Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 30, 1868, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If in t In ')' '"" ,lir" n'""''1"
!l ,. (iJl alter three ami Ul'orv
li n.ld allcr llirrxi'ira'mn ' nioiillie
f en
I Ml
Mr. T
II. M' u mi r limliitn, ii nullionie.i
to rc.Tvt 1"T nioiic,. I
iiiiii Mir ntlii'enn accouni
ef ,,ii..-ripli"n
rli.tnir. i"h work, &-. ill our
Util. :i. i A N I H It.
rMitor ami rropriclor'
'I'll i flfllAY:
::: Jiilv . 1
JS Mjlfn of LnwiiK, jtml rrt-oivcil
nt Ki-nil & C'o'h-
1 liii al tcnliim ill tlio barefooted in
t- 1 to tlio advertisement of Mr. J.
ii. Colo, in tliin nimilior (if our ihijut.
Cold was quoted in New York, on
Monday, t -14 ccntri premium ; or in
other words a grcciilmck dollar in
only worth 50 cents. Thin is the
l)onrt way to Mate tlio enso.
Our Indiana ncilibom nro building
a new Court House, for which they
aree to iny one hundred and ten
thousand dollars. This Hum ought to
put n j! n grand bui'ding.
.Mr. George Thorn advertises for
eaUi the most dcsirablo farm property
in the county, as well ns iho largo
Carpenter Shop now occupied by him.
lU-ud his advertisement clucvrlicro.
lio August number of tho Old
Guard contains a splendid lifo-like steel
port rait of the next President, Hon. Ho
ratio Seymour. This Magazine can be
ordered through tho Post Master.
The current number is filled with ex
cellent articles. Prico 25 cents.
Tub Acauemv. We call special at
tention to the notico with reference
to the opening of the next session of
the Academy. This institution has
never been in better hand-- Trof.
Harrison is a first-class teacher and
devotes himself earnestly to Ins work.
.AVo heartily recommend tho school to
nil who have children to educate
"Do not your juries give their
verdict" in favor of "Barrett's Vegc
tabla Hair Restorative?" It is the
universal verdict of mankind that it is
the beet in tho market; let all who
are becoming prematurely old looking
and bald begin at once tho uso of this
never failing article. Portland Tran
have received tbo finst number of a
jmpor bearing tho above name,
published at I'linxstttawney, Jefierson
Co.,, Pa., by J. A. Scott and W. A.
.Iiarr. It claims to bo "independent
in all tliings'and "neutral in politics."
Tho paper is neatly printed and
contains a largo amount of local
matter. Wo wish it success.
IHtrtHlng mlccUlrnl.
A distressing accident occurred in
this city on tho night of Friday last,
by which a wife was aecidently idiot,
and it is fenivd fatally injured, by her
tiuoband. Tho parties are Mr. and
.Mrs. John McAvoy, who reside on
'tSecond, between Brunswick and Bla
den streets. It seems that the night
prociotiH lhJ houso immediately ad
joining Mr. McAvoy's residence was
robbed. His vigilance was thus arous
ed in more than an ordinary degree,
mid on the night of the accident he
iiiaiinet fiat lu heard 8 into one
in the bouse, and arousing his wife,
lie communicated his impression to
lif-r. He thought too that he had dis
tinguished the sound of human voices
whispering. Seizing his pistol from
1 ho pillow under which it lay, Mr.
MAvoy proceeded to tho ton of the
.(aircitse, just behind the' bead ol
liia bedstead, in tho attempt to dis
cover wimething further. His wife,
whom be had left on ths couch, bad
by this timo gotten up, and after look
ing around in the dark, approached
her husband from tho other side of
the bed near tho staircase where be
was standing. Seeing the object np-pi-oaching
him, and thinking his wife
still in bed, Mr. McAvoy supposed it
to be burgler, and crying "I've got
yiiu now," tired. His wife fell, crying
out, "Oh, you have shot mo." The
pis!ol was charged with a ball and a
few small shot, which entered the
breast of Mrs. McAvoy, and passing
through the lungs, lodged just tinder
Iteskin near tho small of tho back.
iSnt'iricul aid was obtained and the
ball extruded. Tho condition of the
Siifiercr is critical and it is feared she
w ill not recover. The husband is in
(b-pair and wcll-iiigh distracted.
M i.nington (N. C.) Juvrnal.
The New York HVMasks: "What
ifi tlio nso of the Southern whites voV
ingf They have first to contend
si ;n i nut as unscrupulous vilhans as
cvi f stuffed a ballot-box, and if they
!ii up such a tremendous majority
s evn loyal figuring cannot cms
then Congress steps in and declares
lhe Constitution carried anyhow, as
it Hid in the case ol Alabama. J) not
I i.i'oo tbeso tortured people, then, if
t'i"y do not vote. Man)' of them
i ' i 'it vote they aro disiranchised,
!! ! who can and do vote, vote
' y to have their rotes disregarded
! a Congress that has shown itself
wii i rel the necessity of such Ian
i '.a ' a common liar."
O-moinl Puiton, of Westmoreland,
ii. i la county, New York, wus slung
i '. i Uv over the loft ryo by a honey
i lie sling was soon taken out,
in about lift ecu minutes lie
no dizzy and faint, and, although
!,le at times, grew rapidly worse,
i"d in three hours.
I i ; l.
Tallahassee, tho Capitol of Florida,
is r. 'presented in the State Senate by
a Cniiadiiin negro, a British subject;
"! in tho House by a full delegation
ii r negroes, via : the Hon. Noah
' am, the Hon. Bub Livingston,
oa. Bob Bos, and tbo Hon. Bob
tm "1 .V ftofwtttt ffivtMr."
Our I'liluivd It inula," ".ill pha-e
10 t'ciiii'iiibcr Ihiil w lien a IimsIm Iihv
ig negro if iliu fill ton tlo ill , ho us
a ,ly, Him v, it liiry, in times nl ul.l,
an concctt'il n it, as the .iliniillini, s
of tho North and Smlli tire cm rci inl
daily fur their ini-ilciils, Kiniiilly
tliia-lud by iruto tnuehei s or puivniM,
tho o il while unit oil philu-i jiher ol
the Tnlium; mid that cmr.y Individii-
nl nf tho "nub" known as Wendi II
Philliis, would M up a hem t n niling
howl, tluil would bo hoiiid a inth of
Mtisiin and li. inn's line, It wui a
ilrenilful thing to tinghi i dinkey's
back Willi a whip, when the sa il Mill
.... .. I- i. .....I , ,.. , . I,.., :, !
J .. '
seems ty me, news we get noiit inn
.South about these times, that the
warm hearted friends of Sambo, who
never could bear to think of the whip
can indulge the idea of a torture for
the poor nigger, of the most refined
cruelly, and well worthy tho atten
tion of those humane I'ovcriiMienls,
Uiissia or Austria. Why does not
tho Tribune howl over the following
beaulitiil picture of humanity und
g idliness, after tho New England pat
tern f Where is Brother Beo.-lier,
about those days T Let us hear a howl
or two from him. A pious member
of tho morality party has invented a
torture to make poor Sumlio take a
false oath. Let such of "our eolored
brethren" as can, just read this pre
cious morsel of evidence, itemembur,
Sambo, your military friends are prac
ticing these tortures tipun you. An
exchange says : The methods of tor
'lure upon theso negroes, to make
them swear away human lives, is the
instrument known us the 'sweat box.'
It is thus described us a box of wood,
inside of which the victim is made to
"The woodr-a tide of tlii boi. by moani of
cnw. mrm ootuurvweil olcier auii aluwr, unlit tbe
individual cub Mftrueh brtralhc ) llirn ft ilicam ut
bot mrcir ifean u llimwa u,ua the vu-liui ; hi- li
alinum etifled t Apraware iut utiuo bn iieii ua
Iuiivi unlit the fttfunr ot bia putitiou ii vet-h thai
human nature ainaa uuiier Ibe infliuliun, auil lh
pour cn-atura orie out that he il reaiij to lean!')'
to auything deiired.'
