THE REPUBLICAN. Terms of Subscription. V paid ia advance, or lthio "" ajontba ti If paid after "" and before months.... J 66 If paid after lbs expiration of in months ... S 66 Mr. T. H. Wilson, our foreman. It authorised fa. receipt for money paid into the office on account as lubseriptioa, advertisins;. Job work, e.. la our .basse. UEO. 3. tllrOl'LAMifcH, Editor and Proprietor. THURDAr::::::::::::::::Febmary 6, 1868. - Xiw Advertisements. Ebq.Brcth, of New Wtuhington, offers a bargain. Mr. Kratzer is making a down-grade 1 movement in the prico of goods. " Sheriff Howe, it Mill bo noticed, although hardly established in office, it already in the real estate business The advertisement of Rickey, Sharp . Jt Co., of Philadelphia, is worthy the ' attention of oar merchants and busi- oeta men. Mr. McGrath, offers a reward of $200, lor the apprehension of the mar derer of his relative. Messrs Craig & Blanchard it will bo ; observed offer to float, or drive logs f or those desiriDg their services. Jcdoe Li.nn. The Bellefonte Press ays: "On account of the health oi Hon. Samuel Linn, he has expressed ' his determination to resign the office . of President Judge of this Judicial District. Gov. Geary should in time prepare for the inevitable siege by for tifying Capitol Hill." Thahk.8. -Hon. G. TV. Scofield will please accept our thanks for eighteen volumes of public documents. " A friend bas our tuatiks tor a copy . cf the Hays City Railway Advance, published in Ellis county, Kansas, in ' the midst of buffaloes and Indians. ; Newspapers keep op with the railroad, a m . m 3 It will be noticed by Lis advertise- meet, that Mr. Eeagy, at Glen Hope, . has become agent for the "Youths' ; Historv of the Rebellion." This is the cheapest book among the many ; that have been produced upon this subject, and by far the best, and should be in the possession of every ; lamlly who desire to get a short and correct history of the rebellion. .Let ', those who are already in possession of the work persaude their neighbors to buy it too. Bakk OrriCERS. The following gentlemen were elected officers and directors of the Batiks in this place, on the 14th nit., viz: y ' X County National Bank James T. Leonard, President; D. TV. Moore Cashier; A. K. Wright, Richard Bhaw, James B. Graham, G. L. Reed, -nr . w.ii 4-: ,:.t ' ii ui. A. li itiinue ftuu u minus x uriAT, Directors. First National Bank Jonathan Boynton, President; A. C. Finney, Cashier; James Irwin, Samuel Mit chell, D. G. Nivling, Richard Mosiop, "Win. J. Long, J. B. McEnally tnd Itobert Mitchell, Directors. ! The Coenit Settlement. The an imal statement of the County Auditors for this county will be found in this issue. A new and valuable feature in this statement is, that the town ship auditors and school directors, in the settlement of the accounts of upcrvisors and school treasurers, can charge these respective officers with the amount of unseated tax assessed every year; and after giving exonera tions, treasurers' and collectors' per eentage, ic, close the account. It 'will also be noticed that the funds are in a healthy condition, and that Treasurer Moore has, during the past year, discharged an immense amonnt of debt. ' A Change Lire. The ups and downs in this life are aptly illustrated in the person of II iram S. alias Ulysses 8. Grant, late shoe and leather dealer at Galena, Illinois, who now receives $30,000 a year salary. One of his bead clerks recently asked the General to recommend his salary to be in creased to $1,400. Grant refused. Grant's liulv boy, wn yearn ulJ, rides to school every -morning on a pony, with rJoily on horseback about rod behind him. This is style for a man who has a million superiors in every gift and cqnirsmctit, icho have I a. ..... , i nui.jiuri meir jniillC6 on lllOU-i 6nd dollsrs s year, and 6pp out of that a. part of tli e tax to nay Grant' Ilia ltfl flflft 1 ia : Scbbcriss fok it. If any of onr readers dosire prompt and correct in formation in reference to Southern ffairs, tbey cannot spend three dol lars more profitably than by subscrib ing for the Augusta (Ga.) O.ronide it Sentinel. This is the ahlest journal published in the Gulf Status, and has no snperior elsewhere. The Sentinel ft always filled with the latest official IacumcnU, whether emanating from the negro bureau or from white men. f a man roads this newspaper for six mouths, be will understand P.adical reconstruction in its practical form, if he never did before. It is tbe offi--:al whit paper of Georgia, and one ( t the largest published in t he Tnitod sites, or in the Military Districts I rond tho rotomae. The price is, j a 1.00 for four months, $1.60 for sixl l nnths, or 3.00 per rear. 5rni r..! pis copy. Address I. -r,;.B( ,.,. r. s n am icrs A MruMi Co im