tiKoRUK 15. Uoodlandlu, Editor. CLEARFIELD, PA. Thursday Morning, April 30, 1868. DEMOCRATIOSTATE TICKET. It'MTOR OHKIinAL, HUN. rtlARI.KS K. IIOYI.E, Of Fayette county. HIIIVIITOR OK1IHAL, CiBN. .VKI.I.IXCTON II. EXT, Of Columbia county. The Impeachment. Tho treason mongers oro still in conncil in thcslinpo of a "Hih Court of Impoaehmcnt," "trying tlio Groat Crimiuul and that daring traitor to Liberty and Law," as tlio Clerk, For ney of that doloctablo body, terms President Johnson. But a lew years ago it was a crime in tho eyos of loy alists io speak disrespectful of the "lato lamented" while ho was the "government," yet, now these hypo crites uso all manner of vilo epithets against tho "government," and claim that they aro advancing heavenward all the time. It looks now as though no verdict would bo reached this week. On Monday Thad Stevens opened his bat. tory on the "government" by reading hi ispeocb from printed Blips. lie read for about twenty minutes when ho broko down, and handed the bal ance of his harangue to Beast Butler to finish. . Torn 'Williams, tho celebra ted ritUburgrepudiator, followed the hero of Fort Fisher, with seventy pages, which consumed the balance of tho day and nearly tho wholo of Tuesday. Ilia piece attracted but lit tle attention cither in tho Sonato or the Galleries, as tbo seats wore soon vacated in tho latter. Jack Logan, bad his piece printed and filed.his brother conspirators fear- ed to put him in the ring lest ho might injure tho loyal cause. Jir. Evarts and Mr. Slanbcrry, on tho part of the President, and Bingham on tho part of tho conspirators who are yet to Apeak will no doubt consume tho bal ance of tho week. After which the Court may resolve itself into secret session and prolong final action for another week. Tho wolves who ho ver around the court clamor loudly for Impeachment, but wo aro inclined to ad hero to our former opinion, be lieving that there aro righteous men enough in that infamous body, to Bavo the government from destruction through partisan malice alono. Mobs "Tiiunher." Tho Black lio. publican organs of Chicago, tho day beforo tho election, in that city last week said : "To.morrow'a result in Chicago will be taken as indication of how tho West stands politically, and how Illinois will go in November." Well, Chicago bas gone Democratic by a very handsome majority, and viowing tho result from the JIadicn stand-point, Illinois and the cntiro Wost will go for the Democratic can didates in Xovonibor. Tho "lato la mented" in 18G4 carried tho city by 13,220 majority, and last year tho burcauites elected their city ticket by nearly 4,000, whilo thisyoartho Dem ocrats elected their ticket by 012 ma jority. Tho old " union savers" aro evidently thundering in tho West. Wo wonder w hether tho Deacon has hoard from Michigan and Chicago. Southern Klkctions. Tho Black and Whilo Dadicals aro mourning over tho result of tho so called elec tions held in Louisiana, Goorgia, North and South Carolina last week. They have lost nearly everything, ex cept in the l;U.r Stato where there aro three niggers to ono decent white man. The Democrats of Georgia have covorcd themselves all over with Glo ry, by electing Maj. Gen. Gordon, Governor and defeating the negro Constitution. In North Carolina and Louisiana, they havo done exceeding ly well. Ono election moro in these Slates will extingnish niggers, burcau ites carpet bag bummers and loyalists. These results have given the Iladical conspirators at Washington a black eye, from an unexpected quarter. Hioiifr Lawism. Some three years ago Andrew Johnson hung a man for murdering Mr. Seward, and tho said Seward is now alive and kicking! Now, Andrew Johnson himself is tried, and, it is (aid, will bo convicted and punished fur removing Stanton from the War Department though Stanton is not removed at all ! What is to be the noxt slrp in Higher Lawism 1 ArriMiTicn Assignation. The Prince of Wales, who litis lon trav elling Id Australia for some time past, was, en tho 28d, while stepping at Sydnay, shot and dangerously woun ded by an unknown poison. The would be assassin was promptly nr rrstcd. The Frinco according to the last accouuls slowly recovering. There is great excitement throughout England. The attempted runnier is of course thiirged to the Fenians- The Fart ahonl the .itsnesism iltntot tVfOtgf- M .ltfni"M- l7t0iMr If Tint llf If tin. A correspondent writing to the World from Columbus, Georgia, un der tlato of March .'list says : "Uur town was Inst night tho scene ol a bloody transaction, which, ns it will doubtless bo