Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 25, 1868, Image 4

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r - " w rxim.
Terms of Subscription.
t' p'i I I" 'li.ii'f.or ailliin three month. .. 5 M
If pi.l eflr tlirr tn I lii.mtl.t t St
It faij .ifter Ihe lipm'ii'l of HI month... I
l!r. T. H. Vil.tnv, our fi.remnn. It aulhnriied
te riB.fli tor monet p."t 'nl,t ,n OB account
f ni.'ription, a-liei'isiug. h-h wmk, A., in our
AUWenoc. UKO. H. U(J0l'I.AMKll,
Kilitor nni I'roprielor.
'i i'l'RMKAV::
::Jiiiio Itf. INU8.
J. (i. Sihryver oflVrs it viiIiih
loro, nine wnpon nnd other
jrrpetly , fr nle. See adrerlisemont.
Yorn TirKFT8.--Tlie tickets fortho
IYiinury Election will bo rendy by
Saturday. Ciintlidutea and Commit
ten mpn will please call and get them
and so t lint they are- delivered to
the proper persons.
A. IV. Walter, Enq., hits our thanks
lor f'tiniii-hinf; us with a copy of the
cuit proceedings. AI. has the bot
tom to mako a pood lawyer, and we
think that a little age and experience,
will fetch him out.
Look Hkrr! It will be notiood
lxewhere that the borough "dads"
are opposed (like other people) to
feeding horses and hogs and milking
cows on the ' pavement, and dtbire to
break op this popular habit. Bead
their card.
Ice Cream and tbawberries.
There will be an lee Cream and Straw,
berry Festival, at Mrs. Dr. Hilts', on
this (Thursday) evening; the pro
reed iobe for the benefit of tho Meth
odist and Presbyterian Churches.
Come one ! Come all ! 1
Apjournld .Sale. We are reques
ted to state that the sale of the real
estate of Mr. C. J. Shoff, which was
to have taken place on the sixteenth,
at CIeitrfie!d, has been postponed un
til the eighteenth day of July, next,
when the property will be soid in Pu
seyville. Phi mart Election. Elsewhere will
be found the .Rules and Regulations
governing the Democratic party at
their primary election in this county,
as we!! as the suggestions of the Coun
,ly Committee, and the names of the
Vigilance Committees of the sevcrul
townships and boroughs.
A PCCCFRS. The Festival and "uir
Iield io this !;i(e lnt week for tiie'Jas
benefit of the Presbyterian Church,
proved a decided success. The mon
y collected amounted to nearly eigh
teen hundred dollars. After dodncting
expense, there will be a net profit of
about fourteen hundred dollars.
The Clearfield County Medical So
ciety will meet ta the Arbitration
rooms, in the Court House, on the
4th dtijof July 1 o'clock, p. m.
A penerBl attendance is expected, as
business of importance will be trans
acted, which concerns every mmher
of the Society. D. O. Citovcii, Prcs't.
J. P. Rl'HCH FTFT.n. Scc'v. It.
Matt. Facimtif.s. It is rather a re
mnrkablo fact that our Northern mail
now arrives here nearly as soon as
the Eastern, notwithstanding the for
merenmos from Ridgway forty mi'ei,
over hills and through almost impns
nM! mnd-holes, in a wason ; while
the latter comes from Tyrone, thirty
eic'it miles twenty-two by railroad.
Jnke. if yon don't wake up we will
get Hyatt to go after yon.
M nnr. IjWTritR. We understand
thfit W. W. Washburn and Jliles W.
Tate were last week both admit ied
to tho Har, and fully qualified to prac
tice in the several courts of this coun
ty. We were not there to see them
"milled tbrongh," lint learn that thev
bo-h passed a very creditable exsmi
nitinn. A lare nnenltivated field is be
fore them, which, with a littl? eneriry,
cm be made very productive. Atten
tion to business first, and leisnrc and
plensnre afterwards, will lead to pros
perity, influence and honor.
Jn pnrsnanc of a call r the Chair
mun. a mooting of the Soldier's Conn
tr Committee wa held at Clearfield
-m tHn Kith instant. There was a full
aMenrl unco.
Rrornf Hriir. Oen W. TV Hartshorn,
Cot. Wnlter Barrett. Tapt.. John S.
M-Ki"mri. dipt. M. O'den, Tient
"". I., narrett and Serjreant David
Tlnrk xrrre, appointed delegates to the
JNrw To"k Convention.
Ocn Hartshorn and Col. Barrett
were in ooinled delegates to represent
t" ol iiors of Clearfield county in
w 'hrr convention that may be
tcnllH or held in the Stato.
The following resolutions were
adopted :
. H"'rri That w . enldier. In tho U'r war
n1 itrnon" th "Mnn of n ttoft Into.
tr ir-'
to T 1
vT (,-irr
eVe. t '
.'ir I'"
OH til I1
''t sl Chirac . firrlrndinf to rpprfnt
r of tt rV!"-1 urnir, io s'trmpl
ii-o ii. 'n iSn fwvfi'nf inniirr rir 'i" of
:i.t Tll'f-ro .i Vi.v
Thnl w plfly the Tlrinor-.ol.
' - nrrtnrt nt thr nnminw r.f tti flnn
'""''ii which swarinhlMst Now York
i.f .Tn'T ti-T.
Fcvs ni the TttAiM. TJ-n. Ttnt
ler's tti inia for spoons, it is ni. has
nciie o crrent that he carries pew
tor ov.-t with iim to pnrties to put in
the t ;! '.t wbon he steals the silver
nnei. This is Ynnkeetriek worthy
the r ns of the Beast "or any other
Tho lion, n-tniel D. Prat,, of Lo-panT-rt.
Jt.diann, who his Wn nom-Innt-'-l
fir Conrress hr tho Ttpnhli-ear,-,
'.f iheEi-rhth Di-triet of that
St-it". i on of the largest mot in
Anf His beii;ht is nhnnt six feet
sit ' " and his weight about four
fitti. pound.
