She Republican. i Okkiiui! H. (itinM.ANPKR, Kilitnr. CLEARFIELD, PA. iThnrfiilay Morning, Sopt. 17. 18C8. I Domocratio National Ticket. roil THKKIDUNT, Ulos. HORATIO SEYMOCK, I or m:w vuuh.. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, r.KX. FRANCIS P. BLAIR, OP MISSOURI. Democratio State Ticket. AfHITOIl (I RKBH A t., linn. CHARM'. li. HOVI.K.of Fayette. miRvrron gkn-khai., (.en. lVl:IMVl:IO II. KNT, Columbia. Democratic District Ticket. rantipRtrr n'Pfli. Hun. CJF.O. H. HAHKI'TT. of Clearfield. (Sulijivt to the aetion of the Conferee!.) miner. llun. HASSKI.Ai IIHOWSr, of Warreu. RRRATOR. lion. W1M. A. WALLACE, ol Clearfield. AlRRMRl.T. Hon. T. J. MrC l l.l.Ol t.ll.of Clearfield. Democratio County Ticket. Prothonntarv, A A HON C. TAIIi, of Lawrence. RegiMer A Reeordor, A. W. l.l'.K. of Iteerarla. Oommieainner, HA.MUKL II. PHAI-'KNKK. of Lawrence. Rnrvevor, t A1l T.L I. Met LIWKEV, af Pike. Auditor. PRICE A. KOWI.KS. of Knox The "Hrpublican." Our readers will notice that wo bavo added four more columns to Hie Keithmcan, and mado each of thorn two inches longer. This is tho second enlargement we bavo mado within twenty-two months, and we now give our readers double the matter the Kfi'I'iimcam contained two 3'ears ago, nni for the same price. Wo will, of courso, lose money by this enterprise, unless our friends assist in extending our circulation and pay up arrearages. If we are not sustained in our under taking, we will bo compelled to reduce the paper to seven columns again. Our party friends may think thnt we havo been rewarded for our labors. It is truo, they elected us Treasurer in lfift, but for every dollar we receiv ed as foes, wo havo given ftro to the party since ; and wo have tho books to provo it. Toiut to any other office holder in the county who can do like wise. Wa dislike, and very seldom do, epcak or boast of our efforts in advancing the interests of tho party in giving them a first-class country newspaper, but if our circulation is not extended and arrearages paid, so that wo can devote our whole time to the papor, wo must abandon the busi ness and get at something wo can live at and have a little besides. We con sider thut we bavo dono our duty ; let others do theirs, and it will all be right. What wo hero say may be considered egotistical, but a "military necessity" demands this much in our own detence at tins time. TnElssrElEVEiirEi. Wo ask the special attontion of our readers to the address of Ex-Gov. Bigler in this is sue, delivered before tho Seymour and Blair Club of this place on Satur day evening. Gov. Bigler is being called upon to address meetings in all parts of tho Ktato, and feeling himself unable to comply generally, he has adopted this means of expressing his views. The speech is marked by that force and candor and fairness which uni formly govern the expression of his views upon political questions. 31 ass SI eetisos. The County Com mittee has concluded to hold Demo cratic meetings in October at tlio fol lowing places : For Beccaria, Gulich, Jordan and Woodward, at Glen Hope, on Thursday, tho Mh ; for Burnside, (.'host, and New Washington, near Young's Sleeting House, on Friday, the Oth; and for Ferguson, Lumber City and Penn, at Lumber City, on Saturday, tho 10th ; all nt 2 o'clock in the afternoon. All in llioso locali ties, who lovo their country and wish to hear the truth, will bo present on tlioso occasions. Wo hope our friends will mnke the necessary arrangements for a good turnout. These meetings will bo addressed ly ix-Gov. Binler. Wm. SI. SIcX'ul- lougli and Walter Barrett, F.sq'rs. Attention, Democrats! We hopo our friends will givo tho Assessor's I.if , which is now posted up in every election district in the county, a thor ough examination, and sec whether their own names arc on it, as well as llioso of their neighbors. Let no ono be so foolish as to lose bis vote through so simple a remedy. When tho name of a voter is not found on the list, go to the" Asesor at once and have it put on, unless you possess a receipt fur paying taxes assessed within two years. Ci'itwE.ssviU.E Cl:b. Wo aro rc lut nled to state that the Seymour A Blair Club of Curwousvillo and Pike township, will bold a meeting on Saturday, the 20th instant, at 7 o'clock P 51. It is hoped thut the Democrats, and all other persons opposed. to con- "cation through taxation and official rohlmry, will bo pressnt to hear the truth. The Club will bo addressed by Vm. JI. McCullough nud Israel Test, ate anil ill. i. tit i-iVicihI . unit ion v illi Vt t iviir l.t llm ,1 iiilii altiv 1 Im i i ii.lni t tin. i (Vn pin n lln' ( 'iinli l i ui o ill fnilili I" Int mli I llir )rra Willi a rvyy nl tln-if ptii il !iiu: i m nijti'iini atnl onlrni.'o.nia jn thi'ir t imilui I il miii) llic cRiaiiin iiie t cm id Kim l 1 1 nli n I oiiii't'iTR I'livlnl tin niM'U'i K nHit t r, ( pin i""0 ly Ifriimiiin; Hip Cloiirlit'lil (ViifrrvoiO il in to tlii'in wo look for a copy tl their Inlioin. It i true, Turn, liik mill Harry my Mr. Mayor was nonii tinted at llclli limto, nlier llio ('onfer cnoe broke up lioro, but wlicro is tlio proof? Why coticoiil the record 1 And moro than tliis : Wo notice that the Clinton Jttfiublit'tm supports Mr. May er, and as that journal is not in tlio habit of supporting Duiiiocinlio nom. inees, wo feel