f I r, , f ,... Mr. e rr " if ... bieo , uepunucan. Terms of Subscription, Vvlvnnee.nrwlthln throe months ...f2 00 r throoand 1m lore six months 2 50 the npiiution of rlx ni.oilhe ... J PI) !. Wii.sc, our foreman, It authorised r money paid into the office on ivnint ion, il-rliiiig. job work, Ac, In our UtO. :i. tiOl'lH.AMiKK, Kdllor end Proprietor. AT::::::::::::::::::A)ril 23, 1308. ,fsrs. Wilier publish a dittst trewhoro, which may bo of in ,f some of our renders. T'i.c creditors of lSlc-nor.or McMas cm l uy lo interested in ft notieo .vliich appears in this number. J)r. I'oyor, having risliiifjtiiHlie J tho iraou. of raodicino at Lutliersluirg, oqni' those indebted to him to call uid s. lo their accounts. Seo hi rc jiio'.t v'scwhoro. Tli'1-'! of our readers who may visit ho dty, will find it to thoir interest .0 ( y at tho fino eRtablinhnioiit of iloM!'-. Jiiekey, Sharp & Co ,holi Eoad ivertisemontinanothercolumn. Tho a of our lady readers iu need f a "lava of a bonnet," orothortom Kirary fixtures of feminino apparel, viil do well to call on Miss J?eod, who s pre, area u aujtmt, tuose nxins in ho lut. it Btylo. Soo her card in this Hsna. 'Jli..' liief that may be htdped is lard to know," said Lord Urooko. !ut tho mischief that time would work m the human hair may be forever tvoid' i by the use of "Barrett's Veg staMo Hair llostorativo," which never ails la bring back tho hair to its ori ;in.il 1 iauty. Rochester Democrat. Inn Kv Klvx Klan. Tho Kn ivlux Klan, about which there is so uuch said in the various Southern pa ters, and whoso movements, as renor ed in print, are scaring the Jacobins n every direction almost out of thoir vils, Is a capital joko a "sell," if we nay bo ullowod tho phrase, of tho hoi lit description. It was nothing tioi nor less than an association for .he promulgation of mystery and the mjoj mont of fun at tho expense of .ho fciiporstitious nogrocs, and wn "iiHbioned and conducted very much ifter tlio plan of that gigantio hoax, Wfiuns of Malta." With tho aid f ct inicals, magic-lanterns, colored .ightrt, and ingeniously made theatri cal properties, such as skeleton hands, "iap r macho giants constructed to -aisc i rid fall in stature liko the dan ;ing friant in tho Black Crook, cto., ;hey have intimidated every darkey n their vicinity from trusting himself ibroa 1 after sunset, and convinced tho t'linrarit not in tho secret that tho Jovil and Democracy have made a las ,in compact. Tho whole thing is uht what wo havo stated, and if it jomos to anything moro important or more serious, tho Jacobins may take lo t'.erasclvos and their groundless Pears the croditof it. N. Y. Krpress. Singular Suicide. The Etio Ob crv r says : "The body of John Sim mer, a Swiss, who disappeared about the 10th of August last, from his resi ih in o at Fairview, was discovered on Saturday, suspended on a hemlock tree, near that borough. It is sup jwrd that tho loss of relations caused him to commit suicido, and that he took this plan of effecting it. When ilinf i vcrcd, tho body was twenty-five i'eot from tho ground, and so hidden by l ows as not to bo perceptible from I ho road, though only a few rods din lant. A ropo was fast to his neck, ind a chain around tho body scctirintr it to tho two. Tho fleth lifid dried awry, leaving tho body literally noth ing but skin and bono." All great men havo left somo mem oraMo exprcRnion to bo embalmed in I ho moniories of their countrymen. Iawrenco exclaimed "Don't givo up :ho ship." IVrry wroto "Wo havo met tho enemy and they are ours." Stanton, in tho ever to bo remembered -- iio in tho War-ofllco, rendered him hi If" illustrious by his thrilling com i.iuiot i "Schrivcr, havo you gotabot tlo hero 1 bring it out I" The Mongrels aro proud over their sncciM in that small potato-patch, Klmdo Island, whoro white inochanies ;ire not allowed to voto nnless they are tax payers, or havo a certain nm Mint of proporty ; but tho victori rms party is in favor of negroes vo Uiij; in all tho Southern States, with out uny qualifications whatever, cx i'ej t their black skins and wooly he Thci Ohio Legislaluro has passed a bill a i ilhorixing the building of a bridge nor tho Ohio river, to connect Cin ; ini.;!i with Newport, Ky. Tho span ri t the main channel is lo bo throo iniii !rtl foot in length and one hnn Jrvd Tent abovo low-water mark. The Mil- ; Hpans aio to bo two hundred and twenty-foot onc.h. A t. Gardiner, so runs the story, nn i x'; fr at a revival meeting became ra indignant liecaiiso a brother :.- 1 is superior in praying and ding- ;-o he got np and said : "lirothur -can sing and pray; bu by : 'ising of God, there's ono thing i lxnt him in. I can fiddle his off." Uier dreadful railroad accident i'd on the lath inst., on the rail near l'ort Jervis, New York. ars were thrown down an em aenl by vho breaking of a rai-l, w ar one took fire, and twenty us were burned lo death and ' i Kan filly wounded in a serious tr. 'lignn rejects negro milTrago by rity of1 35,000, and tho very ay her Senators both vote to al- "jroeB not only to vole, bnt to :k m intholiistrct of Columhia : knavery! i;- she ! 1 cv -lit r i. one I lie ;cr mai n.. Clctrfipid Markets. n-titt'. w.i'Vlr l"F I lo- li.ic.uinKMi llriMmnvn ! .1. T. KmnKii, lh-j,lt in lirj iIikkIii, Hoi rtTtn, rrtm, mn, kc Maikft rii-mrtiM. Ci.HHrim.n, Arll II, l"BS, A..l.