yroffsslcnnl & $u5tiif? Cat D. W. H UTCHINSON, ATTORN KY AT LAW, t.lrard. I rle Co., fr-Speclal attention paid In Bankrupt eases before tbe hnirUtr, nov5l Cnvpd F R. A N K BARRETT, ATTOUXKY AT LAW, Mrarflrlrt, Pa. Vfoe on FmhiikI itrwl, with W titer Hnrrptl, Kiq. Ilnrfnf murtr wrrntiprmetitP with P. W. Htiti'hinnn, K., Attorury in l. 8. Court who iia hi offift in th nnt tf wn with thr Htv jij-ttT In Jt:inkrtttt-r, t iiiranl, Krif cn., Ph., I in prop red to Ink.' clurfp' of can in lUnkninlt'.v. 1'hitrf mn'rntp, net HI, -7 isR aelTtest, ATTORN' EY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Stf-Offlca In tb Court Iluuna. Jjll,'t7 JOHN H. FULFOR.D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleartield, Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally, Esq., over Fint K. tional Back. J Prompt attention given to the securing of Rountr. Claim. Ac, and to all legal buaineu. March 28, 1867- ly. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Second St., Clearfield, Pa. nov21,6o Win. A. Wallace. Wm. I). Dicier. J. Blake Walter!. Frank Fielding. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. pr Legal business of all kindi promptly and accurate! attended to. lirayli-y THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office adjoining the Bank, formerly neeupled by J. B. McEnally, Second at,, Clearfield. -Will attend promptly to oollectlona, eale of Und. Ac. decU.M JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Real Ratals Ageut, Clearfield, Pa, timee on Market street, opposite tbe jail. aVdr Rorpectfully often bia aervlcee in selling ana ouying laoaa in Clearfield and adjoining oountiee j and with an experience of over twenty ytara aa a surveyor, Hatter! biinielf that he can render aatiafaction. feb28,'.3tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Office on Market street one door east of tbe Clear, Held County Bank. mayVni John H. Orvle. C. T. Aletander. ORVIS &, ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Bellefbute, Pa. sepl3,'85-y C. M. CADWALLADER, CONVEYANCER A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE For Decatur Tp.," Clearfield Co. -Collections promptly made and legal inatru menta executed on abortest notion. Post office address, t'bilipsburg, Pa. inarlStiH J. BLAKE WALTERS, BCKIVENKR AND CONVEYANCER. Agent for the Purchase and Sale of Lands. Clearfield. Pa. tT-Proinpt attention given to all buainees connected with the county office!. Office with Hun. Wm. A. Wallace. jenl.'M-tf LEVI F. IRWIN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE For Lawrence township, Clearfield P. O., Clearfield Co., Pa. B7v;oliactlona and remittance! promptly made Je20,'o7 MA J. JOHN ROSS, LICENSED A TJCriONEER, O.t. nd P. ()., Clearfield CoH Pa. Will attend promptly to calling Ven duei, Salea of Real Estate, Ac, anywhere in the enunty. Terms moderate. Bell tp., June 20, 18(i71y pd. -IAC t. D A D D CTT w uniiiiu I I, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Licensed Conveyancer, I.utherwburj, Clearfield to.. Pa. r9Colleetioui and remittances nromntlv made, and all kinds of legal instruments executed on short notice. mayU,'6S tf F. B. REED, M. D., THYSICIAN AND SURGEON, V Having removed to WilliamagroTe, Pa., offers hie prcleasional scrvieoa to the people of toe surrounding country. IJ)1', C7 DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD L' Surgeon uftha 83d Hpr mntf Pfnnsylvanit Volaoirtf baring returned from tbt Army, olTert hli profeional aervicei to iht citueni of learAeld ceuntj. JFnifercional clli promptly attended to. Office nn Second treat, formerly occupied by Dr. Wnoda. (aprifitl-tf DR. A. M. HILLS. DENTIST. Office corner of Front and Market itrecia, upposltc the "Clearfield llcuee," Clearfield, Pen a 'a. angS.'7-y. REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manalacturers of and Wholeaele Dealers In MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, l Market A 4l! Merrhant Ktrecl, augr7.i PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANCIS COUTRIET. MERCHANT. Freurhvllle, ( learfield County, Pa. Keepa constantly on band a full a.rlmet of Jiry tliKMla, Hardware, tirtieeries, and evervtliing uauallv kept in a retail store, wbirh will be sold, for caah, as cheap aa elwwhere in the oounty. Frendn ille, June 17, 1W ly. C. K pTa T E R &TSO NT" MERCHANTS, penLrna ix Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Queen, ware, Groceries, rorlaions and Shingles, ClcarUcd, Penn'a. At tbe aid stand oa Front street. aVove Academy. decI2,'.tf STBETCH,-BENNETT rSc Co (Sarramiiiri to Pf tcr T. Wright A Co., lUPORmnM or akp tf trrnf iv DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. it l.T6r No. BOV Markrt St., Philad a, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, a 41 rrTrer LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. II. H. SMILLIMiFOItn, Prcaident, Oflloe Forrat Place, Kn. 125 S. 4lh St., Phil a. . , J""X I"W'SIIK. Hnperintendcnt. I" " J Osceola Mills, Cloartield county. Pa. 1868 sTn!g77scs JAMES, KENT, SANTEE& Co., Importi ers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, a. 2:ti. M7. s:: j4i N. Tl.irJ Su, PHILADELPHIA. Nos. We are now prepared with nor u-u.l CTtrmlve ""'k to iada.