ttororarrrt for lf.WrM. Niimlvr ol yonnu; men lire often l'mtid f.11 over th copn'.rf, lio are waiting for tome tiling to turn ip wmtitiir for mi tp"'ltinity gomo eiiKV, eetlontnry einnloynieut, and, pet liii)l, think tlx' world tii'dmr itablo or tiiirnernii for not at once clevHting tluMii to portion, lionor and emolnmont. To all bih'Ii we V, lo not idlo for a inlo monmnt ; go to work nt onco, roll up your ttloeves, and be determined to tmntd. Look at the following instances, and rouse yourselves to duty : Cornelius Vnnderbilt, one of the richest men in America, who controls the Now York Central, Hudson liivor, and several other KailrouiU, in fact, tho half of the City of New YorK, was a boatman, sloop captain, and Bteara boat captain, for nineteen years be fore he sot up for himself in the busi ness of building and running steam boats, in which ho gained more money than was ever beloro gainod in a sin-glolifo-timo.cxcept by plunder. There to not to-day, in the whole world, a man who knows as much about steamboats as this same Cornelius Tanderbilt. Astor is another illustration. lie learned the fur business from tho very rudiments. II o used to beat furs from morning till night in his master's back shop, and after doing this awhile, he used to tuko a banket of trinkets and nick-nacks, and go around among the sloops and markets, driving hard bar gains with boatmen, Indians and mar kot men for buch skins ao they hud brought to town. By-and-by he shoul dered his pack and tramped the coun try for peltries ; and, extending his journey, at length he became familiar with every place, every tribe, and ev ery person connected with the fur trade in North America. Thn he went to Europe, and learned all about the market for furs and their prices in every part of the world. Few men have ever understood a thing eo well as Air. Astor understood the business of collecting, curing and selling furs. He knew it not as a clerk might have known it ; he knew it as a man knows the trade to which he has served a long apprenticeship under a watchful and exacting master. Another case in point was the first Rothschild, who, from his twelfth to bis twenty-seventh year, laboriously acquired a knowlodge of money, first as errand boy and money counter to his futher, and afterwards as banker's clerk. Girard, too, was a thorough sailor before he ever owned a ship, and was personally fumiliar with most of the commercial ports long before ho over consigned a carijo to one of them. John Gorham of Providence, the head ot the largest manufactory of silver ware in the world, did not go into his fathor's counting room as a clerk, but into his lather s shop as an apprentice; and he learned how to do with his own hands whatever he has since had to direct others in doinff. There is no royal road to knowledge to greatness, or to any other place. The young man, with a. sound body, who is too lary to work, and expects to De a arono in society, deserves a dose ot cow hide and a tree pass to tho "jury lortugns." Mutual Friend. fin proof of the forecoinir we pro duce an articlo on this subject taken irom the llarnsburg Mate Guard, The writer says :1 In a recent conversation with Dr. Oihon, private Secretary to Gov. Gea ry, we gained a curious fact concern ing crime and men without trudiaor professions. Dr. Gihon has been pay ing particular attention lately, to tho applications daily and almost hourly made forExecutiveclemoncy and pur don. Those not acquainted with the burdensome routine of hxccutive du ty in this respect, cannot possibly form any idea of the cm burassment,t he narrowing solicitude and the ovor- whelratiing responsibility of properly wielding tho pardoning power. The curious part of Dr. Gihoi.'s statcmont us, mm, in nineteen casos out ot twen ty, young convicts are men without trades or professions, who have been loll by their parents to roach maturi ty without having undorgone the dis cipline ana uie training acquired while loarrnnp a trade or studying a nro. fession. When parents or friends ap plying for pardon for such oflenduin have been asked why they were not laugtn inuios, the reply has been vouchsafed, "He wastoo weakly;" "He was loo senMve, or "lie thouaht it was beneath him." ' Too weakly, too sensitive, too