Che gcpuMif an. Gkoimii B. Gooplander, KUitor. CLEARFIELD, PA. Thursday Morning, Ang. 13- 1868. Democratic National Ticket. FOB PRESIDENT, Hon. HORATIO SEYMOUR, OF HEW YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, Gen. FRANCIS P. BLAIR, or mihsouri. Democratic State Ticket. AUDITOR OBSKRAL, HON-. CHARLES I- BOVI.E, Of Feyu county. SCBVETOB OBSBRAL, CEX. WElUNGIOi H. EST, Of Columbia county. Democratic DiBtrict Ticket. rsRsiossr n-nos. Hub. GEO. K. UARRliTT.of Clearfield. (Bsbjoet to the actios of th Couforeea.) coaonBite jr. t. JjF.FF. HOVER. of Clearneld. (Subject to th action of the Coufereea.) i.ntnt. Unn. WML A, WALLACE, ol Clearfield. (Subject to the actios of to Cos imrnr, Hob. T. . Clerflel. (Subject to the sioa of the Conferee.) Democratic County Ticket. Frotbonotarv, AARON C. TATE, oiT I-awt-race. Regieler A Recorder, A. W. LEE. of Bet,earia. Om.ini..:'inrr, S AMCELjH. S1I AFFBi ER, of Lawreoee. PnTvevor, AMI El F. MrCLOiltE-, f Plka. Auditor, PRICE A. BOWLES, of Kaoa. The Radicals profess to be in favor of impartial suffrage. Why, then, did their platibrtn'endorse negro suffrage in the South, and dodge the question in the North ? "On remedy ia to use the public monev to tav the public debt. It is a simple, brief, but a certain remedy for our national malady. Our ailment is debt, aggravated by despotism." Sitmocr. Still at Business. Judge Lynch is still doing business in loyal Indiana. Three men were bung last week by a vigilance committee. This makes even in two weeks. Why don't the "chrlbtiau-faoed Colfa o,l) the riots in his own State T. Can't he manage and control his friends f Kxhtitrt Still Risiao. The home of Clay it crowing more Democratic everv election. The majority for Gen. McClellan in this State in 1864, was S6,303; for Governor Helm, in 1867, it was 43,119; while the majority for Governor Stevenson, last week was 81,214. We have no doubt but Seymour and Blair will have 90,000 all white at that In the spirit then of George Washington, and of the patriots of the Eevoluton, let ns take the step to reinaugurateour Government, to start it once again on its course of great ticks and prosperity. May Almighty God give ns the wisdom to carry out our purposos, to give every State of the Union the blessings of peace, good will and fraternal affection." Setmocr. Tni Debt. The August statement of the "national blessing" vouchsafed to ns by the loyalists, has been pub lished. The debt has been increased since the June statement was publish ed, thirteen million two hundred and eighty thousand dollars. The Radical party is as nnCt to manage the na tional finances as the inmates or a lunatic acylum. Tbcy have several regiments in the field assessing prop erty and gathering taxes, yet the debt ia increasing every id on ih Under snch mal administration totetl bankruptcy must aoon overtake us. .fit Ox COe-rot. The people in the West are a great people, and they do things in their own way. This the Pittsburgh Com mercial, an xocfsively loyal paper, don't like, and growls as follows: The rVrmevr aad Blair rowdir at 8t Joeee,!, Miewowri. on Wodneedey inealerw Owe ale Oraot and Sbenwao by yellinc. Mowing tin borwe and thonrtee diarracmx theeiilrea wbtej ttpwe die- tinrwifbed featlejara appeared oc the balcony of the tmtet ra rrpole to the ealle of thru Tncod owtaide. The rowdier wontd wot permit tieoorai rawreaaa a eoeaa. it Wat a ewaractormte rxai bittoa of rr-bN oopperbcad rnfiaatem. Why not? What i the matter now f The people of St. Joseph bad this lesson taught them two years ago by the lojal rowdies at Cleveland, In diannpolis, and in other refined local ities, when the "governmenf and General Grant were gagcJ, booted down and mobbed. Yet, notwith standing all theae insults to the Pres ident, General Grant and their tuitc, not a loyal whelp opened his month Perhaps these rowdies can't dingrace themselves. Men who fostered and defended mobs fur five years, should not te so baty to condemn the examples set by themselves anU-sa they have truly repented manfully confced their ains, and intend to leal a vow lifo. Trtr 1a1It mf ,tcctitnrr. We thi week lay lofor our roa.lori the loiter of Mr. Seymour and Clou. (I'rant, accepting tlia nominations for President. That of Uio former will bo found on oar first pg, nd below is (bat of tl latter, taken from the Journal: To (int. Jottm R. HtiLtr, President National Cuion RrpuMioan Confront : In formally accepting the nomination of the National I'nioa Republican Contention of the Jlit f May, tt seems proper (ht some statement of riewt bevond the mere acceptance of the nomina tion should ho expressed. The proceedings of (be Convention were marked with witdom, moderation, and patriotism, and I belie re exprer the feelingi of the great man of thoee who enrtelncd the