made tho occasion of comment by Jiadical newspapers, I will explain to vou. George W. Ash- burn, a notable Radical lender among tho negroes, was killed by parties un known in a negro boarding house last night. Ashburn was a nativo Geor gian, an overseer beforo tho war, and remarkable for his cruulty. In tho early part of tho war ho was a violent secessionist, but immediately after tho war became an equally violent reconstmctionist. Ho was an igno rant, brutal man, with no social influ ence, and at once louim his equal among tho negroes whom ho aspired to lead lv appeals to their passions. By them ho was elected to tho Stale Convention, and took an activo part in framing tho constitution, lio had but lately roturnod to Columbus, whero no decent white man would admit him to hishouso, and ho found quarters in a negro boarding house whero ho cohabited with a negro prostitute. Ho was with trns black woman when ho was aroused about ono o'clock in tho morning by several disguised jiersons, and was shot when ho opened tho door. No cluo, as 3'et, leads to tho discovery of his murder ers, though tho civil and military au thorities bavo taken tho matter in hand and aro making every cflort to ferret them out. Tho manner of his death is tho occasion of universal re gret among good citizens, though thcro is not a decent white man in the city who expresses any sympathy with tho victim. He was a danger- nttu mon n caimn t in re nntirnlv ll'ith UU ..lull, iuuw,Ufc... 1 1 V 1 . J ' - negroes over whomue had great in fluence, and lio was constantly endea voring to stir them up by tho most in fliinmiatDry appeals. His death will doubtless bo made tho occasion for denouncing tho whole South, and will bo paraded as an evi dence ol tho "disloyalty" and lawless ness of tlio people, and thus the law abiding citizens will bo mado to suffer for it. It is conjectured by some that the murder is the work ot iiadicals thcmBclvcs, to many of whom Ash burn was exceedingly obnoxious, and by others that it was tho work of tho negroes with who Ashburn was living. As yet, however, the public can oMy surmiso they kuo'w nothing. .Idditional Courts. AN ACT to Si Out time for holding the several Courts in Clrarfield oounty. Skc. 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and JJouse of Hepresentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met, and it is hereby en acted by the authority of the same, That, tho terms of tho several courts in and for tho county of Clearfield, shall commence and be held as follows: On the second Monday of January, tho third Monday of March, the third Monday of June, and tho fourth Mon day of September, cuch term to con tinuo two weeks if necessary, except tho January and March terms which shall continue but one week, and the Courts of Common Pleas, and Or phans Court shall in addition to said terms sit for tho trial of civil cases, and such other businoss as may come beforo them, on tho fourth Monday of May, and continuo ior two weeks if necessary, and on the second Mon day of November and continuo for two weeks if necessary, and venires for petit jurors shall issue in tho usual form for each terms under the direc tion of tho judges of the county afore said. Not Genkrally Knowk. Martin Van Huron is tho only man who held tho offico of President, Vice President Minister to England, Governor of his own State, and member of both branch es of Congress. Thomas II. Benton is the only man who held a scat in the United States Senate for thirty consecutive years. Tho only instanco of father and son in tho United Stales Senate at tho samo limo is that of lion. Henry Dodgo, Senator from Michigan, and Hon. Augustus C. Dodge, Senator from Iowa. General James Shields is tho only man who represented two States in Senate, and was elected from Illinois before ho was naturalized. At ono time ho was Senator from Illinois, and subsequent ly from Minnesota. John (uincy Adams held positions under the Gov ernment during every administration from that of Washington to that of Folk, during which be died. Ho had been Minister to England, member of both Houses of Congress, Secretary of Stato and President of tho United Slates. Ho died whilo a member of tho Uouso of Hcprcscntativcs. Loyaltt. Tho Legislature of ISO passed an act creating a supernumera ry criminal court for Dauphin, Leba non, and Schuylkill counties. Tho court was entirely unnecessary, and tho only business bclore it since it was created was tho drawing of his pay by thejndgo about 4,000 from tho Stato Treasury. Tho present legislature repealed tho act, and