Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 27, 1868, Image 3

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    Giohqi B.(joodi.andkr, Editor.
Thursday Morning, Au. 27. 18G8.
' Democratic National Ticket.
Democratic State Ticket.
llun. CHARM'-M 1 HOi I.K,of Fayetto,
m'RTKroR uKimku
lien. WEIXI KOTOW II. EXT. Columbia,
Democratic District Ticket.
r-ttratnitr jmnb,
Hon. C1RO. R. HAKRI'.TT, of Clearfield,
(Subject to the action of lie Conferees.)
Hon. RASI'.LAS BROWS, of Warren.
Hon. M M. A. WALLACE, ot Clearfield.
Hull. T.J. .Mctl l.l.Oll.H.uf Clearfield
Democratic County Ticket.
AARON C. TATE, of Lawrence.
Register A Recorder,
A. W. 1,1 :i:, of liter aria.
gAMlXL.H. NHAFl'MiK, of Lawrenre
DA Ml' IX V. McCI.OHKF.Y, of Pike.
PRICE A. KOH ICS, of Knox.
Col. John P. Linlon, of Cambria
county, Uas been nominated for Con
gress in tho Seventeenth District,
. The Same .Noise. It stiil keeps
"thundering" in tho West. The elee
tion returns from tho Territory of
Idaho indicate the eloction of Judge
Shaffer, Democrat, Delogato to Con
gress, by COO majority.
Gen. Jua.'Il. Steadiuau mado such a good honest.
square-toed Democratic speech at th meeting the
other night that an enthu.iiuticllioerliianprrHt.nit
iiiimcdialely christened him "Jim ot the say."
A. 0. Jinn.
Wo wonder 'vhether I?ucher w ill
"commend his example to his Clear-
fiold relations" again I
Tun Judicial Convention. This
body assembled at Hellcfoiite on tho
18th instant, and after taking 150 bal
lota, adjourned, to meet at Clearfield,
on TuesJ.iy, tho 1st day of September.
Tho last ballot stood as the first, viz
Barrett, a ; Orvis, 3; Mayer,3. Judgo
Barrett, however, during tho balloting
frequently had four votes.
Tho brimstone parson, Governor
Brownlow, has called out thirty thou
sand militia (niggers with guns) to
conduct tho approaching election in
Tennessee Freemen, that is the kind
of plaster loyal Governors will admin
ister to all when tho niggers are
enfranclrsod and all tho Slato and
general governments itro in their
hands. Jviggers carrying elections
with bayonets is a loyal invention,
and looks strange in freo country,
but it is so. How do yon liko it,
white faco f
TllE BllF.ATHINUS of a Fool. Ga-
lusha A. Grow, a renegade and abank
rupt, financially and morally, Las ev
idently done what Thad. Stevens, in
1838, asked Jlr. Montolius to do
thrown his conscience to tho devil
This political harlot is now the Olinir
nian of the disunion Stata Committee,
and in a lato address, in referring to
the Democratic party, aays : ' '
"It rejoiee-l at every I'uion dt-f, at. andinournetl
at every I'nion victory.
"If fits part . i n sueiwed t tho ballot Vox the
work of reconciliation fur four years a ill be un
done, aud the iriurl, r taurilioes of four more a-ill
have been rua-le in vain.
"The issue is narked and Will defined : Giant,
Clfttx, aarf 'race : or, tSVyieoMr, Miair, and
We doubt if ever the father of lies
invented as much falsehood and defa
mation in as few words as tho fa ilc
Grow has in this instance This is a
premeditated LIE from "It" to "War."
An Enterprising- Cum. A. A.
Bradley, a Boston nigger, who was
taken to Georgia in a bureau, is giving
his loyal friends somo trouble in that
State About a year ago he was elec
ted a delegato to tho Constitutional
Convontion ; but soon after taking his
eat, it was ascertained that be had
served a term in a penitentiary in
New York, and he was expelled from
the Convention by nearly a unani
mous vote. At tho late election for
for Senators and lleprosentatives he
was clocted a State Senator by his
brethren, and look his seat. Sing
Sing was soon revived, a committee
appointod to iiircBtiiriita Sim
and learning thai the committee wore
unanimously in favor of his expulsion,
ho resigned, and Is now canvassing
hia district for Congress with a fair
prospect of an election, should his
"colored brethron" continue to vote
the Radical ticket. Should bo roach
tho Rump at Washington ho will be
eafo; because, if Congressmen Don
nelly and Washburn toll the truth, a
majority of that body is rtmdo up of
outlaw and vagabonds ; deuce Brad
ify.will find lis Uvel. . ;.,
Tht .VomOiff.
We this week lay before our rondel!
tho proceedings and result of all the
liistrict Conferences, with the excep
tion of the Judicial.
The Conirrosiomtl Conference pre
sent to tho people of the litvirt the
... ,.P II..., Voanliiu Ilrown. ot
Warren. He is a lending member of
tho bar in that section of the State,
and for a number of yoars was Presi
dent Judgo of tho Judicial district
composed of the comities of Crawford,
Erio and Wnrron, and no wouui oe
Judge yet had not a majority of the
voters in thoso counties turned Uis
unionists. Tho Judge is very popular
in Erio and Warren, and if bo makes
an encrgotie canvass, will most asured-
lvdofoatoilyKammon Scofield. lhesc
ate revolutionary times, and it i" im
possible to predicnto what will take
nlaco. If the manacles fastened upon
tho limbs of the people by their Radi
cal taskmasters be broken, (wlnoii is
not unlikely,) the fato of the Iiumpor
Scofield and his band of robbers is
sealed. Tho courso pursued in tho
past by tho Radical leaders, must, if
continued, produce a revolution, and
if the people reject tho humane and
peaceful modo of tho ballot, they will
bo compelled to undergo the horrors
of war, with all its terrible results.