proud to learn a trade. but not proud enough to keop out of me penitentiary i ut courso we do not pretond to assert that learning a waae or a proiesmon is the euro way of keeping out of wrong doing. There are great rascals among mechanics and professional men. But the ma who has a trade or a profession, i always the most independent, and has fairer prospects at hand of permanent success in mo. And what is also true, in this connection, in a practical way, is the lack of skilled labor in the Uni ted States. American boys for the last ten ycars.have been loth to learn trades. Too many of thorn desiro to wield yardsticks instead ol hammers, eaw and planes. The consequence now is, mat ski lied labor is scarce, and that the best pluccs in our work shops are filled by foreigners. Bv some kind of teaching we must reform this evil. Thoro must bo more en couragement for boys to learn trades and the mechanical vocation must be dignified and. elevated, by beinir recognized as worthy the study and me acquirement 01 tno most lavored in every community. We met a lad a day or two since from a neighbor ing villago, who was on his way to enter one of the largo machine shops in rnnauciphia, to Isarn a trudo. He bad an education to fit him for any profession, and when he reaches his majority, he will become tho possessor of a competency ; nevertheless, the native good sense of the boy, backed by the practical advico of an older brother, induced him to learn a trado, and we predict that boy will become a msn of rospectnbility and influence In any oommunily blessed hereafter with his citizenship. Dr. Gihon.s observations and con clusions on this subject sreaound and practical. He thinks if more boys learn trades futore Governors of the Commonwealth will have less anpli CfttioDB for pardon to disposo of. ! ' Slar&rarr, C.uuarf, tftr. G. S. FLKGAL, rt Ai.m m STOVES AM) HOLLOW-WAKE, AND MAM' FACTU BKIl OP Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Plillipsburg, Oulre ro, I'a., rriHE undersigned respeotfullj anneuncee to J the public that he has no hand a care fully-selected and wall assorted stock of btuves. Ilia variety consists ot IHE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hara never failed to giro perfect aatlsfao lion to ths moat fastidious of its purchasers, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight, flpeers' Anti-Dust, Niagara, Charm, If erald. aro., with ever-- variety of tha heat Pittsburg Mauuisclure, tfciuThe Tin and Sheet Iron vara given with the Moves ll made of the beav'est and bast material, and warranted to give perfect satis faction, ilia atoeil of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES la larger, bitter and obsspsr than avar before exhibited to the public, lie defies euinpstiuon either In variety, quality or price, Ha ii alio prepared to furnish complete uaurtment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron.'Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholeeale or retail, manufactured neatly and with tha aole view to eerviee, from tha beat ma terial in the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, A COPPER, BRAFS AND IHON KKTTLIin, .Of (vary description constantly on hand. LIGHTNING RODS, Superior point, put up on abort notice. Tha Poiut ha otfera to tha public ia tha acme aj la now xsed by tba Pennsylvania Kailroad Co., on their buildinge. ' ORDERS FUR SroUTING, ROOFINO And other wurk belonging to bia business will be promptly filled by experienced aud .skillful workmen. BRASS, COrPER AND OLD METTLE Taken In exchange for goods. especially Invites tha attention of Merchants wishing to purchase at wholesale, as they will find it to their advantage to examine tie slock before purchasing elsewhere.' J, a FLEOAL. Pbilipsborg, Aug. , 1868. jj 21 tT MERRELL & BIGLER DIALER! IK If A II I W A It E , A lo. Manufacturer! of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. A LOT OF SADDLES, B1UDLES, Harness, Collars, etc., for aala by MERRELL i BIGLER. PALMER'S PATENT UNLOAD -a. Ing Hay Forks, for aala by MERRELL 4 BIGLER. q il, pa int7"putt yTIjlas; Kails, ate., for aala by MERRELL & BIGLER. II AltX ESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE Findings, for tela by MERRELL t