' She r pnMiran. Geckos B.Goodlakdcr, Editor. " CLEARFtEL D , pX Thursday Morning, April 9, 1868. DIMOCEATIO jSTATE TICKET, 1 1 ' ' ' aroTron unuw ' BOX. CHAHLEB E. BOY US. ' Of Faystt esanty. ,J , inntu num OBR. WEIXIKOTO H. KWT. Of Colsmbis eoantY. " ' Election all Right. Stato elections wers held in Con necticut snd Michigan on Monday last. Both Statet have undoubtedly declared for Democracy and the Union. In Connecticut, the Democratic State ticket ii elected by amajoritr doable that of laat year. A loyal Jewell baa been beaten for Governor. It wa found to be brau only; henco its re pudiation. . , , , ., , In Michigan, the question was opon nerro Conatitation and local officers The Constitution ia defeated beyond a doubt and the white man ia again ahead in benighted and negro-loving .Michigan. Mettled at Lat. The long contested Senatorial case between Bobinaon and Shugarthas at length been aettled. This case was ? adjusted precisely as we told our par ity friends -when it commencod. No Democrat can remain in a legislative . body when hia presence changes the political complexion of that body. It .therefore make no difference bow large bis majority may be. Had some other Democratic Senator's majority been less than Mr. Shngart's, he would have been beheadod. The "example set at Washington is enough to con Tine any human being aa to their ultimate designs. If the expulsion of one Democrat is not sufficient to 'change affairs, they turn out more. The Radicals should have done at once what they agreed opon in cau cus: turned Mr, .Shugnrfr ,out and . thus saved the Suite Treasury at least tight thousand dollar.. Their party discipline is intolerable enough ; but .' their robberies are too outrageous to nbmitto quietly. ; ',"'.. The timo is not distant when Dem ocrats will elocttheir members And keep them in their seats by bayonets. If Constitutional law will not defend and protectDemocrats in their rights, something more potent must Oar ' grandfathers once rid this country of loyal tones, and quieted the scalping , Indians, tod it would bo strange, in deed, if their sons could not be as successful against the niggers and ' their loyal allies, who never loved the Institutions of this country, and never will. . Thi Vict raxsiDsscT. The Na tional robbers are in great agony rer the Vice Presidency. Thev have been cheated in every instance here tofore, as 'heir vices elect seem to '. lore and appreciate Union more- than - ftrty, and were, therefore, compelled , to croMt words with their friends and leave them. This they intend to .Avoid in the future, if possible, and ' are therefore on the lookout for a firsU class Union-bater. The Kads in this . Stale have Instructed lor Gov. Curtin, but they dnnt trust him, and he will be defeated at Chicago, if possible. Maryland ' Radicalism wants Grant and Creswell; New York, Grant and Fenton; New Jersey, Grant and - Ward ; Massachusetts, Grant and Wil son ; Indiana, Grsr.t and Colfax ; Illi 'nois, Grant and Trumbull j Ohio, Grant and Wade, aud so on to the end. Each S'.a'.e bus its peculiar penchant for Vice, but all want the dupe, the blockhead and the cheat for .President. V ', I .' T."'. ".. ' I a MAC h i int. This loyal farce is still under way, with Beast Butler In full command of the bureau. The ; ablest conspirators fell buck. The ri noons Tbad. and the humane Bing ham hate subsided. The Beast com mands the forum as completely as he did the operators on tho Dutch Gap Canal, with every prospect of being as effectually bottled in the end. As Ben. never killed anybody in war tiroes, be will certainly hurt no one ' In time of profound peace. The "gov ernment" (if it has no spoons) will therefore escape Lim aa successfully as did Gen. Lee. When the Circe will close no one knows. Aa election for Governor and other Slate officers was held on Senator 1 Spragne's farm (Rhode Islsod) on the 1st instant. The disunionisU just 1 bald their own on Governor, by im- porting- a laiys number of votes from Boating aud I'lymouth Rock, but lost a Urge number of county officers, Sen ator and members of the Legislature, which points indelibly to tbs "decline aadfalT of their Empire. 