The election of snch men as Judge
Drown to Congress will sheath the
sword, reduce taxation and oppression
in every form, restore union and har
mony, and lead us to uational great
ness. Theroforo, fellow citizens of
tho XlXth District, discharge your
duties as become patriots, and assist to
deliver your country aguiu into the
hands of its friends. 1 :
' Of tho other nominees we need say
but little. ' They are both well known
to our readers. !Mr. Wallace has been
unauimously honored with tho third
nomination for Senator, a compliment
he well deserves, and for which he is
eminently qualified.
Mr. JdcCullough was renominated
without opposition, and will of course
bo elected by an increased majority
t.rlHng irwft.
Greeley, of the Tribune, Is not given
to ns rough lying as tho rest of the
"blockheads" (as bo calls them) who
edit Disunion organs. Ho has about
given up the election of Grant. Last
week be expressed a doubt about Ohio
and Indiana, and in nlloding to Pcnn
sylvania, he says : ''Our advices from
" that State are limited, but (hctc are
" not favorable." Tho Pittsburg Com
mrrcial, in alluding to tho matter,says :
" Tf carried, in October, it must be by
" icork yet to Le done."
Hero we havo the confession cf two
lending Disunion journals, that the
contest is already settled in tavor of
tho Democracy. This fact must be
patent to every ono who has not bis
eyes covered with nigger wool. The
days of Radicalism ure about over.
"Tho 4th of March next will wind up
this farce of a" party, who havo so
outrageously robbed tho people for
eight years past. Tho Gnintites to
day can count on but four States,
MussachWlts and Vermont in the
Eust, and Iowa and Michigan iu tho
West. Tho General Scott campaign
of 1852 will bo repeated next Novem
Lotal Tactics. The political har
lots who aru running the machine for
Gen. Grant, aro spending much time
and talent over tho inquiry, "Is Ho
ratio Seymour a statesman f It is
not half as big a job to answer this
question with reference to Gen. Grant,
because every school boy knows that he
is neither a statc-mun noracVr-man.
Then why ank your neighbor to do
that which you refuse to do yoursolff
If these loyal sealiwng think it a duty
encumbent upon tho representatives
of tho peoplo to nominate a statesman
for President, why did not the niggers
and their while allies who met at
Chicago on the 2Hh of May hist, fried
such unoncf If this is tho correct
view of tho case, then tho American
people havo but one choice, because
Horatio Seymour is tho only statesman
beforo them for President, and none
but fools and knaves dispute it.
What next Tin n,n f,i,.o
know that Mr. Socretary Seward, who
seems to bo doing his best to fritter
away tho people's money, has been
engaged in the getting up of what he
culls "A Tribute Book to tlm M...,.n.,
of Lincoln," whhh hits cost tho litllo
tnllool ?:;,.oO per volume r A very
larire number hav 0 horn lirititnil ntwl
a copy is to be sent to every govern-
iii iii, unit nationality on the globe
What is tho next crotchet wlneli ia i,.
einanato from Howard's brain ? :
Bonner's celebrated home TWlnr
hns not only beaten Flora Temple, but
himself. Ho last week trotted a mite
in tiro minutrs and fourteen ficnmln.
His titn at Buffalo just summer was
2:17. Flora Temnle's tieat
'-:!! st Kalamazoo, Michigan
wnicn, up to that time, was tho best
trot, ever inano.
Important Orher. Tho Tost Office
Department has, in conformity with
tho recent act of Congress," issued
orders to its subordinates to send to
tho dead letter office all letters, circu
lars, A:c., concerning lotteries, gift
concerts, and similar swindles.
A Charleston paper wivs: One of
tbo Congrcssmeo elect frotnSouth Car
olina "is a murderer, a forger, a liar,
and a gambler. If ho is a drunkard
too, he is the right man in the richt
place. . .
Wo regret that w arc compelled to
inform our readers that tho Judicial
Conference, which met at Bcllefonlo
on tho lNth Instant, failed to muko a
nomination. In the main, each coun
ty adhered to its rnndldnte. Delega
ted powers ahuuld not bo discharged
in this manner. We trust that when
the Conference meets hero on Tuesday
next, a spirit of conciliation may pre
vail, and a result bo reached, in ac
cordance with tho requirements of the
district. If not, then tho Conferees
havo hut ono courso left, and that is
to adjourn sine die, acknowledge their
unfitnci-s to discbargo tho duties im
posed upon them, and let tho whole
subject bo referred back to tho people
There will Blill bo time to bold meet
ings, elect now Conferees and hold
another Conference. There is uonie
thing very Btrango, and, to us, unac
countable, about this failure to ugreo
upon a caudidalo, aftor a session of
threo days. Wo know, if delegates
do not, that Judgo Barrett is the first
choice of throe-fourths of tho Demo
crats, and ono-half of the Republicans
profor him to any other mun in the
District. The people of this county
make no unreasonable demands when
they ask hia nomination. They have
presented him with great unanimity.
