k ) ir J fik. rv line, rhrw A lKrr pet, H.,,r tit ... f M H- ttwft n I .i' r-" W mi-wftit tt -rtM ,, I in ; 'fiPl .-ft M4 L.ra'a.tr lWvTrn.. I ft) liltVf Hiih. , 1 Btt' ' ' ". , I ft M. lii'Mit I M l.v,l I'--". fr' llM , tit ((' j.iim-, tnr - ttn, f liatv..... to t rUtlt -"- 1 tu 1IMW1T AM KRrirt VTW, I tmn f t I 1 rw.Un.a ft?j, M . M (MM flffl 4 no -J w I I ih-Immm T t Job rk. 1 Ukl. tni quire ..K i i C .(Uirfi. fwrqairr,. Ti 3 prqtr, 3 00 Our ft. fwriurr.. t AH.li.LJ. 1 fWt, or tft,$. feu 4 brH, is or )rt,tt 5(1 f Dw 2i f of hcivr ft, pro.i.rti.t rat.. WiSffllanrous. f Presidential Election Proclamation. ! rUKKK8,bruMtftfa0ri Ami- - nia. ' th t-Ttral ymlrrau tWrHft. it is - f.ruiidrd. liiavl thr cUcU-ri of lhc Mverml eaanliw ' ot thr fBB'totrtillh, nali fli 1 to vul for mnt 'i bwoftfcf imrl Ai-Bit,lv, at tbvMtne pltM. at whirb lti Mm member! ihall have ha rotrd tor at th rwNMinjt election ca tbc Firat T- - aext altrr tb Kimt Mnlay f Noroinbr, is th Tr ol wr Lorit, Me taianl Hjf bt bamlred - no) forty. anl on the tme day in every ft ortb Tir tKrirtrT. IWr rh mrfijM f elrrttnjF Klrrt in f Proi4mt aid Vice 'resident of the Lnitd f-ftr-. THFREPORK.I, CrRRmri Howb. Hirh Pber . 11f f CtarteW onanty, fn pnrtUDCo of tb duly tmimetf oa mr rrr t Art ahov? rrfrrrrd to, and iw Mippw-mmtp thrrrtu, fm tbil, idt prorlama tiHi fivinir notip to the electors of the county of tearneiq. aannea to Tote lor Bi ember of the 4enerJ Aiteoibly, to meet at thrir aeTeral elee- 4iinet a Tl hSUAl. the U day of NO r.MKbn neit, then and there, between the hnarr of Eirht aVtoek in the morning and Seven o rlork In toe evening of aaid day, to rote for 'T-otv Koren Kteetora of a Ireident aod Vire prethlvnt of the I'Dited Ptate. And tUat tb arreral Jndfea, fnopeetor and Crtk who ahall aare attra4e4 at tbe preceding General Election art required tm attend and perform the alike du al, and be PtibjeeC to alike penalties for neglect f duty or miprooduet aa tbey ball be liable at eait tieneral Kleetion. Ihreleetore of tbe eoamty of Clearfield will takf wnt that tbe aaid election of Kleetora of Prei aVet and Vie Pre id est will be bald at the follow ur place, via : h-eearu inwnihip, at the I nioo II tcl, in Glea Ik-ll tmntehfp. at the hoe of Auri.h Elliaa. rilMm tffwnituip, at the hurue of tbe late Janet f 1 om, ft. : Brr townrhip. at the bue of F I ward AlU-rt. Lradford townikip, at tbe bmje of Jatb Pieraa. Urady townfaip, at tbe houft- of Wnj. Scbwem, n Lothervhanr. Hurtinde township, at Toong'i rhol boute, Cbeet township, at the paulic tehwl bonw near pinion Rnrahanrh'p. t'learfteU brv. al the Court Iloote. ( rrmrtfTn trmc?b:p, at tbe hoaw of J. Manrer. ('arw-turille burvab, at the hMiae of the late Iaac Bloom. . , 1 'real or township, at Centre school boaae. ' Frrcuoa townbip. at tbe bowe of John Greg ory, fet-meriy eeeapied by Tbe. Hobiauw, Broad -wy. l titrard township, at Coagrem Tl i 11 aehool bovta. I ;ehea toernidiip. at tbe poblie arboot b'aM. t.rihnta tuwDbip. at tbc bottwof Jaewb H abler, f t(ulu-b towBthip, at the public aehoul bovae, ta jBTPPTllle. Hutoa townphtp. al tbc hoove of Jeee Wilmia. 1 JniaB vowatbip, mi tbe paKfae arbool boKe, im ift-'.nTille. Kftrtbaa townrbtp. at Pridrcn'i Brhol boaae. Kdoi townthip. at Turkey Hill arbool howe. , lwrenee tovnuhip, at tbe Comrt tiouae, la the V-roujrb of Clearfield. i l.nastjer City borough, at the pa bite -hool boou. 1rrw townnbip,ai tbe boBae tWaaerly aompted Th'.tna Kyler. New M abingtofl borvuh, at the public acbeol oer!a Kvroorh. at the pabKe faous of MHo 'll-rt, is raid bo math. ' Peon tuwBflhip, at the bold formerly kept by ijlV. W. AndrrQ. f Ptke towwfaip, at the boaat of tbe late Iraae 'iiK'B, m tbe bnrch ef Curwenarilte. I nwn towBidiip. al the boat of 1. K. Brwnaker. I k irodward towasBip, at the boose of Thomaa !i-tdrreB. I t!ktr Is farther Hereby given. That II pereawa eteept JusMeee ef the Peace, wbe abali held oa afcee ar artf-ointaieat ef trast under fine geeeraBseat of the tailed States, or of taw : uie, cr of aay iBcorporated dirtnrt, whether ; pommigaMB)ed ofteer or Mherwiae, a eabordiaate W&ter or ageat, wbe if ae rhail be employed a .xier the Legulative, Execativo or Judieiai de 'partBwaU of thii State or of the Taited States, r uj city or iBcorporated dirtrwt, and also umt every msaiber of Cocgreaa, or of the State 'Lcfielatare, or ef tbe ftommea or teleet oouDcil rf any eity or eommtmoner of any iaeorporated 'idutrict are by law laeeptble of holding or Wtprrwiag. at the tame time, tbe nflle ar p purtment of Jaige. intpecior or turn oi any c eetien af tbn Uommaawealw. Tb RetarB Jqkm of tbe respective ditrkU 'oreeaid are rwuaeeted ta meet at tha Court 4 ritM, ib the boroerb of Clearfi-ld.oB the flnt 4 Fndat next after tha aaid trt Taeaday of No feather, thew aad there ta do thoae thing re i)red of them by law. tuiVtX wnder my head nd ral. at Heart eld, I oa thia e;rhtb day of October, la I be L.9. year af oar Lord one thoeoand aiiht bBdrd and rlity eifht, and ut the lode peaaeBOB of Ike Tailed Httea the ninety aeeoBd. CYHEMl'S HOHKtFbarif. THE HOPE OF THE COUNTBY I Ka.Tbcai! Ta. Fiwnt.aad IWrt.aad InarM! Life-Like! INVERT FRFESIAX KVEKT WHTTE MAK j aad WllM AN nt th. t'oantry, wao pau Irwal l. tb. aalialM af In. CoaMitatM.a aad tat I aiwa n th. aacmi ml th. lraorratir Fartr. oa(bl lo know llweidf. their pria.iplr.1 tha ftarea iim of tb-iH id whom that k.i u wot. mi of bm through whoa Jl atatt b. brought to a glo nn., froiuon. Ft aa'kiritr of thr Ninnsal. ?lroi kit P.Ata ('Ml, Life lih. rirtraita of aur oandidalet t r Pr.i'lent and Vie. President of tb. I ail Mate., elWed in tht heel r'jle af Iba art, are r- .