T11K HKPimi.KWN. RELIGIOUS MISCniAKY. I i tii am l.i r- t!ii' ; t' ilK t cm l'ilsa illti) 1 1 10 IMiU'O It Is n nflemn lutli:;i 1m. tn ilililinli;ti 'ti'- iih'i im mill niiL'' l It is iil ii very mliMiin tiling to livo in kikIi ii wnii, 1 : h tl.is of ('in s, iiii.lcr lln tn -ul juviTiimoiii i'f .leliiiviili, u rrniiiiiK il hv a tlicustiii'l lin I lowoil inlliii'iii'os, rapiil!y f lining our clmractcrH, mill iixiii!' (MirrtiTiial ilfstinii'. We have Mink of iniiiiiU' val'ic. tio'l li.is liili Iv I'XMltcil us in tin? wall! i.t' immortal lifinirij ':i little InwtT tlmri the mi prU" i nnviir.i willi trlory uml Itoni.r. Yet Oil how wclifivo tiillrii ! Wo have eiiincil ainl toino plioi l of hi plnrv ; provoki-il him I') anger hy our multi plied trausri'KsioiiH, yi!t lie in his wonderful ciniipassion mid uiorcy hits been pleased to provide u raiixoui, no thut all inny be :ivod who will. All glory bo to his name ! Which will you do, smilo and make others happy, or be crabbed and make everybody around miserable; ? You can live uinonis beautiful flowers and Dinini; birds, or in the nnre surroun ded by fo;;s mid frogs. The amount of happiness which you can produce is incalculable, if you will only show a smiling face, a kindhenrt.nnilspenk rdcaMint words. On the other hand, bv sour looks, cross words, and a fret ful disposition, you can uiako bun dreds unhappy almost beyond endur ance. Which will you dor w car a pleasant countenance; let joy beam in your eve and lovo glow on your forehead. There is no joy go great us that which springs irom a kind act or u pleasant deed, and you may feel it at night when you rest, and in the morning vhen you rise, and through out the day when about your daily Liincss. Tkiai.s ask Tkmitatioss. -To be tempted is to bo tried. Ti iul devel ops Mivnglli and inatures principle. Christ forewarned 1 L id disciples of the trials they would be necessitated to bear, and calls such ones blessed. The apostle James says: "lilcs-ed is the man that endureth temptation." The blessedness is not in the endur ance of trials, but in the Una I results thereby secured; "for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life." Such things are inevitable, none arc exempt. Christian, meet them, meet them calmly, helicvingly, submissive ly, heroically, Christ like. Are the robes made whito without the great tribulation f The blessed ones above, whoso voices are ever uttering joy gained the promised crown only hy bearin g the cross. No cneH, no crown No action, no reward. Tho ono is a mire guarantee of the other. The bat tle fought, tho faith kept, makes cer tain the reserved glory and immortal ity. The Archbishop of York, in a ser mon at St. Paul's, thus notices the fmir chief dangers of our existing high tato of civilization : First, The tendency to glory unduly in this ma terial progress, forgetting the real littleness of man. Second, Tho temp tation to seek and trust in riches ; in enjoy our possessions, like livcn, without thinking of Lazarus lying at our doors a danger to which wo are ul! liable, the struggling for wealth as well as tho wealthy. Third, The sen miwlity of the ago a sensuality pe culiar in this respect, that it is gener ally united with strength and hardi hood tho votary of manly exercises by day being also the votary of dissi pation by night ; a sensuality without fullness, none the less perilous because less repulsive, l'ourlh, The ultimate danger consequent on all this of liv ing ior the present only, of substitu ting a blind materialism for tho real ization of tho great verities of the eternal world. "I will search Jerusalem with can dles, and will punish the men that tire settled on their lees." Two Hteps in tho process of Ilivinc dealing are heie indicated exposuro and retribution. The omniscient Judtro declares that Ho would subject His people to a strict oversight, laying open their most secret retreats and uncovering the bidden wickedness of those who had forsaken lliscovenanlund brought dishonor upon His name. And if He was thus watchful to detect unfaith fulness under tho old economy of forms and shadows, can we suppose Him to bo blind to it, or regardless of it, under the purer and mure spiritual dispensation of tho (iospel ? Ah, no! With a scrutiny rot less comprehen sive and all-revealing lie wulksamidst the gulden candlesticks" amidst tho churches of Christ inspecting their purity, their fruitfulness, their real, marking the backsliders in heart and bringing to bear upon them such in fluences, and pouring around them such a flood of light as cannot fail to Search them out and expose theircon dition, not only to others, but to them selves. Tho fatal influence which backslid ers exert upon others will bear no Small share ill their punishment. It is a never failing law of the moral world, that tho evil we do to those