-en.enii to CASH lUVKHS. ,,,,.,, oi.oiK.i; n. TiuTi:n o7, l'hlllpburc. Ta. Arents for Singer's .-ewing Maehines. .,v'r'iW kT '"" nPP,. "f valuable hoaarhold wfTnir" on hand, aud sell I lien, at citv pnera. Send for cireulara. dec.' 7-tf. REUBEN HACKMAIM, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, C learfield, I'enn'a. t-a.Wlll cve-ute iolis In bit line promptly and laawfrknianbhe manner. irr4,7 NEW ARRANGEMENT. r. sii.iw. itm ihjist, (Second street, opposite the Oonrt Hons.,) (' 1. 1 ', A H 111: I. n, Penn'a. flMlK subscribers respectfully announces lo ih eillirni of Clearfield and vliiuity, that liu now en hand a full supply of Dlfl'GS, 1' A TENT MEDICINES Pjt fituffi. Tobacco, Ciciiri, Confecttonrit hint ton cry A a. PHYSICIANS Will find his st ick of Drugs FULL and COM PLETK, and at a ery slight advance on Eastern price a. SCHOOL BOOKS. Tearhert and others will be furnished with classical and ntiicellaneoni book by expreu, at hurt notice. STATIONERY, Consisting of Gap, Flat Cap, Foolteap, Letter an Perfumed Note Papen ; also, a very neat stock of Mourning Note Paper and bnvelopeeon band, Pens, Pencila, Ink, Ac HOUSEKEEPERS Will find a full stock of PURR SPICKS, SODA SODA ASH, Conoentrated LYE, SOAP, d-e. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are requeued toexetnine hi! itock of Perfumery Hair Uiln, tine toilet boapi, JJruioel, comot Toilet Sett, Ac, Avo. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will find a full supply of prime Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic CIUAKS, SnufT, Fine-Cut, Ac, io. CAKBOX OIL, Of the beet brand", alwaya us hand. LIQUORS. The beat quality of Liquora alwaya on hand, for medical purposee. sfajr-l'byaioiani' Preacriptiona promptly an carefully compounded. Apr! . 1 868. A. I. SHAW. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, TTAYINQ refitted and removed to the room XI ltely ttccuuied by Richard Mouop, now otter, low fur each, a well aelectet aaaortmeat of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, r strut Vrdincea of all kinds, Oils, Ola Putty, Dye Stuff,, Stationery, TOBACCO AND SEGA 113, Confectlcnery, Pplcei, and the largest 'stock of varieties aver ottered In this place, and warrant ed to be of tbe best tbe Market affords. J. U. 11AKTSWICK, Dee. 13, 18(15. JOHN IHWIN. DRIGS M)Rl tS ! DRUGS ! JOSEPH kTiRWIX, 0a Main St., on door west of Hippie d Faoat'i Blore, Cl'RWEXSVILLE, PA, Hal now on hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Trussei, Hinulrier-llrarrs, I'.lastle Ktock- luga and taupportera, iis. Putty, Per nmery. Toilet Oooda, Confectlonerlca, P Ices, Canned Fruit, Tohacco, Cigars, Hooka, Stationery, pencil,, Pena, Ink, and a general variety of Notion!. Barrett's Warranted Hair Reiterative Hii stock embraces all articles needed In community, is entirely new, and of the best quality, and will be a Id at reasonable pricce. Call and examine tbe goods 1 they cannot fai to please. deca-u Oili. Varnishes", Painti. Brushes, JLST received and for sale cheap by JOSEPH K. IKWI, aprll-tf . Curwcnaville, Pa. Atlenlion, Afflicted 1 T"r! E subscriber gives notice that he bas returned tha practice of Medicine In Lutu- eraburg, where be intends lo devote bis attcn tlcn to tbe treatment of CHRONIC DISEAhKS in general. He will keep on band a choice ee. lection of DRUUSand MEDICINEtj adapted to tbe treatment of ehronio diseases, and may be consulted at his once at any hour of the day. I. B A word to those afflicted with chronic diseases may be to TRita advantage. Mamt mat nor be aware that cotiarar I'hisicians who do a riding practice have not tinb to attend to the treatment of chromic diseasos, and conse quently RK6LRCT them t hence thu elaaa of dis eases requires txcM-aivK attention. UKOKI1K WILSON, M. D. Lnttershurg, Feb. 27, lntlS tf GREAT BARGAINS I AT PRIVATE SALE I TUT, riiWriMr. contemplating going Into other Im'inrM, will if II, at private tale, his entire Pottery and Stoneware, At hi Kiln, in ClenrfieM. Thnoe who mar