, rmt of Subscription. it.nct.et willnn lima monthl ...tl -t U.reeand before ail monthl-... 1 iht ainlratloa of ii monthl... t Wium. our towM", ! authoritad .iobi'T paid Into the oee on account ad, -lining. i out UKO. 3. flOOHLANDKR, K'litor and Proprietor. T:::::::::::::""Juno 18. 1808. .' COW ST A HI. KM' KB u printed a largt number of Iho hi , tod will, on tht receipt of twenty- .il a oopy to any tddreu. myH. ,1 are i" r - Red & Co., it will bo ob served, l ave opened up a new itore in t1 ' J 'co. Give them a call. The Democrslio Almanac, and all the I'.t -linen and literary papers of the df?, Ere for aalo at the Post-Of- Ace. ' We omitted last week to state that County Snrveyor is also to be elec d tli fall, Mr. McCloskcv, having fceen elected three year ago. It will bo noticed that F. K. 4 J. K. ArnolJ null continue the wool carding and manufacture of flour and feed at their niiiia in Union township. Messrs. A. K. Wright & Bona, are opening a heavy atock of gooda at their , old eaUbliahrnent, of a quality not to te suqmssed, which tbey offer at a riu ced price. Mr. John liolt, it will be noticed, Lai opened a new atore at Wallnceton Station, whero he intend to sell goods to everybody and at pricea to auit purtiiS'i-ra. The card of Messrs. R. Robison i Co., of Pittsburg, appear in our col umns this week. Thia la one of the beat houses in that city, and our mer chants, when there, should give them ' Our readers will observe by our ad vertising columns that Mr. Coutrict has broken out on a cheap scale in Jfu'fbtjtiburg,and is determined to give the Frenchvilliana a chance to buy cheap goods. '' llr. B. W. Graham is making nnusu r.1 efforts to accommodate his old and iiew customers by giving them a large assortment of gooda to select from ; besiddthey are cheap and suited to the fashions and the season. ,"llr. Robert Mitchell desires to in form the citizens of Clearfield and the surrounding country, that he has ngnged in the mercantile business. His advertisement will be found in this iMue, to which wo call tho atten tion of our readers. j! 0a- 5 IV e hope our readers will carefully jxtruxethe articlo entitled "The Hor rors of Andcrsonville, on our first page. Hon. Benjamin Franklin Bnt W, tli acknowledged leader of the loy al party, says Gen. Grant is the author of the "horrors" aforesaid VCi'i Cahdidate. The names of quite number of candidates appear this wetk. If there are any more who wih to serve their country, they will plenie bear in mind the fact that next wek's paper will be the last In which they can be announced, according to the rules of the party. TV direct the attention of the trav eling public to the card of Messrs. John McGlaughlin 4 Co., proprietors of the. "Clearfield House," at Thilips tur j. Theso gentlemen, we have no doubt, will rendor satisfaction to their ja's, and if they don't, let them be impeached. Y,'s hope our readers will not fail to T;ad the account of the "grat Fe nian Raid" in Karthans, so minutely described by our friend Sankey, throtvsjh whose persuasive arguments the inhabitants of that section of the our,:y were saved thousands of dol lars. Smith knows how to do business, TUs friends of education will ob serve, by reading an advertisement in tUU Usue, that tho citizens in the up per end of ths county are putting themselves within reach of a first class school, by establishing one in their tA ' t. Mr. Smith, tho Principal, is v?t qualified for the enterprise, and ere hope he will succeed. . Fai and Festival. We ondcr itritid that in addition to tho excito nunt at the close of the Ladies' Fair cn Thursday evening, the Fliilipsburg Cortist Band will give a grand and tarlod Concert of vocal andinstrumen tii.' ir.uaie in the Court House. A portion of the procoeds will be ap pi . Haled to the bentafit of the Fair. Tl 'f Missos Giles will entertain the 8; 1 '-noe with somo of their choicest ic es. Admission 25 cents. Kklioious. We are requested to e'.a'a that tho Clearfield Association of the Regular Baptist Church will pif t in the 1st Rt-gulur Hapt'ml Church n Curwcnsvillo, on Friday, the l!)th in : , snd that on next Lord's day, (::uU at 11 o'clock, A. M., their Tr ing houso will be dedicated to tl.ii service of God ; and that in the tv ,,iing of the same dHy, the Pastor c T he churchos of Clearfield and Cur i svillo (Rev. S. J. Hayes) will be r ilarly installed. Tho two.Cburch t i.re expected to be present at that r.,.i. In tibvdienc-e to llifl riMjiiirvrni'iiU f Rule 4th fur conducting tho 1'rimaiy Elections