BIGLER. ( JUNS,P1ST0LS,SW0RDCAES For aala by MERRELL ft BIGLER, gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sixes, for aala by MERRELL ft BIGLER. JaJDNl IRON I IROnTTFoN For aala by MERRELL ft BIGLER. TT01ISE SHOES Si HORSE SHOE .a. a KAILH, fur aala by MERRELL ft BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for aala by MERRELL ft BIGLER- 'JUMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sale by MERRELL ft BIGLER. "RODDER CUTTERS for unlo by MERRELL ft BIGLER, SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN 1 . KEVOLVTIO.V S.IH SI EMERSON'S PATENT PKRFORAItATKD Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL GUMMING" AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Sw.ifp , I hi . . . I t,p,.,.,x, l,,.,,, nini, and MieDine m teem 01 all Bpiitiing Sews. SitMOQior a uesortpiive Circular and Price List. MEIIRELL A BIGLER, Ocneral Agenta. Clearlleld, Pa jenD-U Doty's Clothes Wash 1 ND ...las- Copper Kcrlp PKEI) CI'TTER J for sale bt 11 li . ..'""i . n. zr.itii.KR A CO. jylfl-tf Pbllip.bnr. Pa Jl tf 011. ZKIOLER A CO, uMjoes' and Onslaiiles' Pea j inns, tor aale at this oBine. M..1.H ij, -""wonuareoelplof 2 oenta. May 2d A Large Lot or Fly Nets reielved and for aala h, ih. rm nf J" JIl'U ChHI'U. O'.IOUtlt'J, C'll'. AMI 0(1 .Ydv.M (7.'?AVU Rrnnrll, IJIaltcnlirwr & Co., (Hur,,,rs (n Lawshx, Wkit vwol r.iti i inin. ipi cm i GENERAL MERCHANDISE oci:ou, i a., T) R'TKCTFt'LLT Invite an eapiintin ol 1 l thvlr large stork of sisiinhle fntuli, pur cnesrd f-r rash, and selling at UltKATl.V KKDUCKU PHlCba. WE DEFlr COMPETITION. We J nil better flnmli at lower rates than auj other tinuno la the ouuol.t. THE 11 E A SON WHY. Deeause we buy for cash and buy elose, and are thus enabled to give our customers and patrons the benefit of the greater portion ol of the prolta they bava hitherto) been pay ing and Because we sell mora gooda than any other bouse in Ciearnelil county. Oar stock consists of Dry oIs, i-rooorlcs, Qiieensware, Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware, Moots and tiboes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Ir'urni. tore, Carpets and Oil Clothe, Provisions of all kinds, Feed, dec. Dress Goods for Ladies, of every style. DRE-SS (iOORS FOR CHILDREN, In neat and tasteful designs. DRESS GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN, In variety. READY MADE CLOTHING at greatly reduced prices, uraert taken lur suits of Clothing, Samples to aeleot from always on baud NOTIONS. From our large stock of NOTIONS, every wait in mat line ean ne supplied, every daelro gratified. GROCERIES AXD rr.OISIOS. Rugarsof every grade. Pynipa of every quality. Preserved Finite and Jellies. Tomatoea and Peaches. Rngur Cured llama, fiheuldere and Fidis. Mess Fork, Mess Beef. Dried lleef. Shad, Mackerel, Codfish, Round Herring. Lake Trout a.iua riour, Vorn Heal ana iluckwbeat Sleal Caalt Paid fur Country Produce. Building and other Hardware. Toola fur Carpenlera and others. Bast Double and Single Bit Axes. Picks, Hopes and Cordage n i ii,n .ji jjiu.uoe. win riuuings. Cigars, and Tolnuco. Finest brands of Cigara, Chewing and Smoking innacco. ine telrtirtied Michigan Fine Cut in Bulk. "Country inerrbanti anpplied on as fair terms as can bo bad in the Laetern ci lea. 4v"Godi ordered for onr easterners and set. Itfaction guaranteed- To buy io save, to buy to pleaM, To buy fo nuke, to buy wiih ease, To bny at all, as all must do, To the cheap cash store all should go. BENNETT, ULATTEN I1KKGER A TO. Osceola Mills, May 14, 18118 tf NEW STOCK! Spring Goods! Spring Goods I Spring Goods! at rata KEYSTONE KTOIti: Buytr oof Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Hosiery, Olovas, Fanny Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Phades, Wall Paper, Carpet Chains, Toilet Quilts, Umbrellas, Panuala (Shoes, Ac, Ac, Ac, are invited to etamlna THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK Erer Brought to this market. WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION ! jrCaah buyers will Bad rare Inducements. NIVLINO & SHOWERS. Clearfield, April 9, lRRR-tf lCIIAia) 1I0.SS01 I:T.NOW Selling, at half their usual price, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, BROWN SfJEETINOS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'8 CU)THINO. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING Gno.I. LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS ANDSI10ES, BOYS' do do 11 OOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, . BROOMS AND TUBS. CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND PORK, FLOUR AND FEED, o. o An. C. KRATZEa L SON, MERCHANTS, nVALRRS IK Dry Goods, Clothincr. Hard warn. Cutlery, Queensware, Uroceries, rorisions and Fhitiil.s, Clearlied, Fenn'a. At tba old stand an Front street, above Academy. IdecIJostf Arw Store In llulsontiurp. In fie rtt formmly -.M.pil ty !'. T. nearly. L. M. COUTKIET Ml SKY this eiefhncl of itifnmilng fhecitliin X of Kjrtlnus tlim.i and the aur ruiinding eouiitiv, thai he hiisji"! opened a leiw it.Hk of HI MVKU (IDUJiS, whlrh h Is .Iflcr to aell TUN l'KIt CUNT CHKAPUK than the same qunlily of ilmxls can be purolinil fur in any ollitr SKilu ill the ucigtihorhiioil. Jlis Btovk cousins of - Dry 'Goods of all Kinds, Kucb as Salinells, Cafsinii'rrn, Trim Una, Delaines, Linen, llrilliii).", Ciiliow, Trliuimngs, liiuhous, Laou, , . , i. READY-MADE CLOTHINO. BOOTS A SI10E.S HATS & CAPS, , GEOCEEIIS OF ALL KINDS.': Coffco, Toa, Sugnr, Bloe, Wnlaseea, Flh, Bait, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon till. Hardwaro, Queensware, Tinware. , Caatings. Plows and Plow Cartings, Nails, Ppikes, Com CultTsfors, Cider Pn-sscs, and all sinls of Axes. "4fA,Mv Plow are of the Curwensvllle and Ct-utre county uiekc, Mid are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paint. Vnmiph, G1im, and ft general sMMtrttient f BUUoDry, . GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwais on hand, and will be sold at the lowest (loanililc Oguroa. Liqrons, - ' 1 Such aa BRANDT, WINE, GIX A Willi? KV filMiO pounds of H ool wanted for ttbiab the highest price will be paid, , Vl Call and see for yourselves. Tou will Ind everything asually kept in a retail store. I.. M. COUTRIET. Franchville P. 0., June 1H, lr-(lm:j,.l. navT'HT "oil iC ' Cor. Second St. and II ill KosJ. II. MITCHELL nAS just rnited and opened, at the almve namrd place, an entire new elrxk of HVM MKIl UOiiDji, which ho will sill Vtll tliEAP 1 OK C Aell. lln stock consists of , ; , HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Bootg and Fhoes, lists and Csps, Ttca.y-MiiJc ciothitig, etc no also koepsohotoe fl o ur, cony :jeal, feed, Chop, llaroti. IYh, and trltd Persons deslrons of pnrcbsslng goods at fitir rwre are re.pccnuliy requested o give him a call. Mv-Anproved oountry pmdnce will lie taken, at the hiphet prices, in exchange for goods. Clearfield, June IS, Ihf.n tf JEW STOltE AND KEW GOODS JOS. SIlAW At SON Ituva jurl opened a Niar Sto. on nliiin St..CLtarir.i.n, Pa., lalelr occupied by Wm. F, IRWIN. Their stock consist! of UDUl'Zr CECICEES3, Oknrriin of the l)ct quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, . and verjr article neoeaaarT for " one'i comfort. - Call and txamioe our atock before pur- chasing elsiwhere. May 0, l8C6-lf. . PORK PACKERS, Jt'o. 2.5 Liberty Sl M'illtburgh, Hare on band a large slock ol Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, TLAIS AND FVOAR-CritED MAMS, Mess Pork, Pried Beef, and Leaf l.ard, all of our own Packing, Curing and Smoking. Lard Oil, Hour, Cheese, Dried Apples and Peaches, With a general assortment of Droeerioe, at the lowest market prices. June 18, ft8-lj:pd. C IIAXdSi: OF HANK! l,000,000Jeot of Boards Wanted. 200,000 SHINGLES WANTED. fTMIR nnderilpned tnkoa this method of nntify L ing the pul.lic that he has opened a Store fnr me roiaii ol all ainda ol Uorohandise, at WALLACETON STATION, "n ine line ot the I vrnne A Clearfleld railrtwd. In Boggs towuship, where be ia determined to sell All Kinds of Goods n . .us i iV.,?t. ' """" 'h for Mnnofaetnred l.liMUKK. at rales to mak it n tere of bu. cys lo puroliase of him, J all and riarnine the atnek and prices be- ..."p ..i,k eixevnera. dOll.N litl (LT. nauaccion, June 1, IRflS-tf. NEW STOEE IN CLEARFIELD. nave just opened a new stock of P, orcign and i'nuiestio Urj Goods,' Hosiery, Xotlons, TliimiXGS, tfr,. f c, Whi di they are selling CHEAP FOR C A S II. tUTCALL AND SEE US.'iM Three dwirs beluw ihe pnet Office, J18 ( I I.AKKII.I I), PA. If LIVERY STABLE. 