unj tho whole Conference admit him
to bo unexceptionable in every partic
ular ; yet they fuilcd to finish the
work they undertook. Tho cituons
of this county fed that they have
claims upon tho district that should
be respected, and they again prosent
them earnestly to the consideration
of tho Conference, but in no arbitrary
spirit, and we hope they will bo so
received. We refrain from saying
more upon the subjcot at this time,
with the hope thut a nomination will
be promptly made when tho Confer-
once meets on the 1st proximo. In
the mean time, as the lawyers say
we will look np the case, and see who
is at fault.
tnolhfr Ltlltr from Sumiur
JS"o negro bus yot got into Congress,
although several are now candidates
ot the Radical nt irginia, with
strong prospects of election, if enough
govornmont rations aro sent into
their districts, lor tho negroes, and
1'udurul liayoncts in biiiiicicnt num
bcrs, to keep tho whito men from the
polls. Tho regret which Charlen
Sunnier experiences at tho absence of
his dark uretucrer. Irom the benato of
tho Cnited Stales is thus strongly
exprossed in a letter to a colored gem
man in South Carolina ;
Srmil Chaxukr, Julr 4. ISM.
Lkar Sin : 1 hare uevur givon any opinion In
regard to Senatorial fueiti'in in ronr .State, except
to eipreM a recrtt that the ffoldeo mportunitt
fthould ba lost ot making a ooiored oitiaaa Benator
fruin South Cart-lina. hu h a r-cnat4ir. If eompe-
tent, would tie a powerful support to the cauao 01
efl,ual rifcuta. Hit pn-eenee alono wonld be eon
etant triitnonr and argument. Nothlncoonlddo
io much toM-ttle the question of Vfunl righte for
ever in the United States. The howl airnin.t the
neirro erhh-h I wrmettmc heard in the Kenete
would oeaee. A colored senator would be as (rood
a a eonstiliitioiial amendment, luakitijr all back
ward ittniMFciMe. I wnto now franklv in
reply in your in'pitry, nn, without sny purp,i"eof
inK'Ncring tn your election. l ou will pnr,I,,n m;
auxiety fur the cause 1 have so muuli at bonrt
Aceept my l-ert wieb, t, and h'-hevi- ue, dear sir,
iniimuiiy jour;. .HAni.KS ri wuri.
To Thaddeus K. ratportaa, i.K., Columbia, H. C,
This letter does nol bnrmonizo with
the following lettor written by A Lin
coln, iSov. zl, lHhi, ns follows t
"To Rend a naroel of Northern men here aerep-
reeentathes, elected, as would be understood (and
perhape really si, at the point of the baronet,
would 1 HiKjrnrrful ond mitrnynui, nnd were I e
mem her of Congress hero, I would vote trains! id
tilting any snch sjiao lo a scat."
Giving TnAKKs.--The Republicans
ought to appoint a tlay of thanksgiv
ing for a happy riddance of the Blair
family." Cincinnati (hmmfrrinl
Make ono job of it Bnd give thanks
ai once lor an your riddances. Yon
have pot rid of Mr. Tiinenln'a Puliinnt
and of the Supreme Jndgos he appoin
ted i ou nave got, rta oi the Vice
r. . . ... . .
1 resident vnn pleetmi In IHliJ v
ImVO "-Ot. rid flfnl! fhoqp nhl "inf.b-ein.
iau" gentlemen liko Amos Kendnll, of
wnom yoti wero onco ro nroml. Ynn
havo got rid of a great nuiny states
men aim nnii'ircds oi thousands ol
soldiers. Besides tho Bluir finnilv
you have got rtd of the Chnio family,
.1 - s .1 .. ., ... - :
mo unims tamiiy, mid tho lamily of
"Ahrahnm.lstinc and Jacob." Il wonld
bo hard to name n decent family that
you have, not got rid of. Ifsueh losses
are pleasing, you will never bo done
giving thanks. You havo got rid of
an interesting lamily of States, and
retnin only a troublesome family of
bonds, Butlers, seals wnr nnrl
of whom wo wish you much joy.
Louisville Journal.
SiNfitiLAR Nomination. On Friday
a primary election was held in the
Lancaster district, for the nomination
of a enndiduto for the" Forty-first
Congress. It bnd been previously
recommended by tho Republican coin
mittco of the county that, notwith
standing thedeiith of tho Hon. Thad
dens Stevens, his h .mo should stand
lit tho head of tho ticket, nnd that, ho
should bo nominated as if be was
living. For the first time in the
political history of the country a man
already passed beyond tho confines of
time was nominated for Congress
without opposition. Philadelphia In
quirer. There is an eminent propriety in
such a nomination. The dead Stovcns
is tho best representative oftho dead
carcass of Radicalism. A dead ' man
io represent a dead party, is just the Columbia V Statesman.
Maine Election. Tho Maine elec
tion is lo be hold September 14
State oflicors and Congressmen aro to
bo chosen. Joshua L. Chamberlain
Republican nnd Ebon F. Pillsbury
I Democrat! nm Ihn 1:1.
.j . viuiuiuaies
for Governor. Chamberlain wascloe,
tod .nl8GG by27,2oM, majority, and
ast year, the majority was reduced to
less than 12,0(10. If a fnir election is
(kl AU-All II. I- - a I r .
1,118 Jur- mo Mato will rro
for Seymour A; Blair, by a handsome
majority. : - -,,
.fl llKff .1 .
