REPUBLICAN. n of Subscription. .nee, or within throe month! ...U reeeud before ail monthe... t Ml lieeXuiMtlOB of tlx asuolhs... 1 00 WittoR, our foreman, Is authorised , monev paid Into the uftee on eeoount on, e.lverti.liig. .tu work, Ac. tn our UKO. :t. OO0DLASDKR, Editor end Proprlttor Y:V:i:7:i::Aucu8t27. 1868. .ATIC MISS METIMS. BLAIR AND THE UNION AGAINST :a'l disunionists. of fro government, one ourrency, nted TJrilon ; who ere opposed to black liel.,and excessive taxation, propose vi.dMasa Meeting et 2Utu of September next. Eiui i will be present on tlutt occasion, to uei of the day. TIAIj KOTICR. The voters of '.orough end townships will hear in t that the Legislature last winter ao election law for this county, that here ourh and towusliip ofbcers mutt be io 3d Tuesday of Uolober. lionce it ' duly of tbe voters in thii county to j candidate to till tbe local ouiae of it districts. ' la view of tbi change, .,;u County Committee have agreed, tneir uuty,to hold a public meeting in ,n district, for the purpose of nomine s. Constables, Supervisors, Bchool Ii ..m officers, and candidates for such inny bp nwfinry to nil at the ap- ti-in. Tbe Vigilance Conituittees in ' will please give this matter their 'tun. Meetings will, therefore, be lowing namerl pliices, in September : ,! the "llluc Bo II" Hotel, on Saturday, ier 6. at 2 p. tn. A BOKOl'lill, on Saturday, Sept. 6, .in :. at BrMgon's School Bouse, on nr. the th, at I p. tn. N, at Mulsonburg, on Wednesday, the i . m. ; Congress Hill, en Thursday, tbe " o. m. ijoehen Bchool Home, on Thursday, fc 8 p. m. . Allied s, on Friday, the llthat '. at Willlotnsgrove, on Friday, the ft p. m. ! ;l tsrahamton, on Saturday, the 12th, :i. - ' i Kylerloern, on Saturday, tbe 12th, rti . s. i epenker will be present at each of it to aridress oar lellow oitnena ripen tlx day. and piaoe for holding moetinga in .. of the oounty will be given next of the Democratic Co. Committee, I ., U. B. tJOjDLAM'KH, C'bainnnn. ustees of the Comctry request .'.o tlirtt the key has been left. beitiion of SI r. John Gulich. fats, get organized! Form s in tho several election die V I tl these, controlled by tho . tho defeat of the Diounion I be 80 overwhelming, that, tory of a ship's crow, there e. one left to tell the tale. Clubs ! We nre requested embers of tho County and Committees of Pike, to state omocratsof that townshiji it the election hoiiao in Cur on Saturday, the 5tli day of next, to organize a Dotuo- b. Wo hope a goodly num Cops of old Tike will attend 'g- ::ademy. Prof. Harrison is bas been for turoo years Principal of this school. iwn himself to bo a thor- !ior, a fine disciplinarian lofntigablo worker. Those r their children to his charge koly be disappointed. '.Vork. "We acknowledge ' John L. Cuttle, Ksq., has tested the fact that roast iii be grown in this locality iys. On the 11th of Juno :tntod a quantity of Norwo , which was perfectly ripo i of August. This corn wac 1 into the county last year !ngo Thorn, who has also tod that it will come to per t-ixty or seventy days. Jvy Cmjb.- The Democrats or end of Lawrenco town nlly do not want to place o under a bushel. A titlb organized entitled the y Seymour A Blair Club,' ready to enroll ths names lovo thoir country more patty. ' The following U.muu cotiHtituU tho oil! dub; , . -William Ogdon. ' iilvnts Peter A. Owens, bony, William C. Put! --Johri 15. Shaffner. pling .Sec'y J. B. Khaw., ; Capt. M. Ogden. iiee address of all the 'firflcld. Minn. lr. Wougort, one inent physicians whose ' are not qtiilo "run out," : his vocation in our midst i poason is past, will not i nish him with an axe or j that he may CnJ employ for which he is, from icos, well qualified f The manifests considerable hrough a big "tow-or" lie was observed diHtributing s over tbe camp meeting Sunday last. To complete r.cnt, and fully equiji him , wo will loan him some Q bills, which be can post !8 beautiful, but vain, pic avoid theso traveling i you would the itch, or loathsome disease. They i you of nothing but your iich they sock to obtain :deringancquivaleut. We .hing for this advertisement. PmsoHAU Kx (Jov, John Mgler, of California, paid our town a pop last work, lie was thn gntt of his brother, Kx (lnv, William Bigler. Ho bad been detained at Washington through sickness and business" rrm nectod with tho Pacifio railroad (of which ho i a commissioner) ever since the Democratic Convention, henco the shortness of his visit, lie goea by the overland route, and is compelled to bo in Sacramento by tho first of September. It took him nine days nd nights to cross tho mountains when he camo cast, the latter part of June, but ho expccld to make his return trip in six days and nights. Think of that, you young bucks who grumble and growl about sixteen mileB