IH RKPUniJCAN. -TAY:::::::::n:S'Itombr HltM. rs. Gralinm 1 Sons iuMith an ant entire in imr 4tilvertm,iit; (u!uuins. Hubert o flora a valuable Uouho I in LotherfSurff for wit. He Mviiiinv tnothfr column. is examination of w.hool teachers rmcv townhip will 1 hHd on tht Mil dny "tn tier next, nt the fohool limine mar .Tul .vill bo noticed by an advortino- i thii iieuo, that Mr. Irani, intends to dii- Inrg qnnntit j of ptr80Tml jiropertr nnd 'Id Ef(lH OU tiC l'Jtll. i. Stadi-eu, at tho Clearfield Tin- i at nil tiratn prepared tofuriiih everytbiug , with hid butinrsH, at vtry tvanonablp Ilii itock of candies Ac, now full aud . Advertisement next week. . Mossop will accept our thanks f the fincBt plums we over tasted, prown vunntj. One of them njeapurutl urr live n ciroutnfrrenoe. It i a pity thnt go little MMiom fruit ii raised In tb i count! iy Htand you thus amnxed V le.run ol your natural beauty with a huad 'rutting, unkempt hair! Go pnrchate a "liarrctt'i YcgotAule Hair Restorative. M ransform your hair into beautiful glottoy Nothing rOloacious baa ever been i the publio.i-iowU Couritr, iknfp. -Tho tirm of G. L. Keed ve ajraii. commenced the mercantile busi :ils place, at tlicir ipaclom roomi on 8oc , adjoiaing the reaideoee of Mr. Weaver. juet filled their roomi with new and le goods, luited fur this market, and in- old and m many new emtomen aa can mxenient to call upon them. Adrertiie ( wek. t School for Young Ladifs. id to report thii pchoul in a moat proi ilition. Miia Swan, tbo Principal, is a 'f one of the boot Mrhooli In oar State, .s at the head of her prufustiion ; and our not ihould arail themftolrcs of thii op- of acquiring a fint-claM education, cannot do better than entrust the eduea--roita of their daURhteri to her care. 'K. We have, within the past Mrweired quite a number of lcttern, com ns, reeolutiona, und proceeding! of nioet- rent lectlom of the county. ' We hope 1 will bear with ua. Like General Pope, juarteri are in the aid die, and will be i election. Were we to publish all the g of clubi, mctinfrs, Ac, Bent tia, we - compelled to Iswue two papen a week. - feedings and letters relating to politic i to us ai Chairman of the County tum- , we hope oar friends will continue (o w with thii view; but to publish them is We will continue to notice in brief im of club, and publish the nntneo of and their postofRce add rem, as fast at forward them. air. The officers of tho Ag- fciety thin wwk publish the names of - of the Committee at Large and Com Arranirement, and such other officers at ry for the propor control of the ap- Fair. Another rare ojiportunity is y of thur respective products and Everything looks now as though the iiiitiofi was to bo itiocetf above any if The officers are nrgrtic, and un tr business. The premiums offered to ;iutch Urgor than heretofore, wbuh of induce them to take a deop interest in nd future succesn of the Society be 'ss fure to add Inrgely to the intrr- izcnstand particularly to the farmers, - Society was mainly organized. .atic Mf.etjngr. It wflfl our " present at a Democrntic meeting at i, on Saturday afternoon, and one at "e evening. The gntbering at the wag tho brut "woods meeting (a a marked,) we ever attended anywhere i and we hare no doubt but that the funifested by the IVmocrats of Teea xttion will be felt in October. As it : meeting of the campaign, we frit timber! on tha. occasion. iH Osceola was held under the aus- lub, nnd from tho surroundings, w inclusinn that that Club wai under tho ladies. It is true, a large wig n erected for tho use of the Club, but vn hour came, the rough work put iilemen was rendered obscure by the i, mftttocs and transparencies, placed nide of the building by the l lies : i accordance with thoir wish, iVuined ; in the "lie II ire," Such BTjnarm ladies we never witnonsed in this e of the Court Jfoua. Besides, the fine brass band made u nearly say, i not go home 'till mnrning. '.ning on, we retreated, leaving Osre--n of the best Democrats, male and met. The speakers and Chairman mtnittce are tinder special obliga tthe, for the substantial eonsidcra n them pmvlous to their czit, It slay in Osrenla. tic Clciis. The Union roll. Tho Democrats in every uinty aeem to be vicing with each K (ow-bip will give the largrst VtoW eloction. ' nKftviM,B n.t'a. : names eonstttuM the officers of ;-d Jointly by the Democrats uf d C'arwensville, on Saturday last: i. J. l. Thompson. ''mm M. II loom. j "vretary B. 6. Broom. j nttee James Thompson, Isaac !iim hers, irwensvillc. Tuwxsmr cLta. i I'ean township hart organ lilair Club, and are now ready tociiljft in the good cause of S'nkin. The following named (be nfRTS of the Club : i T. Johii'un, IJ'ih Jidiiiwm, T. A. ilotnor. ; i. Clark. rMnry John II. Tlowlcs. mpian Hills. 