the people would havo been saved this useless expense, but Governor Geary vetoed it. The judgo of this court has not yet mado himself rich, and he happens to beol Geary s color black. A meaner robbery has never boon perpetrated upon tho Stato Treasurr. And yet, Gov. Geary, wishes it to continue notwithstanding tho nearly unanimous desiro of tho Legislature and tho pooplo to tho contrary. Tho New York Tribune has offi cial returns from fifty counties in Michigan, which show a total vote of Kiti.fi,)!, winch that paper thinks will be swelled to Istl.lHiU bv the remain ing nine counties. tho majority against the negro suflrago constitu tion, so far, is 80,477, and against liquor prohibition, 13,107. Tho Su pervisors, so far officially reported Irorn thirty fivo counties, stand Sti2 lladieal and !I02 Democrats a Dem ocratic gain of 70. In lxr,(5 tho Uital poll of tho Stale was M4,4.'4 Fuidi cal majority 29.0G8. This looks like "thunder." Election tickets in Ohio must here after I printed on white paper, as woll us bo voted by whilo men. f'nltM,.Tfrrt 1'atllnt November is approaching. A grand battto at the ballot box is la be (ought the most momentous conflict in the history of tho country. Tho 1'rcsi dentiiil campaigns of tho past have been child's play in comparison to that of to-day ; the political conflicts were skirmishes November next is to do ciilo whether this country is to boa Republic of white men, or a nigger despotism. Send for Democratic doc uments. Establish your outposts. By tho light of your watch fires read I)emocratio arguments, and digest Democratic truths. Get ready for the ballot box. Let every man who has a vote, preparo to deposit it. Organ ize, Democrats, for tho purpose of bringing out your physical strength; men aro wanted now ; numbers aro the grand desiderata. The biggest count in every hamlet, vitiligo, town, city and State, is what will give us victo ry. Tho timo for long speeches is ovor. If tho past eight years have taught us nothing, if tho reign of blood, terror, rascality, crimo, trench ory and crushing taxation, has not sottled t ho verdict that wo should ron dor at tho ballot-box, God help 11s, for wo shall moro than over need His help. If'Mongrelism conquers us in Novem ber, tho fa toot Sodom and Gomorrah would bo a blessing to us. Better death than a nigger government, with all its entailed horrors. Democrats, tho timo for action is at hand, r onn clubs, send for jonrnuls, consolidate, unite, present a KOlid phalanx to op. pose tho infamous foe, ut every voting place. striko terror into Inn coward ly heart. JIo will see that we carry tho blazing shield of Truth. Wo do not know our power. We underrate our strength. Wo aro not awaro of our invincibility. Wo aro clothed in the armor of justice We are guard ed and guided by tho great Constitu tion. We havo right and might on our side, and wo have only to strike manfully in order to secure a lasting victory, which will redeem us lrom prospective slavery, ond confer prico. less blessings upon posterity'. Organ. ize, Democrats ! ! meet weekly; act the documents; read, agitato, work ; be vigilant; eternal watchfulness is the prico ol liberty, for it in too pre cious to bo left one moment unguard ed. .Make up clubs, and keep them alive in fives up to five hundred from now to November, and then "go in strong for the Democratic cause. J Y. Day Book. What the editor defines as the du ties of New Yorkers applies to us Pcnnsylvanians in October. In this State our heavy work must bo done one month earlier. If wo carry the Keystone Stato by 5,000 or 10,000 in October, wo can carry her with ease in November, by from 30,000 to 50,000 majority. Therefore let the old "Un ion Savers" bestir themselves, and seo that their neighbors aro stirod up too. Lot tbo Radicals carry tbo noxt Presidential election, and tho Union will bo gono, American Liberty will bo wiped out, and the Tomple of Froe dom built by Washington and the rest of tho Fathers razed to the ground. "Pompey Smah-X-IliM Hark," Tho Virginia Convention adjourned sine die at tho dark hour ol midnight on Jriday last, lho Constitution was signed only by tho President and Secretary, in accordance with a pre vious resolution. Several Republi cans, including one negro, voted against its final adoption. There was a very good reason for the adoption of tho resolution requiring tho Con stitution to bo signed only by tho President and tho Secretary. Very few of the niggors who helped to make that instrument wcro able to sign it, "because very few of them knew how to write their names. Tho