nwd wareetf thif kind can nerure it at a tirnrr n(hictitn on the ufunl price br callini nmtti, hccauM he mu-nui tocioHcu out ap ooon an p"fi-il. Clearfield, Octohrr 24, !Sfi7-tf. Democratic Almanac. IS invaluable publication is for sale at thle . office. It should tie in the hands of every Democrat. It contains full election rotiirna from every county in the I nited Slates s brsilra, the nnmher for lti(l onnuins a complete list of the names of all the newepaperesnppruaard anil mobbed during Lincoln's adcniuislralinn ; and that for IH67 ooutaiua the nainee of all those oivilians who were imprisoned during the same period. Theae two liats, for future reference, are worth n'r than the price of the publication. The number for IS'iS iajaleo full of valuable statiKtirs. Anyone sending us suiy cents, win receive by return mail a copy lor each year, free of postage. tf. IHII MHTK TIH OTI( In Notioe V. is hereby given that Mteraof A.lmiuitration oa the estate of JAM KS ALKXANDKIt, dwaaed. laui in nooclward township, Clearfield ci.untv. Pa., Saving been duly granted to tbe uncler.igiied, all persons indel,t, to said estate Will uleau make payment, and thoae having claims or demands will present tnem fur acttlement without drlav. WILLIAM 1.1 TIIKR, Madera, March 2, lxfin (It) Administrator. t HIIM-Tlt ATOH S ()T( -.N,i J V ' hereby given that letters of adiniiiialrati,, on llie estate of H I 1,1,1AM III t'HANAN, ilec'd, late of Pcnn Tp., Clearfield countv, Pa., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all peraons indebted to said estate will please make payment. -' 'g eiiuins or i-uiamt will present Ibero properly aulhenticaUd for lettlcment and aiiowauce witnont .iftav. WILLIAM F. jrnx.m. AdmV. MAHUAKET lil t IIANAN, Adm' rmi wwu,nip, Aiarrn zo, p,. Grape Vines for" Sale. VLL the leading hardy varieties of first qnal ity. CiiNCiHtD ClTTlMiS. I on per hundred. COXCIIKD VIN ES only III cents. Or ders solirited as soon as convenient, and filled in rotation, by A. M. HILLS, t'learfiel.l, Pa., Augn.t fi, ln". O I I . I H. t 1 I C I - 1 1 a v "iiTTet i r.T.l7rmn O tbe merenntile business, I would rej-peetfutlv call lIn all those Indebted to me l rail and act lie Ibeir aeeonnts without delay. I wirh to have my books settled up at tbe earliest possible period. ... f - K. Alt.NOLl). Lnlhersburg, March 12, lfii. LIVERY STABLE. ; 'I'HK nnd-rsigned lK-g eaeto inform the pnb I A lie that he is now fully prepared to aerommo- dale all in the way nf furnishing H..r.es, llugiea, I Kad.llea and Harness, on tbe shortest nt, .J on reasonal le terms. Itesidence on Locust street, between Third and Fonrth. OEO. "learfiel.l, April 11, f,7. W. OEARHAKT. L IM t- K s,. , ,i s'TI raesnTTc-t kl hii passed both House, of Congresi, and oldier $109 and , two years' soldier l.stl knn,T. All persons who enllated prior to Juiy 22, Ihn'l served one ycar.and were honorably discharged, are entitled lo I too bounty. S -B0l'N TIES and PKn'glONS collected by ... ,t . " ALTER BARRETT. "I If Atfy at Law, Claarleld, Ta. CLEARFIELD" STORE, Near rhiliiuburg, renn'a. William W. Item Ueorge L. Reed John F. Weaver. Villlain Pow.il. IV. IV. HETTN A Co., (Sacceunri to Mumob k Iloopi) HAVE Jurt rcelvid a large a4 well Mlected tuck of all klnda of (iuoda, nch m DUY G(X)I)3, CI-OTIUNO, Boot and Fkoei, llati and Cap, Notion, Hard ware, (Han. Naili, Oila, Paiau, Queennware, tjroceriea, Fluur, Hacon, Veod. ie. which we tie oflenng at greatl REDUCED I'UICES FOR CASH, Or In exchange for LUMBER aod SHINGLES We Intend to make it lo the advantage of the TIMBER MEN In the lower and of Cleat tifld oounty and on Lloarfleld Creek to get their auppliea from U. point; being on the line of the Hail road, we ean aell goods on better term than at any poll In Clearfield euunty.aud we r eeliirgour rtock at such pricei aa to make it an objoot to thoae buying to buy from ua ADVANCES OK GOODS, FEED, 10. Made on account of SQUARE TIMBER, which we will either tell on eoumiiaiun. or buy at fixed rate. ""Call and aee If our goodi and prlcet don1 mil the tiinea. W. W. HETTS CO Near Philipiburg, Not. ft, 18flrt. F LOUIt of diflorent brands can be bad at all timei, at very low pricei, at tha CLEAKFIELD STORE, nov5 tf Kear Pbilipsburg, Pa. 727 RICKEY, SHARP & CO. ImportfTi, Jobber and Retailers of DRY GOODS AT rOTULAR TRICES, II AVE the Biott elfgant and divertinVd Ur incident to the great ihrinkage of raluea. Their ilock U oonipoae4 wholly of new aiad de sirable fabrics, In Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, to which are daily added the cheapest and choicest offerings in this and other markrt. RICKEY, SHARP & CO 12T Clicitnut Htreet, febfi y PHILADELPHIA. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COfRSK THE CHEAPEST 1 A Proclamation against High Prices "TTE are now opening op a lot of the bent an f f mont caiuiiable Umrda and Wares ever oflVnd in this market, and at prte that rrmir one of the gd old dnri of rheap tliingR. Thm who lack fnith upon tins point, or deem our alle gations stipcrlluous, need but cami .it am Hranv, Corner Front and Market streets. Where they ean se. feel, hear and know for them selves. To fully undcrnUnd what areebenp goods. this must Ih) done. We do not deem it neec-nsar? to ennmerate and iteuisa our stock. It is enough lor as to state that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed In this market, and at prices that aetoniftn bulb old and young. dea2o jusepu shaw t fon. 1 REYOLITIOX IX BISIXESS AT CURWEKSVILLE, BY IIARTSOCK & GOODWIN. fTMIB andersigned having entered Intn rn.part- X nershi.i in the mercantile hivinet adopt tms meihoa or notifying the puuhe generally ana tne citisens ot Lurwensville and vicinity t pwtieular, that merchandise of all kinds wi be sold by ns as ebeap a the lame quality else where in the county. We bar a full eupply of DRY GOODS: Consisting In part of Dress Goods, Muslim, Prints of all ihariei and itylai together with lull assortment of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS lloota, Klioea, Hardware, Hueetiaware. Al well at Tinwan, Cedarwar. Willowwara. burLett and Brooms ; together with a larae iUm k 01 urorenea , ana always a lull Block of FLOUJl, FISH, SALT, ic. In abort, w. been a full supply of evervlhins ia iuii warati. We want all our old customers and as many new onee aa ean make it convenient, to give aa a can ociure puroi aimg aiaewnere. PANIKL IIARTSOCK. KbWIN GOODWIN. Corwenirrllle, Fehrua.7 U, 18l$. IMCUAKD JIOSSOP 18 XOW Selling, at half their usual price, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, BROWN SHEETINGS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING Good. LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND rORK, FLOUR AND FEED, 4o 4e.. 4C- lrANTf.O-!i(M,,.Krll tng Mllnglra-.i"V- ?' OMr,,or' Pbilipsl.urg, for which the higheit cash price will bs paid W. W. liKTTi A CO. CMAEU NfHl IT of all kin da. at MKRRb'Ll A ilI(jLBH'8. P'H Crorriif , cir. ii;nir.sji.. J. P. KRATZER HAN reaanved to Us aw warerooma oa War bet itreei. I'lsaileld. I'a , where he hat oj-sued a Tory large stork of PHY (i 00 IS, Msrinoei, Glnghasss, Clolbi, Pslainea, PrinU Ca-simeres, Alpaeaa. Hilka, Patlnela, R.ps, Caabmrrea, Tweed, Coberga, Wobair, Jeana. Unellaa, Muslins, Flanoela, Honneu, Kib. bons, Cloaks, Bslmoral bkirtl. Hoop, bklrli, bhawls, Ireas Trimmings, Head Nets, Cape, Coreeta, Dlov.s, Collara, rrarla, Grenadine Veils, Table Covera. CLOTHIN (J , Coats, Penti, Vests, Orer-Coati, Genl'i Bhawll bhlrta, IlaU, Capi, I'ndcr-Shirti and Irawera, Boota, tshoea. Uuut Hhocs, Cravats, Gloves and Cullers. HARDWARE, QUKENSWARE. GRO CERIES 4 MUSICAL GOODS. OHOCEItlES, T.a, C ffec, bugar, Molaiaei.Salt, Candlei, Rice, flour, bacon, Fiab, Tobaooo, Kaiainl, Currants, Bpicei, Crackert, Vinerar, Oili, Var- niib. Alcohol. TIN-WARE, GLASS-WARE, WOODEN WARE, and STATIONERY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oll-elotbs, Drugget, Looking-Glaasei Clooki, Cburni, waanuoaras, J una, uuca ta, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lampa, I n brellaa, Bedcorda, Knives and t'orki, Hpoona, Crock!, and Stove lllacbing. jTrr-All of which will be sold on the noit rea sonable Urrai, and the higbast market pnoe paid or Grain, Wool, aod all kinds of conn try produce. ClearAeld, December 13, 18(17. ItlCH AICI 3I0NN01, DEALER IN FOEEIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLINS at Sensation price DELAINES at Senaalion prices U IBUKUS at benaatinn price ALPACAS at xDeation tirioea .Tuil received at MOSSOI'S' GI Mill A Ms at rienaalion price. CHINTZ PRINTS GLOVES CRAVATS at at at Sensation Herniation Hnuealien Sensation pricoa pi icea price pricea at M0SS01VS Senaation pric SHAWLS BONNETS COLOR ED) MUSLINS I at at at bonaation prices SeDKtion prices All to be bad at MOSSOPS'. LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS at FRINGE at SeiHtlion Scn-.ition Kensation SeneHtion pricea price pricea pricea Sen mil ion pricei at MOSSOPS'. LACE HOSIERY RIBBONS at at Sensation Sensation Senaalion price pricea price at TRIMMINGS 1NGS) nils 4 V at lan'ty ) of all ki Sensation pricea in any quan 1 Alwnvsnn hand al MOSSOI'S'. C A SRI MERES at S ATT I NETS at TWEEDS al .IRAN'S at VESTINGS at SHIRTINliS