THE REPUBLICAN. " BELIGIOUS MISCELLANY. Chords that vibrato gweeteit ploai urea itrike tha deepest toooa of woo. Two great principles hold pood In religion, as they also hold good in all Other departments of kuowludgo; one is, that truth is to be pursued fur its own sake ; and the other is, that truth is erer the most powerful of all ministers in the cause of practical utility. It is not bard to see how this should be pre-eminently true of ideology. The Ubi orRicBis. The good that Is in riches lies altogether in their use. If they are not broken, like a box of ointment, and poured out for ihe re freshment of the Lord Jesus Christ, or His distressed servants, they lose their worth. Therefore the covetous man may justly write upon his rust ing heaps. "These are good fornoth. ing." St. Chrysostom tells us that "he is not rich who lays up much, but lie only who lays out much ;" and that "it is the same thing not to have as not to use." I will therefore be the rioher by a charitable laying out while the worldling shall be poorer bv Lis covetous hoarding tin. When Thou, O Lord, takest the place of man, and from Toy high abode where Thou dwellest among the praises of the blessed, nskest my charity in the person of Xhv needy people, assist me to take Thy place, and to give arms of such things as X nave. Teach me, in giving alms, to give my mind, to give my heart; to commit to Thee Jiot only a little portion ot my prop erty, but also my body, my soul, my salvation. Social Wwi Dbinkiko. At an Episcopal convention, a discussion on temperance brought up the "wine question." A part of the clergy ad vocated its entire disuse, and a part took the other side. At length an in fluential clergyman rose and made a ehomont argument in favor of wine, denouncing the radical reformers for attempting to banish this token of hospitality from use. - When he had returned bis scat, a layman, trembling with emotion, rose and asked if it was allowable for him to speak. The chair having signified that he would be heard, be said : "Mr. Moderator, it is not my purpose, in rising, to answer the learned argument you have just listened to. My object is more bum ble, and I hope more practical. I fence knew a father in moderate cir cumstances, who waa at much incon venience to educate a beloved son at college. Here this son became dissi pated; but after he had graduated and returned to his father, the influ ence of home, acting upon a generous nature, actually reformed him. The father was overjoyed as the prospoct that his cherished hopes of other days were stilt to be realized. Several Tears passed, when, the young man, Laving completed his professional study, and being about to leave his father, to establish himself in busi ness, he wii invited to dine with a neighboring clergyman, distinguished for bis hospitality and social qualities. At this dinner, wine was introdueed and offered to this young man, who refused; pressed upon bira, and again refused. This was repeated, and the young man was ridiculed for his sin gular abstinence. The young man waa strong enough to overcome appe tite, but he could not resist ridicule, lie drank, and fell, and from that mo ment became a confirmed drunkard, and bas long since found a drunkard's grave. Mr. Moderator, continued the old man with streaming eyes, I am that father; and it was at the table of the clergyman who bas just taken his seat, thai bis token of hospitality ruined the son I shall never cease to mourn." Now, as my Benscs respond to a nat ural landscape, so, when I stand in the presence of God, there conies to me an experience which I cannot de scribe ; my pulso throbs as it never did before ; my reason darts as it nev er did belore; my imagination is played upon as it never was before ; my Heart rises up as in the presence ot some conscious ruler; all that is in me Jills use II up, as though its Sov reign and Kinir was there. And I am in that presence. And full of joy unspeakable and glory nnulterablo am I. And when I turn back and say, "I know that my Redeemer liv. th," am I to bo met with the ques tion, "llowdoyou know V As when my physical eye looks on physical