Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 21, 1868, Image 2

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    She DqmbUcan.
GeoHME Jl. (JoiiULANUKP., KditOf.
Thursday Morning, May 21, 1868.
AttllTOlt GKXKRAf.,
Of Fayette oounty.
miivuroR K!nAi.,
gex. ui:m.ixc;to H. est,
Of Columbia county.
. Something tfrotiff.
Tho individiml who denies tho rij;ht
of voting to tho nero in Ohio, Wis
consin, Michigan, Kansas, or any
Other Sluto where tho negro was born
a freeman, ui.d b- long association
with his particular iiionds, who arc
always controlled by "grand mora
ideas," and, from other surjounding
. circumstances, might posset some
knowledge of our r-yiitoni of govern
ment, and then claim tho franchise
for him in Virginia, Georgia, Louisi
ana, and other Status, whero lie was
born a slave, and of nesessity ignor
ant of tho rights and duties of ft free
man, must be .a fool, or lie supposes
his neighbors to bo such. If but half
is true, with reference to tho ignor
nnco and debauchery of tho lute slaves,
'that their particular friends have for
a quarter of a ccntuary eaid about
them, they aro wholly unfit to cxer
c'ibo the right of suffrage. Yet wo
eeo and bear thoso who claim to bo
honest, upright, God f aring men, vo
hement and loud iu their demands to
give tho ignorant Southern negro the
ballot, while they deny it to their
frco "brother" in the North. Can a
man bo considered honest who rever
ses himself so completely T In our
view he must bo as ignorant ns be
would have us believe tho lato slaves
to havo been, or ho is a rascal of the
first water. Tho man who thus deals
with his neighbors' liberties lias but
' few ecriiples to overcomo until ho is
ready to rob him of his property, and
will, .if the opportunity offers, ex
change liis patriotism for "green
back," at 40 per cent, discount at
Jist Like Them. Tho General
Conference of thp negro branc-h'of the
Methodist Church North, which lias
been in session at Washington for
Bomotimo past, took a hand nt im
peachment on Friday last. Tho day
previous tho Conference passed a res
olution to tho effect that tho members
should nsscmblo nt 10 o'clock on Fri
day, and offer up a united prayer for
the conviction and impeachment of
the President.. Friday came, and the
black prayers wero bellowed heaven
ward with Amen ! succeeding Amen !
but from tho results of Saturday we
aro le J to believe that neither the
Almighty, nor tho ltnmp Senate, gave
thoso prayers tho (lightest attention.
The White Branch, in session at the
saruo time nt Chicago, played the
clown in a similar way on Saturday,
. and with liko results. Their prayers,
like tho groat consp-rary, area failure.
Wbat u pity the Lord cannot find work
in his vinyard for these meddlesome
clergymen to do.
Turn Woe. Tho afflictions that
havo overtaken tho ''loyal millions of
. the North," and tho niggers in the
South, within tho past week, nic near
ly as sorious ns thoso which befel
them threo years ago, when tho "lato
lamented" was overtaken by ,S7i' Sem
per Tyranus iu Ford's Theatre Crape
and black muslin arc not quite so
plenty, but wo presumo their pains
aro as acute, if not so expensive. We
wish to sympathize with them in their
bereavement; but from uncontrollable
circumstances, some how, wo aro driv
en to bo "gay und happy still," from
tho fact that tho "Government" has
esenped tho hands of tho assiis-Miis of
i'.s liberties with but a stain.
A WoNHEnrtL Discovert. The
Washington correspondent of tho
Pittsburg Commcrehil is tho author of
tho following :
Anoflieer ofhich rank nnd fine who should know
f-.ncernmr. the nmttrr of t.hirh he rpenk. envi to
day,that i.cncrsl llrant I. losing for Hf-ricnF trou
ble ia rnec Johnson is m-niHUed. It ran t.e sta-
. it.. i ii.,. ,. ....! .i, .,-.. .i lir.m'. i
liiiquarteri nt the eon iuet of thn. l;epuiiicu .
who have eeinlitned to detent impenrhiiirnt
iVc wonder if the "great disgust"
. l'iH prevails at tho General's bead
quai.'YM'S ? Wc presume ho will fight
it out.wi that liuo if it takes him all
It is no vontler the Padicals look
blue. The a ream has all been skim
med off tb.,!r party, and they there
fore will poon l;ok as dark as their
'colored bnthr.u." With Fesscnden,
Truinbul, Grime, Henderson, Fow
lerand Van Winkleout, thcirparty has
dwindled into a mere bam! of robbers.
Tlio defeat of life cletuith count in
the indictment against the " Govcrn-
menl"is ateriiblo blow nt loyalty it
isa'perfect Hull I!un afl":iir. "This
farce of it Govern men ," still lives not
, wilht-tanding the rage of Thad .Stevens 1
rnd his susietsnt treason mongers.
77 1 lvunthut Consiilrarfi.
Impeachment, like tho "hit" lamen
ted" is dead. Tho affair of Wilkes
Booth, and his few deluded tenbus,
was but child's play in comparison
with tho gigantic conspiracy hatched
by Thad. Stevens A Co. Tho crime
of the former was but aimed at indi
viduals, while that of the latter is di
rected nt tho lifo of tho nation, and
civil liberty throughout tho world
But tho national ussassins havo ngain
Tho excitomont at Washington on
Saturday last seems to havo been ns
intenso ns nt any timo during tho
war, and tho result proved disastrous
to tho disunion hosts. A correspon
dent says :
Kvcry body aekod everybody else
"What do you think of Impeachment!
How is elio troinc!"' Then again
"What havo von heard about Howard
and Colliding, and Grimes f Will they
bo ablo to coino out nnd voto 1"
Thesn were ouestions that greeted
vour car everywhere from an early
hour this mornin;:. The question
was eagerly discussed by a crowd at
tho capital until tho doors were
thrown open. Grimes, Fosscnden,
Trumbull and Henderson wero de
nounced and praised in turn, accord
ing to tho political views ot tho pur
ties cnirnirud in tho business.
On tho floor of the Seriate chamber
livclv scenes wero presented just bo-
fore the Sennto was called to order.
Groups of Senators and member stood
around here nnd there canvassing nnd
discussinrr the work of tho day. All
eves in tho naileries were eagerly tix
ed unon tho scats of tho sick Senators.
