Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 24, 1868, Image 3

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    net rl tol i llir tv,l-i lion ot W ilk
u MriiMMn, lh rnlntm,'l,t
..wttrrl w the mng Nnl n
. as lWr I no Trtirlw ol rtfn
Tho BlUinlcJ jmlfrw f romitnt,
nml if he rt not, Ml d.-aorti.m from
l.ii colora, with wuirli they hv nolli
in to dt. diJ not .iq-rive the Tntcr
.1 Ihrir fitfula. M r. Pclnno. who .
certainly n hononthlo m.n before the
new tr-awhinp; Uintotl hii morula, alill
rctim toroethinff of hit former clf
ropct s hi reluii'd to be a cnditlale
lor re-eicclion, ai.hmd to look an
lioneat voter in the lace. If he would
rciloro himself to hii own pood opin
ion and to that of those whose opinion
he values, let him resign at once a
liosition which be illegally occupies,
and suffer tho voters of the district to
elect a member for thomnelves.
Two other cases occurred near the
i lose of the seHsion, not equal in atro
lity to this, for they wore, as far as
disclosed, simple acts of arbitrary
power, unmixed with fraud or fole
protonses. One from Missouri, eloct
A by about 1,000 majority, ono from
Kentucky, by about 1,400, woro re
moved by a vote of the House bocause
they were not acceptable to the party,
und men who were not elected, but
who were acooptablo, were appointed
ip their place. A late eleotion id Ken
tucky shows how acts like these, tho
mere wantonness and insolence ot un
restricted power, are estimated by the
Senator Morton is correct In asort
" ing that intelligent men of the South
.'ik not. fnnrlly ntfjichafl fn tho adven
turers whom CoiiLTCBS has sent, at a
heavy public expense, to rule over
them, act as spios upon inem, mutely
report them to the .Northern jmblic
and finally, misrepresent tbom in Con
gress. A very recent example is wor-
ihvofnote. 1 lie Governor or .Loumi
ana, greatly in want of a military forco
to control the coming election, and if
not that, at least Enfield rifles to arm
nogro militia of Loyal Leagues to
Keep suspected voters irora me pons
roported a condition oi perfect anar
hy, with more than one hundred and
lorty murders in a brief space of time.
This seemed serious. The Freedmon's
iiuroan were ordered to inquire and
i o port, and, being composed of mill'
tary officers not yet taught in the
now code of morals, they found and
reported fourteen murders in all, com-
iiuiwu uy negrues unu vtuuua, iu me
lime named by the Governor, being
considerably less than in the same
limo in the peaceable, law-abiding
State of Indiana. It is, therefore,
quite probable that such mon as the
present Governor of Louisiana, who
have been sent among tbom to troy-
em, and libol, and misrepresent tbem,
however prompt to fulfil their mission,
may not have secured the entire con-
lidence of the people. Out of Con
gress, as well as in, there hag been
much progress in teaching and learn
ing the new system ot morality, which
consists in mon freeing themselves
1i'om educational and legal restraints.
Whothor the war is tho teacher I
k now not, but the fact is cloar. Thero
is, however, less proportional increase
of crimes of violence in tho South than
in other portions of tho Union. Tho
host men among thorn, though shorn
'i iimuu ui tuuu immune, use uu wring,
rnd, to a groat extent, successful of-
lorxs io restore order and repress
violence, doubtless in tho hope of be
ing restored soon to the blessings of
u regular constitutional government,
lor the rockloss sacrifice of which they
nave sunureo, anu are still sultcnnir,
u terrible ponalty. Crush this hone
r nd who can foresee tho consoquonoe f
1 looked over Senator Sherman's
Kpoecb, doliverod in Ilillsboro a few
lays since, in which he fails to men
tion impeachment and Lis voto upon
it, but solemnly warns us of the dan
gers of renewed secession a further
ovolt by the discontented mon of
t is boutb. Ho is right ; thero is dnn
rrcr. An effort is making to bring
I'ongross together in adjourned ses
sion in order to manipulate and con
trol the elections in the Southern
.States. Those whom Congress and
i he military have appointed to repro
hent those States in the two houses
are alarmed at the prospect bolore
them, and call loudly for assistance
They want troops and they want
arms, to coerce votes and keep im
practicable voters away from the
polls j and when Congress mocta they
will want money, either in the way
f appropriations to the Freedmon's
ureaii or In somo other available
torm, to buy votes such, if there be
:.ny, mat cannot be secured by mill
t iry coercion. If Congress meots in
time, their demands will be oompliod
with by an unwilling majority, who
will lack the manhood to resist them.
1'rom this may probably result armed
collision. It were bettor for the coun
try, better for the party, that you do
not hold this adjourned session. Your
boldest and ablest loader, who while
no uvea, never spared, in his dying
moments, almost with his last breath,
lAjiiuBBeu a uupe mat it might not be
nuna necessary to hold it. He saw,
us all must soo, that it would proba-
l.l I I 4 J! .
y iu iu uiiwsirous consequences.
You cannot safely trust yourselves,
whon assembled undor party drill for
legislation. A groat majority of you driven forward by bold, bad mon.
not retaining tho power to indite of
... 'iuiu ur jiiHuco oi your nets.
It you moot before, the elections in
me southern butos. you can not. nn
loss greatly changed for the bettor by
a few months intercourse with the
eopio, you cannot fail tointorfr hw
:orC8 r frud, or tho application of
-... uuna money to control them.
1 ourPride w,u be at once appealed
to. hat did we meet for 1 Certainly
lor some important object; and noth-
i"B requires ampalxtli except timely
iiumuiui vj cuniroi me elocl.ions.
-ivoid it, i pray you, and with it iu
jrooaoio consequences. The appeal
m now made to the narammmi av..,
' 'gn, the peoplo, and neither fraud nor
j irco can be Buffered to prevent, to
l-ilsify or to overrule their decision.
It you attempt to retain your power
.uvUUrniiicui ny iraud, against
a cicar mnjonly, you will fail, unless
you i use also fUPce. f you ,Ucrn,,t it
by force and it i, resisted by force,
.e have civil war, rebellion and troas
cni but who are the rebels and trai
,'ou ,wh0 rm eire tho row-
r unlawfully, and destroy our Con
Mitutional Government, or those who
rm to defend iU It is trne that in
qncstions involving national Govern
uiont, success in the conflict usually
letcrmmes the question of right : and
let it not be lorgotteu th.t in this
conflict strong public opinion does
much to aid an arm him "who hath
his quarrel just." It were therefore
well for tbeparty now in power whose
ngiUmate power dies soon, to inquire,
bofora theyccmpelor provoke k re!