liko asking those who say that Mr. Mayer is our nominoo, how and why this unnatural alliance bus been brought about ? Let these Legislative bummers and political rats who presided over tho Confer ence, furnish a correct copy of their proceedings to their constituents, which has been the universal practico of all Democratic Conventions, and then tho people can judge, whether their agents bavo acted properly in this mutter. To our minds, four ex-mornborti of tho Legislature in a body of six men, aro enough to ruin any cause and to arouse the ire of all who prefer tlio public interost to that of porsonnl aggrandisemont. It looks now as though tho Republicans would have no candidate in tlio field, and that tho poo pi o will bo allowed to chooso either Judge Uarrott, or Mr. Mayer for Judgo. Whoever may bo elected, we wish him to understand that he will find us stirring him at least quarterly until some businoss is done in our Court in a businesslike manner. Clubs. The Democrats of Brady township assembled at Luthershurg on Saturday last, and organized a huge Seymour and Blair Club. Tho fol lowing named persons vers elected officers. President James C. Barrott. Vice Presidents Iloswell Luther, Dr. George Wilson. Secretary Wm. T. Hamilton. Corresponding Secretaries Daniel Goodlauder, Jacob W. Corp. Treasurer Joseph Linen, jr. Executive Committee Lever Flo gal, Hariison Tassmoro, Jonathan Shaffer, M. II. Luther, Andrew rcutz, sr. Democatic Meeting. In accord ance with previous notice the Mount Joy Democratic Club met at the school houso on the (Hh inst., and re solved to bold a mass meeting, on Thursday evening, tho "4th instant, where all who love froo government aro invited to attend. Dr. Boyer and Israel Tost, Esq., will be present to address the meeting. WM. OGBEX.rres't. J. B. SiiaitnkR, Secretary. TirroN Semisart. The fall term of this young but flourishing school (located at Tipton, Blair county, IV,) will comincnco on the 23d instant, and close on tho 23d of December next. The school is designed for both young ladies and gontlcmcn. Tho location is pleasant and accessi ble. Boarding in the Seminary buil- ding. II. F. King, A. St., Principal. Tuk Academy. This institution has opened most encouragingly this year. More pupils aro in attendance than thero bavo been at tho opening of any term for many years. Trof. Harrison is tho man to make it a suc cess, and wo are glad to sco that the peoplo are appreciating his talent and his efforts. The LtTiiEnsnLRo We hopo our friends in Brady will see that a goodly nnmber of tho "Cops will turn out to tho meeting on Saturday. Brady should give majority at tho October election, and it can be done if the Democrats put on tho harness and go to work at though they loved their country. It was our pleasure last week to attend Democratic meetings in Kart- baus. CovitiL'ton, Girard, Goshen, Boggs, Bradford, Graham and Sforris Wo found tho "Cops" all alivo and kicking, and ready to moct tbepublie plunderers and 1'nion smashers. Tho moetings were well attended, much better than during the canvass two years ogo. On our first page will bo found the correspondence between Gen. Roso crans, our minister to Mexico, and Gen. Leo and oilier Southern generals nnd statesmen. We think this corre spondence should open tho eyes of every ono who loves Ins country moro than his party. Wo hopo ull who read it will band it to thoir loyal neighbor. Overhoarp The Radicals of this town havo evidently thrown Colfax, their candidalo for Vice President, overboard, nnd set up that celebrated firo brand, General Sheridan, in liu stead. As Schuyler did "not care a damn for soldiers" during the war, wo presume the "hoys in blue" will now damn him. If Samson's strength actually lay in the length and abundanco of his hair, a liberal use of tbe famous "Barrett's Vcgetablo Hair Restorative" ought to impart many times the strength of thnt doughty ancient warrior, for there is no limit it will not reach if properly applied JV. ratriol. Tax Sales We aro requested by tbe Treaserer, Mr. Wrigley, to state that tho salo of lands for taxes over due has boon adjourned until the 2Glb inatj whoa Ujay will br-spM fbsolatcly- Oi KtV vini At am iti o. I m The pi lin.l lor Inditing I lie Till mitiutil xliilntinri tr (be IrltlTirM t'ulll.t) At nit mtil N.M'iety Is wmhi In le h'. iv, Hint il is to l'i' Impr.l Hint il"' fiunicm and oiimiu-i hsnnn will bclir tin m-cU rs in iinb r to make tint 1'iiir evrn mow ntlrmlive than any pre vious one. H will l. olmTVoil by the premium lint that the Society's agents oflVr very liberal inducements for both stock and articles. By ref erence to the premium lint of tho Ly coming County Agricultural Society, wo observo they oiler ' ut t "4 in the several classes for horned cattle, when our Society offers tlio exhibitors f 1 1(1. Tho premium offered for horses aro about equal in tho two counties. They only oiler tltf for "(train, Seeds and Flour," when wo ngroo to givoSG" for grain alono; which goes to show that Clearfield county makes a much moro liberal offer than "Old Lycoming" and many other counties that aro far moro populous and productive in ag riculture. Borouiiii Schools. Wo understand that tho School Directors of this bor ough contemplate opening tho Pub lic Schojls on Monday, tho 21st. Tho