1 Ton iiiip ri.i a. ?uoo have got aftr the loyal ownhip wifh a sharp stick. fnd nNn of h-'lf In '' ;etg pnwi.'S eonslitntr be f.ffi :' A Hl;Ur Club, oignni;'U Inst Conirnmil'-fiti -l. A CiiArr-rn im John iiik I'l i.nmn, who pke at New ahii.gtitf I'a Sj-U 1, W. 1. Ik ttnf dys ram .'"bil ihr rltV-rd. pre h irg tn the WiMernof Ihtnu. lf, and saiig: "IVpare ), for the day of :i-ti-n ! at h-'iid." 2. And be mine unto the CUy of tbe "C whMi itMnnrih New Wa-blngtvnt and all the .lift elplis of lln. hcrwho dwell In the City of the "Copi," wi tit out to hiiir the wipe snj ihsof .toltli, .1. Ther Jsmi-s, tlm beiibTwl the sii k t nd John, wh hn grown giey In the wrvice of the nK: and Jaiurs, the dicsn-r tf the hides; and Wusli., the prcpitn r of thu meat swriili-e. 4. Thosu four are all tbcdiceiplesol" llut-berwho dwell in t!io City of 'the "Copi-," cxevpl James, thee -lawgiver, who wan in a foreign I md, atti Tid ing to tbofe thin; that d"ih tippertain tu the law suit of tstmm-1. b. And there went out to hear him all the "Hadf" around and about Chest Crciik ; mid those persons were there who, in the dnysof Ahrnham the King, handed thcmselvoti togetlior and tnuiclud toward the City of tho "C'i pV f"' ue purpose of slaying John, the tiller of tho soil; nud Joseph, tho law giver; and llonry, the dealer in wiirtm. 6. When the multitude had asHeuibUd, John the Fulfjird arofe to his feet and criid In a lond voice : "Pciice! Track!! Let us have I'KACK ! ! !" 7. Aud the dineipleof Iiuihur marveled to hear John cry fPesMic !" when for tour years, during the reign of Ahrnham, they bad been taught to cry "War!" "Wah!!" "WAR ! I !" ii 1 thesuccoediug four yoars W cry "o jteuvo for traitors !" 8. And they asked: "llow can we now cry peace, when for four years we have been crying no peace?" 0. Then John answered them saying: "My be loved followerf, did yc not, in tho days of Abra ham, vote for a more vigorous prosecution of the war, and straightway thereafter journey to the City of Water ford and become exempt from the draft of Abraham ? 10. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the one is uo more inconsistent than the other;" whereupon they all cried, as with one voice, "Peace ! Peace ! 1 Peace !!!".. 11. And there went out to hear John, the ladies both of the ''Bade." and the "Cops and Julia sata in their presence: "The 'Cups, are no more " fit to fill the offices, than my dog la to carry guts to a bear, and "The 'Cops inuH hereafter su"k " the hind teat." 12. TbcMc things did Juhn say, and many more original, he fink n and witty cxpreegiuns of a like obaracter. 'T IS. Behold, on the morning of the second day many of tho "Cops." flocked unto John on the cor ners of the streets, anu ttivl him with arguments and facta,' and wound him so ooiupU'Uly up, that ha hastened away from the City of the "Cops. 14. And as he went, ho stretched out his arms and cried in a loud voice: "Ob! ye generation of vipers! (meaning tho Copperheads!) have I not preached unto you, and ys heeded me not. Gladly would I have taken you unto tho Radical fold, even as we do the negro, and ye would not. 15. Then the "Cops." said unto John : "Go thy way, John; aud when we wuut you, we will send for you." 16. In a cluud of brimstone smoke, John de parted. frELAII. . Knn Wasuinqto.-t, Pa., Fept. i, ISPS. A sharp tradesman out West, ad vcrtinvH to supply miniHtcrs with goods at cost, provtdc l they will aroo to mention the fact to their congrega tions 1 DEMOCRATIC MSS MEETIMS, SEYMOUR, BLAIR AND THE UNION AGAINST RADICAL DISUNIOINISTS. The friends of fre government, One currency, and an undivided Cnion : who are (mooted to Mack and white KadienlF.and excessive In xntlon, propose lo boiri a u rani yin-n Meeting at ClhAitMKLI), on Taesdiiy, tlu; 2Wth of September next. Emi nent speakers will be present on thai occasion, to discos the it-sues of the day. cVHPi;C NOTICI-Thf voters of the several ltftrmigh nnd town ships will bear in mind the fact that the Legiflntme Inst winter to changed the diction Inw for t h i county, that here after all bornuh and township oftiriTS tmi't be elected on the 2d Tnesday of Ortoher. Hence ft becomes the duty of the voters in this county to east abont for candidates to fill the liw-il nH1a of ihfr respective districts. In virw of this chsTia-e. mneratie CiMiiity ( oininitteo have ngrend, em it llieir uirty, to hold a putdic nweting in idt-ctinn diptriet, f-rr the purpura f nomina ustlpos, Cotistublea, Puiervnors, School ra, election off. ecru, and caiididiitas