She puMiratt. V . Gioroe B.Goodlandkr, Editor. CLEARFIELD, PA. Thursday Morning, July ?, 18C8. DEMOCBATIOJSTATE TICKET. afDIToa StiraUL, HON. I1ARI.:S I- BOYLIi, Of Fayetta county. mrcYoa otxiRiL, GEN. WEUHBTIW II. EWT, Of Columbia eounty. Daniel M. Fox, Esq.. i the Demo cratic nominee for Mayor of Philadel phia, lie i one of the bost men that city can boust of, and will of course be elected. . If greenback are good enough for laborers, mechtnics, farmers and sol diers widows and orphans, who nil pay taxes, why are they not (food enough for the untaxed bondholder? Will some wise loyalist please tell us? The Democrats of Clarion, at their County Convention last week, inotrue ted their Senatorial delegates to rote ior Hon. Wm. A Wallace for Senator. It looks as though Mr. Wallace will hare no opposition from a Democrat ic source for re nomination. . The DimBrnce. Gen. Grant says, "give us peace," but bis party saya 'give us plunder;? vide the extention of the negro bureau foranolher year: A deficiency of over six hundred thou sand dollars in the same for the pat year, and the national debt increasing at the rate of ten million dollars a month. The Rump Congress has passed a aw reducing the whiskey tax from two dollars to fifty cents. An exchange aya this Las been brought about through the Influence of Gen. Grant, who has bad it done so as to cheapen the campvgn,. and secure fhewhiokcy ring. IIuw the Good Templars and other temperance organizations can moke this pipo, we can't see, unless it is slimed over with loyally, in or der to kill the fumes. Lotaltt. The loyal niggcra and white bummers of Hanover county, Virginia, bave nominated tho late House or Delegates. e have no doubt that if Andersonville Wirt (whom the Radicals murdered) could be restored to life again, and would agree to act and work with them, he would bo made a Senator or Congress man. No difference how great the criminal, or how many Union soldiers lie may bave murdered, if he only agrees to vote the Radical ticket, he is soon fit for a modern loyalist The 4rn or July. The glorious Fourth of July so nearly exchanged for bastiles and despotism by the parly at present in power will re turn on next Saturday, arrayed in all its glory. The great Democratic party meets in New York on that day, to nominate tho next Pi-evident of the United States; besides, it is reported that President Johnson will issue a general amnesty proclamation, and thereby restore the Union so far as possible until the old Union-savers get bold of it. We cannot rejoice on the arrival of thi day, until all men are again made equal before the law, until every veslage of despotism is re moved from our soil, and until the natural architect of Liberty again control the country. A Lotal Letter. The negro In reauites in Virginia are getting into trouble with their "oolorod brethcrn." The white trash bave given Sambo the right to vote and hold office, but they don't want to make Senator and Congressmen out of them. To thi the pet lambs object, and one of thorn addressed a letter to Senator Sumner with reference to the matter. He answer him in the following encoura ging tylc: , ' j FrATl Caanata, Jan !, lfdS. tliii Em I bert your letter of lire lftb id reference to tho eligibility of a oolorod nu to Conjrmt. I kovw of do g round od winch he nald be excluded from hit Real if duly elected, and I should welcome the eieetloa of a competent rep rttentatire of the colored race to either doom, of Coorreei as the anal triumph of the wuae of equal rights. Till tail tlep it Ukea ear meoeta ll in complete. Vere tra y. rnAfllKS SCMXIR. These are tho sentiments held by nearly all the leaders of the Black Ecpliubran party; but, nnlike Sum ner, they are not honest enough to publicly avow them. The President and Secretary Mc Culloch bave quarrelled, it is said.' We doubt that. Tho Whisky Ring is anchored in the Treasury Depart ment anil the President is anchored in the Whisky Ring. A fulling out, under such circumstance, would be very extraordinary. Pittsburg Com mercial. -U, fudge! Gen. Grant fell out of th ring between Cleveland and Chi cago, and it only brought him into notice; and fur this freak he has been embraced by tha Radical temperance m -Mahk.eah. a w . WWW fV V3 IV. -, J' 1 T T y " A ami tonf rtmn. TU remoeiay of this Congres sional diMrict will soon b onllcd upon to nominate candidate for Congrwt Mr. Si'ofleld will be the opposition candidate again) and being a v vehe ment advooaleof negro snffi sge, whllo a large number of the voters in tho diiitrict are opposed to this