiel. AH 0USCE OF PREVENTIVE j It worth a ponnd of earn. Fee.r and Aget eaa be preeented ia all elimalea and ia all cnt.litn. tlot,. by the eonitanl a-e of Molwek't ftnaeb Hillere. and oftllmet Ibe er worti oa.ea bare been euperf k .I..I. n ., , . .. ...r ,.m i ereon. urine la Bialariout dittrleta aboald aarer ba wuhoal That after repealtd tritla al other renrdiee R..hack'l fil.iniach Itinera. Ill-od ParlSar ta.i Hlood Pllla are the beet nedipinet eitaal to ore the diieattt for which thee are reooa. Beaded. IHDIGE8TI0N It bot aaolher nana for tWentta. aad lha na rel.t of anenj lilt. Robaek'a bloaaacb B'llere lakea In wine-glaaa foil doeet, direetlf ... . mrrij eoeat a paraiaBeat eaie 1d aot take ear word for it, bat trj thea. WHO SELLS THEM t The Ageata for tbt tale af khaek'i Dlooo IT'aI-".' ?'."" " lood Pariltr are 8ARI6WlcLRWLH,ner,is,pfc er-ll DKl'll'IAI, CComm r, Survrynf Auditor. M.ijoritict ? B 12. 6- 117 i: 117 119 65 80 60 03 00 8 74 6 f9 00 224 71 2 68 40 61 64 19 32 23 04 68 18 39 35 129 65 80 6(, I (13 00' 107; 97, 26 104, 80 83) 44 no 81 15 l.lOl 85 no1 153( 8231 77 80, 85 10 69 101 208' 61 03 oo1 107 25: luol 87: 83' 43' s Is! 03 81, 4: 201 24! 110 21 62! linl 15: oi 01: 07 00i 167 07i 07 80 0 - 05 1541 2C-I 117 (.!i 07 6x1 112 21 GO 05! 154, 20, 140 69! 67! 58! 112; 24 00! 89 Oil 251 104! 80! 83 43 80 8l! 15 03 81 49, 7f 43 40 81 18, 32 20 OOi 61 IH 54 44 71 1041 Hi 03: 25 ?' 113; 8i! 49, 20 23! 1.0 24 89j 01 20 I 110 250, 30! 174 44 8'2 74 110- 44 851 110 260, 30 174 44 80 23; 100! 241 62, 7! 65 63 87 15 13 122 86 . 17 52!! 8- 7; 65, 00 53 109, 48 65 i-l! 21 108i 115, 100: 48, 44 48; 4 42 65: 95! 65 48; Jrij (Doofls, (Srorrrirs, (fir. KE1STOXE ISTORE SECOND St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. NEW GOODS Shawkl Shawk! Shawls 1 tt ivirPTCt ttr ivrrrai I WAi'dAa.fca.i,AV aVaVaafla VL.AI a Hoodfl I NllbiaS ! Breakfast Sliawlfl i r i n t m 1 A U I D U A O CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Ladies' CoatsI LADIES' AND CHILDREK'8 KIIOK.S UU n-ool Jtrbsl FltlN:!! AND EKGLISH M0RIN0E - Bilk Fiaiih VKLVET Kr miu Al. lander TOPLLSr ! AH V oolP-AIDf I Ker.tbe Rtptllaol I Chamalooa Pop)ia ! lappa Cloth Tor Wrappera! Ladiet' Clo.kioj. t Water-Proof black and browa I Cataimereafor uea aad bova tunnel Telral, K.bboni Flowara, faaihtn Ladia'a and Cbildraa'i ilait I Wool aad CoUoa Da Laint. I Uatlioa. Flannel., Prinu t Zephra, or. led aad wool Tarei ! DreM TrlBBtlaga, l-oder-Clolhlnf , Hate. Car. Uo.i.ry, wIotm, aad a coapleta aa.ortaieni of all kiadi of NOTIONS, al ttrj aiodirale prirea. MVLINU & SHOWERS., Oct.l 1SS If (S.57 JjOOTS AND SHOES MiTl7iiat half the aiual prloa, at 1. P. KRATZER'S, O OLEN GOODS. Double bh.ola, firaakfatt Bbawla, Hooda, Kahlaa, Ckildrca'i Knit Capet, Srarft, biaaktU, d-c, at J. P. KRATZKIt'S. g W EE T POTATOES! CTANEEltRIES t CAXKED TRIIII DRIED FRllTt - C0SFECTIOSKRT ! Jail reoelred tnd for tale at H I" 1. P. KRATZER g GREAT EXCITEMENT On Second btrket, Clearfield. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. rpilE anderrlrned ronetral!T lorita tht at l trnlios of the public (enerallr to their tpienciia aAAnrtment ol aercliandi.e, which thej AT VERY LOW TRICES. Their tloek con.i.u la part of Dry Goods of tho Boet Quality, fork aa Printt, tit Iaiata. Alpaecat. Merlnoa Uin,!han...loaliaa.(l.leached and anbleaeh ad,) UrilllnitA, Tlcklnirs notion and woo! Haaoele,8liorn,CaA.lnierot Ci-llonadea, Ladiet' Fhawl., habiat Hooda. Balmoral and Hoop riklrtt. o., Alto, tine wortaeat of MenV-rirnwert tad Shirta. HaU A Cop., Boot. A Bhtaa. alt at which tt 1 T r e, 9 " EE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardwaro, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT ff eeerrthitg n.u.llj kept la a retail atore, all CHEAP FOB CASH , ap,r..Ted couatr; pro. duce. A. K. WRIGHT V 5:0X8. Clearfield, Not.T , ISflJ. IHTR 1 ..Cane treaparelcg oa the preml J tea of the taberriber. la Uoebea U.wn.bip. oa or aboal Ihe Ut of Juno iaat, a BIIINitLK COW, with a.-"JO while epntA, and a ULAt'K HKIFRR. wilh while iter oa forehead-hoia mallet. Tit ewner It aerobe aotlSod to com a forward, proea prop.rte. par eharg, and take theoi awa.t, or thej wil bo dl-poeed of aoeordlng JOHN LEONARD. Fhewarllle, Oct. Ii, ItRS.Ji rd VDMIMM rt ATOR d KOTlrrKotiao la herebr given that letter, cf adiomitlraUon oa IIKNIIY D.TIRXKR, decead, lata of Rradford toonaliip. ClrarSeld eounly, Pa., haelng been duly granted to tbe nnderaigned, ali p. Indibted lo aaid eitate will pleaee make payment, and tkoea baring elaima or demanda will preaaat tkati properly anthemi,! for eat Uement. rARAU ANN Tl'RNKR, dlletratHt. yilwUniuoui. N orn 1 iit ffsitt f tl t'liTit r ii 1'iinm. - In ik. . Mn.rf nf 11 . t, . 1 J ..... . : . .. ' " " r, I, in .W'." ! IIT t fl II., ,t nf rvsl "-I ioi l Mkrri wt , M nt4 Hi-e., ! 4i. ,,, t, and a'ne. al t t I", '.n 11,. I., lol'tt, A. l. I0, e-.i..o..4 . et I., 11,, . I ...l-ll tlial .-!. -!.. be . at oe.A..l. poblt.hed in I W erfi.1.1 "ai.i,,l Inf all perron. iMen-at.d ll o. the ee 4 eoiitimcd at.t..lolily at.le.a aufl.-ot eHn," are I.U-d 00 or bel.tro the eeond M .at.. , eeiober, A. I IMS. By the C art. 1 BAHmt Otobeil4 It Hub of Un-W c. 100 Building Lots for Sai In Madera. "VO portion of t'lraricld cmnty ia Winn wk y dcvitid tn the Minn r aoaj. tuanufarlure of lunibrr, a Made-ra arid U, roundinff ripinity. Tin Madera Kajlr'.a41L rjr'TrrrMit CnnranT wilt liavethrir raiirvvlf,, p?rtNl from t'n-la Milla to MiiHna, ( L'rM k. within the n-it yar. 7 hie nili h. .. natoral ottt-lrt for liimher aud ro fMa it,, I I hat Hirrnm, ana "in itu nuua atj a )..,. . bnvineaa at lb if point. Hrnte.thowttpking', iita Iwatifini, or who wuh to nrcbaw QB btiion, nfit otilr have tbr-fr attfctfonnUleilte-. laot. Tbe nnderaiffned propoee to 1011, OH Wtdntuday, October At public tale, iu tbe Tillage of Mnlcra, fw ooorttr, i'a., at 10 oliNiit, A. II., I'm