. ; i TIIK KF.l'UIiUCAN. Terms of Subscription. Tf ull In 1vano. or within three months ...ti Is UlJ after three aad before six months J to Jf paid after ths piiaiiou of til ineatha... J 00 Yr. T. It. Wilson, our foreman. It authorised if receipt for money pud Into tin office on account nf tuhsurlplion, advertising, Job work, Ac. In our ehseB. .1. uuuvKn.ivnn, Editor and Proprietor, ffltartrw. Thursday::::::;:::::::::::.!-!. 1G. 18(58. Tho tittor.tion of School directors and teacbers in called to an linportntit noticein tliiu issue, published by Mr. Snyder, County Superintendent. We direct spooial attention to the CJtenBive talc, in this issue, of real and personal property and store goods, by Mr. Coudriet. Do not fail to read Lis advertisement. Ifcwill be noticed by their card else- whero in this iusuo, that Mensrs. Shaw & Wallace aro now established in the Hotel business at Luthorsburg, where they respectfully invite the travelin? public to give them a call. The Borough Fathers publish an Ordinance in this issue, which en large our borough boundaries to more 'than double its former proportions. We hope our now neighbors maynover regret this much needed alliance. "Will wonders never cease ?" is the uniform exclamation of the millions who constantly use "Barrett's Vege table Hair Restorative." One bottle wSlconvince the most sceptical of its -miraculous effect upon tho human hnir. yorfolk Virginian. ,.' Confirmed. Mr. E. S. Dundy, once a law student in Mr. Wallace's office, and Justice ol the Peace in this .borough, was, on Wednesday, the 9th inst, confirmed by the United States Senate Judge of the U. S. Court for the diBtristot'Nobraeka. Elmer consti tationally was always a Democrat, tut interostedly he was far otherwise. As Nebraska will without doubt, in a fevr years more, be Democratic all ever, we havo no doubt but that the Judge will toon be right too. The man Hale, who robbed the Adams JExpress Co., at Philipsborg, orae time ago, has been arrested and a -large portion of the money recover ed.' We hare been informed that the Express Company adopted nttrang pestion made a few weeks ogo, of not burthening Centre county with the costs, or troubling Geary for a par don, and have released the loyal hum mer. In olden times this method was termed compounding a ftlony, bat in these "moral idea" times it is called "settling tho matter." We suppose Eiias will toon have another flag up, breathing "death to copperheads." " .Adjourned. Tho Legislature ad journed on Tuesday last. The term for. which the following named Sena ton were electod expired with this cession, viz : ' 2, Jacob E. Ridgway, Rep., Phila. 4. George Connell, R;p., Phila. 11. George Landon, Rep., Bradford. 12. L. D. Shoemaker, Rep., Lucerne. 13. Warren Cowles, Ken., McKean. 18. A. Iliestand Walt, Dem., York. 19. David M'Conanghy, Rep-( Adams, 21. Harry White, Rep., Intinna. 23. Wm. A. Wallace, Dem., Clearfield. 25. Jas. L. Graham, Rep , Allegheny. 27. R. A. Brown, Rep., Lawrence. , Of the eleven Senators retiring, are Radicals and two Democrats. The two Democratic Senators have decidedly Democratic districts, and will have Democratic successors The Democrats will without doubt elect tbeir nominees in the 4tb, 12th and 19th districts, now held by Radi cals, and they may even carry the 2d. If no, they will control the next Sen ate. To avoid such a result Mr. Shu gart, of the Centre district, was eject ed from hit seat by the Radicals. The Radicals of Chicago are still wuch exercised about the habits of Senator Yates. They do not consider pickled cabbsge a " trooly toil" diet, and they do think that the Black Crook costume in which he noma timea shows himelf to the boarders at Wil'ards, is not tho proper Senatorial drapery. It is said that "prominent Republicans " will address him a let ter, " which, it is hopwl, will have a vnni effect 5" in other words, prevent iiim from going to bed with his breech- On. ana appearing at breakftist without them. A committee of Re publican Senators have notified him that he must do one of throe things, t ! 1. Behave himself; or 2. Resign; or 3. Be expelled. A dispatch from Washington says that Mr. Yaiet has just recovered from a severe indispo sition. It teems to have been very aerert this time. ?fo.i CHAni! It is said that the Congressional Jacobins intend increa ing the number of Supreme Judges lo thirteen, to at to give them a ma jority in the conrt, jnt as soon as President Johnson is gotten rid off. Truf, the court, as at present consti tuted, isn't particularly In their way, as it lucks the nerve to declare upon ths most flagrantly unconstitutional messnro; but they are not taticficd wis.li a court that simply won't de cide a;aint them they want one tlmt will decide, for them. With a J.vobin Congress, a Jacobin Supreme Ci'urt, and a Jacobin President, the ti utit ry would have a beautiful pros p I before it. Crrtnt overcame Lee with the nnm b.ir of his soldiers, and Ben. Butler it trying to overthrow the President l'Jh the ti umber of hi words. Cloarfiold Markets. Reported weehl) for the t't asai-in n JterrnttrA by J. P. K raws a. Dealer In Dry Hoods, tiro ernes, Provisions, Ac, Maikrt at., t'lrarfteld. Citttrtstn, April IS, IMS. Applee. wn. l Dried. V fh I Apple butler, agal, 1 Mutter Brans k0 W(ii I Buckwheat 1 Buckwheat lour lb, Reef, dried Beef, fresh 10(. Boards, M 1 00(11,20 Corn. shelled.