teachers employed are Sir. Sandford, Miss llury Wallers and Miss Mary Sackctts. It is desirable that parents and guardians, send their children at once, so that an early classification can bo mado. Tho schools will con- tinuo for six montliB. It is useless for ub to say anything in referonco to tho toachers employed by the board, at they uro well known to be first class teachers, of longstanding. mm M aine Election. Tho annual elec tion for Governor and other State offi cers, and members of Congress, camo off on Monday last. The Disunion majorities for the past three yours were as follows: In 1H05, 22,332; in l(!0,27,2riR,und in 1807,12,000; and this year tho Badicals claim from 22,000 to 25,000, while tho Democrats concede but 10,000, and would have given them 20,000 before the election. Tho cnomy were domoruliied last year on tho whiskey question, but this year, as in 1KGG, aro again united with a heavy loss, as tho result will prove. One of the greatest outrages now being practiced npon a free poople by tho Radicals, is tlio expensive fuel that wo bavo an army of 45,000 men, and yet the Indians on the plains are duily murdering men, women and childron, without being disturbed. Such is Radical rulo. Eyro Si Landell, 4 th and Arch Sis., Philadelphia, are now offering a large Stock of Fall Goxds to purchas ers. This is an old established and rcliablo Dry Goods House 1 Read advertisement Kew Orricr A now Postoftice has been established at Wallaceton Sta tion, on the rail road between Wil liamsgrove and the Blue BaP, and John Holt, Esq., appointed Post 51 as ter. The Disunion ticket, as made up by the loyal Club of this town, seems to be Grant k Sheridan. As tho former has "no policy" we presume tho hit ter's burning policy will bo adopted Slaccdoninn Oil for sale by J. B. Graham and Sons. Cures Consump tion, Coughs, Colds, and all diseases of tho urinary organs. Ono bottle gratis. Try it. Presidential Campaign Capes, Caps, Ac, ic , advertisement in this issue by T. Hill. Philadelphia. Read ad vertisement. All the magar.inea and literary pnb- lieationa of the day, an well aa books and stationery, aro to be bad at tho roftoflleo. Mrs. 8. B. Jordan has our thanks for a lot of tho finest yellow peaches we ever raw in this latitude. It will bo noticed that thero is an opportunity for potting cheap applo buttcr kettles at Flegnl's. A Hum Joke Tho Radical Disn nionists crying peace 1 pcaool! when thero is no pence. According to the Craw lord Ihmo- crnt, poor men stund a itlira chance of beliii; sent to Conrec". from that dintricl. It thus recapitulates the result fd tho three lant contents for the Radical nomination : "Four years aj;o Culver beat Rich mond, became Culver had more money Two years ago Finney beat Pettis, boeauso Finnov had moro money. And now (iilfillan beiita Pettis, and MeAdain, and Lathy, becntiae be has more money than all of them com bined !" Here Is an incident illustrative of Radical rule In Virginia : A traveler, a few daysao, stopped al a house occu pied by two ladies only. Ill the night be heard a noiw and went to the head of the stairs. A negro's head appear ed, and ho dmt it. Another, and he shut that. Then, gning down alairs, bo found a negro in tho ladies' room, and after shooting him, bad leisure to examine and find that both girls lay with their throats cut. ' Let us have peaco." It is a matter of smnll amount whether (ieneral (irant is a good soldier or a poor ono. This is nol lbs Question the iioonle desire to have an swered just now. The popular query is. "w but is his policy? what eourne will he pursuo if elected T" To this query tho (ieneral gives llio emphatic reply in his letter of acceptance, "1 will have no policy of my own." Show your hands! There bo those who shullle and vacillate between Radicalism and aey. This is no timo for such indecision. Face the music and let us know where yon aro. Stand up, like men, and speak out. The people aro in earnest in thoir do mana fur a rhnnpe and they will have no 'fow-boya"' bvlwevn tfien, nd their cnemiM. tnh. . !...! 1 . i .n. I I. 11 1 1.. i .i il -.. Rl"l I- IH ' t i. i 1 1 . i. . , ,.-,. .... t W ill, 11. .u., nr....H"t 1 r.I. i 1 . .. l..i I.r-I g I,. . I ..n-wii-mi ? ,. riiiii. 01. ifl lit' tlitl't.4. RII.I !'t"l ,. h I-. Ir . nt Rfc.l.t thr I'd . !.-l - It' . X. A ...I l'l,.l l. 1 1..." r. H Pwot ) r. ' i m !:! R fi--t ln...l; I...I in In 1. . ' III.! fl.Mttlll "I Rit't.l lilt ihkii .ill, II n l.itl.r ft gmil ; it tr Mil V't to n. 4. I "f W rvioi-ttil..-14'.l Rlirn in lite hu.l of II. Pl.ili.Mi. . lint Wri ! Wr!: W.HII!! Inl Im. In tfl.'M ; Rn.l Ik.r gt.Al tin t Ix-i'tl 111 rftVRrto oottoli. can Rn.l mul-i. I. II. w he h.. ceine out of the conflict itb niRtiT tiling he Iiri! tRki-n in; ftn4 thftl hi hlttotl vrus but K'ilt, 1ml hi oournge Sot stated. S. AnJ he oneufd hie month, anl ke, an.l Raid MWhj are tliete thlnr thnt Vrril.v, vorlly, xruat ar the m.vitrrii-B of naetinM. 7. "For I w and do perceive, that tven in thif wil'lernef, the Cop, reenemlwr our war Rotr whii-h w lung in tht da.vt of Abraham and hava not forgotten that we mobbed and llnpritonrd thelu, for luch opiniona aa we now havo. S. "And in thrir wirkeilnert Ihejr wag their neRdu and rail upon n, Rating 'There goea he who waa dead and il alive again; who waa lott and il found.' 