60rt to force, as to the probable result
on which side, they being the ag
ffaaora, w,U the physical and mental
iw of the nation lie r la the first
Kile tlmt Millie rrinlo. which In
the late cflMMt wilf wion, was
worth a myriad of armed men flht
Intf In tlelVnue of the Constitution,
will be arrayed attain In its defense
whoso will attack It aiininst V, if
yon attempt to mie or irlnin the
power of the I'nion In delWiM of Its
restr.iinls. Tho w hole South as a unit
will bo arnlnst you. iotonoof those
cmisnric whom you have sent to
slander, control and oppreaa the Imm)-
ple there w ill bo found on tho spot
when real danirer menaces. The bor
der Slates, to a man, will be against
you, as tho Inle election In Kentucky
. .... I t.lf .1..
IPSlllies; aim quiio u.iu mo mon in
tho Northorn and Western States. I
beg of you, therefore, for your own
siik os, do not provoke, by Iraud or
forco, an armed collision. Itdeponds
on yourselves alono ; for tho men ot
intellect in tho South those men who
will, at -last, control its destinies, in
spile of all the disabilities you have
imposed on thorn have determined
to endure, and induce their people to
enduro all that you bave indicted, in
tho hope that tho peoplo of the Uni
ted States, to whom the appeal is now
made, will restore to thoir States the
Republican form, and also snbstnnco,
ot government wmcn you have de
stroyed wbilo pretending to guarantee
Mr. Morton casts in, with the want
of a republican form of government,
the alleged tact that they do not in
tho Sontb treat Northern men with
cordiality and respect. This, to somo
extent, is truo. A large proportion of
.Northern men who bave come among
them woro commissioned as spies, and
were paid, principally oat of the pub
lic purse, to slander and vilify, with
tho ultorior object of misrepresenting
tho South in the two houses of Con
gress. To these your emissaries
Southern men are generally not par-
uui. xu weir political nomenclature
they are called "carpet-baggors ;" as
chemists call, by way of distinction,
gonus of gases cacodyles; and it is not
surprising that they aro both in like
bad odor. But honest men, those who
visit the South upon legitimate busi
ness, are generally, not always, treated
with civility and kindness; for the
masses of mon do not always readily
take note of the distinctive characters
of mon. Goneral Lee's remarks, as
reported by General Kosecrans, are
full on the point of submission to the
Union, and confirm all that I have
heard on this subject from other relia
ble sources. General Lee denied that
the veonle of the South are iiiimif.ul
to tbe Union. Tbcv want noaoe and
long for it This is thoir universal
sentiment as far as ho has been able
to ascertain it, and his opportunities
have been many, from frequent con
versations and extensive correspond
ence with representative persons in
all parts of tho South. Aa to their
animosity to tho negro, nothing could
be further from the fact: and wliv
should there be J Said he : "There is
no rivalry between tho races, but a
reciprocal intercourse, growing out of
the fact that each is dependent upon
the other to a great extent one need
ing employment and tho othor em.
ployeos. Apurt from this, they have
been roared togethor, and there is a
natural affection and sympathy be
tween thom."
The leading mon of the South, if
ounereu to uo so without renewed in
suit and oppression, are evidently wil-
.. ip i . i ... . '
oug w awmt tne noanng effects of
time. It is, therefore, for you to de
termine ; and I pray you be mon be
not led by importunity or driven l,v
clamor, but determine wisely and
rationally whother you will force the
runownl of a civil war in which you
will be the aggressor. One thinir is
cortain, if the South attain solf-g-jv-ernmont
(as thoy will soon, in what
ever w ay it may be brought about, for
a majority of the people will it, and
they w ill bo hoard,) they will not, for
they can not, restore slavory and tuako
it profitable ; they would not, if they
could, for iu abolition will irivo tlmm
a very largo accession of power in the
House of Itoprnscntativos, and tho
x.iuuujnii I'Oiioge.
uut i must hasten to a domi. TTn.
til recently I had intended to suYiport
""""" vjinut ior me I'msiden.
cy, and would do so still, in the hope
u " iMJinucracy win obtain a ma
jority in tbe House of lionresnnl! irr
and thus hold a restraining n. .
but facU which I have shown nhnvn
rendor it impossible. Bad men with
more intollect and more force of elm
aclcr than himself, ha Ve rmANnnamn aP
uim, mm ii ne ue eieoled rresidonl
will, probably, continue to rulo him
and the country with him: nd nm
of the worst oxisting abuses cannot
oo corrected against ISxeoutive oppo
sition. Iu looking over tbe whole
ground most carefully, and weighing
consoquonccs well, I Lave come to the
conclusion that it were hotter that
the Democracy prevail in the coming
election, and thus divido, for the pre
ent, the Legislative, whilo we restore
uuo .executive and Judicial powers.
Jo evil can ensue. We shall have a
season oi repose and time for reflection
ooiore called on again to act There is
proiouna puilosophy in the old Scotch
"Tlw iliowtn fall aort whra tha lad la ailll."
I have already shown it will givo
us a season for inquiry and reflection,
and tho anmo conservative power
which can now give success to eitbor
party can, at the end of two years, do uio mmg, ana place tho liovorn
ment in the hands of those who may be
then found most worthy to control it.
So far neither party has ventured to
commit itself on the disposition ot the
puunc ucui. Aiy mind bas long been
made nn as to the nrinrinln .h;i.
should govern us mi its adjustment.
It is this: So fnr as'our contracts are
distinct and explicit, we mn.t.
by thom, no matter how uneoual or
uMoiouo. ior exami in. whnra va
bave promised to nav the i
il.. J..u. i.,1 C ..
or Dom, in gold, national
faith requires, and we must so pay it;
but whore the contract is not Bmlinii
but requires construction, n mi
deal with croditora and the neonle
precisely as an enlightened court of
eqniiy would doal with creditor and
debtor under like conditions. For cx-
ampio: the creditor borrows forty
eon U, or depreciated bank paper worth
forty cents, which tho public calls a
dollar, and promises to pny interest,
six per cont- on its nominul.or fifteen
per cent, on iu actual value in gold.