I The ,1n ne term of nnr Court ns
tii-ld liit week, but s more of an
aburiion limn tlher ise, only shout
three dajs' Work being doue, whilo
hniidivds of cases remain upon thr
IVxkels untried. Wo will certainly
ct'r soiiio of the aninisls ere long, if
there is not more executive ability
displayed and less expense piled on
tho peoplo by our servants. Three
days work for one week is not enough .
When jurors, parties and witnesses are
on tho ground, prepared to do a full
weck"s work, why not do it f The
transactions in tho Quarter Sessions
were of the usual character larceny,
fornication and bastardy, assault and
battery, with their com.-omitunls, of
no earthly use to tho public, but very
disgraceful lo those who engage in
such callings.
The case of John Flanigan, who
was indicted fdr tho murder of John
Casey, was taken up on Tursday, but
tho testimony on the part of the Com
monwealth was so weak that the caso
broke down the next day, tho ju
ry, under the direction of tho Court,
rendering a verdict of "not guilty"
without leaving the box.
J. H. Hilo was appointed Constable
of Lumber City, for the present year,
in room of Constable elect, who has
removed toPenn township
David C. Jlensel was appointed
Constable for Woodward township.
Jesso Ilutton was appointed a Su
pervisor for Lurnside township for
the present year, in accordance with
a petition.
Jackson Kinkhead was appointed
Supervisor for Beccaria township for
the present year, in room of Joaitih
Ilockenbury, he having removed out
of the township.
Petitions. For a public road in
Brady township, beginning at the pub
lic road at or near Henry Aurand's, to
inttrsoct the public road leading from
West Liberty to Troutvillo. Viewers
Uoswell Luther, J. J. Weaver, Amos
For a road in Boggs township, from
the mouth of Sanborn Bun to grist
mill of Thompson 4 Smith. Viewers
A. K. Wright, Tbos. Henderson,
W. D. Bigler.
For a bridge view in Burnsido town
ship. Viewers Daniel Brickley, Jas.
Savage, Tbos. MiGhee.
For a private road in Bell town
ship. Viewers J. D. Miller, Kit-hard
Ellis, S. F. McCloskey.
For a road in Girard township, from
Leconte's Mills to Gallows Harbor.
Viewers Charles Mignol.J. J. Pie.
For a review of the township roaj
from Osceola Mills to Philipsliurg,
with power to vacate and supply.
Viewer? -L. G. Lingle, S. C. Keller,
G. M. Brinbin.
To have a county bridge built across
Anderson Creek where the Ponuville
turnpike crosses tho Creek in the bor
ough of t'nrwetisville. Viewers
G. L Kocd, F. K. ArnolJ, Wm. U.
For review of road fnfln Daniel
Main's to Bald Hills. Viewtrs-J.
L. Cuttlo, W. T. MuCorklo, A. Liv
ingston. To tbango tho township lines bo
twecu Gofhen and Lawrence town
ship so as to iiicludo the property of
Ellis Irwin A Co., in the latter, j. L.
Cuttle, Wm. McBride, U. Kerns, were
appointed Commissioners to inquire
into the propriety of granting the
prayer of the jietition.
To vacate a portion of tho road in
Buggs township, viz : From a point
aliout GO rods north-east of tho old
Wilson School House, to the cross
roads at or near Hess' saw mill.
Viewers Jas. Mitchell, Wilson Hoo
ver, Jas. Shaw.
To view a road in Brady township,
from (ioorge A. Marshall's to intersect
public road at or near 11. Hartsl'elt's.
Viewers It. Luther, Henry Good
luniler, Wm. Sclmem, Sr.
To change the lino hot ween the
townships of Boggs and Bradford,
for school purposes. Commissioners
to inquire into the propriety of alter
ing said line J. H. Turner, Wm. D.
Bigler, Wilson Hoover.
For a road in Girard township, from
Knob road near John Newcoinh's, to
Clearfield and Kart hails road near A.
Irwin's farm. Viewers J. L. Cutlle,
Wm. T. McCorkle, A. Livingston.
Confirmed Ki Si To view a road
from Woodland, in Bradford township,
to the Bogjrs township line.
To view a road leading from pulc
lic road from Indiana county line, lo
public road near Iangdon's Mills, in
Burnsido township.
To view a roud from ' Centre Hill
School House," io Graham township,
to Cromotidalo and Morrisdulo road,
in Boggs township.'
To view a road leading from public
road at or near Michael Yingling's to
bridge on the Susquehanna river at
Langdon'a Mills, in Burnsido town
ship. Order reversed and cxtundud,
and made returnable at September
To view a road from the public road
near "Merrell'e field" to the Catholic
Cemetery, in Lawrence township.
The viewers to whom the report was
re committed to report as to damages
having amended their report, accord
ingly, i he same is now confirmed ni
ti aod tho width of the road fixed
mine as in former order.
To view and lay tint Fifth Street
in Ihe borough of Clearfield. Order
renewed and extended, and mado re
turnable on t he first day ol Septem
ber term, 18(1. and D. W. Moore is
appointed a viewer in room of R. Mos
stip, who declines toscrvo.
To view a road from bridge on Cur
ry's Bun, near the main forks, to the
Susquehanna River at Lewisvillo, in
Bell township.
Confirmed Ahsnhitf. To view arond
from tho bank of Moshannnn Creek,
opposite foot of Maple Street, in I'hil
ipsburg, to a point of intersection
with the public road from Philipaburg
to Osceola.
To view a road from forks of Top
lar Kiin, by tho way of Mr. Clark's,
to iniiH n t n. nour P Tlnilt'V Sutinn!
jHouse, in Peon township.
" loynf MtflMlnni fomr la
l.i l I.