-hed a. fnow : Ltrrr Tluikle pMitiin M:tWralbV-rVraar and Klir SI hr l inrlic M 0 (mrt. IVturM illihrTph Seyiaow and liiatr -9 by ! ineh, ch...H. 1 10 Til t LI tip : Mtt PoM Pietawa I e'i 5 " IciiiK. 1 S Sir Pietarea a(il... - J - 1.1 aopiM ! M i Thr pnwdr af thm aalal are lo b. detoU-d lo i ."Dpa'n parfxilM. Club r.lir must b. tent lo on. addre... All ; p:. -tare ere aiat on roltrrl wiMlfl aoid damage - ia he aieili. and la all rear, free of p-irtairo. "Her. lo amount of ten dollar, and over my he SIM o? rtprru.and bill cllevtod oa delivery. W ith tab order will be .antneed a parkac of ctrd eaatpaiffn docwwieai.. A... to taa rut. Addma, aaJwfaUr. I. n. f H I'llli". hoi !, W aebmit.im I. C Xfc-S. B la atJenaf. .lil waaie paper t aSick ailrertteeaieTjt war aero. 0C1I-.U yiOXlRY SIVKIK "WF are eonitant'T pamb.-inf for ea-b t the ,wWkendB..etoatara.u,ellkia.Uf lry aad Faac Oaarle, (tilka. Totuaa, B.H aad I h.e, Watrbia, lowing Marbnw. fw hjry, lloode, Iocrtic tied,, Ac, Aa. r .re actaall. .ellitu al an aTeren". pri" rft'Mi 1MI1.I.AR FOR KACI1 AKTlt'l.t. Oat i .! heir tnrtly for b, and our tratte aia' I brrer tbea tbal of aay othw maiilar eoaoMfi. aaa I. a- to g e brtter aargaia. than .aa be obtain -t of any ith- bra... TIIF LADIES Are t.peci.11. Intitcd I. give ae atrial. Send fr a Circular ud Kjchaage Urt. ''r elnK ,trwi 4 eellinr le aa follow! : For ' wr jo M.cnt iwa f..otain and chock. A -I :ne T it ,cot article. In b .M foe a d.lar fti : In for . lor f h: l lorflB. Ao. KcOl t W anil. )'mraieiie larrcr lbn Ih.'wc o'-el ' t t .nr .ihn Km ec.nr.li.. W HOC of Hub. Hin i 1 lneta.ii.od check. I ccntrt bl.lcaadfeen.lv . ..-nt; w.mcl. tikn nir.IT ta Kaaiaraaao IT t 'in. Ken. ... trial clnl.. and .oa will a knnwl 1 that eaa .nol td a-d la boy r""4 "J ";hr buaer thereafter. . . EAf TMAX d KKBAU, 1 Oi',1 m HI llaaw.or 81, B.wwoa, Mae. ' Democratic Almanac. '1 'HIS iaralnaiile pahlieation I. for eale at Ibe pel "t)c. It ehonld o. ia we en'ie 01 r. r., t. .....n. full aleeti roturae froal "err ronat. ia Me failed Ftate.: bcidc Ib. nun'ner l .r i awitaiae a compWe liel of Ibe nimeeof ellih. aeo.p.pere.oppco.eed aad mobbed dencg Lincoln .arfminlrfratina.- and that for 1T cntua the aaa. re of all thnwe drilian. who ware in.jn-.oe. rr.net lh nam. period. Thee two ti. foe r.mn. nfeernca. are worth nine than thepncewl the p.Hicatina. Th. namhor for I Pot" i. le fall of t.Ic.Hc et.tietlc. Ar.yoncwcnding f cenu lo th. Poet Merter, wilt reccir. hy retern ail f-py rVt ear -ear. fret of pottage. JaSStf CLEARFIELD GEO. B. 0O0DLANDER, Proprietor. VOL. 1I-WIIOLENO.20S7. ?rg flood, f.rorrrirs. dtr. THE CLEARFIELD STORE RECONSTRUCTED. tieorge L. Reed Juba . Weaver - William Powell, William W.lHtU. GEO. I, REED & CO., Two doon aurlb at the Court Iiouc, n.EARFIKI 1), PA. TT''f" Maraud la our old kniiM iUnd. X X. fa.rahy ootify th. .ilimu of (,'l.ri.ld oa tb. nublM r.umll.T, thai w. W.r. mitred pun, tod iolnid lo nrOMooU, . .irorou em- fmira uuli! buh arui and irfrriur inol,, mmi h. sow oa kaad a fall siui.It of mil ki.4. ml WU aata la Un atarkau la Ike line af Dry Good, We claim to bar. a full MwirUnml, onnaWtiDg ia rl of Mo.linl, bkafkod and uablaaelicd ; Prion of all gr.Uri and HTln ; and Full and Winter Dress Goods Such ac Alpaca, af all ittadei Ho Laioaa. Mm- rinot aud r laoocl, ; bculc,, a lull aaaort ncnt of fenUcnicn'. wear, eonaiiting in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, , Satiootts aad a full aaeortmeat of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Motions, ITosIcry, Tiimmlns, F OS N ET TS, AC, Eat and Caps, Boot and Shoes. GROCERIES. We have a furl topply of CdTe, Tea, Rugar, Riee, otaiiea, iohacoA, Muh. halt. Iinoeefl. eual aad lob Oil. FLOUR, BACON. DRIED FRUIT, Sugar -cared llama, Mrai Pork Bad a full f apply of Provlfion, Hardware and Quccnsware, H'ootUnK ttlllow tfart. All tb. forcroina arlirl., will b. eicbanard fr CASH. UMIIKK. or COIKTKV fUUlllTK. and at prion to which Ibcr. can l no rxrcfitixk. Tkin. ia and af Uoodl la oar llua, win piaaa. g-CALJj ASTD SEE us:- CO. KO. I.. IiEED Oartltld. tVpl. If, 1M If. JICUARD MOSSOP IS NOW rUling, at half their waal prie. DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, BROWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FUKNIPUINQ flood. LADIES' BOOTS AND 8 HOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS' do HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISIN8 AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND PORK, FLOUR AND FEED. Ao., c.. Ac. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST AllIUVAL AND OF COi rtSB THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation aginst High Pricas ItTI mm anoalwa aa a m al IB. oni wo an eea-wwO.1. Hood, and W rv ofcred ia tbi. m.rket, and al price, taat r.n. i.o ol the gno.i .Id d;.Vh .1 rlln.p luiago. . who tech faith apoa lb point, ar deem ear alle gation anp.rtlw.ow, wweq on. C.1I.L .IT Olit STORE, Corner Froal aad Marbel it recti, Where they can ere, feel. hr aad know lor !."- wclrea. To follr auderetand what er.rr.oep r-o", . k. mm A, wot doom II aecoaary in.e e"-' eronjocet aad n.mia. eur ateoa. a. v....-.