Till: HKIUIUUCAN. RELIGIOUS MISCEIIANY. oSro;:;; ?jz .;;,; Ctiricl ni1rt almost pii nrourul alioul I lie worM, bihI coo what men mulfrMnml ly tlio won! lute, you will fiml it ttoos not nihility nt sll lli.it winrli it oitnio to aipuily in (.'IniM't lil'i' Bill f xpcrit'iicp. For Al though us I'hriht ha, ns it worn, rc bitizoJ tho vorl, it ix (ho mot lit'i-'a love, the lover's lovo nnd tho child love; ulthuiih it iiiclinlos in it nil Unit w hich is domestic, pure and hou t i lit 1 in tho ii.litiiit.-ci ami nllilintioiiR on 0 with another that in hut ona thread. It is but one ginirlo rlcmoiit. "As I love Jon," lie Raid, ''lore one another." Not ns your mother loves, love yo ; not ns you lovo your com panions; not ns llio child loves the father; not as ono loves another union?; you j hut "As I love yon, love one Hiiother." Lovo devoid of sol tinluiemi was not that; love that con sisted not in the thrill of'asiiifrlo feel ing, but of tho fiction of tho whole bein(, in tho movement of the whole nature; lovo that carried with it nil intellect, all moral 6enso, ull taste, tall goodness j love that was disinteres ted lovo for another's good more thun tho rebound ot pleasure loving to one's own dainno; love freighted with Horrow ; lovo that was not blind, but that, with puro eyes, saw tho infirmity, tho wickedness, tho un lovulincss of tho object, and yet chined on all this to make it beautitul. as the sun shines on tho homely earth, and covers it with blossoms; lovo that tnndo itself a universal instrument of benefit, pivinp forth all seed, reaping no harvest, swathing men ns with an atmosphere, constant as the sun, gen tle us tho light, universal ns God him elf; this love, higher than any that has beeu practiced love that had in it the inspiration of tne world to in fluence better lovo ; love that had in it the power of patience to wait till this inspiration could arouso tho world, love that kindled, that guided, and that cured ; love that oould sutler that men might not suffer, and wait that men might grow, and hope that the thing that was not might yet come forth that was that love of Christ not the sirltry fervor of a trop ical passion, nor the measured equiva lents of common lovo, nor tho elective affinities of moral and tasteful love, nor the extutic rupture of lovo rejoic ing in tho echoes which it has itself created, and singing to the heart that sings back to it; but the simple love of Christ to sinful souls strong, strange stronger than any other, stronger than any other; Buffering, plorilying, recreating, saving love! This it w as that was a new command ment indeed "That ye lovo one anoth er as I have loved you" with a high er flight, a nobler meaning, a larger endow inent thun any that wns known before Surely, into that word love never before had been put such mean ings. Christ found it, as it were, a poor and penurious village of hovels ; no left it a golden city full of golden streets full of shining qualities. Christianity is the coronation in this world of the love forco. It is the end nnd aim of character, according to tho Christian scheme. It is the power which corrects ull aberrations; which equalizes all deficiencies ; which haimonizcs all incongruities; which inspires all inert and dormant parts; which gives liberty and duty. It is that which fills justice with the sweet ness of a nursing mother's love. It is, therefore, the test of religion in the subject himself; and it is the sign or evidence to nil others that a man is a Christian, that tho lovo force pre dominates in him ; not that he is amiable ns many, by nature are; not that he is charitably inclined, but that tho whole, spirit ot cacti and every ono of his faculties, and the wholo procession of them ; tho aims in himself ot character, and tho ends outside of character which ho seeks in this world, are, like Christ's, beno ficient. Love not worship, nor obe dience, nor fear, nor duty is religion, since Christ's day. Lovo is tho only religion since; tho day ol Christ. Where it reigns, in tho trains will follow worship, obedience, awo nnd duty. Getting love, whatever else is needed and niiased, is sure to como in time. SirMalthow Halo eny : "Convorso not with a liar, or a