Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 23, 1868, Image 2

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CiEonoE U. (iooDi,ANDEn, Editor.
Thursday Morning, April 23, 1868.
HON. rHAni.E9 Km BOY MS,
Of Fayette county.
Of Columbia county.
Congress. Geo. II. Cutler, Esq.,
of Erie, is announced as a candidate
for the Republican nomination for
Congress in this district. Tho con
test for that position promises to be
unusually lively, there boinr, no less
than half a dozen aspirants named in
Erie county alone, not to name the
other counties of tho district.
Boast Butler was nearly as much
frightened, on Friday last,in his room
at Washington, as bo was when his
powder boat exploded five mih s from
Fort Fibhor. Some wag handod a
letter to one of the servants at the
hotel addrcssod to Mr. Butler, with
the request that it be sont to his room.
Tho servant dolivcred it at once. The
Boast eagerly opened it and read these
startling words: "Prepare to moot
thy God !" Ho fell back ou his couch
in a swoon, but he soon rallied, hast
ened to tho Senate, read it to tho Im-
pcachers, and mado an hour's speed
against tho Ku Klux Klan and ovcry
thing tlac in which he bad no leading
More "Thunder." The Democrats
at the recent municipal contest in
Jersey City, elected Mr. O'Kuill May
or by eight hundred and six majority,
a gain of nino hundred and seventy
one in one year.
In Borgcn tho Democrats elect sev
en out of twelve Aldermen, a gain of
Hudson City gives ono thousand
majority, a gain of over four hundred
In lloboken tho Democratic ticket
was also clcctod by fivo bundrod ma
jority, a heavy gain.
From all parts of tho Union tho cv
idencc8 of popular regard for tho Dem
ocratic party are becomingmoreplain
and pointed, und it is no longer diffi
cult to forecast tho futo of tho party
now ruling the land.
Good I'uotouuapu. Horaco Grco
loy, in a lato number of tho Tribune,
draws a lifu-liko portrait of himself
and John W. Forney two of tho
"grand-moral-idea" loaders'. Tho fol
lowing nro his words :
"Bat of all evil doers, the Political Liar one
who habitually and enormously falsifies oocurren
ee. and statistics, thereby deceiving, and misiruid-
ing honest, well meaning men, whpe leisure and
opportunities for itudying document are inferior
ti nil own if among the baeeet and most wicked,
lie is like a belligerent who poison, fountains,
burnt hospitals, and deeny. the enemy into his
power by displaying a flag of dislreaa. No male
factor more richly deserve the scorn and execra
tion of maukmd.
No artist in tho world could have
dono this so completely as Horace
Having poisonod tho groat fountains
of truth and education, ho adopts tho
"stop-thief cry for tho purposo of
shielding himself from tho two-edged
sword now suspendod over him.
Rooues falmno out. It is an old
ooj-ing that whon roguos quarrol hon
est men got tbolr dues. Sunaior Cam
eron, last week, from his seat in the
Scnato, charged the Clerk of that
body, Dead Duck Forney, with squan
dering M0,000 of tho Scnato funds.
This honest Ingo denied tho charge,
but a com mil too was appointed to in
vestigate tho matter. Tho idea of a
great State robber liko Cameron charg
ing tho parasite Forney with crime, is
rich. We presume, ho wcvor, that this
arises from tho fact that if you want
to catch a rogue, always put ono on
his track. Wo hopo this qnarrol be
tween tho Winnebago Chief nnd the
Dead Duck w ill rosult in a proper ex
position of ono or both of those first
class knaves and political harlot, and
much good to tho people.
Tin Duo Feasts Them. "Occa
sional" Forney has great trouble with
tholmpcarhmciit Bureau. Ono would
suppose from his lamentations and
threats tluil every prop of the govern
ment rested upon him. IIo"occasiiii
ally" howls like a pup, and then turns
upon gravo Senators and threatens
them with annihilation, unless they
convict tho President. Yet whilo ho
threatens he also foists. His Wash-1
ington CJtroniele announces that Mr.
J. W. Forney, proprietor of "t'vo p.i j
pers, Loth daily," and Secretary of
the United States Senate, dined tho
IIouso managers of tho "impciu htnont
conspiracy," and a number of lludit al
Senators at his reonleneo on Capitol
Hill, on tho ISlIi. It is not known
whether tlio patriots (?) there assoiu
bled took a vote on tho question of
"guilty or not guilty," or hether that
bad uKH'n passed upon long befurc. We
aupposo his dinnersaiv paid out of llio
funds Senator Cuiiicron tharges him
with abstracting from I ho Senatorial
bureau, amounting to just 4t,KHt j
fit'j'rrtc itrtf nf,
Tbi Il.i'lii al conspiracy is still in
ppyron at tlio Capital, hut ha lost I
in in h ofiW interest, ho fuf as the friends
of tho government are concerned.