Tho Washington Intrlliyecnrr eays:
''We affucrt that our inrormation ia poiitive ami
reliable, that theae iiiluroal eruelliia have Well
tiractiet-4 by the federal millitar)- in bU-orgia ujiuu
black men in order to make theni aa-t-ar away the
llvcaof innoceot white men aud rvapeclable cm
lena before a military eummiuiou 'organili-d to
ounriet, and eritb murdor ia ibeir hearta.
Ono of theso poor negMes thus tor
tured was kept there so long that his
knee actually burst oy tlte wressuru
of blood. Now, remember, friends ol
tho negro, Grant look on, and does
not condemn and stop this cruelly.-
Jf. Y. Day Book.
How Timri and .Wrt JTItnnrr.'
Jeff". liarlM and lie Urant.
Several years ago, a ceitain young
U S. ollicer was wild nnu as unpop
ular umotig his army comrades as he
was reckless. During thegreut t-'rystal
1'alace exhibition in New York ciiy,
he distinguished himself by riding u
horse into a hat store, and pertormeil
several other feats which at last
brought him to a court martial. The
court assembled at Fortress Monroe.
the officer was tried and the finding
given but not published "guilty of
conduct unbecoming an ollicer and
gentleman." Informed of the findii.g
and anticipating its approval, the
Captain, for aucli ho was, went t
once to Washington, called upon the
Secretary of War, and made a frank
statement ol tlio case, lleacxnovvi
edged bis fault, but said that ii
punished by the court in tho manner
lio expected, lie woiiiu no lorever uis
graced. In consideration of his posi
tion as an ollicer, and the circunistan
ccs connected with his family, he
begged permission to resign The
Secretary of War informed him that
such a thing as a resignation alter
charges had been preferred was un
heard of in the annuls of military law,
and contrary to the rule ami pructico
of tho service. But the ollicer begged
on, and finally the Secretary yielded
the resignation us allowed; and the
sijdier became a civilian ana mer
chant. That officer was Gen. Ulysses
S. (itant, and the Socretury of War,
Jefferson Pavis. Theso are the facts
as they wcro related to us by an of
ficer of the U. S. army. Charleston
Bad for Gen. Gillem
the Military Commander of Mississip
pi, has informed the Bump Congress
that tho bureau Constitution is do
featcd nnd doses his report by saying
'I consider it my duly to call atten
tion to the ahi.ost impossibility ofjliul-
inn persons V) fill vacancies in civil
nrficrs irio possess the necessary attain
meats." We havo in this brief para
graph a volume ol facts in regurd to
elections in .Southern Mutes, llie
prominent one of nhich is that, under
lie "negro supremacy policy ol the
Grant and Colfax party, there cannot
be found In tho Stalo of Mississippi
enough men who possess tlio nocoss.i
ry attainments lo till the vacanuios in
civil office., nil but negroes anil "car
pet baggers" being disqualified by the
actsoi congress. 1 eopleot me vonn
wo nppcnl to you t' consider this most
atrocious fact. Is it possible lo -con
ceive of a worso condition of things
than that nowexisting in Mississippi f
A great Slato handed over to the con
irol of a set of ignorant negroea anil
tramping "carpel buggers, amongt
whom, General Gillem declares, not
enough men of capacity to fill ordina
ry civil offices nro to be lounu.
Clou! Some ol the Generals now
on police duly in tho South are rn
deavoring to make it appear thai mil
itary rule thero is drawing to a close,
If so, how comes it that tho I'synuis
ter (ieneral has just submitted the
following cstiinale ot lhe amounts re
quired lor the execution ol'Iteconsi ruc
tion acts in these States ti to June Al)
In tho First Military District (Slate
of Virginia) to June 30, lXti'J, (I UU.UUU
In tho Second Military Hislric
(States of North Carolina and Smith
Carolina) to Jnno 30, tJJ4,0J0.
In the Third Military District
(States of Georgia, Alabama and Flor
ida) lo June 3D, I'J9, J loU.OUO.
In tbo Fourth Military District
(States of Mississippi and Arkansas)
to June 30, 1SG9, $1U8,4U0.
In the Fifth Military District (States
of Louisiana and Texas) to Jane 80,
169, 180,000. N. Y. World.
ri...e. 1 1 ti.. i.
iieni iii'iu ni. ii Mtii, i
iUt.n,l-it wi'lil. foi Ibe I 'i tiriM i It a rt tl
l.i .1. r. Ki'itun. i,.i,i in I'ij u !. "to
rcrira, I'nnlnim., At ., Xta-fcet "I , t 1,-nrtirl't.
t itil l. Ji I tfl"'.
! A i'-" rem.
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Hrlli-H, ilrlr.t
Cum, rr Ml ! I'lli r, I
I'ors im-al. ani'k, J OH live
t 'hop ewl.l I'lm 1 " "I'll". P "
t'luvt - rarril. UU l'
Hull, Y1 k
Shiul, , IS in., M,
Imrrifi, N. SOf'ii
link. ik, dr.J, tli, I'll
Sliinxlra, '.'11 in..
Tiuiiilliy (''!...
W ln-il
Wtxiil, eoril..
..I.S 10
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K-'H '
KImmsmI 2 I'"
Vlimr 1.1 illl.rill UO
liny II IIU
Itruggl!, Clrarflcld, I'a.
nVINU rfBllnt and rirnired to the room
lately Meuiiinl by Kirbard Mmtnp. now
oiler, low fur cah, a will eleeiec" aefurtment of
al 1 1 H'K'Iriim of all tirdf, Oill, Gla
Putty, Dye Plufli, Stationery,
PontVelU.nerT, Spleea, and the larrfwl 'etonk of
rarietiee "r altered In thla lae. and aarrunU
ed hi be of the beat Ibe Market affonU
J. (I. HiKrsWICK,
D-c. 13, 1815. JOHN 1KWIX.
.1. . S II. i W. It It t r ii a I S T ,
(Seond atreet, oppoall the Court Ilnuae,)
r li. a ii f 1 1: i. o, Pctii'i.
TMIV. auhaerihara reaeerlfully announeei to tbe
eitiaena of Clearfield and vicinity, that La
baa now en band a full aupply of
Dy Sulfa, Tuhaeen, Cifrara, Cunfuctiuncriea
SlaliiiaerT .
Will find tiUnwk of nruC FULL idJ COM
PLKTI, ni it erjr ili((btd-nceo. Lftitern
price .
Toafiorr Bud oihr will b famlhd with
nod mticr IUtias bouka hy tiprvt. &t
ibrt notice.
rnnalatlnr f Cjp. Flat Cap, Po laeap. Letter and
Perfumed Nite Papera ; alao. a very neat atork
f Mrmrnlna; N'fe Paper and Kneelopeaos band.
Pena, I'aocil Ink. .
Will And a full .l.i-k of Pl'MK ftPICKf!, 80DA,
SOP A" Cnnrenlrated I.VR. "CAP. .
Krt requeatr-d loelaoiine hta atick of Perfumery,
Hair Oils. Fine T'.ilot Soipi, Bruihea, Couba.
Tutlet "elt. a. .
Will And a full eitnply of prime Chewing and
m.ikint TOIMiV'O. Impnrtrd and Uuu-eatie
CIiiAKS, Snulf. Fine Tut. ae.
CAItl,). OIL.,
Of the beM brand, aaya on bans.
Tb t qnntltv of Litjuon tlwftjf on band, for
Bfdifa.1 fiarp'MDi.
rrhrlmn PreHrlptlonf promptiT Ana
rrtftnlf rotnpuuolea.