of tho rimocrailc party of Clearfield county, th Dsiuoersis of the several boroughs and townships are required to meet at '.he election houso in each district on the tccond Saturday of July nert, (being tho lllh day of the month) at such hour as hall be named by the Vigilance Com mittee for each separate district, and to close at such time as said Commit tee shall name for tho purposo of ex pressing by ballot, their choice of candidates for the respective offices, viz : one person for State Senator, one person for the Assembly, ono person for Prothonotary, &o , one person for Register and Recorder, one person for County Commissioner, ono person for County Surveyor, and one person for Auditor, to be elected next October. The following rules, 5th and 6th, are given for the information of those concerned : Role 5th. No person shall be per mitted to vote at such Primary Elec tion, except those who have voted with the Domociscy at the preceding general election, or ahull be of known Democratic standing, and no candi date shall be placed upon the rolurn unless he shall have his card as a can didate inverted in the Democratic pa pers during at least three weeks pre ceding the Primary Election. Rule 6th. The township commit tee or the election board shall desig nate one of their number to act as re turn judge, whose duty it shall be to take charge of tho returns of votes cast, after having been duly certified to as being correct, and signed by majority of the board, and to carry them to Clearfield borough on the Tuesday following the election, and .1 .1 . u I- T tr : prouuee tut-m at o u vhivk, . w.., u the Court House, when said judges will be culled to order by the Chair man of the County Committee, who shall preside. The votes shall then be counted and Mie persons receiving the highest number of votes cast ut said election, shall bo doclurcd nomi nated for the respective offices for which they have been voted for : Pro vided, said persons voted for ahull have complied with the requirements of rule 6th ; in case the persons having the Inchest number of voteshas failed to comply with said rule, thun tho person bavuig the next highest num ber of votes shall be declared the nom inee fur said office. The following preamble and resolu tions wcro adopted by tho Board of Democratic Return Judges at the Convention of 1867. Thoir final adop tion depends npon the next Conven tion. They are good and should be studied and adhered to by all: Wbebjah, The Vlgilanoe Committed in noma of tho boroughi and towuibipi art in the habit of traaimitling their eleetioa return! by na.il or pri rttt hand i to tho Chairman of the Count; Cum mittea, and othen, without any notice or power to enter, act or role la the Coareoiioa for thoet dit triota, thai leaving then without a voiou ia that body ; a iarre portion of thoat holding Iho election alao fail u tranamit the hat of roten (Tar; aea tiatl with thi'ir return: therefore. Ceao'erot, That hereafter it ihall ke tho duty of every Yijfilanoo Cunmitteo traniBiltting their ra tnrna ia the manner Indicated, to depute noma ao Ura and known beouorat to ontrr tba Cooaty Convention and act for then and their diatristj and that a I i at of the aaiaea of Iho rouri muit ia every eaaa aenompaay the retur. liulnd. That hereafter, ibeuld any diatriet fail to be rrpreaented u ahora indiratrd, ar ne glect to return a hat of tho nauiea of the eotera. It ball be aufficient eauM for the Coartntioo to el- elude and retuac Ut reeeivo and oouat too Totaaof Mid diatnet ao offending. Htnd, Thai the Chairman of Ihe County Committee ia hereby autborlard to poblirh thia preamble and reeolutiona along with tba M Ruka and HeguUtiona;" and ahonld tho aanao be adopt ed by the Itetura judgeaattao aeit regular meet ing, they aha!! atand and remain aa a portion of the Kulee and Itegnlatloni until changed or ahohahed. The County Committee wili orxt week nublish the names ot the rta;ec tive V iirilance Committees, and such instructions aa they deem proper to . . , j 7 t carry out tne forgoing party ruica. Ur.O. D. UOOULANbER. Chairman Dcm. Co. Com Clearfield, June 11, 1868. A Tictorial Campaioh Taper. Messrs. Bratton & Kennedy, of tho Carlisle Volunteer, will resume the publication of The Caucasian, an il lustrated Democratic campaign paper, on July 10, 1808, to continue until after the Presidential election. Each number will bo embullishod with por traits of distinguished Democratic statesmen or humorous cuts illustra tive of tho political history of tho