JK UEPUUMCAN. -,-:,"XiUt --"n'r,, ' - - - - ,amw'eJr '- , ;" imrx ." .r. Ttmre-A-Mi Termi of Subscription, ' Iit4vul, wlthle thr eeealht.. ; ( after three before ! mom hi.... I M i aftr th iplratiua of III month... I M T ll. Wn.te, onr foreman, U aathoriacd to pi let money paid Into tb ofio oa eeoeeut jrmUu, edcertmng, .tab week, w W Editor d Proprietor. snT::::::n:str.:ys: April 0,-1808. (V Georg Thorn wishes to em it number of ttona masons. 8w -tleement. . wrfl. Kenrjard 4- Witora wiaii to I i thoir advertisement perused by i ssders at this time. J CIA. II. Smith propose! to Insure t st aecidonta at very choap ratos. T is proposition in another column. will be noticed that the firm of V .11. & A. II Shaw, engaged in the I" t, business In this place, haa been Ived. ie proprietors of the Keystone F'!. ft hare created quite a sensation in V.. 9 way of improvement and selling c !r p goods. See ther late Proclama tion, ' ' Time may sear and blanch your tr; w," bat it cannot nilver your hair, Jf ; oa ne t-hat excellont rcnewer kr wn as "Barrett's Vegetable Hair . lorative," to the absoluto exclusion of nil the vilo compounds With which tin market is flooded. Ports mouth The New Election Law. We will lib this law in full, as soon as we ci.ii procure a correct copy of tho bill. The right to vote- nnder this act is as , t "-toons and crooked as the trail of a Hack snake. The pains and penalties for its violation are very heavyrbut ts ben violated by black Republicans, ' (. nnder the p regent law, they would not be enforced. If even convicted in open Court, the Jndges would not sentence, or (ho Governor would par don all loyalists for cheating Demo crat out of thrir votes,'' ''"'J, Normal School. Diroctora and Teachers should bear in mind the f .c't that Mr. Geo. W Snyder, County .- iperintcndent, will open a Normal ! xliool in this borough sometime dur I -j the early part of May noxt, which , ill continue for eleven weeks. Those j-.rsons wishing to attend should at once notify Air. Snydor,eithor verbal 1 or by letter. ' We understand that I ."of. Geist has consented to assist, and ' t bare no doubt that ilr. Soydor i use every effort - to make his t iiool the equal ot any in the Stale ; nl it is therefore highly necessary fc thoie who, intend following t ie j KfjHsion of toachsr, to ombrace this opportunity of properly' qualifying themselves. , i Sinoclak. Tbe original copy of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation recently sold out West for tho sum of twelve hundred 'dollar. 'The com mission of Dick Turpin'the great English highwayman - and robber, thich the eccentrio rascal had drawn - tp, and forged the seal and signature thereto, cold recently in Londen for two hundred and fifty poni.ds just the sum bid for the Emancipation Pro clamation. Singular coincidence, very. T hope every Lor hi Lengue will secure a copy of those two celebrated documents. Thoy might get their loyal members to beliuvo that their robberies are committed under the - warrant of theB two celebrities, whose business, v,hilo tonemontod here be low, wa practically tbe same. . J Vie Publications. "a Lin or Trrioi Dart, br Freak 11 frl'i Vti editor of to Southern Liter try Mot- aeagar. Publtehed by tho tiauooal rubl.tbing Company, Philadelphia, lUcbmoDd eud Cmeie , Mttu Priee t.'40, S to.. 840 pp. Sold by obtariptiont enly. Agenlj wanted arerjwher. This is a work that ought to be ? 'ad by tbounands, A orth and bouth H is written in a clear, calm, forcible md often eloquent style. Tbe late nfedoracy, involving the life of its . resident, la a subject of much inter- t to all those wbo desire correct In- . rination upoq this yet unsettled ' sution. " Tbe land of the free and i o hoaie of tbe brave," is in great ngnr of becoming tba habitation of e unsve ana the biave. loo much mot be written and read, by oar ipie to luiiy comprehend the dan r through which our country is icing. There is no publication now ore the public that bear-i so minute ; upon the Ihsuo before us, as this , .- A full length portrait of Mr. , vis,reccutly taken, adorns the book. To are in receipt of a Musical nthly, entitled tbe Vnittd States itical Review. The April number !efore ns, and belraj-s first -class linmciu skill, and tor tbe musie rely-upon similar talent. Those o have muficiil insti nments, or I -written muMjc, ebould possess j pcriixiical. Tbe price is 12 a ar. Address J. D. Peters, P. O. x 6,429, New York. The Scko'iUay Visitor, (or April, is j before ns. This admirable month- rchildren js the very best publica i in the country, and alwjuld be 4. in, ?very family of children. iHu annuJlv Waste ton times its .e ie pan-bawiig candy, nuts and i for their cliildren, and yet we oame many will say " w can't af 1 to take it." Send for one rum- anyhow. Trice $1.25 per year, 'at the price of pound of fanny ly ) It U published by J. W. ghaday & Co , 4?4 Walnut street, delphla. . Am tritint s Oi t Ann Me loam! by the Lancftntvr lHtltifinfrr, that on tho morning of the 1st Inst , aa that attractive colored lly, familiarly known b Mrs. ThaJ. Slven--tlie widow r.r the late Jacob Smith, col ored barber of lJarrisburg, and