Shortly before the Seriate was called
to order, tho lion, lioseoo Conkling
camo in und tooK Ins seat, liisseai
was surrounded by friends, who shook
him warmly by tho hand, ntnl wel
corned him back to tho Senate Cham
Soon after 11 o'clock four men np
prouched the Capitol, bearing a litter
or a stretcher on which was Senator
Howard, covered with a white spread
Ho was carried into one of tho com
mitteo rooms on tho lower floor, nnd
made as comfortable ns possible.
Nearly nil of the Senators, hearing of
his presence went to the room to greet
At 11 SO o'clock, A. M. Mr. Wado
called the Senate to or-tltTr. Thero
was hall' an hour of painlul suspense,
and nt 12 o'clock Chief Justice Chase
brought down tho gavel nnd called
the Court to order. As tho hour for
voting on tho articles appronched,
anxiety could bo seen pictured on tho
Iik-ch of tho spectators.
''The first business in order was the
consideration of tho order to take
tho voto on tho 11th article first. On
this Mr. Hendricks demanded tho yeas
and nays, and it was carried.
Mr. Fesscnden then demanded the
3-ens und nays on tho adoption of the
The voto resulted 34 yeas to 19 nays.
While this voto was being taken, Sen
ator Howard was carried in, put in
bis seat, and wrnpped up in a great
shawl. Ho arose and asked if it
would ba in order to filo his opinion
Tho Chief Justics said it was. Mr.
Grimes camo in just after tho voto
was taken, and created quilo n sensa
tion ho sat on tho Democratic side.
The Chief Justice admonished the gal
leries in advance that perfect order
must bo maintained. It would bo a
subject of regret if ho was compelled
to clear tho galleries. Tho Chief
Justice then directed tho Clerk to
rend tho F.Ieventh Articlo which he
did amid profound silence
Tho following fustian comprises the
celebrated eleventh articlo in tho im
peachment bureau :
"That tho said Andrew Johnson,
President of tho United States, un
mindful of tho high duties of his of
fice und oath of office, nnd in disre
gard of tho Constitution and laws of
tho I, nited States, did, heretofore, to
wit: On tho day of August,
li1), nt tho city of Washington, nnd
tho District of Columbia, by public
speech declare and alllnn in substance,
that tho Thirtv-ninth Congress of the
United States was not a Congress of
tho United Slates authorized by the
Constitution to exereiso the legisla
tive power under tho same, but on
the contrary, was a Congress of only
part of tho States, thereby denying
and intending to denyj that the legis
lation of said Congress was valid or
obligatory upon him, the said Andrew
Johnson, except in so far ns ho saw
fit to approve the same, nnd also
thereby denying the power of the said
Thirty-ninth Congress to proinise
amendments to the Constitution of
tho United States. And in pursuance
or said declaration, tho said Andrew
Johnson, President of tho United
States, afterwards, to wit:--()n thojretary Stanton docs big fishing on
liJst day of J cbmary, 1 at the
ci'y of Washington, 1). C, did unlaw
fully and in disregard of the require
ments of tho Constitution that he
should tako caro that tho laws be
faithfully executed, attempt to pre
vent the execution of nn act entitled
"nn act rcgulatiilg the tenure of cer
tain civil offices," pased March L'd,
ls('i7, by 'unlawfully devising and con-
irivinir una aucni iiinir io ueviso unu
contrive means bv which be should I
j prevent F.dn-in M. Stanton from forth
with resuming tho functions of the
ollice of Secretary for tho Ivpartmcnl
of War, notwithstanding the refusal
of the Senate to concur in the suspen
sion tlirrctol'oro nitnle by said An
drew Johnson of said M. Stan
ton from said ollice of SecreUry for
tho Iiepartmcnt of War, ami a Wo by
furthcr unlawfully devising nnd con
triving, nnd attempting to devise and
contrive means then nnd there to pre
vent tho execution of an act entitled
"An act mukitig appropriations for
the support of the nriny fir tlio fiscal
year ending Juno SO, lsii, ami fur
other purposes," approved .March 2H.
lMi7. And also to prevent the exe
cution of an net entitled "An net to
. .1. - t:..:..... I
in y on- iui inu iiiiitu t'lut ii tiv ril . l rei e n . r vi . .
L.r.i , r.i i i c. . i hC(1- 1 lo follow i n; from J'.on. ant',
mint ol the liebol StHtt-s, piiMSod ., .
Marfli 2.1, 1SC.7. Whereby tlio bttiil on Tlmrsilaj-, is llliistrativo of thoii
Aiiijrovr Johnson, JVetiident of the rmU of otl,ur c"t out by tho scul
r.iitetl Rtntes. tlid then, to wit, on lmn :
tLeSlrtdayof Fchniiiry.HrathelV'Tr r'T; ,,.'.,.
.in- ,,r U',A;.i. ..,:. l It i all riht. The t'rc.lden will It Imp-kh-
ui) ot Washington, commit nnd n',d. thc eanprevct n. nr. woa-
guilty of n high crime and misJo
mennor in nlllce.
The articlo win road by tlin Clerk.
Tho first iiiime on tho roll, that of
Senator Anthony of lihodo Island,
being called, ho arose, ami tlio l hid
Justice, also standing, addressed to
him this formula : "Mr. Senator An
thony: How say you, is tho respon
dent. Andrew Johnson, President of
tho United States, guilty or not guil
ty of a high misdemeanor ns charged
in the articlu ?"
Mr. Anthony responded "Guilty,
and so tho voto went on till all tho
Senators had responded, tho voto
summing up, yeas, thirty-fivo, nays,
nineteen, us follows :
Anthony, II. I. ; Morrill, Vt ;
Cameron, Pa.j Morton, la
Cattell. N. J. : Nye, Nevada ;
Chandler, 11 ich. j Patterson, N. II;
Colo, California ; Pomeroy, Kan. ;
Conklin, N. Y. j Ilamsey, Min. .
Conness, Cal. ; Sherman, Ohio;
Corbott, Oregon ; Sprague, II. I. ;
Cragin, N. 11. j Slowurt, Neva. ;
Drake, Missouri j Sumner, Mis. ;
Edmunds, Vt.; Thayer, Neb. j
Ferry, Conn. ; Tipton, Nob. ;
Frelinghnyson,N J Wado, Ohio;
Harlan, low-it ; Willey, W. Va. ;
Howard. Michigan; Williams, Ore. ;
Howe, Wisconsin; Wilson, Mass. ;
Morgan, N. Y.j Yntos, 111. i!5.
