Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 15, 1868, Image 2

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    Tip f.rrd. f.tfifile. fir.
......... .M..r-rMMf t r' f ivnw.
(Slit UpuMiran.
rrrrteXf Sf A) .t . ni."ii!lo ((ivfli dl.i"ini i-
Vif lak l-b-aettrs ill mM..Un thf !0.-llar t WiM. I .(.is on U".l
t . cLti-mJ I ,.,! A Hi rlwlinn lies, II tr
c;ukt i:xc.Tr.MnNT ut niu wwm uwiw!
t, Jtr.M.a sTUttt, ti.t.siititi ' ' ' '
VlllUm ltrrl !
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KtW.OOOM HT LOW rKlCES. aFnrim iv r.
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,..vrn Jr.ra troiihlc.1 t.ttr , """ m"7 pn" """7 'T ', , . ,
. l.'mplKlf the rcacd hit h tl Ksdioal
fnlN-omn manly blt.r ltir Hn 't j lt, (fisn.:.-! snir '"
.... Valia . I... V. rr-a.! i ih et kind thst ert-r iIk in hs erron
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wi'Miaee fr w Ih- 'W
miP.ii-. nnai in-..n i. i ..,, ,,,,.,.,.,. i i.r. l, S,.ttth. in
i.attr trr.H- 16 tira Hit ."...him. in , . . , - . r - ,. , , . , .
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, AV VNV,L M..hIU.n-1, thoy have h.. T,, ...Ir penc thai ,.ri, ht - ' ' Xl tfTl LvXui
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;' j'StyVv' Vl
. ' "-,'? C" -H-s'.
GrrninK H (.opi AsnrR, K.litor.
Thursday Morning, Oct. 15- 18C8.
Domooratio Katioual Ticket.
ron vice fbesident,
or MiRsnrRi.
Williui V. Mctinlh. 'UcorRt W. CaM.
'. trnol KuniTlv. JI.K. C. Amrrmii.
Chxi. M. Lrirnriiig. IW. VoiM Wilhinirton.
HimoB W. Aranlil. I WiIHiuii K. orM.
(leorip- H. Ufrrell. iWilluua I'. cbM.
llrrv R. -.KKliU. Crrnt 1 rrihmg.
Jimhn Suhlvr. iAmct C. Norn.
II. Kmmrll MonubM. W illi.m A. Iilbrilb.
David L. Worich. Johm H. Vtokri.
llnirj J. M'Urua. !Jm C, :!rk'- .,
W.llium Miirk. " J .row H. lHniUnl.
A. a. HroJhMKL Jr. EdwaH 8. gulden.
John Blandmp. iBimoel B. ilawi.
Dklawabe. Tlio result of tho elec
tion hold in Delaware on tho Cth, will
fill every Democratic hoart with joy.
In the city of Wilmington the Radical
majority was only 22; In September
it was 314 j ehoiring in less than a
month a Democratic gain of 292 votes !
Our readers will remember the noiio
the Radicals made in September, and
how they assured tho people that the
vote in Wilmington was an indication
of Grant' popularity. What will
they say now 1
Taxation Debt. Thepublicmind
is justly and rightfullyagiutcd on the
important subject of taxation. This
is tho only burden Industry nud pru
dence cannot remove. If a man buys
a house or lot, on credit, and has on
it a mortgage or a ground rent, he
can, by economy, pity off or reducs
that debt, and find himself free; but
lie cannot get rid of the losd the pub
lic puts on him. The income of the
National Treasury falls short of the
expenses. This slate of affairs will
l ontiiiueso lung as the Radicals are
in power. They will not reduce ex-ju-t.Mi-s.
They cannot- The -"ring"
live? on public plunder, and r-ill not
be ui:-'KH'Btid without a most des-
j o'.-.ito struggle. In such a state of
;.i ( it is idle for the tax payers to
iur u reduction of their burdens.
They rnuxt make a change, and now
is the time to do it
Dead. The Confederate General
un..n f',.l.u r : .i i ,1 .1
in Now Vorh, n m JUb inst. The
Coroner's inquest states that he died
of appoplexy. Ho was born in Jeffer
son county, .Georgia, September 7,
1815, and graduated at Athens in
1834. In 1843 he took his seat in
Congress for the firBt time. lie was
five times successively elected to the
House pf Jtcpresentatives, and was
elected Speaker of the House for his
fourth term, beginning in 1849. In
I860 he professed imperishable devo
tion to the Union, and in 1861 he was
elected Governor of Georgia, as an un
conditional Union man, by 67,400
Totes, against 38,800 cast for the seces
sionist McDonald, la 1859, a yeaf
after ttia end of his term as Governor,
he was again sent to Congress. Upon
Mr. Buchanan's accession to the Pre
sidency in 1857 Mr. Cobb became his
secretary ot tlie Treasury.
MAiuotn on the imrprt-flaggtrt.
Tho following letter of rresidont
Lincoln is explanatory of his senti
ments in reference to carpet-baggers :
Eltci'Tlri IIkikii. 1
WAMttlnrnr, Norember II, lSl. f
Drta bin : lr. Kenaedr. bearer of tbia, baa
some appreheniioo that Federal omeera, aol eiu
""" Looiiiana, m.y be M np eandidate. for
olhoa in that Slate. In my riew. there eonld be
wa ponihb) otijert in uch an eleotioa. Wa A. u
partionlarly ned men hen of Congee from (beaa
T , H"1 skmg with logi.latioa
e. hat we do want ir the ennHniire erilmre
that reipeetable eitiani of Loni.iana ara willing
. 'i. v. vongrea. anil it ewear to rapport
the ton.lilutioB, and Uiat olber reipatulile eili
aeoi tliere are Willing to rote Tor them and arnd
them. To arnd a parrel of ,, M
Pepre!enUllrea. eiecled. wonld he nn.ler-tond,
(and perhip. really a, at tbe point of tbe h.r
n. t, u!d be di.gra, rfal and outrage. ; and
were 1 a mmber ..f longrea. he,-., wowld role
ageinil admittm; any lu.-h nan to a leat.
1 oori, rery Uuly,
We hope theGrantitcs will put this
letter in their "loil" pipes and smoke
it. Were "honest old Abo" alive to
ddy ho would be denounced by Sum
ner, Duller At Co. as a "rebel" and
a Copperhead, bccau9(r this letter
sijnelchcs every carpet bagger in the
1:iihibkiiThis When the North-e-n
f ildier. were sick and dying in
tiic Ani(ronvilie prison, and the
Son-1.. rn nffli-iala desired an exchange,
'(n rant refused to comply. Gen.