1 .Tbs Legishvltre has passed a joint rssaln&on -so arfcewir ii.k t esiutto .. . v . IfcNnt exs the Hffitfry Kill, j On Thursday last tho Disunion Radicals consummated another of their infamous pet measures, at liar risburg, in the shspe of a Registry law. This act completely overturns the present election lawsof this State.1 It baa been placed upon our statute books for tho purpose of continuing the National robbois in power; but we mistake the tone of the pcoplo very much if it docs not sound their funeral knell, and if the ditch they have dug for their neighbors to fall into will not be occupied by themselves. The debate npon the passage of tho bill, which will be found below, again Illustrates the "grand moral ideas" of the freedom mongers. They boldly proclaim that all men are free and equal; butwhentheirviowsareteeted, they prove to apply to none but no groea and white DisunionisU. The leader of the loyal gang in the House (Hickman) seems to be the only hon est man among them, because ho has the courage to express the sentiments of the Radical caucuses in public Hickman's views are held by every loyal scoundrel in the House, but they are not honest enough to announce them. Uenoe their eagerness, on every occasion, to suppress all debate in the interest of the people and for the benefit of tho public Treasury ,' Tbe annual election expenses in our coaniy'bave heretofore been about one thousand dollars; but under this loyal reform bill, it will cost the people more thanthreetimesthatamount; beside, each Toter will have to spend from two to three days to get to ono elec tion. ' The time and money required to bo spent, andor this bill, will be found to be a burden to freemen, ra ther than a pleasure and duty, as heretofore. The whole tendency of the bill is to keep white freemen (tbe tax-payers) awsy from the polls, and prepare the way for the negroes, under tbe Bureau' system, to become our voters and law-makers. Loyalty has assumed numerous garbs (among them the Scotch cap and military cloak) since the days of George III, in order to mislead and deceive the white peo ple; but we think this last cloak will prove as futile as any of tho clothes they bave heretofore worn Ws now refer Our readers to the beauties ol loyalty, as developed in our Legtblatnre, through John Hick man k Co., during the passage of this last Radical infamy. Tbe preference of the negro to the white foreigner is characteristic of tbe party, and proves that they will barter the liberties of their country and tbe dignity of their race, in order to continue to rob both : Mr.-Limo.f (Dem.,) of Cambria, moveJ an amendment to tbe second section, striking , out the provision which requires assessors to nark op posite each man's name the neture of his qualifications as an elector, such as " naturalised, " declared inten tion," "age," "residence," Ae. Mr. Hick. mas, Ken., of Chester, sue tained the bill as the only hope of the country against Democratic frauds. That party had a large number of dupes, whom ihey used for party pur poses. Mr. Maisb (Dem.,) of York, said be would go as far as any man to pro- vent frauds at election, burn pre vention would always redound to tho advantage of the Democratic party. This bill, however, was a covered as sault upon tho foreign vote; it was an electioneering scheme of the Radical parly to carry the next election Mr. Smith (Rep,) of Allegheny, said that the bill was intended to pre serve the purity of the bnllot-hox, and ascertain tbe true sentiment of the people Mr. Chal'akt (Dem.,) of Montour, alluding to tbe frauds, called the at tention of the House to the Fort Del aware frauds, which he said was the boldest aud most infa-.nous of any of wiucn me people bave ever beard, and yet those frauds were perpetrated by the Radical party. Mr. Craig (Dem.,) of Carbon, f polo in opposition to the bill. It was too cumbrous j its machinery was too im plicated, its expense was too great.' Mr. Jonks (bom.,) of Berks, suid that where the duties of officers were increased, the chances of fraud were increased. Besides, this bill put the hard-working man to so much trouble In obtaining his right to vote, that it was doubtful if many of them would care to trouble themselves about the matter, especially when it was always hard to prevail upon them to leave their work and their bonus simply to cast their votes. Where a roue would jump one barrier he would jump two. Election officers, too, were sometimos corrupt, and they could commit as many frauds under this bill as under the existing law. Until we had some befer evidence of th inefficiency of the existing laws, ha did not see any reason for the passage of a new law. He had never h ard anybody ask for it. Thcro was no excitemont, no do tnand for a regintry law. Mr. Tno?t! (Rep.,) of Philadelphia, moved toexenipt the city of Fhiludcl phia from the provisions of the bill. Agreed to. Mr. Botd, Dem., of York, said this bill would require an honest Demo crat to occupy two days, instead of one day, to reach fie enemies of the country through the ballot-box. The gentleman from Chester had made an attack upoo the foreign vote the votes of men who had fought bravely lor me conn try on many a battle field. Mr. Uir&NAS said ha had only at tacked the illegal foreign vote. Eve. rybody knew that the whole foreign Irish Caiholio vote of the country would be cast for tho Democratic ticket. He neraritorad to convince them of Jheir error.. If tbeXtyisl. ' tare had adonbMi hia If lT,.kn,.'