around us comes home to scourge our selves. No man can contribute di rectly or indirectly, to tho ruin of his acquaintance, without bringing an in curable sorrow into his own life. Ah! young Christian, who hast forsaken the society of tho godh- and given thyself up to profligate companions, what tortures will he thine when the periiii iniis consequences of t hy un faithfulness shall appear in all their terrible reality! Your presence and example have hardened the impenitent in their sins. Someof youmn ciatcs li.uo already gone down to the pit,! and others are hurrying along the ! road that leads to it, cheered on by j you. .h! Christian lathers, Chris., tian mothers, ynu wonder atthc wick-1 cdnessof your children. One son is ! An infidel another profane, another dissolute all depi-crs of (iod and religion. IVhol 1 the penally of your j awn shortcomings. You havo been oareless and worldly, indifferent to! eternal concerns, forgetful of your! covenant vows, lux in principle, ineon- j si-tent in practice, deficient in pnrcn-1 tal instruction and here is the bitter j fruit. '-That which a man soweth ' shall he aNo reap." ' HKl'OiiTOr TilK AIMTORS Wr tTI'MI AT ti ll , M"lti vie , ,.l I I ' I.I ..... ti, ; I . 1,1 ii. roe III. ..I I'. mi' i li a. in .. I V 111 el I I.I', 1 1 1 lll lli " I ll .1,11 "f .till" 'i ,: AO. 1ii,, lii I tn Mli'liiv lit .Inns'. -, At', l-'C,1 in -it ii. '!'" l.;il.u-c itin r'Miulv t.y Irasinit's 1. Ill ll:ll.l VJi 1 ! T" I .t'.in.'i 'I i .lii'!i Bl' I'l'SU l', lii VI I ' urn "mil I I'll s. in it il'ipll- . il i.t I : I'M''" "1. To fiii'"inil M-.i -"i.l mi r:nli' itnj li. :1" i, i-i,r l ,2hi 2i To 1,11,1"! I' I II --I Mil I "li Ullrfl ttll'l il.ipli- ,',, f'.r i liii T,:'.:;;i s To mn noil s.M-si'.lon ui:r illot ilnpli- .'i.. i.t is..; 7.:;:.l :i Tn miKiuiit n-'l. ui'liiiu mi Irii.-t iitWtf, Hi,-1. .11 .WIIll. J It' Tn aim-not ii-rnl per riilU-ctiiM' re turn. I suit 227 S'J To ainmit.t assessed per colli-dois' re- ( linn I .'7 . ' Iff :'l To a.uout.t Iruiu t'oinni ii-mtitTH' hooks, 41) 2.i T am it s liool ri'iiui.l, Nooiiwnrd t..w..,lu J" "I To a noiiiii r:i.tr"luml,Wii'twni'l 1 1 . r 1:1 W To aiuouiil liiinsl M Irom militia lunil, lll.i 2- Total ,,"!M.l: cnl.iilToll. By mhol 4 mail rtfiiniiiti W iKiilwar.l, Uv ainouiit oultiinilitiff trnni rnlliulori lor ISII? anil prpvioun yinrn B v ainiiuiil ouDUmliiig ftoin collitton uu Slatp By atuuulit outitttii.lilig.uiiwiiti'il,lsttn, Bv d it Isi7, Bv aiuiMiiil iintHlatiilliiglrouiooUecturM' ri'lurna, 1 still By amount tiutptumliiig from collectors' relurnti, Is.iT Bv amount of exoneration to oullei'torl on county By amoimlof exoni'rutlouatocolleutora on Slate Bv colli dors' )icr ci nU(;e on onunty... By tlo .lo KUilc By ani'itorn' wajri'n By auititom' miyefl By Airrii-ullurul Soeiuty By auilititift account of l'rollionolary anil iti'Kinter IIv hriiUe acemmt, vn : 'A luli rwm'f l"k, ( urwennr., $1 ,12s 00 Trout Hun, Mmiovillc.... 4jU nil ( Lent ( mi k, Nenrliurg.... ''I4 III Burniiiili', Irwim' 2HII 00 Brnlire views 2i 73 By hooks anil statiuncry Bv Comuiii'iiioueri' Ollieo, rit: ('niini.l Baker, lf.S uuvi 20 00 0. f. Worrell, 2.1 dnvs U'.'O HO C. S. Worrell, A..i uU 17" 211 Henry Slni.e. 211 'lulu Ii2 ' Olliello Suieail, 4i ily II- i'H Livery lure BIO I'll IIv Clerk, lit : "W. 8. Bra (ley $'"00 dO Do niakinK duplicate.!, SO (HI fc;s s.i 2:m 01 r.2 i n 7.2.VI 40 7,Jo hi 206 Of- 176 84 4110 ID .12 XI, S2n ;ii. 110 31 0TU 00 ISO (111 100 Oil 15 On 2,1117 8s 2..0 41' 1,!'9S 21 Ho. lu. .Clerk lo Au'lilom, H.'i I'll .Clerk to lurj Com., Is (HI .Lniiill k 4(1 Hit .exi,ciie to l'li.l'a. tO I'D Iio . SS3 Pll l'y Jury t ouitiiirioners By eolmtaiiles' Kami's By Ciiiirt crier Bv attorneii' feen, vix: II. II. Siioopc $."15 00 W. A. Wnllae. ll'O 00 W. A. Wallace, counel l-' OH T. J. M'Cullouuli -.. 120 00 W. M. M'Cullouth Ill 00 W. M.M'CullniigMtiat.At'jr 4H 00 J. li. M'Enalljr li 00 4(i 2i co 70 tin 1,250 00 FTATEMKXT OP COl'XTY FT NHS IN HETAU,. Year. Collectors' 'umcl. Townshijia. isr... lsil- IS117 IS.I7 lsil7 Is.iT Isil7 I7 .Kihn Barmoy T. S. Washburn Benjamin Baird Joseph Winnery t'vrcnius Howe .lulna M..CI..II.,, ; Coviutnii ,H. 1 lli-ccana. Bell I Bradford I Becatur ! Km I Lumber t'ilv. ! I.. 1). Ilile .1 Omrire Beams j Henry tile's liclljaiuiu BliMitu.... I Morris Oeeola I'iko lst.7 Total !. Niitk. Tlio:.e marked with a , are paid in lull: those marked with a f, partly paid since the setlli incut. Aui't of court lionsc bonds ouletandinK, WJUilJOO Ai.5:reate amount ol court lionr bonds red". mable Julv.'AS. inelud'i; interest .liOf, (1(1 riohalilc oiilinar'y expenses for IHlis... ls.tioo 01. Total expenses for the current year $21.A05 00 tati;ml:t II. W. Moonr, Ksq., Treasurer of Clearfield county, in account with the different townships lor Hoad fund, lor I SOD and lsti7, I'llBTOIt. To l.alanro last settlement. $".f.74 30 To amount assessed, uusealed, ls.'