lUUBLlCAN. rms of Subscription. ,,cn.iirwitlilu thre. wionlhe..H r three and Mum months... (he cilrullm of em tiionllis., I 1.0 I Wnsi'K, our ftirrman, If eulhorited r money paid In'" the urV.oe account item, advertising, Jib wrk, Ac, in our UKO. :i. Hii.AMiKK, Kditor ati J Proprietor : Angina 13. IM)H. cnienluf tlio borough finiuitea Mind in another column. Executive Conunittoo of the tnrnl Society will moot on the See notice. j tobcrt Driorly, it will be no Tors cowb, hogs, and young r sale. reth, at OHtend, ofl'ors a vnliia .orty for sale. Head his adver it 9 fond of martini music can f something to their advantage rettsing the Socrotary of the in Drom Corps . tracklayers on our railroad are aing finely. Tho cars will run liaiiisgrove, within eight miles ilace, by the 1st of September. bcess formed on tho west end Mansion House for bar-room , is rather an abortive im nt, and must some day cause .1 story to weep. New Bishop. Kev. Tobias , of. Pittsburg, (formerly of vn,) has been consecrated ." the dioceso of Erie, in the Bishop Young, deccasod. certificates, manufactured to s often published in praise of jrthloss hair preparation, i s Vegetable IlairRestoralivo' I need to resort to such means. - or its are to well known and led. N. Y. Sunday Difpafch. field Academy. Monday, . !ay of September, is the time opening of the next Session of , ution. It is always best to ; the beginning of the term. . (its have their children ready THo school is in excellent :.d deserves a liberal patronage . ,11 i r, . m . nil) VUUiiij' in-nrtmor, igley, having in June last :l his sale of unseated lands M-a to the 24th of Auirust. re- j those who have not paid their A costs to do so by that time, e lands will bo sold without ' to person. Those interested -io take notice. o assured that the firm of 4 Kendall; (i5 Hanover Street, , Mass.. advertised id our i, is trustworthy and reliable, its. they send a patent pen i, and a check describing an to bo sold for II. Thoir club . of soiling goods is becoming ; opular, particularly with the . It is worthy of a trial. ' Gazette. lib IUK V1IKI.S. AVUIUrvlICO IU 'vprliuinir rnlnmriH will show iss Swan's school for young will re-open on Monday, tho t'ay of August. There is no r among us mure mguy ruvuui d than Miss Swan. She has tsifinl.inrr a virnfi.auinn. nnd in.r 6 v.v.. , tied success indicates the pro she is making. She is entitled ; patronage of this community new mcrcanuio urm cn j nines .ham & Sons, it will be noticed amining onr advertising col intend to let tho public know ihcy are doing. They offer a liance to the yonng of both Tho senior member of the ing well known to ull our citi-r-i one of tho most prosperous ' liging business men, noods no o recommendation at our hands. i. Improve ment. Among the -provemonts now going on in . LuilJiiig churcbos, jtrivute i, hotels, and other structures m none so useful to town and as tho foundry and machine ftcd by Messrs. Boynton & t the corner of Fourth and I eta. Their establishment, in j K nches, will be first class, and mplele one cannot be found f the cities. Tho machinery best manutacturo in the ...i :. : .ii .,., .... .;ii ' IIU V. Ill II lb Id Ull JUV Ujl ll . 00. Their combination of r'nop and fimndry will enable ruuifucturc everything made ; on, from a plow-point to a '0 or a steam engine. Be : possess the capital, business rid mechanical skill, within to complete everything rtake. The habit of cml .'hiladolphia, rittsburg and 3 for mill irons and other is about "played out." and y savod on transportation 1 pay the interest on the t. . Franiit Adams, our late to England, is to bo run in iftrtU next winter, for United inutor, in opposition to lumncr. " PivrMH ami I'imai t'M,rnt Wc full the nttrnliiin of our romlois lo the rlsitns of lhi really sterling in stitution. Its recent rntulnguc shows an attendance dining tho past year nf thr hunJnd and forty-trvrn young ladies, gathered from twelve States. hough but thirteen yours have elapsed since it was first opened for tho reception of pupil, it has already gained a national reputation, and Pittsburgh justly boasts of an institu tion which has iio peer in the Stale and but few equals in the laud, lis admirable location, on ono of the most beautiful and quiet streets of tho city, and yet within ten minutes walk of nearly every important point ; its su perb buildings ; its unusually large, able and accomplished raculU' of twenty-two teachers ; its unsurpassed facilities in all tho solid and ornamen tal branches; its thorough training; its whole.somo discipline, and withal, moderate prices, commend it to all who have duugbters to educate. This latter item is worth special notice. The Fall term commences September Send to Lev. I. C. Pershing, Pitts burgh, for a catalogue Oueeota Vorrtspondmct. Editor Enmblican We noticed a few weeks since, published in