- 1 Corn, ear Corn meal, yfi tack, 1 Chop. "P ewt. 3 Clovereeed 10 Choree Cherries, lb. Jtl( Chickens, dnJ, lb, Kmca Klaiaead 2 Klour 13 00fivl4 HaT tl OOfiilS lioA, lrscd Mules, green llama, ant-at anHl, Mioufdiri Miles l.ard Mrm pork. y I'M ai Onionl Potatoes. Peaches, dried Plsntvr, V bhl Rv Uses. V lb ... Slt, sa k... .SlmiifU-i, IH in Fliint'l. s, 24 In... TimothT Seed.... Tallow Wheat Wool W 7 55 17 10 , i M 00 CO ;' 2"0 , 1 JJ 14 , 5 HO , 1 3 , 3 60 M, & 00 16 00 3 00 15 2 f0 45 5 00 ! Wood, Y 'rdr..J 00 Philadelphia Grocery Market. PniLADtLPjiti, April 0, 1108. TKil. . - foi-rses. Young TTvaan Rio. eouraon 21 (to 23 Superior. ... 85(31 15 Uoud 2'ljf.i) Hi Kiiia.....! 2Afil 45 , Prima ...Vi(' -i Finest..'.,...) 45(al 75 Cholco...2(l (.0 20) Hraon Uars.old ror.XTiUV 38 Superior....! H(Tul 25 Laruara ..,..5)(oj 20) .1 30(uii io n.i.co.oainoo ia .1 55(0,1 6:Uandelion,pan0 IT It'OARS. .1 201 40'Cruthed IT a 174 .1 5'Hal 05 Coarae, pulr. 17 (u IT .1 70(al 80 Fine....do..,17 (, 17 Gunpowder !A 16 (ill 1 t-uperior....l Z5(o.l 4ii 11 lM((v I 'j I s oi 1 7ti i, extra t :f lev l.i) 1 75(2 00,C t yellow. ..12i(u) 1Ji rnt'ps. , 85(Sil 00 Common 45 (ci SO r u. ........ 1 0i(u,l 15 K air. ....... ..0 67 Finent 1 20(41 35 Hood 18 (id . 74 Japan ;l'rime 78 (4 88 Superior.... SOftI Oj Choice 00 (ii) 5 Fiua.....l 10a,l 15iC'luiic,extraSl 05 Finest. 120(j,lSl . nol.asnas. ICS. O. ch.noe, Oil (i,l 05 Carolina U4 Porto Kioo...67 (at 85 Ea.t India.... (in ll)Ciiba S5 f.'i; 70 Fine., Finest Imperial Superior.. Fins Finest Fine... Finest... Black Huperior., Clement B. IVainwright - - Israel H. Wainwrlght Joseph it. V ainwrlhu WAIN WRIGHT & Co., WHOLESALE GEOCERS AND TEA DEALERS, A. K. Corner Second and Arch etreeU, aprll rUII.ADF.Lriil A, Pa. (Tlothinrt. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. TIIK times art bard ; you'd Ilka to know How yoa aiay ears soar dollars Tbe way to do It I will show. If yoa will read what follows. A man wba lired aot far from bsra, Who worked bard at his trad, But bad hoasebold to support That squandered til k made. I met bin ae. - Says be. "My friend, I look threajl bear and rough l is tried to get soyielf suit. Bat eao't saes op enough." Says I, soy friend, bow muck bars yoa 1 I'll tell yo where to go T get a sntt that's soand and ebsapi I BKIZEN8IEIN Co. ' ' TJt took what liltl bs had asd. And want to Reireovtela k Brothers', Aid there bs got handsom salt. For half k paid to otbvrs. Kow b Is borne, be looks so wall, Aad tbeir affect is sack, That whsa thsy tak their dally msal, Tbey doa't sal half as saaeh. And bow h tnds on Satarday algbt, With all tboir wants supplivd, That be ha money left to nd. And some to lay astd. Bis good saecess, with ohserful smile, lis gladly tells to all. If you'd sa money, go and boy Your elotbes at hEIZEKSTEIN' S CLOTHING II ALL. Wher the cheapest, flssst and belt Clothing and good Famishing Goods can b bad to suit every tut sad ia srery styl aprl I, '67 planing UH. o. r. Hoop, U. L. Reei J. T. W arer.J AOTICL Wm. 1 J. Jot w. w Powell. Jones. Belts. HOOP, WEAVER & CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rTMIE proprietors respectfully inform thacitisens A of Cletrteld county, that they bar entirely refitted this establishment with the latest improved wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all order la their line of cosiness. They will giv especial attention to tb Bnanufao ture of material fur house building, tueh a FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Bn.it KETS v .-rtoi riH.vas, Or A t L (TTLE8. "e always bsre 00 bsnd a large stock of PRY. Lt'MBKR.and will pay rash fur all clear Lumber. On-nd a-half inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or axohsrigcd, to snit customers. .Orders Solicited, and I.umlter furnished on short aotlce and oa reasonable terms. HOor, WEAVER A CO. riearlield. Nor. 7, 1807. SOMETHING NEW! FLOUR AND FEED STORE IWOH.D snnnunM to tti citiwni of CImi field id th tMrrnvmiinr fwiBfrr tht I haw IdmI a FLOl H AM) EKl STORE oa HECO.VD STRKET, Opp.te tb Forrlinf, wbfr I Intrnd to korp onitavntt on hnd full astNtnoieot of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Corn, And all kinds of Feed, which I will retail cheap for eh, or in eichange for MII.NALK5. LCMIIEKMF.N will eon.ult their inlerert by giring me a coll Wli re th".T go elsewhere to pur chase their supptin., as my arrangements are perfect, and am abl u buy Terytiiing ia my line at th lowest market pnee. I.KAXUER IiEXSINO. Clearfield, Jaly 11, 1M7. TIMBER & FARM LANDS FOR SALE! fTMIE auhscrllier offrrs for sale a rorr ealnahle X property, situate in T'nion lownshtp, C lear brld county, ris: TWO TRACTS OF LANK, OnrnsMfsaf nrrr 300 ,trrr$, With gmd improTrment, a In quality of Timber, and Coal ia ahandanor, good Orchard, a 8w.mill (out Dwelling-bnwse. three Barns, A a., tbereoa. The tw tract will bsjtold tngwtbor or aepsrately, t tail purchasers. For particular, apply to tba euHscriher oa tb premises, or address bin br Utter at Rncktna P. O. Jn1 JOHK HREPfLtR. TREAKVRER'aS SALE Of UiiRRatod Lftml8. "VfHTIfR is ticrel.y given tint in pntsnsnre nl sn a.