Ihe promises tonnviha inii.i ;n
gold lieing explioit, the nation who
owes the debt should pay it, for there
is no usury law operating on contracts
with sovereigns; but whore a distinc
tion is tuken in tho contract botwoen
tbe debt and the interest lheininn..i
only mado payable in gold equity
would require that the debt should be
paid in that which is equal in value to
tbe fund rcoeived. Sovereigns have
not always moled outthis even-handed
juetico. The coin of nations bas been
sometime debased after a loan made.
vu fvuw w auvar D(i on
pound ol copper wonm et mii
psy what was two poninn i i mvrr
w lion the loan was made This was
a prons wronjj. It l equally wrong,
nn the other side, to take the name lor
the thing, and pny an ptinee rf silver
to tho lender for lar tentlis f an
ounce borrowed, Ixnanse e' h In iu
turn was called a dollar. Kquity, if
called Into action, woald suffer neither
ono nor tho other, but reqniro pay
ment from aovoroifin or suhieet of the
just amount borrowed, regardless of
name. Thi should bo the rule of
payment. If currency were borrowed
which was worlh forty cenU on tho
dollar, currency or bonds of an equiv
alent value should he paid.
Such are my viows of the duties of
those who represent bondholders and
people, and who aro alike the agents of
both. Tho committees or Uongross
who have charge of the subject should
examine each class of cases carefully,
and do justice to each. It matters not
by whom tho bonds are hold, whether
larco capitalists or widows and or
phans; each and all are entitled to
equity, no more, and no less, ll you
give tbom less, you wrong thom; if
you give them moro, you wrong tne
people, who are the debtor.
T. EWlNG.ofOhio.
She gcpuMtam.
Gkobok B. Goodlandih, Editor.
Thursday Morning, Sept. 24. 1868.
Democratic) National Ticket.
Democratic State Ticket.
Arniroa hcitkiial,
Hoi. CHARLES E. BOY IE, of Payette.
t'BTiro iimii,
Gea. WEM.ING10W H. ENT.Colaabla.
Democratic District Ticket.
ruitinrtvwT input.
Hon. CH Alt I. Eft) A. MAYER, of Clinton.
Hob. II ASK EI.AH UHllWH, tf Warren.
Hob. WM. A. WALLACE, of Clearfield.
Hon. T. J. McCLLLOUGH, of Clearfield,
Democratio County Ticket.
AAROJU C. TATE, of Lawrence.
Rogtrtar A RAnHr,
A. W . LEE. ol llmcaria.
SAIMI EL H. HllAEI'NEK, of Lawrence.
PRICE A. ROM l.EM, at knoi
Whoever votes for Glonnl W.ScO'
fiold for Congress, casts his ballot as
emphatically ior negro suflVago in
Pennsylvania as though it was printed
on his tickot.
Query. Ilave you heard the news
from Maine f The disunion Iiudiculs
only increased their voto eight por
cent., while the Democrats increased
thoirs thirty por cont. Tho samo ra
tio in Pennsylvania in Octobor will
givo us tho State by 45,000 majority.
Itcad tbe address of tbe State Com
mittee in another column.
The Radicals, through their nomi
nee for President, bellow "lot us bave
peace yet, who is it that doos not
know that our country will never
enjoy peace whilo the Radicals con
tinue to add fuol to the fires of hate
and lovengof Lot tho doctrine of
William Ponn, tbe foundor of our
great State, be put in praclioc, and
then we will bave peace.
A Plain Qumtion. Why do the
United States 6 20 bonds sell for only
71 conts on the dollar in Europe, while
tbe bonds of Brazil and other South
American Republics subject to earth
quakes and revolution bring 93 cents f
Because tbe moneyed men of Europo
have more faith in the half breeds of
that locality than in the Mongrels
who have for eight years misgoverned
the United States. They would rather
risk earthquakes and revolulioa than
Radical rule.
SconiLD Surrenders. Bon. J. K.
Hornish, of Warren, sent our loyal
membor of Congress a challenge to
canvasa Warren county togother, but
the nogro advocate refuses to enter
the ring, intimatSg that ho flies too
high. This is a cowardly dodgo,
worthy of those Rumpors who love
tho negro above tho whilo man. Sco
fiuld is known to bo one of the most
unscrupulous domngoguos around
Washington, and devotes throe hours
of his time to tho intorest of tho no
grocs in tho Southern States to ono
he spends in the intorost of the w hite
peoplo oi his District.
Kiad It. Wo publish this week
tho great Address of lion. Thomas
Ewing, of Ohio. Uo is ono of the
few remaining links in tho chain of
great statesmen who built nn this
Republic. Mr. Ewing was clectod U.
S. Senator from Ohio in 1830: an-
pointed Sooretnry of the Treasury by
roaidont JJarrikon in 1MI ; was Soo
otary of tbe InUriomndor Preaidont
Taylor in 1849, and was appointed
U. S. Senator in 1850, In be
retired from tho political arona; but
ho now again apoalts to bit country
mon io tonoa tbatcannot bemialaken.
Ilavine associated with Ititninn Pol.
houn, Clay, Caaa and Webster, bia
oonnaols at tbis time should be sought
and. itudisd.
(wttftfirMfAlatrtr ,trfrvs,
pa" S. IVaaitTB Rwa, I
M A a '''' I an a. f
To A(t ."iert. of rraa'y''airt f
The alnrily iVmnersiy of Vaint
have covered themsokea with glory.
In the very citadel of Hadi.wlism
they demonstrated that you ar pon
the eve of magnificent victory
The two parties were last arrayed
at tho polls upon national leeuMi iu
lt0(l. Maine thon polled a vole nearly
eonal to her voto of 1G4, whilst
Pennsylvania polled her largest vte.
In 18(10 Itadicalism recoivcil in
Maine C9,f.37 voles. In IKoS It re
ceives, as they themselves estimate,
75,000 votes. This Is an increasa of 8
per cent, upon tho voto of 1800,
In 18(5(1 lemocracy there received
41,047 votes, and 1868 it receive 65,
725 votes. This is an increase of 80
per cent, upon the vote of 1800
In 1800 Itadicalism rocoived in Penn
sylvania 807,274 votes, and Democra
cy rocoived 200,090 votes.
Apply tho test of Maino to this vote,
and Iiadicalism will rccoivo in Penn
sylvania an increase of 8 per cont., or
24,581 votes, making a total of 331,
855 votes, and Domocracy will recoive
an Incroaso of 30 per cont., or 87,028
votes, making a total of 377,124 Iiemo
cratio votes, showing that we willhave
a clear Democratio majority of 4i,209
Whilst the totals shown by this esti
mate aro too largo for the vote that
we will cast in Ocaobor, no man who
knows the condition of publo senti
ment in Pennsylvania will assort that
tho relative proportion will boleasened.
Maine voted for John C. Fremont,
yot James Buchanan was elected
President, and Pennsylvania led the
column of States that mado aim the
Chief Executive of the nation,
The hope of the .Republic is in the
Domocracy of the Keystone.
As in 1856, the responsibility of de
termining the coutost now rests with
Maino bas proven thatyou can again
bring triumph to the principles you
Let us arouse to renewed energy1 and
more determined effort.
