Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 30, 1868, Image 2

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    She Republican.
(Jkhruk H. (iooil.ANtKR, I'Mitor.
Thursday Morning, July 30 1CG8.
Djnncratio Nitioaal Ticket.
of smwrsi.
Democratic State Ticket.
i Of Fayctt county.
Of Colombia county.
Democratic District Tickot.
rur.einvw iron.
Uon. CFA It. HAIHi:TT,r Clearfield.
(bubjwl to the action of tbe Couferette.)
Ir. T. JEFF. UOa EB. of Clearfield.
(Subject to lb action of tbe Conferee.)
Hon. WM. A. HAU.ACE.ol Clearfleld.
(Subjeot to Ike action of I bo Conferees.)
aSr-Mt T.
lion. T. J. McCUM-Ol CiH.of Clearfield.
(Subjeot to tbe 3tioi of tbe Conferee.)
Democratic County Ticket.
AAROX C. TATE, of I.awreuee.
Register A Recorder,
A. . LEE, of Iletcrla.
AMI EL II. 811 AFPft EK, of I.Bvvretire.
The Judicial lonfmncc.
Last week we named Tyrono as the
proper place for the meeting of the
Judicial Conference, and attked our
friend in tho other counties to agree
to it. Our object was convenience and
to aelcct neutral ground where no can
didate would have any advantage. We
still think this view ol the case a proper
one, and hope our neighbors will see it
in the same light. It may be unneces
sary to conjecture the lntlet reason, as
we preKiime neither of the candidates
named will be present. Self respect
should keep them at their homes to
wait tho decision of the people' rep
resentatives. There in, perhaps, not a
single instanco in Pennsylvania, in
Which tlio cnndidntfB fnr a Jurlifinl
office have appeared at tho Confer
ence meeting of their friends to urge
their claims, and it is to be hoped
that the position may never be so far
degraded. It is an office that nliould
seek the won, and-not the man the
office. When it is to be scrambled for
an other political offices are, the con
fidence of tho people should and will
be lessened in the Judiciary.
Tho individual who would in ad
vance use extraordinary means to se
cure tho position should be decided
-unfit for it, and bring about his own
condemnation and defeat. These re
marks are perhaps unnecessary, as we
hope neither of the gentlemen named
lor the position will so far forget him
solf and the dignity of the position to
which he aspires, as roappoar in per
son before the Conferees, wherever
they may meet.
The niggers and loyal whites of the
Goorgia Legislature have elected Jo
eeph E. Brown United Slates Senator,
lie was the rebel Governor of that
State during tho rebellion, and the
founder and protector of tho Ander
eonville prison pen. It was his militia
that watched the fatal "dead line,"
and brought the "lUio coats to their
Knees, n, in a m oi ntinger tt.ey at-
tempted to pass it. He is tbe right
kind of stuff out of which to muke a
loyal Senator. Ho hits betrayed both
the friends of tho Union and the rebels,
and would cheat the duvil were it pos
sible. General Blair's ma.ily letter of ac
ceptance of the Democratic nomina
tion, which wo print elsewhere, will
bo read with interest by everybody
iV ' I
The General prefers a scathing bill of I
indictment against tho Radical party,
arraigning it for crimes, misdemean
ors, and egregious blunders which
ought to sink any party, and which
will as certainly destroy the Radical
party as that an election is to be held
in November. It is a frank, fair, out
epolfen document, Ihat will command
the attention and respect of all who
desire a restoration of the Union upon
the basis of constitutional right.
Read Tiif.m. On our first page will
fce found two letters from Gen. Blair,
cur noniinoe for Vice President, whit h
should be read by everybody. They
bare the ring of the true metal, and
have raised the General very high in
our estimation. He trca is reconstruc
tion and ihe bureauitcs in a becoming
manner. Frank turns out to be a
man after our own lieart, not with
standing his vagaries previous to and
during tho rebellion. He is all right
now, and every Democrat should sus
tain him enthusiastically.
.fdrfrrtt mt tht lftnnnnllt klntt
f Oi II ttr r-Mtr ('nUHlTfft ft."',
It riaiiM i.. Jolv II. If..
wiTiif Vhy't'tMii :
The hm a inn work mas pome!
Wo riirnostly invite yon to orgamr.e
for victory.
Attention to tlctaiU, pcrevrring
energy, organization and discipline
will bring triumph to your principles.
Zeal and perseverance in every ik-m-
ocrut, and thorough organization in
every locality, are tho true roads to
Superficial effort, noise and parade
uro valueless. The stuke is a mighty
one, and must bo won by systematic
work and businesslike energy.
Pennsylvania is the battlo gronnd.
At the October election the enemy
wlllmnko their most determined con
test. Yon occupy tho post of honor the
vanguard of the Democratic army.
You have proven your ability to cur
ry the State; and individual effort,
faith in your principles and courage
in thoir maintennnro now, will enable
you to count your majority by tens of
Tlio drift of tho tido is toward you ;
flio evidences of changes nro abun
dant; and it is apparent that the polit
ical revulsion now in progress will end
in tho utter overthrow of Radicalism
Let us ltibor to deserve so propitious
a result.
Wo iuvoko you, then, to energetic
action, to close attention to the details
of your organisation, to the forma
tion of clubs, to the conversion of vo
ters, to tho enthusiastic support of
your candidates Seymour, the states
man, and Blair, the gallant soldier.
Let us recognize in their names the
symbolsof change, the representatives
of hatred to radicalism, and extending
the hand of fellowship to all who will
aid us in saving the Republic, Conser
vatives and Democrats vill move for
ward under their Danncr, as a mighty
phalanx, united, determined and irre
sistible. Let your warfare be aggressive.
