THE lWrillU.KUN. ' Cl l.AlUMI.l t', Ia tiii'bmut voBVixiM'rrtrMiirn ?i i". Tht WHrtrtl of Shillrn. Wrote Kliellr-y, In Hojettion iilo : "1 MluM lit if" H"''1 And wiep away tkl life f cere, Vt hi-h I have imie end Trt """I Till ucath. lik' elocp. h"uld "' "I " And 1 houli! feel. ' u" "" Mr che. k grow pl'. "" lin.ih..LnT dyiu "'' rt monotony A few iiimmcni honcc, nd tlio tor- .ir nf tho MeditiTran-'iin en eiilffd lii weltering body, and breatli- , .1 !.... Mrt,w.iMr ntfnr bill firillL' till lllCtr liwv muii"v" ---o firtiiii He was a disappointed, nopKinjr i Holiico in travel and by pralifyinff Iiih trmhetiu tames, but tlie amenitios ol rlnmentio affection, tlin loveliest ol ltuliHn mkicn. and the clatxic "crnndoiir of the old Italian cities, bad fuiled to dispel the gloom that ovcrcaBt hiB mind lie was ambitious to under mine the popular confidence in Chris tianity, and to plaeo in its stead an airy philosophy ot his own. His npin iuiiH nuparated him from the world; he found bis philosophy unsatisfying; and, without buman sympathy, with nut a God and the hopes and consola tion of religion there was in his heart a perpetual sighing, a longing for something unattained. Hi bad han checkered life. His atheism bad caused him an expulsion from college; his infidolity to the wife of hie earlier years bad brought her to a suicide' grave ; and bis imuie lioa. as expressed in his poems, Lad made him a hapless wanderer among mankind. His beautiful child the idol of bis heart, the lair haired Willie had pined and died, and boen laid awav from dotinc eyes forever amid the mouldering ruins of Rome, Although not ret thirty years of ago, accumulating sorrows bad silvered bis locks and stolen the freshness from his youthful beauty; and the impres sion must have crept over biui at times that bis life was in "the sere and rellow leaf." lie had won aeucl den and rcsplendont fume, and been daialed for a time by iu glare ; but the charms of poetry baa lout muen of their early attraction, lie once wrote to bis wile in the following despondent manner, in tbeso altered days: "My greatest comfort would be ut terly to desert human society ; I would retire with you and our children to a solitary island in the sea ; would build a boat, and shut upon my retreat the flood eales of tbe world. 1 would read no reviews ; I would talk with no authors. If 1 dared trust my im maizination, it would tell me that there are one or two chosen compan ions besides yourself whom I should desire. But to this I would not listen. Where two or three are pat'iered to gether, the devil is among them lunt. iliivn were imssed chiefly at Villa Magni, on the desolate beach of the mairmnceiit uult ol !pr.iia. It was the summer of 1822. His mind was much occupied in the project of fublishing a periodical devoted to iberal polities and to athoism. He left Villa Magin in July, to join bis old friend, Leigh Hunt, at Leghorn ; and in the deliclit of restored Inond ship, theso two susceptible and sympa thetic spirits journeyed toeethor to rias. Uore they met tioril liyron Shelloy, uncorscious that the wheels of his destiny were so soon and so snddenly to be arrexted, spent some felicitous hours with those chosen companions. He took leave of his brother poets, to return over the waters of the Mediterranean to Villia Muirni. A violent storm arose, and the shallop in which be embarked was lost. His body was cast on shore near Via iieggio, on the Mediterranean It was unsightly and decomposed; and, as tbe quarantine regulations do. tnanded that everything drilling ashore should be burned, bis friends resolved to reduce bis body to ashes before removing it to Homo. Byron and Leigh Hunt gathered with a few friends around the distorted remains, feohng the hopelessness of worldly hope and the uncertainty of human schemes. Here, on the wild beach of tbe Mediterranean, with their dead companion in view, the cbeeilcso philosophy of these two speculative poets was put to the severest test. They must nave felt the bollowness of those wayward reasonings that roo tbe soul of its virtue, of its spiritual reunion witn uod, and ot its eternal hope. But this disquieting provi dence, wnile it awakened their lears, only steeled their hearts, and led them to seek for solace in reveling anu hilarity Hie only oonsolanon thnt atheism extends to the stricken soul. A funeral pile was erected after the manner of the ancients, and tbe body ot bhelley was laid thereon The wood was kindled, frankincense was poured npon the pile, and the Qames curled np and peritimo filled ine air. it was a serene summer day Ihe winds wcro bushed, and the bosom of the sea scarce revealed its pulses. The Mediterranean lay in front, resplendent with sunny ilunds. Behind, the cliffy Apponiuos roso to neaven, their skirts dark with forests and sequestered shades. On the right wore the gold-tipped waves of tno iiuy ol pczna i and on tbe left the distant spires of Leghorn, glim mered in tlio sun. The flamo died away at last, and these antique obsequies endod. Byron. V I . . . 