9. "Them: thing trouble nieaorrly, brother .lohn the Fulford ; and are bitter in my bowel. Yea, they chaatruvlh wy apirit wlthiu me, for hypocriry aickene rue Rnd deceit I dt'pic." 10. And John the Fulfvrd rnonrd with hi brother aa they journeyed, and told him there thought were the loobing of conRcienoe, the tempting of ttie wicked one, and he rebuked biiu. 11. And 1'btladotphiUR rehired to be comforted, and told John that a greater than nr. bad rebuked Balaam, when be went toWRrd Moab to prophecy liel unto tbe Lord' people. 12. And Tuoiuaa, tho young dire.ij.1e, heard thene thing and marveled greatly ; and ho trcaured in hn mind what he had heard In the City of the Copi.; how that John hail fled to the Cily of Kef. uge, eren unto Watcrford, when war wai abroad in the laud. 1.1. And he much doubted the rtory abroad in the land of John'i flight to the City of ltefuire ; for ha well knew in the reign of Abraham, that John'i loyalty waxed warm, and that bi cry, day and night, had been War! Win!! WAR!!! 14. And Thoiua waa troubled in spirit about theae thing, and aiked John if the fRithful alway preached one diing, and praetiood another. 15. And John the Fultord anrwored and mid : Thomaa, Thomaa, be not doubting, but bclicrc. Il il hard to kick agaiuat the prick. " 16. Then ThoinaR anwcrrd, and aaid : "Thou knoweat what I see and bear I mult believe. Ilidrt tbou, in thy oountry'l extremity, flee to the City of Itefuge f 17. And John Mia Fulford cried with loud voice, "O! tlion of little faith l Jt il not given onto babul and luckliug to undcrrtand the beao liel of uglim-af. IS. And they jourueyed on toward Jordan. Beptember 12, 1SGS. Mlurnxlde t'orrtupondmte. Vkh HIKVII.I.R, Septcml'cr 12, 1M1R. Eiiitob Hrri BLlrAR : 1 notice l.y the lRt Dum ber of the Journal, tliRt a writer from Uiil plaor give, a gl..wing account of the Kailical meeting a.ldrcRRod here l.y three reboot boyi, in Rene and manner, but looking rather old, named Carry. Murray and Foolfurd. hMppened to lie preaent. Il waa a wouderful aarrml.lagc for old loy al Ilurn- lida. Tbuat three Know Nothing organiaed tha meeting by the election of an unnaluraliled fto aigner a Prcf ident, and the halanec of Die ofliorrr think tbrmtclvtw no better than niggera. There war but liilccn 'ioyRl" men and five llemocral on the ground. The writer in tbe Jourwtl think thii meeting tire moRt rerpeetal.h- ever held in the townahip, and that the llepublieanl of Ruriuidr are wide awake. I am lure their conduct wa not tery rrrpeetal.le, and I thought they looked very lleepy ; and I know they bav g.,t the laet vote out of ana. 1 am in favor of whit men ruling thii ooontrr. Your. A. B. C, Jirtl. Ia CorwriwrUl, ok tb 11th daj of pLptrmWr, MM, Mr. 8 ALLY, rcllt or Tkaac Ht.ooi, Otx i., ftgi-d K3 rear ud S montbtu In !'ikr twnhij., oa tba 14th Any of 8bi. bfr, lfH, Mra. SALLY, atfr of Itrsjaaia Uvouu, at-l 7i jeara, 10 tnuulli and 24 day. In liiwrmoe towni-liip, on lliu 14th Any of Ffp-Irrul-or, 18CS, Mn. fcALLY, mfcof Jon 8haw, nfi 7i year anj 9 month. iti$rfUanrou5. SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OI TBI Clearfield Co. Agricultural Society. tt)MiliTl:i: AT i.ak; Chairman U. 11. UUOlif KI.LIIW. fti-orge tiulo h, Wm. T. Wilaon, Wm. T. Arhrvvcr, Alirabam 11. Iloyt, Zrnat L. Oftdrn, I. rrc Hlonm, h.'lo'rt Torter, II. R. Iian.rla, Ph. Kp II Heiiey, II. C pbaffner, Wm. I.. Mi aw, L. 1. Irwin, Land Jiiirk, 1 homal 11.1'lierRon, T. J. Crraitter, MrR. Jerome Hi.hiuRon, " A. A. Head, " JoM-ph URctm, Min .Irhc H.Kiver, " M.Ir.m. Magfie Iteed. " Mary K. Kl.-gal, " larv A. lliahel, " Ada lt..hi,,R. t'OMHITTKR OK ARK tM.l:Hl;T, ChRirmRB JOHN MrttAl OHKY. W. W . Worrall. Joarph II. lln.wu, V. anion, K. K. r-hirry, K. J. Hhaffner, 11. W. Jordan, Hevilien Mrl'neraon, K. T. I'Rlion, Jnacpb OweliR, li. U. lullcrton, r.ira Ale, Charlci Hlewart, jRn.ea II. Irwiq, C. 1.. Barrett, N. L. llolnni, Jarne A. Moore, H. H. Irwin, W. I.. Amu, Jamcf Mitchell, .lame L. LeRi-y, .lo-pk l.Rrr.mcr, lt.,Wrt A. Mitchell, Wm. InVCullough, Rn., Mra. 11. II. RRrrelt, H. J. K..w. 0. B. Oimdlander, " Jam,- Forreal, B'rrv. J, B. McKnallr, J. P. Il.irchlteid, C. I. W alaon, " J. H. Fallor.l, " II. V. Kuweiler, O. W. Cnrdcr, " Haniel Slcwart, Itohcrl KlrgRJ, " K. It. ShRW, " Matlhrw Head, J B. SIirw, Mial Mary A. Irwin, M I'Rnnie .lordRn, Kliea Mitchell, " Klua Head, ll.nriclla reusra, " Amelia Lmrrimer, Mrrihal Z. C. M .Ciilliinch. t'wiKr or rot.ireWilitam L. Hiahel. t.RTR KasraRR tleorge W. tarter, John C. Bead, Theodora I'. IV. ,)... rrplll tr a..'