The leaders in this crusndo upon dem
ocratic government, from their des
perate movements, evidently boo the
hand-writing on tho wall, and aro be
ginning to rcalizo that theirs is the
"Lost Cause," and with it they will bo
lost too. Tho Butlers and Binghams
are guilty of many heinous crimes, and
they will not bositato to perpotrato
still more; but wo think a majority
of their brcthcrn, who lmvo backed
thorn this far, will go with thorn no
farther not from any lovo they bear
thecountry and its institutions, bulfor
fearof losingthoirown heads. Should
these wicked men, however, pcrscvero
in their programme and remove tho
Presidont, wo hopo it will not bo long
until they will follow tho "latolamon.
ted," and together bo rowardod ac
cording to promise.
The final issuo is still hold in mys
tery. Sumner has hold threo tickets
for admission to the galleries of the
Senate, but up to this time not a ne
gro has been admitted to that much
frequented abode of smell aud loyalty.
The Radical whip is vigorously appliod
to tho bare backs of loyal Senators
every night by Slovens and his task
masters. What effect theso excoria
tions will have upon tho finul vote, we
are unable to determine ; but we shall
be very much mistaken if tlio final
count exhibits more than from twenty
to twenty -four knaves in that body
on co made up of heroes and states
men, and officially recognized as tho
Senate of tho Unitod States.
Tho evidenco on both sides of the
caso closed on tho 20th. Tho argu
ment of counsel com monccd yesterday
Tho Deacon is evidently In tr'oublo
over tho K. K. K's. In his last issue
ho attempts to fix tho assassination
of "Hon. G. W. Ashburn," at Colum
bus, Georgia, lately, upon tho Ku
Klux Klan. This murder, like that of
D'Arcy McGco, at Ottawa, Canada, is
but tho advance skirmish of oppression
and treachery, much as it is regretted
by all law abiding citizens. Oppres
sion, however, in all coun trios, has ul
ways bred assassins and secret politi
cal organizations, and it would bo re
markably strango if ours wero made
tho exception. As tho "Knights of
tho Golden Circlo" troubled our neigh
bor muchly a few years ago, thcro is
but littlo hopo for his pcaco nnd Imp-
pincss bliuuM the K. K. K's find their
way into this neck of woods. The
follow Atdiburn ("Hon." and "Col."
as our neighbor dubs him) was a bu
reauito of tho lowest capacity, and
fur tho last year lived in a negro baw
dy house, whero his associates killod
him. Out of twelve witnesses who
tostiflod beforo tho coronor's inquest,
nino of them wero negro wenchos,
who lived, ato and slept in tho same
houso and were prcsont whon tho deed
was committed. Ashburn has ro
ccivod tho reward that awaits every
whito vagabond who betrays his kin
drod and country, and makos his
abodo with negro bawds.
Mr. McGoo was a gentleman and a
scholar, but ho, too, had sold his coun
trymon to tho British crown for pelf
and placo, and has paid tho penalty
in tho prime of manhood.
Settled at Last. Last fall, tho
Democrats of Philadelphia elected
Gen. Balhcr,City Commissioner : Gon
Lcoch, Register of Wills; and Mr.
Mcgary, Clerk of tho Orphans' Court;
but, at tho instigation of tho Loyal
Lcaguo, their seats woro contested,
and by the assistance of tho loyal court,
these gentlemen were all kept out of
oflico until last week during which
timo tho loyal incumbents drew tho
salaries of the respective offices. There
was no shadow of law for contesting
me soaisoi tiicso gentlemen: but it
leaked out during tho contost, that tho
iioyal Leaguers had bet a loriro sum
of money on tho olection last fall, and
01 courso lost it: therefore, tho con.
lest was brought about for tho pur
pose of postponing the pnyrncnt of tho
bets, and of cheating thoso whom tho
pooplo bad olected out of their i.laccs.
if possible. This is nice work, indoed,
for men who pretend to bo controlled
by "grand moral ideas," and who iro
fuss such lovo for tho soldier and tho
dear people. Liko Judas Iscariot,
theso Leaguers will first kiss und then
betray you.
A Ivotal Threat. Tlio londine
isiark licpuMican newspapers aro be
ginning to fear tho winding up of tho
Impeachment conspiracy, and rave
and threaten Senators with political
extermination. 1 he Philadelphia Post
thus threaten Senators :
"Vine he in th. nnml.lic.n R,.na,,r .1.,. A,.
ui uoriare mm (ine rrrsi.lmt) innuwut."
o presume theso Jacobin threats
will only return to torment their nu-
thorn, while the President will contin
uo to "swing around tl.o circle" until
ho is relieved by a Democratic Presi
dent on tho -Jili of .March next.
That staid old "llurg" upon tho Al
legheny river, know i, us I'ruiikliii, has
just boon erected inlou City. Jr j
said tho citizens are already "pulling
on airs," and turn up their rj(,Su9 w10
a Kew Yorker or a Philadelphia!, pas
sos along (he street. They arc an
oily set up thcro-get up a bun, rail
road, or city on short notice.