p. On Tues day afternoon, the 2Mb. wit., a man named John Casey was found lying on tho turnpike, about a mile et of town, in an insonnible condition, evi dently seriously injured. He was conveyed to town, and Dr. Ilartswiuk was called to examine his wcunds. It was soon discovered that the man was fatally injured, but he lingered along until Saturday, when bo died. Coroner Moore and District Attorney McCullough bcld an inquisition, and the examination elicited the fact that his death was caused by a wound on the left side of the head, behind the ear, which bad evidently bcon inflicted with a club, or weapon of some kind, in the hands of some one. Tho skull was broken in, and cracked clear around to tho right ear. TVo learn that there were also other marks of violence upon his body. But as the case will undoubtedly undergo a ju dicial investigation, we will refrain from giving details at this time. Two men havo been arrested on suspicion of having committed the crime, and another is detained as a witness ; all of whom are now in jail, awaiting a further investigation. Reader, do not fail to peruse the memorial of the Free Trade League, to the Rump Congress, published on our first page. It is full of informa tion. The tariff humbug, next to the reconstruction deviltry, is the greatest political curso evar imposod upon the people of this country. The Academt. Ibe third session of the year will open on Monday, the 17lh instant, at this institution. For terms, see advertisement. Labor lit form ItsocUitiomM. To the Editor of the linullica : It seems that one Sammy Row is suffering tremendously irom bile on his black stomach, caused by havm? a dose o: bis tuiiiv, wiiiiul and mali cious lie-stories thrust down his direst- ve organs. 1 be intention was philan thropic and liumane, a : to clean out the inward man, but there must hare been too much foul matter accumu lated in that dark region and it seems that in bis suneruigs be li&g added ipecac, bence tue cxiilosion vvic-irds. lie says I profess to be a Republican. am always wbat 1 prole to be. and be knows 1 never prolessed to be Kadical ; nor do I in any way resem ble the contemptible thing that he is. lie says, also, that I admit there are Copperheads connected with the La bor Kclorm movement, another ttorv which all who read my former letter can see ; and ii there were, they would bo no longer copperhead, but Labor Reformers ; and I am able to add, for the benefit of Sam my 'a disordered stomach, that there are larce numbers j"' Reform of former Radicals now zealous Labor era. As to his siimy insinua tion about truth and rtracity, I have never been proven a liar, as I have proven him to be. I want to bave nothing to do or to say with such a black-wabbed senultber. And he knows it, for I told Lira that sometime since, when I ordered his little petty paper stopped. So, goodby,Rammy, and keep a clean mouth. If your internal regions should become foul, and should you attempt to belie the Labor Reform movement again, I will give you another dose, so as to com pel you to have recourse to your uiecac aga. ANDREW TV1LSON. LrTBERSBi BO, Feb. 1, 186". Uartrts. Clearfield Markets. Reported workly for tb CLaaariai. KarrnLirAX by J. f. kTxa, Imitar ia lrr Iroodt. tira wfn, Pnn-iaHwi, Ac, MarkM Oarteli. CluariEiti, Frhniar? (. I'M. Axplrt, rn". fl " H"r, 4nm4... Irid, 114 Hid-a.r Applabaticr.ftgal, 1 0 llama. turn earod. F ptlrr - 40 r- huldrti IV.rn....... 0 flS; 1 M ) Sid HuoiwboU. 1 U Lard . Horkwtaflorlh, Bf. dnvd- - Si rWt frok...l' 1 Mra pork.y bbl...2J 66 fal. . 6 (vn ior t. 1 a6 Potatoea- 1 66 Pr-cbee, dried. 6S 13 riaster, V bhl... 4 36 Ftc. 1 Rar, It. Salt, V sack I 30 Shiiirlea, 1 in. M. IN Shlur'cs.24 ia...15 00 B.rtlt, M I e(iia.; Mi Corn, balled 1 6 Corn, ear Cora meat, V Chop. ew ... 75 , 2 "f S 7 6 66 , 2 Cloie Cbemea, lb..... Chickens, drsd, lb, 1 laxaced- l Is Ttmoll y seed 3 W' I I M' W heat I Wool 4ft eTood, y ce-d 4 0 J 60 Flour 13 Mno.13 66 II. T 60 6M IS 0 Philadelphia Grocery Market. I'BtLaoabraia, 4, Sana, Teas aonliawo Tary 8nn, and are a .ha le bigber. rmpathiting with gold. llic. conUra-e slcaji, but the ligbt stock limits operatjona. C iffees bate atraneeu anout Jc, gn.d m- out lat. with sales for the week cf between 2T.'tt and 26.0ft, Kara. llio. .-a cars naee aor snced. owins? la tbe t,M "b,'1' mp"si n.w horsbcBds of all kinds in Xcw Vork and Pbila Id- phia, and the market is firm at our ouotalions: Kcinrd Yellows if ia market would brine 1 1 n . r ..1. ...1 1. ,, . - 'n lm. choice, litn i;.ie. frrun. are much nrTn"T anu ine ainrs mttrn rwtneil. atolaesef 11 aclire (or nnsaa rradei h.1 ini-, u ,. . tratety enquired for and the Bales are light. fsa. i toriaaa. Tonng nysen run, common 9 7 Superior....! Sr"i 1 Jy o-d 2!1 Fine 1 2.fn.l 45; Trime . 