staging, and no scalping Indians to outflank you at that. The Governor gives a glowing discription of the golden State, lie states that they are now making and take up, on the western end of the road, twonty miles every week. The laborers aro princi pally Chinese, under the control ol Yankees and Irishmen. Over C50 miles of roud is to mako yet, and that of tho heaviest kind of work, being tho mountain division. Sad Acciuk.nt. We regret to chron icle tho fuct that our friend Jonas Pe ters, of Boggs township, on Sunday morning, met with what may be term ed a fortunate accident. Himsolf, wife, daughtor (Mrs.. Wnple) and child, while passing down Market street, on their way to camp meeting, were thrown Out of their buggy. Tho horso gave a sudden jerk as another buggy was passing, and the seat being loose, turned tho two ladies and child backward upon thoir heads and shoul ders into tho street, near the corner of Front. Tho neighbors aoon gatborcd around, and it was found that they were all moro or less hurt. They were carried into J)r, Hills' office, and restoratives administered.' 'Mrs. Peters, who was supposed to bo the least hurt, proves otherwise, but is doing welL Mrs. Waple was evident ly moro scared than hurt. The whole three might have beon killed. Accident. Wo learn that on Sat urday night, about eleven o'clock, a wflgon containing a man, two women and four children, upset into the river, in front of the residence of Mrs. Mcr rell, in the southern end of tho bor ough. : The screams of the women, the erics of the children and the noise made by tho horses and wagon going over the bank, created no little confu sion in that locality, at that hour of tho night. The wagon contained flitting, and it is evident the driver was asleop, and must have pulled the lines, otherwise the horses would nev. er have went over tho bank. It was fortunate that thero was but little water in the river. The party and furniture were considerably damaged, but no serious personal injury was sustained by any one. Tho neighbors kiodly took thorn in, and bad them properly cared for. , Musi it Bi Foaxven. Are we to keop huge standing armies in tho South forever to prop up tho negro governments, and to enable nret bag adventurers to hold on to oflices winch they are unlit to till r lite itadicals admit that the gavernmcnts the' have expended so much monc- to create, cannot stand a day longer than thev fro propped up liy federal bayoneta. Are we to be taxed eter nally to keep tnon of our own race in Subordination to negro barbarians? Theso aro questions tho people are asking, questions they intend to an swer at the polls. Female Countekff.itkiis. Wo no tice that intelligent and good looking females are now engaged in shoving counterfeit money in most of thoprin ?ipal cities. It is probublo that somo of these bkilllul operators will visit Harris burg, and we caution morchants and Bhop-keepers to beon tho lookout for them, i hey have been succossiul in pulling ou well-executed counter feit ten and twenty dollar bills. Two of these Dice young females were ar rested in Philadelpuia the other day. llarritburg Patriot, t Tho IUdicals have completely bank rupted tlio State of Tennessee. They have stoh n all the monpy, and nothing is lett U pay the interest on tbe Slate debt. 1 urse tactics are the same every where. If thev are allowed to run the General Government fuur years longer, the United states will share the fate of Tennessee, and bondholders will neither get the principal ior the interest ol their uighly cbcruQcd so curities. - , : - More Black Mailino. We loam that Mrs. Showers, a widow woman, who is Post Mistress at Newberry, In thbscottntv, hasrocieved a letterfrom tho Secretary of the "Union liopubli can Congressional Commilteo' at Washington, demanding the sum of eight dollars from her to help make this a negro government. Williams port Daily Stunttartt. The Solith Carolina Legislature has just passed a law prohibiting any dis tinction of color in hotels or public conveyances. People who want a taste of the sweets of equality Van now have them by making a trip down that way. Wo hope many flail ieals will go, as we have no doubt they would all come back perfectly cured. Convnpbi-ms. -Why is loyalty like charity 1 . Because it covers multi tude of sins. i What name should hereafter he jriven to embezzlement by a Clerk of thebenater ornry-cation. Why is gold like Grant and Colfax ? Because it has gone np sine the De mocratic Convention. IHitrirl foNl-rnliONS. The llh of Angt wa irt-netal ('nferenne day at Hidy. The I'unneratle CVnf'fiw f lM Cmigrer.innal, rcnaliinl nnl A"eroUy flrtrUI having met there oa that day. The prawllngl of earh will h found below, taken from the Klk AViKw-ahi. LEGIK1.ATIYK. , Convention met at S w'oloek. On