swearer, or a man of obsceno or wanton language ; lor either it will corrupt you, or at least it will hur.ard your reputation to be of tho like making; and if it doth neither, yet it will till your memory with such discourses that it will be troublesome to j-ou in after time; and the returns of tho remembrance of the passages of this nature, which yon have long since heard, will haunt when your thoughts should be better em ployed." . O ambitious mnn, thou that runnest after something, and thou ennst not tell what it is thut can gratify thine immortal spirit, turn to the cross, fur at the foot of it there springs a sacred fount or soul-satisfying delight, and il thou wilt but stoop and drink, thine ambition shull bo over, and thou shall want no more, thnt is satisfaction to the deepest longings of tho heart, and head, and conscience, in tho tount which sprint's lrom the wounds of Jesus. Faith is the silver cup. Iip il into the overflowing stream and drink. O Holy Spirit, put the cup to my pt or brother's lips. It has born beautifully said that gratitude is the memory of the bean ; and the heart thut has been taken to Calvtin and washed in the blood that ransomi d a world, will have a strong memory id" tho blessings given, and those who are not thankful for God's UiiFpeaknble g;lt, cannot be expected to bo reai'y thankful for any other gift- 3 There is a gnulationfrom tho high est form of development down to the mere animalism ; and wherever n mnn tl.ooses to tarry along this scale, he 1 nind acreiil il - t .1 - - , . iuniipiinui.il vi ino!o " "'-. -. wi, ano an sioqa oi ooiiatry produce instrunicnu which ho finds at the I "",ld' leeeker u, isnr. point w here he is. Tho lore power is T A in 1 ; Vi r j the hichit, and force in the Itnest ; ' M"'r'' Coll"r''. Vlctorines, and Berthas, and all tho wav up these instrument ! """ent, jmi receired at weropraduuli; rining higher and be z "J tjoming better. b aluPCjViL Prai ' ' KEVSTOSB STORE. oPods, Caere, if, Cti. Kiic iiAiii) monsoiv foreign & pomes goods. MVSl.iNS I'H.AINHS COMMiUS l at st st Sensation Nenanlion Srnaslmo Sensation prirwe prioM prior AM'ACAS price Just received st MOSSOl'S filVlill AMS st Sensation prices t'lllN 17. I'll I N TS (i l.i IV ES CKAVATS l st nl Hi St Ht SemmlioQ Sensation Snnticn Sensntion prioe piicr pricot price at ilOSKorS' SHAWLS Sensation price SoiisulioQ prices HllN'XKI'S OH.ilKKl) I Ml'SUNSf st St-nxlion price All to be had nt MOSSOl'S'. LINEN' st CltASIl ot Cl'ltTAlXS at TAIILK CLOTHS nl KKlNtiE nl Sennrttion Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices price prico prices prices st MOSSOl'S'. LACE at HOSIERY at It I HP.i NS at TRIMMINGS) ol all kinds A I at in nny qunn'iy I Sensation Sensnlion Sensation prices prices price Sensation prion Aiwnvson nnmi ai Mussurs'. price prices price prices price prices at Mussorir. CLOTHING aiichl as Coins, I'anU, Vests, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boots, StlOM, Huts and Cans, j at sensation prices Now fur sale at MOSSOrS'. HARDWAKKl such aa Sns,nails F'orks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, at sensation price at Mossors. at sensation prices at sensation prices at MOSS0PS'. at sensation prices LIQUORS, such as Wine, liranJy, Gin, Whiskey, Co(!ne, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, Ac, GROCERIES, say Flour, llimi, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Cotleo, Ton, C r a c k e rs, Spires, Candle., Coal Oil, etc., etc. Always at MOSSOPS. blacking ropes POWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS nt sensation prion prices prices prices prices prices at at at ut sensation sensation sensation sensation nt sensation Althe store of RICHARD MOSSOP, MOSSOP Always keeps on band a full assortment of all kinds of goods required for the accommodation ol the public July 1, 18117. WINTER GOODS! moM new tokx. rnii.inr.i.rnu. As Cheap as the Cheapest and Good as the Beat. C. KRATZER & SOX, Bars just received, and an opening, at their Old Stand on Front Street, above ths Academy, a large and well se lected assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are selling at very low rates. Head the following catalogue and profit thereby. y. E.pecial