Thr lliiil Cits, " Stop Thltll"
It was a political ncucsHily to (urn
Mr. Slni;nrl out ol his sent in the Sen
ate. With him, the Democrats had
I I, and to these are sure to bo added
tho Senators to bo elected in the Lu
r.erno and Adams districts. Two Sen
ators aro to bo elected in Philadelphia,
and tho Radicals fear tho coming
wrath of tho puoiilo thcro. If but one
of them woro gained, tho Democrats
would havo tho Scnato, and tho profits
ol tho ring, tho power of tlio majority
and tho patronago of tho Sonnt o would
havo passed from their hands. Hence
Shugart must be sacrificed. It has
been dono. Wanton violation of thoir
oaths, utter perversion of tho testirao-
ny, and obodienco to tho behests of
tho party havo signalizod tho action
of tho iUdicals on that committee
To tho betrayal of their trust they
now add tho stalo cry of fraud. To
cover up their own wrong thoy delib
erately chargo tho Democracy with
tratius which aro provon upon thom
solves. Their own report admits that
68 fraudulent votes wero polled for
Robinson in tho District, and they
chargo that but 23 were pollod for
Shugart. In this they show twice as
much fraud as they charge upon us.
They admit that one of their own dis
tricts was llletraliy counted, iney
ro-vamp Know Kothingism and at
tack the vote at Philipsburg, because
ot alleged fraudulent naturalization
papors. Their newspapers toom with
falsehoods in relbrenco to tho voto
pollod thore, nnd they deliberately lie
in their comments upon tho tostinw
ny. They chargo that eighty fraud
ulont votes wero pollod. Tho potl
tion ot Robinson shows that but forty-
two were claimed, and the positive
proof was that but fifteen of tho rail
road hands voted at the two polls.
Nine of these wero accounted for as
naturalized citizens, and tho remain-
ing six it is fair to suppose wore voted
by O'Mcara, for the Radicals, for it
was proven that he was employ ft and
paid for that purpose by them. This is
truly "much cry and littlo wool."
I heir nowspapers assert that tuo
Democratic State Committee was con
nected with this alleged fraud. This
is another base falsehood for party
purposes. If this wero true, why is
tho report ot tho majority silent upon
tho subject f Tho testimony utterly
disproved this unfounded assertion ol
their partizan press. No man not
even O'Mcara proved anything that
implicated that committee in the
slightest degree, and Mr. Tracy dis
tinctly sworo that Mr. allaco relus
cd to givo any money or havo any
thing to do with giving money to buy
O'Mcara's absence It was not neces
sary to do so, for ho was of bad char-
actor and was sueccsslully impeached.
11ns wholo cry ot Iniud at i lulips-
bare, and fraudulent naturalization
papers, is tho flimsey pretext to cover
up tho gross wrong they commit iu
ousting Shugart. It is a deliberate
perversion of tho truth, in order lo
attack foreign born citizens. It is
another out-cropping of tho old vice
of Know Notbinc'sm. Tho men who
concocted it lire fit agents in such a
work. Swoope, tho counsel in the
case, was "Head Centre" of tho Know
Nothings in '55. Fisher, ono of the
Committee, but last week denouneod
"the Democratic party as composed of
bog-trot ting Irishmen ana sxcag-bdlied
lager beer Dutchmen," and Landon,
another of the same Committee, on the
samo day, asserted "that a negro was
more entitled to the elective franchise
than an Irishman." Is it strancre that
such men should concoct this story of
iraudsf 'I hey hopo to aid their par
ty, whilst they glut their prejudices
Tho calm and clear report of tho mi
nority or the Committee effectually
disposes of this infamous cry of fraud.
Tho Radicals throw out tho whole
vote of Hush township because of these
alleged frauds. Tho judge of that
election swears that but six Irishmen
voted at thot poll on that day. Shu
gans majority incro was o. Xiy this
gross outrago tho wholo of tho people
thoro ore disfranchised. They throw
out 33 in Philipsburg, whilst tho prool
was clear that iuf twelve of tho Irish
men voted thoro on that day. They
refused to rejoct the voto of Taylor
township, Blair county, although tho
omcers were not sworn : vol ttiev rciee
tod tho wholo voto of Carbon town-
shfp, Huntingdon county, bocauso
thcro was a drunken man in tho room
during tho day. That district gave
Shugart 65 majority, whilst Taylor
township gave Kotmison m majority.
In fivo other districts in Huntingdon
county greater irregularities were
shown than in Carbon district, yot
they aro counted as 807 mnjority for
jtomnson, wniisi uaruon is thrown
An infamous wrong has been per
petrated in this matter fornurolv nar-
tisan purposes. A Senator elected by
inn jifuoie nug wen ejccioa irom his
scat nnd his constituents ontrsgod by
imposing upon thom a Senator whom
they had deservedly repudiated. Ho
will reflect no honor on their causo.