times. This foaturo made tho Cau cation a decided success in 18G0 Terms : (cash in advance) Single Cop ics,50 cents; Ten Copies, $5,00 ; T won- ey Copies, $8,00; Thirty Copies $10,50; Fifty Copies, $15,00; Ono Hundred Copios, $25,00. All clubs must; be sent to ono address. Orders should be sent in at once. Election CiiArinitD. Our readers will notice by au act of Assembly passed last winter.and published else where in Ibis issue, that hereafter all township and borough officers must bo elected on the socond Tuesday of Outobsj-. This is a great improve ment on the December change, made a few years ago ; Dosides, a day is saved to every citiscn and full vote will be polled for local officers. And then, if tho people cloct incompolcnt borough and township officers, thoy will have no one to blame but them selves. Church Dkdication. The Evan golical Luthern Church in Blooming' villc, will be dedicntedto the worship of the "Triune God" on the 21st of Jane, 1868. Sevoral Clergy from a distance will bo present on the occo sion. 2t. "The blushing beauties of a modest maid" ars doubly enclianced by th "luxuriont wealth" of hair which as surely follows the use of Barrett's Vegetable llsir Restorative" aa that light follows darknes. St. Louis Tmt. Itrmfrntlt VohhIv Cmmmtttrt for !. Tho following named jronllpmen compoae Iho pemm-ratio Standing Committoe for Clearfield comity fur 1868. Wo giro th name of tho bor ough and township in which they reside, together with their post office address : ntarnliT. . roar or ml. Reeraha. a. II. llimlman nira Hope. Bll Hobeti Mekafley Oatead. Illooea Jha Melnlyra. llrampianllilla B.ti. Charle Mlnan Wret laeauur. 1lradftd. Kamual P. Wilaou ... Woodland. Hrady- Andrew Penti, Jr... I.atbeeabarg. Hurnaida. Matthew Irira Ilnrniide. Cheat Auetln Curry.... Ilnrd. CoTlngtna John Briel .I'renehTlllo. ClearSeld J. B. Waltrra ClearSeld. Carwenarille.Wm. P. Chwibera...Curwenaville. Ieeatur Hirhard Hughee Oaeaola Mil la. Pergaeaa ....... Ilea. M ('r. ken .....l.omlicr City. (iirard Wm. T. Mcl'orkl...rihawaill. (Iflihen ..Alrl. A. Head Hhawarillo. Orahnaa Levi Holder tirahaiatoa Uulioh Joaeph Kry AHeman a. Hualca V rank 0. Bowaaan...Pnniell. Jordan Thonaaa Smith Anmnrille. Karthaaa Meo. llerkrndom...rall l.irk. Knox.. Holier! Witherow...Naw Millport Lawn-nee) J. U. rV hrrrer.. (MearSeld. Lumber City .Joha A. Moliritl...l.amlior City. Morria. Andrew Hunter ...... Morriadale. N.Waehingtonll. I). Neff, jr N.Waahingtoa Oaooola I- A. Htoneroad Oeoaola Milla. pena Wm. V. Johnaoa-...rampianUilla Pike....... M. L. C. Koae Curweaeeille. I'nion.. lloraee A. Courtney ..Hoeklon. Woodward...8amual P. bhoff Madera. These gentlemen are all working Democrats, and ran be addressed freoly and frankly with reference to party affuirs by their fellow-citizens. As several of them do not take the Republican and may not bo aware of their appointment to this important trust, I hope the neighbors will brinx the matter to their notice, or band them a copy of tho paper. Geo. B. GOODLAUDKR, Chairman Dero. Co. Com. Clearfield, Jane 11, 1868. The name of Androw Johnson has been stricken from the honorary roll of the Union Lcaguo of .New York. 0 1 what a pity. Thus far Butler's investigations look ing to bribery have been uttorly fruit less, and in fact ridiculous; but their cost to the United Slates Treasury will not be quite as funny. The mile age and other expenses it is said al ready exceed JS,UUU. the (fanilidalrs. RIMARY ELECTION, JULY 11, 1868. PRINTKH 8 FKK. Senator. U i Aaaembly.f 10, Prothonotary, 1 1( i Kegiater and Keeorder, 1 0 ; Commiaaioner,$ Sureeior. 14: Auditor, fS. Thia Ineludet t.OOO ticketa for each eandiilate. Thoaewhowtb mora, will ha eliarged VI per thouaand extra, fio atme will ha inaerted, uulcaa tho caah aocotupaniea the ardor. Kt.NATOIU art authoriaod to announot tht aamo of 1LL1AM A. W ALLACK, af ClearSeld borongh, aa a eamlidato lor Henator aulgect to the aeiioa ol Ut ixmocratw party at tba Primary Ircliun. AXMI.MBI.V. WE art aathonied to anitounoe tha name of T1IOS. J. McCfLLOt'OII, of ClearSeld, aa oandidata for Aaaeubly aubjeet to the action of tha Uemoeratit party at tha primary aleotma. rRoiHoattTiim. 'ITT B art anthoriied to announoa lha name af T AAItU.1 t. TATB, of Lawrraea townrhlp, aa a candidate fur Prothonotary -auljjoct to the notion of tha Demooralu party at lha 1'rimary aleation. KI'.