Apr. . IRittt. A. I. FIMW.
MlfiS! jmil'GS! DRIGS!
irnvfx & MONTEUUS,
Ou Wain St., on door arret of Ulpple t aaafi
Cl ItWENeVIl.I.E. TA.,
Itara now on hand a large aaaortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye'
Stuffs, Patent Medicines,
Troasee, Minuldrr-llrarf . I'.laalic Stork'
inga and fupportera,
t.laea, full).
Per nmery. T'llet (londa, Conf. elnneriri. Rpleea,
Canned Fruit, Tnhaero, Cigara, Huuka,
blation. ry, Peneila, Pena, Ink,
and a general variety
of Nullum.
Barrett ! Warranted Hair BeitoratWe
Tae;r etock emhrarea alt artielea needed In
ar.lBrnunily, if entirely new, and of the beat
uuahlt , and will be a. Id at rearnneMo prieea.
Call aud elaiume Iho toode j tbey rannnt tall
to pie tee. jf'i'J ojcJ tl
Veaaiable ?"
TAm WIlrd by Ik N H )llat Jail
! aj.'. i .H,. Vfl-al l.t lhe- l.h la. I.
ri r rtxl.-d ll'ir lu M iHi-liml cnlort
L ---ri ,,M n l"""-trMf , ami fi Ihrtufif ' ""W i
k ' lMilltt litf Itrr- Half. Ill irr "-0 J
J. a. BAROCTT It CO.. Preanatera,
KclinaTH, k. n.
fold by IUrtwlck rf- Irwin and A. I. Fhaw
rir.rflflil i 1 H. l.-win, Curwenirllle i and a
Dealera in Patent Mrdicinea. aprl fira
tn'atrd wilh the ntinoat aureraa by Iir. J.
ISAACS. M. P., and Pnifraaor of biaraae of lhe
Kyeand Kar In the Mrdleal Collrwe nf Prnnayl
raiiia, W yeaia exiM'rirnoe. (formerly of Lr-yilrn,
Holland.) No. "I'J Arrh Slrrel. I'hil'a. Teiti
mnnitila ran lie arrn at bia ftW. The mcilit-al
fai-ulty are invilcd to arpmnpniiy thir tiallrnir,
at he ha! no aerrela in hia pnifi-ddlnn. ArliOi'ial
eya Inaertcd without pain. No charge for r
anilnalion. U'l" ly-
( I. A T r. I'UWtu',)
For all diaeadea Ineident to lli.raei, llaltle, and
lluaiao Fleah, rrquirint lhe aa ol an
eiiernal applioation.
Thia Kmbrooation waa exienaivaly naed by
the i)"tii oem durinr the war.
For aal by Harleeirk A Irwlr', ClrarleM. K. Irwin, CurweuaTille. Daniel Omid.
lander. I.a'.herahurr2. tf
In from lie to 4H lliiura.
WheaUn'f 1'inlmrnt rurra Iheltrtl.
Whealim'a fliiitment carea Salt hheura.
Wheama'a tiiniment eorri Truer.
Wheatnn'e Oinimenl cure Ilarbera' lick.
Vi'heatnn'a Ointment enrea Old Korea.
Hbeatiin'a Oinlrnrnl curat Krjry kind
of Hu'iior like Magle.
Prlra &(l eenia a bnti br mail, Ail eenta.
Ad'lrree Wr KKS A PllTlKR.No UllWaih
Incl'in ilrerl, H idton. Maea. For rale by Maria.
wl. k A Irwin. end by all Urneglni. la?rl,'7 ly
ru-wi and ahdotiilml nupix.rtrii nf wrrry
kind of t hi U irii t .wnrttvflmntt, f"r l si
tho lrnc or HAHTSWirK A I1WN.
SnAIM PA( KA, Kenned? Med cd
()iurfry, Helnbuld'a liaaho, Holtr'i Co
l.ivtr Oil. J-ian't nd Ar'i tnrdiririr nf Trj
hind, tor srIo by II A H fSW 4 IRWIN,
Oili Varnihfi, pAinti Biaihei,
Tl CT nwirrd nd fr mIp rhmp hr
JO.El'll It. IRW1V,
prll tf Curwrnnvillp, Pn.
UlHt'S t lh,niliiCo. HulbellV Irak,
Hanfldnd i Uortnan, lloitftlf r' and Qrni'i
OiKntd IH(tTi ( aliio pure Liiuwra, of all
kindi fur (Liodioinal Mirpmrn. fr at by
Of INI i I
Cloarfielil Co. Agricultural Pih ict j.
Will U li.ll ,,n ll.r lair IImiuihIi, In D-f.-.m
if fl.ilil.l.i. 1i "l. nh,.,l.i, .i
,II rnirl Iri In,. h- l'. II k IMIi nl
llh ilj f A. i. Iwrn.
it ni: A M hi f.ri iinN.
family Hrkrti fl ft
hinjtlv i tk'U. rltifiiitf rir f,B
Mti'lt alniiia iirkl, 1
i biiilr- mimIi'I Irn ymr ild lrn totcnini no
lid b) thoir Hifiit tr (tinrnn, rv.
1 hi Mr I'll undrf rn )-iri vf iitv li't adu lllrd
unltM a'-copiiiNiiifd t j llirir rrfnii.
Chf'ki till bn Kitn hI ibd'ir lo pr--ni
dfitinii l p- -Ml during iho extub'ii- n, but
mil nui hint ibt liol.h r to ii,t .ih.r jaiiL-i-
tiori rih half dut ioiintiir on rklubiiiun.
Kvfry permf. wubin lo v rnn lktl a mem
brr uf ihtc hL'irijr aiui-t ''y uU " bif ro tht
flml daty til tbt K-lr, and ibt payment nt
dollar lu Ibe liaaMiror balt rrertva a aiT'iht-mie
uf iutuberhip, ein,ii(Hnj ilia name vt Ilia ap
plicant anil andoriBit y Ui bacrctnry.
r vt ry pri n bfcuiiiHitr a m (inner a annra
atiited hrll, tm Iba prrtkonutiud if tin rarlilirata,
roreira a lick, t whirl, will nlmilkim tree tin ring
ibe Fair. Any peii n mmp;ifi.f with lbs abiike I
it-euU tiuns and ravitil tJ, l.iit bt't itiun m lite
tnvutber, and bll bi ricmpt fin all -n.lril.u-
tiuni, and iball annually reteivi- Irotn tlie eecra- I
tary a tree faiuiljr tiekut.
All pemnni Uint le provtaci with ticupir
which can bp bad frum tbe F.xeouttTtf 'Nnitinitte,
Trtakurei or tttcreiary, r al tbe office on tbo
gntuod. Far run acting a judJt are einvd
tu i ceume menibervot the Jfouieiji. ruriium iru n
ether eaiitiea ran beeuuie Rieinira by cnutply-
lug aitb the a bote rule. La tie ean brvuie
niemben by ma kin a; applicmtiul a auve,aiid
pyii.g into tbe troitiury tiny t Ms, wbuu tbey
will receive a ticket tu admit tbim fren.
Kibibitori Diuit becutue loemkera of lhe 8001-
ety, and bave ibeir animali and articlvt entrt-d
on ibe .Seereturjr'a buuki on or be! nro the ttr.t
diiy or ibe Kmr; aid all animal and ariii-l,
except borei fur tt-a ore and t.-r lha trUiti
pruea. mutt be bri(bt within tbe auulomre
m early aa W'ednela. at thrre u'cluo. , H. Al..
and all pprnuni entering aniiuaU and articlvi lur
exhibit iuo mu t procure o.irdo fium the ht etc tar),
with the elana and ooinber or euir) ui auiu arti
elea. previuua ia placing Raid article 00 tbe
ground, liay and atriw will be furnthed gruti
lur all amumlf entered lur prvtuiutn, ami gnun
will be luruiibed at euat lur tbuae ibat deiire tu
tttt bortt ibail oe enterea or auowpa a premi
um unlei be ii free fioin diieaae. Ilurti will
be rt-evif ed until Wedneida buuB, but luuit be
emered prvviuuly. All periouu who mund lu
exhibit bunei, eattl:, abeep or twine, or abu
utend toulTir itjck or any other article fur ale,'
fhould notify the Secretary uf aucb iuteutinn. on
or befure the lit of October, and bare with biin
a II I and full deaeriptiun of the aatne.