the Haftsman s Journal, some comments upon a Seymour and Blair ratification meeting hold in this place. The editor called thoso. composing that meeting tho "rag-and-tng"' of tho town. In the issue of July 2'J, the samo paper, under the head of "A Little of Every thing," says: "The rag-nndtag of Osceola will soon be alive again. A new supply of 'benaine' arrived last week." We are glad to inform the public generally, and the Journal in particular, that the "benxine" spoken of came to the address of tho Journal's reportkrs during tho war. Wo could name them if necessary, and the quan tity, kind and quality ycch. Siillice it to say, however, that it contains so much smart-weed, burnt peaches, strychnine and water, that it won't burn only when it comes in contact with raw flesh. ' Be it said to the credit of our little Democratic town, that there is not now, nor never has boon, a single drop of liquor ("benzine") sold here ex cept bv "IjOiI itepulilicans, and not a single Democratic loulor to be found at any of these miserable dens. The last cargo of "benzino" must have been ordered for the Grant and Colfax meeting that has been talked of since the Democratic mooting. The Oscoola Comet Band was engaged the following day lor a jubilee, but it has all ended in a w liisper. Thev need not send for Grant to come and help distil this stuff. What lew white woohes there are here can put it through in double quick. They are used to that step1 O. C. O. Osceola, August 7, 1 808. Clearfield Markets. Reported wwklyforthfCi.rAHriKLU llKrmLicAii liy J, P. Kratzkh, iK'alur in lry Hoods, lro ecriei, Pruvitioni, Ac, Murkst it., UrjtiflcM. CLKAiirjty.ii, And. 1'ti 18. ApnlAi. Rrrrn fw flu Iri.-tl, IS lt 12 Apple butter, 1 2 Bulter. 40 Ben H S 01' BuokwhcaC 1 00 P-iK-k wheat floortb, Brrf, drini M Bf, rrenh ('( (It Boards, M 16 0(1(11, SO 00 Corn, shelled .... 1 65 llujCH, dreesed Hiiie4, grct'U Hums ;sr . e:hnulilers...l.'ifiu Slilt- 1K('j I.ard Mors pork,M)lil...3i 00 Outs "i ODiims t I'S Putii.ties.... t a Prachrp, drird, lb.. ft Corn, ear. Plnitrr, V bkl t US Corn mesl, n. t 00 Hye 2 00 k .p. cuts n(d 4 00 ! ltuK, lb Cluorci-d ..00 00 . Ksll, V M.'k 3 511 Cheese.. 15 ! Kliii.el.-a. is in., M, 6(1 Cherries, ft. tfD ii 1 Shintlrs, 5(1 In 15 (' ( hi, kens, rirsd, lb, 20 i Tini.ilhr seed...... 0 00 Efgs 23 Tniliw......H 15 Klai .ed 2 (HI i Wheat. I 50 Flour IS SlllViU 00 . Wool . 45 H 12 flu fm 1 5 00 I ""'! " (fducatioual. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIFXI), PA. 'pHK Fifft Term, of twenty-two wrkii. will 1 com men oe on Monday. Aiitunt 31, 108. TERMS OF Tt'lTION. Betuling. Orthogmjihy, Writing, Olijfct Lot ion Primary Arithmetic nd rrimnry Qeogrihj( per half tenn. (of elcren wecki.) f& 00 Hiptory, Local mod dcftcrlptiv Ooortvj.hy with Map Drawing, Grammar, McuUU and Written Arithmetic ft 60 Alirebra and the Scienoet V 00 For full particular Mnd for CircuUr. Clearfield, Angnut ft. 18fl8 -Sin. Clearfield Academy. Eev. P. L. HAEEISOIi'. A K.. Principal THE FIRFT FKSKION of lbs next scho laitle ear of this lnstitnlioB will commence tj MONDAY, the 1th da o( ilepWiiihir, 1S. Popils en enter at any tin. The will be oharfred witb tuition from tb. tint tber enter to the elose of the Hessian. The eonrse of instruction e nbraces eeer thing Included in a thorough, praetleal and accom plished education for both sexes. The Principal, baring bad the adrantag. ef mnch experience In bis profession, assures pa rents and guard1 ens that bis entire abilit and energies will be devoted to the moral and men tal training of the oath placed nnder his charge. IHKM Vf TUITION. Orthography, Reading, Writing, and Primer Arithmetic, per Bession (II weeks) - $5 00 Grammar, Ueograph, Arilhmetis, and History - . - . - - f 6 00 Algobrs, reotnetr. Trigonometry, Men suration, Stirroying. 1'hilosnphy, Physi ology, Chemistry, Hook Keeping, Botany and Physical Oengrspky - . . $( 00 Latin, tirek and treneh, witb any of the shire Branrhet - - tl2 AO pseNo deduction will be nade for absenc. &4TfcT further partjenlsrs lniUire of Rer. P. L. HARRISON, A. M., CleirOeld, fob. t, 1808 tf. Principal. Boalsburg Academy. nnnlsburr, Ceiilre Count', Pcun'n. fllllK FALL TKRM of this Inililution (now 1 in l flonriyhing oonditlon) will begin on M'iNHAV, Al'Ul .T .1, and runlimlnriht works. Iln'.h male end frlnslti pufiils received. lioeliiliiirK is rr.e.hi'd by stage irons LlLlkroiite, Hpruee Crei k end ililn.y. TI1TKI.N l'rmn l.i to tl rer term. llnerding In private families at from $."..2 U per we.k. A NuRMAL CLASS will be fonnrd. Fur further infurmHtion ail.ln-ss the Principal, (J. W. LlilSIIKR. jytA-tmrpd (formerly of Markleville, Perry Co.) 7 I'STIC liS' I'OKtaTAHl.l'.ta I El'.!. I w. 