Morrill, Maine.
T!.:yarJ, Delaware; Jnhnwn, Maryl'd ;
Duckalew, Penn'a; McVreenj, Ivy;
avi.i, Kentucky ; Norton, Minn. ;
Dixon, Conn.; I'atterxm, Tenn.;
Dooi.itti.b, Wis. ; IJoss, Kansas;
Fowler, Tennessee; Trumbull, III.;
Grimes, Iowa ; Van Winkle, W.V.
Henderson, Mo.; Viewers, Md. 19.
Hen-lrick., Indiana ;
f Radical Republicans in Roman ;
conservative Republicans in small
caps.; and Democrats in Italic.
The SpnuUI Hotel.
Wo tako tho following three ex
tracts from tho Philadelphia Pfw, of
tho 14th, which we think fully illus
trates the reliability of that loyal
organ :
"Many persons, nnd somo promi
nent journals, continue to talk rather
loosely about impeachment, ns if it
were nn event yet to occur, wonder
ing whether the President will bo im
peached or not, anil asking such ques
tions as whether this or that Senator
will voto for impeachment. This is
a popular error that grates harshly
on an intelligent ear. Impeachment
isulreadyan ucconi lished fact. The
President was impeached in February,
when the House moved tho resolu
tions. Whether he will bo acquitted
or convicted is all that tho voto on
Saturday will determine If John
eon should bo acquitted, it would nev
er relievo him from tho eternal infa
my of having been indicted by the
pcoplo for tho crime of attempting to
destroy tho liberties of tho country
n shamo that will consign his name
forever to dishonor nnd reproach."
"Indicted by tho pcoplo !" Indcod!
Wo wonder if the "pcoplo" consist on
ly of thir'y-fivo Rump Senators, seven
Rump members and a "dead duck ?"
"Tho sentimont is unanimous that
noihing can prevent tho removal of
tho usurper but extraordinary o florin
(to uso no plainer phrase,) and the
uprising of tho American masses is
tho best assurance that if this remo
val should fail, tho Republican party
will start the great campaign from
Chicago next week with a stern de
termination that will becomo utterly
"Tho American masses," (Assessors,
tax-gatherers, and public robbers)
hero indicated, have no doubt discov
ered by this timo that they are asses,
and tho "irresistible" niovoment coin
menced nt Chicago will be as great a
failure ns the impeachment conspiracy.
"The Senate is in no mood for work
Tho loyal members have not recovered
from the shock occasioned by tho do
vclopments of Monday. The adjourn
ment yesterday until Saturday was
no doubt in pursuance ot the iiiclan
choly denouement which has filled
the country with uncertainty for the
future, nnd mortilicd tho national
"The loyal members." Toor souls,
how depressed their stomachs must
fed. "Tho melancholy denouement'
must greatly mortify loyal pride, but
will certainly elevate national pride.
Poor Forney, liko his predecessors,
Judas Iscariot and Ilenedict Arnold,
will only bo remembered for his so
cial crimes nnd unpolished treachery.
"The I'Ntioiu.Y .Saiiiiath-Ureakeii.
It appears from tho follow ing taken
rom 1,10 1 'hiladolpuia blar, that Sec-
Sunday :
Wjtmix(;Tow, Mny 11 Wh&teeer the result,
Seeretary Httintnn will tneate tho W:ir Popart
inent. lie tke the pittintion Terr quietle. He
ero.wd over into Yircinia on Bunduv allernoon.
and went on a prtrnte ihing eaeitrstun on the
Wo hope tho Yonng Men's Chris
tian Association will tako this celo
brated loyalist to task for fishing on
tho Subhnth. This is certainly set-
n l"1'! example to Iho boys,
does not somo conference impeach
him ?
Im Council. Tho enemies of the
Union met in grand council at Chica
go, yesterday, for the purpose of nom
inating Gen. Grant, anil somebody for
Vice, and to fldopt such measures ns
will bring about a moro perfect disso
lution of tho Union. They seem de
termined to "w ind up this farco of n
government," but wo hopo their plans
w ill be frustrated, ns heretofore.
Tho tclfgrapliicr.enl of tlio impeach
ment cotinjiinUors, iluririf; last week,
r;itl ho linnrritinil lift tur t l,o n nrtiMB.
K -' "I1"-"
The If. I ha fr"f.
It Is evidently getting too hot in
the Rump Senate fur (Hat ndf esteem
ed hero, Forney. During tho session
of tho Senate on tho Pith iust., Mr.
Wade, President ;ro tempore, present
ed to that boJy a communication from
Mr. J. W. Forney, resigning the office
of Secretary of the Senate. M r. Cam
eron moved that it bo accepted, but,
on motion of Mr. Sumner, it was laid
on tho tablo for tlio present. Quito a
number of candidates aro already
mentioned for tho position. Among
them aro ex-Senators Foster of Con
necticut, Creswell of Maryland, Thos.
L. Tullock, Secretary of tho Jladicul
Execjtivo Committoo, two or three
Genomls, and a do.en other Radical
Th result of this move will bo that
tho liadicul majority will refuse to
romoto tho "dead duck," which fact
ho was given to understand. Tho
'Winnebago Chief may, however,
Buoceal in having him kicked out of
his net. Jnjuns and Ducks cannot
be hafched iu tho sumonost. Nature
forbidi it.
Till! Ohio Legislature inuy now go
horo. Tho Democratic majority hnvc
beer, ho dm? oft for a month to nut a
truo blue in Mr. Wapk.s placo. They
have oeen disappointed, and it is just
possitlo that their joy over the verdict
of acquittal is slightly qualified.
rtttsburg Commercial.
We wonder if Mr. Wado, and some
body else, have not "been disappoin
ted" too.
PiOAKu or Visitoks. Tho President
has ufpointod the following board of
visitors to est l'oint JHiiitnn' Acad
emy General Wm. B. Franklin, Con
necticat; General John Williams, Ten
nessee, Prof. Win. G. IVake, JNcw
York; Genera! Leslie Combs, Ken
tucky; Governor W. L. Sharkey, Mis
sissippi: Prof Henry Coppeo, Penn
sylvania; A. I. Judd, Illinois.