at puM-nt housekrepcr and mixIreMtd Old Thad. had her pocket picked at the depot in Lancaster city. She stales her loos to be as follows: 100 lollm-a In orrennhacks. three Mexican sijver dollars, ono dinmond breastpin, a enffc key, a bnnchof bnuaehoia , andrprtoe orrr the railroads from Lancaster tt Washington, i W hat is this country coming to when even she who presides over the household oi Thaddeus Stevens is robbed in ft rail road ilnnot in tha citv of Lancaster 1 Let Old Thad. seo to it that the mili tary police which is to be adopted at Washington be uiaae general. r';. Clearfield Markets.' : I ;J5 Reported K-klyforllif Ci.inrlLo Kcpclica!I by J. P. KaATiaa. DooIm in Dry Ooodi, (Iro nriu, ProvUiont, Ao Markot it., Cloarttld. .: i.;,'. CLuartau), -April IH44. UuflL drouod 12 Iliiiet. rrron.. T Uonii, tagu mmd, ' - 23 tlboulden 1 Bidel M IS Urd 24 Moia pork.p bl1...10 00 Oui to Oniuu, !"0 PoUtoe 1 25 Heoobot, dried, ft.. lb Plotter, V bbl 4 00 Hre 1 1U(I, tb 1 Ha.lt, W wt S 00 Fhititlei,lMn., II, 00 XhiurlM, 2 in 16 03 Timotlij toed.. A))ilel, (rran,. tl 00 lried,pB 12) Apple bultor.gol, 1 Ji Butur.. 40 Boaao 0 00 (ot I 00 lloekwbekt.... 1 26 Uoekwbemt flour lb. b Href, dried..... 26 Beef, lreb...10(4 12 Board, M 16 00(20 00 Cora, ibelied.. 1 Si Corn, ear..... SO Corn ncl, V took, 1 DO t'bop, ewt I lororeeea - Choeee- .'. Cherrlee, tb. 160 Cbickene, drill, B, KIR! Fiejoood w. Floor 12 0(nt 3 76 t 00 15 20 20 ' 1 00 3 00 Wool Hy 20 S0(I5 0 iWoed, V oord.. M UIVW..h......., ur.,....M. W". 6 V 13 2 60 46 4 00 Philadelphia Grocery Market. . . PaikAuaLraiA, April S, 1868. Tbe market for Tea U tron at (oil price, p. loo ki tady.v Rio Coffee are linker and the market ll booyant with prarpoot at further ad ranee. The prieo for Bogar bar varied but lit tie tinot our left, but tho -demand i good and al lovi osljr a amall aoeumulatloa of nook. Gloaia Refined Vellow lOJfaili I Cuba and Porta Rico 151(315) Clarified UWt; Cboioe Den 16J. 8jmph ar In requeit at rather bettor prlee for eholn. Molaue la actir at full price. Tie. I cori-ai:. Too a Ilrern - iRIo, oomation 2 1 ( Papior.... S5fi41 15f - ood..;..I.l'a,- Fiue....-...l 2i(il 4( Prim ...261 (jo 3..j Fioct...l 66(1 1i Cboi....2A fa Si Hjeon JaT,old goT.rTirt tuperior...l 051 25 Laiuara 6i 2S Fin 1 SOfcal W.A.Co.oihuOO ; IS Fineet 1 65(3, 1 05 Daudellon.pal 0 (ip 17 Imperial I atoaa. ruperior....l JO (it 4 Cruihod 17 171 Fin ,1 0(iU 4i Coamvpulr. 17 4 ,; Fine.1. 1 701 30 Fine...-.do...l7 (it, 7 Qunpowder 'A IS ( lf' toperlor....l I5at 40 B I6t 1! Fin M..t 66(0,1 70 C, aitra l.l lij FineL 1 76(1 00 C A yllow...121((4 151 Blaok I iTkCra. Pnperior.... 85(1 00 Oommua 4b (H 60 Fin ...1 05(il 15 Fair .S0 fv 07 Fm.it 1 20(g,l 35, iiood.,.....6a (- ,5 Japan Trime 73 (f 3 Superior.... S(S,1 OsVhoico ,.V0 (4 5 Fin 1 10(u,l 15 Cboioe, t lira 31 (g.1 05 Finett.A...! 3('(ojl 30 1 uolimu. ana. IN.O. ebuice, va Q, 05 Carolina. 12 I'orto Kieo...S7 (at S6 Eaat India.... i ll Col. 65(4 70 Clement R. Walnwrieht - - Iirael R. Wainwrigbt , Jorph R. Wainwrlxht. . I i. i- WAIN WRIGHT & Co., WHOLKSALI GROCERS AMD TEA DEALERS, N, E. Coraar Seeoud and Anb Street, aprll'; PHILAPEI.PHIA, Pa. : HOW-TO SAVE MONEY. THB tlai art bard ; yva'i lit to kao Hint yea aaaj T eoar dollar ; The way to do it I will bow, . If Jtu wall road "bat follow. ' A wiaa trk tlwod sol far from tier, ' ' Wb worked hard at kit trad, - Bat bad a fcownbold to tupport Tbal (quandared all be mad. ' I met blm once. Bay b. "My friend, I look thread bar and rout h J I't trtd to gt myaalf a nit, ' But eas t aar up noof.h." Say t, my frland, how muck bar you t I'll tell yoa where to go To get a unit that' mnd and cheap : To RK1ZKNSIEIN A Co. II took what little b bad taead, And wot ba Relaeaxein A Brother', And tbr b got a bandaom rail, For half b paid to other. Kow k U heme, he look to wll And their fTe4 I nek, That whtn tbej UJt their daily meal, - Tkey don't oat half at mark. And now bt find en Saturday night, With all tbair want tupplied, That bt bat monty left to pnd, And torn U lay atida. i ; HI good neem, with cheerful tmll, ' II gladly toll to all. If yea'd rare monty, go aad bay i Tone clothe at MIZKNeTKIN'S CLOTHING HALL Wbrrt tht cheap!, Inait and beit Clothing ad good Furaiibing Good aan ba had to tult amy Utta and ia trtry atit . apr 11, 07 COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DAIRY MEN, FARMERS, - AND OTIIKRR, . ., - , . - , . Coatiga your Aiba, Baeiwal, Baai, Butter Cbttat, Egg, Floar aad Meal, Flax, Cottoa, Fan aad Skin, ;V( f 7 i i ' ; .i :. i :ir n -DRIED' A5D ' GREEN FRUITS, Grain, Woot, Gam, Poultry, Kara! Store, flop, J Oineng, Ftbra, Hemp, Prorl,loni, OiU.Lard, Tallow, Soodt, Rorghum, Holatt, Ac, ,i .1 is. I -. . n JOSIAH CARPENTER, - . ' i . . General Commission Merchant, ., 444 ant 44 Waablnglon ntrcrt. XEW YORK CITY, Aad rwoeira hi) wokly VtV (,Vrrenf Pmdnoo and Grooeriee, tb mott oomplea Prlct Current pal li had la the fulled Fut, TRF.iSl'REH'S S.I1.K Of Unscltfd UntJi. ' " J()TWI I hrwt r1,-e thai h pnrn of ait ed wf A.reir,. kit, oa lb 1Kb day al Junr, A. 1'. IM6, Wnllllrrt "'At Aot to mend an Act directing tbe mode ot elling uaiMled Uu.l. la I'lMuSrld eoaiil v," and Ihf m vrrel mpplrmrnt tberoto, tbtre Will le eipoml t pM Ik awl r onttrr, at the Curt Huomi, la tbe hormijh uf CKnrfii J, oq the omiid Muudaf Of Jim . 