carpotrbaggers who had chargo of the concern thought it would not look well to have the Constitution go forth dotted all over with such signatures as 'Tomicy Smanh A' his mark." 0 dare say 1'arnum would willingly pay lho expenses of tho Convention lor a copy of tho Constitution signed (as they would sign it) by all the mem hers. It would bo worth moro tohim than Joyco Heath and tho Wolly Horso both put together. This Virginia Convention was a high-toned assembly. Its doors were well guarded. It was not everybody that could cross its sacred portals. Two gentlemen from this section be ing in Richmond, concluded to take a look at it. On approaching tho door they wcro joined by another getillo man, and tho three attempted to en ter. "Can't gwin hcah, said tho consequential but still polito "Amori can citizen" who presided at tho en trance, "out you's from do Norf or hns a lady wid you." Two of the three could bo admitted, as they were from tho North, but the third was rul ed out, as it was his misfortune to bo a native and resident of Virginia. "I'll soon fix that," said lio ; and turn ing to a negress w ho was selling pea nuts near the door, ho offered her a quarter to take him into tho "show." She hooked on to bis arm and ho went in trinmphanOy under thorulo allow. ing a Southern gentleman to enter if accompanied by a lady ! Vally Spirit. If Washington was in Congress to day he would bo as firm for impeach ing Johnson as bo was for shooting Andro. Chicago J'ost. If Washington was alivo to-day he would not bo allowed a seat in the Federal Congress. Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe would also be disfianchis cd by the latter-day political saints. Erie Olmcrerr. And arrested and locked up in some Fort for entertaining treasonable ideas, or as being "impediments to re construction" and loyalty. Tho loyal negro Convention of Ala bama closed its services by singing "W e'so gwino to hcben.a reelin and a and a roekin." That. tho way their so-called white friends hero in tho North aro going to 'tother placo. Mrs. Picntico, wifi, of C.oorge D j ieiiueo, 01 u,e ixuifcviiIo Journal, 20lh. lino A. .iVMrra. Tn Orri' iai. Ilusnn of ma Wan. Irs Par- Fa, I'n aii nt, (Vmh it auk Hi m i i. l:jt Alrton.l.-r II. FlrjiliMn. Such is the titlo of tho best book j et produced on this prolif ic and inexhaiistiblo subject. It is sufficient for us to stato at this timo that tho namo of tho author is guar antee enough to nuthorizo every one who desires correct information with rcferenco to lho causo and effect of tho lato Revolution, to buy this book Rea d the publishers' notico elsowhero in this issue. Wo understand that Mr. Wm. M. Henry, of Lumber City is tho agent for this county, and will soon call upon our citizens in that ca pacity, when wo hopo all ablo to buy it will secure a copy. Ths 104 1'MNiri.vuiiAj By Qta. W. W. II. ! Tin, lato Culonul. S ro., pp. 50. PutiHiibed by JttiiiJi II. Kodgeri 11 North 8 SL I'kiMol- nht.a. Wo aro indebted to tho author for a copy of this bcok. Gen. Davis tells tho story of his rcgimont in a modest, but, without doubt, in a truthful man ner, and has thereby produced a read able work. No rtgimont undorworit moro varied ani longer servico than tho 104th Pennsylvania. Tho publish er has fully kept up with the author, and togothor havo produced tho best work of th;s character yet beforo tho public and wo do not doubt but that evory member and thoir friends yet alive, will sccuro it. There Bliould bo cnterprizc enough in each Tcnnsylva' nia regiment to get up a book of this kind, and we adriso those who wish to pass through battles, marches and camp scenes at homo, to send for a copy of this work. Gen. Davis' ad dress is Doylestown Pa. He Wokt Go. The mongrels for some time past have been Uymg to induce jenerson Davis to leave the country and thus avoid trial, threat ening him with tho most rigorous punishment when Ben Wado comes in if be fails to do so. The object of tho tricksters is merely to rid them selves of the responsibility of bringing him to trial knowing full well, as they do, that they cannot mako out a legal case of treason against him without being compelled to try and pnnish, also, a few hundred of Davis friends and fellow "rebels" whom they have pardoned and taken into their party and confidence Besides this should they bo forced to try Davis, the defendant's lawyers would un doubtedly bringup witnesses to prove that ho and his fellow secessionists wcro encouraged and assisted in se cession, in its early staires, by now prominent Radicals Stanton, Wade, Lognn, and