Tbe Buail'cr and eiaac, auc tbe nu tuner tn the
clan, with tbe name of ibe article, will ippcai
un the card attached; but the utue U tbe ex
b'lbitur will out appear.
Hrrtuiucii and diplomat will be paid on and
after tbe nnt M'Miday alter the air, and until
the lt day of Jeeenbrr. Hni a ter which all
tauney arfaniuina nnrlaiuird will be eunmdcrrd
el a dunatlun U the rivviely. 1 ha tfliccn of the
ftuviety fend tavUibcra ot iba Cotnontiee of Ar-rng-
ineDtj mutt aear A badj-e deiignetmg their
otbee. and il will be tbeir duty aa ell a- pleai
wre to attend tbe exprreted vulitl and want
ef the axbil ' tra and otiiera, if it It in Ibeir
power io tu du. A fvlret polio a force will be iu
eooauot attendaneo for tbe preavrTaiiuBj of order
and protection wf property.
Tbe trotting eour-e la level, well graded, and
una-'hird uf a ante In circuit- Ample arrange
neati will be made fur the convenience uf vuliura.
Iiiatrurtioiia to Juilgea. No auimal to re
ceive an award in mere lba one cU'i.
Judgei are expreBvj required nt to award
prvmiunii to over fed animals. No jrcmininn ';r
lo be awarded to bulla, eowi or beillcrr wbirti
hall appear to have been fattened, 0x1.1 in the
clan of fat cattle, the object of the Society being
to bare luperiur animal of thia dmcripliua fur
I "at C attle Tbe jud'M on fat nnttla wfll puriit-uler attcnlien to tbe antu.t-lf lubmit
ted lor e xauiinatii n. It ii believed, all other
ihirgi htivfi equal, tboce are tbe bed rattle tht
have tbe greateil weight over tbe nun lie t fa f er
ode. Tbo judgf will require all in tbi cUn
tu bt weighed, aud will take mcinurea lustre
ibe uMrflciei of each, and punti-to tbe re-ult
with tbeir report a. Tbey will alit before await
ing any prcwiutua, require of iba eouipctitHr full
ftatrmeute at to the manner and eovt ot feeding
.it required by tba regulailvna of tbepretuiutu
If there U but one eahibltor, and he any nbnw
tCToral auiula lo one clai, pr.miuim will ha
awarded ia nccordanco rith ta aieritl of tbe
Tbe fuperln ten dent will take evury prpcati ting
In hn power fur tba -efi-ty of alock aa l aril b'
a exhibiiluD after tbeir arrival, and arranze
ment on the ground, but will nt be retp'nible
fur any Ion ur damage that way occur. Tbe lSu
ciety deatrei rxhihitora to give pertnal gitcntion
to their emmeti and 1 rticle, and at the rlopa t.f
tba Fair to atten to their removal, al tba (society
cannot take further care of them,
Hulca of llw litn Tfce name of tbe plow,
nan tnuet be given, aa veil aa ibe kind of f .low
lo be ued, at the time ef entrv. Tbe tpantity
of ground to be plowed ly eaeh team to be one
fourth of an acre. The time allcwrd to do the
work will be three bour. The lurrow rice in
all eaeea to be Upped. Ibe tiaan to itart at the
reme time, and each fluwtnao to du bit work
witboat driver or iber eaitiiee. The premi
umi offered by the hod el y wtil be awarded to
the Individuate who, in tbe Judgment of the
committee, hall do tbfc work in the nert una
aer 1 provided the work ii don in the tiuio al
lowed for it perioral an on. Kach plowman li to
itrtke hi own land, and plow entirety indepen
dent of the adj intng land. Within Iba ons
fonfib of an acred pluwrd each plowman wilt be
ia (uired la atrike two lack furrowed Ian te and
floifh with tbe dead furf.w io the mid He.
Apj information required ia regard to matter
of the .Society oao be giined bj addroitng the
F.xccntiva Committee or tbe Secretary, whu will
be plea red to give any Ufuamation in tbeir pow
er at any time.
Any article aotennmfrated In thaabove e1ac
and placed upcu exhibition, tf worthy of Dunce,
will bo ruiteuly awardet.
Tba Kxecutiva Comnittee refer re a dicre
ttonary power tc award Ulploroaa in any rae of
tecond bet article, or tor article not entitled to
premium by tbe rule.
All artlclef inay be entered free or charge,
except burcvB for pi caw re, and for tba trolling
premium. f
Cufi I Swtfpstakf'pe to alt fatcdi and
I)ct bull....$i: 2d !. ....!0i 21 bent
Uct cow 12: S1 cat lo; 3d beet 6
All breed cuute together lu thin claa and com
pete wilh each other, t be judged by their gw.d
p tii nt a. ymmctry of fninc, alnnty tu fat ton, and
the Umi liny will pre luce.
CL 2 tirade Vattlf, oiru7 tn th' county.
r.ciittowffirniilk.fl; Sdbcnt6; II Ixii.'f.)
H.M hi tftr, 2 yean obi ; ltd I '-!... t
ltcat heifer, 3 year old 8; I'd beat... 6
11 cut calf, uiiUt 8 mobttif ultl...H 8.
I !,. B-f-irri,
Beat yoke of oxcn...IO; 24 U-t ..V' ; 2dbct..t
t'LA.sJ 4W tattle.
Best fat bulbx-k, ouw or hcLfcr...$t0 ; 21 bcnt..,tA
t'Ha &Tkoro?librfit Jiortkt, oprn to all
Bent tal1iontany bi-ee-l. .. .....I5 : ?! t-. -t ... $ 1 0
Beet mare and coll anv luted. 10: 2d bcl... H
( 'LA 6 liuiwg, lhaj and Fatn ifxtrtft
Bt mddle burn .U; 2d bent $2
Bit inp1r family hdrw.a S
Bt-tt matched carriage hone... 3
Hi't gelding nr mare for ark b
Bent pan ot draught liorMt or umrc 6
S. eoi.d Bnt ,. 2
The eihi; itor 11 nfiirii tn pci'lu'-p a atnto
nicnt of hint three npltrilile ..rihttor ivo to
working qonlitica of diatijlit borfoe tor premium
In thi clei".
Il t colt under 2 ri-ara oU $1 ; 2d rl $2
Ib-nt 2 ywr old colt. 0: 21 let 3
Itiat 3 y 1-0 r old cnli A j 2tl b?t.... 4
Tltc horno that miMfi the hcavirit load on the
tone b at, acConlnir lo hm weiht, without
a whip Votifltt on the ll irif an 1 7
C..1 1 Troft'tj Jlomrs, ojx-n tn aft,
Beit time. 3 In .", tnitdng in infr'c li,irn-M...J 1 no
No premium will I paid in thi 0 Ium uiiU m
there are ten rnlriea of fj ca h. l.A h hum' to
rt agitinat time. 1
CLAan H StftepttaMt, open to nt' tifj in
Beat J In thrwo, mile hra', a?-lrfit lima t 0
No pre mi mn will bn awardid in thia clue un
lee there are tx entrr. Kntrtincc fee ll.'i.
ClaS 9 yVotHirt it iiitrffe h'irnr.fx fur hnr.'
tnrnrd in the county at leutt fifteen daut be
jtT? tne raxr.