-t ol A'sein lly, psisi-d on the Itih dsy of June, Ai It. I4ft, eiit.tM Aa Art lo amend an Aot directing the amde ol selling unscstcl Innds In t'luartielil eouuly," and the several supplements thereto, there will lie eipost'd to pab. Itc "sic or cutcry. al the Court House, in lit I'orou'h of CIcarArM, on the strrolid Moutlay of June, A. I, iHtiH, ha following tmu of un seated Isnd in siiid oiuiiily, tor the tnxci due and unnnul tlii-rtoo i Itrrrarla. Ac. Ptr H'arrmntM Tax, i8 J., tin Mailer... 127 l 8 Fred k llubley. i VI 1 1'. J 98 John lli sm 71) M 178 47 Jeremiah Mnsber 78 8j ISA 37 T. nilllnKtun, (1SD7) 3H 0 78 80 Michael Musser .ti Ml HID J nines M'.Murtria.. 86 85 80 Tlioma Murgalory.. 2U 8 80 Magnus Miller.. ! 48 410 John llraily 184 82 160 . William llmdy........ 84 3i iVt ' J. t K. lllaiu 2.17 l8 ifi John Witmer I8T 20 ,1411 Jlcnry Winner.. 163 76 181 Willnim Wilson 84 1.14 Jaoob Krug 82 85 104 Juhn Uihsoiu 48 78 219 T.I Robert Wilson. 101 0,1 4.I3 15.1 William Uray 203 28 433 153 John Miller 203 41 V4 111 Jeremiah M usher 44 22 101 118 I'eter tlets. 77 48 310 153 Martin Kauts.. ........ 88 44 i'.rrt l'i5 Jaeob Fauts.. 70 33 328 153 (teorg Mussr 87 (Ml 7 32 Thomas Uilxon 84 84 433 153 David Barton 87 10 4.13 153 John Ferdney 203 41 44 II row n A Fulton 20 84 71 80 John Ketland 8 80 ti 102 farah Uillington.. 380 30 Jacob Krug. William FluuketL... lKtriu John Thuwa H 26 87 188 84 14 08 41 John Thuwa 31 108 " " 45 43 234 78 Joseph Drinker 47 0.1 408 7 " " - 5 87 413 Wm. M'Coruiiok 1 10 OH 440 N'aneT l!..rc 118 04 41' 41 Malcolm M'llonald... 1 14 V8 2V 41 Joho Hjers.. ........... 114 VC 100 Johu Moutgonisry.... 20 8ti H9 80 rtsrbara Pnvdir .11 8rt 131 (leoige lloolman 3D HII 70 llenty Fiance 18 78 427 Jeor(re"Ayors h5 78 427 31 Wuu Troutwiu 85 78 500 John Kean G 4" 288 Joseph Hull 80 12 V5 148 Richard Thomas, '67, 16 70 40 tt'S 100 4i'4 404 404 427 160 AV Itsrbara 8nydor.... Tbuaias r-raitb Juhn Kcphart ltlair M itnaban ... Thomas L. Moore.,. Mary Morris Jonas Kteinbeiser Richard VI'apl.H(....a Hell. A. Per. H'oerirafes. 13 13 54 V4 26 118 81 21 81 21 81 21 71 66 31 12 45 42x8 IHl'O 662 600 6620 600 5764 1000 6618 61 4287 4267 T 124 330 78 5766 S07 113 71 V3 5766 10U0 426 606 42811 804 07 Henry Beck.... 230 00 ....115 00 ....115 00 ;..13 .... 14 03 18 17 .. 4 88 .... SH 82 .... 32 64 .... 20 47 .... 21 6 ...2.iU uii ....116 .18 ....143 7 5 8565 161 lit Jobn Nicholson, 65 54 61104 1000 66 7:8 6V07 8U0 4VI8 65 iH :i8 4.13 !42 82 j 320 217 106 807 .icklinAUnn5lb2 lll 00 .'. 174 14 s40 21 85 216 74 124 64 56 66 Henj. flibhs, Henry Beck.. Mcklinaliriffith!89 76 ' 73 0 56 81 24 38 139 81 253 00 ,. 21 23 .. 21 81 .. 27 .17 it 561 6909 8910 6911 691.1 5915 5921 11)10 6619 101 98 Henry Beck. 42"7 93 97 - ., 5619 119 01 ., 6906 102 .12 MrkllnAflrimth, 2 33 5908 . SI 121 " . - 8 97 5907 99 " 25 88 4-'3t 100 Henry Beck 23 00 llloom 2MI4 400 Hubert k Fox.,.102 40 8579 1020 60 " " ...261 12 3678 81 83 - - ... 20 73 8608 468 111 ...119 81 6959 98 138 Kicklinatlrimtb, 26 09 5V.'6 6926 3 If 6 t 84 150 10 492 308 3612 2U0 3603 1 68 3614 140 124 1991 46 66 1997 264 IS 1998 294 3574 102 34 626 216 6060 674 6877 687 68I 6k .123 331 195 100 218 601 2009 659 1 521 1994 865 21110 U4 35fl 995 200 811 27 256 156 136 27 472 92 83 ' 846 23 VI 75 78 George L. Reed, 12 80 FentonAPpencer, S 56 Levi Cleaver .... 26 88 liavid Irwin.... 72 08 John P. Bale..... 23 0 llrady. Wm.kirkpatrickl03 18 Roberts k Foi... 63 80 - ... 4 20 " ... 17 6 ' ... 11 06 " " . 67 00 " ... 77 72 " ... 41 00 Conrad Long..,. 69 28 Jou'n B.bmiib,4U4til niry Wykoff...S30 09 John Punlap..18l 41 rasper Stiver ... 40 20 Christian Ixiwer,301 17 Robert k Foi....195 25 Christ is Lower ,.11 93 Roberts Fo...217 48 " ...164 II " - ...600 05 " " ...368 50 Ben). Henry 164 87 Casper Sliver 61 47 Casper Stiver,sr,284 AO 01 (leorge PhaScr... 50 11 94 J.M.Miller'shsirs,42 Kn . Itaum. M (isiry... RolierU k Foi.. 64 108 60 1997 68 1998 250 Bradford. At, Per, H'orroatcs, .124 Hugh F.ly. IU2 35 John Campbell 169 II all k Huok 2 .0 Blair .M Lanahan ., 4 7 17 I'olly M l.anahan.. 1U9 46 3t 225 ua 64 60 50 65 5 176 63 All 26 80 18 09 6. 4)0 42 76 2" is 20 99 49 59 67 65 35 90 5ft 7 92 7 2 19 80 12 67 13 2u 1.1 111 22 44 22 44 4 20 Andrew l'ettil Matthias Hlavmnker.. Matthew Forcee James Iluncan. N'chrmiah Means. I'avid Means. .......... Iiaairl Uraliam Horatio U Hall Wm. (Irahatn, Jr. Joha Hanna. Jobn Vanghn.. Iluriiside. At. Ptr, H'armaree. 303 John Jones, 137 60 3113 Jamas Chapman 117 60 294 llrnj.Tra-n.il 1.16 60 311 Townscnd Spaekmao 2n2 15 2S8 Reliecca Brown. IM 70 III Christian Stake. 4.130 164 Leonard Hollia....... .19 00 293 Joba Burch 133.18 15 John Cnwimings ...... t 15 t'hrat. 100 151 Joha BoTd.. . 