Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 04, 1868, Image 2

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    She Republican.
(iKoiuiK H.G(MHi.ANni:u, Ktlitnr.
Thursday Morning, June 4, 1868
' iion. ciiArti.r. i- noVtU,
Or layette county.
Of Columbia county.
Kx-1'reniilent James llucliiinun died
at Wheatland, Lancaster county, on
Monday last, in his seventy-seventh
The Cincinnati Commercial (Iladi
cal) Rays : "Ben Wade is tho only man
' who could have carried Ohio. Had
" ho been jilnted on tlio ticket, the
" State would have been safe." Yes,
in a horn, Sir. Commercial.
Ten minutes before two o'clock,
on the 27lh nit., wound up the Great
Conspiracy, entitled Impeachment.
On our first page will be found the
dying words of tho Impeuchment
Fathers ut some length.
Hen. Wado did not dio from tlm
wounds ho received in the Senate
Chamber and the ncjrro convention at
Chicago, lie is alive and kicking,
and swears harder and oftener than
ever. These things must grate harsh
ly upon loyal cars.
Stanton and his bummers still dony
that he has resigned. We presume
it makes but little difference to the
people what they call his late move
ment. Ho ovidently left before be
got l'addys hint to go. Ho may
have gone up tho Potomao for a Sun
day's fish, but wo suspect Stanton is
no more, unless be is punished for bis
It hns been asserted by nomo wise
nd 103-al men, that if Hen Wade bad
boon at Chicago to voto for himself,
bo would have been nominated instead
of Colfax. We think this is a mistake
becauso Hen. voted three times to
make himself President, but it was a
failure. It three votes don't make a
resident, of course ono would not
make a Vico.
Secretary Stanton's baby resigna
tion is likely to result favorably to
tho Treasury, at nil events. Ho lock
ed tho Department when ho went
out, and it remained tdjutup for near
ly a week. The next monthly state
ment, under theso circumstances,
should show a decrease of the Nation
al debtiprovided the rest of the thieves
wero locked out.
Charles W. Wooley. This gen
tleman has been brought into public
notice by refusitigtoanswerquestions
rclnting to his private business, by
Hen. Huller's inquisition. A Wash
ington correspondent says bo is quite
a young gentleman, of handsomo fea
tures pleasing address, and every inch
a thorouirh-hred Kentuckian. lie is
a grandson of Hon. Charles A. Wick
lill'o, of Kentucky.
Woind Up. Tho Black Pa-publicans
bsvo for ten years tnlkod about
"winding up this fareo of a govern
ment," but it "still lives." Ono farce,
liowever, has been wound up Im
peachment and the second Tuesday
of October, will wind np tho greatest
farce and mostinfainous cabal that has
infested this country since the days of
King George's loyalists: We mean
the lilack ltepublican party.
Committee. Tho JJunip Senate
lias appointed the following commit
tee to smell up and ferret out what
Butler's has boon unablo to find, in
' referenco to tho monaecs and bribes
offered to Senators during tho progress
of Impeachment, vi : Buekulow,
(I)em.) Chandler, Stewart, Morrill
and Thayer, (Itads.) Thcro is ono
virtue about tho committeo that none
of the others connected with tho Im
peachment farce possessed : A Demo
crat h: s boon placed upon it, and the
investigation will bo conducted out
ido of Thud. Stevens' Star Chamber.
A I'EAn Failure. Late results
bavo madfl sad havoc with Radical
prayers. Tho god to whom they
wero addressed seems to have been on
a journey, or tho suppliants did not
peak loud enough. Tho Chaplain of
tho Rump llouso prayed daily for
nearly tlireo months, for the Impeach
ment nnd removal of tho President
Tho negro Conference, sitting at the
Capital, dedicated a half a day to the
samo end ; and their white faced
brethren at Chicago, wrestled twelve
hours to bring about a similar result ,
but all to no purpose The President
is safe, and Stanton kicked out. We
trust these meddlesome brethcrn will
hereafter spend their timo and talents
on subject over which they have
ome control.
t.iHdal l.ritnl fnnrhril for.
(itti (iiant lin eliulH union a lino
that will nmipy his attention all sum
mer. Besides, bis negio sufl'rngo nnd
equality doctrines are as open as they
aro Infamous. Ho is without doubt
as realous an advoi ate of all the Ittul
leal deviltries as Wendell Philips him
self. In proof of Ibis, wo give tho fol
lowing letter which was read nt tho
late anniversary of tho Aiili Sluvery
Society in New York. Tho writer,
Mr. Moss, is a noted disunion Aboli
tionist. Tho "perfect triumph in
1NII8," is tho contemplated triumph of
(Jisunion and negro equality. Head
tho letter :
WashinOus, b. r), May 11.
Tell your friends of the anniversary llit Im
peachment Is stlrc to be eurcomlul ID spite of the
treachery of a few Republican Senators. The vote
is postponed unlit hatunlay on aciouni oi mo sica
nesi r Henatnr Howard. W e shall on that dny
bavo thirty ix vote, for conviction, and that se
cures its success. There is a tremendous excite
ment at the Capital, mure intense than that which
prevailed at I lie time of the ailoption of the iin-
r . .... 11....... TI.J.
pcacliliient resolutions in me nouse. no iui,..
cationi henped upon Truinliull, Uriuiee ami Koa
sriiden are bitter and emphatic, and 1 do not enry
them in their position, 'lhcy hid lair to be classed
with the Arnold! and the othur traitors to the
cause of freedom.
lienerel Urant in working hard with hia friends
to secure conriution. Ho says hi acquittal will
result in bloodshed. Hie oiinioni on-lil to influ
ence lti-puliliren Senators to remove tlio only ob
itacle in the way of peace.