-, em ii $2 HO lrl..., V" W Aiili'l(Htlor,ignl, 1 lb llutUT - 4d Bran J" tiny 3 W Il(i'k(Thial 1 ?.' Ilucknhcnt llultr lb, 6 lleof, drlpii .10 Ilwf, fMfh 11)04 13 lloknlf, M 16 OH (.1,20 llll Corn, nhvllixl 1 Cirn, ew SO Cum mi-nl, ack, 1 CO Chop, V cwU ' Ji I'lnvrrsm-il 10 00 C'heeRfi. 25 Cherrio, III. 2U(.i 24 ('lili kein, dnd, lb, 20 I.SItt 25 Kmxwnl 2 00 Klour lit oofnH do lli'l!, iliri'M tl Mi'lfn, (rrtiii. Ilnnt, ffufrm pnn'il, t-liPuM. n Ki-lf l.nr.1 Mi'ia Iilk,f l.bl .,85 (HI OnU SO Onlnnl 2l'0 Hutiitora 1 2' Hrarhcii, (irinl, It;.. 15 I'lutnr, I.I.I 6 00 Hyo 1 (Id lUgp, lb 3 K;lll,V"ck 3 50 JSliiiiKlra, 1 8 in., M, i 1)0 Sliiuiil.-p 21) in 15 110 Tlnu.tiiy wotl 5 00 Tnllow , Whout, Wiiol ... ll.iy . ,.( Oor.nJ.'i 00 Wuod,- cinl 15 2 51) 45 4 HO Philadelphia Grocery Market. I'niiAnci.niu, April 20, IMS. Tons aro aotivu, with gouil Unmnnd from the WcfUtu trnde. ltieo firm but qutot. Itio CiITi.ci aro qnilo Ann, with moderate buinoM. bufrar oro very active, and raw giMMlii have advanced lo. rier lb j Steam Itedned Yellows rule at lojrt.lle.-. Cnha aail Torto ltieo I2(ul.'!; Choico Ipincrnra 15i. Pyrup are commanding eonniderublo atten tion and are advancing, moat of the rcGnci being aold ahead of production. Molanaes it Belling moderately at full jiricca. THAU. CDCrKKH. Young Ilyson Kio, common 21 (nt 23 r-uiiorior...Ji 85e"il 16 tlood 2:ti(n) 24 J Fine 12.i.i. Mi 1'rime ...25t(iu 25 Finent 1 65ti,l 75 Choice... 2S (u f Jlyion Jar,old gov.37ji) 38 Kuperior....l OSCTuI 25 Lnjruara 2.'j(,y 2Kj Fine 1 SUM, I 50!w.4.Co.ean00 (,i 18 Fincit 1 56(cj,l 65landelion.pa00 (-M 17 Imperial H'UARa. Buperior....l 20(0)1 40:Cruhed 17 fi 17 Fine 1 KKii,l SS Coarie, pulv. 17 di) 174 Finert 1 70(g.l SOjFine. do... 17 fu 17 Gunpowder IA IS 0 104 r-urior....l 25ffiil 4ii:B 154(Vu 15j Fine 1 65(o.l 70'C, extra 15i(.0 lftj Fint. 1 75(3,2 OOjC t yellow.. .12i(a) 15i lltaek arnrpg. Superior.... R5(Sil 00 Common 45 50 Fine 1 05(nl 16;Fair .0 (,a (17 Finent 1 20(0,1 35i(Jood (18 (. 75 Japan l'rime 78 (it S8 Superior.... S0(11 05i('hoiee ..90(a) 115 Fine t 1 ((.. 1 16 Choice, extra I 05 Finest. 1 20(1 30 o.ak. rice. N.O. choice, U ftl 05 Carolina. 111(3 12J I'orto ltieo. ..(17 (.u 85 Eat India.... (tit HICuha 55 (4 70 Clement R. Wainwright - - Iirao) It. Wainwright Joaeph 11. Wainwright. WAINWRIGHT & Co., HO liCSAIaE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Btreota, apr 11 PHILADELPHIA, Pa. J. H. DUVALL'S PORTABLE 4? 1 k .-. E X I X E IV O It K S , Kon. 33 to SS Klarket Street, ZANESY1LLE, OHIO. T)V VALL'S Champion Engines and Saw Milln, The eheapaet and belt, and CAN CUT MORE LL'MDKR, at len expenra, than any ' other In the Union. TH13 I) F.ST ENGINE AND MILL MADE IN THE UNITED rTATKS! Fur proof of thli airertlon, w rcfor yon t? mt many ourtomcra, OUR ENGINES AND SAW MILLS Aro warranted to cut 10,000 Feet of Pine Lumber, inch measure, in Ten Hours I iOur tmall aiten, (8, 10 and 15 hone pow. or,) aro uneijoaled FOR FARM PURPOSES.; TKMIMOMAI.S. Tra.iaa, nialr Co., Pa., Oct 23, 18(11. J. II. DuvaL' Dear Sir 1 We bare been running our mill and angina eonitantly ulnoe we receive I it. We are cutting from 6,000 to 8,000 feet per day. Everything workaiplendid. Notajournal hvated or anything alia gone wrong tinea wa itarted. Wa aaw oak and pine loga that are ao large that our aaw won't reach through. The Utile angina drlvea tba aaw through with aa apparent aaa aa though the log waa not half ao large. Wo are quite aatliOed that wa oan eat 1 0,000 foot per day, mUNER t HURLEY. Bannr Rinaa, Pa., July. 27, 186,1. J. II. Duvall Sir 1 Our ergine and mill worka nicely 1 glveegoyl ratiifactlon. Wahaveeawed from 8,000 t 10,000 foat of lumbar per day, Youra, truly, JULL Jt McCAULEY. Llai Cirr, P., Oct. 12, 18(13. J. II. Duvell Sir t Our mill and angina workn Onely, and glvee good aatinf action. Wo aawed 10,000 feet of lumber in eigbt hnnn. Pleaaa hurry up my aooond mill and engine: time Ii money now. Yonra, truly, A. S. KIIINES. From the P.rooktlMe Republican, Oct 12, 1AM. Oonn Nawiao. We are Informed that on Fri day lut Mr. Hardealy aawed 10,000 feet of lum ber In eight bourn, with the auiatance of fear handi bepi.lo bitnielf five boing the number re quired. The aawing wu done nn one ol Duvall'a Portable btw Milla, whtoh Mr. II. haa erected lu Polk townihip for our entorpriaing friend, Mr. A. 8. lthinoa. Wa don't think any mill in the county can beat thin. Our lumbor men ahould call and aee the mill in operation. For P wripllve Circulars. Price Lint. Ac., addn'M J. II. Dt'V ALLS l'oriul.lc l.t,,.m Workn, No. 35 to 66 Market Street, o.5,'67:enwly Zauwvillo, Ohio. F. 0. MILLKR, Agent ClearSuld, Pa. $3,000 At CUH5NTS. 85,000 Five Thousand Dollars Insurance, 1 r Twviity fiv Ccntu, fr ono hnj, FIVE UOM.AUH VtR MONTH AND FIIOM 1.1 TO 1'KK YEA K, With wotkly compuo.iitliuii, in cana uf tutal (lia bllitv. No Medical Exatninatiuu is made in Accident Insurance. Policim rnid Tirkcla wrorinj all VmU at Aeci dnitswbvllivr iwir(tl hiUt traveling or uthrwiM', rt!il lj ALFRKD M. FMITII, jTi-tfj Inr-urwUic A giut, ricarlitld. F. 