hereby, will, therefore, bo defeated beyond a doubt should the Democrats present Itfvneoplo with a fit candidate, one b when elected, will not misrepre sent his constituents by pandering to the tastes of degraded white men and the negroes of other sections. There are a number of gentlemen in the district who would be orna mould to the State and who would properly represent the people; but chief among them we would suggest lion. ' Wm. P. Jenks, of Jefferson county, who, for two year past, has so ably represented bis constituents intheStato Legislature. Mr. Jcnku is an able advocate of our principles and would make an efficient Congress man. His reputation as an npright legislator is uninipoaehod and unim pcuchallu, and be possesses both tho ejiergy and ability to make a first thtHB Congressman. Ourprescnt mem bor has, for four years past, boon the representative of the negro bureau instead of the white people of this district; bonce the necessity of put ting a man in the field who would represent bis constituents ; and this, we have no doubt, Mr. Jenks would do. Whether be will allow his name to be used in this connection, we know not ; but we deem it due to the Democracy of the district to be cast ing about for a candidate, because our nominee will be elected this fall. ' i While Extermination, The Radical leaders are determined to ride the white laborer to death, in order to give their "colored breth ren" elbow room. The Rump Inst week passed two important bills; one to make eight hours a day' la bor, and the other to continue the negro bureau for another year in the Southern Slate. Thi is a double dose. Reducing the hours ol labor, and at tho lame time increasing the taxes, i certuinly an oppressive feature in political economy. This is not all. Through the wastefulness and prodigality of the party now in power, the money 0f the country is at a discount of for ty per cent. If iheso wise statesmen can, under these bankrupt symptoms, seduce tho white luboring men and farmer of this country to continue to follow them for the benefit of the sons of flam, we shall be very much of the country worthless, increasing taxation and at the same time redu cing the hour of labor, it not tho highway to bankruptcy and negro supremacy, our Ideas of thrift and buppioess must bo learned over again. m on of Loyal Ylfttr. Lewi Lindsey, a Virginia nigger, formerly a slave of John Minor Butts. and also a leading Virginia Radical, in a late speech before a nigger audi cute, define his position plainly" Thi fellow Lindsey was a leading member of the late-Virginia Constitu tionul Convention, and is now stump ing the state for the new Constitution. II o said : "I aa at rood ai to; man. boot tell no t ain't od ao equality with tnybody God antde. I want tho priviler of going to aea any white maa, of eating with him, of flarping with hin and. ll I cbonee to, why ihouldn t I marry hit danghter." o " "Before any of my ohlldron ahnild inner for food, the itroeti or Kicbmond hell run knee deep la blood. 1 1 hank Hod that the aegroe. hare lean ed to bh g una, pittolt, iwordi aad ramroda ." This nigger is one of the "loyal mil lions" that the Radical bummer so often refer -lo in their speeches. Lewis i a kind of a brimstone orator, and would make a good associate for the Radical loaderoflhia county Swoope. We would not be surprised if the "loy al" County Committeo would employ thi celebrated Virginia loyalist to stump this county for Grant and hi bummer this full. The PilUburg Commercial wys: Mr. Alfred Lee, a colored ircnilcmen of Georgetown, D. C, wiu rloparurd mi ma a low cinys since, lott tMreo hundred thousand dollar to bo divi ded among hi relative. The wealth was the lvsult of honest trade in tho flour business. After such an evidence of wealth on tho part of a colored man, considering that money Is tho gange of respectability by many who decry tho negro,the arguinentagninst iin;ir inpauuiues to iransaci ousiness and amass money should cease. - - How many more "colored gentle men can be pointed to, out of the millions, who show similar thrift? This is only an exception to the rulo; and yet how dolightod the equality- lie are. A glaring Radical contradiction Is that which in one brenlh represents tho negroes of the South as intelli gent, industrious, thrifty, enterpri sing, economical, puaceful, und all that, and in the next pleads for twelve million of dollars from th public treasury to maintain the operation of the Freedmen' Utireuu, and as many million more lo sunnorl a standing army to keop these aame peaceful (?) negroes in