1). IN4M4, I he tiilluwing tra.-ta of an- rated land ta tatd county, for tb laao Uu and unnaid thrreon : llrrrarla. At. Ptr. H'orroate. Ta. 68 John Mailer.... .117 20 S Fred'k Hublcy. 3 34 I (t John Ucam. ...... -7K 33 174 47 Jeremiah Wo.lier..... 74 46 1K 37 T. Utllington, (lsOj) 3S ,0 74 80 Michael nt..- 36 U 100 Jamen W'Murtrio..... MM HI) Tboma Muiitoryi 2 48 SO . Ma?au Miller 2V M 410 John Brady I M 100 William llrady 84 3 Wi : , J. A I. Hlaiu ..-'7 IH 30 John Winner 187 20 340 liniiry Witmer........l63 75 Id ,, William U ilaun....... 84 Mi 134 . Jacob Krug 82 ' IDt Jl,bu Uitiiniil 48 7S ilb 73 Hubert Wileou. 101 03 443 133 William Gray 203 Sx 433 lj-H John Uillcr 203 41 04 11 Jeremiah Moiber 44 22 181 110 Peter Get 77 68 310 J 5.1 Martin Kaoti 88 44 304 VIS Jaoob Fain.. 70 83 32H 153 Ui-urn Mu.tr.. 87 VII T4 32 Thome Gitiaoo i. 4 84 433 153 liartd Barton 87 10 153 Julio Ferduev 203 41 44 Brown A Fulton 84 71 80 John Kctlnnd 33 60 66 102 riarah Billintnn. . 16 87 Jacob Krug H.,I0M It William PlunketU... 14 V Ho(T(r. John Thouiaa.... 300 30 41 I OS 234 40 413 440 42 420 100 .11 45 43 78 JWbh Drinker 47 03 T8 - ' - - 5 87 fa. M'Cormlck.... 110 00 Manor lt.cr.. .....118 04 41 Maloulm M'lonald...ll4 08 41 John Brer 114 . John Montrimerr.. 28 M 101 . 0 Barbara taydcr..u... 132 7S 427 427 600 288 Ot-otge llt'Olman... Ilonry FaiiDco...M. r (lcof(:e Aycr 81 Wm. Troutwine.... Jdlm K -at Jiifrpn nail 3 fa 3D 81) 18 78 85 78 86 78 Kf 4 8 M 06 148 Richard Thuma,'07, 15 70 48 Barhara Knyder 13 13 208 , Tboma Smith 64 04 104 ' ' Jha K- pbart l...r.. 28 08 44 Blair M l.anahaa .... 8121 404 Thome 1. Muoro.... 81 21 404 , Mary Murrii.- 81 21 427 ' Junaa rtciDbciarr... 71 55 104 ' Richard W.ple.. 12 12 UelU . AV Ac. Ptr. H'orrrtofe. 428 1008 Henry Beck.... 234 00 5B?4 600 " " ....116 00 68V0 604 - " ....116 00 6784 lOUf '" .....230 80 6018 61 14 0.1 4287 70 120 18 17 4287 ' 330 T8 - .... 44 88 6 " " . 88 33 " " .... 82 64 ". .... 20 47 47 -"' .... l 60 - - ....230 00 , " " H...1I4 38 " ....143 76 3586 181 111 John Nu-bol.en. 63 64 307 113 71 41 5788 1000 42K8 608 420 600 6788 ' 1 ', lirklintUrifflth23e 00 - ,-. '( 174 34 1. . 1S4 no " 210 8 ' I ', 11574 Uenj. Gibb,' 134 64 Hcnrjllvok 65 80 Nii-klinatirifiithm 75 73 80 j M H . 5V04 1000 60118 -758 5007 800 J'.'l' P55 bUltl tV.iS 4:ffl 3614 243 6000 823 5010 128 ll 147 1 " r 68 81 6013 108 " " 24 38 501 8117 . " " 1 81 50-21 1100 " " 233 80 6619 101 t8 Henry Beck 23 23 4287 3 07 " 21 61 6818 119 01 - 87 87 6V08 102 12 McklinGnfiith,2V 33 6008 81 128 - - 8 97 6H07 ; M ' m. i ' i 15 h4 4288 100 IlonrrBn-k 23 00 It loom. 2004 408 Robert A Fo.101 40 3379 1020 84 . ...Jul II 3573 81 83 - ... 20 73 8808 488111 ...114 81 6969 98 l38NieklinaGriffilk, 26 9 6918 3 "- " 23 a 5928 I8 - tb 78 i 40 ewonr I. Meed, 12 88 6 Fentimattpenoor, I 66 84 Levi Cleaver ... 38 8H J.iO Harid Irwin.... 72 08 104 , John P. V1?.--- ,2i Ilradv. 492 303 ; WrnvKirkpatrickl 03 18 3813 2110 Hohcrt A f ol... oa 3603 150 ; ... 40 20 3614 140 124 " " ... 37 6' 19111 46 66 1 ! , " ... 12 08 1097 250 13 " " ... 67 00 1098 290 - " ... 77 72 3674 102 84 " " . 41 00 638 216 Conrad Lone... 69 28 6888 678 877 6879 6881 58S6 SIS 831 195 100 218 601 2009 658 13 321 1994 386 2010 604 !56 96 44 2(109 ftll 2T 256 135 135 276 472 93 83 80 104 60 -1997 64 1998 260 146. Joua'a at. bmith404ll Henry WTkoff...3,18 04 . JobnI)iiaUp...JS) Canper Surer ... 40 20 rhriitian !,cwr-r,3tij 17 K.ibertu A FOI...S93 25 fhrl,tlan Lnwer.310 93 THebrrwAFoi... 211,48 ' ...304 21 606 0M ar3 50 154 37 81 47 Tlcnj. Henry... Tanner Htiver., Caper Ptlrer,r,284 f.O 62 Georirc MiaBer... 60 11 J.M. Miller hom,42 8it e . 63 40 M'U.irr.... 26 86 , BoberU 4 Fol 16 09 " " 67 op Jlradrurd. Ac Ptr. , , rt'ormalc. 324 Hugh Ely 41 76 103 36 Jubn Campbell 20 18 159 Hall A Boi k 20 99 2i9 Blair MXanahan .49 54 437 17 Polly M Unauan...... 67 65 Andrew Tcttlt 35 96 Matthiu J-lajmakcr... 9 60 Matthew lVcee t 92 Jamoa Duncan. ?7 22 N'ehemiah Meana....w. 19 80 David Mean 12 67 Daniel Wratiem. 13 20 Horatio L. Hall 18 20 Wm. Graham, Jc 22 44 Ji.ho Hanna....... 22 44 John Vaughn 46 20 . . Hurnalda. Ae. Ptr. H'arraate. SEND FOlt A TRICK CURRENT. Marking Plate and Card FuraUhtd Free. LIBERAL ADYAXCKS MADKOXCOM EIQliUEN'TS. VttahtltboA May lit, 1844. Jtt7Firrt alaa Refereneoi given hoa ro be) rai. aprlly JJ1GIIEST TRICE paid io Goods - or Caik for Lumber aad Bhlaglaa, at tht CXJAHEIELD 6T0KK, ae3-if Fear rhlllpiburg, Pa. John Jnnea.... ....... ..137 80 Jama Chapman 137 80 BenJ. Treenail 136 60 , Townacnd Hnackman22 15 Keneeca Brown 193 70 Christian Hraka..... 83 8 Irfmnard llnllia 39 00 John Porch 133 88 Jubn Camming 63 25 he U 100 163 Jfhn Boed 46 40 313 158 J -oh iia liarne 143 00 4.13 168 Thoma llamiltoa....200 91 3i6 158 William Wilann 156 J7 256 Jame Rom 119 7 433 IT'S John Conningham ...160 60 418 163 John Co.k 160 80 413 153 Jnjr-ph Ewing 150 80 433 163 William rmk 150 80 100 Darid (at heart- 20 4ti 433 161 Aleiander Hunter... .100 46 ,..130 85 .. 