Grim-'i, the diutilo-dyeJ traitor, vnl itrurk
with jittrtlyBiB lwt trtrk. No wondi-r! Journal,
Wo wonder who struck Howard
and Colliding F
On tie 17th of May, 1G6, by 6. P. Wium. KqM
Mr. MILTON KYI. Kit of Bradford, and Mm
JENNIi: JUNES of Orahamton, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa.
On the 14th of Mny, I t F. HotLurrTki,
Erq., Mt JOHN L. MU HAKKIt of Fuydrr
couuty.and Mis 5AHAII M. 1I0KX of Virion
townnhip, Clearfield county, Pa.
miL ' '
In thin borougl, on the 1 3th of Mut, 1 81S,
ADAM C. FLAMUAN, god 30 ycr 1 month
Mid S (inr.
R A lr 111 it ; r a in a t riir iojTi u Th"
j rfraiMt of the ,ubQrlbrr ia Goibfti town.
hip, v.t lh. loth of April liu W1IITK
1100, with bUuk ipoU on Iu. Lit ilJe, mp o,d
lo be eight r nine month, old. The owner If
berehj rtqoired te eone, prove irnMr.
tit, t obrnf, end the It or it will be
etieporod vfM the law direct.
J. 8. FLEdAL.
Rhwille.M7 II .3 t p J.
VI)MIMTH4TM'.4 Jit) TH'll-Notice
It hrt?bj given Ihut Irtteri of A lmin(tr
lion, on lie ertste of C. C. MITfHKI.L.
detstajed, lite of llumiide tnwnihip, Cl.artield
county, berioK bi dulr (rented to the
nderiiiirtied, ell pnreona Indebted to leid ei
tete will plcete make pavment, and Ibeie having
elaiine or ininand, will preceut them fur eeltle
tnont wituuut dele;.
May 2tt.pd. - AdaiinUtrelrii.
Mammoth Marble' Works,
rphe entecriheri are frrpared to furnlih Tomb
A. (tone), Monamente, 6ide Tombi, CraJli
Tomba, ltd Cemetery Poru. The will alio
make to older any other etyle of work Ibat may
Wdeilred. They ran compete with any For
eign Maaufaf Hirers In alyle or nraUioe. Price
lower than etnewhere. All or dm promptly aU
tended to and delivered. Plcaie call on, or ad
May21,4 tpd Ctirwenril!e, Ta.
MMIE novritKT intends to brinf hofnra the
L Public his entire pnrty of Ural K.itate,
(.'itii-.ii', Uke miltro Ihut bi inU-ndu to sell for
the rviiMin tiint be is g'ing V't Jlicn-f.irv bar
ram will I riven. Hir-I ri'oriy in of the uni
valuable in Woodward U'Wiifhip, and n ne of
which is liun one tut If mile from tlio rail
road line at Pumyfille, on ClraroVM Oct'k.
A Tavern Stand, (Ono Half or All)
In Pneryville a enrmr let nititainiiie; bnlf an
a.-rn, with Flit It Jl'ifsLS and a burn irertcd
tborcon : and alx'iil .'itii'tl foot of bunk li-avi. Inr
.sinro Timber and baw I,.ijr. which rcnt f,ir li
cenl )wr foot, yearly, without hnue priviliyn.
Al.sil, the e liumi; lot. MO In 1 in n
Main Mreet, and lid feet l ack, with TWO HOC
Hl:S envtt d thereon oue 2, atorv. ftrlo.
the othor oolUjte alyle, wall aaiteil for any public
Aim, one two acre bit, one and a b:ilf milea
from PnaerTillr. ritunti. on the road Imdine; fmm
Tyrone to Ckarfiild, in tbr rillairc of Athinrille,
with a Iwo atory houne and franie atal.le erM'tcd
thereon, and all nweaary outl.inl.lin; in (rood c,,n.
dilion. The lot ia in a pimil elate ol cultivniion,
and the ptvmiect well auitcd for amnhauio ofaDT
Alo atra-t of land ilnalr half a mile from Po
aryville, containitir I .SS awa and 1 1 ;i prrohoa of
the vitt licut I'tlAL LAND, a well ai farminj.
Fifty acf nf which ii elrared with a plank
hone ami lulilc h.ij f.arn crcettd Ihcrimn. huulnd aci-ca of Tl.MUKK LAND,
fititnt on Mnrfas' Hun. one and a half milci
from I'naej villo, and one mile alv AlWrt'e Haw
mill on the aauir run, wilh pool roail lo auid mill.
Any prron or pi-rn..n wihin(! to enm!ne anv
or nil of fa d property will plcae to call on the
riiliecrilier at 1'u-yvillc, or Ainrvillc, who will be
pic ed lo ihow tliem the aamr and jparr no i.iiiif
or labor to Kirc perf-t anliufnetion. The a Lore
named railroad ip now located throuph to Puprv
Tillr. and an (rood aa (niuttntecd to bo eoniplctcd
by the frit l January, ' l.
Tlie alwve propeity ill be x1l in the borouch
orCI.liARr'lkl.l), on (t'ourt Work.)
Oil Tiutdtiy, June Itilh, ISO.
0itien, look lo your intrn-et, and pleae eome
and esnmine f ir youmli ca, for 1 am determined
to eell. To ivr any pet-ion a ehanee to tniri he
loin l to do eo. the nioncv will not all U r..
oiitreo: in hnnil. hut In thrw piivmcnta, aecn-r.l bv
ll. nd and Mortfee. Itce l made at a.ilc. llare
inilueementi are here offered to pim hnen. an the
eniinerilier make, no rcecrio. Positive mien will
lie i fli-'tiil at eaid tune, C, ). t?Uoh'K
Mny ?l, lPtli. 41 pd
ia hereby (tiven Hint b tt. r of administration
on the etnte of JAmll l'l.IMM,,
Inte of tlnebcn Tp., Clearfield eonnty, Pa., having
been duly granted lo the iindcrvlcmd, all pirn
iinlvhted to naid eetate will plcnce make payment,
and thope having claim nr demnmln will prracnt
them prowrlv anihrnticalrd lor arttlrmenl aud
allowance witlmut delay,
J. A. 1.. FI.MAl.. A.lm'.
Vrhtn lowiilp, Uny T, ll'9-rlt!pd.