order. "The Smelling Committee" is the title of a new caricature in which the impeachment ia represented as the carcass of a dead horse, and the man ager are gathered around hnMinr, .Ubeircpfw rVealdrnt Johnson on Thumday last vetoed bat i le-med the negro om nlhuabill.admlttlngtbeSlatesofNortb Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, LouUiana, A'hma and Florida, (.Sutes never out of tho Ubion) into tho Union. The bill was of con rue passed over ho veto, as all other bad laws are, by the Rump, and those Stale are therefore- in tho Union, ao. cording to loyal tatosnianship. The message reads as follows : ' To the House of Represent alien : In returning to the llouso of Rep resentatives, in which it originutod a bill entitled "An act to admit the Slates of 'orth Carolina, South Car olina, Ixuislnna, Georgia, Alabama and Florida, to rcprcsonuttion in Con gress," I do not deem it necessary to slato at length the reusons which constrain n;o to withhold my appiov al I will not, thcreforo, undci uke at this time to re open tho discussion upon tho grave constitutional ques tions involved in the act of March i, 18G7, and the acts supplementary thereto, in pursuance of which it is claimed in the proa in bio of this bill these States have framed and adopted constitutions of Sluto government, nor will 1 repeat tho objections con tained in my messngo of ilie 2;Jtb iiint., returning without my signature the bill to jdmil to representation the Stale of Arkansas, and which are equally applicable to tho pending meas ure LiLso that recently passed in reference to Arkansas, this bill super sedes the pluin and simple mode pre sented by tho Constitution for the ad mssion to seats in tho respective houses of Senator and Rep rose nlu tive from the sovorul States. , It ussutnesauthorily over the Statu of the Union which ha never boon delegated to Congro, or even , war ranted by proviou constitutional le gislation upon the subject of restora tion. It propose conditions which are in derogation of the equal right of the States, and is founded upon a theory which is subversive of the fun damental principles of the government. In tho case of Alabama, it violates the plighted faith of Congress by for cing upon that State a Constitution which wa rejected by the people, ac cording to the express term of an act of Congress, requiring that a ma jority of tne registered elector shall vote upon the question of its ratifica tion. For these, and many other ob jection that might be presented, I cannot approve this bill, and therefore return it for the action of Congress required in such case by the Federal Constitution. ' ANDREW JOHNSON. The Vate or 1'lrfinla. Virginia was in tho Union, under tho Wheeling and Alexandria Consti tutions, during the wholo of tho war. She had the full organization and ma chinery of a Stato. tdie was represent ed in both House of Congress, and recognized by every department of the Government as a State in the Union. West Virginia, which wa W .1 W , "ll tk . ...,ull M Cut., by- ir,m uf tier poverulgu assent as a State, nndcrtho Wheeling Constitution. It follow either that Virginia is now a State in tho Union or West Virginia is not. Congress ha decided, by including Virginia in tho reconstruction acts, that sho is not a State in the Union ; and Con gress yet suffers the Senator and Kenresentatives from West Virginia to keep their seal in bolh brunches ol lliat body I What a furco this wholo thing is Congress play with Stales as a child plays with rallies. It may bo that the eye of the country will yet be opened to tho iniauilv and fraud that have been practiced in tho case of irginiu. We were told that if wo would assent to the Alexandria Con slituiion, and recognize, the govern, mcnt created by it, und officer elec tod under it, we should bo rccogniaod as part and parcel of tho Union. Wo did so; and almost in tho twinkling of an eye Congress blotted 'tho State out of the Union in order to bring nor under tho auspices of tho nccrocs, This is good faith, and this is Radical statesmanship ! When they find that tncy cannot cram negro supremacy down our throats, they may full bat k cpou the Alexandria government. Jt should be borne in mind that the case of Virginia is peculiar and unlike that or any her sistor Stales in the South. There bus been an iniouitv in her case that has not been practiced in any other. Jitchmond Whig, The Philadelphia Pms aars: "The political condition of Pennsylvania is ueuor than at any period since Lin coin's re election. There' no doubt of that. The political comnlcxion of too