; '4 Tin; MiPunucAN. , Irm'rf Srrrtt Voltttrttl SoriilU. A ivs iliilioti lint Vn'Kti nilopto'l I'V tlio Oliio Houk- nf rVincsoiilntiv" in H'lirin by wlinl iiiHlmrity tho (uar ai'nin.stfr (u tii'ial, by tlio direcUon of tlii (iovonior nml Adjntiitit (lenernj, bill drawn from tho Stnto Arscnnt nviiis belonging to llio State, and dis trilmtrd tlicm among a Kerret millita ry ordiM1 culled "Tho linind Army of tho Uepnblie." Tho wording of tlio resolution takes it for granted that noli distribution of Stuto arms has boon mmlo, tho only matter of inquiry boij tho authority for it. This is. an .winciitly proper movement. The rcoplo should know, and wchopo they now will, how much truth tlicro is in tlio reported military and treasonable character ot the secret political org nidation entitled "The Grand Army of the Hcpuplic. huch a socioty is scat tered all over tlio North. It is led and controlled by active politicians of tho l.ailicttl party, who are villing to tiao power in any way for the purpose of clutching ollice and plunder. If the ICadicul ofKcials of Ohio have distribu ted arms among this clan of politi oans, may not tho game thing have been done in this Stato? Tho Iladi- caln are dosperato. They feel the ground shaking under their feet, and bold, bad men may prefer the chances ot revolution to those of tho ballot-box. With encli surroundings, it is well to understand the meaning of 'armod secret jtolitical societies." TVe hope light will no snea upon that subject ny UieU.no investigation. Age. Tiik MmiiLF.TowN (Ot.t Cvnatitution tells tho story of n Haddam youth, who stolo ?IU0 from his grandmother and eloped with u woman of forty yoHi's of ago to New York. His father lollowed him, found out his where abouts, and was proceeding to thrash tho woman when fiho called in tho police and had him arrested. A Mr. Charles Wooloy of Vineyard, Point, Ulster county, thought to se cure somo $o,000 from all contin gencies to which National Bunks aro subject, and buried the sum deep in a hole in tho wooiIh. The next day on searching for his bonds he discovered that they had been dag up. Tho oldest couple in Ohio aro Sir. and Jlrs. lioyd, nt Ironton. II is 110, und sho 107. They got mad at each other every littlo while, and threaten to obtain divorces. Tho other day tho dume refused to sew on a uliirt button for her spouse, when bo indignantly inquired "if ho had got to live so all his lic V' (Tmis, Cswrrlrs, ctr. ii iv it a it ii Hosso r, D It A LIU IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS. Mt'SMXS OHUJHCiS ALPACAS at at at at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation pric jirieet price! prices Jttat race! eni at MoSSOrs OIVOHAMS at Sensation priroi Iti Adam Clakk, who had a strong aversion to pork, was called upon to tay grace at dinner where the princi pal dish was roast pig. IJo is repor ted to have said : "0 Lord ! if Thou canst bless undor the gospel what thou didht curso under the law, bless this When tho Diiko de Choiseul, who was a remarkably lean man, camo to London to negotiate a peace, Charles Townshcnd, being asked whether tho Lrcnch government had sent tho pre liminaries of a treat-, answered, he did not know, but they had sent "the outline of an ambassador." CHINTZ PRINTS G I.OV EH CKAVATS SHAWLS 111 N NETS COLORED I MUSLINS! at Denial ion prioet at Sensation pi ice at Bensalien pricei at Sensation prices at MOSSOP.S at Sensation prion at Sensation jiricos at Sensation LIN EX CRASH at CURTAINS at TA BLE CLOTHS at FUIXGK at prices All to be had at MOSSOPS'. at Sensation prices nensanon prices Sensation prices Sensation prices Sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices LACE at HOSIERY at RIBBONS at TRIMMINGS) of all kind t V at in any quan'ty I Alwavson band at MOSSOPS' Sensation pricea CASSIMKRKS 8 ATM SETS TWEEDS JEANS VESTINOS SHlliTlNGS Sensation Ssusatioo Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prions prioet prices prices prices at MOSSOPS". CLOTHING such I as spats. Pants, eat, Under Sbirts, Flannel Shirts,, Boots, Shoes, Haw and Cain, Now for sale at MOSSOrS'. H A R I W A K E 1 such as Ss, nails P o r k i, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, L1QUOES, such as Wine, Brandy, it t n, V h iskht, Cognac, etc, eto., FKUI1S, such as Prunes, Kaisini, Figs, Filberts, &c. GROCERIES, iny Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Couee, Tea, C r a e k e rs, Spices, Candle. Coal Oil, etc., eto. at sensation prices at sensation prioet at MOSSS'.OP at sensation prices at sensation priuet at MOSSOPS' at sensation prices jPrjf C-oodJ, C.forftlfj, (fit. House Furnish Ins Goods. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Ko. YtT C'hcMnut street, Ar offering aa eitenvive itock of FURNISHING GOODS, Kmbrsclng In part HA HNS LEY'S SHEETING LINENS Do. PILLOW CASINGS, Do. TABLE LINENS, HUCKABACK TOWELLING, MARSAILLES COUNTERPANES, HONEY COMB SPREADS, &c, Ac. Together with Urge assortment of SPlUXd I) It ESS FABRICS, of tho latest and moat dt-tirs-ble itnportatious. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., fir Chestnut Htreet, PHILADELPHIA n.j BLACKING ROPES PUWUEB noT LEAD CAPS Always at MOSSOrS'. at at at at ut at sensation sensation sensation ennaiinn sensation sensation prices prices prices prices price prices Tho mail Img from Johnstown to Pittsburg, on last Wednesday evening was robbed. It was talton by somo iiieang from the mail car, cut open nii'l nil tho letters it contained taken out. Tho bag was (ound at tho depot at Pittsburgh. If we search out our own faults and correct thorn effectively, we ahall have sufficient to occupy our attontion with out sitting in self-elected judgment upon the errors of those around us. A tipsy loafer mistook a gloho lam,) with letters on it for tho queen of liiyht. "Voll,"said ho, "if somebody ain't stuck an advertisement on the moon." James F. Cooper, of Chicopeo Fu'.ls, Mass., and formerly overseor in tho mills of the Chicopce Cotton Manufac turing Company, hung himself on the l."th. Ho loaves a wife and four children. A young man named Orchard, fail ing in an attempt to escape from prison, committed suicide by hang ing himself on the 14th. At the store of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP Always keeps on band a full assortment of all kinds of goods required for the accommodation of the puhlic. July 2, 18flT. JUIE CHEAPEST GOODS, of all kinds, are to be had at the Clear6eld Btore. W. W. BETTS A Near Phllijiehnrg, P., Not. 6, 18nfl.tr CO. SOMETHING NEW! FLOUR AND FEED STORE I WOULD snnounne to the citiirn. of Clmrficld and thi stirrftundinr eonntrv that 1 have opened a FLO IK AND FEKlJ riTORK on sr.co.rn sTnr.rr, Opjioilto the Fording, where I intend to keep eonitantly on hand a full aMortinent of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Corn, And all kinds of Feed, which 1 will retail cheap for cah, or in exchange fur MIINULKS. LPMI1KUMEN will ennuilt their interest by giving me a call hot, re they ,ro elaewhere to pur cbaae their supplies, ej my siraoirments are rierfect, and am able to buy every thing iu my ino at the lowest market prir-e. I.KAN DER UEKKINO. Clearfield, July 11, JS6T, ipr23 CLEARFIELD STORE, Near Philipsburg, Penn'a. William W. Belts - . John F. Wearer. George L. Heed ... William Powell. W. W. IltTTS & Co., (Saeeessors to Hanson A IIoopi) HAVE juat ielred a larpa aid well selaoted stock of all kinds of Uooda, inch as DRY GOODS, CLOTHIXCJ, Boots and Eknet, HaU and Caps, Notions, Hard ware, Ulau, Mails, Oils, PilaU, Queemware, Groeeries, Flour, Baeon, Feed, Ao., which we is offering at greatly REDUCED TRICES FOR CASH, Or ia exchange for LUMBER and EI1INQLES We Intend to make it to the ad rentage of the TIMBER MEN In the lower and of Clearfield eonnty and on Clearlleld Creek to get their supplies from thit point; being on the line of the Hailroad, we ean sell goods on better terms than at any point in Clearfield county, and we are sellingeur stock at such prices as to make it an object to those buying to buy from us. ADVANCES OF GOODS, FEEHJ AC. Made on account of SQUARE TIMBER, which we will either sell oa eemmiaiiun, or buy at fixed rates. X"Call and see if our gnodn and prieee don't tuit Uie times. W. W. HETlo CO. Kear I'hilipsburg, Kot. t, lftno. Vroff$sioi:nt A Vuslnfi.K tTarrt. D. W. HUTCHINSON,: ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cirara, I rle t o., Pn. rr-Ppeclal attention paid ta Bankrupt eaees before the Herlfler. (botII i pd Israel" test." ATTORN EY AT LAW, ( Irarlicld. Pa. jMe-Ofllee In the Court llnaee. Jyll,'" JOHN H FUL FORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, learfirld. Pa. Offlee with J, B. MeKnally, Reej., oeer First Na lienal Back. f-Prompl attention gieen to the seewrtng of lioontT. Claims, to., and to all legal business. March it, l.(17. It. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Beeond St., Clearlteld, Pa. norll,. Wm. A. M allaee. Vs. I). Hie-ler. J. lllake H alters. Frank Fielding. WALLACE, EIGLER & FIELDING ATTORNEYS AT LAW, t'learfleld.'Pa. Legal bneinesi of all kinds promptly and aecuratety sttended to. (n-oylo-y JjMiOUK oi' dilTcrciit brands can be had at all times, nt eery low prices, at the CLEARFIELD FT0RE, noT5.tf Fear Philipiburg, Pa. Down I Down I ! THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST! TH OS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OSee adioininr the Bank, formerly oeeupled by J. B. MeKnally, beeond et c'learneld. r-WIU attend promptly to eolleetlons, sale oflandl. . decl7,2 JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAV And Real Relate Ageut. tlearflcld. Pa. Ofiee on Market street, opposlw the )ail. Respectfully ofieri bis eerriees tn selling and buying land in Clearfield and adjoining counties ; aad with an experience of over twenty years as a snrreyor, flatten himself that he can render satisfaction. frbJf.'lW-tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Ofiioe on alarket street one door eat of the Clear leld County Bank. moyVM TRF.Asr RIXS SUE Of Unppatod Lntiiis, FOR 1cT i it. mot YEA HS. 1"0 4fl atnrnn i Ftcwart lH'fi OontLf M"ail, .l..be Hnel H p.i',-.i Irralar. H .f-ew'ee. i rs 5 11 ..1 ! ' .. ri t Thnme T. Cnp A. SI' I 54 Ihnmae f dinned"". " I : M Jwi.h hee..m ! f J j ..: TOTIt'lv Is hewl.T given tbet le I s, .s( Thomas Billmrtoa...?"! 4t loll ?. a M IIN r HI i.urrnarii-e l an rt of A e".ii- t,,n I.K, pa""-.! on the l?b dy ot Juiir, i j, j A. II. I1. rniiuiMi .ii a ' t i ' ammd an Act limiting the mode ot eclling wnseatrd lands in Iceilicld eoum v," asiii the wreral eiipiilceuenlr IbcrWii. there will he eiH.s,l In pub lic aalc nr outcry , si Ihe Court Holism, in the lTi.uph of CVerfirld, oa the irrond Itlnuday of June, A. II. M(lM, the following tracts of in scaled land in aatd cuuotr. for the taxes due sod unnenl Ihervnn : llrrraria. A'. Per. M'ocreelce. Tux. J"hn Mailer til SO I Fred k HufcleT 4 K,u K John Beam 79 M 170 47 Jeraiah Mosher... T6 ii ISO 37 T. Blllinrtoa. lM.n SS4H 2H 7 t-0 klirharl Mn, . H !) I U'j loo Jenns Jd Murtrse-... SH H j 2 Hi 1 nomas WurgaU.ry. 2 4 17 ftll Xacous Miller. I 4" V 410 Joliu Brady I ! l',fl V ill, .in Brady. f-t M tX ;".'? J. A K. BIsji. 237 M .tua J.ihn Wilmrr.. l7 2U X4V llenrr Wiimer.. 103 ij l tV,llim iUon M lO I U Jacob knig 62 Pi 1114 John liihxiu- 41 78 215 M H'.lTt tt'ilMa- 101 S3 4X1 153 William Uray 20., 1" 4:::i li,.1 John Miller 23 41 f4 VI Jeremiah Mosher.... 44 22 1l 11 Pelricu 77 W .310 MS Martin laett. . 44 J(t 12, Jacob Faots 7 3 32H 1M 4ieorge Muaaer- K7 74 .32 Thomas (hheoa Z H 4:i:l David barton tT I" end if -ti .in 1 ti ( t...,i 1VS,,- 4" me ,'M J 4"S (." i ?e f'.l 4."" IM y ,:n pn r X. 4 H7 X. 7 M siit tn ., '.s 'ors 4 S'.i IC? M J(4 '"' 1J Mrrtl 2V7 T. rcTis J f. . nt - M TVs rV Vilbe'w ii eie ft,.tr I f Jo 5e f4 i if e D f '.K S Thomas Stew arivm... .'-2 4' Uary M lanetian ....1M 4 Ann M I.an.itian IS t-4 lacv W . Ihi-mpson. .2 4B !ei-v M l.anahse 14 7 Joef . b hitetiatl ... 44 P2 Jac.b Deeming...... f1 Jnpk Fsneoui.. I 4S o H ilium heia H iJ William Kr.es 12 2 .Mi Katicv Keal'V 2 2 If ; 4t .3:3 147 Themes Kdmucdemi, 174 i j ;.,J c Mi John Dnnter 47 it. 2u ( asper Haines )4 ! 43illrt VaeghU 147 14 K'i Jik Hamena 12 le - - 1413 74 in - 21 2 2"T sr I M; tt - " I'isi li:! " ?. s jt :- " 2 7 .. - Sr4 22 - 1TJ 2 : I7 tt " 27 k 1 - n 24 : Wiliiam Pewvre V ' J Mln S '4 41 4 " s4 H es Jeases n; l - -ST' 12 .' ?."icV...i. icV,iriir j iei;n.i,Tlsa ra !, ; !41CJ 42.St 1 i'Jbi H27 J7 James ttilee 'Sli - t-27 r " tl M '.r T Dei i...4 2 ; .. m :j 1 .. 24 II I ,,4- It ; j: M U Joecpb Whitehall.... 41 J.tna'han eeh:t 14 M Abram John iou . S e eawiii'l M Clarrea.K'4 e Joseph raneom..... a ft I'.viJ Mewert 24 i" Vt rg-nwu. U9 John Hamhriehi M M Matlhias Mi.(t... II M - I IU Km 103 2 ,-e-,. sor. .-j Jerdaa. II tram Pa isieie.... 12 OS I J T. ... Ahraaam 4sgde,.... J4 M ! . V'" lie.,. i 7 , 4 l-5 Kichard I'gten beoiamm Hartrborn. 21 ee -433 1S3 John Haahngbt S Adaaa keican 74 Oil 7J Jotia lKingbion 74 It 4.e iso 74 it 1143 24 to 111 loo S0 c J .fca l-uelep... l a , TTt hO De K if 1 Ls.ae.MI i I :: .Ve. Ae. Per. H arvwuee. BcvnMd'f tve-dir. T S 1 ol J. Sscboleoe. t 79 4 4 m I 111 M 12 If - ' J- ka P. Hvi. Tt"seraf Jrtfja, Taew ee Msp,. e-e( J.ex. R . it . I ra:'.v... I Jt a. Yaeasae Mar Itaeael kratar John Ik'ifkeiea I a sea. II 1 1C5 1 4 ( Ii 114) i MS I let 1 Mi II l lS.Vi 43 It HI 144 14 l 141 i nt i t M ... ji I 2 .... 1 7; ... ii u 2 I .: 27 ..-Jl M ; SS ct I 1 kefceru I tn 44 tl " s2 4 Wit 4i Wi is III4 17 2 l ...J7 i7 J i4 J M 17 I t I .2 24 jvi n r : trr s e. 4272 4J'Ji 41' 4s Ac. Per. Koa. 4 :;.3 M3 John Ferdney 2"3 41 44 Ilmwn A Kolicn.... 2'i 64 4lel 71 John hiilaud ... !.:, in i 4Jlio 65 102 Sarah B'llinlon 2.S C7 j 41-tf John II. Orvis. C. T. Alexander. OHVIS L ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LA II', llt-lletuiite. Pa. seplVOS-y C. M. CADWALLADER, CONVEYANCES t JVPTICK OP THE PEACE l'"or Isrratur TpM Clearfield Co. 4CullectioiHi pronrjitly ma.li and legal inetru menu executed oa shortest uotico. Pust ofhee address, I'hillpetiiirg, Pa, fmarltl.'flH J. BLAKE WALTER S SCniVENEIt AND CONVEYaNCEK. Agent for the PaiohAse and Bale of Lands. Clcarlield. Pa. iMc-Prompt atteauon given to all business connected with the county offices. OBiee wild Hon. Wm. A. Wallaee. janloft-lf levi f7TrvvTn, JUSTICE OF TUE TEACE For I.nsrrence township. C lt arliild P. I)., Clearhclil ( o Pa. JMT-Collections and remittances promptly made. ie2t),'7. 