In ihe 1'nite.l Slats Circa i I Court,
l'n hmoml, Chiel JnMh'e Clms pli.
iliMg, the rel inli-re-tinjj ene of the
Lojal Virginian and Tet Oath Isk
ers J. i I. Anderson, Collector; J II.
Patterson, Assessor; K. V. K.lsom
and A. J Gohlmiin, Inspector ; charg
ed with defrauding Ihe Government
out of .'.'iO,(iili) by Hgreeing, for the
sum of (Mt.imo to b paid annually,
to allow certain distillers on the South
side of tho James Kiver, the privilege
of shipping largo quantities fit spirits
distilled by them, without tho pay
ment of tho revenue tax; was conclu
ded on Monday last ; tho parties were
convicted and sentenced by Judge
Chase as follows :
Collector Anderson, two years' im
prisonment in tho penitentiary and
tl 0,()OCI tine. Assessor Patterson, two
rear' imprisonment and $"i,U0U tine.
Inspector 1'. I so in, two years' imprison
ment and (f."),000 lino. Goldman, one
years' imprisonment and 8:2,000 fine.
All of those "loir ofllcinls have numer
ous and highly reppcctablo friends,
who aro deeply chagrined at the ter
rible disgraco which has overtaken
them. Whiskey and loyalty is doso
enough to send any ono" to the peni
tentiary. II arrenfon (Va.) Sentinel.
(The CantlidatfS.
ftenator, 15 ; AmuiII.v,$U; 1'mthonnlary, $ 10 ;
Kcfrirlrr snd Itroonirr, SIO ; fomuiii.intior,$.' ;
S. urvevor, j : Auililor, 9 'A. Thm include. 6,000
lirketi caudiilale. Thuoewliu wi.h more,
will be oharpvil t2 per thiu.anil extra. Nu uaine
will be inverted, unless the cash aosumpanies the
TrE are atithorixed to announce the name of
V WILLIAM A. WAI.l.ACK, of Cleartield
borough, aa a candidate lor senator fnttjevl to.
the ssitioa ol the UcuiocratU' party at the I'nuiarjr
VTE are authorised to announce the name of
V TI10S. J. MeCt'l. LOI till, of Clearfield, a
a candidate for Assembly euiijeet to the action ul
ibe llemoermtie party at the pnmarr election.
J B are authorised to aiinounoa tha name of
Y AARON t. TAlt, of Uwreuoe township,
as a candidate for fnithouutary sulijnct to the
action of the Democratic party t the J'rimary
nr..iTl:K v Hi.t omii H.
-7 sre authorised tn announce the tiante of
V Joll.N h. II. kIKHNAX, of l.uh.h town
ship, a. a oandidate for hepifler and Hecordrr
.uh.iect to the ac'ion of the ltemocratic party at
the Primary election.
WF are authorised to announce the name of
DAVID HI 'IK, of Clearheld boroufrh, aa a can
didate for Regular and Recorder auliject to the
action of the ilemocratie party at the primary
W are authorised to announce the name nf
J. B. rllAW.of Lawrence lawn. hip, aa a candi
date for Itegi.lcr and Recorder subject to the
action of the Democratic party at the Primary
WE are authorised to announce the name of A.
W. I.KR, of llecuaria tuwii.hip.a. a taudilntc fur
ltepi.ler A iteeorder .ul'it-rt to the action of
the Democratic parly at the Primary electiou.
We are anthnrirrd to announce the name nf
PETF-ll l.Ol NSIil llliY. of llra.irord township,
a. a caiiihilau! (or Kegi.ter A l',ecorder euliject lo
the action ol the Democratic party at the Primary
autliortifd to annoutiofi tli nana of
V JOHN OWENfi, of Pikf tnwnnliip. ai a oaa
didatv fur Cummtntiuner- ulieot iv ttir ai-lmo of
tha l'cmucratir purtv at the I'rimarj rleCT-ioo.
WF am aHth(irirr to annnunoa the Bimr of
FAMl'IX II MlAl'FNER.vf Uwminr townnhip.
a a eandidatc fur Cnmnjiimuner ml'.lwit tn ttif
at-tin of tlie lemucralio party at tite rhuiary
W K id aoAnr-f1 to fnnounie the name of
JOHN H. KoWl.ES. of Ppnntowniibip, ai a ran
didnt for Comniiaii.rr auhjdt to ttit? action of
the lomocratir party at the I'nmary elrcttun.
are ant hortrtvl to annnance tbe name of
FAMl'FT. II. HINhMAN.tif IWaria towoPhin.
aa a oandidate fur Commiamoorr fujt to the
action of the Itemocratio party at tba Primary
WF. are anttiorit'sl tn annoutxie tbe name of F.
F. OOITKIET, of Karibaai township, aa a rao
didnte for i'umniif tiooer nutiiec't to the art ion of
the leinocratic parfy al the Primary hi not ion.
M It V lit HI.
W" n'horifed to annmmoe the name of S.
F. McCLOKEY, ol Pike townahin, aa a
eandtdate for tSurrf Tor aiiiitPet to the action of
the 1'i'inoiratir party at the Primary Flection.
TE are atithoritH to an n on nee the name of
PltK'E A. ItOWI.ES, of Knox ownbip,
a a eandidate for Andttor Bfli'jet to tbe actum
of th I'rniorratir partv at the Pnmare election.
Clearfield Markets.
Reported weekly for the Ct.r.Anrirt.n Prmi.trAa
by J. P. kATr.n, llculer in liry tloods. Ilro
ccries, Provisions, Ac, Market at., t'h'arneld.
CLrinrirLn, June J.'i, lf..
Apples, green 0
lined. V I1 1
Apple hultcr.lgal, 1
Beane to IW'i;
Hu.kwh.U 1
lluckwheal flour ttt,
tleef, dried
Hear, fre.h Hllll
II. Aril.. M lo OH la?"
Corn, shelled... 1
Corn, ear .-
Corn meal. sack, 3
Chop. H cwt II
CltiTeraeed - ..10
Cheeee.. ......... ......