iveyeione dialo was never more healthy than at the presont. From the Delaware to tho Ulno ana the Lakes thero como to u but cheerful tidings m regard to the condition of tne Democracy. Jt is everywhere wiuo awaKe and pressing curncsi v tho completion of its organization and dioipline. Nothing has boon left undone to insure honorable success. and thero is no more doubt that Penn sylvania will record her vote for the Dcmocrutic nominee than thut Grant ha not brain enough to mature "policy." - Mr Rhoda Rorg, a widow of seven ty six years of ago, died in Chelsea, Massachusetts, a ft.w daysainco, from Iho effect of a slight scratch made upon her hand by a tamo rabbit. At first nothing wasthonghlof iho matter as tho skin wa aearcely broken and no blood wa drawn A short time afterward sho suffered excruciating pnin, and continuod to do so until the skin burst, and death ensned ten day after the occurrence. It is supposed that lorao poisonou matter had at- weneo. iwcit to the rabbit clawa, and tiiu found it way into th system of A rery common cxproion with moderate. Republicans now a day i f ' VV o aro anxioUHly waitinp; to oe who the DomocraM will nominate. If they put up a flood man with a policy of his own, and sufficient brain to eive it expronsioD, be 'hall bave our ap. port." 4 I.iwkIh- Urtnith of IA teMorriif. How grandly llie great old IVmo cralie parly is looming up iic mora In all it wonted maj'iit' propi tious it hue risen from U Bleep of el h t years, and in the M'it of the people demand that iU principle shall again control this Government of ours. And thi demand will l intisl b respoo led. Radical may howl with indig nation,' ami from their! filthy toro house bespatter it with such slang phrases a "Copperhead," "cx reb els," etc., but tliesti expletive have lost their force. The peoplo under stand thoir import fully, and laugh at the use of them. If Radical journals would convince the masse that the salvation of the country does not do pnnd upon the overthrow of their pnr ty, thoy must present stronger argu ments thnn those offered by thorn. Tho day for such baltlordash baa pas sed. The peoplo aro not fools. They are pationt forbearing, but they are wise. They may bo deceived for a period, but not always. They have been most egrcgiously deceived and betrayed dining the last eight year. They will be o no longer. The day of retribution has at last como; and, recognizing in the Democratic party their only hope of escape from the ruin that "impends, thoy aro flocking lo its standards ly thousands enlist ing under its banners, swelling its ranks, adopting its timo-honorcd prin ciples, and prepared to mareh with it to triumphant victory next fall. Welcoino, ' friends! welcome! Yon come at a most opportuno moment. Your country needs your services; and in no posit'on can you o truly crve your country as in the ranks of the great party of the peoplo. For almost eighty years it held tho rein of the government, and during that long period tho nation' history wa ono of unexampled prosperity. We were the envy and admiratios of tho entire world. In an evil hour Radicalism obtained the ascendancy, and to what has it brought us f 1 It has usurpod tho powers of the Government-; it ha prostituted the Constitution to the basest of party purposes H has enact ed and enforced tyranical and uncon stitutioi al laws; it has burdened us with a debt euch as rents upon the shoulder of no other people; it tins imposed upon ui taxes that are crush ing out tho very life of busineas in a word, it has violatod every principle of a free government, and every prin ciple of a free government demands that thi party of destruction shall be destroyed. The hour for tho com mencement of thi great work ha ar rived. The Democratic party, in the full pnido of its strength and majesty, has undertaken it; and depend upon it it will bo done quickly and well. Before high heaven the oath hus been recorded, and tho obligations of that oath will be fulfilled to tho letter. "It ns have peace," crie Grant, the "no-policy" candidate. Ay I let u have peace ; but not such peace as Radicalism propose. What the conn try wants, and will have, is Democrat ic peace pence that issues prosperity, perpetuity of otlr glorious institutions maintenance of the Constitution and ------ .