By order of tbe Democratic Bute
Committee i
Tut Prospect. It bas boon cur
duty and pleasure during the past two
weeks to meet with the larger port on
of the Democrats of this county, mid
found thom everywhere in high sir
its, roady to moot the enemies of ur
country on the 13lh of Octobor next.
Tho Democrats in this county feel as
they bave not folt for eleven yean
sure of an overwhelming victory on
tho socond Tuosday of Octobor. The
extromo portions of the county vie
with each other in bringing the larg
est incronsed voto to the polls. The
Domocratsof Karthaus will not allow
themsolvcs to bo out done by those of
Burnsido; whilo the Decaturilos boast
that they will give a larger increased
majority than old Brady. Such is the
fooling throughout tho county, tho old
veterans and youngsters vicing with
each other, claiming 1,400 majority
for the Stale ticket. Wo eny, go in
"Cops," give the Kationnl robbors
"Hail Columbia," and then we will
have peace.
Mr. Adams Nominated. The Dem
ocrats of Massachusetts have again
nominated John Quincy Adams for
Governor. In bis letterof acceptance
be says :
I will aot anrar tha nwnililnlionliti nf
traction. Tho almoat unanimous dninclluation
of tho Hspnbhrani in Cnnarraw to allow il to un
darito the anrutiny of tha bupmno Court would
' ioa rapnrUHl .taUuvnt of th la
mant4 Thaitdrm thai nolr i. r..,l. i.
tha party brlirrM tha noonitnintina act. to ho
oon.Utulioaal. Kran if thajr wan ao 1 anoukl
till daan them wrong. Tha Union Ihay iminaml
it to my ryea do more like a traa fnlun ol hraita
and hanria than a galvanised eor,,e rearm hln a
... a p.ny m the nation may aoa
titute ilaelf tha aoht arbitar of the onnnilulionali
tjr of Ita own maaaurea, than nrrwwion ii onlj ille.
irai naoauM II waa not tha act of tha majority. In
tha battle between Con(reaa and tha Conatitiltian,
"7 i am ior uia lonatitulion.
Gut Alono, Samiio. Tho Legisla
ture of Louisiana baa just passed a
uui imposing imprisonment of not
more than ono year, and a fine of not
over t.100, in every caso where a dis
tinction is mado of race or color in
any church, hotol, theatro or railway.
Thus Samho has tho right in that
reconstructed State to do everything
but sloop with do white trash, and the
bill may bo so amonded yet so as to
compel hotel kocpors to bod blacks
and whitos by pairs. Samho is com
ing, Father Abraham, throo hundred
thousand strong, indeed.
Adjourn!,. The Rump Congress
mot at Washington on tho 21st, accor
ding to previous adjournment. Both
Houses agreed to adjourn until Octo
bor 10, and from that day to Novom-
bor 10, and from that day until the
8rst Jlondny in December. The cow
ardly whelps evidently fear thopooplo.
Our friends in Warren countv in-
lorm us that Judgo Ilrown will run
ofonuiu nearly ovon in that county,
wuoro mo latter had ovor 1,000 ma
jonty two yoars ago. Our nominee
is ono of tho most popular mon In that
sootion of tlio Btato.
Tho Iiatlical platform is mado up
as iuiiows : a tax ol 42 conta on every
pound of toa; sovsn cents on evory
pound of coftbe ; four cents on every
pound of sugar: and on evorrthine-
elso you consumo they charge 83 por
Congressman Soofiold is an avow
ed advocate of negro suflraeo in Penn
sylvania. Those voters who are on-
posed to that infamy will of oourso
vote forjudge Brown for Congress.
It is imposiblo to insure succossLn
Iliram Ulyssos as long as bo refuses to
havoa policy. JVo policy, mo insu
rance, iho underwriter', rule,
I ' rrrMr.
Wbrnftrr jou hear Itadh-at de
claim In favor of paying the d 20
bonds In gohl, just ask him how mni h
(his will Incase the national delit,
which it now fire ttinummt tit Kumiml
nnl forty miltimi of rfoMr. If lie
does not know, lell blm that theje
bonds amount to tho sum of one thou
sand five hundred millions of dollars,
and with gold at a premium of 40 por
cont. will add to tho debt just six
hundred millions of dollnrs, besides
thirty-six millions of Interest annual
ly. The debt will then bo in round
numbers three thousand two hundrtd
millions, tho Interest of which Is one
hundred and ninety-two millions of
dollars in gold. At tho Inst Prcsidcn
tinl cloction we polled four millions of
votes; every votor is thoreforo in
debtee! to his "free country" and for
which tho present Radical party has
entered a iudemont for f 800 ; tho
interest of which in annually 805
Aud in tho face of all tbeso tremen
dous facts, those loyal hypocrites tulk
about paying the debt in gold, when
they can scarcely raise money enough
gold, groonbacks, national currency
and shinplustcrs to pay tho interest
Ono of tho Grant electors in Ala
bama is an ox-Coufudernto captain,
ho swore a solemn oath cover to
lako a Federal prisoner alive. Doing
a oonvert to lUdioalisra, he is now re
garded as a sound teacher of tho peo
plo, and his previous sins buvo all
been condoned. Any fellow that blows
the Kudicul bugle and carrios a enr-
ict-bag, is considered a fit champion
or Grant and Colfax, no matter what
may have bocn his conduct during
the war.
Edwin M. Stanton was announced
to take the stump in Illinois. The
Radical committoe squelchod him, by
frankly declaring that his appearance
in tho Slate would be dangerous to
the party, and might bo dangerous to
The friends of Constitutional fnrorament, one
eurrene, and an undivided Vniou ; who are op.
posed lo black and white Radical!, and exoualre
taxation, propose to hold a Grand Mass Meeting at
Tha speakers on this oaoasioa will be Ei-GOV.
EHXOR HK1LKII, lion. 8. S. COX, of Ohio, Hun
our nominee for Congresa, and Hon. RICHARD
VAUX, of Philadelphia.
Tho old oaamies of tbe Colon are bueiljr eng-afred
at their Infamous work. Kterms is dead, but Gar
nson, wno ears -tin uonititutiun is a ooronanl
with death and an agreement with bell," and Phil
lips, who told Lineola and tl - world In IAS, that
ha had labored for nineteen years to di.anlre this
Unioa, are both laboring da; and night for the
eleelion of Grant. Thorefora, let tha "Old I'nion
Harer." go to work In earncit, and rescue our
country from tha bands of those men who hart
demonstrated for sight eaara that they are unlit to
rule and gorern a free people, and who la their
Inordinate desire to pcrpetuots partr power, are
Jeopardising "life, lihartT and the pursuit of hap.
pinoea," beside, rendering void tbe Tory Constitu-
tion ther hav. anleunly awora to uphold, sustain
and defend. Four Tears more of Butlorism will
annihilate tha Constitution and bankrupt tha
tioa and all Ha citlsens.