21-1, Finest 1 Jiil 74 Choi-....';, (, Mrson -TaTs.o.d gin.;:j , a l-iiperioT....l 63(7i T 25 I.arusra 24 (v fix I Jt'la 1 30 W.4 Co-cnniM Finest ajtij 1 65 Dandriion.paCO Imperial at s. 6apeno....l 2trai 4n Crashed 0 IH, Fina....l antn 1 6.-. Coarse, pair. 06 l Finewt 1 Jlioji no Fine .4a... 66 l Ounpowdar A....ln,ij 6upenor....l 25fxl 40 K ..!l . 55ci 1 70 C, extra .I3-Iv Fmeu...l 75(,2 40 C A yeilow...I2i(o) 2fJ 2. 211 21 36 16 i; i-i 174 174 i't 16 14 14 t 6urrio. 63(711 60 Comm Fine 1 6511 15 Fau. fine ...1 20.41 .Stjc-d Japan " Prim. arares. l.46 ( 56 14 6T ft, 74 f t 6 61 T2 i . Pj Mfrnay 6" la 1 65 Choice 67 ft 63 ' 6 Ol.a-1 13 Choice, extra 66 ttl 63 Fineat 1 JOtsil 30. wciasoa. tc. IfC. 0. cSm. j m an Carolina II (7t 11 J Porta Kica.67 ( 60 Fa.! India.... Sii loj Cuba 66 (a 67 Clemsmt H. Wamwrlit - . Israel IL Jo--h K, VCliiirrirhu WAIN WRIGHT & Co., wnoirmiF GI50rw3 AND TE4. DEALERS, CmrBm (s-d and Area lr-e-. nrroRTQF the Anurous IV W VtlRR. Tree-wrefof l'lcai6cldoour.t. the Comwionw.-allh'of IVi.i.. tiaria. tn account with lft4 eountv, from the t dsv of January, A 1'. l!-' T, lo the 6th day of January, A 1'. M, l.BV... Ta balance, due rtiiT by Treasurer ' la actllcwient... ,) 66 To balanna due on duplicate f.t Hale, 16 64 To amount e-aessrd vu Bested dupli cate for 1.-67 1,PT f 1 To emnnt assessed on t-iate duplioata f.w 1m7. 1,J(' 14 To amount A.cefd oa unsealed dupli cate ft.r Ift.6 T.SS1 6i To aiacant iiivtff4 oa anamtrd dupli- rair for T,Jil : To amount rodraiptioa oa UfctH &67tf, lianliiD K.lrniliip JiO 1 To amenrt woMii pr eollocton' ro- lara, ll6....... IJT IV To amount bmm4 pr colloctora' re turn is: - 1"T 54 To amount from I't.aiBiiMionr'ra' books. 41) 3j To amount acboul rctuo'l, WooUward townlbip I S4 To amount road rrfundUWoodward tp 13 9V To amouxit traoifd from nnhtia fund, 344 ?s Total 41,SM 1! raanlToa. Bj aebool 1 road refund in Woodward. ter amount outstanding from ollvtira t3$ K lor 1C67 and prerioui yoari- J38 4 Ii j amount outstanding trom evllcctora on 8tata- . By amount outataading.unaeatedflHAS, By do. .do...l07, Bj amount utftanU'DgfromcuUootori' return i, lSSft.. By amount ootitanding from coltetton rrturat. Is67 liy nmouat of czoaoratloBt to colmetora on eoo.ntT 13 7 amount of ffaoavratiuattoeoUectora oa .Mle . J T eollrclon' pr otnUga on eountj My do dn.... .fit lata .... liy acrt' wv. By audilon' woj;ra ........... By Arrirultural Sieiety . By aaditina; aoeount of Prothonotary and hepctar lir bndT aerount, via : 'Aaenon'aC'k.CurvrluT$l,l:S M Irout Bun, MiavtTill 4jO Chnt Cre. k. hwbarg.. JVt 16 Bam.ulc. lrwinl' 2' Uridfra Tirws ?5 TS By boofcj and tti wrr tz CI 206 6 176 S4 499 iil M S?, 830 XV 4 31 7 Sti l ti en lot) 00 14 60 By Commisiionen' Oftw, riz: Conrad Bkr, l dart HM 66 C. 6. Wom-ll, SM daii if" C. S. Womll. Appaali ITS i Kntr Hon. 141 davi H Z iO Otkciio Smnd, ii dart. . 11! SO Lirery hire.; IPS M 1,998 It) Bt Cltrk. Tit : W. 6. Bradlry ft Vo ....makinf dui.licatca, M M b Cik to Auditors Io Clerk to Jury Cum, bo Lii d book Io elpcniiea Ui l'bil'a, T 1 Jury ( umu.ilinicn Ht watUUff' Br Court crier. .. Ki 06 11 41 It 0 6 S3 60 17 41' Il W- 76 6v By aitiwurri" ii : H. B. (-" IJ 06 W. A. Waliaoa W. A. Wallace, counsel T. J. MTullourh W. M. M'CulWu- ll C6 i;o ft .... Ill 06 W. M M Coilough, Iitst-Afy U J. B. M tnal! lit-6 1,!6 Mi FTATTVFAT OF COIXTV FfXHS IX I'ETAIL. Tear. Co!lectoTS' Kaaea. sA5 . ...i John Barmoy...M..m..' Corintun 1-7 T. S. ashbura ... Bcermria 1S7 1 Berjamiu Burd- i Bell . 1 Joscpb :noerr Bradford.. Is7 CTrenias Howe...... liecatar ............... 17 'James MrOllaa Fox . 17 i L. 1. lltbr I LumlwrCny ... 'renrre llcams 1 Mums. .. Henry Go. .... .j Benjamin Bloom.. Osceola Pika 1067 Total IXoTI fall ; tbose Kuaraed wita a T, partly paia tia?e ttte aettienrexitj A n't ef sourt boass bondi ewtstandiog, 64.606 M Aggregate amount of court bouse bonds redersaaale JulT, U.uelud g iB'ereat sU.tu' on Probable arduiary expenses f..r 163. ls.l't'S 60 Total upeaaea for the current year-... 621. 6n an STATHMEJiT D. W. yooas, Esq TreasureT of Clearfield cnaatr. xa account with the dtiterextltow&anipsior i.oa4 fund, for 1666 and l'd7, BKBToa. Ta balance last set tW meat $3,674 3 To amount assusstd, BXtsaate4. 106,.- 7..1."3 92 Ta do do s7 T.351 63 Ta aatoeuU eolVsotora' re lam I aiou tp 2 40 Total. flS.Sfl 65 STATEMENT VT ROAD FTSD IX HETAIL. To was lira. Beecaria. Bell Fngtrs Blim Uradtord Ilrady Bamaide (beat Total llecciied, January .j, lso ul IK w . M.Hire, hundred and forty -eight dollars and thirty-serfsi abora sita. $4 37. rsTATKMEXT OK t. W. V icaa, .T-earnrcriif CleaxSrld county, ia accnwwt wub the diOeeent tc-wnshrfia 6or r-cbaol fund, for l-t and 167, i.isn.a. Ta balance last settl.mcnt $rni 6 To amount ae.i, wBseated. 