48 44 313 15 Joshua Havnes ...146 00 4.13 163 Thomas Hamilton.... 2fl0 91 298 153 W illiam Wilson 156 27 258 Jams Rosa. 1171 411 15.1 Johu Cunningham ...160 60 413 163 Joha Cook. 150 80 413 153 Joseph Kwing 150 811 413 151 William Cook ...156 60 10 I'avid l alhcart. 19 6 4.1.1 15 Alriaader Hunter.... K'O 46 37 257 86 271 411 1.14 Fete-r II ore- 1 10 K5 Hush BsrtlrT.... Jivsepa l'ik tleorge Page.. Henry Psge Jsmes N'obl 4.13 161 J. .ha Muss-r 190 164 Christian Rohrer Miller si- ChtisL... .. 74 66 .. 15 52 ... 78 65 .. TI 66 .. 67 67 ..200 91 .. 88 16 118 78 in ;i Mrhsffeyl Mitchell.. 46 4 Matthias Slnngb ......100 46 Oeorge Ross 4! 69 John Hrenneman, 29 00 Jacob 41 Henry It ret h 16 80 PamnrI Jackson.. ... 1 1 46 Crlngton. Km. At. ee. Marrnwfea. Tmr. 1691 814 71 Moms Stewart 90 14 1891 43 4? - 66 89 64 7 M si tt 144 uj 1 7 1X97 I ! 8.77 1'0 (nil IiiO Morris 4 Stewart 81 1 " 111 Oeorre Mead 1 56 I" Juhn Unci.. II 11 II. llms-ell. ....... 86 40 Itcrsliir. At Ptr, H'arenwres, .1li Thomas P Cinjn ?6 86 24 Thoinss Fdmundson, 12 67 87 06 Joseph hansom .15 62 801 15 Thomas Uilllligton...4 86 I nO Thomas Sli warlon. 62 40 2ll Mary M Unahan .,..105 64 4U4 Ann M l.anahan 105 84 lull Slary M . Thompson, 62 4 200 Msrv M Lanshan 104 K0 1 Ion tjn Roberts 4 "t, I m. ..u .a o . - .1 fs Alwl t Ttnia .. !" I D ill,rlmlllink,?(l in 8k93 II "II 60 llotm-ta k FnS.,257 63 81 137 Joseph Mhiteli.ll , Jscoli Downing.. Jnscph bansoiu,.., 49 William Haasom.i 11 M illisin Kvans ... Nancy Fsulcy ... ,. 41 03 ,. 66 60 . 10 46 .. :t9 82 ..12 It .. 2d 20 ;i.tJ 147 Thomas Kdmutidso,l74 64 John Hrinker Casper liainos Uilliert X'nught.... Joseph llarrmou.. 90 2il4 2SI 195 198 60 " " 63 1.16 Joseph Whltehsll. ... 47 16 ...104 Hit ...11; 24 ..102 16 ..103 74 ... 26 21 ... 48 50 ..104 6 ... 65 00 ..104 80 ... 8 90 loo Jonathan Mesbit. 125 Anram John Uuss 200 Snmuul M'Clarreu. 17 Joseph Ssnsoin..., 94 . David Stewart 14 68 Kerguauii. 2.13 159 John Uainbright. 60 Mslthias Slough 8 " , 4.13 163 OenrgRns. 74 60 100 24 64 1110 1110 ,109 So. 4272 4200 4168 4IK8 4IM 42"0 41 81 4188 4168 Lewis Jordan Hiram I'assmore . Abraham Ogden Henry Swanu Renjamin Hartshorn John Uainbright Adam Rcigart 73 Jobn lioughton. Fox. At. Per. H'ocewnte. 89 86 12 00 1 2 103 91 20 44 11 09 24 40 ' OS 6' 9 T Ii4 64 II" l I .l 8o rar. trS K"0 fl J 'ba NIrhelsn 74 6 36l'l 36U6 .'.; 3.16 17 1 " " II 8 -9 161 " " I7I46 7 t " " H5 45 Hod 109 ' , " I2 l; 3594 ll'l't! 64 " 181 66 3 .97 68 35 " 1J4 31 3607 6i 65 " " 173 02 tSfl Itll'O 84 " " I5T 66 J58A 1026 64 o " la? 65 3604 68 136 126 14 501,8 297 William Powers 69 99 4193 927 17 Janus W ilion...2l4 01 4266 688115 , " .. .2114 II 4254 827 28 " ' ...2.14 II 679 1041 61 Moore Irlaiiy473 19 1.1 III John llunlai 91 f.u 600 Hit lloisd Lowe,ll 60 JVo. At. Per. M'orro.tsc. Rernold's suh-dir. 7 43 l of j. Nicholson.... 2 7 I 5tJ ;t4 '5;; 5 : tjrl 4V.M 6fJT !9?6 I If. 9 6',8 6931 6141 ' 6H84 " :'n64 " l0 Jsmes Wllsoi., 957 5 69 91 6 li 6 HI ! 43 67 48 410 11 Ji.ha Klrboln 6 XI 11 80 13 106 109 4 6 16 110 ( 95 153 8 90 104 I 105 11 91 I 95 43 11 93 144 14 91 141 1 140 10 Ac. rer. Jordan. T4'arrn(M, .... 04 ..3l 6 .... 1 20 I 78 ....83 33 ....18 80 ....17 27 ....SI 8.1 .....27 57 .2S 67 ....28 28 ....27 79 30 30 I ,.i 224 Rccb'd I'er. 84 46 ,T ll 4.'!3 153 l'etar Kuhn, I4A OS 3D 40 ')' Kicharii l'etr, 77 64 so 40 24 00 74 10 426 8;t 140 250 495 660 9U0 200 ; 360 For 1S64-05, 4271 496 9.;7 947 20 800 29 372 16 2I 75 100 Jas. Wilson..... 71 40 4238 l..:i4 1535 4212 4:i99 4140 4JV8 " west) 18 49 pt. 1.1 62 " N. t. 41 91 " west i 41 4 " 73 92 110 H8 enst 6 40 " niidd. 49 116 45 82 W.pt. 82 76 - 262 61 1911 I9:t8 19.14 3618 3647 6"23 1924 IK90 .1647 I6'.0 HI 19 5.162 5.176 IIU4 5153 1100 5357 1100 1V25 346 ' 104 77 - 80 ' ies oo " 6.1 44 - ; . .. . J i ' - " ' 24 64 ' " 12 52 EvandorHide... 25 2tt Lane k Hyde... 18 40 lsanl Ktngliury lialllnwn lot, 25 00 J.S. Ilvdr, Balltown lot, 8 40 llvdcliidwelltCo HaleU lot..... 13 69 Firmin lot.... 23 97 Uiles lot II 20 440 100 18 00 Clrard. 201 108 MorrisAtitwart23 95 M ' 90 16 '61 107 6 428 12 63 12 318 - " 75 17 168 "12 74 14 " " 2-16 IH ' - " 47 I 511 10 - - 6 94 154 120 " " 1 54 94 19 - " I 36 J3 32 George Mead... 94 16 - - ...128 " .129 80 " ...129 80 82 MorrisAStewart40 71 164 j 798 1926 19.17 1684 3648 1929 1894 18X8 1917 3664 187 I9I I92S 3 153 123 127 115 IM 64 83 167 378 14 lo 4i 6 105 16 43 14 61 2 79 33 18 1 93 II 07 44 AO 40 83 11 61 63 81 90 12 39 5314 76 5.115 1000 5.116 1004 1949 117 30lf 104 104 4.18 JiS 104 151 5315 6315 lull WIS 1913 1921 6314 1213 5376 MHO 6.127 1118 It 32 1104 63.14 1140 1911 10 Ae. Per, 297 199 146 103 109 346 a 104 41 10 IR Goshen. Ueorg Uemd...l!4 45 " ...13 75 " ' " ...161 75 MnrrM Stewart I 5 Wm. Mapea..., T6 ft Ueorge Mead... 39 .10 " ... 39 SO Morris Stewart 57 37 " O0 S3 - - 16 10 " 15 19 17 (leorre Mead. ..817 81 " " ...In 10 I'.'l 69 288 10 " ...2(-8 20 Morris! Stewart 1 10 Craham. rl'aernare. Thomas P. Cope 134 96 Joha Skyron 87 76 T.Cop ..... 41 83 Jamas Milligaa JO 17 Ueorg Moore.H..... 48 07 Joseph Simons...... .118 96 Joseph Henry 70 47 Chtrlrs Hall 36 75 C. J. AllporL. 