Their cry of fraud w ill recoil unon
themselves. Tho people of tho district
Know mo lacts and they will punish
this infamy. Read tho reports, read
tho testimony, and all will condemn
tho iniquity. Patriot & Union.
Poor Sf.waiid. Tho author of fl.n
"Irrepressible Conflict," is now like
Mahomiiict s collin. "between hniivnn
and earth," and calls himself "the
mostmisiipprocintod man in America."
i ayno was tho only man who aeonm
to havo appreciated him most, a
"m after his own heart," though it
was very singular, after tho effort, ho
made, ho did not roach it. Tho vic
tims who wero rung into bastiles by
tho tinkle of "that litlli hell" r l.;:
appreciated him too, and if they Clin
only havo their will of him, they will
give strong proofs of it. VV0 would
advise tho b:;l'0 of
knows w hen ho is well off, to try to
remain unappreciated ir ilc ,!,.. i,c
may die in his bed, but should ho n.
sist in gelling tip another muss, ho
may expire at the end of a rope.
It now turns out that tlio nr.!,. fr.
used in tho War office dinirnlM.
employed by Stanton. It consisted
ol a vial and two spoonsful of whi.
'"frrrcmcnts ROon arrived
ana i nomas was driven oil' !, r...i i
in a demoralized couditiou.
An Abolitionist win, like Wilbcr
force or llobespiiwie, never xnw a ne
gro, and therefore indulged a mere
abstraction which to him was just and
indeed devilling, may he, nnd most
likely would be, a just and honorauie
man. To him tho "idea" that a "fel
low man" was held in such nbsoluto
subjection to another that ho could
not own property, or even his own
children, without tho consent of a
master, would seem, no doubt, an
atrocious violation of the laws of na
ture, and in striving to abolish such a
wrong, and give freedom to the slavo,
would, no doubt, elovato tho mind of
such an Abolitionist. But leaving tho
domain of abstraction common to tho
Europoan, and, to a certain oxtont,
to the northorn mind, and dealing in
fn.-i.m firnil nnd fuKhinnod bv tho hand
of God Himself, thon this Abolitionist
becomes a raonstor, a devil, a human
beast so rovolting, hideous and ac
cursed, that no words in our languago
can litlv dcflno him. Wo havo in
stanoos of men who havo joined tbo
Indians in our colonial histories, and
mado war on tho whitos, liko Simon
Girty and others, who always dis
played more cruelty to prisoners,
and rovellcd in horrors that their
savage f'rionds turned from in disgust
But tho Indian is vastly superior to
the negro, and therefore, tho man who
goos down, or strives to get cown to
"impartial freedom" with this nogro,
to abdicate tho high nature God gave
him and equalize with tho subject raco
aB we now witness in Montrrol con
ventions, &c, bocomes transformed
and doformod into tho vilest human
dog, beast, devil or moral monster
that is possiblo and livo. Indoed, bo
can't live, or an aggregate of such
monBtors can't live or propagate them
selves, and nature dooms thom to od-
soluto extinction within a certain pe
riod. It is a law of thoir moral exis
tence to rescmblo not tho normal but
tho abnormal or "froo" negro, to bo
come as abject, base and cowardly as
their negro equals, and this perversion
or curso of nature on those who thus
outrage her, renders them incapablo
of extended mischief; otherwise tlio
Howards, Underwoods, &e, would ru
in a continent. Day Book.
A loyal exchango says that Senator
lutes, ol Illinois, has liocn too drunk
to cast a vote ever since impeachment
commenced. Jt is lortunato for him,
for thereby ho has so far escaped tho
infamy of perjury and treason. He
may livo to soo tho timo when ho will
bless his stars for beinir drunk. We
wondor what exenso tho sobcrconspi-
rators will offer whon thoir treason
and treachery stares them fully in the
John Bunninghoff, from Oil Crock,
tho victim of tlio great robbery, has
purchased a residence in Greenville,
Mercer county, and will remove thcro
in May.
gfw g5vmisfmfnls.
In run DisrnuT coi ht i' tiii:
rSITKD fc-TATtS for the Woetern Wstrict
of 1'ennsylrania.
In the mattor of Fitment 1 . t,.fc,,
M.-M .., Bankrupt. ( ln Bankruptcy.
signed herehy gives notice of nil appointment as
Assigned of Kooaeaer MeMaatera, of Burntide
township, in the county of Clearfield, and State of
Pennsylvania, within anid Pittrict, who haa been
adjudged a bankrupt upon bia own petition, by
tne iiistrioi uourt oi sam iiistncu
Haled tho list day of Mnreh, lSftt.
apr2S WM. M. McCl'LLOUOH, Assignee.
Dltlll I M
Misses' & Children's Hats & CapB,
latest style.