--I- i i, uiuntrullstlUie or military despoiiams the destruc tion of tyrannies. These old-timed blessing, Radicalism, with Grant at its head, can never bring as. They are opposed to it very nature. The Radical party, at the Chicago Convention, invoked the aid of a now eloment in the community in order to ecure, if possible, the election of Grant and Colfax. ! At tho close of the Convention a eong was sung, the chorus or which is in tho following words. Then rally arin. then rally aa', W ilh the eiildier, the aaikir aad tnmwur ) . We'll tj(ht H out hero on the old teion ids, 'o odde if It Ukea tu all minnier, . Whether the "bummer" will bring much strength lo that party which Senator Wilson declared is built on "Tho Rock of Ages," remain to bo seen. Ono thing, however, is proven by the action of tho Chicago Conven tion, in this particular, and that is, that no instrument aro too dirty for thoir uso, if they promise votes at the coming election. Age. A short time since a canvas of Bear Crock, tp., Luzerno county, wa made and but o.-.e Radical wot found in it. lie offered to movo out, and Icavft tho township unnnimously Democratic, for $0. Thi wa a pretty high price for such stock, but the Dem ocrats raised the money and ho left, leaving tho township unanimous ly Democratic The last beard from him he wa trying to negotialo with hi old neighbors for permission to return on condition that ho will vote the Democratic ticket. It it uid that Treaidont Johnson ha had an elaborate proclamation of ecneral amnonty drawn up by Mr. Kvart. Mr. Gromhw, Jn-lyo Cnrti and Jtidi;e CuHhin". which b hH conidorcd nd will isnuc on the Fourth of July. JIo btdievca it will be con udoroJ in all future tirao aa the maq. u munii ui iiieoutn ana a token of mutrnanitnity of llie Government o,l the Xorihero mnsaca. . . There is almost univcranl of dulliieH in biminot.. Merchant manulitcturor and work inrr mon im alikeaufferingfrotn stafrriHiion in tradf, and yet Con2rrs on Fridiiy tiaosod the Frocdmcn's Iliiroan which twelve million n.oro will bo a'd.Imt tr. our national debt. Rcmombcr this, eitir.on, who compluin of dull lime anu lngii prices. Thi Last Act. Ropublii imiam t now playing It farewell engacmont. This is po.itivolr it lnat fllltuiUMnnA hoforo tho American people. And tho closing act, like that of other tnon Rerioa, will be I grand ring perform ance of a monkey on a pony, with a tumbler ofwhiitkv in ono timid aiwl . star-bangled banner in the other. It i said that both Grant and Col fax considor their chance of election entirely too slim to wan-ant their rc ignation, and they havo concluded to hold on to what they have. The "whirikev rinf" ao murk an nounced at the preitcnt timo isn't Jjippoted to be the ono that Grant, Tate, and Chandler belong to. Th ta llcai. .14, oa !- lay, low t, !, IW'ttetlee. (..rennaf, V the Re. J. tl. A" . Mr. W ILt-IAM MOhAt. JJioeMARf K II I. IK, bold of tlrha lowatl ia. t'learfie'4 Pa the l.llh of Jan,lH(,tyoe , Keo, , Mr. M11.T0S IIAMfTOSJ and Mlee KAXCt COt'tTt M but of Hilr4 townehip. On the h of Jaoe, IM, by Bee, June Ctsanr, Mr, OKOIHIE W. KOLDKft 4 Miei SOPHIA K. OOOPI.AKDF.Bi both of Brady townehip, Clcaineld eoonly. In BorU township , on tho th of May, t"9, AflXI. WCKI'Jf'Otf.ln the SOIb year of hii He. . DAVID YOUNG, , STONE-CUTTEK AND MASON, , P.O. Box US, Clearfield, Pa. , -8p-ial attention paid to PrtMinr 8tont nd Siinenntrndini- Join. All kin.ll of Mnnonry d,.ti. in tho molt workmanlike manner. Order! eolicilrd, aad ooolrecu ukea la any part of the oounty. Jyr- XyOTICI-Pmnowliwill be reoelred by His Kchofll Hoard of Knot townthin. np to the 26ih day of July Beit, at 2 nVWk, I'. M., for the building of a new PCI1001, IIOl'SK, near Cow Kan, ia laid townehip. Plana aad peeiAeationa an be aeon at the othoe or 11. J. hloy, f.eq., in New Millport, Pa. The contractor t fiirnih all the mltrnaj. Proposal t rw-elred St the President or Heorotarr. ' LKWIH KKUAKD, Pin t. II. J. Hwi'PY, See'y, JyJ-Jt AOMIN IM I K Ai'Olt'M MOTH Notiee it hereby ttiron that lettere of administration ou the eetato of IIUNHY il. KwkAL, docred, late of Itiaham Tp., Clearfield Co., Pa., having been duly granted to the andcraiirned, all pereoni indebted to aaid eetate will pleaae make payment, and tuoaa beviug elaiuie or demands will preaent tlietn properly authenticated for eettlement and allowance without dley. .. n. p. seiiooNOVKB. Jvlol ilK.SU V UAMLIN, Adm'ra. X The partnerrhtp heretofore etirtinjr between J. P. Kteirter nd K. H Keller, aader tho name of KIKI.N'bH t Ktl.l.KH. il thi. day diieolrod by mutual ooneent. All debit due the Srin will bo paid to J. t. H lei tier, by whom all dehti of the Irta will bo paid. Xhe bueineoe will bo eontrnaed by J. V. tleiuor. J. V. STEINF.K, . K. it. KK I.I. Ell. SMner'e Mill, Jane , 18S. Jy t. It T 1ST Ol' 1.1 -TTKHM reuainiof oncl.ira-d J J In the