By the way, Heocral Grant, the pant throe weokl,
has declared himself in favor of universal suffrage,
and declares Ibat must be the ruling idea of bin
adiniiiiitrution, if elected in li-oS.
ltadicalimn will, in spite of the timidity and
treachery of Kcpuhlican Senators aecare a perfect
triumph in IsoS. It will rule the neit adiuinie
tration and dictate the polioy of the nation here
after. Jlotwitlmanding clouds and darkness now
obscure the political horiion, light and sunshine
will, on (Saturday nclt, gladden the beartf of the
true and good men ot the country. By wotuing
hard until Saturday, our deliverance will be) ac
complished and traitors driven from positions of
honor and power. lie ol good cheer ana an win
yet work out lor good.
Ai)Vi8oiiT. The Kudicalsare begin
ningto be fearfully exercised lest the
Democrats should nominate Mr. Chase
as their candidate for the Presidency,
and are furnishing all sorts of excel
lent reasons why the nomination is
impossible in the first place, and, if
possible, that It would bo the roost
disastrous to the Democracy that
could be mate. We simply advise
them to attend to the aflairs of their
own household, and settle the little
difficulties that exist there. Tho De
mocrats are competent to man ago
their own party business, and if they
did require help they would certainly
not seek it from a party that is man
aged and controlled in all its depart
ments by renegade Democrats. Tho
Dcmocratio party is not lead by rene
gades, nor will they accept advice
from a cabal, tuado up of such prosti
tutes as Cameron, Grow, Geary, For
ney, Brewster Si Co. These worthies
nearly dostroj-ed tho Democratic par
ty and the- Union, and we aro very
much mistaken if they don't wind up
the Black Republican party bofoie
throe months roll around.
"Pet Lamu" Sports. Tho Now
York Tribune, and othcr"loyal" pa
pers, for many years past kept tho
people of tho North posted with ref
erence to "Southern outrages," if per
petrated by whites on niggers ; but
since this class havo bocamo the rul
ing clement no "outrages" are com
mittcd, if wo judgo by those conat ion
tious editors. But the Greeley refor
mation is doing its work right under
the very noses of tho military despots
and school-mam's who now command
tho situation. Hero aro two of many
items, which will demonstrate tho
habits of tho now citizens.
Gorge Cox a negro, while attempting to rob an
aged negro named Wood, in Mcmpbiii, on Thura
duy, wai let upon by negroes and vliot sixteen
tiincp, and carried to the police itation.
At a tnall town called Lincoln, nenr PoahoD
Iab, Arkansas, which was settled by freedmen, a
negro named Cochrane wan detected a few days
since by another named Win. Habcock, in illiuit
intereoiirie with his wife, and attacked hi in. C'oeh -nine
killed llaleock in the encounter, and imme
diately took np with Ilfibcock'l wife, who bad four
children. Next dny all the children were found
in a swamp with their throats rut. Iko Martin
saw the deed, but, trom fear of Cochrane, said
nothing for tcveral days, but finally went to Port
Cha pontes and informed the authorities, who hava
laid the matter before the military authorities.
Cochrane is not yot arretted.
Fix cititens of Hamburg, Bouth Carolina, were
arreted on Thursday for refusing to allow freed
men to hold an officinl meeting in the V'nion
church of (but town. Tbey are to be tried before
a Military Commission at Aiken, byurderof Uen.
Cun by. fcxclinntje.
Tho "white trash" should not be
so meddlesome. If they did build
tho church, they ought to know that
untlor Radical rule tho whito man
possesses no rights which the "nation's
wards," aro bound to respect. Wo
would not bo surprised to learn that
theso meddlesomo peoplo have been
shot for their "treasonable practices."
Training. MeCoolo and Coburn,
who were to havo fought a prizo tight
lust week, in the Stato of Indiana,
wero arrested, indicted and sentenced
to jail for forty days, at Lawrcnccburg,
in that State, where they can "train,"
if they see fit, for the next match.
Tho President on, tho 80th ult. sent
the name ol Henry Stanbery to tho
Semite for a restoration to the position
of Attorney General. Wonder wheth
er tho Radicals in tho Senate will have
tho magnanimity to confirm tho nomi
nation f
Equamtt. Thirty -eight negroes sat
in tho Chicago Radical Convention Ms
the equals of John W. Forney, Alex
ander K. McCluro, el id omne. genu.
There's no accounting for tastes, as
tho old 'womaa suid when sho kissed
tho cow.
A Wisconsin editor remarked re
ccntly: "If Andrew Johnson gots
clear it will not affect our politics,
but it will give our religion an awful
I orney's Washington Chronicle, is
for sale-price J.iO,(MMI. Its editor can
be bought fur less money,
frrifMfiir limnoN.
IKillt olsl Philadelphia. Herald )
Wasimnhion, May l1'1
Otltof theirown mouths the liailiral
pat ty is bring ciniloninrd. Tho way
things are goii.g at present it would
seem hardly worth while for tho De
mocracy to expend worns in mo con
demnation of the Radical party or vd
in vindication of their own. To-day
no less than two Senators (both of
whom voted steadily with the impeach
ers) in open Senato .coinli mned tho
policy of Radicalism in regard to tho
admission of tho late Rebel Stales.