Friends of Constitutional GoTemment, Free
Kpeeoh, Free Frees, and a Free Country, go to
work, and labor until tha 13th day of October, la
order to transmit the bleaelngs of Liberty and Law
to your offspring.,
Chairman Ilem. Co. Com.
At KriiUr, ttw 17lh of Julv, 1RAR,
EMTH. onlT ehild if Ir. J. and Fali.ii . Lm,
ftfrrd 1 ymrt, 1 Montii and 18 da.Ta.
In l-awrwint tnwnnhin, nn tbv 10th of Rrtitrtn-
bw. 18rtS. SAM I'EL A. TENANT; afrd abont 74
TIT Bradford ooanty and Carl In Vr nanar pleftar
Ia Lawrannr town ih In. on fh 10th 6mj of Fan-
hH, I1AUHV V lLIlKK, anu of ,Ea.;r
M. and Ri.rKABRTii WATaoKjaffrd S
jcara. V
monthi and U days.
Tn Knox townnhtp, mi tha lat of rVntamlrar,
1RAH. 6 A Ml' EL ULOOM j apml 41 jm aod 11
In Knnx town h in, on tha 14th nf Rpptnmliar,
IRfts, KL.LA, dauffhuir of D. A. and tLrtn Wiaa :
ftfrd 1 yw and 4 nnnth.
CAIIOKAII persons are hereby cantinned
aarainst purehasinr or In anr war aneiMlinr
with two acres of CORN and throe ton of HAV.
on the prrmiaee In the possession of Abraham
Hess, of Penn townahin. ae the same Ketone to m.
Peon tp., BepL it4l:pd.
TF.Af lir.ltfl WANTIUWTh. Board of
School liirector of Penn township wish to
employ FIVK COM PKTKNT TKA( ll;RS for
tha coming term. ApplinanU fcir x-honla can
meet the Hoard of Prhool Directors at Hennrilla,
on Saturday, the Id day of October, 1KHN, at one
o'clock, p. m. J AS. B. CI. A 11 K,
aeplSa-2t hecreury.
reotore of Curwenerille wish to emply a male
teacher, competent to take charge nf the principle
achnol in said borough. The term will oommenoe
on tha Srst Monday of Noromhor. For further
nmrawiion apply in pcraon or eJdrass the hocra-
usry. By onlcr of the lloor.1.
II. B. THOMPSON, Pmretary
Curwousvllle, September 14, IMH.Jt
HTRAV Cemetrei
ispaasing on the premises
idmgin llradr tnwnshtp.
of the sohecriner, l
ate.ot Ihe 1st of Noremhor, a ItKl) 8TEKK, about
yeara old. The owner la herehv nnt,KMl ...
ooma forward, prora his property, par Beeeaeary
ettarges. and lake him away, or h will be din.osed
of as the tew dlrecU. JAMPS KKl.HUN.
iiuinersiiTrg, Heptenher 14, lSoS-lt-pd.
Town Properly" for Sal V.
VVAU ABl.E Pp.OPKItTY will be sold br
the amlrreignen:. situate In the borough of
I'l.-.rfirM, with hKW Pl.AKK IIIIIIUU i
STAHI.K, and all neqesaary oiitbuililings, and at
rerr low tiguree. Oimd warrantee deed eivan.
Apply to T1108. J. MeUULLUUUH.
OlearSeld, Kept H it,
House and Lot for Sale
CnUATKD I. Ih. borough of Clearn.M. ot
.0. SOUth sine Of Pin k.. TklJ
a.,d i-noh. ii . .I. :. "i .r. . t.7. . :. ..r.
hS J8 f"l. a kitchen altarhcd. a anod .,11 -f
. "'" 1'L.n. lllll'NK
water, (pump on Ihe poreb.lwllh frame STABLE
and other outhulldinge thereon. Lot 0 feel front
on I in. street, and eitcndmg back 171 feet .Inn,
? r..riTJ',n Term, reasonable. Inquire
of JOHN MOObJIEKUliH the premiere, or ,
"f" A, U. IteVKUaVK,
Jlsidtiitr, Jlnuitf, fit.
rbilipibarf . Centrs Coanty, Ja-
DEAl.ta IN
Forolfrn & Pomosllc Hardware,
Stoves, Oils, Paintfl, Glass, Sio., &o.
TnK atumloa of Machanlea, Builder., Farm
ra Lumbermen, aad Buyen generally, U
lnitd w tha fa. t thai we an oferinf a baiter
aaiortmtnl of goodi la our Una than can ha
found ehewbere in thle part of Uia Stale, at
Prices to Suit the Times-
Our aura oomprliaa a general aaeorlmant of
Tools aad Material! used by Oarpantort, Bleek
smlths, Carriage and Wagea Makers, ., with a
large aMk of
Iron, Kails, Steel, Spikes, Mining
Sufldies, Saddlery, Hope, Chains,
0 rind at ones, Circular, Mill
1 and Cross-Cut Saws,
Lard, 'Linseed, Col, Lubricating and
Fish Oil.
Ab zollDt Mtortrntnt of Tio Ctlry, o-
Bona.hold, Hortienltnral, Farming and Rafting
Implements of ths latest and moat
impror.d pstarna.
Illackimlthi aaa ba rtippllad with Anrils, Bel
Iowa, Vleaa, Sledges, Hammers, Hon
and Muls Khoes, Uoraa Naila,
and all kinds of Iron
and Steel.
Carpenters and Builders will Snd la cur sitae
lishmant a auparior .lock of Planea, Bawa,
Augurs, Hatchets, aingla, double bit and
pealing Ales, lis mm era, Chisels,
Files, Hinges, Screws, Bolu,
Looks, Pulleys, Bash, Cord,
Ae, At., Aa.
Farmers and Raftman will Snd rerythlaf ia
their lino, and cheaper thaa east ba
had elsewhere.
fi Particular attention la Ine'ted tn
took af 8teee, aomprlslng Spear's celebrated
anu-uuai, uook and Farlor tttoeaa of all eisea.
Also, tbe Megara Cook, Parlor Cook, llriiliant,
it. in: op, Arctic, ana Vommoa Erg
Pooktt, As. fc"
All of the a bora gooda will be aold cheap
rhlllpaburg, Oct. IS,
or TBI
Cloarfiold Co. Agricultural Society
Chalrman U. 1). OOOIiFKI.l.OW.