'I Mir. un.lersn-ned hcs leave to inform the pub 1 he that he I. now fully prepared to aoroutmo dsle all in Ihe wsr of furniel inj ll.irses Unanies, Kadiilee and Harness, on the shortest nn .,! on terms, llesldenwnn Loensl .lr.,,1 tielween Third and Fonilh. , ' , I''. OKABHAKT.' lerflelrl. April 11. ST -. V (.t.oKf.t: it. y.t.iut.i.n t o. PliMlpsbunr. Pa. Agents for FINOEB'8 SEWINO MACIIIXKS. keen a full snttnlv nf .1.1 -..I...I.- h..ush..ld affair" on hand, and Mil them at cllv prices, fiend Itr circulars. dec,7-M. 'i (I (', f ,: tSl tU l'l 'tf 'I. I U- : II V I J A ll E .TIONNO 1 ii r. a 1. 1 n in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS. Ml'Sf.lNS sit ' fiiHtiO"J ) !frt. DKI.MNF-S at ?.tihI i.ti j'rfr OUiriCHS l N-naatmn irw Al.rACAH al N-iisnlion trnMw .1nt rereivl at MOSSOl'S-. 01 NO II A MS At Rt 1 at at SrtlKllion Kcnenl ion Senantifin Sention Scinwilion price CHINTZ fincoe in io tiriooa V KIN IN OI.OVKS CRAVATS prtces at 410SSOr,S Sensntion Jirinea) Senaatiou , jinces SHAWLS . at IMiNNKTS al OU.OHKI) 1 MUSMNS I at KMnslion Jirioes All lo be had al MOSSOrS' LINES' t CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS nl FUINOE t SlMISBlioil Serisalion Sfiisalioo Saniation Sepwtlion prices price prioea prices pricea at MOSSOrS'., LACK at Sensation . pricea HOSIERY at Benmition prion RIPBONH at tMinaalion price THIMMINOS J of all hinds ft Ut SenaatioD price in any quan ty ) Alwnvion hand at MOSSOPS'. CASSIMKRHS at K ATT I NETS , at TWEKUS at JEANS al VKST1N0S -at SHIRTING8 at Senaaliou Sviiitution Sttnention Sensation Sensation HeueHtion prices priciti prices prices pricea pricea at MotMor&: CLOTHING auch n n, lann, Veeta, Under Shirts, al aeuealion prices Flannel fSbirt. BooU, Slioei, llata and Cam Now for aale at MOSSOrS'. UARDWAKK audi aa Suva.naila Fork i, Knives, Spikes, Uinges, LIQUORS, auch as Wine, Brandy, Gin, W buikey, Cognac, etc, eto., FKUli'S, such as Prunes, Raisins, Figs, F'ilberls, La. GROCERIES, say Flour, Ham s, Shouldert, Sugar, Molaaaea, Coilee, 1 ea, C r a c k e rs, Spires, Candle, at tenaatioD prices at MOSSS'.OP at aeusation prices at aanaatioo pnoot at MOSSOPS'. at aeusation price Coal Oil, etc., eto. Always at MOSSOPS'. BLACKING HOPF-S POWLiER shot ' LEAD CAPS at sensation price at sensation prices at sensation prions i nistion price ut - sensation prices at anation pricea Al tlie Hora or RICHARD MOSSOP, MOfeSOP " Always keeps on hand a lull aieoitment of all kind of poods requited lor Hie acconjnioiliilion ol the puldic. July t. 1MT. GREAT FENIAN RAID Philadelphia in an Uproar. THAI). STEVENS FRIGHTENED Smith Found Alive I "VTOT Capt. John Frolth. nor Fmlth the Ei 1 plorer, but W. KM1T1I SANK tV. who ha. lust reiurned from Philadelphia with a new and well selected stock of SPM.NU and elMMKR GOODS, a part of which are Dry Goods I Dress Goods ! ' ' ' MIS AKD BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING ! JKMITS AM) Klior, HATS, CArS, NOTIONS, 4c, 4c; Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Spioes, Crackers and Vinegar, At bia store I mile east of Ksrthsus f Clearfield. couniy, rs.janei a men Be isseillna; at reduced pricea. lie also keeps constantly oa band a rood supilyof LlyCOKS Old Rte. lirandv. uin ana n ine ana all or tha beat brands. Highest market price paid for all kinds of luifini rsuuu'i. Tha public are aollrlted to rive him a call. no cearie mads for aaawint foods. ' Vf. KMIT1I 8AKKET Karthaus Tp., Jana 11, 1808 ra pa ww. tin area.. . a. Taovrioa TEN EYCK & THOMPSON V1TP.WESSVII.LE, PA. n AVIS 3 Just received from New York one of the largest and bast selected stocks of uoiius, wa are new ready to offer the as as to our old customers, (to whom wa return thanks for past favors.) and tha citisens of the counts ejen erally, at ' Prices that will Kender Satisfaction. Give aa a call before purchasing elsewhere, and thereby aava from ts 211 per eent on your goods. Our slock consists of a great variety, sucb as DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CL0TI1IN0, fiKOCKRIER, HARDWARE, QUEEXS1VAKE, PAINTS, OILS, DRUt.S, FHIIIT OK All, kllm, Fish Salt, Leather, fihee Findinga, BOOTS and MlOhiJ (eastern and home made) in greet va- t,'.',7.',", ,l tiai figures TIN WARS, rLOUR, Ao,, Ac. TK!i KYCK THOMPSON. Taring re associated H. II. Thompsoa wltb me In the aheva trade. 