'e have printed a larse namWr of the new t Lit til uii, and will on tiie mvipt oi twenty firooants, mail a copy to any d.lres. mj2g Hhrdttarf, fflntwr, tu. (i S. KI.IX.A. ITAl.Ill IN STOYJiS AM) HOLLOW -WARE, AND MAM'FACTURF.n (if Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, riillliburg, t'cutre ro., Ph., rpiIE undersigned respectfully announces te J. the ub!io that he has on hand a carefully-selected and well assorted stock of Stores. His Tericty consist of 7II-E CEI.EnHATKD IKONStDES, Which bare aerer felled to gire perfset satisfac tion to the must fastidious of its purchasers, Continental. Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Rpears' Anti-Itust, Niagara, Chirm, Herald, do., with erery fariely ef the best ' Pittsburg Manufacture. VfA-The Tin and Bbeet Iron ware glren witb the Mores Is made of the hear est and best material, and warranted to give perfsot satis, faolion. His stuck of PARLOR AND UEAT1NG STOVES Is larger, bitter and cheaper than ever before exhibited to the public lie dufius euuipetitioB either in rariety, quality or price. Be is also prepared to furnish a complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheot-Iron,rWoodeii and Willow Waro, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole new to service, from lb best ma terial in the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, A COPPER, BRAPS AflU khTILES, tOf orer description constantly en hud. LICHTXINQ BODS, Superior point, put if on short notice. Tbe Point he oOers to tks public ie the aarae as is now used by tbe Pennsylvania Railroad (Jo., tnetr buildings. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, BOOF1XO And other work belonging to his business will be promptly tiled by experienced and skllllul workmen. muss, corrER AND OLD METTLE Taken in exchange for foods. s-!Ie especially Invites the sttenllon of Merchants wishing to purchase at wholesale, as they will find It to their advantage to examine Lis etock before purchasing elsewhere. O, 6. FLF.QAL. I'hilipiburg, Aug. , 1868. J21t7 MEimELrFiriEll, psttaes i II A It I IV A UK, Alto, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, I' A. LOT OF SADDLES, ISRIDLKS, Harness, Collars, etc., for sale by MEHRELL A B1GLER. p a lm e ivsv atj-;1n tu.n LOAD. lag Hay Forks, for salt by M ERR ELL el BIGLER. QIL, i'AINT, rUIXY, GLASrS, Kails, ete, for sale by IX ERR ELL el BIGLER. JJAUNESS TKlMillXGS i SHOE Findings, for sale by MESRELL A BIGLEK. Q.UXS, PISTOLS, SWOKD CAN KM For sals by MEKRELL A BIGLER. gTOVUM, OF ALL SOKTS AND Eiies, for tale by MEURELL A BIGLER. JROX HIOXI 1JION1 UtONl For salt by MEURELL i BIGLER. OKSB SHOES & IIOHSfi S1IOK KAILS, for sale by MEKRKLL A BIGLER. pULLEY ULOCKS, ALL SIZliS And best Uanufactnre, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER- iii M u Lesk kis 8Axi)-ririi IIOXES.forseleby MERRELL A BIGLER. RODDER CUTTEIlS-fbr salo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS1 SAWS I SAWSI ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN ! EMERSON'S PATENT PERF0RAKATED CroBS-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL Ol'MMINtl AVOIDED.) A LB 0, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, (Sharpening, and Shaping the Teelh of ill Splitllng 8sws. ;u6endfur a Descriptive Cirrular and Plica List. MLUltLL A U1ULER. Oenernl Agenlf Clearfield, Ta CAIITI) per-ons arr hvreliv cautioned nsraintt pur.' n'pMmissurr n-ite calling f,ir fifty ilollerK and due aliont Ilie mi'I'lle nf April lf'9, sniil note living given in f.ivur o( klilinn C. Hmwn.and (or the prit ilege of si'llmr his hiire hr furk in the uiwnships of 1'nnn ami lllnum, and in t,anner my ooruuu, as i nave receivHi no ralu" therefor and am determined not to pay the lame unless compelled bv lnw. KAMI LL WIDKMIRR. (Irampian Iliils, July i'l, 31 pd. Doly's Clothes Washer VVD tsaleir- Copper 8crip FKKI) Cl'TTER, . for sale by O. II. (EIULKR A CO., jyl-tf Philipsburg, Pa SOMETHING NEW IN SHAW'S ROW. FRANK A STOl t.'MToX, MERCHANT TAILORS Market ft i (, i Uarlirld, Pa., HAV1NO apened thflr n Mit)llihtBnl la fcl iwV Ut w, t'ti( dmir Mt of tho pout cOtoo, and ht v m d jurt rftumrd ft on tha aa-tern cttti with a Urpa aMortmPtit nf Cloths. Cassimorea,' VePtings, tie avert, aud all a.Dl of (iooda for mtn and bnyt' wpar, ar now .rtprJ to mntta up t ordaff CLOT1IINU, from a nrle ariirla to a full tull. la th latit atylai and anon workniknlikt taanntr. bpaoial attantioo ivaa t otma work and outline out fur nn "J offer grl bargain to tmltnieri. aad waraat ntii a aatiifaotiuD, A llbaral ihara of publle patroaaga U toHoited. Call fend our goodi. M A FK A N K MtlTf 8:1.1 R. R. U STOIIO IITON, U. BltlDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Hture one door atut of Clairfiehl Hume,) Market Street, Cleitf-nuld, I'a. T T KKFH on hand a full airtmanta of Oont-' IV Kurntabintt Uocda, lurk ai hhirti, Llnon aiiii Wuoleu UbdarnbirU, D si wart and Sooki, Neck-tlea, Tovkat UandkarotiUfB, Uloven, Hatj. llmbrcllaa, Ao., in great Variety. Of