Defend nothing. Tho Radicals in pow
er are responsible for the unhappy
condition of our country. Charge
upon them their extravagance and
their crimes. Demaid of them an
account for your treasuro wasted,
your Union not restored, your race
degraded, your business destroyed and
your Government prostituted.
Let your rallying crie bo, A gov
ernment or whitemen ; f.qcal taxa
Organizo! Organize! Organize!
Ta work ! To work ! To work !
By order of the Democratic State
Itlark-.Tlailinir Commenced.
The following will give our reades
an idea of how the Radicals intend to
work the campaign. Can anything
further be necessary to prove tho cor
ruption and bribery of tho Radical
leaders :
"Fnr Prfi'itmt, Fnr Pice Pria ml,
ltoous or Tns t'aiux Rkpi-bi.k ax
WAnisiTn I). C, Julv 1. ISC.
Postbarteb, Coai.bost, Pa. Sir: Tit Repub
lican National Committee, and the Cnion Ri-puh.
lieMn Congre.einnal Committee, being profoundly
impressed with Uie importance uf rigorously pros
ecuting lb mining political campaign, apply lo
Jon for an immediate contribution of f i-titi."
riigned by Ilia " iti-putilicao National Commit,
tee," "t'nion llcpttlilii-an Congressional Commit
tcj"und,t'nion Republican Congressional Execu
tira Committee." '
We havo before us, also a similar
letter directed to "Postmaster, Hunt
ingdon, Pa.," demanding tho "imme
diate contribution of f7t." Hunting
don Monitor.
Every postmaster in tho country
has received this same circular, and
the amount assessed on some is as
high as f l,OdO. The postmaster at
Brook ville, Mr. Hastings, was assessed
?!!. This is certainly Liuck-mail
morality of a dark nature. But., such
is loyaltj.
The Rumcrs have declared a re
cess from Monday until the 21 bt of
September. Should no quorum meet
at that time, the officers are author-
ized to adjourn both Houses until the
1st Monday of December We hope
tho President will do something to
make them meet, becauso tho Demo
crats can do far hetier If tlio 13 u reun
ites remain in session spending the
peoples' money foolishly.
St. Marie, one of Joo Holt's sneaks,
L.. :...i . : I tin rm. f
. , . ''B,u u'r """K"
iii .mini it. ouriAit iii'ine. jie nau
already drawn $."i,000 as mileage and
witness fees. This is paj ing a sneak
pretty well. No wonder the Nation
al debt is increasing while such rob.
bcrics arc being perpetrated upon the
Theodore F. Randolph is the Dem
ocratic nominee for Governor of New
Jersey, and John I. Plains the Radi
cal candidate That Blair will stay
at home by 20,000 majority, w hile
our Blair Frank will ho inviU'd to
Washington by bis Missouri friends
by an equal majority.
John A. Griswold, one of the Rump
Congressmen, has been nominated bv
the Radical disunionisls for Governor
f New York. He will be invited to
stay at homo by 100,000 majority.
The President has nominated II. L.
Brown to bo Marshal of tho Western
District of Penncrlvanik, vice Rowley
to be removed.
NrftMMirtiN ltroH(frma.
The encnics to lived"!!! in our
mi'-.IkI.. the) ristiM-rals and t'liL'Sli hs
I ..n. . ..... ......
I i ...,i,.!,...i .,.,i ,,! I
IV Dll-ll'lltl III III. II I I I I I II ' ' -I .'ii'"i."- ... -
- I .. .. I
fi'iniriiiice in reMii i t to tin! pr M"
eii.iii. 1 III II. I! 111-MMIi.CVI '
loMie of the legal tendor notes in pay
ment of the Federal tlehl. The' are
tontitiually iterating and reiterating
the foolish assertions that the Demo
crat in policy is to throw upon the
public at once the sum of two thou
sand million of these notes, and con-
ciiicntly to reduce their value, if not
destroy their use as a commercial me
dium. Theso assertion, like the
braying of nn as, may bo repeated to
-en that their hearers may lose a
small part of'llieirdi'gust tttho noise',
and the writers and speakers of such
stuff may pass among their bondhold
ing and oligarch friends as ingenious
and cunning pcrvcrlers of the truth,
as well as being sound nnd loyal to
their party. They, however, appear
lo nuvc forgotten that they and their
party created and adopted tho pres
ent system of a purely paper circula
tion as their great financial measure
the great mensuro of their party
which they now so inconsistently
stigmnlizo lis nothing better than
swindling. Kven their most promi
nent political men, in their blind zeal
in a bad cnuso, term our logul tender
treasury notes as "worth!? vaner.
Their leading pnpers villify it by as-
selling that to otter it in payment 01
the debt, is equivalent to ' robbery and
stealing" and even the nign custom
an of all the revenue of ourvjst conn
try, whose sutyr-liko face so happily
adorns the little fifty cent tickets,
passionately exclaims : "That it is no
less than the vilest swindling and rob
bery to offer a legal tender note in
llcre is consistency with a ven
grance ! First, to create and issuo pa
per credit as money; stamp upon it
the creat attribute ol sovereign pow
er that it is and shall be a legal ten
der for every individual debt, and be
received for every due to the Oov-
enunetit, excepting for duties on im
ports, and be received in all ueiits ow
ing by the Government, except only
the interest on tlio federal dent.
Declare that it shall be tho lawful
money of tho United Slates.
Good for Government dues and pay
ments. (iood enonirh for tho agriculturist.
the artisan, the manufacturer, for
their productions.