.rt 7.333 02 To.. do In !Sfi7 7,351 03 Tu amount collectors' return L'nion tp., 2 4n Total.. tIKMl A. 6TATEMF.XT OF ItOAH Assessed in IS('t). - Bi-ccaria. Bell B"i!:s Illoiitn Ilradlord Brady BurtiBide Chest Covington Becatur Ferguson Fox Ii Irani (lo-lien.. , (irahnin liuli.h Huston Jordan Karthaus Knox Lawrence Morris Benii.. Pike 1 iiion Woodward Total , Kei'cii eii, January 1 huii'lri'l and loity-ci; above stated. 1251 22 354 51 145 35 H'3 37 77 00 .ti'l 7A SIB 11 2'.'7 SO 1(10 10 3111 7A 31 23 2n 7S 21.9 50 320 54 107 3 177 31 1,714 20 01 ss loo 23 240 74 25A 20 .i'.ij 211 130 4K 115 ("I .".nil 1A 2sS 12 7.3.'13 02 ! 1 1. I'''-, of I'. W . .Miiiiri", lit dollar! aud tliirtv seven .ls ;:;. fT4Ti:MI;T OF P. W, MoonK. Treasurerof Clearfiebl enunly. in neeoutit with the diflerent townllips foi t .-hool fund, for I s and sA7, riRMnn. To l'iilan.T last seldenirnt lAlil ft' To amount n"sn-il, uti'cited, li'A, S. '!!.:. 01' T do do 1st;;, W,vr; V bn To nini'iinlcollietors' returns, Ilradlord and Knox 10 72 'J o amount received fioin Brady school, A On Total 1 1 0.053 ft? KTATKMF.XT OF STIIOOI, Fl XI) IX DFTA1L. Towvsnirt. Ileccaria. B..II B.r.'s Bleo.n Bradford Brady lliirnsiar tTi.-t ('ovinptnn Hi-iitur ri-iiisiin 1..X (iimrd li'i-bcn lirnb'iii) i; nil. ll Hint, n .I....I m Kurt linn K uox I -a wren e Morris IV nil Pike I liltill oudu ard Total Beceivc'l, .Tai.uary 1 hundred and seventy rtairiL IT.", of ll, W. Moore, Lm)., late Treasurer of raid county, the sum of one il dollars and nine cents, being in full for balance due S boo! Tun 1 as above I' ' VVM. K. WRIOLEY, Tie.sur.r. OK tlK.K.IIU) (01 MV, .noa. I lit N I Ml r ) l ' " l, ,..,.,..,. Vy .!... I" C II: til 1 I I M", t . ? is ; ; i- I ' ll I'" li.,'1,,. -ii f I , IM I i,, li J!,,...t ii.m l.11. Ii'iil'il.) li Mi.. Miller I'n.ii' II llo I . ; I e 4 i ... M im ... il.'i SI in HI T.i ... 1131 ... 1.IH2 ... Stt lilt ... 31 t'7 ... ..it It'.l ... 3" US 1), .MiKll'I'len., ll Biiilir SI lo Suntli i., Iiiiiilliiiiill tn I 'ai.'in llo Siifunl II.. I lo Niiiii maker Bo Mell'leri'in io 'il.n,(.'oloreil.) llO KVHIIH... li, I Mn II io rMiillii-niUfi Iio Applvlou no sii'jT Do lilt! Fuuil.y eimm 2:1 Ml 42 Mi 411 4 '.I . 3.1 17 . 14'l 71 . 1.0 24 . llil M . 61 71 . 118 15 .tins SO . 3S7 40 5,003 20 By printinjr, n: S. J. How 11. 11. Uoodlauilcr By repairina;, Ac, for jail, Tit Plantering jail ' 1'niuliii; ainl jmperinR Mitteriul, lime, iian.l, Ac Carpenter work Keptiirinir luet.i', Ac 404 00 lit 17 011 o. 27' SO IB 75 1 2 50 23 40 41 4H li'J 50 20 00 42 70 II. .1 - and lied lie ClolliitiR for priiioncra.. Watehuiiin I'hyiiieiau AliHccKaucoua expeime! 401 j:. l.O.'.S 1.1 2, 1 mi 00 I 01 2,014 15 011 mi 25 00 l.'u no in no 12 (HI Ssl 27 2,41.0 SO 1..8 20 230 85 2jS 47 210 02 mi 1111 mi no 51 25 HI I'd !iii! tin 255 O'l S23 f I 11 Oil 22 H? 257 32 r.es 01 153 To A Mi 321 32 By election fpenncs By Court llmue lenco By pralid jurori' wreB By traverre di. By gallows.. By cotlini By iruard at exeeutior By C. JI. Onlf, roud dama!e By miaeellaneoun By I'rotliimotary'B fee! By Slurifl ' fei'B.' By loxea and wild-eat si-alp! By fuel, oil and lamp By llouc of ltefiiKe By repair! for Court IIouhc By tipetavei' whsi-b Bv jimitor'B wage By ullice Beai Bv road v ii-w IIV Colli t BOUBC lllllll By 'I I coupons By ani'.unl psid StatP Treasurer By rel'iiinis lo .Miller A Borlcr.. By eontB lor diTii Bv Tr-aurer'! per cenlaiie reeuvilif 'I7,I5I 07, at Ij p.-r ;enl By Treasurer's per oenlane pavinj? out J2j,sii7 2J, at lperctnt By ain't onrpaid Stale Treai''r, 1S'H, Bv amount ol relief orders redeemed... By nu!. due couu'y ly 'J rcus. Stuore... Total tll.ltm 12 Received. January 25, 1 SM, of I). W. Moore. Kq., late Treasurer of said county, the sum of three hundred and twenty-one dollars and thirty two cents, being in full for balance due county, as above staled. V 51. hi. H Ili LEY, S32I 32 Treasurer. County. Bounty. Slate. .Vililia. 10 l J ,lv OS 6'J tl.27s 3S 14 20 302 S7 12HI 7k j 721 33 j t.M 37 ! f 10.1 15 ! 2.7 41 : n. (ij 1 f72 24 i 51 31 14 2 15 34 ! 5 13 10 05 V 02 0 1.7 21 on 13 27 20 00 2 0.1 2 02 I 2:m 01 ' 55 n; ai 1 l.'i.i 01 Amount due from collii-tors on county, S23S I'l Amount due from collectors fin Htate... t'2 01 Amount due from collectors' returns.., i'..i3 52 Amount due from unseated lands for l-lifl and 1T.7 v 11.512 35 Bnliitice due from Treasurer .Moore 321 32 Helicieney to bo raised by taxation during ISO 6,06 10 Total. , 121, fill.'. 0(1 ok noti) umi. rnRiiiTon. Tly tjalance onl-tanding.uiiseale.l.l sf.A, 57,253 4A By do do.... ls.iT, 7,2;i SO By 1 col'rs' return, 2 40 By amount piid different townships by 'Treasurer -Moore .1,208 43 By tialancn due several townships, (soo below,) SIS .17 Total . l 1,31.1 B.I FI XI) IX HKTAII.. Assessed in JS0T. Balance due Jan., ltiT. Balane due Jan., lSli". Am 'lit paid. J254 22 351 51 115 35 103 3T 77 fin 3. 