a score of others. This would be awkward, not to say dama girigto Itadicahsra ; hencethey would bo willing to givo Jefferson Davis life annuity if bo could be induced to ity his trial and depart tho country Fat. Union. . "Love for Soi.pif.rb." Tho Radi calpapers aro now denouncing Gen eral htcadman, because ho is a friend of President Johnson. Do they ro- memocr now they praised In in lor his gallant capture of a rebel fort at Petersburg, and bow they insisted that the work should be called "Fort Steadmanf" Tho people remember tnese tnings, though tho Radical leaders may wish to havo them for gotten. They also remember when General Jlftnoock was culogizod as Pennsylva. ma s neroio son, ' &o., ny tho same Radicals who arc now slanderine him, They also remember that the samo Radicals could not find language to express their detestation of tbo Robe General Longstrect, who is now one of thoir greatest saints, because be naa swallowed their nauseous black doso of "eo-callod loyalty," test-oaths, nigger, and alL Tho peoplo remember theso thine. and they w ill act accordingly, because they must know that men, or party who can act tho hvpocrito so stupen dously must beeitiicrfoolsor knaves, arm increioro, cncmicB to all that per tains to union and peace. A Victory is Gf.or.iia. The carpet-baggers' constitution has been de feated in Georgia by a majority too largo to bo sponged away by fraud in tho Freedmen's Bureau. General Gordon, ono of the staunchest Union men befcro tho war, one of tho most gallant Southern generals during the w ar, and ono of tho.first ard grandest of Southern men to accept the results of the war, bas been elected Governor of Georgia by a largo majority. Theso facts signify that tho day of tbo carpet-baggers is over; that military despotism cannot trnmplo out of American hearts tho determination to havo republican self-government or uicmsoivcs ana their prosperity. Dick Yates Rvphnts. aiiv Senator Vales has written a letter ad dressed to tho people of I llinois, ao knowloiiireinir sulm'.anliallr thn truth of criticisms passed upon him by the press of tho Stato. Ho claims that their statement is exaggerated, and appologizes for his bad conduct with out reserve In his defense he declines positively to resign, but promises to reform at once and do his duty here after free from tho besetting sin which bas dragged him down. Take notice, ye "bogtrolting, igno rant Irishmen, r' and "swag bellied lager beer Dutchmen," that Mr. Fish er, a Radical Senator from Lancaster county, and John Hickman, another of the samo stripe from Chester coun ty, declare, in their official capacity, that you are not as much fntithd'to the elect ire franchise as the negro I Ro memlier it. Bcv. Theodoro Tilton of tho New York Independent lias "pone back" on Chief Jusl.ii n ( 'I man ami mud Lli.t out of tlio Black JtcpuMiraii jmrly. jiiTviniura jtir. Viiaco nas let-n the first chiiicc of this Bonii rolipioun jour nal for PrfHident. The editor will Boon hava OPfnainn tn rnuil ntlmM equally distinguished, out of tlio foul On T"-dv, H ?1M ,1m ..f April, !, It Jolt Vritn. Mr. JollN W. MAIN'S ami Vim K. H. PIMlN, l.lh uf Ilm.H'.r.l lutiip, I'linrfi" Id tniin'y, I'a, In I.nwirni town. hip, on Thnrr'tny. Ilia fill i.f April, IMti, ,y II. Sw, l:., Mr. JOHN WIIAI.IMl ml Mim f I IlltoW J. UKAl'MoST, both of l.awrrnrfi loan.liip, ClinHirll county, I'a jttw tlvrrJisnnrnls. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE The nmlinii-npil aHmlnllralr ill ripowlo nul.lii' inlii at Ilia lalo n-'iilrnra uf William liu clianan, in llie village of lVunville, on .Votulnu. ,TV?t 411. IMis. J HQ Ulir'iWIIIH irr I 1 'I "in'iini Ttie entire took in tho rat of tli Tnnnrry ffrfhtr with A lt of Htieop iVltf, Coon ISkiui Tl .II : .! .....I V..l K...,.n.l rtvniiai-tw Til to a tid oilier liiuoa. aiho A Lot of Finished Calf Skina, I'mifr and Hole Lealher. m wt'll a a lot of Tun nen' Oil, together with W aj?mi, Mcli, ami other personal property too tiotii to mention. r-Hale to commeneeat ten o'clock, when terra and ooniJitHin will r maie Known. W. V. JOMNSOV, MAUGAKKT 1HTHANAV, Pennville, April SO ISrtH.l Adininittratori. FOIL THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, . Ita Causes, Character, Conduct and .Results. BY HON. ALEXANDER II. FTEPIIE.NS. A Ilwik for all Medium ana all I'artlea. Thir prcnt work prfOMsntl the onlr ooipll aod impartial analvi or the l anarn or mi- n ar ym nuhlitlmd. and give thoiw interior liehu and uliailowd of the Krt'ul conflict only known to thoae liiL'li oflifwi who wutrliid the flood. tide ol rrvulu