.lMl.HK ( w.l.iuirra la l uur i cara. Patronize the Best I nAVlNtl tha latfri-tt ftupiial, noi-t ripfrifB-tt-A burcra, aaa trada of anj ouiicrrn In Ihr luilar 8ale hunnri, wa GUARANTEE SATISFACTION la Tfry tntnnra, and alao tha vair mUcUod f Uoodf fvar nOrred at ONE DOLLAR EACH. No ottisr fonfrTtt )im any nhow hraTr otr Arrntr ara pttirx nr tn'tt-, "I'rompl nd IteiitUle." Mkla and fftaal gnni$ aoUd to citj aad THF, LAD1F.S Ara rtirlarlT rt'ior't'd to try out f-opaar rluh fyptfta ol twlliBt alt kind of try and Furry (4odr, lireft rlliTn, Cotton Clolh, ( rnitow. Ktlrrr Vri OoorU, Walrhfi, ir. KFtaliliohtd in lfA4 ) A pufptit ftm Inantnin and a rtirk . dewnhnff aa rlifl to t pold for a dollar. W frnt ; M f'T $3 ; 4 for 4 I for A ; l0 (hr ifnt hy iti ail. Frta ttrprnt to rrttrrnp. I (worth fwr rant mora than tbope trnt by an) other annncrn.) hi fit of rlnb. hDd bp a trial elub, or If not, do art Jail to arnd for cirr-aUr. N. H. Onr kwrlry nhnnld hot h eUttrd 1th Naw Yurk d- llar jtwtlry palaa er hirni "lea CunpaaMaf at it t nmhinf of lha ion EASTMAN 4 K KM) ALU, aujtll ly lp ti Uaoovtr Su, Honi'n, Mm! Valuable Town Properly KOK S A L K ! JTFATE no Ih Poutli arl wniPmf Chirry mwi Iti'rd Strwt, (t-rina Halnad atwt'i t wit: A LOT. wilh a food two-ntry plank Mild- in ft tlirrin, .IS by IR fw't, one m-na on t-h a-or, an.tar lr f.r a t..n. or olhrr luimr.r. AIo.the adioinme l.HT, with a two fRt-rv d1ng h4i thrrma, and vm-rval othfr "J'tH N 1,TS. Al,, a of wM kmt HR( K, and a d aafiortmnt of KitiN t. V Ah K. fh Cn-, Jm:, Jara, Frait ('ana. ale, al r-hlurfl friii t nr furthiH information, inninr at the f?e - wan Hottery o J, i,LITlNt,H. T i p C pocM, O'ltvinu v v li. itiMitun noNMM'.IXKW STOCK! v a t y " FOREIGN 4 POMi;ST10 GOOPS. MfM.IN-v liHMMH (llllt low Al.l'ACA at nl sl St mr'iI ion N-nantnin rrhnl ion el!al ion pri.'i rii". .riee ,T .nc lltM pliceav priceRi prioea .lil recfive.l at JulisSt dlVO! AM Sentinn Snrst mo Senaation Sonastion Seinsslion C1IIMZ mis is Ifil.OVM C1UVATS at uosstir ,s SHAWLS at Hi IN S K I S at SdnRMtiou priooa Sensation j.ricea OU.OHK.D) MUSHN.S I at Senntion prioc All to be bad at MOSSOrs l.INEN at CKASII at Ct'ltTAINS at TAMbK CLOTHS at FHINUE at SetimitioD Kenastion pncei priceiR price prioof price ipj' KenRSlion rVnaalioo Sensation nt MtlSSOlXS I.ACE at HOSIERY at RlltlMiSS at TltlMMINQSI ol all kinda 4 I at' in anr nusn'lr I Renastinn prieea Senas I ion prieea Sensation prieea Sensation price Aiwanon nana at MUSSUl's . pricei prices prirwR pricei prieea prie'di al MOIViOI'V. CLOTHING men as Coati, Pants, Volt, Unilw Shirts, Flannel KhirU, lioots, Shows, Haia and Caps. at aeusalion price Now; for sale at UOSSOI'S', H A K D W A R K 1 such aa SswB.nails at sensation prices at no.sss'.or at sensation pricer at sensation prioea at MOSSOPS'. at sensalioo prices Forks, Knives, Spikei, llitigoa, LIQUORS, luch as Wino, Brandy, U i n, W b iskejr, Cognac, etc., etc., FRUITS, nuch as Prunes, liaiains, Figa, Filberli, Ao. GROCERIES, sayl r lour, Kim, Slioulilen, Sutar, MolaaR(, Cotlee, Tea, C r a o k e rt, ripioea. Candle., Coal Oil, etc, etc. Aliisr" at MOSSOr-S', HLAI.lil.NU at sennation prices ROCKS at Rental ion prioea I'OWliER at senastion prices siHOT at senaation jirices LEAD ut sensation pricei CATS at seiiRntion jirices At the Rtoro of K1UUAUU MOSSOi'. AlwRVi keepa on band a full assortment of all kinda of poods required lor the accommodation ot llie put. lie. July J, 1P7 saoiud iioiii AMI 0(7 saisjn ajxvni Kcnnod, IIIatlcnborRrr & Co., (Ftiewnort to liawrhe, Whit A Co..) WRtiLKKAtK MRTAIL Pf ALRRt IV GENERAL MERCHANDISE IIRCCOIl, P A., "I) ESPKCTFI LLV Icvll. aa aiaminatloa of 1 a inrtr larra lloea ol aeaaonable aoorta, pnr. rHRrd for rRh, Rnd aellinf at OKKATLY KKIilCED IklCBS. WE DEFY COMPETITION. Wt tell twttar Oaodi al lowar raUt than any athar hoaaa la tba county. THE KEASOX WHY. Beeaaie wa day for eaih and tiny eloia, and ara thai enabled to give our euitomeri and pntroni tba baneftt of the a-rentcr portion of of th. protu Ibcy hava kilherto bean pay iaf and DecaaRa wa aetl mora roodi thaa any ather lionlR in Clearfield county. Onr ftoek aoaiiitj af Dry CiiootN, Carocrrlos. QneenRWRrR, Hardware, Wood Rnd Willow Ware, Buota and Shoe, Hat. Tapi, Clothing, Furnt U.ra. C'arpeU and Oil Cloth, Provisions of all kinds, Feed, dec. Dress Goods for Ladies, of aeery etyte. PRESS (joni)S FOIt CHILDREN, la neat and taitelul dRiigna. DRESS GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN", la variety. BEAUT. VAPR CI.OTHIVrt al rreatly redoerd priceR. oraen taken tor auiu or Clothing, bempioi to aeleet from alwayi oa hand. NOTIONS. Prom oar larjra atik of NOTIONS, arwry want tn that line eao ba fopplioJ, evarj del Ira g ratified. (.ROdRlES AD PROVISIONS. Pararaof etry rral Fyrupi of arary qoalify. fraarrfd Fruiu and Jllica. Tomatia and Piarba. Hufnr Curd llama. F huldpr and Pi.Ua. MrtM I'-rk, Mau Drid H.f-f. Rhad, Mackarcl, Codtiph. Itnond Hirricj. I.aka Trout Kitra Flour, Corn Uoal and flnrkwhrat Meal. Cath Paid lor t ouutry rroditre. Building and other Hardware. To nli for Tarprnlara and athara. Pfrt I-onl.W and Stnjtlf Hit A if a. Pirki, Koei and Cordaga Uraihaa. Mill Fmdinga. 'i gnm nn 1 Toba coo. Pineat brandt of Cipara. Chawirit nd Pm -kinr Tokaaca. Tha Calibrated Mirhiran Finv Cut in Hulk. jf-fOonntry trrbantf anppliad on at fair I arm i aa ran b bad ta tba Eaaiem elica. Ooodf ardarrd for ear eurtomr-ri and tat Ufartion gnarantead- To buy to aara, tn buy to flaaaaf To buy to enako. to buy with taaa, To hny at all, aa all ami do, Ta tha cheap eaab atora all aboutd fn, PFNNFTT, FiLATTEMtKKt.hR A CO. Otreola Willi, May U, Hf,n t( C. KR.ATZER &, SON, M E li C il A N T S , rriLana la Drj Ooodg, Clotliinp, Hardware, CotUry, Qaeesiware. Oroeenoa, MTtiioai aa i PhiRflca, Clrarrird, Prnn'a. VAt tha old itand on Front Rtreet, rVotr AcRiiRRne. Mr. U.'l If Democratic Almanac. 