3ll 30 41 I'.'d 2M 4(IS 413 440 4JV 4l'W Imi ino 1:2 70 427 4.7 .illti 2l Jacob bnig I(i 4 W illiam Plunaett-... 14 Oe IkiCira. John TbouaJ... J. P. KRATZER HAS Just received from New York a full as sortment of Ul I.I;NSV A KK stone. China Tea 8eU, Toilet Sets. Tureens, covered Butter Dishes, gravy Tureens, Dinner Plates, Tea Plates. Soup Ladles, T'e Pistes, Dessert Plates. Fickle Plates, Sauce Dishes, Meat Dishes, Tea Cups, Ctfles Cups with bandies, Sugar Bowls, Castors, Wash Bowls, Pitchers, Soap Boats. Spittoons, Tumblers, Cake Dishes, Pre. serve Dishes, Molssses Pitchers, Goblets, Wins U lasses. Lamps with Us new comet burner. What wns tlio difl'orenco between Joan of Are and North nrk! Ono 3VBS Alnid ofOrlenns, and tho other 3V08 made of gopher wood. Tho Hew John Cummini;, tlio English preacher of tho Second Ad vent of Cln iHt, in busy upon "Tito Hijjnu of tho Last Times." Mr- George t'ntlin is uhout to pnb litih "My Litnt liainlilcs finionfrnt the Indiunti of tho Ilot'ky mountains and the Andes.' Tinware. BUCKETS, tish pans, Coffee boilers, Strsln trs, Pudding pans. Tie pans, Oil ers, Dip pers. Camp kettles. Molasses buckets, V ash besiut. Tins, Milk pans. Stew pans, Hrass Ket tles, Wash boilers. Candle moulds. Oalvenii.il buckets, l'ssting spoon i, Tea canisters, Ureters, Skimmers, Drlt ping pans, Stove pine. Sheet sine, lorsaiest J. r. KKATZERb. Slalionerv. rETTER psper. Legal cap, tilt note, School J papsr. Commercial note, White Envelopes. liianea. Muff envelopes, Day books, Ledgers. neeoipt nooks, Pas. hooka. Time books, lllenk notes. Alliums, Hill psper. Copy Book.. School J. P. KKATZEItH. "1 came near Rolling my boots the other day ."said Seuttles to a friend. "How so?" "Well, 1 lind thorn luilf-sold." A Indy wntils sotuoono to invent n maohine to tell liovy fur Jiuslmndtt go i'i tlio evening when they "just ete clown to the puslnlTiee." TVe wish tho poets who have written "llio lieaulics of spring," would point out tliuKo f tho present senBon. Cherries large as peaB.in liichmond. ('orpel bulging frauds still bigger, in fill the .Southern States. Every inau who plutits a shade tree in Worcester, Mass., is paid a dollar ky the mtinieipnlity. Kcmslefi Why Dot? course. fight duels in Kansas. Women linve rights, of The Musfiaohusetts courts nre gran ting divorees by wholesale ; about ton u day. What. Carriaae Trimmina. TNAMELED leather, Daeb leather, heamel.d J drilling, Figured Muslin, Head Lining. j-urieu tiatr. Beaming aord. Patent fastening Hemes, Ilein web. Olrlhina. Buckle. k,.. Bed lace, Tufu.Sllver lining nails, Alaeunt nails! Rugs. Saddlers aad Carriage makers supplied April 1(1 lm. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME IKDVSTItT. TIIK undersigned, having established a Nur. aery on the 'Pike, about half way between Clearfield and Cerwensvllle. is prepared to fur rt.h all kind- of FRl'IT Til EES, (standard snd dwarf,) brergreens. Shrubbery, drape Vines Hno.cberrles, l.awton Blackberry, Strawberry, and Rasherry Vines. Also. Siberian Crab Trees, Quince, and early scirlet Rhubarb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address, J- D. WRTOTTT. sep2(l Si.y Curwensvllls, Pa Only 1I Y the DEMOCRATIC Al.MAXAC. -oeents. r.vcry voter should have one. tf. Dlni.!TIOT IIP PARTM.Rili7p. Notice is hereby given thai the partnership heretofore existing between John Miller, Rich nrd II. Miller and William R. Miller, known as the Urai of John Miller Sons, operating and manufacturing Fire Briok, at Sandy Hldfe (Pewellton P. 0.,) Centre eountv. p was die selved by mutual consent on the 20th of Feb, ary. 1SS.8, Kichard B. Miller withdrawing front thefirm. John MILLER. RICH 'I, B. MILLER. -t . , 'M. R. MILLER. i uV"'"-" w'" U ",," beeeafterky John Millernnd William K. Miller, In the name and Srm of John Miller er Son. J"HN MILLER. Pr:!M' W M. R, MILLER. A Proclamation acainst Hieh Prices! XTE are now opening np a lot of the beet and y ff nmst aoasoualilo tlooile and 3 ares offered in this market, and at pricea that remind one of the good old dev. of cheap things. Those wno lack tailn upon tbia point, ordteis our alle gations superfluous, need but ili. jit tn n sronr., Comer Front and Market streets, Where they ean see, feci, hear and know for them selves. To fully understand what areeheap goods. tbia must lie dune. Tl e do not deem ii nec.ary