coun try through it recent trials. I initoree the reso lution. If lefed to the oftVceof President of the I ....J iunl It will be it endeavor to admims- trr til the low in good faith, with economy, end with the view of firing pewce, quiet, uia protee tion everywhere. In time like the present it if, or at least eminently improper, to lay down policy to be adhered to, ri(bt or wrong, thmnch en administration of four year. New political Iwuea, not foreseen, ore eonttanlly aris f . l.. -r tt. nl.lM ,., aIi! onea ore con stantly changing, and a purely sdmiui.trative officer boulii always be left freetoexcenretnewiii of the people. I alwavs hare respected that will, and slwsy (hail. Peaeeand anireraal proeperily ite sequence with econoour of administration win i.hli the tiurocn OI laiauon. wnuv it wu- stsnllv reduce the National debt. Let at hare peace. With great reaped, yoar ooouiem ' -.1., V. rJ. GRANT. Waahinirton, D. June 1, 1804. We want our renders to give both an attentive perusal, and contrast the statesmanship of the candidates as expressed therein. Gen. Grant is without doubt the most incompetent man that ever accepted a nomination for President, and can never be quali fied to discharge the duties of that office, with all the training Stevens, Washburne 4 Co. can give him. Mr. Seymour tolls the people what be designs doing, while Gen. Grant con ceals everything from his constituents in regular military style. "When we atop the waste which forces as to pay a usury or ten per ceDt.,and lake up a "course which will enable ns to borrow money upon the rates paid by other nations, we shall add to thedignity'andjiower of our Union." Setmocr. The Ttro f inancial Pollriea. The Democracy propose to pay off the debt contracted beJore the general suspension of specie payments by act ol Congress is coin, together with all that part of the war debt wfcieh, by the acta creating it, or the bonds evi dencing it, is made payable in coin; and all the residue ol the debt created after the suspension of specie pay men ts which was notice to the purchaser, and notice to the world as to the law governing its creation and controlling its payment they propose to pay in local-tender 1 reasury notes. The policy of the Democracy is to pay off the Federal debt ; and that the taxesot 1im, with the circnla'ing medium of 1806, were as easily paid as the taxes of 108 will bo paid with the amount of circulating medium of 18C8 ; and that with the taxes of 1S06 continued for eight years, with the is sue of leiral tender notes as proposed. ; every dollar of the Federal debt could be paid, and paid with much less pres sure on the people and general busi ness of tho jountry than the Interest alone can bepaid according to the policy proponwd by our opponents. The difference between our policy and that of our opponents is simple, clear, and fundamental. Our oppo nents propose that the American peo ple shall pay, in interest alone, in ev ery sixteen years an amount sufficient to pay every dollar of tho debt with out really paying one cent of it. All tho pretensions of the Radicals in Congress and out of it are but shams' and humbugs, and as illusory as those of Mr. Pitt after the peace of Amiens. They postpone the payment of the national debt until the next century, and in the meantime tax the people, and make them pny, every sixteen years, as much in interest as will pay the whole of the debt, besides entail ing upon them forever a horde of tax collectors, spies and plunderers, when, with great ease, tho Democratic poli cy, if carried out, will pay off the whole debt in eight years, and put an end to Federal taxea, except duties on imports, which yon pay when yon purchase and pay for an imported ar ticle But our opponent never want this debt paid. On the contrary, they de sire it to be continued forever, as the great engine of the plutocracy, to con trol and command the labor of tho country. The great governing Kw er, that shall enslavo through neccs ty and grind to death without mercy, perpetuate wealth to the wealthy and poverty to the poor. Lotal Newspapers. Tho carpct bacgers down South have a cute way of keeping up their newspapers. The I liiladeliilua Jjcsayi: "Alone means of carrying the State of Louisiana, the Radical Lcgmlaure ha author ized certain parties to establish a paper in each parish in the State, to have all the legal advertising of the parish, and publish therein not only all the laws of the State, at a dollar a square, but all the useless journals of ine two houses, which are hardly worth publishing at all, and which, it was seriously proposed in 100, to give op publishing in the official jonr nal of the &ate. This is on a par with the manner in which the funds of tho Federal government are squandered in the South by publishing