18 09 Robert Shaw. 68 80 Jobn Donalsoa 3 78 M 144 Bryant l Schoonoror 14 16 i.auc. 112, Joka Witmer... 44 14 145 48 Ueorg Baker ...119 97 94 Benjamin Wilson..... .16 87 48 114 Ueorg Moor 16 66 314 9 " ' 137 17 134 Philip Glnninger 617 168 Joha M Cshrn 41.) 153 Edward Hand , 35 49 Kmanuel HeigarU... Iu8 Ueorge Moor.... 260 John M Calico 96 Joha Lampblack 106 John W itinrr 54 Benjamin Wilson... 119 111 Christian Stake. Ittl 121 Malthia Young 4.13 161 Christian Hayes .. 433 163 Ueorge Musser 21? 48 Thomas Ya.ller.... 11 lianicl Offlry 115 76 Ueorge Balier, jr.. 416 146 Timothy I'situn.. 413 15.1 John ilurge 116 153 John Mussor.. 436 146 Joseph A.l.lirigbt 17 1 34 llilttnll. .V. At. Pmr. R'arruatcs. 8575 961 Roberts k Fo, 3.15 71 81 09 V9 56 81 80 14 76 lul 18 38 51 39 10 .. 6.1 . 46 78 . 755 .170 3 ..170 30 .. n 15 .. 61 63 ,. 84 611 .171 84 .170 80 .. 84 66 40 44 35S.1 lu20 80 3601 60 1606 1049 12 .1606 IU20 69 8.5lt 1020 IUK6 4K6 1991 406 3596 102 2"4 15 573 1041 6674 1041 6673 1041 5066 990 87 9V9 999 994 660 67 360 67 370 86 .160 57 .160 57 144 22 144 12 360 57 .. 770 J. (1. Kidder. Il.rid Caldwell, 66 96 Moore 41 lelanv368 41 " 368 04 - 366 44 Wm. Powers...3t 96 " " .110 07 Jam Wilson. ..225 02 " " ...225 02 " ...225 02 .147 17 Moor rrlanyltl5 14 994 James Wilson. ..148 S 410 WilhrlmWillinkl4M7 96 James Wilsoa...246 M '.' " " ...2t 9 966 113 " " ...14.1 71 607 ' " ...128 0 49 ...ijj 74 744 - ...IK6 68 114 Wiih.lmWilliok 15 44 494 ' " 149 99 66 1191 119 " 36 89 994 William rowrs.14 96 V94 849 9 8.18 Jama Wilson. ..161 09 626 " " ...1.1161 931 " ...113 10 III Willim Powers? It 83 81 " " 145 43 :'4 " 199 97 371 K. Shoemaker...! 13 64 K'l M - ... 30 60 196 William Power, 4n II 150 Jsmes Wilson... 63 14 60 " " ...126 15 ...124 48 57104l 60 Moor BelanTldl 6671 1041 66 Moor k Ielanyl61 671 H7 17 " 67 66 469 o HsmmondtJoneiH 1ft 67 647 61 Moor, k lxlaay,8t 61 5067 423 4264 4109 5671 4261 49I1 4215 4276 432 4214 42.16 4225 469 4 "6 4901 4897 60r. 5069 4111 41,14 4004 6061 6064 6065 5063 4126 42:i6 4266 1677 1st 61 66-1 1041 II 6671 847 17 67 ' 6677 606 11 11 157 106 14 161 80 161 64 4!3 153 Fred'k. Be.ies, 111 14(1 4.T5 153 2K3 6 IJ Jobrrts k TV- 'I 14 134 1 Adum Kuhn, 34 34 KIipii Ilrenham, S2 OS Adam Kuhn, 35 22 Thomas Martin, 14) OS Hotjerl Martin, 103 20 111 135 Philip Lour.t, 33 85 70 Wm. Johnston, 20 04 I'M) Jonathan Jonri. C4 HO 100 Kicbard Vrtin, 31 (Ml 433 1.13 Jno.Dunwoodie.132 00 Knot. ' 1 - 437 49 Rnben Hsyne 158 63 416 60 Lab Morris. 157 92 433 153 Joseph Il lliard 157 18 433 153 Robert Uray 157 18 429 41 John Br)nghurt.....166 78 4.13 151 Sarah Ward.. 167 It 433 163 Ueorge F.ddy 157 18 413 163 Moor Wtiarto 157 18 213 168 Ueorg A'hton....... 84 69 4.13 163 William Hunter 144 77 333 Joba Horsey 39 06 433 1SS Hen). Poaltaey 157 18 433 163 Israel Morris 157 18 433 153 Martin Pierc ...157 18 71 Tlaynas Jordan ti 76 25 UrTrg Foi I I 433 Isabella Jordaa 157 18 10 Henry Trout.. 330 4.13 I5J Caleb Foulk.. 157 16 193 Ueorg Weseott 106 87 173 153 Robert Whartoa..... 81 43 163 Ueorg Seaff. 167 18 226 John Boyd 81 67 1 t Susanna Ward.. 8 67 155 U. 4 M. M'Cormick. 41 65 75 Pater Whitesid 84 84 104 Joha Dorsey. Ill karthau. Xn. At, Ptr. Warrant. 14.10 341 William Smith. ..149 83 1093 79 Charlet Willink 66 1023 88 1093 151 13 1095 124 103 IH96 865 197 4.1 111 345 63 61 3466 1.9 111 1095 97 128 1095 121 1097 104 100 1097 84 1093 75 3463 3476 48 III 1665 .100 1686 604 1097 1096 1 097 16 1097 1096 54 6779 5776 5776 5778 Mekltt silriffiib I S. Hlo6r.' 6 64 Nlrklitistlriftih 16 II " "1 13 Joha P.llovt ... lo Thomas Jordaa 86 66 Thomas Msg. 16 62 ti.org. James... 16 48 It. k W. M Naul II 71 7.. Ilailrr 6 05 I.. M'Naul 33 67 Thomas Mags. 19 18 Rachel h raises 14 40 Joho Nieholsoa 18 1 45 0.1 67 96 76 7 In in 18 145 64 1.15 2 HI 111 464 124 linl 87 364 " " 476 60 " I'n Ion. 8603 909 161 Roberts k Fsi 3599 6(1 66 " " ,5i.mUrart flnuarf, Cte. nr ALIAS IS) .1581 79 I9H.I 40 1992 4116 1990 183 2003 693 1990 1.14 Ion 17 21106 196 8596 929 314 199 2006 2x6 S i87 854 3588 970 3587 858 8648 880 10 91 167 14 114 61 60 60 164 83 164 83 78 93 179 97 80 60 71 10 69 89 884 91 124 60 115 14 131 60 891 68 161 60 115 14 Woodward. Ae. Ptr. Warrantre. 433 m John Vaught, 235 54 450 1,'iW John Walk, IMS 07 433 153 Jobn Uoll. 235 54 HMj William Wilson 64 4(1 412 41 John Cannon, 178 II) 420 120 lleury Driuker,171 3fi 240 Wm. Drinker, 87 92 433 153 Israel Whreler, 103 lb 72 Wl M 4 16 32 122 40 208 Samite' Ktnlnn, 215 5 ThoTis Neil, 00 Kly Hoolman, 300 MaryJCeil. . I'M Jienj. Johnttotl, 4 HO 418 Hrpirtv, 170 54 125 "' John M'Cahon,'' 3s 21 57 143 Mary Connelly, 10 44 UN) Itolanrl Kvns, 540 334 42 PigotShw, IR! 70 216 Hetasdan (irair, 117 50 4.1H 73 Tho.Edmonson23ri 27 121 Kly Hoolman. 4'J 36 163 Mary bandwak, 3s 90 433 153 l'hilip Lou.t, . 176 06 4.13 153 .Ism.l) It.lloell,176 C6 433 153 Wm. Johnston, 176 66 1"0 63 Cteo. Beokhatn 40 SO Charles Might, 134 S2 Dnniel Turner, 128 82 l'oler Louder, 09 36 Charlet Lender, C. ItickeW, ' ' 24S 237 170 VI 21H 40 1H9 1C0 e.i 150 100 162 861 s I 26 64 It 60 ' 11 63 15 81 106 II 64 49 t 1 3136 11 13 15 14 " - II 64 I - 1184 "1111 J " (I 49 J. R. M'Cloky 1! $0 Wm. Michaels... 