(.ITI:U at KI.COHDI.H. 11TE are autboriaed b anmtaaee tba aaana af V JOIIH 6. Mi-klKRNAN, of Uulioh town ehin. at a eandidate for Regular aad Recorder auhjeet to the action of tbt Kemocratic party at tba Primary oleottoa. WE are anthoriaed Ut announce lha aamt af DAVID Dt'CK, of ClearDeld borough, aa a didato for ltegiatar tnd Recorder aulijoel to the action of lha liraioc ratio party at the Primary ametioB. & re aathoriied to announot Ihu name of H SHAW, of Lawrence tawnihip, at a eendi data for Regiater and Reoordtr tubjeot to the notion af the UemwralM party at too rrinaary election. WR ere anthoriaed U announot the name of A W. I.KK. af Meeearia towaahiiia a oandidata n.r Keelaler A Reooriler aohleet to lha BotlOB 01 tha Democratic party at tht Primary ttaetioa. We are anthoriaed to announot tht nam of PF.TKR 1,01 NSHKRHY, of Rradford towaehip. aa a eandidate for Rrgialer A Reeorder euhjeiet to the aetioa of tho Democrat le party at ua rrimary eleetion. , COMMIttHlONbK. lift art anthoriied ta announce tha name of VY JOHN OWENS, of Pike townehip, at a can didale for Commiaaioner tnhieet to the aetioa of tha Democratic party at tha Primary election, WE art anthoriied to announot tho aatne of RAMI 'EL H.MIAFFNr.R.of Lawrence townihin. at a oandidata for Commiaaioner eubjent to the action of tha Democrat ia party at tht Primary tloctioa. AUIIITOH. WE art anthoriied to anaonnea tba name af PRICK A. ROWLKH, of Knol town. hi a, at a candidata for Auditor auhjeet to the action af tho ltcmneratN) party at the Primary eleetion. Clearfield Markets. Reported weekly forthe Ct.rinritLB HtrrtLiria hy J. r. KUATtRa, t'eater in l'ry itooat, ,ro aerict, Proviaiona, Sc., Market tt., Clearfield. CtBAaaiiLn, June 11, 1SAA. Applet, green SO 0 ltned, ) Mi Apple butter, Vgal, 1 ii lloga, dreeeed Ilidea, grooBM llama, augai cared, Hnonldara Hidea 1-rd It. Iter a BVeo a. W 0(a) I 0I RuckwbeaU. 1 ii Rurkwheat fiourm, ft Beef, dried Beef, fra.k....in II Hoard.. M li 00 JO Ott Corn, thelled-. I Si Cora, ear S Corn meal, W tack, S Meat pork.V hbl... 0 "mil ... SO Oniona 700 Potaloet 1 ti Pearhta, dried, R) li Platter, bhl t Rre 1 7 Rnge, (b ! Choa, V twL. S Tft CloToraaed 10 i Halt, 3 aaoh I to Choree- lit Shinglee. IHin, M, a 00 Cherriea, fh. Wm 15 1 Fhinglee, JS in 100 Chiekent, drad, tt, 50 ! Timothy teed t 00 Eggf ... J Tallow 14 Flaiaoed I Wheat. . J 40 Floor.......! J OOfaM 00 Wool T. 44 Uy to 00f.i,J5 00 ' Wood, ft cord 4 01 . Clearfield Academy. EeT. P. L. HARRIR0K. A M., Principal rpill FOTRTH RKSPIOW of tha preeeat arho X iaatle year of thia laatllutioa will commence aa MONDAY, tht 4th day af Mty I'M. Pupilt can enter at any time. They will be charged with taitioa from tba time tbt j aatar to tht clott af tbt Stttioa. The eonrtaof Inatractlaa tmbraaat it try Iking included la a thorough, praetlaal and aocom Bliahed education for both aeiea. Tht Prinripal, baring hid tha adraatage of much tiperleuee la hit protection, aaturti pa renu and goard ana thtl kit tatira ability and tntrglot will bt dteoud to Ihe moral and men tal training of the youth placed under hit tharga. 1F.HM1 iV TlilllON. Orthorrarhy. Heeding. Writing, and Prlmtry Atllhmelie, per Betiioe (II waokt) . It 00 Oremmnr. Utorranhy, Arilkmatit, aad Hi iry . . - - e wv Algebra, Oaomatry, THgoaometry, Mea- taratloa, Surrtyiag, Pkllomphy, Pbyti. logy.Cbtmletry, Book Keeping, Botany and Phyaical Oengrapky - - $1 M Latia, tlmk and Freack, wilk Bay af tba aboea Rranehat til 90 oja-Na deductlna will bt made for abeeaea. uTTcr furtbtr partlrulart Inquire af Rat. Y. h. HARRISON, A. M., ' nttrteld, Ftb. , l9 tf. PriaclptL Jim (j I sod SKrdlrlnci. NEW ARRANGEMENT. i. ntt.nr. nut u viHT, (Seaoad at reel, appoelu tho CeH Tloaat,) t i. r. a it pi i'. l. n, raa. t prill eahaeriheia rrepeeifully anaouaaeota lha 1 eitllem of ClearSeld tnd ftrinity, that ha haa aow ea hand a full eapply af DRUGS, PATENT MKDICINEM Vjt Btula, Tobaaon, Cigara, Coofeelioneriea Ktetlnaery An. PHYSICIANS Will Sad kit atoek of pragi FULL tad COM PI.ETB, aad at a eery alight adraaee aa Baatara priooa. w SCHOOL BOOKS. Teaehert and atheri will be fumlked with elaaaieal and aaiaoallaaooat beoka by eipruea,at aharl aotiec. STATIONERY, Cnnalatlnr of Ojn. Plat Cap, Fooleeap, Latter and Perfumed Note Papen nlao. a Tory aaat atoek of Mourning Nolo Paper and kateli.poaen kaad. Pant, Pantile. Ink. An. HOUSEKEEPERS Will Snd a full atoek af PtIHR SPICKS, SODA, SODA ASH. Coaoantntod I.VK. S(,AP. e. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are reqaeetrd loaiamlna kit atoek of Perfumery, Hair Oils Fiat Toilat Poapi, Braabta, Combi, Toilet Setla. ie. Aa. SMOKERS ANT) CIIEWERS Wilt fad a full oupply af prima Chawing aad Smoking TOBACOO, Imported tnd Domertie CIUARS, Bauff. Fine-Cut. Ae . Ae, CARBON OIL, Of tba heat brand, alwayt a kaad. . LIQUORS. The wait quality tf Liqaori alwayt ea kaad, for modleal aurpnaoa. aaw-psyiteiaat' Preeerlplioat promptly aad aarelallr eomnoaadod. Aprit. US. 'A. t BIIAW. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, ttrmfgM; ClrarlUld, Fa. TTAVIN9 reSlUd aad remoeed to the roam Jl lauly teeunted ky Riehard Moaaop, aow oler, kia fur eaak, a well ttlectai aatoruatat af DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Alto, falilt I'idlritea af all kiada, Oill, Ola Patty, tya Btafft, Btatiotery, . TOBACCO AND 6EGAR3, Coafoalltaary, Spleaa, aad tba largeet 'atoek af Tanettaa twn norma ia Ibla plaea. aad warrant- ad la W af the beat tht Market afforda. i. 8. HARTSWICK, Dew. II, !. JOHN 1HWIN. PRIGS! PRIGS! PRIGS! JOSEril R. IRWIN, 0a Main BL, aaa door writ af Ulpplt at aatl't Blurt, CURWKN6VILLK, PA, Baa aa aa kaad a largt aaaortmeat af Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Ttwnaea, Shoulder-nracea, lUaatlc Mtsrk Uf;a and atupportera, (.lata, ratty, Ptr omery, Toilet Oooda,Ci.ctleBrrict. Fplota, Canned rrait. Tobacco, Cigara, Bookt, btauonery, Ptncila, Ptna, Ink, aad a general variety . of Kotiuni. Barrett ! Warranted Hair Eeitorstive Hit ttoek tmbraeet all artielta ateded la a community, It antirely aew, and of tha beet quality, and will be a, Id at reaaonebla prieaa. Call aad titmiot tha gooda thtj aaaaot fall ta pleaaa. dec t ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH!!! BCllATrll! CCRATCIIf! SCRATCH!!! Ia from IO to tat linn re, UImIm', I1Im.w .mm Tho Tteh. Whonton't Ointment - curat Salt Kheum. VTheatoa't Ointment caret Tetter. Whtauaa't Uiaiment aural Btrbert' Itch. Wkeaten't Oiatmtnt core Old Horea. WkaatoB't Ointment curat Krtry kind af Humor likt Magic Prlea eenU a hoi l ky tnall, IS tenia. Addratt WKKKS POTT KH, No ITS Walk- ingtoa etreet, loatoB, Maaa. For lalt hy lleita- wick lrwm.tnd fey all Urugglatt. izt, e;-ly Trueara and abdominal tupportrt of eeery k,ad af tha later Imprneementa, fir rale at Iho Drag Slora af IIAKT8W1CK A IRWIN. SWAIMf rAWA l:A. Kennedy 'i Mad. ad Dloeoeery, Hilmhold't Baeha, Uaktr't Coa Lletr Oil, Jaao't aad Aver't medielnee of every kind, for tala by HARTSWICK IRWIN. Oils. Varnishes, Paints Brushes, J 1ST received and foe tale cheap he JOtiKPH R. IKW1!?, aprll-tf Curwuoeeilla, Pa. Kl'twn M. Itatjilan, rlahhtll'a. Drakt't, Uoafiand't Otrmna.Hottetter'a aad Oraaat't Oiygaaatcd Blttert ( aiaa part Llqoera, af all kladt far rseatataal vamoeeo. for aale ha HARTSWICK A IRWIN, O FIRST PREMIUM ' Of m anver SSoeVal d aO w.a awaenen to MnRtm HAIR Rf ST0IATIVE Ire. t II at.. ArHeeltonl tnr,., m Ma I au, koMen la mm, Mft tu, lett, BlllITT'l Trsrrtable Hair nestoratlre !!) c,ry (Ulrto rkt KahitttJ OrrW Hhiln U (fnli f Ihr Halt i fhtlnfTa 1 1 a to tt Mt nri-Mtia) nrnstr rlKitt i ftli- ralra lii.nirT and Itrtmotai prrvanU BJ Halt fbllhit tMt i h snr-rW r-'. Jkw Ak. mm m iht rtlmins fan lti)urtii mt7r-ri',rtla, 47 la tnt tanfMiMr inn rtt- A rt.rl thrvhttart th T Wt-t. NtarUs, aa v WO J. K BAasFTT 4 CO., MAacngrrr.s, a. a. Sold by ITarttwIrk 4 Irwla Bad A. I. Phew ClttrStld 1. R Irwla, CarwtatTille t tad a Dealera la Pateat MedleiBta. (aprl-ta (Tlotltinrt. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. THR timet art bard ; you'd tlkt ta kntw How you mty ear a your dollar! Tka way to do It I will ahow. If yea will read wkat followa. A mat who II red not far from h era, Wko worked kard at kit trade,. But bad a kouaehold to tuppnrt That tquaadartd all bt mada. I mat him once. Snya he, "My friend, I look thread bear and reugk I're tried to gat myaalf a anil, Bat ttn't tara ap enough." flan t, my Mend, knw muck hart yoa 1 i'll tell you wkert 10 go To get a end Ibat'e ennnd tad cheap I Tt RR1ZENSTUN A Ot. Dt took what Unit ba bad aaead, Aad wtnt to Rileeaatila A Brolbart', Aad there kt got a kandiomt lull. Far kair ke paid to othera. Vow ha It komt, he iooki to will, And thtlr effect It tuck, That when thty take their daily meal, thty doa't aal half aa murk. And now bt Indt ea Saturday night. With all thalr aanta .applied. That ba hat money lift lo tptnd, Aad total to lay attda. Mia good tucoeat, with tkttrfal tmtla, fit gladly telli ta all. If yaa'd tara money, go and buy Your clothee tl REIZKNETEtN'8 CL0THISQ BALL. Where tha eteepeit, Brett aad beet Clothing and good Furnlihlng Oaodi aaa bt bad to aait trtry laata and ia attry ttyla aprllOI