all adver liscmcnla in "truly loyal" journals, although a majority of them do not circulate five hundred copies. But these editors and conductors are agenta, spies and tools of the Radical parry; thev manipulate the negro vote, and play second fiddle to the Bureau managers, and this is the manner in which ther are paid. In LrOuiaiana,ana in the I nion.the judi cal party not only enslavo white men, but thev compel tliem to pay their tyrant."" ' m m ''Traitor" an "copperhead" are used up weapons. The day when tbey proved effective is past. The people want an answer now to the question: "Mnat have you Uodo with our money f" Why are tho expense of the army and navy for the year iH,7,f-'l',.,oJ-;.s-R44,413,15l mor than they were in lr66 1 .Yrr Itnlruft it .nitmlf. A horrible outrage was perpetrated at the toll-gate house between Royal Oak and Birmingham on the Pontine road, on Sundav night. The house was occupied by a family named Pul- len. The Only mule member ol the household, Wm. Pullen, went away from homo a short time since, leaving his mother, an aged lady, and his wilo and sister at home. About S o'clock on Sunday evening two cinnamon colored negroes called at tho house and asked for a drink, which Misa Lo rinda Pullen procured tor them. They w ithdrew reluctantly and as they went soomod to examine tho door and ob serve the windowd very closely. At ha f-nnit ten tue lamny wa butrueu by a heavy rap on tho door, and one of tho womon on looking out Ot the window recognized tho two negroes who bad ieon thoro for wntor in the early part of the evening. ' They were very much alarmed, and tho old lad)' and Mrs. Wm. Pullen went up stairs for safety. Misa Lorinda tried to in duce them toremninund defond them selves with an axe and a batAiet, the only weapons of defence in tho bouse. Tho negroes were at this time trying to effect an entrance at ono oi ine windows, and Misa Pullon propoded that her sioter-in-law and liersoll sta tion themsolvos on either aide of the window and as the nogoes entered deal them blows with the axe and hatchet, but before she could overcome the fears of ber timid comrade the scoundrels effected an entrance to tho room, and seizing hold of Miss Pullen demandod all the money in the house. Sbo told them she hadn't much, and betrgred them to spare lifo. She went to the drawer where the gate money was kept and rave them the contents, about sixteen dollars. They were not satisfied with this ; they must have more money, they said, or they would kill all in the bouse. Misa Pullen then produced two five dollar notee, which she also gave them, and they went up stairs and seizing 31 rs. v in Pullen. subjected iior to the most wanton outrage. She finally escaped from their grasp and succeeded in trotting out of the house. She ran with all her speed to the nearest neigh bor, whom she aroused and with sev eral others returned to the toll house. The negroes became alarmed after she cot out or tho house and ned. We cannot learn that any efficient steps for their capture have been La ken, in fact but little was known re garding the affair by our police au thorities till last evening, when some one from tho neighborhood .reported the affair to an officer. It soems strange that the officers, if there are any in that vicinity, should let two days pass without some active efforts at securing the perpetrators of so groes an outrage. Detroit tree tress Hadlral ijfKUiation .ItTrcting i'mnntjlranta interests. A circular from the office of the In dustrial League of Pennsylvania at Johnstown, Pa., has been forwarded to this office, with the request that we will "urge upon Congress tho pas sage of the short tariff bill reported by the Com mi t tee of Ways an d Means." It further informs us that from the reports and correspondence in pos session of the league, "but one halj of the manufacturing capacity of the Utate is now emvloyrd.and there is consequent suffering and loss in all the walks of industry: I rocisely so. And who, pray, is responsible for this suffering and loss? Let the Industrial League answer. Have we not again and again charged the Radical majority in Con gross with having triflod with the in terestaof the people ? What does that majority care lor the white working men of Pennsylvania ? They can log' islate for the worthless negrooa of the South appropriate millions of dollars to keep them in idleness while tho white workingmen of the North are suffering at every point. Our friends of tho Industrial League ought to know by this time that Democratic appeals to Congress in behalf of the interest or white men are or no ac count. Their efficacy has been tested again. It amounts to nothing what ever. If we were to advocate tho claims of the negro; encourage the operations of tho rrecdmcn's Bureau, and