Oonrge Mutton.
David Bu.'k,
Thomas MnPhcreon,
T. J. Creamer.
. T. Wilson,
Wm.T. Bchryrar,
Abraham O. lloyt,
Zones 1,. Ogdea,
leaae Hloora,
Rohrrt Porter,
R. K. lianiels.
Mrs. Jerome Rohineon,
n. a. Itcad,
w Joseph Owens,
Miss Jane H (Hirer,
M. lrrin,
Maggie Read,
Wary K. Flegal,
" Marr A. Rishal,
'hilln H. Ileiarr.
II. C. HhaSnrr.
Wm. L. rihaw,
L. 1. Irwin,
nairuian . jujliM atrllAl (HIKV
W. W. Worrall.
Mra. (I. R. Barrett,
Joseph II. Ilrown,
- p. j. now,
O. H. tloodlandor,
" Jamei Forrest,
" Berrr,
" J. B. McKnallT,
" J. P. Rurohtioid,
" C. I. Wat,,,
" J. II. Fulford,
" T. K. Kisweiler,
0. W. SiiTder,
" I'anlel Stewart,
" Robert FlegaL
" R. II. Knew,
" Matthew Road,
" J. B. Khaw,
Miss Mary A. Irwin,
Fannie Jordan,
K.I ita Mitchell,
" Klisa Read. -
u Henrietta Petera,
Amelia Larrimrr,
r. t.ardin,
K. k.rihirey,
R. J. Hhoffner,
D. W. Jordan,
Reuhcn Mt-Pnarson,
N. T. Fulton.
Joseph Owens,
li. II. rullerton.
Ksra Ala,
Charles HtewarL
James II. Irwin,
yj. u. i.arreti,
N. L. Robins,
James A. Moore.
a. (1. Irwin,
W. L. Antis,
Jamas Mitehell,
James L. lary,
josepn lArrimnr,
Robert A. Mitchell.
VYm. McCullough, ecu
Mananaa- Z. C. Mi-rullough.
Cuiar or Pouna William L. Ri.hal.
(lara kni-in.-lleurn u (-..,.. t .v.. r
Read, Theodora 11. People..
Clearfield Nurserv.
TI1K andersignrd, haring astabllshed a Kur
eery oa tha 'Piha. al.nn, - l-.
Clearfield and CurweneTllle. is prepared to fur.
a all kinds of FRUIT TRICKS, (stawdard and
dwarl,) hrergreens. BhruhherT, Oral,. Vlnoa,
7. ' """ niaeanerry, dtrawoerry
and Hasberry Vlnaa. Also, Hiharlaa Grab Trewe
woinee, ana early ecvlet Rhubarb, Aa. Orders
prvpuy aiienuaa to. Addraea,
J. d. WRianT.
"f" y Curwenirrilla, Pa
"T A'TI'.IV .A remain enmpctent to do gen
' T1 houaework. ho olul.lren to nuree or
Bo 1, Clearfield I'oet Olric.
Grape Vines for Sale.
A l'1' he leading herdo rarlclie. af Srst final
JV Hy. t'ONCOHll fl'TTlMIS, l W por
liu.i.lred. CONl'tlitll VINKS onlT III .nts. Or
ders solicited aooo aa eonTenicnl, and tilled in
rotation by A. M. 1ULL8.
tlaarlleld, Pa., August S, 17.
llark.t Btreat, Dcarncld, Pa.
Fmh Bread, Cakes, 1.0.1s, &cn
And all kinds or Confeollonerlea. .
"T'T-tf J. A. RTAPLER.
TI'aTsC'K)' HWTAB1,K.' fRflla.
tW.'. I:" rat'd a large numlmr 0r the new
H.K HILL, aud wlll on the receipt of
T-oeiiia, Bail a aor,jr t any sd.4re,, myjs
Jirji C.poflu, f.itrtlr, trtf.
ntf 1,. fteew...
ha T. Vlraeer..
, -in. T"nn.
,.m illlaat W.llalls
GEO. L KEE1) & CO.,
To JiMirf Vorit. f Hit Covrt llM,
AVI(J rrnrnH tnrl. t.flnt-- inA,
w hirftT B'ltify the fit It Hi of i lrt.ra.-lti
iil lh put.lie rnrmll.T, I hut w hmvm entrrrd
pnn, nd intend to pr-piit, ft rifnrapt cm
tiirn antnit hifh rrton o4 .nf rir rKxi, and
hr nut? on bun, ft full tuptilT of ftll ktodi of
kuoUj Md in tbt uarkct. In tfa lib
II ry Cjioori,
W cUiu (n bare ft full ortmrtit, ronHrting in
part of Muflirm, blrachM and nnMeftrbetJ j
PrinUof ftll gradca ftod ftjlc od
Full and Winter Dress Goods,
Bach ft Alpfteai of all thadrii I t.inft, Ua-
rinoi avntl rlftonclit bcatdea, ft lull aoa
neot of (ntleuen' warr eonfifting
lo part of
Cloths, Cassimeres,
SatlDfiUf and ft full aaaortmaor of
Notions, Hosiery, Trimmings,
Eats and Caps, Boots and Shoes.
We bar a full lupply of Coffaa, TV. Farr, Bio.
NuLmki, 'iu.HUWo, full, nail, udmm,
eotvl and flfb Oili,
Bagu--eurail H-vmn, Men Pork ud ft full
trapplj of J'roTUioD.
Ilardwarc and Queens ware,
Wooden if Willow Ware.
AH the fof-pninu artirlrf will exrbmr for
CAM1. LIMUKK, or COI RTKI fltUlll tit,
and at prion to wbicb tbmr eaa be no eBoeption.
Inote m aevd ol UoimU in oar line, wiu iiaaaB
Clrarneld, Bept. 17, IMIo-lf.
J. P. Krndor'..
HAT3 t CArS,
Full stock, lust reeeirrd at
sci'10-lm J,
JpBUIT JARS, the bet in tho mar-
ket, at aepln J. T. KBATZER'B.
gALT! SALT!! SALT!!! Full
weight large .soke soiling cheap at
artilMnj J. P. KRATZFR S.
Fowrlh and Arrh Htrrrta, Philadelphia.
Fall Goods Opening Fancy and Staple.