- for a. to r'at. that We hm Everything that is Neoded and onciraod In Ihn aierhct, and at prbn that ael.wiab both old and y.ng. j.H. JtiskPH 811 AW A 80S. NEW GOODSI AT- al. 1 . Krnttrr . DRY GtX)I. IiKESS GOODS, HARDWARE, GUOCfcHIES, CWlTUINO, NOTIONS. , ylEENSWARR, TROVISIONS, DRUGS, RATS CAPS, FISH, AC,,' AC, MUSICAL GOODS, BOOTS tt- SHOES, FLOUR, FEEtC. F.H rlork. yaat recited at H rtack. I n,.pa4n i. P. K BATE KB '. C4LT SALT!! PALT!!! Foil weijkt larj lacke clling oinap at ael ln ' t. f. KRATZtBS Jiarduarr, flnuarr, (Str. NEW HARDWARE STORE PhWptbnrg;, Centre County, Pa- G. II. ZEIGLER & CO. DEALERS IN Foreign & Domestic Hardware, WOOD, WILLOW. &. TIN WARE, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, to., &o. TBI atlealloa cf Mechanic, Bullderi, Farm n, Luibarau, and Buyer, guarallj, la inriled ta Iba fact that wa are waTariof a batter aMor tiaent of goodj In oar Una than n W fooad .leewhere ta tbil part ef tb Slat., at Prioet U 8 ait tht Time- Oar atock aoatpriaaa a genarai a.eot me ot af Toola aad Material e.d by CarpBUr. Blaek mltht, Carriag and Wag aa M.k.ri, Ac., with a larg (tok f ; Iron, A'ails, Stetl, 8pUte$, Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Cliai, ' Grindstones? Circular, , Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, s EXAMELED, FIXISI1ED t TLAIS HOLLOW WAIIE, CABLE CHAI5S, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oil. TCEPBNTIKK, BKKZINB, VARKIHHK8, COAX Oil 1AMPS AID IASTEUS. Aa iMllt aHorta.nl af fin Ctlry, i KNIVES, DESERT. TEA. k TABLESPOONS, FORKS, SCISSORS, RAZORS, Ac. BRITANNIA 4 SILVER PLATED WARE. ' TIN WAKE IN GREAT VARIETY AND . ' BEST MANUFACTURE. lfo.eh..ld. n.Mixlwrsi, rarating aad Baflln. taipleia.nu of tbe lalaat ax4 Boat rarf rcreel pvurh. Dlarkiatltbi aaa be rappliod with Aa.ll. Bel- Iowa, Vicei, Siedge, Dammeri, Ben . . aad Mol Fbw, ltore Haila, . ' mad S ktadi af Ire ea4StL. Carpntw aad Bel Mar win lad la aaredak liebaiaat a aa parlor aloek af riaaaa, aa, Aagun, Hatch eu. lngle,doahl-bll aad pealing Aie, Daoimara, Chie.'.e, Filaa, Hiagaa, Sorewi, Boll, Larkt, Pulley, Sab, Cor., ; A., Ac, Ac. Fanaer and R.flai.a will lad eT.rythlag la ; Dnli lie, aad cheaper ibaa eaa V , ( . bad ale.wh.ra. ha. Partlwalar altanUoai In.'ud to bwik af Bwee.eMrieiac Bpaar o.lrt,rated Aatt-Dail, Cook and Parlor uiTa af an itaaa. tlen, the Kiegara Ook, Parlor Cook, llrtmael. Dawa, Kew ili.p, Ar.tie, aad lataiea fg, Pocket, Aa. All af the ah.ra naala will aa eald cheap fbrcaak. G. IL ZEIGLER & Co. hilieabarc, Oai. It, U7-ly .. The Lightning Tamer. THE aederiigaed are tbe aole Ageat. la tbi enaaty for tbe "North Amerioaa Uel.aai.ed LIUII TMMi ItUUS. Ijee. ara ... aniyee.. rod now ia aa. aad ar eadoreed bf ail lb arl.nlita mea la the canlrt. W benhy anlify tb cltlienl ar th coaaty Ibal will pal them p a better rod. and for Ire money, than It charged ny th roreiga agrata who annnally trar.rM th eoanty aad arry off oar little raab, aerrr to return. ENCOI RAGF, UOMK LABOR, Tbee wlehlag Ughtalng Had areeted aa lb.tr halldlag aad bat addroe a by bMMr, a eall ia poraoa. We will pal then, ap anywhere In theewaaty, aad warrant them. Tbe Hodeaad Flilaree eaa aa aeea at any liaj ty c.lllng al oar .tore. M UK REIX A falOLhU. , Cle.rfleld. Jan It. lft tt Philadelphia & Erlf Railroad. SI MMER TIME TABLE. Tkraagb end direct roU wetweea Philadelphia, lieJtiatore, Herrieberg, t llliameporl, aad the Great Oil Rion of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT HI.KKIMNU CARS On all Might Train. rH aad fur MOKDAT, PF.PT 14, Hilt, th. V lrni a Uie Philadelphia a aula nau Head will raa a fnllawe i rtraiwara. . Mall Trala Itara rhil.d.lpbla....H'.IO t. M Ie dj.,..bl. Mary . . Ik arri.e at Brie M. Brie Bipreeebeeee Philadelphia-. ..I I Hi) neea . Da, .....o....-OV. alary e.,. .uo m. m. Do .arrWeel Brl. iMA.M. l-'.ialwafdr Walt Trala Wat krl. D. ....... ..... flC ht.ry- P. " tc. nrrtr. at Philadelphia-- I M A. M Brie Bipree lea. Sri f 1. P. bj. . d- hi Mary'. !. M. ' Ik. arrira at Pbiladeii.hia-... t P. M. M.ii aad b.pree onnl nub UM Orweh and Allegheny Hirer Kail H...d. Hagg.g. cherh khroagh. . , , ALfKIB U 1IW. elaeiwral Snferinundea A Large Lot or Fly Nets rpiAM !. Hamea. line. ( .Iter. Alrtb. 1 rtwratagle aad Saddlery Hardware,. jn reel red aad for sale by lb rm of )yl if ' . H. ZKIALKft Coy Grape Vines Tor Sale. A I.L th. leading bardr TaHrtios of fit qual A it;- It'NK'KU CTTTINI)K, It S I. or linnJrcd. CoNCOlili VINES only 10 wola. Or ders solicited a soon at Oottcnlcnt, and tiled ia rotation, by A., at. 1IILL5. t If artiul, P., Asrt't , If 7. PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOIJ EH 15, 1808. ODR NATIONAL PIN MONEY. How Congress Squanders the Funds. A Scorching; Lathing from a Badical Paper.' fiold Prna, Iron Rrlddlve, Quill Pi-na, Nutate Wralera. Htrel Prm and Kllrep Upoona. ( leaver, t'rna, llouorliold and kllrhrn Furniture, and many other Ar tkloa "Too Nanieran ta Mcatlim." Front Ib. Cinoinnatl r.ainroll Radical. Tlio liberality whit-h Conirrfs hftH difiplnycj in voting larfrn aulmidicn of lanrm and monoy to Tanourf f-ailroiid antl intornnl imiirovwr.t bni0,- nmi created the impreusion that it in extravagnnt In tiio munngement of n own artutra. Jlumors liavo from timo to time pono abroud tliut tlie mombors indulged in cxlravagancca at tlio public expense which ought to bo paid for out of tliuir private riwour- ce. It wan not many inontha a no that Mr. blevenn, of ffniinvlvania. when a bill won before, the House pro poning to allow nieniliers to order ata- tionery ad libitum, Haiti that if it pann ed there were members who would supply theitiBclve with underclothing enough to taut them aeren years or irordit to thai effect. Such diriparatrc- ing rcmarkg. uouplud with the irormip ot tha lutter-wrilers, have akbinted lo t'onfirm the imprciwiion thnt Congresn it an pxiravagunt tody, wliooe nium- bcrs uianago, during a ninglo term, to carry off or wato an amount of plun der equal lo their salary , It ia our intention to nhow thai Con gress, or rather that britneh ot it knoacn aa the Jlonne of Kejirpfcnta tiveu, Is not so profligate ns it might ho in expanding the people's uioiiey. The (aeu are furnished to oar hand by the "Letter from the Clerk of the IloiiHe, transmitting a statement of tbe contingent expenses of the Uoune of Heprenentatires." Tho statement covers a period of oue year, from and including Ileecniber, 106, to leee in ner. m7.. ' This eUU'ment is roo,uired by a law oi the Iloaao, patwod in 1 142, by which tho Clerk is instructed to dciivur to the rontmaster of the Houso.sucb kinds and quantities of stationery aa may from time to time be nocfKusry for tbe uho of the llohau, cont of that used in the Clerk onion, tho awonnts to be kept separately and in detail. Very queer things are. to be found in this statement, as we shall show before we are through with it- . But it ia noousenry to say, before examin ing the items, that earn member of the llouse is allowed a certain sum r at.tii.nerv awilo from the suunlii-a Jouiiiuj I., .i.v staicnicnt. vi 0 nnu on almot every page, for ininncc, long lints of the names of members with tho amounts drawn by tucin tor stationery set opposite their names, and we have oi.1y lo add that very few men dome; a largo liusinewniake tbom- selves so lilmml an allowance. To tocblo minds, unable to grasp tho great scope of the duties of a member of the House ot Konreseniauves, it woniu probably appear that, with so much money tn ins pooae ior tuu pm iieuini puriHiNe, a member would have no occasion to make Wlrther requinition during . the sesnion. Hut lo tho whose tdess nave occn enlarged ny a visit to Wanliington and atlfinltinco on the IIouso lor a few days, it will at once appear how inadequate the stipend is, and how the wants of a man multiply and magnity tuo mo ment he enters into tho service of the Itcpublio and lives at the expense of the teoplo. . .... . It if out of a desire lo enlighten the minds of those who have not the op portunity to attend uon the sessions of Congress that we have gone over the alatemei.t of the Clerk, Mr. Mc rhcraon, and collected and aggregated the eiim expended for spet'iho arti clea. The items are scattered through a list which fills two hundred and thirty-one pngca, and embraces more than everything in the line of station ery, as understood by the trado. One ot the popular error touching the extravagance of Congress is that a vast sum of money is wasted in the printing and publishing of public doc uments. J he (Jerk s statement does not show the octet of the composition, pross-work and material oniplorou and used in llicso documents, tnai lie onirs U) the Superintendent of Public Printing to toll. Wo art? to suppose tho documents printed ami taken to the folding room of the House, whence, alter being loided, wrnpiied. pasted and lied up, they are carted away to the mietollice, tho express oflices, tho rail- road aeHts, ami to Diner punne no nartmenta in Wsshinirton. To show our rehoers how trifling, after all, i"J the spirregitto hulk of those documents, we will take the transactions lor the year ending hut December. ., we nni mat mere n iuiiu to Thomas II. Heston, mail-carrier for the House, and exclusive ol his servi ces for carrying the ordinary mail : and also lo J. H. Clark, Jr, for carting to express offices, railway slalioitu, Ac, the following sums for hauling public oocumentsi yy (To Thomas II. Ilcalnn.) 1J toed. pub. doe, Pecemhar. ts... till ! 1. 3 1 II loads pub. doc. January. ISO" o nn li'l loa'it poh. doe, Frhrnar. "K ... So rm IIS loads pob, d M.mb I to M eh 4 1 he 7.M hssdt pah. due, April. I'T ., ITS US load. pah. doe., May. IS7 JVt o ho.de pab. doe., June. 17,., IM l.UJ loads poh. d., Julr, 1SS7..I 67 1 S s loads nnh. do... Aarast. 1SS7 Mil"' t. 2 load. pob. , Se.tewihe. sa7 7 rH' 71 Uieds pub. doa., trchihar, l7 7 Sn l,B! hiad. poh dnc . Noremlor. tS7... SIS en ' (To, J. H. t'larh. ir.i . ' l.'i ba.le pub, d'Hi., .lariaarv. IsijJ T7 M I 111 liol. pub, doe, February, (Mil... , 7 1st hsvts pah. doc., Marrb, 77 I ksnts asth. awa. AnriL 1"41 7 St Mi kolf pah. dw.. Mar. 1'W 77 Mi 1 loads pah. doe. dwaa, I Mi 71 OS lilt biad. pah diov dole. ISS7 T7 M IS toads pub, doc, Anruel. ISHT 77 M IS bouls pith, doc., September, ls7 7 SH I..J kinds pah. dnc., IMokor, INti;,. T7 i" It lands pob. doc, N ureal bet, IM17., It W 1 tm.ftfW Adl How much in hnlk and weight it requires to constitute a Congressional load, or whether thero is any uniform ity about tt. It more than we ran guess. But we may bo aura tho loads are nol a li iflo. reader cap wilculato for IIP 31 NOT MEN. hiinsell what it must cost tho country to send theso burdens all over tho country by mail and eipreiis, when it costs over t5,HiO simply to move them from the Cspitul building. Aud it is the deadest mutter thut over went into pamphlet and volume. Perhaps we ahull have a cleiirrr idea of the amount of this material if we look into the folding-room, where it in prepared lor mailing. The pay-roll of the folders show that they were paid i 81 07 Uttl ynar. They used up in wrapping Q,(iiiS reams Manila paper, eoniing fcll.l.'iX 84 ; 4;i5 buok- lets of paste, costing .)