LOTd, W by 1&0 ft atvl all nniobfrei . treeu are ii feet wiio and tbe allcva U, uatt-d on tbe batik of Cirartield t ni. Ukj ,d moult! Ol Muaay nan. ioe iiue lo theroe U inui iuinic, ir-iiiS pax i, i iit utt Aleiu anrvey, which ii fully eatabliahed upon tbe rtM of the Court at Clear held. An examination of ihe county map af (w. (to be iunnd in nearly evory beuae,, mil u reveal me laoi tnat Aviaaera win toon twatMi iuiortauoe, aeeond to noao tti tbe eutvuiT. 6-lndividuaii wubmjf to K the promieea tn pereon, ean can upon tbt iw. 6 teixicut, wbo will furnivh then wuh a eorrra t ol lb 9 property, ana lane ibeu npon lb erw. if deairod. Ttioea at a diatanee,ean nctiTtit eeaeary iu formation by addressing hiu at Mu, V, u., Cleartield eoanty, ra. TKRilb OF SALK: The loU will be aold it time aud plaoe designated, to the h ijchett tn, for one naif eaan in Hand, and the 6aJaut n title it mania not exceeding thirty dari, KAMl'KL tH0l-F h OtuKli W. bllOl-F.' Woodward tp. Oct. 8-5L Sup t ot PUBLIC VKXDlt IX LAWRENCfi T0WSUIP. TflB aubtveriber havinc determined toeumn X other buaineee, adopts Ibis method el u,h.i ing tbe eitiiena of lawreuoe lownaui), im aurronndinc country that ho propoeea ts iv his farmiDg implencnu and stock at faiuKM Oa TUESDAY. OCronEIt 20, m Con it sting in part of 6 horses, $ cows, h jwU and 1 spring calves, 18 sheep, spring varga chains timber sleds, threshing Biechiot, tn. Bill, ., togeuier witu a large tjuantity af HOUSEHOLD FL'RXITLEE, Snch as bed i leads, tables, stands, rapbotn. ctiEtrt, iwo wooa stores, raiiaes a lot of eti' goods aud wares too numerous to meeiios. Xle to oomiuenoe at 10 o'clock ob taid dj whrn terms and conditions will be fully a.. anown uy ioe unaeraigneo. J0H5 DOrclIERIT. Lawrence township, Oct. I-2U .1 REYOLITIOX IS AT tXBHUXIaVILLE, BT IIARTSOCK k GOODWIN, TfliJE andcrsigned having entered into ept- nenhi i in tht mercantile bnfibita, u ibis method of notifying tbt poblie gnrn. and tbe elliieut of Carwensville and viciti particular, that nercbandite of all kinai v be d by os as cheap as the tarns quality aY wo ere in tne county, wi bare a lull t; DRY GOODSi Consisting ia pari of Drti Ooodi, tlub fnnu of all shades and sty Us f Wgethtrvm full assortment af NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS & CAR rtoota, Biioea, Hardware, Queeniwtn, Aa well at Tinware, Cedtrwar, KiUoeav r-aeett aao Brooma : toaatbar wito a later a. of tiroteriei j aad alwat a fall atock of FLOUR, FISII, SALT, 4t la abort, we keep a full aatplr af teimki atod ia thia market. We want all oar old fattoajert and aa at: new oati aa eaa Bake It eoaeaaienl, to fin a oail before pure', aainj klatwhare. DAXIEL HART50CI EDW'IS GOUDWIS. Carweaaellle. Febma-T II, 1S68. PUBLIC SALE Of Real rcrsonal rropcrt rilHK fceira of Joaeph Daeia, Sr., let. af . towaahip of Pena, in tbeeoanleof Clearb droeaaod, will offer at pnblio rale oa tbe preai- On Wednesday, October 28th, 18c Tbe following