Opposite MoseopV, Market Ptroet,
apr23-3m Clearfield, p.
J Nolle Is hereby given that the partnership
herctofbre eiittlng between. John Miller, Itich
ard B. Miller and William R, Miller, known as
the firm of Job Miller A Sont. otveratlnr and
manufaeUrlng Fire Brlek, at Handy Ridge,
li-owanion r. u.,j eenire aoonty. fa., was du.
solved by aaaUial consent on the Iftth of Febru
ary, IBM, Rio hard B. Miller wlihdrawlng from
The hnslneat will be contlnned hereafter by
John Miller and William R. Miller, In tha name
and Ann of John Miller Son.
apr!S-4t WM. R. MILLER.
House Furnishing Goods.
Xo. m Chestnut direct.
Are offering an attentive stock of
Embracing In part
Together with a large aeeortmcnt of pnirXf)
MiKSS FABRICS, of the latest and most desira
ble Importations.
7'iT Chestnut Htrrrt,
.prM rillLADELPJUA. m.,
J. W. WALLACB . . TII08. n. RI1AW
l.ulhtmliiirir, Clrarflrld Co.. Ia.
spills well known and l"ng established Ilo'eL
I formerly kept by K. W. Moore, and
by Wm, 8ehwem.Br.. ha. been ImAiI r... .
of years hy the cnder.lgned, to which the atten
tion ol the traveling pul.lic it now ealled, and a
Ul enil hre nf public petronage it tolieued
aprldf j 1y pd bllAW A WALLACE.
For all dlseatet tneident to llortot, Cattle, and
Human Flesh, retiring tha ate of aa
eiternal application.
Thii Embmeatlna wst ailenslvely tti by
the (Jovarnment daring the war.
For aala bv llftriib a r. i. m
- ' . iwi,., vit-aroeio.
Joseph R. Irwin, Cnrwensville. Daniel ll.J.
lander, Loiher.aurg. u
Borough Ordinance.
T IIKIU AS. i nit - I !! irsi'l- nl aril on
V er "I mil II I" "ml tr t ul Uinl a-I
J.iltiins Ihe llonni(h nf I learSi-M, heva l.y ntllim
eiilit-il lur tae ailinmeionoi inia s.miou mm w
'"""Vnl . ,
Aif trim; Timor ana i-y eiruie mi an ar m
lliedi nrral Ameinlily, iaaard the .LI day nf April,
49, "Hie llurness and Town Council of any
Unroiia-h shall have power, and y ulrtue of this
ant are din t"t anil nsiilrl, on petition if auy
nuiulier not ku than twenty uf the fmchuM own
ers of lots, out-loU or olher traets of lamia In any
aeotlon lylnj adjacent to eald HorouKh, to deelare
byordilianoe the eillolMiimoi oie eoruon i,i,u,.m
sufh petitioner and olherl reside :" therefore,
lit ittnmrl'i m4 errfniaro' bf llurgtn and
7W ttinnoif otae Hr)k of Vltarficlil, nnd il
it krntf eoed f eMuiaen! fy le nHlAorde
orAe eoi, That tha limita of the laid HorouKh
of Ch-arflcl.i ahall be and are hereby extended lo
include the following deecrihed land i lleirinning
i the oath-went corner of the borough, on the
bank f the Susquehanna river thence along the
southern line of Ihe old borough, eoutb di rree
east S3 perches, alonK line of land of Sarah Jane
0(don, to oorner of laud of A. K. Wrlht ) theiioe
alone; line between laud of laid riarah Jane 0deD
and A. K. Wright, south (I decrees weft 100 per
ohM, to line of land of ii. L. Reed thenee alons;
line between land of U. h. Hoed and A. K. Wright,
south HU ileftrees eait 118 perches thenee loutb
ku ileirreei west 22 1 norehes : thence north 7 de-
grtet west 215 perches, to the eastern bank of the
Susquehanna nr thenee down the aaid eaalrrn
bank or Ibe Susquehanna rirer tba aeeeral eonrna
thereof, to line of old borough and place of be
ginning; whioh aaid land is taken a a part of
aid Borough of Clearfield, and eubjeet to me ju
risdiction and government of tha municipal au
thority of aaid Uoroagn ol uiearuem aa luiiy i
If the same bad beam originally a part thereof.
W. W. BKTTd, Burgess.
Attest Q. L. Muaoan, Clerk. apr.16 3U
5ru m&, (fjwmitt, (ttc.
Spring Goods I
Spring Goods I
Spring Goods!
Bnjri of Dreti "Oooda, Trimrainpt, NotSonn,
Oiovea. Fancy Goods. CarpetJ, Oil
Clotht, Window Ehadet, Wall Paper, Carpet
Chains, Toilet Qullte, Umbrella, Panuols,
Shoes, Ac, Ac., Ac, art Invited to examine
Ever brought to thii market.
0-Cath buyers will find rare Inducements.