. 1 I ,. , ' , "v "in w'u.iHmjiuu Binsnumrnt. wo . . 'u,'u nma ae "i oeen able w Cswtitotion, and that would bar fielded the one-half cf' the Democratic voters; then the lie croes would havebren admitted, and they would have counterbalanced the balnnoe of the Icmocralic voters. l-.UKhter i - ? I..,' U air. hkciisagh, t'em , 01 Montgom ery And your negroes were to have Voted without boing able to road. J Mr. Hickman Why, sir, they an Jd.readl. Laughter. J i'u will-not find a negro in Chester county wno cannot read. Mr. Born was clad to hoar that the whole foreijrn Irish Catholio voto of tliecountry would be east for lbs Dem-, ocratie ticket. And this whs just what the Republicans were afraid of; hence they Were anxious to call in the votes of degraded negroes. ' " Mr. Hickman reiterated that the whole foreiLTi Irittli Catholio vote bad always been cast for tho Democratic party. Aud that vole had always been cast in downright, absolute ig nornnce of our institutions. , But he could not object to tho vote of a man on titled to a vote. Jle had only as saulted the illegel foreign, or lriwli Catholio, voter. Jlo was always for tho protection of the poor, foreign or native. Rich men could cheat as well poor men, It was against fraud that he siioko. The Republican party bad committed one grand mistako;they had allowed ignorance to vote becauee it was clothed in a whits skin. Tbcy might aa well allow a bag of flour to vote 1 Laughter. Take an ignorant Irishman, just lauded, who swears to support the Constitution of the Unit ed tilatee, he is allowed to vote be cause be swears to support the Con stitution, when lie cin't read the Con stitution, not evon Urn New . Testa ment. It was not to be supposed that a man that couldn't road, could understand the Constitution, when even we could not understand 1 it. Laughter. All tbe ignorant vote of the country was cast lor the Demo cratic party. , i i Mr. Brxnnah, Dem., of Schuylkill, rose and in an excited manner said that tbe gentleman from Chester had attacked the intelligence of the Irish Catholics. He would find many among those Irish Catholics who were more capable of teaching men their duty to their country and thoir God than the gentlemen from Chester. He (Mr. B.) challenged the gentleman to meet him at the Jones House, room No 9, where he would have a bottle of whisky for him. Laughter . Mr. Hickman Is the gentleman an Irish Catholic 1 Mr. Bkennar Yes, sir, and I want the gentleman to understand that I am hia peer in intelligence. 1 , Mr. Hickman The gulled jade win ces! There is just where the shoe pinches 1 Mr. BaKNRAN I would say to tho gentleman that I hate injustice and untruth wherever I find it. 1 conse quently feel a little touched is rela tion the bold assertions of the gentle man from Chester, which be knows are untrue. , ... ; - t Mr. Hickman proceeded, wben Mr. Akmstronu, lU-p., called the previous question, but the call was not sustained... leas 38, nays 42. . Mr. Hickman then proceeded ai;ain. Mr. Bovp asked what objections tho gentleman usu to mo existing election laws. i Mr. Hickman replied that they were not stringent enough. Ho be lieved that if tho Republican party had made half tho effort to secure the negro vote that they had mado to se cure the Irish Catholio vote of this Stale, there would be no necessity for this bill. Mr. Linton's amendment was thon voted down by a strict party voto tlie iJemocrals voting aye. . AFTERNOON SESSION. ! The House resumed the considers' tion of tho registry law. Mr. Linton, Dora- of Cambria. moved to amend by striking out the provision requiring tho exhibition of certiticates ot naturalisation to asses Bora. ! ' . Mr. Stbano, Rep., of Tioga, said it was time the House arrived at a de cision on this question. Everybody knew that all the Republicans would vote for the bill and that all the Dem ocrats , would vote against it. Tho morning session bad been frittered away in useless discussion, and it now remained for Republicans to say whclher they were going to pass tho bill or not. He culled the previous question on the first section. This call was sustained by a strict party vote aud the auction was adop ted by the earned ' Mr. Strang did not voto, because he had paired-off with the gentleman from Clinton, Mr. Deise. Mr. Wkbb, Rep., of Bedford, called the previous question on the second soction. . " Mr. Jones, Dem., of Berks, wanted to know if the Chair is going to rs cogniae