."i3, and pounds JttisHinn twine, 1,824 pounds sou coru, i.4du pounds hard twine, and twelve dozen balls twine, quality not psmeo TUia ia aside from lbs vi.ormona aums paid tho proprietors ol ihe VongreiMonal Globe ior priming the proceedings aud speeches ta lull. Of course the members of the House require large quantities of envelopes for letters and documents. When a member has a spoeoh printed in pam phlet, he must remember his constit uents and -others, and must have en velopes to enclose them under his frank. We rind that the grand total of envelopes furnished to the llouse and Clerk's of Hoc daring the aession was 4.741,tW, costing $2,478 78. Of those txiii.JJiKI were "stieech envelopes," litlUiOO printed, 45,600 white, H,000 quality not earned, 10,(KKJ documont, 20,50H) made "to match colored edgv note papor," 4,.r00 "French fancy," and the remainder of various kinds, including many thousands for "visit ing cards." Of course, when we elect a member to the House, we expect that he shall he supplied at the public expense with fancy nolo-paper, Y ranch note-paper, gilt and colored-edge note paper, visiting cards, and envelopes to match, and not only ahall he be supplied himself, but lay iu a stock for family and friends. All this, keep in mind, is over and above the amount of stationery which each member is presumed to purchase with the money he draws for that purpose. This goes to show the vast labors one boa to un drt ike who con sen ta to sacrifice hi ease for the public good. ' ' 11 tit envelopes and paper (of which wo have taken no account) would be of no use without jicns. How much of his stipend for stationery goes to: the pnrchase of pens the reader ean indgo for himself when he noes what 1 amounts are Pupplied extra. ' The members have a fancy for variety, as tho following items show -indulging largely in gold, steel and qufll. nd ttml as to aol.D FKKB. IS gold pcn..M ., SO gol.1 ppj, ...rrf;,.tr, lit gobl p.ao4UYv.) let gold pen (In I'oetwi.eb-r of Hnain 50 guhl pru (to t'lork of llouer)..... ! ' ass mi Itmao if f i" ' OT. II i.t IMI tt.iwr 4 grail, rua. . 1600 pea 5 llh double aHion IS. Mia Waehlaglon rmvl.llron... tit Ml SO 2" W 1!, 41 lis m : 17 Mi l.leV Perrr'e larg hrrrl.. ill. I III tlllloll '.., ..... 7?n K.gic T.dHvJ PrfV OFfMlat(ttl .. So. in iiramle-i lf.Oimito I'n.n.aeu-r) .,., Jl.oetl (to Ckrk) ......... MT.4M ' , ;: i..: ' q it.b rasa. , 4.1011 lllacb P..0 ., 1,T elill'rtt'a , I.IIW Uongejw, ( ut .. yl no j s.t . Mi 17 mi- l,7t3 74 MI6 till Oi nntTft to.il or raws. Wo,? ................4.tTI S But pens mnst have pen holders. We judge by the prices paid thai a good many of tho gold pent were at tached to reasonably good holders, ftut we put down the Items as we find them. ran snt.ni.Bs. T.77 cwttimoa.. IIS rahker. - , 2,uii (lo Cnrtmeeter)..,... ........ ......, 2ot (leClrrk). . .......... flM 4! IM M 117 41 il II ii,jt $m s Having fitted out the honorable members with pens, pen holders, pa per and envelopes, they mnst be sup. plied with Ink and inkstnnds. Jtiil we shall not take into this account the thousands of "bottles ink," "Ar nold' fluid," "copying, "Vermillion,1 etc., of which separato account (from the inkstands) lsrendered. We make record only of tho Inkstands required to transnct the business of the House for the session. Hero at the IKKVTAHIi. 4.1 library S pockoC...... ........ ....- 2 patent 510 .arlno. . 477 tlo l'.i.lmUorl.. 41 (fiUkrk,... ........ l,e o;i i Contrress lias always been famous for iu knives. For many years Ihe most popular hi-and in the mnrkct wat the "Congress Knife." There seem to bo tho same eagerness for good knives now lhat there was a quarter of a century ago. Thus wo find that there were furnished to tho House Clerk and Postmaster for the session (over and above tho amount members are presumed to have purchased with their stipend for stationery,) the fol low in,',' ; i . suss A fas asrrn. I. US knltn. ... ........ 2.7M 24 t.llll prn knives...... 2.7H S.1 !,: .t3tloo These fi euro do not include a largo variety of trcssing knives, folding knives, erasine knives, eta. but nch a honorable members muld nso in sharneninrr the citrht ttionsjind and odd tjiiill pens, Ihp litmrltTd and odd thousand pencil of all sorts, or with w hich o wtiillle, cut ioi,ae;-o anu benches, and pick their teeth. They do not omit to supply them selves with at iswrtra and sboiirs, though we confer. to surprise lbn they should carry their economy to the point ol niggardliness so unbecoming in the representative men of the Great He public. It is lobe regretted that they should have had supplied lo them in excess of the number p-irchascd with their stationery menpy 0nr ,' 4?l nalrs eel.sors :17 II ISO nalrs h-ars t Bui if tho llouse it censurable for iU economy in ihi particular wo art U oIj bound to say it makes up for it in tlio mutter of LBtTHK. .MT Porte, ninnnalce ,.,M l.flll IIP 31 Piartori.H , tsn mh S Morocco Pnokotbeok.... 4S tm tl Portfolio.. tun no 7 Morocco llc.iii-. VV Kl l,ll 14 We ought to imlmlo in this aome hundreds, of mnmnrandum and bltttik liookt, somo thirty odd mitoaranh bonks, as many scrap-books, and a half doaen etH of alphabet letters the Inst probnbly ordered, as Airs. 1 oodles bought the ooflin, to have handy in tbe houso when Mississippi nnd Carolina send up thoir unlettered representatives. . , . , u . Wo haw only named a lew of the ibima to be found in this precious tes timony of the economy ol Congress in its expenditures. (Such items aa hair brushes, pasto brushes, shoe brushes, nail brushes, toilet soaps, Martinique snulf by the doaen bottles, plug tobac co, lour hundred palm leat fans, cork screws, gloves, Ac, we havo not space to Dienlion. They all belong to sta tionery, ol coarse. v There ia one itom, however, which brings to mind iliokens's 'American Notes," and the chapter in which lie describes hit visit to Washington, very strongly. We and these entries : 1 dor.cn iancy spittoons, 1 pair lancy spittoons, b4 npittooos, 47 spittoons. A lolorutile provision, ono wuuld say, for the vilest huoit man ever acquired. There is also another item which we are curious to know something about, llua the House concluded to go to housekeeping, in a domestic sense, for itself)' ltomemlieiing what it to be seen and had in Washington hotels and boarding-houses, we should not censure the members if they had so determined, and would go ao lur as lo urge a liberal appropriation lo that end. iiet we do object to the set t inn t forth in th exitente aoiount a "alatioirury." The reason we have for the conclusion thai the House is dis posed to try its "'prentice hand" at the culinary art ia found in the follow ing entry : 1 enddlo, Z cullenders, 2 eratera. 