'HtUcirli.int TnUorj. SOMETHING NEW IN CHAW'S ROW, I IUNK K Willi t.MTOV, loroliiuil TnilorN, Market fctri-rt, ( Icai lii ld, I'a., nAVINCl opened tlielr new eFt:ihlli.hment In Shaw'i How, out lioi.r eaut of the pot olliee, ami having jurt returned from the (altera eitiea with a large aaortmout of Cloths, Cassimcros, Vestings, TleRVeni, and all kinds of tjoodi for men and boyi' woar, are now prepared to make up to order CLOTH INIl, from a tingle artii-le to a full uit, in the liileet itylce and most workinanliko manner. Special attention given to custom work and eutting-out for men and boys. We odor groat bargains to eustomors, and warrant entile satisfaction, A liberal sharo of public patronage Is solicited. Call and see our goods. M. A. FRANK. ootlT-tf fl:13 Ii. K. L. bTOUOIITON. II. BKIDtiK. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Storo ono Jmt enst of Clcarilt-M Home,) Mnrkpt AtrouU Clcartlvld, TWERPS on hand a full nenortinenti of OontP J.V Fun.iil.ing (ioodi, eucU u Fhirls, Linon nitii Woolen lindorwhirtn, I'rawcru and 6ks Neck-tios, Fitrkut llandkorohirfi, (llovoi, JIhU, I iiiKrflUa, lo., in grout varioty. Of Fiooe Goodi he keep! tba Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Such ai DUck I 00 skin of the Terr best m&ke: Tinry Caniiuere, in great Ttriety, alto, French boating, liiiarcr, i'llot, LbiDcbiJIa. ftad rnooit ovoreunting. All of which will be void cheap fur Caih, and mi Jo up acoordlug to the lateit itylea by experienced workmen. Alio, Agent for Clearfield county for I. M. 6inffor A Co'ii. celebrated Bowing Machine. Not. I, iKftS-tf. II. IIRIIX1R. CLEAEFlELli FURNITURE ROOMS. Market Street, east of Fourth. JOHN THOUTMAN, Proprietor. THE subscriber bega leave to call the atten tion of tha eititeni of Clearfield and sur rounding eountry to tha faet that ha ii now prepared to furaish, on abort notice, Cabinet-ware of all Styles & Patterns Sotted for either Parlor, Dining or Bed rooms, by the single article, or In sets to suit pur chasers ; Koreans, Sofas, Lonnges, Hat racks. Tables, Stands, Ac, Ao. I also manufacture Cn.VIKS A SETTEES BELOW CITY PRICES, Consisting of Parlor, Dining-room, Cane, stocking: and other Chairs, Which I propose to warrant and aell cheaper than eaa be purchased elsewhere. Just try me. JOHN TKOLTMAN. Clearfield, Feb. 27, 1867-tf CHEAP FURNITURE. JOHN GULTcTl D1S1RES to Inform his old friends and cus tomers, that having enlarged his shop and Increased his facilltioe for manuiacturing, ha Is now prepared to make to order such Furniture as maybe deaired, in good atyle and at cheap rates for CASH. Ha generally has on band, at hia Furniture rooms, a varied aasortment of ready, made furniture, among which are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Hook-Caees; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining Eitension Tablet; Com mon, French-post, Cotiage.Jenny.Lind and other lledtteadt Sofas of all kinds, Work. stands, Hat-racks, Wash-stands: Kocking and Arm chairs ; spring-scut, cano bottom, par'or, com mon and other Chairs ; !.ooking-() lassos of every desrription on band ; and new glasses for old frainos, which will be put In nn very reasonable terms on rhortrat notice. He also keeps on band or furnishes to order, Corn-huek, Hair and Cotton-top Mattroerei. Coffins of Jvr.nr Kind Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse whenever desired. Also, House Painting done to order. Tho subscriber also manufac tures, and has constantly on hand, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, the best now in use I Those using this machine never neod be with out clean elothoa I 11. aUo haa Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family using this Churn never noed bo without butter I All the above and many other articles are fur nished to ouetorners cheap for Cash or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Lin wood and olber Lumber auitabla for Cabinet work, taken In ixchange for furniture y-rterooaibor the shop It on Market street, ClearDold, Pa, and noarly opposite the "Old Jew Store." J011N (Il'LlCII. Koveuber 21, ISC J y KENNARD & WATERS. New Blacfcsmithing Establishment. FF.W.ND ST., CLEATt FIELD, Ta. rillTK undersigned beg to Inform the lnhal.it 1. ants of Cloftrflcld and surrounding neigh borhood, that they have eonimeneed burines. in the above line, where, by strict attention to all wotk entrusted to them, thry hope to merit a shore of publie patronage. HOUSE SHOEING on the most approved principles, for either fast or worMng horses, lionet that interfere, cju be entirely prevented. ALL KINDS OF FAW-MILL WOflK, Kn gine work and Steam Hoilert repaired. Miners tools and all kinds of fitoel tools made of the best material and on the shortest notice. Post-hole augura, for board fencing. feA.AU work dona by ut It warranted to give tatistaction, or no chargo will be made. AMOS KENNARD. aprS-Am JAMKS WATE11S. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. rpiIK subscriber respectfully informs his friends X nd the publie in general, that he haa loca ted in tha borough of CLEAHFIKLD, in tha shop recently oeoupled by Jacob bliunkweilor, where ha ia now ready to perform all duties towards his customers In a workmanlike manner. Sleds, Sleight, Buggies and Wagons ironed, and Horse-shoeing dona at raaaonabla ratea. lie respectfully asks a lhare of work from tha publlo, as he intends to givo hit whole attention t tha bnslneaa. THOMAS KILEY. March II. 18(18. Boggs Township Awake 1 GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S!! 1 EVERYBODY trying to get there first, for fear J of being orowded out Into the eold. II you want good Shoeing done, go to Rir.ns. If you want your Sleds ironed right, go to Bfrrb. If you want good Mill Irons, go to Baaaa. If you want your wagon ironed in the beat stylo and workmanship, go to Bitii. Banna makes the best Stump Machine In the Slate, and foes all kiuds of lILAChh-.MITIII.NU at cheap as can be done in the eounty for Cash. My Post OlSoa addrest Is Clearfield Bridge. THOMAS BKEKS. Boggt Tp., Dee. ID, 18(17 tf. CLEAHFIKLD MAltlLEW0RKS. It nil an and Vrrmniit Marble flnUhr-l In tho hlglicftt el1e ol the ArU The Pubarribein hrg leave to nnnounM to the citiatMie of t'lcnrttHn iunty,tT.( thrr hnveopenod an fitcniire MerMe Yf.r1in .htnitiith-wrn. enrnrr of Murkot and Fniirth ftre'ta,rienrfl1J, Pa., whre th ? arr itrfimrrH to m tVo T"ii.b .''ttint-e, Wtiu- lm iitp, Ttitle.1w-t fiiu. i itl' Tombs, Crmilr Touilin, CcoeUTT l'ftn, M witU'H, Mit lvt n, ltwkrt, etc., on nh-rt fi.tt.po. Thcjr alwnyi kn-f on bund a larc quantitv uf H.irk flniflni, cxr (it Ibe It-Kris 11)2. no Ihnl i"r."'np run nil end nvvi lor tlu in- fuUrti tho fll BtintA l. Thrv will nl.o tnuVe U onb r Miy other rtyc of work tlant mar Uidefin d, hthI thtv flutter th m( Ivff thnt tlicj en rmpctfc wilh tlio n.anulavMiitvn outride of the county. citln-r in woi kmmiliip or nrr. an tin j onljr cm ihV Ihr h'l worknirD. JA? All intniirioii bjr kit r i.rtmtlr ntiowtml. JttHN til I.U II. May 2:, 167. IlLNHY Ul klCII. GREAT EXCITEMENT NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. rpilB undersigned respectfully Invlle the a( I lentliin of the pnblio generally to their splendid assortment uf Uivrcbabdiso, which they aro now telling AT VEKY LOW MICES. Their stock oousitta in part of Dry Goods of tho Beet Quality, Such at Print, De .Lalnss, Alpaceas, McrlnoH, Uinirhains.iMiiiilinSf'iilcRi'hed and unbleach ed,) Drillings, Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Batinftts.&iPsiuioros, Cottonados, Ladies' Shawls, Nubias A Hoods, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Ac, Also, a lino assortment of Men's Drawers and bhirts, Hats A Caps, Hoots 1 bhoos. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOU CASH. Hardware, Quoensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IN S1IOKTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything usually kept In a retail store, all CHEAP FOB CASH or approved eountry pro duce. A. K. WRIGHT SONS. Clearfield, Nor. 7, 1807. FKESU ARRIVALS. AT T1IK CHEAP STORE OF EDWARD W. GRAHAM Spring Goods, New and Very Cheap I fpHB undersigned respectfully announces to -L tha publio that ha it new opening an extensive assortment of SPRING GOODS, at tho old stand in Oraham't new building, which he offen to sell at ixoeedingly low prious, con sidering their eott, for cash or approved oountry produeo. His Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Surpassed. Cnstoraera oan there find Calicoes with faat col on 1 Muslina, Delaines, Lawns, Clotht, Cassl tnerea, Veilings, Ladies' Shawls, Genu' Shawla, Hats and Caps, BvoU and Shoes, Carpets, and Oil Clotht. Hii Stock of Fancy Goodi it Unex ampled in 8tyle and Variety, Embracing Kotiona, Scarfa, Heed nets, Neck, tiet, Batchelt, Port Monnaiea, Brushes, Photo graphlo Albums, Pipes, Tobacco and Pegart, Perfumery of all kinds, or anything also in the Notion line. A L80, II A 1? D WARE, Q U K E N S WAUE, GROC15UIK8, PROVISIONS! All of the beat quality, tnd selected with epecial regard to tha trade of Clearfield eounty I EDWARD W. GRAHAM. Clearfield, May I A, 1817. so.nrriiiJ xew! New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST SOX "7"OOLD respectfully inform tha publie that they have just opened, in MAUUKA, Clearfiold eountr, Pa., an enure new Mock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they are prepared to toll at cheap at tha cheapest. Their stock consists In part of Dry Goodi of the Best Quality, Such at Alpaccas, Delanet, Prints, Muslins, Casrlniiret, Satinets, and Flannels, llcady - Mtulo Clothing, Of the best quality, such at Coatt, Pants, Vests, Overcoats, Overalls, Bhirts, Collars, Ao. Roots, ShooH and Gaiters, Also of the very best Quality. A complete ftock of Groceries. In abort everything usually kept in eountry ttore. Consumers, Look to Your Interests 1 Call and eaamine our stock and prloaa befort purchasing elsewhere. LUMBER AND GRAIN Of all kindt taken la exchange for goods. ftr Remember the plaee, Madera, Clearfield eounty, Ponu'a. J. FORREST BON. October 81, lOflT-tf. JEYV STORE AND NEW GOO DS JOS. SHAW & SON Hit jutt opened a Nir Store, on Main St., CnaniLD, Pa., latelr oooupied by Win. F. IRWIN. Their atock coniiiti of GnocmiEa of the bewt quality, Queknswarc, Boots and Shoes, end every article rjcreaearT for one'a oomfort. Call and examine our atock before pur chasing elktwhorrj. May 0, lRCG-tf. jyitY r'ob7KOT10NS, &C, in great variety, at the lowest prices for cash, at the CLCARFIELD BTORE, norS-tf Near Phlllpsburg, Pa. gALT, by tlio tack or load, clioapoi than