drecribed prvperte, lata thtet. of the laid deceaeed, to wit : All that rUin tract of load, ailuale it towaahip, aforetaid, coataiainf ONE nCNDRED AND Fim ACKF More orleae, boint the hoaaealead Bronertrah oa raid deoeaaod waa living at the tine ef death, and being aama premiere allotted tt I ia tereralt under deed in partition, between tad Andrew Moore, dated Febrnarr lOlb. ! recorded in Clearfield oooni.T, ia deed book '' page lll, Ao. Alao, at tame tine and nteoa. the nndenir adminiatratort of aaid demued will offer at p. aale the prraonal property, late of aaid dem eoneieting of atook, faraaing atoniilt, boa; lumiHire, ato. VConditiona Of aala to ba made koov: day of rale. JOSEPH DAVIs, KLIM1A DAVI. October 8, ISM. Adminiitralo-' VALIACLE MILL TROrEEi FOR SALE! Mluatrd In Dtratur Townahlp, t'lrarl vouutj, ra. IUK tubecribcr, being daeirout of quite inr A. buainoaa, odera for aale one K. at i I.L, a Ilk two run of bora. Tbe Bill i, - and in good order, with from twenteto lhru ofland and a comfortable FRAMK HU: lltl b; Ibe proiert leing Iwo oiilrt wr" I'liilin.hurg. Centre rounl'e.aad aitl.ia a fro of turnpike road. Tbe Tyrone A Clearlirld f road runt throuch tbe randa, wiilna a fco re ike mill. There it aleo a oonaiueranle lot of h lork and While Pine timber on tbe land, aleo a rarr derirabie location lor a tToolea 1 orr, (and one it much seeded ia tola aeeuei Hie ooanlr.) For further rartienlara inn" " tbe tubaetilM-r, lieing on Ihe property. A-l-i' IUAB1, JU. LA Dn Ai.LA.ftl.. octl -lm I'bilipabarg, Ctotra 000017, bt H i F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AD WATCH MAWi orroatTB raa .A.n"Rwar, AIttI'' POST 0FFICKEaltii2SScLEARnf rllK rerpeetiuIlT loforaii ki patroua aid tht public generallr. tlx oo band, land la ooBatantlT recaliitt additiana thereto.) a large atock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. rI keen Jewelro tn all Ita foraia all didereal Taluea, either by Ike piece or art WATCHES A full a.eorln eol of either 1' or Filrer, made by the beat Aierlraa ana' eljo manufaciarera, Including a fine lot ' I ana eilrer Banting ca.e, lull Jewell', Leeera. CI.OCKS-Of all de.ima. oenai.llnf efait' day and thirty. hoar, ef either weight, ipnaj leeera, and both atrtkt aad ajaria. RKPAIRIStJ All kiada of WatcbM Cloeka Repaittd, and warraatod. Ia addllloatewbal I have enomeroled.M' full aeaurtaaentof t-PKOTACl.KS, erlered ' plain glaaa. Alio. (till. ft I'KNS act PK V ' 8POONS, FORK-, Bt'TTRH KMVK. a' fact eeery thing la Ihe Jewelry line. If I ,K bare oa hand Juat what a enilomer ay aee will order per Iret eipreae, wilhoal eltra e,f' A liberal abara of purTlie aatronagr la eel"1'' Ma) I, ISM j II. f. DAVtlLK- Tl'TH tH' dk COHHTABI-K' Us'' We bare printed a largo neaiber of Ik' r H I RII.L, and will an the receipt of I""' eecenta, mail a ropy te any eddrori. lJI'T tba DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC. Or XjMeer'a. tnary twot tkoald ktea ew