It lias always been taught that tho
first lesson of a soldier is lo learn M
obey the command of his superior nfll
ct t. Wit! out having learned this les
son, a soldier is totally unlit to com
mand or exact olxulionee irom inoeo
inferior in rank. In this,as in almost
everything else that is essontial to a
soldier or an ofiicer, lien. Grant has
proved lamentably deficient, rorccd
toresmn irom toe oiu nnny us awn.
being cashiorod lor acts dir,gracelul to
an ollicer ami unbecoming a gentle
man, ha has, by ndvnnlilioiis circum
stances, acquiicd a high military posi
tion during . tho roueiii; war, only to
provo his incompetency to command,
by acts of t he most flagrant insubordi
nation and conduct towards his Coin-mander-in
Chief, which would huvo
Bubjccted any inferior ofiicer to sum
mary punishment by dismissal from
tho service.
Attontion is called toanothornctof
gross insubordination and neglect ol
duty, which has already resulted iu fl
fatal breach of tho pcaco, and may
produce, ore tho cause is romovod,
still moro serious consequences We
find in a Radical afternoon paper of
yesterday, the following :
Lnst night at nbout ton o'clock, as
tho Georgetown company of Butler
Zouaves (colored J were on their way
to tho Cnpitol to relieve the guard
ovor the remaina of Hon. Thaddeus
Stevens, a stone was thrown at them
when passing the corner of Twenty
first street and Pennsylvania avenue.
Somo of the soldiers fired in the direc
tion from which tho stono came, nnd
one shot took ett'ect in the kg of James
White, a colored waiter, who was
standing at tho gnlo of a residence
near by. A largo crowd immediately
gathered, and for a t!mo there was
every prospect of a Bcrlous disturb
ance; out tho ponce on duty, as well
as tho reservo appearing1 in force,
promnth', by surrounding the Zonaves,
checked further proceedings, and when
OTdor was restored allowed them to
proceed. There were somo half dozen
shots fired in nil, one of which passed
through tho drum.' Whito was taken
to bis residence on (J street, between
Twelfth and Thirteenth, when tho ball
was extracted by Dr. Augusta.
It is now nearly one year ago that
the attention of the authorities was
called to similar riotous proceedings
and serious breaches of the public
peace, arising from the outrageous
proceedings oi armed, uniformed and
organized companies of negroes in thiJ"'""1" ""J J,"," 8'-u"l e- J"".
district. This nuisanco and its ten
dency to create serious disturbance of
tho public peace was then brought to
tho notice of tho authorities. Tho
attention of tho President was first
called to the subject of theso illegal
armed organizations of negroes in this
district by an editorial in the Chroniele
of October 22, 1P07, stating that there
were at that timo nearly two lull col
ored volunteer regiments hero, and
that they would be reached by no such
order as that of the Mayor of Balti
more prohibiting such organizations
in that city; and, also, that the tunc
might come when they might "be
essential in preserving the peace of
the district.'
Already, it that timo, theso negro
militury companies had becomo a pub
lic nuisance They were meeting
nightly, and drilling nnd parading
with arms in their hands, creating
continually (icrioim and well-founded
apprehensions of grave disturbances
of the public peace, whon no organized
volunteer mlitnry orgatiinuliotiB were
allowed in Iho district. On tho 24th
of October,' 1807, tho articlo in tho
Chronicle atovo quoted was referred
by the President to General Grant,
then Socretary of War ad interim, "for
consideration, and any information ho
might possiss respecting tho organi
sations referred to by the Chroniele,
the nuthori:y under which they bnd
been raised and to which they were
hold subject" A roport upon the sub
ject was cnBed for from the militnry
I ....... ... nf . L. . 1-v . . .
v-wiu iiiuiiuui 01 too i'rur;ineni OI
Wnshingloi, General Emory, tho ra
sult of whoso investigations was, on
the 1st of Xovcmher, W)7, transmit
ted to the President by General Grant,
with the following endorsement : ,Ro-
spoet fully iHnrned to his Excellency
the rrcsidelt, for his information. I n
addition to tho military organisations
here reported, I understand there are
four companies of white militia in the
District, wised without authority or
objection."'. ' ' . 1 - 1
The animus of this reference is loo
obvious to .need comment. General
d rant was just fit that time becoming
fledged ns tho champion of tho advo
cates of negro equality; and as lie
supposed without reason howovcr
that tho President's innuiry was
aimed particularly at the negroes, he
must noods, in ins reply, strike a blow
at the white militia, of which there
were in tho district no existing organ
isations armed and uniformed, as were
tho negw companies alluded to. In
his eagerness to dotend the negroes,
General Grant Booms to have forgot
ten on this occasion, as niwn munv
others, tint it was tho white volun
teers in the army who, by their self-
sacrificitig devotion and bravcry,gave
10 nun toe prominence no eiiioys. now
seen and universally acknowledged to
00 as nnovo his merits as tho hoav-
ens are above Iho eitrth.
Tho rresidont, however, desiring to
net simply in accordance with the luw,
issued tho following onior:
"fixreiTtvit Mmiex, )
"Wassimto. d. C. Knvember . lsiir,
'Hill 1 1 em reliahli advised thai lime,, .
the Iiislrietof I'elumhia a nuuilier of trim d urgan
Iraiinns formed wilhont authorltv of law. and for
parrinsce which have not heeoeommanteateilte the
;ov. rninrnt. Heine at the present tune nnneeeeaarv
for the proerreliun of order, or II,. ;
civil authority, they have cxcilcd serious apprehen
sions as to their real deaiRni. y0 will, therefore,
lake rfhcient steps for promptly di.handlng and
....., .ul I, ,n,g,u oraiilialions.
"Very roped fully, Tou-s,
Uen. 1. 6. a rant. Secretary of War ad sanrm."