sanction tho maintenance or an immense standing army in the South perhaps they would listen to us, but anything wo could say in bchnlf ol the white workingmen or I ennsylva nia would be time and argumcnU wasted. If the Industrial Lcaguo would have the vhole of the "manufacturing capa city of the State" employed let its me miters turn inand support the Dem ocratic nominees. If the white work ingmen of the State desire a restora lion or the prosperity of ten years ago, let them do likewise. The cir cular before us is a broad, open con fession that Radical legislation has prostrated the industrial interests of ihn State of Pennsylvania, and that it bas entailed suffering and loss upon all classes ol the community, and more especially upon the white work ingmen. Let this fact not be forgot ten by those who afe most interested the laboring classes. 'Ada. Herald. O) wa 1 Clap Trap. The "trooly loil" pa pers boast that Congress cut down the appropriations at the late session This boast has been mado before. Extravagance in spending the people's money bas not been checked by this expedient. The present Congress has fi.isscd no less than three Ik-hcicncy ills, to appropriate money thai hail been spent over and above what was appropriated. These bills were for the fallowing amounts: prrVi-oeT o. t tli.t.w.iet 51 IMHcncj No. - . I.VJS.OJt W tobeirary J a. X. .IU.-.,HT U making in the aggregate nearly twenty millions of dollars. Tho reckless ex penditure of the tax-payers' money will still go on, and no doubt noxt session we will see more Deficiency bills passed The Mennonito Conference ofOltio, at its recent meeting, adopted the following declaration : "If a brother or sister shall marry out of the church, it will be considered not only a trans greion against the rulea of tho church, but also a transgression against the word of God. This they must acknowledge and confess bofore they can again be received into the church." .Wiier. llfli.o Hrm. j Tho Chur.-h t'mon f-sys, "(irtiit Is not a fit man lora christian to npprt." This is certainly high authority. A Western editor calls his father-iii-lo" "the sourest looking old cuss in town." Frank, but hardly respect ful. Fonr years more of Radical rule would leave the notion a bankrupt in money as iu present rulera aro in character. The difference between Seymour and Grant is, that tho former repre sents the Democrats, and tho latter represent tho Demijohns. Somebody auks the question: "Whut should honelt, patriotic men do to save tho couotry? ote the Uomo cratio ticket, to be sure. Ulysses rode a monkey, Right gallantly and true; U lyases rodo a jackass, And the monkey lodo two. A lariro number of Yankee school mnrms are tiassinir inroucn .Louis c . . . i f ville, on their way North. Prcntico, of the Journtl, is said to amilo npon them. I Georcre Washington shot and fatally wounded Frtnklin Pierce in Columbus, Ga.. last week, for sloaling bis corn. Great men havo their little failings, like other rxoplo. An editor, discnbinir a cuurtu in Minnesota, savs: "Ho velvet cushions in onrpews; we don't go in for stylo. The fullest person has the softest seat." A Western editor, in response to a subscriber who grumbles that his morn ng paper was intolerably dump, says, "that it is uecauso iuero is mucfc due on it. Leavenworth held an immense moe;inir for Seymour and Blair on Satirday night week last. Ili-rum U. Grant passed through the town the dav belore, and only the postmaster was so poor aa to do bim reverence. Everybody seoms to be buoyed op with the bone that the country win Sey mour peace and prosperity after the ooming Presidential election than there bas been Grant ed to it since the good old days of Democratio role. Those who indorse Beast Butlcr'a hanging of Mumford, and Bingham's hanging of Mrs. Surratt, will vote for Grant and Colfax. Those opposed to murder and robbery will vote for Seymonr & Blair. . Gen. Charles G. Halpino, better known as "Private Miles O'Roilly," editor of the N. Y. Cituen, died at New York on the 2d, from tho effects of an overdose of chloroform, taken to relieve neuralgic pains. Because Grant rode a mule in s cir cus withont falling off, and because a monkey clambered on top of him du ring the performance without making bim twitch a nerve, mongrolism says he will make a good t resident. General Buoll, tho man who aaved Grant and his shattered army from an inglorious defeat at Shiloh, express- ea himself greatly pleased with tho nominations made by the Democratic Convention, and predict for the tick et a glorious victory, lm 18t, Gr,t vrefce U relatinn tO his proposed nomination for the Pres idency : "1 would regard such a con summation as being highly nnfortu nate to myself, if not to the country." In 1808 the country agree with him, in both respect, and