for sueh olhous as may r e nocessary to till at the ap hing election. The 'igilance Committees in district will ideaso give this matter their lal attention. Weetinirs will, therefore., be 'J at the following named place, in September : 'UttS, at K. Albert's, on Friday, the 1Kb. at RADFORD, at Witliamsgrove, on Friday, the nth, at 8 p. m. GRAHAM, at Urahamton, on Saturday,the 12th, at 2 p. m. MOKH1S, at Kylertown, on Faturdaj, the 12th, at 8 p. m. KNOX, at Jstw Millport, on Wednesday, Sept 16, n 2 p. tn. JOJtliAV at AnonvU!e, same dav, at 8 p. m. NiiW WAMUMtTON, on Thursday, Hept 17, at 1 p.m. Bl"RllK, at Irwin's, on Thursday, Sept. 17, at 8 p. m, BKLL, at McOhec's Mills, on Priday, Sept. 18, at 1 n. nu PKNN, at Pen n villa, same day, at A p. m. BHAT'V, at Lutbersburg, on Saturday! Kept. 19, at 2 p. m. VXIO.N, at Welty's School Jloaae, sama day, at j. m. BMM, at Holden's, same day, at fi p. tn. At leat two speakers will be present at each of these mwtfVir to address our fellow citizens upon the kwd of the diiy. The times and plswes for holding meetings lu other portions of the county will bo given next week. By order of the Pemoemtic Co. Committee. 0. B. 00 JUL AN 1K It, Chairman. Uarbrf. Clearfield Markets. Uoport.-'il wo kly furthf Ci.r.ARrirLp Hrpi-bmcak tjr J. P. K ratxkii, I)il-r in Dry Uimi.1., (tro prrir., Pri( ici.pn?. An., Mn'(.rt !.. CleiiilipM. Oil Kn.h Btruw, C. 1. Tul.b,(i. Mw. Maltlit w llinrv. i It. nry. .-tjiry--Ilrnal.M A tin .(rung. (ioorcj Slrnw, fl. E. i'n, J..lin T. Klrmr, V illinm i. Jiimr, Strnw. . i thi- PtTJI ldit, In.th Rixtc. ' rimirinan of tic Kicutivr r Oily. I .m Siilnrdsr, th. I5lh In.l., r Ilr..lj, wbert ll tho I to lttrn4. ll'f!., ilrt-Mt'd II i.l.'i, grwn II nnn ;:iru Minul.kTi...l.'.r.il 8iH- 18f I.srd Ai'plcF. (tr.M n- iinwi.wm 124 Applr hlitlrr.'enl, 1 2(. Butter ;!6rt) 4(1 ltrn.. 1 iO'o( S nil Iluchwhr.U 1 till Ittukuhi-at fluurlb, U Ilirf, llni il 3(1 Out, Ilwf, fn sh tlttr.o ( 0 j Onion. Ilu.r.ln, M 16 (10(20 00 , I'otnloi,. , Corn, ubi'llfd. U 00 PvatliM-, drinl. lb. I0, ear .... till j I'lafler, b) t'..in mi-ill, V m. k. 2 00 ; live , h ,p, rU :(tn 4 00 : linn, ft lb t'luluriiHil. 00 0(1 I full, 'fl HH.'k t'lirr. 2b I Shingle., IF in., C'hrrriM, It.. Jof J 2i Sliinjrlr.. id In I'hiikdi, drsd, Ih, 20 Timothy f wl , I-t'H 25 Tnlli.w 1 Imw'oil 2 00 W licitl J'lur 13 .'.ii(,14 00 ,,! H OPM l ". (Ill W.....1, fl ccr.1 Mrst poik,1 l.bl.,.35 0(1 , 76 1 00 . 1 id . 1.'. , 6 00 , 1 60 A 2 iil , b I'O 1!. 00 0 00 1'. 1 so 41 4 on pry (AooiH, C.rorrrlf!!, Ctr. SHOl'UJ HOJII iX'MOiJ uais.ij (IX Ml. 11 llninelt, lllnttrnbrrgrr A Co., (Succerst-rs to Lawslie, White A Co.,) mtrAii a ttrrAii. irAM:itit if GENERAL MERCHANDISE o( i:oi. a, ia., 1)E?ri'CTFfLLY Invite an .iituilnatlon of V th.'ir larit. itork of p.a.onal.le kuo.Ik, pur rtia'ed lor ra.li, aud itiliug at UKKAi'LV RKIWCKD l'HICKS. WK DEFY COMPETITION. We tell better Goods at lolcr rates than any other house in the oounly. THE EEAHON 1171. Btoaut e kuy for pah and buy clou., and are thuf .nal.l.d lo piro oar ouitumrri and patroui tb. benotit of the frreater portion of of tb. protlu tbey b(v. bitberto beon pay ing and Bccnun wa foil mora fanii than any other houi In Cloartttld oouuty. Our itook eoniitu of Iry GiSodK. Caroeerieis, QiieeDawara. Hardware, Wood nnd Willow Waro, Hoot and Shoes, Hat., Oapi, Clothiug, FuroU tur, Carpet and Oil Cloth., Provisions of all kinds, Feed, &o. Dress Goods for Ladies, of rery etyle. DRESS GOODS FOR CHILDREN, In neat and Ust.ful detlgni, DRESS GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN, In rariety, READT MAPE CI.OTIIINO at greatly reduced pricei. Orde taken for lulu of (.'lathing. amplei to velvet from alwaya on band. NOTIONS. From our large flock of NOTIONS, every want in that line ean b. tupplied, every detire fratiOed. GROCERIES AXD MOTISIOXS. Sugareof every grade. Byrnpa f .r.ry quality. I'reierved Fruiu and Jellief. Tomatoea and Peachei. Hugur Cured llama. Shoulder, and Bi.lea. Mru Pork, Men Ileef, Dried )lif. Khad, Mackerel, CodUib, Kound Herring, Lake Trout Extra Flour, Corn Meal and liu.