truths, and certain facts follow. I know them ; so when my moral eye iooks on moral truths, ana certain fads follow, I know them too. The higher nature moves by its laws as we lower nature does by its laws. , And I know nat my Redeemer lives; and I look back throuph my lifo to see how with faltering faith I began it: now i anew my savior in a lew things; how steadily, in moments of expansion and Ulumination.with crow ing moral consciousness, with growing avrengm, ana wun growing activity, he developsd himself more perfectly and frequently upon my vision, until no the sun, that, shone afar off as a star, in the beginning, fills the whole heavens with subtle an unveiled light. I bear witness, it is my conviction and faith, that my Rodeemer lives. I know that ho lives. 1 know in whom I have believed. I know and am penuflded that he will keep that which 1 have committed to his trnst until that dy. What day r Tho dtty when you and I shall be pilgrims in the unknown land ; that day when that bridge must in some way be crossed, that dny when, letting go hero, we are to go once and forever there, without guido or pilot unless there be some such Savior as he of whom I have been speaking; that day which is mors important to us than alt of life past together the first day in which we part from the shore of Urns, and launch out upon infinite and eternal apace. And when, i fler the experiment of death, I shall rise dis embodied, and yet with a spiritual body, I am willing to take hope, faith, love, joy, womhip, aspiration, being, and east them into his hand, and lav, as if I stood upon the shore of death : "I am willing to trust thee. There gees my life and everything." .1. . ' 1' l . "' . 1 1 yrofrsslocat A gtMinu J Cards. D. W. HUTCHINSON, ATTORNEY AT lAW, C-lrard, Rrl ('., Pi. JMP-Sperlal attention paid to Bsokmpt eeees before lb Register, novll-ftnrpd FRANK BARRETT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. OBoe o Second (treat, with Walter Barrett, Esq. vfc.Having made arrangements with P. W. Hutohinson, xisq., Attorney la U. 8. Coarti, who baa hit offloe in tha aaraa town with tha Ka gister in Bankrupt;.?, at Uirard, Erie eo., Pa., I am prepared to take charge of eaaeiin Rankruptry. Charges moderate. .a 'AT ocUH,'8T ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. T-0oe I the Court Mouse, (jrII,'C7 JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. OSea with J. B. McBnally, Ksq., over Pint Na tional Bank. "Prompt ttantion given to tha securing oi tiounty, viaime. o., ana te all legal battneae. March 28, 1867-ly. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Second EL, Clearleld, Pa. noT2!,( Wm. A. Wallace. Wa, D. Bigler. J. Blake Welters. Frank Fielding. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Clearfield, ;Pa. JtaTLegal business of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to. mayle-y THOS. J. McCULLOUGH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OSIo adjoining the Bank, formerly oeenpled by i. B. McEaally, Second su, Clearfield. J6V-Will attend promptly to collections, aala of landi, Ac. ' dccll.M JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Real Estate Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office on Market street, oppeeiie the Jail. Respectfully offers bia service In aelling and buying lands in Clearfield and adjoining ooanties ( and with an experience ofoTer twenty yean ai a surveyor, flatten himeelf that ka can render satisfaction. feblg.'63-tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. OBce oa Market street one door east of tha Clear. field County Bank. mayt.'ti John H. Orris. C. T. Ale lander. ORVIS 4. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Bellefonte, Pa. eepl 8,'oS-y J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER. Agent for the Puiehase and Sal of Lands. Clearfield, Pa. T-Prompt atlaatioa glrea to ill business connected with the county offices. Office with Hon. Wm. A. Wallaoa. jaal,'6o-tf LEVI F. IRWIN, JU8TICE OF TUB PEACE For Lawrence town. hip, Clearfield P. U., Clearfield Co., Pa. drColiaotloni and remillaeoes promptly made. Je20,'7. MA J. JOHN ROSS, LICENSED - AUCTIONEER, Oatend P. (., Clearfield Co., Pa. p Will attend promptly ta falling Ven dues, Sales of Real Estate, Ac, anywhere la the eounty. Terms moderate. Bell tp., June 20, 1807-ly pd. JAS. C. BARRETT, JU8TICE OF THE PEACE And Licensed Coareyanoer. Lalberabure;, Clearfield to., Pa. JFwT-Collectlons and remittances sromntlv made, and all kinds of legal instramsnta executed oa short notiaa. maitYM-al F. B. REED, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, r-Having removed to WilliamsgroTe, Pa., era his professional services to the neonle of the surrounding country. lJyil,'7 DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD. Late Burgeon of tha Sid Reg'ment, Pennsylvania voiuuteere, oaring returned from tha Army, offers his professional serrlces te tha eitisens of Clearfield eeunty. M-Profeeslonal calls Bromntlv attended to. Office on Second street, formerly occupied by Dr. Woods. faort .'eA-tl X 1 DR. A. M. HILLS. DENTIST. Sloe eorner of Front and Market streets, opposite tha "Clearfield Bouse," Clrerle!, Penn eug8.'7-y. REIZENSTEIN BROS., - Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers la MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING t Market l Merchant Street, augl 71 PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MEKCHANT. Frrnehvllle, Clearfield Comity, Pa. Keeps constantly oa hand a full assortment of vry tioods, Hardware, Urooeriea, and eierrthing usually kept In a retail store, which will be sold, or o.u, ae oueap as eisewnere la tbe eounty, FrenohWIle, June 17, 187-ly. C. KRATZER & SON, MEB CHANTS, MALina in Dry Goods, Clothine, Hardware. Cutlery, Qaeensware, Groceries, rorlsioni and Bnlngles, Clearflfd. Penn 'a. r-At tha aid stand on Front street, score Academy, fdecli,'.tf STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (SoocM-ori to Pet- T. Wright A Co, tMPORTKRN OF AXTt MtAI.aTIlt tB DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Brandies i Wines for Medical Dumoses. a i. an. Ull'alTI V. MAaa La n. n. ..' jvwv v,j ' v, v"w iwnarKtn ol. rniiM aV. MOSHANNON LAND L LUMBER CO., fkoflTAI a ofwr a , am vt-vovui die.ah mHjliOf if jtwrricTPiiii LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS, H. H. FHILLIXOFOItn Pr..M,t OBce Forest Place, No. Hi 8. 4th at, Phil'a. JOHN LAWPHK, Puperlntendent. je'7 Osoeola Mills, Clearfield eounty. Pa, lb68 spring. iftfi.S JAMES, KENT, SANTEE St Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, m ..I j.. laird HU. FUILADELriilA. We are now with an .! . .. . . 10 ritr induoementa to CASH Bl'YKRS. aprll-tf (It.OnVE It. XEMGLER. it In Phlllpaburg;, Pa. Agents for Finger's Fewlng Machines. r1 keen a full eunnlv r.f IM. "houeehold afair" on band, and Ball them . .it. r...m dtm. iw ciR-niarm. REUBEN HACKMAN. House and Sign Painter and Paper aa - ranger, Clearfield, Peaa'a. bejWill execute Johc la bia line promptly and in a workmanlike manner. eprt,ft7 J Oils. Varnishes, PainU. Brnhe, libl raoeirad and for sale cheap by JOSEPH R. IRW15, aprll-tf CurwansTiUa, Pa WAll PAPER I At tha HTIT01TE SI011. fW, r-ewett. Jonee. J. F. Wearer, J ( W. W. . Bette. HOOP, WEAVER & CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! f"piIE proprietors respectfully Inform the eitisens -a- of Clearfield county, that tbey bare eutirel refitted thii eatabliihment with the latest Improved wood-worklog machinery, and are now prepared to execute all order, in their line of business. They will giro eepeoial attention to tha naaufae turn of material for home building, auch as FLOORING,' WEATHER -BOARDING SASH, DOORS, JJLINDS, BlUICKETS s jaouLui.rcs Or ALL STTLXS. Wa always hare on hand a large stock f DRY LUMBER, and will pay cash for all elear Lumber, One-and-a-half inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers. )rlL.Ordera solicited, and Lumber furnished oa short notice and on reasonable terma. HOOP, WEAVER A CO. Clearfield, Nor. 1, 1MIT. NEW ARRANGEMENT. TV. M. & A. I. SIIA1V, DRUGGISTS, (Second street, opposite the Court Hoase,) CLEARFIELD, Peaa'a. riHHE subscribers baric r entered Into partner. X alp la tbe Drug business, and purchased the entire interest of Mr. 0. D. Watson, would