motion of Janie l'alnler, of Forect eounly, Judge Wright, of ClrarnoM, a ealltxl to tbe ehatr. On examination the following delegalei were found to be entitled to arate i ' Clearfield A. K. Wright, W. W. Bette, J. It. Walton, F!lk Loniii Vollmer, P. W. Itaye, J. F. Moore. Korert lir. J. Winane, Jatnea i'ainter, H. It. Tluelrtt. On notion of I'r. J. Wlnani, S. II. JIatlult, of Foreat, waa ohoaon Keeretary. The nomination of a eaiiiidalo for Aawmbly being in order, Jamoi Painter, or Foreat, nomina ted Hon. T. J. MuCullotigh, or I'learlleld, wbloh on being eeoonded by J. F. Moore, or Elk, waa put to vots and carried A letter from Mr. MoCullough, explaining hii Inability to attend, on account of alcknera In hii family, was'then read. Mr. Painter Uteu'oflVed a resolution nibming tho oouree of Mr. MeCullough rn tho hut Legisla ture, whioh waa adopted, without diesent. , On motion of Mr. lietta, that the pruewdlngi of thia Convention be pubtiihed in all the papen of the Mutrlct. .. . ' The Convention then adjourned, to meet at Tl- oneeta on the third Tburadny of Aogiut, 1869. A.K. W1U0HT, l'rei'U S. n. Hadlett, Secretary. 6F.NAT01UAL. Convention met at the Hydo Houee at 4 o'okwk. On motion Col. J. B. Knox, of Clarion, waaehoten PreiiJeut, and W. W. Bctta, of ClearDeld, Secre tary. The fullowlnj delegntei from the respective counties wore proeent t Cameron A. II. Boyington, i. B. Newton, D. P. Haird. - Clanou Hugh Maguire, J, B. Knox, F. E. Jonert. Clearfleld A. K. Wright, W. W. Betta, J. B. Walten. Llk B. D. Hall C. Wainwright, C. A. Wlloox. ForoKtll. llurrington, I. (J. Siggiua, Jeniet OilfilUu. On motion of Hon. A. II. Boylngton, Hon. Wil liam A. Wallace, of Cleardeld oounty, waa dortarcd the nnanimuui choice of the Couveution for State Fenntor. ........... On motion of Hon A. K.Wright, It wnj reaolved that .he eourw pf Hon Via. A. Walla In the State Senate he endorsed by thia Conrejition. On motion the proceeding! were requested to he published In the Democratic papers of the Iii trict. - , - . , On motion tbe Convention adjourned. . v J. II. KNOX, IWt, , W, V. Jlnrra, ScweUry. , . CO.NGltL'?HIOXAL. Inibiediately after the adjournment of the Sena torial Conference the Congrepidonal Conference as sembled at the Court Huure, when Hon. K. B. El dred, of Warren county, was chosen Chairman, and M. Croiby, of Eric, and C. V. Qillis, of Klk, Secretaries. The counties were then called In their proper order, when the following were lound to be repre sented : Cameron A. H. Jtovinffton, J. B. Newton. Clearfield Samuel Circle, J. II. Wallers. Klk II. Kreti, C. V."lillli, J. O. Hall. Erie J. II. Carver, P. (I. Straimbsri, M. Cmsbv. Forest S. R. Holms., W. B. Harlan. It. lllaek. Jefferson tioorgo Jeuks, K. Ij. Blood, It, C. liLllespt. M ' Kean Unrepresented. Warren J. A. NeilL Jaiaes Btait, B. B. Kl- dred. . Tne reading of credential being dispeasod ith. Mr. Kreta, of Elk, moved that those counties net fully represented bo entitled to three votes. Carried. On motion the Convention then prnocrded to put In nomination a candidate for Congress, when the following gcntlemcs irere named i Daniel Black tamed Y7. W. Maeon, of Forest oounty. ' Samuel Cljde named T. J. Beynr, of Clearfleld county. K I- Blood aaatcd IV. P. Jonke, ef JefTereeo oounty. A. H. Boyington nominated BaseUs Brown, of Warren county. Judge Brown waa nominated on the second hat lot, as fellows. 1st Dal. 2d Bal. W. W. Mason t 4 T. J. Boyer S S Itanelas Hrnwn , 9 J.I W. P. Junks. , ! i Mr. Jenks' name was withdrawn after the first ballot ' . ' Tbe nomination ef Mr. Brown trait then made unanimous, when, on motion the following gentle men ware apieintcdaeoSAmttteetonct4alntJudge Brown of his nnminatlpn : P. 1. StranahaL'. of Eric ; A. H. Boyington, of Cameron, and John (J. Hall, of Elk. The tituo and place for hoi, ling the next Coa greesional Conference waa Cxod on tbe second Tuesday of August as the time, and Ridgway as the place. . f . . , A CoumuUoeon Ktolutions was then afipolnted, consisting of tbe following genUeaien i O. A. Jenks, John fl. Hall, J. B. Newton, J. A. Nctll, V. B. Harlan, J. B. Walters, and M. Crosby. The Convention then adjourned until S e'clock. xvr.MNO ar.SHio!!. Convent ien rrafitcDiblcd pnrssuiut us adjourn ment, ino lommntec on resolution! not being reedy to report, Mr. Blood, of Jrlfttrson, being called upon, arose and addre wised the Covtretrtlon In a few hnjipy remnrks, aflcr which Mr. Jenks Chalrmnn of the Committee on Kcwdiitions, report ed the following, which were unanimously adopted Beeotvrd, 1st. That we cordially endorse tiie platform adopted at tbe Natmnnl emoeralie Can .enlion, as a correct exposition of our political latin. , 2d. That the Interest of our State that an appropriation be ma.le by tbe tJeneral Oevcm aseut U