1 ijoign num. anu iheir triends, now pave loose reins to thoir turbulent pas ions. "When the duty was done, and the ashes collected, save Cult, in bis life of Lord Byron, they dined and drank much together: and burs ting trom the calm maxtory with which they had repressed their feel ings during tbe solemnity, they gave way totrautio exultation. They were drunk, they shouted, and their ba rouche was driven like a whirlwind through the forest" The ai-hos of Shelley wero interred in Home, by the aula f.4'1.1. .1 I. J . ..uvuiiiiBuwn ... Il 1 1 1 1 A I A llllh Iwen called the "poet of poets," i bis memorial stotio is insciibe ' and on bed. "I OR CRmTM." We cannot better point the moral lesson conveyod by these strange obso quies than by quoting the words ol hi. Augustine: "Lord, though bast formed i.s (r thyself, and Ware dis quieted till we eome to theo." I. on Edgar Cowan, one of the fw ltepubhcan Senators who stood faith ful to the Constitution during the war baiukenthe stump for Seymour Blair. Mr. Cowan is one of the first intellects in Pennsylvania, and his influence will bring thousands of voters to the support of our cause. In a recant Grant and Colfax proces "or. at Atlanta, Georgia, there were but tbree whit men. Significant Joonaii I I lUMUUMVSiaRMVX r.lTTIRS llooflnnd'N (Jftinaii Tonic; The Oreet R."IIm f.r ill Wroi of Ine Liver, eotc-arb, or Pifftlm Orpin. lloollitnil's (imnun Hitter li eow.po.ed of Ik pure J"!" (. " medicinally termed, w w Kilrnru) f ri. .p.,. .til l.ii. Il prp.iil,.n hiftlilj eocrulrl-J 4 mnr.lj "If lroo Imbulio .lmlllur of an; kind" HM)lland'8 Conuun Tonic I euftihlnalloa of all tfat Inftrvdlrnti of tbo lltltrra. with Iho purtut qiuilitjr of Santa Cmi Hum, OranKf, in . making ou of th moat plea ton! anil aaroeablo rono litl oror offer J to the pitMio. Ihoeo preforrinf a tafilioio froo from alrubohe admlxturt, win uao Ilooilund's Gcrinnn Bitters. Tboo who bora do objeetlon to tbo eomblD. lioo of Ui Bitten aa uted, will aia IloollanJ's German Tonic. Tbey are both eqaally aootl, and eontaln tba am medicinal virtue, th choieo between tbe two boing a mere realtor of tat to, tbo Touie being tbo Boll palatable. Tbo etoroach, from a variety of fauiei, fnc-h ae ladiiroation, IHepepaia, Nervotu Uibilitr, eto.. te very apt to have tu funetiuue livraoa;- od. The Lirer. jm I pittmini aa eioielj aa it doe with tbe Htoaaob, tben be oomea afleoted, Ihe result of which la that tbe patient euflere from several or more of tbe fol lowing dieeaeea: Conitipatioa, Flatulenoe, Inward Pile, Fallnen ol tiiooa to tno unaa, Aciatty of the nto aeh, Naueea, Heart Barn, iJirgoat for food, Vallneu or Weight in the Stomach , Soar Kraplione,8ink. log or Plntleriog at tbe pit of tbe Htotuaob.Hwim tniDK of the Uead, 11 orried or Difhenlt breathing, Battering of the TJeBrt,Cbcking or Buf. fooatiug eenaatiune when to a lying poature, bimnee of viaion, doti or weba before the eyea, dnll pain In Ihe bead, deficiency of per optration, yellowneae of tbe ekto end eyee. Pain in the aide, book, cheat, limbe, eto., audden fluabee of beat, barning Scab, nonetant Imagininga of evil aod great depreeaioD of apirita. The aofferer frota tbcae diaeaeet ahould eier elae tbe ereateat caution in tbe eelerction of a remedy for bil eaee, purchaaing only that which ho la aaaured I 1 from hi Inveatifra- tlona and Inquiriee v poaaeaaee true merit, ie akillfnlly oompounded, la free from i.jurioui ingreeientl, and baa eataUtibed for itaelf reputation for the euro of tbeae diMeeee. In tfate oonnectiua we would submit thoae well known retnediee Iloofland's German Bitters, Hoofiand's German Tonic, Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKdON, Philadelphia, Pa. Twenty-twe yean itnei tbry were flrat Intro duced into thii ootintry from Germany, during which time thi-y have undoubtedly performed more uroi, and benefited luffering humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedial knuwo to the publte. Tbeee remediee will effectoilly cure Liver Complaiot, Jaundice, T livpprpaia. Chronic or Kervoui lebility, 1 Chr on i e Diarrha-a, ll,eiiei of the Kid neya. and all diaeaaei aaiaing from a linurdered Lirer, titomacb, or InteaUDcl. Debility, Riiultinj from try omm whrnterer ( Proitrmtlon ol lb (ynteni lonutM-d bj attw Labor, Uardtbi. Kxpotura, Fertn, Ac, Aa. Then ti no mdicio exUnt tqoal to Uim iemrlii lo ncb catf. A tone aod Tie-.r ti imported to thrvhoto vyntcni, tbo iprtit ii itreorihened, fiKtd ii enjt'yed, tbo tninftch di IT fiU pr'tmtly, ihe bimi i$ f orified, tbe rom plexlon become ocmd eod htavltfaj. the jeilo tin ire U ernJirated trm the eTe. o tlooi grn to tbe cbpeki, aod the weak tod nerrooi ioralid beeomea etroag oud beeltby being. Persons Advanced iu Life, ond feetlof the hnd of time weighing bfOTllj oioo tliem, wixh ell iu otteDdtnl ille, will 6nd the oce f three liittfn or the Tonic, od eliiir that will tut til new life Into their eie, roetnre to o meeiuro tbe enerj and ardor of oaore jouthful da.Ti, build np their ehrunkfB forme, end give bualth and bafpioeu to their remaining earn. Notice. It if noil etui, lit lied faet thai fully one half of the fpmele po rtion of our tripula lion ar erMiim in tbe I en jo; meat of good health, tier thier uvb tsprrmion. the? "never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nerrout, and have no an petite. To tbu claae of perfuse the liitttra. or ine lonio, u epticuiiy reoumuended. Weak and Delicate Children are made etrong by tbo nee uf either of thee renediee.' Tbey will cure every oaf e of maramu without fan. Tboufaode of certificate! here acenmulated ia the bandi of the pmprietor, bat epaoe will allow of the publication of bat a few. Tboee, it will b obeerred. are men of note, aod of earb tan ding tiiat tbey nuet be believed. Tetfthnoniala. H. George W. Wofdward, Chief Juttico of the bupreme Court of Pennsylvania, writ-e : Philadelphia, Pa.. March IA, Hb. tf find lloori.iNu'e . (Ikrmam Hit rem U a good looie. aeeful in A diieteeeoftHedigent ive organe, and of- great beofflt in raeee of debility and want of nerroof action in the yitem. Voura, truly, Gu. H. WoonwanD. Hon. Jimoe Tbnoapeon. Jadge of tbo Supreme Court of PeDDBylvenia, wrltoe. l'biladf-lpfaia. April W, "I eonxidrr Ilm-fland'i Mermen Uttterea vala. able tnedieino in onne of Indigeftion or Dynpep tta. can certify tbiet from experlenee. Youra, with reapeft. Jahbi 1 saMPion." From Rot. Joffpb P. Kennard. I. !., Per tor of tbo Tenth Uaptiet Cbunh, Philadelphia i Itt. Jack mm iiear fcir : I have been froqaebt ly reqaeeted to connect my name with rooom meo'intione of diderent kinde of medicine, bat regarding the prao