anybody this afternoon ris ing on the Democratic side. Laugh ter among the Democrats. The call for the previous question was sustained by a strict party vote. Mr. Joskfhs, Dem., then moved a roconsidoiation of Ihe vole just had on sustaining the call, r When tho third section was read Mr. Thorn introdnced an amendment embracing the balance of the bill from the fourth to the fifteenth sec tions Inclusive, which wns dono to prevent filibustering on sections with an addition providing a complete reg istry system of rhiiadolphia, consti tuting the Aldermen of wards a con- cri jjobto oi uanvaHsers, who sholl meol on the first Monday of June eacu year, ana orgamro by tho selec tion of President, Clerk and Messen ger, and on or before the first Monday in August they shall appoint reputa ble cineens of each elec tion division all of whom shall cot be members of the same party, to oontitute Boirds of Canvassers for the various districts, and vacancies which shnll be flllod by the Board of Aldermen. The remain der of the provision relative to rhil sdelphia are the same as those embrs ted in the bill. Mr. Tuorn called tbe previous quiMtion on this amendment. Mr. MrGiNKis, Dem , of Rhilndol. phia, ssid it wa an outrage which no leniocrat should Umoly aubmit to'. The excitement then boing fclgh, all the Deroiierou except nine left the House with the intention of learin tbe body without a quorum. Tho nips, however, refused to leave. ' Mr Kl.r. KKiR. Rep , of riiiladel- phia, moved that the doors be closed to prevent the egress of any more rneinoere. lU.fore the vote on the can for the previous question was announced, Mr. Mann, Rep , of Totter, said there were a Ourabcrof members proont who had not voted bocauso they hud par-ed-off but, under the circumstances, he thought their obligations wore dis solved. Ho called upon tho RnNtk r to order such men to east thoir voles. Tho Si'KAKKR said ho thought there was ns euorum vof wiKj Ml (j The result slioweJ 45yea to d nnys, thero being exactly a quorum voting, only six Democrats answering to their names, , The question was then taken on Mr. Thorn's amendment, and during the call of tho yeas and nays Mr. Thorn repeated his former observa tions. Ho thought it was the duty of the Speaker to direct the Clurk to call over the names of thoHe who had not voted and direct them to vote. To pair off was only a privilege, not an obligation recognized by the rules. The amondment was adoptod yeas 45, nays 10; thoro being but ten Democrats present. - Tbe third soction, thus amendod, was adopted bv a party vote yeas 44, nays 14. In consequence ot tho ahsenco or the .Democrats, tue itnpuo licans had the necessary vote of two thirds to suspend tho rules and pass the bill finally, which was done nnder the operation cf calling tho previous question yoas 44, nays 16, tho Dem ocrats voting ns. ' Another EircT.--Wbcrever loyal Radicalism reigis supreme, thor the Democratic foot prints of our prede cessors yield to tie stern hoof of Des potism. The following order from Gon. Sohofield, making a Governor for the State of Washington, 1 Jeffer son and Madison, amply illustrates the strides loyalty is making in our Commonwealth:.!. ' : i "Hsa QriiTEiia,Mfi.iTav Diit. No. 1,1 "Kicasomi Vt, April 1, ISM. ( "It la honhT ordered that O.n. II. II. Wtlll M- m 4 dmehtrfe tbt datl of Oftraritor of Urn diiu-iot. lijrvnlwof , BCHOFIBI.D, ! , "Utjat omrml. , The period for which Gov. Tiorpont had been elected had expired, and the military satraps would not allow the people to elect another. The gentle man Mr. Wells is a Micliigander, not likely to understand the wants of the pooplo of Virginia,yot ordors put him where he is not wanted. : On tho tth of Marsh, I8. hj J. W. Lvi.V E.q.. Mr. MILLS PAVIH and Miu ANNA WCKKHOLPKR, of Bmsris townthip. ' On th Mlh of Marrh, 1JS8, hj Jon Bsnn. Em., Mr. WM. HAKNKK of Ioratnr sad Miu 8AKAH K. (SHAW, of Bogfi lovnahip. On Iko lllb of Marrh, ISM. hj J. W. I.ril . Bq., Mr. C.J. KKA'IV and Mita rJCSASSAII UAKtpIRAW, of Ulan Hops, ClasrScId eountr. Attha raaidanocof tha bridt'i fathrr, bj Fia rsi A. Cilpwsi.l, E.q., Mr. JAMKfl JA.MKS sod Miu OHIlkLLA IlKIr.H kxHh of B(i lovnabip, hi toDoty. . 5irl " " In Ooihra (nvnaVilp, on tin tat of April, I'tS, JACOB ILErtAL, In tha 8Sth rr of hia sa. glfw flrrrt.;sfuirnf5. Stone Masons Wanted. T IBKP.AL, iM will bo paid hj tha nmlar. i lifsadts s nnrslxrof eTON K MAM'M. lur further information, oll in paraonor sditrati, at ClaarS.ld, Fa, UH.OKUH llinn.', pr 6t Dnildrr. Medical Notice. rTHE nndcrrlimed W"14 wpartrullr annonnra X to ail incnsa ssa patron a, max na oaa aoio kit antlro (rood will and prstiioa uf Medioua In Luihrrabura;. 