l'iuoe Uooda ba kaopi the Best Clothe of all "Shades and Colors," 8ucb as Slack Doeskin of the very beat make; Fancy Casaimere, In great viriety , also, Frensk Coating, Reaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frioott overcoating. All of which till be sold cheap for Cash, and made up according to the latest styles by eiperienoed workmen. ' Also, Agent for Clearfield county for I. M. 8inger A Co's. oolebraisd bowing Machines. Nov. 1, imt-tl. II. BRIUUB. ,fumtturf. CLEAKFIELD FURNITURE ROOMS. v Market cUrvct, east of Fourth. JOHN TKOI 1M, l-rTiprictor. rpiIK suliscrilisr beps kave to cell the atten X tion of tha eitiieneof Clearnsld and sur rounding eountry to tbi fact that ba U stow prepared to furnish, on siort notice, Cabinetware of all Styl9s & Patterns Bulled for either Parlor, Dining or Bed rooms, by the single article, or in eels to suit pur chasers; Dureaus, Hofas, Lonngea. Hat racks, Tables, Stands, Ac, Ac I also manufacture CHAIRS A BETTEES BELOW CITT PRICES, Consisting sf Parlor, Dining-room, Cane, Horking and ether Chairs, Which t propose tn wsrrsnt and sell cheaper than aaa be purchased eleewhtra. Jost try me. John tholtman. Clearnsld, Feb. 27, 1M7 U CHEAP FURNITURE. JOHN GULICII DVB1RE8 to inform bis old friends and ens turners, that having enlarged his shop and iucreased bis facilities for manuiacturing, be is now prepared to make toordersurh Furniture as may bs desired, in good siyle and at ebeap rates for CASH, lie generally baa on hand, at bis Furniture rooms, a varied assortment of ready, made furniture, among which are BUREAUS ASD SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Book Csies; Centre. Sofa, Parlor, breakfast and Dining tatession Tables; Com. mon, Freneb-post, Cultage.Jenny-Lind and nther Iledrtes'ii j finfas of all kinds. Work stands. Hat-racks, Wash-stands; Rocking and Arm chairs ; spring-seat, cane bottom, parlor, com mon and other Chairs; Louking-U lasses of every description on hand ; aid new glasses for old frames, which will be pst In on very reasonable terms on shortest notice, lie also keeps an hand or furninhoe to order, Cern husk, llalr and Cot ton top Mattresses. Coffins of Evkrt Kind Mode to order, and funerals attended with Hearse whenever desired. Also, Bouse Painting done to order. The eebscriber also maaufae. tu res, and has constantly on hand, Clement's Pstcnt Washing Machina, tbe best now in use I Those using this mscblns nevor need be with, out clean clothes I He also has Flyer's Patent Churn, a tnperlor article. A family using this Churn never need be without butler I All the above and many other artlclee ere fur nished to customers cheap for Can or exchanged for approved eountry produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Linwood and otier Lumber snilable for Cabinet work, taken In izohange for furnito'e Remember tbe shop Is on Market street. Ucertlcld, fa., aia nnarly opposite the "Old Jew Wore." JOHN (iTLICll. November ID, 133 f XtaftSMitliiug. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP TUIRU STREET; CLEARFIELD. TI1K subseriherrenpecrfully informs his friends and the public in gsneral, thst he bee local ted in the boron ch nf CLEARFIELD, In the shop recently occupied by Jacob Bbnnkweller, where he Is now ready te perform all du'ien towards his customers in a workmanlike menner, Bleds, Kleighe, Buggies and Wagons Ironed, and Horse. shoeing done at reasonable rates. He respectfully asks a share. i( work from the public, ae be Intends to give hit wh- le attention t. the busineae. THOMAS B1LKV. Marci I f, lPf.8. ! KENNARDJt WATERS. New Blacksmitliing Zstablisbment. Kr:i'0XD M, CLEARFIELD, Pi. TIIIE undersigned be to inform the Inhabit. I ante of Clearfield skid surrounding neigh borhood, that they hevweemmeneed business in the above line, wbere, by strict attention to all work entrusted te there, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. B0R8B SHOEING In tbe most approved prino.ples, for either fast ar working horses. Horses that Interfere, can be entirely prevented. ALL KINDS OF SAW MILL WORK, En gine work and Steam Boilers repaired, miners' tools snd all kinds of Steel tooii madeof the best material aad a tbe shsrtest notice. Post-hole augurs, for board fencing. VsjuAll work done by ms Is warranted to give satisfaction, ar Da charge will besiade. AUOH kKNNARD. pre a JAMES WAThllS. Boggs Township Awake ! GREAT EXClTKViEST AT THOMAS BKEItS'S!! JVERTRODT trying to el there first, for fear j of being crowded out kite tbe eold. It you want good Shoeing lone, go to Bunas. If youwanl your Slerts irensd right, go to 11 eras. If you want good Hill Iron, go to Banna. If you want your wsgon Ironsd in ths best etyle and worktnanihlp, ro to Puns. Bunas makes the beat Hlnmp Machine In the State, and does all kinds orilLACKSM IT1I INU ae cheap as can be done In'the county for