1 1 78 212 AI Sin (; Hoi 10 .l.iA 44 34 23 203 52 Mil 5(1 320 54 l'.i7 3M 177 31 1,714 20 01 SS 101 43 210 74 25(1 20 SO 20 :0 4K 115 t'O 3l 1A 2SS 12 $11 10 104 41 155 74 5S 1.5 43 71 271 S2 2i'S SO 177 02 IDS 23 114 02 40 OH 4 32 l?fl 03 J'.ll 37 I. .5 44 31 2 323 40 2fi A3 113 01 lid 25 Ai SS 412 13 2'J 7A 52 S4 131 IS 2il 00 $14 III 104 41 1 .".5 74 5H 05 27VT2 2ns so 177 02 105 23 114 02 40 OH 70 (l 12S 0.1 2'J 37 fli lid 4 no 5(1 23 5 114 1 I'll 2.1 32 1 Oil 4 32 4 00 155 14 il.i'44 10 50 or. 31 2H 215 2A 2A A3 ll.l 04 CO 2A li.i M 4S2 13 20 7H 52 S4 20 so in i 2 1A 201 IIV 7.3. 1 03 :;.74 30 ; .V.'(I1 ,',3 51M 37 l-.i(. , bite Ticieurei oi sunt eouiity, the sum of live cents, being ii. foil fr I'lilnni'i-iloe Hoad tuud, as M. K. Wl'.liil.KY, Tnanurer. SCHOOL 1XM). rnmiiTOR. Bv B'ibineo outstanding on unseated, i"'" tyin 47 By luiliineo outstanding on unseated, is..? e,ssr as. Py babinee otit'taiid ng on collectors' returns 10 72 Hy amount paid sebnol treasurers of dirt. -rent towimhips A(17 55 By balance due townships. A 10 ToUl . HOA'i.l .',2 Assessed in Assessed in Balance due . , , . , Balance tine 16(1. 1S07. Jan.,ISIir. j Amn,I'"'- Jh.( l.-.iis 4:1 f is.i on I (.'j j.u w 354 51 3:.4 51 2 . 2 01 1"9 51 374 A7 21 35 SI r.2 "iT;i 2" 71 133 T1 1 All 1-.. 4 4 117 25 ' l.'.O SI IS 11(1 1 20 2S 411 7s r.i, 707 "A j jtti ,2 Ai 2511 37 4-0 07 20 117 2(1 A7 I7S 73 5r.il 21 40 50 411 ,. 1 I'll 23 3SII 20 1(1 03 (.S ' ""l".S 4;'( HI Ull 71 4 40 2A 7A 41 S.4 41 411 I 111 14 1A 2A a si ; Ml ..11 2"2 21 I 7 55 6A 1.7 21'.'.' 51' 3. n :n 1 1 i in f;; 2 1 ;.z"Zj 17 ri'i I 513 11 513 11 1 J 310 II 310 1 I I : '!'"" I il2H 511 2s I I "'I till j il'i'u"Vi," 2 0 si j 110 211 I 15A 00 7fl 4A I 7 4A 1 v i a 1 Vi,";;,; ! ;:I2 I'l 312 01 S4 74 ! St 74 "' i" 4 3.. 01 i",',' 1 513 02 I ,:i 112 J 112 I , j 214 07 211 07 A 74 ! ' 'H - 137 Oil 171 SO 42 SI j 43 51. 24 21 (no taxi li 50 I ' I l'2 1A IIS CI j ll'll j 1211 I, j"j'j ! $.3'.i5 02 !l.71l Wi J $.irt us I fiui; f.ft i i;n (, ItitlM 1 I t M. l W. M I - i . 1 . .'. I ! M i, rt,t eniil s Ot 0, l ul'li I'lP'l 'I .ii. . .'111,1 J . I" in-e. T" 1.1.1, r -liir T'll 'l l i-l "I .. t ,-' 1 ., I.,i..i I'i li' i'i I ! I' r i j , .li. ...lii-t.it n'litti. l-'-'s ;i I'1 T .to !V.', Tolal .... f l"'M l:i 12 rnriiM.H'. fi.ttii .-' ili rl"r fur j lv l.iili.nie dm ' 1 v I.T I'll li'U. ".I. -.. ' Bv lull, 'lill'lriilll IIIIPi Htiil llill'l, I '"1, I I!. ....il,. .In f"'7. I.I-.J 1,5 I 'J 3. .7 702 l,"r,2 ',iiiin 2117 (131 1,454 43 2s:i A2K 115 ;'v il...,...coirr riliiin., lv..7, I y il" I'l I-I''1, Bv a-'yieCilte a. n't ol tintl'ls re'lietneJ In IM'7 By atf. atu't of coiihiii, hilcre"! pnnl, Bv iio iio lliirliFi'Jc ainl 1'ikc By per ccnlnire allowed eollcetiirn...... By eiineiiitiniis By Treuiiirer'ii per cciitii'e on bond! jcmicil to Burniitile, Ae By Treasurer'.' per eentHi,'!' on reeeiv- Inir J..'HIi Hl.al I per rent By Treimiirer'a percentnp:i' on paying out SilI.sii.S til. nt 1 per cent..." By balance duo fund Total ... imi,l 13 12 Received. January 25. WH, of I). V. Moore, Ksip, late Treasurer of l lenrlield coiinly, the sum ol one hundred and lllleen dollars and ninety-two cents, in full for balance due Boimlv fund, as above slated. W.M. K. tt ltldl.KY, $1 15 02 Treasurer. STATF.JinXT IN HKTAIB. Aniountof boiiils instieil.to this date.. ..270. 335 00 Ainouiit of bonds redeemed lo thisdato lsl,01.5 Oil Auiount unredeemed, Jan. A, ISiIS Ssn.: Ill 11.1 Amount of bonds over due.. $I,SIIII Oil 20,230 01) line .lule, I ' lis.,.. Hue Jan., ls.i'J.... Hue July, lSl.H.... Hue Jan., 1S7.... Hue July, l7n.... Hue Jan., I S7 1 .... Hue July, 1S7I.... Hue .Ian., i"72.... Hue July, l'72.... Hue Jail., )K73.... Hue July, I s73,.., Hue Jau., I ST ..$25.43 I .. 3. M'll (Ml j .. ln.200 1.0 I ,. 5. ini. on .. 10.2110 (ill j ,. ;i.3iiii no 1 ,. Mis 00 I ,. 3.01111 tin .. 12.(100 no 1 .. l.sno tin f HOI) wi I .. 1,000 00 J 15,700 0(1 13,500 00 0. 510 110 1 1,700 (10 1. son 00 Total . e'i.'.'l" no Amount ri ileeinal.le .lurinir I sC, Interi ht on a liule ainounl to Jan., 1 so'.', about t;il ,t'3i) CO 4.253 00 Amount loheprovi.li .1 fur during 1 sfi, $3 Amount due Irom cnlleetors nr IS'i7 and previoiiH y'rs, t'1,752 55 Auiount due Irom unseated lini'1", 1 -i.7 A previous y'r. 30,0(12 14 Amount due from ei'Ile.'lors' return!, 1S07 A pri.v. y ri, 1,I2H IS Total 4:..S75 27 2.3 (.0 Bui. due fund sut'jei't to exonerations, T reasurer and collectors' percentage, 8,502 00 Total . ,i3.sr:, 27 We, tlia nndcrsigneil, Cunimissinners of Clear field eounly, in the Coniuionwealth ul Pennsylva nia, having examined tlie a.eoants and vouetiers ol Haniel W. Moore, l.'q., Tieiisun-r ol said county, for the year 1''7, do certify, that a a find them as above stated. Tho