fort Ottloe at ueaxneld, 1'a., ou the let of July, ISM: ' Cooaey. Mary, . , , Mountain, John, Connrll, Jainea, McCauley, J. T-, Oammaek, J. 11., Place, Eliia, paley, P. C, ' Robiuaua, Joteph, Eaioa, IIIh Hellca, Hobraun. P. t., Farley, A. ()., Kayuuldi, Mim Elita, ' ifibuev, M tin Amanda, Peely, C. J., Esq., Oihlnoy, U. F 1 Ktllea, W. 8, . Oilaett, Perry, Plorer. Peter, Hoover, W. VV.t Vauuoruian. M. C 5 1ewt, Franklin, Vanoriner, Mre. Annie B Mathewe. L. II., Williaaja, Re. I. R., JSPoraoaa rallinr for any of tho a bore letters will pleaao fay they are edrerferi. It P. A OAUrjX, P. M. Horses, Wagons, &c, FOR RALE! . rTriE ratxertber will eel at prirato aate the fol- lowint proportr, via: One HOlthK, (enitablo for ettb'9 earrlatrs or draujrht-, I one K,d two-horm n AtJO.N, one fal-lin(-tup Pt'liOT, two-t or workitif II A K NESS, aad Iwoaetof Bogly HAKXESS. A liberal cred it will be ffireo. Uood aernrity will be reonirod. J. ti. Ft llltYV tit. T-awroriro tp., June 4ttpd, . 10. tLCRT BMlt 1LSIKT. W, ALBERT. W. ALBERT &'BR.OS., . Mannfactareri A oxteaei re Dealers la Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c., WOODLAND, PEXK'A. XtT"Ordcra solieiled. Bills tiled aa short Dotioe and reaaonahle terms. WMaM P. O., Otr,1li.ld Co., Pe . ALIIMll A l! Ill IS. EXCHANGE HOTEL, HL'KTIMUDOK. PA. nPHIS old aetabllsbmaat heU b X hy J. HOHKISON, formerly proprietor of me - .nomeon iinuee. " Bat tieen thorour hi? tea. orated and refuraished. and eunnlied wlib all the avodera rmproTemanU and enaranleaeot a a. otsary to Iret elsts Hotel. Tne diolnt; room baa been remored lo the tret loor, and is now enaeioos ana airy. The ehaaben art well Tea. tilated. ard the proprietor will endearor to make bie rneeu perfectly at bene. J" J. MORRISOX, Proprietor. EDUCATION! THE pahlie are DMilled that tbe Fasnmer Ore. aion of the frSUIKUANNA bKLKCT Si.'IIOOL will oommenoe oa Moudav. Jnlv ?n, Ihf.H. The Seliool It in the basement of lha MeUimtiti Chareh, In Rell town.bip, cir,HiCMj w,nntT. Pa., and it rapaMe of oenmmodatin a larre Damhar of pupils. The situation it Trry desirable being thrre milit north of Burntidr, and lonr miles eorth-eel from Nrw Wahintlon, and in a eoat- ually or aaataal moral hahita. - Tl'ITIOSf. (Per Session -of eleven woekt.) For Common hrannhet ..M 00 For Alrrlira, HoomHry, Plane Triffnnome try, Menanratioa, Hiirveyine:, FhihtMphy, . .,,.,,,, y, itnemrit. I.1.II9, I'liTsical Oe,(rra,liy, and Phrnnfrraphy, one or all of the altera, per tession Q Boardmf , per woek..........,..... og Any farther Infnrmalloa ean be nbtairmd by addreasiua; tho Principal, J ia 8. i-itiT, at Cuth P. 0 , ClearM ) cotrntr. Pa. rOMMITTKB OF ARRANGEMENT. Cuth, Pa., Juna IS, 1.108-St NEW STORE IN CLEARFIELD. iti;i:i co.t IUth Just ojwntd nrw itoek f I'orvifn tod Itomettio Dry Goods Hoslcrj, Xotlons, rnarmxadc,. dc, Whleh they are aelliag CHEAP F OR C A 8 II. VCALL AXDSEE US!-&. ' 4ot below I be Pest 0ce, ' ,v ' . . ; i i Jl ClKARFUan. PA. '. r,f . A NEVVJOOK," THE COTTAGE CYCLOPEDIA; HISTORY ANDItlOGRArilY A S'V'"m T,,'"0"IM' WeworaMo Pei,r,., J. Krente, Planes and Thinca, with nntiues of the pmeent ttato of the principaj eountrie. and na tions of th. known Woild, end t rbTOneio-tml view of American Ulster, be l''(liii M ""' JtHlN HUSLAVY Clearl-IJ, p., Jne jg, 4t. Cnfon JlTus-Woolon laclory. INION TP, CI.EAIIF1EL0 CO., PA. fpilE ondersiRned baring purrhaerd an Interest JL In the t'nion MiPs.are pirpand tneard wool inannfactnre and nish Cloth, arid da all ha. r work In this line on short lotion, in workmanlike manner, and oa reasonable tirma. Th.. Lr manulacturu - - " ' J -V Flour, Feed and Lumbor, Which will ba told at the least eath rate. Wool Intended for eardlnf rata be left at the ttore al R. Mrs-eon ae J. I', brain t. l l ... i where they will xit It and return ll on Salurdvr of eaeb week, loiters of Inquiry addressed to .i, at Knrktfln p. 0. will rrreiive prompt attention. ; , " K- ARNOLD, lloektoa, June Id, IKH lj. nOlWF.KFF.IMF.Blt-. Cu, a... m7j by buy lea thtir brooms, bueh.ia i.h wa.uooarat, eioinet pint, Molllnf pin-, knife boiat, coffee mills, koklnir, elnek., ! p.lla, bed aarda. baskata, hotter bow la, wiadow thadta, latarat, ejarpttt, mtttlnf. ollolotht, Aa. . , r.ERAiru?t i lr flrn;iinr(r.If!. s1Itr.1T IIAKCMIN1UCIIAK SOoj Jew More In Mulsonburg! ta the room fe rmatlf e-iip,e, ry t. T. tlrljr. L7M. COUTRIET FIIAKES Ihle method of Infnrmint; the eltlteoi X of t'oiloelun, karthaas, Uiratd and the tur. roundinr eoimtrr that he has Jott opened a larpt tloek of Rt'M M FR HOOPS, whirh be It deter mined t tell ly.S rtK i;NT OIEAPKR thai tho aame quality of ean be purrbkted for IB any other ttore ia the neighborhood. II is nock consists of Dry Goods of all Kinds, finch at rtatlnetit, Cassimtrrt, Mutliot. Delainei, Linen, prllllngii, Callonet, Trimmiojs, Kibbuns, I.aoe, KEaDY-MADB clothing. BOOTS i bUuES, UATS & CAI'-S, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee,' Tra, ftujrsr, R !