1 dipper, tf pans, 1 flour siller, ti end saucepans, 1 fish ktttlo, 6 pans, 4 tiu saucepans, 9 iron pans, 1 hod, 1 lea kettle, 4 polos, 7 try pans, A broilers, 1 oorTo urn, 2 mabhera, 1 saw, 1 meal knil'e, 1 strainer, 4 ladlea, 8 skimmers, moat iorks, I witters, 4 spoons, 4 Coppers, 6 pans, 4 stamped pans, 1 oiler, 2 largo cullenders, 4 iron pans, 12 tin pans, I oval urn, 2 broilers, 1 elenver, 1 oolTee mill, , . . 'J'hat would be regartlud as a docont kitchen outfit for beginners. , bood lei lows, who are gray-beards now, can romenxber what a noire was Yofc wV'" Militia, (we think it was,) he had tbe 1 seat of his pajjluloona worn out in the service o! the Mate repaired, and Uie bill, amounting to half a dollar, coin, charged lo the Stato. Id theso less fastidious and conscientious days, shou'd a public orlicer send in a bill fur a whole suit, it would probably be allowed, and the matter be dismissed witu a sneering juirsgrupu, it 11 got into the papers. ... liut wo cannot linger lorover over this romantic volume.. All must be convinced, from, what wo have shown, that tho House ot Kcprcsotitalivcs, in ita anxiety to retrench, nave tho peo nlc s money; and pay on the debt, has red need it own expense to a figure that appear almost oontomptiule. Vrttrr Gmrrml Mcl'lella. Nr.w Yobk, October 6, IftiS. To Douqlas Taylor, Esq., Ch'm, ire. Mr Dear Sir: I have the pleannre to acknowledge the receipt of your invitation to preside over the Demo cratic, mooting of Monday next. I have long since determined to abstain from further participation in political lilo, and therefor find myself com pelled to decline the honor yon prof fer me. I should, however, be glad to attend the meeting aa a private eit ijtcn, did not engagements ol a dome- tio nature, render imperative iy ray long absence from the city, upon the day in question prevent. I am glad to avail myself of this opjiortanity to ex pros my continued hearty sympa. thy with the Democrntio fanso, and my wishes, ardent wishes, for the sue- oc4ie cd' those constitutional principle lor which Ihe recent war was antler- nfcr the offlco wns opened and rcques tnken bT Ihe North. rVpnrated s I led tho broker to send them to his thus am from the distiucruiMhod soldier who has been chosen as tho leader of our opponent, I know thnt yon agree with me in th hiizhosl respect for the aervice he has rendered our country. Hut it is my conviction thnt the moiis nrea of tho party which haa placed him in nomination are but the contin astion or (trite, and oaa never restore peace or conutitatlennl snpremncy, and thereby complete tho work he and other hrnve soldier so ably com menced. The war wan only the first epoch in history of tho struggle in which w have been ao long engaged. The worm ot the eoUlier is, 1 trust, forever ended, and it remains for tho people to fulril the great ohjects fur which they or their son aud brothers were called to the field. A restored Union of .Stales and hearts, an invig n rated Constitution, to be firmly and failhtiillr supported, the maintenance of the National credit inviolate, an establishment of National and tines rights in all their integrity, and thus true harmony and Unting jieace. These are the ohieols for which every eitiac should now slrieo, and believe- ing I hey rent in tho sueeests of the lieiiitMM-slit- oener tv the elwlion ol the einitx-til statesman Selected to re present lhat parly, it is toy intimlinn to sustain mai course as a pi iviite em- sen. ; U ilh the rtHiorsl ibal yon win convey lo the gentlemon of the com mittee aad my other friondw tor whom yon act, my 'binoei thnnk for the compliment they havo paid me, I am morit rospecUully yours, (Signed) Gko. B. IM'liixan. A Western editor ha boou elected oonstablo, aud HOW arroela tho atten lion of bis readeu . . To make a window blind Fill it np witli I'fit ks and Uioi'lar, CAN, TERMS-$2 pr annum, in Advance. NKWSEIUKS-VO'L 9, NO. 12 j tfnrkhie .Tret Look til Ihrnr 'ig rr. Ilrnrr tirinni)', Hoyal "Phelps and Wilson If. Hunt, three gtintlemen of standing in New York city, heavily in terested in the' liiuneinl and comtner ciftl prosperity of the country, liavoad diDewed n let tor to the Hon. Alexander llilinur, li rector of tho llureau of Sta tistics, Treasury Department, Wash imrton, J). C , nsking a reiily to tho following inquiries : I. What have been the total ro- ccipls nnd exitenditares of the Gov crnnmnt during the last fiscal ycarf 11. What are tho estimated expen ditures of tho current fiscal year r III -What aro the estimated reve nues of tho enrrent fisculynnr; and in what condition will tlio Treasury tea WW ttlW tM T d .MM..I , , 1..IMI, M..0 811th of Juno, lHIW, respectively ? Mr. Delmar in his reply, dated Sep- leinnei o, iMi, gives us the following official figures : Ktpen.lltoron for the prewnt yaar..l7S.5.?li.2.T Kcccipte. 