74 68 .. 25 62 ,.. 78 65 71 68 .. 47 87 ..200 91 .. 66 ..118 76 " ......16 21 Mflheflcy A MiU-hell.. 46 46 Hen hie. Plough 100 46 George Rom 41 69 John llrennemen 29 80 Jacob A Henry II ret h 28 80 Hamnel Ja-keon Tl 46 Cavinprton, , - ' At. Ptr. Wnrrnwrea. ' TitJl. 440 71 Morri A Ctrwart 90 24 43 4T " " 6 69 78 84 " "if 87 61 17 S?6 Peter Hoit..,u.. 267 Hugh Hartley 66 Joarph Pike 271 Ororf, Page...... 411 Henry Page 134 Jame Nnblo ...... 438 158 John Muner...... 190 164 Chrimian llobror. 138 22 100 433 147 mi 61 431 ll 1698 3848 192 !" Miller A Chrit... 388 I e07 :4 Mnrtl, I Ft.ai I'uil i - 6.U7 11 "6 Jtt'A A.. Ptr, Ocntr ffead,, J. bo llrlrl II Bu rnt..... Itrralur. H'irroefee. Thoma P. Coi'c rl l M I II ..! In .. 91 16 .; if it ,.204 891 14 Themaa Fdmundeun, 13 67 67 6 Jwi,b 8nenm 86 62 801 159 Thoma Billlugtnn.2u4 86 I no Themaa Ktaru)on.. 61 40 In! Mary M Un.h.u ....106 64 404 . Ann M'Lanahan In3 64 100 . i ellary W. Thunipaun, 62 46 2U0 Mary ariM,ilian...104 60 64 1.17 JiiKl.h 3Mill.-h.ll... 44 6 3 nn6 fi6 w It'll il 18 478 4!H' Itifl 38 108 r Jeoili liiiwninav...... 86 SO 26 - Jnarph rlanum 10 46 76 95 Wtlliain H.o.om 39 62 241 22 William Kvan. 126 IK 10 r-aney hauler 10 io 383 147 Tboma Kilmundton.l 74 60 90 2ui) 3M 95 V8 6(1 John Drinker... Ceaper Halne,...,, UilU-rt VaughL... Joarpb Harriaon.. 47 16 .104 80 .147 21 .102 18 .ICS 74 . 20 2: 83 134 Junnh Whitehall 43 50 700 Jonathan henbit 101 80 136 : Anratu Jnhn Gum ,.. 63 80 21,0 Hamucl M'Clarrcu 101 80 17 Juieph Snnioin. 6 90 90 i Dnvii Stewart 21 68 t-'ercueun. John liauihright., idatthiaa Klough., 2:, 3 169 66 433 153 Goorge Roaa., 4 60 108 14 60 100 100 St9 Dewi Jordan Hiram PeMlnor Abraham Ogdtn Henry hwann. 69 96 13 00 1 92 163 92 20 04 12 09 14 00 , 6 76 8kw8 60 RiUri A y 36"l 417 0 36u6 KVf 1 Al Ii76 9t'3 109 3.'.94 1036 OS 8 .87 8I6 86 36(lT oaj 65 1,64 1026 64 8586 12 64 606 134 19T Tt' lM-ll 1 Tct, -i , r " 8? 9 fi'lM liH9l;i4 (Ul flu H-l. ,ihtH 4;r niiheimn,iitaa.ri rib 8604 64UI6 4193 4256 4254 IK 61 III 19 17t 4l I8.S 66 fit 17 2j! 65 I? 32 173 02 167 66 157 66 236 14 William Power 69 94 ' p 927 27 Jomet Wiloti...!34 02 6h3l5 ...214 22 827 23 " " ..,234 II 6679 1641 81 Monro A IMany473 19 151 7(16 John Umilip..., 91 60 604 Du Hoi A Uw.,1jI 61 A'o. Ae. Ptr. Warranttt. Remold' ub-dir. 7 91 tt of j. Nicholton....!t 79 11 80, , 13 105 104 6 4 -8 4 ,. 16110 I 9' K.3 . 8 90 104 1105 ... 11 91 10 95 43 11 93 144 14 91 141 16 100 20 ,..,. 9 09 ....81 80 .... 1 20 ' .... I TS ....83 18 ....18 60 ....17 27 ....81 63 ....37 67 ....26 67 .,..28 28 27 79 ....39 10 Uenjauiin liartrhorn, 21 00 JVb. 4272 4209 4IS 4IH8 4IH1 42U0 412 4188 4168 John llainhrigtit.. Adam Hrigart 73 John D'luirhtou. , : Kua. . Ae. Ptr. Horroatea. 30 00 24 00 74 10 4-.'J .,0 140 234 495 660 , , 900 200 364 For 144-43, 4271 496 4 L4I 9.17 41'38 947 1684 I tt Joi. Wilton...,. 71 48 " weatt 16 49 " pU 23 62 ' N. K. 41 99 ' " weiti 41 66 ' " ... r 73 93 ' 110 88 " " eaut J 50 40 " " miiid. 49 06 . 46 82 W.pt. 82 78 " joi ai k at u " 1536 4242 4399 4340 4398 Mr 400 29 172 1B8 111 76 ! 100 : 25 I M 66 4444 144 204 77 "5 64 l 168 00 83 44 " 62 60 "Vj 'i T " M " " -I " " 72 62 K vender Hide 26 20 Lane A Hyde... 23 60 Jtaa'l Kingbary - Balltown lot, 25 04 3. S. Hyde, Balltawa lot, 8 44 Iiyda,BidweliaC llulett lot 13 89 , Flruia let. 13 47 Gilo kit..... II lb 13 04 Clrard. 203 lua MorriaAStwari23 95 426 124 816 108 10 ' ,,. , 2O0 368 106 154 129 14 1921 1934 1934 3648 3047 6'23 1924 1800 3647 HO0 1989 5352 796 6376 1100 6353 1100 5:i57 1109 1925 345 7926 153 1937 123 M9 '.'L'7 125 I ) 63 13 75 17 12 74 2 34 47 20 69 94 69 94 116 ll1" George Mead., 16 12 84 16 129 60 ." '...129 89 ...129 80 62 MorriiAHtrwart 46 71 JJordau. ' Ae. Per. 'Harranrce. 224 1.13 Richard I'cterB, M 40 4:13 133 I'etor Kuhn, 145 08 2'K Richard Talara, 77 C4 4113 153 Fred'k. foalei, 134 16 111 , Ailam Kuhn, 34 34 14(V . ,bcn. Hrenham, 52 (H 103 Adam Ktilio. 35 22 4:t3 153 Thoma Martin, HI OX 2X3 Koliert Martin, 103 20 01 1.15 Fhili Uuet, 33 85 70 Wm. JolinMon, 20 04 100 Jonathan Jon. 24 80 10(1 KicUard A'artin, U 0(1 403 153 Jno.lunffoodie,132 00 i knot, i "' . ' 487 48 Rtubaa Haycia 158 63 436 60 Luk Morri..:. 157 92 488 '163 Jeeepk Milliard 167 18 488 168 Hobert raT.. 167 16 429 41 Joba BrlngburiL....165 73 431 161 Sarah Ward.,..li7 18 4:3 163 Georn Kddy.1 157 16 438 163 Mowro Wharton ,....167 18 113 153 George Aahtun 84 69 431 151 William Hunter 164 77 8X3 Joha U'Ttrj. .. 89 06 438 153 Denj. PouUaey 167 16 431 163 lerael W"rri....157 18 431 161 Martin Pitrt. 157 18 73 . Tboma Jordaa 11 76 28 George Fol. ........... T 26 431 Ieabtlm Jordan 157 18 100 I ' lUarj Trout... 86 30 431 153 Caleb Foulk.... 157 18 193 George Wewott H4 17 171 151 Robtrt Whrtn... 62 92 4.11 163 George Peaf. 157 16 226 John Boyd 61 17 I t Buaanue Wrd ..- 84 67 255 O. A M. M'Cormiek. 92 65 76 . Pt'ar Wbitetid 84 64 Ul John Dorrcj... 12 19 tvarthaua. Xn. A. Ptr. Warrant. 1436 811 William Kmitk...l4f 68 1091 79 Charm W illink 4 88 93 3416 1232 t6 ' 18 IHV0 187 IKS8 1917 3664 l7 1914 1926 84 878 246 104 456 . 