-kwb.at Meal. Ch Paid for Country Produce. Building and other Hardware. Toolf for Carpenter, and othera. Ilett Double and Bingle Hit A. Picki, Ropef and Cordage ilruihea. Mill Finding!. C'ijjarM and Tobacco. Fine.t brand, of Cir.ru, Chewing and Smoking Tnbaooo. Tht Celebrated Michigan Fine Cut In Bulk, -Country merchant, tnpplled on ai fair turmi aacaa be bad in the Kaatern cliiea. J-QoodB ordered for our euitomeri and eat iiifaction guarnntoed To buy to fare, to buy to pleae, To buy tn trnbe, tn buj with run, T.i mt all, . l uium do. To the cheap cash ttore all ihould go. HF.NNETT, BLATTENIiKltOER A CO. Oiceola Milla, May 14, lC8-tf NEW STOCK! Spring Goods 1 Spring Goods I Spring Goods 1 AT TH KEYKTOXK STOUi: Buyer mf Drocf Ooodi, Trlmmlngn, Nollona, Hoaiery, Olorei, Faney Oooda, Carpett, Oil Oothi, Window Ebadea, Wall Paper, Carpet Chain, .Toilet Quilta, i'mhrellaa, Paratolt Shoe., Ae.. Ae., Ae., are Invited to examine T1IE MOST COMPLETE STOCK Ever brought to thii market. WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION! 4TCaah buyeri will tnd rare inducement!. N1VLINO & SHOWERS. Clearfield, Aprli t, ISflS.tf BANKERS, No. 35 S. Third Street, Philadelphia, GENERAL AGENTS FO TBI National Life Insurance Co. or Tin UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, rott Tin flatca or Peiunj lvnnla and Noulhcrn New Jerary. TM1K NATIONAL LIFE IXPrRANCK COM , 1'ANV ii a oorjMirati'.n charteri .1 bv lpnciaJ Act of Congnu, approved Jiil i5, I .Mid, with a Cash Capital of Ono Million Dollars, And i now thoroughly orgnnired and prvpaird for businrri. Liberal trmi offered tn A;etil and Suliritora, ho are invili d to apply at our office. Examinalions. VrPLICAXTS f..r f.l,..ol. inClaarficld eonnty will m'et,ttt 0 o'eln. k, a. m., at the lull.. wing niiine.l plae.'j : tSirnnl, Aug. 3 M, al('ongi rr Hill ; l i.vinjl.in aud Ktirthaii", f-Vpt. 1 t . at the I'niiin F.'li.x.l l..lic; Vnrriff, the 2.1, nt Kvlrrtown: tire buin, the 3d, nt (irnhnii.ion ; llm.lf.ini and lira I ford Iirl., the Hh, nt Willtnnie' tirnve; Clrnili.. l, the .'.tli, nt 0,rti"l,l ; l ike mid ( 'iirwcnrwille, Ih.' Tib. at t urtti-tiarill.' ; Peun, die flh.nl I'rniiriile: Feririiw.ii and I,, ( iir, the Ulh, at I., ( itri llnrn- Fiin., iur ii-n, ai liurn-ifle ; Hen, -iffl( a i .m. . i-ii ni.i.1 notiw: ft.H hinir(..nan.l Chct, the 14th. at Nrwhnrr : Knoi. the H'.th.at New .Mill port : lingua, the 1.1b, at MnneTillei Lawrence, tlie lsth. at lire rliM. hnii.e near .In. Ice Folct'.: Jordan, the 21t, at Anxinville: lleceri. Ibe22d at tilon II. .pet (iuli.b. the 2:i.l. at Janeirllle: V ndward.tlif 2illi.at 3 h..j. ll.er..ir Heoaliir and lleccla. the Ji.th, at (be U nite oh.l lli.o.e. All nnilie.innal v rlitiel. eirent ll,e i..,,,H linre the firt Mnndav of Jl)n iKlilt, ennwd tn be talid allor tba Cm Mondar of Jun leli. au?7,1t o, w. t Jjl'DEK, Co. Pup't. Full p:irtlcn1ara to be Imd on application at our ..(lie.., l.x-nted on the ecoon.l il.iry of our Banking i..urr, w nvrv . inMiinrfl ana i-amplileta, lullv ite eciibing lb. advnntojrei uitcrrd by the Company, may be had. Applicntinna for Cenlral and Weern Penn.yl rama In be nm le to M. 8. It ELL, Majiac'er. Timan.la, Pa. V. 0'r.ili:im ti onsi' Cntnmti. """"Ill CHANGE .. niiiRis. (.run a ii. J.li.r.HAUAM & S0XS, MA UK FT HTIll.hT, CLEAltFI ELI), I'a. T 1I1E mbiorlbert hnvlrg intered into partner- ahip for (he 'purpoae of carrying on the huilneiiof McrchandUIng, j'W oflcr i A Choo:1 And rare opportunity to thelcltirenii of Clear field and adjoining eonntioi tt fcny itoro gnolf at wholeutlc or rouiti prices, fhat will antoniih the unlnitnicted." Their gooi will be particu larly lotectrd to suit thii market, Evary lady will, therefore, call the attenion of her Husband To thii fact, became thii branch of our buiin.it will reeelre .pooial attenti.n, and everything needed in a well regulaWd household will at all timea be found inour itore. Our itoek of UK V (;(MI)S iball not be lurpaned, either in qual ity or prlee, and will embrace, in part, Print! ef every ityle, Oinghama and Lawui of every quality, Muilini of .very grade, It Lainei adapted to the tartei of the old and young; and every article of any kind of goodi they sell if Cfltiarniitccd To be ai represented, and warranted to glr. lat UfaaUon. Al to DKi:HSJ;OIH-w. hare a iplended uaortment of Alpacas, black, white, and in eolorst Armurea, Eilki, and In abort all the neweit ftyloa in the aaarkeL We deaire thii fact to bfeome known To Every Pinion man, woman, child, phyilcian, me ehaaic, farmer, lawyer, barber, woaian'i-righti man,"or any otherman in the eonnty You iir Or old, rien er poor, high or low, who will faror ui with a call. With our new and extensive to" any gentlemon can please the moat fa- tidioul Py Jnil dropping in and getting a nice drc.es pattern, lace sect, kiq gloves or by amng mat which is better t give her awell-Olled purse, and she will find good and pajing investments in embroideries, edgings, ribbon, gloves, hosiery, or any other household noeeislties. And In addition to what we hare aires lv enumera ted, we keep all kinds of CU'.KTI.KMKV EAR suchai Cloths, Cassimnres, Satinetts, Hats, Boots and Shoos, Ac, besides, A Xlee