:''. i'-r. who Iuih bren brandetl'.'bcast,"
1 iiiiinaiiiiy enough i0 attempt to
M l iimweick aoiuVrs home, and do
f t -d to make the exchange of prison
. rs ; but Gen. Grant, with less human
iiy than the "beast," refused in this
miignage :
.-Kerry m.n rld . rimto or atberwia,. be.
aa artir. a..ldie, B10rt ., wh,
"ir'V1; .M priennrr. fa ken.
wr will have to g uti, ,h u
"tarn, in... d. At thi. par,,.,,,.,
deteat .,,4 wonld eoinp,,.,, w out MMf hrn
Now, is it possible that a Northern
soldier, or the father, brother, son, or
voting relative of that soldier, can rive
bis tote for Gin Gr,,tf We think
not, and the votes for Seymour and
J -!n.r will tcll.-J,-. )-, j, ,i00ki
A New York exchnnga states that
the loveliest and prettiest woman in
America M marri(:(, on
Islimd last week. Th editor with
hoU. her name, hot wo suspect that
she is his wife and he i.only blowing.
mfiil . Th ww-t of (
HiH tiiiJrn...l, n.l llic m
H.pon no ttlirnirnlly do
f all crimi.
on who have
nounceo as
traitors ars at laru.
V deem it proper at thlr time to
reproduce several extracts taken from
tho New York Tril-une, tho leading
liadicftl newspaper of this cohntry,
which read more like tri-uson lhau
anything we can find ; and had simi
lar view been expressed by a Demo
crat at that' day, be would have been
murdered or banished long ere this.
The Iiaftfman'i Journal of this place,
in November, 1H(0, gave utterance to
similar language Those who doubt
our statement can procure copies of
thoso "toil" journals, and read tho
"damning proof" on their virgin pa
ges, itaad and reflect over tho fol
lowing "tit bit" of loyalty :
Fran (Im rwtm of Korrabar , IMP.
.Il Lhe t'ultuD fctale aball beouaa aniiAvd thai
the? Mil do better out uf the t'aiuo than in it, we
inaiet oo letting theta ffo ia peaec Tbe right to
eat do war be a rerolutionarr ana. bat it aiiaU
nevcrthfleea. We aaaat erer reeiel tbe
right of any Plate to remain in the L'aion aod
pallife or d'tr the lawi thereof. To withdraw
a eunaidcraljk aeotiua of war l;nioa ihall delibar
atelr reeuKe to go oat, we chell reeiit all eueratve
meaauref deligned to keep It in. Wc hope acrer
to lira in a republie wbareof one ecottoa ia piaaed
to the other with baroaeta."
From the TVieaae of Noremlicr 30, 1KS0.
'lf the Cotton Ptatee anitrdlr and aarneitlv
wih to withdraw from the fnion, we think they
hould and would be allowed to go. Any attempt
to eompel them by foree to remain would be eun
trar tu tbe pnaelplea aaaneiatad in tbe immortal
liecuuratioa 1 ladupondewoe, aentrary la tbe fan
daiuental idoae oo whwb buman liberty ia baaed."
From tbe Tneaae of December 17, H0.
"If ft (tbe Deelaration of Independence) juetl.
bed tbe eeeeaoioa from tbe Brilieh empire of three
million! of eolooiata in 177., wa do not ana why it
would not juitif the Beeeanun of Are miUioBf of
Boutbrroeri from tbe I Dion In IWI1.
From tbe TWteee of February W, 1
MWoeserer it abaU become elear that tbe great
body of tbe houtbera paopie hare beaoaae auaelw
irely alienated from tbe Initio, and aaiion. la
eeei from it. WK WILL 1)11 01 U BEST TO
From the TWtaae f January 1SS3.
'Il three monthi mora oi earn ret fighting ihall
Bfit arrre to make a atriooa imurrrviou on the reb
el! if tbe eod of that term ehal) find of po further
adraaeed tnaa IM beriaoing if ame malimant
Kau baa decreed that tbe blued aad Ireaaare ol tbe
nation thai erer be aquaodcred in avelew efforte.
(rf aaaowHoeraWoy. A.VD MAKE l Ub BK.-T
If those sentiments are not treason,
will some "toil" commontator toll us
what treason is f
H fay the Tnxrt 1
By way of answer to John Covodo,
and all such iUdical numskulls, who
are eitber too ignorant to know, or too
venal to tell the truth, and who are
constantly declaring that the "rich
men pay all the taxes," we give place
to the lollowing list of articles of
every -dny consumption, showing what
they cost before the advent of Radi
calism, what they oont now, and the
amount of lax assessed on each :
30 ;
. 1
1 in
I l
, Ml
1 M'
, ao
s en
II 44
. 4i
I 00
Malebee. per gro, ..
Tea. per lb
CoSee, per lb
Molaeeaa. par fa!
Hugar, per lb
Malt, per borhel
per lb
t7 SO
I 00
. 4
1 00
. lcr lb ..
(linger, par lb
('aeaina, per lb
I'imento, per Ih
NutmegH. per lb
Ptarrh, per lh.
Haierne, per Jh.
Cream tartar ........,.
Fiira. per lb
Orangrt, par boi.M
Lemone, per bis
Candlea, per Ib..,....
Riee, per lb-
Coal, per ton..
Nails, per lb....M....HW.
Conlage, per lb....,.,t
aicooiii, per gallon..
4 M
Are the wages of the mechanics.
mm niu mooring anu producing class
es gonerally, doubled and quadrupled
in like proportion 1 . By no means.
If they were, tliere would bo less cause
for complaint But every man knows
iney are not.
In connection with the above, we
add the following list of articles, the
prices of which have beer, increased
from fifty to fivo hundred percent, by
the imposition of tariffs, taxes, iic ;
Boole, ihoea. no ISO par neat.
Drnga and medieine Sim per rent.
Naval floraa..
par pent.
. 2. per eaiit.
100 per eenL
In per newt.
Haiau aad eii...
Dry g.MKl.
H-H.k . n J ftationery.
Iron aad rteel,.....
Lamhar... M
t'rowk are ...
!W peroral.
kfl per aent.
I" per neat.
kM nar eewL
Cigar. .
Sod par aenL
WorkinBmen ! these exhorbiUnt
taxes and bounties are drawn from
your pockets to support iUdicalism,
the Freedmen's Bureau, and a vast
standing army in time of peace. It
is your contribution towards the build
in E Up of a Vast moneved arili-rfc
To submit to a continuance of Llu-ao
things is to submit to be swindled for
the be.-ient of a party whose extrava
gance is only equulled by its corrup
tion, i uuroniy rcnoi is to vole tticm
out of office. Moruing Patriot.
Anvr.RTisiNO. The largest adver
tising contract given out in I8ti8,and
probably the largest ever given to one
advertising firm at one time, is that
of J'liuitation Bitters to Geo. P. How
ell k Co.. Advertising Aeonta. Xn Aft
Park Jtow, New York, on the J8tb of
Oopleniber. lor 143,776 2(1.
Alessrs. P. II. Drake Co. have for
years been among the largest, if not
the largest, advertisers in America,
and the contract mentioned above is
but a smuil part ot their expenditure
in this way for the present year. It
is only those who have tried printers'
iiik most extensively lhal arc so firmlv
convinced ol its cftiency.