IMI ll.l r -'-l rr!il'l man In H
.ml t.r nut nl llis i. Mo, l l.tii. Mi"- Ire
urniise t HinpAiti in An-Mi' , A'MrrM
mj H It. ('MI'iTf lllisk, ll.u-ripl.utg;,
"TUTM'l!Vrti'n hnTin rsoiintl with M.
IN W. Smith mil i.l.-f Ink tintii't- that he will
.i. fniitl.1 Hi hU fiirnirr "turn n.pollii Ihn tirw
I'ir.l Tti rinn rhurili, nn thvMiiii cif ll ISth.
lltth, imli. I'.Mh umI IWtli of Mnr, rt'u'ly fur i t-tli-rnnil
of fyeimnti.
Valuable To.wn Properly
F O R S A L li !
SITt'ATK on Hie Huuth wr.t romcr of Chcrrjr
ml Third SlnMt. (Iwinir lliiilriiml utrwt.) tu
witt A LOT, wi.h piHid iwo-fUirjr plank l.uild-
itiif thi't-rmi. Ml I'V lo fi-t-t. one ri"m uu ern-li niinr,
nuitulilf. fur ft ten', ur othT Iiuimh-m. Alio, the
n'ljomirifc LOT, wilh lwii-tnry dwelling butue
thereon, uijd ieveml other 1011 A LOio.
AIku, a lot of well-linml HltiCK, nd a good
mmuient of STONKWAllti, ueh Croeki,
Juk". J"", l'ruit C'ntn, ete., t reduced price.
Fur further Information, inquire nt. the Htuuu
wre I'.ittery of 1'. LKIT.IMiKK,
, uirU-ttta Clearfield, l'.
rp ht Florence ii (be beft family Bewior Ma
X chiueniAde; bm revenible Jeed : run the
work either wit at the oonvenienoe of the oper
ator. Changing the leogtb of Hitch eat) be
dune whilit the machine is in motion. The
tension on the lower thread Is self-adjusting.
The shuttle is much larger than in other ma
chines, holding much larper bobbin. Each
ib achine has a complete outfit of hummer, qui).
tar, self sewer, brauler corder, Ao. ; is highly
ornamental, and is warranted lo be all thai is
els i med fur It.
Machines can be aeen at the house of the sub.
srribor, wbo has thein on hands for sale, or can
fuiniih them on short notice, mt manufacturers'
Clearfield, May 14, XSdB.'dU
Sheriff's Sale.
T)Y VIRTt'K of a writ of iri ocio. laaued
J) out of tho Court of Common Plena of
Uieatfieltl eonnty, and to mo directed, there
will be eipo.ed to PUBLIC I-ALE, at the Court
llouae in Lbe borough of Clearfield, on Tburaday
the 2tb day of May, IM84, at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
the following property, to wit :
Two eertain lots in the tows ol Olen Hope,
and on the plot of aatd town ai No. 3 and 4,
hounded aa fullowi : -fronting on Main atreet
1.12 feet, and back to bpruce etreet I fiO feet,
more or leaa, on the eaat by lot No. 3, and oa
tba wait by alley, with a email houeo erected
thereon, beiied, taken into execution, and to
be eotd aa the pnvperty of E. Hxkertraw.
pr Hidden will take notice that 15 per cent
of tho wurchaae money muat be paid when the
property ia knocked down, or it will be put up
again foraale. CVUEN'IUS HOWE,
bit a Birr'. Ornra, bheriff.
ClearDeld, Pa. May U,
Ident Jodgeof the Court ef Common Pleal
of lbe twenty-bfth Judicial Dietrlct, eompoeed of
the efiuntiea of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton
and Hon. SAMI KL CLYDB and Hon JACOB
WILHKLM, Aaeociate Judgei of Clearfield eo,
bare lnoedtbeir precept to me directed, for the
holding of s Court of Common Plcaa, ai the
Court IIoum in Clratfield, in andfortbe eonnty
nf Clearfield, commencing on the fourth MON.
DAY (2Mb day) ol MAY, ISO, and to continue
one week.
NOTICE 18. therefore, hereby given, to par
Ilea, jtirore and witnee aea, in and lor aaid coun
ty of ClearDeld, to appear in their proper per
one at III o'clock, A. M , of taid day, to do
thofe tbiuga wb ich to their office, and in their
Ithalf. pertain to be done.
U1VK.N under my band at Clearlleld, tbii Ttb
dav of May, in the year of our Lord one thou
land eight buntlred and sixty eight.
CYltKXUS HOWE. .,r,.
j Term, I fins :
OKAtin it Bona.
William Mctt...lleo('e.ria
J. P. Kleiner Decatur
William Itotu... "
J.n. L. t'aiupbell Edl
Hitnon Tlioai-aon..ll,t:r
Kd. William-, ..Ijradlord
CM. Tboin).on...lliay
Jo.iph hln. 'art...
JamraS. ('berk "
Tarlton lunb4r....Chel
Hugh Mi'tiarvcv...
Klchard lluglii,
lohu M'Laui;lilin-. ..Fox
Alet. Murray tiirard
II. M'tluvern".
l.uw. Antes. .Lawrence
Adam Moyef Morris
Ocorgu Hem
Alfred Fbar Oaceola
Harry IJom..
Thus. A. Hoover ...Penn
l.-a.ic Caldwell Pike
11. II. 'J ayior... Clearfield
m. Irvin I'
rnw rn.r. Jt-Run, rtnFT w ttra. Erhnrd....Ileocarla'Alex. Irwin Girard
Jitc C.M.pcr
N. Itous.rlot.,,,
James M tiboc..,.
licll l.ucicu Ward tlraliam
T. J. Thompson '
A. B. Tate
Frauiptiin Ilrll , u
It..b t Mrhaf-y "
li.vid Hill "
Mntlbrw Stall 1I"C,-
Jacob Ititm !in.... "
Miles llancy..... "
lluj;h Lec h Illmini
C. 1'. Wilson ...Ilradfurd
Mark KrleT..... "
John l'nlcrs.jr., "
Ian1 llondlaiidcr, firndy
P. I'ostlrtbwaitc... " '
.laib IVnta "
Allrmnu i-.lltngrr... "
Ales. Kuttin....llurni,li
Wm. II. lloyt Ilu.ton
.Ins. M'tllieiban..Jordun
M'm, Williams....