at !"eniatioii Sttiaatioo Senaation Sonaation Sensation Sensation prnvs price! prices prices prices price at MU&M CLOTHING iticlil as Coats, Pants, J eats. Under Shirt, Flannel Shirts, Bouts, Shoes, at sensation price Hals and Caps, 1 Now for (ale at MOSSOPS', U A It V w A K K such aa Sa(,nail at tenaotion price at MOSSOPS'. at tontalion price Fork, Knives, Spikea, UingeM, LIQUORS, snch aa Wine, Brnn.ly. Gin, Whiskey, Cognac, elc., etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes. Raisins, Figs, Filberts, 4c. at tensation price at MOSSOPS'. GROCERIES, nay r 1 0 11 r, llimi, Shoulders, Supar, Molasann, Cnftoe, Tea, C i arks rs, Spioes, Candles.. at sensation price Coal Gil, etc., elo. AlrTsyp at MOSSOrS'. BLACKING at enaation ensalion sensation sensation sensation price pricei prices price prices HOPES at at at ut POWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS at senaalion prices At Hie store of RICH A KI) MOKsiip MObSOP Always keep on hand a lull aasonmeni or all kinds of goods required iur ue Buccimniouaiion 01 lue puhlin. July 2, isst. SPUING GOODS! ren mw toai t Philadelphia. A Cheap aa tlie Cheapest ud (iood a the I lest. C. KRATZER & S(), liar just received, and are opening, at tlelr Old Stand oa Front 6treel, abort th Academy, a larjre and well . lected assartment of SEASONABLE GOODS. which ttej ar selling at rerylow rates. Read the fnllotcuiD cataliwt and profit iherrhv Fair ftiho ILjidnss' X", K'peeial paina haa been taken In the R aelection of Ladica Dress tJ.wda, wliltc (looila, Embmlderira Milliner Goods, i nnia, nercniels, Nubiee, tildes, Ac FOR GENTLEMEN. Always aa hand lila, k rimi,. v.... ..J III L. f ; ' ew, a.rimerea. CiatmeM. eie ne.uy nasi tiotning ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES, jIZLai'2a3, N E CKTI ES, and a Tsrltr of other articles, wki.k they will sell at a small adrance oncost. Particular alteati.in is insited to their stuck of Carpets, Cottajje, common In (Train, superfine KnKli,h Ingram and llrusaels. Floor and Tablo Oil Cloiba Window shades and Wall papers, eto FLOUR. BACOV. Fi.h Sal, r.i . . ' laater, Apples, reaelie anil l'runs) kepi constantly on hand. ALSO, in Store, a lot of large and small Closer eed. ( !, We intend to make It an object for Farmers and wernauics 10 nuy iron s; because we will sell our goods as low as they eaa be bought in tbe eounly and pay the highest pric for all kinde of country , . ai' : i , ... , . ry dure. We will also eiehan. i.l pro SraooiH Roan and ComTT oidsri fihinglca. Boards, and all kind of Manufactured Lumber. Clearleld, July 1, IM17. rlUi CHEAPEST GOODS, of all kinds, ar to he had at th ClearSeld Stor. W. W. BETT8 A CO. Ksar Phlllpiknr, Pa., Not. , lMS-tf Mnl8. DREXEL & CO.," No, J I Xoiilti Third Hirri l, I'lille lrlpn ll.l.Vhl IIS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all Information cbeeilully Inrmiiied. Urdete solicited. sprll lf J II. M'Girk. H lward Perks. BANKING 4. COLLECTION HOUSE or McGIRK Sl PERKS Successor to Foster, Perks, A Co., riilllpsliurjr. Centra Coounly, Ia. "I I T II K UK all the business of a Hanking Hoiim will lie transacted promptly and upon the most favorable tenne. mar7-U County National Bank. Cl.KAItFIKl.U, PA. fTini8 Bank ia now open and ready for busl J. ness. Office oa tiecond stre.t, in the build ing formorly occupied by l.eunard. Finney A Co. niRsmiKl in 1 rm r.a JA8. B. GKAHAM, HH.'lHHIi PIIAW, WM. A. WAM.ACK, WM. P'iRrKH, A. K. WRIGHT, OKO. I. HEKD. D. W. MOORE, JAS. T. LEONARD. Ju28,'66J Caahier. President. Clearfield County Bank. rpllF. Clearfield County bank an iocuri'or X. teJ infttitution hat iron out of axiiitenca br the lurrender of iti ehrtr, on Ma 12, IHtiA. AM lta atock la owned by tha aubirriborii( wbo will eontinne tbe liankiog bu-inetn at the aame place, ae ftivate Banker, under the firm name of tb "Clearfield Count Bank." We are re eponp.ble fur tbe debta of the Jiank, anJ will paj it Botoe on demand at tbe eouoler. liepoaiu raceirad and interest aid when m-ioey it left for a flied lime. I'a per diecnunted at an per ceut aa beret ufura. Our personal raspomibuitr pledged fur all lluponU reocired nd buaineaa tram'cted. A euotinaanoa or tbe liberal pat ron a tre of tbe bumueai men of tbe count t 11 re eriertiullr eolleited. Al Freatdeab, Canbier and otlicerj of tl-e lata Clearfield Countj Bank, wa require the ootei of aid Hank to be praeenled fur redemption. J AH. T. LEONARD, RICHARD 81! AW, WM. POKTKK. J AH. fi. OtUHAM, A. K. WKIUHT. 