1'a., to lr. Wn. B. Ai xAnii(it, on tha lt day of April, IHS-t, to whom all mj patient sra harasfiar rafrrwl. j:4rAH paraona knnwinc thaniwlTas indahtsd U nw will iilesM sail and arine wiinnn a, it. T. J. BOTER, M. D. I.nllwrkarg, April I, IStS-U". BE ALE'S EMBROCATION (LATI ro Witt's,) For all dlaassaa Incident 10 Horn!, Cattla, and Human Flash, raqnlring fhs va of ns titrraal sppllratiss. 1 This Embrocation waa ait.nilrtlr n'd r tha Oorarnnianl during tho war. For tela by ffarrtwlrk A Irwin, Clrarnald. Jaaapk R. Irwin, CnrwaaiTillo. linnisl Uosd- hudar, Lathorabnrf, If DISOI.l Tlt 4IF PAItTNKRKIUP. Fh. psrtnerikip haratafora oiiatiaf batwaen n. M. ir A. I. pbaw, In tha Drug hu.ineia,st Clanrfiaid, waa ditrnWrd by mutual ennaant, on tha lit dajr af April. A. I. Shaw ii nnthoriaad to tstUa sad eloss ap nil tho seaonnli of tha irm. i WM. M. SIIAVT. A. I. SHAW. -Thl bnilnam of tha 1st Irm will ba o. lias ad by tha nndarilgsad, si tho old Hand, whsia ka bspaa hli old ruatonari will glra him a call. sprt 61 A. 1. MIAW. $5,000 ACCHKNTH. , Arc lCC Five Thousand Dollars Insnranoe, a or lwaatr nra t-cnla, nr ana Pay. FITg DOl.tARS PER MONTH ARD FROM MS TO IM PER TEAR, With wwhlj oompcnnllnn, In enst of tntsl lias- bitlty. ' No Medical Examination is mada In Accident Insurance. . Polnin snd I irk eta eoTcring nil kinda of Aoai- danta, whether nooirad whilil tranling r otharwiaa, told hy ALFRED M. PMITII, aprt-tf Inraranoa Agrnt, Clrarliald, Pa. New BlackBmithing EBtabHshment. PRCOD PT., CLEARFIELD, P. ' T" nndaralgnad bag Is Inform tha Inhabit- X ants of ClrnrtaM nnd anrronndlng algk burhood, that thay bare oontmaaoed huiinaaa in tha aboTf lino, whara, by Uriel allention to nil waik onlraitad to Ib.wj, thay hops to merit s bare of pnblit patronage. H0RSC Ml OKI Nil m tha meat npprwrad prinaiplra, for oltaar fssi or working horsat. Hora.. that interfere, na ba ontirely praranled. ALL KINDS OF PAW MILL WORK, E. giaa work snd Steam Boilers ropairod. Miner.' tool! and nil klndi of Steal tools made of the beat malarial nnd tha ahartert untie. Poet-bolt ognra, for bosrd fawlng. VtA.AU work dona by ti It warranted to girt tnt Irfsction, ar at charge will be made. AMOS KKNNARD. spr " JAMK3 WATERS. ADMI N IMTH ATI KOTIC KSollet U har.by giean thai letter, of Admlnl.trs. tioa. on tha Mtla nf Tlinilie .I'tl'BUDnu dooesaod, 1st of Unllcb town.bip, Clawlald' aonntT. Pa., k.rl.. he dnl ... nndanigned, nil sertont ladakted I asid aa. - , mmw pmjmni, tna ineea taring alalni or dtaiandi will prattni tkam fur tetUt ant wlthoat delay. - J0n . MeSURHAN, Mtrrs M- Admlnl-tralar. ftr flrrrtUfwrclu. F AMI Kl.Y M-PIIITr lU CersTT Ninmii Bi f riitld, Id mar: Ui .( u lm M4tr r a hi, t ' j lo'M M atlla StM-Mnudk..i i!.4i tinifrnia Hnki"d Hisksn....., ' t.H I), 8. Rndill'ltdiU Trturf , of I). S , U HHii atrmUitUiiS.... ?,d Farnlun nd pM iwxMitil .... 4 Umm iwU 4 Uim H14 Mi C.b on k.nJ H, Lit III ITI. CiplUl Kx-k rld In IIUII.OOOSo fWplut fund IM'O Indildl d..MU.. 4,m li Nniro in Cirrulniao. O.iM.1 Intrnrtt mi tietannf !.!" Jt ' rT6ts4Lii....i......... 4,il - IUl... Ml MM 7(lll.l T . I fconbr ttrUty Ihol Ik ooovt ttetaisnl U tni copy of tbi origins! mm to (ho Comptroller of lb Uurrane?, Ui:i din da; ol April. luflS. . D. W. MOO UK, Cihlr. QtTABTKRI.Y REPORT of tho FlMT NAtioxiklUntor Ci.ntnriiuD, Pa., for lh Quarter ondiof April t, lSHHi , mtioonrn. : ' Loam and DiioonaU $SS,JI 84 Oior drafu. . 1 TWi IT Fumlturo and nitarei.....H..........' 1.187 11 Corrtnteipsmei ; 410 5 Taxoi paid , i..... TM ST ttoronno iWipi ,...i.., , H SI Pa. from National U.di , 15.10k 42 Da fram othor UaDki A Hanker,.... 8,077 St V. 8. Hood dpotlto4 with V. 8. Traurr. .,..... ie,08 Circalalinf noloaof KaoeoaJ ilaoki 2,300 00 Fraetlonal Curranpy , Iv Ugal Tosdor Notoand fipooio 14,J M . , uasiUTisa. -CaplUl atook paid to 8100, oto 00 . Rurpliu fund 6.0OO t( Notot In oitrolatioo.... rSt.4S 00 - UilJmalm Z0.9OS0I ' Pas WKaUnnal Uanka... l.tUl f4 Pna toolbar Hanka sod Rankara IS IT ' ' Pram and iou .. 4,41 47 ToU! .'.$S2.S21 22oiIl 4 I aartlfy that Ihe abye Is s aorreot abstraet of lb tjoarterlr report made to the Uomptrolltl Sf tba Currency, April S. ISfiS. . , A. (.. riADHI, ua.niar. NEW STOCK1 Spring Goods I ; , Spring Goods I. : ; " Spring Goods I ;! '.. , "..'.