amount due the county by him is three hundred and twenty one dollars and thirty two cents, ($.121 .32.) The only indebtedness uf the county is lour thousand doll.in ($l,00t'j Court HoiiMj bonds. The amount due the county from Collectors, is two hundred and thirty-nino dollars and four rents ((23tf 04.) The amount due from lunds returned by Collectors, is three hundred and eighty -three dollar! and lilty-two cents, (f 3 ,,2.)auil Irom unseated Intnl. tnurteeu thousand fli e bunir".l and twclie dollar! and thirty -hie cant!, 1 1 1 4.512 3.i : ) leaimg an aiailul.lc fun .1 due the c uiity. to be applied to d'frnying the expenses of the year lst.H. of fifteen tliouaiid four hundred anllifty six dollars and Iweuty-tliree cents, il...l..A 23.) !ubjcet to the usual exonerations aud Treasurer's and ( oil.., 'tor's per cendi", Ac. The balance due lbs Bounty fund by Treasurer Monro, is one hun.lr'-d and fifteen dollar! and Iitnefy-lwo e. nts, (1115 02.) Witness our Imn-ls. at Clearfield, tin! 251b day ol Jauuurr, A. 1. IsAA. C. P. WoltllAI.I., 11 KN HY HTONi:, Attest: OTIIIII.LO S.MFAB, W. H. BnxnirT, Clerk. Commissioners e, the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Clearfield, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. haing examined the documents and vouchers ul Hutiiel W. Moore, F.s ' Tnasurcr f said county. f.T the year A. H. 107. do report, that we find them as stated above. The aggregate amount due by him on the Itoad fund, is hie hundred and fnrty eiirbt dollars and thirty. seven eetits, ( t .' IS 37:,) and on the School Innd, one hundred and seventy six dollars and nine cents, ( f 17 0U.) In testimony whereuf we have hereunto 6xed our hand! and auals, this 25lh day of Jauuary, A. 1). IStis. i.i; 1 p. 'i w IX, J. A. I,. FI.KdAI., CLAliK HIIOWX, Attest: County Auditors. (.. B. r.onm.iMitit, Clerk. I l i b. t, ISIIS-41 Nadirs' (Oooas. JL.ITi:ST STl'LVH run FAI.T. V WITIalS, Just wcifrJ t Hie Ftur of Mits. II. 1). WELSH & Co., Ilcalcn in FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY, NOTIONS, TOYS, and musical ixsrn umexts. Pilk and velvet BOXXHTS mado for J! 00 Straw BONXKTS made for. 74 All kind! of HATS lor 50 Materials furnished on ns reasonable terms tltey oan la) had in tho oounty. Kcxt door to First XBtionnl Bank, novT-tf CI.EAKFIBUM'a. DRESS-MAKING. s Pl.t 141. MIIICI-. PARISIAN BltF.SS AND CI. OAK MAM.NtJ. -I.a.lics eanhare their Hresses, Suits, Oats, and BaMtuiues Jiand aomely mad and trimmed, at the shortest no tico. at Ihe old-rat a Ili. bed Hand, IllSI Chestnut Itreet, 1'l.ila lelphia. Fancy and plain Tans, Mantilla Ornaments, Hresa and Cloak Ilutlons, Ribbons, Cluny and (Impure I.aces, Engie- and (limp Ilrosi Trim, inings, with a large variety of Staple and Fancy Uoo.is.friim 25 to per rent, less Iban elsewhere. Also, receiving dnily, Paris Fashions in tissue psper, for Ladies' and Children'! Hrcasca. h'et! of I'attrrn! lor merchants and uress mnkers now ready, at Mr. ,V. A. UNBKH'S, J)4 ly 1031 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. C. KRATZER & SON, v PKALEng IN Dry Goods, Dress Coods, JIILLINEIIY GOODS, CAKl'ETS, OIL CLOTHS, VTIN DOW SHAD ICS, Cl'HTA I N S, AVALL TAVI'lIS, Clothing, Eoots and Shoes, Hats mid Caps, Quceusware, Hardware, Groceries. I'roiit strcrt, above (lie Arailrmv, Lot for Sale. VLOT OF (ilini Ml In the horouith of New V s-liinctiiii, sixty feci on Jlain sin.t, and two hundred tcct nloiia nil all. v. under coml boanl f'-n 3e, and haiiiiK a blacksmith shop thircoiiJ iiiiircuiiiic possession will lie jlivcn. f-sT-Tcnns, cash, rr.ee, $I..U l'0. Vor part iculars a.l.lrcss I lie undcrvipncil.al New Washington, l lvarlicld eoontv. 'a. ft'M-.t JOSLI'H II. EREIIi. I ll. I'. II O. ,. I'' I ,. 1 , l ninin.i 't I MITH'L r. j ( V iii l'i II. ) I .1 ( , W . Iint jH'inoop, weaveh & co. ('LEA It I ELD PLASIXU M ILL ALL RIGHT! rl K irnpricliir respectfully inform the citiiens I of Cl.urlield oounty, that they havn enlilily relitte.l this estiililishuie.it with the Inte.l inipriiied wood working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of busmen. Thev will give e-pecial attention to the manufac ture of material for house building, lueh ai FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOCKS, BLINDS, ItlUH IiETS ti .yiOVI.MH.YtSH, OF ALL STYLES. We alwaya have 011 hand a larfc stock of BUY LIMB lilt, and will pay cash Tor all clear Lumber. One-anJ a half inch pnliol atuff prcferrcl. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers, fc-rdera solicited, and Lumber furnished on short notice and on reasonable term!. II00P, WEAVER A CO. Clearfield, Nov. T, lsf.T. N E WAR RAN G E ITS E N T . W. 71. & A. I.Hi.V, DRUGGISTS, (.Second vtroet, &pM.ito the Court lluuss,) (M1AK 11 P, I'c 11 11 a. flMIE Fu1pcricr bavins entfrod Into pnTtner- chip in tli 1'riijr Luio(', nj fiurtbnc(d tho enlir iiili'rcdl of .Mr. C. I). V ttint ould rennctft!ly inform the citiicru of ('ler(i.ld enuiitv, that thy r now rvTr 1,1 lurnuh )i;r;s, patent jikdici.nks !;- blufl. Tol'iV'-o. Cicn", Confeciiunorict MotMincry, 4e. Will find our t..ck of Hrnri KI LL and C0.M PLLTK, and at a ve;jr slight advanoe on uslcro 1 ricei. SCHOOL LOOKS. Tcher od otheri will h rumib4 with eUHfiml and mineelUneo&i buoki 1 exprcn, at hwrt notice. STATION KKY, CotaHiFtinpof Cjf, Flat Cap, Fool (cup, Lettrr snd Pfrfuuieii Note J'iit'TB ; ftlfo, a very nf at itork f Muurninf Nnte 1'Hper and LnTelfpe on haad. Pem. Pfficil. Ink, A. JIOUSKKKKPKIW Will nd a full U.ck of IM'RK SPICKS, SODA, HOUA ASH, Concentrated LYE, SOAP, 4o. LA MLS AND CJ KXTLKMEN Ar rfntntfd tuexaraiu ouratock of Perfumerj, llntr (ills Fine Toilet iSuajn. Krunbea, CoinLi, ToiUt Hrttn, Ac, SMOKKIIS AND CIIEWEIM Will find a full supply of prima Chewing and rMiiokiiiK TOBACCO, Imported ana lluiaetur tl'iAK., boull. Fine Cut, It., its. CAKJ5GN OIL, Of Ibe Lest brands, alwaya oa hand. 'uqvovs. The bent quality of Liuuri atwaji on band, fur flrI'byicinD' rrrcr"niione jimmptij And eareiully rump'iunde(L repc 12, IbC.r. W. M. k A. I. FIIAW. .1 n;ir t in.v. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, HAVIXGI refitted and rfmod to tbe room lately orruiid by Itirhard Wt.i, nov hlivr, low for oab. n wtll aelpcteu anaortiiieut of MtUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also, Tatrtl V. l'i. ii 11 of nil lords, Oil. Gla Pultj, Vy KtulTi, Statiotierj, TOBACCO A XI) S ICG A US, ConfeetknerT, Fpices, and the larfrest 'stock of rarirtte! ever oftereii in thi! plara. and aarraDt d to U of the best 111! Market affurdi. J. t). HARTSWICK, Dee. 13, 18(15. JOHN IHW1S. I)RlS! DRKiS! 1)1.1 GS! Joseph il l i:vix, On llaia St., on door wesl of Uippla i r'aust'i Mora, CI ItWEXSVII.LE, VK., Has now on hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, TnikM-i, Mmulilcr-Hiarrs, l.laslic Stcrk lnga and mi iM,rtrra, .UH, I'Utt), Per ntrery, Toilet floods, Confselloncrin. Pplcei, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, lluokl, Mationer?, Pencils, Peni, Ink, and a general variety of Suiions. Ilii tock embrace! all artirtel needed tn a eoinmunitT, ii entirely new, and of the best quaint, and will ha si Id at reasonable prices. Call and examine the goods ; tbrj rann.t fail to pleasa. dera lf This Way, Gcnllemenl STtr IK .an l.)iIS Till Flour, Feed, Groceries and Provisions, In the brick ku'lding known ai Ilia "Carlisle property" in riin.irsnui:a, x. Tfr-Confulent of giving satiifactinn to onr customer!, we, therefore, respectfully mlioit a liberal Bhnre of patronage. JOHN r. MACLAT I C. riiilipsliurc October in, lsr.7-.1a. "som ething rjEwT" FLOUR AND FEED STORE T WOI'I.I) announce to the eitircna nfflcnrncld 1 and the surrounding eo.intnr that I bare opened a 1 Ll.l U AM) 1 Ll.l) M'oliK on sm:vo.ym stmim:m:t, dl'pn.ile the Fording, where 1 Intend tn keep constantly on hand a lull assortment .f Flour, Pork, Bacon, Chop, Oats, Corn, And all kinds of Feed, which I will retail cheap for ca h. or in riclinuev lor S II 1 Nti l.KS. l.t Mlin;Vr m emrull tlirlr in frrcst Vt giving nie a rail hob re thct go elsewhere to pur-clin-c their supplies, ns toy arriincinirnts are pcrli-t. and cm able to bur everything in my line at the lowest niarliet price. I I AM'liR I'LNMNO. riiaillild, July 11, 1M',7. AIM-' rM l. Kennedr's Medea U liiseovery, lleltubold's lluchn, Lnker'i Cud Liver till, Jane's and Aver's nie.licines o evctj kind, for lale by llARTMVIi'K A lit WIN. - - ... . a . . .. um' t. I)iilillli-i). llubbell i, Drake'i Iloi.r Ik I. n .1 ' 11.. ....... . . . aw ....n, ,ii-,ii.i i nI,q iirecnei Oi.virenated Hitlers, alio pnra Liquen, of all kind- for -.eilicinnl Mirposns, for sale he II. rf- I. j U'AMl tUA M:HVAXT, t.. eock. wi-a 11 andiron. Applrto j jwnJ tf U. V. SMITF, flardu-juf, ffintvarf, Ptf. v if rvn in II II tfc IV A K I'. Alro, Maiiurnrturcri of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. c 1. 1. n 1 1 r 1. 1, i' a. tKATI'.S! SKATKS:: MvATIlS:!! Lad! and (Jontleinan'! for !alo bjr MKIIKKLL 4 I'.K.'L.'CU. gLKK.II lU'.LLS! A C KNKliAL Auortment on hand and for sale by VKiirtKU- a we; I.Kit. Y lo t o v s a l I l I :s,"i : I ! 