Chetriea, th. 2niin
Chicken, drsd, Itt,
I 'ge
Klaxaeed 3
Flonr 16 0HM.H
liar in niif't J.i
lloff., drceed
llltli'S, green-
Hams, eugal cured,
M...I pork.V tilil . Ji mi
"al. Wl
(nmnt ?n
I'otatoea 2.i
Peaches, dried, Ih.. 1ft
I'lasler, V 'ihl
lire 1 71
Keg.. V lb II
f-nll.i uv k J
Phmglea. lHln., M, t nn
Hlnnirle,! in 1 no
Timolhy teed ft Ho
Tallow 16
W heaU 3 all
Wool 4i
Wood, Tf cord 4 nf
Philadelphia Grocery Market.
PniLADELrMiA, June 2.1, lh(.8.
Teaa are more entire at rather higher prioea.
Tieo quiet. Coflt-ea are dull with lrg alok.
Rtiran hara been inaotire and in a-maetien
wttn decline hma tnku plaoe on refined a our
qontatinna will dhow. On od Cnhaa and Porto
ftiooa. the market ha been nearlr atendy at 124f(
14. Hlcflm Ur fined YfHowa have fallen fi ame
what, arttltnf at 1"i (it I H. Frrnpa mntinne
ararre and with bat little change in priea. Molaa
ee in Iijcht reqneet.
TKAa. i (.orifR.
Toting flyacn Uio.cotnmnn Ifl fdl 3
Ktiponor....! B'itVj.l 14 IImhI 23( Sti
Kmc 1 3.i(,i. I 4 i Prime ...!6'.i, 3 !
Find, 1 6M1L 1 76 Choice...; ( t'
llyatm .tava.old S
.nerior....! ti.tot.l JS Legnara ?4 ia, 36
l ine I .lou.1 6li A ( ...ctn. mi n I
I'ine.1 1 66''l I C.i Ilamlelion paKII ( 17
Imperial at milt.
bnpenor....! l.'.W 1 S frn-ded 17 (d. 171
1'ine 1 461a I n Coarse, pulr. 17 if 174
Kind 1 eiiiii, 1 81' Kmc do.. 17 in. Its
Gunpowder A I fti 1ftt
Superior.... 1 !0ia.l 40 tl I6f(i l .j
Pine I .'nal 7H C, ritra I6i( 1
Pine.L 1 76(g, ell C A yellow. ..12Jlg, I6
Black arWrra.
Piiperior.... R.'ifa.l Ito Cotntnon 44 (Hi pfl
Fine 1 6(l 16 Fair .3 lie 7
Fine.1 1 3ll(il,l U mI.oimI 73 to, 3
Jlan 'Prime IS fa 3
ruperior..,. n(al 6 Choice VA fill 1
Fine 1 info.) I.vt'koiar, eilr.fl (a I In
Finest. I Ji'ia,! 311; oi..t.
nu n. 'N. 0. choice, V6 fat i
Carolina I If rra) 1J Porto Kicn...7 (ta i
r.a.t India.... f.a, Kl 'Cnla S (,t 71
Clement K. Wainwrighl . . Irrael H. Wainwright
Joseph H. Wainwiight.
cr.ocF.ns and te. dealers,
K. K. Corner Preond and Arrh HtrweU,
trrT rniLADtLrau, r.
Trim n.1 Mlfdirlnfi.
.! f '1 11.1.
HlVINd rt(.ttxl tnfl rrm lo h rm
Intel Rfrtii'ltiJ hf nh Moirrp, an
titr, li.w for tfltM-i Mrtfnt (
Alto, r.iul I tnlrOr. if 'l Virilf, Oils. 01s
Fatty, Dye Sluff., Flatloaery,
ronfeclicnerv, Hpfces, and the largest stock of
variolic ever offered In this -lac, and warrant
ed ta be of the best the Market altunis
(PMnd itrfat, ftjip.i( tb Cuort II out.)
CM'.AHN nf PeonU.
rilTIF rat.itrlhn rfpifullT tinouae to th
1 eltlxanidf CtMrfield nH ttfimtj, that h
bna now co band m full fupplf of
Dye Btufls, Tobacco, Cigar., ConSeettoaorias
Sl.llonerv Ac. i
Will end his stuck of Drugs FTLt and COM
n.KTE, and at a very alight adratici on Eastern
prices, ,
Teftrherv aod oiheri will h fotiUhcil with
olanpioal and uisocllanaoai booki bf tzpreai,at
bart notice.
rnnetsting of Cap. Fiat Cap. Foolscap, Letter and
Perfumed Note Paneri t also, a verr feaat euielt
nf Mourning Note Paper and hneelupea on hand.
Pens, Pencil", ink. ic.
Will And a full tck of Pt'KK SlrCKK, F0DA,
SODA All roneentrated I.VR. .AP. n.
Are ren,uested toexamine hi ftockof Perfumery,
Hair Oile, Fine Toilet roapi, Baisbea, Combs,
Toilet Sett.. Ac . Ae.
Will and a full supply of prime Chewing and
Smoking TOBACCO. Imported 'and Domestic
CIGARS, Snuff. Fine-Ont. Ac . Ac
Of the beet brand., always oa hand.
Tba beat quality of Litjuori alriji on haod, for
meriiml fiurpnpea.
jr'Fhifiimanr Praacnptioai promptly And
earafnllT rompoaoded.
Aprt 9, Iftftft. A. L EliAW.
On Main St., an door west of Hippie d Faust's
Bag Dow on hand a large aeeortaent nf
Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Patent Medicines,
Truawra, cliouluer-llrarre. lUaatlc Work-
Inge and fuportti,
;ia, ftitfj.