tn enumerate and itemise our stock. It is enough lor us to state thai We have Everything that is Needed and consumed in this market, and at prices that astonish both old and vnnnc. doo20 JcisLl'lI SHAW a SON. A KEYOLrriQ I BISIXESS AT Cl'RW ENSVILLE, BV IIARTSOCK k GOODWIN. THE undersigned having entered Intooo psrt nershi.i in the mercantile business, adopt this method of notifying the publie generally, and the cititens of Curwensvllle and vicinity tn particular, that merchandlea of ell kinds will be sold by us as cheap a. the same quality else, when in the county. We have a full supply of DRY GOODS: Consisting In part of Drees Ooods. Muslins. Prints of all shades and styles j together with a lull assortment of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, Boots, Sihoea, Hardware, Queeneware. As well as Tinware, Cedarwara, Wlllowwsra, buckets and Brooms : together with n large stock of Oroeeries and always a full stock of FLOUfi, FISH, SALT, Iq. In -horwt ttnp a full hip&It of Trvthln nam in ttim mitrkot. W want till onr old rutomm and af many bw nn at ran Dinke tt ftnnvcn.pnt, to girt ui DAKTKL II ARTPOCR, KDWTN fldODWIK. CorweDifLIU, Folirua.7 1.1. JSfiS. SURVEYOR. THE ntidcrsipnc.1 offer. In. .rfiet's a a Sur veyor, and tniiy lie tmid a' his resilience, in Lawrence tnwtil:lti. letters will reach bnu d. V C Joseph Drinker 78 - ..... Wm. lrConnick.... Nnner Bffre- 41 Meleolm M Donald dl John fiver. 114 John Mon'.gomery.... 2(1 PC BO Barliara Suvder..'..... .'II be (ieorpe fluotman.. Henry V ounce tleorjre A tot. 1 V m. Truutwine. John Keen- J.MTh Ball $ 51 ii I 41'41 4T t'.l l 4J.1" fi r- I i:..u lie tiV ' lltSI 411. 1 4S5 14 20 4i ecu WHJ 3,. For 14-6J, 42T1 43 47 2 71 4 Jas. M'ilenn. " wewt i " west i 41 " 7 3 2 " 11( oiej m 153 III l-kl ioa P4 4 Ptiiwr Kohn. I4 Kicfaavei Peters, 77 64 lt 7S je 5 n edward. 4U li Jobo V aught, 1 Frrd'k. heates. 154 16 6 I J Jobn W aLa, Adam Kohn. ?4 34' Jo"" Koll. tboti. Brejofaam, 52 i WillUm Wilaon Adam Kuhn. So2''!2 41 John CeoDOo. T ; u tl- ' iil) 12.) Ilenrv Ieieke a SS I .JO s inquM jaw .iu.ii i " . r. it '. 2-3 K:vlrt Martin, 13 wn- Drinker, 41 t j PI 135 I'bihr Lou'l. K . 4-3 15i lral H bee, 70 m. Johr..too. f. 04 lrJ Jonathan Joree C4 CI5 41Hf 4I east ) S 4( midd. 4 ut ! 4J3 4 a '2 1 -W.rt. f27'r 22 :.i I likl Lichard Vaetio. 31 ' 153 Joo.!hnoadi,lU2 W' 1 kaos. I 47 4 Reabea kaycea li M ; 41 Lake Maens U7 V) l-V) 4; l 1 14 I'll ; 4:it I4.1K8 2 2111 40 2l'j lnu 404 4"4 . 4"4 427 lliU Ja 4 ."ifd .iei'ii A7I-4 if. I S 4:'"7 427 SV er le 7 be 7( ei 7f S(l 41' t 12 1 7 13 1.1 1 nomas bmith i.4 U4 y 14fi Kicbard Tooe.ee, '87, larira hnvtlcr- John hi llUir M ' hart JJ M 1U7 ed 44 Of 16(1 2r-4 j 4-.J 14J jMvpk H iluuei 17 l I J7 " " i . u lil r.ert ray li7 H , i ief"i4 41 Joka Bnaraant Mi 71 " 4SJ IM rxraa ai-4 147 I " - i 4'4 liJ f. verge tUdv 17 IS " !'M 431 li Moore Variwa..l 7 1 : -! 2J ll George Aid. rem M i E-ander n.Je 7i' , tu jjj Wiim Uaaver 144 77 Lane 1 I!yde J 0 ;vj k, recT liex 1 burl-wry jdMlUBeai Peeutaev 17 Lalttowk Sot, 2. n lSg u X.TA. ! S7 H 3. fc. Ilvue, Ilallb.wa Itt I 41 llTdt.Ridwelure. IluieO ht IS fc Firmie lut Jr. V7 tines lot 1! 20 J Ui .anahan .... M 21 j 1h.ima L. Mitore-... M 21 Wary Mom... bl 21 Jones bteiofccieerw. 71 fs j ltitberd aple S2 12 HrlU e. l'er. H acrwsjfee. 1021 v:: 1MS4 .trareU JC3 in lirm.4.twar 11 ; ' si, ji, tlf, in. n ..tut llillll I'l 7 :;:io 120 I!nrj llcck...2".r fi " " ...ll.. Ct " ....ll.sac " " ..J.. " 14 t'J reeled to Charllcld, Pa. nuiv 7-tf. JAMKS MlTfHFI.L. MAJ. JOHN ROSS, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, 4.teiid P. 4 t learflcld Pa. - Will attend promptly to calling Ven dues, Bales of Heal Estate, 4c, any wis re In the county. Term, mmlerata. Hell rp , Jue. 29, l.ii.;. ly .pd. 7ti'7 li:i 71 t'.l .r.Tr.R lni'ti 4:'ll ii" 41'iU M'll 1 17 4 .... b. ;t2 .... r2 S4 :.:.7 Ja 47 j io;.i 21 ;.! ( l'.'2f. re . o;r7 .11 lHtl ...14.' 7i :.r.ib JM7 (S!2J M'1'4 t"l0 rn7 l vo id' 7p irrs. lino 1 loo .v:.7 1 ioa .US 47 irt 3i jl. in 2" H' ina 2i4 12t) IS 1 12 74 ;iS ' i : , IV 4i UI Mania Peeve 17 It 7i Tbesu Jerome II 74 , I frnsrre lea I Ji , - I J leabe.ia Jeedaa I T If i - lea Ilea-r Treas 14 Je 1 4M lij Ca.e4 Fewit l7 i ! .ewrre eee0..-l4 J.7 its M i:..bs-rt wkeneav sz rs !i7 is Joka lie-4 1 C7 Samoe mie, 1 hoTits eil, 1.1? KooTaao, Uara Stl lrtj. Job ne toe, . HcaetT. Jobn VI C'aiiei. 14j KlarT Conoeliy, hoiaod Lraos. 4? Tilrot Shaw. ; Setae' USE Oral. ; 73 Th.ns LJnnor Eiy jHntmu, . Karv Sacdwicc. 4.'4 153 Pb:'nr. Lrwt. 1" i J 153 Jaeoe R.Uo:i,r C3 Ceex Bex-kbaa -Cbie H gU, I laol Tarocr, I. I'u-t Loslsr. Cbsrles LoodcT, ; C Ekie, ; r.4 -.4.:$ 1C1 i 103 47 ?b b ti i Fueevrt a 'sh TS 5.7 45. a ! II Crmrt. tl i Peier vl ajte..de X M 19 Jot B IswrseT- 1! 