paini has been taken In the PI selection of Laities Dress Goods, whit onocti, Kmbroidenes Millinery Uoodi, Prints, Kerchiefs, Nubies, Glutei, Ac. FOR GENTLEMEN. Always on bind Mark Cloths Fancy ou uiiri laarimercs, Pattnets, eto Heady Made Clothing ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES, I21taS3, G3 31 Up 23, NECKTI E S . and a variety of other srtielea. which they wiii rell at a small adranco on coit. Psrlicular attention is Incited Ui thi-ii tick of Carpeu, flottijre, eoinmon In ;rain, eufrline I.ngli.h Inijrsin end Hrnweis, floor and Tnlile Oil Clotha, Window ehades and Wall pspera, eto. FLOUR, BACON, Fish Salt, PlHster, Apples, Peaches and 1'tuDos lepi constantly on hand. ALSO, in Store a lot of large and small Clover seed. We Intend to make It an object for Farmers and Merhinire to buy from ns; became we will sell our goods as low as they ean be bought in the eonntv and ,. th I r- " tJ - ery nlgbeat price for all kinda of country pro- ouce. newi'i also escnsnge goods for School, Rosn and Covarr orders; bhinglea, lloardi, and all kinji of Manufactured Lumber. Clearfield, July J, 1HC.7. J. P. KRATZER HAS reraoeed to his new wareroome on Mar ks! street, Clearfield, Pa , where he has opened a Tory large Slock of DRY GOODS, Merinoes, Qinghsmi, Cloths, Delaines, Prints Cestneros, Alpaeaa, 8ilka, Patineu, Reps, Caabaieres, Tweed, Cobergi, Mohair, Jeans, Lansllaa. Maslina, Flanneli, Bonneis, Rib. bona. Cloaks, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop. Pkirte, Shawls, Dreas Trimming!, Head Nets, Caps, Corsets, 0 lores, Collars, Pearls, (Jreaadiae Veils, Tsble Cot era. CLOTHING, Costs, Pants, Vcats, Orer-Coau, Rent's, Fhawls cniru, lists, ( spa, I'nder-Shiru and Drawers, Hoots. Slj'.ea. Uura rboej, Crarats, G lores and Collar.. lIAKnWARE. QUKHNSWARR. GRO CERIES I MUSICAL (iOODS. ii 1U1CEKIES, Tea, Coffee, Pucar, MoUajea.Salt, Candles, Rice, Flour. Bacon, Fih, Tobacco, kaiiins, Curranu. 8 p i e e s, Crackers, Vinejrar, Oil, Vat nub. Alcohol. TIN-WARE. GLASS-WAKE. WOODEX VARE, and STATIONERY. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpelt, Oil -clot ha, Dracget, LoukiDgflla.se! Clocks, Churns. Wsrhboarda, Tuba, Buck eis, Flat Irons, Pans, Window Blinds, Wall-paper, Coal Oil Lamps. Vm. krellas, Bedcords, Knires and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, and Su.re Blacking. rT-All of which will be SoM an tb mn.t M. souabie terms, aoi the ti.kui . 11..;. id 1 . "- p" CASS1M KKKS st Sensation I SATTINETS at Sensation JTWEKD.S at Sensation .1 KAN'S st Sensation VKSTIXfiS at Sonontion SlllRTlNliS at Sensation Vlnninji iWW. J. r. We..er,. (W.W.l.-lts. HOOP, WEAVER & CO. CLE A K EI EL D PLANING MILL ALL RIG HT! PPHK pmprirffinrpfiiDPlfutlY Infurra tlir rltiffnn of ricrllrli oaiunlv, tlint thi-v have rnlinlv n'fltlt'ta tlii mtntilinliini'iit with the lutrnt impruvrd woo'l-workmjr; nisrhinrrj', it ml are mi jirrpnrrd lo cxtvulo nil onlin. ia tlirir lino of liuniiief, TIipv will glre c t oihI nllcntinn to Hie iii-nulac- ture of iunU'rial fur huuxo buiMiii, tuch ai FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, I1LINDS, mhi.ichv.ts to .voi hin.rus, OF ALL STYLES. We always huve on hand a large ptock of PHY Lt'MltKH, and will pay cs.h for all clear Luuibor. Onc-aiiil-a-half inch panel stulT preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit ouKtoiucrs. -UOr.lera soliuiteit, and Lumber furuiahed on short notioe and on reaaonsljlc terms. HOOP, WKAYEU 4 CO. Clearfield, Xov. 7, 17. rusj torrs. NEW ARRANGEMENT. W. 31. A A. I. SHAW, DRUGGISTS, (Second street, opposite the Court Jlonse,) t'LIUKKILLll, Peuu'a. riiriE snhacrlbsrs baring entered Into partner X ship In the Drug business, and purchnssd too entire interest of Mr. C. i. Vtataon, would reaptctfully inform the eitiions of Clearfield eounty, that they are now prepared to furnish DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Dy Btuffi, Tobocco, Cigari, Confoctionerlei Bttiory, Ao. PHYSICIANS Will find enr llck of Drairs FULL nnd COM PLETE, and atarary slight adraaoe on Eastern prices. SCHOOL T500KS. Teachers and others will bs furnished with elesficel and miscslieneuas books by express, at sneri nonce. STATIONERY, Consliting of Cap, Flat