1 1 ) l i;s, Harness, Collars, ate., for salt by MEItU EIX i niOLER. )ALM Lli S I'ATKNT" UNLOAD- ing Hay Forks, for isle by MERKELL- & BIGI.ER. Q I L, I ' A I N T, "l- U TT Y , O' L A SS, Kaili, etc., fur lala by MERKELL A BIGI.ER. II AHNLSS TKJMMINCS k SHOE Finding!, for lale by MERKELL A BIGI.ER. Q UN'S, PISTOLS, S WOKD CANES For lale by MEKRELL A BIGI.ER. WVES, OF ALL "SO NTS AND Eiiai, for tala by MERRELL A BIGIER. JRON! I HON! IJ!ON ! IliON! For lale by MERKELL A BIGI.ER. JJOILSK SHOES i HOUSE SHOE Kaili, for nl by MERRILL A BIGI.ER. jK'LLKY JiLOC'ES, ALL .SIZES And best manufacture, for talaby MERRELL A BIOLER, JIIIM II LE S K E INS AN DPI V E Boxes, for lall by MERRELL A B1GLER. pODDEIl CUTTEIIS fur balo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS 1 SAWS I SAWS1 ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN 1 .1 MlllfOLM TIO.Y I.Y S.W'St EMERSON'S PATENT PEK FORARATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws. (ALL GUMMING AVOILEU.) A Lb O, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, and Shaping tba Teeih of all Splitting Siwa. end for a Pcserlptire Circnlar and Price. List. MEIiRKLL BldLER, jai.O tf flrneral AeenU, Clearflcid, Pa fllHE IiEMOCRATIC ALMANAC for lr of. and 1 ti7 lor aale at the 'licpublican" office, l'i ice 2J oenta. Mailed to any addreai. tf. . t. rLiuaL.... ..a. L. caxut FLEGAL & GAX0E, STOVE AM) HOLLOW -M ARE STORE, AMI MANCFACTlREItS OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, rb.ltliii.bu.rg. litre co.. Pa., rpiIE new firm of rtegal Oanoa weald rt A ipeotfully announce to tbtir friendi and tha public generally, that they hire oa band a carefully. seiecled and well assorted itock or Ptorei. Their rarictj consifU of IHE CEl.EIil.ATED IRONSIDES, 0 hirh hare nerer failed to girt perfect satisfac tion to tat most faslidioui of tu purchaser. Continental, Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight. Ppeart' Anti-Lust, Niagara, Charm, Herald, Je., with every variety of the bcit Fitti-burg Manufacture. t.T!ie Tin and Shrtt Iron wart ginn with the run. s ii made of the heav'ett and belt material, and warranted to givt perfect talis faction. Their ttoc.k of TARLOn AND HEATING STOVES It larger, b-tler anil cheaper than ever befort exhibited to tht public Tbay defy eompttiiiun either In Taricly, quality or price. They it ftlfo prtfiftred to furnish ecnplrtc Mttortinpiit of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Wore, Wholesale nr retail, manufactured neatly and with tha tolt rlew to itrTice, from tht bett ma terial in tht market. TLOWS, TLOW TOINTS, 1 COPPER, l!RAP8 AND IRON KETTLES, Of tTery deicrlptioa eonsUntly oa hud. L'.fiHTNING noDS, Superior point, put np on ihort notice, Tht Point Ihey offer to tht public Ii tht lamt as It now used by tht Pecniylrania Railroad Co., on their buildings. OliliEKS Knit ProVTINO, HOOKING, And other work belonging to their bnalnest will be promptly filled by eiperlenced and skillful workn.en. Wi ASS, COITEU AND OLD METTLE Taken In exchange fur gooda. ft-They especially intilt the attention tr Merchant! wishing to purchase at wTioleaala, tt they will find It to their advanti-e"to aaitit tleir Hoik befort purchasing elsewhere, PLKOAI. OAX'01. rhlllpshurg, Ju'y It, W. ViilnU Wrdiritifj. REAL'S LATE I'OWLlS LMLJ CCATIOS. I-nf l"H Hi'-i'li ?'l lo 11. r-'. at Jliilhs.li I icli, ti r 1 1. f I,. , t T til J I' (! . rpHH n r.,n y-uhi pM ,r..l r riHi-i 1 i hrii.Ut, Ut ( (.ill U"(i (( in nti .Ilini iMm "1 li hem ttlUf ml t tit rnfn.-tf.ilj.., il rtslTitl t'. r rj atlf Ihfuff of I lie km-! ffr ..fl.r. 4 ; it K- an ck( inul I Ifttlion f r tU iJi.B dt.w tl If rrri.iniijrl.iit il. t tr ti ,f!f)J it Kill wnk it t n imd into ih c. i.Mttit f nil li. u " H, ntui lho( mho try il t.tj Wl,j iiev r In wiit.Mit It, n thr,ir9 ff, t iiiericnp th r.t rtt of tia mWnlr,..,,. t it f-r!.Munr'l Uy Frriri, ni k!l vtio biv tfirfj if, in lt th hfbi fjirtH.n eirr tir.J, lllt Kml'Tocoii"0 hu nn put tip (r urrr ,jtlt jrnri, n4 it is only liir uph the inrrtinK niond ni urgent re'iiioct of my fr.ur.4f tui itt I'uiilio that 1 etd it furth tho rflfj rnidu pnt U t ti.9 vtriuui diaearef to winch tti noliltt nd imp fl aruuial, th b-ra, uijt. Manjr rmff)iet baro been oHerc. to the put. He under diffrrciit formi. lomt of.tbep are jo. jt,ri"a, utheii at bfat of little uie, and mtay wboll; inpniptr to armwer the parpuroe for wbub they are recoiiiifitu'ietl. A Judteioui and really aitful eompfivition, frt4 from thuia tthjectiom, bai therolure lung ted deiired by many getitlrmrn bu bare TaJuaij boraei, aud are unwilling to trunt tlieutotbe rare of dtMiipninfr. and preniJed Fnrritri, li,eif wiabee are at Jentrth fulljr araiified, by (Ur, Iteale) beinc; prevailed apoo t allow lbi riutJ tie fcrnbrcMialitjD (wh.cb baa pro red ao effieaeioui to the varioei diteawfn, u be prepared acd brought out to the public. 