takes him at bis word, Jump aboard, gentlcmeu ! In about thrco weeks every decent white man at the North will be declaring himself forScymonrsnd Blair. Jump aboard! ow is your time to do tho sagacious thing. A month hence you will be nndistingnishable in the crowd Jump aboard, gentlemen. There would be some consolation (or the taxed laboring men of the country, if the money which is wrung from them was applied to the liquidation if tho national debt. But it is not. Ii goes to swell tho coffers of stock-joblcrs, contractors, and oth er pet of Congros. "Rebel" The watchword of Treas ury thieve. "Tho Rebels" Two thirds ot the whito people of the country. "Loyalty" The Radicals apology for public robbery. "Traitor" A Radical argument which costs tho country $500,000,000 a year in time of pcaco. j Tho Panhandle Railroad Company, of Ponnsylvtnia, the Holiday' Cove railroad, ol est irgima, and tho Steubenvillc and Indiana railroad, of Ohio, are to be consolidated hereafter. and to bear ihe name of the Pittsburg, l incinnali, ana CtU Loui iuulroud Company, j The Tribtnt talk about Seymour's 1 mchds bnrnmg nogro orphan asy. Inms." The Tribune gels names and things a littte mixed. It means Col fax's old Know-Nothing friends anil brothers burning the churches and convents of our whito Catholic, citi zens. That's what the Tribune, moans. "The oritire English press favors the Republican ticket." And the entire Irish people favor the Democratio ticket. It is natural enough that the oppressors should desire the election of Grantand Colfax, and the oppress ed that df Seymour and Blair. When ScymourMs President, Amotienn na tionality will be respected all over the worH. Does any adopted citizen doubt that r Thoro is nothing for which the Radicals aro so earnestly longing as an outbtvak of some kind iu the South. which wuld givo to some one or otSer ol their ltiyal governors an opportu nily of t illing upon the President for military aid. But thus far thev have been sadly diinppointed. The people aro quietly persuing their legitimate vocations, and completing their prepar ations for carrying ovory Southern State lor Seymour and Blair. It is astonishing what a great amount of Government securities po come mislaid, lost, or destroyed. The nasningion far-snya the five per cent, one year certificates, issued four yearn ago over 1100,0000 are stiil out, and probably most of thorn are gone lorever. bo also of the seven. thirtios due a year ago: over half a million have not been presented, al though the timo is passed when thev might have been converted into five twenties, and they have borne no in. tcrost ince the day they wero duo ! j O. the T-r. of M.e. !. Lr III ' t. ". Mr. W 1111 Ml 'I rrimil"'. l.,, to M.M SAMJt M.MUW.of Law react i'nh(p. (In Ihe KftHi of Julr, t r J. 0. lUnMrt, Kq., Mr. K. t. I'A-SMOIlh.ol Liearneiu, 11A pill 111, Law-rvnco mwniuip. i. ir:ni.-...iH on the Tlh. of Cholera Infan tum, IIARHY r eon of A. V. and K Bora- Tim, ol tint plaoe, an"" '"" J" At Ilum.l.le. on AuKiirt 8lh, UM. of CoBtump- lion, HAHlllKT )!., wife of Wh.uab C. Inns, ia tho ISih jemt at her age. Obituary. Knrroa RirriLir! I ootleeil in your PpT of the tlth ultimo, thai Isaac Di slai-, of hnox . v.;.. I... I ...... the war of ell Sob to that luwa'ui 'i "-' n . i . t ...... hnr no traveler return!" : ai abort iketeh of the hut few yeert of hit life may . , :..,..ili, lt voiir reader. i n. .i wu a ntutleiiian In the full acceptation of th. term. He w.t a quiet, Pf i... Ji.i Th,-. who were aednainled with him, 'knew him but to loie." He wa. truly a I brlet- , A i.toerred the rulut whirl thould ehnraetarire the life of erery man. Me "did to otbora aa he would that they thould do to ln," beiuK a man of quiet babita and bonctt in erery department of life, and tliowed bimeelf one who wat eltremelT aniioun to hoop aloof from Tory entangling alliance, at well in pnblie aa prl rate affair. I deal re merely to ihow bow euon treated, lur the tak of ehow- Inr to Ihe world that tome men have neirhlori who would etrik them in the dark, area If the object of their renKeano bad pateed the age of throe ten re and let : pyrin the time that the body of aoldiere of "Father Abraham'' were enour i im. .nniv hnntmr on the disloyal, a neigh bor of Mr. Dt.-M.Ar reported him aa bemj one of thoee who aympathiaed with the rebelt and to prove hit aaaartion, tent word to Major (labia, 1 1 ben In command at I'hilipabur,) "that Isaac peaiAF woa a member or a secret organiaauoa, -h..h ...i in knui towntbio. the oilaiiible pur r ohich waa to reiiat the Uorernment : that L. ... . f'urjnarhead and a rerr danrerout man f and that the Major would be aatiehed of the (act. if a (the Major) would arreu uim ana nin mui h,l,t Into hit urotenoe. Aocordinirly, a oom- nanv of aoldien were tent for him, and he wat brourht before the annual Major, to antwor for k . ...... , I M aiimioae? erimiaafe enemie of bit country, ue w aniwer the following queetlont : i.