Assortment of Made-up CLOTHING for Men and Boys, manufactured out of the very boat material, whioh we will sell for cash or exchange for country produce at prices which will astonish both husband and Wife We are now largely engaged in buying and selling Mil' AUK Tl.MIIKU and manufac tured LI'MllER, and will (ire thii branch of business special attention, and make it aa object To Everj- E. ang29-iily v. claim: k co., W 35 Hoiilh Third t"trprt, 1'illl.AHKl.I'lllA. Pa. Srliool House nnd Lot for Sale. rpllh S. In. .1 Mrwtnra of Lawrence ti.wuthin I hereby giie noli llm! ll v will sell at puli lif snip, at the Ccurt llntie, in l lcarlield, at Iwn nM.iek. P. M.,uil TI liSl'AY. tbo 21Mb day of FKI'TLMIIKK ne.u, ll,e Ilnl M.' and LOT in tlie sr.uth end of the ..ir.iugh nf Clen,f l,l, bero- " aeiiBni ptllpnfra. I i.r I 'nns or lurlber parliculars, a. I. lieu oiliicr the President or M'lary ut the lUanl. TAVLOIt 1(0VLI', President. , P. ltrKP, Seertlary. nng27-:lt. One who has Lumber tc sell to deal with m. We shall alio keep constantly nn hand a general assortment of fiKOCKRI V.H and II ARDW Alt R, which we will sell at exceed ingly low prirei. We also keep a full assort meat or UI'l;KSV AKl'- Thii department will bi kept full aad complote, and erery You np; ?Iiui Or ntAiden who coritemplatei houiekeeplng. will find it advantagenui to come and trade with s. We are so sitnatcd, and, from long experience iu the business, to well acquainted with the wants and neeesslliei of this community, that we feel satisfied if every man and woman . ' In Clearfield County make. It a point to buy their goods from a l, we can please them both as to quality and price. Therefore, come along and buy your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Qurrnswarc, Hardware, HOOTS k SHOES, HATS k CAVS, Beady -Mario Clothing,'. - Aed everything yon need lo rinder yourselves I and fnuiiiiss ciin.furtable. froia tfi'li C'.poiIs, p'.rorrtln, C(r. fl K A I. K It IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS. MI'SMVS fci'.ruiis AI.I'ACAS at at fit nt Kcrisftlion r-fnsalinn Son al ion Kotisatinn priros prio-a jirioei iiriwa, .luat rH'0ivo at MOSSoi'K fllNfJHAMS at Si.iisliim nricoa CHINTZ HUNTS 0LOVKS CKAVATS sirAwi.s HON N V.'l'A aiLOKKl) 1 MUSLINS J nt tit (t at at At SctmKtion SpiisatioQ .I'llPHli.'Q prli-c luititv priciie prir.nt at AlUSStll'S Sfinsiitiou jirices iSi'ntiitiiii) tineas at Scnsstion pricos LI N EN at ('HASH nt CUUTAINS at I'A I'.LK CLOTHS nl All to Le had at MOSSOl'.S'. Fill NO K Keiwatiou Si'Daatiuu SciiBalii.u tScnsutiiin .Scnwdinn pricea prici'j prt-0! prtcos prices nt MOSSOl'S'. LACK at Rtmsation HOSIERY at 6oiiiinlion KlIll'.ONS ttt . 80U8Btll)D TIUMMINOS , ; ; ol all kind t .at Soutalion in any ouan'ty Alwnveon bttnil at MOSSOl'S prioet price, price price CANSIMKItKS SATTINETS TWKKDS JEANS VKST1NC1S SIMUTINGS c.fnEnlion Svnaatioo Scnaalinn Sensation SiHisntiin 8naHtion prices prime prices jiricei jiricee pricee nt MOSSOpS1. at aetiealioD . prices CIX)THIKOiuch1 aa vxiale, 1'ttnW, Vesta, ITnJor Sliirta, Klmiuel Siiirtk, '.(H)U, .Slioes, 11 ale and Cups, Now for (ale at MOSSOrS. It A K I) w A K K auch nn Sawi,Dili Korka, Knives, 8jiike, Uingna, LIQUORS, euch aa Wine., Brnn.iy, Oin, WhUkcy, C'otrnao, etc., etc, Fit U ITS, aucb ai J'ruDes, Kuisine, Figs, FiLberte, etc. GROCERIES, aoy-) Flour, Hams, Nhoulderi, Stipar, Molaaseia, Cotlee, Tea, C r a c k e re, Spices, ' Cuudlee, Coal Oil, etc., etc at sensation prices at MOSSS'.OP at ienaalioD price at eeniation prloet at iiossors'. at eeusHtion prices BLACKING P.OFKS POWDER KHOT LEAD CAl'S . Alway at MOSSOrS'. ai lerj.gtKin price at , aemtation price at tensutioD price at icnsaiion price ut aenaatino price at Mtiantion uricet C1 dticnlion;i t. MISS H. 8. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ri.EAiim.i.i, i'A. fpilK First T.-rm, of twenty tao wmks, will I I'liinuit'iici' on Moiiilwy, Ana; net 111, I m.. Tl li.MS dp TI liliJ.N'. Iteaditif... Orthnrsph v, Willing, i je.-l 1,.. ..n", Primary Atillitiielic'an.l 1'riinary Jw.graphy, per h:.!f tttm, (..f cl.tci woks.) i (Ml !Uet..ry, Local and ibs.'ripthe Geography wiih Map Drawihtr. (Iraminar, Mnntal andM'rilt.n Ariilimilie 0 50 Aliribra ami Ihc fri. Decs OC For full piirticuii.rs sen 1 fur Circular, f'hmrlii 1.1, Anjruhl II, lf;-3m. Clearfield Jlcademy. Rev. P. I. HARMSOS, A II., Principal rilHK FIRST 6ESSION of tbfl next if bo 1 laatlo ynar of ttitfl Inatiiuiiua will oouitooe on A! UN u, tuo 7iti dj ol arpuuiiiifr, bill Pupili can enler at any time. Tbcy k)l be charged with tuittoo from ih uua tLjr auUir U tiio cloie of tu oesjuu. - - l b norpc of Initrufllun mhret rjf thing included la a tboruuh, practieal aod accom pHrshml edu Milan for both Maes. 