IhoronrSty linprore the KHe llnrlOT. Xrl. Tiiat in pitu-ing in nom:oatuie HornUoSev. mour, tlie etst(tiau, for Pmuiieut, and V. V. lllnir, the sohher, lor Viue Presiiiciit, tlie Demo, emtio pnrty eaiued the riht lucn l-r the right nloees. th. That the Hon. lUselas Bnisn, our nominee for t'nuprrfwA, as a ptilriot, a (Ten tie loan, and ao honest man slitnJs lUKurpavcl, aud wo pledge our earnest and hearty support to secure his eieo tjiin, - ' The Cvention then edj'.nmM. K. II. LLD11LD, Chairman. M 9w C. . OlU.W, I T . , mm ' Opportunitii h For bargains Iinvo kftB w.iltrnocd bj gratified cuMomproj ami tn clone out our unuunHjr Urgo an 4 Una Fnmnifr ntsfHik batU'r ItaraJoi are in winrt for the foW at IlcnnHt.. BlattrnSTgr t Co. 'is tn Oi-NMila, tt tnftVie rui fr Fall atnvk. whirfe thy mmiM halt bt tlrffMit, (aty an4 Tarii-d. 3l Clearfleld Markets. Bei'orted weekly fnrthe Ci.aAanrLn pRri;ai.trAit br I. P. K a ATmn, Dealer In Dry Demo's, tin. ceries, Provisions, e., Market St., f learSeli Apples, green & 00 1 Dried, yib Uj Applebutler,V'l. ' ' Butter. Ilifij 4" Il an 2 U4 I Buekwheal.. I HO Buckwheat flowr tt, a lleef. dried. 18 Boef, frwh S'Of-e) He Boards, M Is U1 (K 0ora,ehelle4 1 St Corn, ear SO Corn meal, y aaek, t 00 ( hop, ewtj T0(t 4 00 Clovcrsccd 00 00 Cheese. 14 Cherries, lb. J"' i Chiekena, drsd, ti, Jo FTSS J5 Flaxseed. 00 Flour II liOftH 00 Hay 11 0I4 e 00 T 10 19 ti ..55 00 tOO t IS Hogs, dressed.... Iliiles, green Hams I.irn) Shoulderalftffo Sides lS(r I.ard Mess pork.'fcsbb, 'lata Oniona M , Potatoes. Peaches, dried, .. It Plaater, V bbl I M Bre. S 00 Rags, p lb I Salt, sack t to Shingles, i" In, M, a Ot Shingles, 20 in It 00 Timothy eeci.... ( 01 Tallow .. IS Wheat. M I 0 Wool M 4S Wood, j oord 00 J. ). GRAHAM & SONS, MABKEt BTRF.KT, CLKAltFIKLD, Pa. TDK subseribers having sntered Into partner ship for the purpose of carrying on the business of Merchandising, now offer A Good And rnro opportunity to the chitons of Clear- told and adjoining conn tics to buy store goods at wholesale or retail prices, that will astonish the constructed. Their goods will be particu larly rriectedto suit this market Every lady will, therefore, call the attention of .her If usbntul To this fact, because this branch of our business will receive special attention, and everything needed In a well regulated household will at all times be found in our store. Our stock of IKY GOODS shall not he surpassed, either in qual ity er price, and will embrace, in part, Prints of every style. Ginghams and Lawns of every quality, Muslins of every grade, Ds Leines adapted to th e tastes of the old and young ; and every article of any kind of goods they sell is Guaranteed To bs as represented, and warranted to give sat isfaction. As to PKT.MI GOOIMs-we hv a spleeded assortment of Alpacas, black, white, and in colors) Armarea, Silks, and In short all the newest stylos in the market We desire this fact to become known To Every Person man, woman, child, physician, me chanic, farmer, lawyer, barber, woman's r'.fhti man, .or any other man in the oeranly , . iv l- V . Young Or old, ties or poor, high or low, who will favor ns with a call. With eur new and extensive stock any gentlemen eaa pie ass the ami fastidious Ijndy, By Jnst dropping tn and getting a nice dress pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by dolig that which is better I give her well -(1 lied purse, and she will Snd good and paying investments In embroideries, edgings, rihkoas, gloves, hosiery, or any other household aeccssiUes. 1 Aud la ad.Utioa is what we have alreaiy enumera- u,v kctp all kinds of CESTLtMEN'S WEAR ouches Cloths, Cafsimaree, Satinettl, flat, Boots and Shoes, Ae, besides. A Xlec Assortment of Made-up CI.OTI1I for Men and Boys, manufactured nut of the eery beat material, which we will sell for cash or exchange for country produce at prices which will astonish both husband and Wife Wa are now largely eatagej in buying and selling sUfJARi: TIMiUlR and manufac tured Ll'MDER, ajlwlll give this branch of business spetisJ attention, and make It an object To Every One who has Lumber lo sei! to deal with, as. , We shall also keep emastaatly oa ban a general assortment f GROCKRIllS and HARDWARE, which ws will sell at exceed ingly low prices. We alio kjvp a full assort ment of UUEKNI4W ARB. This department will bs kept full and complete, and every ' Young 7fan Or maiden who contemplates housekeeping, will Snd II advantageous to come and trade with as. We are eo situated, end, from long experience In the business, so well acquainted with the wants and eeeeeiilles of this comttanlty, that we feel satisfied if every man and woman I ,. I In Clearfield County I makes ft a point to bay their goods from as, We can please them both as to quality and price. Therefore, eom