1 l ; Karthaae. j A. r-- Bacee. I H:w f-12 W -w-k. I4 ' 7k Cl-.re V iitk : H.ini 1 1 I 1 t John Kirb..l...n. ij M l''?u i.u,m i...wi ;;'ii4(ir;ff.tb2.ie no ! i-ee 1 tHHH SU07 ii' IS Att It) JAS. C. BARRETT, JUSTICE OF THE TEACE And Licensed Cuuveyancer, I.alhomhurjj, Clearfield rru. Pa. "Collection, and remittances promptly made, and all kinds af legal Instruments executed oashnrtnnt.ee. (my.-b tf F. B. REED, M. D., TIIYSICIAN AXI) srnoEox, Having removed to Williamsirrove. Pa.. offgrs his pn lestional services to the people of i i,4 uie .urrvuooiog country. l)vll, f7 DR. J. P. BU R C HfTe L D Late Surgeon of the "3d Reg'ment. Pennsylvania Volonteers. having returned from the Army, oflers bis professional services to the cltisent of Clearfield eeunry. Professional calls promptly atten led to. nn.CC on becond atreSL formerlv aeenniad bv u i ' . J (apr4. (16 tl T.i end tl.J u:t 4...1 242 7.i .t2 217 inn SUCH aVIII .Vl! :vli b"7 4U2I 1HKI i'.IH 477 OOllrl .SI.'C VHI7 42f 174 l-vl tH' 1 i'r!7 I! Rj ! .V,.,4 21i 74 ! 1"7 124 M 1H1 .Si Ilr. Wooda. S:.7o .lol'lt Sll.if j02r1 42 Pcnj. (lil.hs, llcnrv llM-k Kickline4nRillill " - 73 ! " " Ml Fl - 54 r.s " - l. i. i.i u ..3 I'l' l"l P" Hcnrj Beck IS 3 P7 ; 1 IS HI s. -- 1"2 72 XickIin4Cinfhlh,2 73 .H 12 a u? i s Jj Kf 1'Hl Henry Ilerk 2.1 IKI ItlfNim. j 4im Kobrru l Fos...in2 4f ; loi'a at' s. , j - ... -K -:: I 1VJ6 1.3 123 J27 22 3 17 : 244 lnft 44 Ml lei George Mead 4 If 17 -t " ...irtb m " ..in e ilorrifiStewar, ib 71 M - irs .-.4 lb2J b 1J J. Jit Iftvi !"4 m li-y b.i 1CV7 4:.4 11J n m 4j in l rj T lit ii ira 107 IN 141 1T7 KVJ 74 Cmlscta. (eo-ge klcd.154 44 IV 2.1 l23 o2J b SI 4 111 ...ny M LieKieHineiirifTMh. 2.. ns. DR. A. M. HILLS. 5? DENTIST. V... rr-f Office eom-r of Front and Market streela, opposite the -t'lcarneld llnuse." t'lcertield, ' aug1 'f.7 y. k.1 rod 40 a M Idt HH) Penn'a. JICIIAFJ) Jiossor is yow Relluig, at half their usual price, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SIIAWLS, BROWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING Good. LADIES' HOOTS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOT6 AND HOES, HOYS' do do HOOT SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES COLLARS AND CUFFS RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND PORK, nUR AND FEED, - o. Ac. to. S.J HAY? i. Tfcwi-eaa, . . . . . w , -U-LPSURGEON DENTIST. Tlinmpaon fttrcrt, Cnrweitavlllo. Pa. r?eTeeth sitneted with the application of local anvt'heaia comparatively without pain. All kind) of Dental work done. wise 14 tf. REIZENSTEIN BROS llanufaeturarsof aad Wholesale Dealers in 31 KN ANT) lit ITS' L(iTIIIXG, 4t Narked 4k 4 lit atcrrhatit Htrtwt, or' 'OT' I'll 1 LA MM.PH I A. Pa. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT. I'mirlnlllc, (Irarficld (iuniity, Ta. Keep, eoiistnntly on bind a full assortment of Dry I.imhIs. Ilenlware. I.rocerie., and ciervthmg n.u.llv kent in a retail st.rre, ;ch will U- K,ia, fur CK.ih. ae cheap . r.,.,nrrp j ,hr ,ntT rrencnviiie. .itme 77, IKi7.Jv. C . KRA TZER Is ON," MERCHANTS, nRAi.iut IB Dry Gooik, Clolhinp, Hardware, Cutlery, Queensware, (lrocer.es, rorisions and Phlnglee. C'learlied, Penn'a. AI the old stand on Front street, above ABiy. Ide.'IJ.'einr STFJITCH,- EINKTTT & Co.7" (Hncccwes to Peter T. Wrirht A ToM tweonrt-ns or am rirAi re. th DRUGS AM) MKD1CINE? A I SO. " I.". 1 " " 74 7 r.coree L. Reed. 12 be Fculoiiabtreneer, 1 if Lei i Cleaver .... J. H. Dnviil train 77 lf Jchn P. DJe Ji R. Ilrad. 40J Sirs VVea.KirkrrerricklllS 1 S.-.74 ll'J ,4 ItotK.rt. Ko... 41 ( o M1 214 4tili f,70 4 Conrad lne gv Jona'n II. Muilk,4l'4 I'l licnnr WykorT...7..'!0 (1? 47.14 7o 4:: 14 lbo 4: 14 loud Hum U7 aim .'.- J;. i .'.r.24 inn 43 ina 141 Jr?4 17IS 4 :' i it 4."27 1113 120 f lint' .' line I'.'il loo M nrrisl -itewart Sf t e Crahasa Ae. Per. K'wrwMSrc. 2"7 Tbomw P. ( ope 11 I lb John bkvroa. b7 "4 ' : I4 T.rope." 41 f.J l" Jamev S!ill,rn 17 ' H' 4.eorr Mooee a 4 7 : .no Jo. e.wM lie t 1 .1-1 Jnaeidl Hce-v be Cbarlee llali C. i. Alllm.. Leber! r-aew n- 14 41 , 2f 7 SS J' I n Sir-1 44 ae ; a! - 12 1 u'- U3 ibfl 12 M tl ft l 41 1 11 44 T 24 11 J4 12 12 14 14 12 4e 11 i II 11 le f! if . IS ; le7 , lrtst 1 - ..f.3 7!-"w I WoTT .l-,.-l !S ki W. m. bi.l--. 74 a tseorge kleaA ? .'-(' s : to o-n4 ?ievrart 7 7 7 - J lif 7 " " f 7e 24 : 7 vJevrje li-ad.7..7 1 .li-l be .2 2C !( I Bait Cba-las i: lus- 34? in b! 11 1 14 15 J. T. -rrroekv !!H 42 m. Mieaaels ITJ4 t; i. M Hev-hae T4 4-S i til 15 77 ; ; 4 - 1 7J ' J'1 " " 1 TO ; Co.144 J I Pante Tetbeea U Mary Egraa 14 I. J. : II II " 21 Ikess. yywe-, ,Jfj 177 441 WEijasn Wiatee, aac W i!erei, t Hecrr Saafler. r CO Gon'p A'htcu, . Vsl Jc4, Loer, iff) laae G. lii it J-ba k-Uih-ea - Xa k 24. kefA-a.