I land W. Wise... "
David Cathrarl Knol
John P.iwell.... Lawrence
H. Thnnipsou,.
J.ll. fxlirivir, "
A. lliliniiliicv.. "
J. II. Hi. e... Lumber Cilv
John It. K vltr... Jlorrn
fi. II. illmiu..... '
A'bm Kopli;irt...OM-eo!i
John Hunn "
drier Hill. Jr l'enn
.lames It. I l.jk
Mokcs ine Pike
;Thos. HriH'kbatikl'nion
William KoliHid. .. Chest 'L. K. Ilro.liT
II. W. l'ark....Clcarti. ,llll. K. HruLisknr.... "
Ucirge V.CImtun...KoxViu. Lutbi-r... Woodward
hFcosn w rl.K.
Theodorr V, I,1, Hcccaria
I. E.iiiM....Curwcni illc
Heni.ll. Wright, ' lli, kineon "
Sani'l llrrrty. "
liitnes ltnini-s... "
K. M llowell....Hra,lfc.rtl
J. II. Ilrenlr r.m.l.i
Jbn licgal " '
C 1). I.aa a.
Thos. H. liHri.,rcrgi.on
Conrad liinter (iulic't
Js. M XcjI. jr....Jord.n
W ui. Holler Kartliaus
tt.Auehei bau'li.l.airr'ce
W tn.M'Cullouah
J. A. Ames. ...... .Morris
lore. Hoover '
J.M.Ciimmings, New W
tl.-.irge II. Lotig..tlseeols
Joint King. jr...ilumidc
Jnmea Hra ly...
W. Cardner!.... "
Israel WiH.d Chest
W. V. Kit. bcn "
Jonntbali W rtover M
llliMtin Thompson!, "
II. F. Nanglt....cicai field
1 1 co. W. 111,.-, in
I. T. Kliarp p.nn
John Hu, ell
Irwin 1 botnp.,on....Pikr
m. M. Trice
John tiw, n.
.-saiiiitn i,ine l men
Jas. Corncly..Wodward
In from III to 4m llmira.
Wbealon's dintmrnt cures Tbe Ttrh.
Whcatnn's Ointment
cures Fait Kbeum.
cures Tetter,
cures llsrbera' Itcb.
eurea Old Sores,
eiire. Em. kl.J
Wbeatoa's Ointment
W beaton's Ointment
Whaatan's IlinitnMn.
Wbeaton'a Ointment
. v, iiumor nae magic.
Ttlce in eenls a boi; bv mail, M cents
Address WKKK3 A POTTKII.No ITa Wa.b-
ington street, lloston, M. For sale by Harts.
wick A Irwin. and by all Druggists. (si'ddMy
Philadelphia & Eric Railroad.
Throngb and direct route between Philadelphia,
Haltimore, llerri.burg, Williamsporl,
and tbe
Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania.
On tit Night Trains.
ON and after MONDAY. MAY. 11. 1M, tbe
Iraina oa the Philadelphia A Erie Kail
Koad will run ai follow. :
a et u- wt
Mail Train learea Philadelphia....,
0 do Pt. Mary s
1" arrive at Erie
Krle Kapress leaves Plilla.lclpbia..
Po o 8u .Mary's
l arrive at Erie
l"nl, iird.
Mall Train leaves Ktie
I' do :t Mary's
I'o arrive at Philadelphia
Erie Express leaves Etie
I1" di St M.rv'.
..11.11 P. M.
.. p. m.
.. c.40 P. M.
...II. "0 noon.
.. .M A. M.
....10.01 A.M.
....11 oil A. M.
... 4 it P. M.
... 7.1(1 A.M.
... T 40 P. M
.... 1.0(1 A. M.
1 on n t
I'" arrive at Pklladelnlil
Mail and Kxnreiej enr.neel with .11 .
the Warren A Franklin llailwav. t'a-sengrs
leaving Philadelphia at IJ.Oo'M. arrlra at
Irvlnetn at Mil a m and (il Ci'y at 9 0 p m
Leaving Philadelphia nt 11.01 p. m , airire at
Oil City at 4. Si p.m.
All trains en W.rren A Franklin Railway
make close connections at Oil C:tv with trains
for Franklin and Potent..... r.M t
checked through. ALFKKD L. TYLKII.
t) eneral Hiip.rlet.ed.
I Icj and lxfar, t. .. .i.. ..U...C . -
. '.iMioiicen
i otf:-e. Tnce : cents. MliM ba any addrere. f.
rtv flvrrSlstinmlfl.
s:ioi)id iimn
ami oa naisi;i (T:i'!i;i.L
Kenned, BlallrnbrrRrr & Co.,
(Siircesor lo l.wbe, White A Co.,)
tioLrstl r.riL pr,ai aa ix
om i:(ij, r
1 KfiPKCTFt'IXY invlt an tiamlnatlon ef
I f . i I ...... L, .........ttU
J nfT lltrKa -""II r-aie...iia..i at'
fliRnod fr oKKh, and selling at UKEAlLV
...... ami rv llllinL-U
We iell better Hoods at lower ratea than ny
oilier house in the county.
Deoausa we buy for cash and buy close, and
are tbus euabled to give our eustomera and
patrons the benefit of the greater portion of
of tbe protlu they bare hitherto bees pay
ing j and
Because we soil more gooda than any stber
house in Clearfield eouaty.
Our stock eonslsta of '
Dry CSoods, iroeerics,
Uueensware, Hardware, Wood and Willow Ware,
Hoots and rihoea, Hats, Cape, Clothing, Furni
ture, Carpets and Oil Cloths,
Provisions of all kinds, Feed, &c.
Dress Goods for Ladies,
of every style.
in neat and tasteful designs.
in variety.
EEADT MADE CLOTI.ING at gr''7 reduced
prices. Orders Uken for autu of Cletbing.
Samples to telect from always on
From our large (lock of NOTIONS, every want
iu that line can be supplied, every
desire gratified.
Fujrarsof arflry ffradrt. Sjrups of erary quality,
l'rest-rved Fruiu and Jellies. losuaUs and
Irhen. r up or Cured Haws. Shoulders and
Hides. Met Pork, Men Bewf. Dried hf. fbad.
Marker, Codftih, Hound Herring. Lake Trout.
Extra Flour. Corn Meal and Buckwheat Meal.