along and bay your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Quccnsware, Hardware, DOOTS A SHOES, HATS k CAPS, Ready-Made Clothing, Atd everything yo need to rieder yourselves ana families eomfortable, from JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS., !' CLEARFIELD, Ta. SOMnmNG NEW IN SHAW'S ROW. KHASK & CTOUCHTOX, MERCHANT TAILORS Market Ktrwt, Clearfleld, l'a U A VI NO opened their nsw establishment In Shaw's Use. ear door east of the anss ernes. and baring Just returned from the eastera cities with a Urge assortment of Cloths, CoEsimerGa, Vestbrs, Bsavsrs, and all kinds of floods for men and boys' wear, are now prepared to snake up to order Cl.OTniXQ, from a single article to a full snlt, In the latest styles snd most workmanlike manner, ' Special attention given to eastern work and eutting-oot for men and boys. Ws offer great bargains to customers, and warrant entire satisfaction, A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. Call and see our goods. M. A. meSHR. oetlMf S:13 K. K. L. STOtfQHTON, U. BKIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door cast of Clearfleld House,) Market (street, Ciearfittlil, Pa. KEEPS on band a full assortments of flanf Furnishing Goods, snoh as Shirts, Linen and Woolen tJadersbirw, Drawers aad Socks, Neck. ties, Pocket Uantlkerchtels, (ilores, Hats, Umbrellas, Ac, In great variety. Of Piece Uoods he keeps the . . . Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Hiieh Black Dot in of tba very belt ntatta; rancy Cms. mere, in rraat variftv. alio, f roach CoatiDR. lieavar, Pilot, Cliipchilla, And Frioolt ovrcoatiiig. All of which will ba aolU oheapfor Cash, and tuado up aooorumff to tha I teat ttvlei bj experienced workmen. Alio. Agent for Clearfield county for X. M. fiinjrcr k Cn'i, eeiobrated Sewing MitPhinai. urutturr. CLEARFIELD FURNITURE ROOMS. "" Mareret Street, east of Fourth. J O II X "flToXt M A X7 1'roprletor. TBE sulisori'osr befs leave to eill the etten tfon of tbe eititone of ClearSeld and sur rounding eonatry lo tbe hot that ha ia aow prepared to furaish, oa short notice, Cabinefrvare of all Styl9s & Patterns Suited for either Parlor, Dining or Bed rooms, by tbe single article, or rn sets to suit pur. chasers ; Bureaus, Sofaa, Loaagee, liat i racks. Tables, etude, Ac, Ao. " . i i . alia luatiulacture CHAHIS i PETTKT:3 BI'LOW CITY PRICES, Consisting of Parlor, Diuing-mont, Cane, Hocking aud other Chairs, Which I propose to warrant aad aell cheaper than oaa be purchased olsewhtre. Just try me. , JOHN lilULTMAK. Clearfleld, Feb. 27, lS57,tf . CHEAP. FURNITURE. . JOHN GULICH , , ,r ' DtSlT KB to Inform hit fid Weeds aad res Uimers. that having enlarged his shop and Ine.eaeed hie facilities for manulaetorlng, he is now prepared to make to order such Furniture as may be desired, in good atyle and atehcap rates for CASU. lie generally hat oa head, at his Furniture rooms, a varied assortment of ready made fartlture, among which era , BUREAUS A D .SIDE-BOARDS, ' Wardrobes and Book-Csses: Csntre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Pining Exteailon Tables) Com mon. Prench-peet.Ccttat .Jenny-Ltnd and ether Bedsteads Sofas of ail kinds, nork-stands, Bat-racks, Wash-standi t Rocking and Area fhairs j sprirg-rest, cane bottom, parlor, com mon and other Chairs; Looking-Olatset of every deerriptlcn oa hand ( and new glasses for old frames, which will be put in oa eery reasonable terms on shortest notice. He also keeps on band orfarnirhea to arder, Corn hark, Hair and Cotton-top ki at tresses. Coffins op Every KiKd Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse whenever desired,' Also, lluuse Painting disss to order. The subscriber alee tnanufee tures, and has constantly oa hand, Clement's Pstent Washing Machine, the best now In ase 1 Thoee aslng this auohiae aever aeed be with out aleaa clothes! He also bee Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family using this Churn aever aeed be without butler 1 All the above and many other articles are fur. niabod taeastoowrs cheap for Caea or exchanged for approved country produoo. Cherry. Mania. Poplar, Linwoed and etber Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken la exchange for furnitar the shop Is on Market street, Clearfleld, Pa, aad aoariy opposite the "Old Jew store.'