Clearfield, April 9, 1818-tf
Consign yoar A.hes, Beeswai, Beans, Dultor,
Cheese, Eggs, Flour nnd Meal, Flax,
Cotton, Fan and Skint,
Grain, Wool, Game,
Poultry, Naval Stores, Hope,
Olnteng, Feather, Ilemp, Provisions,
Oils, Lard, Tallow, Seeds, Sorghum, Molaatet, 4o.
General Commission Merchant,
413, 441 and 410 vVashlnpton Ktrcrt,
And receive his weekly Pric Cwrwarof Produce
and Groceries, tha most complete Price Current
polished I tha United Flatea.
Harking PUtee and Card Furnished Free.
Established May 1st, ISfiO.
First elan Referenoes given when re-
"'wd. aprJ-ly
TEB timet are hardj you'd Ilk to know
How yoa may ssvt your dollars i
The way to do It I will thow.
If yon will read what follow.
A nan who lived not far from her,
Who worked hard at hi trade,
But had household to support
That tqnandered all he made.
I net him once. Bayt he "My friend,
I look thread bear and rooe;b 1
Ie tried to get myself a suit,
Bat can't save p enough."
Bays t, my friend, how much havl job f
I'll tell ynn wher to go
To get a suit that's sound and chtnpt
Be took what little he had eared,
And went to Uelssnsteln A Brother',
And there hi got a handsome suit,
For half he paid to others.
Now he It home, he lookt to well,
And their effect It euch,
That when they take their daily meal,
They don't eat half a much.
And now he Rnde on Saturday night,
With all their wants supplied,
That he hat money left to spend,
And mni to lay atida.
Ills good toeeesa, with cheerful smile,
lie gladly tellt to all.
If you'd save money, go and buy
Your elntie. t
Wher the cheapest, finest and best Clothing
and good Furnishing Ooodt can be had to suit
every taste and In tery t vie aprl 1,'nT
Medical Notice.
THE nil-r-icnid w.iiild rcpectinllv announce
U hit friends and natrons, thai he lias told
his entire f"d will an 1 urm-it,, r v.i;.i.. i-
Liitlvrrsliurc. Pa., to lir. Ww. II
the i-t day of April, IxoS.lowhont all , palientt
w nrrraner ron rrc'l.
'"All ticreoni knowttiff thcmM.lvn tni...i
to me will please call and avitle wilhnnt drlr.
. . . t'Ulr.11, M. I).
Lulher-Vurg, April 0, ISAn-lf.
Slone Masons WantpH.
TIHKKAL waget will be pl. h, th. under
J tiinrd to a nnmhcrnr KTliVK uiva
l -.r furllirr Information, rail In'. '
at Clearfield, Pa., IIElllili K 1 Hull V
"l"' HuiMir.
TnnUtiur, 7 imr.irr, Ctf.
rhilipburtr. Centre County, Ta.
ForiiRii & Domestic Hardware,
StoveB, Oils, Paints, Glaas, &c, &c.
TUB attention of Mechanic, Builders, Farm
ers, Lumbermen, and Buyer generally, is
Invited to th fact that w ar offering a bttr
assortment of goods in oar line than can be
band elsewhere in thii part of th State, at
Price, to Bait the Timet-
Oar stock eomprite a general aaeo-tmint of
Tool and MaUriall used by Carpenters, Black
smiths, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Ac, with a
largi itosk of
Iron, Xaits, Steel, Spikes, Mining
Supplies, Saddlery, Hope, Chains,
Grindstones, Circular, Mill
and Cross-Cut Saws,
Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and
risn Uils,
Aa ezoellont aisortinent of Fin Cutlery, Com
RAZOliS, Ac.
Household, Horticultural, Farming and Rafting
Implement of the latest at.d most
improved pslerss.
Blacksmiths can be rup plied with Anvili, Del-
Iowa, Vice, Fledge, Dammar, Hon
and Mult Shoes, Hon Mailt,
and all kisda of Iron
and SteeL
Carpentert.'and Bullden will And la nr estab
lishment a anperior stock of Planet, Saws,
Augurs, Hatchet, tingle, double-bit and
pealing Azo, Hammara, Chisels,
File, Hinge, Screws, Bolt,
Lock, Pulleys, Sash, Cord,
Ac, Ac, A.
Farmer! and Raftmea will (n4 everything la
thilr lino, and cheaper tha can b
had elsewher.
V4U Partleolar attenlloa la Inv'Ud to oar
stock of Store, comprising Spear' celebrated
Anti-Dntt, Cook and Parlor Sieve of all si sea.
Alto, th Niagara Cook, Parlor Cook, llrilliant.
Hawa, Dew ltop, ArcliD, and Commoa Egg,
Pocket, Aa.
A 11 of the above pood ill b told cheap
for rath.
rhlllp.burg, Oct. 10, 1807-ly
planing UU.