The question now arises, why has
not this order boon obeyod T ft has
nevor boon carried out. Theso armod
and uniformed military organisations
of negroes hove bon permitted, with
out let or hindrance, by day and by
night, to parudo tho streets at the
head of nogro procossions of every Ue
set iption.and upon all occasions. Tho
result is seer, in tho paragraph above
quoted from a Radical aliornoon pa
per. Th responsibility of the turbu-
lenee and bloodshed thus recited reel
upon him w ho bns failed in execute
the roniinanils of tlm President! and
whoevei tho tifliror niay be, or H
whatever rank, lie elii:ul,l l broiijht
promptly to sti ict account for his dis
obedience of ordots,
This order ol the President, so long
neglected by subordinate olUcers, and;
unnoticed by tho General, who was
not only notoriously insubordinate iu
a military sense, but used his milita
ry rank to defy arrest by tho civil
authorities for nn otlenco against tho
civil laws, should bo at onco enforced,
Tho preservation ot tho public peace
demands it. Tho failure in the execu
tion of tho order has already resulted
in ono uct of riotous bloodshed. It is
it warning of what may bo expected
to orisiie Such things cannot and
should not be permitted to pass with
out tho attontion of those whose duly
it is to preserve the public peace.
Tho President, with a foresight be
yond that of narrow minds whose od-
lv ambition is to attain high places
for which they are tot ully unlit, would
huvo averted the evils by which our
niihlie neaco is now disturbed. His
wiso nurnose has been thwarted by
tho wilful disobedience of a subordi
nate whoso dnt v it wos to execute the
order given. We trust that tho i res
ident will see to it that the metropo
lis of tho nation .shall not be kept in
terror by armed organizations, exist,
ing in defiance of iaw, nnd the sup
pression of which ho has himself corn
inanded It must bs apparent, not
only U him, but to ercry other ollicer
charged with the prcsorvaliou of the
public peace in tins District, that the
organizations ulludod to, besides being
in oiion defiance of existing laws, can
serve no purpose whatever, except to
provoke continually serious unauro
should 1)0 no longer tolerated. Na
tional Intelligencer, August Id,
At the M. E. Parsonaee. on the lflrhaf Amniet,
1S6S. be Her. CBARLBB P. HWKIB, Mr. WIL.
UAM iiKKIIia and Miai MAUi i01UUd
both of Karlbaus tuwnsbip.
At the residence of Morris Wallace, "Ero, on the
10th of Ausru-t. isns. he K-r. Cnm.a P. Haw-
xma, Mr. JKHOMK PoULVSON, of Bra, I ton)
township, and Miss lAlil'XUA IVALLAClul
Lawroueo town-hip.
On the Kill of Aupul. 1C6, hy A. W. I.r,
Fi.,Mr. TMM1I M.-liONAT.II and MissMABV
tLLLN WA(,Mit allot Uurearts luwii.hip.
. . gird.
In Clearflrld. on the ?1h of Auita.t, ISflS,
KL.1.LN only olnlj of lici and K. W.
liiiAiua i a,-d 1 veer, mouths and i' days.
Tn flenrfield. on tile Jntb of Aucust, 18C8,
HENRIETTA AMANHA, only daughter ol
mouths aud 0 days.
In l,awreni township, on the 23d ol Auj-usl,
1SIW, JD.S.ME only daughter of M Av Ax and
Jotei f liAt.r.: aRed S years.s months and l;idays.
J AM I J A K-id. nniM MAN' to srk
II id a J.ivciT fcUMfta " r,t ii"rnl
Anplr to
Tho unfIrricTiel Aii'IHor, Bi pointpJ tu audit
nn-1 adjiirt the nmnt of Mnty ltt and J"hn
H. (i or in on L, eiwutuM vt dfeatra, will aitotMj to
ihe fame, at hti vfftcc in Clvar.icM, on Saturftay,
Iho ll'ili dtiT of rM'i'trntiVr next, at 2 o'clttck p. to.,
of which tnka notice.
itg27-3t:i IHItAKL TEKT, Au litor.
""tatk of w m, ii. rtn.v.n, "iVec'Ii.
Kxt T'tiofi to Aifirtttewmnt out dto
yvty lo Widow. Tho uifaurnKiietl, a)'iiuti4l to
(like tt'ftiminv nnrt n j-'irt nn to tho mine jf tbf
rral r-at i-t for the wiilnw. will nttchrl to
the ante, al hi offiw In CU arflflvl, nn MuivIut,
the 'l.t diy of rfptiulmf next, itt 2o cln-U. p. ni
of whtrh lakr id Ucc.
ur57 3t:j,fi ISRAKL TKfT, Auditor.
STHAV t'tlV.Sirayel away from the pre
mtcs of the under.ined, refidirig iu flier
held, aheatt three weeks ao, a efuali i year-old
tun, 01 ii?ht rent color, ii,oie white un lite llanks.
and large wlnte star on the forehead. Any one
giving Information that will lead to her tocoUTJ,
win do eutiauiy rewaruea.
ClcarfuJJ, Ang. J7-.1t.
School House nnd Lot for Sale.
flHK Heh-Hil llirealora fif Lawn nec fown.)n
I. hereby lrlfe notice that thev wiaM sell at Huh
lie tale, at the Court II, ,0.0, In ClawOeld. at two
oolnek. P. M , un II b.-iAV. the imli dsy of
t-hl' J I.MliKR null, Ihe JUH SI. nnd 1,'I
the routh end of the borouirh of Clearfield, hera
tnfnre ns,a) for echool puqtos. For terms or
funbar particulirs, addror eilher the l'r .-idont
or ccetary of Hie Hoard.