'ibo Vrincial. bavln had tbo ftdTftnUKe of much oxpofieoce lo lnn )'nljrriioii, acaurui pa rvnn ind fuard uni tljut hi aotira alihtj and 0Ult(iM t Uaetrt! til tl tOtI t mt saw aw tal traiQitipr of Ui youth pi aped nnrlitr bit chargo. ii;ioih uv ii ri ion. Orthography, Beading, Writrbg. and Primary Atttbmetic, per Keikioo ( 1 1 ww-kn) - $i UO Grammar, Ueograi'by. Aritbuioiie, and HiFtory . . . . - - $4 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trlponomtrj, Men tuntlon, Funrpviug, fhilonQf hy, Phyiti. elogy, Cbom.atry, book Keeping, Botany and J'hyoieal Owtgraphy . $9 00 Latin, Greek and French, with an of the above Brancbe - - - - 12 00 PKo drdaction will bo mad for abicnco. friff or further particular. Inquire of Ker. K L. HARUiaON, A. M., Clearfield, Feb. 0, 1S8 tf. Principal. 628 Mti-irrHanf0U5. . ! HOOP SKIRTS. 023 hi. T. Are the Hi T Boalsburg Academy. Iloalhliurg, Centre County, 1'i iin'a. II K I'AI.L TKI'.M uf this iimtiiution (cow flourisiiinir oonilition) will bi-iriu on MnMlAV, Al ti I'fT .1, andeontinneeiL-ht w.cki. H"th in u le and female intpils reci'ived. hoalshurp is rcaehed i.y stage from Uellefonte, Fpnie ('reek and Milrny. TtlTIOK Frnm $j to t-7 per term. It.wrding in prirate families at from $3.25 to $3.1li per wtfk. A No KM A L CLASS will be fnrrticd. i'ur further information address the Principal, II. W. LI ISllliH. jy!6-2m:pd (formerly of Slarkleville. I'erry Co. pilti'a "Unit Makr" rKrj t. !. Kklrti" le.l ar. l ( l.eai e.t I ... 1'rire.l l, Hkirls ia th. ntaiket. 1 rati Mir1a, K.i iprie.f, f I n i Kii .prints, I I i ai d -(y j i n.tfi, t,4i. Plain M irl. a trp.'s, ?' strirr. if (Vn' ; M.neei, :.tnis: !ti sptii.Kf. l li; ;tj ipnr.,s, tll.3;.. H nrrar.reit in ev.irv rope.t. Our dWN M,U" f ''tilM.'i rKIIil.S" Kleen Tape Tri..rr.im "0 tc .prills, tl.'i, to ti I'laia. Mi Tapea, Jll to utl spriti(il, fr.im 3 Oenii ' 2.o. 'i )w Mirls at. k- i ( r than th..'o sold by oilier etahn.-huie uu as rst ela.i ...lr. and at murh l.,ter pr.ri-1 "(Iur OWN Make" ol t II A M II O.V K KI FITS' ere in erery way superior to all oiUr ll....p hklrts lei. .re the puhlie, and ouly Lav. iu o. eiamiiiid or a rn to Miitu mi, , uf Ul faet. Mntiiirntnrrd f (he bet litirn-Diiiilied Knglieh Muvl rprinc-. very siti.erior las, aud the sl !o ol the uirulir f i- to ni i h ami uiunuor of securing tlieui iiirj m ..r duriiiiiny uia.i ax rellenre any nlh-r f kirl In this eountrj. at,d ar. lighter, m..r elantie, will wi.ar lunger, yie. n.ore aatislarllon, and r r'ttliy rbesper than all others. Kvury Ib.Ij- !.ul: try ilitiu. Ihey are being told xinttl) l,y Men l.ants through out this end Uk aitjoinii x huies at rerr imid. erate prless. II you want he best, elr for "liopkiu'st bsuipinu KkirL" If jou 1 not liud them, (T't the merchant with wlioiii jou d.-ul to order tr.i-in Inr roe, or enre or send direet tons. Merehants will tin. I our dillersnt crad. t ol hkirta eiaelly wbt they need. and we upei ially invite tbeut to call and rxnmine our exion.ive assort ment, er send for W holemle I'rtee List. To he had at Retail at .M.nufarlorr. and of the Ilelail Trade (anerslly, end at Wholesale ot the a4UUi.L .Mlbt UUI,, to RI..M tell WtU'.lll .....u U. addressed. kMiulaetnry and fialetrooia. C2S Areh Si reel, between nth and 7th streets. 1'hiladelpliia. March 21-liiuj WAI. T. llul'KlXB. At tlie tora of EICIIAKD MOSjK)!' MOSSOP Alwaya keep on hand a lull assortment of all kinds of ftooila. required tor uie accommodation ot lu public. Juy J. 18aT. GltEAT FENIAN RAID Pliiladelpliia in an Uproar. THAU. VIEV KIVS t''iUUHTE.NED Smith Found Alive I TTOT Capt. John Smith, nor Finite, tlie Ex XI plorer, but W. SMITH SAKKtY.wbe ha. just returned from Philadelphia with a new and well selected stork of PHUNU and bl.M.MEH (ii.iOD-i, a part of which are r Dry Goods 1 Dress Goods I MKJf AXD BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING ! HOOTS AM) MlOl.w, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, ic, Ac; ALSO Coffee, Tea, Sugar, MolasBcs, Salt, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Spices, Crackers and Vinegar, , At bis store 1 mile east of Karthaus, (Clearfield, eonnty, I'a.,)all of which he Is selling at reduced price. He also keeps constantly on hand a ,rood supply of LlyliOHS Old Rye, Ilrandy, Oin and Wine and all of the best brands. Highest msrket price paid for all kinds nf COI'NTKY l'ROHl'CB. Tho puhlie are solicited to give lilm a call. No charge made for showing goods. W. KMITII BANKET. Kartliaui Tp., June 11, 1KH8 6m pd wa. tan urm . ..a. a. THoHi'sna TEN EYCK & THOMPSON CUIWKXSVULK, PA. TT AVIXfl Just reeelred from New York one of 1 1 tb largest and best selected storks of H.n.ds, we are now ready to oner th earns to our on rujtnjieri. (to whom we return thanks for past farors,) tnd the eitlrem of the county cen erally, at ' Prices that will Eendor Satisfaction. Glr us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and thereby save from J to SO per cent on your goods. Our stock consists of a great yariety, such as D li Y G O O D S, X O T I O N S, CI.OTIIINd, GllOCKItllCS, IiARDWAUK, QVEEXSWARF, PAIXTS, OILS, Dltl .. 