.' . . JUIU etl'UCU. November 3 A, Uii f ' $ NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP , THIHB HT B Ei.T. C l,K A K F I 0. TBE snherriberresnevtrally Informs his frlrails aad the public In general, that ha hst lueal te4 lo the borough of CLIARFI KL1), in the shop recently occupied by Jacob Bhunkwetler, where be is now ready te perform all da'lei towards his customers ia a workmaalike manner. Hleds, Kleigbt, Beggiet aad Wagons rroaed, end Horse-shoeing dont at reasonable rate. He respectfully asks a skere of work frees the public, aa he Intends to give kit whole attention e the business. THOMAS HILLY. March IJ, ISM. TcenI New Blactsniithing Estaulisliaerit. BKCOXD 6T, CLtAHFlKLP, Pa. ., rpBB undersigned keg to Inform the Inhablt 1 - ants of ClearDeld and surrounding neigh borhood, that they hare commenced busiaess in the above line, where, by striot attention to all work entrusted te them, the hope te merit a share er public patronage. ' nORSB nOFISO on the most approved principles, for either fast or working horses. Horses that Interfere, can be entirely prevented. ALL KINDS OP PAW.MILL WORK, En gine work and Strain lloilers repalre.1. Miners' tools ana aii aiows ? Sieel tools matioof tho best material and oa the ahortrHciotico. Post-hole augura, for board fenoing. , aVt,AH work doae by as Is warranted to give sat'.siarti'jn, m ae ehargo will be made. . At08 RKNNAKD. apr Cat JAMKS WATFHB. - Boggs Township Awake I I ? ' i OHEiT IXCITKMKNT AT ' ( THOMAS BEEKS'SII IVBRYBODY trying tn get there first, for fear j of being crowded nut rnha the wold. It yoa want good hheeing done, sro te Burrs. If yoa want jour Sleds ironed right, goto Banna. If you want good Mill Irons, go to Brrri. If you want your wtgnn ironed ia thebeet style and workmanship, go to Briar. Burrs makes the best Mump Machine tu the State, aaddoes all kiadiof BbACkrMITill.NO aa cheap ae caa be doae ia the oeuaty for Caahs. My Poet Office address Is Clearfleld Bridge. TilUMAii Ilk. KltS. Boggs Tp, Dee. 111,1 87-tf. EVERYTHING 1 ik tnit If AltmVAlllS lefXE KEPT AND FOR 8AI H ' AT FAIR PRICES, ' BT G. II. ZK1GLER ti CO. ; , KiyTre tuy for Cash, sell for Cash, and consequently SELL CHEAT. Philipiburg, July 111, . D If)l.trTll)'OK rARTM llflllP The itartnershin heretofore exiiting between J. P. H.KclAL A M. L. tiANOK, In th Stove and Tinning bnsluess, ia Phillpsbnrg. was dissnl. vrd by rreiituai consent, on the.20th day of Julv lMN. 1 be acouunte of the Arm will be settled. and the business continued by O. H. II. I HAU Philtpsburg Pa. 1 O. f. FI.1.UA1.. Jaly 3 Ifr,8.t. " J ' M. L. (I AN0E. MISS H. 8. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CI,f ABFIKLD, PA. fpilxt Plist Term, nf twentt-lwe weeks, will X oomrarnoa on Monilay, August 111, 1H. TKRMH tiF TUITION. Heading. Orthography, Writing. Object Les sons," Primary Arithmetic nd Primary Orography, per half term, (of eleven weeks.) $5 00 History, Loral atid descriptive Oeogmphy with Map Drawing, Oram mar. Mental and Written Arithmetic... ....,....'..' 8 5l Algebra and the Rcienoos . 9 00 For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfleld, August 0, IflfiS Siu. Clearfleld Academy. er. F. L. HARRISON, A M., Principal T1TE FIRST URSAON of the next scho. laetlo yearof thia Institution will commence oa MON BAY, the 1 th day of September, IMrln. Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the olose of the rJesaiun. The course of Instruction embraces every thing Inoluded in a thorough, practical and accom plished education for both sexes, The Principal, having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rentsanj guardians that bis entire ability and energies will be devoted to the moral and men tal training of the youth pieced under his charge. TivKMS IF TUITION. Orthography, Heading, Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per cession (11 weeks! - ti SO Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and History - - . aa ou Algebra, Geometry, Tri Tonometry, Men suration, ourveywg, Pbiloeophy, Phyet. ology, Chemistry, Book Keeping, Botany and Physical Geography . . - 19 01) Latin, (Jreek and French, with any of the above Branches .... f 12 00 NT-No deduction will be made for abseace. X&r for further particulars Inquire of Her. P. L. HAKRIbON, A. M., ClcarSsld, Feb. r), 186S tf. . , Principal., Boalsburg Academy. BoaUburar. Centre County. Penna . TITE FAT.L TKltH ot tfn' Inntltatron (uow in a floarifliirn aondiiiun) will bec.n on MONDAY, AL'til ri 3, and oontinueeikt wecki. Kvth male anil fcma4 pupilf received, lioalflmr ia tvtu hpd hy iiaee frota Uetiefocita, 8prvw Creek and Milnry. . J i J m Kroui I ; to f 7 per w-rm. board. die in private fumilice at from $3.25 to $J..S0 nrr wick. ' A NOHMALCLAS will he fr!.. ' For further Information ntMret-i. the Principal, l. W. LFIBMliK. jyl(J 3ai:)i4 fforitiorly of Marklr ville, Piirrj Co.) : gtardivart, STinirart, c?tf. - NEW HARDWARE STORE rhilipsbnrg, Centre Connty, Fa. C s , W er-r-r ' " ; ; G.vII. ZEIGLER & CO. DEALERS IS Foreign & Domestic Hardware, WOOD, WILLOW, i TIN WARE, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, &o. TBS attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farm era, Lumbermen, and Buyer generally, is invited to the fact