M r. Ferry.of Connecticut, pronounced
tho hill passed by tho House as being
not only in viola'.ion of the oft-repealed
nled'ires of his tmrty, but diametri
cally opposed to tho first pHnciples of
free government. Jr. morion, 01 In
diana, read from tho Reconstruction
act tho provision requiring that each
of those States shall ratify tho pro
posed fourteenth amondment to tho
Constitution, and said amendment
shall become a part of the law of the
lund before they shall bo admitted in
to the Union, (?) and he proceeded to
expose tho absurdity and impractica
bility of thiH provision in a stiain of
logic and eloquence that made ono al
most believe Morton had turned Dem
ocrat. What would the ratification
of an amendment by a State before it
is in tho Union bo worth, asked Mr.
Morton just whut Democrats asked
before tho Reconstruction act was
passed. What right has Congress to
impose conditions of admission which
relate only to tho domestic affairs of
tho Stato, quoth both Morton and
Ferry precisely what Democrats
have been asking for months past.
Such indications of returning reason
as theso on tho part of Radical Sena
tors are calculated to give encourage-,
incut for the future welfare of the
country, especially as they havo oc
curred so closely upon the heels of
that great triumph of justice over fa
naticism, namely, the acquittal of tho
President on the impeachment char
ges. For two years and more a con
tinuous indictment of "traitor," "usur
per," and "violator of the Constitution
and laws of the land," was howled out
against Andrew Johnson from every
Radical mouthpiece, until many un
suspecting folks began to fuel that
this country had a very bad man in
tho Presidential chair: but, lo, when
these charges came to be investigated
by judicial scrutiny, they were found
so utterly groundless that a Senate
more than .three-fourths Radical re
fused to pronounce him guilty opon
a single count. The consequence is
Andrew Johnson stands fairer to-day
in tho eyes of tho American masses
than at any period of his life before j
and, what is, perhaps, fully as impor
tant to tho welfaro of tho country, tho
people now see the difference between
the declarations of Radical politicians
upon the stump, or even in tho Semite,
and tho verdict of the same men ren
dered under tho restraints of a judi
cial oath.
Tho Star, this evening, mentions
the interesting fact that six of the anti-impeachment-conviction
attended a culled caucus of Radical
Senator? this morning, whereupon
several of the extremists, including
Wado, Chandler and Cattell withdrew,
positively refusing to recognize tho
"recusants" as any longer belonging
to tho parly.
Prophesies by Thad. Stevens and
Forney. Impeachment' was tho issue
und conviction was to carry with it
success for tho Chicago ticket. Said
Thad. Stevens: "If tho President is
not convicted the Radical candidate
will carry but two Northern States
Massachusetts and Vermont." Proph
esied all the Forneys Occasional,
Olivia, Jano Catherwaite, Old Con
federate forney, ex-Secretary tor-
ncy, nnd tho editor of "my two pa
pers, both daily '"Should tho Sen
ate of the United Slates fail to con
vict Andrew Johnson on tho accusa
tions of tho House, not an electoral
votn, with tho exception of tho vote
of est irninia, Missouri, and len
nessee, will bo given toGencral Grant
in tho Southern Slates next Novem
ber." It remains for the people to
secure tho fulfillment of theso proph
esies, and, if no blunders are commit
ted, the result of tho olection will
show that tlieso revolutionary leaders
spoke tlio truth by accident.
Old Wade is Dead Hon. Wado's
Senatorial term expires on tho 4th of
.March IWJ. llo tried to bo elected
for another term, but tho peoplo of
Ohio passed sentonco of condemnation
upon him, and elected Judgo Thur
man to take his place.
Then be was ambitious to bo Pres
ident. Ho encouraged tho crusado
against Andrew Johnson, and "dnmn
cd himself to everlasting infamy"' by
voting for his conviction in order that
ho might himself become the occupant
of tho Whito llouso. In this he failed.
Then ho aimed a little lower he
thought the Vice Presidency would
suit him, but nlas 1 how ungrateful aro
Republicans I Tho Chicago Conven-
tion consigned him to obscurity. It
gave tlio Speaker of the Senate the
cold shoulder, nnd nominated the
Speaker of tho House for the Vice
Presidency. Poor Wado is dead,
thrioo killed within a year. And
wntii is worso no dies "unwept, nn-
honorod and unsung." Valley Sjtirit.
Tho Radicals aro sadly annoyed at
tho union and harmony of the Democ
racy. They have been so torn and
batteretl by their own party dissen
sions that they cannot deem it possi
ble that tho Democrats should not be
wrangling and pulling car-h other's
hair in a stylo corresponding with
their own free fights. Ho easy, gen
tlonion, tho Democrats arn wide
awake, and hnvo a perfect knowledgo
of what is transpiring in tho political
world. Profiting by the demoralizing
example of tho Radicals, they have
wisely ndoptcd as their motto, "in
union thero is strength." Therefore,
they arc not going to permit the bond
of Union that now exists to be broken,
even though it causo annoyance to
thoir Radical opponents.
Col. Peter Buldcy, formerly Dis-
iiivinin-j ui orinampTon coun
ty, and Colonel of a Pctinsylania r?p-
imcnt during tho war, says tho Ens
ton Argus, has been taken to the
Northampton county poor house.
The entire proceedings in the Hen
ate on the llOth nit, on the Wur Dc
pai tnteli'. mutter have oomo to buhl
It appears thai tho first proposition
voted on was that of Mr, Stewarts, ns
follows t
Hfxlwi, Thst Ike Senate s lvlsa and eenscnl
to the appointment of M. S. holl. ld as Seer..
I.ryof W ar In Hie place or Kdwin M. Stanton,
who ha been forced to retire from tb discharge
ol the duties of said office by reason of illegal and
uneonilitulioiial acts ol tha President.
This was lost by yeas 1!), liny 21.