Good enough for the laborer for his
Good enough for the soldier for Ids
hard service, and for his pension gran
ted for his maimed body.
Good enough for tho small pension
to tho widows of tho slain soldiers
Good enough for every one but the
-rich speculating bondholder, the tdi
garch, the aristocrat of tho Congress,
and tho administration who issue it,
and the political llesiui.s of the pub
lie press who now basely villity it
and say that tho man who offers this
lawful money in payment, according
to tho law of its creation, is no better
than a tmndler, a robber, and a thief.
Goawav, you villiaus ! The devil
may be a greater liar; but ho does
not possess half the impudence of
these "legal tender" mongers and ne
gro ourcau luciuiv.
Watch Words orTiu Campaios.
''Is it not a mero party triumph we
seek. o are trying to save our
country from tho dangers which over
hang it. We wish to lift off the per
plexities and the shackles which, in
tho shape of bud laws and of crush
ing taxation, now paralizo the bust
n ess and labor of our land. Wo hope
too, that wo can give order, prosperi
ty and happiness to those sections of
our country which suffer so deeply
to-day in their homes, and in all their
industry, from tho unhappy events of
the last eight years." Horatio Set
mocr! "In the spirit then of George WAsn
INoton, and of tho patriots of tho
Revolution, let us take the steps to
rcinaugiirate our government, to
start it once again on its couro of
greatness and prosperity. May Al
mighty God give us tho wisdom to
carry out our purposes, to give every
Slate of tho Union the blessings of
peace, good will and fraternal affec
tion." Horatio Sr.TVOfR.
The loyalists met with a heavy loss
in Texas. A black riot occurred at
Milligan, in that Slate, on the loth,
which resulted in the death of twelve
"pet Inmba" and Iho serious wounding
of an equal number This will be a
serious loss to the Grant forces.
Tho Democrats arc using nearly
n niuoli tliuir Seymour
and Blair jollifications as Ben. But
ler did in trying to copturo Fort
Fisher, but with this differonco the
Radical Fort has already surrendered,
w hile Fisher did'nt.
The Democrats of Warren at their
county Convention last week, appoin
ted Maj. D. W. C. James, J. A. Neill
and James Sands, Congressional Con
forces, and instructed them to vote
for Hon. Rasclas Brown, of that coun
ty, for Congress.
Mary, the wifo of tho ' lato lamen
ted," and tho youngest son, Tad, aro 1
sojourninp: at the Cresson S
ITIf t'S.
Tlievsinl fr,.m V...1,; .
j t......iv iicii. cca
for Luropo. Slio.lives entirely seclu
ded, and takes her meals in a private
A terrible rain storm passed over
Baltimore, on Thursday last, destroy,
ing more than three million dollars
worth of mills, houses and personal
property. A heavy risealso occurred in
the Schuylkill and Lehigh livers, de
stroying much property.
The Democrats cf Eric hold their
County Convention on Mouday, the
17th of August.
,rW t'A'H.
The Tnbto,, i "hnwlinn like msd '
for an (M Lit'-ir-iiion of I.'ihIk nl t'lnl ,
and ssvs llint nil bout siieh oiginorv
turn l'ilh Nc York and I hum
t a
..... I. ..I I,.
t.'lllllt. lloW tllHt
H" '
. . : . i. i it u . in. iiiiimii-
1 .
iir llinill ir It iiiii'p i - .
ils readers. What v li . hi bs.lbat i
iiriiit irol on (ieti. Grunt view
l(V '
tiveihaiilnigtheolif filesofthe Tiilxtne
wo find the Mlnwing:
IKr-m tin Till '". AugnM IT, l"17 J
"People tell us with
wiso mutterini's thai Grant is saga
cioits, .hut 1.0 bides bis time, that the
f.i.iiiieiiinn mill not Iran linn, tlini no
ill run uneoiiiniiiieti, ttiin. ii nn wi"
tho Presidential office ho will do as lie
deems best and riso aboe party.
J'robablu (ien. (irant can atlord to be a
deaf and-dumb candidate, but thit coun
try cannot afford to diet a denf-and
d imb J"rrHi!rnt. If iheso wereorUint;-
tv times of iieace. anil the executive
ollico ineani the iippointmoiit of tide.
waiters, pot-iniislers and consuls, we
millit be content to Bee Grant in the
office, even if ho never hud an opinior .
If tho country wero in llie condition
it was when Johnson was elected we
might say "take Grant, he is ovuila
ble. and w shall havo an easy, pleas
ant cunvasn, and no "brother."
"lint we nro now coutrontou wun
a problem more serious thuu any be
fore known fn our country, lt.isa
problem Unit will not permit ol con
servatism or compromise. It musi
bo radically treated and wo must have
a man wnose soui uraves mo worn
A timid, hesitating, unemphatic Pres
ident would bring disiistor, espe
cially if his policy were masked by
tho dazzling and seductive sflendor
of military famo.
lie (Grant) cannot carry ovr banner
vnleM he wears our uniform, lie can
not lead this party unless we know
where he means to go.
U ill the Tribune please intorm its
readers what General Grant has said
since August that throws any light on
his views of statesmanship f What
about reconstruction f What about
negro suffrage 7 What about our pub
lie debt? What about paying the
bond in gold? What about the infla
tion of the currency by on increased
issuo of greenbacks? What about tbe
specie payments r
The Member from Charleston:.