(, Mo) mm, Fiib, Fait, Unmm& Oil. Fib Oil. Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware. Tinware. CulingKy Plow- ftiij Plow CtUnzf, NaiU, Kpikci, Cora Cul(tvtirii, Cuirr Pr-tt, and all Modi ol Aim, "VLMy Ptuw are of tkm Curwenivillt an4 Ontre eountj make, aod ara warruoud tu b of good qttaltty. Drugs and Medicines, Parfaasary, Paintt, Varnish, (J leas, aad a general assortment of htbliouery, ' GOOD F LOU It, Of diflfereat brands, always on band, aad will be aoid at (ba lowest potaibl igurtl. Boch at BRANDY, MINE, GIN A WllISKV. il)0( pounds of Wool waiitad for which the highest prioe will be paid. 15fi Call and eeefw yourtelvea. You will Hod orervtbinf asaally kept in a retail ttore. h. H. COLT-JET-Fraoebrilkt P. 0, June IH, lftis-oia pdT . . Cor. Eoooad (L and Hill Itoad. R. MITCHELL' TTAS Just rereired and opened, at the abort X named place, en entire new ttnek of Ht'M- ,ed pll IPS, i MKK U'miDS, which he will aell VERT CllEAP FOR CASH, llis stuck ooniiiia of Dry Goods, CJroeerlos, nARDWABE.QCEENSWABE, Boott and Khoae. Halt and Caps, Ready-Hade Clothing, ato. He also keeps cboica FLOUR, COny MEAT, FEED, Chop, Bacon. and Dried MruilM. Pertont detlrimt of pnrcha.lnr roods at ratet are rerpetfiuily r queried to (tiro him a nail. wAppruved c-jnntry prodace will ba taken, at the highest prters, in e&t hange f(r (oodt. CkrarfU-ld, June 1. lM.f H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AXD WATCH MAKER. TOST OFFICEiiS:icLEABriElD rpilB sob-criher rerperttnlly informs bit old 1 patrons and the utile aenerally. tbat be hasea band, (aad ia eonsiaaily reeei.iog nt addilioni thereto,; a largt atock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. ktep Jewelry ia all lit fonaa aad of aiiarant valuta, either ay the pier or set. WATCHES A fall aaert.aat of either Oeli or Hleer, made by the best Aweridaa and fcr tlKn manufeoiureri, Including a lino lol vfgold and til ear huaUtig ease, lull jeweled, Patent LoTora. CL0CK8-0f aB doHrr,e. oatietlng of elebt d.y and thirtr-hour, f s.tlier weijbt, turu,f or Icrert, and both ttrikt and alarm. REPAIRIS0.-A11 kind, of Watchei and Clocks Reptited, and Wsrranted. In addition what 1 h.rt ettnmara.ted I keen full aeeortmentof bPEvrACI-KS. colmd an plain glatt. lto, OOl.b PF..NS and I'KXCWS. SPOONS, FOUK, BITtTKR KNIVES, and la faet everything in ibe Jewelrt line. If t f.ll to hart aa hand jest what a eattomer mar acid, I will order per Crtl express, without eaira charge. A liberal. bare of public patronage it nliriled Jla 7, IsdS-y h. P N Al'OLE. It. HOISINOX & CO., PORK PACKERS, .. a.Vl I.fcrry f., rillsbwrsh, Dirt on hand a larre tloek ol Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAI.V AND FCOAB CrEED UAiSH, Meat Pork, Pried Beef, and Leaf Lord, all of our owa Pockiiig. Cunng and 8 molting. Lard Oil, Flour, Cheese, Dried Applea and Peaches, With a general assortment of Groceries, at the .?wj"rt P inn IK.'ISH.Iy pd. Spring Goods. Sprlne Goods. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., . 7T CheatDut Ktrept, PRlLAPKLf 0IA, ' Hare just opsned, and offer at ro ruLAx.rni ces: - SITING CHIXTZKS,, ' PPUIXG GINGHAMS, ! SITING DELALNES, SriUXG VALENCIES, ' , PIMHXG ALPACAS, AND : TOPLINS FOR SUITS. R1CKKY. SUA HP & CO.. , T'il ( lireinut MrH, j nil LAD EL nu A. f:7.,! Di:AH1W.SS. BUN IiNK; s i CAtT h R 11 ! treated with the utmost eueonsa by Ilr. J. I.AAt'S, M. !.. and Protra.or nf i,;u t u.1 ' r..e ao,i in tne Mnlieal Tollerje of Prnnsyl. vanla. It eipcrirnee. (InrmerlT nf LenU-n Ilollanil.) No. 80s Arch StrwU PhllV Testi- i ne airnieai .111. B ' B in, in, m M,.m..aM .k.i. . ; haa tin teerets la his ir.-re.sir.n. ArtiArlal eyet ineertid without atn. , JVo cbarre for e amination. , JelS-ly. DI-Ol.r.'TIO OF PART t RMI1P Notiee is ketehy fi.en that tha p-rln-mhip h.retofore riKting l-tween James Mr VurniT .n,( John Kime.undr-r the firm name of McMl hlUY A K1MK. was dirsolred brrantnal onnsent on the let d.y of May. IM.