0. L. RBKD. W M. A. WALLACK. Tba bucioeaa of tha Bank will be eon ducted by John M. A da mi., Keq., aa Caahier. (janJ,'i,fi riillat! lpliia & Krie Railroad WINTER TIME TABLE. Through sod direct route between Philadelphia Baltimore, Harnsuurs;, In illiamapurt, aad lbs Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEETING CAR Oa all fright Trains. and after MONDAY, NOV. ?S, 1M7, Ih V trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Kail Huad will run as fullnws: Weal Hard. Mall Train teare Philadelphia. 11. 15 F. Po do...8u Mary's. 1.1S P. Iio ...arrive at Erie 00 P. M Brie Express leases Philadelpbia,.... 12.00 noon Do do Pu Mary's 11.18 A. M Do arrire at f.ri. , .... t.ti A. M l'.atward. Mall Train leases Rrie Po do St. .Mary'a Do arris at Philadelphia. Eri. Ksprese Icarea Erie Do di Rl Mary's ,10 IS A. M . 4.1'V P, ,. a ii A. M . 4 15 P. M .I0.:9 P. M Do arrire at Philadelphia.... 1.00 P. M Mail and fcipreas cocnoct wua all trains oi th Warren A Franklin Hallway. Pa'aeogeri teasiaa; I'tnlailelpuia al 13. IH M. arris Irsinetoa at 40 a m aad OilCi'y at t in p en Leaving Philadelphia at 11. Oi p. m., arrir at Oil City at 4. .14 p.m. All train! on Warren A Franklin Railway make close conn. el Inns at Oil City with traiul lor rranklin and fetrolrum Centre. HaitTa! cnecaea tnrougn. ALMiEU u 1 1 Ltu. Ueneral euperinten den Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY, VLI. sVtl.DIF.nM OK iKtll.'dl-'fl.l an entitled to an IXCKKASKI) Ilul'NTY. Tl,e nmlersifrned is prepared to cullect all such M'lunties, as well as tlte increased pay to Puldtcrs W idnwa. All inquiriea and coniiuuuieatioiil an. iweeed pmmlitlr. Iliaeharires receiutcd for. Post (J Hi ci aitu lress, Curwensvilie, Pa '1 JliSIAH EVANS. CAEEIAGE AND SLEIGH SHOP IN CLEARFIELD. Pa. (Immediately In rear of Als'hin Shop,) flUIlf subscriber would respectfully Infc.ru th 1 rltlaena Ll llcarneld, and tbe P' -ihe in ran rsl,tbat he is prepared to doallkin.ls uf workoa CARRIAGES, Bl'GGIES, SLLIGUS, 4c on short notice and on reasonable term, an in a worainanna manner. rAII order promptly attended to. lh- '4. '" W M, M'KtU II r. IM'IW WAXTKI.-Th. snliscrilwr will pay the higbest pricea, in CASH, f,.r all kinds of fur and Iieer !-kms. I. L. HKIZEXSTKIX. January , IHfiS.tf. iHOCfcKIKStotehad at MKRrKi.?, pni,Krf ITCH ! ITCH ! ! ITCH ! I 6CHATCIII SCRATCH ' 1 tiCKATCH !.'! in i mm ill to f M Houra, Wh.ston's Ointment W'heatnn's Ointment W'heaioa'a Ointment eurea enrei eurea cure cure The Itch. Salt Khen Teller. w beatun's Ointment Wbeaten'a Ointment Wheatoa'a Ointment llarbers' Itch, Old Horn. Krery kind cure of Humor like Marie. Pries 60 cents a boi by mail, BO eanta. Addreaa WEEKS A POTTKIt.No 170 Wath- mgion sireel, Boston, Kasi. For sale by Hart " ""'n.snd by all Dnirs;lta. (aj 'ST Iy DKAI'M'.s.S. Illlndneaa treated with the utmost tid Catarrh euoce by J ISAAC.1, M. D., Occiil, .t and Auri't. (fnrmerly of iriien, Holland.) no. oi Arch street, Philada. ic.timonials Irom the most nlial.le aoureea In the city and country u 1 seen al his olflcc. Tli menieai faculty are invited to accompany their patierta.as he has ao accrete in bis practice. Arti Scial Eyes inserted wilbi.nt pain. No chartr. for The Truth W iff Out.""" 1)KR8(NS wb . wiph to (tot the true twonnt x. oi iarr itrtteih on should p' rohaae the Youths' History of the Great Civil War, Containing sixteen illustrations and lour hundred pages, published by Van Evrie, 11 or ton A Co., New lork. t,ery Ilrmncrat should n,,n.h. . nt (hi. L .. ... t- -. urarn aim ny mail will l promptly attrmiod to. price, per copy, $1.60 postage 15 cent!. AdJresa, . . . . C. J. KEAOV. Agent, fcb. B -'m-pd. U)rn 11(l, v Woolen rarlorye-lnlon Mills. I'nlon township, Clearfield c , l'a. TXirrva . I...., , I I """" s"""" an interest mine 1 nlon M muis, we ere prepared toeard Wool. m. ...uir. .no nnisn t loth, and do nil kinds of -r. in our line on snort notice, in workutanlike u.uu.r, ana ou reasonaiue termi. Also, FLOUR, FEED AND LUMBER Manufactured and fursale. Terma Cash. Wool Intca led for rahlin . k. .n . . n Mossop'a or .1. P. Kralser'a. . k.r. in .... and return I, ,,n . r - . v- ' imj, ui earn wees. m oi inquiry addressed lo as at Rockton r. U. will reo.iT prompt attention. p w. r h' R- ARNOLD. Horkton, Jan 17, l r. 7. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. rpHK nnderslgned, baring est.bllahed a Nur. A eery on the 'Pike, about half way between C carlleld and Curwens.tll,, 1, prepared to fur. Jlsh .11 kind. f FRUIT TREES, ,.,..d.,d and dw.rf ) trergreens, Phrnhbery, Or.p, Vinea, l.Tn i riM' '' Blackberry, Strawberry and RMberry Vines. Also. Siberia Crab Tree. uince, aad .arly ,erlet Rhubarb, Ac Ord.rJ promptly atuad.d lo. Addre... .,. J. I'. WRIOUT. "f" ' Curw.nsTill., P, Jnutuaif, Jlnu-aif, tr. MEHHKldi." & miVM i sairrs ia 1J 1 It I W .1 It I'm Also, Manafa' turrrs uf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CL EA K r I KI. II, I'A. gkTvTES ! SKATES ! ! SKATES ! ! ! Lady' and Gentleman'! for aalo by MEURELL . BIGLER. C LEIGliliELI.S 1 A G EXEUAL Anortment on band and for sale by MERREI.T. A Wr.T.KU. A LOT OF SAUDLES, UIUDLES Harness, Collars, ate., for sale by MEURELL k niOLEIt. HALMEK'S PATENT UNLOAD ipg Uay Fol k a, for sal by MEIiRELL t BIGLER. QIL, PA1XT, PUT1T. GLASS Kails, eto., for sal by MEURELL k B1GLEB. HARNESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE AA. Finding!, for lale by MEuRELL A BIOLER Q.UNS, PISTOLS, S W ORD CANES For sal. by MEKItELL A BIOLER. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sites, for sal by MEURELL A BIGLER. rRONI IKON I IRON! IRON For sale by MEURELL A BIGLER. TTORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE A A. Kails, for sal by MERRELL A BIOLER, pULLEY CLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bait manufacture, for sal hj MERRELL A BIOLER. MUMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE Boiea, for sal by MERRELL A BIGLER. RODDER CUTTERS for nalo tj MERRELL A BIGLER, SAWS I SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I f MtEf'OLlTIO.Y j.r S.ill'Sl EMERSON'S PATENT PERFORARATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws. (ALL Qf MM I.N d AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, and Shaping th Teeth of all Splitting Saws. Vw.Send for a Descrlpti re Circular and Pric List. MEURELL A BIOLER, janS-if General A grot Clearfield, Pa. a. s. ri.aoAL.., ..a. L. a a nn FLEGAL & GAXOE, STOVE AD HOLLOW -WARE STORE, AND MANl'FACTl'RERS OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Pbilipsburg, Centre ee. Pa., rpiIE new tm of Flegal Oanos would r -a. frtfully acaonac to their friend, and th public generally, lb at they bar on baad a eareiuiiy-eeiected and well assorted stock of Store. Their tarlet? cunaiata of HIZ CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which bar nerer failed to glre perfect lati.fac- tioa to th most fastidious of tu purchasers, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Spears' AnU Dust, Niagara, Charm, Herald, eta., with rry variety of th best Pittsburg Manufacture. t.Tb. Tia and Sheet Iron war rir.n with th Ftorei'ls m.dsof tb b cartes t and best material, aad warranted to girt perfect satls fsctloa. Their atock of PARLOR AND ITEAT1N0 STOVES i lrgr, kttor and cheaper than rr before ibiblted to tbe public They defy competition llher In Tariety, quality or pric. They ar alio prepared to furnish a oomnleta assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholeaala or retail, manufactured aeatlr and with the sole Tlew to .erTice, from th, best ma terial ia tne market, nows, plow rom. a copper, brass IRON KETTLES, Of Try description conrtently no hand. LIGHTNING HODS, Superior point, put np on short notice. Tb Point they offer lo the public 1 tb ssme a la ow ascd by th Per.nsjlr.oia Railroad Cn . their buildings. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, ROOFING And other work belonging to their buainesa will promptly tiled by experienced and aklllinl orkmen. BRASS. COrrER AND OLD METTLE Taken In exchange for good. J-Thcy tspecia'ty lu.it tb all.etu. .r Merchant wishing U purchase at wholeaela. aa wey will and It I their adraatag lo i.eaii tkeir stock befor purchasing elaewbei. FLKOAL A OANOE. Phlllpsburg, Juy II, mr. BCY th DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC. Only IS ocnti. Every tctw should have ana. ef. CllllHtiClUl. Clearfield Acadcuij K. P L. ilAKKISON. A lfi , fMIIK TMIPt) c'P" I'lV ( lt,e t tea le yi a r ef ihi, I n,tiini .- Mi. lA V, the IMl Jar o Pui'i's can elller at ant tune. i' eh a Kil i" m li n Irma tli. tiu . the elo.s "f th. ion The course of ui.truetii n em ti race, , . Included In thorough, prMeiieal ai,4 pllahed edileallon tor h,,ih eeaea. Th Principal, basing bad the St,,, aioeb eiperleiioa in hi. prnfe,,t,,n, ,.. rent, and guard ana that his enure shu energiel will be ileroted ti tha moral at. tal training f the T"tth plse.