Mr. C. C. Bowen, claiming to be
Representative from the Charleston
District of South Carolina, has been
qualified by taking the oath prescribed
in me tnsauinty inn, ms participation
in rebellion preventing him from ta
king tho iron clad oath of 102. Mr,
Mullins, of Tennessee, in opposing Mr,
Button's admission, made a rather
damaging exposition of Mr. Bowcn'i
antecedents, showing that he was an
original relit I ; that ho had murdered
tho commander of tho Confederate
regiment to which ho wus attached
hud been incarcerated and put in irons
lor that act; was released ty tho nd
vanco of the Federal forces, and in or
der to save his neck entered iho red
ci ul army. Here he behaved so bad
ly, Mr. Mullins said, that General
Sickles was again compelled to place
him nnder arrest and punish him. At
the close of tho war ho embraced the
PadiMl 141th, anU Mr.Hsllm,,
ted that in embracing that faith he
swallowed the whole subject of negro
suffrage without a murmur. Mr. Mul
lins had no objections to pardoning cx
rebels, rut ho was opposed to making
them ruler over us ai onco.
Tho proposition to forco negro suf
frage on all the Northern States, was
again before Congress last week. Sen
ators Sumner and ates both spoke
in favor of it. If, they say. Congress
can impose negro suffrage on tho
South, why noton the North! Surely,
why not! Tho question is well put
ami comes from tho rigkt quarter,
although it i a direct kicking over of
the Chicago platform. These men
are honest. The are no hypocrites.
It is dishonett to force such a dose on
the South an! reject it everywhere in
the North. "What's sauce for the
goose, ought to bo "sauco tor the
"Letts Have Peace." Grant says
"let us havo peace." Well he can
havo a peace of our mind if ho wants
to, and that s, that there is no chance
for him to bi President of tho United
States. lie fan "fight it out on that
line if it taltei him all summer," but
tho Democrats "will sec him in the
Fall," and t Icy will sco more they
will see him lave a very summary full ;
for he will it only bnvo Ix-c's men
to contend wth this time, but all the
patriotic true men of the nation, and
his 1 resiilenliil pretensions, 1 ko
segars, will al "end in smoke."
On warp, IVmocrats ! More than
two million Democrats enter this
Presidential cmtcst,to win back Dem
ocratic (lovcrtineiit for tlio whole
people. We hive no responsibilities
ol hiiggngo mtgotis loatled with jilun
tier to ch'ck our inarch. We have
courugeotti leaders. We havo never
dying priiciple. Wo unfurl a map
of thirty I'Vcn States, and raise high
the old fla,', and demand the old Con
stilnton t live under, with equal rep.
rcsentalioi, equal taxes and a while
man's (iirernuieiit.
Onwan, Democrats !
A yontjr man named Thos. Merk
lein, from Median icsbnrg, was engaged
to be mu ried to a Mits Seiherl, of
Altoor.a. For some reason t-ho broke
tho cngarcnM'itt. and Jcrsistently re
fused lon ntsv it. On Saturday Inst,
in a fit of rafo and jealousy, the tlis-
i appointed lonr shot the vonni
I ... I , T. ."
I " vapon oiew ins
own lirains mil
Fortunately Miss
S-ibert wa not fatally wounded.
The affair caused intenso excitement
in Allooiia.
Tho li'adkals are daily growing
more and more uneasy respecting
their prospc.-ts in the Southern States.
Pelf (-oiistititted committees aro con
stantly arri'ing, some of whom give
(to fA.fii) jnlcful accounts indeed.
The fact U, despite the well-laid plans
of Stevens, Hiuh-r k Co, there is a
reaction already at work, even
amontrat tho negroes, and, unless it
shall he stopped, Seymour and Blair
w ill carry every Southern State, save,
perhaps, Tennessee.
l.inNf'1 WmiI ,Vnf.
There appears to quite s v,',,'
eisv goii'g " among the llcpnbli
can paper concerning the renl name
if th' radical nominee for the IVesi
deitcv. Some of them bav hoi-led
lliimn I tiiniil
ii.n nniiif, 111
..!.. I'l' i-.iiii S f. I'll nl. II
e .
r,tw i correct. In the chapter of the
n III 1, rani. I'V l" miner, nun. ...
the New J oik JSirger or .narcn inn,
the facts concerning bis baptism aie
thus set torth :
"When the queslion aroso after his
hiath what ho should bo called, his
muilier and one of lii aunls proposed
Albert, for Allwrl Gallatin ; another
mint nrrmnsed Theodore: bis grand
. . ,t- i. i...
loiiicr tiroiMised Jiiram nmuiw nc
thought that was a handsome name.
His rrrandmother grandmother ny
ponrtcsv that is. his mother's stop
. ' . r i.:. ...
mother was a great suwrni 'sto
ry and had an enthusiastic admiration
f.,r the ancient commander. Ulysses ;
nnd sho urged that tho babo should
be named Ulys-os. I seconded that,
and he wai christened Hiram Ulys
That, certainly acts the matter at
rest, and wo are surprised that radi
cal popera should jiersiet in applying
iho ii cknamo of UIvskc S., which
Grant obtained at M est 1'oint to their
In Pit town.hlp. on tbe z3d Inn., ISAAC
III NLAf, agtxJM yeare.s mooiai and 12 oaye.
In Kylertown, oo Hie 17th left.. EIllTH, only
,liild of Dr. J Hereon, an 4 pallia J. Llli, aged
) yean. 1 month ana is oarf.
-pvlswoLL'TinSOF PARHRHsmr
I The nertnerfihip bemlofoee eiieting between
J. P. H.tUAl. A M. L. UAXOE. In the Mot
and Tmninr baainea. in Philiiwbtir. waa dieeol
ed b, mutual eonaent. on th ZVIh day ot jair
ISdS. The aeeount of the Brm will h eettled,
and th boiinee continued by fl. B. PLFOAL.
fbilip.bur Pa. I O. 8. ri.KUAL.