1 K..1V5 67 Ta dn do 17, 6,676 60 To amoiint collectors' returns. Bradford aad Knox 14 77 To aaoant reeeieed from Brady school, 6 6t Total . .... $t o.i Ce LDrtoa . Iw-ral-r Ferguson . . F..x l.obcn lira ham Lalicb - K artbaos - Kacx ... ...... LawTcnoe ........ llumi IVnu. Woodward .... FTATEMEXT PF SCHOOL FCSD IX DETAIL. Brrir4, ...... , T."H tr, lm.iB Br4jfofi m PmdT Hrni4....w....w ChfM rinr' ..--, -a... !Nwtr, FflrfllMiQ ......... Oirard Gn.beu (Ira bam.. OulK-h Hseis. Jordan ...... Kanbaas . ... Knox , 1 - WTCBC. . . . W orris P-ia Pike 1 nion $ MIS 4J 354 61 1-6 64 4 74 147 25 7M 65 256 37 17S 73 4C4 23 4t'6 10 41 m 3 36 34 416 66 613 14 316 14 514 21 116 24 276 44 312 64 3-4 33 613 6 24 47 132 66 (as tail 6J 16 H aod a Total H.toj 61 j $ D W. d X.. "t7 " rt . ,W ' J1.4 66 if rmnmin roim, mwu P rlprn. fbare.-r I. Jm.!!' fe Bt M1a(T By rtnr f Troamiw's otwa. By Oommona'-atin rotts, vii: Com lb . Bulk H n ! l a t; j 14 ' I 14 , XI 4 , 44 1J Ia lima. lHl Krbard Ko.... Io.... lo lio...., In lo 10..... ....Blooms. ...Smit'trn, (rol'd.) ...Mrs. Milk. SI C4 43 Ml j:a oo ...O'Sirll ...M.raddea Barber A Stercnl 1 44 7 Kmilh ..M.Kaufiiaa t'anita Salilord Lea - - N'unemakrr. H.-ndrson. Wilt.n,(cokred,) Krani o.hell ......... PaulhemusM.... 13 34 Ho. lto. 16 92 U CO ? r s 37 V !.-i r.o 42 36 411 49 33 17 140 71 AO :t 194 43 34 73 118 13 Do.... lo.... bo.... IK,...., 1 io.... 1K.... lo.... 10.... lo.... Do.... ..Applet cm-. ..Mi.rer- ..Hcis. - Sundry eosu By printing, lt: S. J. How , U. ii. tioodlandsr 2,03 It ...$106 30 3s7 30 494 00 By repairing, Ac, for jail, rit: Plastenai iail 4T fsiotmj ami papering - Ualerial, lime, auid, A. Carpenler work.... .... Krpairing bickr, Ac Beds and bedding Clntbing for prisoners... Watrhmaa Physician.......... Miscellaneous expenses 69 63 27 hO 19 73 13 30 21 46 41 V9 30 So 06 41 76 403 13 l.Ojft 13 2,160 00 6.11 V4 2,614 13 vo no 23 00 1211 ft 10 00 12 00 s4 2; 2.499 fO ls 20 2.10 Ki tii 47 210 62 60 00 31 0 31 25 111 00 imi 00 235 60 ::-3 34 11 00 21 67 rir 01 13 70 6 60 s:i :i By election expenses. . liy Court House lenca By grand jurors' usgca.. ......t....... By traverse. do Br gallows..... Br coffins.. By guard at execution ............ By I'. 31 lioff, road damages ........... By miKllricoui By Prothoaotary's tecs.... By Fberiff' fees By foxes and wild-eat scalps By fuel, oil and Lamps.. hr House of Kcfug. By repairs for Court 11 o use . By tipstares' wages. By janitor's wages. Ill ofrce seals..... By nmd views..... By Court Hoae bund.... I r d" ruti By amount paid htaie Treasurer ....... By rcfauds to Miller A Porter By fusts for drill Bt Treaorrr's p?r cntace reieaiing 617,134 47. at I) pr cut By Treasurer's per ocnure paring out 2 j.M.; ; J. at I ) per cent Py au t ovcrpsil u.le Treas'r, loo, Br amMint of rtlief orders rrdfmcd... B bai. due eownty by Treat. Moore... Total .641.611 12 Reccired. January 25, 1C ot V. W. M.-ra. Esq.. late Treasurer of said eoeuty, tba sum ol tbrae bua-lred and t wen it -or dotrar and thirty, two eenii, being ia full Ut balance due on n I;, as alure staled. WM. k. Will'iLLV. $.21 3JJ Treasurer. Townil j s. Coaaty. Bounty. Suae. ! M.iilia. ... ; ti6 4 6 14 20 tf-t (9 t'.27 jo; 7 ,. f ;vi ts ' 724 33 ' 34 T.,4 ;.7 i j 13 j tll3 13 ! 2 ; 41 ! 2 93 n i 2 2 ! 31 29 4 43 14 I 2 19 13 23 33 61 19 95 9 02 IT 21 90 IS 17 24 t671 24 1 I 219 04 S.7 .2 S I ? 61 i 13J 09 Amonnt due from collectors an evwutj, Ass.Hini uurtroui c..ltct.irs aa blata. Assowat due from collectors' rsturns... Amount due fraea unsealed lands for 164 aad IMi? . Rslance due from Treasurer Hoore LteAi'iency to ba raised by taxatioa during 1H66 . fZ.IV 64 II 61 J3 32 14,312 5 321 32 (,06 16 Total ..: 1.105 66 OF ROAD FT Sis. CRIniTtlB. Try balance otstandjug.aasested,1 ''6, 7.2.' 3 46 By do da.... lt7, 74 69 liy. do xoll'n' return, J 49 liy asaoual paid dtfereat tawnsbipsbr Treasurer 31 3,296 33 By balance due seTcral towntbips, (sea below,) 346 S Total. el'.Sdl 63 .saeswd ia Assessed ia Bslaacw dwa ! . , ., Balance due 161.6. l!67. Jan. 1MV7. j P'- Jaa, 16. $234 22 $234 22 ( 44 3 6 j 6W4 16 .. 334 61 JM 31 14 41 14 41 143 63 143 J3 1.13 T4 133 74 fit 6 103 3T 103 37 36 63 36 63 4 00 77 6 77 66 43 71 36 23 391 76 3W1 76 271 62 271 62 6 64 216 14 21 64 2. 60 2H 60 .. 2U7 66 116 66 177 2 17 02 11 16 In 16 !" 23 Hi 23 00 .tfl 76 36 44 114 62 114 02 2 JJ 34 2 3 34 23 46 V 46 OS 2 06 21 76 23 32 4 32 74 06 4 32 Jf.S 36 2 60 12S 63 12t4 63 32 34 .1?0 34 21 37 241 37 4 6(1 17 36 107 r 135 44 153 14 171 31 I77 SI Jl 26 Jl 2t . 1,714 1,714 26 S: 40 J,J 24 115 44 61 SS , s 26 63 26 63 1W 2) 101 43 61 61 6.1 4 1, 246 74 246 74 66 26 46 26 2. 6 20 2.6 20 65 45 M ,6 J5 29 Jvi 2 43 13 43 13 16 1! 4 29 76 20 76 .... 