can be bad anywhero else, at tha CLEARFIELD STORE, Near rhlllptburg, Pa novt-tf JJKillliST ri;lCE paid in (ioodn or Cash for Lumber and Shingles, at tha CLEAREIKLD ETOHE, ovi-tf Ker l'hilipsbn.f , V Tit r.AMKi; it's si.r. Of UiiPc.iltnl LiiuIp. "VdTIi'K is hucl.y (tlwo that In pui.iiniKe ol en art ol Ascm i.l), pit. '.d on Ibe l?lli inf of June, A.' I. isti, utillcd "An A.l lo amend au Art dlrcHinjf the mode ol erllirifT nnMnt Inn. I. in tMrattield eounl) ," and tho .ctcntl supplements thereto, there will 1m expoMxl to pt lle snleoronter', at the Court House, in the tMirunirli of Clenrfleiil, on the rrntut Itlohflay of June A. 1. M(M, the f. Mowing tracta of un stinted Inn. I in eiti.l county, fur the tuxes due anil tinitaid thereon I Heccarla Ar. Ptr. H'xrrnnrre. Tnr. 5 John M.illi-r.- Ul SO 8 Pn-d k lliiblcy. 6 24 Hill ft John Huam 70 X.I 17fl 47 Jeremiah Mother 7(1 rio lfll 117 T. llillinirton, (IKH7) 40 7 CO Michael Musscr Xb SU 1H0 Jamoa W'Alurtrie..... tit Hi HI) TIioiuhj Jlurniitory.. ill 4S 80 M.ijnis Miller 2U 4H 410 Juliu linidy 1I1IH2 I ill) Will nun llroily CI M 6!'l J. A Ii. llluln TH UN 8U John YVitmur..... 1"7 2" HtU Henry Winner 1M 75 isl William ilaou K4 I. 14 Jacob Knifr 62 85 Hit John l.il.... ii. 4H 7 21 A 71 Itolwrt Wileon. 101 IK 4M liJ William Uray 203 M 4.'t.' lit John Miller 2" 4 41 t4 l'l Jcrcniiob Mother 44 22 1(11 llfl Pctor tilts. 77 6 I0 Martin l uuta. 8S 44 2.i(l 125 Jaoob Fauta.. 79 SS 2S l.'.H Ooorre Muster- 87 M 74 32 Thomas Uibsou 84X4 . 1..3 David llarton f7 10 iii lii John Perduoy ......... 203 41 44 Drown A Fulton 20 S4 71 HO John Ketlnnd S3 50 65 102 Sarah DillirjgLon 25 87 SMI Jiieob i.ru)( ....1S HI at) William PlunketL.... 14 OS Hogga. 41 John Thouiaa S III ! '.1(1 - " . 45 4:t 2:14 7(1 Joaeph Drinker. 47 03 408 74 " " - 5 7 413 Wn. M'Connick 110 AV 440 NancT Boujra,. 118 04 42 41 Malooltu M Donald. ..114 Ml 4H 41 John livers. 114 (HI 100 John Montgomery.... 28 80 109 Ml Iiarbara Bnydor.. 81 SH 1112 (leorge Houtman 811811 70 Henry Faunoe 18 71! 427 (leorge Ay ore.. 85 7 427 81 Win. Troutwine 85 70 f00 John Kran......... 80 40 2118 Joseph Kail 8W 12 Hi 148 Richard Thomas, '67, It 70 At Ilarbara Hnyder Ii 13 20 Thomas Bmith 64 V4 100 John Kephart 2(1 OH 404 Illair M ldnahau.... 81 II 404 Thomaa L. Moore... 81 21 404 Mary Morris.. 81 XI 427 Jouaa hteinheiter.... 71 66 ICO Richard Waple.. ii 12 Hell. A'o, Ae. Ptr. WarraalM. 4208 1000 Henry Fleck... ..130 00 u " ...n eo 6820 600 6(120 6H0 87A4 1000 6fi4 81 421-7 42!7 67C8 S.IO 8H7 111 71 V3 6788 lnoo 42S8 608 42X0 600 70 120 78 6U ....116 00 ....2.10 00 It OS .... 18 17 04 88 .... 8X 31 .... .11 64 .... 20 47 .... 91 60 ....2.10 00 ....118 18 ..141 76 S .C.i 181 118 John Klcholeon, 66 64 6UU4 1000 6U08 758 5(I7 SJIH JV1S) 6119 5'jno ill 10 Mill 6li.l in 14 8 ll 4:13 212 825 SJI) a it 11.11 f.i'f KicklinaUrimthl.'IO 00 - 174 14 1K4 00 219 86 " 216 74 T.cnJ. Oibtie, 124 5 Henry ll'k 66 88 KiciklinaliriffithlBII 75 " " 71 80 " 66 81 " " 24 S8 1.111 f.l 253 00 .. 23 23 .. 21 51 27 87 6H21 lino - 6''. 10 11 91 Henry Deck... 4in7 l 07 " " ... 6019 119 01 " ... 61108 1H2 :i2 NU Vlioiflrinuh, .IS Mi'S 31 128 " " 8 97 S0H7 0(1 - ii 88 42S6 100 HonryBock 23 00 ItliHim 2001 400 Roberta Pox.. .105 40 3579 12(1 f.O " " ...281 12 :i.i7.1 si S3 " " ... 20 78 .1(io 4ini " " ...119 81 f.;i;. tit I.'IS Nickiinitlrifhib, 25 0 6V28 03 " T.I 81 6H26 2'.'(1 " 76 78 60 flennra L. Reed, 12 5 rnton8pcnecr, 1 58 84 Levi Cleaver .... in 8 Ji.rt David Irwin 71 08 100 John P. Dale.... 15 60 llrartv. Wm.KirkpstrickJOS IS Huberts A Fox... 63 611 34 Conrad Long... 40 20 117 6? 12 or. 87 00 77 41 00 6'.t 18 810 402 508 3812 200 ' Jf.liS I. SO .V.I 4 140 124 I v.1.1 45 65 l!"J7 250 13 I litis 2'.l 31.74 mi f.26 215 5SC.0 f.-0 5M7T 5-7 .81 58. 323 3.11 lu.s mo 218 601 lnoo r...o 13 521 1V04 3( 4 into 004 8.SS0 PVS 21109 611 27 2..0 IAS 135 276 471 92 83 61 (Jeorce Shaffer... 60 H 94 Joua'n 1). Fuiilh.lu I Jul Htnry Wykoff...330 09 John Di)nlnp...1S1 41 t'neper Hiiver ... 40 2n Christian I. owcr,..('2 17 Roberta i Fox., .396 2.1 Christian l.ower,3IO 9.1 Roberts A Fox.,.217 48 " " ...364 21 ...600 05 ...368 60 ...154 37 ... 81 47 Renj. ITcnry... Carper Htiver. Casper ftivcr.sr.ztn no J.M.Miller'sheirs,42 88 . IUnm 63 60 M'Halrr.... 16 80 Roberts A Fox... 18 09 7 00 41 76 20 16 20 99 49 60 67 66 15 90 , 60 T 91 87 22 19 811 11 67 11 10 80 100 60 1907 66 1998 160 Ttrurlflird. Ar, Ptr. H'nrrualee. 824 lluirh Ely. 102 35 John Campbell 169 Hall A lluck . 250 Illair M'Lanaban .. 437 17 Polly M'Lanahan.. 109 48 80 225 100 64 60 60 86 86 176 Andrew Pettit... Matthiae Hlayniakor. Matthew Foreec. Jatnea Duncan Nobetninh Meant David Meant Daniel (Jrahara Horatio L. Hall 13 20 Wm. tlraham, Jr. 11 44 John Il.nna. 12 44 John Vaughn... 46 20 iinriiaide. Ae. Ptr, M'amiNfee. John Jones. 137 60 James Chapman 137 80 jtenj. l nunall 136 60 Townsend Hpackmanlol 15 Rebecca Brown. 193 70 Christian Slkc. 41 36 Imnard llollia.. 89 00 John Iluroh 133 8S John Cnmniings 68 16 heat. 100 l iS John Iloyd 46 40 81.1 1.1 Joshua l'larne 146 no 438 163 Thomaa IUmilton....l0 91 1H8 1.-.3 William Wileon 15317 1.S8 Jamee Rote 119 71 433 151 John Cunningham ...160 80 433 163 John Cook. 160 86 433 1M Joseph Kwing 160 80 433 163 W illiam Cook 166 60 Kn) David Catheart 19 00 4.13 153 Alexander Hunter.... inn 46 ,176 Peter Horse 180 66 1;7 lluirh Hartley 74 68 88 Joseph Pike 25 6! 