The Advertising Agency which it
sending out this order is another ex
ample. It commenced basinets loss
than Jive years ainoe, and the fact that
it now controls greater advertising
patronage than any similar establish
ment, is without doubt to be attri
buted to their having expended more
money in advertising themselves and
thoir facilities within that time than
all uther.adweriiBjng erm. put t,,-,,,.
sr, since Ur0sUtbliahnienl of th. first
agoncy a quarter of a century ago.
. - i a) ea a. .
A sninthy saan, a wonderfully relj.
gious charaevir, of tho name of Dyer,
has etinvertedalahn Allen, "t he wicked
est man in New York," (by promising
him to make his Inrttmo by exhibit,
ing liinishlf in public meetings); now
lot tbfa pious Dyer turn bis aitention
towards old Parson Brownlow, the
cusseifost man on earth. - John Allen,
the wiokedest, and Brownlow the
oussodest, wlih Dyer the pious, will
make a triot worth sueing.
Hlie Ninth finds li.rwlf nmsicncd to I
I the Under .,,,rci. of the Ka.lual Par-
ty fur four years loniter, she intit
I , straightway sirongiy manat-iea
Should lognnand WaelitMirne.and the
mon whom thoy represent, ho permit-1
ted to govern the country, through
the eliTluin of Grant to tho Presiden
cy, then will the social and political
tMiuulisaliua of tho two raves lis com-,
pleted. In many parts of the South
the negrocleinent will peedily become
supremo. Negro judges and juries
will have in their keeping the rights
ol all the w hites- Negro TogioUtures
will regulate the tenure by which
white men hold their property, and
will assess, levy, and diihuise the tax
es of which they themselves will pay
so little. In all parts of tho South
blacks and whites will share in com
mon the schools, the hotels, tho thea
tres, and all publio conveyance, as
well as participate in tho government.
We wilt say nothing here of the inca
pacity of Uie negro to govern, of his
improvidence, of his indisposition to
work, of bis physical organisation as
compared with that of the white man,
or of his moral or intellectual inferior
ity to the latter. W simply stste
hero what every one knows to be the
solemn truth, that the poople of the
South co ild" not be made to submit,
as a finality, to such a condition of
things as we have described, except
by the severest coercion. Ao poople
on this continont, not even excepting
the people of New England, would ac
cept, without tho compulsory persoa
sion of the boyonel.such a fute as Con
gross wickodly, lawlessly and reck
lessly proposes to inflict upon tbe
South. It is as criminal as it is child
ish to speak of tbe repugnance of the
white man to assooiaUon equal terms
with tbe blacks as a prejudice which
ought to be corrected with a strong
band. If it be prejudice, it is as
strongly felt at the North as it is in
the South, and it is a prejudice that
statesmen are iKiundtoeonsidor. Nut
five mon out of a hundred anywhere
North of Maryland would bo willing
if they went to the South, to send
their daughters to schools half filled
with negroes, to seat their wives in a
theatre in the midst of negroes, or to
themselves share their staterooms
with negroes. No community between
New York and the Mississippi wonld
consent for a moment to be governed
by black men. Yet tbe Radical party
is preparing to inflict upon a broken
and helpless people ,thoir Ignore i nous
and ruinous punishment It will not
wait to see whether what it affects to
call an unfounded prejudice cannot be
eradicated by a little lime and concil
iation, but is prepared to inaugurate
measures which will at once destroy ! purpose. Of this the reconstruction
all presont chance of a revival of the j legislation of Congress foVmed a stri
prosperity of the South. To the worid king rxcmiilication. Another strong
the spectacle presented by this coon-
try tnnst seem like a hideous mockery
Millions of men, among whom dwell
scarcely any black men, but who have
lately voted against negro sun rage in
the North, nre deliberately striving to
consign millions of white men In tbe
South to the domination of ignorant
and uncouth black men. And thiapo-
... . . . - V
er.! rSte4aol by liwaeiw nn Poland, ia
to be h3-pocritically pnrpotratedin tbe
sacred names of justice and religion.
If tho Radical party is suffered to car
ry out its infamous purposes, then are
our darkest days yet to come, and the
people of this country, looking a few
years hence upon their work, will
cease to wondor at the folly and mad
ness which buve bionght destruction
upon I be Kepublics of other lands, and
in other times. They will have am
ple food for reflection as they recall
their own errors, and Aill canse for
unavailing regrets Baltimore Ga
zette. f fesiskM stwaf Smmtl rmt
Have been furnished by the Slato au
thorities to the Grand" Army of tbe
Republic and Union Leuguo, political
organtsatiotie, under the pre ton oe that
they have conformed to the militia
and are military organizations.
Was ever a tree people subjected to
a greater outrage I
Their operations are all secret.
' Who ever saw them parade in pub
lio, as miltiary companies, battalions
or regiment, r ,
Who are their commnndors, Who are
the rank and file ?
These are questions the people have
a right to bave fairly and squarely an
swered. Mr. Jordan's letter stating that none
but military organisations bave been
furnished with arms, is not enough.
It evades the point
It blinks the question.
We have reason to believe thai the
political organisation known as the
Grand Army of the Itepublie and
another similar organisation, known
as the Loyal 1eacue, have, to some
exlont at least, been furnished with
Now wo want to know by what
right they bave been so furnished f
By what right theSute authorities
hsve placed arms in the hands of
those apparently mere political organ
izations 1
Outsids their own secret lodgoslhcy
are not known sat military organisa
tions. Is it so, to-day-in Pennsylvania,
that law permits the arming of secret
bands 1 - ; ,
We went Mr. Jordan or air. Adju
tant r;nnel M'f'lu.
this. !,.
If It is so. that ' tha sMMt r.nlitin.1
i,,,,..,;...; f ,i.. i,...i:i .
,M.wulin u, .ii. iwiiiai imriy in
armed by the State authorities it is
Inirn time the Ikomoersts should know
, and prepare to meet the crisis which
inch act would indicate that their i
noliLiowl nin.,or.i. !.. I
( . vj.j.u..., v IIIWII. ,U Ulllljj
Bo watchful, Domot rats.
Bo wakeful and vigilant; and, as
wo remarked the other dsy, it you
havo arma, keep them j if ro have
not, get them. HarrMmrg Patriot., the other dav, went be
fore Judge rnmm, of the Criminal
Court at St. liouia, and ronouncinjf
his allegiance to t he Kmperor of China
and all the mandarins and baahawsof
ten or twerre tails, was mads aoitissn
of the L'nitod Ktatos. This boingthe
first Chinaman ovor natnralixed ihoro,
some curiosity was loll to know how
ho would vote. II o said be wonld
"volo foree Hey mon roe and Ulairoe.''
The Radicals say they ars for equal
rights, yet lliey give the elective lrsn
chise to negroea, Mntft a,,, jt ,w,v
from -white men. Will the latter
Bgres to this yatetl J
ampi your invitation in.., iw
P" n"",i" U" 6lh. i""u,,t
llsll to reK.i.d to the
nomination, of the National aoJ State
Conve nt ions.