Per nmery.T"ilet Gocda.Conlecttnnerlri, Slices,
Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigar. Hooka,
ritationery. Pencil.. Pent. Ink,
god a general variety
of utuna
Barrett! Warranted Hair Eeitoratire
Hi atnrk embraces all a-ticlee needed in a
community, it entirely new, and of the beet
quality, and will be Id al reaeonthle prioee.
Call and examine tbe goods ; they cannot fail
to please. . derk-tf
ITCH ! ITCH ! ! ITCH ! ! !
In fhina lo to llutira.
Wheaton'a fiintntent curee . The Itck,
tt'heaton' fltnilurnt ' cure alt Kheuem.
Wheaioa'e (liniment etire Tetter.
Wheaton'a (liniment cute barltera' Itch.
Wheaten'i Ointment eurea Old Sorea.
Wheaton'a Ointment rate rery kind
of Xjumor like Magic,
Price 0 eentt a boi ; br mal, 110 eenta.
Addreee WkEKS A P('11hK,ho 1 70 Wa.b
Ingtnn etreet, Hostol, )!aas, For tale by llarta
wirk A lrwia.end by all liraggitta. la'Jt.'n" ly
Trutara and abilotnlnal u.portre of every
kind of the latest Improve nienta, for ele al
Uie I'm; Store uf UAttTHn'K'K A IMUN.
W AI M P( l;, Kennedy Ked cd
Diacoverr. lielmbold Bncbn. baker' Cot
iver (MU Jan' and Aver' medicine of every
kind, for tale by IMRTr'Ylt'K A IRWIN.
Oili VarmthM, Fakiti firnshe.
JlT received and lut telerhrnp bv
jo.tni a. iitwis.
aprll tf I arwen.Tille, Pa.
K Mt m. Itoaaliico. 11 ul bell's, licake's.
Ilooflaad't (.eriaan.llualetter'sand Mrewnet
tltygenated hitler. ; al.o par Liquors, nf nil
kind for eedicinal nnrpnee. for eale bv
a. U ' t. 9, ' m A
y Bur.RrrT's ;'i
Km H'elaVsel lr lb. )l
M I itnvt rtvataMi. t b lW itui.M, a I
mr r (ail I r-wjrvii. ..r rrwejHteC 1
pt WnfW rnnrttt BIIIt tea tn
lt.l lle-AlUltl.t .1.- lit lit.
h.-nx f no ni. rHre An i
i. . tunnCTT A CO.. wietees,
Mtamnmn, . ,
Bold by Tlart.wlek trwin and A. I. Fbaw
Clearfield; J. H. Irwin. Curwctisvjile I and n
Dealers In Patent Mrdirlne. II''J a
TnK tinea are hard : ya'd like tn know
How eon nay sae your d.llar
The way to do it I will show,
If yon will read what to I low.
A man who lived not far fron here.
Who worked bard at bit trade.
But had a bnusehntd to eupptrt
That aquandered all he aaate.
I net kin once. Pnyt be. "Mr friend,
I look thread bear and reagk ,
I've tried te got nyaelf a ton,
lint can't aave np enough.
Bays t, ny friend, how nacb have yea T
i'll toll von where to ga
To get a tnlt the' enwod and cheap t
lie took what Intl. ke had tared.
And wrnl to lleiten.iein A Ilrclhert',
And there bt get a handtne anil.
For half ke paid to otheea.
Knw ba is home, ke looks no well,
And their effect it even,
That when they take their daily meal,
Tbry don't eat half aa nark.
And now he Cnds en KatnreaT night,
itk all their want. .u4 lied.
That he hat nnney left te tlend,
And ton lo ley atid.
Bl good eaecee. wi'k rkaerfnl enila,
lie gladly tell, te all.
If y d cava nnney, ge nod key
Vear elntbe at
Where the ekranett. irett and bet Clothing
and good Furnishing Oonds ca be bad to .en
every teste and in every ti.le nprl 1,HT
iiaVORGE f. Zi;iCLt M aV tm
rhiiipbre. r.
Afrnta for EIXliCRf FtWlXtl MACHIF
r-ftWa kwp a full anffW of tbia TalaahK?
h-aarb.-M allair" on band, aad aall to- at rit
rd far rimiif. aVwMT-W-
jPrjt fioefl. ('iipfrtifi, Ctf.
I'i;i!l A k RIVALS.
at int rn r a prone or
Spring Good, New and Very Cheip I
fpill aaderslgntl resptrttilly announces to
-n- the public that he Jt new opening an
eitenslva ataortment of n'PRINO 0001)8, at
the old ttend la Onhan'i new building, wnith
h a offer to tell at i iceedlrgly low rricea. eon.
tillering their eosi, lor oask or approved country
Hia Stock of Dry Goods cannot be
burpas6ed. .
Cailotnert eaa there And Calicoes with fast col
or i Maelioa, Iielatnoe, Lawns, Clotbt, Cacti.
neret, Vesting, Ladles' flbawlt, Oenta' Bhawlt,
Halt and Caps, Boots and Ehoet, Carpets, aod
Oil Cloth.
Hii 6tock of Fancy Ooodt it TJnex-
im) led in Styls and Variety,
Entraring Notions, fVarfs, Head-nets, Iteck-
tie, Hatckela, Port Monnaies, Brushes, Photo
grapbio Album, Pipe, Tobacco and Segara,
Perfunery of all kioda, or anything alia in the
Notion Una.
All of the beat quslily, and aeletted with special
regard to the trade of Clearfield eovnty 1
Cleartield, II ay 1. U7. .
soiktiiix; xi;tv!
New Store in Madera.
VIT0t7LD retperlfully Inform the public that
they have jutt opened, in M4.DFKA.
Clenrfteld eountv, Pa-, nn entire new stock of
Which they are prepared to sell at cheap at the
Their etock eontlttt in part of
Dry Goods of the Ilest Qualit',
Fnch aa Atpeeeea,, Print, Musi int,
Caninere, St tin eta, nnd Flannel.