reaptetfully Inform the eitiseni of Clearleld eounty, that they are now prepared to furnish DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Dye Etna's, Tobaeoo, Cigars, Confectioneries ptalioaery, do. rnYsiciANS Will find our stack af Drara PULL and COM PLETC, and ate rery slight adrnuee oe Eastern price a. scnooL BOOKS. Teachers and ethers will bo furnished with classical and misoellaneoas books by sxpress,at inert nonce. STATIONERY. Consisting of Cap. Flat Can. Poolsean. Latter an Perfumed Mote Papers I also, a vary Beat stock of Mourning Note Paper and hnrelvpea on hand. reus, rsnens, inn, ae. HOUSEKEEPERS Will (nd a full stock of PURB SPICKS, SODA buua Abit, uonoenlrated U K, BOA I', eta. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are requested toenamlne oar stock af Perfumery, air una, rina Jonei Soaps, xlruinss, Combs, luiiei Bern, ac, an. SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will And a full supply of prima Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic CIGARS, Snuff, Fine-Cut, la., Ac CAKBON OIL, Of tha bast brands, always n hand. LIQUORS. Tha sort quality of Liquors always aa hand, for meritral nurposes. aser Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and eareiuiiy eompounjoa. Sept. 1J, 1867. W. M. A A. L 8HAW. a jreir riiun. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, ItrurrlstM, Vlearleld, Fa. HAVING rent ted and reraored to the roam lately occupied kr Rlrbard hfoaeoB. wow oler, low for cash, a wall selected aasortmeat of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, rattnt cf all kinds, Oils, Ola Patty, Dya Staffs, Stationary, TOBACXX) AND SEdARS, Confectionery, Spines, and tbo largest 'stock af ranettes erer onered In this nlaea. and warrant. eu an nc ot tic bast the Market affords. J. O. HARTSWICK, Sea. It, 18114. JOHN 1HWJS. DKtCS! MIGS! PRIGS I JOSETII R. IRWIN, 0a Msia St, one door west af Hippie at Faust's Mora, , , CURWENSVILLB, PA, Bai now oa hand a largs aaaortmsat af Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye' Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Traaaea, Hhonldrr-nracra. Klsstlc Stock' In pa and Kupportera, Cilaaa, Putty, Par nmery, Toilet Goods, Confectioneries, Spices, vaoevv rmii, innacco, i;ifars, Heeks, Stationery, pencils, Pans, Ink, and a general variety af Notions. Ills stock embraces all articles needed In a community, Is entirely new, aad af the best quality, and will be stld at reaaonabla prices. Call and examine the goods they eannat fail to pieasa. dere-tf SOMETHING NEW1 FLOUR AND FEED STORE IWOri.D announce to the aillsens f Clearfield and the mrroundlnr rountrr (hat I k opened a FLOUR AMD FEKD STORK on srrtEET. Opposite the Fording, where I Intend to keen constantly on hand a full assortment of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Corn, And all kinds of Feed, which I will m.ii .h. for eaeh, or in exchange for SHINULKS. Ll'MBERMKN Will consult their Infer... v.. giving mo a call hen re ther no elsewhere In haK chase their supplies, as my arrangements are perfect, and am able to buy every thine la me i oa at the lowest market price. l.KANDER DEKNINO. Clearfield, July II, IKA7. DRESS-MAKING. SPECIAL NOTK K PAKISIAN DPES8 AND CLOAK MAKIRQ. Ladi.e ... a... their Dresses. Suits. Coats, and Bssonl... a.nj. anmely mads and trimmed, at the shortest nc tioa. at the old-ertabllshed stand, 10)1 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Fancy and plain Fans, Mantilla Ornaments, Press and Cloak Buttons, Ribbons, Clany aad Ouipura Lacea, Bugle and Gimp Dress Trim, mlngs, with a large variety of Staple and Fancy Qoodi.frora li ta 40 per cent, less then elsewhere. Also, receiving daiir. Paris I aibinr. u ti... psper, for Ladies' aad Children's Dreasee. Feu i-aiierns lor raerrnanu and dresa mskers new ready, at Mrs. M. A. BINDER'S. lv IT 1031 Chestnut st, Philadelphia. lW AIM. PANACICA, Kennedy', M.dicd Litw Oil, Jua'i h1 Awr'i mtiifi)M f rn minii frvr k II 1 BTiiai..a . . . ' " r " iinnirtnn;a m IK HIM rpraaara and abdominal anpportre of every JL kind of tka latest lirnv.a,.... .. .... .. the Drag Store of IIARTSVTICK A IRWIN CARPET CHAIMI At th IITSTCRI STORE. ftarfltrarf, tfintrarr, ?tf. MEltRELL .