31 1, 6:0. Olill, 110 Deficiency lr,4,M,212,2.1 Ilore we have an increase of the public debt during the current fiscal year of one hundred and si.rfy-four million, three hundred and thirty-nine thousand, two hundred and twelve dol lars and twenty-three rents. These are not electioneering figures, but the nflicial record, furnished by a sworn officer oi the Treasury Depart ment one whose position makes him tho most rclitiblo authority on all questions connected with tho affairs of tho United States Treasury. The disparity between the estimated expenses of tho Government for tho current fiscal year, aud the receipts from taxes, during the same period, is caused by the action of Congress in temporarily removing tbe tax on cer tain articles of manufacture. That removal was intended for political ef foct ttpon the approaching Presiden tial election. While the ruinous rate of expenditure is still maintained un diminished, to support a standing ar my in tun soulh to keep op a rreod- men's liureaa, with i's swarm of petty otliciel to maintain a fleet knocking about the harbors of Europe with its officers dancing attendance upon prin ces, the sources of supply to pay for all these outlay is cut off by a Hump Con cress to enable the Radical party to elect Grant. Once soenrely seated in power lor four years longer, the Hump will replace its taxation and bind tho labor and the capital alike ot Ihe country to tho payment of all bills accruing. Following tho Iiadi cal programme as it it now working, we are going to destruction financial ly and commercially, hy spending all we receive and mortgaging the indus-j imnunting .'c.'e'ftii' fne-fiun Jrcd : and sixty millions of dollars per an num. A 11 thr extravagance all this waste of the treasure ot the nation wheth er expended under Uie color of law or stolen bodily by the thioves who con trol affair at Washington, must be paid, and bow ? ' Kvcry dollar of the debt, if paid at all, must conic from tho producing classes of the oountry. There is not a fracli jn of it that does not represent UnitiB noor man's toil, some widow's (Vnrnings. All the fine theories of all tho 'Jay Cookes, who talk for the Bondholder, cannot set aside the lact, that labor nolonlyconqtiersallthir.gs, but it pnys for all things. If trio working-man docs not pay for all this wasteful expenditure di rectly, ho pays indirectly. When ev ery article of family nso is taxed, tho man who hns the article, last, or who consumes it, pay tho whole bill He feels the burden in his increased rent in the additional cost of everything he cuts or wears. And- the working man, nnder this condition of things, is invited logo lo the (toll and vote for Grant, the can didate of the Jtondholdor Ihe man who hat no policy and whose tery incapacity must make him the cats- paw ol the man to wbom we owe an the financial evils that surround ns. A Nr.w Sn i.lt or Bond Hoiiiikbv. A man raited upon a broker in Boston nnd negotiated for govern ment securi ties to th amount of six thousand dollftrs, propising to call for them the next niornini;. lie came soon j room, which the broker did, hy a clerk instructed to Keep nis cyo on me bonds till ho received an cuiiivnleut for them. Arriving at the geMleinati's room tho purchaser stated that he should le obliged lo be out a minute to procure cash lor a check and do posited Uie package In a pigeon bole in his desk; in the clerk's presence The latter waited for somo lime for his cntomrr'n return, until losing pa tience at the delay, he resolved to take his bonds back to tho office. Vpon opening the desk he was astonished to find the place of ll.eir deposit vacant, snd, pursuing his investigation, dis covered another opening into the pigerm-hole from the opposite side, thronrn Mcn inc securities nnu oeeu adroitly nbstraoted by the operator before leaving for the"' bank." A oorrospondent writost "To see Nlsirsra, von huv eleven silk dresses for your wife, nd six shirts for your self Yon then e-et nll the ready nmnev yea have, borrow nil your friend bare, and make arrangement fbr unlimited credit nt two or three pood, solvent banks. Yon then take six trunks, some more money, a tittrsc, a colored servant, some money, and then, after getting some more money, and extending your credit at one or two more banks, y on set oni. it is better, if possible, jnst Pcrore you leave, lo mortgage your homestead and get some more money." Dick Yates "the only loyal Senator front Illinois" wa lodoliver a epeock to the ltadicat brethren in Dansvillo, Illinois, lately. He failed, and Die lladiual organ there tell why. It says I "lie came into the town drunk, and was drunk all tho time he wa there, and was drunk when lie went away.'; Prtf r f Ft r (, ( r f'Hea. Trl b( th I ffl t Kl l"","',,rrt jl" li.M ti n Iniliund rst-a, Slid olbor Veto, lea fitr trie 1ratM1l 1st nn of pan artiifi ia, thr fiillne. ick tm i.li nt It n ls lid snd veiobtd ir by anpyaail n a t About R o'tbnk,a tn, (salnr 'Int, Sepirtnber ft lif. ell ill . r-il , ttiflleil shitted and epi-clscled tieiitir enlnri'd one of lh csia lielnng ing to the llaltimore Kxpriws train et from Ilanisbiilg. After atrtil- tifMj bnt k and forth Iwo or thr times ho IWinlly seated himself nliout mld ny of the. tar. In a few minute the seats wcro all occupied, or rather hull filled titer being lew seats with more llinnone passengers. Presently a ludy camo iu, carrying a child in her anus, and failing to procure a sent took her stand at the rear of the car. ' Whilst standing there the negro got np and left tho car and commenc ed promenading tho platform of tho depot. Some four or five minutes wero thus epont, when a gontlcman went to the lady and told her thcro wns a vacant seat, aud urged her to take it. Sho at first declined, saying she would wait until tho conductor caino. The gentleman told her tho seat was vacant, and that she had a right lo it. She then went and took her scat. A fow minutes afterwards, whoa tho train win about starting, the negro returnod to the oar, and do. libcratcly stepped up to tho lady, and tapping ber ou the shoulder, said, "madam, dis seat's taken." She re