Cap, Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Papers : alro, a rery aeat stork of Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on band. rens, renciis, ina, ac. HOUSEKEEPERS Wilt Ind a full stock of Pl'KR SPICKS, SODA, kuua ami, Concentrated LI K, KOAP, e. LA DIMS AND GENTLEMEN Are requested toes amine our stock of Perfumery. Hair Oils Fine Toilet Koape, Brtsbet, Combs, Joust hetts, c, o. SMOKERS AND C1IEWER3 Will find a full supply of prime Chewinf and Smokinj! TOUACOO, Imported and Domestic ClUAKr), tnuff, Fine-Cut, le., ao, CARBON OIL, Of th bt brind. alwayi un bftnd. LIQUORS. Tlit beit quality of Liuon alwai on hand, for medio) purponea. CPbjaieiana' Preieriptioni promptly And eareiuiiy compoanaea. BepL 12, 1H07. W. M. k A. L BtlAW. .1 oV'sCir. rmn. HARTSWICK & IRVIN, Itrugglult, VltarHtld, i'n. TTAYINO refitted and removed to the room 1 1 lately occupied by lticbard Moaion, new oUor, low for cash, a wall selected assortment of DRUUS AND CHEMICALS. Alio, fatal ffdirir.es of sll kinds, Oils, Ola Putty, Pye Stuffs, Stationery, TOBACCO AND SEOARS, Confectionery, Fpieoe, and tho lar(cet 'stock ef varieties ever oHered in this place, and warrant ee, te be or the beat the Market affords. J. 0. IIART.-'WICK, Dec. 13, IMS. 1 JOHN 1HYVIN. DRttiS! DRUGS! GS ! JOSEfll R IRWIN, On Main BL, ene door weat of Hippie at Faust's blurs, CI RV EXSVU.LK. PA., flas now on hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Miouliler-Hrarrs, l.laatlc Stork luge and FMippurtere, .laaa, I'uttj, Per nmery, Toilet Goods, Confectioneries, Ppices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Ci)rsra, Books, Stationery, Pencils, Pena, Ink, and a general variety of Notions. Ilil slock embraces all .articles needed In a community, is entirely new, and of the best quality, and will be si Id at reasonable prices. Csil and eaamlne the goodi ; they cannot fall " pieaae. deri tf SOMETHING NEW! FLOUR AND FEED STORE I WOULD announce to the sitisena of Clearfield and the surroundinr country that I bar opened a FLO UK AND i KK1) PtoitE on Sf.CO.m STIILET, Opposite the Furriinir. where I intend to keep constantly on hand a fall assortment of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Cora, And all kinil. nf V.t .ILL t -n lur csth, or in eirliMije for HHINllI.KS. LUMllFRMKN will eonault their Interest by irui(! me a call Ik ti re they go elarwhere lo nnr ehsiie their supplies, as my arranmenlp an. perfeil, and cm al.le to bur everything in my line at the lowest market pri.-o. , ,, . LKAXDKR DEXXIXO. Clearfield, July 11, s7. Boggs Township Awake I ORKAT EXCITKMKST AT THOMAS UKERS'S!! pVERTIIODY trying to get there nrst, for fear I A llf be in a rfsJl il. . a - - " roia. it yo want (r"o'i f'hrtfinr drn. ro to Hkkri If mi want twa.na L: 1 J . : !. if . . . j .7 , '""" g "goi. go to Hr.ana. If yon want good Mill lrom, go to Laana. .. ..in roor wsgun ironed in thsbsst inu worKmsnintp, en to ItRsna. c... . : "r" cmrop maenme In the sltstA. anil k -J I.I .n.. ... - . ... .,,, ni,i,s.Mi rillNU si . he jp as can bs dose In the eounty for Csh My Poit Office address la Clearfield Prides t, THOMAS 11KKHS.' Boggi Tp., Dee, 1, lfir-tf. TTIT .'n.d bd,'""'' '"PPortrs of every .if '" tprovement, for sale at the Drug btore of I1AKTSVY1CK A IRWIN c akii;t tiiAivt At the KEYSICKB ETORE. ii;mni.iif, f Inuaif, iMr. MKHHKMd & miVM ran sea 1 11 a 11 1 w a 11 1:, Alio, Manufacturer. of Tin and Shccl Iron Ware. CI. KA H II I I. II, PA. K A T i:S ! S K A T ES ! ! SK A T ES ! ! ! Lady's and Henllenian's for salo by M Kit UK I.I, & II 1 01. SR. gLEIGlI 11KLLS I A GENERAL Assortment on band and for sals by MERRF.t.L A niOLEK. LOT OF SADDLES, 11RIDLES, Harness, Collars, eto., for sale by MEKRELL i RIOLER. plTMER'S PATENT UNLOAD Ing II ay Forks, fur sale by MEKRELL 1 BIGLER. Q I L, P A I N T, P U TT Y, G L ASS, Kails, etc., for sale by MEKRELL & EIGLER. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Findings, for sals by MEKRELL & BIGLER. QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For sale by MEKRELL A BIGLER. gTOVJJS, OF ALL SORTS AND Eites, for sale by MEKRELL i, BIGLER. JRONI IRON! 1R0N1 IRON! For sals by MEKRELL & BIGLER. JJORSE SHOES i HORSE SHOE Kails, for sale by MERRELL t BIGLER. )ULLEY 13L0CKS, ALL SIZES And best manufacture, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE x Boies, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. RODDER CUTTERS for snlo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I . iiEioi.rTio.r i.r s.i if EMERSON'S PATENT PERFORARATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws. (ALL GUMMING AV01DIO.) ALIO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, and Shaping the Teeth of all Splitting 8s ws. VftSend for a Descriptive Circular and Pries List. MEKRELL k HI OLE II, Janl-tf Oeneral Agents, ClearSeld, Pa a. a. rLtoAL ..... t oasoi FLEGAL & GANOE, STOVE AM) HOLLOW-WARE STORE, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, rtlllpeburg, Outre ro., Pa, r HUE new lrm of Flegal Osnoe wonld rs J- apeetfully annoanoe U their friends and the pobllo generally, that they have on band a carefully-selected and woll assorted stock of Stovss. Their variety consists of HIE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES. Wblrh have never failed to give perfect setisfae- uon to ins most fastidious of Its purchasers, Continsntal, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Fpean' Antl Doit, Niagara, Charm, Herald, ate., with every variety of the best Pittsburg Manufacture. toThe Tin and Sheet Iron ware si tea .lih the Moves is made of the heaviest nnd best material, and warranted to give iterfeet satis. faction. Their stock of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Is Isrgsr, b-tter and cheaner tb .... v.r. sihibited to the public. They defy eomostltina either In rarlely, ijuality or price, They are also prepared to furnish complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and wulow Ware, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neat', and with the nolo view to service, from the best ma terial la the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS, A COPrER, BRASS AKD IRON KETTLES, Of every description eonrtantly on hand. LIGHTNING RODS, Superior point, put np on short notice. The Point they offer to the rul.lie ia il.. ..... .. 1. now need by the Tecnajlvsnla Railroad Co, on tneir nulldinga. ORDERS FUR SroUTlNO, ROOFING, And other work kelsneini lo their bnaln... .111 be promptly llled by experienced and skillful workmen. BRASS. COITER AND OLD METTLE Taken In eichange for goods. fl-They especial Invite the aUentioa of Merchants wishing to purchase at wholesale, as thsy will nnd II to their ndv.ntag, lo examine tteir stock before purchasing elsewhere. FLEOAL A OANOB. Philip. hnrg. July U, 18(1?. Shi"1"" Kenned,'. M.died O DUeovery, llelmbold's Bucbu, Ushers Coa Liver Oil, Jane's and AVer's medicines of every kind, for sale by HARTSWICK A IRWIN. T..TriUf.tf rt fftnuT.tf. trie NEW HARDWARE STORE rhllipubtirn;. Cftitre County, Ta G. II. ZEIGLER & CO., HEAi.r.nit in Foreign & Domcstif Hardware, WOOD, WILLOW. & TIN WARE, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, &o. rpilE attention or Mechanic!, T-uilders, Farm-i- era. Lumbermen, and Buyers generally, Is invited to the fact that we are offering a better a.iortment of goods in onr line than can be found elsewhere iu tiiii part of the State, at Fricei to Suit the Times. Our stork comprises a general assortment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters, Dlsck smiths, Carriage and Wagon Makers, Ao., with a large stock of Iron, Xails, Sited, fyiikcs, Mining Supjilits, Saddlery, Hope, Chains, Grindxtones, Circular, Mill and Cros-Cvt Haws, ENAMELED, FINISHED k PLAIN HOLLOW WAKE, CABLE CHAINS, Lard, Linseed, Coal, Lubricating and rish Uils, TURPENTINE, BENZINE, TARNISHES, COAL OIL LAMPS A5D LAHTERNS An excellent assortment ef Fine Cutlery, com pri.ln 'forks, KNIVES, JJESEKT, TEA, k TABLESPOONS, SCISSORS, KAZOKS, Ao. BRITANNIA k SILVER PLATED WARE. TIN WABE IN GREAT VARIETY AND BEST MANUFACTURE. Housshold, Horticultural, Farming nnd Rafting Implements of the latest er.4 most improved patents. Blacksmiths ean bo supplied with Anvils, Bel lows, Vices, Siedges, Hammers, Horse nnd Mule Khoes, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron and Steel. Carpenters nnd Builders will and la ear et tab llshmeat n superior stock of