July 30, lf.-St- ( M. L. UANOK.
C AUTKN All panutuarekerebyoaatlnned
againflt purchaaing a promiaaory not ealling
for Sfty dollar! and due aliont the mid-ll of April
lSt. eald not tfeini riren in faror of Wit oa C.
Brown, and for tho privilege of aclling kit aoree
bay fork In tbe townakip of Pena and UIo.h. and
ta Lumber City borough, a I bare reoeired no
tain therefor aod am determined not lo pay the
earn unlet oompallod ay law.
Orampiaa Dill. July :, Jt fd.
Y?EClTOR'S lkn ICE Notice iibora.
I i I,t aifen lb at Let tare Teetamealtrr, bare
ben granted to tbe fulMcriber. on tb Krtate of
CONRAU MEIIHW1NE, deceased, lat of Brady
townibip, Clearfeld eoantr, Panarylrania. All
peraoni iadebted ta aaid Kltat ae reueated to
make immediato payment, and Iboae baring
elaimi againM the earn will prf-ernt thra duly
antatnUoated ror acttiement.
July' St pd. Eieeoion.
Root and Shoe Manufacturer,
FT! HE snbeeriner adopt tbif metbod of inform
'I ing hi old customers and the public generally.
that ke till rontinaee to maaafartwra bonis aad
shoe at tbe old itand. opHisita llraucker Hotel
wbere he invite the puhlioto girehun acall. 11
work is mad oat of tba very best French Calf and
kia, aad at eleeedingly low prices lor cash crap
Droved eoantry produee. All kind of neat
Loots aod shoo suad to order, and all work wa
ranted. JACOB 8. COLE.
CirweatTltl, July 3ft, '(- ly
Farm and Shop for Sale
rrMIE n4'iri.i nffn fur Ml kit FARM, fit
X aWB ivWS Cmrrmi4 vBt
Cntaiiiing Eighty-FiYe Acres,
FiaV-ftT being d .o4 in go 4 itt of
rultivfttinn, wilt, fod tivtllinf koute nl twr
tbertHin, tohrt with ( eboiot bring frml
irrvt anal orr Zvf fr tiom, nearlj tJl Coa
eor. Alvo.
The Two-Story Carr-enter Shop,
On Third Street, near th railroad dr-t, ia Clear,
leld borough. Tena ai ode rate and poseessioa
giren at any lime. Call ta, or address, at
C learfteld. Pa. UK0R iK THORN.
ClearSeld, July U tf
Orphans' Court Sale
T lrtu of aa order af th Orphan' Cesart of
1) (larArld eisntf, dated June ly, ls, there
will b a, posed to puo-ie sal at Mulsonburf oa
Saturday, Ihe 211 mf .iugutl,
The illowiag deechhed real octal, late th prop
erty of Francis L. Oormont, deceased, situate in
Covington township, C learfteld county, I'., boua
ded aad dremsed as fulloasi ltegiamug at apmt,
thcace eoath 16 perches to aa iron wood ; throe
ea.t 4 pcrctas to a dead pine , tbenco north IA.t
perches to post ; iheac west M percke to
ol begiairg.
Containing Eighty-Six Acres,
Aad 10S perchea, strict measure, about forty acre
cleared, aad having tbereoa erected a two story
plank dwelling bouse and kg barn.
Terras: Ono half cash oa oonGrmatioa of sale,
and the balance ia one year, to be secured by bond
aad mortgag oa tbe preauen
John b. gormont,
July 30 St. Adm'r
r it k h noun urtAwx for fep-
Lj TtMIIKR Terra, ll:
ba jt-aoat.
A. W. LeaH..M..rlaocarfa
Walter Shirry .Bradford
J. M. Beams -Brady
It. Patrbin....Burasidr
Joha Dunlap... . -Robert
Connor, '
Jrese 1 1 olti-a. ...
I. M-ea1..Carwrnsrnie
TbiHl Waring.. ..Iteeatur
John GrarharU.
Joecpk (ihsSm... "
Jacob C. I'ca...flraham
Henry niat...()raliam
F.lias llortiing....urtoa
Lewis Brrdell ....
Joha Vanhraren, "
Samuel Snyder -...Knot
Robert Porter.Iwrence
tleorgc Thorn
Wm. L. screI...Jsoerls
Jbn Floorer
Heorge Bo.hch...Oseeola
M. L. C. Kvs Pike
Gilbert ScoSeld "
Tasrsa.i st noas.
Wm. R. IMckcy.BeeeariajC. Banwoy....t'Tlngtn
John L-ghlaer. Adam K. pbart Ilecalur
Chn.loplief Miller .BellJustia Pisu. ilirard
George r-himsacl... Hogg, l L. M. CoatrieL....
Jonas Peter. " I Wm. L. .M,-t'orkle
Joha Bci.h M Robert Stewart...
H. toll Hradlord Msi Roli,en....Galich
Joseph Wincrr,
Wm. Neeliag
Jerome Robieoa,
Amos Bonsall.... Brady
Jesse Eeigler
Martin Lather
tierid Pyer.. ..Bamelde
Jobs Fa'ltoa....
C. R King
V. Tonkins....
Wa. HuMer Cher
Wm. MeGarrey.... "
Jos. Iteerirg...ClearArltl
Fire Ale "
W. W. Worrell
J. G. Milcs. Jordan
Greenwood lied Knot
Joha, lwrenc
John Tsl
Abm. Ogdea... "
Tkoma Moore,... L. City
Anthony llile .