60 5.114 764 6316 1000 5316 lflOO 1909 137 300 6.126 I no 5:;2.i 1012 1928 IMS 1931 100 438 368 106 161 6334 1318 6326 1100 6327 1113 124 1829 lllwj 6330 1104 18 S3 14 61 26 79 33 16 1 93 " 11 07 , ' " ' 44 66 ' 40 83 - 12 61 " 63 81 , " 6 90 - ! " ' 12 39 fiothea. -. Geurg Mead. ..154 45 ' - ...163 76 " ...163 T6 Morr'3Bltwart 36 85 "Wm. .Mm-... 78 66 George Mead... 19 30 " ... 19 80 MorriilStcwart 67 .37 " 100 83 , " . 16 10 '- ' - 13 29 17 George Mead. ..817 81 " " 10 391 69 ,.28 20 .2M 20 1911 100 MorriA3lewert 26 70 Graham. AO. P'rf B'orroefe. 2U7 Thoma P. Cope, 199 John t-krron...., 146 T. l'..p. .-.... 1113 Jumn Milliran. 109 George Moore..., It4 ; Joaeph Pimun.., 346 Jowph llonry,.,, 104 ' '. Charlc 11.11....... 41 I C. J. Allnort 104 Hohert Phaw...,. 104 John Dnnalenn..., 64 144 Bryant D.Srhnonovtr 24 16 ' (iullrh. I12J ' Jdia V itraer..,... 44 14 306 48 Goorge Baker 119 67 90 Benjamin Wilnm.... 16 37 48 114 George Moore 114 91 " 134 Philip Oluningcr 166 John M'Cahen 413 163 Rdward Hand 366 ' 69 Kinanuel KaiirarW- 108 'i George ioor,,...,.i. (4 76 260 John M'Calit-n 11 18 93 '' John Ltmplilack...., 38 61 100. John Wltlner... ...I.., 8930 60 llcnjainin Wilnin-... 9 93 116 131 Chrmtlan Suko...... 46 74 103 132 Matthiaa Young. 78 p 433 163 ( lin.li.n llarcr 170 SO 431 163 George MilMer 170 36 3.17 48 Thoma Yadler 93 16 114 Daniel Offiej 81 63 lit 76 Giwrge Baker, Jr..... 84 60 436 146 Timuthy raiton......l7l 34 4.13 153 John Burr 170 80 116 153 Joha Mu..,-r. e4 88 ; 146 Jotcph Ahliright....m 11 1 i , II union. ' Xo. At. Ptr. Warrantor. 1575 961 Robert A Fol, 13& 71 ....138 96 ... 87 76 ...J.41 A3 .... 30 17 .a. 48 67 ....118 96 .... 79 47 ... 36 76 .... 18 09 .... 88 86 .... 36 76 ,.. 18 86 ...137 17 . 61 67 ,.. 62 00 ... 99 66 61 60 88 ta 1683 1920 44 601 60 8805 1049 121 1604 ltnC 46- 3686 1020 1964 di6 1991 408 3595 1036 IdO 195 5671 1041 5674 1041 6676 1041 6U66 990 6067 679 4?63 0 4264 900 900 347 990 420 916 990 905 123 S07 490 746 124 990 68 110 990 996 636 626 938 113 810 9'.'S 17 6 101 198 160 600 8S9 860 67 860 67 370 88 (40 67 800 67 i4 a. 144 12 360 J7 70 70 J. d. Kidder.. Darid Caldwell, 68 98 Moore A Drlany36S 04 " " 308 04 , " 308 04 Wm. Power 349 96 " - 114 67 Jamet Wilon...225 02 " " ...225 02 - " ..228 01 17 Moore Delanyl05 14 Jainea Viliiin...249 9V WilhlrtiWllllnkl48 47 Jame Wil(on...248 06 " ...249 98 " ...143 78 " ...128 08 " , ...I2.H 74 '"' ' " ' ...180 63 WilbelmWIilink 23 04 ' , " . 149 99 " - 18 93 " " 88 69 William Powwra844 96 " " 848 9" Jame Wilon...l6l 09 " " ...132 81 " " ...133 10 William Power214 83 . " 116 48 Jti) or E. Mboemaker..ll8 64 44 U gfl g, William Powara,0 14 Jams Wilioa... 63 14 " ...116 16 " " ...224 41 6670 1(141 60 MonrtA Delany26t In 6671 1041 SOMooraADelanylHI 90 6671 847 17 " " 87 66 4899 100 HammondaJoiHwM 10 6678 647 11 Moor A Delaay,82 61 6677 l7 61 ' 1111 6676 1041 81 " . " 117 64 6671 147 IT " 106 14 6674 404 i ., ,( 6677 4041 -'I 16) 0 8589 166 27 Robert A Fei, 111 1 1 4199 8671 4261 49U2 4235 42?8 4229 4236 4236 4725 4690 4189 4903 4897 6fl! 61169 42:11 4234 4H06 6001 6064 8966 6068 4178 42.'I6 4265 1023 88 1093 1.1 111 1095 124 104 1098 665 1097 436111 3468 56 61 8466 2,9 111 1096 97 126 1096 123 1097 106 100 1097 89 1093,75. 3475 ,l 48 206 1665 808 1665 664 1097 1 096 1097 1097 1994 604 .123 64 J. R. TCleky Wm. Michael... G.M Hertlin... B. V. Bull... Cbarl. Willink 11 60 81 63 16 61 108 13 64 44 T 36 11 16 11 12 15 24 12 60 ' - 12 64 11 11 f 2 81 49 11 64 17 60 liH 17 66 3466 3467 lit 61 86 11 144 1 14 77 ' " 176 tt) M J a; SO W. P.A.Pehnarr ' A Ce156 23 Daalrt Totbtr.. 88 18 Mary Errant.... 18 99 X, A J.Wkiu.... II 11 " " .... 1 16 Thorn My era, jj ,j IS 41 41 6593 716 6296 1167 47 6297 1211 5290 488 6291 1100 . 161 . 1T f , fl,l 1ST . 4 4?l 4'iM 6777 ?8 1429 iI 493 1 i 67 88 1676 64 f .Ha AtekMtwn T4 66 N75 III 41 69 41 6 64 " " 16 l 8"S4- r -6f-f t-9 i 4m Wlltou... 96 l 467 " " ... 67 46 4'0 11 John Klrkcleo 44 01 It NlebllntilrlBlh I If It H. 11 1 f 64 2i6 MrkllutdriOitk 16 13 i . . , , . " , ,14 18 a P.Boytl. I )l mat JerJaa 15 16 Tboma Magtt. 16 61 George Jauia.,. 16 46 K. a W. M fiaul 11 73 S. Hilley,.,..K.i 4 46 7, M'.l.ul 33 67 Tboma Magtt.. 29 26 Rachel K reiser 14 46 Joka Nifholooa 83 67 45 63 ' , 47 48 I 'n Inn. 1663 to 161 Roberta A Fei 167 14 K'f , " i ; , 1 1 146 Thou 64 188 296 6779 411 " ' 460 , . 120 l' ' i 209 , 1771 874 6776 869 6774 47614 7 8699 606 1661 794 1935 401 1992 403 1994 183 2006 693 1990 1.0 2(106 176 2008 196 1596 639 1610 299 1008 186 3587 160 8588 970 8587 458 1698 ISO 91 60 I I M: 144 81 " . 44 64 H 164 St " 164 83 ' 7118 41 j7 t1 " 80 if 71 10 69 14 ' ' 134 91 " 120 80 115 14 " 13160 191 88 141 SO 116 14 Woodward. Ae, Ptr. H'arraatrt. , 433 153 Johu VaugUl, 235 5 4 45t l.VJ Joho Walla, 248 07 43.1 153 John Roll, 235 64 100 William Wilton 54 411 412 41 Jnhn Cannon, 178 10 420 120 Henrv l)rinkr,171 36 240 Wra. 'Drinker, 97 02 433 153 l.rael Wliralor, 103 10 2i8 Samuel Emlen, 72 00 215 ,--3. Thomas Neil, 68 48 00 Ely llnolman, K) 32 3(10 Mary Neil, 122 40 100 ' iienj. Johnston, 4u 80 418 Hepirty. 170 54 125 ' John M'Caben, 38 21 67 143 Mary Connelly, 19 44 lUilaod tvaDa, i4 4U '42 rigotKhaw. 181 70 Selaaiian Graff. 