Lyons Pllkt Telrcts, new irlTbi Phawla, new Ttraer
Ooods, riod Blanketa. labia Linwna. aSbaatitsar
and 8btrtinfctt Cloths and Cutimonta,
IV. H. New flood rerairfsl dailr la hrnt ntm
fur Jobbing. ari'i.T-oL
aufrtcrraaa ow
1f. SO fhwreh Slrrrl. ffc.T
JUT" Send for Kngraving and Prior List.
k. n..
rreeiilcntial ramnaicu Torchea. s h
SO, li and $40,011 per Iluudrrd.
ecptir 41.
628 HOOP SKIRTS, 1628
. ) Jrth Strerl, Whil'm,
irwipn-in or run
Oolobrated "Champion" Hoop SkirtB
FOB LAPIM, MIRRItu. A!t) cnn.Mtrw
Tb. largeet asaortaisnL and heat n.Ke ..a
'7 Am.noaa Market. knr Ud.
should try theai.aa they recommend tkoamlros
j riug longer, retaining thoir ahap aaach
he tor. being hcliter and more alaaiic ih.o nik
re warranted la orery respect, aad oold at
Huperlnr Handmade Th.u.t... i.
(Ifteea dlrTeranl grade.. Including tb. lu.p.ri
al" and Tbnnipioa 4 Langdoa'. "GLOVE FIT
TIKU" CIlkSkTS. t. r,n
cents loJ l- together With Joeeph Ueakel e
eelebrated FRKNCH WOVkJi roHi-h'Ttl.aapo-
... -..ri. ono qi.aiiir.aea arradea
-oat (I IS to ta 0U. Tha. ar. Ik. a . ..J
best goods for tha prices, eeer imported. The
Trade supplied with Ilaop Stirts aad Coracle at
the lowest rales.
Those Tlsltlno th. cite .hold r.n .. n
and oiantae our a nod. and nric m
Ksapetllioa. Sept. 17. f
Valuable Town Properly
TTCATB on the PouUi Trrst enrnor of Chem
aj anu rniro nireeis. (in-mr Railroad street.) to
wit: A LOT. with a good two-slorr plank bnild
Ing tbereoa. kd by II feat, ana room oa omih loot
suitable for a store, or other husineoa, Alan, the
adjoining LOT, with a two-storr dwirng house
thereon, and arrwral other K'H N LtTS
Also, a lot of well Kurnt I'.Rll'K. and a of SToKhWAKK. en-e. as t'rnoka.
Jugs, Jars, fruit Cstis. etc., at rclaced prtroe.
r.n- mrthor tnlonnatlon. tnonlw at ih. Kloao-
'-rj a. UlltlMli:il,
V-t . l'lrvil, Pa.
Sin v im.. i t, m, j,. lo I'-rf. .'..,, , ,
. ,,ril a at- n s-t t la. k f -,,. , ,,'1
eo '. riolc4 tr cm. t...a.,a , n
It pal i-l-.rM. e. fa.. Kia, aa , l1 "! ' I taw. '
rt,,,g. ip. e.,t I. Jtl Ji U I., ;M
Apple-Butter KctllesT
k I,'T nf '.r tm4 ls tint a.
fenMing ttum IS U ft riK-r
t?li-f). mi U. I. llt4 fe'
of CUarfll4 ountj, Ta.
MtMIAKKf WlO(.lt
lb Vnmrt to tk trviimi.tir ia tU
fire nntia thai b llmi to tU 4r
aid appmatairai, at Ih nffir i,f J. B H-i
Km., In tba bomofh of t tar- Ll, o f,
th Jftih day of huail-pr, Ifftt.,
hoan of 9 loch a. m. aad S tork a. H ,1
A I -II Ma... 4 rata. a "' '1
roM eiamina. J. U. WALThRi l
X'rOTIC'l'-Th fraatioB of ta tn
X of Jamr B- i rahaia dt Knt dort nut rti.,
lite aettlMBfDt of Iba not aotl bk mw
lorn law nm ui ."ucn m iisd or a. a
bam. TbbM know in themrlir iodttiw J
iiber arc Mwt. U eocaa forward it tan J
CIV Ullr twuiiif.
llaarDeld, hcjittsiuiMr iv-u.
House and Lois For Sal
riil K onHeni(ro-l oflori to $H at pnim,
1IIKKK LOT( titaata ia tba
tberiburr. hatinr hrmm orerted a larn T.
PTOH V iV RAM t JJ0LtSKtaadaU of .iJ
water, wiih otner tteoaMary inproTrmrau. J
property U a dfnirable one, in god rrpt J
will ba told on cay lenort
- r lull m-v
apply to or i
6ept 10 a.
ly tooradddrea WICUALL IllLLh;
Sheriff's Sale.
BY Tirtaa of a writ of Fri Fv,
raad aoi of tbt Coart of Coaoa V
Clearfield eoanty, and to mm airactra, u.
will baaxpoeed to PUBLIC BALK.attatu
ttonae ia iba boroujtn oi Liaarneia, aa Mtt
tba 2tfa day of bepteo.ber, Uos. at 2 a m.
M tbe foUowiaa uroberty, to wit :
A emjn traet oi taud aituau tn GiraHar
ltip, C'learni-U euunty, i'v.t boanJ-l u M,,
Ob tbe aaJt by land of Jaua fie, Tbouai U
ard and John Huarknian, on tbe weat hy
AiehalaJ Kouaaelut aad J. D. BinitU, oa l.' v-
Uy landi of Andrreoo Morray, and on tu at
by tbe Sut-qorbuma rirer, eontaintnf 1C; m
mora or Irae. betted, taken in aaarntion ih
be aold as tbe property of liarid 1. fentuk.
AUo, by Tirtaa of a writ af Lmr Imtm -fullowinr
rral ettata, to wit:
A aertai n bank barn, SO by 40 feat, itk ac
wall nine feet bicb.riiaate in idawrvnea ton
Clearfield oountT, Fa, moovt aoe ami wet u
boroufb of Clearfirld. on tbe east eiaWol ttw
Pboe and Paebervriile tarnptke, aod bbowkm.
Lewis Cardon place, hetsetl, tkea in tlmtu,
aad to be aold as tba property f Bcotvu.
AIim). all that errtaia two-ntorr frame aoattt
nate in Fenruson township, Clearfioid ooamvi-
betas; tbirty-two fet front by twenty-ta
deep, nantiK twtndows, ana being trtow
a tract of hand Ixiunded oa tbt a or Lb ! mr
land of A lexander Ferraeon, oa tbe eoatb s;
of Joba roTrnHia and otben, aad oa ttw a
land of Jamet and H til tan Moora. 6etstd.a(.
in execution, and to be aold as tbe yrvrv
Matthrw Ilenrr.
Bidders will Uks aotiea that 1 mm
of tba narcbaao saoaey ainat ba patd wm t
property ii koeckad down, or H wtll at t
araia for aala, LiaK&MLtt liOafc.