turn from itj. fountain iprinjr, and which were to acccHPiole to Mr. rtfvenH Irum nis poiition aa sec ond officer of the Confederacy. To a pulilie that ha" heen aurfrilcd with AI'I'A ItENTLY elMII.AK I'KOlJl C'TIO.NM, we pro mine a ehantre of fara, both arreeahle and salutary, and an inlelleetual treat of the hipheat order. The Great Ameriean War baa AT LAST found a historian worthy of ita Importance, and at whoae handa it will roooiva that oioderata, candid, and impartial treatment which truth and juatic so ar retitlv drmaod. The intcnaa dcaire evcrr where manifeted to obtain tbia work, if Official oharacter and ready sale, oombiued with an increased eoaarai'aion, make it the best subacription book ever publuhsd One A cent in Eatn, I'a, reports 71 subscri bers in three dars. Una in Boston, Mass., 103 subscribers la four dara. One In Memphis, Tens., lot subscriber! in Ira dars. bend for Circulars and see our trms, and a full description of ths work, with Press notices of ad ranced sheets Ac. Address NATIONAL Pl'BLIPHIVO CO. i 8outh bereutk St. Philadelphia, Pa- April lo 41. J Clearfield Academy. Rey. P. L. HARRISOff, A M., Principal rpHK.FOt'RTU SESSION of tba pwalwho X lti yaarof tbii Inititotioa will eonineoe on MONDAY. th 4th day of Mar Pnpili eaa tntar at any time. Tbey will tt charged with tuition front th tint thoj aster to the cluie of tb oeuioa. l b eoarto of imtmrtlon embrarei arerj thioj included im a tboronsrh, practical as 4 aoeoi nlipbed ed a cation for both ftexet. Tha Principal, having had tht adrantaga of moeh axpenenea in bn profeition. M'vrei pa renU and jraardiani that hit antira ability and energies will be dcroted to tba moral and men tal training of the yonth placed anderhit charga, OK 1 1 II 14) V Orthography. Heading, Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per Seeeioa (11 week.) $i 09 Grammar, Ueographr. Aj-tthmetie. and hi iter y $6 09 Algebra, flee me try, Trigonometry, Men. uration, Sureeyiag, Pniloenphy, PhyiU olorr, Cbemietry, book Keeping. Botany and Phytic, tieography - . - $9 09 Li, Ur..k and Preach, with any of the above branrbee .... fit 09 MtNo deduction will be mado fur abtaoea. X-ifFcr further particular inqnire of Kev. P. L. IIAHKISON. A. M., Clearfield, feb. 6, 1SAS tf. Principal. JS Till: DISTRICT ( Ol'IlT OF THF 1 I" NIT I It STAIKS fur the Wcttcm Mitrict ui lYnnn Ivania. In the matter of Ear. terra . . MrMAtTFitft, !l.Ukrupt. ( 10 11nkniIJt TO WHOM IT MAY COVrEHX; Thenndcr tigned bereliT (rivet notice of hie appointment at Adtfignea uf l.iteneier JJrMattnr. of Ifurntide tnwnchip, in the county of rifaHtvld. and 8t.e of rennmvania, wit bin Mid l'lftrict, who hat bern aiju1pcd a hank nipt upon fait own petition, by the lmrrirt Court of laid I'irtrict. Ifeted the ?M dr of Mnrrh. 14. tpr2J W.U. M. M.-n LLOn.II, AMigne. MISS SUSAN REED, mini ix PLAN AM) FACY B0NETS, Misses' & Children's Hats & Caps, mcvtii v AMi.mcAN fi.ovi:ms, RIBBONS, AC, AC. ,BI.EACHIX(J and TKIYMINO lone in Uleal at Tie. Opposite Xloasop's, Market Street, spr2J-Sai Clrarfield, Paw TAISxni I'TIO F PAltTM RMIIP. I Koties la hereby clen thai the partnership heretofora eiitinf between John Miller, llieh- mrA Tl Uill.. KJ 11 1 . . - minn wuu 'mail fl. raillf r, BIIDa ths una of John Miller A r-ena, operatic and n.nuiariantis; rire lines., at anur Klflre. I " ' " ' ' I 1 1 1 . . . v., j VTHII1 .''.111., B. , W.P 111,. solred by sautual conseet on ths loth of Fehru. arj, I8f s, Hichari B. Miller withdrawing from Ih.flrn. JDIIV UllllTD RICIVD B. MILLER. WM. K. MILLER. The lin.!..t will Va h....j k....r.. v John Miller and William K. Miller, In lb nana and una of John Hi Her at roti. J 11 5 MTLLKR. apr2J-4t V'll. R, MILLKR. House rurnMiins Goods. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Ko. 7T rheatnut Strrrt, Are offcrinf an citrnsira (lock of FURNISHING GOODS, Embracing in part BARXSLEY'SSnEETIXOi LINENS Do. PILLOW CASINGS, Io. TABLE LINENS, HUCKABACK TOWELLING, MARSAI LLE8 COUN TERPA N ES, HONEY COMB SniEADS, ic, Ac. Together with a larce assortment of FrRHfa I'RF.SS FA II R ICS, of the latest and io-t desira- le importations. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 11T Thrslnnt fUmt, .priJ PHILADELPHIA. Ir., LOGAN ACADEMY. Vlliph School for Bnyt, at BELL'S MILLS, on tha I'enn.Tlram. Central Railroad. Neil tern begins April JOih. Pend for a eirr. Ur. Address K, H. Fl LToN, Principal. fehJii.Ja AnUitown. Blsireountf, Pa. 1 K 4 A M tlilWTh. ruLacnSer wi iTpTt 1 the hiehct prices. In ("ASH, f..r all kind, of rurand Heerckms. I. L. It tlZLNSILIN. Jantiarr 9. 