II. F. Hoop,
0. L. Krod,
Wm. PowelL
I. F. Wear
rpiIE proprietor respectfully Inform theciliwns
--- oi ticarHcId county, that they have entirely
reflttod Oils eietablishment with the latent improved
wood working machinery, and ar now prepared
to execute all order. In their line of businon.
They will give especial attention to the manufar
turc of material for house building, tuch at
sash, doors, blinds,
nilmiCKETS A' .TIOI LM.rtiS,
V alwayt hnrc on hand a lare stock of HUT
LI'MBKR, and will pnycash fr all clear Lumber.
une-anu-a-nait tnoh panel .tuff prrforrwl.
Lumber Manufactured to Order,
Or eichangrj, to ruit rust'inirrt.
icOrdcr. tulicitcd, and LumWr furnished on
short notice and on trnnt.
ClcvrfleM. Not. 7, 1r.7.
nim n, Ih N H . ft V'
4. n. BARftCTT A CO.. rVeatletera,
KAXctrwria, . a.
fiold h fTari.wlh Tt. , . m.
Clearfield J. H. Irwin. Cm-wea.vllla i and all
I'oaier. in ratent Medicine.. leorJ-Hra
I V" " l"f'fr sale at the lsi,,
otti. I'rlrt Si rents. Xl.iU.l to anv a-i-li
I sua
rew. tf.
if. o
.ic::at it ic. viv
lu filrard and C nilnglon lomnthlpa.
rpilB luliirrlber brace th preseat epa
1 tunllv ol nrmging u in neur or u.i eti
teni of (lirard and Covington town, bins, i.
th eurroandlng eonntfy, ih fact thai a tjn.
public ale will tak place at hit luj ln
con. lurnoing
On TuesJay, May 5tL, 18C3,
(Should a flood tccur about thii time the u
will be postponed until, May I 'iu
when th following real eiuie will b otlw.
for sale, vis:
Deer Creek, containing about M.NKTY ACKL
more or let.
at between A. Laconte'l and Mr. Burkelt'a,
Alao. A TBACT OF LAND situate in Co-
Inaton townsbl i, near Justin Pi' Hew 1
eoulaining about 6KVKSIV -rjUVKN AClu.
la Uirard township, adjoining land of Lawrei
Villotte, eenUining AUHfift, mor or W
I bar TWO FARMS which I will BEN
u wall at lb Saw Mill and at ti
snoata or Ueer lreek.
Xiiy-I will tak rrai plearar in sho
thee propertlee at any time prevloni to al
persons dealront of eiamining ineea, wr a
aDtwer all Inquiries by letter.
Personal Properly.
Th following described peraonal Proper
and btor Uooda, will b offered for tale at u
same time and plaoe, vi : 1IHV WMIIKI
the yard or wob, anch aa Cloth, Caaeimrre-
Muslin, Calico, De Lain., uonneit, Kntim
and a larr lot of KKADV-MAUK CLOTHIN-
t.ltot l.ltll;i CoBee, Tea, tugar, Hire, k
l.sses. Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linwed, Oil. Tobac
and Salt. I.Kll'OH llrandy. Wine, 0
and Whiskey. HAKIVv AMli Nailt, brik
tihw. of all aiaea, lioot, Khovelt, Spades, Fork
and in fact everythm usually kept in a count?
tor. fsTOt.'H AMI fAK.rll.Nt. IMI'I.I
MI-:jlM-Four Horses, four Cow, a lot
Hogt and bbecp, thr Windmill., two Thrett
ing Machine., loo. a tread machine,) f'luv
Harrows, Cultiv.uirt i long, b'.-b and UmW
bledt ; Hay and Straw hy the ton l together wm
a large amount of other property, too ttdiou
p9Tht ale will commence at I o'clock 1.
of lata day, ana wui oe continuea irom aaj
day until in property it tom.
prH-3t Leconte'l Miilt P. (
rpiIK on lcrMnt-l, dvi?niD to quit huiinct
X oCct fur Mlc (heir entire property,
Consisting of lm2l?acru of I a ml
Situud oa both ' of th Mnvliannoa rm
nJ Ibc Tyrno unn Clc-vrfifld wimHW, tiljoini
tbe tor'uh uf VbiliBTurg. The inipruvoiieii-
ooDiii't of a
Steam Saw Mill,
Wtnr rower f bin pits tad Lnh Mkrhim kA
whirh are tueonirlrtc mnniiirrlor, with nitr
li.Iinc at the null. One Ii.LLI.G IlOf.i
lat''y repaired ps'titM anl panwrrrd, and .a
plotconlrr; one FA R M HOl E and lance BAKN
una doulj.e and three iinffle buavea fur handi
tfi)ce and arhwd rotn. Atavt one bundvd u
twrntT-five acrrff of the land are cleared and ob
cultivation. Oo tie tutlance there ts a larr
amnnnt of uperior HEMLOCK and OAK TU
It Kit, while I'INE TlMBKlt, eajily atmiihleV
the creek, ean be pnirhaaedatrrannfratirepn
Iba liitiieationi of LUAli are favorable oa am:
idrs of tba creek and railroad. To any atn
purcaaftnir the real eatate, and dejurtnc It, wew.