My best wishes, however, will be
with you, and with all who are asso
ciated Willi Voti, in vindicating the
Constitution and maintaining the in
teuntr of the Union. . 1 have never
Udieved that a Slate haa a
right to
nr do I
m, sea trxAm 4 K fa t'tiiaitl tint
Vi ItllUI m r 1IIMII IIIV V". ") wv
beliovo tho Vcdcral Government has
any stithority to exclude or expel a
State from the Cnion 1 sm therefore
no secessionist 1 am no Radical, nor
have I any sympathies with the prin
ciples and actions of either.
When the Republican party was or
ganized In 1H&U, to assort and main
tain popular sovereignty, or the right
of the people to form their own Stale
constitutions, decide for themselves
in regard to thoir local government,
without dictation or interference from
the central Governmont, or from bor
der ruffians, I did not he.ilate to act
with the organisation.
Efforts had been made to impose a
Constitution upon the people of Kan
sas without their spninst
thoir will. They resisted the efforts
to invade their rights, and they have
my sympathy and support in that re
sistance. Rut the Radical element of tbe Re
publican part)', w'licli for the last
i three years bad control of that organ-
ixation, unmindful of the professions
of regard lor populur rights and State
righta, and of its avowed opposition to
Federal aggression, bos been engaged
in'grealor outrage upon popular rights
and Stats rights, and in a more arbi
trary and despotic exercise of Federal
power, than was ever attempted by
"border ruffians," or those -who have
abused the authority of the General
Government at any former period.
A party so false to its professions,
and to tbe principles which led to its
organization, is not deserving ol pub
lic confidence. 1 shall rejoice is its
defeat, und in the triumph of those
who are striving for a restoiation of
tse Union, and restoration of the
States to their legitimate oenstitutions
and constitutional rights.
Very respectfully,
Mlais U ts Aessiam 1
We have had occasion more than '
nnM li ariAalr Ilia atnni.4 l.lnnrinrw
eomm-tuxf by Uie IUdical loaders.
Even in those eaaea wbnre they are ; VOTitB to c HtlrtroRswia th. or-s-iaUy
tlicitow. U make thing. fit J'JZ
and binding, tbey seem to, fortunate- j .r unku towmmip. deaaaa-d. Tbe appraiae-
iy i
fur the conntry, wholly de&uientin
the skill and capacity to effect their
instance of iladical stupidity appears
in lhe muuuio lliey tiave got into by
the proceedings on tho "1 sl
ide teuure of office luw provides
that all appointments made during
the recess of Congress shall terminal
or be vacated units confirmed by the
Senate at tho succeeding session.
Now th. Radical bold that there was
. ... . .. ... .
current rM.ilntmn was jin"d tlaoicaa
to take another recess. Troe. there
was really no quorum of the House,
but Ibis speaker Collitx aud bis friends
inanagea io ignore. It there was a
session of Congress on the 21 si, it is
certain mat titers were no spHiut-
menis oonnrmod by the Nenale at
that session ; and it results therefore,
that all the appointments made since
the session preooeding bave, hy virtue
of the tenure ot office bill, terminated
and the bonds filed for the proper
discharge of duty, and for the securi
ty of the interests and property of the
Government ceased to be binding. lr,
on the oibor band, there was no ses
sion. Congress stands adjourned over
to the first Monday in December
Waa ever riartv at once ao mahivalnni
and stupid f
The Charlcalon Courirr. SePtemlMir
80, gives the following advice lo South
orn orators and writers : "Ist the
Moulhorn speaker and writer remem
ber that ho baa a grave and solemn
duty to perform- that the eyes of
millions are npon him ; that be may
aid or injure the cause of American
liberty. i?t him weigh carefully his
words, so that in no event they can be
made to express another meaning than
that which be intended. Let him
svcak for republican liberty, mutspoak
w ith wisdom ; and if Ilia cause should
bo lost which lioaven forbid let I
him not be able te reproach himself
wimmo mougitt mat he has aided
the cause of tyranny by bis want
That BEAunnx Inoidskt. An
exchange says : Emma, who lost bor
three brothers in tho war, snd who
criod on tho "side walk" because they
wore not in the Radical procession on
Friday, the 25th nltimo, should road
Grant's dispatch to Gen. Butler refu
sing to exchange prisonera, by which
some twenty thousand Federal snldiors
were starved at Andersnnville prison
pens. She might also find consolation
in the fuel that Joe. Brown, who es
tablished those pens, is now a leading
IUdical of Georgia, and received into
a jiolitica! communion and fellowship
with tho very mon in whose presence
she gave such a touching exhibition
ofeher tears.
a i i i ,-
, oeen aisoovered in
w"1''"rT'n who doWt wnnt his mi wen, anu wnai is more won.
, .,j , . . . .
l"!' hotter to prove
w '"T
"I he says lhat he earns
?f J more t!,',?n t,,,t' mn' "vo P"'
""""" jno nanis oi mis
man is James AI. Haiaell, and ho was
.... . . iy m uiumuur vi we illlin UhlO
The liadicalspreU.nd that the ne
groes are just as competont for self-
jrovcrnmont as lite wuilo men. Tlion
why was it necessary to dstabtish a
government bureau through which
to food and clothe thorn at the
of w hile labor at tlio . orlb f
Answor They are not fitted for
self governmoiit.snd the Radicals wish
to pookut ton millions of the public
The Mongrols of the Korth are sen
ding Enfield rifles to the Soqlhoro
negroes in boxes resembling piiftina.
But if they succeed in driving tbe ne
groes on to murlor fhe whits women
and children of the South, these
Northern Mongrela belter keep the
rofflns at home lor their own aorom
modatipn, , .
- -" 7 . '.,,, rPniilino
! "ln:rt.ilJ.."-,., 2Zl?l
gmnixi wen, sncn a pm"' I'"
j H numsnny, a' inr um
Kiin. 1. Iicstnni sirevt irorn rimnnm
Hrd, and Hmad Irom Chestnut to
Spring Garden, was one dense mass of
people. "ith evrv door, indv?, and
most of the house tops, tilled. The
procession w as from nino to ten miles
. :.. n...i
m length, refiuiring two Ii
! half to Ps PVM V""1-
! a ', a
It was not sincuy naniran. .y
I ert helms very lew but DomocraU took
1 Prt il i the ,6el,n "nd nthu-
siam oi me icnsoi uiousanusui - ..v
tatort indies ted that their sympathies
were almost unanimous with the Dem
ocrats. It was a proud day for Mc
Clellsn a proud day for the Democra
cy of Philadelphia. Morning Patriot.
Ouioo.x. A resolution was passed
by both Houses censuring Senators
filliams and Corbett for their acts
in the United .States Senate, charging
them with misrepresenting the peo
ple oi Oregon, and requesting thira
to resign.
Clearfield Markets.