! I.. Fergttson...
John Keea Morris
Michael llrowa... "
John Norris- Pike
Allred Long-
Caleb W ar "
M. Cowdrtrk..
IJ-ihn llan-ork .. -
11. Kerns.. .Curwensvilic
J. Bilger...
lohnson lloldcn ....
1. 1: i it n p. 1. 1), p a.
C-IOMK AliB HKTTI.IiThe hooks of
J Jam L. Curry hare been placed in my hands
for immediate settlement and collection. Those
knowing themteli-M lo hare ansettled account in
said boohs are requested lo come forward and set
lie al once, or posts will be added.
I.etnber CifV, July IV 41 pd
is hereby giren that letter of administration
oa Ihe estate of HENRY II. s X EA U deceased,
lata of Orahara Tp., I'leartirld Co, pa., karing
been duly gfwnted ti the undersigned, all persons
indebted lo said total will please make payment,
aad thos baring claims ar demands will present
them properly aut bent tcated for setUrsuotU and
allowance without delay.
B. n. Rf nonsnvER,
fcl WRNRT HAMLIN, Adror's
Ttiif' r.ccfli.
I.ITi :T T I'M
Jnst reeireJ l l)n- Ki-r of
Mas. II. D. WF.I.SU k Co.,
Itt-fttrr In
OTKX!1, TOY", and
Silk and releH ItoNVFTit made for fl
Flraw BOWFTS made for Ti
All kinds of H ATH lor W
Materials forni.lied on as rrasonalil term as
they can be had ia lb county.
Neil dir lo Kirl National Bank,
no.7-tf) CI.EARFIEM1.Pa.
6213 HOOP SklRJS. 628
H oa. T. Ilopkln'a "Owa Make" of lte)-
atnlte Hklrts"
1( .vt y. ,.4 i wl Low Priced Ilnof
kirtl in lb market. Trail Hklrts, J tprlngs.
II M- so snrinas. t ? I and 40 sprinrs, l.e.
Plain Kkirt. wpes, S strings, bit Cent: Ii
springs, V$ ent I springs, l lojaa springs
SI J. Wrrsntt in overy respeei.
e ..... . ....... .u t-cr.n.ea.
"Our OWN Mat OI Mipifiifj rsiini.
Eleeen Tap Trails, from IS lo M springs, 1 1 .In
In $.S0. Plain, hit Tarws. J to springs,
from Hi Cents to tl. Ikes Skirl ar bolter
ihan those ld by other s.tsbll.hmsnls a first
lass goods, end at nnch lower peiee.
am ia aeery way oprior lo all other Hoop
rklrl balor panne ana ooiy ssis m si
eiamlned or worn to eoneine ery oa of the
fact. Mannfaetared al tk host ltnra-Snirhd
Enilisb riil Soring., aery superior tap, aad
tha tyl of th met lie fastenings sod manner
of securing them surpass for durability aad l-
eellrae any other Skirt in tht country, and are
lighter, more elastic, will wear longer, giee
o.ore atiloiioa. aad are really chpr than
all others. Keery lady shoolo Iry them. They
ar keiog old aitensieely by Meichaat through
awl this and the adjoining IS lata at ry mod
rale fjrieea. II low waat a beat. a- for
Ilonbii.-s I bsmoioe nairi - it yoa oo aoi o.o
tbem. get th merchant with wbam yoa deal to
order troia for van. or ratm or scad direct to as.
Merchant will and our diflrrant grade of fkirt.
eiactly what they need. aod w especially iutii.
them to call and eiamia ear eitcnsise aaaott-
aent. ar send for wbolesal Pno LisL
To be had at Klail at Msnafactory. and orthe
Retail Trad gener-lly. nd at M bolessl ol tbe
Manufacturer only, to whom all akoald be
Meuufactory aad Salesroom. SI) Arch aireet
bewrea Sth and 7tk streets. Philadelphia
Starch II to. WM. T. UOPKIK".
TtlR times ar krd; you'd Ilk to know
H"W yoa may your dollar (
Tk way fa do it I will show.
If yoa will read what follows.
A ass who aot far from kcr.
Who worked hard al kis trade,
But bad a household to euppnrt
That aqnandcred all be meda.
I mot him anew. 8s h. "My friead,
I look thread hear aad rough J
I t tried to gel myself a suit.
Bat eaa't ap caoagh."
8y T, my friend, hew mach hart 70a t
I'll tell yoa where lo go
To get a soil that's sound and cheap i
To KKlZbNsIF.I.X A Co.
II took what little he had sared.
And went to Keisrasteia A Brothers',
And there hs got a kandanm tail.
For half he paid to other.
Kow h ie home, he looks o well,
And tkeir effect is such.
That whea they tale their daily meal,
Tkey don't eat half as much.
And now ha Inds oa Saturday night,
With all their wants sapplied,
That he ha money left to spend,
And omo to lay aside.
lit good Bueceeu. with chrfu1 smtt,
II gladly tella ta all.
If yoa'd race money, go and hoy
Voer cloth ul
Wbcra th cheap!, flcest aod beat Clothing
and good Furnishing Goods can ha had to suit
every taste and in every atyla nprll,'6T
Down ! Down I !
A Proclamation against High Prices!