117 60 73 Tbo EiJoiogon238 27 ' V.ly Hommao, ' -40 iO Mary .Sandarick, 38 90 433 153 Philip Louit, 170 60 433 153 Jacob R.Uowe.1,176 60 4M 153 Wm. Jaknalon, 170 66 100 63 Geo, Beckham 40 80 14. , , Charles llight, 134 82 Daniel Turner, 128 82 Filer Louder. GO 36 Charles Louder, 24 76 C. Rickeu, 51 9G - ' 2 72 William Wi.ter, 9 52 .:itaaa Wilton.. 44 88 Henry SliaBer, 34 00 'Oonres Atbton, 1156 John Low, 34 00 '" : laaaoOrwa, --!.' 34 00 30 John ll'Ullmn CG 11 WM. K. WRIGLEV, March 16, 1868-81 Treasurer. rilHKAWI KI-.R'M tAl.K )P X KKAL LSTATE, returned by the eevcral Collertora to the County Commieeitmer, for taiet dna and anaaid for tbe year 1 866 and preri- ou year, in pursuance of the act of Aai-mhly In lucb caeca made and provided ; to be sold at public aale, at tbe Court llonaa, in tli borough of Clearfield, on Monday, tht 8th day af Juue ncit. rii Aire. Ilerrarta. Tax. 140 Pyer,. li A f 13 50 156 Fran, Wm 17 65 42 Will, Jamei EUq S G7 82 Katberman 8 93 91 Mutenhaugh, Benj 13 02 50 MeCo. DennU jr 4 95 304 Ph(roi l-umber oo.27 30 300 Waatoo, Thotnai 37 13 70 Uanrtr. Wra 12 GO Acre. Bell. Tai loo 334 210 4.:s l-il 103 23' 170 91 218 H 40 18'J ICO 85 150 1(H) 102 A Moch'.ley A i'anlell $0 75 11 8 Ul 8 60 133 CSH.il.a Brow. 4161 40 H. M'Oonagal... ,6 16 Lawrence. -Ve. Ae. Ptr. Warrantr. 6312 1104, George Mead143 11 1996 11 'Mob.rtt4 Foi, , wet pL, J 1996 SI tS J " out fU. 4 62 121 Hugh J jrden... 17 61 411 Jehu Read 61 63 61 114 Rudolph Liu... 4 60 96 Robert Jlitch.il 36 35 4 ' Ja. Aleiander. 4 60 285 W. Montgomery Tl 26 ; T4 . J.M.Mamimhar II 54 44 Leonard Uert. bora I8 60 J. Irwin. of Joha 186 J. B. M'Knally. 10 25 Ja. B. Fkaw.... 10 26 Georg Mead... 40 71 " ...16 69 " " ...151 61 " " ...22 12 " " ,.433 41 Ellii IrwtntSon 36 76 88 00 " ' 43 01 ' 84 16 KratrtrtTJarrtU 1 36 ' ' - Morri. Ae. Per. Warrantee., 402 Oeorpa WeUol, 97 28 20r William Werla, 40 84 327 Cliriaiian Werla 79 13 J7.'. r Darid luoh. 90 27 421 Jette Yarnal, 101 s? 440 65 Joaer.h Turner, 100 48 440 109 . 106 48 340 20 " 82 ? 423 Geo. ITnhecVer, 102 37 300 Tetor Varnell, 72 GO 34 49 Jnhn Read, 8 22 122 Patrick lljtyi. 29 52 183 J PranciJolmon 33 27 4(H) Toter Swarta. 96 80 433 153 noma Mrrri. 104 79 1J3 153 William Morrit, 104 79 4.13 15S fcam! .SJardilh, 104 79 433 153 William Millar, 104 79 4:1.1 iss llano vrr.i. l.UTiJ 433 163 T. Fiiilmmoni, 104 79 413 153 Oenrga Clj mer, 104 79 433 153 Robarl Gray, . 104 79 433 153 Patrick Moora, 104 79 433 153 Mary Mrrrria, 104 79 433 15.1 Magnut Miller, 104 79 433 153 Naibio Fraaey, 104 79 433 153 Clem blocker, 104 79 433 153 John Vaugha, 104 79 4.(8 153 Jn'a. Neibit, 104 79 170 Tt. M'Linaban, 1 44 2'.8 Wm. 8terart, 72 12 105 Jamea Wilton, 25 41 100 90 Robert Mom. 24 20 90 122 William Morria, 21 78 407 139 Rir-Vd R Smith, 73 81 100 Uaao Karlntr, 24 TO 100 19 Patrick iUvi, 24 24 125 George Gale, 15 14 112 Hyman Urate, 20 32 207 40 Conrad Swarta, G5 01 19 17 John Draff, 4 69 137 N. Reidenour, 24 93 484 95 Robert Carton, 117 12 117 N. Reidenour. 25 375 Mattblai Slough 90 75 25 1 Henry Drinkar, 6 05 400 fred'k. ilubley, 9o 80 35 Matthias Slough 8 47 DM Wtllia.ro Bigler, 12 10 222 Himon Swarta, 40 30 6 ' Jrmeph roller. 17 42 130 Kranri Jnhmon 4 68 60 Joa. Nioholaoa, t 09 62 " , " 1123 rmm. A"i. Ao. Ptr. M aerawlM. (' 6961 643 14 John Ntckoleea..1 36 16 166 Greenwood BIU 43 88 6961 63 pllj.h Ueatb 16 87 TS3 ' Klcklh) Griffith It TT 86t 167 1 ,T a, waai.au ie , . t it i n ii w Ait r. Aleo, Manufaeturartaf ' Tin land Sheer Iron Ware. f 1. 1 A R f 1 1 L I', FA. ' gOTES fsK ATKS ! 1 KKATKsTT I Lady aad 0atlmn'i for al by i" . : MERRKLL 4 BIQI.SR. Cilucilliiiut. gLElGU BELLS 1 A (iENfcUAL Aartmat oa band and for ! by ' MERRKLL t BI0t.ER; A LOT 6 SADDLES, BKi)Li:s, . Wuee r.11... .1. A.. .-I. ..' " , .v-, .... V MERKELL 4 CIGLEU. 75 75 do do 10() Sheltler. Jacob 60 Brick Irr. Kill Acre. Hloom. Tai. 12 Neal, Samuel 90 112 Rodger. D 6 72 Acraa, ' . - Bofre;. Tax. Uouseo;loi,Wiik.Amtua$7 27 Acre. Bradford. Tai. 2 Uoderoofter, Uenr$3 38 Acre. llrady. Tax. SO Adam, James tl $H 10 80 Heiim, Edward 38 CU 60 ; Rmna, Kltjab, l&GG, 6 75 115 B tit, George GG 40 55 Cathera, R d A J 26 12 323 Catberi, Robert 8 135 65 20 Gelnrt, Samuel 7 50 20 Ginter, John, 180 5 63 100 Hooter, Peter.1806 12 92 47 lltjiplit Inward " 14 10 74(1 Kramer, Geo AC 142 13 100 mith, Jamea 22 50 50 Pnnlb, Jamea , 11 25 141' Hand, Jo.eph ( "28 19 Acre. lion, hide. Tel. 178 Gallaher, Jaal806 24 03 li f- lot tiroaanioble, J 7 13 100 King.Jnnarott. 'GO 11 37 50 McCune.Nam'l 18G6 6 00 100 Neff, John W 10 IS 50 Kainey, I N 6 63 Aene. Cheat. Tai. 62 Rranaman.J 1SCG 4 08 Acre. t'vitir1on. Tai. 550 F.clmntisK'n, Rlina $41 25 3 hoa.Alot llcgirty, I"G0 1 1 48 60 Wary, Wearer 1800 9 30 Ibneatur. 100 . Miller, U 1806 16 38 12 ' Kubitnn. J do S 63 10 White.) G do 4 50 100 Kej.tiart.E do 15 75 Acre. Kcrgueon Ta. 60 Curry, Vim 1800 f I 60 150 Kerg i.on, J II do 10 88 Ho i lot ToU., H do 6 63 200 White, Taul do 18 UO Acraavi; 4lrmr4U - - Tan. 124 Liey',Kraioia,sl $13 95 60 Loiiar Tboma 7 60 Acre. 4;oeheM Tea. 104 Flegal.Eliaa'ibl8r.C $9 90! 