1 f-lf. GR'H ERICH aa ta had at NEW HARDWARE STORE rhilifiiburp. Centre County, Fa. G. II. ZKIGLEH & CO. HEAI.F.IIS IX Forclffn Domestic Hardware, WOOD, WILLOW. & TIN WARE, Stoves, Oils, Taints, Glass, &c, tc. THE attention of Mechanics, Builders, Farm ers, Lumbermen, and Buyers gensrall, is larked to tba fact that ws are offering a batter assortment of goods in oar lino than can b found elsewhere in this part of the Slate, at Pricei to 8 ait tha Times. Our stoek eomprises a general assortment of Tools and Materials ased bjr Carpenters, Black ami ths, Carriage and Wagon Makers, Ae., with a large stoek of Iron, Kails, Steel, Spikes, Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Hope, Oiains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, ENAMELED, FINISHED & PLAIN HOLLOW WAKE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and Fish Oils, TCRPKXTISE, BESZISR, VARNISHES, COAL OIL LAMPS AND LA5TEKSS. Aa exeellent assortment of Fine Cotlerj, eosa- prising KXIVES, J-OJJK.S, 8CI.S.SOI'uS, liAZOUS, ic DEEHT, TEA, k TAELE Sl'OONS, BRITANNIA A SILVER FLATED WARE. TIN WARE IN GREAT VAK1ETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE. Oeuehold, Hsrtienltaral, Farming and Rafting Implements of the Uleet axd most improred paterae. Blackamitht eaa be rnppliei wltk A mils. Bel lows. Vices, Siedges, Hammers, Horse and Mule rboe., Hone Nails, and all kinds of Iron and teeL Carpsaters'and Builders will (ad tn enr eatab. Uahaaant a aaperior stock of Planes, Saws, Angara, Hatchet, single, doaUe-bit ani peajing Alee, Ilaiamera, Chisels, Files, II i tires, 6erews, Bolts, Locks, Pullers, Sasb, Cord, Ae, Ae, Ac, Fannsrt and Raftmea will tad eTerylking In their line, and cheaper titan eaa be bad elsewhere. Vsl Partieular attention Is Inr'ted to oar stoek ef 8toTes, eompriaing Fpear'e celebrated Asti mit, Look and 1'arlor p teres ef all sites. Also, the AisraraCook. Parlor Conk. iinlliaaL Iawo, I'ew lt op, Arctic, and Common Err, Poekt,Ao. " All of the a bore goods will be sold cheap for cash. G. II. ZEIGLEK 4 Co. rhllipaburg, Oct 10, lcf.7-ly planing Wilt. ti. r. Hoop, ) A0TICL er,J Iw.W. Letts. 0. L. Kccd, r. H ea. HOOP, WEAVER & CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rylK proprielnrarcpectfullv Inform the rititens of Clearfield enunttr, that Ihej hare entirelj rcSited this ertalJiahment with the' latest improved wood-working macbinrrr, and are now prepared to execute all orders in tbeir line of business. They will gire especial attention to the manufac ture of material for bouse building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nnacKETs oi Lni.vtss, OF ALL 8TTLI8. We alwaj-s hare on hand a larre stock t tiBT LIMnER, and iU PaTeasb for all eer I.nnle One-and-a-balf inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers. W-Orders solicited, and Lumber furnished on short notice and on reasonable terms. HOOP, WEAVER A CO. Clearfield. Nor. T. !.?. FIRST PRCMIUIsl VOf as Utterr M ratal WRRnTS HAIR REST0RJ1V Tl atw,fcohk.iaN.ti.a.if4.ai.(, si A H tTT'l TrcptablclIalrRcstoratlre Om II .lr te H. ry, , ZZtri. r"""' ' " law "". t' lkrn ral.,, T "" '. i , nin,. JLj n r-.n. 1,,,-,.,. tTr,i.,M Uf SO.) U tK. p., m ar aw A K ttARnCTT 4 CO., Peetmetere, AKCiirsTta. k. n. old be TTart.wik A T..t. - -1 . , m . ,,' -- '--. ..-.u ..g n. i. craw Clearfield j J. R. Irwin, Curwensrllle i and al I'ealers In relent Medicines. lai.rl Km ' tpilK IiKXtxnATIC A.Mc (,'r isr.s a. i-lim tww .le st te niri.l.'ice" Hire. rr., rent.. M.v'rd ,o s.,v aiidrcss. tf. ;?hfrtUrranfs. " J. P. KRATZER HA JitM rtv.iv. fcm Yl t Tf i tuna Tf trm, T).M r-u, TnT.t,ul Itutur Iibi. ftmxy Tyrenit I 1 rii, l,Hlf l, r PiaiM, ,H I'i-trf l'ir.1" rui,hur MKm. Xf ,,' Ira Co. Ccflr Cnl itk hkR4ti, H !, ttir, Vlwb Bow In, rtirbsta, . ItoMtn. Fj iUoonf. 1unI1rr, Call I'ubu . trrra lifh, Molaa- Tiirbrrf, Gnhu, (ilajun, Lam4 wiib lb new eoturl tturfttr, Tinware. Bt CKKTS. Ciih pans. Cofee boil.ra, Si. era, I'uddint; psoa. Tis pana.Oil rat, per., Camp kettlca, Molaa.ea buaetj, i baainl, Tina, Milk pan', r'tew pana, llraaa , tlea, Wah boilers, t'aadle boulda, Ual bncksta, Casting spoons, Tea caaislers, Hi, rikimoers, lri ping pans, Htore pipe, KhM-.