It was urged by Stewart and others
in support of his proposition, that it
was tho natural consequence of the
voto on impeachment, and that it
should bo supported by nil who voted
for conviction. It will bo seen that
it was volod against and killed by
Anthony, Corbcit, Kdmnnds, Frcling
huvsen, Uoriran. Morton, Sprague
and Willey, ull of whom voted for
impeachment. The action of tlieso
gentlemon causes a good deul of com
ment omortif tho coruiui ruuietu im-
peuehment members in tho llouso.
Of tho eight thus Toting, Mossrs. An
thony, Morton, Spruguo and Willey
voted on tho night of tho twenty-first
of February, tbat the President bud
no power to removo the tiecrotary oi
War: whilo Corbctt, Frelinghuysen
and Morgan wero thon absont.
Tho bte wart resolution having been
defeated, Mr. F.dmunds thon brought
forward his preamble and resolution,
the latter being in tho usual form,
and simply confirmingthe nomination,
which was agreed toby yeas aa, nays i.
It is generally understood by tho
President's friends that Vhoso eight
Radicals could have been secured, bad
it not boon understood that enough
better men would voto againBt Im
1 ... Ml. , 1 ,t .! ,1.
lion. Bciioiiow iook cnariro oi ino
War office on Monday, and having
the reputation ot boing a gentleman,
the war between tho President and
the clerk in that bureau is closed,
while Sumner and Stanton can
"stick" whero they please, and fish on
Sunday to thoir hearts' content.
A Cheap Denial. The denial of
the Radical Senator Pomeroy, of Kan
sas, of the charges of having offered
to furnish the President with Radical
votes for acquittal in consideration
of receiving forty thousand dollars
and the control of the Executive pat
ronage in the State of Kansas is what
might have been anticipated, but it is
far from relieving him lrom tho uum
uging suspicion that tho charge is
true. Col. Cooper's testimony is di
rectly to the point. A mors denial
will not serve to exonerate Pomeroy;
be must present something a little
moro authoritative if he would disa
buse tho public mind in regard to his
guilt. There is said to be another
document in the possession of tho
friends of tho PresiJont which conclu
sively verities tho charge, and this
document will lie forthcoming at the
proper lime.' The Intelligencer asserts
by authority that Senator Pomeroy's
voto was offered to the President lor
a valuable consideration.
Caligula mado his horse a consul
and fed him with gilded oats to test
his humanity after being bated and
feared as the most cruel and despotic
of all the tyrants of Rome. Just so
tho lending Radicals, after doing all
in their power to wrong tho whito
men of tho South and to prostrate
them socially, politically, and in their
business prosjiects, try to make
amends by showing somo regard for
tho nrgro. lsut Uiliirula nm-ht real
ly have some affection for his horse,
but who. in view ot tho past, really
believe these white Radicals care any
thing for the negro beyond securing
bis ballot lor Ihcir own advancement f
The new fifteen cent notes have just
been turned out by tho printing di
vision of the Treasury. Tho notes
are of the samo width, but somewhat
shorter than tho twenty-five cent
notes. On the right side of the face
is an excellent Ivignetto of General
Sherman. Between tho vignettes nre
tho words, "fifteen cents," prominent
ly displayed, and immediately beneath
the figuros "15." The back is simi
lar in aopearaneo to that of thotwen
ty-fivo cent notes, with tho denomi
nation on each end.
Wo have not heard of any of the
blood-shed so confidently predicted
by Ocn. Grant, as tho result of the
President's acquittal, neither havo
thero as yet been any indication of an
intention on the part of tho President
to usurp powers noi delegated by tho
Constitution, lliose bloody and usur
ping demonstrations will occur about
tho timo that Butler's apple blossoms
nittKo tuoir appearance
There aro over three thousand clerks
in tho Treasury Department at Wash
ington, not more than five hundred of
whom are friends ol the President or
his administration. Why uotgive the
disloyal iwenty-hve hundred a very
long furlough J No mun 'twas snid
during a former Administration who
reluses to support tho President can
bo a loyal man. Therefore let them
bo shuibed off.
Tho terms of tho seven Repuplioan
Senators voting "not cuilly on tho
clovonth article ofimpeachmont expire
as follows: Fessenden, of Maine, 1871;
Fowler, of Tennesseo, 171 ; Grimes,
oflowa, 1871 ; Henderson, ofMissouri
lHdil; Ross, of Kansas, 171 ; Trumbull,
of Illinois, 1872; Van Winkle of West
Virginia, 18011.
Colfax says: 'Vo put into the
slavo's right hand the ballot to protect
his manhood and his rights." jS'o
you don't. You do it only so that ho
limy voto you in tooflice. Down South
yon have disfranchised or beaten near
ly to death cvory colored man who
dared to exercise a choice by voting
the Democratic ticket.
Cnl1icott,a renoRftdo Hemocritt ami
Horace Grooloy's pet, who sold liimuolf
to the Kepulilicnn jinrty somo yoRnt
sinco for 11,200, lias boon convicted of
extensive wbmky frnudd in New York,
and will lie ftentcneed by the court to
the Penitentiary. Thitj is another
lladieal triumph.
An excimnpo iay: Gon. Untlor
auks that his New" Orleans condui t
may be investigated. For heaven's
sake let him havo his wish, this time. ,
Or Hie fill of Mm , bt I'ev. A Hl,
Ml. IMM' lift IIM II and s in a .- .1
MM I.Ni'N J all oil nifii"i Hi", I a.
On the Ktti of n, . A...S T s' '.
fo , Mr. .1"M I H " ' I Nh' wn ,,A
A I If A ll I K It HI Ml lo. I all ol menses ip.,
Cleaillcld e..nty, I'a.J ,
On the fiih of April, ln. t.f 1 H.fsiMiai t
K.q , Mr. T J Kl I MiSON IH.oi'M. oi otw.-np
villa, and Miss HosANNAII UloMPnUN, wl
Lawrenc township.