TAVI.OIt ItOWt.ES, rresident.
J. 1. Keen. heereUry. aunJ,-at.
4 rPI.ICAM'8 for teliools in Clearfield contv
J V. will meet, at H u clock, a. ni., al Ihe lolloaing
iiaaied plta-ee ; Hilar, I, Aui. S l.'t, l'l',icrw Hill;
Covint,in and Kartliaen, fi,.pt. 1st, at Ihe Vnh
hihool llousej M ,rri, the 2,1, al Kylertuan: tlrn.
ham, the ... at tiiah union ; Urn If.ird and Diad
f,,rd fud., the 4lh, at Yi illinins' drove; Cleaifi-id,
Ihe Sth.atCliaiBeld; Pike end Citrwenswillr, the
tn, at t.urwm-viliet J'rnn, tlit Pninville
l eru.on end L. City, the Hih, at 1 t'llv; Bum
i,l, ll, 11 111, at UiiriKide; IMI, tlm 12lh, al
Cam plkell's -Hchtml IlonaiM N. Washington and
tuuet, uie itm, al itewi,urg; Knot, ilia HUh, al
New Milljairt: llogga, Uie Klli, at Monaville
.'or , in, the Vl-I, 111 An -11 ville ; ilivraj-ia, Ihe :j,l
at (Hen Hope: (iiilhh. tlm J.'.d, at Janesviile:
Vioodwanl.the til h. al 1 hoe. Ilcndernon's: Dewlur
and O.iaiila, the 3l ill, at 1 he ( ,,i,tie r, li,H,l llouea.
jius:;.Ht t.,. w, .-Aiw;it, uu. t-upt.
Unseated Lands.
IJf pursuance of an eet of Aswmblr, pnreel thi, day of Man b, isl . entiitoi' "As Ae 1,,
amend an act direcliug tin; m alo of SHillirif an-
hi ,r uiri, eno lor oilier piirpows,
he Commissioners of Clearfield eonniy. Pa., will
dispose of the following lamia, at 'the Court
H,.u ,on Tl KtiDAV, tho i'llb day of PLTItM
PK1I, A. n. 1 s s
A'o. Arm. . ITrteroatee. rwr.
20. M.,.K. H. Knvoiaker lleccaria.
U" MinbaelFaui lleowia,
l".... -lo.A Win.Saiisora...l!radrord.
MSl...l:i,.. loaeph Phernm Ilrady.
ll).. ....lletij. llarteh,irn.. Ferguson.
...-John Thouiaa. titaham.
1B2...(.S 1HS Mrri, ,t Slcwarl...tlirrd.
I J"" Isaac Thompson Knox.
'"u Millard Karl haul
John Iinst Morris,
Ml) Nieholon Morris.
Fy order of the Hoard.
VVM. t. HliAliLKV, Clerk.
Commissioncri (Iflioc, I learfnl,l,Aiig 27,
Martial Music.
reoriranucl. and Is now prepatril tn fnrni.h
all t.artic. in Ch-arfleld end a lioinlng eounlias tllH.b MARTIAL MIMC during the
sent political campaign. .
Two Fifee, ym T,m,t Prumh
Oua ,ir I'jnihala, One liars Drum,
One aland of Colors.
Charges moderalo. A-Mre-s,
A. J. JACkSn. flecrelary, New W.shiiigton. Clearfield t: P.
For Sale.
1 zr ukad ok fiiu.Kp.
lJr Full Wood .U.rino.
l'o Leicester,
l' South liown,
I'o HiTkwell,
And mixed bloods.
' r One span of '
Wflb'tl ftlifitit 1,4"0 poun.lft Cft-li.
s:ioiii.i ii'jni
, t'M0(T IKIIVJJ asxu.ix
Hciinrtt, Illattrnlirrprr & Co.,
(liwwmn So liwshe, White A On.,) -wn.ii
.rAt. SKt.n. ttimi I
' KOI. A, P A.,
" ) FSI'KOTKI'LLY Inrii an eiamlnatlna of
I i I..M .(aL ..f a..neatil.. STOWl. 1,0 -
J inn, ia,R - r ' '
eiiased for rash, and selling at UHEATL i
HiillUCKl l'llKHS.
W tell lietler Onodt at lewer ratei than any
other buase In the eeuaty.
Because wa buy for cub and buy close, and
are thui enabled to aire our easterners and
patrone the benefit of the r'eafer portion of
of tho proom the? bar bitnerto Men pay
inf ; and
Because wa sett mora (nods than any other
house in Clearfield eounty.
Our (look eonsisU of
Dry fiioodfc, roceriex,
Quaenswaro, Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware,
boot and hhoe., Hala, tape, Clothing, Jural
turs, Carpets aid Oil Clot hi.
Provisions of all kinds, Feed. &o.
Dress Goods for Ladies,
of arery atyle.
in neat and taetoful designs.
in variety.
HIADT-KADK CLOTBIKO at r'atly reduced
prices. Order, taken for suits of Clelbing
Samples to felecl from alwayi on
From our large stuck of MOTIONS, every want
in that line can be inpplted, every
desire gratified.
flurarsof every grade. Fyrnpi of every quality.
Preferred Traits and Jellies. Tomatoes and
Peaehea. 80 gar Cored llama tbouldere aad
Sidea. Mew fork, Mxs Href. Dried lloef. 8had,
Mackerel. Codfish, Hound Herring, Lake TronU
axtre Flunr, Corn Heal and liockwbeat Meal
Caah Paid fur Country Prod ure.