Ready - Made Clothing,
Or the but quality, such at Coals. Pant. Teat,
Orercoalt. Overall, Ehlrt. Collar., Ac '
Boot", Plioe and Gaiters,
Alto ol tbe very beat Queiitv.
A complete stock of Groceries.
In thoTt everything ntually kept in n country
Consumers, Look to Your Interests!
Call and examine our ttot-k and prioe before
purchasing elsewhere.
Of all kind taken in exchange for goods.
dr-Reaienlwr the place, Isadora, Clearteld
connty, Penn'n.
3. FOF.r.EST I 60X.
October SI. is7 tf.
Have juet oj encj a
Kiw Frnkt, en Mmfl St.. Ci.ktnrici.p, IV,
lately occujiioj hf Wm. F. 1KWIX.
Tin ir gtock contitu of
IX) 112. "1 Ga-CDCDDDSS,
Gkox tk-t of tb brat quality,
Qiee.nshabe, lioots and Shoe?,
tod every article) rxweterf for
one'i comfort.
Call and oxaminr our atock IWnre jinr
rl.aing rlt.wlicrc. May 9. 18f,C-if.
Om Srcosn BTitirT, Clearpield.
TtTK nndereirned re.rectfi,1ly Invito the nt
Vntion of the pallie generally ta their
tpteedid aaeortnieat of merchandise, which tkey
are no telling
Their ttork rontl.te In part of
Dry Goods of the Best Quality,
Sack a Print. Ie T.elnee. Alpaecae. Nerinot,
tiinrhac. Vo.ln..'bleeehcd aod tahlMeh
od.1 llrillinra, Etching, notion and
Wool Flennel..Relin tte.Cea.imerea,
Cottonade. Ladies' Hbawta,
abtaa A lined.. Italnteral
nnd Hoon r-kirta, AeM
Alan, n line aatortiaeot f Men' I rawer and
hhirta, iiata A Cape, Bnota A Shoe,
all of wkirh
Hardware, Queonsware, Glassware,
Grotrripg nnd Spioen.
IH everytbiri nn.lly kepi in n retail ttcra, all
CIIEAP FOR CACU or approved country pro
dnco. A. K. WHIGHT i FOSS.
Cleardeld. Ko. t, 17.
PR()Prl4.4Se,iMt pr..poil. will be re
ceivtd by the l,ower RrtHi-eCn, wni tbe 4h
tt.v f July et. for Ike WOOD WORK of their
ll'-idrc: to be baill ie accordance with tbe plan,
and specification tn the poeeeeeinej of the litrect-
ora. ti nrrnri.i,.
AM Ml wftir.rT,
1. P. WAITf'RS,
W. P. HOI. PR.
e1,V( r.nTa.
CM TlO4t1 arTnf mrr Ker fwjt.rtio
araiftt farvbaaff ar ta an am mad i hoc
itb tb ft-'lnariaff .nFrt. rti : twAnt aaj
onr Rrwa )' amd th H ota ajr.
onr tair nf Mi. ro toraa. fwr &t. and onr
roar, fttr ia tba fa-innn of Wm. I.avaa'l'1 of
Uarwvfa toarnabm, aa 1ht tnw KrVfvf tr
and ia abini to bbt ortr WM. PLOOaU
Oaraati-iltv H TA, x4 pd
Cecils, C'.irrnirs, C tf.
s:ioraa noiii
IKMOU 'dtll$,Ll u:ixu.i.l
LoniH ll, ninllrnlicrcr & Co.,
(Patv-ion to Lb, W'hiU A Co.,)
ttOir4ll ftlTAJL PIAltlH tx
)C I.OLA, PA.,
T ESPECTFl't.LT Invite an eiemlratlon of
I their laie stock of see.onable poods, pur
cn.rrd ch. end telling at UKKAILT
We sell brtier Goods at towr rates than any
other bouae in the touoty.
Breauta we boy for esth and boy close, and
are thus enabled to ire our ruetomer and
patron lb beneltof tbe greater portion of
of the profit they have hitherto been pay
ing ; and
Beeaui we tell more roods than any oilier
huuse in Clearteld county.
Oar Hock eontittt of
Iry (jtootlN. Ciroeorlt's,
(ueensware, Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware.
Boon and Mho,. Hale, Cape, Clothiag, furni
ture. Carpet nnd Oil Cloths,
Provisions of all kinds, Peed, tc.
Dress Goods for Ladies,
of Br try iyl:
in BMt acd Uaioful digni.
in TKrivtj.
REAPY ;ADE CLOTHING at grt)y reduced
riec. Order, taken for aaiu uf CUtbiDg.
bamploa to alet fron aluttji oa
Fron onr lara rturk of NOTION'S, 9trj want
in that lint eaa bt aoplia, t ?r
deiirt f rati bad.
Furun of every grade. Prrnpt of every quality.
Pretervad Fruit end Jrllie. loapttin-e and
Peacfae. 8ogar Cured llaen r'faeuldcra and
Fide Mens Pork, Mere Beef. Dried beef. Fhod,
Mackerel, Codfish, Round Herring. Lake Trout
kilra Fiour, Corn Meal and Duck wheat ileal.
Caah Paid for Cunutry Produce.
Euilding and other Hardware.
Toole for Carpenter and otbera. Hett Double
and C ingle Hit Axe. Pick, Hop and Uord ge
llru.bca. itili Findingt.
t"i;rR nnd Tobacco.
F.nttt brandf nf C'fi'i, Crtew b( r-4 Stoh'i.g
I itbaoco. I'uc Cvirormud Uirbigaii Fiat tul iu
MrCuontry nfrrhasti anri'Hfd aa fair
tftmi M eu be bai in tba Eaairra el irm.
nr-Goodi ordrvd ft oar enatonrrf afid eat
iftvrtoB faarmptead'
To buy to rare, to bur tn fit.