Beportrd weekly for the Cuaaril. Hart suras
by J. P. KntT u, Dealer ia fry Ooudi, (in.
eerirl, Proviiioof, Ac, llarket at., ClearbeU.
CuuaritMi, Pa, Oct. Ii, I1&3.
Appirl. green,....l ftd ll"g!, dre.!ed....
Dried, ( m 1!) Ilidea, green
Apple boltar.yiral, 1 - llama lift.
Batter.-, miH h hbilajarii;(ai
Heaul...t2 Ha, 1 ftt bidea ..l (4
Hurk wheal 1 1'rd
EZZZZZ iVtonmtU Elatlcnlrorfrer & Co.,
rlaaf. Ireeh Wi'tu ov I wo
Hoardi. M 14 ($?" 1 Potaloea 1 SS
CM. abelled- 1 M 1 Peaebaa. dried, S Ik
Uwrm,ea, (aj Jkl Planar, l bbl-... I w
( ora meal, V laek, t M Uya 1 k"
Chop. rU 7i( 4 SS U.g.. .
Cloeereoed wS e Salt. V aaek t t
ft.naa . . Sii Sbiaglaa.lkia, M, SS
Caarnaa, . fol 14 . hhuiglea, 1
rbMkeoa, drad, M 1 ua.iiay ared... t 0
Krr. .. 111 Tallow 1J
Pluaaad- J SO , heal I
V loar I l'l-14 Ml . W ool ....., 4k
liar ...11 liia,l.i M Woad. 1 eard 4 VS
Jlrir ditrtisrmfBts.
IKTI A T,. Came braapaaeisf ee tba protal.
J aaa of Ike io Karri bet, ia Ooabea lin.hip,
aa ar abawt the let af Jaa. laat, a BRfrlDLB
COW. with aoma whim wpaaj, wad a M.ACK
BKirtR, with white aiar aa ler.kead be lb
maliaa. The ewwar it hereby aotibed ka !.
forward, proee praparty. pay rbarrea aad take
tbam away, ar kbey arUi bw diepnaas af area. 4 lag
i la law.
I !!h"'r!!!?"h"l.,?S's'
mewl at real aetata eat oot e Margaret f3meei.tkie
w id'.w of laid deaeaeed, of ii. acre, mare wr lean,
and rallied at ?J9 51), we. no tbe oth day of Oo-
teher, A. II. MSI, aoalrmed mi. by tbe (
and ai doted that mtiliealioo ha made io two
wewipaperr pnbli.hed la Clearluld enoaty. ialorm
iag all perron, late re ted tLal the eame will be
oanSnaed abaolutcly an lee. auffirieot ob)errinwa
ore Sled aw or before Ike around St on day of lie.
retuoet, A. l. Ishs.
Ilj tbe Tonrt.
1 41. IlARtlEK,
Oateberliidt Ork af Orphan! Caarl.
il'AHTI-.m.V ttF.POrtT of the Cot
v K.TtowAL Haw. af ClearSald. oo tba
tag af the am Mowaa; of Orbeber, ISSS i
Uu and Tiarowoti H,ll t?
m v. o., w erewra elraoiaUua ww
Poroivara aad I at ore
Carrent aipanara aad taxea
IreJ Tender! aad Camp. 1st. Note.
Nalioaal rarreary, oaak llama. d
loa f ram atkee baakiasd Uaakara..
Capital ttosk paid ia I1).S. S
Ctrawhuoaoatatmadiof. U.lni SS
Daw depeaikera. lb,;. OS
Doe loDanki A Baiikera- JJ
Borploefnnd aad pro lit, 11, US ST
Ml 1.
k.tuj Si
ToleL.. ...... Hi, MS S7 Ilk.Ua ST
of tba Coaau
S. IkJ bll4
1, Jamea 1. taonare, Preeideal
KaUaaal Bank af Claarleld, da I
lhal Ike aowea ototaswot at troa.
my aaowiasg. aod keltet
JAMEoaS. LI0KA1O, Prai't.
Shawls I Shawlsl Shawls
Hoods 1 Kabias! Breakfast Shawli
IkDIXl 1VX.'.
Ladies' Coats! .
, an vx neii
Bilk riaiaa VSLVET lor aalM ! .
. Alexander POPLTNB !
All Waal PkAIDs!
Eesnebaa Ktpellant I
Chameleon Poplra 1
lappa Cloth far Wrapper! !
Ladleo' Cloaklap I
Water proof kloak aad brew.
Caaabmaraa far m aad boy. 1
Boaoot Velrat. Klbboae P law era, raalkon I
Ladte'i aad Ckibirea'i Haul
Wool aad CwtMa Do Lai am
MaiUaa, PlaaneH, PrlaH !
Xapkn, wanted aad wool Tarn. ? '
Draaa Trimming,, fnder Clethlnf , Bata, Cora,
oeiara, Uloraa, aad a eompleu aaeartmoat of
all kiada of NOTIONS, at vary maderate prioea.
Ulaarsais, OeLlk, lSSt tr " (S it
2OOTS AXn SUOI-S are soiling at
kair Ikr araal priea, at
aaa get a PULL 8111 of CWthea, ( Ceol,
Paa'i aad VosU.) lot Mmio, at
SkewK Break that Shawh, Hwada, Raklao,
ChUdre.-i Salt Caetaa, Swarfa,
klaokaae, d-o, at V
gWEET potatoes;
rrn.NIEr.aIlS I
' umiED rmriTi
Jaat raoalrad aad far oala aa
rpn el re.rnfany leette tVe at
I Katlna of Ike paMie geaeram ra rreir
N4edi4 aemaal at aerebaadlea, aklfk Ibay
" "' Their to- la part of
Dry Ooodfi of the Bert Quality,
Sh at Print., ! lelsaa. Arpirea., Werlsa.
Uinraamr.MapliM.lMrarbed aad aeblaaek
ed,) Prillloga, Tirkiagi, aotto. aad
Weal Fmoael.atitirtt!,Ceetmel,
Cotteaader, Ladiei' Hbawli,
Nablaa k Hoed!, Ralmoral
and Hoop bkiru, As
Aba, k Ha arMMment of Mes Drawers aad
Shirts, liar. Cape, Boat! A Heora.
of which
Hardware, Queerurware, Glassware,
" " Groceries and Spices.
Of ererrthlng are.lly kept la s retail ttsra, all
CUS.AP F0HCAH ar apprwrad eeaelxy pre-
Claarteld. Nor J , IS-ST.
;a":iio67 z'aisdA azxaai
(Snare lean to While A Co.,)
waoLSaaaa a betail acAioa ut
KERPECTfrLLY lorlu is nawiaaUoo of
their large otack af aaoeaoablc geeda, pur
eoaead far oaih, aad aeiiiag at wUkJLILV
W. sail better Oaadi at tower ratal thaa ary
other koaae ts lbs eoaaty.
the sea sex why.