that weave offering a better aaeortmont of (roods In owr fine than can be found elsewhere la thii part of the State, at Prices to Suit the Timet. Our stock comprises a general assort meat of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Black smiths, Carriage aad Wsgen Makers, Ac, with a largo stock of . , . , Iron, Xails, Steel, Spikes, Mining Supplies, SaddUry, Ropr, Chains, Grindstones,- Circular, Hill . and Cross-Cut Saws, KXAMELED, FINISHED k TLAIX HOLLOW WARE, CABLE - . CHAINS, ; Lard, 'Linseed, Col, Lubricating and - Fish Oil. - - TURPKNTISE, BENZINE, VARKISHES. COAL OIL LAMPS AND LANTER53. An excellent assort ra wit of Fin Caller, eeai- p rising KNIVES, 1ESEHT, TEA; TABLESrOONS, FORKS, SCISSORS, RAZORS, Ao. . , !.?,l.4ftUanf ens. 620 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 VVm.T. Morkru'e -tins Mahe t "key. alona HklHs" Are Iht liesl and Cheapest I.e pH-ed Keep Skirts in b maikel. Trail hklrts, n sprlnta, ! : KM springs, $!. t 40 sprlnrs, II 4. Plala tklrls, 6 Is pes, jo arrlngr, eO Cents; is springs,) Cettll (II springs, (.lift; 34 springs, l.l. Warranted In every respect. "Oar 'OWN Wake" of TMtiff RKIRTI'," Eleven Tape Trails, from 10 to 60 springs, 11.10 to f.n. Plain, HI Tapes, JO to iQ springs, from 9h Cents to ft. 00 These Kkirti are better than those sold by other establishments as trst class goods, and at much rower prices, "Our OWN Make" of CHAHPION RKIBTS' are In every way superior to all ether Hoof, Kklrt before the public, and only have to be examined or wore to convince every one of the fact. Manufactured of the best linen-llniahed English e'teel Springs, very superior tapes, swif the style of the metalie fastenings and manner of scouring them surpass for durability and ex cellence any other Skirl in this eountry, and are lighter, more slastir, will wear longer, give more eati.fuetlnn, and are really ebeapor than all othen. Krery lady should try them. They are being sold extensively by Mercbantsthrougb out this and ths adjoining Htatcs at very mod. crate prices. If you want ha best, ask for "Hopkin's Champion Bklrt." If you de not Snd them, get the merchant with whom you deal to order them for you, or come or send direct tons. Merchants will find our different grades of Skirts exa4 tly what they need, and we especially invite them to call and examine eur extensive assort ment, or send for Wholesale Price List. To be hnil at rtetall at Manufactory, and of the Betail Trade generally, end at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be ail dressed. Meunfaetory and, 629 A"rch Streak between Orh and 7th street, Philadelphia'. March 21 lm WM. T. UOl'klKS. H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AXD WATCH MAKER, orrorrva inn ffaq, Maagaf svbit" POST OFFICE iii2f3lCLEABFIKLD THE subscriber rerpecUuIly Informs hit old patrons and the publio generally, that be haaoa band, (and it constantly receiving bow additions thereto,) a large stock of Clock, lratches and Jewelry'. keep Jewelry In all Its forms and of (liferent values, either by the piece or set. WATCHES A full assortuent of either fluid or Silver, made by tbe best Aaerican and for eign manufacturers, including a tine lot of gold and silver hunting case, full jeweiod, Patent Lerors. CLOCKS Of all deigns, consisting of eigbt dey and thirty-hour, of either weight, spring ar levers, and both strike and alarm. BEPAIRISQ. All kinds of Watches aid Clocks Repaired, and warranted. ' In addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a full assortment of SPECTACLES, colored and plain glass. Also.QOLD PENr-and PENCILS, bPOONS, FOKKS, BITTER KNIVES, aod la fact everything In lbs Jewelry line. If I fail to have oa hand just what a customer may need, 1 will order per first express, withoutextra charge. . A liberal share of public petronage is solicited. May 7, 1SM-J U. t. KAUOLB. S,5H),00 Customers in Pour Tear. Patronize the Besll HAVING tho largest capital, most erpcrtea. ccd buyers, and extea.ive trade of ay coucern in the Dollar ale busiaess, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION ia every Instance, and alee the nir eeleetioa ef Qoodo ever oflored ai ONE DOLLAR EACH. Ko other concern has any show wherever ear" Agent are selling. Our motto, "Prompt aad Beliabla." Male and female agent wanted ia eity aad eountry. , THE LADIES Are particularly requested to try our pop alar" club system of selliug all kinds of Dry and Fancy Goods, Ureit Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Bilver Plated Goods, Watch ea, Ae. (Established in 184.) A patent pen loeatain and a cheek describing as article to be sold for a dollar, 10 cents; 20 for f J; 40 for ft ; 00 for $0; 100 for $10; sent by mail. Free present to getter up, (worth M per cent more thaa those tent by any other oonoern,) according