1 de.lre n ,,.r.,,. i dehted to ata, by Note nr Book aecuant, lo call and aettle tha same without dclav. K M. TEN EYCK. Curwensvllle, May, 7, ISBJ-tf, Spring Goods. Snrlns Goods. RICKEY, SHARP & CO.. Ko. lit CJicaUiut Mrct't, PHILADELPHIA, ' " Havs Juat opened, and offrr at POTULAR PRICES, , FriJING ClUNTZES,' SriUXG CINfiHAMS, SPK1XG DEL A INKS, SPRING VA1.KXCIKS. SPUING ALPACAS, AND I'OPLIXS FOR SUITS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 7'iT tlirstuut Wrect, PUILADELrillA J7-y A Full Slock Platform, Counter. !(.. ..j wii c. t. , ' " Balanc p. ,e at manufacturer s nrie.s VluJ.ulrtilil.i Cauls. REIZENSTEIN BROS., M-i Mil t nt r ru of uni H hnlrMl ln)rin MKN ANI HOYS' CLOTUIN(i, 411 Alarlrt eV 4111 Merchant aitrrrt, angrrl7) ' I'll 1 t.A l'l I I'HI t. P. 1808 spring7 18GS JAMES, KENT,SANTEE&Co.f Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Uns. Hi, Mr. if.iu A 211 N. This J Pi., I'lllLAIibLPllIA. Wa are now prepared wiih our usual extensive and well asserti-d .tnek to offer eslra indueeinenis loCAHII 111 Ytllei. ai.rll-lf STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., t;Minw)i!NirB l Jtir T. Wrijrht A Co., ivroKTKRN or Ann vkm w.h in DJ.UGS AND MEDICINES,, Brandies it Wines for Medical purposes. jo KIT, 7 No. f.nw Market Ut., Philad a, BENSON, CAMPEELL sSTcoT, No. 17 N. Fifth H. and iU Commarcs, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, roa vna sals or Wool, Ginseng, Pur Skins, Feathers, Leather, Flax Heed. Dried Fruits, Clover feed. Roots, Deer fains. Hotter, Beeswax, hueep bkins, Kfjrs, Ac, sc., Ac. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Wtokly Prioa surrest forwarded oa request. Juae IL lSCS-tf. Clearfield County Bank. rilUE ClearSeld County Bank aa an inoorpora X ted inslitution baa gone out of existence bv the surrenderor its charter, on May It, 18ns. All Its slock is owned by tha subscribers, whs will eunlinae the Hanking business at tba aa. place, as private liankcra, under tba firm name ot the "t'learOoU uouniy nana. ossrs re sponsible for the debts of the Bank, and will pay its antes oa demand at tha counter. Depoails received and intereet paid when money Is left for a fixed time. Paper discounted al six per eent as heretofore. Our personal responsibility Is pledged for all Doposits received end buslneae trans leted. A eontinnanea of tha liberal pat ronage of the business men of tba county is re snectlullv solicited. As President, Cashier and otbeers of trs late Clearfleld County Bank, we require the notes of said Bank to be presented for redemption. J A3. T. LKUNARD.. , RICHARD BHAW, WM. PORTER, J A 8. B. ORAUAM, A. K. WRIGHT. B. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. Tba business of tba Bank will be conducted by Jobs M. Adams., )., aa Cashier. fJuuiS.'iO . DREXEL & CO., Ko. 34 Houth Third sttreet, Fhllalclptt nt.rnvns, And Dealers in Government Securities. Aiiiilieation bv mail will receive prompt atten tioti, and all information cheerfully furnished. Orders solicited. aprll-tf J. P. M'Oirk. KJward P.rka. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGIRKI PERKS Suocnr to Fonter, Perkf, A Co riiMlpKbui-ff Centre Coouuty, F. "7"JIFRK all the kwinrw of RmikiaiR I3uu- ?f will he triin'iK'teJ jirouipUv wjiI upn th raont fn vorn lilt tcrnit mr7-tf Ccunly National Bank. CI.KAIiril.I.Ii, PA. THIS Bank Is now opes and ready for har ness. Ofuca on Perond street. In the baild ing formerly occupied by Leonard, Finney A Co. Butsxruits an ornr-tna. JA'. B. OHA1IAM, RICHARD FT AW, WM. A. WALLACE, WM. P'JRI EH, A. K. WR1UUT, UKO. L. REED. D. W. MOORK, JA3.T. Lr.OKARD, JoL'8,f.s Cashier. President lHi5fiilnnfous. Philadelphia &lrW Tkailroad. SUMMEK TJIIE TAD I.E. Tbroneb and direct routs between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hsrrisburg, Williamsport. and tba Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAKS Oa all Night Trains. 0 and after MONDAY, MAY 11, I'M, the trains oa tha Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run as Mlows t ralsrard. Mail Traia leares Philadelphia. 