100 Green, Nealy do 9 00 i ttf Gourley, Jaa do- 38 00 do do 1065 23 40 279 Cocns, John do 20 28 70 SelfrtdM, Geo do r 8 It 'S Shai,WttiL,FI-gal A other. Ib05, 1 47 Acre. (iraham. Tax. 150 Jonea, Edward $20 57 Acre. CMtllrN " Tf? Ho A lot Byara.rtrrl 1860 $:) 8H 125 Herj.iiT.on, Ituhl 14 !0 100 Ntlling, Carol loe 7 60 338 llaalet, Tinner Co 70 05 Acre. Jordan. , ' Tex. llouas A lot Roaa. Mary $1 35 Acraa. . Kantian. Tai. 25 ConowaT.OiMjr T.O $3 38 10 Haynea.lvideldn3 GO 25 llaruopa, .Inn eat do 3 ;(H 130 Long, And'w'00-07,25 13 Arret. ' Knox. - Tax. 97 Chaae, J M 1SG0 $6 21 2 lerh, .la do 76 275 l'aiton, Jno do 15 75 Acre. ' Laurence. Tai. 13 Wood, T A 1)1806 $1 35 Acre. I.nmber rltj bor. Tai. 2 Iota ' Gray, W $1 K8 Acre. Morri. Tai. 100 I,un6. Jame 1866 $9 00 60. Smith, Wm B do 5 63 70 Sbubart. Geo do 8 JO Aern. Pena. Tai. 12 Flynn, John 18G6 $xl 28 Holland, Joa do 8 78 28 Smith, Iloht do 2 70 Acraa. Pike. Tax. 430 Carr A Hail. 1806 $10 80 Acre. I nlou. - Tax. 60 Pennint. Leander $20 4(1 111 liorn. Wni L ,4 53 Acre. Woodward. Tai, 800 Whileaid. 18t6 $15 42 TTM. K. WRIOl.FY, Trea'r.. ALMEIVS PATENT UNLOAD- - Uf Hay Fork, for Ml by MEKRELL A BIGLER. QIL, TAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Ill, tc, for lt by ' MERRELL A BIGLER. JjAIiNESEm Finding, for el by -i MERItELIi A HIGLER. f UNS, ri8TOLS,BWOKD CANES X ;. i. ; ' .j -. i, ........ . .For tai by , ' MEERELL A BIGLER. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND , J i Bit, tut ttla by . ; ( ' ,' MERRELL A BIGLER. . T RON t IRON ! . IRON 1 ' IRON ! -. i. For tale by ,; MERRELL A BIGLER. TJOUSE S1IOE8 HORSE SHOE Al " ' - ' ' Kallt, for tai by 1 ) . ' MERRELL A BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES ,,, Aaa beat manufeaiaM, far aalaVy ! J : ' MERRELL A BIGLER. THIMBLE SKEINS AND. PIPE JL - Bet, 'or ealt by . . . MERRELL tt BIGLER. J70DDER CUTTERS for salo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWSl' SAWS I SAWS! ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN 1 .: ItEl'OLVTlO.V I.T Half's t .1 "' . : i :' : - EMERSON'S TATEST FERFOKARATEI) ' Cross-Gutj Circular and Long Saws. ., , (ALL eyMMINQ AVOIDED.) , , AtSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, aal Shaping U i i Tteth of all bplitUng Bawt.' - V-6end for a Deeerlptlr Circular aad Trie Utu ., .., : .. MKHBELL A BltiLER, Ja-tf , . , Otaeral Agenta, ClearAeld, Pa. . 8. rttaai. ............. .t. t. sisoa FLEGAL & GAN0E, STOVE A.D IIOLIOW-YTAEE STORE, ,( i J Ann MArrArrt'a.nts r - Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron , Ware, Pklllpaburg, Centre row, Pa - THE a Ira ef Flagal Oaooe would re tr-eetfuIVy ar.aonaee ta their friend aad th publla generally, that they hart oa kand a tarfully-lar4d aa Tl anorted ataek ml 8urt. Their rariaty euanala ef "1HE CELEBRATED IRONSIDE,' Which hart aercr failed to girt perfect tatUTac tinn the meet faeiidtou af (ta parekaetira, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Paylighi. Spear' Aati-Datt, Kiagara, Charm, Herald. c, trlth trary yarltty af tb heat FltUbarg Manufacture. t.Tna Tin and Ehaot Iron vara giraa with th 8tort I mad of th hear'tit and heet material, aad warranted to gift perfect rati, factioa. Thtlr ttock of TARL0R AND IJEATINQ STOVES It larger, better aad cheaoer thaa tetr before obibited ta tht pualie. They defy eorapetltioa either in Tarlcty, quality ar prlea, - They are alt prepared to fnraiah a complete aeeortntent of ' Tin, Copper, Sheot-Iron, Wooden and Willow ware, Wholaaalt a retail, aianuketarel neatly and with tha aol riew to erric, from th bett ma terial In th market., PLOWS, TL0W POINTS, A COPPER, BRAFS AKD IltOIT KETTLES, Of trcry durrlpMon tnn.tantly ea hand. , LlfiUTSlSO -RODS, Superior point, put ap oa thort notice, Tht Polat they offer io tit publla U th tee a 1 aow natd by the Pcnnaylvaala Railroad Co, oa their building. ORDERS FOR erOUTlNQ, ROOFING, And tlher work belonging to their bnatntn wilt bt promptly tiled by axpriod end ekillful workman. BRASS, COTTER ASD OLD METTLE Takta la aackaagt for good. y-Thcy tirpeclaliy tnrlu tht tltcnHca ef Mtrehantt withing ta parobaee at nholcaala, a they will lad tl to thtlr adraaUgt to tiamiae tlair (toek befort parchaiing alttwhere. -i . FLEQAL A OAS0I.- Philipuhurg, July It, 1887. Cttiarneld Academy. Ear. F. t- HABRISOS. A M-. rrinripif TIII TIIH Ft'slt 5 ef IW rr'"' 'ho lae lt yeafef ftt leetilallo elllt.oini.net t MtlNUAV.tb Kit day af rhtiMry, IWI, Pupil, eaa enter at any tin. Ihtywill ae aharted wiiri tuitloa from the tiat th, taUr t tht tloat af Ikt tlowlea; 1 kt tourtt ef to.irac teti earkrawet avery rhleg lneladd la a tkereek, practwal d eooo. pltiked tdueatlen for hotk tc. Tb Principal bating had tht aU(re'ef murk ineae It ki. prolawtee, eeeuree pa. rant and guard aa that kt entire ability aad anergic will bt dtrottd to tht moral mi tai traiaing of the youtb placed aader kil charge, 111. M MX (If 11111(181. Orthography, Keauiag, Writiag. and Primary ArithmetM, par beiue ( 1 1 week) . I 88 Qremniar, Urography, Arilhmalic, and lllitory tl II Algebra, ftVomolry, Trlrcwometry. Mea- taratlon, ttrreeyia, fntioanpay, rat. olony. ChntlrtfT, Hook Epng, Botany "' and Phll Oeorrapby - - - t II Latin, Greek and Frtncb, wlfS nay ef tha abet Braacha - . - . II " drdaetita will he mad for akarae. rfcr