& 1 JIG LEU, II Alt I WAIIE, Also, Manufacturers ef Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. clearfield, PA. g KATES I SKATESII SKATES 111 Lady's and Oentleuan'i fnr aala by MERRELL BIQLSR. gLElGH BELLS I A GENERAL Aseortsneot oa kaid and for aala by MERRELL k BIGLER ; A LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Harness, Collar, ate., for aala by MERRELL 4 BIGLER. DALMERS TATExNT UJS'LOAD- lag Bay Forks, for aala by " MERRELL k BIGLER. (lh, PALNT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kails, etc., for aala by MERRELL k BIGLER. HARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE XA. Findings, for aala by MERRELL k BIGLER. QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For aala by MERRELL BIGLER. gTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND Sixes, for aala by MERRELL k BIGLER. TRONt IRON! IRON! IRON! X For aala by MERRELL 4 BIGLER. TIORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE xx ... Kails, for aala by MERRELL k BIGLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bast nianufaotara, for sals by MERRELL k BIGLER. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE Boxes, for talc by MERRELL k BIGLER, "RODDER CUTTERS for aala by MERRELL k BIGLER. SAWS! SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN 1 a nErttLi'Tiojr ir sa its EMERSON'S ' PATENT PSHFOBAR ATXD Cross-Cat, Circular and Long Savn. (ALL QCMMINQ AVOIDED.) ALIO, Fmprcnn'c Pafant Arl!ncfnrta Cui For Spreading, Sharpening, aad Shaping tka Teeth of all Splitting Saw. ,8endor a Descriptive Circular aad Price List. MERRELL A BIQLER. JaaJ-tf Oenaral ArenU, ClaaxSeld, Pa. a. a. rLtaxu.. ..a. x.. axaoi FLEGAL & GAN0E, ST0YE AAD hollow-ware ST0BE, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Tin. Conner A Shopf Tr-nn ' " w w.a 11 ai c, Pblllpeburg, Centra e Pa rpiicaawlraiar Flegal s Oaooa would rs -a. apaotfully aaaoaaca U their frieada aad tha pablia generally, that they bava aa band a earefully-eeleeted aad well assorted stock afl Stoves. Their variety eonslsta of 7HE CELEBRATED tRONSIDES, Which have acvar failed te give perfect atlffac tioa ta the moat faatidioas af its purchasers, Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Spears' au vast, Magara, Cham, Herald. , with ovary variety of tha bait Pittsburg Maanfaotara. kfA.Tha Tin aad Sheet Iroa war alrea with tha Stoves la Bade af tha haavlaat eJ k. Urial, and warranted to give perfect aaUs- faotloa. Their stock of PARLOR AND HEATING 8T0VE3 la larger, k.tUr aad cheaper thaa avar bafoe. ax Btbited to tha publie. They defy eompetlUea aiuar la Tanely, faallty ar price. They art ala prepared t farsish a aomnUte assortment or in, Copper, Shoot-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholesal. ar retail, man, featured ae.tlr aad with th. tola riaw to serrloe, fro,, th, bet Urial la tha market, PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, A COPPER, BRASS ASD IRON KSTTLES, Of every description constantly aa kind. LIGHTNING ODS, u per tor point, pat ap oa short notion. Tha Poiat they offer to tho pablia Is tha oa as Is bow asad by tha Psnn.ylvaaia Railroad C, en tneu buildings. orders fur SFOUTiisa, ROOFING, ' orl1 belonging to their business will b promptly Iliad by aipsrleaoed aad akilllul workmen. BRASS, COrrER AND OLD METTLE .Take la exchange for goods. - ... w toey espeaaily invit th atleitloa cf mercnaau wlahiag te parchaaa at wkoleaala, as way will and It to their advaatage to examias their atock before purchasing elsewhere. FLKQAL SAS0B. Phlllpsbarg, Jaly 11, 1M7. 