pliod that It was vacant when she tamo v lb, mud ttiw oUa wa aold t" take it. Just at this momontayouD;' man, who had just returned from Spain, where he had boon for tho las', ' seven years, stepped forward and tol tho lady to keep her seat that he' would nee to it that she should not be insulted. The negro, in tbe most con sequential manner, wanted to know of this young man what right he ha' to interfere, when the conductor op portnnoly made bis appearance, ant! alter inquiring into the tacts, told the. lady to keep ber scat and the negru where to find ono. The indignation of tho passenger was raised to tho highest pitch, and' nothing but tho limoly appearanoo cf the conductor saved tbe negro froii. being driven from the car. Had b-i been a white man, it ia doubtful cvc. if tho interference of the oonducUt. could have saved him. But the firn was in tho man just arrived frot Spain. When be loft the country ac 011 years ago. yvbile men were consi t.. crud quite aa good as negroes. No.. . bo finds that negroes aro pormittei' to do, without rebuke, what would cure for a white man broken bead. In connection with the above t here give the law enacted by the Had icals forcing negroes lo rido in tin cars with our wives and daughters . Samoa 1. Be it enacted by tha 6enate ai.'i Honor of kcpiwerntAtire of tbeCcjmmufiwealtn of PenneyK-ania in ilrneral Aftormhly mot, and it u hereby enacted by tb. authority of tbe aaaia, Tl... on and afur the paaaag. of tbit act, aay railro:- or railway corporation wiinm ime lyomrniiDwea' . thai .hall ocrude- or allow to berirluded by th. 1 egMU, conductor., ar employee, from any vf tb. paceofigcr ear any pereon or perron on aocot. of color or ran, or that ahall refer, to oarry 1. . eay of their oar thai Ml apart any perron or pi 1 . Mine on account of eolor or ran., ar shall for u- t reason oomiei ar attempt to compel aay person i. to occupy any paiucaiar pan 01 any their ear ect apart for th. accommlalion or p.-.. pie a. paMangera, ahali be liable lu action of oV . lo Uie perron thcroliy injured or aggrteTwl la U..; euro ol Sr. hundred dollar, Iba aiua to be raw ried in a aotioa of uVbl a like amount ar aiw by law recoreralile. Hocttoa I. l hat any agent, eonaueuar wr ee- a-a p!ve of auy railroad or railway eoaipany vub... .y ?Tt'' yaxiOT-rrnruwr - tm - ears aet apart fff. w. --.minndauun of p seni-era. any eerson or ncrvus on eooountof col. i or mo, ar who shall refuse to carry each perau:. or persons on aocouat of oolw ar rnea, or who she i throw any ear or ear from tbe track, thereby pjf- ' Tenting psreont from riding, thill be deemed gm' , ty of misdemeanor, and upon rVtnrietion then .. shall pay a hoc netexneedtngtre hundred duDa-.-. nor lest than one bandred dollar, or bt imprison I for a term aot exoecding three months nor ke than thirty daya, nr both at ta diaarctioa of tw curt. , Approred the twenty-eaeond day af Harok, Anno isemnii, an tboasand eujbt hundred aadeixt, -. Mven. J1H1M W. lia.KT- The above Infamous law waa passe f by tho Radical Legislature of 1867. and last year a motion for it repeal, made bv a Democratic member, w. promptly voted down by the Iladiciu. majority. Morning Patriot. 1N14 evnat l6t " The Itadioal Fortieth Congress, at its second see ion, appropriated ainor. ot her little items to meet "dufioieooics ' from the previous year tho aum oi twelve millions ten tlovMnd dollars for "sundries" in the War Isepartmotl. Thi was by way of covering deficien cies, mind yon, in tbe service of a de partment which already, tb yefcu. of peace l!to-ti7, had received from regularappropriationn, $Ui,224,415.6i), and from tUo sale of 'abaodoned, property qtiartormaster's shores," tc.,' Ac . 22,470,5t'r4 5U, making a total of tl 17,700,110.10 ; whscix, with Ue neat little "dofleincy" item of W2,tHHI,tHrO above mentioned, gives ns Car a year's, demand, of the " ar lcprtueot" in a time ot peace, in pound nrnbers. $119,000,000. Tho whole pproprta lion made lor the War Dojutrtiuent, under a Domoc.ralio admiuistratioii during tho war with Gceat BritainJ for the year 1SI4 having boon triuV over fiivfre millions of dollar, or jas the sum thrown In by Congress in lMiS as a sop ior "sundries." W hereby we preecivo that a Radical Congretn. 1 . . i . i n- i ... coulrivca to speua upon me tar psrliiieut, iu twelve uioiuhs ot eace, moro than ten times tho amount which a Democrnlio administration required to carry on for twelve month a great national war against tuo most powerful Empire of modern timosl World. IIowTaxf.s Arrr.cr tub Wobkino tiAN. Kvery workingman is taxed to help psy three hundred and sixty six thousand dollars a day to support a standing army for tho bonefitoi the radical party. And yet this is only one item in the long catalogue of bur dons imposed upon tbe pooplo. In one of Gov. rSeytnoui speechoa he shown how taxes afieot labor. Ho aay a : Whht now lengthens the time of toil ? If we were freefromary form of taxa tion, direct or indirort, six hours of work would earn as much as ten a t now. tine hoar more ol work ought to be a laborc-i'e share of the cost ol government, another hour should pay his share of the rational debt, lie now works two hours moro than he aught, to pay for tho military and negro poliey of congees and ita cor rupt schemes." Buiiq CbMrirT. The Florida Legislature passed the following, and, onablo longer to re strain their gushinga, adjourned : "lbuinlvod, that the thanks of this House be extended to ltev. Jonathan C. Glbbs ior the Christian like manner he has prayed this assembly through lis troubles. Adopted. To prevent ft door creaking Nail it np. To obtain sleep Have none but "UOddmr acouniiHiUHCn."