CafcH Taid fur Country Produce.
Building arid other Hardware.
Tools for Carpentara and others. Best DoufaU
and Single bit Axes. Picks, Hopes and Cor da go Aim imdingi.
C'ignrH nnd Tobacco.
Finest brands of Cijrars, Cbewing and Smoking
T ibacoo. lb Celebrated Utobigan vine Cut in
Mr-Country mcrcbanU supplied on aa fair
terms as can be bad in lb Lutein ciiica.
ff-Goods ordered for our customuri and sat
isfaction guaranteed'
To buy to save, te buy to pleaae.
To buy to snake, lo buy witb ease,
To buy at all, a. all must do,
To tbe cheap casb store all should go.
Oeeeola Wills, May 14, W.t It
Lisl of Relailers
F Foreign and Domestic Mereban lise In tbe
oi i.wcnc ior tuc year ibob
14 Foi, Wim A Co.
l.av retire.
l.tjarnc Forrest..... 10
II fitnon M'Furiaiid
1.1 J. ii. (Ilngw... Ill
IS Stewart A Morris, 10
" Win. S. Diikey ... 1"
14 A. Montgomery... 7
" W. ('.Merit. T
1? M'.Miirray A Kimcl-A
J.C.UrcnneroVCo., 10
" D. W. Holt
11 Leonard Kvlcr....
14 Jonathan WmII. .
" W. C. Irvin... 12J
,13 Johnson k Henley,
14 W. J.NumiiI
" Horace Patcbin... 7
Ja'-kson I'atchin.. 7
14 Lewis Mailli 7
" llob'l Mchaflev..., 7
" William Ilrady.... 7
" David !cll J
14 P. (lallagher 7
15 Allrt A Itro Ill
" I link A (Irnrl.arl 111
I n ton.
14 J. V.. Hrwliakrr,
M wwlw ard.
It Samuel llegarty.,1
14 Fornst eV rion...
TJios. ltcnileraon,
" John M. Chase...
A. F.ecd Co...
lionori.Hs. '
t It arfldd.
Clan. Lirtv
8 Hicbard Mowop..f :io
14 Ld. W illiams 7 1 10 1 W. (Irahun
Itrailv. 111.1 I' T, i-i
IS R. II. Mom-e 1(1 III J,. Hbsw 8on til
" L. H. Carlisle l:i II Nivlmg4 ShowrrrlSj
" C.A.J. Schacm.. 1! C. K ratter at-Son, 1.
" J. T. rte lit: is jt. ;.,. ...
14 Carlisle A ..n 71 ' W illiam Catron " 10
" riinith.CurrrJl Co.
714I. L. Heiscnsiein, 7
LoliaugliA lltber-
" lan'l Ooodlandcr
14 William IUntcr.
" Hunt A M Kee ...
14 fi. S. Cran.tou
Claudius Harmoy
" F. Coudriet
II L. M. Coutriet
1 Neat nr.
14 W.W.llrttsACo.
II L. 1. Hind
13 T. 11. Kore.
. ii I lr h.
15 P. A A. l l.vr.n...
' 11. Allemsn
" Elliott A Miller...
14 Aug. Leeonte
" K. f. Stewart
" A. 8. Dickinson...
14 A. H. Shaw
" Irwin. HailrvACo,
" Jlcrrrll A Higlcr.
" A. I. Shaw
" 11. F. Noogle
" ll.Ilri.lg
" Mrs. II. D. Webb
.f- Ci J
" Mil Sasan liecd, 7
11 E. A. liwiti A Co. 11
12 liiirtrock A tiood-
win 13)
" Hippie A Kut...l2i
" TlliKyrklThomp-
son I?)
' John Irwin HI
14 William N Hrolc. 7
' Jos.pb It. Irwin.. J
" Fleming A 1U1.. 7
Xcw SVahhlnttou.
10 M Murray A Mit
chell td
14 Samuel M Cune. 7
6 Renuett, lllatlcn-
lierger A Co 50
10 It. 8. Perry- 20
12 ritom roa i"u I'ri-
deux 121
14 D. II. (ioo.l.u.n... 7
" W. 8. Well. J
l umber In .
13 Ferguson, Ross A
Co 10
15 Ferguson llros,... 10
1J II. Woodward ACul2i
IS Henry Sw.tin.... 10
14 Pat id M'Kecnan, 7
Karl ha ii a.
15 II. fler A lleriline, 10
' M't'losk. yalVtter lo
14 W. S. Sni.kev t
' Kirk A Spenrer.12J
ltrtall lltalera In Potent m,ii.i,...
Oil... I
S llnrtswiek A Irwin. Clearfield boronch in
4 A. I. Shaw no A., ..
a 1 ui j . r .
i Joseph It. Irwin t'urwenavilledo
4 Hippie 4 Ksut d i di
4 K. A. Irwin Co do do
4 T. II. Foroee, Crshatn township
t onltrtlotierlfa and (.rorcrlra.
f W. Endrrs, Clcurfiild Iwrough.
.1. F. Rote do do." ","
8 John Stad! do
1. IS. Jenkins, CurwrnaTille liorongh.'..!!
8 Mrs. M. J. IU.lrl.n li u di
8 Catharine Drnir do do
8 L. I). Hilc, Lumber Cltr do!.!!!!!
J Mi.s M. A. Wright, HcVaria township!!
Weavrr A Kiilin. do
8 II. W. Weims. Woodward do "
8 William di..!
8 1.. Sykes, Pike do..,.,'.,
8 W, R. iiuliralus. Kartbnus. (
10 W. Fndrcs. Clearfield boro'ugh
i" va'per l.r iolilt ito do
10 Solomon Siinkrnfl, M irris towoMnn."
I II..H W . I ... In, ...
. r. bote. CliarSeld Kirongb, (3 tnblcei '., Jn
... . . ... . ..m, r.ev..i....q ( ,,? M
l.snngton Kepbart, (t.-,. Niroogh, t.1 all. v) SO
Clcnr!ield County Rank j
O-la niilie.l Will Iu k.l.l it., r.
" ,'' : . '" me v omtntssion-
Z. r; n,l ''"rncbl.o. Friday. the ,.,h d,vf
. .ma ann wiiere all parties feel,
log aggrieved will pice a-tend. to aw
Mercantile Appraiser.