&. Killiotof tho luto Brm will attend to the teUlinf of the books. Mr-All thoaa harlne unsettled aewuntt will, id firm will pleaao oull Immediately and aettla the nine. Jas. M. MI HKAV. John kime. Iturnsido, June T. loo, jelMt A1TMH. ne.l-lM, Ibt of Wool 1 warned, for whieb Uia kicbatt m.rket ri win ba paid-by i. r. "ATrtk. PFAlfP. if; rOBElON & rOMKSTIO GOOD MTRI.INS ui fViin In,AlNM nl y-l.a(lrrq COP.UH0.S nl rnli.n t. ALTACA3 nl ciiet a. Juit rrolTJ t M'ISiW OIXOItAMS CHINTZ l'KIXTS 0 l-OV CitAVATS SHAWM BONNETS CtH.OUEH 1 MUSLINS I al at at t at at al Pfnantion Kent. I inn Pfn.ation tM-nsatien 8ntalion y al iiO.'j SfDiation j,, fienialion At Kentitioo ft, All to b bad at UaSSOPS MNFN l rHnation (,,, CKA.Sll t cM-nialirtn CUUTAIN3 l entalion y rAHLr..(.LUJ lis ni nemsaiion , riUNOE at at at at otirsMion . l MO.S:0?: formation y. LACK HOSIERY RIBBONS . TlilMMINOS ol all kind 4 i)ltaallO0 prJ senaauoo y. at Senaalioo in anv fiUMtl t V Aletavaon ljanJ at MOSSOf-- CAS'IMKRKri at fiATI'l N El'S at TWEEDS l JEANS at VhSTINOS at SUlKTlNCsS at r-entalion Rtiaiion KeinaaUoa Srtwalion St'tisalioo bttnaatmn al MOSSOP: CI.0TII1KO aucbl aa Ccait, Panti, VeaiU, Under Hbirta, at laDtation Flannel KUiru, Boot. Sliosta, (lata and C'apa, Sua for aale at MOiiSOP: HARDWARE tutb an Satsa.nn.ila fork a, K lies, Kiukea, Uingea, LIQUORS, aooh aa Wiiie, liranjy, (i in. W ti iakcjr. Ootrnac, etc, etc., FRUITS, jcb aa Prunew. Raiaina, Figa, Filberu, Ac. fiROCEHlES. aay Flour, llama, Slioultlatt, feu'ar, Mnlaaa'W, Cotlre, Tea, Crackers, Sjiio?. Candle, Coal Oil, etc, etc. al aeneation pr at MO&iS'.O: at aonaatioo at acotauoa at MOSSOIN at aoaat!oo Alwaye at M0SS0P5 BLACKING at ten.ation ft ii'jtr.i ai arntaiion pri at afnralion f "llul at afnuuiun y. Lr.AL' ut aenialKn f CATS ' at af iiMttion i,' Attha aforaofRlCUARD Al'JSSo! MObSOP Alwtiva I:rj-. on hr-nj t a.Miiluient of ail kitiJa of g juJts rcqu. iho ac'omT'fHlatirt! of tlie ra'-'le. Jo y J, If GREAT FENIAN RAI Philadelphia in an Uproar. T1IAD. STEVE.NS FIUGTITES Smith Found Alive 1 ATOT CarL Job a Fmlih. nor ftiiib tit plorer, hat W. f M IT II PAM Just returned from I'hiladrlnhia with a will telectad ttoek of 6PRl.Nl! nj uuuu-i.a part of ahirh ara Dry Goods I Dress Goods MEN AND BOTS READY-MADE CI)TniXf, BOOTS Ajn sllOICO, HATS, CAPS, XOTIOXS, 4c, . -AUW Cofbe, Te3, Sugar, Uo!as?os, S, iiour, Baoon, Fish, Spices, Crackers and Vinegar, Albis St., re I ml', ts-1 of Ksrttut (C'.etri w unty, rt.,)alltif whirh be is tr'line .1 r4. prieet, lie also beep. uDtanlly en hs awvi euptiy of LIQVOKS "Id Ha. Bni Uia and Wine and ail of Oit beat br.mli. Hicbeet oiarhrt print paid for all kit lb. uhUo art solicited ta (ire kill t a i.o coarse tnaae lor showing joods. W. KMITFI rAXEET hartbnus Tp, Junt M, 1SS ,m-p. w tan ar.. .....a a. Tt',n.. TEN EYCK & THOMPSC CT IiWEXSVILLE, PA I TA Irl 1 Just reoelred from Jfew Torken X A. larKett aad boat aaleoted swxtt '"'. are now read? to oO.r ih. ui oia rartoer.. fto whom wa retwra thaaki pan larori,) and tut aniiM of lha oouaty r' riany, ai Prices that will B-ender Satisfactis fire as a eall before purchasing elrawbers, M uiereoy tart rrom I to ?Oprr eeol oa joorr.e Oar ttoek consists of a (real rartety, eurh at DRY GOODS, XOTIOX? CLOTniXfl, GROCERIES, It ACDWALM QVEEXS WA HE, FA IX T$, OIL DBl'Cft, FRl'IT OF Alt K.IX1M. Fish. tlt, Lealher, he. Flndinrt, BOOT? ' Mitifcs ( eat t era and hots asada) In reat VTmn a antra.! IISWA (Mil R, Ao., Ae. ins kick Tnosrsw Itariaa re aatoriatrd II. II. Thatoiwener Jt la tht there trace, I detira all reri debied to me, by Kete or ilook aotount, u muu seiut toe tamo wtinout delay. M. TKS ETCS Corw.nsTilla, May, T, ISdS-tf, , The Lighlninq Tamer. rPllR underlCned are Iba sole Ar.ats I. ik" 1 ronntr for lha K,..,t, s..i... ,i.i...,m XUI.M..J l,.ll,S." T.i.e are tleotli r-H,. rw in use, nrd are end.,,., J ly til set. anile mra n ,(,,,. ,,r. Ih. lot 11 1 eeKV nr,rt Ih. .1, - e umii- we.. ut I , cm op K le-tter ,d. ai d I" . . ..... , ,,w,,b u V money, tl, am it rhirred be the forfifl reata wha anna Jly traterea Ibe ooaaty s" v.rry uu ur ,U, ntan, EXCOUKAGH HOME LABOR Thoeo wi.blnr T;',mi tlJ. t Iheir building, need but ut by letter rail In pernn. will pt,t them t,p .orate" In thaoouaty, aad wanant ihom. Tna !!!' nturet c.n ba teen at any time by e.lli oarttor,. kiKtiKKLL A BK1LKR. Clearfield, June II, IVS t 4 "IM'tTR (IDH'M XOTICI i V hereby (leea. tb.t leuere rf Allmlelll' tiuu on tha vttaM f i ,HN 81.0SS, deeetsel. iie at emit lawuthip, Cloa.fleld enuuif. kseing been duly (rauted to tht onds'iia'"' all peranna Indebted to said relate will pls a-ake parm.nt. and tbot. harit olaima or deinaodt will preaeat tbem propsnl airennrairo lor without dela. Jll-t:pd UKOKUR tiLOAft, Ad 1 It fftt Lbt, Of W ool Wanted ai lie AU,WF KEVSTCSI STObI, uoall, 4t, Clear. Id 11.