- r : KETSTOXE STORE Boytrs of Dreo floods, Trimmings, Notions, Hosiery, OloTes, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Ehsdts, Wall Paper, Csrpet Chains, Toilet QnllU, Umbrellas, Psraatls, Shoes, la., Ao, Ac, art Inrltrd to eiamlne THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK Erel brought I this market. ' i -r .i AVE . CHALLENGE , . V. COMPETITION ! JMP-Cssk buyera will Sad rare Inducements : NIVLINO SnOU'ERS. Clfarfield, April 9, 1 BAS-tf Orphans' Court Sale. BT alrtut tt sa order of Ibt Orphant' Cotrl of CletrStld retnty, lb. re will ba txpoaad to public sate, at Hegarty X Kosds, sa Saturday, May 2d, 18C8, 1 At tw t'aloek, P. M., tb following dtaoribod real aetata, sltnatt at Ilegarty't X Hosds, la Baorsris towmhip, Claart.ld county, Peon's, lata tbt tttatt of Thor as Cowan, dee d, bounded and daatrlktd as fnllawt I On tba west by lands af Samuel Hegarty, on tha north by Isod. of Samuel llegart. and John ller.b.on the tut by lands of Jamas Gallagher, snd on tha tontb by isada at Usaid Btmplt sna Jtba Bsrtly, Containing 100 efrrrs, Mora or ls.a. with about tarenty lrt sent elasrad, snd a two . lory log home, log barn nnd an orohard of ailty fruit tree, thereon. Terms liberal and wada known on day of salt. aprl u BAllUKL HBUAKTY. MILL, FARM & TIMBER LADS FOR SALE! THE nndaralgnail, designing In qalt bn.inraa, offer for sal their entire property, CtnuMinir of 1,3'U acrrt of IjatUt Situated on bulb sides of the Mo.hannon creek and the Tyrone and Clearflrld railroad, adjoining Uit bomnith of Philip.hurg, Tha improramrol. ovaaiat of a .. t Steam Saw Mill, Water power Shingle and Ulh Machines all of which arc in complete runningnHer, with railroad siding at the mill. On DWELLING Hul'SK, laratv reriairaH ..inliJ t. k... 1 u plate order; one FARM HUlrih! aad large DAHN ; ..... uwH...v uu tiirra pinajie onuses lor nauil.; oIKctand arhool room. About one hundred nnd twraty.Sv sere of tha land are cleared and wader cultivation. On tba balano Ibtr tt a large amount of superior HEMLOCK snd OAK TIM KKR. while I'lNK TIMHKH ..i. ...i.i. k. the trees, cat bt pnrekaaad at remunermti.e price.. Th indications of COAL are farorsblt on both eldea of tha rli s-d railroad. To any party parehasing tb real aatslt, snd daalring it,'wt WUI also sail, at fair rates, on. tatirt paraoaal property, consisUng of . , Teams, Harness and Wagons, Fanning Implement.. Lumbering Tools, tnd about TWO MILLION FKET OF LOU8 now ia the dam thus affording an opportunity for the imme diate prneoculion of bu.inesa. For pelro, terms, Ac, tpply at Ptelner't Mills. T. ic! railroad, or address by niall at Phlllpibnrt-. Ontre Co., Pa. aprt t PTKINKR t KELLKR. v' .11 in r, 5 Mm Ktoj&b. 8":s rA eraleble Tf ataSTOKATIVI 4 St ,1m n H. a,.,. I. M r-rwtlf, fn, r..i.K r llssr In Ha nrifim It! srialt ttdW iMtnlrtja) M4 Ab, j WrtaHss s frntsi VrVrYir J. S. SaSRgTT k CO., Pmwrlataea, usciitria, n. . Sold by Hartawiek r Irwin atd A. 1. Phtw J " "m, vurwaaayiut aad all f iaia raiant atcaiointt, , aprl. (In I?X-.COTOR-n, rVOTH K-Kotia,), bert. J by glrtn tktt Letters Te.tamowl.ry, hay been granted to Ihe tnb.tribtrt.ta Iht K.inU of OKOHHK IIIUIIKS, deceaeed, lata or Brady town.bip, Clcarleld county, Pennrylyania. All ptiwont indtbtad It tail RstaU ar fwqueated tt akt Immadiati payment, and Ikost baying claim, ac.le.t tbt aama will preset! I tbttB dale aathentiosted for teultuient. 8K0H0B PRNIOR. JOHN PMITII, arl St pd Kxccntort. c NAUI) NFRUTef nil kind., at HE".RF.Lf,4 FtntK1!!. Jlrufl .Hortt. NEW ARRANCEMENf. 'U. in . fir. nni'nh ibt, i . . i 1 " - (Karand ttreet, nppa.lle Ibe frl It ,C M. A K fl I' t O, P'i.) rlITK anhaerlhera rr.ra'tfallT nnnminaa. to lb I -.4il.,ef rtratSald a ad at-latly, 4aA bt baa now rn band n full .apply i'f Vj9 Rliffi. lohnrm, Clgim, CimfeliiD?rlM rilYSICiAN.S Will led bli'iiMk or Drue. FlLT. snd tOM PLETB, nnd tin tery elifihl advtaet on Eaaurt priota. SCIIOOIj JH.HJKS. T.tra and othara will bt furniibeii with elaniosl snd tiiaoeUanaoai took, by sprtna.st abort stue. STATIONERY, . Con.leiing of Cjp, Flal Cap, Fooliesp, Itttar snd D..A.mrf KnIM PanMr. f al.o. S TerY Seat Stork of Mourning Note I'aptr and Knraloptt bnnd. Ptna, fancin, Int. At. : HOUSEKF.EPEIW Will fnd full tack of PURB BPICKR, SODA, 60DA AHU. Concentrated LVK, SOAP, LADIES AKD GENTLEMEN Ar rqnatad ttotaailna bit (took ef Perfumery, Hair Oils, Jfint Toilet Suapa, Dru.be., Comb., Toilet fatu, Ac, A. ' SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will 8nd s full aopply of prima Chawing snd Smoking TO II A COO. Imported and itmaUe ClUAbS, Snuff, Fint-Otl. A.. At. , , i CARBON OIL, ; Of the be.t brand., alway. on hand. , LlOUOiiS. Tba ba.t ajnallty tf Liquor, slways tn band, for lodlaal psrpoao. -Fhi.iiao.' Preaorlptlons promptly snd snrefally awmponndad. , Aprs 9, IMS. . A. nn " a jtew riiuti. H ARTS WICK & IR WIN, i MtrurgUt; CiearlUid, I't. nAVINtl rtStttd and raml'rad la tb rwtta I.,. I. ...IL ba Mifbard MtaMip. new oi.r, low for tub, a wall selected assortment of DRUGS AND CIIKMICALS. Alto, I Viflritn tY7ll bir d.. Oil.. Ola "" Putty, Pye Jttnffn, Stationary, . TOBACCO a'SUMvOAKS,, .. Cosfeclicnery, ripieea, and