-forealeat J. V. KKATZkt Stationery. T UTTER paper. Legal eap, Uilt note, b J ater. Commercial note, White nret'. Liiari.a, Half envelopes, l)tj books, Lelt Receipt books, Pats books, Time book.. I notes, Albania, Bill paper, Copy Books, g, books at J. P. KUAIZhk Carriage Trimminq. T?NAMtLKD leather, Iiaab leather, Laan j drilling, Pigsred Mualin, Head Lit Curled Uair, Beaming eord. Patent faster llamas, Hein web, Uirtbing, Dec kiss, hj Bed lace, Tuda.hilrer lining nails, Alaeual a, Bugs, haddlers and Carriage makers euf.f at reduced rates. J. J. h. h. AT 1L April K-lm. SOMETHING NEW! FLOUR AND FEED STOE I WOULD annoom to tfa eitiico nf C)arf mad th uTTOODdinp rountrr that I . opened a KLOIU AN1 KKL HlOiti. on HilliKri MTHEET, Ojipoiit the Fording, vharv I in let. d to k- ooniinti od umua m inu vmnffltat of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Cor And all kinda of Peed, which I will retail cat for cash, or in exchange for bUIGLL&. L1 MBKRVEN will eon Hilt tbeir interest giving me a eall befire they go elsewhere to p. cbaae tbeir supplies, ae my erraogeaeata i perfect, and am able to bay CTerytbuig ia t line at tbc lowest market price. LKANUEB UESXI50 Clearfield, July II, le7. Clothing. HOW TO SAVE MONEY TBS times are hard ; yea '4 like U kaew How 70a may saTo yoar dollars ; The way to do it I will shew, If 70a will read what follows. A man who Used not far from h ere, Who worked bard at kit trade, Bat bad a household to eupport That squandered all ke made. I met him once. Says ke, "My friend, 1 look thread bear and rengh ; I've tried to get myself a suit. But ean't sere ap enough." Ests I, my friend, bow mack kars yea I I'll tell yoa where to go To get a suit that's sound and cheap t Te REIZESSTBIN' A Co. He took what little ke bad eared, And went te Keisensteia A Broilers', And there be got a handsome nit. For half he paid to others. Kow he Is home, be looks so well, Aad their effect Is suck, That when they take tbeir dally meal, Tbsy don't eat half ae mack. And now he finds en Saturday night, With all tbeir wants supplied. That be has money left te spend, And some to lay aside. Bis good tueoese, wltk cheerful smile, He gladly tells to all. If you'd sere money, go and bay lour clothes at hElZE.NSTEIS'S CLOTHINQ BALI Wbere the cheapest, finest aad best Cletkit and rood Furnish ins. floods eaa be bad lea erery taste and ia erery style aprll.! J. W. WALLACE Tiios. b. sm AMERICAN HOUSE, I.iitbertburg, Clearfield Co Pa. flBtS well kaowa and long established B01 I formerly kept by R. W. Moore, and lattat by Wm. Bchwem, sr has beea leased for a ten of years by the undersigned, to which the am Ilea el lbs traveling public it aow called, eaa libera a hare ef publie patronage Is solicited. aprI6,'6-Iy-pd SHAW A WALLACL Medical Notice. -T"MIK nndemtrT. would rwpwtfallT an tcav jl. nn intrnup -uia pnirot.a, mai n dm t dii rou re fw.ii mm ana proti i Uf4int . Lnthrr)nre. Va.. lo Ir. W m. II. Aijii.i ili Ibe K dn.Tof April. 1-6 to whom KllBjpatict are hew after irtrrrrd. a?V!r,All iKnvtni knuwinr ttimMlrM itirtrW to m wUl .lcar rail aod wttl without dt-Ur- T. J. BOY tit, M. D. Lather-barg, April 9. 18fiS if. IMPORTANT I Farmers, I.ook le Yonr Inter ate 8' Honey ben You C'aa. CORXl OiRXI tX)RS! COKS THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT 0 THE DAY. c ALL and tee Fiscal A Genoa's great last aviog asd twon perrect aad area COlg.r- PL,1JTTEn. tnllr. toaKltna It,. WV......J V V eaar, jaara -av- II ISTU. Tl IH KlaBtawP aVtlaa sTaalnwa taiB all sk . V So on tho old plan. Par torn and plawnu to tnnr dirua n-vTeMe.T. van rtm rmm istwri eve..rdi Agcrnu iw oaip.cjfi t diatHhaU ui ritHtpbarr, Trmrj XV. nw-U. CLEARFIELD BAKERY. hereby notified that the aadersigned keee ,-'.mru; vm .... nnr.Ali, rir.pi, I'siw ROLLS and all kin da ef COKFKCIIOXKhUtt ItAFTME N Are notified that during the rafting season a f! uppiy at u r eaa will always be kept an bans. J. A. 6IAULEH. Clearfield, Jeauery SO, 184. QALL 4 KXAMINE THE STOCK ef Goods now selling at the CLKARFIKLD BTOBI, 'f Kear rhillrsbaJg.Pt Stone Masons Wanted. T IUKKAL wagee will be paid by the wvlo a a mru to a number nt rTO K MASi'-" t..r tnrther information, call in persim or s larm- at llearficld, re, OKOKUK TI10KN. at'tw-fit Builder. I The partnenbip heretofore eitiarbete tt m. M. A. I. chaw, in the Prag buaiaeas. Clearfield, was Uiaaolred by mutual eonaeaU" the lat day of April. A. , 8haw it an!bri ta eetlle and close ap all the accounts of WM. N. f HA". A. I Kllati'. y-fr-Tbe bustneas of the ! rm -ill ba est llneed by the nnderaigned, at the eld etas wbeie he hopes bia eld cu.tomert will gire k lapry (it . a. I. SIH ua' Ht, Isnmlaro. Huhheira Drake'. Be II. land's Uermaa, Heairtter'e and lireesO viTgeaated Hitlera, also pure Liqnert, ef kin.l.Jorjreilicinal rurrmses. for sale by HJ SWAIM"' IMt r.. KcnnedT t MeJ Mreoeery. Helmb..ld s Ilurha, I'.aker s C l.irar Ot', Jaee'a and Aver's m-dirinee ef ef? md, f r tale by I1ART5WICK A IR'l