Building and other Hardware.
Tools for Carpenter and other. Beat Hoabl
and Single Hit A let. Pick, Hope and Cordage
uruioei. sun findings.
Cigar, and Tobacco.
Finest brand of Cigars, Chewing and 6moking
Tohaceo. The Celebrated Michigan Fin Cut in
elrConntry merchant eupplled on isi
term a eaa be cad In the Eastern cine.
jMfGoed ordered for onr customers and sat
isfaction guaranteed-
To buy lo save, to boy to please.
To bay to snake, to buy wltb eaea,
To bay at all, a all mast do.
To tn eheap cash etor all hould go.
Osceola Mills, May 14, lSi8-tf
Spring Goods I
Spring Goods I
Spring Goods I
ar tni
Dsyar nf Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notion,
Hosiery, Glore, Faney Good, Carpet, Oil
Cloths, Window Shales, Wall Paper, Carpet
Chaiae, Toilet Quilt, Vmbrallaa, Paratolt
Shoe, Ac, A., A., are Invited to examine
Ever brought lo this market.
4T-Ceh buyer will find rare Inducements.
ClearSold, April 9, i
STATEMKNT of the Finance ef Ue boron gh
of Clearfield, for ihe year ending January 7
ISf.S: '
Tates credited on McAdaiaiiing Sta,. $SS S7
Kicees of expenditure 1,4.111
Order drawn $I,4H1 .'1
Taxes rrediled 213 M
Total ...
,.l.4M8 i.4eaea
Order war draw for.
w ork don en street
Stationery and servlees....
Removing snow drift ,
Preparing duplicate
Rent for hog pound
Iligk Calah! service.
Kxonerationi to collector...
Office rent
Rounty claims
tW M
f (
10 Oil
1 to
t II
A I'll
8 Ml
in nil
71 0
It 10
......t-UM J
In from collector of J Hi,A $12 00
.ue on planning...,, , gp q-
Caak in Treasuty , (y
I. la n l lit 1 1 u
Outstanding orders for liS... f-i to
'o no ici'... ji ?2
I'o do ISfU... 13 7
IlO do lKK A KA
Due on MoAdamiiing 122 29
AseU over liabilities 17l 3
It 1.1ft ,11
We. tb. .....1 J .-a,. . n.
l. J i. nuiiiion ni i-iearnoid
borviugb, baring examined the amount of the
Bald borOlltfh. do eerli'. !..... ,
staled and that the foregoing ,e resent the
financial ennd i nf mu IL.. u , . . ..
. v..,,,,,,, nnn inai in
a.sets exceed lh tihiii,.u , t
. .,n. uunorea ana
eeven-y . duilar. aud aixly . thrs. ecnta.
Attoft ! Ansllfa,..
1U. Aloanirf, ftpo'y. auplit-St
"7'ItL And a fall and complete stock of
, , ..,.,u Bni uriar pevtnes, Mieklea
Hay and drain Make, Fork, rieythe rttone'
trumoreki, iiay Rope, A, th, Hwnr,
7,?. U-.ZLI.U.KRCO..
JJ'W rtiUp.burg, 1',.
. . 1 ..... a " u ft U I L I I . . . "
itiK Urn '!) (rant, to th nn I. t.,t
...i.a i, ,la rl tn 1 1 1 bblali. sv,!! . I.
' " ' '7 : I"" Hi..,
mnif 111 Iti"r iiiiiti jr f.i ,,r it
pr'rN-n. th--ni pprlr fj'i'icti-nTr fM
ROrJ atU'WafK? PMtl'Mlt iUf.
"k. " " It,..,.
1 Tin: COl H I OF ( i,.
of CltartiolJ c-ui.t, IV
TrtnM4 S. 1)111 )
VC. V No, ?71 fent T.
Tft MAr AfJ. ITKI APP ItfMnrJo,,,
lou are iVnj..y nr.ttliud and r4ijirt-4 ik
fltipiar ia vour own pn.p.r pT',n : s
(innrt of Conimnn Vn, to holl.-nut
nn aMomLty, Uir 2m Ji iy of KfptimU r, y,
fore our caiu Ju-J't. lo answer iu l
niav b thn ani Ihcro tliarprj Hirmn-t
oompluint (t Mild hhellaot io the pr(ffiltJtl
pitn-liiiK, arm tninuiii io tu'.ii or-n r ant t.
the Lourt mtfy : ao'i iktihi ran t.
mupr'Jtt LTKK.MI H HOH'K,
OH the btandHrd and Official Lirttty
I Kit K imtl Jd-Aiii. A lKik for
an 4 a work of axtraonlinarr int-TPut nni
torioal vaJue. fifi Patriot ran do wnb
havo a jut underalanning of toe imu b
country, without mi'iinif iu r,ndor-.j
U-ftdiiiir Dcrnofrat and f'onirrativpfi of
lhfl9taimi of tha IinfKTrttio randiduti
If m - th nfionla in an forribiiv
an i clearly nhowq in thu Tolumc, that
of lihorty nhould fail 1
Atrati in alt part" ol tht eoamrt- am ant
cnuut itandard work the best opporftaOUT
money ever aiiordud, a lU wra nu, U
and great popularity have mkvl a p
man'! whlflti ennvnwrn oniy 1jti t
Hnid fur oirulr, andio our iilnU tjm.(
full drcri'iltOEl tit tlit gr:i4bi. lubTij
or the fiMi-i'. A'lnn-f'.'',
mi rift ::i
all Broome aincl, in
No. 35 S. Third Street, Philade
rot TOE
National Life Insurance
r trk
JHtatei of Feiiimylvaula and 14JttUieri
.1. trAx l if i corporation rhartrrrj (r-
Act of t ongrvM, ajij'n?fi July 2jt It.'