P.O. a., wa bay for rajh a. 4 boy eleea, aad
ara thai ooobkod la g Ira oar awatemen a. 4
potroai the baweflt of tba graater portioa of
af the protla Ojey hare hitherto bora pay-
i .
El i.ii wa sol mare gW. tVao aay adasr
Soaaa to Cleark el 4 aoanly.
Oar rtock eoaaiau of
Drj- Goods OrowrlcK,
Qnaewawara. Hardware, Wood .nd Willow Ware.
kaata aod Shoos, Hotl. Capo, Clot hug, Parai.
tore, Corpau aad Oil Clelbe,
ProvisioM of aU kinds, reed, ic
Dress Goods for Ladies,
of eeery otyha.
m Boat aad taetafal deeigae.
la variety.
IADT UAMCLOTDIVO at great, redweed
r '-, Ordee- f e.e. f OleUilOf .
a..riM to aeleet rram alwari aa
From war large Hoek af KOTIOBS, erery want
la that line aaa be eeoe-lied, erery
del ire gratlfced.
i ?"r""' ',rT I rrwpa of erery analitr.
P PagM C.iwd llama fhealdera aad
BJm U ti L u T, . r.. ... . ...
i,-., inea aeel. r-Bed,
Mark oral. CadSah, Kowad Herriag. Lake TroaL
(asm Pkaar, Oara Meal awd kaokwbaat M.
Camh fld Bar (wamtry rradwrw.
RnHrtiV- tT3..
Taola far Carpeotara and oihera. BaM
-.k 'V, .7 ' cordage
anukao. Mill Piadiaga.
Cigar and ToUnrro.
PlneM kraada af Clgari, Oiewlee aad Sm.iae
Toboooo. Tba rale orated ht ink igao Piae Cat ia
n-Coontry awppliad aa oa fair
term, oa ooa ka had ba tk. Aaatire wi lea.
SQawdo ardered sar omr oaammen aad eat-
Ufaaiioa gaarwateed-
To bay rn la Vnr to pleoaa,
Ta bay to make, to bay wlik eara, '
Ta bay at all. aa all moat do.
: To oho rheap owak oaan all oboald ga.
Oeeenla Mlihi. May 14. ISSS rf
1TBAVe Pawie trrnparaing on the prrm
4 faaa of the mliari rbwi , ranting a Knot k.en.
I in. alal tbe l.-.lhof fteptrn.Wi I..I. a tiKEV
HOIIHB, abawt 14 ream aid. Tbe owner or .wb
are are hereby BiSiSed in r-.m- fnrward, prore
property, pay rkarree Bad rake b.m awar, or be
will ha dniaed wf ai law lew direr..
(w. s. tha. mm tv.
la hereby giren lhat letter, af admiaiUratiaa
aa the eeialr il IIEKKt ll. Tl R M R, deoearad,
late af Mradlord toanibip, Clrerleld ooaatr, I'a,
bariag been doll granted ta the nndrriigned. all
pewiowe ineVbied h eo eelMa will plraee make
paroamc wad Baoaa bwlil elalaM ar deeaaa,!.
WiU an. not nbeai pi urn it. awrbewnewted for oat-
rment. HUSH ASK Tl Rh:a.
etS-at-pd SSn.m.nralrii
I"T4V H1IHS Al HHiS.tamr
J tree,eiog ea tba premiere ul the eahaeriiwr
in Itrndy town-hip. atiout the lthof Augnitt laat,
a hKli IIKli'1 K..l-i one rraroM aiih eomr
white eper. oa the bwad. A too. o WHrtk IIOU,
with blark rpnt., and two SANDT IllXiS. Mark
poiira. isr owner or owner, are ronueo-d ..
eome forward, prore prnprrt,, par rltarrre aod
'bom away, or IW wHI he w.M a. tbe low
dim-ta. . AltTHt A llkAl l kH,
Brady tnwa.bip, Uneehar I :tl pi.
Household Furniture at Private
11H BmWiher oSara, at hi. eeeideaee aear
Uenrre Hall a noe-lnarth alike h.,r. U.
reihiw'i Bridge, the following hoaeobold fnrnilare
for wale : BedXre.)' aod bedding, owe hire- ea..k
rng iiorw, owe awiatl etorr, and a ltd of
are inrn em re pipe, wearlr ara
Tbe road
will be eolovheai
iprWra.h. It I. preferred hi aril
or part ree at oar time.
au w- one parry or port.
oetl St pd
W. T. nl.ETN.
Farm and Shop for Sale.
THE onde.igy.ed offer, for aale hi. PARld, lil
wale ahoat m.-la.T balwaas tllfarhatd Bad
Oontainiiiff Eirhtv.riva A nraa.
Plfly Sea bema twireorvd a'ad ka a wo a .e.
ewlltraltoB, an! a kd dwelling kowaa and bara
BbwreoB. e.etbr wirh obmee bworing frait
rrae. aad orer MS rram rloao. weajli .11 .,
The TrTOrStorr Carnerrtcr ShnTi.
Ob I Bird Mraat. Bear tba raihjwad depot, m Olior.
U oorwagh. term- mudrnw and poeoeio
gieaaeSanrUao. Call in wrrlea. ar aalre. at
t'lwarSabi, Pa. wbllk .k Illuus .
firarkaed, daly it U
l'h -Lb lb. m-l V, V, 7. A kr el '- 1 tf 1. ' S I IR
ISAAfk. aod pr..(e of lnwwwf ti, . Sl " TS" L ri.rietr ! -
u "iJ i T'.I!,TT0'i "nr-'f" hf Lerden, I b.ei.g bZ. trlJT lL JT t arweaa. .1,, a h te a a..
BollaM.) W Arrb Stre-l, Thi' a. 1m...U para-TmdeWadTTi 7 b"'kw- - '- ' ek.rge ol .hi pr-e.-i.
aiooial. M b. hi. o. Th. m.o., makV ledi.l. Mrnf.J?'1 T"? "'k,0, " 11 "-aS"- B--et, ara Inrlted la a-e.p.T tW,lr p,,m I . J damudTJiU . '" l!w of 1 W lu
'i !1. "i rro'-iioa. Imao. , B.tboBtiBrd l" ..meLl?"'.';! "lfc'""' npr-'. l-rae. ldrw .he Srrre
aeaa laeorted witkoal paia. a oba-gn for aa - ' wllbea, B.i o-we, olih. Bo.
m W P lUalk. am Aaa. em AJ . avbaH M f I T 1 I) Ml I A . m. ,
aal id a ! aad eaplea ,
. .. k ! ri-O.H Ij k we I
eilra liarwiauu to I AMI HI I l.
tie Vara ee.W w.l.a eele.-ll.4i 4 Pre., (l4..
Mat, Sheeles I l.iku a. I'lanwel!, Bl
,M,1.. Rla. ke", II SkirU,
Ci'ir.1!, TkiHt.) n'k
. , , ' I.Mll iii-l.