115 6 Hit 52 64 32 64 20 6c 3"6 14 sat 16 134 It 134 16 26 12 2S 12 2V1 66 I M If 16 f.313 61 I $7,231 OS ' $1,674 !t f.1.2"" 3.1 I $:.4 .17 x.!.. late Treasurer id said coaoti, (he sum ol hie wnta, being ia full for ba!sn -due Ii .ad fund, as M. K. W'KItlLET, Treasurer. H HtKIL I1XU runrrtva. By Bslanca ontstaading oa unstated, l-6 $-,3M 47 By balanea outstanding oa unseated, lc7 ,SS4 66 By balance, outstanding on eoilsrlorx' returns . 10 ry amount paia acbavi triaauini at different townships .., 67 3 By balaace due tcwDh:ps..,. i$ Vv Total. . S 1 .i'..t 32 Afsee j in lt.t.7. J j".T.?r ! Am at paid. I J Jaa.lM.,. j I j Jan, J.xr.s. $l $t 2S 64 2 64 21 5 Jl 62 "i'i'Ti I 66 12 4 4, 18 66 1 29 21 46 36 12 64 20 67 26 7 46 66 46 66 16 S3 6 ! 12 45 4 46 26 76 16 14 16 24 M t 34 46 67 . I $43 oa 354 31 374 67 1M 76 1: 9 64 77 04 46 67 5 21 3- 7 64S 76 44 46 32 21 3-.S J.I 7:i 2.1 313 14 316 14 314 2 156 H 213 6 612 64 3-4 65 311 62 244 67 171 66 15 54 616 61 1 66 I . T i 4 T6 46 I 16 44 ! 61 a (jl 64 T4 I (4 T ..... ' 1 64 6J I 1J - 6 74 ! f 4! 64 U 44 J4 21 iii ii j "iili 16 i"jT 1 ' o7 66 I -6 4 -a m w.. T . .. ". Jig t. f,. for doe rVboo. faaZ. . WJ4. K. WEK.LEI, Iraa-w. Mi It Ms. P. W. Mnna. r ! . TrrMi.nrel nt I Ii S'fl. 11 Cnit1 1 In account Will. I lie lloonif lundul said ioiil, To balsnce due fund lot nllliment ... tM .106 6j In natan due Inn ctllctort for 1M H and pn-rious yeais To are. am't a-siid 'n sealH.ltt ru it Sl.'.:i bi 14 ;t. 2i.:e0 l 4" 3i6 K T T i.i, uhsesled.t t7, d do .dtt 1 h n, i. 1 dn l' cidlrctors' retnriis, lsti, do r.7, Total . . 6MHI.141 12 ras;niToa. due from collectors for precious rears Bt bslanca "l .-7 and l.TSS 33 Ry lial. duelruni unseated land, IM.6, Ji.4J 74 By d lo Im.7, 14,319 1-1 Br do xoll'rs returns, 1 ;T 3 '7 2 By .do do Im6, TO! yu By arirrrgsie am'tof bonds n-dremed in 187 S3,C2 10 By ajrg. am'tof oouponn.intcrcrt pai-1, 7,0C0 14 By do..... do ao 1 f'kr 207 00 By per eentage allowtd Collectors.-... 6:11 45 By exonersliout. 1 4.14 9i By Treasurer's j,er ocutage on bonds I'.ued lo Buni.ide, Ac. 4.1 72 lly Treasurer's per cintage on rrcelT- liig:'s,305 16, at I percent Ifi 65 By Treasurer's percentage on paying out 62, 95 CI, at 1 per cent 6?i 95 By balance due fund 115 92 Total H09.I4S 12 Received, January 25. 16S, of D. YY. Moore, Ksq., late Treasurer of Clearti.'ld county, the sum of one hundred and 6ftcen dollars and ninety-two cents, in lull for balance due llourttv food, as alxive staled. W.M. K. WKIiiLEV, ill 5 V-'-J Treasurer. PTATEMEST IX DETAIL. Amountof bonds issued.lo thisdate.... 6270. .135 6(1 Amount of bonds ntlecmcd to tins date 1M.OV5 00 Amount uLrcJccmed, Jan. 6, HG3... 6-3.240 on Amount of bond, orer due. line July, !" .....tJ5.43il Oil tl.doo on 29.I.10 on 13,700 00 13.500 60 6,310 06 14,706 00 1,106 06 ! liue Jan., 1'W line July, N9 line Jau., 1 H liue July, 17 Iluc Jan., I";l Bue JuW, 1 "7 1 lue Jan., I72 liue July, 172 liue Jan., 1T3 Due July, 173 lue Jan., 167S i.... .1.MMI Oil j 10.JII0 00 I 4. ion no J 1 .:'(.() vo i :i...i.n tin j J.tlll nu 3.VUII no K'.9H0 (HI 1,6110 00 .mo 00 1,300 vo Total. . f6 ?4fl on .f.ll,'M0 00 Amount redeemable during 1 41M Interest on whole atnoaot lo Jan., 16'.', about 4.253 liO Amount lo ! prori.lcd fin- during 1 ". j,2!'3 60 Amount due from collectors f.-r lr.7 and prerioui y'rs. :;,752 35 Amount doe from wnseat-d Uu'i. IV 7 A prciknts y 'rs, C9,0'.'2 34 Amount doe from collect"-' rclurxis. Iff' 7 A prey, j'rs, 1,120 18 T.-ul- 4.1,P73 27 Bsl. due fund snlitect to exonerations. Treasurer and eullcctors' r eentage, 6,392 CO T .tal . (.1."75 21 Wi, tba unlcrslgncl, Cominis'Ioners of Cirar-fit-IJ r.nnty, ia (he Coiniconweallh of i'reiniylra nia. bai int examined the accounts and tou. hers 01 listiicl W. 3lNire, Emj., Trrjurrrotsaidoounty, for Ibe year lhC7, do cirtilr, that we find l.rra as I't. c stated. Tlia amount Cue the county by bim is three hundred and twenty ono dollars and thirty two cents, if It i2.) iue only indebtedness of the county is four thousand 4.llars ($1,000) Court ti'"tse bonds. TUe atnonnt doe the county from Cotlcctors. is two Luti.lrcd and thirty -nine dollars and four cents 'Z"9 04.) The amount due from land, returned by Ci'lln-tors, is three hundred and eighty -throe doliars and 6HT-two cents. (6-1.1 52.J and from unacted land, fourteen thousand tie hundred and twrlic doliars ar.d tbtrty-hia cculs, ill4.312 33 :J staving an available fund due the county, lo be applied to defraying tlis exnses of Uic ycar 1 -.0. of Srirca thousand four hundred and Afty six dollars and twtnty-lbree ernla, $I3.4..6 23.) suhjcot to the msnal exonerations and Treasurer's anil t nrt-n S pr CCjitNjre. BO. The balaucc doe tiie liounty fund by Treasurer 31 -Hire, is ana hundred and fifteen dollars and ninetr-two cents, (6115 62.) 