tjKonuK h. sr.Kiui.i.n as ., rtllllpabnrg. Pa. Agontt for 6IKUEHS 6EWIKQ MAClltXRS. JM-We keep m full tupply af thit valuable "howoehotd affair" on kaad, aad tell them at ally prwta. Sasd lor cireaian. a)co,ST-U. firy ttooilf, C.i emir!., Ctr. EI) VTA 11 1) W. Ci H A 1 1 A M Spring Good, New ind Very Cheap I rpnl aadrralgntd reepertfully anaoaneti ta i- tkt pwhllt that ha la aow opening aa eiteualrt t.eottmeot af IPRINU GOODS, at tkt aid tttad la flrtktm'i new htilding, wbla kt e0ert ta tell at I ireedlngly kw prloaa, aoa- aidaring Iktir aotl, lor tatk trajprored aountry rpodaea. . His Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Surpassed. Cattomart aaa there Ind Callroot wltk fatt sol an Vutlloe, Dtltlnet, Lawna, Cloika, Caetl- trta, Vtatiaga, Ladiei' Ektwlt, Dealt' Sbtwla, II aU and Caia, BooU and Bboat, Carptte, and Oil Clothi. Ell 8tock of Fancy Goods Is TJnex- amrled in 8tyle and Variety, ' Itatraelag Kotioaa, Soarft, Head tela, Keck titt, Btlektlt, Port Moanaiea, Braahtt, Photo graphic Albamt, Plpat, Toaaota aad Btgart, PtKamtry of all kiada, ar any thing tltt la tkt Notion Una. Also, HARDWARE, QUEENS- WAKE, GROCERIES, rROVISIO.NSI All of tha katt quality, and teleeted witk tpeeial regard la the trade af Clearntld ootnty I IDWAKO W. GRAHAM. Claarlald, May II. 1SST. sotii:tiiivj SEW! New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST dc SOX TOULD ratpantfully inform tha public that I they haea lutt opened. In MADEHA. Ciearleld aoantr, Pa., aa tntirt new atoek af FALL AXD WINTER GOODS, Wklck thty ara prepared to ttU u cheap at tkt aboaptat. Their atock conilalt in part af Dry Goods of the Cost Quality, Sack at Alpaaoae, tHlanaa, Prlntt, tfttllna, Caatimerat, Satineti, aad FlaaaaU. Ready - Made ClotLing, Or the kttt qoellty, tuck tt Coatt, Paata, VaaU, OtareoaU, Oreralll, Bhirti, Colin ra, A a. Boot, Shoes and Gaiters, alto of tht try katt Quality. A complete Btoek of Groceries. Ia abort artrythinf naoally kept la a toantry ttort. Consumers, Look to Your Interests Call and ejamlnt aur atock aad prloet befora purekating el tew here. LUMBER AND GUAIX Of all kindt takea la tirhtngt for gooda. j;6r-Rtmtmbtr tha plact, Madera, Ciearleld county, renn a. 3. FORREST A BOX. October 31, lMMf. JkEW STOKE AND SEW GOODS JOS. SHAW &i SOX Hare jutt opened a Niw Srosa, oo Main St.,CLirnLD, Fa., lalalr oocui.ird l.y Wm. T. IRWIX. Tlieir stock eotwitls of CDlJQ"2r CO X) CD LTD -33, Gkocta:ts of lbs bat quality, QuEt5WARE, BoOtS Mid SllOCS, sod ererjr article neceaaarf Tor one's comfort. Call and examine our stock before fur eliaiing e4itbere. May S, 18GG-lf. On Second street, Clearfield. NEW GOODS AT LOW FRICES. rTHlt underelened raepeetrblly Invlla the at I tsntlna of tha pahlle generally ta thtir ipltadid aeeortment of mtrohonditt, whioh they art aow tailing AT TEKYOW riUCKS. c ' Tbtlr ttoek aoailiti la part af Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Puck at Frlntt. Ta lilnet, Alpaeeaa. Merlnoa, lflngbamt,MualiBt,(hleaehed aad aableaeh- ad. I Drilling., Ticking!, ration and wool Fltnneli, Satin, tta,Caaaimeraa4 Cnltonadet. Ladiei' Shtwlt, Nubiaa A Rnnda, Ralmoral and Hoop Sklrta, AeM Aba, a una aaeartment af Men't Trratrara aad Sktrta, Hata Capt, Snot bBoaa, all af wklck WILL BE SOLD LOW FOB CASH Hardware, QuoenEware, QlosEware, Groceries and SpiccB. :n shout a geneiial assortment Of everrlhlnr arntlly kept In a retail ttara, all CURAP FOR CAaH or approved country pro duaa A. K. WRIGHT aV SOS. nearSald, Ko. T, 1.7. ')KY GOODS, MOTIONS, ko., in treat variety, at tht lowtit price, for caah, at tht CLT.ARFIF.LD BTORE, avt-tf Ntar Phillpaburg, Pt gALT, by lite sst'U or load, clipsper thin can ba ktd anywhere ilea, at tha CLEARFIELD STORE, aave-tf Ntar rhilipiburg. Pa qallTe x a mlnk the stoc k af Ooodi so Billing at lha CLEARFIEL") BT0KK, aovk-tf ' Ktar PhlllpthaJg, Pa. 1 A HAA Lba. Of Wool Warned at the 1U,UUU KEYSTONE STtiP.E, Juatll.dt. . ClearteM Ta NEW STOCK! Spring Goods I Spring Goods I -Spring Goods I ar tb.i KEYNTOXE KTOKE Buytr nof Ireai Oooda, Trimming!, Kollont, llotitry, Oloete, Ftaoy Ooadt, CarptU, Oil Clothi, Window Pbtdtt, Wall Paper, Ctrptt Chaini, Toilot Qullu, Cmhrtllat, Ptratolt Sboea. kt., Ac, Ao., ara Inrlled to tiamlnt THE M05T COMPLETE STOCK Erer Brought to thit markt ' WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION! awCaek keyert will sad rare ladaoamawta. NIVLING At SHOWERS. Claarlald, April I, ISSS-tf saoiiu HOIH a'ji oct sraisjn asxum Bennett, Blattcnberser & Co (BoecMori to Lwib, Whit k Co.,) WHOLES