Cash. My Poet Office address Is Clearfield ltn-le. THOMAS BEEKS. Doers Tp., Dec. IV. lSST-tf. EVERYTHING IN TDK iiAiciVAiii: KETT A.ND ICR SALE AT FAIR PKICKS, BY O. II. ZEIGLEK k CO. sWT TT'c buy for Cash, td! for Cash, and crititrqurntly SELL CHEAP. l'hillpsburg, July H, 18S tf TVlW)I.tTMS OF PAnTSF.RMIIPv X f The parlnerslnp herelofore existing between J. S. ri.EHAI, A AI. L. OAXtiE, in tht Slnvi and Tinning liulness, in Philiprlmig, was d'SS'il. red by niutiel consent, on the 20th dnv of .lulv inns. The account! of the Inn nill ! aettled. and His hnsiness ronlinncd hv U.S. FI.l llAl.. 1'hllipsliurg Pa. I tl. S. FI.ECAL. July JO, lsi.161, J J. L. GA.SOi:. yrn and tffllrlnfi irk;s! nxm intus! IHWIN MONTKLIUS, On Mala HI,, one door west of Hippie f Faual'i Piore, CrRWEKSVILLR, VS., Here now on hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Patent Medicines, TrtiMcs, Mioiililer-llraccs. Klaatlc Hlntk- ii'fi and Hnpimrtere, (.lass, I'ull), Psr umsry. Toilet Hoods. Confecllonerli s. Rnlces. Canned Fruit, Tobacco, (Mgars, Hooks, Stationery, Pencils, Pens, Ink, and a general variety of Notions. Barrett ' Warranted Hair Bcstorative Their stock embraces all articles needed In a eommuoily. Is entirely new, and of the best quality, and will be add at reasunsble prices. isu and examine tbe goods they cannot foil fploase. JvM) NEW ARRANGEMENT. f. . SH.IH', MUti'fJtJlST, (Second street, opposite tbe Court House,) CI-IiA II l'l EL, I'euu'a. rfIIR subscribers rnspeotfully announoes to ths 1 citlsens of Clearneld and vioiuity, that be has now en hand a full supply ef DKUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Dye Bluffs, Tobacco, Cigars, Confectioneries Ststioeery. Ac. PHYSICIANS Will find bis stock of Drugs FULL and COM PLETE, and ata very slight advance on Eastern prions. bUllUUlj ISUUIS. Teachers and others will be furnished with classical and miscellaoeoei books by eipress, at sbert notiec. STATIONERY, Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Papers t'also, a vory neat stock of Mourning Note Paper and Lnvelopes on hand. Pens, Pencils, Ink, ic. HOUSEKEEPERS Will and a Tull stock of PURE SPICKS, SODA, SODA ASH. Concentrated LYE. SOAP, fe. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are requested to examine his stock of Perfumery, Heir Oil, fine Toilet Snaps, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Setts, Ac , Ae. H.MOKKRS AND CIIEWERS Will lod a fulk supply of prime Chewing and Smoking TOIIACHO, Imported and Domestic CIUARS, Snuff. Fine-Cut. Ae.. Ae. CARBON OIL, Of tbe beat brand, always band. LIQUOPuS. Tbe best quality of Liquors always on hand, for medieel purposes. tMr-Pbvslclans' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. Aprl I, 1808. A. L EBAW. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, Ihttff&jHtH, Hear Arid, M'a. HAVING refitted nd ruortd to the room Utelr ocui)itd hw Kicburd jVIoop. no oflr, low fur ch, a vtll wlMted uaurLBieDt of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, I at'tt i'rdirii es of al! kinds. Oils. Gla Tatty, Dye Stuffs, Stationery, TO ISA CCO AND P EG A US, ConfeetlLnery, Spices, and tbe largest stock nf varieties ever offered in this place, and warrant ed to be or the beet the Market affords. J. O. 11 ARTSWICK, Dee. IS, 185. JOHN IRWIN. .TfCS'.X BSnRETT 5 Vnfretab) B1 ta ( olrMi''tt Ifl lis- (itilj U Id tlso rry (k i n-iatrntioti h-t I V al Druiuolhur Itadr-.vMli arn-i. a nton auj lraM.tln.ti. titd fut litvJatr C i t Tllrin'1 t"-t.iii.ti'r iIm lim. It ! tt ; Co i-' i - ft m u- luttwt i.tsrie. himI j OT i m ...snc.grs. JW JT7 A C ' I" 'MWII I I BAM '-7 -T t J. M. BARRETT s CO., Pfoprietsrs, sommun, a. h. Sold by narUwiek if Irwin and A. I. Shaw Clearfield t J- R- Irwin, Curwensvllls end a Dealers la Patent Medicines. (a,r2 ttm Attention, Afflicted I rpilR BoPfTtrter (ft tci tsOt.ce that lie hut X rem in . the firacttne of Medicine to Lut ti er bur jj, where be Intrndu to do rot hit ttn titn to the trrntinfiit of CUKOMC DISEASES In fenerul Me will keep on bund a ehoiee ee leolioBof DRUG8 nnd MtiPIClKKS ednptrd to the tretment of ehronie dieeet, und my be eot.olted tt bit orooe m nf hour of the day. N. B. A word to thote efflictcd with rhrunie d.aeaiei mar be to Tnitin edreii(ir. Minr hat Rot he ftw&re tbe.t cot tut l'tneiciant who do a RintHO practice have not tiki to attend to the treatment of curohic diseanei, and coone quently kbolkct them; hence this clam nf die eee reqnirue kxcli'pitb attention. UKOUUK WILSON, M. P. tuthernl.nrg, Feb. 27, ISfiS-lf DI:AFXr.M4, BldlMiNESS CATAHRH trout o.l with tho ntmodt enccee br lr. J. lKAACf. M. !., and Pnifeennr of Iiee- of the Kre and Kar In the MtiltottJ Colipy of Pmnrr, rnnia. IX Tcart expericncA, (fonnerlT of Lcrtten, Holland,) 'No. KlJ Arch Btrort, J'bil'a, frati in on in la ean be nwn at hia oflico. The m(Mtinal faeultT are Invited to nocoBipanT their patienta, at he haa no MK-rcta in hi unttoaainn. Artifloial eyea inaertd without pain. ISo cherfre for ex amination, jclK-lT. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE row KLL'H,) For etl diaeaaee Incident to Horaos, Cattle, and Daman Fleah, requiring the uae of an external applicatina. Thii EmhrocatioD waa axtenitrttj weed by the GnTfiBTient during the war. For aala hj Ifartawiek A Irwin, Clearfield. Jath K. Irwin, Curwanarille. Da-oial God landnr. Latherabarg. tf ITCH ! ITCH ! I ITCH ! ! I SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH ! !! In from lO tn 4 II onr n, Wbeaton'l Ointment coree Tbe Itch W heat on 't Ointment Wheaioa'i Ointment Wheatoa'a Ointment W httfi'e O.ntment Wheaton'a Ointment Salt Rbeai Tetter. enrca enrea ear fore Rarhers' Itch, Old R(.r, Every kind of Humor like Magic Price 60 ecnta a box; bv mail, AO rente. Addreaa WKKKK A PUT IKK. No lOWath Ington atriMt, Itoatna, .Vaaa. For aale by Hart wick A Irwin, and by all Orngglnti. ta2rt,R7-lj Tr iimliml supportuf every I Improvements,' rale at kind of the latest Impr tliejlnif More of HAKTSWICK A IRWIN. SWAIM' lANAt'F.A. Kennedy's Medlcd lliscnvery, llelmbold's lttieliu, Itsksr's Coa Liver Oil, Jane's and Aver's medicines of every Kind, for sale by UAUrsvt U K A 1HW1.N. Oili. Vgrnisij"!, Pa'iuts Brushes, Tl cT rt'ocived sod li.r fle elivnp l.v Jtl.tKPH K. I II WIS, aprll-tf Curwensrillc, I'a. 1) I'fsat'is . Domltip, Hul.bell's, Drake's, 1 Hofifland's Oernift.t.lloetetttr'sand Greene's OiTtenaled Hitters i also pure Liquors, of all kinds for edicinal f.r sale bv IMHTMY1CK A IHWIN, DIOI.iTII III' PARTM.I!I1II. The jiartnemhip her-tnfnro ctsIhh: b.'twin ilie unilersitiird iu tho mercantile luiinces, at PcnnfieM. !'., wis dinpolved by mutui.1 c ufcnl on the 1 lib dny of June, lasr. The bii.lnem will still bo continued at tbe old stand by F. C. townian. HIRAM WimPWAni). F. 0. IlOWMAiV. PsniiDelJ, July 50, li-iiMl. to If Y 5 1 Jirp ffiiodi, c'.wftlrn, (fU. GREAT EXCITEMENT SftOOKO HTHKUT, C'l.KAIiriELU. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. fpiIK nndereiirned respectfully Invite the at 1 tenlion of the tiuUle irenerally to their splendid assortment of merchandise, which they are now aelilug AT VERY LOW TWCES. Tbelr ttoek eonslsU in part of Dry Goods of tie Best Quality, Such as Prints, Ps Lalnss, Alpacoas, Merlnoi UlnRhems, Muslins, (bleached and anhleach. ed,) lirllllnif., Tleklnjrs, cotton and wool Klannel,ratinelts,Casimeres, Coltonedes, Lsilies' Hbawls, Nubius A Jloods, Unimoral and Hoop cklrU, Ac, Also, a Ana assortment of Men's Drawers and Shirts, iiata c uaps, noou onoei. all of wbicb WILL BE SOLD LOW FOB CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. ".N81IORTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT Ofeverrtbinc us ually kept in a retail store, all CHKAP FOaCAHU or approved country pro duce. A. K. WRIGUT 4 BOSS. Cleardeld, Kov.T , 17. SO MET II IN NEW! New" Store in Madera. MESSES. J. FORREST & SOX "VITOULD respectfully Inform the public that tbey have just opened, in MADKHA, Clearneld eountv, i'a., an entire sew stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they an prepared to tell as ebeap as tbe cheapest. Their stock consist In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Buck ae Alpaeaae, Delaaee. Prints, Muslins, Caasisaar, Satinets, and Flannels. Ready - Made Clothing, Of the beet quality, euek ss Coats, Pants, Vests, Overcoats, Overalls, Shirts, Collars, Ac BootH, Shoe) and Gaiters, Also of the very best Quality. A complete stock of Groceries. In short everything usually kept In a country tore. Consumers, Look to Your Interests! Cell and examine our slock and prices before parohaain( alsewhera. LUMBER AND GRAIN Of all kinde taken ia exchange for ,-oods. cT-Kememrier the place, Madera, Clearield county, Penn'a. 1. FORREST A SOX. October Sl,"lS7-tf. A KEYOLITIOX W BIS1XESS AT t lBM UNfVIIXE, Br IIARTSOCK k GOODWIN. rtHE nndcriifrned bnTir.K entered ioto co-pert-X nfrhl,i in the tuareantile bmineM, adopt ttni method of notifying the public generally, ami the citliem of Cnrwentrllle and Tirir.iiy in riartirnlar, that in err ban dine of ell kinds will be cold by vi ae ebeap the tame quality elte where Id the eonnty. We bsTe a full enpply of DRY GOODSi Consisting In part of Dross Goods, Muslins, Prints of ail shades and styles ; t"gelter with a full assortment or NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, Iloote, Hiws, Hardware, Q.ucrnsarT. As well as Tinware. Ccdarware, Willowware, huekete and Brooms t togetber witb a large etock of Urooerlea and always a lull stook of FLOUR, FISn, SALT, Ac. In short, we keep a full supply of everything need In this market. We want all our old customers and as many now ones as can make It convenient, to give us a call before pure asine; olsewhere. KANIFL