1MWH iiivKvtnnMf pnMiration la for aalr at tha .nat nftir". It htil,i Kr in thr handa ot rvvry l'-mrTt(t. Il C'ntain fall rlroiinn rwtnma fn-ia firry wmnlT in tha 1 ottrd Htaf.'H: h-'aidra, thr ntttnlvar fnr isAtt (Ntntatn a coinplr' hH of thr nino of ill i h nrrfiairr ntiirrt ani mnM.tit I darfnf l.iniln'a .ilTiiiniatrfton : ard iht fur I Mi imiiri,nril ,irin- h aama if.rir.a. Th. w two , i,.,- f-M .n,ih i ,K(, .lHhUrtr.n. Tha nomlwr 1. Iffifl ( B, , M tft )h, j,. Mw mti ..iv Ht warn j -u tm,n r. Trarof t.nta. I r?,vtf L. V 9rnA 1 n nf TIw Nnf C A LaigO LOl OI I lj IICIS j A 'lane llanea, llnree ( ullara, t.irtha, tun m raiuainr (rtaimifR. Anr one arti'lttiir j J hareiac'ee and had'liery llarwara. Jait received ani lpr aale by Ua irm of CASS1MKHES at NeDsnlion K ATT IN ETS at Siuaation TWKKDS hi Konaation JKANS at Vnsulion VKsriNOS at Konaalion SU1UTINGS at Sensation Put O.i'fiU. C'.tcifiiry fir. Spring Goods I Spring Goods I Spring Goods I ST TWI K laYNTO X V. iSTO II I . Hnjrr aof Praia Ooodi, Triamingi, Knliom, Hoilrry, fllovel, Fancy Ooo.ll, Carpel. Oil Clollii, Window 8hadai, Wall TapRr, CRrpt Chainl, Toilet Quill, rmhrellai, Paraioll PhoeR, lie., tr., As., ara Invll'd lo eiamlu TUB MOST COMPLKTK STOCK EvRr nronght to thii market. WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION! j4rCaih buyers will And rare IndueamRnta, KIVLIXO & SHOWKRS. Claarleld, April S, ISSS-lf FALL GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. TIT Chestnut Ml reel, PHILADELPHIA, Have the moat complete and Elc?anl Stock of Fall Goods, they hava ever offered. SUPERB Silk nnd Wool POPLIXS. SUPERB ALL WOOL DO. VERY IilCII PLAID DO. SERGES and DIARETTS. MOHAIRS and POPLIN ETTS. With mi extennire a norttnriit of Mourning Goods. RICKEY, S1IAEP & CO., 727 t'heatuut turret, T'0 PIIILALPIIIA. t57-y yhUaflflphia (Tards. JOHN M. MELLOY, tfArn'racTraea or Fkifl, Japanned & Stamped Tinware AID DffaLKR 11 llonac FuraUtiliij; fiooila. Tin Roofing; and C'ondurtor IMpea. No. 123 Markid Ftrect, nett 1y PIIILAIiKI.I'HIA. REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manuraeturara of and Wholeaala Dealer, ia MEN AXD BOYS' CLOTHING, tit Market 4t 410 Merchant Mrcct, angfer rillLAPEI.riHA, Pa. 1868 s p rjn q . 18G8 JAMES, KENT, S1NTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, No. J3S, J". I i 241 N. Tlitrd St I'UILAI'LLFHIA. Wa are now pnfiarrd with attr aaaal rxtrntTa and Wfll apufid t(ck to offer extra iudurrmrnta to CASH 111 V KItrt. aprll-tf STRETCH, BENNETT k Co., (butvfapors to lVtr T. W'nirht A Co., l-triMr:na nr Atn Tri rtta DRUGS AXD MEDICINES, Al.RO. Brandies i Wines for Medical purposes. Ko. Market Philad'a. BENSON, CAMPBELL &. Co., Ko, IT K. Fifth Ft. and 421 Comaierea, rnn.ADELrniA, pa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, roa tkb iali or Wool, flinenr. Far Fkint, Feethire, Leather, Ha i eed. Dried Pniita, Cinver Seed. Itoota, Deer Skina. Ft utter, Keeawax, hbeep CONSIGN AI EN TS SOLICITED. Weekly Priea entrant forwarded on rerjacit. Jun. II, IStlg-tf. (? durat iounl. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. fTMlH Firat Term, of twenlv-two weeVa, will 1 eontairnoe on Monday, AumiRt M, I S6l. TEIIMS OK TI ITIUN. Iteadinir. ftrthogrRpby, W'ritinn, Oliject Lei Rona," Primary Arithmelic and Primary Ueography, per half term, (.if eleven wetkl.) 5 SO lliatorv, ltral and drRoriplire tleopraphy with Map Iirawlng, tiramiuRr, IdcnlRl and Written Arithmetic Alpehra and the P-lcnce For full pRHirolRre Rend for CircnlRr. rieartirld, Ancuil , lSf.-Sra. bt t 00 Clearfield Jcademy. Rct. P I. HASRIS0N. A M-.Trinciral rpilK FIRST ef the rrit erho. la "tip yarof vhia lnntituiina will romirence on MO hAV, the lh day of SeplenriHr, IHrtS. Ti la ran enter at any time. They will be f harajf d with taitlnn frnia the time tbey enter to tht fluae of the Spfpion. The eoqre of inatrnrtloa ewbrarei every thlnf Inrluilrd in a thorough, prartiral and aceoia plfrhed erfn.'ation for bulht-exri, The Prinripat, having had tha ad rati tape of morn experience tn hie prMinn, anrra pa re Ma and guard an that hia entire ability and enir(iee will be devoted to the ninrel and men tal training nf the Touth plaerrl nr1trhis charge, H HMh OK II ITIOM. Orthography, Kradinfr, Uritinj. and Primary Ariibneiir, per &eamn ( 1 1 week) - $i 00 Grammar, Getigraphy, Ariihnietirt and HlMorj 00 Algebra, OenwelTT, Tnroaometry, Men- nratioa, Sarveytag, I'tiiloaupby, Phiai oiftpy. Chf laiMry, HiKk Keetiita;, Botany and Phyniral Uenftraphy - . $9 00 latia, t.reek and Irvneh, with an; of the above llranrfcea ... $11 00 jlrtv-No di durtion will he wtade for aharnee. Fir ftirtkrr perliftira inn're of Rev. P. L, HAKIUtfdiS, A. M., Clearfield, febu n, 1 nflS tf. Printfpal. Boalsburg Academy. IVralfchnrc Outre ( nnnty, Prnira. r!U: F A 1.1 TKHM of Ihia invtiiniinn (nnw 1 in a fl'torifhirtr ronditmn, will brim n MoMMY. Al ) lT .I, ard cmtlnweriphi week a 11 oth male and limnlfl pupil nwirnl. lialwtiiirt' ia rra in-d hy Hair frtna Hrlh-ftinte, Sjirn'-r I'ftik and MitmT, TI 11 lo.NKrnm f .i to $7 per terat. Itoardiof in pt irate familira at trota t?.2h to $3. Mi "T w. k. A N'ollMAl. CI. APS will br fhrme-l. For fnriiifr informaijcn aditrre? thr Prit.",pa. t. w. 1,1 imii:ii. jTlft-lfarpd (fVroirrly of Markieville, Perry Co.) A Full Slock 0F RPAl.K'V faif aal HIIRIiriArlllv,', k,la hf 0. JL Zr.1UI.KH A CO , M. V. Oii.'ilum A foils' Cn'iutin. iA CHANGE ' ; J.RdHAlI.VM&SOaNS, VAHK1.T SIHhIT, t'LEA RFI l'.Ll, Pa. MMIK