A LB 4 BET AIL DEALER! IS GENERAL MERCHANDISE OSCKOLA, PA, T a E PECTFULLY inelle an tmmlnatioa of IV their large atock of aeiaouaala gooda, pnr ehtaed for eeah. and oelling at GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS. WE DEFY COMPETITION. W Itll IvrtteT Onodi txt lower rmtet tbsva nj thr buuM in tht euaDta THE ZEASOX WJ1Y Bacauta wt buy for eaak and buy eloaa, tnd ara thatrnahled to glea aur euetomero and patroBa tba benefit of tbt greeter portion af ar tht promt they Baca Bimtrta Deea pay ing ; aad Deetuaa wt tell mora gooda than any other Boaao ia Claarfield eouaty. Our ttoek conaiati af Dry iool. CJroeerio, neeutwart, Hardware, Wood and Willow Wara, boou and Shoot. Hau, Cape, Clothing, aurD. turt, Carpeta and Oil Clothe, Provisions of all kinds; Feed, &c. Dress Goods for Ladies, of aetry ttyla. DRESS GOODS FOR CHILDREN, in aoat and tattoful deeigna. DRESS GOODS POR GENTLEMEN, la variety. REACT HADE CLOTHING at greatly reduced pricea. Order, takea for aoita of Clothing. Sample ta teleot from alwayt ae band. NOTIONS. From aar largt ttoek of NOTIONS, every watt la that line can be tupplit,!, (very deilre gratified. GROCERIES AM) ITtOYISIOXS. Rugaraof teary grade. Peru pi of erory quality. Preeareed Fraile aad Jeliiea. lomaltMrt and Poachaa. 8ugar Curtd llaml. Fhouldera and Sidea. Meet Pork, Mela lleef. Dried Hoof, r'bed, Meek ere I. Coddah, Hound Uerriog, Lake TrouL Kltra Flour, Corn Meal and liuckwbeat Ileal. Caah Tald for Couutry Produce. Building and other Hardware. Tonlt for Carpenter! and nthtra. Beat Double aad Single Hit Axee- Pieka, Ropat aad Corda fa llru.hea. Mill Fiodingi. Cigars nnd Tobneoo. Finett brandt of Cigara, Chewing tnd Smoking Tobacco, Ibt Celebrated Michigan Fiat Cat In Bulk. w-Country merchant! tupplicd aa at fair ttrmt at aaa bt bad ia tha F.aiitra ei lea. aw Ormdi ardtred for oor cnetomert and tat llfaetloa guarantaad To buy to lava, to buv to pleaie. To bay to mtkt, lo buy with ttta, To buy at all. aa all mual do. Ta tht chtap eaih ttort all thould go. JtFNNKTT, ELATTENUKkUKR A CO. Otoaola Ulllt, mty 14, lsr.g tf COUNTRY WERCHANTS, DA M YM EX, FARMERS, AND OTHERS, Conilgc your Aahea, Beerwti, Reoni. Butter, CBeeea, Sgat, Flowr and Meel, Flev. Cotton, Fun and Sklni, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, Grain, Wool, Oamt, Poultry, Naval Storrt, Hope, fllnteng, Fealhera, Hemp, Provi.lona, 011a, Lard, Tallow, Bicdt, Sorghum, tlulaitea, Ae. ae JOSIAII CAKTENTER, General Commission Merchant, 443, 444 and 4 IA Valilnptou Hlrccl NEW YORK CITY, And reaetvt kit wtekly TriVe Terrvaf uf Product and (Iroeerlee, tka motl cemplrtt Prlco Current pullibed ia tht Vailed S la lei. SEND TOR A riilCE CURRENT. Milking riatet aad Cardt Furnlihtd Fret. LIBERAL ADVANCF.S MADE O.N C0S 8IGN MEXTS. Eitabliihid Mty lit, 1HS. tafFlrit alatt Ktrirrnrti glvon when ft. haired. tptl ly JJTGIIEST TRICE pnid in Goods r Calk for Lumbar aad Bhiaglaa, at tba clcarkield stob.. er tf Ktar rblllpiburf , ft. MISS SUSAN RECD, llllLII IS rLAl AM) FAM'Y EOXUTS, M'sscs' & Children's Hats L Caps, FBIAtll eV AMr.niCAS 1-LOHKKH. niDBoxa, 4C, AC. a.rjLF.ACUlNO aad TRl.MillN'l iluna In lat.at It vie. Oppotita Moaaop'i, Mar kit Street, apr2J-3ia C lttrflt Id, Pa. DRESS-MAKING. SPM IAIa WOTirr PABISIAN 1PKKH AND CLOAK MA K IN(1 Udiei cttn hv their Irrff. HuiU, (Nifttp, aurf HnvquiDf. biud oaie.y nidt ni iritcait d. t tlm ctitnevt ua tio. at tb old PUbiihed itand, IVM tleinu ritocy atbd !in rnnn, Mutitilt Umnmenti, Drvii aod Clottt Buttoon, Hihon, Ctunv mn i Uuipnr Laoea, IJugltj and tmp Itrrtt TriiB DiinfTi, witb a litTjtt rartvtjr of btpl nd VQy Ovod.frotii 2j tu iD pr cut. lbn el-whv.t,. Alio, rffeivinir ditiv. Fart ra-hti.ni in tinna pffar, for Ladiea' and Cfaildrwo'i UrtB9u. f FalOroa fur .rchm.t and )rpt utannri nw wady, l Sin. JI. A. lilM'KK'tS, )yi y 1021 Cbtitnul it., PbiUdtlpliU. L.1TE8T STYLES rott SPRING & SUMMER i uah noiu mt uhi awta ua Mrs. 11. D. WELSH L Co., lOeftleri in FANCY GOODS,' MILLINERY, NOTION'S, TOY?, and MUSICAL LXSTRUMLXTS. Eilk and rclvet B0XXET3 made fur. SI CO Straw BONKET3 made fur 74 All kinJaof UATS lor It Hateriali furniahed on at rcaeonable termt aa they cau be had in the county. Kextdoor to Firat Xational Bank, nov7.tr CLEARFIELD, Vk. 1 OltJ KPRIIhG )PIiM.U. 18C8 I UUO EYRE k LAN DELL, ; Fourth and Arok Ftrccta. rHILADELI'HiA. PKNX'A. New Pnrfrg Filkl. Koeeltiea In Tlreee Onodt. New Style Kbawla. t-ieel and Pearl Pnpiina. E. A L. alwaya kaep tht heat HLaCK blLKS. N. B Net Caah lloyere will find it to their internet to call, at Dargaine from Auction ara daily rtctirtd. marltf-m 628 HOOP SKIRTS. 