- p ft : k -r r n -". 1 1 I 1 fcEAL rTATF- veva-e. tar areeirei Ciseetisre to tr (s. Ceem.M-.iecx Jir tairs ee ; as.p'.d bse tke year 1-ss1 aad ' we.-, ia eareaar.ee of 1st l Aeicast-'y ia nrk eaera aia , weev; .v-a : t be weed al ; as tea tie-j Dveree. in tae eer ' ? Cwejtrt. aa M-miij, use a: ' ei Jassa aext. ni: Bercaria, Faoa. Wm r Jatiiea Eeq Es-he-ma-i i Muter-haojh. Bnj 1 HcCT, Ier-tDis ir 1 tio : x Lum ht tr.r Hewton, Thor&aa H-s-rtT. Wra L Brll. Sf-cMJe? A Tatiler -o do 1 5he-ieief, Jacob h-iciler. w.'.-jt '. ' Aceea. tt i I I IS NeT. Sarnael 1 112 R--3ce.. II I T5 1J ranei'ata Beeww 41 41 S. If woaarai. I M t UoataeAioCU i.a.lssu F " lawrrarew "- RrasttW-t. V Is. ew-ww. 1 kill 11. Aeserr M-aa IU II . A' 4 47( :;2.i S11 :4 ion 2I" bi'l I 2"ny i...o I 1.1 6L'I I HIM obi i 2" I (' SU.4 ! :!..M Po 2i.ihi r. 1 1 27 2..H l.i.i l:i4 27 472 VJ b:t so lnu 411 IPO; ag W'.'b S..U s. llrafltnrd. Per. M nreaerse. lierh Lh. 7.4 .l-.hn ' enipiicll . Hell ? llnrk Hiair Al Lanahan 4H 4 Ji JV.l'y .11 I.inahan AndTTW PrltlL klatthiae Rleyniakcr.. klatthcv lorcee .l.uies isnsa..,mTO etchceiiek kl-aat. Dai ul kliajis Daniel ttratiam. Ilonuii. L. llell.... vl m. ttrahaai. Jr John Henna. 174 John aurbn , Hit ns aide. A a Prr. arrimm. ' ten 41 1O0 1 00 Jnbalsoaelene. 1M Urvaeit D . assev (.allra. 112j -obawr. .'i.i 4$ Tmrfe DeeT W l(eaamia W tieaM 4f 114 tseerge Moore H n - - 14 Philr, Olomnger 1" John kl f abea, 41.- 143 Kaward Hand . 4 7 If at f sr 7 S4 If . 44 14 -I l 7 . iiJ" . le .177 17 . 1: . 4.7 ye m. lm IIKk dc. I :;;'4 ! l2 I i.. I 2 in ! 4o7 ioa 40 Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. ! i jeirr,71 No. m Market Hu, Phi lad a. I J John Diinlap.ll 41 ( ..per rM.inr ... 40 le f'hnstian lwet.S.'l 17 liobeH- Po...3uj J.. Chrtettan l.wer.::ip v:: Koberted Pox.,.717 4 ...3i 4 21 j .- .( I.maawet hsewn bi as be . i orjv Idoore. 14 74 , " ...3hK 41. 2ra J..b M Oabea Itgle' Ilriij.Fcnrv 144 g- I Jhll Uant.ia is v I fe.psw .itivev... bl 47 ll' Jdn V i.mt ft t t i avT Piirev.er.TN4 n). an Jletnemin eim fs C2 l,etir-e Mmfl-r... 41. 11 1 I ! 121 hrvniae taaa 44 7 J.N.V.Ih-r.hrirt.47 ev I WJ IJJ Matthews 1 ounr 74 be Ileum 47. u 4:.5 li.l ( brmi.e tseiwe 17b U M l.aiTT.... jr. b 4SS 14.. eessergv turr .... 74 ) ll.iln. I lo. 1. ( jr.y j, 1b,.i.. J.ir ! m u i., i'l- , jio 4ai.wi ('not ej : I 21k 71 tiearge Ilaiict. jr S4 4 i 4'irl 14 Tim. lbv l'el!B "1 J.4 42 7f 4.... 14S J.m Darre 1-e ge Jo 1 21(5 14.1 Joaa Maee-e e4 v 0 WO :.ll 14k Jueri b A.kinrm j-i tu Haetsra. .Ve A' Prr. s-.seiw. 1 .'4 bl kot-Tis 1 7-. 71 .' H V - . .4i 47 .tn.-t a f'.n.s ir.v 17 n"b ii a .-. as lu-6 414 IP" I 4IIH 4..H4 le? ?IMI ll4 4f-J 1041 b-4 ltMl )i.41 4nfS ii 21 liaberu Fss. ) . . '. wewl ru I SI . ' Kerb Jeersaa IT 41 411 Jru lead il 4U b? lis K 1. i a ae . " kebet Xileeeli I 24 'aa Ateaaaaee-. (Xl -' Wcwgimi-w 7 Jj : 0 1 M ImM It 4 1 1 IssaaraaHarea- i 47 era It 44 - . , SPSS v IK f satire. 14 !. ! Jaa B -be. ... Is 24 ksil . a 7 4 - .u rs - ! I Jk 74 44 II 41 41 74 74 1T 4J 4W7 iru t 4Msn ab by lib 141 1-4 J. nr 4 " Kl 41 " Ail 4 TXta IrwiaaSeaj 2 74 At Pr. e7eenerT.arrsat Marree Is tn e . T . WllW . U Ji J 1 li Ut4c-.3er. UtonJ. Br4y. A late, Jao&ea tl $' Baum. E-lwarJ 3 Haree, E.ijah. 1?A B-lta, Ofcrr i, Catbrra, K 4 J ? Cat ben. KAri S 1. fcKaVeH. 6aasorl ' Oittlr. Jobs. lv 5 Hweet. F Ivo :: H rF' tianH 1 rmsaer, Ce-o A C 1-i. tc ".k, Janof Fruith. Jauiea I', llaod. Joeorb 2 Barakd. GaT'.sLre. ai'v'5 !Zl B dl- b- trrneeox-bre.. J ' Kj-g.Javoerewt. 0o 1. Krt usf,Mti, lx j tL Joha w t: Kaicor. I X 5 " t bSNCt. rnrr;n.J !' $ Ca)ic47i. EJ-o-iTstoei. :? Ji'. Ui S3 , 1 UI Ats ITr- 4 21 osc-y. c ; am leni, .'-, ! Aik-u H-fa.-tT.rv I WviJ lucli. iev C7 i ,'e-e VamaL 1 I 7 ; l -44.1 jojw k Tiii-wr, 1 44" 1 -s 4t 7 f,:- ' f 441 1 Ml ; 17 f7 ' IS 2"' 1- Jfi ' 17 44 2? 41 j 4t 2d , 1 1 C iT 72 e 22 3 s r 1." Si 1.17 be ..l..f. ;.e MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBER CO., UbTKiiLA f-TKAM MILLS, V iirricTi tii.. LrM15F.Il, LATH, AM) PICKETS. It. II. KllIU,IlKli. Prcbl-et. 1 ! Offiee-rorct Plre, Nu. 15., r,. 4th Phil 'a. ! V tnllV I in ... . ... I -I... s. " .--ii r.. bmierintea-lcnt. Osceola alills, Cl-wrbeld eiiuiitt. Pa. jrCT.7 wTg"T wSrorSS! r"-djCALL HAMLNE THE STOCK p;-H , . I -A Iba higher nrieef. In t ASM, for all kinds of r 1 '. . of floods now selling at (lis j bur and Iseer bkm.. 1. L. KtlZh'N.-TLI.N. 1S0S SPRANG. JAMES, KEKT, SANTEE & Co.. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods 'J hot J.14, m. l:i 511 K. Third Kl ' i'l S".1 John Jonet Jamcv CbertTnaa 1"" Ilcni.Tm.nall .in l owneettri Mwkmsi. 