Planes, Sews, Augurs, UatchsU, single, double bit nnd pealing Axes, Hammers, Chisels, Files, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Locks, Pulleys, Sash, Cord, Ac, Ac, Ao. Farmers and Raftmen will and everything la their line, and cheaper than ean be had elsewhere. fees. Particular attention Is Inv'ted to enr uci .11 piovea, comprising Mpear celebrated Antl-IlUSt. Cnfik .nil P.ln - r .11 Also, the Niagara Cook, Parlor Cook, llrillianti w a"p, atoms, nne. common Lea Pocket, Ao. " All of the above poods will be nold tbeap ur cann. G. H. Z EIGLER k Co. thilipabuTg, Oct. II, ISfiMy The Best in the Market! K II V, K I.E AI), Equal to the pure Engliih article, la one to twenty pound packages. A large assortment of ccionnn rA txts ix oil axd VliY, LIXSKEP OIL, TCRMXTIXK. it PUTTY. VARNISH OF THE BEST QUALITIES And a One assortment of VARNISH A5D PAI5T BRUSHES Just received and for sale by WM. 31. k A. I. SHAW, 0tt- T. Cleeroeld. Pa. A GREAT REDUCTION In all clanm. of DRY o oons AT J. P. KRATZERS. 1JitlTH. Mnelins, TVIaines. Merinos, Alpacas, llool-Plaifls. ttinirli.iiia K.IL. 1; Wica, Cb.y-ka, Coreet jesns, S-leaias. Oil Calico ......... i.mua, ii.u, i.nihno, Kwiea Muslins. Mllrlinp.. rlannelt. r..in,AM f-i-.t.. n- , Jcan, Army Chith. ftatinell.. Ii',i,im,. ( nltnna.le j anl..n Flannel, Urilling. 1 irking. Cra.h, Lincyi i '. ""V" rpcl, il,e rTers, Hlaiikrt.. t overt. f. rt.l,r.i. ui . 0 .-uHnie, .oiuacs. Hosiery, (.lores, Ac, are now selling el . D,U ...i.ni J. k It A 1' 7 k' It ' M February (I. 1S 1m. "X-vuTis-a.. svi aw. .... . . '.V. . .. ... ,,,, W-e (rT i , .rr,..rr.i .n nnre tne nqll.l1snna Itiver. In the (Jprinr of lies, (vm Wil,.m.port to llnvre de . . " go nc low VI illiemnmrt we will, f rna i.l. II ..L. -u.. of and dnre them with o'nrs.pro rating the cost of drirtne In nent...i-ln. .... . r . ' further Information, ad.lren II. JAVB A CO., Baltimore, lid. February ., lOS Im-pd. PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILL eVH HALF., "lTK will sell, at n low tgore. one ll.nr ciJe""?1.''1" h"r" f"" ''"1'TAIlLK UN. - "i '""VT ,lo,hk! MH-U thirty reed oamage. flnr-.i, lo,.. Mw, .1,,.. le, w.th all Ik. e..rT .rT,rmn,f7r ihingk. and la. I, mill, cpal.le f outtingon. tho,. aan.l per hour,- ha. b,u run only shout o,fht roon.h., 1. , g ,j H,.r, Vot (,lrWr lion. s. tr.se . H. PKVCK A rii.V no; 1 4 3m:pd tWn.l.nrg. Cambria Co., Pa pig! fiooiU, C.iprrUft, tTlr. , GREAT EXCITEMENT; )j Sii-nsn rTHMT, ('utrirmn. I NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. riMlft nnderelsned re-peet folly Invite lbs et I t.ntli.n of Iho pnl. He generally lo their splendid a.'oriinent of merchan'li.e, whi.'h Ihey are now selling AT VERY LOW TRICKS. Tbelr stock conaists In part of Dry Gooda of tho Best Quality, Such aa Prim., Tie I.alnei, Alpeccss, Msrinos, Oinghsins,Muilios,( bleached and unbleach ed,! lirillinga. Tickings, cotton and wool F!enoeli,Satinrti.,Caesimeroa, Cotloneries, Ladies' rjhawls, Nubias A llooda, llalmoral and Hoop bkirU, Ac, Also, a tne assortment of Men's Drawers and Shirts, Hats A Csps, Boon A Shoes, all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH. Hardware, Quoensware, Glassware, Grocorics and Spices. INSIIORTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything mostly kept In n retell store, all CHEAP FOR CAf U or approved country pro duce. A. K. WRIGHT A SONS. Clearfield, Nov. ?, 10(17. SOMKTIIIIVtt NEW ! New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST & SOX "IlfOULD respectfully Inform the public that M they have just opened, in MADKKA, Clsarfleld county, Pa., aa entire aew stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they are prepared to sell aa cheap as the ekeapesi. Their stock consists In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Fuch aa Alpaccas, Dslenea, Prints, Muilins, Cassimsrss, Satinets, nnd Flannels. Ready - Made Clothing, Of the best quality, suck ai Coats, Pants, Vests, Overcoats, Overalls, SblrU, Collars, As. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Also ol the very best Quality. A complete stock of Groceries la short everything niually kept ia a country store. Consumers, Look to Your Interests! Call and exemine ear stock aad prices before purchasing elsewhere. LUMBER AND GRAIN Of all kinds taken In exchange for goods. dTRsmemUr the place, Madera, Clearleld county, Penn a. J. TORRES! A 105 October SI, lf? tf. JkEW STOKE AXD NEW GOODS! JOS. SHAW & SOX Hay just opcoej a Nisr Sto, on Main St.. CLtaariiLD, Pa., latelf occut.i4 by Wtn. F. JRWIN. Their stock consists ef Oaocia:ii of tbe brat quality. Quf.enswarc, Loots and Shoes, and every article ceceuarT Tor ooa'c comfort. Call tod zaniioe our stock: be for pur chasing elsivrhere. May 9, ISGO-tt. FI5E3II AKUIVALS. AT THE CUEAP STORE OT EDWAHDWTxRAIIAM Spring GooDs, New and Very Cheap I fPHE undersigned reipeotfully announces to A- the public that he is now onsainr nt extensive assortment of SPRING GOODS, an ths old stand in Graham's new building, which he offers to sell at I Ereedirgly low nrlcee. eon. eidering their eost, lor cash or approved eouatry produce. His Stock of Dry Goods cannot be burpassed. Customers can there Bad Calicoes with fast ee. ors Muslins, Delaines, Lawns, Cloths, Cassl meres. Vertices, Ladies' Ehawla. 0t' RI...1. Hats and Caps, Boot! and Shoes. Carnaia. J Oil Clothe. Hii Stork of Fancy Goodi It TJnex- ami lea in Styu and Varisty, KmVracIng Koilona, Fcarfs. Bead. nets. N.ek ties, Eatchsls, Tori Moaaaies. llru.h.. Phi.. graphle Albums, Pipes. Tobacco and Segero. ermmery or all kinds, or anything Use la the Notion line. Also, H A II 1) W A RE, Q U E E X 3- WARE, GROCERIES, TROVISIONSI All or the best qnslity, and eelerted with special regard to ths trade of Clearfield county I T-r.T-... ... "au W. UhAHAU. ClearHeld, May 14, HOT. Cl lir.R!.. BOlM,TtJ!.A recent nc, hat paared both Houses of Con.ress and eina k. w. ... .. ' " in tt"1 a three years' soldier in(l and a two years' soldier tst bounty All persons who enlisted prior to Juiv JJ, Sit served one year. and were honorably diseharred' are entitled to f Inn bounty. Jboi flTlKkSanrl I'UVSIOXSnollectedhv W.I.TI-D ll 1 h b . n tat lt All y at Law. Clearlleld. Pa. ttrANTKn-eirso.oisn ln isjili.o-lea- ----- --' oiiip-onrg, lor wn r the htgheet cash price wilt be paid w- w' ""TT t CO. J una' tit, llrmilino. Habbell s, rk,7uZt- . m. m , . i.erman, neetett.r'e and (ircwuel Oxygenated Bitters, also pure .i,.w, .f , klnilsfur T.tlir:aa'erm... rh...i. k. m . Vitcat V'-fM.lm. DEAL'S LATE IW LIAS LMLI CC.- fn? till div-tv ffivMttM It l. .I-., iv Human ri'Hr.T - w 1 ft ?.!. Ii.in full hh-.nWf,',,. -t 1 mrilfa' inu-f ni rrn irtftftlUnt .k. ttttn Mi (rr.rkos.ftn. it WRrrn,( ... 1 an lumBl TH'" fr mtt wild h it is r'NunrniiH W nrr II will rli fta mail iiti, ihr , II mhm it, 4 b mhm lr-iitt Hffflf ha winnji if, ana ttirrr iirieoc ai in r-i n oi Mi uiffut. i prfnoufiCl hy rarrifn. an1 allwlmh. h, in uff iiiw fsiriiif aiMvin ffTifr ok i Kmrucatl'to baa hon ul Hp fur ot. jiarf. an1 II II fniy mr-.uri tt.o inrrpa. niar.il a ml urgm. rs-nnp( or my frhnda , I'ulilie thai i nd ll ..Fih a ih tmn. arrnt Ur (na rinai aluriivcf u i tifjHa and tiavlu. ai. iiunl, th h"fr, g J Ho under riiffcreut furtni. mmt vt tliii. jt-ridiia ntht-i at rf littU um, m j whollT Improper lo aniwer IDa iur.ua fL ( tber are ricommnif'i A iudia.uu arid real It nirful Matimi.tu, frntu th'iM otjveUoDf). hat tbTeiurt lui tlaatrM by DianT Kaniiemrn woti bur biirMH, anJ are unwilling lo tniit tbt ear of desffeninr arid prrionded KirHen. wiabei are at lenpfh fully fitlflcJ, bj Vulf) baiitf ppvailtl mpom tm allow tkUt bla Kaibroentioa (wb.eb bat proved aoeffi J to tha varioaa di to b liffpari; broKB( out ui 109 public. Tbit iobroeti"n ? aiteDiivalj ej the UnTarnmeDt nurintr th war. Fur aa It by HartPwirk A Irwir. Joaapb R. Irwin, CanraoavilU. itaal i, iMdtr. Lo.hrburgX. jtddrefti all ordvrf t 1H EDMUND BEALeJ apr4,671y 602 South heefind 8t., Phil . ITCH ! ITCH ! ! ITCH BCUATCU! bLUAICH!! BCRATClil In from lo to 1H Hours, WLeaton s Ointment cures The Itell Wbeaton's Ointment euree Salt hb.I a iisbis I utntment cures Tetter. Wbeaton s Ointment cures bsrhen' Wneaten e (linlmeal enroe O'd hvt, n neaton e umtment cures Every t.J oi xi uinor use msgie. Price iO cents a box: by mail. SO even Address WEKKS A POTTKR, Ke 171 l ington street, Itoston, Jlaai. For sale kr l,J wick Irwin. end by all Dmrrnii. aj 11 DKAKMH. Illludnoa and C. J treated with the utmost sueeeee, tl l.