Bent 3 in ft, mile beati, acttlrift time
No prcitiinra awarded irvtht eln iin'c there
are eifflit tntrica, Kulmne-t Ire A. The horae
w nnmg the premium In cluas 7, cann it compete
fr the premium in thit daa.
Llam 10 Trotting hom? ftwnrd and raised
in iht county,
Bct 2 In X on time, in harneti MO
Na premium awarded la thia claaa uulee tbarc
I ! . ' r-
li.i nn-l' I II
f ., I'.,
f flu
,L i "i
s ,., I...
Il li-rfttW! I..
I- ..I I., .1
tin -4 f I I'l'l"1 k
II I. i r
l it II m
4 tl !'. T
1 1. .i i i
n- C .ift .I'll .; ,( ' . f-'V,
"l-in In iii.
V l t 111 .1. Hlr.,ii. hm" f
1ttrrt tni( ti nl b-at tlttei' rut tie ii iii'tcr I11
rmiiprie I'M i( pn-niiniii. I,iittn" Int.
t I a I- -k hffp ad ll'.f.
IV-t b..rk any hue I...... t ?d b-
fti it 1 we, anv bnd
Il- t he. ii, tfitieiitd lor mutton
$- to '
, 4 vn ;
, 3 on
. t "
I.e. I Umi!
lti l (l. e- e of W.miI
f 1 , I ,Su itf, ttprn h oft.
Prat buar, any brec-l.-Vouna I arrner M.mhi it A S
llt ki luctiliiiir itw, any breed ?.
p-chh bint. A)rrViiiturit one ymr-
lb-id b.- 2 1 Im.' V
Bct pig undrr 6 tuo'a- old ... A rii u.ttiri. t 1 y nr.
( j Aa 1 i outtijf
Hint rnip unrtiicbit ki'ii. not !-" tlian fix,
Hniiitiiit a American l'oiiltiy liook au l... '0
Ml ,
;,n f
.f 1 t'O
Beii two henvii-t tuikrv
Ilept display of cbii kma
The man that plowa green awanl the bent.
Cl.Aht 10 d'tWat, Jiftttfri. Jfriitt, liar rout
aud t utttvufon.
Beit plow foiwti.l.blcor rward $4
lli-iit niibaoil plow Barry Fruit tiarden and 2
Hi e! cIimI crii'lu r and roller eoin)iiud 4
Beat gcain drill -....Oiaeretimi'.rv premium
Beat thrtfhing machine... liacreiionary premium
Itect rorn planter.. liirniioiirrif premium
Bent Ilornemke iJixTotionnry preuiiuiu
Beat bay piteliini mac hine Ihncretionitry prein
Beit talk audatraw cutler. ..Hl'iacretionary preiu
Bent borae power, general purpoim ItiHTrtimmiy
Beat original Invention or ngricultttrnl implo-
in. nt
Bent fide-hitl plow fl; bent culti alor 'A
Bct barrow .1; b t corn h-lhr.... .1
ItcRt tanning anil 4) but ox yoke 1
All ailiclve cnuinciaUd in Ihi clun, 11 t made
in the roiiuly, but pruJutM-d upon exhibition, if
worthy nf it, will lie awarded a discretionary pre
mium by ibe Ktecutive I'otniuittca.
I'LAa 17 MucJtaneoui Fanning Implement
Beat lb blve,...Jrimlcy'a Vlyaleryof lhe Kei -ping
.Bent 1 dx. bond rak- ..jl ; Wat grain era.ll.-..l 0"
lU-dt Plump machine.. A; WhI putato digger A"
Beat lot nurt let 1 ti -.In I V0
Beat difjiliiy farming ateneil owutd oy lar-
nier 00
All artielea enuiiierated in thia claaa arc lubject
to tbe name rule a claa 10.
Clam IH Wheat, iiye, torn, liarUy.OataVe
Beat acre of winter wheal t in
ltotl liurth"! of winter wheat 4
lU-al bun he I of rye.... 3
Beat acre of r) ( Wat buab. corn cara... X
Beat acre of oata.,.. 4 ; Wat buith, pitaue... t
lleM ao. bmkwbiat 4; 3d WtM .... 3
Beat ac. clover aet-d 3; 3d Wt" 44 I
Beat 1 ac. broom corn2 f Wit i acre pea. ........ 1
Bct 1 ac.rutalingua 1 ; Wat J acre torarhum.... 2
1ft at acre turiupn ?; beat bushel tumipf... 1
Beat aero eru H ; Wui acre carnda 1
Beat lot of garden tool 1
Ben half butibet timothy aeed 1
Crupi Wing etjual. pit.fcrcuca will W given to
tlioK that yield tbe largfotuet profit. Statement
to W furninbed by tbe rabtbitura. Tbey niust W
uicavrurvd or wtigiitd, and a aaiopk furaihbed at
ibe f.tir. Applicant for premium tnuat furtitah
the eouimiltce with a tetmetit a.gned by tbrm-K-lvca,
under pledge of veracity, uf tbe quantity
of grain raiacd on the ground t nt rt-d for tbe pre
mium, and muMt at ate a correctly a bo ean tbe
kind and souditioo of the previoua crtpt, the kind
and quMUtity of aeed sown, and tbe time and mode
ut putting it in tba ground.
1'erntti cotcring field crop for eghibition, or
Intending to do so, m:iy give not ire to the execu
tive committee at any time, and bave tbe fi'-U
uieraurcd and eiamioed by the committee while
1 LA 10 Bread and Cereal Fond.
Beat loaf wheal bread....,
I teat load rye brciid
Bi tt loaf corn bn ad
B'-t fpoiigc rake
IU at jetty cuke
Beet bachelor' cake
Beit pie, any kind
...Biploina andf0 cenl
.. l'iplotna and i0 cent
...ltiploiua and & ci-ata
...Biijlomaand AO cent
...l'iplotna and AO cent
.Iipluma and 60 ernta
Ml CAnis
Bet preacnos end jelly
.... I'tplnma and Ml cent
Bet dia'y jelly A prcM'rvci..Uiplouia and &U en In
Beat pound Cuke...
Diploma aud 00 veuta
Hert iruit cake
Beat effrc vakr....
B'-t Lulv'a cake.
Bet coke
Beat Jelly
Beat ice ereuui
I'tpiuina aud aU ot nta
lhplnuia and .'0 centa
I'iploma and 'it centa
lL Ae I'll HuUer and I hern,
Brat Ave pound or more, of butler
It. t t'-n pounds nrkin buticr m.....
Bust cUiHiae, made liy exhibitor
i.ahs VI Flnr.
Beat 5n pound a wheat flour
Beet hl'y pounda rye fbnr
Bent titty pounda up ring wheat Hour
Bent AO pound euro meal ,
Btat Ji) pound buckwheat tlt.ur
Li.a Hi Jh-mtette Artteltt.
Bet but or )ar of honey
Beit 10 pounda of mnpte,. M 1
Beat peat bea pat up air tight I hp. tr
ll.-nt toniatoeK put up air tight Ihp. or
It it blAek berries put up air lighu.....lip. tr
at currant a put u air tight Ihp. or
Beat fancy jar uf pickle
11. at gal. Hvrtip or eorghuin, or ea -h...,
Hint curt-tJ haiu (cooked with mode of
enrintr) IMp. or 50
Beat dried Wef with moo. I of curing.. Uip. or 60 'J.I IkimesUc Manu'icOrrt.