37 60 0. M Hertlin... 76 40 B. I). Hall.. 37 60 Ch.rles Wllliuk ,; - S74 : : m William Wuler, Isaau Wilson, Henry Shatter, (loorge Ashton, John Losr, 19C Go, " " ' 30 John M'Lithnn f6 II WM. K. WBHiLKY, March 16, 1888 8t) Traasurer. C4 76 5196 2 72 9 52 44 SH 34fiO It 56 34 00 34 00 T 3466 3467 111 83 89 13 108 W. F.A.Pchaarr k Co.156 15 Panlel Totbars.. 36 II Mary Krrsns-... 15 99 T. k J.Wbiu.... 11 II - " .... JI Thoms Myers, jj ,4 133 Christian Brown 41 51 49 IL M'Oonagsl... 94 Law renre. Ao. Ae. Ptr, Warrmnltt. 6312 1104 Oeorgs Mad.10l 13 1991 IS 80 Rob,rU '"f' I I 82 west pi., ) 1996 38 19 east pL. f 62 221 Hugh Jordaa... 27 61 411 Joha Read 61 3 61 114 Rudolub Liu... 64 94 a 186 74 ;: 4 it 41 41 6293 726 629 1167 47 6297 1213 69 629 483 6291 1100 168 178 2.0 137 4 RoUrt Mitchell 36 16 Jas. Aleiaader. 4 60 W.Montgomery TI 15 J.M.Macamber 18 5 L. on ards Harts. horn 13 6 J.Trwin.of Joba 1 1 J. B. M' Really. 1 16 Jas. B.Shaw.... 14 15 Qorg M.sd... 90 76 ...145 8 Ae. rer. 402 2t Hi 327 t-i . . v 421 161 61 161 81 1.13 48 Kills TrwInsSo 13 76 83 08 - 46 4 34 15 KrtisrtBrrtt 1 15 Morris. M'tirrtintre, Oeorgs) Wetiel, 07 2H Willmm WerU, 49 S4 Chriliq erl 79 13 aid I.tiph. 90 27 Jesse Y nrnal, 0 M7 49 423 3(8) 34 122 1H.1 400 433 153 40 r5 Jcciih Turner, 106 48 440 109 106 48 340 20 " " S2 28 Ceo. ITabecVer, 102 37 I'eter Y arnell, 72 60 John Head, 8 22 Patrick Hays. 29 52 Knincia Johnson 33 27 rotor Swarli, 96 HO Thomas Morris. 104 79 4.13 153 William Morris, 104 79 4.13 153 Saml Meredith, 104 79 433 153 Williim Miller, 104 79 413 153 Ileity Muni. I0479 433 153 T. Ftlstmmona, 10179 433 153 (ieorg Clytner, 104 79 433 153 KoUrl Gray. 1(14 79 433 153 Patrick Moore, 104 79 433 153 Mary Morris. 104 79 433 153 Magnus Miller, M4 79 4 13 153 Nalhio Frazer. I114 79 433 153 Clem blocker, 104 79 433 153 John Vaughn, 418 loj Jin a. fteattit. 104 79 104 79 51 44 72 12 35 41 24 20 90 122 William Morria. 21 78 170 298 105 liM) H. M'l.snahan, Wm. Blesrart, Jame Wilson. 90 Kolietl Morri. 407 139 RirhM UHmilh, 73 HI 100 Isaao Karlow, 24 20 100 19 Patrick Hava, 24 24 125 George Oat, 15 14 112 llymanGratt, 20 32 207 40 Conrad Srt, 6,5 (S.I 19 17 John GrafT. 4 59 137 N. Ilei.l.noor, 24 93 4S1 95 Rolrt Carson, 117 12 117 N. JHdenoar. 25 375 Mat ;ia Slough 90 75 25 llenty lrinker, 6 05 400 Frd k. Ilubloy, 96 HO 35 Matthias Slough R 47 liK) William Higler. 12 10 222 Simon 8wrti, 40 30 96 Joseph roller, 17 42 136 Francis Johnton 24 68 50 Jo. Nieholeon, 09 62 " " 11 23 Penn .Vo. As. Tee. R'arnrate. 6,61 41 14 Joka nieholsoa .l.'i 65 168 Ureenwood Bell. 43 6 5961 61 Flijsk Heath 16 37 15 Mcklia Orifttk 19 77 341 167 27 81 1FKH'1I-:H1 HA I.I". IK REAL ESTATE, returned by the several Collertors to the County Commissioners, fur taxes duo and unpaid for th year 186 and preri. Otis years, ia pursuance of the act of Assembly la loch eases ma.le and provided; to be sold at public sale, at the Court House, in tn bomupb of Clear eld, eo Moadoy, th 8th day ef June next, vis: Arns. Bcrrarla. Tai. 100 Bye-a, li A f 13 50 156 Fran. Wm 17 55 42 Gill, Jame q 6 67 H2 Ktherman 8 93 - Mutershatigh, Beni 13 02 50 McCoy-, :enni jr 4 95 304 rhinix Lumber 00,27 36 300 Wesion. Tbutuu . 37 13 70 Hagorly, Wtn 12 60 Acres. Ilell. Tat. Moch'.ley 4 I'snlall $6 75 11 25 8 01 5 60 Tx. 90 6 72 Tai 75 75 do do Ht) f list-ley, Jscob 60 lirlckloy. Kill Acres. Jlloom 12 Nffllv, Snrouel 112 Kodgera. 1) Aires. IVier. HouseAlol.ilk-.AmaJ7 27 Acre. llradlbrd. Tax. 2 Uoderootler. Ueory$3 38 Acre. llrady. Tai. 36 Adam, Jame ti IS 10 SO Ilium, Edward 38 00 50 Hums. Klyb, 18G6, 6 75 115 beti. Georgo 60 46 55 father., KS A J 20 12 323 Caiher. Hubert 8 135 1.5 20 Geluet, Samuel 7 50 20 Ginler, John, 186P 5 63 100 Hoofer. Peter,lS06 12 92 47 Hippie Edward 14 10 740 Kramer, Geo AC 142 13 100 J-inilh, Jaraea 2 50 60 Smith, Jame 11 25 141 Hand. Joseph 28 19 Acres. Ilurnalde. Tsx. 178 Gallaher, Jasl860 $C4 03 llo ff-lul Grossnichle, J 7 13 Kipg.Jnosr est. '66 11 37 Mcfune.Sam'l 1860 5 00 10 13 5 63 Tax. J4 68 T. 100 50 100 Netr. John W 60 lUiuey, I N Acres. Cheat. 52 l1rnnmn,J I860 Acres. Covliiirtoiu 550 F.iltnoneiou, Elt $41 25 3 hot.AloU Jlegarly.r'OO 11 4a 60 Mary, Weaver 1806 9 36 Isrratnr. 100 Miller. K 1806 16 38 12 liohison. J do 5 63 10 White, G do 4 50 100 Keihtrl.F. do 15 7i Acres. l'"erg;uiioB Tax. 50 Curry, Wm I860 $1 50 150 Ferg uson, J II do 16 S8 Ho A lot TohiiM, S do 0 03 Ji0 White, 1'aul do 18 00 Acres. ;lrard. Tax. 124 Leisey,FrHnai,est(13 95 50 Lon.tr Thntna 7 50 Acre. t.oalicn. Tax, i((4 Flepal.hliM'ihlSGGfU Wl 1(H) Green, Nealy do 9 (HI 1(H) Oourley, Ja do 38 00 do do do 1065 23 40 279 Coon. Jobn do 26 28 70 Selfridge, Geo do 8 78 2 Shaw.Wm L, H-gal A oilier. lf65, 1 47 Acres. firaham. Tsx. 150 Jones, Kdward J26 57 Acres. (iullrh. Tax. Ho A lot ryert.Kol I860 $3 38 125 llenilersoo, Kohl 14 !0 100 Niltng, Caroline 7 50 338 Haslet, TinnerA Co 76 05 Acres. Jurdan. Tsx. House Alol Hn, Mnry fl 35 Acres. karthau. Tax. 25 Conoway, Geo jr 'GC $3 38 10 ayne.Iaridetdo3 60 25 llarung. Jnnest do 3 38 130 Long, And't'66-67,25 13 Acre. Knoi. Tx. 97 Chaao, J M I860 f6 21 2 Ierh, Ja do 75 275 l'allnn, Jno do 15 75 Arras. Lawrence. Tax. 13 Wood, r A DIS6G fl 35 Acres. 