271 tleorne Pnre 78 66 411 Henry Pair 71 58 1.14 Jnmcs K.iblo 67 87 4M l.'.S John Muswr 20 91 IPO 164 Chrintiiin liohrer-... 8S 16 Miller rf- Christ. 11M 7K 10 21 46 40 11.11 46 12 1.9 ft) 00 Mehsflcy A Mitrhrtl. Matthias Slouch tleornc Rons John llrcnneman JaoohA Henry Dreth 18 30 8atnuel .InekMin 71 45 t'ovltiron. A'e. Ac. rrr. Il nrronrre. Tax. 1hI 61" 71 Morris A Stewart 90 21 1S93 43 47 " " r. 09 3649 70 SO " " V 87 I " " " 7 (' 7 4 il Con A 4 uwi.lt SI i 11-8 " " IU j 1 i"ii id .tr' ',ad.... I ii' Jli ll J l.n lln.l 21 l li. II ItmvMl. ....... i6 4n Iterator. Ar. Per, H'-'Cf ao Ihnmaa P. i ft 86 24 llioin'ir 1:.!iuuii.mii, 11 .'.7 : 67 06 Jn.epll ran-. Hi. 85 6 I 3VI 159 Thomas llllliliMon...2l'l Mj I no 1 hoiiis. hlrwattsiin... HI 2m Mry M'Lanahan ... 105 81 404 Ann M'Lnnnhan I"5 84 lull 8lay W. Thomp-on, 52 40 2u0 Mary M'LnHhan-...10l 80 84 137 Joseph Whit, lull ... 41 02 108 Jne..b Downing 66 60 20 Joseph fHn.otu. Ill 4K 76 99 W illiam Sanson! 3 82 24 1 22 William Kvnns. 126 26 60 Nancy Pauley 26 20 3.13 117 Thomas K.linundson,17t 60 till John Drinker 47 16 200 Cn-pcr Haines 104 80 2KI OilUirt VauKht. 147 21 106 Joseph Harrison I"2 18 198 " ' 103 71 60 " 26 K' 83 150 Joseph Whitehall 42 bo 2I U Jonalhnn Ni.lot 104 80 125 Atiraiu John Uoea ... 66 till i'nll Kiuiucl .r(,'Urrcii...104 nil 17 Josepit hitusom 8 90 110 Davi.i Mi nna 21 68 lcrgiiMiu. 2.1.1 153 John Huml.riBlit 6i) 96 60 Matthias Slough 12 09 g " " 1 02 4?3 163 (loorsoltost 103 92 74 lwi Jordan 2 4 60 llirain I'assmoro 1109 100 Abraham lKden 24 00 24 Ilonrv Swann 70 60 Denjiimln Hartehorn, 21 00 100 John llauibright iiO 00 100 Adam lloiirart 14 00 309 73 John Douahton. 74 16 fox. A'o. Ac. Ptr. M'oeroalee. . 4272 426 Jaa. Wilson..... 71 46 4200 830 " " went I 18 49 4188 140 44 pt 23 62 4188 250 " ' "U.K. 41 99 4181 4!i5 " " woatj 41 66 42HO 667) 73 92 4181 990 " 110 88 4184 200 "ea.t 60 40 4)88 31.0 "inidd. 4'J 06 For 1864-65, 45 82 4271 495 - - W.pt. 82 78 4241 9.17 " - 11 61 4236 47 " 184 77 1634 20 urn 6 (10 1536 600 168 00 4241 29 " " 83 44 4.199 872 UK (IJiO 4340 188 urn J4 f,4 4398 SI6 " - 72 62 75 Kian.lerHi.le... 25 20 100 Ioe A Hyde... 18 00 Danl Kingbury 90 Ualltowu lot, 25 00 J. B. Hyde, 26 Balltnwn lot 8 40 Hyde,BidweIICo 61 llulett lot 18 89 107 Finnin tut... 23 97 64) (Jiiee lot 11 20 4400 100 28 00 C.irard. 1921 101 108 MorrisAStewartll 95 1938 428 120 " 1 12 1934 118 - 117 8648 106 "1174 1047 10 " 1 36 6123 200 " " 47 20 1924 608 100 - 49 94 1H90 114 120 9 94 3647 10 "116 Z ioo : : isl! 68il 798 Goorge Head... 94 16 6376 1100 " ...129 80 6363 1100 "...129 80 636T1IOO " ...129 60 1926 846 61 MorricASUiwarttO 71 1926 153 93 " 18 01 19.17 123 - " 14 51 IHVJ 227 125 - 16 79 364S HI 66 18 18 1929 13 - " 193 1890 187 " " 2107 ISc8 178 " " 4160 1917 246 " 40 83 3650 1(1 " 12 51 ,87 45 - " 63 81 llll tt 8 90 1920 105 "12 39 (.oslirn. 6.114 760 Oiri;eMcd...11l 45 6116 101.0 " " ...I"I3 76 4:,16 looO - ...163 76 l'Ju l.-.T MorrlsASt4iwartl6 86 .100 W m. Mapoa-. .. 76 60 5325 100 Uwirge Mead... 60 !) 5M5 100 - - ... 89 80 lull 436 MorriiASlewart 67 87 I'.i23 8S1 " " 1"0 SS 1923 100 " 26 10 1(122 151 " " 15 19 5324 1511 C7 OoorM Med...317 81 632 1100 " " ...188 10 5127 1113 120 " " ...291 69 1329 1100 " ...28 20 6.1.10 1100 " " ...188 10 1911 100 MorrlsAStewart 28 10 Graham. j4e. Ptr. rKarmefee. 197 Thomaa P. Cope 130 96 199 John Skyron 67 76 146 T.Coiie 41 63 108 James Milligan- 80 17 109 tieorire Mmirr 48 07 84(1 Joseph Simons. 11.8 96 818 Joseph Henry 7U 47 lnO Clinrles Hall.. 36 73 41 O. J. Allport. 18 09 100 Kolirrt Shaw 68 80 100 John Honslaon 36 76 66 104 Bryant D.Schoonover 14 26 t.iilldi. 1121 J"bn W inner 44 14 1H6 48 Deorite Laker 119 67 90 Deniauiin Wileon 35 87 48 114 Ueorire Moore 18 66 814 9 " " U7 17 134 Philip Oloninger 61 67 158 John MCuhrn 61 09 413 161 Edward Hand 99 66 366 69 Kmanuel Reignrt... 81 6(1 106 tieorffe Monro. 1176 160 John M'Cahen 101 18 98 John Lamphlack 88 61 100 John W tuner. 89 10 60 Benjamin Wilson.... 9 88 119 111 Christian Stake. 46 78 191 112 Matthiaa Young 75 86 433 163 Christian 11 ayor 170 30 433 163 fleorge Museer 170 30 137 48 Thomaa Va.ller 93 16 110 Daniel OAiey. 61 63 lit 71 Oeorgo Baker, lr... 84 60 436 146 Timothy Paxton 171 14 433 163 John II or re 170 10 216 163 John Mussr. 64 88 436 146 Joseph Ashhright....l71 14 llu ton. A'o. An. Ptr. H'orrwafee. 1576 961 Roberts Pox, 133 71 1683 1020 60 - " 860 67 8602 60 " 160 67 If.05 1049 129 " " 870 68 3606 1020 60 860 67 8586 1020 60 " 860 87 198 408 141 12 1991 408 144 12 3696 1020 AO " " 180 67 100 J. O. Kidder 70 70 195 David Cablwoll, 68 93 6673 1041 Hoore A Delany.168 04 6674 1041 " - .T,S 04 6676 1041 868 04 606 990 Wm. rowcra...149 96 6067 879 " " 110 07 4263 91X1 Janet Wilson. ..225 02 4264 990 ...125 01 4199 990 " ...22101 6671 147 27 MooroA Delanyl05 14 4261 990 James Wilson. ..219 99 45". J 470 WilholtnW'il!inkl48 47 4238 9S0 Jamat Wilson. ..246 96 4226 V9U " " ...149 98 4129 965 121 ...143 71 42.111 607 " " ...I206 42.1 490 ...123 74 4214 740 ...1886 4800 124 WilhelniW'illink 25 04 4889 090 ' " 249 99 4901 66 " " ), os 4897 110 " 88 89 6062 990 William Powem.149 98 6069 990 849 98 42.11 638 Jamca Wilson... 