-... Am van a Democrat r antwor, yea. Keoond. Are yoo a member of tlx Uolden Cir I. I A n.w.r BO. He wa then told If bo did not antwer to the i,. ration of the hoard, ho would be tent to priaoa. IU aa tbaa aeked whether ha know anything of a aeoret organisation for the pnrpoee of re.ieting the draft. He anewered promptly that he did not ; he said he wa too old to bo dralu-d ; that ho Boned the war would end before maa of kit age would be compelled to go Into th army. He waa then aked whother be did not, In company with Daniel Bowman and other, attend a Democratic mooting at Millport, which waa for lb purpose of adriiiug men aot togolotnewarf neaotocrwi, Bw, He wa then told that he wat fal.ifying. He wai thaw a.kad whether he had not beard Dan. Bow sua, Peter Maya, tieorge Brharri, and other, talk againtt tbo war) and whether b had Dot failed to report tbem at disloyal t Hi antwer waa, "I nerer intener wiia my ncinnnor., um . hoard them talking among themeeleee, (which I nerer did.) I would not report them here or else where." lie wa then told that he wa di. loyal, and kit Bam wat put upon tb roll for Hamtburg. And tbil poor old man wat tool awsy haod-ounea : Whew La iwoaeeted acain to are the commanding officer, be wa taken to hi office, and mad the point that he wa old ; that a Had none oommg wbatoTor to deecrre impriaonmenti and hoped that ha would not be teot away from kit family He waa told that he had not lUted the truth in hi antwer, but that h thould hare another ehanoe, by antwerlng the following qneetioni, to wit i Did yoo not hear MM of tho leadiug Cop perhead in Clearfield towa adriw tb people to rerirt the drn t Did not a leading man any to a meeting, "Bide your time, my friend! ; yo will hare thooting enoucb to do at. homer Did aot aaothcr tr that "no more men thould go to th. war from thi county, that it wtl a negro war T II antwered that he had not beard tuck language weed by any man in lb county. He wa then told that ha waa a lieinc Copperhead ; that the betl place for him wa ia the barrack, anil wa onicr 4 out of tbo room. He waa taea oast of U liar riabwrg, and imprisoned for many month, in dirty pen, aot til for a beaut lo be ki nt in. It true tome of hi friendi and noightfort were tent with bim to wit, Jacob Hubhler, (einco dieeaaed Iruw, aiaeae evutrao wbilrt In that filthy baa. tile.) Jacob Wilbelm, l.aae Kylrr, Daniel Bow man, Price A. Kowka, John I). Miller, and many olbera and many of them very old men. Iraac DraLAr, tho eubject of the few line, contracted a diaeaaa or the lungs of which he lately died. Thus ended the life of on of Ihe noblett of men, I vietim of de.potic power exereited by demagogue. May ho rett in peaoal Oasaitvan. grin thfrlijsrmfntj. "VMITIt r The Elecutive Committee of Ihe 1) Clearfield County Agricultural Society will meet at th office of I. U. Barger, in the Court iiouoa, on SATURDAY, August 1Mb, at 1 p. m a run atteaaaaco li ueiurca. augll It .VATH L KlftllKL, Chalr'n. Cattle and Hogs for Sale. fllllK undertined now offer for Rale three Mil.t'll cony, one II Mr Ml, on J nur old STh'EK, on spring CAI.K, and two HUMS Will be ould on reasonable terms. Call at the old "Ardery farm," near Clearfield Bridge, augll-St pd 110HKRT BK1KKLT Martial Music. rrUlH MOtiNTAIX DRl'M CORPS ha been 1. reorganiaed, and 1 Bow prepared to furnitl all parties in Cb-arficld and ailjoining counttet witn tiooi) MAUilAL during the pi ant political eauioeirn. IKsIULVKXTS. Two PircA, pour Tenor Drums, One' pair Cymbals, One Bajt Dram, One ttand of Color. -Charges moderate. Addree, A. J. J.U'KfON, Pocrctery, ugl!l-3t New r mMnHm, Clearfield Co., Pa. Elacksmitli Staud fur Sale. rflHB nndrrrigned hereby gives ant ice that be X now offers for aale hit real estate, aituate In the village of Ottend, in Bell townttiin, Clearfield eonnty, Pa. The property consist of two TOWN IjOTsi, having ereotco tbereoa a Dwelting-Honae, Itlacbiimith Shop, Slahle, and other neoeaaary ont-building : Icgelher with an OI T LOT run taining half an acre, on which are planted apple ant pcacn tree ana awari iraes. This 1 a desirable location for a Vacktmlth, carpenter, or other mechanic, being eurrowndrd by a protperoo neighborhood. The property wil he sold oa ensr terms. Pur further particular call on ine premises, or atldreae Ihe tuimcriber, al Ottend P. O. auiM zm ADAM 1111 Ki ll. STATEMENT oftk Finanro of th Borough or Clearaeld, for lh year ending January 7, I0SI1 BRCEIPT8. Taiot erodHed oa MeAdamiaing 8ta,... $ M (; Bacestof (ipen.limrea 1,41111 KXPENIHTIRKS. Orders draws,4.1 It Taie eredited 81 67 Total. $l,4t8 tl.dMSI Order were draw for Work done oa ltrtets Prlstlng .. BtaUooery and services Removing enow drift Preparing doplieato Bent for hog pound High Contiablt't service. . Einneratioo U eollectar... Olne rent Bounty elaima Lumber 34 60 110 10 00 I 10 I 00 I 00 1 to 10 SO i;t 00 is 10 Total 1,4.'S S AB8KTS. Dn from collector of I SHI Due on planking Catk is Troaesry.. , MABILITIKS. Outstanding orden for ISftS... f j 00 !).. do ISM... I 21 Do do ..ISIS... II 67 Do ....1S(I... 4 10 Do oa M.