Jl. . fe. rr, drarril.l ion. f'h' r, Wurrled
tarn, aB'l ear at the mail complete a-.TImeBt! af
Lad'i and Gents Furnishing Goods,
-aHrr wear, lloHrrr, (.'.-re. of all hind!, Akl
Call ea 1 tee wi. Ka Iroahlt lo bw good.. P.
wak4 lit place
Near PoetoSSre
Market trrl.
CI.KAKFIKI.I), ft.t.
AT flJUH KSHVItl-E, . ,
ItHE aaderrtg barlnr entered roteea-part-
prl,ri-r, thM Mlt.l.iM ot M tnt-d. .ill
Uoid by m. . eb-p - lb. mm7
, i .La, -..- W. hats s f.ill inntilt uf
H D Y frtOORs
( oattfting in pan oi ittm uvoai, nntuna,
Priou of all ibadel aod ityl.l ; together wiUl a j
. loll aaaarpaeat af
Boot, flhoea, llarttware. Uacarwire
Ai well u Tinware, Cedarwara, Willow war.
baefccU and Brooas ; logataar witk a irf9 rtoci
of tirweahat ; nd alwaji a fall atoek af
la ihort, we keep a fall rapply of everything
oaad ia thil market,
Wa oroat oil oar old eaitomfrf aod aj maoy
aaw owwa a. ooa make It eooeooieat, to giro aa
a eajl befcr. pare- aaiag el ere bare.
Carwearrille. Febru.7 11, IkSS.
ntAitl ik '
Jiut reoeirad at MUSSOPS'.
. i
OIVGHAMS at 8eoaalitra prire.
CltAV A rs
ai Aitissops
Sensation prion.
Senaauoo price
Sroaktioa prior
All to be had at MOSSorS'.
MKEN at Se-nutio M-ioea
rRAsH at Senaalion " prirw
CT'KTAINS at Sronatioai prM
fAPl.E llJIHS aft rieneatKra ' la-toao
Sensation prioao
at Mt.iSSCrS'.
SsDaalioa pnoea
Knealioo pnoea
Senoation pricaa
R1HHON8 st
af all kinds A V at Sanaauoa
in soy quao'ly
Aiwar.osi band at M lSStiPS',
CAS51JJt:KriS at
SUIkTl.VoS at
Senoat mn
CM-Oaalinn nrra
at MOSS'jh'.
as Coat., Panlt,
lodernbtrta, at sensation pru
r laoriaii r-Dtna,
ItooU, Shrwa,
flau and Ca,
Now l,ar sal, t MOSSOrS'
aucb aa Saw., nail.
Fork a, Knivea.
at aenaatioa prioea
at M' kSSS' OP
at Brnaatioe " pricaa
at seaoaUoa ptice
at aossors.
I.IOmitlt mrk 1
aa M me, Branjy.
i a i - l ii.
i i, r a wary,
Cecnar., etc aHc,
FKL'ITS,aorh aa
Prunes, Raisine,
Figa, Filberta, Ao.
G ROTE RI ES, war )
imi, Dial,
' Shoulders. Surer
Molaaw-wa, Ct.nee,
j Tea. Cracker
t; (-.,! i
at seusation
Coal OiL etc, etc!
Alwayt at afOSSOrS.
' al teneatma price,
at asTjaatina (irieta
at aenaalinn prirra
at aemaatina ; prsrew
I aenaalion prioea
al BelBOBtireB
At the atorsofRICUAkD AtiK.-itir
, ,
f 7, 1 on n"oa ,u"
aaaoilmerit of all ktndi orericKj. required
for the aocommodalioB ol the pul !ir.
Jaty 1, la.?.
New Store in Madera.
At-ort r-v,. ua- ..i ...
l ,w . r-- - paoiir
" '
" nira tbey are prepared m eel) ee akoap ai the
w-v ', . . ' ; I.
Tkelr SUek oo....), i, part of
Dry GtKsJs the LVm, gualitv,
Sank ae Alpaeoaa, D.laa Pri.ta, KMu,
Oaammeraa. Satin ..j ri ...
' tr
Of th qaalitT. tvek P-m 9 a.
Owwooli. OreraUa. fibina. Clto
An, wkvs ana liaiU'rs,
Kp rr ftkam Qa.Hy
A Cfllnnlct. at.u L ,.f 4.
la then .Tarytkluj aaaalry kept aa a eowarry
atora. '
I Consumers, Look to Your Interesti!
Uall aad tiem'ae war etk ud pneee
Parakaaiaf Meewhera.
Or all kind, talea ra roe goodi
WR" her pWo, Madera, OmarSeld
oowaty, Peoi a.
wleT .Ik, IS7-ff,
j M.k f.
an4er'4 K.J a4 Hora'. Mlrl.r.i.4 Sele,i Kid, , n rf , .Nl(l, Wi0.ltT
Fn,br,.,de,le.. Sr.: ! . . M,.r""'"' f i prtrrement Cr.n. -in h.reth.t, !
I I Kf . -ilk liRAVrl PATI..NT M 1 IFJ b. be.l P ( M.lii I. Madera, or . "
ibi-g e.i.nt-t-rrther with a fall l.. of .upl. I fc
goodf. All of ab.rb w. olir at the r.ral aat k lor lam.-r'aad ao.1 n.
V V 1
l A
few HiHi-orl. O-l 41
OH II Ml T ITM I, II....,
I r r.'.a lee a.'.c. aw ww. . 'a.r i. a.t
I ii.l.i-Biitg llioee kawiig lhmi.-H i
' aaa. thai 1 4..-r t-- -a.. t..f.a.-j tb.
I tbf-,1 ' -uijt wltbMt d..r
J tML.- A.
I Clearf..-!-!, Orl.-W, 6, Ik' lu
' - - ...
! 100 Building LolS for Sale
I I . as 4 r-.
, 111 IlldUCI A,
j of llikt trewn, an m:u r"B tnuu ui, a ,
( hnitimt tfa j p'inl. Hw, !trrr,
j n9M tomtitx!, or ti k t I'tirrlttiKr Kmt
1 laUMH). MM '.iv hftr 1trtr ftitfettUrD caJtttJ
( fart. It mtrmr4 m-om to .!.
I On HVrfitfrff, Mober;v
j At fjul.l.e ul, in )ht ullfcf of U.iiraV, ( jrt
' roumy, I'm., t 10 o'e!n-k, A. U., icy Itjktj,
IsOIa. sVu I'? 'tt f (eitrti mil uo.'mr4. lkl
i irrrli mt rs fl m4 11m tbltt-Ti 14. tMi as,
1 OmVlrti on thr bftkki id i tWvrt'-t4 Itejvk. Iwcavi
I tmwuih oi U titltiT hmn. 1 b litta tt tor
it u.iisiL0l. Wit. if, part uf lit ttli Akul,
Mtrvr). ht-4. i fuil rtbiubd uroa s-
t f tiit Wajiirt kt t t-rc i i
i A iMiiitoo i f lW cuanrr nu of CWrt,
j Xr ln-l.f .Jual. uf io ,-. r.