1 umber fit) bur. Tax. 2 lot Grav, U W fl 88 Acres. Morrl. Tax. ItHI Lur. James IStX f9 161 50 Smith, Win B do 5 63 70 Kbubart. Geo do 6 30 Acres. Venn. Tax. 12 Flrrin, Joho I860 DM 28 Holland, Jo da 3 78 28 Smith, H dil do 2 70 Acres. Pike. Tlx. 430 CUrr A Hall, 1866 f 16 80 Acre. I nln. Tsx. 60 Denning. Lenderf20 4t) HI Horn. W01 L 4 53 Acre. WoodTtarrl. Tax. 2(81 Whitesi.U, 1866 fl5 42 WM. K. WRIOI FT, Tres'rs. If ,1 11 DWAnE, Im, MnButmrtutir n( . Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CI. T.A R F1KLD, t'A. glvATW: SKATES !! SKATES!!! Lady't and f)ntlmn' for sals by MF.IIHKI.L A BI0LER. gLEIGH J5ELLS ! X GKXEKAL Asaortatnt en bsnd and for nU 1 MEKKKLI. A HIOLKR. Y LOT 0R.SA1)DLES, BRIDLES, Hsrosss, Collars, sir., for ssle by . MEUUELL A I5I0LER. pAUlEU'S l'TrExFUALOAD- log Hsy Forks, for ssls by MERRELL A B1GLER, (TiHiraticiut. Clearfield Academy. Kr. P, L. 11ABBIR0N. A Priscipat Tilt a D F6iiMef Ik y.ss.wt .k. sat yearof this 1ntttuli?t ille ,ins on MUNIIAV.rhs I7tb.e "I F.rraary, HM . P. ll on enteral snr time. Ihsy will O charred with tuition (mm tb till they ntr t 1 ths elos of th essinn, I Th soars ef inetruvtiea embrace vtry Ihirg Included In thorough, praetirsl and aevuM- plisb.d education tor both sexes, Tb Frtncipal. l,Ting bad lb advantage "f much Xirtoc. in bis profession, "urrs fa reats and guard sns thst his entire ahum ami nergles will h deroSrd f the moral and taeii Ul training of the youih placed under his t barg. TI.HMW lic 1 I'l l lll. Orlhogrspby, Besding, Writing, and Primary Arithmetic, per 8es,iua (It weeks; . ti 99 Grammar, Gogrphy, Arithmelit, aud History I 80 Algehr. Geometry, Trignnousetry, Men suration. Purreyiag, Fhlloaowhy, Phvst. olorv. Chemistry, Hook Keeping, Botany and Physical Geography . 8 Latin, Grreh ard French, with any of th aboe llranebs . - $11 gt4r-No deducrioa will b made for abseae. 4F fcr further particulars Inqnlr of Her. F. I.. IMKKI80N. A M., Cle.r6.ld, C.b. , 1668 tf. Priaeipal. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kails, tc., for ssls by " MERRELL A.BI0LER. JJAILNESS TRIM MINGS 4 SHOE Findings, for sals by MERRELL A BIGLER. Q.UN3, PISTOLS, S W OltD CA ES for sal by , ' MEKRELL A BIGLER. LOGAN ACADEMY. A High Fehool for Boy,, st BKI.L'8 MIT.L, en tb Csnwsvrrseia Csntral Railvoad. Next term begin April 90th. 8end for a circu lar. Address H H KDLT'iN, Friocipal. febln 1m AnUstnwn. Blair counts. Pa. CTOVES, OF ALL SOliTS AND 0 .?.iVV- , i-HOi. , . run, fur al by ; f MERRELL A BIG1ER. JRON 1 IRON 1 ' I RON J I RON ! Fur al by MERRELL A BIGLER. Kails, for al ky MERRELL A BIGLER. PULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES - . 1 ' ' V- ' I A ' And best manuTseturs, for aal by MERRELL A BIGLER. MUMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE j Boxes, for sals by , MERRELL A BIGLER. J70DDER CUTTERS for elo by , . ; MERRELL A BIGLE1L SAWS! SAWSJ SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN 1 .f lEroLt'THKr j.r s.tirs: EMERSON'S PATENT PERFORARATED t - 1 , 1 Cross-Cut, Circular ana Long Saws. (ALL GCMMIJtO AV0IDEU.) ., AtSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spr.sdlog, Sharpeaing, and Fbsping th ' Ttk of all Eplitting Ssws. f,8end for a Dsscrlptir Circular and Prie List. MEKRELL a BIGLER, Jao9.tr) OausraJ Aganta Clarlld, Pa. a. a. rusoAU. ....... . St. L. SAVOt FLEGAL & GANOE, STOVE kD HOLLOW-WARE STORE, AND MASfFACTt'RFR OF Tin, Copper &. Sheet Iron Ware, PbllipsBurg, Ceulre co Psu. rpiIK nsw 8rm of Flegal at Osno would r -L spectfully acaounc to tbsir frieads aad tb public generally, that tbey bar oa band a earcfully-sel.cted aad well assorted stock ef Store. Their variety eoasist of ' 7IIE CELEBRATED 1R0XSIPES, ' Which bir esver failed to glvs perfect satitfee tloa to th most fastidious of its purchaser, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Tj light. Spurs' Anil Dust, Niagara, Charm, Herald, e., with vry variety of tb bsst Pittsburg Manufactur. To.Th Tin and Sheet Iron wsr. glv.a with tb Flore ti Bad f th kesv'cst and bsst material, and warral.d lo gi p.rfect satis, faction. Thsir stock of PARLOR AKDIIEATINO STOVES I Isrger, b-tter and cheaper than rer befor ihibited to tb public. Thay defy rompstttloa either in Tarlely, auality of price. Tbey ar also prepsred lo fnrnlsh a complete assortmsnt of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and . . .. . Willow Ware, Whole sal ar retail, manufactured aeatty and with th sols view to Mrric, from th bast ma terial ia th msrksU PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, A COPrER, BRASS AND IRON KETTLES, Of every drscrlptloa eonstanlly oa band. LlfiUTXIXQ l'.ObS, Supsrior point, put up oa short aotlo. Th Poiot they offer lo the pabli li lb an as Is aow'used by ths Pennsylvania Railroad Co, aa their buildings. ORDERS FUR SrOUTINO, ROOFISO, And other work belonging to thsir business trill be promptly tiled by experienced and skillful frkmea. BRASS, CX)rrER AND OLD METTLE Taken 1 sxebsng for goods, tr-They sprl:iy lnrlu th atteatlna ef Merchants wishing to pure has. at wholesale, as thsy will Ind It t their advantage to iamln tlslr stock b.for purchasing slsswhsr. FLEOAL a OAS0K. Phlllpsbnrg, Jaly 11, 187. . 