to sire of club, fiend as a trial club, or if not, do not fall to send for circular. H. B. Our jewelry should rot be classed with New York dollar jewelry tales er bogus "Tea Companies,' as it is nothing of the sot. XASTMAK KENDALL, auglS-lyJp ti lien ever SU, Boston, Mate READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS is ST ATI OS ER Y. Market St., Clearfleld, rat the Poat Office. flvjlB undersigned begs leave to announce to L tbe citlscns of Clearfleld and vicinity, that he hee fitted up a room and hat just returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, consisting in part uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Past Books of erery de soriptioa Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencil. ; Blank, Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgagee ; Judgment. Exeaip. tioa and Promissory notes; White and Parch; ment Brier, Legal Cap, Record Cap, aad Bill Cap , Sheet, Musie for cither Piano, Flute or Violia constantly on hand. Any books or stationary desired that I may not have oa hand, will be or. ordered by first express, aad told at wholtsale or retail to rait customers. I will also keep periodical literature, sach as Magaslnes, News papers, Ac P. A. GAULI3J. ClearHald May 7, lSCS-tf BRITANNIA & SILVER TLATED . WARE. W TIN WAKE IN GKEATVAIUETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE, Household, Horticultural, Farming and Rafting Implements of the latest acd molt . , . Improved paterae. , Blacksmiths raa Vie rapplled with. Anvils, Bel lows, Vices, Sledges, TJammert, Hers and Mule ishoes, Horse Mails, and all klada of Iron aad Steel. ' Carpentera and Buildera will Ind la ear estab lishment a superior stock of Planes, fleas, Angara, Hatchets, ttagle, double-hit aad pealing Axes, Hammer, Chisels, Files, Binges, Screws, Bolts, Leckt, Pulleys, Sash, Cord, Ac, Ae., Ao. Farmers and Raftmea will lad everything ia their line, aad cheaper thaa eaa be i had elsewhere. Particular attention It In r1 ted to oar stock ef Ftovei, comprising Ppear's celebrated Anti-Dust, (look and Parlor tores of all siset. Alto, the K Isgara Cook, Parlor Coek, Brilliant, I'awn, new in op, Arotio, and Common hag Pockcl, Ao. All of the above ffnodt will be aold cheap or raan. G. n. ZFJGLKR k Co. Union Mills Woolen Factory. - t'SION TP, CLKARFIKLD CO., TI. nHE nndwigntMi tearing pomhard aa Iatdrrat X fa Vnioa iiilla,ara nrapaml toeard wool. mantiraotrira r.& fiuih Ooitiind do all kiodi nf wf rk lu Mi i8 line on thort tritioe, in workmanlike aiaaiicr, ami on ironablc tariua. The; alio lUeiiiufMctura Flour, Feed aud Lumber, Which will He told at (lie lowest eAsh rnteit. TVaol IhtrntUd for carding ean btt loft at th vtora of K. Mt-np or J. P. Krattwr, in Cloarflald. wlit-rt ibcr will et it and rotorn ti on aturlar of rafh wwk. Lr.fcr of Inquiry ldrrncd to ua at Ifncktoa P. 0. will rrHre pntnpt attnthin. V. K. A J. sAKNOLD. Rockton, June 18, M ly. I V tho PKMOCHATIC ALMANAC. Only -i ?fnta, ihverjr votrr ibould aava one. tf. A Full Line OF Water Coolers and lee Cresm Freeiera, for tale by 8. H. IKIULKR CO., Philipsburg, Pa. WarTon-inakrrs & Blacksmiths WILL fad a large assortment of Hubs, Opokee, Felloes. Axles. Thimble 8elns. Bugcy Hprings ; Bar, Feallop aad Rod Iroa , rtau Aoda, CaslMeel, Horse ana Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, As- do., at the large Hardware tore of O. U. ZEIOIER CO.. Philipsburg, Pa. Thimble Pkieni end Pipe Boxes sold cheaper thaa anywhere ia the eountry. Jyl-tf Democratic Almanac, riMUS Invaluable publication it for tale at the L post office. It should be In the bands of every Democrat. It oontalns full eleetloa returns front every eonnty in the United States) beside, the number Tor IstiO contAins a complete list ef the namesof all the newspapers Fitpprwsed and moblied during Lincoln'! administration ; and that for I V. 7 oonosins the names of all those oivilians who were imprisons! during the same period. Those two rlste, for future reference, are worth more than the price of the publication. The number for I Siiej Is also full of valuable statistics. Any one sending 60 cents to the Post Master, will receive by return mail a copy for each year, free of postage. je?.i:tf DlOI,fTIO OF PARTHKRHIHP. The partnership heretofore existing Wet warn the undersigned, In the mercantile bn.iocee, at Karthans, was dissolved on the 1st nf July, 1 scs. All the bonkt and ecmunta will be left with Was. J. llolfer, who will make settlements and continue business at the old stand, where he invites eld and new patroni to give hint a call. WM. J. TtOPFFB, Karthans, July 10 Pt. O. M. I1KKTLEIX. UIE DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC 'c 'f 1RS.1 and lKf.l for eale at Ihe Pert ClTiaa Irico CI W. lr!,e.l to are ajdr", ii if