1) AFTMSN eas 1 get ad site Raft Rope, Raft. ja. v aiegwra, raiusg A with steel pelea, . -. r.raioKBS. yiarduarf, Jrinirw, (?lr. NEW HARDWARE STORE rhillpnbnrf, Centra Connty, Fa. G. II. ZEIGLER & CO. DEALllta IN Foreign & Domestic Hardware WOOD, WILLOW, it TIN WARE, StovoB, Oils, Paints, Glass, tfco., &c rpHB attenllooof Mechanics, Bulldara, Farm i- ars, Lambermen, and Buyers generally. invited to tha fact that wa an offering a better assortment of eroodi io our Una tbaa can ba found elsewhere la this part of the Slate, at Frioei to Salt the Timet. Oar stock comprises a general assortment af Tools and Materials a led by CarpenWra, Black smiths, Carriage and Wagoa Makers, Ae., with a largo stock sf Iron, Nails, Steel, Spikes, JSlining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross-Cut Sams, ENAMELED, FINISHED & PLAIN HOLLOW WARE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and . rish Uils, TCEPKjrinfK, BINZISI, , TARNISHES, COAX OIL LAMPS AID 1AVTEEH8 Aa eioelleat eoscreajont af Flaa Cwtlery, com prising ' KNIVES, FORKS, DESERT, TEA, k SCISSORS, TABLESPOONS, RAZORS, Ac. BRITANNIA 4 SILVER PLATED WARE. TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE. Household, Hortlenlteral, Farming aad Rafting Implements af tha latest atd saott Ixaprevad p.tems. Blacksmiths eaa b rupplled with Aarlll. Bel- Iowa, Vices, Biedgaa, Bam mere. Horse aad Mala Shoos, Horse Nails, aad all kiada of Iroa aad Steal. Carpenters aad Builders will (ad la mi estab liihment a superior stock of Planes, Saws, Angara, Hatchets, single, double-bit aad pealiag Aisa, Hammers, Chisels, Files, niagea, Screws, Bolts, Locks, Pulleys, Sash, Cord, Ac, Ac, A a. Faman and Baftmea will Ind everything la taeir llae, aad cheaper thaa can ba had alsewkara. rartieaiar attontloa la lav' ted i stock of Stoves, eomprlslnr Snear'a eelekrueJ Anti-Past, Cook and Parlor Stoves af all sues. Also, tha Niagara Cook, Parlor Cook, llrilltant. Alloflh. -J.mi for cash. O. H. ZEIGLER & Co. Phlllpaburg, Oet 10, Hflf-ly The Best in Ihe Market I BUCK LEAD, Equal to tka para Kngllsh artlola. ta ana ta twenty pound packages. A large aasortmeat of COLORED PAINTS IN OIL AND Ulii, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE. & PUTTY. VARNISH OF THE BEST QUALITIES. Aad a In aasortmeat of VAESISH AID PAINT BETJSHE8, Jatt received aad for rale by WM. M. & A. I. SHAW, Clearneld, pa. Oct. 14, 18(17. C. KRATZER & SON, EKALIRg IK Ft TV Hnnrlc Dress Coods, MILLINERY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS, WALL TAPERS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queenswaro, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Ffeat street, above the Aradrmy. J)RY GOODS, NOTIONS, Ac, in peat variety, at Iba lewsst prices for aasb, at tha CHARFIKLD STORK,' Kear Phlllp.burg, Pa. iovt-tf gALT, by the tack or load, cheaper tha eaa be had aaywher else, at the CLIARFIILD STORE, , tf Hear Phlllpsbwrg, F. Jirji floods, (rcrrrlf 9, (fit. GREAT EXCITEMENT On Second (Trket, Ci.iAHritL.t. NEW GOODS AT LOW FBICES, riMIB aaderslgwed respectfully Invito the ai X trntloa of tha pulillc generally to their splendid a"ortment of merchandise, which tbey are bow selling AT VERY LOW PRICES. Their stock consists Is part of Dry Qooda of tho Best Quality, Such as Prints, Da Lainss, Alpaeeas. Merinos, tttarbams.Muillns, (Mooched aad anhleaoh ad,) Drillings, Tickings, cotton aad wool Flannels, Sstin.Ui.Css.ltneres, Cottonades, Ladies' Shawls, Nubias A Hoods, Balmoral ' and Hoop Skirls, Ae Also, a Ina assortment of Men's Drawers and Shirts, Hate A Caps, Boot A Shoes, all af which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOB CASH. Hardware, Queenirware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything anally hept ia a retail store, all CHEAP FOR CASH ar approved country pre daoa. A. JC. WRIGHT k SONS. Clearneld, Nov. 7, 1807. New Store in Madera, MESSItS. J. FORREST & SON 11T0ULD resDeetfully Inform tha nubile th V they hav just opened, la MADERA Clearneld eouotr, Pa., aa entire new stock FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they ar prepared to eell as ahaap aa the eneapsst. Their stock eon tilts la part af Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Sack aa Alpaocas, Delaaaa. Prints. Muslins, Caeeimeree, Satiaata, aad Flaaaala, Ready - Made Clothing, Or tka boat quality, sack aa Coats, Pants, Tacts, Overcoats, Overalls, Shirt, Collars, Ac Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Ala af th vary bast Quality. A complete stock of Groceries, la short everything asuaiiy kept la a country More. Consumers, Look to Your Interests Call and examine ear stock aad prices before purchasing elsewhere. LUMBER