11. U P. M. Do do-...Pt Mary's. l.lfl P. M. Do arrive al Krie II. so p. M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia.... li. oSaoon lo do Mu Mary's .S3 A. M. Do. arrive at Erie 10 US A. M. I aklH ard. Mall Trala leaves Krie .11 " A. M. . 4 41 P. M . 7 IS A.M. Do do ft Mary's Do arrive at Philadelphia. Erie Express leaves Erie 7 49 P. M Do.. di St Mary's I. HO A. M. "o strive at Philadelphia..... i.HO P. M. Mail and Kxrveaa eor.nert with all traina on the Warren A Franklin Railwav. Pasenrers leaving i niisuemnia at JH. arr va al imnston at !U0 a m and Oil Ci'y at 8.60 p.m. Leaving rniiadeipnia at Il.tii p. m , arrive at till I'lly al 4.31 p.m. mi trains on ft arren Frank! a Rai wav make close connections al Oil City with trains ii rr.ii.uii enu rerroieum ventre. Ilsciraire turei iiireiijQ. Al.riir.U U I 1 Lhlt, Heneral 8nperintendan Valuable Town Property POll SALE! J SITUATE an the ftonth-wewt cirner of CberrT . and Third Htrwts. (beine Hailmexl street.) to wit: A LOT, with a good to-u.ri ulank build. ing thereon. 3d by IS feet, one nwim on each Bimr. suitable for a Mora, or other business. Also, the adjoining LOT. with a two-atmr dwelling houpc therein, and several other TOWN LOTS. Also, a lol nf well-hnnit P.HICK, and a good assortment of PTOXEWARK. soeb aa rma. Jiiks, Jura, Fruit Cans, ctc at reduced pricea. For further information, iiiniiire at the Stone ware Pottery of p. LEITllNUER. myI4 Oia Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield Nursery. KNCOUllAGK HOME INDL'STIIY. rpHK nnierslgned, having establlnbed a Nor. I aery on the 'Pike, about half w.v Clearfield and Cnrweneville, Is prepared to fur nish all kinds of FRI'IT TKKKS. (standard and wan.) nvergceene, Miruhbery, drape Vines Uoo.elverrtee. Lawtna lllackhcrrv. 8tr.wbem and Kasherry ines. Also, 8iheriaa Crab Trees QuinJs. and early scarlet Rhubarb, An. Ordori prumptly attended to. AJ.lress, i. V. WRTOnT. sepjo.nj.y Curwensvllle. pa Grape Vines for Sale. VI.I. ilie lea.lina? hanlr rarietios of first nnal. iiy. ((iM'.inn C1TT1NOS, 1 (to ros hundred CdNt OR VINKR only 10 cel.. l" . .i L n M "'"inenf. and filled Id , r ,'i v, . ' MILLS. ( lcarlicl.1, fa., Aniust S, ISA?, luloii Mllls-Woolcu Factory. ir, I LEAKHEI.D CO, PA I """"signed having pnrcbated an Inlerevt a . ...e nii.n mills, are prepared toeard wool .-u ,e ore ana nui.h Ch.lh.and do .11 kinds of wore. In this line on short Trniiea, werkmaci.k. manner, nu on reaeonahfe terms. The. al-c nianulaeturo Fiour, Feed aud Lumber, Which will he sold at the lowest cash rates. Wool intended for earditi e.. i. i.e. .t where ihey will got It .d retar. it , 8.tar,l, of each week Letters of inquiry addrceed U, a, at Hockto. P. 0. will receive pctmpt attenli. RocklonJu0.l,F1-gtKMJ-t noortnuiscERiuvBiTr' n S lloo.laiid's Crrntan Toi Tba Ores I Rernedies for i I'i... Liver, r inmai b or Li Orgens, "n.t IIuolliui'l's Gcrinnn U;i(( Is rompossd of the pure Juices (, medicinally termed, kit,,,,,'. "' barbs, and barks. I I , ,.,,' conoeutraud and-1- eauciy 1 alcoholic admistura of any kind" IIiK)flnnrB German Ton Is a combination of all Ihe,,u Hitters, with lbs purest quality i,f tL. Ham, Orange, Ac , making one of,,' snt and sgreeabla remc lies evtr ofl,, public Kio.e preferring a medicine !, alcoholic admixture, wil, use Iloofland's Gennan Iilttt iiwu ci vu umvn m puftica, win ut Iloofland's Gorman Tot They ro both cjiuMj guorj. and eut4 vaiiie meuiciitai Tiriuea, 10 coutov tm, two being a mere matter of tact. tii l,t, tba luoit palalabla. Tha ttomivcbe from mHety of qui aa lDdtcOion, lRpapttm, Narvuui hit, ii Tory apt l . . ita (yDfinmt ad Tha Lirar. f I iathum u af it doe itb una Mouiai., n. coniPt 0(tiA, Ibe iwault of whtrb it palietit 0ufln lrtn aavaral vr Mora af -lowing diaac i Coi.'tiati(.D, F!a1ulDoa, Inward Pi lei, of llluod io tha Head, Aeidttj of ihr -ali, iVauitffa, Haart liurn, l'i-gu! xoort, uiin?M or naiht id tt. tioiua ur Hour entftinsi,iok ing or Fluttering at the pii vf tba Stoniarh, wiu m miTtg ot tha iload. l u rr la or Vr e a lb in f , fiatierinir of ihe neartat'biking or fcaf fucatinff aeniaiiont when U a Iviog .oalure. Uimntu ut Tifijon, d''t "t wohi befurt tba evw dull l-ain in tba bvad,drfieine; of pirtuon, jellowDM of tba ikia tu4. Pain to tb lide, btck. obett, limbi, atc.r. nuiocf ol Deal, ourniuj Dt-nb, JtJi imigintngi of sSTil aod Ket daptatioli