Beat 10 yard flannel $2 00
Beat III yard aattinct M 2 00
Beat yard wmden oat pet 2 t0
Beat 10 yard c oth 2 '0
Bot 15 yarda mg carpet, woolen chain 2 00
B al pair woolen b'nnketa ,
B'it woolen cover bt
2 (0
2 00
Beat wooh n frinirrd mita tp. A
Beat iatr knit wu Itn atockinga Bip. A
Brt spec, knotting, knitting or needle
work by a Mias a untbr II yiar old Bip.A
Brat pound linen sewing thread Ihp. A
licat pound stocking yarn (hp. at
Bct loot mat ...... ill cents: Beat tidy mat 60
The premium in tbt claa are intended only
for article manufactured in the count v,
t l Xeedlt, Mhetl, Wax Work. de.
Bart specimen acedia w rkM Mp and 50
Del specimen oeed'e work, machine. .dip and 50
Best specimen flower In worsted Iiio and .''0
Hert aprefmt B embroidery in worsted. .Bip and M
heat specimen embroidery in laee 'tip and i0
Het iapcilmea embroidery In muslin. Dip and Ml
BmI apecltnen ef leather work Dip and 50
Best specimen of wax Hi er..., Dip and 50
lUrtapecitucn of feather work Dip and 50
Brat specimen of ornamental work.... Bib and '0
Bert shirt uiado by Mim under 12 yrs.Dip and 6.1
tto-t patt b'ng or mending Dip and 60
L"LAfl 115 MUdiiertf and lh(jsnuikty.
Beit toiilncry $ t. Best dremitkin.,,$
i'l.AH "iiArtutie Work,
Bct daguerreotypes taken on tho ground... Iip
tlest arnhrt)ieB taken on the ground Dtp
itvst photographs taken on the ground Dtp
Heat landfceite painting
Meat ponuiaiir'hip
Ilet architectural drawing ,
licit psimiua in oil...,, ...
(test portrait painting
Best cattle painting
Ucst painting In water a lor
If vet orwenvntal peiatl gofang kind.
.12 uo
... Dip
... S 00
... 2 00
... 2 tiO
... 2 011
... I 00
... 1 00
( I.A- l lVat;nt.
Beat Jeaifrn for farm bouaa, bam, carriage hnoae
and stable.. Sloan's Ornamental Houses A f i 10
Bi st deaiar. for dairy houe...Manut of the D ime
Btat deiign for ice hne tl 50
tei design for fruit hMie 1 50
Beat deMKn f"T bridge, with plan span not
less than 250 feel S 00
CuA 'JH Afftatie- oArtr5 and Alurfunctjt,
Best cooking stove, wood or roal.n $ f 00
Ktrond beat.... 2 0
Third bout - lu
rat parlor atovc.. $2. Brat caM iron Vnce I VU
Second reat 1. fecnad beat. Dip
Bet in cmcn ur lot of tinware 2 en
Second best Dip and
Peat ipuciinen blackiiutihin:
Iect iHctrneu gumtuitliinfE
3 in
1 UU
I mi
(test snrirain iron turning
Bes 1 late casting-..! 1. Bert ihower bah
Belorlgi-al intention in county $5 00
iel display of Ivhle and poekvt cut lety
American mantfucture 1 Oil
Beat dixplay of edge tmla 1 UK
Beat d.awliiy of funtiing and field tool 1 (Ml
1 h above premiums are uflvred tor articles
aianulavtured in the ooanty. Dip'.oma. may be
awarded for any of tbe a time artirbs on exbibi
tioa, without regurd to their plsvet of manulao.
Ot.As VcMet ff alt lin U
Beat family carriage. ,.$4. neat tiuiher atd...2
BestbuicKy 4. Beat borae cart I
l ent latin WHg..n 4. Bi it wheeltiarrow.. I
Bent aletkb 2.
liit premium iu thia rlna are Intended only
fur articles uanulsctured in tbo county.
(JlaB 'Mi Cal net-ware in fo.n'V-
Brat dressing bureau. .53. Brst set uf chair.. f 2
Beat extension table. 2.
Beat varioty of chain, I. bedstead I.
Beat wasteland : Oo.
Beat loukina: glass
IIckI a,ifa 2
Ile.t ceulr. table. M I
Ileal lounge.- 5Uc
Ileal oOic. ihair..Mlr
..4uc eel ul parlor furniture,
.ft 00
Ucrl diaplay rf MblnM wart.. ..liip and 1 to
, ... i .
In,. Ii'
in i"
H 1 r r r 1-it.. -a n fir, , I'l Irs-, f '
l. a. I . I ff I- a W" .!
p, .1 tin ! w I.)' I V Ilex tt. i-iNir a"h
lit . I.. a . , I. I'i.i,.lj,.,r, .
P. ,1 t I kelt . I. It. -1 1 .1 m . .
( 1 . ' - I t nt -t 1 1 t ii
l'i it I Hum la ag . t t H' . a
1 1
. J " I
. tm :
j be. imii M'f fl"-l i'K 4m rn M i . h t
I e-l 4 n tel. r ,,S'"e. B it I'mietV teifia, Ir
M.-t J l-U. I-Wiatft. Iiel " o4UnIii a.
It, , I 1 I. n el wrt po'Ntoi .
ltel tfoari win lr l ean..,.
Be. I 1 hlifh.1 l..h.e beetr
It Hiiiat le at ewe tt-at ill trKrii. h!er-nave been
rated bv tl el.nt i'or.
I. .id f wnif-ri, .V .,T.t ind AVrir m-iivf
! IbM g.H'a' ! awd hoe J 0"
I1..I' b of- ei.d h e I '
H'-t difpU) ot Iff tf at d be 2 " '
IW-.I I.- )' l d-ng aaddle J rtl
ri.itng b' idle and murllrifiiilc I u
j lli -l et'te Imiphfd harnea- lemhtr '
j Bed ir i'ir. by cxlntit.-r I " (
I Ben c.iruBc birnera. fr t. Bent tuj; burn. 2 I'll
IHM fingltf naifieai ,1. mei (fntn rum. 11 "v j
B t dirpiuj ii'l-ll. i. 4. B. t-i triivl. trunk I on 1
Bet aitlo kip lea'ber, &(ln. Be.t cnlf -kin.... .SO
Beet ide tola leather, t'O. Jle-r tide uppci le'r btf
'I. ami .'! I 'inhM and tvhnfgtcrt' Wnrk j
auilof elntbet ma e by lino I
ti ti
f C!'l Int!,, b?
Beat 1 anta va t v-t runi e by a laiv I Mi
llctl bunk uniiire?$ I. Beit traw luattroaa 1 00
But bair inutireiia, '2.
Cl.A-B o.j f'rintii.g in Count;.
Brt newspaper f 1 . 1 tut handbill' tl M
Btat blank I. Bo.l card I 0
Iteet ornamental printing. & 00
C' Ifi Vonfl Ware.
Beat amnrtment nnd best quality ('
Cla-b ii7 Chemicals and Vhtnueat ActiM in
Beat aiai'nble manure at m'-dcrato tort $1 AO
Heat available m inure f-.r farm product.... I on
Meal uutt'Ti! f..r clue..50-r. Be-t liupeed oll..6f'C
Iter L tallow candlca V'r
Beat ai'ccimeu of siaf.U".
Bcfl vinegBr M'e '
BeetwAtmgi'ok.f.Oc j
I L-n Wvotf ami .Vonr.
Bat i!rMj nt.,i. ....$1. Beat iti'lli'lMne....9l 0
ItiHit grindrstone I. Battel bowl, liip-t- (
Br l siiinulcs, not leas than o' $1 0U
Hast turned article
Brat flour boarda, worked l 0i
Best waahmg machine 1 00
Best split or thved boop.H Dip
I'eat hutler ladle I"P
Best weatherboards, worked.. $1 00
C1.A8S ii'J Katurat Mineral.