161 09 42St 626 " ...13181 4006 HJ ...1.13 10 5061 111 William Powers224 83 8nf4 810 ' SI5 43 6066 990 299 P7 878 R. Shoemaker...! 13 61 101 " ... 80 60 6063 19t William Towers. 90 21 4723 150 James Wilson... 63 II 4216 6( 0 " ...126 25 4266 8f " ...lit 41 6C70 1O41 60 Mxre A Drlanv261 90 6671 1041 66 Mooro Drlan2l 96 6671 817 17 " " ' 87 66 48o loo I!nmmond.7,incii2il 1 6676 647 F1 Moore A Drlanv.81 81 677 17 81 12 22 6676 1041 81 I i? 6 5672 817 27 " 105 14 6676 60(1 161 60 6(77 it'll " " 1 51 60 15'9 646 21R t,cr A IVx.SIC II 7 .'! , !-M I"- 'I ." ' " i ly e t.'i' i-iu. M J. lie Sii t,.la 71 (i6 '4 I 1 SHU 4.J ,.l 85-' ll'Vit ?e.i 4 7 2D I!'' 8"91il 7.1-1 3 .76 9o8 109 8 91 ld?6 60 3 .H7 888 36 SCOT 685 6., 3 ,84 1020 64 3585 In20 f.4 8 604 896 136 6068 297 A' I h.i I ".- '.' W .ill, I, lit !'H I.. 60 II. I .Id A I ..1.1 1 ,1 '!, 7 6J II" fv l,i 40 I 4 04 279 27 2. 14 124 22 173 02 257 65 25J 65 2. 'ii 24 W illiam Powers 89 99 4193 927 27JaaicsWilKon...73l 02 4256 888 1 15 - ' ...234 22 4264 927 28 - ' ...234 II 6679 1041 81 Moore A ll. lun V 17.1 19 2j2 706 John llunU) 91 60 600 Du D.iil A Lowr,lol 50 A'o. Ac. Vtr. M'arroiUee. Itevnolii's sub-div. 7 95 91 ol j. Nicholson 29 79 II 80 13 106 109 II 4 8 6 15 110 0 95 153 8 90 104 1 105 11 91 10 95 43 12 93 144 14 91 141 1(1 100 20 9 09 .....11 60 .... 1 20 .... I 7 ....83 33 ....28 80 ....27 27 ....31 8.1 27 67 25 67 ....28 28 ....27 79 ...M 30 Jordan. Ac. Per. M'arranU'C, 224 153 Richard Peters, R4 40 433 153 Petor Kuhn, 145 08 21 fJ Kichnrd Polo, 77 04 4.10 153 J-'red'k. llentet, 134 10 111 Adam Kuhn, 34 34 140 Ebon. Iircnhsm, 62 W 103 Adam Kuhn, 22 433 153 Thomaa Marlin,145 OK 2S3 Uoliert Martin, 103 20 91 135 I'hilip Loup.t, 33 85 70 Wm. Johnaton, 20 04 100 Jonathan Joom. 24 SO 100 Hicbard Martin, 3100 433 153 Jno.LUDWOodie,132 00 Knot. 437 46 Ranbco llsyiei 138 63 436 60 Luke Morris 157 92 4.11 161 Joseph llilliard 167 18 481 161 Robert Gray- .157 18 429 41 John Brinirhurtt....155 73 438 161 Sarah Ward. 167 16 431 151 George Eddy 167 18 431 168 Moore Wharton 157 18 233 163 George Ashton 84 59 413 158 William Hunter 104 77 131 John Doreey. 89 06 431 162 Benj. Poultney 167 18 433 153 Israel Morris 157 16 433 151 Martin Pierce 157 18 71 Thomaa Jordan 21 78 26 tieorga Fox 7 26 431 Isabella Jordan 157 18 ioo Henry Trout. 26 10 431 151 Caleb Foulk 157 18 291 George Waaeott 106 17 17! 151 Robert Wharton . 61 92 41 161 George Eeaff. ...157 18 225 John Boyd 81 67 li 9 6ueanna Ward.. 19 67 265 G. A M. M'Corinick. VI 66 76 Peter Whiteside 14 84 100 John Doreey. 12 10 Karthaua. A'o. jIc. Ptr. H'aimiilrt. 1430 142 William Smith.-14 63 1091 79 Cbarlea Willink t 88 1012 88 " "11 60 1091151119 II 63 1095 124 108 " "15 61 lilt 865 - a 108 U 1097 4.1 111 " " 64 49 8465 68 61 7 16 1466 2 9 111 "111 1095 97 126 " llll 1095 112 " " 15 24 1097 loO " " 12 60 100 " "12 60 1097 89 "11 11 1093 75 " 18 3463 C52 81 49 3475 48 J. R. M'Clotky.. 12 50 200 Wm. Michaels... 87 50 1665 100 G. M. llerlline... 75 00 If.65 600 II. D. Hell 37 50 1007,,- Cbarlea Willink jg owe 1 1097 15 1C97 3 75 t JO 106 J Tbomai My.,' ,j ,5 1 M M HA I 1096 " t " 600 W.F.A-Schnarrt A Co.,156 25 122 Daniel Tothera.. 88 13 83 Mary Errant..... 26 99 F9 T. A J. Whit.... llll 18 mm .... 1 26 2466 3467 131 Christian Brows 41 51 CO IL M Uontgal... S 96 Ijiwrence. A'o. Ae. Ptr. rl'drroaes. 6311 1 loO George Mcad.-lO! 12 1996 18 80 rerta Fx. veil pu. 1995 18 80 east pU. 9 62 221 ITugh Jordan... 77 6! 413 John Read 61 63 52 114 Rudolph Liu... (60 90 Robert Mitchell 86 25 Jaa. Alexander. 4 60 286 W.Montgomery 71 25 74 J. M. Maouraber 18 60 4 LeonardaUerta- boru 1.1 60 18 J. Irwin. of John 13 41 J. B.M Knally. 10 26 41 Jat, B.Shaw.... 10 25 6291 726 George Mead... 90 76 6796 1167 47 " " ...145 89 6297 llll " " ...151 61 6200 488 ...162 02 6291 1100 " " ...831 48 .161 EllitlrwinaSon 18 75 17 - 8100 10 ' 45 00 137 " " 84 25 4 KraUeraCarrott 1 25 Morria. H'uTrrintc. George Welaol. 07 2 William Worti. 49 84 Ohrielian Wertl 79 IS lavid Uuch, 90 27 Jere Yarnal. 101 7 Joseph Turner, 100 48 " loO 4s 2,1 Geo. Ilabecker. 102 37 Peter Yarnell. 72 00 .John Read, 8 22 Patrick llayi, 29 52 Krnneia John ton 33 27 Teter Snarl a, 90 80 Thomaa Morria, 104 79 William Morria, 104 79 Kami. Meredith, 104 79 William Miller, 104 79 Dotty Mori it, 104 79 T. Fileimmona, 104 79 George Clj mor, 104 79 Robert Gray, 104 79 Patrick Mooro, 104 79 Mary Morria, 104 79 Magnui Miller, 104 79 Nalhio Fraaoy, 104 79 Clem docker, 104 79 John Vaughn. 104 7(1 .lnn'a. Neeliit, 104 79 P.. M I.annlmn, 51 41 Wm. Stewart, 72 12 Jamea Wilson. 25 41 Robert MorriH. 24 20 William Morria, 21 7S Rioh'd.lt.Sroith, 73 81 laaae Farlnw, 21 20 Patrick Hava, 24 24 George Galon, 15 14 Hyman Grain, 20 32 Conrad Swarta, 05 O'.l John Graff". 4 50 N. Keidanour, 21U3 RoWrt Carton, 117 12 X. Reidonour, 55 MattliiaSlotiph PO 75 Henry 1'rinker, 0 05 Fred'k. Huhley, 90 SO MalthinaSlouch 8 47 William lliplor, Hiuion Swartx, Joio.h roller, FrnnciR Johnson lr, Nicholaon, 49 Ae. rer. 402 200 327 ' 373 421 410 C5 440 109 340 20 423 300 84 122 1?3 400 433 153 4.13 153 4.13 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 4:!3 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 4.13 153 433 153 4:i!i 153 no 29.S 105 100 90 90 122 407 139 100 I'K) 125 112 207 19 137 IS4 375 25 400 ,15 1IHI ftnty "ho 130 50 02 19 40 17 95 117 II .' 