AND GRAIN Of all kinds Ukea la exchange for good. jrtv-Remember th place, Madera, Chwraeld county, Peaa'a. i. FORREST A SON. October II, lS7-lf. VTE w STOKE AND HEW GOODS ! JOS. SHAW & SON Ilava juit opened a Ni Stoaa, on Main 8L, Cuaariim, p latalf oocupied by Wm. t. IRWIN, Their atook oocaUt of Gaocta:u of the beat quality, Q0EKN8WARE, Boots and Shoes, and every article neceaaarr for ona't comfort. Call and examine our atock Wore pur chasing elaswhere, Uj 9, 1866-lf. FRESH ARRIVALS. AT Till CBIAF STORE OF EDWARD W.GRAHAM Spring GooDs, New and Very Cheap rpHE undersigned respectfully an a on noes in -- the public that he Is a.iw opening xtcaslv aaaortmaat af 8PRI VO GOODS, aa tha old stand la Graham's new buildlnx. which ae offers to awn at t xeeedlngly lo ericae, ea sldertng their cost, for cash er approved country proaaa. His Stock of Dry Goods cannot be Surpassed. Custom! east there lad Calieoe with fast ool rs 1 Muslins, Delaines, Lawns, Clolha, Caaai. msraa, t estings, Ladles' Shawls, Cents' Shawls Bat aad Cap, Boats aad Shaw, Carpets, and Ull Cloths. Sli Stock of Fancy Goods la Tnex- amrled la Style and Variety, Embracing Notlone, Scarfs. Bead acta. Keek ties, Satehale, Pert Moaaaloa, Brashes, Pkoto graphl Albams, Pipes, Tobaooa aad Segan, Perfumery af all klads, or anything la U th nouoa un. Also, HARDWARE, QUE ENS- WARE, GROCERIE8, TfiOVISIONSl AH af lb best quality, aad selrsted with tpaclal r-gera le toe trad of Clearleld ooaotT I SDWARO W. GRAHAM, Clearneld, May 16, 18T. OnLniER- BOIHTIM-A r.rM act KJ has peered both linn... nr r... j Umi"1. i?..1" JrMld'"l a thre. soldier 190 and a two years' solditr I.-. bounty. ii persona wna enlisted prior to Jnty 11, 1861, served one year. and war honorably discharged. are entitled to $ Mill bounty 7"BUliHTIKfand PKIfSIOKScolWtedb WALTER hxnairVT Atfy at Law, Clearleld. Pa. VirANTF.r-oo.MMt lng a,hlnKla 11 l oar atov. near Pbili..k... .v the highest oaab pries IU be .'.Id " W. W. PUTTS a CO. Rear- m, leomlnga, Habbell' Ur.he a Hoof, lead' Oermaa. U -....'. ..a n kiada far asedlelaal parpaoec. fa aala bv B I DEAL'S LATE rOW EL'S EMBROCA for all diseases Incident t Honei, Ceu. Daman Flesh, reouirteg the asa f , . site real applieeltoa. Till he Compear. neeparod by a pj Chemist, having fail Vawlcdre menicat vinnes 01 earn irrgreoient that , Into Its cxnpo.tMrm. I arrentod to ascH, thing of the bind evef Vet enVred to u, , as an external ir-nltratlng for the disci,, which It Is recommended W are ssli.i II wilt work Its aw mad Into the eon I.., alt whe ase It, and tboee who try It et. never be wlCtuwt it, aad Iberafor we 1 exporienoe aa tha bsst test of lis aiefolt,, is pranounced by Farriers, aod ailubek.. II, to ba ths best application aver uses Embrocation ba bee put ap fur on years, and It is only through the lner., mand and urgent request of wiy friend. , Public that I send It forth as tbe grand 1 agent tor th4 varioaa dlseaeoe to wblii aohla and aseful aclmal, the bre. Is su Many remedies have been offered to th' lie wader dilereot forwie, soma of tkasc J Jurious otbeis at bast of little as, and wholly improper to answer th purposes for they are reeoumsnoed. A Jodieloei and really asefnl eotnpoai rKJ from those ebjeetloni, be tberetor Ion; desired by many gentlemen who bars , homes, and ar aawiliing to trust then ear of designing aod pretended Fnrriers. wiehos arc at length fully gratitcd. b) Beale) being prevailed upon to allow this bio Kmbroentieo (wb cb has proved eo cbJ to the vanoas diseases) to be prepare: brourht out to toe pabliu. Tbia Embrocation eras axtooslrety aJ the Government during the war. For aala by Uartswiek A Irwin, Clesi Joseph K. Irwia, Carwansvilla. Daniel lander. La:bersburg, . , . . Addree all orders U DK. EDMCIH) BEAU aprd,7-ly i Soath bocoad St., Pbila. ITCH ! ITCH I ! ITCH SCRATCH I SCRATCH i! SCRATCH la from 10 ta let Iloara, Wheaton's Ointment euros Tbe Ttet. Wbaatoa's Ointment asm Salt Hsei w oeaton s uintmsnt aura Tetter. whoa ton's Ointment cure Barkers' i Wheatoa'a Ointment earcw ' Old Beni Whaaaaa t Oimmeat ear Every fc 1 xiumor tixe snagta. Prloe 10 eenu a boi; by nail, acuta Addroas WKKKS