1) VX the nKMOCRATIC ALMANAC. 01. ?'en's. Krery tutsf sbetiid bar oae. f. TEST oTViEl ' roa SPRING & SUMMER Jon reeeivW tt lh Stort of Mrs. U. D. WELSH 4 Co., ' Dealer ia FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY, NOTIONS, TOTS, aad MUSICAL IXSTR U2TEXTS. Silk and relrst BONNETS aad for....l Straw BONNETS mad for TJ AH kinds of HATS lor. (t Materials fornished on a rcaaonabl term a they can b bad in tb. county. Next door to First National Bank, ' no7-tfJ CLEARFIELD, Pa. 628 HOOPSKIRJS. 628 Wm. T. Hopklii' "Own Make" ct "Kay , atone Skirts" . Ar tb best and (brf et Low Piiredlloop Skirt ia tb msrkst. Trail Fklrls, li springs, fl.: IU springs. l JO aad sprinas, tL4l. Flaia Skirts, ( trpes, 1 si rings, 80 Cents: 21 springs, ti Csnt i 90 springs, II 15 j Si springs, $!.&. Wrranted In vry respeu Our 0N Make" of 'LK10.1 SKIRTS," Eleven Tap Trails, from 10 to 60 springs, 1 1 SO te piia, Tapes, IS to 60 springs, from Vi Cent to t3.u0. Ike Skirt ar bsltsr thae thos sold by othsr stblisbmsnt as Irsl class goods, and at much lowr price. "OurOVV!! Mak"f CHAMPION SEIRTS" r In every way superior lo alt other Hoop Skirts bfor th publio, nd only bar to b eiaminrd or worn to convince very on of tb fact. Manufactured ef th best litxn tnisk.d Knglisk Steel Springs, very supsrior tapes, and the tyl of tb aietalie fastenings and manner of securing them eurpss for durability aad ax csllenos coy ether ektrt la this country, tad ar lighur, mor elstie, will wear longer, gir mor satisfarHoa. and ar really cheaper thaa all others. Every ldy should try tbem. Tbey . arc being aold axtennrsly by Ueicbsni lb rough -ool this nd ths adjoining Sutos at vry rood rat price. If yoa want b bst, p.v "Hopkio'a Cbampio Skirt" If you do not fled them, get th uerebsnt with whom you deal to order tl era for vou, or eom or send direct tu us. Merchant will find our different grade of Skirt txactly what they need, and w sipeoially iatrita thm to call and examine our extensive assort Kent or send for Wholesale Fries List. To be bad at Retsil at Manufactory, and of lb Rsuil Trad generally, and at Whe)esl of tb Maoufaetunr only, to whom all order sboald be addressed. Meuufsctory and flslesroom, 28 Arch (treat, be'ween (tb and 7lk Mreets. Philsdetphl March II lia WM. T. HOPKINS. DRESS-MAKING. , ' SPKC'IAI. KHrit "F .PARIftTA.N DRItPS AND CLOAK MAR IN(1 Usilirt csn bar thtr Dres, Suit, Coat a, aad Basqaines baad omly mad and trimmed, at the abortest no. tire, at th old established stand, 101 Chsslnut street, Philadelphia. Fancy aad plaia Fan a, Mantilla Oraeauats, Press aud Cloak Buttons, Kibboos, Cluny aad Oulpnr Laces, Rugl and (limp Dress Trim mings, with a large variety of Staple and Fancy Goods.frocn Is to 0 per ecat. leas than lswkr. Also, receiving daily. Pari Itshions ia lissu psper, for Ladies' snd Children's Dresses. Seta ef Psttcras for Merchant and ttress maker aw ready, at Mr. M. A. BINDKR 8, jy ly 1011 Cbcsttiul at., Pbilsdelpbla. sTiILimnrsfiaAW goods, No. Ill Arck St, abov Second, miLADELrUIA, PENN'a'. . flHS subscriber Is now prepared lo offer tn bit X customers an I th trad generally, a large and well selected stock ef ftraw and 'kiillmsry Goods, PATTFHN 1I0S.NETS, Flowers, Rio. bons. Boanel Frames, Ac, A. N.' It . All orders will rccelre careful aad prompt attrntioa. WM. kRl'SF.N, marl tia 118 Arck (trait, I'blltdelpbla. ' 18G8,PnaPC,.r..1868 EYRE & LAN DELL, Fourth and Arch Street, rlllLADELrillA. TEXN'A. New Soring Silks. Novelties In Dress Ooodi. New Styl Shawls. Steel and Pearl poplins. R. k U always keep th best 11I.ACK SILKS. N. B Net Ctsh Itoyers will Ind It to thsir interest to roll, a liargains from Auction ar dally received. msrlO Jm IMPORTANT I Farmer, Look tn Your Inlereatatara Money H hen Voa l au. CORN 1 CORN t CORN l CORH ! THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAY. CALL and ae Fiegal k Osnos's grsal labor saving and tnost perfect snd even ron.r- ii,.f .vrjL'w. tntlr nsw machins, just patented. With tbla planter on person en do as much work as two on th old plan. Save corn and plant moek mor accurately. Caa b regulated according So your desire. AgeMs ar (mpioyel tb diitribut and Mil ' tb machine, Phllipebbrg, Pa February JO. mj.tl i CLE ARHELD flR clttsetls af Clesrfleld and rlcinlty ar I hereby aotilsd that th Underalrned keen cnstautly en kaad BHEAD, PIKt, t'AKB-t. ROLLS and all kinds of CONFKC110NLK1ES. RAFTMEX Ar kotiled that during ths rafting ssasoa a full supply of Bread will always b kept o hand. J. A. STADLRll. Clearfield, January SO, SWAlMw' PAS ACF.A. Ksnaedy Med ed Discovery, llslmbnld' Bucbu. Ilsksr's Coa Liver Oil, Jans's snd Aver's medicines of every kiad, for sal by 1IARTSW1CK A IRWIN. QALL & EXAMINE THE STOCK ef Goods bow (elllng at lb CLBAKFIEL1) 8T0RI, . Vf K,ar FkUlaibasf , Pa