TUHTROCK. EttWIN GOODWIN. Curwensrillc. Fehrua.y II, IPCS. Down I Down I f TIIE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I "XTE are now ope-nfnc on a lot of tb Vt and 1 V mort eew-1-m.ble Ooode and Wan otot ofli-rrd in thi markot, and at firloee that romind one of the pood old (Uvi of ohiap thinpt. Those who lurk Irtilh upon thin pnnl, or uotm oar alio iration euperflnone, noed bnt (Wit .T Ol H &T0KE, C timer Front and Market utrrrtti. Where tber eon are. fnl, hear and know for them- eelree. To fully anriortnd what aroeheufi jwwlt, this ant be dot. W do unt dmm it nmrnammry to enrnnerntc and Uemiae oar stnok. It U enough for ue to etate that We have Everything that iB Needed and ennenmed In thie market, and at prices that astnmtn rota oia and vnnnr. deo20 JOSEPH BIIAW A SON. H. F. N AUGLE, (L()(R AM) WATin MAKER, opposivw vutt . ev, S sncrr sTtissr POST OFFICE CLEARFIELD flllE subscriber respectfully informs his eld 1. patrons and tha public feneraily. that he hits on hand, (aad Is constantly reoeiring new additiene thereto.) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, r-I keep Jewelry In all Its forms and nf ditterent values, either by the piece or set. WATCHER A full a'eortn erl of either Odd or rilver, mnde by the bee! Anvri.-en and for eign manufacturers, Including a fine lot of fnld and silver hunting case, full jeweled, Patent Levera. CLOTKS Of all designs, ccnai sting ef eight day and tl.lrtv hour, of either weight, spring eg levers, and hoth strike and alarm. HKPA IRIKO. Ail kinds of Watches and Clocks I'.rpaind, and warranted. In addition to what I have ennmerated, I keep a full assortment of tM'KCTACLEK, colored and plain rlase. Also.QOl.D PKKSand I'hSCILS. SPOONS, FORKS, BVTTKk KN1VFS. and in fact everything in Ibe Jewelry Una. If fail to have on hand just what a enstorrer easy need, 1 will order per first express, wiihi ut exira cbsrge. A liberal share of public patronage is snlinted. May T, ls-y U. t. KAI OLK. B 1Y the 1E MOCUAT1C ALMANAC. Only 2b etn!. TverY votr rhmld hav nuft. if lllfrUanfc5. 628 lT66rSKmfsr628 W tn. T. Ilopkln's lla Make" cf okay. alone Hklrti" Are tbe best and Cheapest Low PHred Hoop SkiHs In the maiket. Trail t-klrts, Tl sprinire, II H: SS springs, II Jn and 4t sprtnss, list. Plsln Fklrts, tspes, J erriniri, an rents i 11 springs, .S Cents i llOsprings.ll Ulik springs, fi.2. vi srrentea in every reepect. "Onr OWN Make" of 'l.MnN HKIRTH," Eleven Ta,u Trails, from 10 lo 60 springs, II. ill to IJ.4H. Pl.ia, X Tapes, 20 lo id epnnrs, from Crnu to 1 2. lift. Ihese skirts are better than those sold by elber estahlithmsau as first class goods, snd at much lower prices. "Our OWN Mke" of CHAMPION RKIRTS' are In every way anperlor to all other Hoop Hkirts before tbe public and only have to be examined or worn to convince every one of the fact Manufactured of the best linen-flnlshcd English r'teel ftpring', vsry superior tapes, and the style of the meialle fastenings and manner of securing them surpass (or durability aad ex cellence any other rlkirt in this country, and are lighter, more elastio, will wear longer, give more estlafaotloo. and are really cheaper than all drier.. Every lady should try them. They are being sold extensively by Merchants through out this and the adjoining Btotes at very mod erate prices. If you went be best, ask for "Hopkin's Champion fklrt " If you de not find them, get the merchant with whom you deal to order Item for you, or come or send direct tons. Merchants will find car different grades of BkirU exactly what they need, and we especially invito them to call and examine our extensive aeaort ment, or eeud for Wholesale Price List To be bad al Hetsil at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, aad at W holesele of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be addressed. Meuufactory and Salesroom. 028 Arch Streot, between fitb and 7tb streets. Philadelphia. March 21 10m W Af. T. U0PKINS. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market Ut., Clearfield, (at the Poet Office.) riMlIC undersigned begs leave to announce to I the eitisens of Clearfield and vicinity, that be has fitted np a room and has just returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, consisting in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books,' Blank, Account and Pass Books of every de scription f Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plaint Pens and Pencils; Blank, Legal Papers, Deede, Mortgages ; Judgment, Exemp tion and Promissory notes ; White and Parch; ment Itrief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap , Sheet Music for either Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on band. Any books or stationery desired that I may tsot kava on hand, will be or ordered by firet express, and sold at wholesale or reuil to euit customers. I will also keep