623 Wm. T. lluiiklii'e -Own Make" of -Key- atone Hklrte" Ara tbt heat aad t:hea.eel Low Pii-cd Hoop iklrtt in tht market. 1 rail t-kirte. 2i tpringt, 1 1. tO ; mi rpriuiti, J 1.2" ; and 40 t.rini!, tl 4 4. PUin rkirti. A tipe., 2l ttrinra, till Ccnia; !i aprlnga, j Cemai :tu aiiringr, 1 1 If ; 34 ipringa, 11.24. Vi amimed in evrrv reepeot. 'Our OWN Meke" of 'l'M0 rKII:T."." Elrrea Tape Treilt. frem IU 10 4 tprii.gt, f I Kl to Sf.40. Plain, tix lapei. 20 l,i 1,1) eprinct. from Vi Ccnti to 13. 1 0. Thrie Skirla are belter (htn thoae told by other e.iahii.tiuieuta a. rt cltel gniMlr, and tt much lower pneen. Our OH' Make" of CHAMPION SKIRTS' ore in every way tutrriur to all olber lioop rkint lufiire tho puMic, and only have tu be eiamin,d or worn to nominee every one of tha furl. Manufactured ol Ihe beat liticn huithed hngliah Steel Hpringa, very lupenor tepea, abd the aryle of the metalie fMiieiiiii; and uiamier of eeeuriog them eurpael lur durnhiiilj and ra eellenec any olber rkirt ra thia country, otiu .v liuktve, ele .ale. ill wm Linger, pive more attiataeiion. and are really cheeper 'baa all other. Rvery lady ahmild Iry thoiu. They are being told attentively by ileichaiila through out thia and the adjoining Hulea at very mod. omit prioat. II ou wont he Icit, a,x fr "Hopkiu'i ChkioTiion rkirt If you d not fiud them, get tht merchant with whom vou deal tu order thorn lor yon. ar come ar tend direct tout. Xlercbonta will hud our different gradei of hkirta elartly aht tliey need, and we erperiall) inrita them to call tnd avamlnt our cKtenaivc aiiorl arnt, or tend f,r Wholeenle Priet l.iet- To ke bad at Retail at Manufactory, nnd of the Retail Trkde generally, and at V hulemle ot tha Manufacturer onl, to whom all ordtn tbould ba addreeted. Mcaufeetory and Salearoom. ft2S Arch btraot, bt'ween 0th and 7tb itreeta. rtiila.ielt.hi. k'errh ! lllin W V T IIOPKIWfi. 2!ants. DREXEL & CO., Ma. 34 Moulh Third trct, Phlladclpa And Dealers in Government Securiticc ApplkmtioQ hy nail will rrooivv pniniitt at ten -tinn, and all intonnatiun vbcirfully lui ntt..ccU OnU'tT lolicitdU. rll-U' J. D. M'flirk. E lward Perka. BAKKLNG & COLLECTION HOUSE OP McGirk & perks PnorwMHir to Footer, Perkt, I Co., ritlltfbiirp. i'eutrc Coouiify, Pa. "IT r II ME all thp ho m nit- of- nnnkmp llnntn ) ! will Ih1 trwUnnrtrU iriuittlv and umd tire m out fjivora-ilf ttrrma Dinr7-tf County National Bank. CI.F.AIIFIF.I.D, PA. TIIIS Tlink it now open and ready for boil, neit. iir,ce on Second ttroet. In the build ing formerly occupied by Leonard. FiDuey A Ct. ninnmina ana orrictna. JAR. B. Oh A tl A M, HICIUIID F1IAW, WM. A. WALLACE, WM. PUHTI.1. A. K. W Kill III, Uh'U. L. ltLF.li. D. W. MOIiKK, JAS. T. LEONARD, juTS.feJ Ctakiar, l'rindeat. Clearfield Cuuiuy DaiiK riUR Clcftrflpltl CnutttT Hank an tn .nnnrt'Ora L td luvittatint. bM enna oat mf liftfnCH hr th turrnnriflr of iu rhiirter, on 12, lHf.i, All ta iMork owned bj tli uhttcriKtrs, vbo will eoalira th hanking bat-intHi at tbt nm plum, a ft t vat Hankvri, unditr 0t firm tim ul thv -Civarl.lct (Jouaty 0nh." ar ra upon ni Me fr tha dt'bti ol th Il-.uk, anJ will yny Ut tinfp on deni.nd at th tuntr. Uep-iti rofw.vad and latar! paid whar, atitncy ii left for a fifd lima. lka)ir dminintti a ii vnrcciU. at brretxft.ra. tur perc-nut rriTHtbihtT ia pledged fr all Dufoiu rtecWed nnd buatuon trana oted. A aoniinaane of tha hhf-nt put rontir of tha buPinan nen of tba enontT Ii ra rpefMiul.T tlicieii. At lre-idtn(. rhicr and uttioeri af ) late Clearnold CimnT llank, trn reufre the tiotaa of id Bank to tw praaectad for redetntttiikw. JUS. T I.KONAUD, I TP!! WW MUW, WM P'HTKR. JAS. f OK . Li AM, A. K. WhlUllT. H. h h KKU, WM A. WALI.Al'K. The haVine of lha Hank will be eondueted Vy John M. Adam., fm . as rmhier, (,1un?.6 Valuable Town Property FOR sale: TTI'ATF on the Fnnth viM corner of Chrrry anil Third Slrielt, I Spine ttnllroad atn-a.l tu : A Li 'T. with rod to-.-tor i. . -I. "J- i.ig lliereon, .HS l.y 1. let. one rooni on ea . lilitahlp for n etoee. t,r oihrr l.tiin.f. Alo. th, li. lining LOT, with a two t..r dwelling houtu thereon, aad aeveral other TOW N Ld IS. Alio, a lot of well hernt ItKITK. and a good araortmeiit or STONKWAltK, lu-h u I'niclj, Jugs Jan, Fruit Cam, etc., at rt-rtuv.d j'rioci. For further information. irniiiT nt the stone ware Pottery of 1'. LLITT.INfiFK. writ tin ClearfivM, Pa. J XVHTZZ ' pntt w il. ea paid by J. t. kkAlltK.