furtbtrpartieultr inauir of H- P. L, lUKhloOX. A. M-, Claarltld, fab. I, 1888 tf. , Pristine!. LOGAN ACADEMY. A High Stbool for fioyr, at BELL'S MILLS, oa tb Pena.ylraaia Oaatrnl Raileoed. Nit ttrm btgiat April 20th. bend fore eiren. lar. Addrtft K. H. PL'LT'iN, Prisaipal. fehJO 2m Antiilown. hlair eeuoly. Pa. M,4TET MTirLiitr roa ' SPRING & SUMMER Juat reoeired af th Store of Ms. 11. D. WELSE k Co., FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY, NOTIONS, TOTS, aad MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Silk eatrrelrtt 0NET3 made for. tl li Straw BOXJi ETS made for- .. Tl All kind af HA To let....u.. M Material fernuhed on a raaaoaahlt tarma aa they aaa k had in tha county. "et door to Firtt National Cank, aorT-tfJ. CLEARnELP.Pi. , '' 628 HOOP SKIRTS 628 Wat. T. Hopkto'e "Crura Make" ef "Key- etoae Shirt" Art th bt aad tbe(ert Lew Priced Ree) Skirt la th market. Trail hktru, I) apring II 80: Set epriagt, tl Jt ( end . tf.ri,i, IL4. rial fklrti, 8 tape, ! nrliri, 81 Cent! tl enrrrg, 18 Cent) 3 tprlngr, II 18 ; 18 apriaga, 1. ti. W rratd 1 teary reipeev. Onr OWN Make" of TMOM SKriTS Eleeea Tape Trail, frem 10 to M rprlogi, ti ll to 11.80. Plin, Hn laue. IS U J pringn, from 85 Cnu tat2.ee. Theee Skirt ar teuar ikaa tbote fold by ether eeublithmtnta a Irak elaa goiMlf, tnd at much lower price. Our 0 R Mek" tf CHAMPION SKIRTS" ace ie erary way mperior te all ether Weep bkirl before th public, and only hart te be eiaminrd er worn ta tunrinet eeery en ef tht fact. Manufactured ef tht beet linea lai.ked KnglUh Steal Spring, eery rwrertur tape, aad tba cylt at tbt mttalie faeteatagt aad manner ef tecuriog tbem aurpaea for durability and ai direct any other Skirt In thl eonarry, aad are Itgkur, mora elaatia, will wmup hanger, give more eetitlaetica, aad are really kapar thaa all other,. Keery mdy tboulc try tbtm. Tbty art belrg told tittnhtly by At etekanitth rough eat tbit and tht adjoining Stnte at eery taod eralt prioe. H yon waul k heat, a.a lar "HopkuTi Champiot Ekirt " If yoa d not lad tkem, get tha mertihaai with whom yoa deal te nrder tram for roa, or noma ar teed direct te aa. Merabeata wi.l tad ear diflereel grade ef Skirt saetly wkel they need, and w e.pecially iarite tbem te tall and titmint our eiwnaie eaeort aee u araend for w boleeale Print Lieu Ta h kad at Retail at Maaalaetory, end ef the Retail Trad generally, aad al W koleaala el the Manaraatarer only, to whom all trJrt ehoeld be aodraacd. Meealbetery aad Salearoem. ?S Iroh Street, berwtee Ith and fill atreern Pkiladet.kta Marok II 18m WM. T. IJ0PEI5E. DRESS-MAKING. SPKC IAI. rbOTICt- PARISUX IESS AND CLOAK MARtSfJ Uifle eat bare their Drtteet, Suite, Coeta, aad Baauaiae haaeV aomaly made end trimmed, at the aonet ae. ilea, at tht eid-tttabUehed ttaad, 1081 Chaetaat treet, Pailadelphia. Fancy aad plain Feet, Mantilla ftreemtata, Dreat eed Cloak Bauona, Riknona, deny end Gaipure La oca, Bagla end Oimp Dreee Trim mlng. with a large eariaty of Staple and Fancy Oood.from li to 60 per rent, lee than eleewhere. Alee, receiring daily. Pari raahloe ta tier ptner, for Ladiea' and Childreu'i Lire me a. Sate ef Pattern lor merchant and orem maker new reade, at Mr. M. A. BIMKn'g, Jyi ly ' 1081 Cbaatnel at, Philadelphia. MILLIMRY & STR.UV GOODS, Ko. 118 Arrh St., abort Peeoad, , rniLADELruiA, rEK??'ji; THE tubecrioer it now prepared to efer te km euetomor aa t tha trade generally, a large and well .elected etock of Straw and Millinery ilood, PATTKKN BOKKETS, Flower, Rib bent. Baewet Fratnaa, Ae., Ao. M. B. All order will rtaalr earetul aad prompt attention. WM. tRCKN. marl tm 111 Arek erraH, PhitadelpVla. 1g6SBPK.COPKS,mCe1868 EYRE & LANDELL, . ' Fourth ant Arek Street, , FtilLADELFfllA, PF.XN'A. " New Sering Silk. Koreltie in Hreat Ooed. New Style hbawl. Ktecl and Pearl Poplin. HAL. alwae keep th beet I1LACK SILKS. N. B Net Cah Byer will led It to thear Internet te call, ea Bergaina from Aealioe ere deily reeeird. mult 8m IMPORTANT I CT tba EMOritATtC ALMANAC. Only t eoet. Freer erwee ,,ewM bare ntr. tf. Farmcre, Iok (n Veer lattereato .Dare Money M heu Yea l ee, CORN I CORN! CORN I CORN I THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAY. CALL and ee Fie get A Aano ' greet laber at log aad ntoal perftnt and area . - . Entire new machine, Ju"t patented. With tbl planter ona pereon ran do a mach work at twt on tbt old plan. aeea corn and planta mack more accurately. Caa ba regulated eecvrdiag to your deeir. Agent ra cmjlojcd tl ti.trihtitt aal tell tbt machine. , i Philipiburg. P Frhrry 10. 1888-tt C LEAR FIE QT BAKER Yi ritiien af "(1ear8eld and rlclnlty are hereby tended that the eadrrelgned keent attnntlr ea hand HKKt. I'lh.l. CAkK-(, ROLLS aad all hiadt of CO.NfEClIOJ ISKIKS. ' n a f"tm ex Art aotiltd that during tht rafting ecu roa a felt atpply ef Breed will alwart ba kept at kaed. J. A. STADLtT.. " Clearleld, January 3D, 1888. SrVAIM PAAC F, Kennedy' Md e4 llie.,eprr. rlelmhuld' Bnrkn. Baker' Caa Lirer Oil, Jane't and Aver' mcd:cinca of every kind, for al by 1IARTSWICF A IRWIN. QALL li EXAMINE T11K STOCK at Oeedi now etlllnf at tha CLKARFIELQ STORK, anr$-tf Hear Phlllpihwg, a a