fuhierlban baeing Blrd Into partner-J- ihlp for tha 'purna of carrying oa lb bulni of MerohRndiiing, Bow l&ct A iwood And ran opportunity to tba clllnni of Clear Held and adjoining eottntiel to tuy Rtore gooda at wbolaRRli or ratail prieei, that will aitonith tha unlnitructed. Their good will be partieu. arly aaiacted to olt till market. Krry lady will, tbarefora, call tba attentloa of her IIiisImiimI To fact, bananas thii branch of onr botinaan will raociTs apeeial attention, and everything needed In a well regulated houachold will at all timea ba found inour a tore. Our atock of IltY Ci(MIH ahall not ba aurpaased, either in qual ity or price, and will embrace, in part, Print of every style, UmghaaiB and Lawn a of every quality, Mualini of every grade, le Lainea adapted to th a Utea of the old and young ; an d every article of any kind of goodi they tell ii ii uaraiilred Ta ba aa renraaentad. and warranted to ive aat- irfaetion. A to IIRi:i(M)lH-we have a aplended aajoiiment of Alpacae, black, white, and in colore: ricare. Eilki, and in abort all tha ntwest itvlei in the warkeU Wa dtiire thU fast to become knowa To Every Pereon man, woaan, child, physician, me ehaale. farmer, lawyer, barber, woman 's-rlghle man or auy otherman In tbe county Young Or old, ricn or poor, high or tow, who'will favor ai with a call. With our new and extenii7e tock any genllfineu eao pleaaa the moat faa- tidioai TjtidAv9 By jaat dropping In and getting a nice, dren pattern, laea Rett, kid gloeeR or by doing that which ii better: give her a well-filed pone. and lha will B nd good and peyin( inTartraenU in ainbroiderlca, edging, ribboni, glorel, hoii.ry, or any elbar honaebold necenitiei. Ami In ad.lilioa to wkal wa hare alrealy ennmera- ted. wa keep all klndi of CiKM I.EM EVt W i:AK nich aa Clolhi, Caiiimerea, Ealinatti, IliU, BooU and Shoei, Ac, kelidel, A Xlee of Made op C I.OTIII KG for Hen and Boy a, uanafaetarei oat af tba eery beat material, which wa will eel! for eaab or eichRDge for eoantry prodoee at price, which will aatoaieh botb huband and Wife Wa ara wow largely eniTReid ia buying and arlling ll'AIt!: T1MB1.K and nanafae- tared LVMBER, and will glra thii hranrh of bnilneai ipetial attention, aad make it aa object To Kvcry One wbohai Lnniber to aall to deal with a a. W. ihall alao keep eoaitaatly oa hand a-Rneral aaiortntent of ORtIC I'.Rl K1 and ! II A HDVV A It I', which wa will a.U at eaeeed t Ingly low prioei. Wa alao keep a full asmrt ! ment af 4 Ml-: SIVY Altai. Thii department will ba kept fall aad complete, and ar.rjr Young Man Or maidew who Malemplatoi bonackeeplng. will And It adrantageoaa to oome and trada with ua Wa ara ao aitaatrd, aad, from long experience in lha baiiaeaa, lo wall acquainted with tha want, and weoetiiiiea af thii commuaity, that wa feci atii6ed if erery man and woman lu Clrnrfirlri C'oiuit.v nakea It pMnt la buy thr jrooela from n, wt rn pleaae them both aa ta quality and price. Therefore, rotue nlong and boy your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Quoonsware, Hardware, HOOTS li SUCKS, MATS k CAPS, Ecaj-Made Clotliing, Aad Tarything yon need to r "ndcr yenrailrel and familiea comfortahle, front JAS. I'.. CHAHAM i SONS. anputf n.KARFIF.I.n. Ta. Farm and Shop for Sale. f pilK nn lrntmed offora fur aar M FA PM, ait f ntite 'Hut mi'lwny Mwroa ririrticl-.l and I uraenvrtllc. Containing Eiglity-Five Acres, Fif y-flve tvrinr tntpro. fd ard in a en d wtatc of culm al inn, wtth a ro'd dwrlllm hon anJ hnrti thereon, ivgi thr wiih 4St0 i'hie ln-armj fruit trrca ard over 2t)0 grape vince, nearly all Cin coril. Al". The Two-Story Caircntcr Shop, On Third Street, near the railroad dopnt, in t'lear. field horonf h. Term! moderate and I'oaarRRton , aii-en Rt aiT tiB,, Call in perenn. or Rd.lreaa, at K'leRrei-ld. 1'R, Obl'lWK IllOlvN, ' "rel. Jute H If SOViLIHINo NhVlNMUWS FOW, M EHCH ANT TAILORS Vn, lit ttn l. I Ii Rl IH lit. nil i it . , . n, 1 II '1 I w R'l .a Mir ' H. . ' Ol " "' "I 'h ! le-, a l,at ii a jy.t telureed troia th. RR.MrH eitl1, with a lars. Rorii.l ,( Cloth, CaHKimow, Vertiiip;", P-r Rtrr, and all hladi of O oJi and ho.' wear. Rre ti. w prepatad lo Itiak. R lo orHet t l.'iTIIINH, rr"R R'tijla arlirl. to a foil foil. In th. latrat ltle R" "" w.'rli hiroI R R tanner, apeeial all-nllf slR to e.t m w..rk end eotlinj onl f-.r men and I., j We ofler ureal hRtullll lo rti ii.-tni-tl, oi a-rart en'.ira RRli,farti..n. A lil'trl iliare ff rl'' pRlionR.-R I to'.iritcl. Call nd our foil. M. A. Kit Mi 1JJ K. It. I, Mtt'.)MrS1 ji. i: I iV; K MERCHANT TAILOR, (Ktorc on. door eaat of Clearfield ll.tuae,) Market fatrett, C"lerflelrf, fK KFFPS on hand a foil a'trtmenta of flnt"' Fiirniabire tlooda, uch a Miirtti, I.U.t D and Woolen I nderbirn, Diawera ai.d Sorka, Nerk tie, pofket llaodkerehiera, O'orn, Hat.. DmhrellRR, A'., in g"" ariety. Of 1'ioee liooda ha keep! tha Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Pueh ai Blaek Doeikin of the T.ry mnke; Fancy Caiiimere, in great fariety, alao, Prea h Coelint;. llearar, Pilot. Chinchilla, and Pnoolt OTercoRtiiij. All of which will heiold eheap for Cah, and utada up aceording to lha latail Itylei by RxpRrienced workmen. Alio, Auent for Cleardold eoonty for I. M. Sinror A Co'i. nelehrated Sewing MBi-hinei. No.I, U.lf. H UKIUOE. urnUnrf. V