1 tU I'V " f ??, " "'T
"'I1 l,'rB1,il "HUtvrrrOi,
1 tit ibt (.rt-jierty. auiii itk. tbna Lut ft
I m-tirvd. Twk mi m d-fiaUic-. nyct it
j rsarr iufortuatiuO bjr aidtruiug kiia a: Xaxi
, . 41 i .tarn id c-ontv. t
Tt!.V OK PALI : Tlif kU will 1 ibuid u ;
time- add I'iaw d'lif ia-a. tu Itif titutn ylA
fur 9D half cab tu kacl. at.! iit iau-r
till, l mmat tlfwl .tie ttnrtv ila;
THK rtf.nbeT baring drtrrm'-n-d teetrif. a
ether bniinea., a"p'- thil mrifaod nl u.; a
ing the ntiteai of L.wrrac tfea't u.i u
awrroonding eountrr lhat he prof,!-.
mi larmiiig impimmte aaa Mora ai ru'.ltf rar.
ru.-irii.ite la part of 5 bona, U tViwt, i jay.
aid J Pj-riti cmvli is aM-f, ifr;t. wf
: c oav i La, itwiacr aifih. umrAttiiy .ft-tiiix, iur
j mtati, le toftiliM aita a iavrr tjuaiatitT i
( cfairs ,w w-nsd mo, a W f
i mooAi and want too turn, wo $ to mm'it.
attowOlw 1 aafc wa tatas
wbeo term! aod ewoditioni will be la.:y i
kawa by tba ndriigwad.
joint inrGHEfc7T.
Laareaee loweet.ip. On. S t.
Of Real tV Pfional ProrrertT,
rpHE keen of Joerpk Dene. Sr. mil of th.
X avwuaa p ut rraa, it. tue eowelr ol 1 .ana:
fln.iwl. wu, ufior at pooue aaw wa the ptro-aw.
On Wedrjeadaj, Ociolier 28'Ji, 13CS,
Tbf fcltoviaf dcTi-d f.roprtT. la tbt Hlt
n inr aaia mmccmwrv, ic it :
AU ibal sertaia tract wf fcrid, aitaiat a, Tmx
twwaLp, afurraa:o, it.iainin
VM ut hm. aamc ta lf"-a i prvfni at-.
cm Mil dsffa- ati iior tu tltr ttat
4tata. aad -fc aaa ariMtw-a asTa i ka
ta arrrra! acc Vcl ia parttiMsa. aX la
awa nft- Mutvtw, tai4P4 r-cr-arT ih. 1-
iajaraV4 n Orarfcaid eaamrr. ia erd iat 'K
AU, at aaH Urn and ar-v t -nd'Trs
mW tW ft-anal prmrT. it's. f pa-d dfr-a-4
esi.iiK ttmk, fara..a ! Waisr.
j IrWlllwTrrS. Ai ft.
jstrteniitiiict af aa. U W bad lm"wi
tlaj of aalf .
PrtuW S, Adnia-rm'rYn
Itaatrd la IWatar Ti-wmahlp. J4
. .oaat. ra.
' nin, eanernner, o-il.g deeiroar of qen.nt
X. haiinr-a, offm fur aale ae I'L' l k.Na
Mll.L, with tea run of bare. Th m.L i .n
ard ii, gianl rdrr, with from taeaM t.- It :rt. a-i
of aad a ..Holonabie PliA M ! LVJ.'S
llilE ; tbe property 1. ii:g two w:lr are:
I till, pet arg. t rulrr rwunt.,aiid WHhiB a t e
ot Omiiiike road. TlK I . near A t laara. i4 Ka.
I rnad run. thmrh the kawae, wntaia a few r-ft ef
; the aj.U. Thara i aiw. a enaarraik lot of
I tork aad w kite Hior timiwa oo the lai a.
alee a .err dr-irahlr leeai.ea (or a Woolr. ler
tnn, .and aeie n mark oudid a. tan aernoi
rb.ety.i For larther paniealar. Iteeirr e
two lobaeriber. li.iag aw die properrr. sedra
rilARl.En M. t Alia ALLAl'l.h.
wetl-lm I'bilipebwrg. Cewtre eaat.y. Pa.
ai.KTT mm
Till awl
H patron
renweually iafermi ka .14
patrom aad U. ablie gearra iy. that hi
( ' nana, i aol
iag are
I additiaaa thereto.) a large stack of
Clocks, Watchea aad JeweL'j.
r-1 kaea Jrelrr la all w. farm, aad
diSrreat aahiea, wither br the piroe or oot.
WATCHES A fa;l B'rfirtD ent of etih,.. fi.
or Filter, made by the beet Aaerirat Bad if
"ra iaelod r.g a let lot of i, -I
and eilrer knnua( eara. UU jeweled. Pain!
nr . c ...
CLOCKS Of aUdaigma.a-B-i(c.f.1.t
way aad tbirre bear, ef a.laer wrutat. annae at
"T?- 4 "r'
mot., nepoiraa, BBS varraniea.
a foil ..rtmeat sPpr r , .-, fi. mri
phi.nrb.oa. Alea.l.l1rwjl,wdriC!
Pn'... r .l.V KI TTCU CVII L -
arerribing ia ihr Jew,;r !.a. '.: I ;
j h.r n ki.l edii t .,,,, ,rhv
wedor war tret err-eiv w.tb..ot . -rki-r
A liBeeniewea of Baalie Mirt.e..e. U .niiiei
Mo, I, IS..T H P NtHLk
TR 4 V. hr-i
i r r tl.r y--
tfr Nlkws... i, Bnw- f-
tu: Hm im . fTearka,- , fh -TPi K t
7h- firtf t? aW r--d K
1 ffvrwaH. k,,a p,
' arrMl t.-r
-faT r '
awa. sir rr tap -r'
at the la. dm-,. JtvE-SH-v
Town Property Tor Sale.
I'CETV w,!' br ... k.
iwa'e .a Ih. aoror S
with MS Ii.4!i ai-4
nd all wer.a.are aaitMi..5i,-r. ai.3 at
ewry low kgltrra. I-'""t warrarte. Here ( .
AIt la 1 11 (,S J. Mot I LL. l t'ii.
Goarbeld, Sept J4 4u
House and Lot for Sale
ITtATED It. ihr Wmerh of ClrarSni re
ad J arti., 4MMac atatn l l.AK Ht'l "t.
If ky 7 .t, B U-Sd T!B a c w. -t
a'rr, ifeaif am i law mw(iwIi f-t 5T Al. E
aad nihrTPu:ia'M:tkr thf-n. Z, r frr: ;rai
rjt ttrrM, and c x tricl , aa'-tv 17 fr t .
an tMt'T lr mr a'trT T"'tt rt-imrraiS . Ir ct:-
oi J"HN M'.tEliGEE r-a tar
-jrv . - .
fi"w rA..-r-"-:l.5Taaai