1'ltUlT Ol' ALL KINDS, Fih. Pslt, Leather, Fboe Findincs, BOOTS and HloES leastern and limns made) in frreat T riety, and at reduced Bgitres ; TINWARE, H.Ul K, do., Ae. TEN EYCK i- TIIOMrSON. NEW HARDWARE STORE Plulipsburg, Centre County, Pa. G. II. ZEIGLER & CO. SEALEIIS IN Foreign & Domrstir Hardware, ' WOOD, WILLOW, k TIN WARE, Steves, Oils, Paints, Glass, fxc, &c. Tni attention ef Mechanics, Builders, Farm rs, Lambermen, and Buyers genoratly, U icrited to the fact that we are offering a better assortment of poods in onr line than can be found elsewhere In thii part of the State, at Pricei to Euit the Times- Onr stock comprise a general assortment of Tools and Materials need by Carpenters, Black smiths, Carriage and Wagea Uak.r, Ac., with a large stock of Iron, Xails, Stul, Fjiikes, Mining Sulirs, SiidJhry, J!ojr, Clinins, Orinthtonts, Circular, Jdill and- Cross-Out Saws, ENAMELED, FINISHED A PLAIN HOLLOW -WARE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, '.Linseed, Co!, Lubricating and Fish Oil. TURrEXTINB, BENZINE, Harlng re-aasoelated 11. B. Thompson with me in the abere trade, 1 desirt all persons In debted to ire, by Note nr Book acoount, to call and settle the same without ilelny. WM. TEN EYCK. CurwensTlll., May, 7, ISM tf, I T ''tic i'.s' ((iwrAiii.i;' FEi-a, j l We have prinled a latife number of the new JtE BILL, aud will, on the receipt ef twenty- , ".nn, man a copy lo any address. JAS. 15. GRAHAM & SONS., ywlaugil.tf CLEAKFIELD, Ta. EVERYTHING IN Til K KEPT AND FOB BALE AT FAIR PRICES, BY G. 1L ZEIGLER & CO. kit-Jit buy for Casi, sell for Cash, and const qurntly SELL CHEAP. l'hilipsburg, July 1(1, lBIW.if TK Al COM S!riivcd .war frt.in ii.m ,r. s luiscs of tbo un.liTsiriied. n-nidmi in Clear lield, about three wwks aro, a small K year-old COW, of lilii red color, ei.i.ie while on tlie flanks, and large bile alar on tlie fur. bead, Auv on. givinj iiiloimslion that will Irad to her recvry will be suita',.1- rcwardid. ' .,.... . W' ,V- W'OBllALL. Clearfield, Aug. 27-St. "lUaM'l IM eond, cnri ful WAN, towoth If iu a Liter; hiabl... t ni liberal. - , A'I'l.vo JA1I1.S U 1.MVV, 'J-at Cbai field, i'a. AT- ri;lsA f, miili- comprtcnt to in m 11 eral hoHeork. No ehil.lnn to nur.. or cows to n,Hk. Api.lv al this o(5., or ad lna Bos, in, Clearfield Iv.st (ilr.re. if A'ARNIf IIES, COAL OIL LAMPS AND LANTEUKS. Aa excellent assortment of Fin Cutlery, oom-prising KNIVES, DESEIJT, TEA, A TABLE Sl'OON.S, FOliKS. SCISSORS, EAOKS, Ap. H . F, NAUGLE, CLOCK AD WATCH 3LIKER, orn.iTa trb ivfr ataiit iritur post officecleap.fii;ld flUlE subscriber respectfully inform, hi old I patrons and tho nubile .merallT. ii.-i bason band, (and is eonsuntiv rcctirine- new additi.ns thereto, a large stuck of Clods, Watches and Jewelry. r-I keep Jewelry in all its forma uid f diCcrent taluea, either hy the piece or seL WATCHES A full ..sortrtent of eill.ar fiM er Silver, made by the best Atrericati and fur. eifrn manulaeiurers, including fine lot of gold and silver hunting ease, luU jeweled, Patent severs. CLOCKS Of all desiirns. eonsintie ofett.- day and thirty hour, of either weight, spring or ir.oie, auu uoiu iiriae ana alarm. KEPAIRINO.-All kinds of Katche and Clocks Repaiied, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated, I ke.p a full assortment of M'E'.'l ACI.E.S, c li.rcd and plainslass. Aleo, GOLD Vl-'N and FESC1L3. SP00.N8. KOltKS, BUTTEtt KNIVES, and ia fact everything ia the Jewelry line. If I fail to bav. on hand just what a cu.t.imer may need, I will order per first exprcus, w ithuul extra charge. A liborai share of public patronage is solicited. Hay 7, lsCa-w u. f. kALULK. , 2..V0.fKK) C'ostutacr In Four Inn. Patronize the Best I n AVIXfl the larpi it capital, most experien ced buyers, and extensive trade of any concern in the liollv bale business, we G T AE AN T E U .SATISFACTION in every instance, end also the nnsv selection of Goods aver ottered at ONE DOLLAR EACH. " Ko otlier eoncero ku nr.jr ebow wliererpr our AfOLf ertj ellintf . Our motto, Wroufpt Keiiable." Male tvod Uwult aunU viuited in city