tireaoutof my ap- prtiphatc ephere, I jV hnve in all raaea de clined; but with ft etear proof in variou inrtannee, and purtieularl? in mj own family, of the npernlneM ot lr. linoflend Herman It mere, 1 depart fur oooo from my usual oouree, to ex. prea my full conviction that for general dobiluy of tba eyetemt and eapeoally lor Liver Cora plaint, it ie ft tafe and valuable preparation. la iudii oaeee it may fail, but uiualiy, I Irmbt not, tt will be Tory beneticial to tboaewbo enflr from tbe above eoute. Youre, very ripectfully, J. I Kkhano, Eighth, below Coatei Btreeta. From Rer R. D. Fendatl, RdiUr of Chriaitan "Chronicle,' Pfaiiedclpbta : 1 have dorivt-d decided benefit from the aite of Ifoofland e Merman Hitura,aDd leel It mv rr vi tege to rerommena toem ae a a tit raluatle tonic to ell ho are eulTiring from grntral drbi.iiv or irrm aieaeet innni I rum derancement of tbe liver. Voura, truly. k. L. Ii'inu, Caution. lloofland'i Oerman Bitter are enunterfeited. See tal the aifna tare of 0. H. JAt K .SUN ia on the wren I I nor of earh bottle. .ll other are coun terfeli. Prineinal onire atid Mauulactury. at the Merman Medio! Slure, fie. r,j Arch atreet, 1'hil. dell hla. Pa. C II A Hill M. IV ANS, Proprietor. (Formerly C. M. Jackioa A Co.) Price. Uooflattd's German Hitters, per bottle (1 00 per d sen t'O Uor.flands Ucrman Tonie, put np in ,nart vuines, per nouio 50 Or a half dosen for 9W tVo not forget lo exainine well th nir.u yun buy, In order to net the jrenutne. For sale by all dr,ru.els and dealers lo vdicinos JyX ly LIVERY STABLE. TIIK nndrrvipned hr(r leave to int.irm the r-oh-lic that he l now fuMv pre.Bre, t ...eoniuio d.te all in the wav of fnrni.liine lloree. llii.rie,. .Mile. and Heme... on the ahurtet notie and "n re.itnel.le tenn, hreiilenoe on LiK-utt atreet. wen Third and Founh. iKO. W. GLAItUAltT. Heartleld, April 11, 1M7. ut.oiu.fc if. y.t:iut.t:K tt to.. 1'hlllp.kura;, Pa. Aaonu for 8 nkVUNO MACHIKE8. aw-We keen a full emtntv nf iht. v.ta.l.l. "buuecbold aflatr" on hand, aad ewll tbm at eitv arioaa, bead for einalan, de,!7 k(. r r-,(lrt- I'ff'f'. CHEAT EXCITEMENT On Skomi strut, Ci.Annn.i. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. unrierlfnd re'peclfoll.v 1 fiilica of Ihe pol.lio generally lo Iheir .lendid anrlmcnt of aiirchandue, which Ihry are now lelling AT VERY LOW miCF.8. Their itoek eonaiifj in part of Dry Goods of tbe Best Quality, Such ai Prima, He Lalnei, Alraccaa, Merinol Uitifthime.Aiaalini, (bleached and unbleacb ed,) Prilling, Ticking, ootton and wool flannel, Satin'tte,Cailmerol, Cnttonadee, Ladiea' Hhawlr, ubiaa k Mood. Balmoral and Jloup Hkirta, Ac, Alio, a fine arortment of Men'i Draweri and bhirla, Uati a dpi, noou nnoei. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOU CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices, '.N 81I0HT A GESEKAL ASSORTMENT Of evervtMne oinally kept la a retail aUire, all CUBAP roUCANU or approveo country pro duoe. A. K. WRIGHT i SONS. Clearfletd, Nov.T , lSf.7. s(iii:tiiia-j xewi New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST & SOX rot;LI reipeclfulij inform the public that Ihev have jolt opened, in MAUEKA, CKarfield ftoootv, 1'a., an entire new atock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they art prepared to eell aa cheap aa tbe cheapen. Their itock eon lie I to part of Dry Goods of the Bent Quality. Fucta ae Alpaoeaa. Delaaea, Print. Muatini, Caaelueroi, Satlneti, and Flannela, Bendy - Made Clothing, Of the beet quality, each ai Coala, Pant, Veete, Overooate, Overalla, Shirti, Collari, c BvK)ts, Shoes and Gaiters, Alo of tbe Tery lit Quality. A complete stock of Groceries. In ahort everything ttiually kept In ft country tore. Consumers, Look to Your Interests Call and examine oar flock and prioee before purchasing elewhere. hUMBKR AND GRAIN Of all kinds taken In exchange for goods. jT-erRememWr the place. Madera, Clearfield eoanty. Penn'a, J. FORREST 1 FOX. October ftl, low-If. A REVOUT10 I KISl.VESS IT llllVvliNsVU IR, nr HARTSOCK k GOODWIN. i'TIIR nndrreigned having entered Into eo-part- X nerehi,i in tbe merrnntile hofinerte, adopt iota method or nottrying the public generally, and Ihe citieene of Carwcnaville and vicinity in particular, that mercl.andife of ell kinde will be eold by ae aa cheap aa the lame quality elae whert in tbe county. We have a full supply of DRY GOODS: Conalfilrtg In part of Treas Goods, M online. Prints of all diaries and styles f together with a iuu Meortmrnt or NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, Houta, frhora, llardwarv, Uurenaware. As well a Tinware, Cedarware, Willnwware, buckats and Brooma i together with a large stock of Uroceiiei ) and always a full stock of F LOU II, FISH, SALT, ic. to abort, we keep a full mpply of .vervthinf neeu in wji. nsaraei. We want all oar old eartoner, and ai manv new one ae can make It convenient, to five tt oau oeiore porei eeing eieewnere. I'ANIKL FlAHTPOrK. EDWIN (KlODWl.N. Curwenrvllle. Fthma. y II, 1SBI. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL A7?D OF COfRPE THE CIIKAI'KST ! A Proclamation against High Prices T1TB r now oT-eolng np a lot of the best and If inoft eeaunatle U.hmW and W'm erer offfred In this market, and at fineee thai rrmind one of the good old days of rlir-ap tliinge, Thone wno iara n npnn this point, or dto our alle gations tnperfluous, need but r.tri .r am htore, Corner Front and Market streets, Where thry ran see, fi-el. hear and know for thera-eh-ML 1 t fully anlrrUnd nhat arrrhHp gHdn, this wtnut lkd done. fe do not deem it nrx-rnmrj to ennmomre and itrinise out sloek. Il if enougu for ii to Miite tint We have Everything that is Needed and PonaiiniM In wierkrt, and at printe that aar-.