3 itness our bands, at ClearCeld, ibis 25th day of Janaary, A. V. 13C3. C. P. WOR It ALL, 1IKVHY HTfiXK. Attest: (IT1IKLLO SMKAt), M'. S. Bbahi-KT, Clerk. Commissionert 6 s, the under:gued. Auditors of the Ct.unty of Clearfield, in the Commonwealth uf Pean.Tlrania, hsTing examined lbs) documents aad Touchers of I'aniel tn . Jloorr. Lsq., Trvasarer of said counts for Ibe year A. 1). 1 -.07. do report, that we find them as slated ahora. Theaegrega. amount due by him on tbe Koad fund, is 6re hundred and forty -eight dollars and thirty-seven cents. I..4K 37;,) and aw tbe School fund, one hundred and ss ran ly nx dollars and Bine cents, I S 1 76 06.) In testimony whereof ws bars bet-rente fixed our bands and seals, this 2ith dae of January, A. 1. lMo. LEVI F. IRWIX, J. A. U FI.KtlAL, CLARK liHt'W X, Attest t County A aditors. Ii. B. OooDLaxraa, Clerk. (Feb. . 6-4t Jaiirs' Cjoofls. LATEST STl'LES rot FAX.!, A WI-VTIilt, Jaft ror.re4 ftt the Ptort vf Mrs. II. D. WELSH k Co., liealcrt ia FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY, NOTION?, TOTS, and MUSICAL IXSTHUMEXTS. ?ilk and TelTut B0XXETS made for. $1 00 5traw BOXXETS made f..r ..... T3 Ail kin Is of 11 ATS lor 60 alatrrials fnraisbrd oa as reasonable terms as they can be bad in the county. ' Xcxt door lo First Notional Lack, BoiT-tf ci.E.mii i.n.ra. Iaiitlirs Fancy Furs, JOHUFAIEIEA'S Fur Manufactory, No. ria Ann? Ft., m,t FcTrnth. l'btlai(lbia. Hare now in wit afore, of mv ewa Importation and Manufartur, one of the Urcwt and ir--t Waniful tarlcetionaof Fanrv Fare inT Ladica and ('hilHrt-ta'ai JT - wrar in thm eitr. Alxa.a fine aurtmnt of Grnt'i Knr Glove and Collars. I am enaMr-d to dinropc of my pojf at eery ira aonahle prica. and I wonld therrfure xtlicit a call from wit fnrtitii tf Opart) rid coanty end ricinity. Rrmcoiber the name, nnnih-r and trrft JnllX FAhKIRA. No. tIS Arrh Ptfjct, alvoTt 7th. niih iif. wct3-4m Philadelphia, Pa. DRESS-MAKING. SrrriAi, iotu r pahisiaii umtss AND CLOAK Id A Kl.NO Ladies ean hare their Ureases, Suits, Coats, aad ria.quines hand sosBely raads aad trlraaed, at the shortest oa tire, at tba aid established stand, 10.1 1 Chestnut Itreet, PbilaJelphia. Fancy and plain fans. Mantilla Ornaments, Press aad Cloak Buttons. Ribbons, Clunr and Ueipere Laces, Purls and tiimp Iiress Trios, aiir-ra, wilk a Isrrs eariety af r-t.pls and Fancy eoods.frota UuM per cent, leas than alsewhara. Also, ceeamnc dans. Paris tashioBS in tissue pspar, for Ladies' and Children's Sets af faltsras for sa err (..els and dress wis ken new ready, nt Mrs. M. A. BINDER'-, jyd-ly 1031 Ckrstnnt it, Philadelphia. CAEEIAGE AND SLEIGH SHOP, IN CLKAB FIELD. IV (Is-raedistely In rear of llachina Shop,) TIH rabscriber wonld respectfully Inform tha citieeas of ClearS.ld. aad the public ia gen eral, that he it prepired to da all kinds af work on CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, ic. a abaci Bstlea and aa reestaaMs tcraii, aad ia warksaaaliks aiaaaer. 67AII arwera promptly attended ta. . k.H,'M, TM. M'l'SUf Vlaning Will. I ! i r h. i 0Tirn ( M m Pr.cll .l J . .p-ca. MM. I.clla ti . , B-ed. ' J. , Vit J HOOP, WEAVER & CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! 'PliE pn.priiinrti-fctfu1'jinfcrin thecitittoi A .( Clearfield county, Ibmt tliey have enlircW refitted tliit e.t!)lili wetit with lb Utnt iaipruraH. Wfjod-worltiDj nisvhiDtry, fttid nj n,'w prepared to eietjutts all ordftrt in tiieir liu of but hum. Tlier will five eeruil atti-ntioi) lo tlie m&tialac ture yf uatcritJ for bouse buiMiu, such mi FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOOIiS, BLINDS, ItlLICULTS A', or ALL STYLES. We always bare on hand a large stock of BUY LVMI1KU, and will pay cash fur all clear Lumber. Onc-and-a-balf incb paut-l stu2 prcfcncl. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or etching-., to ault cattuinen. C-Orderf eolieited, so J Lumber furuitbed on short notice and on reanablft tertna. JltJOP, V'EAVEK k CO. Clearfield. Xot. 7, 117. NEW ARRANGEMENT. W. TI. A A. I. SUA IV, DRUGGISTS, - (Second stroet, opposite tba Court Houst,) t LDAHF1LLI), Peitn'a. rniiE 1 k I1I1E tubseribsrs baring entered Into partner- bip ia the Drug business, and purchased ill cntir intert of Mr. C. Ii. VtUnf voa'.d rtpcUally Inform lb eititvnt of Cltrfi)d couotj, that thej an bow preprl to fanib HKU(,.S, 1 AT EXT MEDICINES I'ys Puffs, Tobacco, Cigars, Cunftolionsriea fetAttoaery, As. PUYSICIAXS Will 6ndour suck of Drurl FULL and COM PLETE, and atayiry illjLladriocs oa Eaitern prices. SCHOOL LOOKS. Theri and otbon will b furnubed with elMnel and muKlUaoat booki hj tiprtM, at bolt oolier. STATIOXEUV, Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap, Foolacap, Latter and Ferfumed Kola Papers ; also, a rery aaat stock of Mourning Kota Pspar and bnyaiopas oa hand. Fens, Pencils, Ink, An. HOUSEKEEPERS Will tnd a full stock at PI KE PI'ICES, SODA, SCDA Asll, Cono.nualsd LYE, 60AP, LADIES AXI) GENTLEMEN Are requested torxamins our stock of Perfumery, liair Oils, Fins Toilet ho apt, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Petta, Ac, Ac SMOKERS AXI) CIIEWER3 Will tnd a full supply of prima Chawing and Smoking TOUAl'i'tj, Imparted and tlorss.uc CIiiAhS, bnuS, Fina-Cut, Ac, A a. CAliBOX OIL, Of Iba btit brandt, alwayi oa baada LIQUORS. The best quality of Liquors always on hand, for medical aVc Physician. ' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. Fcpt. 12, 1667. W. MA A.I. f DAW. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, TTAVtXO refitted and removed to tbe room Jl lately eeeapied by Kirbard Moeaop. now viicr, Ivw fur caah, a well eeleet aaecrtaent uf DRUGS AXD CHEMICALS. Also, Patrftl Kcdiricrs cf all kiadt. Oils. Gla Tatt, Djs f tuffs, Etatioosry, TOBACCX) AND SEOAR.S, Confcctlcnery, f pices, and the largest 'stock af eanetiea arer offerau in this placa, aad warrant ad ta bt of lha bast lha Market affords. i. fl. IMRTSWICK, X4. 13, 186'. JOHN IRWIX. DRKiS! DRIGS! DRIT.S! josEriT il irwix, On Main Eu, on door west of Bifpls dr I'auit't Mora, Cl'RWENSVILLE, TA, Baa now oa hand a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, 0i!s, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Trusscx, Mmulilrr-Tlrarrs, Klaatlc Stork- liiga and ru ipirtcra, t.lasa, 1-utty, Ftr nmery.Toilst Oo-.ds,Confectlcnsrict,8piees, t-annea rrnil, lohacco, I tears, lloosi, stationery, Pencils, Pens, Ink, aad general Tanety af Kotions. Ilia stock embrace: all article l needed la I eomroeoilT, is entirely new, and of lb beat quality, and will be at Id at reasonable rricea. Call and xamin its (oodt j they cannot fail 0 plrase, deci-tf Oils. Varnishes, Faints. Brushes, Jl --T received and for .h cheap 1t JOl-Ll'H K. IRWIX, asrll-tf CilTwenscillc, Pa. !! P AX A 6.4. Kennedy's lied cs U.SCOT scorery, Halmbold 1 Bucha, l.aksr's Cod Lirer Oil, Jans land Arers medicines of eeery kind, for tale by HARTSWICK A IRWIN. 'praaara and abdominal sur.pi.rtrs of erery X kind of tba latest irapmretnenta, for .ale at tha Drug 8 tors of HARTSWICK A IRWIN. SAWS I SAWS I SAWS! ATTEXTIOX, LUMBERMEN I . nvroLvrio.r i.r s.nrst EMERSON'S PATENT PERFORARATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws. (ALL ULilMISO AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Ebirpening, ant Shaping tba Tsstk of all Splitting Stwa. .T-Send for 6 Ds.crlptlrs Circular and Ptioa List. MERRELL A BIOLER, jan-t Osnaral A fen la, Claarleld, Ta. SDLDIF.RV norTII.A recent act has parrsd botk Houses af Conrre.a and signed by tha President, giving a three years' soldier 1106 and two years' soldier S0 hour. it. All parsons who enlisted prior to Juiy It, 1661, served one year. and war honorably discharged, ara entitled to $ lull bounty. Sr-BOl'KTlEjand I'kN 9I0VS collected by H ALTER BARMK1T. aug-tf All y at Law, Claar6sld, Pa. PAPER I Vtocts and !iccs. TEV1K nUUlUMU). THE WAR 07EII IV CIEAEFIELD. KXOX TOWNlIll (tUIET. jVc.iry i'l the Coiitril,int.i winy liek thiir oil miitf.Tt, hut 'nury one gmnj f.) oil M,). hurt!, where tluy wire Lrt-l to Un$ and $j well. I of rohsequeni ef the ahv.Te facie. P. FII0P.T, a'Uitc to hi oumrn-ui ptiron. und tbfl poopl of ClrarAftd county at Urx, that fa ba row a firtt rat lot of food toalenttt, jui rvevtvod from lb K-tt.and i -repird on our I alioa to nuika arid mend Boi o i hboi. at bii new hup io Orahata'f row. llo i MH6ed thnt b can pleaM all.(U'ilei It Biifhl boui friteopelj !! nay. at-huoit patriuti.) IU it preparod loil li tor t'tib or Country Pro-iuca. on't foittet tba bhnp next dor t HUommrs A Urahaio'f rort, on ilarktt tret, CUarfield, i',, and kopt by a f fl low e'tminuDiy tailed Jy3,'67-y "SHORTY." Eeady for the Winter Cmpaign. DANIEL CONNELLY, Boot and Shoe Manuf::cturer9 nAF )unt received a Ane lot of Frencfi CALF fcKINS, and la low prepared U menafae tur everythiDft to bie hoo at tba loweat fiiiuroi. II will warrant bit work tu be ai reprvnenua. H rrpK!tfully aulMta a rail, at tita ebop on Markat treat, avcond door woittf the p4tftulLe. wker be will do atl in bia power to render aatla f action, 8 via fine Uai'er tofe on hand. myMT-y DAKWL CCXMiLLT. EDWARD MACK, On Market street, cppoiita the "Kepub.Uan Ofliae. TIIE proprietor hae entered into tbe BOOT A 6H0K bttiioef at tbe abuee atand, and ia delaruiined not to be auldona either io qual ity or price fur fail work, bpecial attention will be paid to nianafaeturiog eewad work. He bai oa band a lax fa lot of French Kip and Calf hkm, of the eery best quality. Tbe eiti lem ef Clearfield and rieiniiy are rtapeetfttll invited tn fire bim a trial. Kq charge lor calls. MW