Clearfield Acadei
Iter. P. L. HARRISON, A a ,f
fPiiit.rot'ltTif FrMds,f
1 la.ile ,earol tbls In.tilntb.g .
oa MOM) A V, the stb day of M. ).,
fupils can enter at anytime. Ti
rbatfred with tuition from the time u,
the close of the Hesslon.
1 be course of Instruction embraces .
Included In a 'bomuli, practical n
plisiicd education rur both scan.
The I'rlnclpal, having bad the a
tnarh sipcrleoce In his prufessioa, t
rents end ynaro ana mat ma entire i
energies will ba devoted to the mora'
tal training of th youth placed mii,r.
-IKHMrt iV THI I lit;,
Orthography, Heading, Writing, and
Arithmetic, per beeeton (II weeks)
Grammar, Oeography, Arithmetic,
Iliidory .....
Algebra, Uaometry, Trigonometry, I;
suration, (jurveyiag, Ptilloauphy, Pk
ology, Cbemistry, Uoot Keeping, lit,:
and l'bystcel ueograpny .
Latin, Greek and French, witb any o:
above llrancces ...
deduction will be made ft
iHTtvt further particular. Inquire
.1 I. , UlIlUlL'i,'
avr. r. u. Il.nniuu.i
Clearlleld, Feb. 6, lS tf.
Market ftt.. Clearfield, (at the Far
rlSHB undersigned begs leave lost
I tbe eitisens of Clearfield and Tit
be baa fitted up a room and baa jui
from tbe city witb a large amount
matter, coasiattng in part or
Bibles and Miscellaneous
Rlank, Aerount and Pass Books of
seriotion : Faper and Envelopes, Free
and plain t Peus and Peneils; Rise
Papers. Deeda, Mortgages j Judguee
tjun and Prouiasury cotes : W'Uite a:
ment brief. Legal Lap, lteoord C.t, and
Pneet, Musie lor either Piano, F:ate
constantly on band. Any books or
desired that I may not have on hand,
ordered by first axpresa, and aold at
or retail to autt customer!. X will ,
periodioai literature, sack as Magazia,
papers, Ae. P. A. U.t
CUarfield, May 7, 1S tf
tmw, ai
THE subscriber rerpecttnlly infort.
patron, and tbe public genenV
bus on band, (and is constantly recti
additions lb ere to,) a largo stock of
Clocks, Watches and JeirE
fVl keep Jewelry la all Its fort
diBerent values, either by tke piece ei
WATCHES A full areortaent el ei :
or Silver, made by tbe best Averiesi i
eign manufacturers, including a las '
and silver bunting rase, lull jewe.
CLOCKS Of all designs, eonristicr
day and thirty-hour, of either weight, ,
levers, and both strike and alarm.
KEPAIRIXO. AU kinds of Wat.
Clocks Kepaited, and warraotfd.
In addition to what I have eminent
a full assortment of HPECrACLas,
plain glaai. Also, GOLD PFN sH P,
fact everything in the Jewelry line. I'
havo on haad ju.t what a customer an
will order per first eipresa, without ei-.i.
A liberal share vf public patronsgf h
May 7, 186S-y H. 1. Si
wm. tag area ...,. a.
n AVISO Just received from Kse I
tba largrst and beal e!e;td
bovds, wa are bow ready to offer tbt mt
old, (to whom wt return d.:
past favors,) and the ciuaeu of tbe est
orally, at
Prices that will Render SafcsLI
Oivt di a call before purchasing elttt
thereby front ft to 20 prr rent on yA
Oar ftook eoniifti of jret Taric;, i;
Fisb. Pall, Leather, 8 bee Findinn. B
8 HUES (eastern and home made) tl r
rlety, and at reduced figures; I.:
FLOVR, Ac, Ao.
slaving re associated H. B. Tb-p
ma la tba above trade, I desiri all at
debted to me, by Kote ar Hook eceMtt
and acttle the same without deiav.
r?rw'Tj". "ay, 7, 1 tf.
agi:! wati:d
Its Causes, Chanicter, Condi:
A Ilaok for all Fcrtlona aud '
This great work prewnte ibe anlr er'
impartial analvsis of the Canerl of lb
piilili.hed, and gives those inttri'ir It
stindows or the great conflict on't sir1!
high oiScers who watched lbs fbwd-tK"
tion fnim its fountain springs, and kv-at-c.-ssilile
to Mr. Mewns from his pot;'.,
ond officer of the Confederacy.
To a rnblie that has been surfeited r.:
mise a change of lare, both agrccal'lrai'
and an intellectual treat f the lir"
The tlreat American War haa AT Ll"
historian worthy of ila imiH.rtnncr, asi'
hands it will rvi"6 that tucrirrtilf. w
luijinrti-U fiTAtiui-Di fthkbli-uth audj-j
Th fniriiM tlrnir rrrrr nhcff n11
oltift thit work, it Officil ctiarartrr
liilc, fomhinc. wilh d iQcrr!ir4
make it th fiiWription bookri"
lne A ffrot in t,f!on, Ta rrorlt ii
Wrt in three davp.
One in IUtin. Max.., 103 mheril
tin VP.
Cne in Memphis, Ttnn., 10(1 mWil"
IScnJ for CirrnUn anj wt oartenn-.
Jrnjition of the work, with IVm ww
Sfl Ponth Seventh lu I'iiilfci'''!
Apnl SO 4t.
Five Thousand Dollars Inst'
For Twenty .Bra Crnla, for one ''
With weekly compensation, in ea ef t
No Medical Examination is
Accident Insurance.
Policiea and Tickets covering all k
dents, abet her received whilst tf"
or otherwise, said by
Ai.riit.D M. .'r
aprV-tf Insurance Agent, d'
is herebv given thnt lell'-r.ef
on the date of JOHN KlIH1!"1'1'-'
lato of Ilradv township. ClearfleU c"r
.o.'iig iwn limy granieu in ,
ln.lM..l ... a.irf estate wH TM
pavment. and those having claira"""''"
prcKnt tbcm for settlement wUhoit
Mar T.UoS tl A.i"i'"
Grapo Vines "for Salt
ine tea-lliiff naniT .wi""- , t1
i... niveiiun i'l TTlNtiN f
buiidre.1.' CONCtiRM VIXESo"'? "T
..le.tH I.e. A. M- '