--iriF-ii inim M'l RIIU TltlinT. d.?i J' pimw A pov The Lightning Tamer. fpilB nnderalrnad are the ei.le Airenta In lhi a. enntv tor the ".Unrth Atnerlran llalranirrd LIHHTMNd KllUS." Ttieee are the only aafe - ""w "e, ana are evju.reea fcy ail the elentifio men in the eeuntry. We hereby notifr th. eiliien, of the ennntv that we will pnt them np a htter rod. and for len money, than Ii charted by the foreica ecenu who ennnally traverae the county and carry nlT our little eah, never to return ENCOI'JJAIjK 1IO.MK LAHOU. Tlmae wi,hlr I,iclitninr lioda erected en Iheir hoiH,nfl need hut nlJreea ua by letter, or call in .ea,..a. W. will put them np onywhere In theroiirity, and w.rrant them. The lli.daand rixwree can be eeen at anv time bv callin. at ouratere. Ma'ltkKLL A illULKK Clearfield, Jnne II, la. tt ,S(M (MM ( uatcrurre to rukr 1 era. Patronize the Best I HA l.U the larfrret cnpllal, sio.t eiperlrn red buyer., ami ettenaive trade uf any concern In the iL.llar Sale Lueioeia, we C, r A K A N T KK SATIS KA CTION In every In.tance, and alao tho .tat .election of (looda ever ottered at ONE IKJI.LAH EACH. Ko oilier aoncern ha any show wherever onr AfTfntr art eelliDf (ur inottt "i'roint and h liable- " lMftl and female atcnts wauted In eity and country. THE LADIES Are particularly reqneated lo try our popular club ryeteni of Belling allkinda of Itry and r aney lloorte, ' re a I'elteroa, Cetton Cloth. Caa'ori, Mirer Plated tlmida, V) atehea, Ae. Ketahii.hed in IHf.t ) A patrnt pen ard a check deacrihlnf an artirle to he ai.ld fer a dollar, 10 eenta: 2. fur I'Ji .l)fi,r4i ftifr$i 1 .0 for fill: lent by mail, ."ree pre-enl to feller up, (worth on per cent nt'-re than thoae ami by an) other wncern,) eroerdii, t aie of club. 'Pend na a trial club, or if not, do not fail tu aetid for a eireulav. M. B.Onr Jewelry abonld not be rlaaaed with N.w Tork dollar jewelry eale. nr bo., "Tea Compute! a. It I. nothing or the eon. Eastman a kkndall, autl-1ydp (IS Hanover Ml., Uoeton, Maal 1T the DKMiK HATIC ALMANAU. Onlv Ji wefita, Cm votet aaMBl, btv. oi,, tf. piii(H mid .rdlilnri. DllU.S! ItUH.S! IIKU.S! lliWIN A .ViiNITI.lVS, On Mala ft, one lw ! 'if Hi'l' e' f'l' f lr rt'iiw rssvn t R, pa. Hive w on band a large iMnrlmenl of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Truawe, Wiouldrr-Hrarra, t laeltr eiiora. Inga and iiipriira, t.laui, fully. Per nme-y, Toilet lliicda.Oonfecllnncrlta, Splcea, Canoed rruit, i'bxv, "iwi, nwina, titatlonery, Peucila, Pone, luk, and a general variety of Motion. Barrett's Warranted Hair Itcstorative Their Block embracea all arllclea needed is a oomraunily, la entirely new, ana ot ine neit quality, and will be n Id at reasonable prioei. tall anu eaamioe pi"v , .; to pleaae. L;10J decitf NEW ARRANGEMENT. . hu.iiv. nniuaaiHT, (Beoond itreot, oppoalle tho Court Ilooao,) CLEUHFIIiLD, Penn'a. rpiIE anhacrlhera roepertfully annonncea to the I oiliaeni of Meartleld and vioinitj, that he hea now en band a full aupply ol DKUGS. PATENT MEDICINES Dve rjtuffi, Tobacco, Clfrarl, Oonfeotloneriea niniio.erj. o. rnysiciANS Will nod hll Itock of Droir FULL and COM I'l.KTK, and at a very illght advance on Eaiiern pr"'"' SCHOOL BOOKS. T.aJb.ra and othen will he furnlabed with cluneal and mtieellaneoa book by expraa,at hert notlee. STATIONERY, Conelatlnic of Cp, Flat Cap, Foolacap, Letter and Perfumed Note Papon i alio, a very neat Itock of Mournlnff Note Paper and EnveUpeion band. Pine, Pencil, Ink, etc. UOUKElvr.KI'JMth Will end a full itook of PURR KPICKR, RODA, POUA ASH. Concentrated I.VR, KOAP, . LADIES AND uENTLEMEX Are requeitcd toeiamine hla itock of Perfumery, Hair Oil, Fine Toilet Hoapi, liruibei, Comba, Toilet Fette, Ac Ae. BMOKKIM AND CJIEWEUS Will nd a full rapply of prime Cbewing and KmokiD( TOUAOf'O, Imported and Uomealie CIUA11S, Snuff, Fine-rut. Ac, Ae. Of tbe beat brand, alwayi on band. L1UUOKS. Tbe belt qnality of Liquor, alweya on band, for medical purpooei. v- Phyeiciana' Preaeriplioni promptly and earefulty compounded. Aprl , ISM. A. 1. DUAW. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, itruKfinltt, Clear fiftd, l"a. II AVIKG refitted and remored to tke room lately occupied bf Richard Hoump, now low fureaih. a wttl selected! asiortutent of DKUCS AND CHEMICALS. Alao, l .Klt Vtdiiirta i f ell kicda, Hill, Gla Putty, Dye Stuff, Ftationery, TOBACCO ANI 8EOAR3, Confectionery, Fpicea, and the largeat itock of rariellea ever oflercd in ttn plae. anil warrant ed to be of Ilia beat tbe Market afford. J. 0. IMHrsiTICE, pee. u, mm. juu.n ihwis. FIRST PREMIUM V - ... MA.l wad dWAtoui to BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE 1 Bt N. It At-rirlti,-l -ti. 1 IU 1 ur, hi.Mru ie Nuliui. Se(4. a', IMi 11 It K tTT'H Trsrlable Hair Rcslornfhe Hi- fi.;;' ll nla,.,. li,,H,H. and i Mir mi..( i-.t-ilat d i It. IW- - t-.n.iirh-n. U.i V wo J. . BARRETT A CO., Proprietara, ati-tt'iicsTi.n, n. u. Sold by iTartrwirk er Irwin and A. I. Fhaw Clearfield ; J. K. Irwin, Curwenarille and a Dealer in Patent Medicine. ipr3.6m Attention, Afflicted I riMIE eobpriber frive notice tfcit ha has X repumed Ibo practice of ftfrdicinr In Luth erbar(t, where be intends to derate Ms aiten tiru to the treatment of CUHGMC MF.ASKS in freneral. He will kep on hard a choice so lectioncr DIUMthand JH Kl'ICINKH adapted to the treatment nf chronic diseases, nsd msy be eoneultcd at hli office at any hour ef the day. IS. 11. A word to those afflicted with chronic diseases maybe to tnam advantage. Mart vat iot be aware that corn tut l'hiaeians who do a aiti practice bare not timb t attend to the treatment of roamn diseases, and oodso qnently asaLacr thentf benco this ekes of dis eases requires nci.rt attention. QKoH IK W1LP01V, M. D. LotLersburs;, Feb. 27, -tf AKM:hH, Bl.lMtNKSS 4 CATAKIlli tratf with the utinft saffrm h? lr. J. JfAAO. M. and I'mfr-Mitr nf Ifippaiw of the L'yc and Eir in the Medical Collcint of Ffnoiirl rrioia, 12 yars expcriftice, (fitrm- rly of Lcvth-n, uoiiaix!,) rt.i. mo Arch Mret. fhiia. Tfoti mom alt can be awn at hi otliro. 