1 1 ' " Ml Ut f.l 61 ' " (.0 'l li. r 1 fii 1 J I'l.o Janirt V il.on... 90 4t 967 5 " ... 67 48 4111 II J'.ha Nli-hoUn 6" i'I 25 M. ViiesHnB.ih 6 III 70 S. Illodret 8 54 206 Mrklliisdrifnih 25 11 J06 " " 25 18 24 John P.llnyl.... 6 HI 1 15 Thomas Jorlan 15 36 64 Thomas Msgee. 16 62 135 Ooirre James... 16 4H 2 j6 H. A W. M'Naul 21 li III i. liailey 8). 4HU . M'N'aul . 23. 120 Thomas Magna. 29 2 1 ion Hachel Krataor 21 4(1 376 John NmhoUon 33 67 39 " 45 0 1 475 60 " " 67 96 I'uluu. 8603 909 151 Roberta A F.x 867 21 .' . 7 1 ; t. 4 VI 4"5l :.;J7 fiVtl n.9 693 1 6779 6778 6776 77 3.,99 606 36S2 799 I9S5 408 1902 4(15 1990 183 2H05 693 lli'.ii) 1 10 206 17 2008 196 3 .96 t29 H6I0 S'.CJ 20118 2ri9 3.67 350 1588 970 3587 50 159S 850 12 10 40 30 17 42 21 OS ft 09 11 23 IViill. A'o. Ar, Per. H'orpoa(rc. 6961 6(3 14 John Mch.il.nri 1 ,e 66 168 Orcenwnnd Hell.. 41 6S 5961 63 Klljsh Heidi M 37 151 KlrUin S lirilh 3 77 if 51 107 " 77 i (0 214 82 60 6il 161 61 164 6i 7J 91 279 97 80 60 71 10 69 39 SJ4 91 120 80 115 14 131 60 391 88 282 60 1U U Woodward. Ac, Vcr. Warrantee. 433 153 Johu Vaught, 2"5 51 450 159 John Walls, 218 07 433 153 John Roll. 235 54 KlO William W ilaou 54 40 412 41 John Cannon, 178 10 420 120 llonry l)rioker,171 30 240 Wm. Drinker, 97 92 433 153 Israel Wheeler, 103 10 208 Bnaiuol Emln, 72 90 15 5 Thomas Neil, 58 48 Ely lloolman, 10 32 Mary Keil, 122 40 Benj. Johnston, 40 fcl) Hegarty, 170 54 JohDM'Uaben, SR 21 57 113 Mary Connolly, 19 44 100 Roland Kvana, 54 40 334 42 I'ieotShaw, 181 70 Sebaalian Graft 117 50 73 Thoa.Edmonoii238 27 Kly Hootman, 41 30 Mary Sandwick, 38 90 433 153 Philip Louat, 170 CO 433 153 Jacob H.Howell, 170 Oti 433 153 Win. Johnaton, 170 CO 100 C3 Geo. Beckham. 40 80 248 Charles 1 light, 134 82 Daniel Turner, 128 82 Peter Louder, C9 30 Charle Loader, 24 70 00 300 100 418 125 210 438 121 103 237 170 91 218 II 40 189 ICO 85 150 100 102 C. RickeU, 61 b0 2 72 9 52 44 88 34 00 II 50 34 00 34 00 William Wialer, Isaac Wilson, Henry Hbafler, Goorge Athlon, John Low, Isaac Goea, 30 John M'Lalhon CO 11 WM. K. WRIHL1.Y, March 26, 1868-81 Troaturur. rilHTASl HKIfH 8ALK OH J KKAL E.-iTATB, reusmed by tlie teveral Collcelori to the Conoty Couimissionerl, for taxes dne and unpaid for tbe year 1 806 and previ ous years, in pursoanoe of tbe act of Assembly in such eaaea made and provided; to lie aold at public tale, ai the Conrt Honso, in tho borough of Clearfield, on Monday, the 6th day cf June next, ill: Acree. Itcrrarla. Tax. 100 TlyorB, B A $13 60 150 Frnna, Wm 17 55 42 Gill, JameiEeq 5 07 82 Katherman 8 93 91 Mutershaugh, Ronj 13 02 50 McCoy, Duniiit jr 4 95 304 I'hmnix Lumber oo,27 30 300 Woalon, Thomaa 37 13 "0 Ilagorly, Wm 12 09 Acree. Hull. Tax. 75 ii'echlley & Pitolell $0 75 75 do do 11 25 100 Pheielcy, Jacob 8 01 CO liricklry. Kllia 3 CO Acres. ilioom. Tax. 12 Nealy, Siimuol 90 112 Rodgors, D C 72 Aero. llopga. Tar. IIouseilot.Wilks.AmataJ" 27 Acres. Ilraitliird. Tax. 2 UudercoH'er, llonryj ! 38 Arret. Iliad). Tax. 3G Adnmt, Jatura II $3 10 80 Haura, Klward 38 dO 60 Buma, Klijah, 180G, 0 75 115 lletta, Gwrpe CO 40 55 fathers, RS4 J 20 12 323 Cat h era, Robert S 135 05 20 Golnet, Samuol 7 50 20 Ginler, John, 1800 5 C3 100 Hoover, Peter.lSOO 12 92 47 Hipplo Edward 14 10 740 Kramer, Geo 4C 142 13 100 .milh, Jamea 22 50 .60 Smith, Jamea 11 25 141 Hand. Joaeph 28 19 A ens. Ilurneide. Tax. 178 Gallaher, JaslSOO 24 03 llo.f lot Groaenichle, J 7)3 1IH3 Kirg,Jnoareal.'CC 11 37 50 McCune.Sam'l 1800 5 00 100 NelT. John W 10 13 60 lUicey, IN 5 63 Aerea. Cheat. Tax. 52 Brauamao.J 18G0 (4 08 Aerea. Covington. Tax. 650 FJmonston, Elii f 41 2-5 3 hoa.&loU Hognrty, P'OO 1 1 4. CO Mary, Weaver IftOO 9 30 Dccaliir. 100 Miller, K ls.60 16 38 12 Rotmon, J do 5 6.1 10 Wbile.I G do 4 50 100 Keiiliart.E do 15 75 Acres. Forpuaon Tax. 60 Currv, Wm 1806 $4 60 150 Ferguson, J II do 10 88 II o A lot Tobiaa, 8 do 6 03 200 W bits, Paul do 18 00 Acres. ;lrrd. Tax. 124 Leitoy,Francii,esltt3 95 50 Loiior Thomaa 7 50 Arret. ftnehen. Tax. ll4 Flcgal.Elita'lhlSOOfS 90 100 Green, Nealy do 9 00 200 Gourloy.Ja do 38 00 do . do do 1005 23 40 279 Coona, John do 20 28 70 Belfridpn, Geo do 8 78 2 vShaw,Vm L, Flflgnl & other. 1805, 1 47 Aerea. (iraham. TaA, 160 Jones, Edward 20 ii Acres. Gullrh. Tax. II o A lot Pyera.rtol 1806 $3 38 125 llenderenn, Robt 14 10 MO Nivting, Caroline 7 50 338 llnalfit, Tinner Co 76 05 Acres. Jiirdan. Tat. House A lot Hoes, Mary $1 35 A Ten. Karthan. Tax. 25 tnowny,G(vjr'GG$3 38 10 Uynes,lavidetdo3 CO 25 lUrtsogs, .Ioo est do3 38 1.10 Long, And'w'C0-C7,25 13 Arms, Knox. Tax. 97 Chaae, J M 1800 $6 21 2 I .cecli, Jaa do 75 275 Pal ton, Jno do 13 73 Acrct. I.anrcnrp. Tax. 1.1 Woo.1. T.A; l IMivO f I 35 Aerei. lumber flty rtor. Tax. 2 lots tirav, G W fl 88 Arri'S. Morrl". Tax. l(KI Lupm, .latnei 106 $9 (HI 60 Smith, Wm I! do S 63 70 Mmliart. tieo do 0 30 Acre.. rrilli. Tnx. 12 Flrtm, John 1800 f8l C Iiollnml, J(n do 3 78 28 Sinilh, lu.hl do 2 70 Acres. Tike. Tax. 4!0 Carr 4 1 1 all. 1800 flO 80 Acres. I n Inn. Tnx. 00 IVtiniuir. lioatvler $20 40 III Horn Wm i, 4 53 A -it". Hiwitari1. Tav. 1 Try K. ' h":.I V. Treu'ra.