2" Rcbeeea Pr .wn I:.: 7' 111 t'bn.twie 8iaa..... 10" l.orar.1 ll..!l,. ' 2".'l Jotin lion-it I l.'O Jobs ruiiin.ii.ji .... 1'lir.iu S John l'ovu S .lnliua Itern 1 h-mss llriiil!on.. '' V .lliarn V ilo Jnmcs L mui Jol.e rnntiipiiaiE , l"s 1 !. 4.:.: I 4--S 1 471 1 4:..1 1 Hut 4oo7 47M ;7'4 4. .H I 4 ! tu rn (M ' . ? 4T ; , 4714 j 47.fl 477 47 i? - 4J74 4f. 41 1 .4 tM 2"l I I I -i 7" i in 1 T.I' ln b-sti T7 ! "( 4 71' !- 4 V..4 i: 4''7 47 - l"'b " i 47 i44i: i4i: " 114 i? J. S. kiiae. r 7 1'ei id t.i.ni r e Alwirv A Ii-sai,4t. bt - ; , m - : i4 m. PnebcT, ;.4 n ::i t-7 James t . ,e.t ...7r.- r; - .. .rr. t: " - .7. a: . 7 "tl MiSTT It T. kt ' ': 14 Jeirei V .'...e . 7 r.44- ' Jemee V ..'.... 7i. ,4 ...:- TTe Afanv iln nd l in rr in flirt arc vorv .lin.i.n O I ... tt PIIILAKI.LP111A. are now Tirenareil witb n. ..1 . roi;;:;'HT,ru'"9w"-'i'' .t;om.i: n. r.r.iui.n.n tJ Phil Inshore, pa. j Arente for rii.,ir-r e b..w,ng W-h.nea k w k.Tr ' '"" m "f ,h" valuable hoa-eholrt .fl.,r- hBli M ( flrus. bend fee -iecdlar.. eV-4.7.. R E U B E N H A C K M A NT" j House and Sip Painter and Paper' Hanper, C leartield, PrtiB. "W'H "' mhs ia hii l.av p-orerlt and ' .lolin I rv.t ,0 C Jo.-t.ti ! erir-j 1 .e fce 11 ill. em t'cb l.t- b. l;.viM ( n'h -wn IV at Arcjeerl-r HnntcT... loe ee Ivter H..r. 1 c .1. 2.7 Ilu-h lt..tln ' -s ... I el JwnJl ',k. o. . .1 (.core l'are ; 411 Henri Paj... 71 2 '4 J.m N.,r.b.. a; 4.t.1 14.1 J din Mae w,.7'ic bl l l4 t'b-i.ti.e pobeer "e If i Milter 4 lariat .ll7 U ir r, . 2WI Mebe-ej 3a.a-o.i 4e U 4-1 V.fli... Smu-h in, Af, 147 1e.rgc b(Mw...,.. 4 r.v I'1" John iircvineraar. e i. 1 Jse-4.4 ll-nr, U.ttl -t S( e.w. remnel .lnl;..a 71 4.' ievingina. Ae. At. Pwr. It wwwasee. TmA ll m 72 Harm bbrwart at, ft to 4c, 47 4vo 4"1 4v7 H-.1 ei'i 41 1 42: 4"K bf. 1.14 4r4 .. 1 t - .. 17.-S 1-' l v.rbi4r;nm , , " " J e " 1? illiwva PisWes.Xse a MS as Jeseee .t, , , .117 41 - 1 .ll'.eaa Pi-eesirs.7J4 (t) " ? 41 " 7"l 17 K Fkeesskw.. I i s 44 " " a liluur hiem be It Jeaese .!. t 44 - ir!s 1"4t at K . Ib.., a. b- 1ml ajr, 4 j,;,,. w X"! M7 17 "- ' t7 as 4 l-W Iiaaraeorf.e1nr74 Jl i Kl g ifn a Isr.uu., ; s; ' S4-7 l.y bl - 22 r: b- 14! 1 1 - 44 e2 4- J7 - - , iu 4- . - - IM be 4"7 " s. I I . 1 7 17 ebeee I . n. nr.l 477. 47 4 474. 4. t 7t" K4 oyf 44 lib avs b-i Mb e: t.. 111 blt b - Hi 2 1-e bl b 23 Govx Fstexlw, ItMer VarttfU, 1-4 4i Jcdva iai. 122 rau-K-k Hare. 1 Jraer Jft.r i.7 27 9 1 Hr V6i' l. i l'S Ttrvana. Mm. V4 J aJIi.; V i'.i-.aoi 4.vere, l4 j Ifta .Vert i Xr--Q lb. tC'4 7i ., i:c . nam la. Lav, !' 1 4-il K5 H:t Mania. -1 T j 4 i I'.t T. I it mrtKrtiv 1 4 T? l .S Cre-oepe Ov-er, i"l 7 IM F.inr,Ti l-4 7 i'.SS laUKk lives, 14T9 i; J Mart Jlrwrrt. J-. 7 1-5 Kkcaue li. iter. I 4 7 Na.t so 1 n.eT, 14 ; Clem fsrer. 1 .4 7 Joha sort. a. 1 4 7J v 'a t . 1 4 ' t r. i: Lae.ai.-aa ! I 44 Wra M-eta't T2 12 lilies "r"i.a j 4 e ' . .V-- J -c-,JK .4 l-2 W.Ua K.vss 21 7- 1. m Ji l Kar.;s Ti I Awary. e-avet is- IVeslar. Ji:tr. K V. t-ten. J da k4. I 4e sl ivc.ari.E do 4... 4i 1 I ." lf-5 4:.S IM 4 i:.; 7 i X' ! o V c.- 1? u; 4-4 1. leaat I a I -w 1? Tatrw tlava. '"vrre Gs'ei, I'i -is 4ra-, 4.1 Ccrai Swans, IT J.-sj.sj 7ra2T. -. tc)eter. 2. j V Kt.1 t Oac. 117 1' . Ke -ievr-.t, X a;-r v' eS i ib-t -eks. I ra,i a. .f? ie:-b. siTtja ..!iaa J f r. S-vereils Sw art . W" rvtrr. 1 rawr-s -vVsrKV 24 f v 7 -. ceoA, t 0 11 2i Pva 4',1 1 O 21 2' 24 24 r H 2v 72 ei te 4ir T ( 4T i: i 17 4- 2 12 A-rea. Cur-T, ,rr. l'Ci 1 ") lertjvirj. J II do !' M Trf ia, S d9 J 2 0 'tt: Paal rij I t-o 4.u-ara. ' 1-4 Let t I raac. aa4 $1; i-0 lx-4w Ttvomi T A a Oatwaj. T .4 rVgnLE. aa tolf1 1 W (irea NeVg be) i 2.M C o-rr. Jaa elv .r . d da Mi V r? C-v-na, JtB do 2 T Srif-M- ,v. do 2 Sbaw.U a I ri-ral - 4 .bea I - Aeer. f.rakaaa. T l. s J jort, f.iwaii 2 !'-. l.alsrb. T Ilj M Pie- N J ivy J I-'- Rc- l-ttMi, KoM i 1 N-vi.rr. l a-i'iss ' .V " lla-Ie.-, T.rsev 4 Cw T ea. durdaa lii-ki-v U K ..a. lis j J". k- . Ikarrbawe. 2" t'tieetf. (te- Haa c.Isvti el io 3 Haste.. -g Jaeet d"1! : Ixv g. As-1 aV-CT. 2i ' A-e-e- Wseaa. 7 V7 O ee. J ii Jv:; $. . 2 le-K-b, Jes. ij Patlx. Jb di Y' ' - lw. . Tu U W.avl. I X lI-4 5 ' A 1 aasbe-e rKv kr. 7. - i W '. " -l Mrrih T- 1'' I. -rv. Jeraea 1S0C f- ' Ns, We, P dy i ' 1 .a,:L. Ciro m t Peaa. if rvs. j.-ha i--; ?" 2" KeJ ar-I. J.i da 3 " 2" .a t. K- U da 2 ' A-ea. rtaa. Ts 4L,,I C-t i Hi i, w; j." ? lab-a. Tm rvfag. L r J-r ' lies Wen L ju. Ae r. w . ... 1 4-.; la J.ea X-a-aJ ' It "-,., Ru 4? 111 rLKARFIKLD ftTrtRE, ' - ' ' Bo, 'en , ... . ... "V ll'Ullil lie 0. e ji ; tf 7 To-nt. 1 e. I v r.n,m.m no re nail at eer Ph.ll-.baig, , XK1-.KE..L A EIUEK'S. .1k4 74 14 lv; S4o t 7 " ii i t - . v Aee 41 sedetra. T- remariae mar.at: Sf;r4.r7 i- i.i; Ki:e4 t l. - K Trea- PM1C7 . .7 4,4 1