To boy to anaka, to buy vuh rata.
To hay a4 all, aa all tiut (in,
Tu tba rbrftp rab atoro all thonld $o.
BtNSETT, ELATTEMlKKGEa k CO. UilU. May 14, 1S0 tf
Spring Goods!
Spring Goods !
Spring Goods!
Vv7t pot Pr- Goodt, Tri aitf,(ra, yotiMit,
Hoairj, litvea, Fnry Gnodt. Carpfta, Oil
CI o tba, indow FbadM, Paper, Cat-vat
CbaiDt, Toilet Qb ill, ra-brvllaa, Parma ol
Sba, Ac, r iititd to rKaauin
rar urongbt ta h'it naTkci.
dr-Cath buyen will Hod rare iodueearent.
Clenrlleld, Aprli I, Iec tf
Cwntlfx ycur A.het, Beeswai, Beane, Butter.
Cheewa, P-cra, Floor and Meal, Piai,
ovitnn, rnrt and Mine,
Grain, Wool, Uame.
ronllrr, Kavnl Stores, llcpa,
flin.eeg, Featkera, Hemp. Provieiene,
Oila, Lard, Tallow, Seed, Sorghum, llolanat At.
General ComaiisEion Merchant,
4 41. 414) and 418 W a-liiurtin Pi reel
T..T OJ.K 1'ITV,
And r.-a bit wkly V.'-t Cwyvntnt prodaoa
and Oroi-priM, tba Btnat rm(lta Prirt Camut
pa'.Ubad ia tba Cnilett Staia.
alarkiaf fiat aad Cardi Faraibd Pra.
KitablUbad Uxy 1ft, U9.
jlWFirrt lUfcrraoa ra arraa ra
bnirrd. apr !y
f Gaud. ow aal1E at tba
I awS-tf Fa PtJliT-mi, Pa,
i..f Ti:T kT 11.1
Juil raorlrcd at the tier of
Mm II. D. WEI.MI k Co.,
I'rtl.n in
K0TI0SS, TOVP, atd
Fi!k aal velvet BONNETS mailt for il tit
Sirtw BONNETS made lor 74
All kinds of UAT3 lor. 60
AtaUrialt fumialied on aa rtetonable taunt aa
they can be had m tfct eoumy.
Next door to Pint Notional Dank,
notMf CLEAIiHtLD, Pa.
AN D CLOAK X AKIMi Ladle eaa bare
tbr Drettet,, Co'., and llecjuinea band
enmelr nisde an-l trim-a.'d, at Ihe tliortott no
lice, at the old e.tabliined etaad, Ittil Choelaal
atreet. PnilaJelpbia.
Peney and plein Pant, Mantilla Ornament,
Dress nnd Cloak Button. , Kibnoo. Clunv and
tioif.nre Laces, Buvle and tlimp Dre. Trim
uiitift., with a large rvrtety of htapl aad Fancy
(ioodt.frotB 2 to in per cent lets than eleewbera.
Also, receiving daily. Pari rt.hiun. in tit.oe
ptper, fur Ladiet' tnd Cbildren't Drratea. cieta
of Pattern for merchant, and re. tn.kee now Mrs. M A. blNDKHV,
J) ly 10SI Chestnut it., PLiUd. Iphle.
tvnoo ouoAti rvcen,
lit A L I t 1 X
Misses' dt Children's Hats L Caps,
laleet ryle.
Opposite Moteop'i, Alarket Street,
a,.-;j-3m Clearfield, Pa.
4 Fourth and Arch Eirecta
Trw Porltr Filk. Noveltle. In lire. Ovid.
New Style Hhawla. hlecl and P-ae poplin..
E A L.aiway. keepih ben VI.A.'K HI.K3.
K. B Net Ca.h rtuy.-re will find it to their
intereet to call, a Bargitc from Aoetion aro
daily received. mar1-lm
628" HOOP SKIRTS. 623
Wm. T. ElopLiiTt -Oivii Ma'aie" of key
stone Skirt"
Ara tba bert and brif-t 1 1. Pirfd Iitop
clttrta in th ana-kff. 1 rail Sum, lb t-nnjta,
f I TO: ifirir, II TU: and 40 ;-nD.,,f I .
PI in Fiiirtt uf;, J a rtr.r. k tia : IS
trTtr, lDTf ; -.v hi ririt". 1 1 5 ; I spriBf a,
tl.Tj. H'arractcd In a.pfT rrvr.
"m- r.y .; v - f ,:o:; tKiSTS.-
Flrr-i Tf 1 mi-., f-- t . r,fi ..r. g-. f Jvi
.I If ". i .0 iri"f
r.-m P " Cn tf if a : t Ti t..- i nir
baa tba f.'d hi vt t -t i. It-tm vt at trft
ciaa gm. rtd t anwrh liwr (rir
-fur N Alka" if C II a H! r KIRT?
ara ia tttry my auT'priur i a'l v,er ilip
kifta t'i.r tli pot.;ic. and vry ta ! ba
rSamiitrd vt W'-m to mnTirr rrrry t-c of ih
fart. MaPUa'-ar-d ! tba btt lii en f iiibea1
Krjlib Sul hpTiiir. wrry tat-pr.r t(a. and
th arrla of h ptaMc fr-tt-t.tnf and nianorr
f MpuriDc tbMs rorpata 1m durability atd
pfJltr.ra ant orhrr Mwrt ia ibta puntrj, mu4 ara
Uithler, wra fin-tic, will wear b-iccr. fit
ora attilactitB. and a- al'y rbaajrer baa
all otbrr. Krrf lad? aboa'if ir ihrn. It-?
art bp.rj; eiitti-'i b ilnrftaai tbrnucb
uai tbia lb adj..iDiii(r, fctatra at tary ad
rta priest. Il yttm nt ba bait, aB fcr
H''kiAd ik ( bamfiitta Fkirt " If ytm 6m t fit4
ikem, ? tl mm bant i(b vboaa yu i-at ia
rdrr irt fir To a. or ea-tia or aeod air ret tn bi.