of apint. Tba BuStter from tbeaa distant abni. eiaa Ihe graalaat cauiioo in the Mlfsseiw, raiavdj fur hit caaa, purcbajma? wbicb ba ii Miund I I from fai Ul, lioni aod iouiria poiierei tr ia ckillfotlT eotupuoodd, ii tra froa . , ingreaieotf. and bai aitablUhad fw i. repuutiottfur the ra of then ii.ta.H ; aMbaMeiiua wa would aubm.4 lbja liii, remedial Iloofland's Germaii Bit: Iloofiaud's German Toni Prepared by Ir. C. M. JACKSOS, - - PbilaMfi Twentr-twa rean mcci thvy mtrt Irr doeed into this .N.Btrr fru tiarmacj. . whieh tine they have auU"oMs-di pti mire rarva, and beAvfitad iu Lie rice bvat a raatar extani, tbao anj otber rciardut u. the public. TbfM rvmfdiei will eflVeluallv eon Goa(ilaiDt,, -y iJvipri'tia or ('Too I'eliihtv, Ii Cbroairh rinie of the kid ney. tad :: afiimif fra av Li ordered Liver, tvnt loteauoet. Debility, Resulting from any cause whatever; P- ol the system inoeeej ny severs U( Hardships, Lxporara, fcrcra Ac , As. There Is no medicine extant eqasl t temedies lu eneb eaess. A tone ass. imparted to the whole system, the sji strencihened, food is enjoyed, lbs stos, gesis promptly, lbs b'.md is purifirlu plexiiia beeomes sound sad bealitay. Ui tinge is eradicated from the eyes, s givra to the cheeks, an J tho weak aoii i invalid becomes a strong and brahby U Persons Advanced in L and feeling the hand of time wcigtnBr i spin Oiem, with all its atienfsnt u. the ne of theea llit:ersor the Tonic. n that will instil new life Into iksirvsist In a Bienars lbs energy aad spier youthful data, build up ihtir shrenkri and give hoattb and happiness to Uittrrrc years. , ' Notice. It is a aell sefabliau.d fact thai I., half of the female po rti.u ! lion are sel'lom in the I crj ji:i. health, or to use thier nsn .p " ''never feel wail." 'Ihev are iei .M. - all energy, vxirvmely aud i.. pelile. To tltta Cass of pc's. n. li. I tbe Tonic, is especially'1 Weak and Delicate (.'Lili are made strong by the nse of ene-f remedies. They will cure every esee.ii ithout fail Ihwu.ands tof eerti6eates have iraw., ths bsnds of tba proprietor, but spec si of the publication ot but a lew. icov.i observed, are men of note, and vl sucb tiiat tbey must ba believed. Tesliinoiuals. Hon. Oeorge W. Woodward. Chief to the Supreme Curt ol Pennsylvania, an. I'biiadeipkia, Pa.. KsroS !.' 'I fiad Iluori. sail's . Osas Em good tonic, useful ia A disesse. eftt, iva organa, and of greet liars'' af debility and want of nerveas artis system. Years, truly, tlto, . Woot" Boa. James Thompson. Judge el tit " Court of Peuasylvania. writes . ' "Philadelphia, April 1 "I consider Iloi.fland's Herman Bnw able medicine In ease of Iudigesii..n st aia. I can certify this from eKi'erietirs, , "Yours, with respect, Jaulsn From Rev. Joseph D. Kei nard. D. IV I the Tenia tiapiiet Church, Ptiiisdsips' 1. J an. a -Uear bir: 1 kavrlierel ' ly rsiiussied to connect my name tuenilations of different kinds ol me4ic regarding the prac ticealnl, propriale sphere..-! IV haveiaslK"" olined; bat with a iearpro"f" instanis, and particularly in m eon11 the usefulness ot llr. Ilonand's (irri.,i I depart for one from my asual ecem press my full conviction that for genem of the syslem. and especially lur ' plaint, il ia a safe and valuable prefers:' aome cases it may fail, bul usual'y. I '"' It will be very beneficial to lhase whs & lbs above saueo. Yours, very respecils"' J 1) K'' lighlb, below C..s v From Rev F. T. Fendall. Edil.ref Cl" "Chr.nicls,' Philadelphia: I have derived decided benefil fri'is " Hm (Una's Herman Hitters, and led " "' lege l reoommend ihm as a me-i vales'' to ell who ais eunvrmg from genual "S Irom disea.ea ari..m irons oirsnc, i" liver. Toura, traly, k. ! Caution. Hoofland's German Bitlers are c.w' Pee lhat the signs tare of C . SON Is aa tba wrap I 1 per of s"1 All others ar e un A- terfeU H" Ofhee atd Mauufaeiurv. at the Oer"S Store, fio. :il Arch street, rhilsJrl til AH IK5S M. l:VA. Proprt"' , (Formerly C. M. Jaoksoa Price. Hoofland's German Hitters, per heitslev. ' ' ,.,r d,es. nooflands German Tonic, put sp is , boliles, per bottle Or a half doaea lor " , -!o ant ferret to examine well lev"' you hay. ia order to get the geasies- U. II. EhlULKR A CO., Phiiifsburg, Pa, For aala by all ernugists ssd Z BMedidBri. V