tb Inrgaat ttoek af rarielirt arer ogarea In itit pifa. an Brrasv td to bt of tbt h.t the narxi anora. i . i j. o. nininmti, e.13,U. - JOHN I1WIX. 7 DRICSJDRIgS ! DRl'GS ! Joseph R. Irwin, 0a Mala Sk, tnt door west tf Hippie at a'satt'i Btort, . CLRWEXfiVlXLE, PA, ' . , Bai sow as bead a largt saaortmeat tf Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Treaaea, Shoalder-Bracca, Kltttle Stack lug. ana nupportera, Class, 9tty. ' Per 'amtry. Toilet floods, Coaf.ctlonarirt, Rpitta, Canned Frtit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Btstioaary, Paneila, Pane, Ink, aad a general yaritty f Kotions. Barrttt's Warranted Hair Ssitoratir Hit Meek embratot aH arttelal aaadrd la a eommuaily, ia tntirely atw, atd af Ik btet tonality, and will ba e Id at raaaoasblt prtttt. Call tnd examine tba goods j tbey tanntt fall tt please. ' left -If JOila. Vsraishes, Faints. Brushes, 1T received sad for sale cheap by JOKKPH H. IRWIN, ; aprll-tf . .. CurwtarriUt, Pa. Attention, AfTlicted I rpill tabsetibr giea aatlca that ka kti X rtsnmt tnt practice 01 neai.iie it us in tr.bnrs. wbert bt inttnd. tn devot bis tttn tlcn to the treatment of CHRONIC DISEASK8 In sro.ral. Ha will keep oa band a ckoiet aa. laclioaof DBUOSaad MKDIC1MB.1 adapttd tt tht treatment of chronic diseases, snd may bt nonsuited si hit oSce st any boar of the day. N. B A word to Iboat afflicted with ehroalt ditesaai msy bt ta ranis advantage. Maty tr any bt awara that cotatsr l'h)alcians wbt do a aipiat practice hare tot tibb la atlead tt th treatment tf fwnostc ditwaaat, aad aoaaa. qnsnlly BBBLtet them; heart this etass of die asset requires siclthtb sttention. GKOROK WILE0X, M. D. Latltrebarg, Fsb. IT, ISnS-U fREATJARGAINSt AT PRIVATE. SALE! TTiriR subscriber, contempiating going into other X busintra, will aril, at prtrsta salt, bit tnurt aiook a i, Pottery and Stoneware, At kis Kiln, ia Clearfield, tboa who may Bead ware of this kind can secure it at a bea y rtduvtioa oa Iht asual print by .calling toon, bectuea bt intends to cleat it out aa soon aa poa.ibla, FREDERICK 1.EITZIX0ER. Clesraeld, October 31, l67-tf. Democratic Almanac. Will laraluaHle pnblicsttra ia for salt at this L omca. It ahonld ba in Uit hand. f erery I'emocrat. Il contain, full election returns from try ennnty in tht I'nited States j betidea, the number for IWS contaias a aompltta list f tba name. of all Iba newspaper. .upprteerd and mobbed during Lincoln's administration ; and that for 1M7 contains the name, of sll those eirilisns who wart imprisoned daring the tarn period. That tw line, for fatur reference, era worth mora than the price of the ptblieation. The number for 1861 iaalM full of yslnable stallrtica. Any sne tending aa slity enn, will rentlv by iwtara mail a topy for oaoh year, fre of poet age. tf. Vr tt I N 1 tWTt H MTI C KSotic is hereby glren that letter, tf Adminiatratlna oa thee.tateof JAM IIS ALEXANDER, decaseed, lsU of Troodwariftownehip, Clearfield county, Pa, baying boon duly granted to the andersign'ed, all poreont indthtaj ta aaid aetata will pleas mate payment, sad thoaa haying claims or demands will preaant tnrm for settlement without delay. ' WILLIAM l.t'TIIKR. Madera, March 2(1, Ixsn.ti Admlniatrator. "is hereby give that Mien of admlnialratioa on tbe "tale of WILLIAM Bit II AN A.N. dec d, late of Penn Tp., Clearfield county. Pa., baying been duly granted to the under.ign'el, all person, indebted to asid aetata will please make payment. ana moat naring claims ar demtade will present them pruperly tathentioatad for eelllement aad allowanot without delay. WILLIAM F. JOtlNPOV, Adm'r. MAHOARKT nt't'll t.VAS, Ailm'l. Penn tawnabii, March In, lf,g. pd. C AI TION .Ml parmn n harabf raatlosed against purchasing or ia sny way meddling with one bay Mare, one black llnraa, one cream colored More, an whit nnd brown Mare, one Log Sled, and tw art r Harneea, now ia tht poe. teeeioa of Jama Fatterenn. af Jordan towu.hii., aa the aama were purchased by me at Sharif's sale and are subject to Bay nrnVr. marlB-3t:pd, JOrEfM! PATTERSON. Tin ware. . . rpilR largest asaortatnl of wall asadt TIS X. W AKk ia tht city constantly on band: situ a general aaeortment of llnuaa Fnrni.blng Unoda. Country merchsata will tnd it to their adraa. Ugttoeall. JNO. M. Ml'LLOV, msrin.tt t; Market t, Philadelphia, pa. Crape Vines, for Sale. i LL tb lasillpg hardy varieties tf ral nusl. ity, lUAU'iiii t t ITINUS, II 00 ie hundred, CONCORD VIS F8 only 10 cent. L ja .. 10.M 0RU Ct TTIX0S, Il 00 par dera aolicltod at staa as aoareairnt, and fled In rotation, by A. M. 1111, LA, Clearfield, Pa, A aged I, 1HC7, CPI'.t lL KOTU J-Hayngrtlrtd frtts O tha meroaalile basmtas, I woald raspeatfnlly call apon sll the indebtad lame to rail and tattle Ihdr tceountt wilhont delay. I with to bare my books aattleS tp al Ik aarlieat poeaibb pariod. ' , t , '. F. K.RNOLU. I.nlherbnrg. Var.