-d unit., hi, II ltl I IK II 11111 Orlhorrapby, Reading. Writing, and I, Arlihmelic, per Vsiun (II ka) . Grammar, tieography, Aritbinetir, at, History Algeiira, Oeometry. Irlfonomeiry. M.a auraiion. Hureeyiee;, Phll,iphy, l-u,,. olnsry. Chemlatry. Book Keeping, Uutar,. nd phy.ieal Urography ... Latin, (Ir-ek and French, with any of tb above Hrancbes - - - . dediiciion win ne vaaoe lor id rrtr further partienlare inquire of Res. P. I,. II K KlaON. A t Clearfield, feh. II, IKHH tf. Prio LOGAN ACADEMY A High t-ehool fr H ... at HULL S' V JV an th Pennsylsai.la t.enlral tih Neil term begin April Vl'lh. end fori lar. Address H 11 FUl.TuN. Prio, feb2U 2m Antiatnwn. Illair coin, jptdifS' ttoods. TO SPRING & SUMM Jait received at tha Stor of Mrs. H. D. WELSH k Cc FANCY GOODS, MIL-LINE NOTIONS, TOYS, and MUSICAL IXSTliUMES Silk and Tclrct BONXETS made for. Straw BONNETS made for- All kind of HATS lor-. Materiala furnished oa a reasonable tcrj tbey ean be bad in the county. Next door to First National Bank, norMf CI.EARFinLD, Pa. 628 HOOP SKIRTS. Wm. T. Hupkln'a "Own Make" of - atone bhlrta" Ar th best and lhea,estLow Pried Skirt ia tb market. 1 rail r-kirla, r ,) tIAOi I springs, gl JH J and it ,, ricri. PUin rkiria, ( upci, 24 i rings, 80 Crs springs, Hi Cents ; 30 springs, il.H; Is gl.Zd. T arranlea In .ory rsct "(lur OWN Make" of 'INI'lN FKI1 Eleren Tap Trails, fram 20 to it sprier,. I to IJ.Sn. IMala, Six Tapes, 2U to j if from v.. Cents to 92. n. 1 hesc Skirts ars than those sold by otbsr iabli,baiiBtst class goods, snd at much Inwor price. Our OWN Make" of CHAMPION rgl ar in erery way superior to all other .-kins befor th public, and only bars exaiuinid or worn to convince every cos r fact. Manufactured ol tbe best line l English Steel Spring,, vrry superior tsi th sly I ol tbe snetalie fastenings ssd ai of securing them eurpaaa fur durability as cellenc toy other Skirt in ibis ci enirj.si lighter, more elailie, will wear lonier. aior aatiafaction. and are really cbespsr all others, hvery lady ehuale try them. ar beirg aold extensively by Aieicbentitkri out tots and tbe adjoining rtatos at vert erate prieee. II ) ou want bw best, a "llopklu's Champion Skirt " If to d. ai them, gut the merchant with whom ye s order trem for too. or coin or ernd direct Merchant will find our different grades of exactly what they need, and we neeialls tn.oa to call aDd examine oar estenaiv. a, anu or send for W boieeal Price Liat To be bad al Retail at Manulactnrv. and Reuil Trad generally, and at Hbnlesalsa atanniaeiaror only, to whom all orders sbea addressed. Meuufactnry and Salearoom. HI. Arck I ba'ween 6Ui and ih llr.et. Pbiladrlohia March 21 l"m W M. T. H0PKI5 DRESS-MAKING. SP ( IAI. MIIH I PARIi-HN r' AND CLOAK M A K I N ( Ladies eat bcT Dresses, Suits, Coats, and Bssquiaast enmely made and trimmvd, at the aborter lire, at the old eatabliahed Hand, 1031 Clt atreet, Pcila.ielphia. rancy and plain Fan, Mantilla Oraar Dreas and Cloak Buttons, Ribbons, Claer Uuipura Laces, Bugle and (limp Dress ' uilngs, with a larre Tariety of Staple mud F OiH'ds.from 2 to 40 per eent. lees than aires Also, receiving daily, Paria Fashions ia I piper, for Ladica' and Children 'a Dresses, of Pattern for merchants aud I'ress nakr ready, at Mre. M. A. EINHKH'f jy ly 1031 Chestnut L, Philsd, MILL1XERY & STRAW 1.00 No. 113 Arch St., abor Second, rillLADELrillA, i'ENX'A H S subscriber ie now prepared to off" I 1 cmioroera an I tha trade generally, a ' aim wen ee,ea a toe a. or Mr,, and Mil Wooda. PATTKHN BONNETS, Flowers bona Bonnet Frames. Ae . Ac. N. P. All orders will receive earetal prompt attention. WM. KROKV. marlll 2ra SIS Arch itr n. PbilsK IgggWHISOOPKMSOalgj EYRE & LANDELL Fourth aad Arch Street, rUILADELDlIA, rENN'A. New Snrinr Silk. Kot.Iis.. I. n.... r,- Nw Style Sbawls. Steel and Pearl Per ' K. L. always keep tha best BLACK SU N. B Net Cash Burrrs will Cad li ts: icterast to call, aa Barrel, r. a..,; uaiiy rec.lred. fmarll -'i IMPORTANT! rarmrr. Look lo Your Interests. motirj- ben Vcju ( au. CORN I CORN I C0RN1 OOF THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT THE DAY. CALL and ce Fiegal A flare. 'i great 1' aring aad moil perfect and even co K.i- r i.. fi.rrf.it. Entire new machine, iu.l relented Wits. planter on peraon can do a much work a, on tbe old plan Savea corn and planta more accurately. Can b regulated acear tu your deir. Agents are employed s distribute 1 " wi nine,. Pbilipsburg, Pa., Frhroary 20. IRSJ.tf. CLEARFI ELDB AKEiH 'PUR cltisem af Cle.rfleld and sicinitj ' L hereby notified that the nnderaigneJ c.nsiamly on baad BRKI, PIK-i. f k' ROLLS and all kind of COXFKCHO.Nahl- H A F TM E X Ar notlled that during th rafting seasons supply of Bread will always be kept on keri J. A. bTAl'U Clearfield, January SO, 18(14. QtVAIMx' P4XACKA. Kenned,1 Xci k 1 Discover. Ilelmtw.lrf'. R.k. II. her', 1 Liver Oil, Jao.'s and Aver' mrdirine ef" k'nd. for sale by HARTSWICK A IR " QALL & EXAMLXE THESTOt of Good now Mlling at Ih CLBARFIBL1) STOKI, sl- Kear Phlllpsbi.