periodical literature, snoh as Magasinee, News papers, ae. P. A. GAULUt. Clearfield May T, lSOI-tf . The Lightning Tamer. THE an derailed are the aott Ajrente la thie eountr for the "North American tialTauiaed LIGHTNING BODS." Thaee are the only aafa rode sow la nee, and are endoreed bj ail tha aoientifie men in the country. Vi hereby notify tha oitisene of tbe ooantj that we will put them np a better rod. and fur leei money, than ii ehtvryred by tbe foreign ajteate who annually traveree tha eonnty and carry off our httJe raeh, nerer to return. ExeouisA'jE home labor. Thone wirhine; Liphtninc Rods erected aa their baildmpr ned but addreei ut by letter, or call ia ereon. We will pat them up any whore in tbe county, and warrant then. Tbe Hods aad Fix tore i con be eeen at inf time by eelling at oaretore. MEKKELL 4 BIQLEft. Clearfif Id, JuneJU 200 Kegs Nails & Spikes Jl'FT received and fur tale by JjIiVtl G. II. ZEIQLER f CO. CAEEIAGE KSD SmQH SHOP, IN CLEAKFIELD, Ta. (tmmcditely In roar of Machine Shop.) rjlHR subscriber would rwpeetfully inform the J citieene of ClearAeld, and the public in jren ami, that he iprtiptred to do all kinde of work on CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGUS, 1c. on sburt notine and aa reaeoneble tor ma, and A a workmanlike manner. Jt-aAH orden promptly attended te. Aug. VM. aV'KIUHI. DISOl.l'TIO OF PARTKnnIIIP, The partnership hfretofortcxietine; between the wndenined, in the mercantile bo si inset, mt karthnui. wtu lIiioIv1 on the let of July. !f.8. All tlw Mukt lidtu-riuoU Will be left with Wb, J. llnfltrr, who will mnke ecrtlfuionte and oontinna bumnreii at tbe old etond, whr he inritoi old and new patrone to gire him a call. WM. J. ITOFFm, Karthaun, July lfi-f.t G. If. UEKTLtlN. A Full Line OF Water Coolers and lee Cream Freciers, for sale by Q. H. ZKIWLKa A CO., jy 1 -tf l'h' iipsburg, I'a. Wason-makr rs & Klacksmlths TILL find a large aasortment of Hubs, If Fpokes, Felloes. Axles, Thimble Skeins, Bufcy Springs t Jiar, hoallop and Rod Iron; Kail Rods, Cast. Steel, Home and Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, Ac., are., at tha large Hardware Store of . 11. EKIflLKH A CO.. Pbiltpsbnrg, Fa. ThlmLls Skiens and rip lloxee cold cheaper than anywhere in the eountry. jylfi-tf MAHK 1 1" W and IWs f,r sale at the Post Ofioa. Price 2& cents. Muilcd to any address, f it.2k-sf Democratic Almanac. rTMHi lnvalui.lle pnMination ie for a1c ot tho X poet offir-B. It ihoultl le in the hande ol erry lui4cn.L ' It ooBUuuf full olortjoa returni from etcry ooiiuty in Uie I'nitrd Htatue ; bee idoa, tha numlier fur lttfl eonltiinii a complete list of tbe namce of all the newfpnpnniiiipprf?e4Md aod mobbed during Ltnoolu'e duiiuttrmtHa ; and that fur 167 oouiiuul the tmuicr of all thuet en iliMie who warn imjirinnjird during the mine puhipd. The two lititu, for future reforenno, arr worth more than the price of the publication. The unmoor for 18o8 ie el no full of TeiuuMr itatmtirn. Any one eroding 60 ornte to the Purl Mn-tcr, will rwttc by return metl a cp.v fir earh roar, free of poetaire. ( jo2i:tf Orphans' Court Sale. "I") Y virtue of an order of the Orphan Cowrt of 1 Uuaruold count v, dated June IP, 1908, there will be exposed to puh'ir fair rj Miileonhurg on iVaftirrfiy. the 22rf " AHirtiHi9 The fillwit)f doocribed rrol cut ata, ltr the prop arty af Francie L. tinnoont, droeojbcd, eltuate ia Covlnjrtoa townntup, Clearnold eonnty, Fa boun ded aud daTritrHl u followe : lftinuin; at apoet, thence eouih lti perchee to aa iron wood : thnnco oam M pcrchoe to a dead Bine , tbrnoe north lfti perehea to poet ; thenoa weat 14 porehea to placa of Defining, Containing Eighty-Six AcreB, And penhfi, eulrt loi-apure, about firty arret cloatrd. and beving thcrron ermUd a two itory plank tlweltitic bruM and log hern. Tonre : ne beireahon conflmntion of ealc, aad tbe balence In One year, to be ecoured by bond and mortgegr on (he premt-4' John b. gokmovt, JulySO-JlL AdmV Farm and Shop for Sale. T1IK UTiuVFigm-tl ofim fir eale hta FARM, eit nuto altout uiidwny lx tnecn CicarhclJ aad ( urwenpvillo. Containing E'glitj-Five Acres, Flfty-fiTe ln-ins itnpmn-d und in a go- d etHtc nf cultivation, with a gnnii dwelling hm)e and ba-m thereon. ! either with 6t0 ebmeo bcaung fruit troef and over 300 gmpe rlnce, nvatly all Co oord. A Wo, The Two-Story Carrier Shop, On Third Htreot, nenr tht railroad depot, in Clear ft ld bomnph. T rn lootlrrete anil pocfmon CiTen at ant time. Call In prn. or c1.1tt. at tioarbeld. I'a, ULOIIJK THOKN. Cleartiold, July 30 if A Large Lot of Fly Nets rpRAlt A Siajro Uamos. Horse CuUara. Oirlhs X Fnrcing'es and Saddlery llarowarc, just received and for sale by the firm of Jjl tf Q. 11. ZKli.LER A CO, Ti:l?IlM.i.!Jn"tic7s' "ind Col.l.feVTee J 11 1 11 m. tor sale at this of5-e. Mailed tn any address on the receipt of 2i cents. SUy IS