altto fair ratet,oar entire peraonal proper
OOBPlMing Of
Teams, Harness and Wagons,
Farming Iinplcmmti, Lnmberinft Toola.and atytt
TWO MIL.L1M! rthi vr Mus now ia
dan thai affording aa opportunity for the in
dtale pnipecuticn uf bopinwa. For price, term
Ac, apply at Memcrr jhiiiil, X. t t. railrou, i
RddrrH tiy mall at rbilipvbnrr. Centre Co., Pa.
Orphans' Court Sale.
T1T virtu of aa arder of th Orphans' Ctar
I) of Clearfield county, I bare will he lipoen
to puone (at, a llerarty t x Koada, oa
Saturday, May 2d, 1868,
At two a'elock, P. th following deecriW
real ataia, moat at llerarty i itoadt,
Baoearia township, Claarfield eountv, Pe
late th tat at Tboat Cowan, dee d. bendei
and dribd as follow t Oa th west hy laat
of amol Begarty, on th north by laaes
saraa.i llerarty and John Ilerth, oa th att
land, of J .met OallarhT, and oa th walk
land nf David Bempl and Joha 6avely,
CotUainimr lOO mlcrtt,
Mora or law, with aboil aev.aty tvt acm
clearea. ana a two-slory ion koase, log ban aao
aa orooara oi tiny iruit tree uerroa.
Term liberal and made known oa dav of sail
J. P. kraYzer
HAS jaat received from New Tark a f.H V
ec.rim.ut of tU -K!aV AKB StM.
Chin Tea Sett, Toilet 8eta, Tureena, eeveiv
Butter Pishes, gravy Tareent, Pinner Plat.
Tea Plato., 8oup Ladle., 'P Plat., Deavr
Plates. Pickle Plat, Sauce bi.hei, Meat Disk
Tea Cup, Coffee Cop with handles, r.rt
Bowl., Castor, Wah Bowls, Pitchers, fc
Boata, Fpittoona, Tamblen, Cak Iitht, Pn
serr. Dishes, Molaate Pitcher, Oobleu, Wit
Ulaatea, Lamp with th new comet burner.
BrCKETS, rish pant, CofTee boiler., Pir.ii
r. Padding p.ns. Pi pans, Oil cart. Dif
pert, Camp kettlea, Molaa. backeta, ss;
baaiai, Tina. Milk pant. Slew pant, Urtss Kn
U, Wash boilers. Caadl moulds, tialreaiss
bncketa, Panting spoon t. Tea aani.ter. Ortten
Skimmer, DrlJ ping pan, Store pipe. Sheet '
foraalaat J. P. KRAIZKRS.
FETTER papar. l.cftal cp, lillt note, FcVet
J paper. Commercial note, White Kncplor
I'lariea, (tuff envelope.. Day book., Ld(cn
Keceipt books, Pas. book., Time hook..
notet, Albums, Bill paper, Copy Books. Sri-
" J. V. KHATZhnS
Carriage Trimming.
"fNAMELKn le-nhrr, Dash leather, l.a.mele!
J J drilling, Flimrrd Muslin, Head Linini
i,urira nair, beaming eord, Patent faitcni'f
llaniet, riein web, liirthinR, llucklet, Biap
Bed Tuft. Silver lininr n.,1.. A I..H.I an.
Rn. Saddler, and Carriaire m.ken .orrlie:
at reduced rat. J. p. KRATZUi.
April 1. Im.
IWon.T) annonnce to the riliten of ClearL-il
and the' snrroun linff conntrv that 1 brt
opnr.l a KI.Ol'R AND l-'KKIi StOKK on
svco.rn sthv.kt,
Opiwislte the Firlinr. where 1 intend to lf
pon.iantly on hand a full amortmcnt or
Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Corn,
And all hinds of Feed, which I will retail chf
for cash, or In exchange for SIIINHLKS.
Ll'MIlKRMK.X will Consult fh,ir interest t
giving me a call befi re thee n aleewhere to
chase their anppllea, at my arranpementt sfi
peneoi, ana am aile to bay rerytlnng In a
line at tho lowa't market nriA
Clearfield, July 11, 1MI7.
Iraiaw and abdominal tupportn ef vrj
. kind ef th rateet impror meat, for sals
ha brag Store of UAKTSWICK A IRVTUf.
Rnwa' Ht. Ibnatlnpt, HubbellX Prake't Btf
land'. Harmaa. Ilaa.el.rr'i and li.ers.'
OaygeaaUd Hi iters, ale pur Liouera, f
klndt for vsedirinal pnrpnscs, fur tal. hj H. 1