-Adamhing l?l Atteu over liabililllio.. 170 II 111 00 IV 17 IVII1 Total. IMS It J.V II Wa, tb Bndersle-ned. Anilltnr of rir.,A borough, having eiamlned th account of th aid borough, do eertifr them ooreect a alw,. laud, and thai th fnregoint renretant the Inanoial eondiliu of said borouah. and that iba asset eiooed lh llahilitle ono hundred and tevenly-slx dollars and elny. three eonts. (I7 SI.) WM. 8. BHADI.KV, C B. FANDFOltD. Alleat t Au.ui. uo.Moaii,8k',. u,ii 3Vuj ttvfrtlsrmrnr. a CHANGE 1 J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, MABKKT BTRKET, CLEARFIELD, Pa. rnni tobiorlbor baring entered Into partner I .1,1. for tha nurooM of ea trying oa tt buttnetsof Mirehandlting, now offer A Good And rare opportunity lo the eltlton of Clear 6eld and adjoining mantle to toy store food at wboleiah or retail pricet, th at will attonlih th nnlnttruetod. Their good will b parties ariy selected to nil thi markat Er.ry lady will, therefore, call tha attention of ker Ilnsibtfiifl To this fact,beoaut t bit branch of oar basin ill reoelve pecial attentlaa, and everything needed la a well regwJalod bootehoU will at all ee b found laour itor. Our loek of DRY IMHUm ekall tot b anrpaaaad, olthar la qual ity or price, and will embrace, la part. Print of ovary otyl. Ginghams and Lawns of overy quality, Mualis of ovary grade, 0 Lainat adapted to th taata of th old and young j and very article of aay kind of good l they Mil is Guaranteed To bo a repretented, and warraaled to gire oat- bfaeUoa. A to IltKJ UOOI wo bar a splended atjorttaent of Alprvai, black, whito, aad ia colore Armar, Bilks, and la short all tho newest style la tb atarktL Wo d Cairo this foot to beoom kaowa To Kvcry Prrtoa man, wo maa, child, physician, m okaaie, farmer, lawyer, barber, wamaa' rig aun,or aay other maa la tbo county Young Or old, rua or poor, blgb or low, who will favor at with a oall. Wlih oar nw and exteniir ttoek aay rantlimea can pi aa tb most fas tidious Idiidy, By just dropping In aad getting a nioo droas pattera, bo sett, kid glove or by doiag which is batten giro ber a wail-SiUd pernc, and tb will Ind good aad paying Investment embroideries, tdging, ribbons, glorea, hosiery ee aay el ker beoaobeld nooeaaitiaa. . . And la addltiea te what wo bar alrealy eaumera- ted,we keep all kinds of CKNTLUME VS W EAR tueb a Cloth, Caatimeraa, SaUnetts, Bala, Boot aad hoe, beside. A Alee Assortment of Madt up CIA)TIIING for aad Boy, manufaetnred out of tbo very Wit material, which w will tell (or oath or oxchang for country produce at prioet which willajtonith both hatband aad Wife W are sow largely engaged In buying telling sIluARU TIMBKR aad manufa. tared LUMBER, aad will give thi branch business spttlal attention, and mak It aa object To Every Oa wbo bas lumber to tell to deal wilb a. W thall alas keep toaitaetly oa band a general assortment of CRtiCKRIF.q and IIARDIVAKI' which w will .U at .iceed Ingly low prices. W also keep a full assort m.ntofUUEr:itV ARB. Ttit departmeat will b kept full aad complete, aad vry Young Jfan Or maiden who oostomplatot bostekeeplng. lad it adranlageont to oona sad trad with W are aatilnated, and, from long eiperlence In th bueintM, to well aeqialntod with Iho want and secetillla of tblt oamualty, Ibal w feel atltled If rry maa and woman III Clenrlleld County makei It t point I bay their goods from at, w aa pleas thm both as to qsallly aad prie. Therefore, com along tad bay jroar DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Qurrnsvarr, Hardware, UOOTS & SHOES, UATS k CAVS, Roady-Mada Clothing, Atd overytbisg yo seed to rdor you reel ret and famili eomforukle, from JAS, B. GRAHAM & S0NSv jtl'i tf CLEAuFLELD, Ta. fl.BiMI.IMMI ruttomer In .Hr Palronizo Iho Best! HAVINil th Urgerl capital, rjl ted buyer, aad ailentlrt tnat - eonnera la th Dollar Sale bsaiart, , GUARANTEE RATISFACTloj I A I. ..J V.A - ' l TVrj ininiif"a mum wtww mm mmwj Mln UOVUI "JT I tfiw;it, ONE DOLLAR EACH No other eooeera kat any show wbttvraJ Agenir arw vniua. -rrewal a, Beliabl. Mai aad female ageau wuu City sou ooanuy. THE LADIES An cartleularly requeued la trr ear w elub lyttem of telling all kind of bryutft' (rood, ireit ratterns, vouon not, rfc Silver Plated Ooods, watcteo, ae. (Kki. la 1eft(.) A patent pen loantain L4lgJ aesertuing n ariieie i oe eoiu lor a fliii, enta I 20 for II