"W'E np ft Ini of tht trtt tnj
f muhi raPtvMntl UimmIi tvnd V. r tvrr
offrrrH in thi tnarkf-t, ftrnj at irp that mnind
n of lh itmmI old duTt f rhp thihf. Tbrtfa
rh lurk faiih apnti ttm point, wr 4tm or tdl
(Mtioni uper-tHvuii, ttcird but
cvfx fr oin &Tont:9
Corsrr Front and .MtvkH ttmia,
Whf tVy rn ffW, krar and koow fr them-inp-lTM.
To fully aadfrptand what ar rbrap iroU,
(hti want W dirr. M do not drrn it bfyriirr
to mamrrata and iuniic oar att-rk. It ia enMtgh
for at lo itate that
We haie EverytMng that is Needed
and conomtd In thia ttiarkH, and at prion that
aMonUh bulb old and Tmmr.
fpiIR anhsrrlnar Mfperttully iaforma hi old
X pairona and tb lablic generally, that he
hasoa hand, land Is constantly receiving new
Bddltl.aa thereto.) a large stecB af
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry,
keep Jewelry la all lie forme aad of
diBrrent Talaea, anker hy tk piece or aot.
WATCHES A fall a-sortnt of either Oold
or Mlver, made by ids best Anericaa and for
iga mstiutaoiurers, Including a fin lot of gold
nd ilrr hunting case, lull jsirel.d, Patent
CLOCKS Of nil design, consisting af tight
day nnd thirl boar, of nher weight, spring or
levers. Bad both sink aad alaraa.
BEPAtRISH All kinds or Watch! and
Clock Hepaued tad warvaoted.
la addition I wkal t kavr enumerated. I keep
a full assortment of cPK'T tCI.KS. colored and
piaia gla. ,', 001.0 PFNSnd PKVCILS
fact everything in tk Jewelry Ima. If I fail
kv aa hand just wkal n ruetomer may need, I
will order per list eipress, without eilra charge.
A liberal .hare ol public patronage Is solicited
. T II. t NAt'tlLB.
E YE RTthTng
0. II. 7.EIGLER k CO.
sf H buy for Cnth, e!l for Cash,
and consequently HELL CllEA T.
I'hilip.harg. July III, 11M tf
Ptllll.bare. p,.
keep rail Mpplv or this valuable
'household ntUir" oa hand, and Bell them al city
prices, find for eirrulaj-s. dnr5,o7-ti.
A K D' Copper Fer FKFlt COTTER.
V ror aniB ny u.
II. Ib.II.KII A Ctl.
Philipeburg, ft
Camp Meeting.
1)HOt1lr pcimitlitg t! l,, ( ,
1 snip VHr.g oe l,l(ll
i .1 tliel .t tbe.,-til Will I-- o.. m
August I 4'h, I"1 hi O" " it. ,, w k
llnrs O'er hew H a. It t si s't.-n. A fairly
flint M Ie-s i et,g.d o, II.. i,A
fpenil a s ol t herty 1 r.-.-. Ilr.. ,l. ,
Circuits ar lutili-d lo rum, si'-t t.ot a.i N
1 Mil..,.,
Pa"t-ir Cnsqiirhsiina Cin nil, f F ( ,uk
,w VI a.,iuloti, Jul. , 1-.1-1.
. Till: 11)1 lT III' t OMMtlN Ft,
of l.'lenrneld county, P.
r,.a J. WitmtHiiw, j
by ber n-tt lri-ud, ! No.
l. I Sub. aur. difia.
T. Abi aiB.iLn Wituranw.j
Tbe undersigned Ciitiiinisfon"r1 ei.u.i,-,
the Court lo testimony in lbs Um,
hereliy uotihes all petsolis tutrr. ilr.1 tl, ,
attend to the duties of said ss,..n nt in. nt .,'
office, in the hormijth of f .learheld, on tli.,
of August, So, al 2 o clw-k p. ui., nhei,'
eons itiiercfied may attend.
Jul?J3. 31. A. w., c.
TJ TIIK flimTBIC'T t'OI'HT (it J
I CNlTtK bTAlfco lor IU Mmettl,
oi Pi-ntisylvBoia.
In the matter of w.m.ia. ,,
F. luwiv. Bankrupt. I I
signed hereby give notice of bis apioulUt
Assignee of William F. Irwin of the l
Cleaifii ld, in Ibe county of Clcarnc'd, n(.
PcnnsylraniB, within aaid District. i
ailjoilicd a bankrupt upon bis own j!,!
tbe District Court ot said District.
Da'ed at Clearfield, Pa., tb I Mb der
A. D. lnSS.
M. W. TATE, A-i,
Clearfielu, Pa., July 73. 31.
Clearfield Academy,
Rev. P. I. HARRIS05. AM.. Pr
lastte yearof this Institution willeut
on MONDAY, tba 7th day of 4eitetn-,,
Pupil can enter at any time. Ttrn ,
charged with tuition from tbe time tht; ,
Ike eloaa of the Session.
Th soars of instruction embraces St.
Included ta a horonsrh, practical ast i
plisbod education for both ,
Th Principal, having had tb adm
much Bxportoooo in hi profession, awt
rent and guard an that bis entir tUi
ewergia will ba devoted to th moral si
tal training of the yobth placed annerbii :
lt-:iti k itiiiii.N.
Orthegrapby, Heading, Writing, and 1
Aftthmeue, tier bea.ion ( 1 1 weeks!
Grammar, Geograpt., Arithmetic, bh
Hi.i.iry - - -
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry. M.
Burattoa, anrvoytag, I'BtloaopBy, I'fani
ology. Chemistry, BiMik Kee(ni.g, Butss;
and Physical Geography .