P0IJR,I IT lngtoa street, Bo.toa, Xass. For sale by S wick A lrwin.awd by all Draggisa. s? ai DICAfJIli-a. BllndDma and Cauj treated with tbe at most siiiio.ii, bd ISAACS, M. D Occulist aad Aurist, (form. Leyden, Holland,) Ne. Kit Arch suae. PnJ lectimonials from the most reliable evnroea eity and country Jab seam at hi efjoe. aacdieal taealty ar inviiad a aeooiapaay paties t. as ha baa ao accrete ia his praetiee. teiei Eyes inserted withowt paia. K eaarij ozaaainauana, . my; gants. DREXEL -&-C0., Ka. 34 South Third Street, PhUaialr . B.IJTKEilS, And Dealers in Government Securii Appliemtioa by mail will 'O aromat i- tioa, aad all Informatioa abeorfaily (an d Orders solicited. aprl 1. D. M'Oirk. . Edward Per. BANHNQ & COLLECTION HOI ' ; ' OF mcgirk a. perks Suoceaaora to Footer, Perks, A Co PbUlpaburr, Ceatre Cooauty, Pi TTTHERE all tka bnsineaa of a Banking I r wm no traasactea proapuy and ap moot favorable terma mar County National Bank1 CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS Beak kj bow epea aad cwady for ess. OtCec oa Seeead street- la tka h Ing formerly occupied by Leonard, Fiaaeyt ' tuuctos an orrirana. JAS. B. GRAHAM, RICHARD SBi'l viJt. A. WALLACE, WM. PORTS A. K. WRIOHT, GEO. L. REED. t. W. M0ORB, JA8. t. Lioim: Jazl.'MJ Cashier. PmJ Clearfield County Bant rrtHB Clearleld Coaaty Bank a aa iaeerJ X tod iaetitatioa kas gotta out of aiistea. we surreader or tax ehartor, aa May 11, , All It stock Is owned bv tbe enbeerihan will ooatinae th Banklna? butlaeas at thea1 plao, as rvivat Beakers, sraowr Ue Ira ul 01 tba "Clearleld County Bank." We apoaslble fnr tbe debts ot the Bank, and nil its notes oa demand at tha counter. Der reoolTcd aad inters.! naid wkaa aaoae U h a lied lima. Paper dieeoun tad at six per A mm aeretoiiira. uur peraoaal roapoaiibili pledged for all Deposits reeoivod aad ban trans .ewd. A continue af tba liberal 1 roaag of the ba.ioeei men af tha aeuntr 11 specunlly eolicited. As President, Casbiri eacerier th leu Clearleld Coanty Baal require the notes of said Bank ka a preM far redemption. JAS. T. LEONARD. RICHARD KH M. PORTER, JAS. B. OAAHAll . a.. WK1UHT. O. L. REED. WK. A. WALLACE. Tha business of tha Bank Bill 1 John M. Adamt aa Cashier. flea!' Philadelphia ft Erie Railro: WINTER TIME TABLE. Throerb aad direct real kotwwea Philadivj xieitimore, rJarrisbarg, Williamsperl, aad the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvan'a ELEGANT SLEEPING Clt 0a all Klgbt Train ; OH and after M0NDAT, NOV. IS, IMT i twins a the Philadelphia A Erie M tvoaa wtu ran as follows 1 Mall Trala kava Pblladelpbia.ll.ll I t o .Pt. lary'..., Mtr trie Elprees lea res Pbil.deiphlaL.'.'.ll Kii .a....Bi. atary'e . 1.11 1 . arrive at hri... ( ill l'atar.rA. Mall Trala loavaa Rrle l JJ A I e l Marya. till le......arrive at Phili.Uki. 1111 Krl Express leaves Erie 4 f o -d V Maryt lltvf arrive It Philadelphia..... I.Mf Mail aad Ixnraea a l.k .11 ina warroa A Franklin Railway. Pa-ssiH oTiag j-aiisdelphl at ll.M M. arrlrt Irviaetoa at litis aad Oil City at 1.1 p Leaving Philadelphia at 11.11 a. arrlr. Oil City at 4.S p.m. , All trains oa "Terra. A nvn. R.ll. make eloeo ooanectlcna at Oil C(ty wltk H for rranklla and Punlu. oaeoae in rouge, ALFRED L. TTLhK. Weneral Snperiatssil;; Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OP BOUXH A a-i, ni.T)ir.R of moi.'o-fJ J.. antitlva to an INCRRASKD BOt'NTi The undersigned ia prepared to ool led all "" Hounties, as well as the increased pav to SoM"1 widows. All inouiries and mmnnnieiiioal swered prusiptly. blscharire roeeinted tor. M OBo addraa. Carwaurrllu P. J 081 AH EVAXI CAHKIAQE AND SLEIGH SHOI IN CLEAkFIKLD. T. (ImmediaUly U rear af Maokta Shea.) rpHE subscriber would MenMiulle infor1 A eitisens tf CleerSeld. and the puWir is H aral, that he Is prepared to do all kiada of wertl CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, A oa short aetiec and aa raaaaaabl torml, ia a workmanlike manner. XTAI1 orders promptly afended to Feb. U, -III WM. M'KIOHJ, IkEST nnalitv of PklVTfi 1 . 1 f ----- , IW I W XX 1 H. W. SMITH iKoCKMIKIItetehadM ' mrki Eui. a rim-'. CMANEO PBUIT of all kinds, at MERRELL A BI8LIt