On Thursday, llic llh dsy of Jly, !", by
Hcv. K. W. Sn, Mr. 11,1.1AM HHArr 11 n
and Miss 8AL1N A KAl'ST, both or ilradloid
township, Clearfield eounly Pa.
On Flindav, the 31t dy of Mar, t, by 11.
. Hi.oitV, Ken.. .Mr. II K.N BY OlllthS, of
reiice township, and miss
I'KIM ILl.A ci nil v,
of hnox township
, Clearlleld eounly, I
51 cw adrwItjsrmfBtjs.
(1 AUTHiNAII persons are hereby cautioned
J against purchasing or in any way meddling
.tk ...... 1.... .i.ll, n ..n hnv mnre. three eows,
. . - ..1.1 1...II vo.rlinir heilerS. Sil
shotes, plows, harrows, one light wagon, grain In
' 1 . .... . - ....1 h.
tne grounu, twneiii, rye, ais u't sui ...i
entire stock of household furniture, now in the
possession of David Miiiith. of Knoi township, as
tha sauie belong to me, and are left with him sub
ject to iny order. JOHN VOX.
Kew Millport, May Z7, 108. jos-.ii.
TyOTICHsKealeil Proposals will be revived
IN until Mondav. June S, l1S, by the Lower
llri.lire Coniuanv. for the KT0NE WOltK of
their bridge. Plans and specifications cau be
suen by calling on the Directors.
u. n. jvi r.n u i-.i.ii.
W. W. HKTTrl,
WM. D. lilULtll,
Je4-1t Directors.
jca Dn. A. M. HILLS,
"TTTTOesirei to inform hit patrons, and tha
public generally. that faehaaaseocimted with him
In tha practice of D.ntistry,
S. P. SIIAW, D. D. S.,
Who la a gradual of the Philadelphia Dental
Collage, aca theretore nas ins nigoeii attain
ments of professional skill. All work dona in
tha office I will hold myself personally responsi
ble for heiog dona in tha most aatisfaetory man
ner and highest order af tha profession.
An established praetie of twenty-two years in
this plaee enables ma lo apeak to my patients
with eonfidenea.
Engagement from ft distance should b made
by letter a few dsyt bafora the patient designs
coming. (June 4, IBdg-ly.
OAW MILL WANTMO. A couple of gen-
tvj tlrmen, well vrpd in thn maiiufifturo of
Lumoer.wiifa to rent ft 8AW Af ILL. They will
rant it for ft share, or If the thousand. A nr per
son having a mill to rent, will please aMri Hoi 7V,
ClemrtWM, P. O. Miiy 28 -lt:pd
moilACCO AM) KM. AR Bat eTn
1 di'h. t'onrreis, Ppan ball, floundar. natural
leaf. One eat. smokins; tobacco, best brands of
pure II aran. Connaetient aad State seed it gars,
pipes, Sonteh sniff, rappre muff nt
my'2$.m J. P. KKATZER'fl,
nAl X AM) CA PK Spring styles io men's
Panama, braids and Cantua bats, brown
lur bat, black wool hats, yonnt rent.'s fashion
able silk bats, old men's eaimere bats, platt
ers broad brim hats, infant s fancy capf . ladies'
and misses' sundowns at J. P. KKATZCK'S.
IOOT AM) IIO-: Men's Prenei calf
sewed boots, Franch kippegued boot, meo's
and hoys' balmorals, Oxford ties, carpet slitpera.
ladies' gaiters, Kiench Moroeco shoes, polish
boots, calf ski. shoes, children's fancy colored
boots, lasting ankli-u, buttnnei hoots, gum over
hoes and sandals at J. P. K HATZbltS.
CAUTlOoAll persons are hereby cautioned
against purr-haing or negotiating fnr a car-
tain l'llONlSSUHV NOTE, gieru by me to
Shcpard t Tweedy, per A. I., lllodget, dated
Si-puli, 1SIS7, calling for Ftrrr dollars: as 1
have received no value for said sum, and will nut
psy the note unless compelled by Inw. ,
11 A 1U CM 1 1 II.
Knot Ip, May IS, lSf,7-Jt
Kseeulir. Committee of the Clearfield C"un
t Agricultural Hociety will meet at the Rreister's
office, in Clearfield, on Saturday, the nth day of
June, inns, at J orioce., p. m., tor the purpose of
taking into consideration the propriety of holding
a Fair this season, and for the transaction of other
business. fiATHAMLL HIMHKL,
May 2, 2U Chairman
1) KCilHTKR'M NOTIt'K Notice is hereby
11 giren tbat the following accounts base been
eiemiuoj and passed by me, and remain filed of
record in this office for the inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any other
way interested, and will be presented to the
next Orphans Conrt of Clearfield connty, to be
held at the Conrt House, in the borough of Clear
field, eommeeclng en the third Monday of
June, l.iei!
Final account of S. P. Wilson, one of the ad
mlnistretorsof Matthew A, Foreee, dee'd.
Final account of Joseph V, . Lull,
tor of Walter W ilron, dee'd.
Final account of John B. flormont, admlois
trstor of Francis Ionard Uormont, dee'd.
Final account of Charles Moan and Cyrenlns
Howa, administrator, ef the estate of Jacob
Qearbart, dee'd.
Partial account of Christian Kerb, adminis
trator of the estate of Charles Zilliox, late of
Brady township, deceased.
The account of Jacob Kuntt, administrator
or the e.tate of Mary J. H carer, late of Urady
township, deceased.