Alrrrbantt will ind xir d'ffrrwM frad f 8tirta
piacll) bi tbe aed. ai 4 a apriiit iaviia
tbm lo call and rtatniaa w fKirtt' aaaorv
Crnt, ar arnd for Pnra Ltal.
Ta b bad at (tai t NanafaMnrT. and f da
Rrtail Tri tmT U?, aad at V i (raale t tba
blantiratttrvr oay, io mbvm ail ardtxi thvt4 a
Mraafaftnrr and Satnrnoia, f ?1 Arrb irra?tt
ba th aad 7lb ttrarra. PbUadolpt
b'arcb 21 Mm M T II U'KIN?.
Clearfield Academy.
Eer. P. L. HALRIFOS. A M.. PrincipU
THE FOURTH PENSION f tba rrtwnt fbo-ta-rie
Tta r of thia IartitaitnB iU rrBnarect
H:.'NIMV. tbe 4tb d-T of M it lAt.
Pui-i'" raa ratrr at anr tinia. Tbay ar itl ba
rbarpfd with tniti"0 friia tba t.fDt tbrj- aatrr la
tber.irae nf tb .faia.
1 ba ef'arar of BPtmrt oa cvii.rarea a4rv tbt-g
inrudd ia a tornt-b, prMfi.ral and a?ta
phabfd dBiHtioo fr Ki!b ,
Tna Prinripal. baring bad tHa adrfitfa of
sarfa vipahriir ia bia rtroiVMiiiTi, a"' r
TrtotB aMJ pnard aa thai bia entire at'ilitf anil
anarpir ail be lrl tt th- atnral aod ana
tal trjubirp i-f tot yciith smi-t bit t barga.
li.Xll l)F 1 1 1 1 t .
OrtbofrafT, Ufadtre, Wntirjt. ard Prliafcry
Aiiibisatir, r a-iiB ( II - $a 00
Grammar. tin prj Yy AriUiavtir, and
Itil-.ry SS tl
Alp bra, 6nn?trT. TfirTBTrT. Vra-
auratinn, tureri, Pht''ra-.hT, Pb.aU
lory. Cbaviatrv, bok kaepii g, Btaoj
and Pbvairal rmphy - . (t 91
La Ma, iiwk and t rrarb, iib an; of tba
a " Branrr-a - . . 1 1 S Ol
JKfiv ddat-tina win V tada fr abaAra.'
J4tVtt fmnbtr mriifmr9 tanuMv of
her. P. I.. HAkbl&uN. A
Clrarfiald, fab. a. ltif tl. Priarifial.
Valuable Town Properly
for sale:
SITt'ATK m the frt-ath arwi rorrY vf Chtrt
aad Ih-rd firrr!a, int lUalmad rTri, ta
ant: A tUT. wub a g-od lwt at(vrT fmak baild-
tKawaamact, A K Ik w rtkOffk M h Icnn
auitai-lr Un a aurr. or r br bu-ux-M. Au. tba
adtmaitift lA'T. with a tarn - dwrliing bvuaa
tbvraom aad acrral !br TV N tt'IS.
Alta,a lot of nmt PRICK, and a fosd
akrin.ent of M oXfc W Al.E, i"b aa Crocia,
J tips, J ara. Fruit Car.-, etc., at nurrd jmcea.
Fur farther ioforaBaiW, inq-nr at tb Stona
arar f iktiarj bf I . I ti f 7. 1 N , F. R.
BiyU Aa t Jrtarbrttl, Pa.
'XV'-IMM, M AMI liwine.ft Tba of Vfm)
f ataatad. fnr atbiab lha bpa-i -Hial
pript will ba paid by J. P. LKMItR,
Dill AM) Ml:l)lt IM-WAi.p. .
eubol. hriWtn bt rat. rint.aantkt. cl
catnb'r. rsnaT i. raat.,r .t I. r4l. tf
oil. aaitxrd. aw, rbaha'b roi. ft araHia,
cum iU;, i -: a ma. c int t.'rT (, ''ak.
bit a jM-trn. w. t i.c . m. i inc. ar,
a lt, tea vitr, r '! ! tar;r trune ac id u
ikXi.ti. 1 eTira. (n mmrty, ttmtr Oil. itsaj. !
1anHaQia, npotJtrl lr, frcpared rl 'f. lois avruft, auapa. lr. Jarr' m'di-n-t. a
Jnur W. la. J P khUZkUv
1) UMI lt Taa ba aaoi Sv-d 1ib ra-
Lt toad, n-d lod ao--ar b;ia ah. a. boara
iiuti, f!it rbre, trrra aifaina 4rr arbiia Im4,
vaaetiaa lead. drn,'tUfk. laanbKra, roaa vtah.
vrratliion, art atfena. ater . hrtaaaa. linM-J
j oil, ai'inia of turnetit:a, 4aar aartxfb. oni-al
raai.b. arhahua arfein, anr'twe vrfub
1 M-h aii ab at J. P. KH OZF.KS
V! TlMHallK AION 9. SiMK l.KTlt,
ia brrvby jiea that Irtirra of 44atiiti
; titvB. oa tar a-tM ol I'. Ml uliFLL,
' dwttfi, late nf ltarnnMr twnfi'.p,
' maatv. Pa., bavittg beaa dal rroatrd tn tba
' ner.rd. all Pr taabitd ta a id aa.
lata will plaaa aiak tniTaaat, aad tboaa bain(
a.aiat or dmanif ariii iraaant tbra fwr aaliia-
aaent ante out aria.
caTherisk viTcnn.u
IMay ?1 At fl AduniOMtratrti
' pAbU) fr HI IT of 1 blaaa. a!
j MEiEfcLL A bltLtmia