Cash Capital of One Million D;
And U now thoroughly organiied and
LUtnral trrtnn off!,! U Apentf and 5(
who are urnled to aj-ply at our offiaa.
Fall fiartionlari to ha had on applim
oflioe, lofate4 on th ncond story of otri.
House, wiiera lirrularf aui i'ami.hl'ni,
wrihinpr the adanta?ffl offered bv tlieC-
may be had.
AfIkar.oni fnr Central and lrlm
raaia to be made to B. S. KIS fckLL,
Towaoda, I 'a.
E. W. ('LAKE & CO.
No. 33 ttoutb Third fttrc
augl-isly PUILADELI'U
T A M i VI:iA female eompctenl lo
t t eral tiousewora. o ctiitnre to
cows to milk. Apply at this office, er
box i, Llrarlieto rat time.
Klat ksmilli Stand fur i
fTHB aodersigned hereby giro notis.
j. now vuers lor eaw nis real eaisie.
the Tillage of Ostend, in Bell township
Mvatv, 1W Tk ,.,
1.0TS, having ervctea tiiercon a itwrli;
llaok-ii;itU -hop. Siahlt-, aud otlirr e
out-!'uil,linr : together wilh an Ol"T
taming half an acre, on which are pUr
and poach trees and dwarf tree.
This ia a desirable location for s k!
carpcuter, or other mechanic, beiiii m
by a pro.perons ncihhorhood. Thenar
be eold on easy terms. For farther e.
call on the premise, or ad-lrce Ihe .si.
Iislend I . II. augU 2mj AHA.Ml
a.yj sv.
riHE tirlir-itrned now of.r f,
I allien nous ... urtFL-ii
old f-TLbK, one epring CALF, and tr
hi oe eoia on roaaonaoie tca-ma. t
old "Ardery fann," near CleartH-1,1 Tr,
nnrl8-8t:pd Rf(EFT HH
"IXIifl-TOR'S NO IK Ii N,,x
X J by given that Letters Teetanicrw
len granted to the eulMribore. oa lar
OtiMtAl) MKIIRWIXK. deceaeed. U'l
Uianshil,, f.'lrarhold ronnlv, Pei.uMi'i
persons indehlcd to raid EUtc arc re.
make immediate navaient. and thee
claim agamat the same will present t
aoiueuiiuau-u tor sctllenicnu
July 30 fil pd. I n
Farm and Shop for
f I'M IK umUiguW oflura fnr aah- fail I'
1 tiate a'tMtit uii'iTi1y f. tvutB
t iwfnv,)p1
Containing ZipLty-Five A
FifTy-flTO hririi in jT"vH and in a rvr
rnlttvattnn, with a jrwl dwHIinK h'
theronu. toiiiir aitii it'U eiii'irc
trwf and over 2i0 gmpe vinrt, inw-.'
cord. Abu,
The Two-Story Carxcutcr '
nn ILIrd r-trtv-t, near the railroad der-l
Held oorotiirh. Term moderate sr
given at iy timo. Call in iwrenn. or
Clearfield, l'a. . ULuK it I
Clrarf eM. .1 tllv ,Tfl If
VOMlXITUATllK-ieMllll l
i betcl.y given, that left. re of .U
tion on the es tele of ISAAC lM'SM
lt of Knel township. Clearueld esr
having keen duly granted lo the es
all pereona indebted to aaid e.tsisv.
brake ImmaAi.t . b ,hn
flalra oe demands will prearnt ttw'
wuienucaieu lor Mttlement withnot en
auf fit pd p, A, 1(,V1.K- 1
3t1 r i. r. a n f ij-: i, n, pa.
Consiirting of PWEI.T.rVfl -T10IT
Ten Acres of River - Bottos
rieasanllv sltunled on the west terns n1
noeharna, near Clearfield town. V
apply on th nrrmiaoa, or address the"
at i ir-ameid. l'a.
iii;(l lm-pd JOIIX M1
The Lightning Tam
fTVlK nnilcrslgned are tbe sole Ar'
1 eonntr for the "North Ameriees
Ll(iUIM.M) RODS." Tuesearets'
rods now in ne, and are endorsee I.'
aclentifl men in the country.
W hereby notify Ihe o.lirene ef I'
that we will put them np a better r
lees money, then is charged by I'
agent who amine; ly traverse thee
oarry off mtr little eaab, never to reri
Th.eo wishing Lightning Hod!
their buildings need bat address ai
eall la person. Wo will put them
In thaemmiy, and warrant them. I"1'
Fix Hires o.ia bt oen at one time ?,"
our store. NK.ltKKLL A f'
Clearfield, June 11, ln! If
(Immed-alaly In rear of Machlw f
fpilK raheeriher woald rospectfnllT '
I ltl r ,,i , .u. Milii
.a. wi iiaracia, seu Mir r
eral, that be is prepared to doailkd''
cakuiages, .GIESl,Fl:I,,
on snort notice and on reascnshl'
In workmanlike manner.
j4-All otder nromptly attends II:
Au.,-M. ' 7 WU.
n iiir m im" n " ,Ti i r 11 ' ''' 1 1 K