I K A H K I K 1- 1 FURNITURE ROOMS. Market b trot I, east of iurlb. THOl'TMAX, I'poprictar. THE eubaertbtr ber lnre lo eill the a tie a tion of tba eiliaeaa of Clearacld and aur. ruundinf eoantry to tbe fact that be ia now prepared to furaiab, on abort notice. Cabinetware of all Styles & Patterns Suited for either Parlor. Dintnr or Bed rooini, by lha aiale article, or in eta to aait rur- chaaera; JI u re ana, hofaa, Lwapfa. Fiat rackf, Tabiea, Ktanda, Ac, Ao. I alao manufacture CHAIRS I SETTEES BELOW CITY PRICES, ConelKtine; of Parlor, Dininr-room, Cano, Hocking and other Chaire, Which I propoee to warrant aad eell eheaper thaa can be porchaaed elpewbtre. Jaat try me. ItlULAJiAiS. Clearfield, Feb. 27, 18T tf CHEAP FURNITURE JOHN GULICII DT.MRES to inform bu old frienda and mi ton era, that having eniaired bie ebop and increaead hie facilitiea fur manuierturiiiir. be ii now prepared to make to order anh Furniture aa may be deaired, in (rood atyle and at ebeap re tea forCAtiii. lie generally baa oa band, at hia Furniture room a, a varied araorttnrnt of ready made fursiture, among which ere BUREAUS AND SIDK-BOARDS. Wardrubea and Book-Caaea; Centre, Fofa, Parlor, Ureakfaat and fining Eitenaion Tabiea; Com. moo, Freneb-poat,CotUfre,Jenny-Lind and other Beditcadi; 6ofa f all kind, Work-atanda, Hal-rack a, Waab-atanda; Hocking and Arm Chaira ; aprinar-f eat, cane bottom, par!or, com mon and other Cbaira ; Looking-Qlaeaar of every deerriptioa aa haad ; and new glaaaae fur aid framaa, which will ba put in aa very reasonable term i on abortoet notice. He also keepi on hand or farni'bee to order, Corn butk, Hair and Cot toa-top Maitraaaea. Copfins of Evert Kind Made to order, and funerale attended with a Hearea whenever dceired. Alee, Hmiae Painting done to order. Tbe lubaeribrr alee mannfae tnrea, ard hae eonruntly on hand, Clement'i Pauat Waahing Maebina, the beat bow ia ae ! Thoae niing thii marhiae never need ba with out oleaa el(bea! llealaobaa Flyer 'a Patent Charn, a eapertor article. A family naicg thii Churn never need bo without butter 1 All tbe above and many other article! are far n tubed to coat om era cheap lor Caib or exebanpred for approved country produce. Cherry. Maple, Poplar, Lin wood and oiler Lomber auitable for Cabinet work, taken in x change for furniture VRrmember tbe ihop U oo Marker etreet, Clearfield, Pa and noarly oppoHte tbe'Old Jaw Store." JuHN UULICU. November 2ft, 1S5 f NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP THlRli 6TRELT, CLEAliFILa 1 TI K anbecrl bm reepeetf n II y in fonO a b if friend a and the pnhlte in general, that he hae local ted in tba borough of CLEAKHKLD, in tha hop recently occupied by Jacob ISlmnkweiler, where he le now ready to perform all du'iti toward hia oactomera in a workmanlike manner. Sleda, Sleighi, Dugctea and Wagoqa ironed, and Uoraa-ahoeing done at rra-natle ratea. He revpeetfaMy aiki a ehare of vmrh from the pvhlic, aa he Inlendi to giro hia whole attention te tha bntlneaa. THOMAS RILEY. March If. nr.. KENNARDjt WATERS. New Blacksmithing Establishment. FKCoxn ft.. n.rARFiri.p, r. rnK nnderalrned be, to Inform the inhRhlt f anti of Clearfleld and eurroundin, net,h horhnod, thit ther haea eommeneed hnatneaa ia the abore line, where, hy itrtct attention ta alt work entraalrd to them, thee hope to merit a hereof pnt.lie petronRe. llOr.PB FI10FISU ea th, not irrror.d print. I'lea, for either fatt or woraicr horaaa. Uoriei that interfere, eao ba eotiretv prereoted. ALL KIMtS or FAW.WILL WOKK, En. ,lne wirk and 'leawt rioilerR retired. Sli nrrr' tooli Rnd all kind, of terl tool made of the ben material aad on the ahortert notiea. roit-kola augure, fur boord fencin,. RrVAH work dona br m li wnrranted to (ir, atiRtactioa, or no charge wilt he wiade. AMH8 kKNNARn. arre-fm JAMKS KAIWIld. Boggs Township Awake I GHEAT FXi'ITF.MENT AT THOMAS REKKS'S!! IVEtlTTlQPY trylnj to e.t there Ural, for fear J of heme; ernwilrd out into tha eold. 11 too want ,nod Shoeinr d.tne, to to Hrrna, If rear Slei iiuned rifrht. goto Hrrkr. 1( ro want ,ood Mill Inmi. fo to Lirrr. If too WRnt T,.ur w,.n ironed in thihcit rtTle end workmRn.hip. ro to IleeaR. 1RR enal..i the brat klump JtRrhlne in the Stele, anddnea all kind of l:L AC K.-M I TH I Nil a eheap a ena be dune in the eoant, for t'a.b, I'oit tlftre addreu l CleRrfleld Bndre. 11IUMA4 IlhLl.i. PopRi Tp, Pee. Ill, lSt;-tf. BANKERS, No. 35 S. Third Street, rhUadelrihia, UEXERAL AlikNTS roa ni National Life Insurance Co. or ran I'XITEn STATES OF AMEKIOA, r a rat Slatranf IViin Mania and Houlliern !trw Jet-wry, 'pnK N" ATInN Al I.1TK IN.! IUM K POM X PAN l i a eorporalK.n rhRrtrrrd t.T Swiat Ait of t'oneTa, approved Jul., Si. IN'., with a Cask Capital of One Million Dollars, And il now thorol:!j crjjn and preparrdfT lio.lnraa. I.ihrral trrmi offirrd to A(tnitR and S dirilorR, who are in -iied to apply at our oftee. Full parliculRr, t he ha.l on appliralion at onr oB,-e, h-Rlrd on thr Rrrond MotT t.r onr PRi.kli., Ilnu.e, where Cirenlara and 1'ami l.lrt.. ftilli dc aerihin, the adranu,, ottered tT the l -iri.Rni, irv I had. Apitiratinna for Tenlral and Wrem PrnnaTl rania lo be made to U. f. LlrSKl.L, M.neitrr, Towanda. Pr. n w. r i.auk co Va. 3S Rmtitrl Thlrrl trfrt, anj;:i.l HHil.AIEl.l'IIIA. Pa. I T the liKMUI RATlC ALMANAC. Onl I