1 be medical faculty are Invited to accompany thrir fiatimts, as be has no eccrHs In bts pndrsfiinn. Artificial eree inserted without nam. No chsrsre for et- amtnalton, lj-lfl-ly. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE 1' O VV E , L ' H, ) For all diseeses incident to Ilorees. Cattle, and Human Vlcnh, requirini; the are ol aa eitcrnal appl.raiioa. This Kmbrneation wu eitensirely ised by tba (.nreinment durinc the war. For sale be Hertiek A Irwir. riearfl-ld. Joseph h. Irwin. Corwenerilln. iJaniel Good an dir. Lath ere burg, . tf ITCH ! ITCH ! ! ITCH ! ! ! Ft'MAK 11! FChATCH'l FCRATCH ! !! In fifm 10 to 4K Hour. "beaton'a Ointment eurei eures cures Cures cures The Itch, ."ait It brum. Tetter. fUiheri Itch. Old Noree. Hbeaton'e Olntni(nt Wheatfia's Ointment W hent'in's (hntinent Whfattao't rmtment ttbeatooe Otstment cures KTery kind of Humor like Muio. Price n cent, n am: bv mail, tie eenta. Addrea H KKKH A PHTIKR, No noWaih inirton llrei't, liu.toa, Ku, For rile hy Ilarte wick A Irwin, and by all Krurflata. (a Jd.'tir iy .'friiara and abdominal auppnrtra of every 1. kind of the lateat Improvement, for .ale at the linif ptor. of UAKTrWlCK A 1HWIN. AIM"' p( t-., Kennedv'i Wedicd r Di Liver Oil, Jaba'i and Aver'a medicine of everv kind, for tale hy 1IAHTS H e' . 1KH1N. Oils. Varnish pa. Fainti Brnahn. J I bl ircciicd and for .ele ch.-ap hy JoMiNi it. invnN', aprll-tf t'urwenaiille, Ta 1 l Ho Ht. Domlncn, llubhell'i, Ilrakr'a, oofl.nd'a (lernian.linatetler'a and tlreene'a ttsvffenatcd Itinera j alao pure Liifuere, of all kinda for ecdicinai nurpo.e.. for aale bv HAlllt-W 1CK A IRWIN, Farmers L find a ful 1 and enin,lMe strcb of rats, drain and Hriar Kcrthea. Pickles. Ilay and (train Kikes. Fork, hryibe Htoaes, rrnmereeks. Hay Hope. Ac, at the llnrdware Store of ti. 11. Ztihi LKH CO.. jylfl tf 1'hilipihnrit, 1'a. $5,000 ACCiir:Ti. $5,000 v en, . v i. tm inousana uoimrs msuranco, l or 1 a, in Hit t Mil., lor one lv. FIVK Mil. I, Alt1- l'i n M'lVTII AN1 riKlM tr, TO At I'KH KA It. With weekly oompeneel ion, in eaee of lotal diaa- l.iliir. No Medical Examination is made in Accident Insurance, Pollclea and TirheU covering all kinda of Aoci denta, whether received nhilat traveling ot otberwiee, aeld hy AI.FRF.D M. PMITn, aprt-lf Innnuaoe Aavwt, CleaHleld, Te II'.K BII.LHJu.tiee' end Con.tal.le,' Fee llilla, for aale at thia effioe. naiM . adlr.5, vs Ibi rip f ftntt. Ji.; it fludiirUf, f Inn nt f, Ctf. MAI.II IN STOVIS A HOLLOW. WARB, am MAfiirAcTfa. or Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, PhU.iburg, Cetitr eo. P.( flHR nndenigned repeetfnlly annenace, to 1 the pul'lie that he bae oa hand a ear., fully. arlcoicd and well enurled itock of Btovew. Uia variety eonaiau of HIE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have never failed to (Ive perfect letlifeo tion to the muet faatidioua of it. pnrcbaeen, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Speari' Aoll-luat, Aiujfara, tharm, lleiald. o., with every variety of tbe beat Pilteburg elaoufactar.. k-tuTb. Tin and Shed Iron ware clven with tbe rlovee ia made of the beeveet and beat material, and warranted to five perfect Mill faotion. llii itock ol TARLOR AND HE ATI NO' STOVES la larger, btlor and ebeaper thaa ever before exhibited to the public. . He deftel eomp.lition ottner la variety, quality or prteo, Be la alio prepared to faraiab a aonpl.te aiaortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-IronWooden and Willow Ware, Wholeaale or retail, m.Dafaetnred neatly and with the lola view to eervice, from tbe belt ma terial in tbe market. PLOWS, PLOW POTNTS. A COPPER, DRAFB AND IKON KETTLES, .Of every deecrlptloa eonaUotly on hand. LIGMTXINQ KOUS, Superior point, pnt np on ahort aoUca, Th. i'oiut bo offere to tbe pablie ie tLe a. me aa la now need by the I'cnniylrania Kailroad C. ea their huildinci. OKDEKS FUR SrOUTINO, ROOFIXU And .tber work helonginr lo bil bulineal will be promptly filled by eiperi.need and ikiUfal workutCD. HUASS, COITER AXD OLD METTLE Taken In eicbanfo for fooda. jrfJ-He eiel;iy Invite, tbe attention of Merchant. wtnbiDe, Ut pnrebaae at wholeaale. ae they will find it tu their advantage to oaamino tie itock before purchaeinf eleewbere.' 0, 8. FLEGAI. rhllipaburj, Aug. t, ). Jj2K7 MERHELL & BIGLER ft BALERS IV II A It I IV A It K , Also, Mannfactureriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SALirtLKS, IJMDLKS, Harneii, Collar,, .te, (or nl. by MEKRELL A BIGLER. pAL.MEUS PATENT UNLOAD ln( Ilay Fork, for eale by MEKRELL 4 BIGLER, 0 IL, TAINT, I'UTIY, GLAS.S, Kaila, eto., for eale by MERRELL A BIGLER. JJAKNIXS THIMMINGS A SHOE Findinga, for eale ty MERRELL k MGLER QUNS,riSTOLS,SWOKI CANES For aal. ly MEKRELL t MOI.ER. gToYES, OK ALL SOWS AND Biiei, fur eale hy MEKRELL 4 BIGLER. KONI IKON I IKON I IKON For eale by MEKItKLL at HltiLEK. JOr.SE SHOES A 1IOR.SE shoe KAILa, for .ale by MERRELL A BIGLER. )ULLEY ULOCKS, ALL SIZES And belt Manufacture, fur eale by MERRELL A BIGLER rriIIMULE SKEINS AND TIPE BOXES, for eale by MERRELL A BIGLER. pODDER CUTTERS for utlo hy MERRELL A BIOLER. SAWS I SAWS1 SAWS! ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I EMERSON'S TATKNT P EBFOIIARATKD 'ros8-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL OTMMINO AVOIDED.) AUO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swape, for fpreedini;. Fharpeninir, and Fhapinf ike Teem of all Fpllttinf S.wa. URecdfora D.acrlptlve Circular and rriee Lll. MKIIHELL A BIOLKR, Ocarral Ayente Clearfield, Pa EVERYTHING I X THE II A III) W A It I. UXU KEPT AND FOR BALK AT FA IU 1'IUCES, DT 0. II. '.EIGLER A CO. He buy for Cash, tell for Cak, and ronteyvrntly SKl.L CHEAT. Philipehnr. July III, ledn tf Wnon-makrrs & Illarksmlths TILL nd a ler-e aaanrtment of llnhi. '? Cpoke,, Felloea, A ilea, Thimhle "ketni Bnf cy fprlniri Par, Gallop and Hod Iron: hail Rod.. Cat Ste.1, llorM end Hole Ithoe,, llorw Naili, Ae., e at the I. re. Ilardvar, hlor.of Q. U. JBIOLkfi A CO, Paillpahare, Pa. Thlrohle Fklen, and Pipe Roiee .old rheaper than anywhere in the country. j, ,f 200 Kegs Nails 4 SDikes t liKT . . . , , v.