Bet suit of uerfol iniiiurals of Clearfield county,
iiK'luiling coal (3
Bcft tal'iiictot utintralpof Clearfield and ad
juifitug eotintiea, tu W tbe property of tbe So
ciety 5
Beat l)Dieatoue...Mt ft ; best collection foanila. I
Bil fire clay .'0 eta; beat burnt lime 1
But potter' cluy.iO eta; Wit ooal 1
C'l.Atfl 40 Fruit
Beat diaploy and grcateat variety of grafted
apple, summer and winter Husband
man' aud American Wines and $4 00
.Second Wat 2 OU
Beat diaplavuf ears Coir's American Fruit
Book and 1 00
Bet-t p'ums andcUcrhc Coal American
Fruit Book.
Beat quince 1 00
Beat fpeciuun apples, 1 peck 1 00
tlet specimen Aaiencau grnpt-a..M4nuing'i
Fruit Book.
Best natural grappa raiaid in county and
worthy of culture 50
Best diiictic wiuc and mode of mauula-cture
Fuller iirape Culture and 1 00
Beat currant wine... Manning 1 Fruit BtHk A 1 00
Boat black Wrry wine...4' " A 1 Oo
Bo it guueWrriea ' "
Class dl Jlortemanthip,
To the lady who mana?' her borsc Wvt
ami sita tnnrtt grucetully Diploma
To the gentleman wbo in a naze bia bursa
Wt and att- mM gra4-eluliy Diploma
Bart display uf kori mau-hip but leas than
fte c.'iipie - I'iploina
Peat driving on therourae by a lady Diploma
B at eouipany of cavalry ... Diploma
Bert eouipiinr of in Itn try Diploma
Bi-al b.ini with brri!B inatrutucut Diploma
Bt martial hand Diploma
Best ten singer D.piuuia
C'l-A- rj SuretTu.
Beat nursery the greatest variety
uf Iruit ai.d shruot cultivated in tbe
approved mauncr, the applicant tofumiaU
wnilen description, tbe variety and mudc
ol culture H CO
Second Ixsi Harry Fruit liurddin
i tAsa 4d U't ncral LUt.
Beat diaplay and greafet variety flow or, Dip
Beat display and grcateat variety plant ..Dip
Bent diplav ol floroJ ornament Dip
Beat banket boo, net, with handle Dip
Beat hanc Wqint Dip
Jfr- Dia-rvtionary preinimua will be awardtd
for all article of merit exhibited by mechanic in
ail the Tiuiuua hram-hc, and it ia h ped a general
cxliilntioti will Ih- made. For all iii.iinivcincnts
um lul to the farmer, and ha ing valuable proper
ttva, dicri'tioiiiiiy preiLiume uuy W awarded by
tbeLxecutlve ( ominittce.
. liKtilti.K It. BAIIRETT.rnaMeiiL
I. Q. BAn.xn. A. M, liiLt.i.
Aecefory. ff-eoaTarfp,
FirrrTivit CoaniTTra, Vntbanii'l lltuhel, S.
B. Jordan, B. F. Irw in, A. C. Tale, I. A. h. Fk
gal. Clearfield, July 2(, 1W.
(1 V1'H)SA pcraonn arc hereby cautioned
a rain at parehuiiig or in any wny meddling
with Ibe fullowitig properly, vn : two Beds and
Beililiiig, one Client and contents, one Cooking
Stove ami pipe., one r-mk, ono lot Cliairs, one
en fi cut Saw, and ouc Tul le, now in the posses
aion of Hinry ShatTt r, of West Liberty, Brady (p.,
Clearfield county, Da., aa tbe a am a Wloog tu me
and ia suMect to mv order.
Brady township, July 1, IfM 3t:pd
rpiir: AMiKMirn i. coi.i.i tiK
1 OK DKNXS I.VAMA, rc-organiicd in
lMifi aa a Sficnlific Srhtd, gives courei of In
struction in (ieneral Science, Agriculture, Rle
chanieal and Ciul Kngineerinf, and KnirMfh and
Clsa-mal I.itersture. The FlltsT TLKM Wgin
July if 11. and ends December HI, W$.
For further pnrti.-ulars applv ln
JAS. Y. (b h'KK, Vice IWt,
jylA-4t Agricultural ColUgc, Ccnttc Co., Pa.
Burglar-Proof Locks.
ryilE un li ra (-mil hrrrliy Itire notioc that till')'
J. bave i.ivcntiil a LOCK, lor vibich they have
ariiund Lctlora Patent, and therefore warn all
pcriiolia aain.t llMiig lhe amne without haling
oMiiint i a richt. Male, county, town and per
ponal rights for rale on application. A'Mreea
Jylfl 4Upd llur.1, Clcarfitld Co., Pa.
run SALK.
TIIK nnderaigned nowi.ffera fur aalc bia Farm,
rMtutd In .M'trriP ttiiMi-hin. Cbartield Co.,
l'.. adjuining lauda uf A. 1. Juhnaon, V. Little
aud ytltcru,
Containing 101 .frrrn,
Kurt v-five aeren f which ar cleared, wilh TWO
rbAMv 1UUSM and l.Ml ItAK.N thereon.
Tin ia HIX-FM,T VhlN W 1.0 A L, (t tbe
beat qnnlitv lo l fnund in tba county,) uw open
and ready t work. FMic!ift.on given at uncc
Yor tertna and ntber partieuUra aply on the pra
miar. or addpean tba oi'lcraigncd at Kylcrtown
V, O.; Clerfi -ld countv, I'a.
Jyltlt pd2 W. B. RLC0R1$.
"IXTILL And n full and complete flock ot
W flram, drain and bcythca. bicklca
Hay and drain Makca, Fork, t'jth iSinnaa,
Crutucr ccka, liny .tope, dc. at I lie llrdwara
St.r, uf U. 11. ZtlOl.KR CO.,
jyln tf I'hihpiburg, l a.
a( i niL.Nrs.
Five Thousand Dollars Inruranco,
l'nr iHeiil.-nve t viilf. lor on,- Kiv.
Wilh compenaHlion, iu cu.o of Intnl iii
no r.TCJicai examination is made in
Accident Insurance.
rohcica ana liekir ruverttig nil kimi ol Acci
dents, whether received nhilat traveling
or blbcr ic, ald l y
aprt tf Inyurnin c Agent, Clenrti"bl, Pa
A Large Lot of Fly Ncls
f1Kl at Stag. "amra. Home Collart, ilinh
.1 hurcitiiilca and ad.ltery, juat
tbceived and for aal. nv the lirm of
ji if u. ii. zi ihi. FK rn
I 'M KM M ATKUd Th rilwenlier ill par
the hicln l pricia, iu CASH, for all kin.l. ol
I ur and luer fk.n.. . L. i. l:U h N 8 I 1.1 .
Jauilarv II, iM' lf.
171 li HII.I.S. Jll lie.' and t'nn.tal li
1' Uilla, lor rale al tlua ufll, ..
adJrcr on the rooclpt of 26 rent..
tailcd !n an
May I
I l
MUut,..:r! Fallot .
I It lK r 1l'l I llt.'K,
Ti creliiint Tiilioria,
Mardrl !lri-i I. I'lraiftclrt, ',.,
Vli i-tenad lletr nw ei,ib'iihiwti
ht aw'n K'-w. 1 tn u r eat nl ih.- ..H.f).,
ati't tm n-f j't't reiiitnril fr'im the t'trn dim
with a le'if .trho.-iit of
CIolliF, CissiincrcRf VcGtings,
Bear th, m l i tm'lf .f in...f l..r 1. .11 trl
bit' Wear, urn tn.w .repared to Wmbej up I t
Mi.ler t'l.'M II 1 N'l, fi..m a nip la at life to a fuil
tut, tr: lhe Intent Hle and m"l Wnrkiimtilike
nmnnrr. h'preial attntn-n given t eot. ut
w.rk atd rutting out for in,.n and bna. W m
I'tltT great bury ulna K. eif)ma'a, and wn'iitt
en'i'e an(i-t action. A liler.. ha're of poH ia
patronne i aoltciled. l ull and ea our fiioda.