nd countrjr. THE LADIES , Are particularly rctuested to try our popular club system of erNlnp all kinds of ilrv and Fancy (tends. Hrers ratl.r., Cotton Cloih. Cunura, bilv I'lated Uuds, Watches, Ae. (Etublished in lKl'.t ) A puteut pen luuntam und a check describing an article to l.e soid for a dollar, ID cents ; 2 for ?? ; 40 f, (4 ; ail t,.r it; 1 ou for $IOi sent by msiL Free present to setter up, (worth ill Mir cent more than those stnt by any other eoncero,) aceor.lii.r to sire of dub. Send ns a trial club, or if not, do not tail to (end for a oiroulaa. N. B. Our i.welry should not b. classed with New York d-llar jewc!ry stiles or b..?us 'lea Companies ," as It is nothing of the set. KAilMAN KhMJALU, auglJ-ljdp (iJ Hanover st, jJosua, Mas lnion MillsUoolen Factor)'. T'N'ION TP., CLEAIinKU. CO., PA. X li I'nicn M!l!,n' itnimri'd tufnr.1 wtr.nl. ninnul'rir'ntT nnd finish I'lotli. dJ do l km tin af witrk iu this iui on fcln.rt notirft. in workmanlike oinmuM, ft mi on ntftoi.ublc terms. Ibev also aUaiiula4'Turo Flour, Feed and Lumber, Which will be sold at the lowed cash rales. Woo! Intended for cani'mr can lie l.-Pt at tt, store ol It. Mossop or J. I'. Krwtser, la Clearfield, whrre tliey will get it and nluru it ou .-aturdny of each w'k. Letters ol inquiry a Lln-sard to us at Itnckton P. O. will receive iiroim.t attention. 1'. K. A J. F A1INOLD. Koekton. June 18, lMiS-ly. riilladdithia & trie Ealiroad. SUMMEU TIME TABLE. Thronch and direct rente between T'hiladelt.hia. Baltimore, llarrisburR, Wiiliamsport, and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEETING CAES On all Fight Trains. 1SEITANNIA & SIX VET PLATED WAEE. ' TIN WARE IN GHEATVAKIETY AND 11EST MANL'FACTL'RIi, Household, Tlorticultnral, Farmlns; and Rafting Implements of the latest and moat Improved psternt. rtlackimithi ean be supplied with Anvils, Eel Iowa, Vices, Biedpes, Hammers, Horse and Mule Fhoes, ll.iree Nails, and all kinds of Iron and Steel. Carpenters and TuiMcrs will End Is our estab lishment a superior stock of Planes, govt, Aupurs, Hatchet, single, donbl. klt and pealing Axes, Tlammers, Chisels, Tiles, Hinges, Screws, Holt, . locki, Pulleys, Sai-h, Cord, Ae., Ac, A. Fannon and Kaftme will nnd eTerythlne In tnrtr lino, and cheaper than ran b ' had elseahtre. Tarlleular atleMtoa is Inv'ted to onr stork of Sn.ves, eompri.linr Fpear's celebrated Anti-Kust, Cook nnd Parlor Hlovos of all sires Also, the Nisj-ara Cook, Parlor Cook, llrillisnt J'awn, l.p, Arclio, and Common Frc, I'oihct, Ao. , ' All of the above (food will he mild rltrnp fur rai.li, ' G. II. ZKKJLEE i Co. l'hilipsburg, Oct 10, I(V7-Iy 0 Koad will run as (..Hows S and afler M0XHAT. JI A V. 11. 1RRI lb. trains ou the Philadelphia A Krlo lUil v rttvnrd. Mail Train IsaVei rhiladrlphla. 1!.!5 T. M. l'o ,. d.k....St. Mary s a.ln f . m l'o arrivo at Kria S.f0 V. M. Erie Express Lsves Philadelphia l!.t'0noon. P-o do tu Mury'a .3S A. M. lo -arrive at Kria 10.114 A. Ji. l'-aslwurd. Mall Train loaves Frie ln 1... II 00 A. M. . do St. Mary's d 43 P. M. arrive at l'hiiadelohia.... t in a t ane i-.xircss It-avca Ln r.40 p. j, I'n - ds Su Marl's i.ult A. , l'o arriv. at Philadelphia 5.0(1 P. M. Uall and Kxproe. a.mneet with all trains o the Warren A Franklin Lailway. I'sw-snnri leaving Philadelphia at 12. Hi) ,M. arriv at Irvin.ton at A.40 a.m and Oil ( iiy at t in p.m. Leaving Phlladtlphia at 11.04 p. m , arriv. at Oil City at 4.S4 p.m. All iraim on Warren A Frnnklin Mallway make close connections at Oil C;tv with train for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. Pacjag cheikcd through. ALl-'KLD L. TVI.EIi, Ueneral Supnrintcn den Farm and Shop for Sale. fpiili uiidcsicni-d olleu f.fl- raJcLii FAP.M.sit L uute about a.! Iw..j 1. twe. n Cicarl'u U and l;ur envle. Contairir Eighfy-Fivo Acres, Fiftr -live b. Ii.i- unproved uVd iu n fe. d stte of culiixaiieii, with a piiml dweilint; bouse and bans thereon, t.ip'ihor uh (.(ill choiuc inhti( fruit trees and met roil grape ini, nearly all Con cord. Ab-i, The Two-Story Carpenter Shop, "n Third Htiwrl. tienr (he r.,iin,..l d-pM. in t i,-ar-fi-lil borourh. Itrtn moii.rai,, and possession pui-n nt any time. Coll in piv.n. or ad-lrcn, at Ciearli. Id, Pa. uF.nlt iL' TliOKX. l lvarficld. July 10-lf DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BAJbBEE & HAIR DEESSEE, pecosd PTrtrrr, trill sj ' " v 1 v- n p nr Grapo Vines for SaleT" VLl. tlie leadine bst.lv verii-ties nl (rst qual liy. CONriilili i'l JIlM.s, I till per bun ln-d. CiiNCOKI) VIM'.S only III ocnts. Or ders solieit. d as soen ar ronvenHoit. and (ilied in rotation, by a. W. lilLlJv Cleat n. Id, Pa., August .1, ISf.J,