Final acoonnt of James Somerrille. funrirtn.
administrator of lis rid tSomerriila, late of Chest
township, deceased.
I. 0. BARflER,
RrntsTra', Orrir, Kegister.
Clearfield, Pa., May S, ldfiS. f
rninn ih to i.h i: mth ici-That on
I the 4th day of May. A. D. itU. a Warrant
in Bankruptcy waa Issued against the R.tate of
William F. Irwin, of the borough of Clearlleld. In
the county of Clearlleld, and Mate of Pennsyl
vania, who has beca adjudged a Uankrupt on his
own petition thai the payment ef any debts
and delivery of any property belonging te such
Uankrupt, to hitn.or fcr his use, and the transfer
of any property by him are forbidden by Law,
that a meeting of the Creditor, of the said Uank
rupt, to prose their Debts, and lo choose one or
more Assignee, ol his Ssute, will he held tl a
Court of Bankruptcy, lo be holdeo at Philipe
burg before 8. K. Woodruff, Ksq , llegister, on
the 111 day of July, A. D. 10 o'clock, A.M.
THUS. A. RDWLKV, I'. 8. Marshal.
Ity 0. P. IUrta, Dept. V. 8. Marshal.
May 18. IHna-et.
(;ri:at wkstkrx
Insurance and Detective
Inrcrpuratrd by Hie I,egislstnre nf Tllinois, with
a-Cash Capital of J:nil),0(lil.
lliune tltbcet Isrcatur, Illinois.
Cash Assets, July U867, $171,697.85.
This l the onlr Cumiianr that Insures agnlnst
J. F. KATON, Actusrr.
College Rlook, North Sd St., llarrisburg, Pa.
WM. M. MrCl LLOl'tiH, Agent,
nv!-lf ClearfM ld. Pa.
Sprins lioods. Spring (ioods.
Xn. 7T t'lirstnttt Htrcct.
Hare jnsl opened, and offer at
roruLAn r rices,
sriiixo chintzes,
srmxa alpacas, and
roruxs for suits.
71 ( hestnut street,
m, rniLADKLl'Hl A. v , ;?iflvnlirnnni!fi.
Organized for the Season of 1868.
The mo t meritoriou crtneorn ever ori?ftnit(l Id
... .....- .t..t Aoiniiriwi amour itn uttaU'hr
uhaito anil model KiiuwtrieiiiiM, dnnhing bM
.... I. 1 l L .Sr...... .il't-,1
raulteri, mnrvlouf TumMwm, kI Ukth( nr-
iirMiug liyiiiDnctf, original i,iown. uaumui
lion, pretty Pniiiea and Cotnio MuIm, with
Chuhb Comubim, New VftgaM Van, (from
.u. -It ..I) .l.ihnitsnt at Mr. Hon. llitb-
oork, of -rbiladHihi, Pa.. paintp.l and orn hvthe Wmnan JJrolbcm, PbiladHphia'i
favorite art.itn.
Meirni. fiARTKTl 1 KEN TON' would n
rpctfiilljtal tlm. fit Arfrnniting thii Circa tbry
bve &r(l neither time, labor or moucy to Bifcke
tbi umbiniiD tb must
ever ji relented to the piiblir; th Foar QunrU-n
of tbe (iM having etntri.utrd their Choice M.
Ovmn U fnno thin Itrillisnt CiiU lltion. Tbii
it rir&iiis. oivad s Bcale of lrniiiwpletitd Mar-
tiifiornM, and Kitrtirrdlotry aod Varied iUer-
formanM of tb (Ire at Ann of
will fnaurnrat a New Era In Amniraientf. Thil
rntvrtainment will b produced with a degree of
vrifcuiaiiljr aod fpienuor nevar bolura auemptea
In tui or any otuor eounlry.
Look out sbr the
Daily at Ifl A. M., tbe flnrit din. lay of richly or
namented Witron and Vam that have vr vn
pwi in any puMie entree, cpellinir In Daitlfn
Muffnifiocnce anythintrof the liind crrf witncMeii,
will be leai by the Nw iUod ( hariot, drawn by
a line of imported llorwit, containing
Family Tarti, La diet and CniMren will find
the Alturnoon the nioit plcaunt time to Titit the
Ihton open at I oVIoek in the afternoon Per-
fiirioann at i, MlillT Dnon open at half ait
a ociock rerirmauc at bail fai .
Children 9 years and under, SS rta.
Ion't forgrt I be Par and Pate vhen Ibis Mam
motb Cirrus still exhibit. Look out for tbe large
Uill Hoards, erected be tbe Advance Agent, cov.
errd stith the finest Printed material ei or need
ahead of anr Traveling Comoaur.
llo and see the Ureal HAN' aith his Talking
Horse, Iodic Mules, and all bis highly Trained
Clearfield . . u Thursday, June 11.
Philipsburg . . Wednesday, June 10
Luthcrsburg. , Friday, June 12.
dajr. CHAHLtd M1UTXKY,
je4-U Ucncral AgrnU
SherilT's Sale.
Tlrtna of a wril of Lemri Fnri$, .