M. A. Fit ANK
nctU-tf VIS K. B. I-. pTOt HrT.X,
n. inn ik; k.
(Store one door cant of Clearfield II um-,)
Mnrkrt Vtrtet, leat flclrl, Pa.
KKKI'M on hand a full aaaortment of (Jont
Kurniabin 4ooda, tnrh aa rhirtn, Linen
mid Woolen LndrTabit l", lrawera and S'.cki,
Neck titB, l'ockot ll indktfrchit, fJiovot, ll-itu,
1 I 111 t-ircMwe, A., in great variety. Of Piece
j 4,'juds be kecpanba
j Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"
I Such aa Black iMenkin nf the vrry bt ninke;
Fancy Cnfeiiuere, in great variety, a I no, French
1 L'ojilmj, Beaver, 1'iloL, tbiuchilla, and Fricott
overcuaiins. All of which will be o.d chcaii for
na uia'ie up according to the latest atylei
"pwianeed workmen.
n"i ann. mr iiwnrnei'i con my lur A. JU.
Singer A I'o'a. celebrated hewing Maehinea.
Nov. l.-lhtii-tf. II. JtHIUUB.
.Miirki-I l-lni'l, (t of Fourth.
JOHX TIIOfTMAX, Proprietor.
THE auliairibar bepa I, e ui call ibe alio
tion of ih. cilizena of Cl.arfi.ld and aur
n.urijiiir eiiutirrj in tb. fact 1'iat he ia Buar
irciared to furaidb, on ffhort notice,
Ca')inttware of all Styl9s & Patterns
iuilerl for .ilber Parlor. Ilininr or Dnl roosi,
bjr ih. aiiiflr article, or in au to full pur
cbaaert ; Ilnrraua, Sofaa. Louopea. iiat
rack 1, Tallied, f. land a. ate., as..
1 alao uianufttciuro
Coniiatinr of rarlor, I)inir..-room, Can.,
hocking and otber Chaira,
Wbicb t propria, to warrant and acll ehoapar
tban caa be purchaaed elae.h.ra. Juat try ma,
Cleartald, Feb. 27, 1W tf
DSIKDS to inform bia old friend, and eui
toiaera, that ba.irif; anlarrr-d bia ibop and
iuorea.rd hia facilittra for niiinuiaetnrin(. ha la
now prepared to make toordvranrb Furuitur. a,
mar be rlraired, ia good alyl. and .1 ebeap mm
for CASH. He generally baa on band, at b'.a
Fnrniiur. room., a rariti'l ..'.orimeui of r.adr
made furaituro, amonj which ar.
Warilrobeaand Hook-Caa.,.- Centre. Sofa, Parlor,
Hr.'akl.rt and Liming titesrion Talilea: t'om'
num. French. poft. Coluifre.JrinT- Lind and other
UedrUad Sofaa of all kinita, Work atanda,
llal-raeka, Wa.h itanitd ; Hocking and Area
Chair. ;, can. bnttnoj, par'or. roia
umn and otliev cnaira ; Looking-U lafcw of every
dearriitioa on hand and new glnaiiee for old
frtimea, which will b. put in on Tory reaaonalil.
terma on hortet notice. He alao kerpa on band
or furnibra to order, Corn husk, Uair and Cot
tn top M&itreerea.
CtiniNs or Evert Kind
Mad. to order, and fuuerla aiteoded with ft
llearae whenever dctirrd. Alao, lluuae Painting
dune to t-rdrr. Th. auhaeriber alao manalao
tnrea, and baa eonatantly on hand, CUment'a
I'aleul Waalnng Macliin., lb. bei,t now in aae I
Ibn.e tbi. uiarhm. never need b with.
out clean rloihea! lie also baa Flver'a Patent
Churn, a auprrior article. A familv naing thia
Cburn never need b. without buttor I
All Ih. above and many other articl.a are fur.
nUhed to euetornere cheap Ir-r Caarl orexchaopei
for approved eounlry produce. Cherry. MHpl.,
Popiar, Einwood and oner Lumber auitahl. for
Caliiuet work, Uken in . K lianre for (urnilu-.
Bemember the ahop ia on Marke. atreet.
Clc.rfield, I'a , and nnarly o niili the Ol.t Jew
otr." JollX UVLICU.
ovcuh.r 2. 1862 f
fl HKaubacribcrrciipcctfully in form a hta frtenda
X and the public in frencral, tbnt ha baa loea
ted in tbe bnrnugh f cLF A K FTF 1,T. In tba
ahip recent!? ocenpicd hi Jacob lhunkailer.
where he ia now ready to perform all du'ici
twartl hia cutotnera In ft work manlike manner.
Med. iSleighi, Uuigiea and Wagoni irnned, and
Horcie-iitKieing done at reaso nable ratcp. 11a
reapcotfuMy aka a ahare of work from the pcblio,
aa be intend to gira hit whle attention t the
bUNtncat. THOU AS KILil.
New Blacksmithing Establishment.
FfMIK underafgned beg to Inform the inhabit.
1 mm fi v. i' fiinu mui purroiinn injf Qfiigo
h.irhnod, that tbey hare commenced bufineee in
the above line, where, by ntnct attention to all
woik entruand to them, tbey hope to merit ft,
hare of public patronage.
HOR-K PllOKINtJ on tba uoat atproad
prine pica, for either fant or working honei.
11 or tea that interfere, can be entirely prevented.
gine w irk and teara Hoiltra repiiired. M intra'
umla and all kind ot 8 tee I ten ruadeof the beit
material and on the ahortost notice. 1'oat-bola
augur, fur board fencing.
HL.A11 work done bv na la warranted to gira
aattstactiun, or no charge will be made.
AwtlS h K A R U,
apr9-flm JAM KS WATLltS.
Boggs Township Awake I
IVFRTROnY trying tn get there drat, for fear
j of being crowded nut into tba fold.
Il you want good hhneinr d tints go to ltttKits.
If you want j uw 8ke, mad rtitl, go to ft anna.
Ifyou wnt g'tod Mill, goto It c Rita.
Il ya want jour wagon ironed inth btat
atyle and workman-hip. go to Ckrh.
IIrkmi make ibe ben Hlunp Machine In tht
tate, anddoea alt kindaof laACKSMITIIINd
aa cheip a cn be done hi the county for Cah.
l!v Foat CUIice addrc.i ta DeHrfleld IVidre.
IWffi Tp.. Pee. ia, !P7-tf.
The Lightning Tamer.
flHE untleritfUid are the .4e Agfat in thia
I eniiMv for tr e "North American Urilviinitrd
l.ltlM TMM, Hons T texe ar the tmh eafa
n d ttow in line, and ar rndorecd by all lb
aoiintifio met. m theenntrv.
Uf hrrcby noiiir the ritnena of Ifie county
that we will put them up n better rod, and tor
tcaa money, than ia charged by the l -rein
gent who annually Iraverne tba county and
jrry ell our little ranh, nerer to return.
k:touuagi-: home lauoii.
Thoae wUhirg 1 iphtntn: Uttda erected ft
their huildinir n"d hut addrcai ua hf Utter, or
cnM In pereon. W will pat them up an w litre
n tbeconnty. anti warrant then. The Uxdoand
rixtnrea can bieen m aav time bv enliirir, at
ouratore. MKKKIiLU 4 HiVLLK.
Cbiufiald, Jane ll, Is' U
11 tu i t'iit.iHi.iy mi.,
Ve h at- .tinted a laro number rti .be new
tit HILL, ad ill on tin- in nit ut ln.ii,
fire cviiia,rnailDa toy ro anv iddtsaa. aoy2