-. mi,N Big ,r mi. ny Jyl-tt 0. U. SBWU,l vo. ltiaAT imicj.iixN r More In Mnlsonlmrg! Ie Ihe room fnnnetly enpled ly T. T llefrerty. 1. M. COUTKIKT fpAKKf this nrlhid of Inf- rming Ihe etiitme I of t'o ington, Karlheii, .)irarl and thf eur unding eountrjr, thai he ha JnM np-nd a large tock of HI MM Kit tlOOhf- whrh Ii- drter- miniMt to iwll TK.N ri.K ( 1".M I II r.nrtn men i nva.lii v nf IIooiIb ran l)f tiurcliad fr 10 any other store in the aeighborhuod. Jiis siork eonsifts of Drj' Good of a11 K,nds Such aa flatlnetla, Calmerea, Mnllna, Drlalnel, Linen, Drillinr. f al. ch-, Trtmmink, Kibbom, Larc, READY-MADE CLOTHING, B00T3 4 EUOES, HATS A C A PS, GROCEEHS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, guitar, Rice, Molaeeee, Fieb, Salt, Linaeod Oil, Fiah Oil, ( aruvu OiL Hardwarei Quoenswaro, Tinwaro. Caatinna, Plow and Plow Caatinra, Nail,, Fplkcl, Corn Cultivatora, Cider l'reeaca, and all klnde of Aiea. feea-Vr Piowe are of tbe Corwenavitle and Centre county make, and are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery. Paints, Varnish, Glass, and s geaonJ sseortnient ol etaiionery, 0 0 01) FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and Will bo aula at the lowest poMibte figuraa. Liqions, Bach as BIUKPT, WINE, GIN I WHISKY 6000 pounds of Wool wanted for which Ue highest phoo will we paid. HuCail and eon for yonraelrea. Tow will And ertrythmg sunally kept in a store. I. M. L 1 K1ET. PrenehTllle P. P., Jnne 1H, lHfH md. GBEAT FENIAN RAID FMladelpbia in an Uproar. T1IAD. STETEKS FRIGHTEXED Smith Found Alive I AT0T CapL John Braith. aer Faith th. Ex ll plor.r, hut W. HM1TH 6ANKEY, who hae )ual returned from Pbtledelphia with a new and well eeiected etock of 8PK1NG aad rJlMMKR U00D4, a part of which are Dry Goods I Dress Goods 1 WEN AND BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING ! BOOTS AM) fWOEft, 1TATS, CAr.S, NOTIONS, 4c, Ac; -itw- Coffoe, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Spices, Crackers and Vinegar, At hii etor. I nil. awl of E art haul (Clearfield, eounty, Pe.Jall of .hick he iaeelling at reduced pricee. He alao keep eonat.ntly on hand rKid uptly.f LlUl'OltS did Pre. Brandy, U in and w ine and all of tne beat branda. fliphct market prie. paid for all kind, of tut n mi rituuttt. The pnhlie nr. aolicitcd t. rlv. him a call. N. ebarg. atad. for abowing gooda. W. KMITII FAKEEf. E.rlh aua Tp , Jan. II, llll pd vi. van itck w. a. vaovrena TEN EYCK & THOMPSON tlllVtENSVILLE, PA. HA YIN J jnat received from Sew Tork one of tbe lergeet aod beat Mleeted .tecke ef u.ohIi, wi are bow ready te oner the aame to nur old ewatodteri, (to whooa we return thanke for part fevore,) and tbe eitneni ef tbe eennty rea wally, at Prices that will Bonder Satisfaction. Giv. aa a call before parehaaini olaewhere, aod marcuy aave rroa t to 20 per eenloa ynnr foodi Oar itock eonalatl ef a treat variety, each a. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHIXO, GKOCEKfES, HARDWARE, QUEEXSKARE, PA1.XTS, OILS, lRl (., FRUIT OP ALL klMW, Fiah. Pall. Leathar, Fbee Pindinre, B00T8 and MIObS eaatern and boat, ai.dej la (rut va riety, aad at redaeed If urei i TINWARE. FLUl'K, Ae., Ae. TEN EYCK 4- TI10MPS0N. H.ving re aaeeciated B. B. Thonnena with as. ia tbe .b.v. trad., Z deaire ail pervune In drhted to me, by KoU or Book aeeoant, la oall anu ewtue la. Mm. without delay. E. TEN EYCK Curwenaville, May, T, IKS J tf, XEW iSTOKE. Cor. Second St. and Hill Road. R. MITCHELL I T AH Jnat received and opened, at the ehove 1 L named pleea, an entire new atook of SI'M MKK UtMiDt!, which he will eell VERY CHEAP HiR CAM1. Ilia itock ooneieti of Dry 9om1s fiirooorlos II A ED WARE, QUEENSWARE, Coo la and Rhoea, II at. and C.pi, Ready. Made Clothing, ete. He alao keep, choice fl o vrh cony meal, feed, Chop, Bacon YAf ond Dried iyvi. rrorii dmimtti of parrhnainit toorlt at fair Tir pt ntfprct fully lqivPtM t $rr him call. iPT-Appnirrd country pnvducr will be tn. t th hiirhrfii fric4, in nrhrnif for (WKia. iptrnnii, atuni in, ir.tir.-ii EV STOliE AND NEW GOOD S JUS. SHAW & SON Have ju.t or net a Nt Stoi, on Wain St..Ci.t4irinD. Pi. l.tejly occupioJ by Wm. F. IRWIN. Tbeir .lock conaiati of Okortart. of tb bfwt quality, Queensware, Roots nnd Shoes, nd nery arliola OPccaaarv for one', comfort. Call and Diamine our .look be for. pur rliir,j elaherf. May 9 St'.6-lf. ciiAxiii: or it isi:! 1,000,000 feet of Boards Wanted. 200,000 SHINGLES WANTED, TUG nndenigned Ukea thii method of notifr mg the pul.liu that he he. oened . More fur the retail af all kinde ol Merchaudiae, at WAILA CETOX STATJ0X. Oe the line ef the Tyrone A Clcrneld railroad, In lownatup, wnrre n. i, aetenained to eell All Kinds of Goods Per r ASM, or eaehange them for Manufactured I.UMIIKH. at rate, to make it tbe latere of bvjv- eflaut'all and eiamln. the Mneh V- fore dealing eewbwra. JOHN IttOLT. J WtaitwyeianelljieWkJ, 1pp1i und f here. JACOB 8. COLE, ttont nnd Shoe Mannrarlnrrr, nn FXfiVii.i.K. r. .nl"iv el.jx lM wirllt'd "f Inf. tr ir.f hi,,,.i..mer,afid th' ( nl-lie ..iireUr, ti.. I he .till ronltiiiiee te wianut.Mur. .o..t ai.d .hoea at the tM ataad. Mfo.ile iHaweket'e l. lei, ti.TC h, intilM the piil lirl.i .i.vhim e ...II II.. w,.r Ii anadennt id the v,.rl U rt I'rvnrb I'alf and Kip. and at exree-tini-lt l triee f..r pnned c.oiilry p.t..t.u. All kit. I. of heait l.m.ia and alioca made to or "T. and all wmk w.r reeled. JA t'H P. Cnrweniillc, July .', 1y PEACE rKO(LAlMEl). TH2 WAS OVER I If CLEAHFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Nearly all the Contraband going bark to their old masters; but 'nary one going to old Alanwhutftts, vhnt they were loved to long and to veil. IN eonaeqnenee of the above facta. F. SHORT, of tbe old "Hbort hhoe Bbop," would an nounce to hie a.merool patrona, and the people of Clearfield county at larj., that b baa now a 6 rat rat. lot of food material, Ju.t received from the Kelt, and te prepared ooatt'trt notlee to make and mend Hoot, and Hhoea, at hla new abop in Urahaia'l row. lie te aotiafled that b. ean pieaae all,(nnleal It might beiome intenaely loyal etay. at-home petriote.) He la prepered to eell low fur Caen or Country Produee. lon't forget the (ibop neit door to Khoweri A Urahara'l atore, on Market etreet, Clearleld, P. aad kept by . fellow eotnmooiy called Jy,'; y . "SnORTT." DANIEL CONNeTlY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer HAf Jeit received a On. lot of Prenrb CALF bKINH. and ia now prepared to mannlac lure everything In hie line ai tbe leweet Aearei. He will warrant ble work te be ae repreaentee. He reapectfuliy .oitciu a wall, at hie abop on Market Itreet, eeeond door weitof the po'lefbee. where be will do all la hll power to render aalie- feetton- Borne In. (Jailer tope an hand. my,'(7-7 liAMKL COhiNL'LLT. mx boot ad shoe mr. EDWARD MACK. Co.. MARKET A S Bra., CLEARPIELD, Pa. TnE proprietor haa enured into the POOTer HI On huain.aa at tb. .hove aland, aad ia determined aot bo be outdone wither in qual ity or priee for but work. Bpeeial attention will be pid to manufacturing Rawed work. 11. bee on band a larre lot of Krenek Eip ind Calf Shine, of the very beat quality. The eiti of Clearfield aad vicinity are rerpeotfully invited to aive kiaaa trial. . eharf. fur eelte ova, ' tf WW BOOT AXD SHOE SHOP, THE tnbierlW bin(i Uuljr lUrtH otw boot and fcho ibop In CarnifiU. on klua ttrMt. orpoaiu JuMth K. Irwit Drni toT9, repct(ully o noon cm U tb public that b i prenrl lo taen'ivuir all ft?U of Boot and hboti. and rythinir ia hif ti. on thurt aotiaa. Ha ato kftpi on btnd a fo& a-turt-at of rMdy-tnad work, wblfh bt will tell ebtap for eab ar oonotry pronct, ctlT-tf 18:15 LEWIS ?. ROSS. THE WESTERN HOTEL. CLEAiniLD, PA. THE nbprribvr harini; lenwd for a Una of yean thic well known llotl, (kept fr many ymrt by Mr. Lanlrb.) and ro-fittod and rtfur nubed it tbroug bout, li now prepared to cntr lata travnlon and ibn pnblie fttarrvlly npon term a It if hoped alike Bfrreceblt lo botb petr-Or' and proprietor. Hit TABLE and BAK will be pup lied with tbe beet ihe amrket etfirdt; and no palm will be spared aa hie pnrt to add to tba eonvvaienre end euBrurt of bit yuvti. A I-h cry stable ia alo attachrd te the at tablifhnent, llortee, ftijjrrier'. et., furniphed oa ebort otice, or peraona uken to at.y point deelred. JAMES A. MINK, jel J Tniptif-tor. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Hi stim;imn, pa. THIS old oetabliakmeot bnTlng been leaeel by J. MoKRlSON. formerly proprietor of tbe "Morrieoa Hoaee,Nbae beea thoroiiphly ren ere ted and refnrninbed, and eupplied with all tbe modera impTovmenu aad ent.renienrea ne oeeeary to a I ret eliae Hotel. Tne dicirg room bae beea removed to tht firet floor, and ii now epaaioae and airy. The ehambere are well rea tilated. ard the proprietor will endeavor to make hie roeeta perfectly at hrrrtf. )r2 J. MOBHIS0K, Proprlotof. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, (Formerly kept by Jaa. II. Oaler.) Front Ntrwt, Phlliptbur, Pritu'a. AlT S will tmpeark any one Who aal w, fail II to giv. direct .od p.ronal attention to nil euatomer. or fall to rauee them to rejuice over a well fnrnirhed table, with clean rouma and new beda, where all may feel at borne aad th. weary be at ren. New aublintr alUched. JOHN MrLAPllULIN er CO., Phlllpebnrf, Jane II, IHnS. Prphetore. 1. W. WALLACE THOg B. fHIAW AMERICAN HOUSE, I .thcrtburj;, Irarflrld Co., Pa. THIS well know, and Ion. ..lakll.hed llo-el, formerly kept by R Vt . Jdoore, end letteily hy tn. Hcbwem. lr haa been leaeed for a term ot year by th wnderrir nei, bo which the alien, tioa e the traveller put.lie ia now called, and a liberal .bar. of pablie petroaaeTe la eolicited. r'o.'y ly-rd HIAW A WALLACE. SUSQUEHANNA HOUslT arwenavllle. i Ir.rBcId county. Pa. IHISoldand well .et.bliaked Hotel, beauti fully eitaated en tbe banki of the r-u.qae-hanna, ia lb. boroich of Curwearrille, haa been lened for a term of yean by the nnderalrned Il haa been entirely refitted, and la now open to Ihe public generally nnd tbe travellmf .omma atty ia particular. No paim will be eparvd to render iweeti eimfortahle while tarrying .t thii boa... Aaopl. fubling room for Ike accommo dalioa of imu Charge, m.iderata. ao.ll-tf vh. H. JEKFHIKS. RAILROAD HOUSE. MAIN 8TRIET, MIILlPttllVRO, PA. TUB wnderaigned keep, roaatantiy en band tb. beet of Liq.ora Hie tehle ia elwey. uppllcd with til. beet the market eff.irda. The traveling publie will do well to give bia . call. ov I ' ROIIt.HT LI.OVI,. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. (XiXtKTOW. N, TlAU'tllN CO., PA. THK andenlrned Ukee thia aiethed of l. forming the Watermra e.f Clearfield eounty. waiue aae renttea nr. re-open fd the hotel f,,r merly kept by E. fhrelner, be will take epeeial peine t er, at Cole.lown. where a to render ..ti.fartin to an wno tavur aim wilt their patronejra. He bee blow, all the rocke .nt r.f th. n... '..a planted anuhbing peeti fur half a mile ahovr bil place. frbl8.-7 UKtiHUB FALK. Clothing. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. T11R timet an bard; you'd like to know How yo. m.v nve vour dollar, i Th. way te do it I will' .bow, If yon will read what followe. A man who lire! not fer fme. here, ho worked hard at kie tr., Bat b.d . bnueehold to .opport Tb.t iqu.ndered .11 be m.d. I met him one.. Pave be. '-My friend, I look Ikrend hear and vouch I've tried to get myaclf e autt, Pat can't aave np enough." B I viy friend, bow much bare you ? I'll tell yn where tn go To get a .nil that-, eound and cheap : Te RKIZKNSTK1N A Co. Re took wk.t Hill. k. bad raved. Aad went to Kelee.ateta A Brother.', And there h got a bandeoene euit, t or half be paid to oihera. Kow he II bnme, he leoke to w.ll, And tbetr effect la inch, That when th., tee their dally meal, . They doa'l eat half a. mach. Aad now be inda en Satnrd.y ni(Lt, H Ith .11 wanta .applied, That he baa money left to pead, And acme te lay aiide. Ill, good raeor.i, with cheerful tmlle, He gledly tell, to all. If you'd eave money, go and buy Yosr elnihee at REIIENSTKUTg CLOTniSO HALL. Tber. the .aaapaot. ineet aad beet riothl.. aad g.od r.rnteblng Uwedt maa be bad to ei. every taet. and In every atyl. aprl l.aT Doty's Clothes Washer VHl t.alae' Copfer Perl-. PHKI CI'TTKR, for aale be . U. gkII.KK A CO.. ViPff'slPCul VtiMn(, (iSl4s ISRAEL Ttr3T, A T in I: N I . A I I A U I Irarflt id, t'a, JOHN H. FULFORD ATKMiN VY AT 1 vv 1 I Ii alllrlil, .. .lib J. P Mrl i.ii 1. I . j , ere, I th i..l IU , I . 'Sa Pri.nrt ali,enna R.ien t.. (t, of 111.11, t !;, Ac ,aud to .ii !(., i Mai.h'2. Ij. " WALTER DARFIETT ATT' lit N K Y AT I AW. ' otfie on jtepnnd ft , Clear. M, Pa. fr ,j. t. A. W.lta. .. V m. li t 1. W Krik l ' WALLACE, BIGLER ft FIELL&; A I I .'ll. r- s II LAW li.rtlrld, I'a. fUr- Legal bu iaeft of all lfiLdj J-rjiBf,. accurately altaoded to. T HO 3." JTm c C U LloUGh AT TH R.N KV AT J.AV;. f-WHI attend promptly to collubBl of land", tie U, JOHN L. CUTTLE. ATiU.tY AT LAW And l.caJ i ate Ari. t irarUrU. a. Ofle Market street, opnreito the t-tt CfrkefpeUally offere bis services is u. and ouyies; lands in uearneia an adjaj,i eonntiea ; and with an eipetrooee of oTrt yean aa ft surveyor, flatters himself that si rvnsr aaiuiaction. li'-L.Mr. WM. M. McCULLOUGH ATTUltNEY AT LAW, MrarfiHd. I'a. Offict an Mark, atrt t ont door ert of U rm livid toaoty uank. (m John H. Orria. C. T. i.lfm, ORVIS & ALEXANDER ATTOPNKYH AT LA H'. lldlrtoiite, Pa iAi'i F. B. REED, M. D,t rHYPICIAM AND SUKGEu.V, ffllevinic removed to TX iimtft y offer hie pnfetelrnal eerrieea to lit pt tbe eorroundinfr eountry. d rT J7 p7 b u rchfieTd Late Hare eon of tbe 3d Uee mni, Ffncnri Volaoteere, bavinic returned from tb At rflt-ra hi profeaeioaai eerneea to Ui cut. of C,r,e!d ceonty. trVrvfrteloutl eel In promptly eft Othne on Second etreet, fjnnerly oenn lr. Vt'oode, IT.' DENTAL PARTNERSH!: g-rrs Pn. A. JI. II ILLS, i Q" to inf'trm bit potrom. tti I pat-He pnerlly. 1 it be beeartvcieted t.u.. in tbe itf Urntttry. S. P. MUW, D. T. 8, Who li a praijni.t of tbe PhHed.'rVU IV Collffre. cd thert-fore bae tbe bipfiw mem- of rrffr'y ml aki!L All rk the offire I will bold try-elf pereore,i ble fr T""irc done in tbe moit ratifftci-rji aer ei-d fcieheet nT'ler ef the profeanua. An entbi4bd praetire of twenty-twjrer tblfl plare rneliea me to (peak U m f arith fotfidence. KnpiiAt' mrotf from a distance fcc'i b i by letter a few deyi before Tbe pva eomiDK June 4, llt' , S. J. hays' SUK0EON DEXTir ThompMn Slrrel, Cymcbeilih. Pt JM-Teeth eitractej with tbe afilirti lorei eii!-th eiitn romperetiTtiy iint All kmli uf lt!ntal wrk done. mi 1( C. M. CADWALL ADER COXVLTAJil'EB A Jl'p'TH'E OF Tilt tl For Irr.lur Ti, rirarfirlil fa V-Cctleotii na promptly made anil It. i n,i' encute.1 on pti..rlcet aoticc. 1 addrc. I'll Jipubui, 1'a. nu J. BLAKE WALTERS 5llilVl.M.K AM CtiNVrVA.V. Agent fur the Puichaae and Rale of Lata t Ir.rllrld, I'a. fMr-Prompt att.nlion given lo t'l lw ennnected with th. oounly ufaoei. 06 Hon. v) m. A. vi aiUce. ,n LEVI F. IRWIN JUSTICE OF THE TElC 1'or Lawrence tontiitt. Clrarfirld P. O , t Icarlield ( fc. Pi fiYCLtlecUji.a and rainiTULeM yt made. j:t surveyor."- -TilE nnclrTfiirni'd off-re bie errrrw at i J. reror. and may h to-and at h mi tar Lewrpa(e iTrnhin. Ltler will recfc ti rartd-d tfc-arneld. Pa. may 7-lf. J A ML MlTCF1 DAVID YOUNG, stone-cuttkj: and ma P. O. Box lit, Clearfield. Pi. JE-"?).otil alletttton pail to IttvwTt ati j rnjitrinirn J .l.. All kmi -I ' done-, in tbe mot workmanlike nDanDrr. w-hciied aaud eonUacta taken in ant 1 eonnty. JAS. C, BARRETT, JCST1CE OF TH E Tl And Lireoeed Court) anffr. Lvthcraburft:, ( Irarticld ra. Pa Trolleftiona and remitfancri r"? matte, aad a'l kinda of legal iDMnnncLt- t on abort notiee. m'1 DANIEL M. DOUGHERT BAEBEB & HAIS DEE3ST sr.CuND ustrT. ! r i. k tm ii'i.i). p. THOMAS H. FORCE rtALKn ta GENERAL MEKniAM C.RAI1M11. Pa. ANo. rxt.'iiuirf menuiavrtyrtw and deal" ' T.ojU r aad .., A l.unrn r 1 1 a j-WOrdcr,itpd and all bilit f filled. aro. ALaruT rrx ai utrt..- W. ALBERT &, BROS M ai.vfaftnrrrr A eitr'tiniV- l.'-!rrfl j SaWed Lumber, Square TlJill'c W o o 1 I. A X . , p r N A , . , . . Ordcrr r .V.t..l. It;!!, f '1. I . and rcaeon.i'ie term,. A I lr. :..-iv I V4laai,t P. O.. fleua-fi.-'.d " w. All- i.r d r FRANCIS COUTRIET K KIKM! ANT. I-rurlitlllrt ( IrarArtd Couitti. Kfv-T' riT,MPt" on burl a full n"1"' hrr Jirileari', (jn.iTMe. mud t"1' uuallT kept in a n-tml et -pp. f htt ti ti for rath, a ohci a- eUev-hrrr in tlir ( FrrnohvilJv, J uoe Vf l''-7 It. "mSHANNON LAND i 4LUM5EF OSCKfLA M'KAM MILLS a tMrtrtitirt LUMBER, LATH, AND I'll 'K H. II. PlIII.l.lNO.ri'HP. Pro ' C.fB -ei Koir.t p;.e, . J 4'k ' .'".'IN 1.AWSI1K. rtuf.retf' jef.'fir On-cla Mil'.. CleaHo.!' R EU BEN H AC K M A N Housb and Sin Paintor and f Hanger, t learflrlil, IVtin'a. 4,"ill e.-utf j, ht in hi line pr T' in a wurkman'tke aianner. !' It. KOUl.SOX V ( PORK PACKERS 11 r a band a Urge alwek at Bacon, Sides, Should fLAl.N AMI SIHAR CVKEI'BV Me.1 Pork, Tlrted Peef, t-i lf lar i. ww Peking, Curing .nd Ird 0U, Eour, Cheese, Dried A; aud rrarhtjf. With . general eeeonmenl .f tW"- It'td auajki urtt, Pane It.-1