-AACrl, M. v., Occuliat and Auriat, (lorn. I lydrn, Holland,) o. 4 Arch streeL PL. Testimonials fnim the most reliable suunva il city and country J a bo seen at kn oS-e. medical faculty are invited to accompnaj J patierts, as be has no secrets in hia nraetiea. I ncial Eyes inserted without paia. tie caul lamiuuVDS mri I DREXEL & CO., No, at ftouth Third Street, PhUadtlJ Jt.t.VHKItS, And Dealers in Government Securi j Application hy mail will receive nronni . 1 tion, and all information cheerfully fan., viwi niiriiw, aprll i J. D. Jl'Oir.. Uwerd Peril B ANKTNfJ nnr.T.TiTrTnv wnrl or McGirk & perks 6oeessors to Foster, Perks, A Co, Phltlpeburr, Centre Coouutv. Ps. "llTHtliE all the business of a Bankine ti will be transacted promptly and an I musi isvoraoie tersna msr Counly National Bank! CLEARFIELD, PA. I THIS Bank lo aow open and ready for J ness. Oftce on Second street, in ths ing formerly occupied by Leonard, Finney i I BiancTowa ana orpicaae I JAS. B. ORAHAM RICHARD PRtl w SS. A. W ALLACE, w M. PORTgt, A. K. WRIGHT, OEO. L, REED. D. W. MOORE, JAS. T. LKOKAKll ju28,'6j Cashier. Pr,fcl Clearfield Counlv Bank rilllK ClearBeld County Bank la an IneorerJ JL led Institution has gone out of exiilaan 1 tbe surrender of iu charter, oa May I, l'l nil im stock is owned tiy the subscribers, win eontiuue tbe Banking business at ths place, as private Bankers, under ths Irw a ol the "Clearlleld Count? Bank." We an i sponiihle for the debts ol ths Bank, and will J lu not! on demand at the counter. Deei reeeivea sua interest paid when money is left I a Baed time. Paper diecnonted at sis perefj aa keretoforo. Owr personal respontikiliti I piengea lor nil noioiite received end twin trans . cted. A continuance of the liberal i ronage of the buaineas men of the roust ill sporuutiy solleiteil. As 1're.laeot, Cs-liil' u efficerj of io late Cleardeld Count? Bask. require the notes of said Bank Is be prceia for redemption. JAR. T. LKONARD, RICHARD 8HAW, WM. PORTKR, JAS. B. tlRAUAlt. A. K. RIUIIT. . L. REKD, WM. A. W ALL Arte The businasa of ths Bank will be eondeelee Jonn as. Adami., Esq.. ea Cashier. jaa riiilatlclphia & Eric Railroai WINTER TIME TABLE. T hroa gh and direct ronu between Fkiladslaki Bsltimore, lierriiburg, Williamsport, and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvanii ELEGAXT SLEEPING CAE On nil Night Trains. f i.il n. Unvnav voo et teat a. f trains oa she Philadelphia A Brie As UA il. ... .. . ii as ... Mail Trala leasee Pkila4elphia...11.1 M o...e. Narv a l it p. s 1 r.i n V.l. a an 11 L Irie Kspreee leevee Phiiadeipa'iaT.'.'.II .enesi - -.. aaary a- Do arrive at Erie- ' . i A. It A. k .. t At A. II ..It It A. Mail Train leoree Krie Do do...St Mary's. , In 4h 1L1I-J..i- ,. nt P .. ti i k Brie Eiareas leevee Brie 4 F '" l Merv'e It .at p 1 Do..... ...arrive at Pk.lui.i.ki. a at Meil and K . nr.. .... - -n . . - r . . n traiar the Warren A Franklin Kailway. Pa-serrw Iu i fkil..l.i..v i . . . . . . . e ---.. ....... rl1llw Bt u.ii m. ernes a irvtneton nt Ad a m aad Oil Ct? at t n , T " rn"aueipnm at II 8 p, as., arrives uii ny at 4 X9 p.m. All ttaina aa Ware., a .iu. w.n.. make close connections at Oil City nlth rrsie or Franllla and Petroleum Centre Pasrar iuru(t. ALr rltill u TVLKIt. Heneral f nperiat endsei Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF HOUXTT. 4 l.l. wOI PICRai oK l-m.T.J.'f..1 tn UX. ""UM to an lM'RKA.-LU 1UUSTV. llie nn,ier?igne.l is prepared to collect all iscl Bounties, ai well u the increaid psv to SoMien idowa. All iuuuirics and communication! ss sw.re.1 promptly. Ilivhargre reCL.ii.ted f..r. T Office a.lmis, Curweusville, p.. "'I'4"" JOKIAH KVAXA CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH SHOP, IN CLEAKFIKLO, P. (Immediately la rear of Machine Rhon.l rpHE subscriber would respectfully Inform Iks vierneia. ena me putiiir ia ges- oral, that he ie prepared te do all kinds of work ss CARRIAGES, BUOtilRS.SLEIIHS, c. oa short notice and on reasonable terms, as ia a workmanlike manner. AII orders promptly attended te. -svt l'1 WM. MXIC1HT. K.T qnallty of PRISTS, tor lft... at II. W. KMITII'8. M?!Ri-sr.. a rt -ar L-n'a pKANKU Htl' IT of .11 kinds at