I 4 for It I for 14; ' $10 i rent by mail. Pre protest te rt,, (worth 1 per oent more man tnoss ttti other concern,) aeeording to it of eLuL. j a n trial elub, or if not, do not fail to mil, oireatAr. JN. B. Our jewelry thonld aorbeeisHel New York d!lar Jewelry salos or koru Compauiet ," si it is Bottling of the ton ASTMAN a KENDALL augU-ly lianovor 8U BotWil(J XT-A 0TKI) A female oompetout to a. J oral housework. o children loir, eowt lo milk. Apply at this office, or n . Boi 19, CIcarMd Post Office. uf TOTlCli All person having annul,, X eountj with tho undersigned Wll pmi aud tettle Ui sum without further notice. T. H. JORCr. Orabamton, Aug. I, ISdS-Ht. HTHAY ftTKIiHStCaaa tretuaaw: the premitol of tb subscriber, reti: Penroeon township, about the let of Jar , two BED STtEK.S, appocd to be thrr , old. The owner is requetted to (unit (mi pror hit pro.erty, pay charge and tali , away, or tbey will be ditpoaed of aa the lav t- aogS-atirHl . nr.unc.: llv ITltM I MSJTK ATltH'W fl t' K S 1 kareby a-ivaa, that leuort of Adaad tion on tb aetata of Is A AC liLKLAC.J lat of Kooz tnwnahip, Llearnela eontt' herinc boon duly r ran ted to th aider,: all peruana Indebtod to said tat will J ak ImmadiaU paymeat, and Ihos oj olalm or demand will .preeeut them prl authenticated for settlement without dclat eue et-pd P. A. KOwLh.H, Aa For Sale. 150 HEAD OP 6IIKEP. Full blood Moriso. Do ...... Leicester, Do.. ....Booth Down, Do. .....Bockwell, And mixed bloods. rrvi 111 ad of cattu On span of IIEATY DRAFT IIORSI Weigh about 1,400 pounds each. LA We HE, WHITE A C. aogR- Oeoeola Milli hit Groceries at Reduced Fri 6U0ASS Pulvtriwd, Grand tied, Cr. Bujrarbous. COFFtH Old Government Jars, Pri Roastod. TEAS Japan, Imperial, Toang Hytat. 1 MOLASKS Lovering't Byrap, Kin, Hs rhosto. CRACKERS Egg Biocnlt, Wine, Cjs. Bod cracker, VINEGAR Whit Wine trd Pare Cife gar nt t. P. KRATIf Hardware. FOR BLACKSMITHS Hors Ehw Shoo Nails, Nail rod, File, Rasp. WAGON MAKERS Tbimbl 5keint u boxes, Fine bolts Wrench. Camar CARPENTERS Plsoe, aw., Aagm that tt. II aciimere. Plane bit. Benares BUILDERS Nails, Locks, Hinges. Doorbells, Bolts, Lauhea, Sash !r"d ia LUMBKRMXN Doubto-bitt Axes, CroM tmt Saw, Rafting Aim, H Knlve. CABINET MAKERS Bed screws, Cupboard oatehea, Faraltur ksokH leek. HOUSE KEEPERS Knives aad Ferti aad Pipe, Spoons, Flat Irons, Cole Cleaver. FARMERS Scythe, Rake, 8padi fr. roras, 1100, ursta sooop, at Aug. lib, Ira. J. P. h RATI JOHN M. MELLOY AxcrACToasa or Plain, Japanned & Stamped T- A BCAISB ia lloaae FuniUhlilg Goods, Tin Real Cotidactor Pipes. No. 123 Market Stmt, augl-ly riULACEi-f Maa IXKl'UTOK'S Ktmt'E. Nuts' J by gives that LVlten Testatamwr iNw-n granted to the eubacrihers, oa tai I CONRAD MKIIRWINB, deceased, Isuc towsshii, Clearaetd Bounty, Penntrhv perton Indebted to said Kttau are n mske imraeitiat pavmrat, aad thaw 1 claims against the asm will preseat nr. aad autoenMoatea ntroellK'nierTt. JACOB MFflRaT HKNllV MKUB" July SO It pd. En of DANIEL M. DOUGHER BARBER & HAIR DRE& SECOND STREET, jrj.1 CLRtRFIBLD, P IlstT OK Jl RIIRS DRAWS J TKMDtn Term, ISSS: fiSARn Jt-ROR. A. W. Lee Boccarin Walter Khircy Bra.1ford J. M. Bcam....HBraily II. Patrhin..,.Bnmaidv Jobs Donlap... " Roliort Connor, " Jr Hiitton.... " F. Mcaul..Csrwenarilk Thus Waring .Decatur John (tenrhart M j jAaroh lion flcnry Hein Kliat Ilnrnin Uwi, llrrdrll. John Vanbrtcs Samul Snysx Robert Portrr.i Oeorge Thert Wm.l.. Mend John Hooter.- (leorge llneM M. U C. I" UilbertScolos Jacob C. Psoo...(lraliam will a. TRAVKSAB Wm. S. Dlckey.llrccarin aost. C. Baimoy-. .( Jhn Llghtner.. -OhrieOophac MiHer. IMI Adam Kcphtri Jattin Pie uoorge Phimmel.,.lli;ge 1.. M. CealrX- jonae letere Wrn. U MrtV John Brl.h Robert Stcv Motes Rohisja Wm. Ncelisj J. (1. Mile 'IreenwiodRV A. m. dill Uradforrl Josefib Wisely, " Jerome Robieon, 11 Asm Bnntall Brady Jame Zeialer John Moor,"1 Martin Lather... " Darid Brora.... John Tt.. Ahm. Oples.. Thomat M Aathonv Hi D. L. Fergnse John Kern.. Michtel Brnvl John Norm Alfred Lon Caleh W -John Hen"' Johs Pullon..., C. R. King 1 V. Tonkin , Wm. Hunter. ......Cboi Wm. MeOarrev " Jot. Dcering...Clesr(lel(l Kara Ale.. " W. W. Worrell M. Cowdrick -H. Kernt...('urwenTllle Johnton Hi. J. Bilger... j J.D.AIetin'" DESIRABLE PROPER FO U SALE. Contirttngof DWBLUStl-HOrf Ten Acres of River - Bottoff I'lrasantly aitualcd on Ihe west bisk qurhanna. near Clearfield town. F " on th nremlaet, or sddrees tor' ClearSrld, Pa. augS-Irn pd JOllSJl Farmers "1TILL Ind a full and compl , V trt, Grain ssd llrlar StW Hay ssd Ursla Rake. Fork, S;t' Crumcreeks, Hay Hope, Ac., at lBf Store of U f I0THI.M' JJll-tf Philir"' , GEO HUE It. ZEHlM' Phlllnsbarir, Ta. Agcalt f,r SINGER'S SEWING f-W keep a full supply of W hounehold ffair" on hand, and sell v price. Brad lr oiioulajr.