Fisairr'i Ortnra, I Ekenl
Clearfield, Pa, Sept. 1, 19S. j
SherilT's Sales.
Y1T virtu, of sundry writs of eeaabiraau craw-
1 f lasoed oat of rba Court of Coaaaioa Piew
CMarfi.ld eoantr, aad t an. directed, then v.
ba azpoaed t. public, at th. Court Ban,
in tha borough of Claarfeld, n Mas da;, a
lata day of toptonsbor, lSGe, at I o'clock, i t
taa following oasorioaa Kaal Kstata as wu
A ski, a eonaia tract of land sitaate hi Ve
land, bradlord townahtp, ClMrfi.ld eoain K
ooatatning on. half aera, fronting oa the an
pik. roaa, and baring a aasall plank
aouao orortoa tbereon. boiaed, laaea ia axaa
tioa aad to aa aold a. tha property of W. H
Alao, a eertain tract of land eilaate ia eaa
tnwashin, Clearfield oountT. fa., bounded ot k
lowa,Tisi Beeinniag at a llswand oomer.f as
sold to Jonathan k ephart, thene. oaat ..on I.
perrbee in a oornor, aouth along in.
tract 13; porehea to a gun oornar, theses oa
IM aorcaes to Baplo ooraor of trad. thenM sir.
aa awrohe, to otaeo of barianiaa. oeetsiau.
zv acre, asora ar loss, aaa aoiaa aaiaii
land, and tha intorost of IXfanaast keiu a
undivided owo-half pan therooL beiaea. mi
ia .lorutiot ud u bo said aa tha prupertj a!
A. Bpaaoglo.
Alao, a eeruli tract af land situate I Osesu
borough, Clrarteld county. Pa, boaadad
by Curtin street, aw.t by Praaor street, m
knows as lot ha. d ia aaid horoagh. braa.
lakca ia esecution and as b. sold aa tbe aresrr
oi uustarus Hah a aad .tiara.
A iaa, a eertain lot at land eitueio la E ehmer
ClMrkeld oouuty, I. boaaded aa the aera 1
a street, mm bt lot of VTb. VieirkU west a.
forauily of O. T. Boon, aad aa.lh by
ing a dwelling heaos aad oat buildings ee.
tberooa. A lao, oa. oibor lot ia th. oanx nlar
bouaded wast by a .treat, oaat M a.
along said s trace throe, eoatfc alotig rot of has-
oroii 1 1 s toot lo aa alley. In .one w oat along av
alley m feet ta siroel, thoaoo aarth alung av
street Ilk root to plan, of b.ginning. baiaa
Ukaa ta .Mention aad ta be aold aa tbe prape-
jooopa it. joaoa.
rdrBifldet, trill take actio, that 1
oent. of tb. purchaso anoeT a a .1 bo paid wi
th, property n kacrked down, or It will be f
up again for aula. CTKEMTS HC'I.
baaatrr t Orrrra, I Fhsnl
Claarheld. fm , Sept. J, 1SS. J
arroam rna
K -i
Baaaar mv
post orncE
THK subscriber rrrpcctlally lafurwi. kb
patroM aad th public geaorally. thai
has oa hand, (aad ia toaetanUy reeaiViag
sddiu.ns th.reto,) a larg stock of
Clocks, WatcheB and Jewel.
keep Jewelry la all Its forms and
diiaroat Talaea, oitbar by the pier or set
WATrHEF A futl asaortaeat ofaitber
or SilTer, made by th. bet Aaerieaa and I
ign B.nufaeiurera, iaclading a tn. lot af r
and .liter hunting sua, lull jeweled, Pel.
LeTora. .
CLOCKS--Of all designs, consisting af eu;
day and thirty. hoar, of .iiber weight, sprat
IsTsrs, and both strih. aad alarm.
RKPAIP.IKB An kinds of Watchol a:
Clocks Repaired, and warranted.
In addition te what I hare ennmeretrd.Itr
a full aaeortaseat of M'KCTACLKa. cnlcrec r
plain glaaa. Also. OLP rrS'ard rFSTU
fact ereTT thing in the Jewelrr lice. I! I hu.
hsT, on hand just what a auslomar aaar oeei
will order per drat rzrreae- wiUeat eatra ekarr
A liberal share af pablie patmnagr is schni J
way f, leoa y H. f. Halt, La
4 1'M1MTII ATXIRtl lktiTK K Net:
'a. hi hereby gi.ea that letters of B.lmaiatrali
on Uie emale of f-AMI KL 1 Lhlt k.
late of Min-rt. township. Clcarfieiil eoantr, IV. at
tng bona ilolt granted tn the undrrsignrd. ali I"
aims indt'1,1, d to aaid aelale wili pleMe mete e
mcnl, and thoar baring claims or deesard.
prfarnt them lmriwY aatbrnucated ior eUKW
j and allowance wilbuat d"laT.
MorriadaVs, Aug. T-(lu Admiunscau.
rnlon Mills Woolfn rafton
THE undersigned having parehaard aa inttosi
in the I ni.i. MJIa. anr preiiarrd to card wea
mannfacture and tniah I' and do al tie
work ia this liae on abort UiH.ce. ta wo-tmae;i"
mannat. and oa rraauuatle terms. Tacj
mac ul art ura
Flour, Feed and LuinVr,
Which will be wild al th lowest cash raise.
Wool Inienried for carding eaa b left at ra.
tore ot K. Mneeop or J . P. kratacr. in t'wrrr
whore they will get it and return it on rarer'
of each work, letters of tnquirf sddrrd
at Hocktoa P. O. will recoirr pnmnt attr'e
r. K. d i. I. KM'LP.
IlochtoB, June It, ISA-It.
Elacksmllh Stand for Sttlr.
TI1K anderaigned kerrbr gires Botice taal
ow oflere t.w aaar bis real cetera, sttoalr c
tier willsagr of Oataad, ia Bell towasbip. Oca-
ennntr, I 'a. Tbe pnnny eoaaist. of tw. TU '
L"TS. baring erected Ihcraoa a
lllacksmilh Fhu. filaKla, aad otbw a.""
out-buil.lmg. : togelbor with aa til T Let see
taming half ao aera, oa which an plaaled apf
and peach trace end dwarf Ireea.
This is a deairnble loratina for a baakeB:
curpewtcT. ar otker aaerbani. being oail'ie
. a proenerous aeighborbcml. Toe prorartT
be aold oa t . 1 ewth. Mnelais
Iaall oa th preniiam, or mldraa. the
O.tendr,0. isugUJ AP4M rr-SE-