BOOT AM) SHOE MIGP, IS 1 1 TD E subscriber baring lately lUrtsd aaw Boot aad l-boa shop in CurweDSTil'e, oa ataia itrset. opposite Joter.h K. Irwin's lirur itora, rs.pacllully aaaounces to tba public that ha is prepared ta naaa'artura all styles of Knots aod Shoes, aad ar.rytblor in his line , ea short notice. Ha also keeps oa baud a (rood assort aieat of rssdy-roads work, wbirh bs will tall cheap for cash or country produce, aetll-tf ft: 13) LEV11S ?. T.OSS. aotfij. Hotel for Sale. rpiH subscriber offers for sale a raluabla Hotel I aod six Lota, witx fm-d suhlirjr and luii.hls sui-bmldinrs tbersou. sitaata in lha borough of Lumber City, ClearCeld county. Pa. for terras sp ly to lbs mibscribsr an tba preoitscs. jao.l4.lin D. w. IJILB. To Raflmen. AFTMEN will ha pleased ta learn that da IV riac the eomiaf taasoa Lodiini sad Pro. Tisiooi can ba bad at FULTON'S DLAD WATER." Tba subscribers will hsrs open at that point urge iiowi. tcapaoia oi entertaining twa hundred tarn,) where they will make It tbeir buiiars to supply Watermen with Bread, Meat, 4 c an reasonabia terms. 6 AM I EL LCH'NPtlBnnY. JaB.'.6 3tf iI WILLIAM M. JOHNSON. THE WESTERN HOTEL. CLE ABn ELI, FA. fpilE subscriber bsrinc leased for a terra nf L years this well known Hotel, (kept for many years by Mr. Lanich.) and rn-fitted aad refur. nisbed it throarboal, is now prepared to enter tain Irarcleri and tba roblio (t.ncrally ij-wb Urmi it is hoped alike arreeahlo to both patrons and proprietor. His TABLE and BAR will ba sup. lied with ths best th market affords, and no pains will bs spared oa bis part to add t tba coiircnience and eomtort of his guests. A Livery liable is also attached ta tba as. tabliibmant. Horses, Hurries, aio furnished on short nuti-a, or parsons taken to any point it'irfd. JAKES A. STINK, ' I'roptietar. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. Curtreinrllle, Clearfield couuty. Pa. fPHIS old aad well established Ilutel, bcantl. J. fully situsted on tba banks of ths Surque. hanna, in the boroagh of Curwenirille. has bean leased for a teres of years by ths undenip tied. It hat been eatirely reBtted, and Is now open la tba public generally and tha trareliing commu nity in particular. No pains will ha spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at tliis house. Auirila Stabling roo-a for tbe acemmo. nation of teams. Charges moderate. '.l-tf W.M. 11. JEFFRIE 3. THE EAgXeHOTEL. CIKW T.NSV1LLE, CLEARFIELD CO., PA. TIIE nndorsigned hiring become proprlator of tba abore hotel, wiihoi to giro notice to ths ritiicns of this connty, as well as to the trae eling public, thnt tha bouse fa as been rrtled and refurtmheil for tha enieruinuisnt of bit gutstt His table will ba furnished wit, eTcrvthlng tba market affords, flood (.'b!inc ntta'cheJ. and none but cireful buitlcrs emploTcd. Ul-lt JAMES MeDIVrTT. MOUNT VERNONHOUSE. LI MBER CITY, CLEAR riLLI) CO., PA. TIIE nmlrrsifrncd having purchased tliii Tfitet, takes this o..mtunitr of iuluriiiinit flic puh. lie in general, and travclcrr in .mu uUr, that ha has Ukcn great pains in relumi-lnng and refitting it with s-ieci! rofctence to the aceonimo.lstion and comfort of all who may chiHi,c to give bim a call. l.lULOKS of I bo licstqualily will be kept at tha liar, and tha wants of Lis patrons will be attcn.led to wilh pleasure and promptness. Ample STA llLINtl attached thorctu. J6 ly JAMES ARTHURS. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. LIMBER CITY, CI.tARFlFI.D CO., FA. TDK sndersignrd haelng leased and reStted this well-known stand, takes this method of bringing hi. astabli.bment betorethepahlic Hit Table and Bar will ba supplied with the best tha market affords. A liberal share of puMie pat ronage is therefore respectfully solicited. JanJl-ly pd JAMKS L. CLRRV. RAILROAD HOUSE. NAI STRk'ET, riULll'SBlHO, PA. TIIE undersigned keeps eomtantly on bsnd tha best of Liquors. 11 is table is alwari supplied with ths best tba market afforda. Tha traveling publio will do well to give bim a ralL oTl.Wi. KOflhRT LLOYD. SUSQUEHANNAHOUSE. C0XE8T0W.V, PAl l'lllS CO., FA. THE andersigned Ukri this tnetbod af la. forming tha Watermen af Clearfield roantr, that he has re6tted and re-opened lha hotel foe. marly kept by E. bb miner, at Coxastowa. wbara hs will take special pains lo render aali.laolmn to all who faror him with their patronage. Ha has blowa all tba racks nat af tha near and planted snubbing posts fur half a alia above kit placa. feblS,'67 WKORUB FALK. IR0!L.g.ITY HOTEL. DARRlHBl'RCl, FA., (Railroad street, oua square above tha Papal.) The subscriber respectfully Invite! tha public aad travsliag aummuuity to giro hira a aall. Lambsrasan ara parucula-ly incited. French, Caraxaa aad kasusb spokea intka k.-s-a. Cbarg. Bodmra. flfulSlI.) J. M. R CATER.