Latin. Greek and French, with any of t.
above Branch -
-Ke deduction will ba mad for .
dr Ftr further pnrtlrulara inquire of
Be. P. L. I1AHK1SO.Y A t
ClBrlld, Fea. (, 18fW tf. Pnt
SheriiT's Sale.
BT virtno la tr I of .m F
iaed out of tba Court of 'otDi t
Cirarfie'd eoaatjr, aod n ait dirtrtrt
ill baaipoMd to PtbLEC F ALE. at tl
Horn ia tba boroufrb of Clearfield, oa t.
Iba 1Mb day of Aujtu.t.lf'i, at 2 a eloet
tba following properi. to tail :
All drfrndant'i infriTFl of in aaJ to at
tain trd of land lilaat in tlulirb tonln;
IcJd fwitrotv, Prnnrylrania, boandrd ud4
follow! : begin.!. tig at a niapl', tltptir-
a-jrrrri wwt M .-n hf tobit?Mt
Muth 40 drffrt-c cat 1J pprrhea to pot:
oath drroea wrat V perches In jt
north 40 dtprtx-. wtit 1 IA t 10 rrtft
tljen mntb JU dtttrref mt 134 4 y
poat ; thc-ncc ecrtb 11 fU-t;!? trti 71
wbittoak; thrnr aoutb 77 d-frrrj rx .
tf lo heulork t thence north tiny dt prvn
part-be to put ; tbniPe frnth 40 d' zrm
perrbea. to placo of brffinninc; cihiuji;
arret and i percbet aad aiioanre. A
drfendant't interrat in tht ttm her riaii-
that part of the old botnevtrad Ivm; v
eoaimnatioa of tbe Jobn ttcyarr avrt
UtruuKb tba old baaet4MM.
toiied. taken in eieenti, and to at
the properte of George tlgTtj.
Alao, all defcnl&nt't intrrrit in It!
tract or piece of land, lit unto m Worm i
ClenrlaeJd ooantr, Pennxy triaia, anil nn
warrant No. V26 in nane of Mckht 4
and entanint; abxiat throe hundred rm.
taken in cieeutiun, and to aold at tb? yr
8. W. Tbonipfron.
Bidders will Ukt oottet that Ut
of iba pnrchavt noney asnttt ! paid
propartv ii knock ad duwn. or it aill W
araia for aalt. CYHEMl'S U'
(Saaairr i Ornra, I
Clearfield, Pa, Julj S3, IRK.
Marked Ht., ClearBcId, (at Ihe PoU
'pilk undersigned begs Irate to sc.
X tbe eilisens of Clearteld and ririi
b. has fitted np n room and baa r-
trom tucity with large Bmouat af '
matter, tonaistlng In part of
Bibles and Miscellaneous h
Illank, Account and Pass Book, of rr
sarintion Pepr and Envelopes, Fest
Bad pltia i Peas and Penrils ; Blsai.
Paper. Deeds, Mortgagee; Jndr mrB'. !
tion and Promissory note; Wail ssii
men! Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. ss I
lbeet. Mueie for either Piano, Fiattsr
consuotlv on hnnd. Any bucks or sti
desired thai I may not have on bond, at
ordered by first iprs, and old at '
w retail to sail customers. I aill "
oariodioal lltarature. each as Magstiro
papors, Aa. P. A. tJAt.
Cl.srnsld May T, 13H8 If
200 Kegs Nails & Spi-
I i m reeciTvil and ror rale b
Jyl-ll 42. II. ZEItlLCR 4
c-mugeandleigh e:
in r.
(Immedialsly la rear of Marl as !)
rpH 8 snbseriner would respectfullr i'l
J. eilisens . f Clearfield, and tbs fu.
oral, that beta prep-rd to doallkind,.:'
on akort notice nnd on rtaaonsbl w"
in a workmanhk manner.
jr--Atl order promptly al'ended ta
2ek. um it m. wy
XJ Tbe enter. b p h-reto!oreeii,iiri
th undersigned, in the netcantiH-
Kartbsns, was diseolrrd on the 1st of J.
All tbe books andacrounli will be Iff"
J. Under, who will maka setlVniintrs.'
hnsines al th old stand, where heintitc
new pairona to give him a call.
W M. J. it r
KarOiaus, July It M. (1. M. 1IKKT
A Full Line
ff Water Coolers eel le fresn 1
V ' 'ar sale ly
ti. U. IKI'M.KK
I'k .ii-'
Boalsburg Acadeir)
lUmUbnrsr, t'rutrw t'iMinty, r
'PUB FALL TI KM of Ibis in.n''
I in a uouri.hing comlilion) will k
MUX PAT. Allll ST S. Blidcnlitilier-rl
Both male and leniale pupils rereitr4
lloalshtirg ia reached by stofe Itoai
Ppru Creek and Milniv.
TI ITluX From J to ST per term.
Hoarding In priratc famili-s at Ima
per week.
A NtlRMAL CLASS will be forui-J.
For further information .l-treat th' P"
II. W. I.KI-"
Tl Jm pd (formerly of Marklr, illt.'''
Wnson-niakm & llliifk
ATIl.L Dad a large assort ns "
M rpokea, Felloos, Aile, rhia1'1'
Rupgy Springs ; liar, Fcllnp nd
Natl Rods Cast rteel, II. .re sr4
1 1 ore Naila, A a, dt) at tha la-re ''.
Slot of (J. 11. tF.KII m 1 1
Phili ib"1
Thimhl kins and Tip Uoirt '',J '
tlran antwhtr ia th cont-y. ''
A larlT and l8 fnr aal at the
i rtc ; cent. Mailed t any ad trvee