7 hut Kmbrocation waa titerjiivalj ased by the liovernmcnt Hurinjr tbe wr. For Ml hy llartawick A Irwio, CUarfleld. Juftvpb H. Irwin. CurwentTilte. laiel Uwf. lDtir. La'.bernUiirj;. Addrew all orderi t Mt. KUMI ND BEALE, apr47-1y 1n2 Smih fieo.md Ft., Fhila., Pa. itch TTtchT ! itchTm - K'KATCII! FCKATCH!! PCKATCU::! In Irum IO to 4H lluura, Wheaton'a Oiiitmetit care Tbe Itrb, Wheaton't OiotDient Wbeaioa'a OtDtnaent WbeaWn'f Omtroent Whoatvn'i (hntraent eorei eure eorei curei Salt KLeuta. letter. lJarbera' lub. Old btirei, Wbeaton'i' Oirtroent eure trery imd of IJuioor like Magic. Pric 50 ent a boi ; Viy mail, 01 eenti. Ad'lreso WEKKS k I'OTl Kit, No 170 Wai-k. inpton rtrect, I(i"toa, Mum, Yot tele by llaru wirk A Irwin. and b? a'l lrtirci-(i. '&m,.y Dt-:.At''MS, ltliiidiieH and taiarrb trntfd with th utmo-t fuccom, b? J. is-sAAl'S, .M. Oofulint arid Aurint, furrv rtt of lwit ti, llxliaiid.) to. 6ui An b atret t, Fbtiad a. TrctiiLnniijijf Iruin Ihe muti n-hablr etmrvfi tj the citv and country f n l enn at bia office, la mrlii-ui farulir are icvitixl to a'jcoiiipacy tbf patit-rta, ai be baa uo ecrreta in bir praciioe. Art.. fh iH.1 Kvt- inaened mthuut paiQ. vctiarier exitinitiatiurit. If DREXEL & CO., No. 31 kutb Third Strert, PliUaJelpa It.t.YK MlitH, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application I.t mail will reeeire prompt attea tion, and all information chnerfully lurnished. (Irdcra solicited. aprll-ti J. I). W (ink. Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION EOTJSE or McGIRK &. PERKS tSuec-a?on to Fouler. Perk a, A Co riilllpKbur. t Mitre C oounty, Pz. Ut HE all the iDtmrev of a Itankiuf Honte win ie iran'-iej prumpiiy jid apoa tbe most faroniMe term. County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, FA. rillUS Bank it bo open and ready for boii X neat, ilflic. oa Ferond street, in the baild lig lurmcrly oecop.ed hy Leonard. Finney I Ca. Pinwcrsiat aaa oprir.aa. JAS. B. OKAIIAM, KICHAltD StlaW, WM. A. WALLACE, WM. I'OKTEH, A. K. WEIGHT, GEO. L. REED. D. W. MOORE, JAS. T. LEONARD, ju2S, CJ Cutiier. Prri.tsat. Clearfield County Bank. flMIK ClearficU County Ilask aj an inrnrporv X f d iL.ntutii.a has cone oat of eluleoce bt tlie surrender of it, charter, on May 12, 1K All lit itock ii owned hy tha subscribers, wbt will entilinao tht Banking hn.ineas at tht as an place, as pirate Usnkera, ander the trai nasi of the "Clearfield County Bank." Wt art ra. irmniit.le for tht drbti of tht Bank, and will pay iu notea on demand at tht eounter. Depniiij receired and interest paid what money is left far a filed time. Paper discounted at tix per ceal. at lieretffura. Our penonal respon.ihility it pledfted fur all lopoaitt raoeired and bai&et traniieted. A continnanea of tbt liberal pat ronage of tht buiinasa man of tht ormnty is n rpocuully lulici'ed. Al President, Ca.hier aad uBirerj of tha lata Clearteld Canty Bank, wt requir. tht notoi of laid Bank to bt presents! for redemption. JAS. T. Lh.iXARD, RICHARD SHaW, WW. POKTER. JAS. B. C.RAUAM, A. K. WRIGHT. O. L. HKKt), WM. A. WALLACE. Tht bu.ltiesi of tht Bauk will ba condnrted by John M. Adams., Esq., as Cashier. IjunlS.'ii Philadelplila AEric Kailroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thronrh and direct mute between Fhi'a3f'( lia, Baltimora, Uarrisharr, Willianapor and tit. Great Oil Reg-ion of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEETING CAI.S Ob all Sight Traina. ON acd after M0XPAY, NOV. ?S, l6T, tk. traiut oa the Philadelphia A Eria Kail T.oad will run ai fellows: est ivant. Mail Train learcs Philadelphia. 11.15 F. M. Io do ft alary l I UP. M. Io arrive at luie II ao P. U, Brie Ktpress lcarei Philadelphia l!0nooi. IT iio Ft. Xlarj i.., JUid. Lo arrive at Erie 45 A.M. I ait H ards Mail Train leaves Kne 1(1 J5 A V. Io do ft Marj't 5I' P.N. lo arrive tt Philadelphia.... 5a A.M. Erie Eapresi le.vci Erie 4 ! ' P M. l'o di St Marv's 10 :i) P. M. I'n arrirt at Philadelphia l.i'OP. tt. Mai! and Express eomect with all train, oa tht Warrea A iranklia Railway. I'ate0fert learag l'mialelplna at IS ..Ul M. arrirt at Irvinaun at 11.41) a m and Oil Ci'y at 5"p . Leaviiit Philadelphia at ll.(t5 p. m , arrive at iu my at 4.:ia p.m. All traint on Warren A Franklin Railway make close connection! at Oil C'ty with traiut lor Franklin and Petroleum Centre. Parfaj checked through. ALKKKI) L. TYLKIt, General Superintendent Attention, Soldiers. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTY. i 1.1. ROI Ill KM Of l-l."fli-1.1 trt JX. wititleej to an lNCHF.Asl.il llnl NTV '1 he undcrsipicd is prepared to collect all surh Bounties, as well as the incroarod psv to Solil.cri' tl l.lnws. All inquiries and enmninmcations an swered pmiiipllv. lliseharpes rswiptod lor. res Ulh'oe a..naa, Cuiwcusnllc, Pa. K'p5-tf Ji'lII FVANF. CAwa age"and sleighshop, in r.i.KAiiFin.n, r. (Immedialcly In rear of Machine Fhi-p.) MMIF. suli.cr"l.cr Wonl.l rc?pectful'.T inform tht 1 eitlrens i f Clearfirld, nnd the pnhlic in ft' eral.ttial he i. prep. red to doallkindt of workol CAIIKIAGES, IHT.Gir.S, 8LEIGHS, Ac, nn short notice and on reastnahle terms, ana In a workmanlike manner. "All or.leri promptly attended to Veb. 14, "fid W.M. ""- Hint. KsT quality of PRIM'S, for inc., at 11. M. S.Mijii s. Itlll l:HII to le had tt MKHI Ki.l. A TfJl Tlt' t'Y the l.KMDt UA1 IC ALMANAC. t.' li went.. Kverv ocr aheiild have not 1. -If'