-b U, Jtt. Jiru ifm&i. rorrrld, Cic. itiunov.ti. J. P, KRATZER T T A.I relae to bis r warer.om, aa V, I 1 .let urcat, f lea.HaM. Ps , where kt u eyaaea a vary large awva wi ' ' Ditv goods, Merlnoet,' Olnghami, Clatks. Tlelaln.i, fVt Ca.rtmaras, Alpacas. Bilka, f.tli.et., g Ca'hmtrta, Tw.ls, Osharga, Mokair, Jea Lsnallts, Mtsline. Flsnaels, Uuuarta, hit. bns, Cloaka, llalnioral tlkirta, Hoop. Skirts, fihawls, Irraal Trimmltgs, Heed Rata, Cape, Caretlt, W ot.., Collars, Means, Ureaadite Vails, , . Table Covtra. CLOTHING,. Cesll. Psnta, Va.ta, baay. Costa, Oant't S1,J Bkiru, Hau, usp, ueaar-aniru aat Drawers, Roola, Shoe.. Qua fho., Crayets, Ok r.e i and Collars. HARDWARE. CJUKENSWARE. 01 CEK1KS & MUSICAL t.UOD!. GROCZR1KS, Tea, Cvftt, Bagar, Molai.ea.HalL Cmdlaa, Flowr, Vaeva, run, looaeoo-, aaiamt, larrants, B pitta Crackers, Vioeirar, Olle, Tar alab. A look a). TIM-WARR, O LAS!-WAKE. WOODE . WARE, and STATl'fSBFlY. , , HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oll-ololh.. Irtiggit, Lawking-aisJ Clues, unnroa. niinw., aov., tts, Flal Irons, Fans, winrrow nnoos, Wsil.papar, Coal Oil Lsnrps. Lsa- krellas, Bedoorda, aniee. aw Fork., Spoons, Crocks, and gtoaa Blacking. MT All of which will b aold on tha most aon.ble tanas, aad tbt blghal marku pnee ar liratn. Vool, and alikwda nfounatry prod ClaarSeld. December 14, l67. Hit IlAItI lOSSO SIAlIt IN. . FOEEIGN & D0MESTI0 GOOD: MUSLINS ' DELAINES WBUKOS at I at Sensation Sensation Sensation Senaalion poJ pru ALPACAS at Just rijecitexa al MUS.S0i'i UI.M111AM3 ., at ... oeouuon pn-aj CHINTZ at at ' at al - i at al at Sentatioo BrDsstion Renalia ' Sensation pru PRINTS GLOVES . CRAVATS pr; . at alOSSOPS SHAWLS Seotatioo . prii BONNETS benaatioo pr COLORED ED N3 MUSLI Bennlina pn All to b. Lad at M0SS0PS- IJNZN ' at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS al FRINGE at Henaation Sensation pru 8naatioo Senaatioo Serastioa P"1 pnol at MaSSOPs LACS . at HOSIERY at Senaatioo Sensation Seotatioo RlrtlUlNS it Sensation fw TRIMM1.NOS1 of all kinds ft Y al Sensation pn- in anyouao'ly I Always on band at UOSSi.iPS' CA.SSIMKRKS at 8ATTINETS at T WEEDS at .IF. ASS " at VESTINOS ' at SHIRTINGS at renation Srtiaation Kensation Sensation Sensation Sensation si MOSS0PS CLOTHING aucht as . Costs, raatt, Veata. Undor Shirts, J at serjsation Flannel SbirU, ' Bonu, Sboaw, Hats and Cant, Now for aals at MOSSOPr H ARDWARR suob aa 8as,nils Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, tarn at Wine, Brandy, Gin, Whiskey-, OgyiAn, eto etc., FRUITS, tucb as Pruoea, Raiaios, Fig, Filberts, 4o. at aentalioo pr, ' at MOSS0PS' at seoaalioo fri at aenaauoa . pi at KO6S0P3' GROCERITS, My") Floor, umi, Shouldert, Sugar, Molstans, Cudee, Tea, Crack era, Spicea, Candles, . . ' t !' st tentstioa p rej Loal Uil, etc, elo. Alw.y, at MOSSOrs at tenaitioa F' at ' aeneslion pr at asnaattoo pr at atntatioa pr' ut sensation pr:" at aeusation y BLACKISO ROPF.S PnWUER . fcUUT ; LEAD CAPS At the rtort ot KICHARO W'mji Always keeps oo band I assortment of til kintit of goods requ tor the accommrKlslion ol tlie puMio. Jalyl. 1' SPUING GOOD wgr Tong a rsasntLrgis. At Cheap at the cheapest and Cef the Beat, C. KRATZER & SO, tiara last rtcelred. aad ar snaniss. st Old Jtand en Frnt Ftreei, short Academy, a largt sol wttl se lected a.aertm.nt af SEASONABLE COOD which thay art sailing al aery It rats) Rttd tht Mloving tMtalogyt tnd jnrfi 1AC Froaelal pain, has Waa lakes ba aal action of Ladies Dreee aodt, wklf Ooods, Embroidsriet Millinery 0so rinu, nircniels, ubicl U loess, si KOItGKXTLKMEN. Always aa band Black Cloiha Fate) aad Black Ce.rlreeraa. Hatia.ta. alt. Ready Mada Cloliing tl sll kinds SOOTS AUD SHOES. NKCKTIES, snd a yariery af other article, wklei tbey will rail al a tnasll edentates ee IHIiieilBli Otji'e. Psnicalsr ait.allon it Inaited e. tkr stock af Carpets, Callage, eaaswea Is grata, taptrnaa Kngli.h la grata an Rrneeale, Floor snd Tshla Oil Cletsi Window tbadtt aad Wall papers, st) flour, bacon. Fi.b sn Plainer, A.ples, reaches Prune kept eontUnllj on bMd ; ALSO, in Store lot of largt c ' mall Clover teed. We Intend to make It an object for Fara" ecnanloa to bay from tsj bettasew" tall one ge4e at taw at tbey tat bought (a tbt twaaty aad pay tht sr hlghe.l prir for all kinda af otr7' dace. tTt will also tick Ufa god Bc-wawi, So. aad Cttarr eedaitl kiniiwa, BrSt,adaU kiadt tf Menafaetasa Lam ear. ClearSald. Jaly I, 1H67. MIK CnKAl'JSST GOODS, " klads, art It bt Ud al Iht Clasrtald aW W. W. BITW" yr PHi:rsbt'. Pa, !st, I, l" I