I ) tned out of th Conrt of Common IMoa f
Clarfid eountj, and to ana dtroolfd, there
will be etpnued to PI KMC HAI.K, at the Court
Home la tbeboitiaith of ( learfifld, on Mondar.
tha 15th da; of Jue, iKftS. t 1 o'clock, P. M..
the fnl lowing property, to nil t
All thnM two crrinm tnwt of land eitonte In
Mnrria town. hip, t N aiflrttl rouniv. Ta.. boun'ld
and drecrihfd a fnldtwe : tine of thi-m botrtnniiiK
at a popt, corner of lend in nnmp of Ulair Mi-Clan,
ahan: thrnoe atnn thn mmr nfrth one drjrrve
ratt two handrcd end thirty-five pwh to a
whit pine ; thenre eifhty ninc drgrrei wiet thrve
hundmt and nxtrrn porrhm t old hiikory;
thrnre alotijr; the eurvey hprrHltrr drriliwi, xmth
one decree wrid two hundml and thirty-five per.
to post ; thenoa hy Und in name of John Trice
foulh eighty-nine decrw. eaut thrre hundred and
nix torn perclie. to plmtof hrinninc, e-ntairint
fnwr hundrrd and thlrtT-i-rrrti arrei. andona hun
dred and forty-Tuur pert-he and allowance. The
other brjriniunie at old hickory romer; thrnee
north eighty-nine drgrfet went one hundred and
fniiy-flva vrrrhn in pnet j thence eouth one do
(rree wet two hundred and thirty-five prn-h to
pot ; thmcn along land in n tune of Julm Swan
wirV ponth eighty-nina degrw enul one hundred
and forty-five prrrhea to pout ; thenoe alnc firnt
dprvrilett tract norlh one degree ea-t two hundred
and thirty-five perrhef, toplaoe of Iwginaing. con
taining two hundrrd acrp and allowance, le,ng
part of eurvcy In name of John NirholtNin. 8eiied,
taken In cxfMitin, and to be aoldaa (he pntpertj
of John J. Miller.
lliddri will take Dotice that 15 per eent,
of the purchwe money muat be paid when the
property it knocked down, or it will be pat p
again for aala. CYKKMUS 1I0WK,
Paaairr'a Orrir. I PherifT.
Clearfield, Ta, May t 8fl9a J
SherilT's Sales.
1 T rlrtueof sundry writs of reMriti',i.i .rnnsn.
1 ) issued eat of the Conrt of Common Plea, of
Clearfield county, and to me directed, there will
b, exposed to public sslc, at the Court House,
In the borough of Clearfield, on M or day, the
15th day of June, 1 R(W, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the
following described Heal Estate, to win
A certain lot of land situate in or near Osceola
borough, Clearfield county Pa., containing about
one ai re, with a two story frame house erected
thereon, excised, taken into execution, and to te
sold as the properly of II. II. Krvhert.
JWMlidders will take notice tbat IS per
rent of the purchase atoney must be paid h i
the property Is knocked down, or it will be put
ap again for sale. CRb.Ml'S lUiW'K,
hasatrr', Orrira, I Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa , May 23, HAS, j gt
DIttl.l tio )k"pahtm.riiip.
i he partnership heretofore .listing betweea
Lewis A. Stonerosd and Thos. A I'ml. sns under
the firm name of PTONEUOAD A PUliiKAl X.
was dissolved by mutual consent on the H'lh dsT
of Mar, led. Uwis A. Ktoneroad will collect ail
outstanding debts due the firm, end wilN.tisfr all
liabilities. I.. A. 8TtN Kilo II,
Oscmla Mills. May Jfi. M.
N (1H l.Ts Ulabe Crier. fn.,4,M
the minor cMMren ef I,, ft I .11,1
otlce is erei-T gim . p Klste f..
gusidisa of the minor rhildrea ef 1.. h (
d,-.d, that at an tlrofsn.' C.,art ,,-
1 lean'.. u, o. low -.n m r"sre, la..
rota was g.snte.i npn ta -su ri l.i.i, (.
to shrw ran., ok, be should f nt ctrs.riHi,,,,
securltv as gnardian aforesaid, or tb ere
eel I the real estate of said decedent, gr
be Ins said tirphsns innn, on the ITtk ia.
April, A. II. 17, rseoked. faid rule,
lurnable on the 1Mb dar of June, beiag 1,
Erst da? of netl tern of Court.
Jilajr Id 41 t. u. HAHIiKH, Clsrkl
f )1 1( I'To faraael Rank and flams,
X Whlte.eiecutors.,n4 Andrew Ksail-b.N,
hia'th aad ber au.osna, i-eier coanri, si
cbildren and heirs at law ol Esther Vi uiu '
merlr Kstber Mniitb, cbl dren and heirs at ,
of Peter Moilth, late of rlrlltownshlp.Cleir.
county, dee'd, and all parties in interest
Notice 1, hereby glern, that at an Orptk
Court, held at Clearbeld, In and for the en
of Clearlleld, oa tbe Ixth dar of tlareh, t
I KSH, the petition of Jacob w. Campbell, .
dian of J. II. Hnitb, minor child of Jonaibu
f-milh. dee'd, was presented, praring that,
eific pcrforaiance be decreed of a contract I,
insr date the 21st April, JN54, between tbe .
Peter rimitb and Jonathan II. r-tnltn, for tin .
of certain real estate, situate in Canoe to.t.
Indiana eountj, Pa., containing eigbtr s
bounded on the nortb br land of lisrid K.
end Villiain Martin, en the east by land nl
Saltrglrer, on tbe west hr Charles lonnut.
on the aoutb br Henry 11. Uen I.
Whereapon the eaid Court, on tbe aauit
directed a citation to issue to tbe heirs an
ecu tors of Peter bmilh, deed, aod all paru
interest, lo apniar on the srst day of Juns
next, and show eause, if any, wby a deer
speoifie performance should not be granw
the aa!d eontract within aoentionea.
May 2a-et I. U. ItAhllKK, Clerk
we. ,1 arcs..,
.1. B. TNO.I..
TT AVISO lust rrceleed from Kew York
1 tbe largest and best aeleeted stork
Isoods, w, are now ready to oner the earns
old esMto,aers, (to whom we return thank
past farors,) and tha ciuaens of lbs county
orally, at
Prices that will Bender Satisfaet.
Aire a, a. call before purchasing elsewberi.
thereby aare from 0 to 20 per canton jourgi
Our stock consist, of a (real sariety, ,ueh
Fish. Rait, Leather, Fhee Findings, BOOT:
MiOtb (eastern and bom, made) in grm
riety, and at reduced (gurus j Tl.VHi
riAUK, As., Ac.
Bering re associated II. B. Tbompsot
me ia tbe there trade, I desire all person
debted to sne, by Kote or bo.k aeeuunt, to
and astlle tn, same without delay.
Cnrwenirille, May, T, U63 If.
11 idenljudg, of lb. Court of Common
of the twenty-fifth Judicial Ilistrict, comou
tlie counties of Clearfield, Centre and Ciit
and iion. SAMUEL CLVDK and Hon. J
WILlikLM, Associate Judges of Clenrfelt
base issued their precept, lo me directed, u
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, On
Conrt, Cowrt of Quarter fcsions, Conrt ef
and Terminer, and Court of Uenerml Jail Ise
at tlie Court House at Clearfield, la and l
county of Clearfield, comrr coring on lbs
Mouiajr (1Mb da) ol Jane, 1 unset, si
continue TWO WhKKS.
NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby girt,,
Coroner, Jasticea of the Peace, aud Cws.;
in and fcr eaid eounly of Clearfield, to air
their proper persons, with their Rolls, it
Inquisitions, Kiasainations, and other ft.
brances, to do loose things wbicn to then
and In their behalf, pertain to be done.
lilYEM wilder my hand at Clearfield, tlm
day of May. In the year of oar Lord eai
eand eight buadred and suty eicbt.
FT1HK aubperiher In t coda to bring bffur
rubltc hia entire prrierty of Krai Lu
Citiaana, take notice thai he intend if
the roaaon tbat he ia going Weat therrfo
gaina will be given, raid property it of tlx
valuable in Vi mKlward 1ownhip, an1 a
which ia more than one half mile from tit-
road line at Pneeyvillc, on Clcatflcid Crcrk.
A Tavern Stand, (One Half or
In PuacvTille corner M eontainini Ifc
arre, with KH R IHM SKS and a banc
thereon : and almut .1000 fet of hank W
tvjnwre Ttmter and Haw logt. which rent,
oentf prr fooU yearly withoat houe prnii'
ALSO, the adjoining lot, 6 fert in t
Main rtrcet, and I -SO ftd bark, with TO
SKS eroctrd thrrcon one Z atory. mtltv
the other CHHtg atyle, rell anitcd for an;
AUo, one twoacre lot, -one and a-k"
fnra rnnevriUr. pituate on the rond lrl n.
Tyrone to Clearfield, in the village rf Aw
with a two story Jiunee and frame tile '
thereon, and all nrcruMtry eutbutidiiie ii- r
dition. Tha lot ia in a good et.ite ot rul'
and tlie premin-a well antted for awcrhsnk
Aleo a tract of land ettuate half a milr fr
ee jrille, containing IS arrea and 11.1 prr
the very beat COAL LAND. a well at tr
l ifty acrea of which ia cleared with a
houxe and donble log barn eroded Ihpretv-
Alpo, one hundred arrea of TIMHTK L
aituate on Morgan 'a Run, one and a hat!
from I'uaryuHe, and one anile above Alt
mill oa the aame run, with good road to
Any ticraon or pcreona whing to esaw"
or all of eid p pi) ert y will pleae tn call
aubaenherat l'ueyv,He. or Amearille, ab" '
pleated to ahow them the aame and apart
r la.Hir to give perfect aaafku'tinn. Th
namel railna4 ia now loeatrd thronfh t
Tille, and aa good aa guaranteed to h ea
by tbe flrnt ol January, Is a.
The lnre pMperty mil be ald In the b
of I'LKAHKXKLU. on (Conrt Heck.,
On 7Wfny, June lilih, lv
Citicena, kok to your intereat and p'"
and examine for yourwlvfa O.r I am defr
to aell. To give any pcreon a chance to f
who deirea to do ao, the uney w ill a
?nircd in hand, but in three J menta, aefi
lund and Mortgage, eed matla at aaW
indoccmenta are here oftered to purehaer
aubitcriber makea no reaerrtt. ioitive
le eftecled ai aaid time. C. J. I4-'
May?l,lS69,4:t pd
1TR.Y ll(K.Mrma
A rremiaea of the nbacriber in tioifc"
hip. aboat the JOtS of April laat.
11UU, with black apoU on the 1H ai.f,i
to be eight or nine month a old. Tbe f"
hereby required ta eouta forward, frort '
ty, pay charge and taka ilawayori''
dtrpoeed of aa tha law dirvcU.
J. 6. FL!
Fhawaville.May 11.3 t pd.
VI)MIM1 H4TOK StlTH i:-'
la hereby fiven that letter of Adw
tinn, on tka aetata of 0. C. NlV
deceaaed, lale of lturnaide townahip. C
oouoty, ra having been duly grant
naderaigned, all pertooa indebted te
we will plea n make payneot, and tr'
alaima or denaada will praaent thua
niri.t without delay.
May !l t pd. Adota
Mammolh Marble Wo:
'Phe nbscribrr, ar, prepared to fursii
J- stones, Noannenli, 6ide TonV,
Tcmbs, and Ctmetary Potta. Tbry
make ta order any other ftyle of work l"
be desired. They can compete wilk '
eign Manufacturers la style r aestc
lower than elsewhere. All orders r""
tended to aad dslirered. Please csll
Nay II, 4:t CorweM'"